Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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The Governor Names the Officers of the
Second Nebraska Kegitnent ,
Clio State Pharmacy lionrd Getting
Itaatly to KnTortio the NV v I jaw
A Dangerous Illazc
Capltnl News.
Governor Thajer yesterday mtulu the
following appointments : Under tlio new
law providing for the organization of the
Second regiment of Nntionnl Guards ,
nnd which with the First regiment will
constitute n brigade , Colonel L. W.
Colby , of Beatrice , has been appointed
brigadier general commanding. Under
the same law the following ofllccrs have
been appointed on the stall'of the com-
mnndur-m-ehief : A. V. Cole , of Adams
county , adjutant general , with the rank
of brigadier general ; K. M. Corrcll , of
Tliaycr county , qimrtcrmststcr general
nnd commissary , with the rank of
colonel ; Franklin Sweet , of Merriek
county , inspector general , with the rank
of lieutenant colonel ; John C. Watson ,
of Oleo county , judge advocate general ,
with tlio rank of major ; W. M , SUmc , of
Saundcrfl county , surgeon genera ! .
Aids-ilo-camp , with the rank of colonel :
S. J. Shirley , of Cheyenne county ; W. 11.
McCann , of Sheridan county ; K. S. Dud
ley , lieutenant Second United States ar
tillery. James Hritton , of Wayne county.
Tlio appointment of Lieutenant Dudley
i.s made as a slight recognition of the cf-
iicient assistance Hindered by him in pre
paring the new military bill , and in pro
curing its passage through tlio legisla
ture. Ho will also bo of valuable aid in
organi/.ing the Second rugimont of Na
tional guards.
It has been discovered that the bill
creating the now county of Hooker and
( lelinlug its metes and bounds has never
reached the governor , but to the con
trary , has , since the time jpf its passage ,
boon reclining in obscurity in the enroll
ing clerk's room and is now dead ho-
yonil ros'irrcction. ' It is not probable
that ( hero was any great and crying de
mand for the county of Hooker , but tlio
fact illustrates further the amount of
carelessness and gross ncgligenco that
pervaded the ranks of these entrusted
with the important work at the closing
days of the SCSMOII.
the Culbortson Canal and Water corn-
Sf any were filed with the secretary of
state yesterday. The object of the cor
poration is hut forth to be the construc
tion of a canal or canals for irrigating
purposes , and for a city water supply ,
the canals to be constructed along both
branches of the Frenchman fork of the
Republican river , from the village of
Uoverly to Culbcrtson , and from the lat
ter place to Indianola along the water
course of the Republican river. The
capital stock Is 10,000 , and the incorporators -
porators are C. D , King , M. M. Ilouso ,
G. V. Hunter , F. B. liisloy. William
Keller , G. W. Daniels. S. E. Solomon , N.
Atwood , G. G. Kisonhart , J. McKin/.io ,
W. J. Wheeler , K. W. Power. W. Walker ,
J. W. May , It. L. Perry , F. Ellcgo.
at their meeting and organization pro
ceeded nt once to order the necessary
blanks for druggists to use In complying
with the law , and the board dc.slro all
tfruegists in business on tlio (1th ( of March
And nil clerks of druggists who have
been acting as dispensers for three years
to send their names to Henry D. Boyden
at Grand Island , the secretary , that
blanks may bo sent them at as carlr a
clay as possible , that they may comply
> vlth the law nnd become registered phar
macists. Clerks of less service must
piakc application as assistants. The next
'meeting of the board will bo In Omaha
May 10 at tlio time of the annual mooting
pf the druggists' association of the state.
( The governor yesterday issued commissions -
missions to the following notaries public
0.11. Bowen , Lena , Blaine county ; Ru
dolph M. Hampton , Nonparlnl , Box
Vutto county ; A. L. Farrar , Beomor.Cum-
' inir county ; Horatio K. Atkinson ,
'Broken Bow ; Henry C. Maxon , Wells-
Villa , Choyouno county ; George O.
Strector , Sfdnoy ; Frank J. Slitor. Omaha ;
Clmrlori C. famuli , Omaha ; Irving L.
Hommcdicn , Omaha ; Herbert L. Evans ,
Grand Island ; Janu > s Ewing , Wood
Ilivor ; William Frank , Grand Island ; S.
O. Campbell , Madison ; B. B. Hoadloy ,
Brownvillo ; E , C. Miller , Wcstgood ,
franco county ; Hodcrick Sutherland ,
liostwick , Nuckolls county ; John W.
Bteinhavt , Nebraska City , Gporgo W.
Lowly , Soward.
The stuto boaid of pharmacy has hold
Us first session in this city and organized.
W. C. 1.11110 , of Lincoln , is president , and
Henry Boydon , of Grand Inland , the sec-
- - .
The board of public land * and build
ings were in session yesterday nftornoon
arranging , among otlior matters , for the
sale of the state lots in Lincoln in ac
cordance with the act of the legislature.
Thorn are a largo number of those lots ,
Rome of which are valuable nnd others
lie at the bottom of Salt or cole.
"A , W. W. Abbey , of Richardson county ,
the now member of the live stock sam-
itary commission , was nt the state house
yesterday tiling his bond and oath of of-
Tliero nvo a great many delinquencies
In school land sales in the state and the
commissioner of lands and buildings will
the coming week send out some 0,000 no
tices to delinquents to pay up or have
their rights forfeited.
The auditor linds that a number of in-
Auranco companies are attempting to
irasact business in the state without first
complying with the law. The auditor
catalogues thn following companies in
this business : Insurance company of
Sioux Falls , Dak. , the Chesapeake of the
District of Columbia , Fire and Marine of
Pierre , Dak. , the Louisiana of Now Or
leans , tlio Indiana of Indianapolis , the
Mount Holly of Mount Holly , N. J. , nnd
the Council Blurts of Council Bltifls , la.
Yesterday BonCobb walked the streets
of Lincoln a free man again , after a rcsl-
donee of something ovcrtwo years in the
Btato penitentiary. The ease of Bon Cobb
is so .well known that , as a matter of
news , only slight rcforenconocd bo made
to it. Cobb was an attorney and nt ono
tlmo police jtuljja of this city. Ho moved
in the higher circles of society , had a
host of friouda and lived an expensive
life. When the crash onmo bo was in
dicted for embezzlement , convicted ana
eont to the pen , from Zwhich he has just
returned. What business ho may now
engage in , or whether he will remain in
Lincoln , is not stated.
About 3 p. m. yesterday , in the midst of
a high wind , engines in the B. & M.
yards whistled a tire alarm and after
some delay the alarm reached the engine
Louses. Dilliciilty was then had in lo
cating the names , but the department
tumuit out nnd found the establishment
of the Wisconsin Furniture ana Collln
company in the western part of the city
ou lire. The nearest hydrant was six
blocks away , but n coupling was quickly
undo and the ( Ire subdued with slight
oss to the building. The establishment
f the Wisconsin Furniture and
Coflln company n n mnmmoth
four story fratno building that was
filled , nil four floors , with the com
pany's heavy stock for their wholesale
trwfa. The destruction of the building
would have boon a heavy loss both to the
company and the city , and had it been a
block further away from n hydrant tlio
department could not have saved it. The
lire further illustrates the absolute neces
sity that exists in the city for the exten
sion of the water service for lire protec
tion , and a movement in this line should
engross the attention of the now ndmlnls-
lion without delay.
At the last meeting of the city council
important steps were taken upon tlio pav
ing question for the summer and an
election was agreed upon to bo hold May
I ) , at which time the city will vote upon
the issuing of f 100.000 paving bonds , bear
ing interest nt 5 per cent , and to data
from July 1 of the present year. The
question of paring districts was then
taken up and the following limits de-
lined : Paving district No. 1 includes
that part of O street from the west side
of Seventh to the cast sldo of Ninth , N
street from Seventh to Ninth , P street tlio
etuno distance , and Q and U street
the same nnd S street ono block
from Eighth to Ninth. The second dis
trict includes N , O nnd P streets from
Ninth to Fourteenth , also Eleventh street
from Q to J , also from Ninth to Eleventh
on Q. This territory will cover only a
portion of the business part of tlio city ,
but it will bo on the moro important
thoroughfares and innku a good com
mencement. The ordinance lixing the
salaries of city olliclals in accordance
with the new charter , was also passed ,
and an ordinance started on its way in
creasing the saloon license from $1,000
to $1,500.
The mill dam case of C. E. Ilordman
against the Nebraska Stock Yards com
pany , has continued the attraction in
district court the past few days , and has
not vet reached its termination. The defendants -
fondants , the stock yard company , claim
tlio right to dam Oak creek below the
Herdman mill , and in so doing the watet
is backed on to the wheel of the mill , as
the Herdmans set forth , some four feet
nnd taking away twenty-horse power
from the mill and its capacity for work ,
making tlio mill itself inoperative.
The stock yards company put in this
dam that is cuusing tlio trouble , on their
crounds , with the object in view of secur
ing their ice supply for packing purposes.
The case is of a great deal of interest to
both parties in the trial , and the attorneys
are evidently trying it for all thuro is
in it.
i The present term of the Lancaster dis
trict court will terminate to-day , Satur
day , nnd the district court for Cass will
open Monday next at Plnttsniouth. The
present term in this county has been
wholly uneventful.
"What is homo without a mother ? "
Why It is about 'as comfortless as n
mantlepicco in winter time without a
bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
Tic douloureux or neuralgia can be per
manently cured by the use of Salvation
Oil. Price 23 cents.
Two Men Sec it in tlio Surf at Santn
Los Angeles Tribune : Bill Williams is
a driver m the employ of the California
Southern and Atlantic nnd Pacilic Truck
company. Ho is an honest , sober man
nnd bears a truthful reputation.
B. A. Gutlirio until lately has boon cm
ployed by the same company , and also
bears a reputation for veracity and
hobriety ,
Why these recommendations ? Do
these young men want positions ? Those
questions may bo put by readers of to
day's Tribune : Tbo answer is that the
above statements are made in prepara
tion of what is to follow.
On Sunday Williams and Gutliric wont
to Santa Monica for a little recreation.
After exhausting the resources of that
attractive resort , they wandered along
the clifls toward the canyon , and finding
n comfortable spot , laid down ou the
sward , and amused themselves by view
ing the landscape and waterscape with a
powerful pair of fluid glasses.
"Is that a log Moating out there ? " said
Gutlirio to Williams , handing him the
glasses and indicating the spot where ho
was to look , out toward China. Williams
examined the object , and woo about to
hand the glasses back when ho saw the
supposed log roar its foremost oiul about
live feet up in the air and wiggle itbolf
about. It then suddenly disappeared.
Soon it bobbed up serenely , several nun-
nrcd feet nearer the shore , and the as
tonished young men saw that it was some
It advanced toward the shore rapidly ,
raising n barrel like head end peering
about cautiously. Williams got excited
and handed the class back to Guthrie , at
the same time drawing -14-calibro Colt's
revolver that ho had with him. \ \ hen
the serpent cot within about 150 yards of
the bench Williams lircd at it and then
wished lie lindu't , for it commenced to
makon hidcoiu , squalling noise , slashing
the water into foam with its tiny feet of
body. Rearing its tremendous head many
feet in the air , it would squall "something
like n man , only In a horrible way , " snid
Williams to the Tribune reporter re
contly. "Its nyos wore llery , and its im
me n so mouth would open uml
shut as if it would like to got hold of the
man who tired that shot. "
"How did it look ? "
"Well , it was about fifty foot long , its
body was round and looked rou < * h , as if
it had largo scales. The head , winch was
about the size of n barrel , appeared to bo
fringed with long hair. "
"Did you notice any fins ? "
' "No. I could not distinguish any. It
swam along with pcrfcut case , though.
Sometimes its head would bo on the sur
face of the water , and then It would
rise up about tivn feet and look all
around. "
"Wore you frightened ? "
"No , not particularly. 1 know it could
not ijot up on the clilV.
"Why aid you not got a boat and chase
It ? "
"Excuse raol I was very well satisfied
to bo where I was. I had no dosira to
got hold of it. "
Mr. Williams told his story in a
straightforward , truthful manner. Ho
said no hardly expected believe
it , and ho did not care if they did not.
Ho had scon what ho related , and it was
the truth.
In advance of the sickly season render
yourself impregnable ; a malarial atmos
phere or sudden change of temperature
is fraught witli danger ; use Dr. J. II. Mc
Lean's Strengthening Cordial and
Blood Puritior. $1 per bottlo.
1C(1 win Booth's Hpcech.
San Francisco Chronicle : Mr. Booth
is a most retiring and tlruld man about
society. Ho is the only actor I ever mot
who is embarrassed at a compliment.
Most nctprs , when you toll them how well
they do , immediately proceed to explain
to you that they are really greater actors
than you think they are. Mr. Booth
scorns to bo possessed by the unique con
viction that Shakespeare meant what ho
wrote , and one of his mam droaas Is of
the man who wants to know whether
Hamlet was really insane or only feign
ing. Ho was speaking of his reception at
tlio Baldwin on the tirst night.
"You saw my reception ou Monday
night'h said , 'and I I couldn't linyo
snid 'Thank you1 before that curtain. "
Ho confessed to making ono speech ,
but the result was not very encouraging.
Some years ago he wont with hii com
pany to a place to play one
night. Ho had been specially requested
not to ' Hamlet " the
play' , as people
haA eou him in that tbo year pefore
and they wanted sorootblnp : clso. When
they aslordblod nt the theater they found
the bnggago had eono nstray nnd the
costumes for "Richelieu" had not ar
rived. They must play something else ,
and tlio only thing they could do was to
inako up n bill of a farce nnd three nets
of "Hamlet , " which wore easiest to put
on. Mr. Booth went out before the cur
tain nnd made n little speech.
"They listened to me , " ho said , "nnd
when I got through n man in the front
of tlio orchestra looked up and said :
All rieht , give us Hamlet. ' 1 wont off
feeling very proud of my speech. I had
done brilliantly , I thought. Just then I
heard somebody talking In front ot tlio
curtain. What's this , F said to myself.
Somebody objecting a row and I grew
excessively nervous. Just then ono of
the men came. Who's that talking out
there ? "Oh , it's all right. It's the pro
prietor , They didn't hear a word you
said , and ho is explaining to them that
you've changed the bill. "
The Spring Months
Are undoubtedly the best in which to
purify the blood and strengthen the sys
tem , because at this time the body Is
most susceptible to the beneficial oflecta
of a reliable medicine like Hood's Samp-
arilla. The feeling of debility , languor ,
and lassitude , caused by the changing
season , is entirely overcome , and scrofula
and all humors are expelled from tlio
blood by the powerful reviving intlucnces
of Hood's Snr&aparilhi.
Do not delay Take Hood's Sarsapnrilla
now. It is made by C. I. Hood & Co. ,
Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass. Sold by all
druggists. 100 Doses Ono Dollar.
Rough on Pennsylvania.
District clerk Ijams is responsible for
the following : A well appearing gentle
man appeared before him to make appli
cation for na'iurali/.ation papers.
"Where were you born ? " asked the
Clerk. "Pennsylvania , " answered the
Prepared with strict regard to Parity , Strength , and
llcalthf nine * * , lit. Pnco's Daking Powder contains
no AmmoniaLlmOjAlurn or I'hosphatoa. Dr.I'iico'a
Extracts , Vanilla , Lemon , etc. , flavor deUolooaly.
cnici : a.TtmST lews.
Notice to Bridge Contractors and Builders ,
"VTOI1CI5 I * hereby ph on that so lied bids will
-L > lip received nt the county clerk's otllco. ot
Nnncu county , nt Pullet ton , Nebraska ,
until noon or the ! d duy ot Ajiiil ,
18.S7. for the election of n wiifron
lirldk'O across the Lonp rhor , south ot
the \llliW ) of Genoa In siild county , snid Inldtro
19 to bo about 1'J75 f eet in length , twclvo loot
In width , lonirth ot spans seventy feet , with two
turn outH , to lni\o heavy oult plllnir for piers ,
nnd substantial Ice brotks tit euch pier.
The lirldtfo Is to bo Rlmilur lu construction to
the I.oup brldRO ut Fnllerton , Nebraska.
All bidders are required to accompany their
bids with plans nnd specifications of the work
All bids will bo publlc'illy opened and examined
by the county board ot supervisor , on tho3ld
day ol Api II , 1887 , ut two o'eloek In the afternoon -
noon of said day , lit the court house In I'uller-
ton , mid the contract lor the erection of snld
brldffo awauled to the lowest responsible bidder -
dor having the most sultablo plans. The county
board , however , rosen es the right to reject
any nnd all bids and no money will be paid for
rejected plans. All bids must bo sealed , and
addressed to Frank Ony , chairman of the board
ot county supervisors. In c ro of A. M. Sehu-
makcr , county clerk , 1'ullorton , Nebraska , and
the smno Khali hnvo endorsed thereon : "IIds !
for the erection of the Lonp brldiro at Genoa. "
By order of the county board of suporv.gors ,
of Nnnco county , Nobmskn. OUon under my
hand aim the seal of snld county , this 16th day
of March , 1857. A. M. SCllUMAKKIt ,
County Clerk.
Ono Agent ( Moronant only ) runted ! nrrrr town Tor
Your "Tanslll's Punch fie clparls beoomlnir
moi o popular every day. Clsar drummers don't
bother us any moro.
Ilmio AmwiK HEV , Denver , 1'n.
WUen I oy eura 1 do not inaan mcrel j t lnp ihom ISr a
Itmo nil then h > va thorn return Ktln. } " i " " " " . '
1 liar * iniula the dliou * of FJTrf. KPlLBrST or FAL
HICKNtsS llfel"nz ititdf. Iwtrran tnTMmedr tocuro
the worit dues. Bec ai oihm ° f ' .lea no reason for
not nnwroeetTlngaenra. tend Moaeo lor a treatuo nnct a
f ri-o Bottle or ray Inftlllbla ronmjf. JlTn Bipniai and Test
i iu.,0. U ng fur * trill , nnd I m cure you.
erlof front boat
ar. IVr-rv. . .
ility. L.ek f
! ! § HIV
rrauiom i D cll > .fte.rc < ulilngrrom ludl crctloiiior
er < * "e . r r * > 4 wllh Kl Hl < imi > ki M4lla * .nT tha
rated lMM > k t frn * . Should barfad by Fathera
anrtnlirrdln their lh hanjs boos. of MADE STRONG
07 * RenVto with Informuton of ralua to atlcntn.
M AR8TON RE M'DYCO. l9ParkPlac * . NawYork.
MentlonOmnhn 8Mb
Architects and Contractor * .
The Illuck Hills Stone QumrJos are now ready
to contract mi J ship pure , oven coloied Drown
and \Vhlto SHIIC ] Btono. Correspondence ami
orders solicited.
Societary Buffalo Gnp1 town Stone Co. ,
ISulltilo Uup , Dull.
rpHK Noitolk Street railway will receive pro-
-L posals for the Immediate construction mid
equipment of ono undone halt miles ot street
railway In the city of Norfolk , Nebraska. 1'ro-
posula received at the offlco of the secretary of
company at Norfolk , Nebraska , until the t'Sth
day of April , 183T , 11. C. IIUOMK.
aprTtoiS Secretary.
ChicaoMilwajilee&St.PaulRly | , ( .
The Best Koute from Omaha and
Council Jilitffa to
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun
cil Bluffs
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapidi ,
Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janeiville ,
Bcloit , Winona , La Crosse ,
And all other Important points lost , NorthesH
and Southeast ,
For through tickets call on the Ticket Agent
S,11401 .f' ' S'S "oot , ( In Pazton ootoU , or at
Union I'aclBo Depot.
Pullman Sleepers and the Cnest Dlnfng CftM
ta the world are run on the main lines of the
and erery attention U paid to paKeaecri by
eourteous employe * or the company.
It. MILLKH , General Mana er.
J , V. TvoKin , AatMant General Manager.
A , V. H. CAJU-UITCB , Oeneral PaasoBger and
Oio , It. nuArroRO. Asilttant Oeneral Paa-
aeng r and Ticket Agent.
J.T.OLAJIC , General Superintendent ,
" 1119"
To select from at the Misfit Parlors , which have been
boughfat such prices , they will be sold at
" 1119"
Spring Overcoats
To select from at the Misfit Parlors. These are a recent
purchase and can bo bought at comparatively your
own price. A call of inspection from you is solicited.
Pairs Pantaloons
To select from at the Misfit Parlors. These consist of
all conceivable styles in cut and patterns that ever
\vas intended for a pair pantaloons.
Can be satisfied at the
JV. n. Outtofthc city receive prompt attention.
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largest stock. Priced the lowest. Repairing a specialty. Woik warranted.
Corner Douglas and 15th streets , Omuha. Liccnbud Watchmaker lor the Union
Pacific Railroad Company.
One Million Distributed Every Year
Only $2.00 required to secure one Royal Italian 100 franca gold bond. These hon d
participate in four drawings every year and retain their original val u
until the year 1944. Prizes of 2,000,003 1,000,000 , 500,033 , 230,000 , &c. francs will b
drawn , besides the certainty of receiving back 100 francs in gold , you may win 4 time
every This year. is 113 afo , nnd the best. Investment ever olTored , as the Invested money must bo paid b.ick
when bond mittures. Sjnd forclreulirs atit will pay you ted i. or send your onion with mouey
or registered letter , or postal notes , nnd In return we will forwiud the documents.
BERLIN BANKING CO. , 3O5 BroatUvuy , Now York City.
N. B. These bonds are not lottery tickets , and their sale isleaally pe rmitted in theU
S. by laws of 1873. . .
Dealers In
Paints , Oils , Glass and Varnishes
Painters' and Artists' Supplies. Plymouth Cot
tage Colors ,
Heady for use in tu-tv and desirable ltadcs. Quality Guaranteed
1118 Farnam Street - - Omaha , Nebraska
A magnificent display of everything
useful and ornamental in the furniture-
i f
maker's art > at reasonable prices.
The G , E. Mayue Eeal Estate and Trust Go ,
Property of every description for sale m all parts of the oil7. Landa for sale lu
every county in Nebraska ,
Of Titles of Dougla * county kept. Mara of the city state or county , or anf oth o
information desired faitushed free of charge upon application.
> 7 WIIOT J ij > n.ii n au wrvii | wnii ,
to hnlU tat Vijtoroui Direr ftk. llrcri
Current ItllUuiutlro vrirortVitli.uoo ui cub.
- alt othtr tclu. Worn CUMptr-
tntmitljcurtdlrUhrtciiionUn tkal 4 pamphlel4 ittmp
The Binden Eloetrlo Co. 169 USilli U Chtc.g *
IiowetI Bate Brer orertd yr Mo. Hirer
WSIGLER'8 Grind Pullman Car Excursions ,
Fenonally condacUd , le > Te Cblcaini. St. Ix > ula ,
Kansas Citr , Umuba and other Woatern Cttlei
monthly , for California over tlio C. II. & 0. and the
B. 0. BIOLKB , Maaacer. U Clark UM. CJJIUAH * .
Decker Brothers
u4 k aJiti a& Ui > , TiUI McUm IK. > < * . FrM > > .
IIC. A. O. ULIN CC. . S..JM , . . SU.ttCki ! a ,
' - BUf r < >
Beautiful Residence Lots
Also Business Lots
On the large map of Omaha nnd observe that the two and one-halt milo
belt from the Omuha postofiicc runs south o section 83 and through
the north end of South Omaha.
And pencil , then get one of J.M.AVolfo & Go's maps of Omaha and South
Omaha combined ,
On the siring at 13th and Farnam , Omaha's businea center , nnd your
pencil on ho string at when ? 13ellovuo street enters South Olnwha from
the north.
A circle and note wher $
Is , and also that many "Additions , " "Places" and "Hilla" ara far
This magic circle.
And think amimilo what will make outside property Increase in value ?
Is all that will enhance the value of real estate other than ] at ] South
Omaha. At the latter have three
point we important factors to build up
and make valuable the property :
First The growth of Omaha , which has and always will follow the
transportation lines.
Second All the great railroads center there , thus making it the best
manufacturing point of any in or near the city ,
Dressed Beef Business
and Pork Packing Industry
Will make a town of themselves.
Going up this year.
A Gigantic Beef Canning Establishment
To bo put into operation at once.
Away your day of grace when you do not gut an interest in South Omuha
before a higher appraisement is made. The best locations are being taken
Make your selections now :
Lots that sold for 5300 in 18St cannot now bs bought for 13,000.
Over the railway track will make safe and splendid thoroughfares between
this city and South Omaha.
Will run to the Stock Yards this year. The minute it does lots will dou.
ble in value- this will afford quick and cheap transportation either by
Dummy , Cable or Horse Cars.
For further information , maps , 'price lists , nnd descriptive ciroiihuvi ,
grjdrefu ,
Agent for the South Omaha Land Company
N.W. Cor. 15th andHarney. " . .