Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Dellrercd by carrier ID nay port of the city at
titcutyttnts per week.
H. W. TILTOW , . . . Manofer.
BtciKTSsOrriCE , No. 43.
NIGHT EtllTOIl NO. 23.
N. Y.PlumbIng CoT
The city council meets this evening.
New spring goods at Keller's , tailor.
George W. Thompson tfeCo. . real estate
F. Weis is Ibtiildlng an addition to his
There are 330 teachers in Pottawatta-
mic county.
The most unpopular tin this spring is
tlio tie in the city council.
The front of ( Jillmski'H store on Bioad *
Way is being remodelled.
Xonwelss , for the teeth , 33c. Camp &
Kills , Opera House pharmacy.
Easter eggs and chicken salad to-night
nt Congregational church parlors.
The switchmen's ball take place next
Thursday evening at Masonic hall.
Extensive preparations are bointr made
by some of the churches for Easter ser
vices to-morrow.
The G. A. It. and the Sons of Veterans
of Atlantic are arranging for a Fourth of
July celebration.
Attend the Easter festival to-night.
Eggs served in all styles. Supper 25
cents , served from 5 to 'J.
Permit to wed was yesterday granted
to George \V. Kilicn and Florcncu 11.
Earnest , both of O.ikland.
The county board yesterday visited the
court liousu in Omaha to get pointers as
to how to furnish the new one here.
The Union Pacific is advertising for
proposals for 13,500 tons of coal to bo de
livered in Council Bluffs cacli month.
Frank Wechter and Miss Lulu Collins
of Omaha , were married Thursday even
ing , by Ucv. Get ) . Craft , the ceremony
taking place at the pastoral residence.
The ladies of the German Catholic
church will on next Tuesday evening
give a theatrical performance in Doha-
ny'.s opera house , for the bonolit of the
The remains of William Dobbin , who
died at the Scott house , were taken to
lied Oak yesterday. The funeral services
were held In the Presbyterian church
there yesterday afternoon.
If the weather is pleasant , to-morrow
morning will be boon some of the new
shapes in ladies' head gear , and the vari
ous churches will rival the opening
of a millinery establishment or modiste.
Good Friday was generally observed
yesterday , but the numerous now resi
dents of Council Binds from the cast ,
who have located here during the past
year , missed their "hot cross buns" so
popular in certain eastern sections.
A large number of citizens gathered at
the Masonic tumple last evening , not
having hoard of any postponement of the
meeting. The expressions heard were
those of disappointment and criticism of
those having the matter in hand.
S. Smith , the newly appointed railway
commissioner of this city , will make his
debut at the session of railway commis
sioners at DCS Moiiics to-day. The Leader
has been interviewing the prominent cit
izens there as to who Mr. Smith is and
getting very little satisfaction. It will
probably lind out now who ho is.
Swan & Harmon have bought out the
well known irroccry establishment of
Hays & Glcason. Mr. Swan is one of the
well known packers , and Mr. Harmon
has been a commercial traveler for
years. Both are thoroughly experienced ,
wide awake , and will make the business
more successful than ever.
Mrs. Hollls , whoso husband is in the
employ of the Keystone implement com
pany , died about 2 o'clock Thursday
morning at their homo on avenue B.
The case is a peculiarly sad one , as she
leaves five children besides her husband.
The remains were taken last evening to
their old homo at Sterling , 111.
George Purdy , who was connected
with the DCS Molncs newspapers , has
disappeared. Among those who are curi
ous to know of his present whereabouts
are the proprietors of the Pacific house in
this city , with whom ho stopped for about
ft week during the latter part of March.
Borne of his personal effects nro still at
the hotel.
It is expected that the new county court
house will bo rciidy for occupancy by the
first of November. It is suggested that
the county board contract at once for the
furniture and fittings , so that they may
be all ready by the time the building is
finished. Such n course will C9st no more
than to wait until the completion of the
building before buying the furniture , and
would hasten the date of the actual occu
pancy of the building. .
\Vo have 200,000 good brick for sale.
F. Loporto , of Carson , Is visiting his
parents. ,
C. G. Glonwood , of Silver City , was in
the city yesterday.
Mrs. A. T. Elwoll has gone to Clinton ,
Mo. , to visit her sister , Mrs. Bonoke.
Prof. A. Armstrong , ox-snporiutondent
ol the city schools , is visiting in the city.
Ed Cass , assistant cashier of the Citi
zens' National bank at Sioux Falls , Dak. ,
is visiting his mother and brother in this
Olof Anderson , foreman of the Chicago
& Northwestern yards at the transfer ,
was yesterday out for the tirat time since
he had his ankle &o badly sprained in
coupling curs.
M. J. Alworth , the general agent of the
Chicago & Northwestern at this point ,
Las returned from Wmnobago , III. ,
whither ho wont on the sad mission of at
tending liis father's funeral.
Special communication of Excelsior
Lodge No. 859. A. F. & A. M. , this ( Sat
urday ) evening for work in the first de
gree. Visiting brethren cordially in
vited , By order of the \V. M.
Cleanliness , Economy , Simplicity and
Beauty of finish are combined in our
splendid line of refrigerators , at Cole &
Cole , 41 Main St. _
Police Court Points.
Stephen Dodson was before his honor
the police judge yesterday morning for
being drunk. He was lined 7,60 and
remanded m default of payment. Ho
claimed that every time ho caruo to
Council Blutl'iifrom Harris' Grove , where
bo is employed , that the uollco for some
reason always jumped onto him. He
was given some good advice before leav
ing the judge.
Lev ! Acter pleaded not guilty to the
charge of vagrancy and was given a few
days'work on the street , us was a fellow
who gave his name as Henry Meyer ,
who claimed to hnvo come from Ogden ,
Charles Dohanoy was tined f 7.00 foi
drunkenness , and J. Caraway , a 'vaar , '
was discharged after promising to gc
direct to Crcston.
Drs. Hanchett & , ofllco No. 1C
Pearl st. Kcsldcnco , 120 Fourth st. Uclc
phone No. 10.
Miss Mollie Cprcorau , dressmaker , 71-
Mynster street , betweuu Seventh am
' '
The Tenth Aven'no Ordinance Still Causes
a Deadlock ,
Heal Estate Btlll Moving New Map
of the Twin Cities-Bits of Po
lice News Personal
The Map of the Twins.
Mr. C. H. Allen has just completed the
new map of Omaha and Council Bluffs ,
and last night it was sent to the pub
lishers , so that it will bo ready for public
distribution within thirty days. The
ma ) > has been examined by a number of
the real estate men and other judges , and
it is pronounced very line. It shows
clearly by mile circles , drawn from a
center in the river , the relative distances
of difl'ercnt points In the two cities. The
showing is remarkable as regards Coun
cil Ulull's. Parts of this city are found by
actual measurements to be nearer the
center of Omaha than has been generally
supposed. By this map it appears that
the UIE : ollico in Council HI nil's is only a
trillo over four miles from the BKI : otllco
in Omaha. The transfer is not so far
from the center between the two cities as
the most valuable portions of Omaha. In
fact , all the lands in that vicinity will
furnish homes nearer to the business cen
ter of Omaha than property which on the
other side is hold at many times the price.
Tills may will sho\y u the relative posi
tions of the two cities so accurately that
one can see at a glance the advantages
anil the locality of any property in the
limits of either city. The now auditions
nre all shown up nicely , and the map is
in all respects one which will prove a
credit as well as a help to botli cities.
Mr. Allen is one ol the best map men in
the land , and tiiis is one of his best picrcs
of work.
Money to loan on real estate. Counci
Blull's Real Estate Loan and Trust Co.
Kooin 0 , Everett block.
Contractors and builders will find it to
their interest to get prices on lime , ce
meut , plaster , hair , etc. , from Couno
Blull's Fuel company , 03 0 Broadwa
telephone 130.
Partners In Lmw.
The trouble between Albcrtson and
Jray over the harness shop in which
ioth claim an interest , was not settled
csterday. Albertson claims that ho
vvns the goods and that he had a right
o take them. Yesterday he took out pa-
> crs and had the sheriff take possession
f the stock , but Gray gave delivery
jonds and continues the business , while
lie matter will now have to bo settled in
, he courts. Gray claims that Albertson
ricd to get the best of him on an outside
leal. Gray had a trade on foot by which
lie was to get some horses in exchange
[ or some city property. Albertson found
\ letter on Gray's desk , and thus got an
inkling of the trade which was on foot.
Taking advantage of this pointer ho bur-
'icdly finished up the deal for him-
ielf. Gray finding that Albcrtson was
getting the start of him consented to Al
bert ? on finishing the deal if lie would
: ; Ivo him half the profits. Albortson went
tit in the country after the horses and
n his return claimed that one of them
ail died suddenly as he was loading him
on the cars to bring him in. Ho had pur
chased an almost exact mate to him of
ho same man , but for his own use and
prolit , and would not divide with Gray.
Then trouble began. Gray insists that
ie will hang to all the goods until a
quaro division is made , as ho thinks the
itory of the horse dying rather gauzy.
The two had a choking spell over the af
fair but Gray seems to have had the best
of it. The final outcome will doubtless
be in the courts.
For aero property , residences and busi
ness property call on W. C. Stacy & Co. ,
No. 0 Main street.
Sherradcn is still making cabinet pho-
at $3 per doz. , best finish. Crayon or
India ink life size pictures only $10. By
F. M. Woodard , artist.
The Tenth Avenue Hitch.
Those who have been so enthusiasti
cally urging the holding of a mooting ot
citizens to talk over the Tenth avenue
project made n rather sudden change of
purpose. The petition presented to T. J.
Evans , as president of the board of trade ,
ailed forth a notice over that gentle
man's signature , naming last evening as
the time for holding such a meeting. Mr.
Evans was called away from the city
Thursday morning , and some one at a
late hour Thursday evening caused a
card to bo inserted in one of the morning
papers to which Mr. Evans' name was
attached postponing the meeting. There
were many who believed there was Rome
catch or fraud to the announcement , and
that it was a scheme to break up the
meeting. It was learned yesterday that
this card was caused to bo inserted by two
or three citizens , and that it was not to the
liking of others who have been con
cerned in this move. The combination
of circumstances resulted , however , in
the postponement of the meeting.
It is said that Alderman Hammer had
gone to Wisconsin on business , and that
it would bo gratifying , to that gentleman
if the rest of the aldermen would pass the
ordinance during his absence , or other
wise dispose of it. Another statement
was that Alderman Keller had arranged
to have a meeting in the Second ward
last evening , at which John Allies and
others were to advocate opposition to the
ordinance , and pass resolutions which
would at least look as well in print us
any that could bo passed at the citizens'
meeting in Masonic hall.
It was stated by those who favored the
postponment of the meeting , that Alder
man Keller had agreed to either yoto for
the ordinance or to resign , provided a
majority of his constituency W9uld
endorse the ordinance. A petition is to
be circulated in order to got this expres
sion. It is understood that in the mean
time a remonstrance is to bo circulated
in the Second ward , with the determina
tion to got as many signatures as possible ,
without regard to whether they are prop
erty owners , or evoa voters , but in the
hope of getting enough so that by count
ing the mi inborn an excuse can thus
be had for still opposing the
ordinance. It seems that the pre
text of wanting petitions on this matter
is a thin one. There was a largo peti
tion of Second ward property owners ,
and one of First ward ones also , pre
pared and presented as long ago as last
fall. There was a petition signed also
by all the jobbing and wholesale houses
in the city except one to whom it was not
presented for signature. There have
been enough petitions to show how the
people feel , and cvon if there had not
been it seems that it ought not to bo
necessary for an alderman to have a vote
of his ward taken every time ho is
called to vote on a measure before the
council. Ho ought to know what in best
for the city , and ought to know what the
views of his constituency are without
trusting to petitions altogether or putting
the people to that trouble.
It was understood yesterday that Alder
man Keller was to prepare a statement ol
hu objections to the ordinance and pub
lish it. On being asked concerning this
report yesterday ho informed the BF.E
uian 'that he had already stated his objec
tions in the council and would give no
further information. He would neither
deny uor nllirm the report that ho
would act in accordance with a petition
of his constituency. In fact ho was quite
uncommunicative on the subject.
There has been much talk over this
matter , but the end does not seem much
nearer. The feeling increases and what
it will result in is not clear.
Heal Eatata Transfers.
F Cook to C C ilazcn , lot 21. blk 87 ,
Kallroad add .8 100
L 1' Judson to David P Jones , lot 0 ,
blk 2 , Judson's 1st to-Ncola , In 100
Ju'ls Larsons and vlfe to Chris 0
Chrlstlauson , lot 7 , blk 2 < > , Howard's
add 225
0 F Moon nnd wife to M A Lnport , 1
acre m se sw 1,275 , 40 SCO
L Lew a n to Joseph Cunningham , n } <
n U-7Ml 1,200
George Iludlo to Annlo Itudlr , 1-3 of
lot 1 , subot lot'JOU , op 1,000 ,
J li ( stutsman to James Kltchoy , lot 2 ,
blk 10 , Stutmnn's M add 10
Heirs of M Slilcdly to O E Uonnel , no
neia-io-44 l
E A .Smith anil husband toV 1' Web
ster , 10 lots In Kiddle tract 1,100
E L SluiKnrt ct al toV S Cooper , I
Ins BO-lS-ll 400
aero so so - -
unos Folsoin to O F Bllger , lots , blk
7 , Mullor's sub 300
cncs Folsom to O F Ullger , lot 0 , blk
i > . Mullet's sub ; . . . . ir.o
f J Day toV W 111 liter , lot 11 , blk IH ,
llayliss & Palmer's GJO
C Aoltnian toV \ W Bilker , lot 2 , blk
10. M Mahon , Couucr it Jelfeiles'
mid COO
Benjamin WorcheMer ami wife to J E
Uiley , HO acres. eK 1U-75- ' . ' 13,000
A E Benson to .Mnrv E Cook , lot 3 , blk
24,13ensou'slst. . : 200
iamo to same , lot 4 , blk 24 , lionson's
1st 200
amu tu same , lot 0 , blk 21 , Benson's
1st 200
jrunc to same , lot C , Ilk'4 ! , Benson's
1st 230
II Hlalio to 11 V Innls , lot 5 , blk 33 ,
Mullln's . 230
t V luuls to A L Kake , lot 13 , blk 15 ,
Mullln's 275
] A lienson to J O llohlem , lot 1 , blk
25 , Benson's 1st 230
aim : to same , lot 2 , blk 25 , Benson's
1st 1 223
Same to same , lot 3 , blk 25 , Benson's
1st 225
B Blaku to V Lane , lot 20 , blk 37 ,
Ccntinl 230
Transfers , 25 ; consideration 523,301
The Contract For the Mnnawn Motor
Hnlhvny to lie Let.
The'proieet for building a motor rail-
ivay to Lake Manawa is now a secured
'act. The $15,000 needed has all been
ubscribcd except $1,300 , and this naltry
remnant will bo pledged before noon to-
lay. The very moment that the last dol-
ans secured the contract will bo let and
he work will proceed at once , and bo
rushed to completion. The prediction is
made that within ten days actual work
will be commenced. Those who have
been working up the matter were cuthn-
iastie last night.
J. W. &E. L. Squire make beautiful
abstracts of title , and deserve the success
Miey are enjoying.
A Brilliant Reception.
A brilliant reception was given last
evening at the residence of W. W. Wai-
ace on Bind'street , the occasion being
n honor of Mr. and Mrs. James Wallace ,
ivho were on Wednesday last joined in
marriage at the residence of the bride's
nether , Mrs. Holt , in Wavcrly , la. The
Wallace- residence , which ii a spacious
one , was illuminated and decorated in
liouor of the occasion , and the many
"fiends of the family joined in extending
A Flriit-Olutis Residence.
Nine rooms , abundance of closets , two
collars , bath room , hot nnd cold water ,
gas , furnace , etc. , city water , cistern ,
ventilation thorough ; built two years.
Occupies an elevated site in good local-
'ty ana is very desirable property. About
: hree minutes walk to postotlice. 11. P.
Oilicer , room No. 0 , No. 000 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs.
A Key to the Deadlock.
The suggestion is made that as a key to
the deadlock in the city council the ordi
nance bo passed creating the Fifth ward
and then the election of nn improvement
alderman from that ward would give a
majority to the progress clement. There
would bo seven aldermen then in the
council and it would be-difficult to get
any more annoying tics.
Not Dead Nor Dying.
The accident which occurred to young
Flynn the other day does not prove to bo
so serious as at first reported. Dr. Low-
rey , of Neoslm , the attending physician ,
reports the boy ad convalescing.
Men AVe All Know and Come in Con
tact With Kvcy Day.
Burdrtto "I said in haste "
: my , re
marked the pslamist , ' 'all men are liars. "
That there are more liars in the world
to-day than there were in David's time
goes without saying because there are
more men. And with this increase of
population there lias sprung into being anew
now line of stock liars with whom David
was unacquainted ; fair , average liars ,
who do a plain , every day business , and
only go on in star parts when the star
liar of the combination is sick or tired or
something. Among these steady profes
sionals may be mentioned :
The man who "never reads the news
papers. "
The man who never sees the editorial
cutting him up , until "his attention lias
been called to it. "
The candidate who is "out of politics
and wouldn't take the nomination if it
were offered him. "
The man who "put Cleveland where
hois. "
The man who "never had a day's sick
ness in his life. "
The man who says the Captain told
him "it was the worst storm he had ever
experienced. "
The family who was in Europe three
weeks , "anil went everywhere and saw
everything. "
The professor who tells you that in all
his life ho "never Knew a child with one-
half the marvelous talent for ( music ]
( drawing ) ( elocution ) ( mathematics ) ( any
thing else ) which your child has already
developed. "
The man who "wouldn't have taken
| 100 for that dog. "
Thu man who "made the mistake ol
his life when ho didn't road ( law ) ( mcdi-
cine ) ( theology ) ( go on the stage. ) "
Th'o man whoso wife "doesn't appreci
ate him'1 ( a great deal more accurately
than lie knows. )
The man who "whipped every boy ho
over fought with at school. "
The man who "could take that text am
preach a great deal hotter sermon from
it" ( than his pastor did. )
The man who says "ho wants .you to
toll just what you think , " and "never
feels hurt at candid criticism , no matter
how severe it is. "
The man who "never slept n wink last
night. "
The man who "told ( somebody yoi
never heard of ) the day before ( Cleve
land ) ( Garlicld ) ( Blame ) was nominatct
just on what ballot the convention would
break on and how it would go. "
The man who "never made but one
mistake in judging character in his life. '
The man who can remember "the only
lie ho over told. "
The man who was "offered f 9CO for tha
horse the day before ho wont lame. "
The man who "could turn a deut > l <
handspring from the ground , backward
Will Display New Spring Goods In
Every Dcpnrtincnt This Week ,
jt "
We Invite the ladies to call during this
week to see our superb stock and
eo intending purchasers that no better
allies can be found in the United States.
Svcrything is marked at the very lowest
cush prices which means about one-
bird less than other houses will sell the
amo quality of goods for.
Wo call special attention to n recent
nirchasc of silks at much loss than rcgu-
ar value and wo propose to civo our pat
rons and the public n bcautiiul oilbrlng
at special sale during this week. 5,000
yards Summer Silk at 2. > , ! J510 , 50 and
iOc per yard , worth fully a third more. '
1,000 vtirds of Colored gros grain and
ailc francalsc silks , all shades , at 05. 75 ,
OOc , $1.00 and ? 1.25 ncr yard. These
joods are the new fashionable gray ,
shades Included. They are bargains
uul must bo seen in order to be
ipprcchited. . 25 pieces surah silk , all
shades , incliulmg black , at JiOc , 75c , if 1
and fl.'o per yard. The greatest bar
gains ever seen for the money.
Several thousand remnants of plain
nnd fancy brocaded silks and satins to be
jloscd out during this great sale at less
han half their regular prices.
This is a grand opportunity for moth-
; rs to lind suitable ends for children's
iresscs small t.nds to combine with
vorstcd materials which is now so
We shall oiler a few special bargains
Ills week in black silks
AT $1.00.
Wo are spiling the very host black silk
ihadame ever offered for the mono } ' , all
jure silk , well woven anil well finished.
These are worth $1.2/5 / ,
AT $1.00.
Black gros-gram silks. We guarantee
, o supply a silk that will not cut or crack ;
ill pure Italian silk , satin finished , and
with a grain heavy enough to make n
'landsome dress ,
AT $1.00.
Colored gros-graln silks in all the new
colors. This is a handsome and durable
cloth worth $1.25.AT
AT $1.00.
Arniurc silks in black and colors. In
offering this now weave of silk wo can
safely say that it is certainly very pretty
md will wear as well as any goods that
can be bought. We have an elegant line
of colors and warrant these goods to be
ill pure silk.
AT $1.00
UlacK Hadx.lmir SilK. The increased
popularity of this weave of silk , both for
iress wear and for short wraps , has in-
.luccd us to make this a very special
jargain and wo are very positive in say-
ng that nowhere else can these goods
jo bought for less than $1.1)5. )
We also show Hn , elegant line of silk
velvets and trimming velvets and plushes
n all the latest styles at 75c , $1 , f 1.25 ,
? l.fiO , $1.75 and $ 'J per yard. The best
value ever shown for the money and the
arcestand best line in the west to select
Now is the time1 to got bargains our
prices arc the lowest ; our goods are the
choicest ; our styles are correct ; wo main-
lain the lead ; our reputation is well cs-
: ablishtul , and wo , witli pleasure , refer
to the leading ladies of the city.
Pay us a visit and wo will at any time
bo glad to show you our stock , no matter
if you wish to purchase or not.
Respectfully ,
People's Store ,
Nos. 311 , 310 , 318 and 820 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs.
N. Ji. We ( jtuc.all mall order * spe
cial < tnd prompt attention and any
orders ot' correspondence yon
man favor its tvith win receive the
greatest care and attention.
or forward , when ho was a boy , but
liasn't tried it for more than liftccn
years. " ( Sometimes , with a redeeming
impulse of gracious and beautiful truth ,
Iliis liar will add that "he doesn't believe
lie could do it now. " )
What you need is a medicine which is
inirc , cllicicnt , reliable. Such is Hood's
jarsaprilla. It possesses peculiar cura
tive powers.
OwInetothDU.0liL ! EUSTIIITY ot tlio cloth ( which
our l > atrnt < i cover elduNlvcly ) will ( U p rfpHlr I1r t
tlnienorn. llrqulics no breaking In. unlKT lunTRSFK
lij * ellcrnft rl etnjr orn u > nda ) irnot fomi'Jth inost
nnd 4'omfortnble Corict over worn. Sold by all
Orm-cUts deulpm.
UJtOTTY nUU . , Chicago. III.
Special advertisements , such as Lost , Found
' /o Loan , For Sale , To Kent , VSnnts. Hoarding ,
etc.-will l > o Inserted In this column nt the low
rateof TEN CENTSPCK LINE rortlioHm laser-
ion and 1'lvo Cents Per Line forcach subsequent
Insertion. Lctive advertisements at our olHce
No. U Vcnrt street , ueor Uroadvrajr , Couucil
LOST From No.71 , ' * ( lancroft strtct , two
Scotch terrier pups about tliri-o months
nld. Unlit yellow color. Hultiiblo reward. T.
W. McCnrfiir.
Apprentice Kills to learn dress-
inakln ? . No. 711 Mytistor st.
TT10H SALE A nlcbpony ranro , cheap. B. T.
I ? ' French , No. att I'vurl Direct.
WANTED A peed t'lrl for Konoral house
work. Apply tu Mrs. W. 8. Cooper , C31
Bluff st. . , .
W ANTED- wnltcr at Louie & Mctzgcrs ,
21 and K.7 U roadway.
WANTED Tivcntv ( rood teams for
on thu Norlhwustem toad , BU miles from
Omaha. ' >
FOH ItENT-Large furnished front room ,
No. BIT First uvonuu.
Girl for eencral housework. No ,
627 Fifth avenue.
First-class Rlrl to do general
WANTED . No. 1M Fourth street.
FOK HUNT A largo front room , first floor ,
iurnlshed new , suitable for two gentle
men. Located In the central part of city.
Water and gas. Address W , Uoo ofllco , Coun-
ell Uiuffs.
FOIt BALE Complete plant and equipment
for U. It brldRo work , consisting of T
pile drivers , carpentnrs tools , touts , bedding
and lioardliip outfit for 160 men. In good re
pair. Now stored at Chencnne , W. T. For In
ventory and terms address No. IB , N , Mam tit.
Council Uluffs , IOWH.
T71OK SALE A good second-band deliver ]
X ? wagon , cheap. 0. H. Bmltb , No. 510
, N. ' SCHUItZ ,
Justice of , the Peace.
Our Comtunt Aim Is to Give Bet
ter Vnlue In Everything Wo
Sell Tlmn Other Homes In
Council Bliiffr or Vicinity Our
Stock Will Always lie Found
Clean nnd FrcRh ; of the Beat
Quality mill Intent Styles.
In our Dress Goods Department wo
vlll oiler special bargains this week.
Kcad our prices , sec our stock. Wean
: an show you more dress coeds ,
wico over , than all of our competitors
combmcd. Go where .YOU can lind what
you want.
In our American Dress Goods Depart-
ncnt you will Ilud , this week , at 3c. per
yard , 150 pieces ot Plaids , suitable tor
jhlldren's wear. At 5c per yard wo
lave 100 pieces , half wool goods , worth
from IOc to 12Jo , At IOc per yard wo
oiler ICO pieces wool mixed dress ma-
crials worth double the money. At llio
) er yard , 3 cases of heavy double-fold
erges , Cashmeres and Jamestown Al-
: > acas , sold everywhere from 25c to 30o
icr yard. At 2Jo WO oiler 75 pieces of
new shades Uody Cashmeres , 38
nclics wide , sold everywhere else at 40o
ier vard. At 30c , and -10c per yard ,
it ) , 38 and 40 inch Satin Diagonals , nil
tow shades ; also Cheviots tint ! Sorgos In
ill wool goods anil best value ever
shown for the money.
In French and Knglish Imported Dress
joods wo oiler this week at OOc per yard ,
i case of 50 pieces Cheviots and Surges ,
in pin checks and broken plaids , 42
nchcs wide , worth Coo to 75c. At 50c wo
liavo 1 case 42 inches , in all wool French
L/ashmercs and Surges , in stripes , cords.
liagonals and other fancy weaves , in all
shades , including the now greys and
tans ; worth ? oc per yard.
At 50c , two cases all wool Dress Flan
nels and Tricots , solid colors , new mix-
.tires , tans , greys , beige and ecru , the
best quality in America for the money.
At OOe , 70c and § 1.00 a yard , wo oiler :
175 pieces French Silk Mixed Serges ,
corded and striped Silk Mixed Paris
Dress Novelties. Camel's Hair Cloth ,
Plain and Diagonal Suitings from the
jest looms of the world.
We also have a full line of Trimming
Velvets and Novelties suitable for com
binations with the above mentioned
roods , and are prepared to show a line of
Jombination Suitings second to no house
n the United States.
Tills is our Silk and Dress Goods week ,
et everybody in want of a nice Spring
Dress call on us and wo will surprise
yon. lie sure to call during the special
Kos. 314 , 16 , 318 nnd 320 !
Brondwny , Council liluH'g.
IV. IS. All innil orders lei
Humpies or good ? entrusted to
our car c will receive the best o
Vilccnt Lots , LmiJ ? , City Heslrtenees nnd
Faring , Aero property In western port of city.
All soiling clicup to make room for eprine stock
Real Estate & , Insurance Agent ,
ItoomB , over Officer tc Pusoy's Bank , Counci
Announces that His stock of
Finelmported SpringMillinery
In Choice Shapes ol Hats Si Bonnets ,
Together with a
LarfleLlne ofXoveltleslnFan cu Ma
terlals Is now Heady for Your
Careful Inspection.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
J will be at the Paclflc JIolelConn-
cll Bluff's , every Saturday forenoon.
Omaha Dental Association removed to
Ilollman IHocK , cor. 18th and Farnam.
Host sets teeth $0 , fully warranted. All
operations rendered painless by the use
of our new anesthetic. Dr. Haughuwout ,
( Standard No. 2916) ) Sired by Alniont No
! )3 ) , and "Hrcistor. " ( Standard No. 5813. )
Sired by Tramp No. 308. These stallions
will make the season of 1887 at the Coun
cil Bluffs Driving Park.
For particulars inquire of or address
WADE UAHY , Council Uluffs , la.
Star Sale Stab/es and Mule Yards
Broadway , Council Bluffs , Opp. Dummy Depot
i * i
_ _ _ , _ . _ . ei
Horses and mules kept constantly on
hand , for sale tit retail or in car loads.
Orders promptly lilled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on commission.
SHLUTEU & UOLEV , Proprietors.
Telephone No. 114.
Formerly of Kcil Sale Stables , corner
1st. avo. and 4th street.
Notice of UUBoliitlnn
Of partnership ot lloiloy Bros. , brick manii-
( aoturcs , by limitation. Ilotb to receive and
receipt 1or debts duo the llrra. B. W. IJeslcy to
pajr all debts hcalirst the flrin.
Council Uluffl , Apr. 1,1887. B. W. BESLEY.
. . . , . ' L. C. UliSLKi" ,
Choice Property at a Bargain ,
Fifty Acres Choice Land Adapted for
Gardening and Fruit Growing.
About twenty acres of the tract is set to
apple orchard which is in bearing , and
to all varieties nf choice small friiit and
vineyard , divided as follows ;
'riiu ' v IN 1:1 : A i
I'ropor contains upwards of live acres.
The vines are thrifty and in bearing.
Between three and four acres are well
set to choice varieties of blackberries ,
raspberries and strawberries.
Contains more than 1,000 trees in bear
ing. In addition to the above enumer
ation are a largo numbers of choice
plums , cherry and other fruits , also shade
and ornamental trees surrounding the
i.Aitni : COMMODIOUS House ,
Ordinary barns and other out-buildings.
The soil is of excellent quality for card-
cniug purposes , being a deep black loam
and is a warm , south slope , and is altogeth
er the most attractive and desirable of
anything within business distance of
Omaha or Council Blulls. With the new-
bridge completed across the Missouri , the
property is not over thirty minutes drive
from the Omaha postollico. Any party de
siring a choice bargain should apply at
onee as , if not sold within the next two
weeks , it will be withdrawn from the
For Prices and Terms Apply to
G. iJ.
Steam , Gas aiid Water Pipe
No 552 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , Iowa
Mall Orders Shipped
Real Estate Brokers ,
No. 13 North Main Street.
Lower Floor First National Bank Block ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Properly Situated on the Corner of Pearl Street and Sixth Avenue , .
known as the f"
Sold at Auction on Wednesday , April 20th ,
A.T G > . : M : . SA.IJB o r IFX
H. H. INMAN , Salesman.
Curtains , Upholstry ,
Window Shades ,
Poles , Door Mats , Rugs ,
Sash Draperies , Etc , ,
Mail OrdfliTSrehilj Filled ,
Our Mr. Stockort Superintends
All Work.
D. H. McDANELD k CO. ,
( KltuUUsllOd 1SC3.I
No. MO Main Street. i : l Council
W. L. 11IGGS ,
Justice of the Peace.
No 50i Uroadway , Council Bluffs.
Collctions a specialty. Refcri. to the Bee
Attorney at Law.
504 Broadway , Up Stairs ,
Council Bluffs.
ngineerSunfejorMapPublshBr , , !
No. 11 Xorlh Wain St.
City and rountx maps of cltlos and counties
la western lovrn , Nebraiktutrid Kaunas.
Horses g Mules
For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail
and in lots. Large quantities to select
from. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin
gle or double. .
if , Council Bluff
STONE & SIMS , jig
Attorneys at Law ,
Practice in the State and Federal Court
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block.
FllANK 8. RICE ,
Dcplgng , estimates nnd reports on bridges ,
viaducts , foundations and general eiifrinocrluir.
Blue prints ot any slzo and quantity.
Office No 13 N. Main St. , First National Bank
The only Hotel in Council Bluffs Having a Fire
Escape ,
And All Modern Improvements.
315 , 317 and 210 Main St.
WAX MOlftf , Prop.
Prices Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
It. MICH , M. D.
Cancers and other Tumors
Removed without the knile or Drawing o
Over 30 vears Practical experence.
Nell Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
E. S. BAltNETT ,
Justice oi the Peace ,
410 Uroadway , Council HUills.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city , Collection * a specialty.
. , Council ] UufrsIowa.
EilibltaheU ) t57 : .