Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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THIMS or sunscnrrrios :
IHUr ( Mnrnla * Kdltlou ) Including BunJur
Br . Onn Ycnr , . 110 ( M
For Blx Months . IS 00
For Thrnn Months . SW
Tlio Omaha Humlay JixR , mailed to unjr
atldreM , One Vonr. . . . . . 300
OMAHA No. S14 * n 911 PAR-CAM STREET. VOUK oi'ricrKUDU M. TninuxK lintun.vo.
orriCK , No. 6U rutmiiiimi UTUEET.
connr.srownr.xc * :
All communication * rclHtlntr to new * n ml edi
torial matter nhould be acMrosaod to the Button -
ton or Titr. BKE.
All hutlnoMlcttorft and remittances ihouM he
ddimsod to TIIK HEK l'uiii.i8iii > a COMPANY ,
OMAHA. Drafts , cbocka and ponlofllco orders
to bomadopayuulo totheord ref ttiooooipuny.
ffworn Htntcrnent of Circulation.
BUtiof Nebraska , I . .
County of Douglas. J *
Geo. U. Tischuck , secretary of The Hee
FublfMilna company , docs solemnly swear
that the actual circulation of the Daily Bee
lor the week ending April 3th , ISff. was 0.1
follows : _
Saturday. April 3 14.780
Bundav. April 13.050
Alonday. April 4 14W
Tumday. April S. 14..US
Wednesday , April C 14.R5 !
Thursday , AprllT 14 , : 5
Friday , April 8. .14.330
Average 14.430
OKO. li. ' 1 ZSCHUCK.
Subscribed and sworn to before me thlsUth
ayof April A. D. , 1837.
N. P. Fmu
[ SEAM .Notary 1'ublle.
Oco. 1) . Tzschuck , being first duly sworn ,
deposes and says that ho Is secretary of The
Bee Publishing company , that the actual av
erage dally circulation of the Dally Bee for
tliemonth of March , 1886.11,537 copies ; for
April , 1886,13,101 copiesfforior May , 1830.12-
439 copies ; for June , 1B8G. 18,298 copies ; for
July. 1880 , 12,314 copies ; for Aueust , 1886 ,
H , A copies ; for September. 1880. 13,030
copies ; for October , 1886. 12,089 copies ; for
November , Ib80 , 13,848 copies ; for December.
1880,13,837 copies ; for .January. 1887 , 10,200
copies j for February. 1887 , 14,108 copies.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th
< ay of March , A. D. 1887.
[ 8KAL. I N. P. Fun. . Notary Public.
Contents of the Sunday lee.
Page 1. New Vork Herald Cablegrams-
Specials to the BKE. General Telegraphic
PaeeS. Telegraphic .News. City News.
Page 3. Special Advertisements.
Page 4. Edltorlals.-1'olltlcal Points.
Sunday Gossip.
Page 5. j jncoln News. Miscellany Ad
1'agoO. Council BlufTs News. Miscellany.
Page 7. City News Miscellany.
Page 8. Advertisements.
Page 0. Omaha Society Matters. Adver
Pace 10. Fncts For Fair Femininity.
Humor For Happy Hours. Religious. Ad
Page 11. Hearthstone Uapplnoss Mu-
alcl and Dramatic. Honey tor the Ladles.
l Education Singularities. Advertise
Page 13. Clara Belle's Letter. The Easter
Services. General and Local Markets.
OH this joyous Easter morning the now
bonnet which is "too lovely for any
thing" will bo displayed even if it rains
> pitchforks. .
3 r SARA BEUNHAKDT has a new nnd novel
! spring adveitiscment. This tune it is an
I aswralt upon R waiter at a Now York
I kotol , and not upon her dear companion ,
Miss Colombn.
il THE Oregon & California railroad com
J > any has boon compelled to surrender a
[ /forfeited land grant. The monopoly has
[ coughed up 275,000 acres of land and re
torcd it to the publio domain.
1 PX.EARUBE seekers , foreign and domes
tic , have all agreed that California will
be the resort in the future. The spring ,
fiowevor , is an unseasonable time to ad
vertise winter resorts.
MB. GLADSTONE'S speech Monday will
have no uncertain ring. Ho is striking
for liberty m behalf of an oppressed
jwoplo. Though an old man he may
, Jive to see his work accomplish the de
fred end.
> ' It is said that King Kalakan , the con
joral manager of the Sandwich Islands , is
j Drinking himself to death. Unless ho
{ rants to Join the majority Mr. Kalakau
f kmd bettor dispose of his few islands and
'locate ' in Kansas.
iTIIR telegraph is busy denying cam-
ftlgn stories set afloat , calculated to Inure -
| ure Sherman's presidential boom. If
ions republicans waste all reserve
iomocratic thunder , the sturdy Ohio
jf tttosmau will bo a dangerous opponent.
ON April20KosoooConUlingis to de
liver a speech at Fittsburg , the nun Ivor-
, ry of the birth of Ulysses S' Grant , in
jhonor of the Into general's memory. Bo-
4ng a subject upon which Mr. Conkling
KIOTO'S to talk , ho will no doubt add now
"laurels to his famo.
TUB railroad commissioner who edits a
railroad and boodle organ nt Lincoln
Was very jubilant when ho turned ever
the city to the prohibitionists and demo
crats. But ho may iind before ho grows
Btuoh older that a few moro such vic
tories will be the death of him politi
cally cponklncr.
THE cable report this morning , wired
M special to the BEK , is a full and com
plete statement of all happenings in the
jolct world. Each foreign capital and all
Important news centers are represented
| n our columns. This feature , worth
ftlono more than the price of tlto paper ,
, will bo found in the BEE only.
UNQUESTIOKABI.Y the years of 1880-87
VWlll pass into history as the years of
town-lot booms. Yet real estate booms
lone do not make a great city. It re
quires the investment of capital in manu
facturing enterprises , the push and energy
! ' citizens and the work of years.
Omaha's solidity is an evidence of this
, * TllR question of cutting down the sal-
v $ ; rk * of teachers inNow York publio
\ > chools , is being seriously discussed.
. ' Good teachers and adequate pay are al-
'j'.lrays desirable , liy reducing salaries
ad employing Incompetent instructors
paeans demoralization in the school room
fountain head of knowledge.
-THE Pall Mall Oa.rc/7c makes the state-
that Curzon wrote "Homo , Sweet
ae , " m 1818. It is a historical fact
Sir Henry Bishop's muslo of tbo
Btlful melody , as sot to John Howard
tyne'B words , was published iu 1833.
* ( JJf eurlous people continue in their mad-
| Uiu d work of attempting to prove lhat
i , tttbody M tke author of anything , maybe
did not writ * tha Jubilee ode ,
Liberty and Llcnnie.
Editor of the BEE : The outrage on Chris
tian and religious liberty committed by the
city police , under the direct orders of the city
council , In the imprisonment of a band of re-
llglout cnthuMnits the SPIvatlon array has
aroused a feeling of deep Indignation In this
city. Men with the instinct of gentlemen ,
who take pride In our free Institutions ; men
who arc truly American nt heart , whether
church goers or not , utterly condemn nnd
spurn the bigoted , whiskey Influence ) which
prompted this outrage. Shame on the i > co-
ploof Oniahalf itbo permitted to go unro-
bilked I Sliameon a council and police ad
ministration which can see crlmo or disorder
In the parade of theio religions people anil at
the same tlmo see our streets blocked up with
ciiailatan swindlers selling their wares ; vag
abond quacks hunibuirtdng the Ignorant sick
and defrauding thorn of their money
on the public streets. N < vro minstrel
troop- ) , and circus processions taking
complete posseslon of our pub
lic highways , and yet for sooth ,
the parade of a band of these religions txo- ?
plnmcrit in their eyes a special ordinance ,
and under It Christian young women are in
carcerated over nlelit ; with tlio vicious and
drunken violators of the law with all their
reeking 111th , dlsoaso and obscenity. God
forbid that such aldermen as voted for this
ordinance be taken as the representative
men of Omaha ! Who among tlio iKiblo and
true men and women of Omaha , rclfglous or
irreligious , are willing to band together to
inarch with these people to sco that they
have the protection guaranteed to them by
the constitutions of the United States and
thestatnof Nebraska ? The subscriber , not
a church member or a regular attendant of
any church , will bo one. Who else will "fall
ln".and Join the procession ?
FAirt 1'r.A.T.
We have made it a rule to hold the col
umns of the 15F.I : open for a full nnd froc
expression of sentiment on any question ,
however much at variance our views
may bo with tlto opinions advancud.
Tim stirring and sympathetic appeal to
liberty-loving and true-hearted Amer
icans strikes a very teudor chord in the
popular breast. Few men or women ,
whether born on American soil or for
eigners who have found shelter under its
banner of freedom , will withhold their
sympathy from the lowly and oppressed
of whatoycr creed. But there is such a
thing as yielding to a false sentimental
ity , and allowing the emotions of a
largo heart to outweigh the clcnr
judgment of a well-balanced mind.
However much nil true Americans rever
ence religion and love liberty there are
limits within which liberty , to bo worthy
of the name , must bo restricted.
The Salvation Army has a perfect right
to worship in any manner that may ac
cord with its faith and in the free cxor-
iso of its devotions it is entitled to the
'ullcst protection of the law , the same as
any other creed. But neither the Salva-
ion Army or any other sect can trench-
upon the personal comfort and freedom
rora disturbance of any community.
Under our form of government every citi-
; cn is obliged to surrender part of his
iberty for the benefit of all. Otherwise
iborty would degenerate into license.
which means turbulence , violence and
The Salvation Army is not
, he first body of religious zealots
which bos laid itself liable
o police interference. History
tells that six hundred years ago n religi
ons sect sprang into existence in Italy
known as the Flagellants or solf-boatora.
Jreat numbers of the people in the larger
cities of Italy and other European coun
tries were overrun by bands of men and
women carrying in their hands leathern
hongs , with which they drew blood from
heir tortured bodies , amid sighs and
tears , singing at the same time , peniten
tial psalms. This religious craze con-
inucd for nearly two hundred years. It
s an historic fact that the Flagellants in
the fifteenth century overran Austria ,
Germany , Hungary and Poland. Their
exhibitions gradually awakened the
disgust of the better class of
society and the tumult and dis
order resulting from their
gathering soon led to their prohibition
both by the clergy and civil rulers. In
some cities of Germany the Flagellants ,
men and women , marched from city to
city , in a nude state , singing and shout-
ng to the Lord , and at the same time
committing all sorts of outrages on do-
'enselcss ' people who refused to join
hem. It would hardly be contended
that a sect of Flagellants , travelling from
city to city in America would enjoy per
fect freedom in their peculiar mode of
worship , and their processions should
not be subject to police interference.
Twenty-five years ago a sect calling
themselves Free Lovers , whoso creed
was chiefly based on affinity and promis
cuous marriage , regardless of divorces ,
became quite numerous and finally wore
made too uncomfortable to stay
Berlin Heights , Ohio , their headquarters.
Religious liberty there had degenerated
into license. Would our big noarted
contributor appeal on behalf of such a
seel in case the authorities attempted to
exorcise their police powers ?
Long before the advent of the Salva
tion Army in Omaha its disorderly con
duct and constant clashing with the pa-
lieu o ( many American cities and the
suppression of its noisy and turbulent
processions has been chronicled by
the press. The city authorities m
nearly all the prominent cities in
which they have appeared have had
trouble with thorn. In fact , they have
courted trouble elsewhere as they have
in Omaha. Some ot their so-called cap
tains , lieutenants and buglers are by no
moans reputed to bo models of virtue and
morality. On the 15th day of the present
mouth one Robert . Van Brunt , once
known in the Salvation army as Happy
Bob , will bo executed at Castile , Ne w
York , for the murder of William Voy ,
whoso half-sister was a captain in the
army. Van Brunt was one of the lieu
tenants and the cause of the murder was
a scandal. At Charlotte , N , C. , a confi
dence game was played by Salvation
army officers recently andone
Captain Yoder issaid to have in
duced Miss Fannie Wliltesidos , a
gullible girl of seventeen , to sign
away $1,000 wortu of property under
false pretenses. At Cleveland , Ohio , the
Salvation army were instrumental iu in
ducing little girls to abandon their homes
and renounce their families. A few
months ago. In a small townin , Pennsyl
vania , a personal encounter , growing out
of jealousy , occurred between two female
members of the Salvation army. They
were separated , but subsequently one of
them made an assault upon the other with
a boulder , striking her full in the face.
The blow inflicted , dangerous wounds and
disfigured the victim for life.
Iwo boyc named Simpson who were in
the Omaha Jail the other ultfht , were fca <
tlccd awny from their parents by the army.
It strikes us , tlicretoro , that the action
of the council was not fitich a great out
rage after all , but rather iu the line of
what has been done m other cities.
The nrrny had been ullowcd to roam
about the streets of Omaha unmolested ,
for more than a month , nnd the crowds
of hoodlums and roustabouts who fol
lowed in the train of its processions had
grown larger every night. Hence it be
came a question of time only , when some
action had to bo taken. It is not true , as
charged , that the defenseless religious
dovotee3 wcro forced into n filthy jail.
They were taken to the police
station for resisting tfio police after
being notified by the police that they had
orders to stop the procession. Had they
submitted to tlio order peacefully they
would not have been taken to
the police station. It is not true
that this Is a bigoted persecution insti
gated by the whisky dealers. In Iowa
where the drug store has been substi
tuted for the saloon , the Salvationists
had the same trouble in nearly every
largo town. At M\rslinlltown : , which is
strictly a temperance city , several of
the army wore jailed for two weeks. It
does not stand to reason thatthoy are nil
pagans and barbarians in christianized
Iowa. It is perfectly preposterous to as
sume that the love of liberty and rever
ence for religion has died out at Rochester ,
Buffalo , Cleveland , Pittsburg and
other largo cities whorcvcr the army
processions were suppressed by the po
lice. '
In conclusion let us add that the BEG
lias no apologies to make for the police
in permitting disturbance and street
blockades by nostrum venders , fakirs
and bauds that parade the streets for
low variety shows. They are all nui
sances that ought to bo suporessed.
Cabinet Developments.
It is in tlio nature of a gratifying sur
prise when the public is permitted to
learn anything of cabinet proceedings.
The councils of the president and his
advisors ordinarily yield less for public
information than do the cabinet meetings
of most foreign goveiuments. Those of
the present administration have been for
the most part especially uninteresting to
the public for tlio reason that the cabinet
is not indivlduallystronganil the uopular
belief is that it is completely dominated
by the will of the president.
The meeting of Thursday last seems to
have been unusually extended nnd im
portant. According to our dispatches it
was chicily devoted to the consideration
ot tiio government's foreign relations.
The most interesting development re
lated to the present status of the lisherics
controversy. Tlio country has been
given to understand , m one way and
another , that thcro was promise of an
early and amicable settle rucnt of this
issue. There have been intimations thnt
the imperial government did not regard
he position of the Dominion ati-
horities with entire favor , and
was disposed to treat with
great consideration the representations
, nd attitude of the American Kovorn-
nient in the matter. This is not the case.
On the contrary our government appears
o bo informed that England fully sns-
.ains the Canadian authorities and is in ,
no case disposed to make any confessions
o the United States. This is not snrpris-
ng from the ministry now administering
lie affairs of the British Empire. Lord
Salisbury is instinctively unfriendly to
: ho United States , and that feeling would
naturally be aggravated by the popular
tostility in this country to his Irish
Having this knowledge , what is the
proper and dignified course for this gov
ernment to pursue ? Plainly to rest its
case and carry into execution the retalia
tion law or the very first occasion of the
rights of an American ycsscl being do-
lied in a Canadian port. There ought
to bo no more puerile haggling in this
matter , to the humiliation of the Ameri
can people. Every fair and honorable
effort has been made on the part of this
ovornment to settle the disagreeable
controversy without recourse to
extraordinary measures. Our representa
tives and demands have been treated
with insulting indifference and disre
spect. This was made evident by the
correspondence submitted to congress by
the secretary of state. Another member
of the cabinet characterized the course of
the Dominion authorities as brutal. Still
the government has hold to its policy of
forbearance , and continued its efforts to
arrange a satisfactory settlement. The
outcome is complete failure , and nothing
different is to bo expected from further
effort while the present unfriendly En
glish ministry is in power. Lot negotia
tions on ttie part of the American gov
ernment , therefore , stop , and the law of
congress bo enforced the moment that a
circumstance arises justifying its appli
cation. There are indications that the
occasion will not bo long delayed , as the
Canadian authorities are fully prepared
and determined to carry out their policy.
Hereafter the American govcrumcnt will
always bo ready to renew negotiations ,
but the proposal to do so must come
from the other side.
Tlio letter of President Cleveland to the
American Fisheries union of Massachu
setts shows that while the executive will
take no hasty action in this matter , ho is
fully alive to the requirements of the sit
uation , and will act promptly and firmly
when the necessity shall arise.
A Southern Hero.
The unveiling at New Orleans , on last
Wednesday , of an equestrian statue to
tlio confederate general , Albert Sidney
Johnson , was an event which in itself every
broad-minded American will commend.
The erection of the monument , as Presi
dent Cleveland said in his letter , in reply
to an Invitation to bo present , is a fitting
testimonial to the affection' iu which the
gallant soldier is held by his comrades in
the civil war. Pride In the distinguished
abilities of General Johnson can bo
shared by all Americans. Hu was a citi
zen and soldier ot the republic , who had
served his country with fidelity and
merit. Ho owed to the nation his mili
tary training and experience. All tha
ho had acquired of knowledge and reputation
tation had boon secured under bis
country's flag. Whatever ho was , there
fore , when he drew his sword against
that Hag , the whole country can properly
honor him for. Beyond that point there
is really nothing to honor , tor in the
service of the confederacy ho had little
opportunity to show whether the reputa
tiou that had given him high commana
would bo justified.
' The criticisms which the event has
called out relate entirely to the faUilic-
ion of history convoyed in the eulogies
on Johnson by men who spoke with n
ertnin authority. This has a degree
if importance. The history o ( the great
onfllct is not yet fully written. Tlicso
ontribuiious to it will have a weight
with tlio historians of tlju future. They
annot fail to in somuilbgrco , color and
qualify their judgment 6f the capacity of
ho generals whom Johnston cncoun-
crrd , anil of the possibilities had not the
onfcdorate general fallen almost at the
leglnning of the conflict. To permit theme
o go unchallenged wbuld strengthen
heir influence. Tills falsification
onsists in claiming that but for the
death of Johnston nt Shiloli that memo-
able battle would have resulted in n
complete confederate victory , with the
most valuable consequences to the south-
; rn cause. The persistence with which
lie southern people cling to this idea ,
icsplte the ample testimony confuting it ,
s perhaps not remarkable. It prevailed
or a time in the north , whore the "taking
ff" of Johnston was regarded as in the
iitttire of n special providence.
As a matter of fact , however , instead
of Johnston being "snatched by death
rom the very arms of victory , " as Jon"
Javis proclaimed , ho fell in the face
) t inevitable defeat , which ho was
nuking the most extraordinary and
confessedly 'courageous effort to avert ,
f the straightforward and evidently can-
lid statement of General Grant regard-
ug the events atShiloh were not sufficient
o settle all controversy , and to show that
victory for the confederate forces was at
no time probable , there is other testimony
o the same effect which even southerns
; nnnot reasonably reject. The sou of
jcnoral Johnston and the members of
iis staff are on record with the statement
hat when the general was killed lie was
agcd in rallyjng demoralized troops
vlio refused to' light any longer under
lie orders of their officers. It is not con-
civablc that n general of an army would ,
vhcn in the very arms of victory , have
nit himself in such a position of peril as
oluistou did. An army with victory in
ight illicit have spared the demoralised
emnunt. But at the time ho fell the bat-
le was going against him , and he saw
lie necessity not only of rallying every
oldier to the light , but of inspiring them
vith his own daring. It was a soldierly
xnd heroic sacri lice he made , but if it cost
lie confederate cause nothing it would not
lave suffered without the sacrifice.
'o the military fame of General John-
ton , however , it is now apparent that
t was of the highest value. Had ho
ivcd defeat at' Shiloli would have tie-
hroncd him from the high place to
which ho had been elevated in tlio confi-
lenco of the southern people , and there
votild bo no statue now to commemorate
lim. It was the turning point of his
career. Dualli rescued Him from failure
and preserved to him untarnished and
vith an added chuufiur the fame lie had
won. C
Patronlzn ItLilbcmlly.
Omaha owes it to itself ik > fill the Ex-
) ositiou building to overflowing at the
oming opera festival. The American
Opera which is to visit us for the lirst
imu ( luring the present wcuk is without
> cor among organi/.itious of the kind
which haye left their impress on the
operatic stage of America. It exceeds
n tlio number of its stars , tlio si/e of its
chorus and the strength of its orchestra
\ny of its predecessors in eastern cities.
U stage settings and costumes arc the
richest and most varied among
contemporary companies. Neither
iiuo nor expense has been
spared by its munificient patron
o make it what she intended it to bo , the
substantial foundation and the welcome
'orcrunnnr ' of a school of permanent
tVruorican opera , which should in future
generations do tor this country what the
Jpera Francaise and Covent Garden have
done for Franco and England in fostering
the love of art , stimulating its study and
affording perpetual opportunities for its
In selecting Omaha as one of the few
ciHes where a season of grand opera will
bo nresentod , it handsome compliment
iias been paid in advance to the intelli
gence and culture of the community. It is
in tself a presumption that our city knows
what is excellent in musical art and is
willing to patronize it if opportunity
presents. It is an unpeal to the refin-
mont ami education of Omaha which
must not be permitted to carry its own
The BEE urged several times during
the winter that steps should be taken to
secure through public subscriptions
what is now offered without guarantee.
It promises its readers a musical and
dramatic treat which the east has pro
nounced tlio best that America ever has
boon afforded. Liberal patronage will
assure future visits of this match less or
ganization. To a large degree the auiii-
once of next wcuk will determine what
Omaha is to have in the future in the line
of grand opera. We repeat that every
seat should bu filled ,
Unialia'a Outlook.
The present season promises to DO one
of unexampled prosperity for Omaha.
In the first place there will bo a larger
employment of labor than ever before.
Two now lines of railroad are to build
through Douglas county and into tlio
city. Tlio extension , of the. corporate
limits will at once stimulate publio im
provements , induce extensive grading
nnd paving and make havy demands
upon the labor market. Then there is
the removal of the waterworks plant ,
the erection of the city hafl all of which
will call for muscle And' ' , an increased
pay roll. Quite aside frojm the trades
which will be , called upon
to assist in the general building
movement , there will bo a largo demand
for unskilled labor in connection with the
millions of dollars worth of private stores
and residences now im process of con
struction or which will be soon begun.
It is to bo a prosperous y&ar for labor ;
nnd labor's prosperity1raoaus the pros-
purity of every community in which , like
Omaha , laboring men's wages are a most
important clement.
The signs point to a largo increase in
our manufacturing facilities. A number
of our permanent institutions are enlarg
ing their plant responsive to the enlarg
ing demands for Omaha products.
Scarcely a day passes in which
some foreign manufacturer does
not visit us . to scheme for the
inauguration of a new enterprise. Flour
ing mills , oat meal mills , elevators , now
foundries and machine shops are certain
to put in their appearance. There Is
money in Investments. Capital will not
.long overlook this fact.
Uwalu baa wade n uoa of South
) mahi ; , and it will make more from this
mportant aiixllllary and feeder of the
city In the year to come. The shrewd
and broad etiago munagemant of liberal
ind enterprising citizens has made it n
aluablo factor in our prosperity. It will
> o still moro so in tlio near future. Now
lacking houses are to rise around the
lock yards , and added facilities will bo
aflbnluil lo what is already the great cat-
lo anil hog market of the state anil the
uljoining territories.
The men ami the Investors wbo are
jacking their judgment of Omaha with
cool cash will have no reason to repent
of their faith. She has all the marks of
a great nud growing city.
Other IjniulH Thnn Oiirn.
England is all nllanie with the discus-
inn of the Irish question. Within the
mst few days there have been remarka
ble development of popular hostility to
ho coercion bill. In the north of Kng-
and the demonstrations have been 03-
) ecially marked , and the people of that
oction appear to have been particularly
nlluonccd by the reports from this cotin-
ry. Numerous public meetings have
; n held to protest nguiust the policy of
he government. At one in South Lon
don John Morle.y addressed nn aiuliunce
of 0,000 , making a powerful arraignment
of the government. Other largely at
tended meetings have been held at
Jhelsca ami Birmingham. Still others
arc projected under the auspices of the
council of the Liberal federation nud the
> ltio league. It is not apparent that
huso pouulnr manifestations of dis-
tpproval have had any influence upon
lie government and its supporters , who
give no sign of a purpose to relinquish
any part of their programme , but they
are unquestionably making public sent- !
iicnt in opposition to the ob
noxious measure , which may
) o expected to produce an efl'ecl
vfum the final trial comes
n the house of commons. The longer
hat is delayed the moro certainly will
ho opponents of coercion bo able to
how not only the essentially unjust and
oppressive character of the government's
proposed policy , but the worthlessness of
ho coercion bill as a remedy for any of
lie evils that cither Irishmen complain
of or Englishmen admit. All previous
coercion bills for Ireland have had all
England and Scotland behind them , and
vure supported oy , if not a majority , a
considerable portion of the Irish mo m-
> crs. Even with this moral and political
> acking , however , they have generally
> een only half executed , and have never
lecurcd either pcaeo and order any more
hau content. The notion that one like
hia , which half the English and nearly
, lie whole of the Scotch members are op
posing with fierce indignation under the
cadcrship of the greatest English states-
nan , against which the most powerful
lortion of the English press is thunder-
ng , can over bo carried into efl'eet , or
: : \n , in f.tut , result in anything but an in-
creitsoof disorder , and frightful conflicts
jotween the people and the police , is al
most ridiculous. The opposition it ia on-
lotintering will kill it for all practical
purposes , and a ministry not blindly ob
durate would see this.
Political affairs on the continent of
Suropo continue to offer liitlo of interest.
Hut unhappy Bulgaria is still tins prey of
utrigucs and outbreaks. The obstinate
nirposo of Russia to force the rcsigna-
ion of the present regency before listen-
ng to any proposals for the future gov
ernment of the country is a source of danger and an encouragement of
plots of rebellion. But still moro im
portant to note than temporary upns-
.ngs of disaffected troops hero and thcro
s the reported understanding or military
convention arrived at between Bulgaria
ind Servin. The ratification of such an
agreement would bo a recognition by
Servia of tlio validity of the regency ,
and accordingly a movement against
Russian interests. King Milan well un
derstands that his throne is threatened
by the intrigues of pro-Russian sympa
thizers , and possibly considers it safer
promptly to make an ally of Bulgaria ,
ills recent enemy , than to await the de
velopments of Muscovite diplomacy.
Austria will not be sorry to see this good
understanding between the two Balkan
Another revival of the protectionist
craze is being experienced in Franco ,
this time in the direction of making
bread a little dearer. The law increas
ing the duties on wheat from 3 to 5
francs per 100 kilos and those on flour
from 0 to 8 francs , was olllcially promul
gated pestorday. Cargos afloat are not
exempted from the additional tax , but a
bill fixing a term of exemption will be in
troduced by the government right away.
As usual the tariff advances will not stop
here. The idea that clearness in breadstuffs -
stuffs is bettor than cheapness has got a
lirm grip on the French government ,
and proposals are already made to in
crease tlio duties on other cereals and on
cattle. It took several yoirs of corn law
agitation to root that idea out of the
British mind. However , America will
lose little by these higher tariffs. Franco
lias not been of recent years a great mar
ket for our products , and if she chooses
to still further wall up her vast military
camp , we should bo the last people in the
world to Hud fault. The secret of the
situatiok Is the pressing necessity of the
govern mont for revenue , to enable it to
carry the tremendous financial burden.
Writing from Capo Town , South
Africa , Henry M. Stanley expresses be
wilderment at the constant evidence ho
sees of British yielding and shrinking before -
fore noise and bluster. "In the west and
north , " ho says , "Franco and Portugal
have strode with audacious and frantic
haste to exclude British trade. Now I
come to Zanzibar. There i find that the
British fleet has given way to the Gor
man , and that the German traders out
number the British. There is a relent
less acgroasiven ess about the Germans
that 1s ominous. Their manner is
haughty and overbearing , and carries an
air of 'you must. ' The natives look on
in wonder , while , while the British effect
supeib indifference. Zanzibar was like
a ripe plum ready to drop within the pale
of British belongings as a reward of
patient nourishing and of upholding a
feeble state , and at tbo first sign of a Ger
man gunboat it is abandoned. It U no
business of mine , but I confess to a senti
mental regret that English statesmen
should bo so easily vanquished. " It is
another interesting evidence of the de
clining power and/prestige of John Bull.
The clemency showa the leader * of the
recent revolt at Madrid by the queen r -
rent of Spain , evidently has not carried
.ho revolutionary party to call n halt.
Bombs have been put to use against the
chamber of deputies , nnrt the feeling of
alarm has boon revived. Through all
agitations , however , the bit of a king ,
; inllko many of his crowned confreres , ro-
iiams soothed with the sweet syrup of
infancy. Perhaps the little fellow's
dead will not bo woigliti" ! with a crown
when ho shall have grown old enough to
read history. Them Is a Scotch proverb
hat "it's a far cry to Loch Awe , " and
udging from the progress of democratic
.bought in Europe , It is not likely that
? ranco will have imitators In the matter
of republican forms many a month be
fore the last year of the ceutnry.
The ridiculous obtuscuess of tlio czar
of Russia is not a now phase of his char-
urter. He 1ms refused to allow any of his
subjects to takn any part in the promo-
lion of the great exhibition to bo held in
I'aris in 1880 , on the ground that the ex
hibition is the "outcome ot a gigantic
revolution. " As his power is absolute ,
lie can , of course , exercise it how ho
likes , but when ho condemns an enter
prise simply because the government or
ganizing it is republican , ho shows that
! ho fear of dynamite has driven out of his
mperlal head what small amount of
sense it ever contained.
Marriage Endow
ment association , with headquarters at
Minneapolis , has recently "suspended. "
The plan of operation was somewhat
lovel. The constitution of the associa
tion provided that whenever one of its
nembcrs was married all members wore
: o bo assessed $ I each , the married man
to receive $1,000. It developed that a
man named Smith and another named
Jones did all the marrying. A Bangor ,
Maine , a dozen young men paid $75
iach before they discovered the fraud.
They should have married early in the
ramo , in order that their wives could
have taken care of them.
William T. Coleroan of California , who
Hatters himself that he Is a incidental possl-
) llity , has a fortune of $20,000,000 , a bald
liond , and a big mustache.
Governor Ulggs , of Delaware has ap-
lolnted his son altornuy general. The
governor does not appear to share the gen
eral belief that Delaware Is not a Biggs state.
Ex-Congressman Kannoy of Massachusetts
says ho Is perfectly well aware that Mr.
loveland Is "after" the Bay State.polltlcaily
speaking , but he has no fear that it will be
Dan Lament , It Is said In the east , could
lave had one of thecommlssloner.shipsunder
the Inter-state commerce law , but ho refused
t. As assistant president ho has a better
Senator Stanford , being Interviewed upon
His return to California , oxpressesthe opinion
that Cleveland will be the strongest candi
date the democrats can name In 1SSS and that
a majority of republicans aie In favor of
Presidential names will be well repre-
icnted in the Fiftieth congress. Theie will
to a Washington , an Adams , a Taylor , and a
Hayes. Washington , who is from Ten
nessee , will bo the lirst ot the name to sit In
jonijress. For many years the letter Y has
been unrcpiescnted In congress , but it can
now boast the two names Voder and Yost.
Congressman Glover , of St. tiouls , said tea
a San Francisco reporter that "Cleveland's
administration has been very unsatisfactory
to the party In the cast. It has been strictly
a New York administration on the financial
and every other policy. One thing is cer
tain ; If Governor Hill , of. Now York , Is a
candidate for nomination and there Is little
doubt ho will be he will carry the New
York delegation against Cleveland , "
Messrs. Chew , Swallow and Hungering
were recently iruests at a San Francisco
hotel , while Messrs. Fish , Bacon , Plum and
Cooke were located at another house. The
hotels should have pooled their guests.
William Badd , of Melbourne , Is a better
man than his name would Indicate. He
spends half his Income every year in re
lieving the needs of deserving paople.
John Freeze and wife , of Harvard , 111. ,
have been married only twenty years nnd
are the parents of eighteen children , It is no
wonder old settlers complain that the
climate of Illinois has been growing steadily
colder for the last two decades.
Mrs. Marlon Todd Is a successful lawyer In
Albion , tMlch. Her husband ought to be
very fond of his Todd.
A JuRtlQablo Act.
San Km eltco C/n / oniclc.
An Arizona newspaper man wrotoa bio
graphical sketch of every member of the Ari
zona legislature and then went and killed
himself. The coroner's Jury should justify
the act.
Don't All Hpeak at Once.
S < 7iui/cr / ! Ilernl't.
Will some of Russell's admirers please in
form an anxious public what this man of gi
gantic intellect has accomplished at Lincoln ?
Will some one please mention just one thing
that he has accomplished for the good of the
couutiy or stato. Now don't all speak at
once ,
Tlirouch the Mist.
Itabcl llotcliblsi.
What Is ) ife ? A little grief ,
A little joy , a little pain ,
A smile , a sigh , a sweet refrain ,
A flower , a sadly withered leaf
And then what then ?
What avails this little btay
Amid the toil , amid the strife ,
Amid the busy walks ot life.
This working on to day
And then what then ?
What Is life ? A twice-told talc ,
An hour of Jov , a year of pain ,
A bitter loss , a little gain ,
With none to care If we should tall ,
And then what then ?
A little climbing up the height ,
A little gazing at the skies
With smiling , and with tearful eyes ,
Until the beautv fades from Bight ,
And then what then ?
A llttlo sunlight thro' the mist ,
A friend to love perhaps , a day
Of hope , so soon to pass away ,
An ancel'a voice Oh , list , oh , list I
And then what then ?
What Is life ? A little space
In which to work , In which to wait
The will of some remorseless fate ,
Another boundary line to trace ,
And then what then ?
THK appointment of 0. V. Gallagher as
postmaster of this city touches a string on
the harp of recollection t o which old settlers
like to lend a llstenlngcar. The coming "In
cumbent" Is the youngest who was ever hon
ored In a similar manner In this city. Still
he is apparently but little more active than
A. D. Jones , the flrrt postmanter of this city ,
who received the oRlclal honor thirty-four
years ago. Uoth these gentlemen were teen
together yesterday a matter ef moment
only In a democratic point of view be
cause it WM a kind ot blitor-
Ical joining In Nebraska of the
adaUoUtratloai of Fraaklla Piewe a4
Orovcr Cleveland a bridging ever a demo
cratic clmsm of aomo thirty-live years , In
fact one might say It was a communion of
the near end of a party beginning and a near
beginning of a party cud.
In November , 1853 , A. D. Jones came to
Omaha that Is to pay , to the spot where
Omana vi as afterwards located , and through
the Inlluciico of Doctor Enos Lo\vo ho wn.s
appointed postmaster and given autboiily
for the following federal sign :
A. 1) . Joxr.ii ,
There was no appropriation for the trans
porting of the malls to Omaha In those d.iys
so Mr. Jones had to do the work per
sonally. Tims ho was postmaster , mall car
rier , inixll deliverer and In fact combined the
entire olllce torco In hltnsolf. In May , 1S. ,
ho claims to have erected his jiostoflleo In
Park Wild subsequently Tralntown , Just
south of the Union 1'acltlc depot. Subse
quently ho announrcd that he would deliver
mall matter at the "Dig Six , " which was the
first stloon In Omaha and located at tlio cor
ner of Thirteenth and Chicago streets.
It was kept by a man named
Clancy , who was a prominent member of the
first legislature. Subsequently the olDce was
removed to the Douglas house , corner of
Thirteenth and Hartley , which had been
elected by David Llmiloy. The latter was
appointed deputy and had the honor of being
the first olllclal of that kind in Omaha. An
ax box was the Mist real mail receptacle In
"these parts , " being a substantial Huccossor
to the ancient hat of Mr. Jones. The man
agement of the ollico was afterward given
to a Mormon named Frank , who
was ouo of the refugees from
Fontcnellc , Neb. , when the Indians
nrndo their famous raid on that historical
Klkhorn town , lie kept the mall In a bushel
basket and anyone Inquiring for a letter had
to make hlsown selection. Mr. Jones resigned
his position and locommendod Mr. Llndley.
The latter received his commission , but ,
strange to Ray , he refused. Democrats In
those days seem to have boon dilTercut In
some respects from their brothers of the pres
ent. In fact , for a tlmo the olllco wont "a-
begglng. " Finally the Mormon , Frank , was
made postmaster.
# #
W. W. Wynian , father of A. U. Wyman ,
Into treasurer of the United States and now
vice president of the Otnaha National
bank , succeeded Frank and was the
first to get the Omaha postofllee In
shape , as well as the lirst to
have lady employes as tlm members
ot his family attended principally to the bus
iness of the olllco. Ho soon afterward
erected a brick building on the northeast
corner of Douglas and Thirteenth , which
was for so many years the headquarters of
the Herald , and afterwards of the Repub
lican. To this structure the postofllco was
then removed. T. H. Robertson got the next
commission and moved the olllce to the
southeast corner of Tenth and Farnain
streets. The citizens did not like the now
incumbent and got up a remonstrance which
ofllclally decapitated him and placed
Mr. Wyman again in charge.
Ho was succeeded by Charles Hamilton , the
well known banker , but strange to nay , a re
monstrance also struck his olllclal ship aoaft
the bulnnacle , and Mr. Wyman acaln ap
peared on the quarter deck. The olllco under
the Hamilton administration was kept In the
rear of the railroad ticket ofUco on the north
east corner of Fourteenth and Farnnm.
Then came George Smith as postmaster ,
lie removed the olllco to the Caldwell block
on Douglas street midway between Thir
teenth nnd Fourteenth. J. 11. Kullom suc
ceeded Mr , Smith niul continued the olllce
at the "old stand. " Joel T. Grillin eJ
next received postmaster recognition
and was tlio last ofllccr to occupy a routed
building lor postollico purposes in Omaha.
It was , during a portion of his administration ,
located in Simpson's building on Fourteenth
street. The present federal structure was
completed in July 187.3 and the poslofllce re
moved thereto. Mr. Griffin was ousted from
his position because of using some mall sacks
for grain purposes on his farm during a prosi
of grain shipments. It also brought him
"into court" and cama very near being th
cause of surluus trouble to him. Caspar E
Yost succeeded Mr. Urillin who in turn gave
way to Thomas F. Hall and then came the
present incumbent Charles K. Cou '
tant who has only a day or two to
walte before the politically expressive wordi
of "Lcttor go Gallagher" will sound in hit
All these postmasters of course represented
the different political shades of Nobiaska.
Mr. Smith was the first incumbent .under
state organisation and was the appointee of.
the present governor , then Senator John M ,
Thayer. Tlio latter controlled the pationaga
until Senator 1' . W. Hitchcock secured the
position for Mr. Yost. Senator Saunders
gave this federal plum to Thomas F. Hall
and Senator Maiiderson transferred It to Mr.
Coutanfc The new postmaster , Mr. Oalla-
cher , being n democrat has of course no sen
atorial backing from this state , his influence
being directly from the Hon. Johif A. Mc-
Sliane , the state of Nebraska's lirst dome
cratlc represents live.
Should 1 Not Love Him ?
Baiter 7/i/mn H'rUfcn for the Sunday lite.
Dropped fioin the star that the angels hold
Glittering bright In the nous-ringing sklee ,
Lol in the manger of Bethlehem ,
Jesus the Savior , the heavun-born lies ,
heaving the glory the Father had ,
Giving up all for the sinner lhat fell
Oh I If Ills love gave up all for me ,
Should I not love hint who loved me s
well ?
Knowing nil sorrow , acquaint with grief ,
Tempted as i am , afflicted , maligned ,
Homeless , < -and hungered" nndboatou , dls-
pLsed ,
Healing the slclr , giving Rlcht to the bllndj
Raising the fallen , forgiving sins ,
Doing and sulTeilnu all 110 tongue can tell ,
Thin was Ills love for a sinner Hko mo-
Should I not love Him uho loved moie
well ?
Bowed In the garden , betrayed , accused ,
Dragged unto judgment and falsely con
demned ,
Thorn-crown'd , to Calvary bearing Ills cross ,
Mockod-by the throng In whoso hate He li
hemmed ;
Hall-pierced and crucified , dying there
Oh , love of Christ that nil lure doth excel I
This Is the love with which He loved mo ,
Should 1 not love Him who loved ma 80
well ?
Still and unseen as the secret hands
Op'nlug the tomb for the clear-rising day ,
Was the light touch of the angels there ,
Rolling the stone that was guarded , away ,
Lo , Resurrection and Life have comet
IIopu In the toll of the funeral belli
Christ now Is risen and llvos for mo I
Should 1 not love Him who loves mo newell
well ?
Gather the lllle * and wreathe the cross ,
Cover it over with Uowors all fair ,
Never again life so pure and sweet ,
Ever can fade as wai sacrificed there.
Flowers and fr francflaudHajr'r and praise ,
Oh I let my heart with IU gratitude swell ,
Breathing the incense of Bister Joy ,
For I do lav * Ul who lorn me w wull.
, Lv U. OAK * ,