Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1887, Image 1

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> i
Political Attention in Franca locuBod On
the Czar's ' Movements.
His Plans l\r Attacking Austria in Case
of a War.
A Young Man and a Woman Arrested For
the Oriino.
What English Papers Say About American
Action On These Questions *
KntkofT Will Undoubtedly Succeed
In Ousting DcGlcrs From Ilic Hus-
lan Government The Mikado
t Berlin Kx-Scorctnry
Alannlng'a Health.
Angola of 1'caco anil War.
[ Copyrluht IffGby Jainet Gordon llcnnett. ]
PAIIIS , April 0. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the BBK.J A storm struck
tile French coast April 7 and 8 , delaying the
malls between England and France , causing
treat havoc In the channel and along the
coasts of Brittanla and Normandy , and
wrecking thirty h'shlnc smacks elf the head
land stretching from Brest nmtOstend. In
Paris the weather continues cold and bluster-
Ing. This is the most backward spring we
have had for several years. Blazing tires In
doors and thick overcoats outdoors still reign
Political attention is focused upon Russia.
The vaguest rumors , the slightest whisper
that escapes from the czar's residence at
Gatzchina , Is carefully weighed and Investi
gated by President Urevy at the Klyseo and
by General Boulanger at tlio ministry of war ,
for cversbody feels convinced that whether
wo shall pull through the summer without
war depends solely upon the czar. DeUlers
Is regarded as a sort of angel of piece , while
XathotT , the red hat Pan Slavlst exponent of
liusslan "know nothlnglsm , " Is felt to bo
the angel of war. Upon the struggle now
going on between the two now depends the
fate of Europe. The czar rewards both and
reprimands both with an Impartial. I have
the best authority for saying that the czai's
heart Is with Kutkolf , but bis head Is with
The czar , In spite of all the wild sensa
tional stories about his rushing about like a
madman killing aldcs-do-caniR , kicking min
isters and smashing furniture , is really one
of the coolest headed men and one of the
shrewdest statesmen In Europe. It has been
my privilege to bare been near the czar
under very trying circumstances. Men who
are upon Intimate terms with him have
spoken with me freely about their personal
relations with their Imrwrlal roaster. I have
neon enough with my own eyes to feel con
vinced that Alexander III has been greatly
maligned , especially In Vienna and London.
Although forty-two years of age , lie Is one ol
those that mature late In life and bis faults
are those of exuberant youth , lie detests
etiquette and ceremony. Ho bas n
very violent temper. lie never forgives any
body whom ho detects In telling him a lie.
He Is outspoken and brusque In his manner.
If he does not like anyone lis lets the person
know It at once , and has thus created hun
drcdsof bitter personal enemies who i mined'
lately rush oft and say that the zcar Is a rav
ing mrdman. Alexander 111. has a thorougli
knowledge of men. Ho keeps DeGiers anil
Katkoff both well In bis hand , never allow
ing either of them to cot the bits in theli
teeth , although putting spurs o :
relninglnir In either one or thi
other , or both , as occasions requires
The czar got all he wished for in Afghauistai
la spite of the bluster and threats of Eng
land , and ho cot the Battenbcrc out of Bui
garla in spite of the threats of nearly thi
whole of Europe. Ho becomes wise am
more cautious as he gets older. As to his be
Ing brusque and excitablo.I feel sure that thi
average Now Yorker , taken at random fron
the tinlon club or stock exchange , If put It
the czar's place and receiving , as the cia
does , weekly death sentences from nihilist
committees , and liable as ho is every tlm
bo sits down to breakfast , to be served with :
nihilist bomb with his coffee , would be fa
more brusque than the czar Is.
1 am assured from trustworthy source li
St. Petersburg that the czar , although mak
Ing every possible preparation for a su'ddoi
campaign against Austria , does not hlmsel
think that war will take place this year , an
a Hussion occupation of Bulgaria will enl
take place in case Bule&rla and Koumclia n
call Prince Alexander or proclaim a republic
and , moreover , such an occupation would b
n sure sign of peace , for the czar will unde
no circumstance send a single llussla
soldier into Bulgaria unless bo has th
formal assurance ot Austria's assent to sue
an occupation and Austria's explicit promts
to remain neutral. Should Austria rofus
this assent , or should Austria reruai
silent , then General Gourko , who to-da
conirurnds the largest cavalry force eve
brought together In Europe , has orders t
warm across the frontier Into Gallcla an
thus paralyze the entire mobilization scliem
ot Austria and force her to make ber fin
serious defense behind the Carpathian'
Thus General Gourke'a dragoons and Co
sacks would be overwhelming and would ci
in pieces the Austrian cavalry divisions I
Gallcla. It Is well known by all mllltar
men that there are no fortltie tloin at Leu
berg , at Przeemyst , or even at Cracow , ni
anywharo north of the Carpathians , thi
would enable an Austrian army to hold I
own against the vastly superior Russia
forces that would bo sure to attack it. An ;
trla has already recognized her great nume
leal and strategical Inferiority , and wl
make any honorable concession to ave !
Holy week bas l * n celebiatod this ye
with the usual eclat. On Thursday the
Bonds of people gathered at Nutro lame )
see Mzr. Ktchard , archbishop ot Paris , p <
form the annual ceremony of washlntc tl
feet of twelve little orphan boys. At2o'coi !
the archbishop , resplendent In gold at
wblte robes and attended by ttio prelates at
full canonicals , emerged from tUo sarrUl
The boya sat In the nave of the cnthedi
with their rleht feet bared. ThearchbUho
who is only sixty-nine years ot axe , but wl
looks M It u ware ttlgb.ty , k lt Lcfor * e
J" .
boy and washed his foot. Then he pressed
ills venerable lips against the great toe of
each , pronounced a blessing and handed n
glass oC wine , a loaf of bread , a new flvo-
franc piece , and a bunch of violets to eaou
Or Good Friday Notre Dame was again
thronged by thousands of good Catholics.
Flowers of all kinds decoiated every avail
able space , bunches of white lllais and Jon
quils strewing the ground. The ISeverend
Pero Matisabee , ono of the most eloquent
preachers in ' 'arls. preached n sermon that
created a veritable sensation among the bev
ies of fashionable ladies who had gathered
around his pulpit. He bccan by reprimand
ing his fair listeners folly ruining their
health by frivolity , luxury , Illrtatlon and ex
cess of gaiety. Ho then criticised their
dresses , bi'zlnnlnc with an attack upon their
hats and ending with an onslaught upon
high heeled shoos and pointed toes. Then
he declared poudre do rise to be a combina
tion of the devil and said that tight lacing
was not only hideous but wicked.
St. Clothlld's , the legitimist church par ex
cellence , was lined with lots of roses , lilacs ,
violets , hyacinths , azaleas and camellas , or
dered by car loads from the Illvclraand Italy
by the noblesse of Franco , who liled In silent
procession into the church and viewed the
crucified figure of the Saviour In brouce and
ivory. In all the churches I noticed n large
number of olllccrs In civil dress.
The American colony put In a strong ap
pearance on Good Friday at the
church In the avenue do i'AIina , near the hip
podrome. Thechuich was not decorated.
The altar was merely hung with purolo vel
vet and on It rested banquets of Russian vie
lets. The rector , the Ilov. Dr. Morgan , ofll-
The Catholic church on the avenue Ilocho
was also crowded with English speaking Ko-
man Catholics. The Kev. Father O'Kelly
outdated. In the congregation I noticed
Mackay , the Princess Colonna and Mrs. Car
roll , of Carrollton ,
While church was in full swing the famous
ham facl ( falro attx Jambous ) was Inaugur
ated In the place do la Kcpubliquo. Ten
thousands of workmen with their wives and
children revelled In the luxuries ot garllcal
sausage from Aries , pigs feet and bacon ,
washed down by tons of vin ordinaire and
beer. The entire place de la Itcpubllquo Is
festooned with enormous strings of sausage ,
swaying backward and forward in the wind.
The utmost good humor and Gallic wit pre
vails amid all the babel , and the venders of
horn and petits vcrros do a roaring trade.
The rrost unpopular man In France to-day
Is neither Bismarck nor Moltke , but the duke
ot Edinburgh. Tlio "incident de Cannes" is
freely discussed In all the clubs , on the boule
vards and In the cafes by all classes of
society , from tlio Fauburg Saint Germain
down to th * heterogeneous masses at the
"Folro Jamesons. " Tim unanimous verdict
Is that the duke of Edinburgh was guilty of
an act of gross rudeness In not returning the
salute of the French vessels , for ho know
very well his vessels went to Cannes with a
social object and consequently should have
boon received with proper saluting batteries.
Ills excuse that his ironclads had no guns to
salute with Is , judge Paraslans , as merely
adding intuit to Injury.
Mr. J. Plerrcpont Morgan , senior partner
of the banking firm of Drexel , Morgan &
Co. , has arrived In Paris from New York ,
and with Miss Morgan is stopping at the
Hotel Bristol. Mr. Morgan leaves shortly
for Monte Carlo on a visit to bis father , Mr.
Junlus S. Morgan , the London banker.
Mrs. Ronalds , jr. , has been staying a few
days with Mrs. Mackay and returned this
morning to London. Mrs. Konalds has
been suffering from sere throat during her
visit to Paris but this did not prevent her
from trying on many charming dresses and
visiting half a dozen of the most fashionable
churches during holy week.
Comment of KnKllsli Press on the
Action of Americans.
ICopyr/u/it / / 1SS7 by Jamt * Gordon llcnnett , ]
LONDON , April 9. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the BKE. ] Tlio London
and provincial press continues to bo largely
occupied with American legislative action
i and comments upon the coercion bill. Shut-
I lar references are expected to be made at tin
great Hyde park meeting yn Easter Monday
The Freeman's Journal copies in a conspicu
ous position , with sensational headlines Ir
large typo , the Herald's editorial of Marcl
30 , "is Ireland on the Verge of Civil War. '
It accompanies it witb the following short
editorial :
"The American press denounces the policj
of coercion as uustatesllko , Iniquitous and
foredoomed to failure. English politicians
frequently express pity for bo
nlghtcd foreigners , but the part }
now In power might learn a lessor
of respect for freedom and practical
r wisdom from the criticisms of these uu
s prejudiced observers. Great Britain is un
o doubtedly on the eve of a wonderful politlca
agitation. "Tho liberal party has now got i
distinct Issue , " said a distinguished leader ii
that party thU morning. Americans must b <
fiangulno that their symyathy over liberal ex
ertlons.can defeat coercion. Even II half tin
liberals who have lately been followlni
Chamberlain and Hartlngton should returi
to Gladstonn on coercion , the torles till
would liavu a larco support from the union
liberals In the commons , and ot course two
thirds of the lords. Thnro are in the con
mons 315 torles to 270 Gladstoultes and Par
nellltos. If thirty-four of thosevouty-sevei
union liberals should join the Gladstonite
and Parncllltes , which Is hlchly probable
only ton of those being considered by th
whlgs as shaky , and the thirty-three remain
Ing union-liberals , after the thirty-four other
had presumably joined the Gladtonltcs
should absent themselves , there would stll
be acoreclon majority that , with the clotur
now ruling , would enable the government ti
anally pass the bill. But that the bill wll
pass Is n certainty. The agitation Is for fi
ture effect. It must bo rcmeinbaied that th
torles In metropolitan districts are fighting tb
landowners and artisans , and in azrlcultura
places the credulous agarlau workers with th
bogy Idea that Irish homo ruin means the In
road ot a now set to compete with Englls
laboring people. The excitement an
agitation may bring Ireland o
the verse of * a civil war and 1
England vigorously backs uu Canada or I
fishery views , and your cabinet backs up tli
retaliation bill , your American governing !
might unexpectedly get Into a new Britis
war. Then Imw about Canada's border an
Ireland's undefended coastV. ' What a stal
our navy Is In when the EiTgllsh llccct , undt
the nose of the queen at Cannes , had no gui
suitable to salute here ally , whoso Uospitalll
ar sbe was enjoy ing. "
tor This evenln : 's ( iloba , a government orgai
r10 sterns to recognize the belligerency ot tt
10 situation. In a leader headed "lleullatlon ,
: k It says : "Preildant Cleveland's reply to tl
idd American fisheries union at Gloucester do <
: d not breathe a spirit precisely la unison vrl
y. th * associations of Eaiter tide. . It Is aboi
atP. as unfrlendl-to Canada and therefore Un :
P. land as a public manifesto could be , If
iio vrere not to b followed by .a dc
cu laratlou * f war. To * whole uatli
Is concerned , ' says Mr. Cleveland , 'In thecn-
forcement of the fisheries retaliation act , '
and ho gives it to bo understood that ho
means to enforce its provisions with the ut
most possible rigor. The president bids his
fellow citizens to bo prepared for sacrifices
In maintaining tin. ' self respect and dignity
of tlio nation and In supporting the honor
of the government. Xo sacrlllco of personal
or private interest will bo allowed
th weigh with him. These be bravo
words , but It Is necessary to attach to them
all them all the meaning of which they are
susceptible ? "
The Globe concludes the fisheries question
belongs to n class which American senti
ment is not likely to allow to bo closed ex
cept upon terms of its own dictation. The
Canadians , on their sldo are not willing to
abandon what they bclievti to be their rights ,
and it is impossible for us In this country to
blame them for their firmness.
Of course some fun comes out at the ex
pense of American "meddling. " Punch , I
hear , meditates an American cartoon , and
even to-day serious Saturday Uovlow , lu n
parody of the Blgelow papers , has a poem on
the subject. From it 1 take this verse :
'Twas tlio demorallzln' soun' , I guess ,
Of Captain Moonlight's bullets ,
An' sight of law an order down
With Paddy's tinners on their gullets ,
That drew ye to this hasty move
To save sasslety imperilled
Before ye'd heard "wo are approve"
From New York Tribune , Times or Herald.
The Gossip In Horlin Over Interest-
Inc SnbjoctH.
[ CopyrfnM IBS' tiy James Gordon Ucnnctt. ' ]
BERLIN , April U-.fNow York Herald
Cable Special to the BEE. ] Germans are
enjoying the usual Easter half holiday , but
so profound Is now the tranqulllty In all
matters affecting German Interesls that this
holiday began two weeks ago and may last
two weeks to come. The Easter decorations
for the time being occupy public attention to
the exclusion of politics. Goods in the store
windows are arranged In every conceivable
form. The easier cg s in the florists' windows
dews are e gs of violets , roses or mignonette ,
with perhaps a butterfly orchid perched at
the small end. In the green grocers the
same forms are reproduced with radishes ,
asparagus or carrots. Even the butchers'
shops have azaleas standing between the
rumps of beef and legs of mutton.
To-morrow music will begin again , both
in thoclinrchesand In the concert gardens ,
which , during the past week , have been
almost silent out of respect to the season.
To-morrow and on Monday afternoon there
will bo great band concerts in the open air at
the zoological garden , to which all Berlin
will flock , If the warm spring weather con
tinues'to drink In their beer and music at
the same time. This evening five thealres
presented plays and operas oilher entirely
now or revived after lonf silence. The pro
ductions of "Tho Mikady. " which had such
a successful run fast year , was
awaited with great curiosity. It was
thought the complete failure of Sullivan's
"Goldon Lesend" might affect the popularity
of opera , sandwiching in such , an old favor
ite as "Tho Mlkodo" for ten nights between
the first production ot "Patience , " and the
critical wrath aroused by the "Goldon
Legend" Is considered to bo both a wise and
move of D'Oyloy Carlo. The second ren-
dlllon of the "Golden Legend , " by the way ,
was received by the critics either with abso
lute silence or with merely a word of praise
for Mma Albanl's admlrabloslnglng. After
a day or two of silence Die Post , as
a final fling at Sullivan's mangled remains ,
said : "Through the co-operation of such a
distinguished artiste assume AlbnnI , the
second production of the "Golden Legend' ,
was better than the first , but the lack of croa-
live fancy and arllstic earnestness , and the
want of originality , made the second ropro-
sentatlon oven less striking than the Ural.
Indeed , parts which at the first redition had
a certain charm , at the second performance
showed themselves lo bo only shallow music
without Inner harmony , in Germany tlio
'Golden Legend' can scarcely have a long
life , because we are accustomed to find In
works ot a religious character true earnest
ness and purity of tone , pronounced with
orlgnallty , all of which fail in a largo meas
i ure iu the music of Sir Aithur Sullivan.
This week's lovely weather has set peoph
thinking of the various baths and watering
places. On Thursday crown prince's familj
go to Ems' where they are expected to slaj
1 several weeks. The emperor's physician ;
are showing some anxiely to got their aged
but now strong and well patient away froir
Berlin routine work to the complete quiet o
summer life. The emperor recovered won
derfully from the strain of his birthday cele
bration , but nevertheless his people , as wel
. as his physicians , would be glad to see thci :
young-old emperor leave the city. Ai
* the nminsiirbu : of the German empire
1 her remains Ir7tlie center of political activity
but he drives or walks occasionally into the
country near Berlin. On Tuesday ho lefl
his carriage outside Berlin and walked to
Schoc-nlberg to visit Superintendent Vor
berg , who officiated at the marriage ot Bis
marck's daughter and at the baptism o
his grandchild. To his great dt
light the emperor found hlmsell
for the lime unnoticed by the villagers
so that ho was able to walk along and ob
serve the life of the people without beln.
himself observed. Outsldo a small baker ;
ho slopped sometime lo walch the dlstribi :
tlon by a peasant mother of a loaf of breai
among her family ot hungry children. Thel
pranks kept him Interested until some pas
i ,
- - - -
ser-by recognized the visitor. Then a crowi
of people , whom ho good nat'jrcdly ' greeted
drove him back to his carriage and Berlin.
Although Berlin Is politically dull ju <
now , I have found ono great political autliot
ity willing to acknowledge that Gorman ]
still has external and internal politics ovei
though It Is the day before Easter. Talkln
ot M. Catkoff , the gentlemen said to mo
"Uo Glers has undoubtedly resigned , but thi
czar will not allow him to leave ofilco. D '
Glers will receive some signal mark c
Imperial favor. I have been expectln
all the week to hear an official coniirmatlo
ot the rumor that UeGlers had been mad
chancellor of Uussla. buch a promotio
would enable him to endure without loss c
dignity the unrebuked abuse of Katkoll
You are a little puzzled by Katkoff. Yo
don't remember , then , that KatkofT obtalne <
great ascendency over tne czar before his at
ceaslon. Katkoff Is the czar's trustc
personal friend. Moreover , as leader of th
powerful old Itnsslan party whose Ideas ar
to Home extent the emperor's own , there ai
political tics between the two which the czi
is un wllllnz to break by any severe reproc
to him. Katkotf would like to see IngatU
secretary of the state. Perhaps this uilgl
happen If both KatkotT and Ingatlef were ni
su well recognize here as the turbulent , wa
like elements of Russia. Such an appoln
mcnt would be so openly and plainly a litre
c- of war to Germany , tbat It U not at all like ;
in to occur ( or tome iluie tb come. Katkoff ai
DrUlors will play at happy family for
"So rumors of our new Imperial cause
anxiety , do they'.1 VPS , I suppose It is a fact
that the new loan will be about 550,000,000.
Of this nearly one-half pees for new fortifica
tions and new troop ? , the right for the do
ficlency of the past year , and for new internal
improvement ? , such as railways , etc. But all
Ihls Is no sign of war. On Iho contrary , If
It means nnj tiling It Is only that by readi
ness for war wo presume peace. There
has been ono continuous negotiation dur
ing tlio last few day which the newspaper
men failed to hear of. The persistent re
fusal of Alsace-Lorraine to accept German
advances so exasplratcd the higher circles of
Berlin thai afler Iho late elections a plan was
at once formulated to divide Alsace-Lor
raine among the nearest German stores ,
Prussia and Baden taking the major part.
This plan wont so far as to bo submitted for
thi ) kaiser's approval , but was at once nega
tived by 111 in. came the proposal to
govern them entirely from Berlin , but this
also failed approved by the kaiser. Ho
Insisted that the government of Iho reichslag
shall remain practically as at present. "
Another gentleman , who of necessity fol
lowed closely tlm political situation , said lo
mo about Katkoll : "As the personal friend
of the ciar , and a man of powerful mind ,
whose Ideas to a certain extent agree with
those ot the czar , Katkoll Is In Iho end certain
to drive De Glers out of otlico. This may
not occur for some months. Even then it is
hardly likely that Katkolf will bo able lo put
ono ot his men in as secretary of state. It
wilt take another struggle of some
months to accomplish this. The truth Is ,
Katkoff at the helm means war. Itussla
Is not ready for war , so Kutnoll must wait.
The German piess abuse of Katkoll means
that It was necessary to show the czar plainly
that ho must choose between Katkotf and
peace. "
"How long will It be before Kalkolf will
control the action of the liussiau stale de
partment ? "
"Well , say six months , at least , perhaps
more , for It is a mailer of whicli no man can
speak with certainty. "
The general effect ot all these conversa
tions is precisely as I cabled a month ago
that until fall war is impossible , and that the
best trained observers expect unbroken peace
during 1887 , all , however , with due respect
for the unexpected.
On Wednesday evening I had an InterestIng -
Ing talk with Dr. Carlo .Peters , who set off
next day for Zanzibar with a party of twenty
men to start new stations along the recently
annexed Afilcan river coast bank of the
sea coast , ruled over by the sultan
of Zanzibar. Families are to be
take n out later lo settle In the higher planta
tion district. Tobacco , cotton and tropical
products are to be raised with native labor.
Two small steamships already ply on the
rivers and the twelve stations give promise
of being self supporting. Altogether there Is
quite sufficient activity and success to cause
England just alarm.
' " . . "
Contrary to the forebodings I have alread y
alluded lo , the performance of the "Mikado"
this evening was witnessed by a large and
enthusiastic auelcnce , which filled all the
seats In the body ot-vtfco. , house and stood
In the side alsles 'Several' times at
tempts were inaile by a smal !
body of listeners to hss ( down the encores
but each time the audience showed Its feel
ings by the applause outlasting the hisses
long cnou.'h to obtain the desired encore.
The piece was well mounted , but the act
resses had decidedly prettier voices than
faces. The audience followed the Englisl
words of the opera laboriously and will :
many German versions of the words. As i
rule the mere plays oh word :
failed to be understood , if understood at all
The few Americans or English present usu
ally led the way with a laugh , while the Ger
mans , glancing down at the librettos , fol
lowed with a somewhat belated amusement
Good points in the music or acting were lu
stantly recognized by all and liberal ! ]
applauded and encored. Germans tast <
enjoyed the mere horse play ot the actor
more than either the Americans or English
The love scene between KoKo and Katlsh :
was ono of Iho greatest hits. The audlcnc
was delighted when KoKo made a furtlvn al
lemiit to examine Kattsha's be-pralsed heel
also whenever KoKo , as a clown , got an un
usually hard clip on the head.
The ridiculous get up In this company o
kings cieates more amusement than at home
3 A song in German by Poo-Bab drew th
the heaviest applause of the evening an- -
also the only basket of .flowers. The curtai
drop ] > ed mid applause , showing the un
doubled success of the revival and promlsin
well for the production of "Patience" nei
week. After the curtain was down ther
was some solid hissing at the "Z" who ai
tempted to Introduce English habit of leav
Ing their seats before the scene was over.
Among the other four revivals , or fire
nighls , which ushered in the Berlin Eastei
the only one of note was the revival , aftc
sixteen years , of Jahnu Strauss' "Indigo , c
The Forty Robbers , " which , when it wa
prodcued in Ib71 , was thought to mark a
epoch in German oprrato. To-nlph
at the winter garden , Edwin Strauss ha
a great ocliastrul concert while bis brother
work achieved only a moderate succei
at Frederick Wilhelra thcalre. The audlenc ,
fairly filled Iho best parts ot the house , fo
elgners being especially numerous. Tl
other parts of the theatre was almost elliptic
by the rush to more modern novelties on tl :
boards. German taste seems to have change
from "Incliro , " for li needed two acts I
raise the audience to a point of applau ;
Even then the applausa was rather forcei
The music , as judged by the German ea
lacks In Its abruptures the universal uiqulnc
of such operas. _
What American Actors and Singci
Are Dnlnciti Ixindon.
[ Copyright ISS7 by Jama Gordon Bennett. ]
IT LONDON , April ft-fNew } York Hera !
ITII Cable Special to tbo B K. | No paper hi
IIe been so severe upon Mr * . Potter as the Dr
malic News. This Is perhaps accounted f <
o by professional jealousy. To-day's Era say
6 "Beauty aud distinguished parronage a ;
it not , it would seem , the only requisites necc
itn itS sary for theatrical succns , for we unde
n stand that Mrs. Brown Potter's performani
e as Ann Sylvester lu 'Man and Wife' at tl
n Haymarket has failed to attract either lari
t or fashionable audiences to the theater. "
I.d I.a A singular accident occurred on Thursdi
d evening at the theater at Newcastle-on-Tyi
. during a performancn by the Carl Itosa troui
d of theupero "Nordisa. " The storm buslne
ie was on. The Bound of thunder was made I
iee heavy cannon balls ro'ling ' along putte
re lined with sheet iron , which were twon
ir feet above the stage. In some unaccountab >
irt ) way one ball was dislodged Immediate
3 ( after a vivid scenic flash of llghtnln ? , ai
it fell In the midst of a group In the wings b
at tween Miss Julia Gaylord and soraeoth
r- performers who were wailing for their ca
tat rt and landed upon the head of a stage carpet
at ter , who has since died.
id Yet another dramatic singer. She hal
from San Francisco , her stage name is Anita
Alatncdo. Her debut was made nt Milon ,
The Prlngal , published llieie , says she Is
gifted w Ilh a very high soprano voice ot a
most vlbrattvoand sympathetic quality , and
Is certain to make n most brilliant career.
She appears as Amlna In "La Sonomtmln , "
In this same role Mine. Nevada reappears
al Coincnl Gtmlcn next Thursday.
Mnpleson'a season has turned out very suc
cessful with his line American prima donas.
Mary Anderson continues her provincial
lour next week at Nattlnghara. "Ono hour
alter the box ollico had opened , " says the
Lowing Journal , of thalclly , "every eligible
seat was booked. "
The American play , "Held by the Enemy , "
which was recently placed at a trial nmllnco
and praised by every London paper , goes tnlo
Iho regular evening bill to-night for the
Easter holidays.
An Anti-English Sentiment Stirred
Up In France.
JS.S7 by Jcimcs Gordon n < micf.1 (
PARIS , ( via Havre ) , Annl 9. [ New YorK
Herald Cable-bpeclal to the BEE.J The
threatened bombardment ot Haytl , coming
as docs on top of the Connes Incident , which
was felt throughout France to be a gratutlous
Insult on the part ot the Duke of Edinburgh
lo tlio French nation , causing a strong anti-
English Indignation. To-night Saturday
Franco'says In a lending article headed
"Bombardment En Perspective : " "Tho
British claim against Haytl is a mure pretext
by which Eneland hopes to get possession of
the Isle de la Torruo and thus create n new
Glberalter to commend and entrance to the
Panama canal whenever complete. Ills Im
possible for Franco to remain an Impassive
spectator to such an event for it's against
Franco entrance to the Panama canal that
England now directs her fort' . Wo
cannot forget that Uaytl was once French
territory , and the day may come when wo
will wish the Isle Itself under our protection.
It Is now a long time since England bom
barded anything. The Duke of Edlngburg ,
who pretends to have no small guns on
board his fleet to return salutes , or who when
tlio time comes for gentlemanly inslincls and
International politeness goes sound asleep
that all salvoes from the French fleet do not
awake him , should claim the honor of directIng -
Ing the bombardment at Ilaytian ports. In
any case A French cruiser will soon arrive in
Uaytlan waters to protect French interesls ,
and let us hope international crimes like the
bombardment ot Copenhagen and Alex-
adria will not bo repeated , or at least the
United States will not tolerate now shame
ful of putting into practice the fable ot the
wolf and the lamb. " France is a stal wart re
publican paper and the above loader exactly
expresses the views of tlio French govern
ment and an overwhelming majority of the
French .people on the question of threatened
SANTIAGO DE CUUA , April 0. News has
been received from Haytl to the effect that
an amicable settlement of the British claims
may bo expected. The Ilaytian assembly
.has had two special sittings ono public and
ono private to consider Ihe demand made
by Hill , British special agent , now In Haytl.
Ho wishes to have the principle admitted ,
President Salomon declined taking action
on the expression of opinion from the assem
bly To admit the principle is to admit-the
English-claim 81,000,000. . The Island ol
Toitugas was offered to England two years
azo In settlement of this claim.
The French frigate Mlncrvo arrived here
the day before yesterday for orders. She
was ordered to proceed to Haytl , It has
been stated that the orders said that trouble
was Imminent. The vessel proceeded to
Port-au-Prince. The highly alarming ru
mors that have recently come fiom Haytl
seem to bo baseless , as the United State ?
steamer Yantie loft there three days ago fet
this port and the Havtlan man-of-war Dos
salines , Captian Cooper , is also here ,
i Cooper stated positively that rumors of ti
revolutionary uprising there and anothei
massacre ot Malattes were absolutely ground
WASHINGTON , April U. Although no of
ficial announcement has been received at Hit
department of state of Iho report that Greal
Britain has threatened to seize Tortugac
Island , yet It is learned lliat Iho Americar
consul at ilayti has kept the department
fully informed as to the nature ot the British
claim and all proceedings taken by that KOV
eminent against Ilayti during the past three
or four years. Now that the matter is re
ported lohavo assumed so serious a phase
the government , with a view to being pre
pared for any emergency , Is beginning t <
canvass its resources in case It should become
come necessary to again assert the intention
of this country to maintain the Monroi
doctrine to the extent of protecting tlicsi
small republics of the American contlnen
against the encroachments of Europear
powers. The result of the Inquiries into the
naval resources of the United States is no
encouraging so far. Several wooden vessels
forming the training squadron , am now 01
their way northward from the West Indies
and at present there Is no vessel bearing tin
American flag in Uaytlan water. Tin
Yantie Is at Key West and the Galena a
Asplnwall , and It Is possible that one or botl
of these vessels may be ordered to the vlcin
ity In event that it may become necessary ti
itr enter a formal protest against European en
r , croachment in tne West Indies.
! r
n The Coming Meeting in London-
Gladstone's Manifesto.
LONDON , Auril 0. The anti-coercion meei
a lug to be helei In Hyde park , Monday , prou
iscs to bo the biggest outdoor political mee
ing ever held in London. Gladstone to-da
Issued to the miners In the noith ot Grea
Britain , a majoilty of whom are enthusiast !
followers of him , the following letter , whlc
amounts to a manifesto : "I cannot refral
from calling your attention to tli
meeting to bo held in Hyde Par
next Monday , and to which
understand ten thousand of the worklngme
of London intend generously to devote thci
bolldav. If ever there was a time when I
was to the interest of the English worklue
man to bethink himself , this is the time , j
Is the first time when a coercion bill , I
passed. Is to bo passed by Eneland1
vote alone , against tlio wishes of Scotlaiu
Ireland and Wales. It Is the lint time who
such bill \vill have been passed under tli
sanction of the householders at large , wh
were never enfranchised before the la1
isa elections , IBS.1) and It&C. It is the fin.t tin :
a- coercion has been proposed wl tlioi
ors an attempt by a minister to say what w <
know they cannot show a state of excel
llonal and flagrant growing crime. If Eni
re land U to coerce Ireland for crlmi
is- Ireland can reply that relatively to populi
isr - tion she has 'less crime than Englam
: re In my opinion the rejection of the bill :
even more needed by England. For Irelani
10 It Is a question of suffering and she know
how to suffer. For England it Is a quei > tie
of shaino and dishonor , and to cast awa
shame ana dishonor 13 the duty <
n great nation. The nipetini ; of Kngllt
worklngmen In 1879 was the first etfectui
ie attempt In the movement for tlio IIberatlo
IXJ of Bulgaria , which brought about the elei
ss tlon oflbbO. The nutting ou next Mondn
should rlntr the death knell of the worst , tl
most Insulting and most caiisela s cocrdo
rs bill ever submitted to parliament. "
le Attempt Upon the Czar h'riietratec
ly [ O > pi/rf/'itttl ( ' 1&S7 liy Jiimu Gordon Ilcnntt. }
id VIENNA , AprilO-.lNew York Herald Cab
0- Special to the BF.E.J A special telograi
0er purporting to l.ivo been received direct
erH. from St. Petersburg , and published here t
B- night by the Allgemelne Xeltung , announc
fresh plot to assassinate Uie c/.ar on li .
way from the Winter palace to the ratiwi
station. It was frustrated by the Ura rly i
rest on Wednesday last of a young man and
woman. The attention of the police had
Iwen attracted to them as they stood toerther
on Iho stops of a hou o In the Morshala
strasse by the fact that both had thick
plaids tied around their shoulders. 'Iheso
plaids are said to have contained several ex
plosive bombs , accoidlng to the Allgcmelno
telegram. A man , who just bctoro the arrest
had presented a petition to tlio c/ir ; In the
street , was supposed to bo In tlio plot. Up tea
a late hour no confirmation of this news has
boon received here , although several cipher
dispatches have come from St. Petersburg.
Ex-Srcrotnry Muniiliic Improving.
Ifopi/rfuM / ? tin Jiitnri ( Vontmi Ikniirit.l
Doi'iiNF.Mourn , April P. [ New York
Heralit Cable Special to the Bin : ] The most
lovely Easter weather and not easterly , for
the latter Is unknown In the sheltered spot ,
piovalls hero to-day. 1 saw ox-Secretary
Manning enjoying the day and taking a
short walk with his wife and daughter.
Outwardly ho looks well. What he Is In-
lernally his physician. Dr. Horace Doboll ,
will not exactly say. But the doctor , how
ever , says his patient Is dally Improving and
he only visits him on alternate days. Mr.
Manning takes dally drives a d Is the object
of much attention , for American ex-cabinet
ministers are rare visitors. Among those
whom I have seen greeting him are Sir
Henry and Ladv Hawllnson and M. George
MownevM. I'M f ° r Newmarket , A. Glad
stone , liberal and proprietor of Tld-Bils and
other serials , who are lieio for their health.
Opinion of a Nihilist on the Compact
Lately Sinned.
NEW YORK , April 0. ISpcclal Telegram
to the BIK. : ] The World says that the pio-
posed extradition treaty with Uussla , which
It recently published , has received the signa
tures of T. F. Bayard , secretary of stale , and
Charles Destruve , Kusslan minister at Wash
ington , and has been forwarded to St.
Pelersburg for Ihe approval of the war. In
a talk with the World reporter , Leo Harl-
man , the famous Kusslan nihilist , says : Tlio
trealy is a direct violation , it seems lo me ,
of the letter and spirit of your constitution.
Under this trealy a man can bo arresled by
the Kussmn police as easily in the United
Stales as in Hussia. All safeguards for Iho
protection of the liberties of the people are
thrown down. I do not believe that the
American people arc In sympathy with such
a treaty. The stale deparlment cannot rep
resent the popular will of this country.
Since the publication of the treaty In the
World an association has been formed hero
called the Itusslan-Aiiierlcan National league.
1 have been elected president. In two weeks
we will have a membership of 2,000 and be
fore the end ot the year it will be inci eased to
10,000. Tlm object ot the association is to
protect the Interests of Itussinns coming to
this county and to help our friends at homo
in Iheir struggle for fteedom. We atlmlt alt
nationalities of Russians. Kussla'fi emanci
pation from the yoke of tyranny is not tar
distant. The movement is steadily progress
ing until now It lias penetrated even to the
czar a own household. Ihe ratification of tills
new treaty on the part of the American gov
ernment will not bo such a serious blow to the
growth ol . . nihilism in llussla as might bo
supposed. Nothing can stop the spread of
nihilism In itussla. The leaders of the nihil
ist party In llussla are not anxious to have
an asylum open for them to retreat In Amer
ica. They are bravo men and understand
that their lives may be sacrificed any day.
They do not care for that. They do not wish
to retreat but will push ahead If only to cer
tain death for the cause of "Liberty. " Every
lever of liberty should protest against the
ratification by the senate of Mr. Bayard's
infamous treaty.
Dakota's Prairie Fires.
HURON , Dak , April 0. The prairie fire last
njght swept over a great portion of Giant
township in this county.doing immense dam
age. Fred Town's house , seven miles south ,
his barn and other buildings together with
furniture , machinery and several head of
stock were deslroyod. The house was occu
pied by Edward Maloney and his sisler Kate ,
and with them when the fire occurred uas
Annie Marino. The wind was blowing a
gale and before they were awaie of their
danger Iho fire was unon thorn. In attemptIng -
Ing to reach a plowed field all were over
taken by the lire. Edward Muloney and
Annie. Maiine were burned to death and
Kate WAS so badly burned tnal her iccovery
isdoubtlul. Edward's remains weie taken
to Preston , Minn. , tills afternoon , where his
parents reside. Oilier losses a are rcpoitcd
in the same locality.
HIOIIMOHK , Dak. . April 0. An Immense
prairie fire raging about a mile south of town
driven by a strong wind tiom the south ,
cslled out the citizens ISO > tionc yosteiday.
Afire break two miles Jong wa.s made and
the town is now free fiom danger. At
o'clock the temperature was nlnty-lhreo In
the shade. Signal Observer Lyons at St
Paul says that unless the northwest has rain
within a few hours the condition will be
highly favorable for a cyclone. The wcathei
here to night U warm and sultry.
Would Strain Diplomatic Relations
NEW YOIIK , April 9. A Washington
special to the Mall and Express says : "A
state department otlicer , speaking1 of the de
cree promulgated in Germany recently do
Glaring that German citizens remaining
away live years or more from Germany anc
becoming naturalized citizens of any othei
country would thereby become liable to ox
pulslon from German soil , said : 'As soon ai
It Is enforced it will Involve the Unltei
States In diplomatic difficulties with Goi
many. Ofcouise It Is primarily Intended u
a bar to emigration and naturalization
Many Germans who think ot coming to thi
country will reconsider their dctermlnatloi
when they know that It virtually makes a re
turn to tne Fatherland Impossible. It wll
no doubt keep many Germans at home wh
would otherwise emigrate * . But suppose
Gorman-Amniloan citizen chose to mlurn t
his native country in spite of thu prohlbltloi
and he were Imprisoned or forcibly remove
from German territory. Would tie not a
once appeal to thn American minister ? An
could Ihls eountrv submit to its citizens beln
treated as suspects when engaged in lawlu
ana peaceful business ? ' '
nialno Appcarn Hotter.
ST. Louis , April 9. A dispatch from Gib
sou station says Dr. Mudd and Kereno ai
rived there this morning and had a short tall
overtho telephone with Colonel Copplnger
He said Blalne rested well Inst night , sleet
incsoundly , and this morning appears to b
much hotter. No danger Is apurehended
The fever has subsided. Nothing furthe
could learned , but any change tor the won
will bo reported at once.
AUGUSTA. April I' ' . Mr. Manley receive
the following dispatch from Kmmons Blair
tod-ay : "Father IH better to day and leavi
Fort Gibson Monday morning for Chicaico.
Wyoming's New Secretary.
CHEYENNE. Wyo. , April 9. | Sp olal Tele
gram to the VKK.J Major S. D. Shannor
who was to-day appointed secretary of Wy <
mlng territory , served In the confpderal
army during the war on General Lee's slat
Subsequently he engaged In the newspap
business , being connected In an editorial c ;
paclty on the Charleston News and Courlei
Ill-health diovn him west about two yea :
ago. He lived hero about six months an
acted for a limn M .secretary to ex-Goverm
Baxter , lie went to Washington two tnoutl
ago to push his claim for the position whlc
he has now rccelt t'd.
Pacific Itoad liive rlKatlan .
WAaitiNOTON , April 9."The president th
evenlnz appointed as commissioners to It
\estlgatotho alialrs "of the Pacific rallroac
tinder the act parsed by the latt concres ;
.Isy Kobert E. Palerson , of Pennsylvania ; j
y Fiery Anderson , ot Now York ; David '
Littler , of Illinois.
Consternation Prevails Among the Busi *
ness People of Washington !
Scimtor Hlicrninn Hoirufos to Talk On
Ills Own or Illttlno's Chances I "or
the I'rcHlduntlal Nomination
Capital >
Sunday to Ho Kcit | Strictly.
WASHING ION , April I' ' . [ Special Teloirran
to the BKK ] Consternation prevails mining
various classes of business people hero to
night on account of' tlio determination of the
Dlslilct conimlsslonexto carry Into effect
every law relating to Sunday observance.
An oullnanco passed by the corporation
council of the district of Columbia on Deeom-
ber'J , IbCl , has been dug up and Is to bo en
forced , althoiuh merchants threaten to resist
It to Iho bllter end. It forbids ovqry class of
business on Sunday except that of drueglsts ,
undertakers and landlord ! ) , who cater only
food and nothing Intoxicating. Thoonices
of the commissioners have been flooded with
excftcd business men and landlords mid
landladies all day , and it has been finally de
cided to postpone unlit next Sunday week :
tlio entoreement of this law. The point has
been made that the ordinance was not signed
by the mayor , but the commissioners declare
Itas allowed to become a law without the
major's signature , and thai they will enforce
It. The commissioners have gone even
beyond Hits ordinance and found ono cover
ing almost precisely the Kama ground enacted -
acted nod by the mayor In 1SI3.
This will also be enforced. The two ordl-
dlnanccs taken together will prohibit the sale
of a cigar , glass ot soda or pop or hiring
of a livery rig. They may stop street cars. V
There Is no doubt they will be enforced , be ;
ginning a week from to-morrow.
An effort was made to interview Senator Ii i
Sherman on the published statement that
Blalno and friends had arranged his trip to
Europe to keep him from speech making , that
It was politically significant , etc.
"You are as competent , " said Sherman to
the reporter , "lo ludgo tun value of such re
ports as I am. Besides , it would be mani ' k
festly Improper for mo to take any part In [
these discussions. "
The reporter endeavored to draw from the
senatorsomeoxpiesslon of opinion on Iho
present political outlook , or some speculation
In regard to the probabilities of the presi
dential campaign , but the senator would not
say a word , either about the relative chances
of Iho rival candidates for Ihe nomination or
about the relative election prospects of the
two parties. "Nobody , " said he , "can see at
this distance what may happen next year ,
and any discussion of these subjects now
would bo manifestly Improper , " manifestly
meaning of course that It was well known
that ho vas a candidate himself.
Kepiesentatlvo llulman of Indiana , speak
ing about tlit ! report that Blalno's trip means
a trade and that the Plumed Knight Is to bo
premier of HIP next republican president's
cabinet , etc. , says : "To bo secretaryof state
to some other president rather than be presi
dent himself Is not the wisn of James U.
Blalno , and the remarks of that bumble and
confiding soul are never made by a'man like
Blalne. He is too ambitious ever to have
uttered It. Blaln's ambition Is unbounded.
Ho has unlimited confidence in himself and
means to be preslhent. It Is well known
that Blalne is friendly to Senator Allison
ana if he should find himself unable to com
mand the nomination ho might posslly , do
what ho could to give it to his friend from
Iowa. But that will not happen until tlm
last chance of the man from Maine Is ex
hausted. There Is going to bo a remarkably
hot contest , for the republican nomination
campaign is alieady opened. Sherman is a
man of hardly loss abllltv , self-conlicleneo
and ambition than Blalno himself. Ho , too ,
is a man ot magnetism , and lie Is without
Blalno's disadvantage of I armor dcfeal. Ills
lighting power Is immense. He bears a
lighting name ana between Sherman and
Blalno it will bo a hard light. They am the
Iwo strongest men the parly can procure , "
Major George H. Burtou , inspector gen
eral , has returned to Fort Leavouworth , from
Delaware with his family.
Major Curwen It. McClfllan , Tonlh cav
alry , lias been transferred fiom command at
Fort Verde to station at Fort Thomas ,
First Lieutenant Palmer , Ninth infantryr
Is to be married April l at Waukchaw. Win. ,
to Miss Bertha K. Wardrobe , of that place.
Lieutenant Colonel Larhettjj. Livingston ,
Third artillery , who was recently promoted ,
leported at Baltimore this week to command
Fort Mcilenry. .
Lieutenant Ernest Vlrgct Smith , Third In
fantry , is to bo married next Wednesday at
Watervliet Arsenal , New York , to Miss
Cora Young , daughter of Captain Daniel II.
Army leaves : Captain William II. Corlm-
sir , assistant surgeon. Fort Grant , Arizona ,
one month ; Captain Stephen W. Grocsbeck ,
acting judge advocate ( first lieutenant Sixth
inlantry ) . St. Paul , twentv days.
In the Fourth artillery , under the new reg-
I ulatlon regarding rcglmonlal staff details ,
Flist Lieutenant William Ennis succeeds
First Lieutenant Alexander B. Dyer as adju
tant.First Lieutenant Crosby P. Meller has been
appointed regimental qunrlurmaster. vice
Fuger , promoted to captain.
Army orders : Colonel D. L. Nagruder ,
surKCon , has been ordered from Philadelphia
to Lancaster , Pa. , on public business ; Second
end Lieutenant .lohn M. ( 'arson , Fifth cal
vary , has tmcn translerrud from troop K to
troop B , of the regiment , at his own request
Pensions were issued to-day for Nebras
ka as follows : Nathan H. , father of John
Wlckham , Salem : Orangu E. Bowers , Ben-
kelman : George W. Tllton , Hays Center ;
Frank Moorp , Arlington ; Charles It. Mans
field , Omaha ; Isaac Lint , .Lincoln ; Josiah
W. Day , Omaha.
Pensions for lowans : Cynthia , widow of
Nathaniel Williams , Central City ; Phebe
Gieen , mother of AuptlXCysh , Stuart ; Selh
W , Hawkcs , Keoknk : William JI. Itandolph ,
Mount Aetna ; Laura Aldritch , Guthrie Cen
ter ; E. N. Itatllff , Doud'a Station ; Edwin
Loom ! * , Kalona : Joseph Itaymond , Maquo-
keta ; David J. Rowland , Allerton : Samuel
II. Itcdrlv , Allerton ; Thomas W. Maxlield ,
Taylor ; John Pyatte , Eddvvllle ; David M.
Sweeney , Muscatlne ; George Walker ,
Gamier ; William Wilson , Ko/.sptla ; Patrick
Muldoon , Waterloo ; Oscar .L Clapper , Jack
sonville ; Albert Kerr. Otlumwa ; McDonald
Wilson , Iowa City ; Truman W. llazellon ,
Calmar ; George E. Fisher , Cherokee.
Secretary Lanmr rendered a decision to
day lu the claim of lUmel L. Smith , of Kear
ney county , Nebraska , for SVJ5.40 on account
of'Sioux and Cheyenne Indian raids In 1W/4
and 1845. The Undlng recognizes the loss
unstained as being Sl.O'JO , but rtcclaios
HIP claim was not piesbiiled wllhln tliu limit
fixed by law.
E. J. Evans and John T. Stewart , of Coun
cil Bluffs , are here.
The president and Mrs. Cleveland will at
tend Ka tcr Sunday iuirvli H at their church
to-morrow and tl.en drive to Oak View with
Colonel and Mrn. Lamnnt to take dinner
with Mrs. FoNrmi , Mrs , Cleveland's mother.
A day of rollicklmr Is expected by the presi
dent. On Monday the white nous * grounds
wilt be thrown open for the children of Iho
city to enjoy their customary egg rolling ,
and a great crowd is expected to assemble to
witcvss the tun.
Hf. Louis Ajinln OnfcotB Chicago.
ST. Louts , April 9. T'he world's chain
iI I * plans achieved another victory to-day , defeat
ing the Chicago's after an exciting game.
i :
K. The following li the scon- :
K.r. . St. Louis 1 42000080 8 ,
Chicago 3 X I 0 I 0 0 0 1-