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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1887)
2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEX SUNDAY , APRIL 10 , 1887.-TWELVE WEARIED WITH THE TRIM , the Haddock Murder Oaso Tiring Oat Judge , Jury and Lawyers- JTHE EVIDENCE ALMOST ALL IN ffho Stnto ItcstBlta Case and the De fense Proceeds With Its Itobut- tnt Testimony Several Sa loonkeepers Testify , Warm Wcathur Knocking Them Out 8ioux CITY , la. , April 0. The warm weather anil the slinln of curiosity the1 pasl tew days has materially told on the attendance - anco at tlio Haddock murder trial. The Judge. Jury and lawyers weary. The first witness called this iiiornlnR was Aluion , who gave a description of the doorway In \vhlch iluhl statud ho stood when hn saw Leavltl liru the shot , The screen aoors llttetl clorc to the outside door sill so HS to pro hlbit anyone Mnmllni : upon It. A Juurna reporter related his Interview with I'aul Leader In Kansas City and In conversation Iximli-r said ho could not see the man whc Cred the snot plain enough to Identify bun. leader did not say anything about the assassin wearing a rubber A Jackson W < w recalled and nald tlut the witness fechroeder , who saw from the Columbia nouso window Lcavltt llro the shot , while living at Lnko Hcnton , would steal money earned by his wife at washing and spend It kor liquor. In the Haddock trial this afternoon James Oliantloy , city marshal , test I lied that ho lirsl 'flaw James C. duhl at Norfolk , Neb. , In No ycnibor. Juhl told witness In a convcrsatlor tola ! I nc to thn murder that on that night IK Vitood In thu dourwav to keep out of the rain : Saw thu btiKg-i pass and In about live minute. BIX men went past him , Kolnt : east. Onu oi Ihoso men laigo and heavy set , with Ilghl inoustacho ho know by slRht , having Mrank with him. Witness w.v phowu n statement , which ho salt jbo wrote and read to Juhl .who signed It ; Juhl told him Gcornu W. Kel jtoKg wanted him to Hwnar that John Arena 'tjort was not the man who lircd the shot ] § > roinLitnc him a good round sum of mono ) L If ho would do no. and offering him halt tin anm If ho would keup still and not say any' ' tiling to the officers In Sioux City. James Nelon , ctilof of police , saw Juhl | Xlnt out the spot where Haddock fell ant ft happened to bo on thu wrong cross Ing ; was at pollco headquarters when xhu shot was tired ; Lurch's saloor Is just north of the stairway ; no ono stood Ir. front of the saloon but Kerch : ISismarck am jpledrlck were not thisru ; John Woodrull tftood on the porch u square west of the blow ery when the shot was tired ; a lew minute ! > fetter ho saw two men run from the railroat ; racK to the Uermanla hotel ; they ran to tin 'rout door ; couldn't get In ; ran around to tin ck door , one reappearing a little later , go- og east on south SIUH of the street ; onnoi Lhemon was heavy-set and the other talloi ind slimmer. M. M. Curtis , constable and night watch- .limn , said on the nUht of the murder hi went west to the alloy on Fourth street IUH 'jnet Arunsdorf , Urton and Junk. 11 o oskec them If there was any truth In the rcpor that Haddock was killed. They said tlmj hoard tliatold man Cavonauch and Haddocl iSvero killed. They didn't know which I ' [ Wai. On cross-examination the defensi undertook to show that wltnes : wlwas drunk nn that night Witness tpstlliei that he called on the brother of Jnhl. wh < paid that the latter made a contradictor jptatomont , and ho would not bellvo liln 'jimderoath. When witness brought Juhl ti lotix City ho pointed out John Aronsdorf find Juhl said ho did not know him. ; T. H. Alurphy also contradicted Juhl's ovl donee glvnn for the defense. , , The state thun rested and the do Jenso proceeded In rebuttal. Sovcra 'jrnloon keep < ! rs tos tilled to Gu Schmidt's good moral character and Schnild bid that the bad character given him by th JLake ticnton witnesses was due to his belni convicted of stnallnc four cans of oysters % VUh the exception of ono more witness th gpfeuso rests and the evidence Is completed Jit Is understood that .souin time will be occu nled In presenting legal questions to th fcnurt before counsel will bo able to submll Ihuir arguments to the Jury. Imrrnbeo Acnlnat tlio Burlington. . DKMOINKS , la. , April 9. 1 Special Tele gram to the BEIS.I Governor Lnrraben prc Bunted to the railroad commissioners to-da pis charge against the Chicago , liurllngtoi A Qulncy road lor 83,400 , , which he claims I pue the state for overcharge by the coinpan ' for hauling coal to a state Institution n Clenwood. Thn governor charges that th Railroad ratn Is not Justified by the rates o ether roads for similar charges , and Is ej .Bossivo as compared wltli the company'ti owi rate In other classes of freight. He made peech of two hours' length in favor of con : jpnlllng the railroad to reduce Its rate. Th ilde of the company was pri'sented by Gen jtral l-'roUht Acent Ulploy. of Chicago. Th commlssln took the case under advlsorner. will leport later. < The Ooe College Presldoncy. ' * CKDAR JUi'ins , la. , April 9. Coo collesri Cedar Uaplds , calls Prof. Samuel J. Kirl mood , of Wonster university. Ohio , to tl ; .presidency. Prof. Klrkwood Is u nephew < ix-Uovernor Klrkwood. Cralti'n Narrow Escape. OAKLAND , Nob. , April . ( Special TeU 'rram ' to the BUE.I A telegram was receive , bere this afternoon nt 2 o'clock that the er tlrn town of Craig was likely to bo destroyo | > y Ore and help was wanted. About lift uersons boarded the train for Crate. Th | lro originated In the south of town. At on time it waa thought the entire town woul too destroyed , lly great exertions by bol fnon and women the lire wifs kept from tl business houses and residences. A high wlr wasblowinit and water was scarce. Tr Josses are as follows : JNoah Lanuford , S5i on 1,000bushels of corn and building ; J < flavors , 8MK ) on barn and contents ; E iOlbbs , $100 in Ice. There were ether sma losses. Several rosldenco.1 were damaged. . ' IB considered almost a miracle that the tow was saved. In Total D.irknom at Midday. COLUMIIUS , Nob. , April 0. ( Si > eclal Tel rraiu to the Bun.J Quo of the most terrl : windstorms has boon prevailing nil da tobmiuenclnB about 7 o'clock a. in. , with i jrtiatomcnt at 8 n. tn. Almost a total dur pess existed at 2 p. m. and lasted about 1 tarn minutes. Tito stores bail to light u liie dlatrlctcourt adjourned temporarily ai Cnany persons wuro moved with fear ai ought tholr cellars. Several theories are a fHticed as to the cause of such a stran { phenomenon , but It was doubtless a sai , totm trom the southeast. Some slight dai Ago to several buildings and a total demolh Ing of the wires of the telephone and olocti light are the result. " They Iilko the Appointment. NoitFonrc , Ntb. , April " . . -Special [ to t JJKK.I The appointment of Ex-attorn General Isaac I'owerstothe new judgeship this district Is well received here , lie w probably hold the Wnyno term of cou which convoues next week. A petition is quietly circulating nmo democrat.1 * todayslcliip the appointment Wr. Charles a. Oarland , a popular cltUon , the position ot n pobtmaster whcu a than ToDznllu'a Now Town. , Nct > . , April I' ' . A. E. Touzall tor sldunt of thu Chicago , liurllngtou A N fcf-rn railroad , a part of tha Jiurllngton s ; . tem , who purchased a tract of 1,000 acres 11 JBllo.s from the the business center of I. coin last fall , baa ordered thn whole tr Matted Into n town to bit called liaveloi It Is now almost certain tlmt this new to Is to t > fl the Kite of exteiihlve car shops to puilt by the Uurllugtou road. Jf thin Is I ( WHO It Is safe to say that l.lncolns 10. vconlu will bo In creased to CO.COO by the e Jl.1837. lv/i. 'i Trial of the Train Wrecker * . i f NnuiiASKA. CITV , Nob. , Ai > rll 9. fHpec 'Telegram to the BKK.I The trial ot Da' wu rwutued ( Ula morning , but I attendance was very Iteht. The defense In troduced but little testimony to show the ptevloui good character ot the prisoner , as there scorned to. be a foregone conclusion that such a thin ? was useless as the prisoner was without money or friends. The argu ments be an at 10 o'clock and will ho com pleted this afternoon. U Is the universal opinion that the verdict will bo murder In the Urst degree. Darn and Horaon Burned , CI.AIIKSON , Neb. , April 9Special [ to the UKK.J The barn of K. Hlrschlag , togetliei with Its contents , which Included a line tcum of horbes , was destroyed by llro here. Loss 83,000. _ Bteninslilp Arrivals. NKW VortK , April 9. ISpeclal Tele gram to the HII : : . | Arrived The Bteamei Umbrla from Liverpool. SOUTHAMPTON. April 0. Arrived The fiti'umer llugia Irom Now V'ork lor Hani' burg. > The City mid tin Divisions. 1 ho city council finally settled upon UK city's boundaries and wards last umht. 11 } the cut which Is below given seine Idea maj bu obtained of the by uo moans rcgulai divisions ot the city. All the councllmcn were present when UK roll was called. The call for the special meeting was tend , and the npptova ! of the major of bevernl ordinances was duly rn cclvud and placed on lite. Another communi cation trom the mayor was not so quickly disposed of. It was the one calling attention to the necessity of dividing the wards Intc voting places by the following : "I respect fully call your attention to the necessity ol prompt action In the matter of establishing voting districts In the several wards. The proclamation for the election must be Issued on Wednesday next and before that time tin ordinance should bo passed dotcimlnlni ; the the voting districts. The communication was re fin red to Councllmcn Lee , DiUley , Lowry and Ualloy. A petition was received from about fifty voters of the Fourth ward to illi Ido It Into two or moro voting districts , and It was followed by like requests from voters of the north end ot the .sixth ward and from ether voters of the fourth ward. Tlio requests were leferred to the appropriate committee. oTlio city treasurer submitted a report as to thu compliance of property holders on Leav en woith Htieet with the tenders for damages caused by changing the grade. It was tiled. A report recommending the passage of the grade oidinanco of Leavcnworth street was adopted. Then the council settled down to short , sharp and decisive business. The following oidlnanccs wore passed : Changing the grndo of Leavcnworth street from Sixteenth to Thirty-sixth streets. Coun cilmen Cheney and Foid voted no. To submit to the electors ot the city the proposition to consent to the construction and operation of a street railway by tin Omaha & houth Omaha .Street Hallway com p.iny. Culling for a special election to secure tin consent of the majority of the cloctois ot tin city to construction and operation of a stree railway with cars propelled by electricity compressed nlr or horse power , or by suet other power except steam locomotive as iut 5 be practicable , by the Cable Tiamway com pany of Omaha. To define the boundaries of the wards of tin city of Omaha. The following diagram Is i correct , though not artistic , representation o how the city Is divided. It will bo observoi that the formation of some of the wards Is li regular : { Southeast Line of Florence- . 6th u 2 . . 5 . . Wayne St ? : A ! si Charles : 8 : I s Caaa Chlcazo . i Ja'n Leavenworth St : 2. S2 7. tr 4-1 41o ! 8. : F Street The distance from the north to the soul boundary of the city Is seven and ono-elghl miles. The loncest distance from east I west Is four miles and the shortest throe mile An ordinance dividing ? the city wards lui colling districts was introduced , read a lir and second time , aud referred to a spec ! committee. The council adjourned untU Monday ( t ' evening. MX BUS' PLANS CHOSEN. The OomnilsRlounra Finally Solec Ucvlirns for tlio County Hospital. The cou nty commissioners yesterday d elded upon the plans for the proposed counl hospital by the selection of the plans of AI B. K. Myers , of Detroit. The examlnatlo of the several plans was completed on Thur day and Commissioners O'Keefg and Mom were ready to make tholr decision at th time. Mr. Tlmtno , however , was not pn pared to vote at that time and an mljouri mcnt was taken until 3 o'clock yosterui afternoon. At tlmt time Mr , Tlmnio aga refused to vote upon the plans and Uomml Blouers Mount and O'Koefe took up the ma tor. It was disclosed that Architect Myoi of Detroit provides fora building to accoi modate lft > patients for 8112,000. Mendc ssohn A Lawrle. ot this r.lty , present plai providing for 133 patients , for 51SO.OC Cochran , of Chicago , furnishes plans for structure accommodating 103 patients , f At 4 o'clock the two commissioners en thuir votes In favor of Mr. Myers * plan Mr. Tlmrue refralnlne from votlnic. Befo thn ballot was token Mr. O'Keefa offered tl following resolution , which was adopted : Itesolvcd , That the architect whose plai for the proposed Uouu'las county hosplt may be accepted by the county board Mit furnish working cietull of thosamo Incltulli steam licatlne nnd sewerage , nnd that sa architect shall furnish bond in tha auiou of 20,000 , cnarantcelng the accuracy at completeness ot thu said plans and shall al be responsible tn Douglas county In tl above mentioned amount for any omlssloi In t > ald plans , nnd bo It further Hesolved , That tha detail plans nbo RpoclllPd shall be furnished to the coun board Immediately nf tor they shall ) > o copied. llov. A. W. Iinm r , the now pastor of t Flrbt liaptlst church , arrived with his fnml In this city last evening at 0 o'clock. Th have taken rooms , for the present , at the U ; kor hotel. The reverend gentleman ent ( upon his pastoial duties this morning. J , Ross Robertson , of the Toronto Kvenli Telegram , Is In the city on a visit , lie Is t Ktiest of Mr. Leslie , of the llrtn of Lcj-l'.o LcsIIu. A. Stronc Assrmbly or PiTTSiiuiiu , April 0. The requlslto nu bf r of assemblies of the Knights of Lab signed , yesterday for the formation of a sta assembly of Iron woikcn . 1'he new orxac zatlon will embrace nothlur but th ( workers , and It in expccteol to bo the strongi labor Society In the atale. U will numb Its advocates uy , uut lesa Uiau ' < U,000 uiuu. WEEKLY BUSINESS REVIEW , Obicago Financial Affairs in the Same Condition As a Fortnight Ago. NO DIFFICULTY IN BORROWING. Bunkers 1'urstilnc n Very Conserva tive Courae Stock linylnc Abroad Itcportcd Quito Ijlbcrnl Pro visions Killed Qulot. The AVuok In thn Commercial World. CHICAGO , April a ISpeclal Tulomm to the liia : . ] Local financial affairs remain In about the same condition ns noted for the past two or three weeks. Tlio fi-cllng Is ( | iilto lirm , though the market Is not eloso nor fctrlngent. The demand for loans comes largely from a miscellaneous botuce , and as bankers are moderately well supplied with loanable funds , borrowers In good standing experience no particular dllllculty In obtain ing nil the favors desired. .Hankers , how ever , are pursuing a very conservative course and confining tholr discounts , especially on speculative paper , to rather wldo margins. Speculators are n little more Inclined to en- gngo In transactions and seek Increased ac commodations at banks. Shlpocrs of grain and pi o visions arc virtually out ot the loan market. Dealers In lumber are moderate boi rowers , but generally oll'or short date paper. Wholesale merchants ask for some favors , but tholr needs nro not pressing , ns trade has slackened somewhat The demand from the Interior for money has boon moder ately active and shipments were qulta liberal , especially to the corn and oats districts. Very little outside paper was accepted. Uatos of Interest nro well maintained at COT pet cent for call and 0@8 per cent for time loans. Homo business was doing on the street at 0@3 per cent. Eastern money markets exhibit a little more strength , and Interest rates have slightly ad vanced. Forelirn advlcos indicate uo parti cular change in the leading markets. Money , s roportud rather plenty and Interest rates aver borrowers. Now York exchange was lie red moderately and the demand was fair , ittlo moro was presented by shippers. Thn narkot ruled stronger and sales were made > otween banks at Uo@TO cents discount per 1,000 , and closed steady at 25@30 cents. For- igu exchange was somewhat unsettled and atos ruled a little Irregular. Shippers Ixty days documentary was offered modor- toly early In the week , wallo the dumnud ttas light and sales were at S4.8T K@1.S2 > / , ator the demand was moro urgent , while HITS were lighter and rales were advanced .o S4.S3t4.83 } , and closed rather steady at .he Improvement. Considerable more life was manifested In the New York stock mar ket during the week Just closed. Outside operators were Inclined to do moro trading itnd eastern speculators were operating in lancer lines than usual. Most of the leading railroads are reporting Increased earnings , \nd this has encourhifed speculators to pur chase more freoly. The action of the Inter- itato commission In suspending thn enforce nent of the "long and short haul" clause foi ninety days on the petition of the Soutli Car olina railroad company has been ac cepted by speculators In stocks as c 'ndlcatlon that little attention will bo given ha , new law until the commission have had an opportunity to investigate such mat as may be presented to them. The leading .stocks have shown more strength and price : were Improved , though outslda urlces were not fully supported to the close. Chlcagc operators have transacted only a moderate buslnsss In stocks and chlolly conlined thuli operations to western lines. Amorlcar securities were steadier In London am foreign speculators were moro Inclined tc purchase leading lines In the New Yorl market. Sales on the New York stock ex change for the week were 2,453,000 shares Petroleum exhibited n little more activity during the past week'and fluctuations n prices exhibited a wider and higher range. . ' 'Shorts" purchased to some extent. Sale ; on the Now Yoi k petroleum exchanco rcachei 5 , 47,000 barrels. The opening sales wen made at G3Kc , sold at ( > .iJ6 < iiWa and closet steady at G4c. The intervention of a holi day curtailed trading In produce circles con siderably during thn week , yet the days ot which the board of trade was in session wit ne.ssed considerable trading In all branches Speculators In praln , especially were inclined to do n little mori trading in n eeucral way , while tin receiver has been fancied ivltli quite libera consignments , and shipping was purchase ! wtth the same freedom. Prices lluetimtei considerably , though within a modurat range , and exhibited little change from tin current during the week previous. So fa the new order of things under the Intor-stati commerce law has had some little effect 01 shipments eastward , but the decrease has no been as large as anticipated. The receipt of grain were nulto liberal of all kinds , nm Inspection Indicated a coed percentage o contract grades. In speculative circles short were moderately free purchasers , while ther was less realizing by those on the "long1 side of the market Stocks reported abroai are quite liberal for this season of the yeai The export movement was modoratejy lara and widely distributed. The weather ha been somewhat unseasonable ana reports o damage to rrops has been frequent. Fnrr work , too , has been retarded in some section by storms of sleet and snow. Advices fron abroad have not been very favorable to seed era , and eastern markets developed no pai tlcular elements of strength. Provision have ruled rather quiet with prices favorabl to buyers , due mainly to Increased stock and the favorable pnmass ot packtnir In th west Hoeolpts of live stock nt all wester points continue moderate. GEIZZLY JOE. Written for Utt Sunday See. by Sumner Jolmsai "Grizzly Joe" is what they cill : him u in the mountains whom the pmo tree kiss the sun-touched clouds nn the water bubbles out of the rocks lik nectar distilled from the daw of th realms ol Olympus. Ho registered th other day in a scrawling hand , "Joson Weston , Wyoming , " and replied to query of how ho liked Omaha , with th characteristic : "Wall , 1 dunno. Jest got in. " Grizzly Joe lives 8,000 foot above sal water lovcl , In a cabin that nestles 'wa up at the foot of the highest peak c Wind River range. And it's apicturcsqu spot ! Down past the very door.almost , c the half log and half 'dobe shack , tnai ing out of a canyon as if , maddened b long imprisonment , rolls and tumble and leaps and laughs a crystal stream Just beyond Joo's cabin1 there is a leva grassy spat , and there the- brook takes moment to brcatho. Then it dashc madly down the declivity again , wmdin and twisting through the gorges an draws until it is lost to sight in the qvoi green of the mesa which , a thousand fee below , stretches miles away. Jo wont up there nobody but ho know wh with ttvo scraggy horses , nearly a scoi of years ago , Now his sleek and suppl < limbed baud of pouios numbers an eve thousand. When Joe toiled up lit mountain side on that sunny mornln twenty years ago ho had a heavy ban around nix sombrero , and on the wage which ho drove was a woo , toddiin child. As ho grow grayer and grizzly , e that ho gained his sobriquet , the ball blossomed into a maiden of nhapoly fori and face like Diana of old. She kno nothing of corset , French heel , or bustli but she could cook her daddy's meal And she could rope for herself the will est broncho of her father's bunc and sit like a centaur whllo plunged and bucked with desperate su prise at finding , so strange a croatui upon Its back. Slio could shoot , too m with the ornamented bow of the are hoi club but with her ringing rifle whic sent leaden death to the heart of tl black tail. . Five years ago Griz/ly .Too took h daughter down , to Lunuule , City &i * * . . < * * , found her n homo Iri the family of nn old friend. Ho said : "Tho gal hoz lived up thar in the mountains with mo nn' don t know nothlu' cent to cook nn'work an1 ride a hess , I want VQ'U to cdlcato her. " Accordingly she was 'NiiUcatuil , " and "tho gal" soon ( fovulopcd into a refined young lady. That she had , admirers goes with out tlio saying , because ns tlio bttttcrlly emerges from Its crysalls so had she takun upon her all.thu delightful femi ninities that her now .surroundings pur- mittcd , and lost nothing of her natural charms. In the garden city of the Laramie plains none of. thu buautics with her could compare. ' Hut , strangely enough , she eiul nut lese her heart until ono day , a dashing stranger rode by her and gallantly doll'od his hat. Ho managed his hloodcd horse with matchless skill ns hn kept within the streets ti Imlf hundred equities to which thu thoroughfare wns n prison fonlinc. She saw him twice afterward , atul when ho wont away , without over having spoken a word , she knew that her love had been taken with him. - Two years ago Urixzly came down from his mountain fastness atul wlii-n ho returned took her home again , on a visit only "for 'twottldn't bo no place now fur ye , " as ho said , while his eyes rested lovingly and admiringly on this fashion ably attired young "woman who had rlponed from the wild flower blossom he had nurtured in the years gone by. . Three days alter she returned , twenty of Joe's best horses suddenly atul mysteriously disappeared , "Suspect Teton Jack's been round hero , " muttered the old man as he buckled on his six-shooters with a glean : in his eyes. "Uo raided Brady's raticl last week , " ho added , "an * got awaj with thirty of the best horses in the bunch. " "Shall I go with you , dad ? " asked the girl , her old loyo for a wild free ridt ioming over her. "No , " ho answered 'there's likelihood of boln' too longr chase , " nnd then ho muttered under hit jrcath , "an' work a gal Imint gotne jusiness for tor see. " So ho rode oil' will lis horse on a free , swinging lope , dowr he side of the mountain and she \vv tlone In her beloved old homo. Three 01 bur hours passed and she was singinj gladly about the humble cabin whili jiving the" interior the faney touches vhich only n woman's hands can do when a shadow darkened the low door way and to her startled glance was re velled a horseman outside. U was hci toro , as she had oftun pictured him ii icr memory , sitting his horse with tin same grace with which ho had swop hrough the Gem City's streets month ! ) ofore. lie saluted her with courtlj nioin and asked simply for a drink o water , limidly she gave it to him , whili tor face burned as it never had before .la bent over low to thank her , drank the water slowly nnd then asked her when icr father was. "He has gone after semi of his lost horses. " she replied , atu added : "Ho thinks they have been rui off by Toton Jack. ' , "Is that so ? " the stranger asked ; "ant what do you know of Teton Jack ? " "Nothing , " she said , "except that ho' ; i horscthtef and a bad man and. outrht t < 30 hanged. " "So you think , do you ? " ho repliet moodily. "Well , , perhaps that's so Tell your father whun ho comes that Tc .on Jack called to ° pny > his regards , ant regrets that ho was not at homo. " ' ' " she hi and her 'What ! yon ! lf-gasped eyes dilated with terror. But his horsi lad made a sudden" spring , and with : snort of pain madly plunged away. A revolver craclrup the trail was heard Thu rider , lirm as hu sat in his scat ivas for once caught off his guard. Hi reeled and fell from the saddle , and tin lorso went Hying down the rugged path Down the mountain 'Hrail ' from abovi amo two horsem'en with weapons a cock , nnd before/.Ulfli-/dismounted / thie could rise he wasicovered by two ugl ; pistols. * f , "Throw up your ha.ndg nnd say youi prayers , " shouted Joo. "Oh. father , father , don't kill him lon't doit , don't shoot ! " screamed tin girl. girl.It was no longer Teton Jack , tin dreaded horse thief , tlio merciless band ! who had coolly sent a bullet through th lieart of many a man , It was the hero o her dreams , her lirst lover , and yet i lover unconfcsscd , who stood stillonl ; there , his hands in tlio air , his dark eye gliinminir with the desperado courage which had made him the terror of th Wind River range and the ogre of the Bij Horn basin. "What do you mean , gal ? What d < you mean1' shouted Gri7.vly. : "Stain out'cn the way I" But she never movei and slowly she paid : "He may bo thief ; he die , perhaps , but yo shall not shoot him like n dog. Ho is dc fonscless. Seel" and she picked fron the ground the ivory handled revolve which hud fallen from the belt as he wa thrown. Then with u sudden inspire lion , she turned and leveled it full at th horse-thief's breabt. "Go ! " sh screamed. "Run for your life. No on shall follow you until you nro out o sight. Then take care of yourself. Gc and if you escape , live to bo a belte man. " Grizzly sat transfixed by the fierce ness which he had never seen before The thief turned like a flash nndboundc like a deer toward the stunted pine which lined the creek below. In tl in in ute ho was out of sight. The horsoino followed him but ho was gone. Wlui they were searching in tlio chapparr they heard a ringing shout of dehanc across the western raise and looked jus in time to see the king of the how thieves and n confederate sweeping awa toward the setting sun. Down in th canyon which lay Between thorn were tli missing horses , all except one. That on Teton Jack was riding toward his in penetrable lair , the Teton basin of my ; lerious legend. A year afterward Jac was caught in a lone cabin in the Hi Horn country. His captors kept hit that time , and ho is now serving out i Idaho a fourteen years sentence for on of his many crimes. What beonme.of the "gal ? " That wr substantially the question which wa asked of Grizzly as he shook hands wit n friend nnd boarded the train fc Wyoming last night. r'Shn's livln1 down in Coloradv , " ho n plied. "Forgot Tetn\Jack ? Lord blci you , yes ; married and got a baby. " A Noted { ( female Dora. BALTiitoriE , Md. , A'rirll 0. fSueclal Tel gram lethe BEE.I TluVjfates seem to I fightlne hard agalnslitMrs.Velthea A. En mons , the eccentric Wife 'of Prof. Emmon Manager Colvln , of ? > t.h't | Viaduct hotel i Kclay house , on thuBaltimore ) & Ohio ral road , says : "I have 4fhae } Jno end of troub with Mrs. Emuions q'ver "slnco her retur from Europe. I've asked her to leave tl premises and she has refused to KO. Si- says that she Is toA'ltidlsposed to pn nov and that even It she vftts nAt so she would r. < ( ; o until she choose * , f Other cueists ai dreadfully annoyed alld rb continually con plaining of hur coiraucf ] In and about tl hotel. " . i Minors on A Strike , ST.Lotns , April 0. The Globe-Democrat Salem (111. ( ) special says : The coal mine here have gone on a strike. The prices pa ! by the company are 13 } * cents per box of 111 bushels and one peck. .Tho miners dnman fifteen cents , but the company refuses toRli it. The railroad company had just cor pitted a switch to the mine , and thu mine concluded that the company would bo con polled to pay them the increase dcmandui The company have determined not to accw to the demands. Dnrnliardt and tlio Walter. NEW Voitic , April 9. [ Special Telngra to the BKE.J At thu Hoffman , every on 'from the nionrletor down , deny the story Bernhardt's assault on.a waiter , and s ; that the waller named was discharged < .general prluclples. OMAHA DARKIES WHO DANCE A Night Scouo in a Collar on Lower Dodge Street. COLORED BEAUX AND BELLES. A Unlrjuo Prompter How Ho "Calls On" " "OlioatliiK do Oonts" Au Occasion of I'uro and Un- rc.-Uralnecl Merriment. [ IPMenor tha Sunday Ike by " . An lUhlopltiii Itcvol , Omaha pcoplo who have over felt a gnawingdcsiro to see a real old-fashioned plantation darkuy danoo , ought to visit a a dunce hall in the cellar of a saloon building on lower Dodge street. On every Friday night people with such yearnings could witness a crowd of col ored people in turpsichorean orgins which , if not quite as wild and wicrd as the plantation revels , must bo equally as interesting. A reporter visited the place ono night last week. 1'assing down the cellar stops , ho found himself in a small , dingy cellar , which was lighted up by a few feeble coal oil lamps. The lloor was sanded , so as to bo butter accommodated to the foot of the dancers. Several largu posts , which upheld the cniliug , afforded plenty of chance for violent collision. Altogether thu place could hardly bu called inviting. Moreover , It was lilted with a combination of odors anything but pleasant. The throng was a motley ono. Colored gamblers , waiters , cooks , roustabouts and men who could hardly boast of any employment , made up thu malu element ( if the crowd , while Iho female element was nearly equally as mixed. There was the "dandy dark11 with his Hashy neck tie , tiger-spotted shirt and very loud pants ; opposite him perhaps was a loss pretentious colored individual who did not boast of a shirt , much less a collar and whoso clothes looked like a combi nation crazy quilt. Hut he seemed to enjoy himself just as well as his better dressed brother. Among the crowd there wore ono or two white faces to be seen. They belonged to well known characters about town. One soldier , who had strayed away from Fort Omaha , could bo soon glidinir through thn crowd , seemingly enjoying the fun as well as the dusky belle who was his partner. Thes" music started up soon after the reporter had taken his perch on a table. It was furnished by two colored tnen one playing the guitar and the other the violin. 'Ihey played well and in almost perfect time. "Git yer pardners for de quadrille , " shouted the "caller-oil' " prompter or - , mounting a chair. This gentleman , whc was known to his friendsns Theo dore , was a whole show in himself Ho was a short , thick-set little fellow , with a jovial , good-natured face and s pleasant habit of showing two lines ol white ivorv whenever ho smiled wind was not infrequently. Ho' was a typica plantation darkey , careless , good natured - turod and happy , with n reculcss disrc card for thu conventionalities , and a cer tain crude native wit .that created end less merriment among the dancers. He had a habit , too. of swaying his bodj backwards and forwards 119 the strains became particularly inspiring , at the same time clapping his hands and beat ing his feet vigorousl } ' , in perfect unisor with the music. vVhcn he became par tioularly excited he would hop from liii chair and jump iuto the contci of the quadrille , directing th < dancers how to go through tlu various changes. All this time he would be keeping perfect time with his hands and feet. In short ho was u spectacle comically irresistible. The music quickens and the lularitj becomes fast and furious. "Partlners alll" shouts the prompter. Eight ebony dancers meet and swing. ' 'Balance aerossl1' ho continues. The on ! or is obeyed. "Grand right and wrong ! " ho yells crowing excited as the niusio become ) quickcr.Tlus is his own particular vcrsior of the order "grand right and left. " The darkeys understand him and go througl the change. "Swing de partnqrsl" continues tha prompter , beating time with his feet which resembled in size two Whittakoi hams. "Hyah , you Georgiol" he adds "doan yon lit ' dat ar dress so high 'Member do white folks is lookin * at ye.1 Georgia hears him , but don't take thi very broad hint. "Gents balance to do right , " nays tin prompter , clapping his hand vigorously "Look out dab , you Sam , " lie continues "doan' you hug datSuse so tight. Hei feller done watchin' you ! " A hearty guffaw goes through the roon in which thu Theodore joins as loudly a ; anyone. 'Ladies cheat or swing ! " comes thi next command. It is obeyed. Tills is i change about which little is known by tin average modern dancer. The ladies paste to the different male dancers in the set and if they choose to'swing , grasp then by the waist and turn twice. If the lad ; wants to "cheat , " however , she advance toward the gent , as if about to balanci with him , and then suddenly slips awaj from him , leaving him badly in the lurch This is quite appropriately called "cheat ing" him. "Every body rag ! " is the next order , and every ono obeys. 'Ragging" is a feature of the danci which probably originated with tin darkies. At any rate it is most largely indulged in by them. The male dancer when hu "rags , " kicks his feet into tin air , nt the same time bending his bed : into all sorts of grotesque shapes. Tin female "raggor" tways her body to am fro , as she her "dress and jerks 1 higher than strict ideas of propriety would warrant. All this is done in per fect time with the music , which is of tha quick and jerky sort so admired by the negroes. These dances are kept up until 2 or o'clock in the morning by which tinn every ono having imbibed freely feel hilariously happy. Once in a while som jealous swain starts a light with a mon successful rival and then 'do razors an allyin' in do air. ' As a general thins ; however , good order provails. Unles totally upset by whisky , the Oman : darkey cares more for the pleasures o the dance than ho dons for the pleasure of fight'incr. And ho governs himself ac cordlngly. _ Another Railroad Byntllonlo. JACKSON vi LLK , Fla. , April 0. It is statei hero that the lUchmond Terminal syndlcat are negotiating for the purchase of the Oeoi Kia Central , of Georgia , and thu Horid railway and Navigation company's system n Florida roads. The prim paid for the Klor Ida road Is said to bo 510,000 per mile. 'Iher are S50 miles in the system. Rent Aclrntlon PAHI3 , April 0. The Llgtsfl des Antl I'roprletalres.compowl of advanced anarch Ists , have widely circulated among thojKwrc quarters of I'arls a handbill urging not ; payment ot rent. The appeal has little I any effect _ Oil Refinery nurnlnir. riTTsnuno , 1'a. , April 0. A fire Is ragln at the 13 * > ur Creek oil rctlnery , six miles froi this city , on the Allegheny railroad Assistance has been sent trom here. nan it Rtutoinonr. Nr.w TOUK , April 0. The weekly ban statement shows the following changes Uesnrvo decrease , 3251,000. The banVs noi hold Sl.lH.GOO in excess of legal rcquln icents. Opening Old * . The board of public works have op ened bids for paving and curbing. The contract for the paving of Fourteenth street from Union 1'acllic tracks to Castcl- lar street and of Eleventh from Mason to city limits was let to Stunt & Hamcl at 10IMO cents. Goo W. McKmnoy secured the contract for grading Twenty-eighth street at 21J cents. 1' . 11. McCaulcy was awarded the contract for sewer work in district No Thirty-two. This will cost in the neighborhood of 1'3,000. SPECIAL NOTICES ; Advertisements umlortbU , lOccmtiper line tor tlin fift-l tnaortion , 7 iTUtf for each sub- Icqucnt Insertion , niul { 1.50 n line prr month No advertisement tnkcn for ICFS thnn1jenta for tlio first Insertion. Seven wontf fll bo counted to the line ; they muit run consecu tively Rnd must bo pnM In mlvnnco. All nilror- tlsciucnts must bo hniutod In bofoielsSO o'clock p.m. , iind under no chciimi'tunros will tbejb * taken or discontinued by telephone. Turtles advertising in these tolumns rndlnr * Itiptho answers ! i0dre5so < l In cnro ot Tnr Iti wlllplen o nsk for n ehccW tocnnble tlicm logo * their letters , ns none will bo dcUToifct except on crcccntntlon of check. All answers to ad- vnrtupmonts should tiocnrlo cd In envelopes. MONEY TO LOAN. SOO,000 to lonn nt 0 per cent , Harris ft Hninp- $ son , I..IC Douglas st. 680 " $ r > 00WK ) TO LtiAN fit 6 per cent. Mnhonoy & itimhan I&C9 Fnrnnm. 121 6IT.K Cl'.ST Jlonoy. It. C. Vattorron. 1Mb nr.d Hamoy. 7B5 MONEY TO I.OAN-0 F. Dnvls ft Co.real estate and loan agunta,1605 I'urunm HU 7M to loan nn real estate nnd chattels MONKV & Katz & Co. 1511 Farnnm Bt , ground lloor. flJ600,000 To lonn on Oimtlm city property ntfl P percent. G. W. Duy , over 13W IOUKI st. TM MONKY TO LOAN-On city nnrt fixrm prop- orty , low nit eg. gtowart & Co. , Konm 3 Iron Vmiik. 7M \fONEV to lonn. cnsli nn delay. U. J. W. nnd 1 ! L. Bqulro , Hia l-'ttrnam t , I'm ton hotel luilldln ? . TOO MONKY Mrst morttrnjro notes. The Douplus county bunk will buy papers secured by flr > t moitgago on city roaity. 7B1 MONKY TO f.OAN on improved renl estiUoj no commission clmrifpd. Louvltt lluru- bam , Koora t Crclphton lllock. 782 PElTcKNT-Monoy to lonn. OroRorr & Ilndlay , Rooms 1 and 3 , licdick block , 330 s. IMh Bt. 7IK ) LOAN Money Loans placed on 1m- proved real oatnte In city or county for Now KnRlnnd Loan & Trust Co. , by UoiiKlas County bank. 16th and ChlnnKO tit. 704 MONF.Y to loan on Improved city property at 8 per cent. Money on hand ; donothnvo tn wait. Hnve n complete sot of abstract bunks of Doujdni county. I. N. Wntson , abstractor Harris Ilcal Estuto and Lonn Co. , XX ) S. IMh 8t. 7BS. MONBY LOANED nt C. F. Itcod & Co.'s Lonn Olllco , on furniture , pianos , horsnH.wnKons , peisonal property of all kinds , and all ether ar ticles of value , without removal. 818 8. l.'lth. over Dinphnnvs Commission store. AH busl- nc.FS . Etrictlr confidential. 706 T OANB Lonns Loani. Heal estate loans. Collnterlnl lonnsT Chattel loans. Long time loans. Short time lonni. Money always on * te OM m Bly ap proved security. Investment securities bought and told. Omaha Unanclal Exchange , n. IT. cor. ICtb and Harii r. Corbett. Manager. 707 MONKY TO LOAN-bythonndorstprned.who has the only properly ortrtnl/ed loan agency In Omnhn. Loans of J10 to $100 made on turnlturo. plnnos , ortrnna , boracB , wiurons , machinery , Ac. without removal. No delays. All biuunoaa strictly confldnntlul. Lonna to made tbnt any part cnn bo paid at nnjr line.caoh payment reducing the cost pro rntn. Advances made nn fine wntuhca and diamonds. Frrsnni ihould carefully consider who they nro denllngr with-as many now concerns nro dnlly coralntr Intn oxfrionce. Should you need money cull nnd fee me. W. It Croft , Hoom i Wthncll Hnildlnf ? 15th and Ilnrnoy. 703 BUSINESS CHANCES. "IVTANTF-D Pnrtloa doslrlntf a partner with VT cnpltal. In nn established business , oonl business preferred'plonso nddrcss confident- ( illy , A. MoK. , Mnriesn.llla , 400 10 * BUSINESS CIIAKCK-Forsnlo ; wholesale nlo and porter business linvlni ; n ( rood trade with No. 1 team nnd delivery wagon. Call nn H. C. Suuttor * Co. , cor. bt. ilnry's ave nnd 18th street. 29J 10 FUft SALi-A : nent little chop house , dohiK n ( rood business , flood reasons for Rolling. Addresg Lg.Ueo office. K17 11' OK 3AJiA Complete clifar stnnd outntT Q ute City Heal Estate Co. , liKO Douglas st 840 FOK SALE Unro chnnco , n Jewelry store In one of the host locations in Omaha. Ad dress L6 neo offlOB. IJ90 12J TTIOll SALK Until April IB , a lire jobbmu .1 ? business , moderate capital required , trnde established , EnL'nirlnfr In ether hualnosscauit forselllnB , Address 1C70. Hco oftlce. ! K3 11J BALK A well-iwoitod itook of frenoral FOlt at Kminot , Nob. , consisting of procoriCB , dry poods , boots and iboea and hardware utooki will bo sold on reasonable torinn. For particulars call on or address W. U. HlBinan. Sioux City. la. 852 13 FOU SALE One-half Interest In the Nebraska Slpnnltho Inrseat circulation ot any coun- trv weekly newspaper in the itiiio ; lame Job Olllco In connection. Far full particulars ad dress or call on E. C , Sawyer , Adinr. . Tnlr- mont , Nob. 739 n Mnyflold lot on West Cumlns street , BUY , 250 down and S10 monthly. U. J , Cnnun. * 7S2 BALK Good pnytnp restaurant , cen trally located ; for particulars call on or address - dross Chaa. L. Hurt , Croltrliton Illoolc. 137 10 [ jiO SALUorKxchaiiKO A now 85 hbl com- F i bnation ! mill situated on Little Jimo river , nonr Hebron , in Thuynr county. Will or- chftiit'e for wild or Improved Inuds or live stock , rorfurtherpurtioulnra aJdroas First Nutlounl llank , Hebron , Neb. U19 "l\ANTIJU To llnd R-ood , llvo business men with stocks ot goods to mov * to u KTOW- In ? town where money run bo inado. 1 will as- slst the rlKhi llnd : of people in building , etc , Will pay ( rood bur bonus to nnv ono that will start n ctinnlnt ; fnctury , or. In fnct , any kind ol a factory tlmtomplnyi hando. Wo want n dru store , furniture store , Rrncory store , a doctor , a practical painter rlclil awny. For particular * aHdresi Tlnnk of Vniley , Vulloy , Neb.or C. . Mnyne. Omaha. Neb. 4MH--J PERSONAL. 1 JEUSO.VAL-Bolnir aware of the fact that X therenro n KfOitt : nnny ladles Hinl pontlo- throiiBhouttlio west who would ombruco tbli opportunity to Inurnusn their Income , we sub mit the followlair : Wo will send to any nddroi * in nny stnto on ruoolpt of 50 conn. po t- pnld by iniiU , four of our newest nml latest no velties. Thpy nro staple na Hour , no homo la oompleto without them , only one unin pie pack- nsro will bo sent to tun aamo portion , and II found uot BH wo represent the money will bs refunded , W o take tills mctlir. < of rcaclnnif n n class of enterprlnlns projilo to whom wo can furnish steady nnd prnHtntilo employment la tbolr respective looMl\ra. \ Wa nro nn old on- tabllahod concern , and refer to nnr bank or business Mnn in your community. Addrcta Pioneer Novelty Co. , Ma B. l lli it. , Omaha , Neb. ( Western branch. ) _ a0 10 * USONAIa fi ) w buy a rofrliforntor of best iiKiko.iultiit o for Rinnll famllioa , and hirsor sizca nt ( orrcspondlnirly low prices. Will sell on pnrtlnl p 'monts If Ucslrod. Buve mnaoy by oullinB 1 1 MgoJy'i china atoro , 'V)2 ) N , lllth at , cor Dnvuniort _ 317 10 IUISONAI/-A family livlnif In n ( rood nelKh- borhcod who expect to B < > out of town for the summer and not irlMilntr to close house can llnd n responsible pnrty to keep It open by cull- ' No. 130T iiirnam Bt , mi ? nt Khislcr'a drug atore , To the laboring men , clerks , bookkeepers , etc. , of Umnhn , Krootlnc ! l-ou will please tnko notice thut Irom thin date the Heal Katnto onico of J. L. lllce Si Co. , ovoi Commercial National llank. 8. E. oor 13th and Douglas will bo open for the trwiinctlon ol builneM until :30 : t > , m. every ovuninir , from Monday to Saturday ovenlnir. Hosp ctfully , J , L , : ilco& Co. _ lg * _ _ T luilsONAIi rrlvnte home for ladles durlnp J. contlnument , strictly confidential. Infnnti adoptexl , a-ldrea K 42. line ofllco. t'/aaaj ) IIH. DUItANT Clnrlvoynnt from lo tonl reliable In ullafTnlrSof llfu.ualtpsiorarntsd lovora. V i N. 16ta it. room 1 _ GlOuM _ EifBOKAI'-MtR. ' nr , Nannie V. W irren clairvoyitnt. Ufdlcat an-l builn j Mortlnu Kooffi Ko. 3. VU None 10th It. ,0iah , Not > . LOST. T OST Small cbamoli pi'rao , on way from J-J Iiard to Wobdlor on 10th between f > and I o'clock. Finder will bo liberally rewnrdod by returning to Ute eltlce. Wi 10' BTORAOE. Storage Warehouse Corner Utli OMAHA at * , , for otoraro of housolioul jroorts nnd general merchandise at low ratoi. Advances madot liiuo waroluiusn receipts. It It. switch at the house. onice 019 South 13th Ft reel nml 1308,1310 and 1312 Iznrd street. Telo- plionotK ! . M. 8. UoodrlchMirr. IKiSm3 * MISCELLANEOUS. nMAHA-Lnundry CO I north 16th st Bhirta v lOo. collars nnd onns no , fnmlly Ironliiif pur doz. fioin " 5 contsup , first clnia work. U.5 10J "TWIt 1trNT : Organ * . | 3 per month , X' 3613 Douglna. _ _ Sl'OT CASH for iccond-hnnd. furnlturo , car pets aud ctorca , at 117 N. liltti st. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 203 ata GASH advanced on diamonds und watches at 117 N. 16th at. Orft&Co. _ IU ) ulft rilO pnrtlea bavin ? houin-i tor rent , Itentnl J. Agency , Deuawn A Co. , ir < st. , opposite post- ofllco. Wo have turned over tn them our rental lilt. Wo recommend thorn. McCague Bros. CIS _ Ol. C. Ilouao ftn nishlup poodi , all kinds ; each or installment ; lowest Vrlcva nt J , llonnor , 11115 Douplna Bt. _ OOP DON'T bo nn oyster. Don t bn nwnllowed ullve when you want to veil furniture , carpets or household poods , call ut 117 N. 10th. _ _ _ _ gQ3nl rTMIK place where they sell furniture cheap JL I'orcnsh hni boon removed from Mill Douir- laa to 117 N. loth st. iji ! ; ma S , Rluksnnd vnults cleaned , Oder- less process. E. Kwlng , box 4-7. city. _ _ _ VM n IS * _ WATCHES , diamonds , Jewelry , lliivlnir purchased the entlrnatooK ot Trunk , Hou ft Co. , 1 urn offoriuff great inducements. U. Knnnenbonr , 301 IOJ _ 18 South 15th at. _ f0ll HENT A nrat-clnss bakers oven on 16th. f ItlsU by Hlfect ; nndnlso n flrst-dnss act of tools forssleor trndo at a bargain. Call or address 110'J llownrd slroot. _ . M. OHLEMSCHLAIlilt"Uriduntod : ( ! MltS. mtdwlfo , corner Stb. and Cumlnir at , up ttulra. H'nU > Ul IIKNT Hqunro Plixno , It montnir. A Hoane. 1513Douglaa. 770 _ DON'T be n clnm. Don't pny two prices when you cnn co to 117 N. luth nnd buy furni ture , stoves , &c. at rock bottom prices. ' " \\71LI.tnko n good tram or light buggy I ri ' pnrt oxchnngo for good nero lot. Ooo. N. Hicks.ZV , 8 1Mb street _ 1TO 13 T\\0 \ property owners Wanted Inimodlntcly , JHtrlctly tmrgnlni In real estnto nnywhero west of listb at. Address K 67 lice olllce. 8UO IOJ TjUItST-CLASS Storngo at 110 N 13tU Ftf MONEY tnlkswhon you wnnt to buy furni ture or vnpor stoves nt 117 N.lflth , betweea Dodge and Capitol aye. _ KM ulg IFF you wnnt to buy or soli furniture , go to - iJ. . rorKUson'a , 715 N. l th. _ 771 Tfion HE NT-Square I'lano J montttly. A. J Hospo . 1S13 notigiai. 770 _ N EW Donrdlnir House , fine tables , clean and palntublo victual * . 1118 Chlcngo at 771 ! STOHAGE Flrst-clnsa storngo for nice fur- nlturo or bo.xed goods , at 1513 Dodgc-ita 773 TOR SALE MISOELLANEOUSr FOK S A LE The best line of carriage * , phnot- ons , biiKRlet , renl estate watrona nud deliv ery wagons. Columbus Uuggr Co. , 111:1 : Hurnoy. 338mfl _ THOU BALE-Tonm , wolnht S.COO , Will glvo J-1 time on part pnymontaL4 Hoc olllce. 30 .16 * FOU SALE -A family horae and harness , 1125 K 17th at. lill 1U _ FOK SALE A aocond hnnd spring wngon , two eentod , polo mid shnfts , chonp , ut the Col- urn tm a " lluggy Co. , 1113 Ilnrnoy at _ 39J , - o will ride or drive , IO , o Imrjraln. 1'ntcol Delivery Co'fl. , stablos. inh nd Wobstcr. 809 1U Oll SALE-Ilrlck. T. Murray. 127 SALE Chcan , nortrly new procery wagou Inquire Q , 1 > . JItildoon , 14th nnd Jones. 151 1IJ LANDS $5 per ncro. 0 mnltcs lac v/ years pnriuent on Id ncrm. Wrltoforln- fiirmatlon W. F. 1'alne , Sidney Neb. ' 1710H SALE-lar ! fixtures , front nnd bnck bar J-1 mirror , etc. Crawford & Stevuinou slfl a , 10th st. _ 101 jij FOR SALE To am line rondstora , and KOOI ! Elnglo harucas. lr. lliitichctt , r UWithnoll block. U70 1710U SALE Good driving tonm for Halo -I ? chcnp for cuali. Apply to 11.11. Miller , 1513 Farnam slrcot 870 10 A GOOD expreia or dellrory horse for 175. I'lorco & Itocers , B Arlington blk. 117 rOU SALB S million brick nnd upwnrda no- 13 Gldes daily out put of 00,000. Enquire on premises , cor Dorcas and 2nd gtl. Oraaha Urick and Term Cottn Mfg. Co 774 WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED In Omaha to open and manage a branch of a Chicago bualneii , A rare chance for an cnerKotlo mnn , with a local tmainosi Inlluonre , to step Into a permanent and prodtabl * hiisl- PCSon n small cnpltal. This la no icbetne , I nit n thournujrlily le ltlmato business. Xvnry fa cility ntfordod for an Invsntlpratlon. Itofortncon exL'hnngod. f3OUO caih required , after fully iRtlnfled addreai U , 0. Co. , Itooma 27 and 28 , Montauk blook , Chicago , III. _ Dm 10J \\T ANTED Hoputabla deputlea for benevolent - ' lent order. DoU HooiaSJ , Ashland lllock , chicaito , in. _ aaa IQJ At tba City Stenm Laundrr WANTED inou for oQlca work and marking clothes. 40J 10 _ k7ANTKD-Imm dlatcly ; tailor * at the Mis \ \ fit Parlors , lilt1 Farnum at 40S 10 W "ANTIiD-SgooJ cur pent era. 209 H. Ktli U. a.5 10 * W ANTKD-rirst-class pnstry cook , at 1J1 Dodge st. 81ft \ \rANTKD A flrst-clnsn bread and enke bn- kcr. German preferred , 1U04 Ciimlnv atrcot. 8W-10 * W ANTED-Ilaker oor Willtntni and 1,1th. TXTANTKD Competent , reliable llvo men ns TT Biicolnl nicenu ; men or oxporlonco prefor- rod. W. 1' . Allen , jronornl ntront Mutual Ufo Insurance company of Now York. No. 215 South 13th itrool. 808 U . A ifood wnjron manor , on pen- WANTK.n , Uuldoou 4 Kris' * , 14th uiiU Jones. 837-10 W mnn tor railroad work nf-nr WANTED lino. Albright's ln'iu- ' appncv.lJ201''arnam t. SI'i A jroort tullor , must bo first-plat * WANTED ; orwllUolloiit. In lire town about 300 mlles went : ipl ndld opportunity fur tbo rlifht pnrty. Will vivo Rood rcuson ( or Belling , Swede preferred. AdJreeg Uox KID. 1107 iu XtrANTBD Harbor , ft por. week an J boanl ; > chnnco Tor raiso. Wrlto C. K. llonio , Nor- folic , Nab' M linmodiatoly , six flrnt-olBSi Inir- WANT15D makorii. Inaulro of Landrnck & Woodwortb , 110 South Uth itroot. 78 10 " "ANTlfD A EOO < Yoru n snle man on Kno-l alary. Address U. 11. Uuloy , Geneva , N b. 814 11 * \\7ANTKD By an Al ooncarntrnvohnir innn \ \ mnn tosell pronalonsi onoomniUlon m southern Inwn nnd Nebraska nnd northern MlFiourl. Those Hlrnndy ropraiontlnir othuf llnei proftrrod. Address glvlnir rnrurnnuu , route etc. K10 Iloo ofDuo. 8 < JO HJ " \A7rANTBi > Two Koo'l coat rnnkrra , nt John V > ilorrlion'g. Ul N llth Bt. Mncolu. ( Ut \\rANTKl ) M soltor. Intelligent men of good addrr.fis to try a lOo wcui at KorrU' ret. taurantlMBiahst. 775 ANTUU Kiporlonted dry Knods trnvulllnv laloman huvlnir nn eitnlilHIiod trndu la the country tnhutnry to Knnsfti City. Htato Rtnount of trade , territory covered , and bow lonir. .AddrcH * , with rpfnienfo , W. 11. Urlinci Ury Oood Co.KansiisClty , Mo , K3 WANTED FEMALE HELP. \\7AN'1EU Urssimukor , ulio ttu atiprentlco glrlatilie N.thtt - _ 8b3 liij ANTED -A peed cook nnd laundro'i lmirc * ( llntolyutlr. . ) Cttlnmti' Mnry'aavo- nuannd tn. T5 18 ' . A nent spry ulrl for yonoral WANTI'.U < t. I \\TANTnD-WgooitKltU can nnd'good luit- 11 kbte anplying Uurmu , 118 North lOtfi | | , Urounto ' * * ' .