Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Dtllmcd fcy carrier Jn nny port of the city nt
twenty cents per week.
U , W. TJLTON , M naier.
BTMHIPR Omen , No. to.
* ,
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
New spring goods nt Rcitcr's , tailor.
George W. Thompson &Co. . real estate
J. P. Weaver starts up his brick yard
There arc now about thirty first-class
bicycles in dally use on the streets here.
Permit to wed has been given George
\V. Killicn nnd Miss Florence 11. Earnest ,
both of Oakland.
The funeral of the Infant daughter of
Mr. nnd Mrs. 1) . 8. Jossslyu occurred
yesterday afternoon.
The funeral of Joseph Probstlo occurs
this afternoon at 2 o'clock , from the res
idence of Frank Ules.
The board of supervisors adjourned yes
terday to meet in two weeks , to then meet
nnd pick out furniture for the now court
The wind blew so yesterday that men
had to quit work on the roofs of the new
court house nnd the new government
The county board has secured the ser
vices of Anderson's merchant police to
look out for thieves and tires around the
county ofllccs.
Ike Troop , while putting a form on the
Herald press last evening , got n finger
caught in a bolt nnd so badly squeezed
that he may lose the tip.
The board of supervisors are still pondering
dering over where to buy u good poor
farm. They have been looking at the
Leonard farm near Weston.
The "Old Fashioned District School , "
which was given in this city , has just
been given successfully in Grand Island ,
and fc'50 are reported as the net pro
ceeds ,
The BEE ofllco in the Bluffs is being re
fitted and refurnished. It is badly torn
up nt present , but In a few days will bo
through its spring house cleaning and re
generating struggle.
C. W. Partridge has purchased a White
sewing machine on monthly payments ,
and , it is claimed , disposed of the same.
Yesterday ho was brought bcforo Justice
Barnett and his examination is set for
hearing on Tuesday afternoon.
Ollicer Untlmnk was yesterday wearing
that peculiar smile which naturally leads
to the query , "How are the folks1' "It's
a girl.1' Between wind's the fact was
learned that Mr. Unthank now has two
pairs , and every one of the four was born
on n Friday , nnd yet all seem lucky.
The laying of the corner stone of the
new Catholic church will probably occur
two WCOKS from to-day. The stone will
bo laid by Right Uov. Henry Cosgrove ,
bishop of Davenport. Rev. J. N. Nugent.
of Des Molnes , will preach the sermon ,
and other revorued fathers are to bo
The Mueller nlusic company reminded
the Council Bluffs Ben man yesterday
that it was Easter time. The reminder
was in the form of a unique nnd beauti
ful Ink wiper. The Mueller company al
ways has in stock the latest novelties ,
and is alwajs generous in its treatment
of friends and patrons.
The Pottawattamio School Journal is
the name of a paper published at Carson ,
under the editorship of County Superin
tendent J. W. W. Laird. The paper Is
not a beauty typographically , nnd the
editorials have a little sophomono tinge ,
but the journal has much interesting
ready matter , information , and sugges
tions which will prove valuable doubt
less to teachers.
Harry Rico and Archie Mlsler , two
Council Bluffs boys , are reported ns.hav
ing started out with the usual ambition
to become rollicking cowboys , or bravo
slayers of redskins , and their parents are
consequently anxious about them. The
boys bavn been employed in a Pierce
street barn , and have been spending
their leisure time in preparatory reading.
The wind yesterday tore down the
largo cloth sign of a Pearl street real es
tate firm. The cloth switched about the
telegraph lines , and scattered the board
frame to the danger of passers-by and
tne adjacent windows. It would bo well
If the wind And demolished all the other
cloth signs. They are no ornament and
they are not consistent with the feeling
that the boom is permanent and. Unit the
firms are hero to stay.
Harkncss Brothers , at No. 401 Broad
way , are not only having a good local
trade in dry goods and carpets , but are
receiving many orders from various
parts of the west. The fact that mail
orders are given prompt attention , and
customers at a distance receive as fair
treatment as those who buy in person is
causing the firm to have a steadily in
creasing trade away from homo as well
M at home.
The policemen are selling tickets for
their ball , which takes place May 5 in
Temple hall. It is their annual benefit ,
and they certainly merit n liberal one.
At all know , the police are paid small
alarios , not enough to cover the expos
ure and arduous service expected of them.
Once a year this opportunity is given the
public to bhow their appreciation and
help the boys out a little and at the same
time gat their money's worth in a jolly
evening. _
A Plri t-Cl s Rcaldonoo.
-Nino rooms , abundance of closets , two
cellars , bath room , hot and cold water ,
( as , furnace , etc. , oily water , cistern ,
ventilation thorough ; built two years.
Occupies an elevated site in good local'
ity and is very desirable property. About
three minutes walk to postoflicc. K. P.
Officer , room No. 0 , No. 000 Broadway.
Council Bluffo.
Enitcr Festival.
Last evening the ladies of the Congre *
1 gttlonal church gave an Easter festival
IB tbo church parlors. The attendance
WM large , and the supper an exccllcut
v cne. Eggs wore given a prominent pl.ico
a the menu. A number of fancy articles
were displayed in the booths and many
1 f them sold. The affair financially , as
well as socially was a success.
For acre property , residences and bust-
IMtts property call on W. C. Stacy & Co. ,
Xo. 0 Main btreot.
Shorradcn is still making cabinet pho-
ftt * 3 per do/ . , best finish. Crayon or
Imdla Ink life size pictures only 410. by
FM.Woodard , artist.
Women' * Christian Association.
The Women's Christian association
will moot Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock
in the Ogden house parlors. A full ut-
, . ' tendance is desired , us business of the ut
j hBoet importance is ponding. Ollicors
c Md teachers of industrial schools are re-
I. fMMtod to bn present. Ladies who are
ot members , and hava a heart in our
work , and have so expressed themselves ,
P ' . will be welcomed ana will bo cordially
Ik'welved u members. By order of the
' Cole A Cole will put in a first class line
.ft bicycles and wheelsmen's supplies.
TkU will moot a want felt by the new
tub. All parties desiring to purchase a
- jnt class wheel should see them at 41
'Vain street.
Tbo Churches Prepared to Hold Easter
Services To-Day.
A Freight Trnln-AVrcckctl But > o Ono
liurt Inspecting the Institute
Tor the Dcnf ntul Dumb
knot Mail's Council.
Christ Is Rlflnn ,
To-day beinjr Easter Sunday , special
services nro arranged for the churches.
There will be decorations , special music ,
ind nearly all the sermons will be on
subjects appropriate to the doy. The
! ollowiii { ! are the announcements :
Morning prayer , sermon and holy
communion , 10JO : ! a. m. Sunday school
J:30 : p. m. Evening service , anthem and
carol service , 7:110 : p. m. The mite chests
which have been distributed for collec
tion for the new organ may be handed in
at any iervicc during the day. The an-
lounccmcnt of the amount collected will
jo made at the evening service. The ad
mirable chorus choir of St. Paul's church
lave been faithfully drilled bythe or
ganist and musical director , Professor
. ipfert , and will render the following
choice selections of anthem music.
Jesus Christ is Itlsen To-l.iy" ) Barrett
'Christ Our 1'ixssovci" Channel
'To Don m Lnudnmus" w oed ward
'Jubilate" Uoss
'Christ Is lllsvu Iroin the Dead".Wanner
Hymn IK ) Worgan
Hymn 103 Victory
Anthem "I Know that My JUcdeomcr
Liveth" Handel
Sauctus IlodKCS
Ulorlaln Excelsls Hodges
The church is being beautifully decorated -
ated with ( lowers and the noble cdllico
will be made to accommodate the mini-
jors who are always attracted to these
stately Easter services.
Preaching by the pastor. Rev. Mr.
'helps , both morning nnd evening.
Otmrtottc "To Deum" Mlllard
Solo "I Know that My llcilcemer
Llveth" Handel
ilorlo , Response
Duet "The Palms" Fauro
) uot "Klnp ot Glory" Lassen
Juartetto "Dcua Allsereatui" Mlllard
Duet "I Know that My Redeemer
Llveth" Mendelsshon
At the 10:30 : service to-day thorp will bo
pccial music by the choir , assisted by
Mr. Forrest. The following Is the musical
> art of the service :
Concnno's Mnss In li" Choir assisted
by Mr. Forrest
Trio "Jesu Dei Vlvl" Uy Vercll.Mrs.
O'Xeil , Mr. J. McWilllams and Mr. For
'IloKlnn Cecil" Uy Lambllotte , choir
Duett U , Sulutnrls Host ! Lambilotto ,
Mrs , Dnrrauch and Mrs. Uroy
1'autuui Mcr o Uy Kossi , choir
The pastor of the First Baptist church
will preach at 10:30 : a. m. on "The Resur
rection of Christ. " Jn the evening on
' The Great Temptation of Joseph , " a ,
sermon to young mon. Seats free.
A Christian Easter service at Harmony
Mission chapel to-day nt 3 o'clock p. m. ,
conducted by Mr. Fred Foxley , superin-
.cndcut of the Sabbnth school. Parents
of the children especially Invited to bo
present. Prayer meeting Thursday at
7:80 : o'clock. 'Topic , Mark 10,18.
Y. M. C. A.
Services In the association rooms at 4
o'clock p. m. , for nion only. Mr. Fiudloy ,
The church will bo handsomely deco
rated with flowers. An Easter sermon
will bo preached at 10:80 : a. m. The Sun
day school will hold an Easter mission
ary service at 12 in. , consisting of sorgs ,
recitations and offerings. In the evening
the Ladies' Foreign Missionary society
will hold an anniversary exercise con
sisting of addresses , readings and recita
tions. A cordial invitation is given to the
public to attend these services.
Cotno and See Us.
The following invitation is self-ex
planatory and will meet with numerous
favorable responses :
Headquarters Abe Lincoln Post No. 29 , G.
A. K. , and Union Veteran Legion , Council
Ululfs , la. , April 0. IBVT-Comrados : On beHalf -
Half of Abe Lincoln Post , No. W , G. A. 11. ,
and the Union Veteran Legion of this city ,
you are cordially Invited to bo present and
participate In n grand oampliro to be held at
those headquarters Wednesday , April 27.
Every arrangement will bo completed to
make this occasion one of the most enjoya
ble of any ever held In tills section of the
state. Prominent speakers will be present
to deliver brief addresses , music , refresh
ments and a ball will be attractions to the
The purpose of this campflre and banquet
especially. Is to assist the irood ladies of Pot-
tawattamle county In building a public hos
pital which shall be an asylum for unfortu
nate soldiers and citizens who may be strick
en with disease whlln among us , and while
so afllicted receive the kindly odlces Inci
dent to a homo. A cottage hospital has been
started In this city , and to aid In Its laudable
purpose a fee of 25 cents will be charged for
meals on this occasion , served under the aus
pices of the posts of this city.
We anticipate a large attendance nnd a
good time. Come and bring your family.
These campQrcs and reunions will soon be
long to the past. Let us enjoy them while
wo may. Every arrangement will bo made
to Insure the coraforc of all visiting comiadus
and their families who may attend.
On this anniversary day of our late beloved
commander U. S. Grant , lot us meet and re
new our pledges of fidelity to "one country
and one ling. "
An oaily reply stating acceptance and prob
able number who will be present from your
post is especially requested. Direct to Major
U. C. Barnes , postcammander. liy order of
JUDGK J. IE. Kiin ; : ,
HON. J. I/VMAN , M. 0.
Cou D. U. DAILEY ,
MA.T. 11. C. liAHNKS ,
Committee on Imitation.
The Wnrdona of the Wards.
At the meeting of the olty council last
night the mayor and nil the aldermen
were present except Hammer , ho being
in Wisconsin on personal business.
Petition of property owners on liar
risou asking for paving of that street
presented and granted.
Finance committee reported in favor
of Fettling J. T. Stewart's claim for
damages on account of change of grade ,
amount being $ l.-OO. Concurred in.
A resolution was passed exempting
from taxation for live years the now iron
works on Tenth avcnuo under the or
dinance passed some time ago for ou
couraging manufacturing.
lu the matter of petition of G. R. Rico
for vacating streets and alleys in Durand's
uddition , judiciary committee reported
that council had no jurisdiction , and pc
titiourr must apply to district court.
At. A. Moore was allowed an c.stmiuto
of 3,100 on his levee conlr&nt.
Up to tills timn the council was busy
with routine work. Alderman Keller ami
Danforth did not participate oiccpt to
vote otherwise sitting as dumb as statues.
Alderman Wells arose and roniurkcd :
"If there Is no other business I liuvo an
ordinance to present. ' * Thcro wiu. a dead
silence for a moment , nnd then , tu nil
expected , it was revealed by the reading
of the clerk , that tbo ordinance thus pre
sented was the one giving the Union Pa-
cillc the right of way on Tenth avenue.
Alderman Wells moved the suspension
of the rules lo pau tbo ordinance to
second reading. Alderman Keller nnd
Danforth voted no , and Alderman Wells ,
, acy nnd Motcalf aye. 'ilio motion be-
being lost the ordinance was laid over
under the rules.
The crowd which had gathered in to
BOO what would bo done with tlih onh-
mnco , having had their curiosity satis-
lied , retired in haste.
The council then adjourned until Mon
day evening at 7:30 : o'clock.
The ordinance will bo brotichtun again
lion. Alderman Keller is understood as
positively refusing to vote for the ordi
nance , at least until Alderman Hammer
A Stluk Jot ) .
Yesterday morning exAldermanV. .
A. Mynster discovered that during the
night robbers had robbed him. On retir
ing the night bcforo ho took the usual
precaution of hiding his pocket book in
the bed , so that while sleeping jt could
not bo taken without disturbing him.
1'ho fellows had succeeded , however , in
Celling the book , and without awaken-
ng him , either , as ho knew nothing of
his loss until morning. The pocket book
contained a $20 bill , f3 in silver , a $100
check in favor of his mother , Mrs. Maria
Mynbtcr , and given by the Northwestern
railway , a $12.90 check signed by Kimball
& Champ nnd in favor of Myustcr & Limit.
The thieves obtained an entrance by n
window. They had forced the blinds open ,
nnd hod then started m evidently to cut
: ho glass with a diamond. Discovering
that the window was not locked they
pushed it up and entered. Mr. Mvnstcr
generally has a watch dog in the house ,
but by an unfortunate co-incidonco the
dog was at his old residence when most
It seems that the burglars must have
> een very familiar with the habits of the
lousehold and the details of the place , but
even with this knowledge it is a mystery
low they managed to slip the pocketbook -
book from the bed in which Mr. Mynster
was sleeping.
The Switchmen's Ball.
On next Thursday evening Council
Hhills lodge No. 33 , Switchmen's Mutual
Aid association of North America , give a
ball in Masonic hall.- All Union Pacific
employes who wish to attend will
; et passes. Assistant General Super-
intcndant Dickinson has agreed to
'urnish a special train to leave Council
[ Mulls about S o'clock in the morning to
eturn them to their homes in Omaha.
livery possible arrangement is being
made by the committees in charge to
make this one of the finest entertain
ments ever given in this city. A largo
number of tickets have already been
sold which insures success , so far as
attendance is concerned.
A Penchant For Saddles.
Captain O'Brien , of the police force ,
ast evening returned from n chase along
ho St. Paul road after n fellow named
Kissel. Ho found his man about fourteen
nilcs from Panama , and brought him in ,
together with the saddle , lasso , bridle ,
etc. , which , it is churned , Kissel stole
: rom Frank Owens. Kissel had sold
them , but they were hunted up. A year
ago Kissel was under n cloud for stealing
i saddle belonging to Mr. Siedentopf ,
jut he disappeared before the matter
came to u trial. Now on his return from
lie west he seems to have the same old
lubit of picking up saddles.
A Freight Wreck.
Yesterday morning the outgoing
'reight train on the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul was wrecked about ten miles
[ rom this city. The cause of the accident
s said to bo the spreading of the track.
There were twelve froieht cars m the
wreck , some of which were badly
smashed. Luckily no one was injured ,
ind the track was soon cleared so that
.he incoming passenger train was not de
layed over two hours.
The Institution Safe.
Ono of the matters of importance to
which Governor Larrabco paia attention
while visiting the institution of the deaf
and dumb hero was the settling of the
building. This settling has been going
on for some time and it is now out of
plumb. The governor brought with him
Architect Frinkbino , who made n thor
ough inspection of the building. Ho pro
nounces it entirely safe at the present
Books , instructing ladies how to bo
their own manicures given away at Opera
House pharmacy , Camp & Ellis.
Howorth's Hlbernlca.
On next Thursday evening at the opera
house Howorth's double show is to ap
pear. A pleasing ; panoramic display is
made , showing Hiborma , with its cities
and places of renown , and the whole is
interspersed with a comedy , displaying
Irish life. Numerous specialties are in
troduced. The Richmond Dispatch says :
"The exhibition is thoroughly rctincd ,
and the panorama gives n beautiful view
of Ireland's loveliest scenes. "
Msr. A. Dodson , No. 807 Broadway ,
dressmaker , French Taylor systo ur ,
prices reasonable , lit perfect.
Offlrc of Mulholland & Co. , removed to
in under the Citizen's bank. Telephone
&o. 103 , Leave your orders for ice.
Personal Paragraphs.
J. M. Shea , deputy county clerk , left
last evening for Ncola to , spend Sunday
with his wife and boy.
Miss Lydin MikesoU begins to-morrow
her lirst terra as teacher , having secured
the school at Wright's station.
Mr. and Mrs. James Wallace spend
Sunday nt the homo of the groom's par
ents , and will depart to-morrow for their
Nebraska home.
A line residence property fronting on
Ilayliss' park will be milled Juno 1.
Tickets are for sale by Smith Bros. ,
agents , at $5 each. Get a homo for f0.
Presiding Elder Smith held quarterly
meeting services ut Sidney to-day. An
e.ister concert exercise occuoies the morn
ing hour , and he preaches in the even-
Charles Overton , who has become a
full Hedged salvation cadet , will soon
becin work at Keokuk. He bids good
bye to his friends hero Sunday night.
Marshal Gnanella returned last even
ing from Colfax , bettered in health and
enthusiastic for enforcing the order to
have the alloys cleaned up.
My new furniture and gasoline stoves
have begun to arrive. I keep the "Best"
and "Hull" vapor stoves. Give ma a
trial. 1 will not bo undersold by any
one. A. T. MANUEL ,
No. 323 nnd 325 Broadway.
Drs. Hanchett & Smith , ofllco No. 13
Pearl st. Residence , 120 Fourth st. Telephone -
phone No. 10.
Miss Mollie Corcoran , dressmaker , 714
Mynster street , between Seventh und
Notice of UUfiolation
Of partnerthlp of lleslcy Ilroi. , brick manu
factures , by limitation , lloth to receive ami
receipt for debts duo the firm. B. W. LJosloy to
pcjr H ! ) debts ugnlnit tbe firm.
Council Ulutf , Apr. 1 , W. S. W. BESLKY.
. Jf.
Justice of the Peace ;
Do you wish to snvo nfoncy on your
spring purchases ? If so call at
Everybody knows that wo have n
larger and bolter stocK of goods to se
lect from than all the houses in Council
lllulls combined , and wo guarantee to
save you So cents on eVery dollar's worth
you purchase In our house. To
substantiate this wo refer to the thou
sands of ladies who visit our stores daily.
Lady shoppers who have sent to New
York , Philadelphia , Chicago , St. Louis
and other cities for samples , have upon
comparison with our goods , pronounced
oou the best and cheapest.
\ \ e have given Council Bluffs the larg
est store and stock of merchandise in the
entire state of Iowa nnd wo are proud to
say that people for hundreds of milea
come or send to us for their goods.
Wo also offer for this week largo bar
gains in Laces , Embroideries , Hosiery ,
Gloves , Corsets , Gau/.o , Lisle Thread ,
Bulbriggan and Silk Underwear , Muslin
Underwear , Infants' complete outfits ,
Parasols , Fans , Lace Curtains nnd
Ready Made Sulta , Etc.
An entire now line of ladies , misses ,
nnd children's wraps , jackets nnd
ready made suits In silk , worded nnd
wash materials at much less than former
prices. This department has an im
mense quantity of goods of nil prices nnd
you cannot fail to make selections which
will prove satisfactory. Wo call special
attention to our ladies wraps in extra
sizes rancing in si/o from 42 to 48.
People's Store ,
Nos. 314 , 310 , 318 nnd 320 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs.
JV. B. We give all mall orders spe
cial and prompt attention and inii/
orders or correspondence yeti
man favor with will receive the
care and attention.
Fpeclal oilvcrtleomcnta , such ns Lost , Found
' /o Lonn , 1'or Bale , To Kent , \Snnts , Hoiudlnir ,
etc. , will botnsortod In this column nt the lovr
ratoof TEN CENTS PEIl MNE for the Dm Inser-
Ion nnd flvoContil'or Line for each subsequent
Insertion. Lcavo advertisements nt our olllco
No. 13 I'carl street , near Lroadway , Council
I 1UKSALK Three room house without lot
$ 103 : ulso family horse nnd open buggy.
Apply to No. ll'J Stutstmm street.
WANTUD A basket or Unlit phneton for
Inmllyuso. AiUlrcw W , II. llutta , > "o.
fii2 Ilroadwny , Council llluira.
WANTKD Immediately , at Otfdcm house , a
third cook. I >
AGKNT8 Nowlsthotlnjo to'uinke money.
Our Kooils arc soiling to nil clasec.o , room
lor good men who tuo willing to work for largo
imy. Call at 419 S. llth St. , ' 401 loj
LOST From No. 7U riancroft street , two
'i-cotfh terrier mips about three months
nld. Unlit yellow color , buitablo rowurd. T.
\V. McCnrgnr.
WANTED Apprentice girls to learn dress-
ranking. No. 714 Mynstor Bt ,
"OOH SALE A nlpopony ranre , chcnp. 8. T.
French , No. 30 Pearl struct.
- good ptlrl for general house
work. Apply to Mr8. W. S. Cooper , OJl
"fSTANTED Twenty good teams for grading
Vr on tuo Northwestern toad , fix miles from
KENT Largo furnished front room ,
No. 017 First avenuo.
ANTED Girl for general housework. No ,
027 Fifth avenue.
First-class girl to do general
housework. No. UO Fourth street.
FOU HKNT A large front room , first floor ,
turnlshed now , gultnblo for two gentle
men. Located In the central pnrt of city.
Witter nnd gas. Address , Bee office , Coun
cil Umffs.
SALE Complete plant and equipment
for R. R. bridge work , consisting of 7
pile drivers , carpenters tools , tents , bedding
and boarding outllt for 100 men. In good re
pair. Now stored at Chenenne , W. T. For In
ventory and terms address No. 13 , N , Mam St. ,
Council niuflt , Iowa.
T7K5K SALE A good second-hand delivery
J ? wngon , cheap. C. 11. Smith , No. CIO
Attorney at Law.
D04 Broadway , Up Stairs ,
Council Bluffs.
Horses i Mules
For all purposes , bought and gold , at retail
and in lots. Large quantities to select
from. Several pairs of fine.drivers , sin
gle or double.
MASOH WISE , Council Bluff
Attorneys at Law ,
ractice in the State and Federal Court
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block.
Designs , estimates and reports on bridges ,
viaducts , foundations and general engineering.
Blue prints of any slzo ami quantity.
Oifico No 13 N. Main St. , First National Bank
The only Hotel in Council Slufft Hating a Fire
scap . >
And All Modern Improvements.
215 , 217 and 219 [ Main St.
R. RIVE , M. D.
Cancers and other Tumors
Removed without the knite or Drawing o
Over 80 vears Practical experence.
No 11 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
Justice ot the Peace ,
416 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
COullCll Bluff8I W . '
BtUbhshe4-18il '
Foi- This U'cck's Special Sale We
Offer in Our Domestic Depart
ment the Following ;
G cases Best Standard Prints , in all the
latest shades and best stjlcs , at flc.
850 pieces Good Quality Ginghams , in
dres3 and apron styles , atSc.
800 pieces Best Dress and Zephyr Ging
hams , at lOc.
3 cases Crinkled Seersuckers at 5c.
0 cases good yard wide Bleached Mus
lin nt 5c.
100 pieces Lawns at So.
ICO pieces Victoria Lawns and India
Linens nt 5c. , tic. and 8c.
75 pieces Foulard Sateens at lOc.
Silk nnd Drcst Ciond * .
Great barcalns in our Silk nnd Drc s
Goods Departments. All new , fresh
goods direct from the manufacturers'
looms at less than anybody can oiler
these same goods.
Thousands of pieces to select from.
You will have no trouble to find what
you want.
We receive each day letters of encour
agement and compliments from our cus
tomers everybody concurring in onr
Xo One Who Simile *
Economy can afford to pass us by.
For the spring of 1837 we arc better
prepared to please you than ever before.
Great bargains in each nnd every one
of our numerous departments are laid
out and placed on SPECIAL SALE every
day in tl > c week.
We Keep Every tiling *
No one need go outside of our house to
outfit in Ladies' Misses'
get a complete , ,
Children's , Men's , Youths' or Boys wear.
Nos. 314 , 310 , 318 nnd 32O
Brondwny , Council Bltilfs.
N. B. All innil orders foi
samples or goods entrusted to
our cnrc will receive the best of
Curtains , Upholstry ,
Window Shades ,
Poles , Door Mats , Rugs ,
Sash Draperies , Etc , ,
Mail Orders Carefully Filled ,
Our Mr. Stockert Superintends
All Work.
1 > . H. McDAN ELD & CO. ,
[ KiUbllihed ISO. )
No. fan Main Street , i i I Council Bluff * .
Justice of the Peace.
No 504 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Collctions a specialty. Refers to the Dee
Prices Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
JV'O. 23 MAIX AT. ,
npeerSurveyorMapPublih6r , , §
. . No. 11 North Main St.
City and county maps of cities and counties
1st western Iowa , Nebraaka tad
Headquarters for Good Goods !
Carpets and
Dry Goods ,
We are still to be found on the Old Camp Ground
Broadway , Council Bluffs , la ,
With the largest and best selected stock ot
Carpets ever brought to this city.
Our stock of Dress Goods comprises the
finest fabrics , and also the most substantial'
but less costly.
Those wishing good goods and as repre *
sented will not fail to give us a call.
Don't Forget the Place ,
No. 4O1 BROADWAY , ! l
J. S , COLBY ,
Council Bluffs OJJlcc , Masonic Temple. Omaha Office ,
. .
No. Ill , North 10th St.
Particular attention given to investing funds for non
residents. Special bargains In lots and acre property In
Omaha and Council Bluffs. Correspondence aollctedt
Steam , Gas and Water Pipe
i }
No 552 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , Iowa
BTatl Orders Shtyped Promptly. \
Real Estate Brokers ,
No. 13 North Main Street.
Lower Floor First National Bank Block ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Pearl Street anil Slxtlt Anemic ,
Property SKuntal m < c Corner of
Sold at Auction on Wednesday , April 20th ,
.A.T S F. lv * . S.A.Z-33 OXT OPIE
H. H. INMAN , Salesman ,
Announces that Ills stork of
Fi nelmported SpringMi J1 i nery
In Choice Shape * ol lUts & Bonnets ,
ToifflUior with a
LartieLlneapNoveUleitlnFancy Ma
terlals i now Jleady for Yowr
Careful Infection.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Vsccnt Lots. Lands , City Residences nnd
Farms , Aero property in vrc-stcrn purl uf cltr.
All selling cliuup to uiuko room ( or spring stock
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
ItooniS , over Offlcsr & Puioy'j Hank , Counbl
Bluffs. '