Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1887, Page 4, Image 4
M THE OMAHA DAILY BEE- SATURDAY , APKIL 9 , 1887. THE DAILY BEE. f - PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. Dnllr ( Mornl.vt Kdltlon ) Including Hundajr IlK.r , Onn Year . $10 01 Tor Six Month * . BOO VorThroo Months . 2 M Tlio Omahn Hxmlnjr IKK ! , raallod to nny uddross , Ono Vcar. . . . 800 O IAITA Ornrit. No. oil * xrt Old FAIHUM fltntrr. Nrw VOHK nrriri : , linou us , Tniniisr lli'ii.nivo. Connn.sro.fnr.NCt : All communications relating Ui nnws mid edi torial innttor ihould bo oiMrossod to the Etu- TOII Of TUB UEK. All 1m lnCR- letters and remittances iliotild be addressed to THE HER I'UBMSIIINO ComA NY , OMAHA. Drafts , chocks HIK ! poatodlco orders to bo tnado payable to tlio ordtrof the company. IHl BEE PUBllSHIpTSrW PROPRIETORS , E. ROSEVVATEH , EDITOR. THK DAlliY BEE. Bworn Statement of Circulation. BUteof Nebraska , I. . County of Douglas. } * " ( loo. H. T zflclinck , BPcrctary of Tlie Dee Publishing co in pan y , does solemnly swear that the actual circulation of the Dally Bco tor the week ending April 1st , 1SS7 , was ai follows : _ Baturilav.Mar.20 14.030 Sunday. Mar.-7 13.6.7) ) Monday. Mar. US K 23 Tuesday , Mnr. ' "J. H.VMS Wednesday , Mar. CO 14.4l.-i Thursday , Mar. : il M , ! ffl Friday , April 1 " . . . . : .14.MO Average 14.407 ItKO. H. ' 17.3CIIUCK. Subscribed and sworn to bo fore mo this 2d day of Aptll A. D. , 18S7. N ' I * ' FBI * . ISKALI Mo'tar'r Public. Ceo. 11. Tzschuck , bclnc first duly swnrn , deposes and says that ho Is fcecrctary of The Id'u Publlflhlnir company , that the actual av- eraee dally circulation of the Dally Uoe for thimouth ! of March , 1680,11,537 copies ; for April , 18SO , 12,11)1 ) copies : forfor May , 1886,12- 43y copies ; for Juno , ltC. 12,298 copies ; for July , I860 , 12tl4 : copies ; for Aueust , 1SS6. 12,401 copies ; for September. 1880 , 13 , ) copies ; for October , 1880. 12,080 copies ; for November , 18W5 , 13,348 copies ; for December. 1880,13,237 copies ; for January. 1S87 , 10,200 copies ; for February , 1887 , 14its copies. Quo. B. TZSCIIDCR. fetibscrlbertand sworn to before mo this Oth day of Match , A. D. 1HS7. ISKAL.I N. l'.Fii : > . Notary rubllc. UP to present writing the new opera house schema is all on paper. Is well advancedanil a thorough cleaning of the streets is imperatively demanded. COI.OKADO'S legislature adjourned this week. Thanksgiving day should happen about this time of year. TUB cable road has giveullarnoy street the go-by. That will make Harucy street tliu most elegant drive in the city after the asphalt pavement is extended. IT is a bad practice , sometimes , for a fliiobocrat to go digging after ancestors They say it is a wise child who knows its own father , lot alone its grandfather. lUiiON NOKDENSKKOLU , tlio Gorman ex plorer , will attempt to lind the south polo That is what wo want. Tlio north polo would bo a chestnut now oven if they would lind it. CONOKESS failed to appropriate cnougl funds for the intcr-stato commission , am tlio board announces that it is out of money. The members should have made a short haul first. ACCOKDINO to the city attorney the board of education still has a lease o : life , in spite of the omission of the now law to provide for members with uucx plrod terms to hold over. WE ate assured that the "combine" o : the anti-Uosowatcr press has boon dis nolvcd by mutual consent. It was an unholy alliance , and could not hold to pother any great length of timo. TIIIIITEKK is regarded as a rather om inous uumbor. It is said that to sit down at the table with thirteen is an evil omen. It is a marvel how the thirteen true blues of the senate survived the sixty day siege of corruption. We don't know what will become of the UKE , judging by the remarks of dis interested journalistic adventurers. Every time a reporter or employe takes a notion to quit or has his pay cut short the com munity is assured that the bottom has dropped out of the concern with Us de parted brains. THE great solicitude of Admiral Porter respecting the merchant marine of the country may be entirely commendable. It is a very important matter with which norno time or other it may bo necessary to deal in a thoroughly practical way. Of theories thor'o have been a limitless sup ply. Handy any other subject has boon more talked about in the last twenty years. Unfortunately for the influence of Admiral Porter's views they throw no ow light ou the question. Ho is a mem ber of the subsidy army and therefore outside of popular sympathy. The people ple are not now and are never likely to bo favorable to building up the merchant marine or any other special interest out of the public treasury. At all events there are other expedients for restoring the country's shipping interests which must bn first tried , and if those are ( ound inad equate it will then bo time to talk seriously - ously of the subsidy plan. Recourse to that will bo had only as the last resort. TUB republican defeat In Rhode Island ought to convoy a mat ul lesson to the party nycry whore. It it shall do this it is a result which no houost republican will regret. The party in tlio littio common wealth Had boon under the complete domination of the maohino , which was managed by a thoroughly corrupt and unscrupulous sot of bosses at the head oi whom was the republican candidate for governor. Law-rospocting republicans had bccomo completely disgusted with the high-handed course of this ring , whoso corrupting iniluonco was mani fested in ovury department of the state government , and when it brazenly asked an extension of power those republicans properly revolted. Nothing could bettor attest the obnoxious character of the ring candidates than the fact that they wore most vigorously fought by the Provl donee Journal , the leading republican newspaper of the state. The defeat o such a crowd is alwayi to bo welcomed , without reference to the political ad vantages that may accrue to th ese in op position. Republican success is to bo do tired only when it places or retains it public ofilce men of character and in togrity. ' i * * llio True arid the F llhlcss. The journals of the legislature are by no means a trustworthy record of the acts of its members. The jobbers , trl ck- sters and corporate attorneys are usually very careful in covering their tracks. They tire assisted in this deception by tlio chief clerks and secretaries who make tip the journals to suit the mem bers with whom they have been secretly in collusion in expediting jobs and de feating good measures. The execrable reputation which the late legislature has made for iUelf is largely duo to the se lection of notorious boodlers to positions as clerical ofllccra. This choice of course was at the outset brought about by the iniluonco of the railroad and jobbers' lobby who foisted upon the legislature men who had time nnd again served their corrupt purposes in conventions and legislatures. As a matter of justice to the tried and faithful minority of the legislature , as well as tor the guidance of the people in the future , wo doom it our duty to make public our cstimato of the respective members , based upon personal observa tion , both of the editor of the BKB and its reporters. Beginning with the senate , its thirty- three members may ho grouped into four classes : First , the men who were tnio blue and voted nnd acted out the pledges made to their constituents. Second , the men who tnado a fair record , but proved wcak-kncoit on vital Issues at the critical moment. Third , the railroad attorneys who were right on most all questions except the railroad issue. Aud , lastl y , the black list. In the first class are Included Senators Calkins , Casper , Duras , Iliggins of Uass , Higgtns of Colfax , Kcckley , Lininger , Moiklojohn , Sprick. Sterling , T/.schuck , Walbach and Wright. Mr. Calkins , although a man of moder ate ability , is strictly honest and con scientious. At times ho was beset and misled by inlluontial parties from his * section , but ho was beyond their control on the vital questions. Mr. Casper was one of tiio most faith * ful workers and was true blue on every issue that affected tlio wclfaro of the state. From beginning to end no stood up manfully for the right and against all jobs and steals. A man of few words , ho nearly always managed to hit tlio nail squarely on tliu head , and hit it hard. Mr. Duras made an excellent record from beginning to end. Ho was staunch and unswerving on the railway Issue , and opposed jobbery and extravagance at every step. He is a man of rare intelligence and thoroughly posted about law , although not a lawyer. Ilo merits the full confidence of iiis con stitucnts. Mr. Higgins , of Cass , stood as firm as a rock against all blandishments of corporate porato monopoly and boodlers. His con stltueuls have reason to bo well satislied with him , and may trust him in every in stance as being loyal to their interests. Mr. Iliggins , of Colfax , although not a brilliant man , proved himself to bo thoroughly reliable. Mr. Kcckley achieved more than ordi nary prominence , and made a gallant , manly and unswerving fight for the pee pie from first to last. Mr. Liningor made an enviable record in every issue that came before the sen ato. His bearing , sound judgment and unyielding devotion to the interests of the state at largo and his im mediate constituents in particular can not bo too highly commondod. Through * out the session tie merited the confidence and received the rcspoct of his colleague1 without regard to party or faction. Mr. Moiklejohn , who was elevated beyond yond his years to his position of acting president of the senate , made a brilliant and irreproachable record. While op posed to Van Wyck on the senatorial is sue , he acted in accord with the faction that nominated and elected him. Or other vital issues and notably in the rail road issue , Mr. Moiklojohn sided will- the people and voted for the people. Mr. Sprick at this session only con firmed the good opinions won by hin in former legislatures. Ho never disap pointed the friends of honest and ccono mio government. Mr. Sterling , although a lawyer , was not retained by the railroads and had nothing In common with the jobbers. Ho remained loyal in the senatorial issue and made a straight and vigorous fight for railway regulation and railway taxation. Fillmore county can afford to trust him in the fu- turo. turo.Mr. Mr. Tfschuck was iu his scat during the entire session battling faithfully -for the people and opposing extravagance nnd steals. He discharged Ills obliga tions with marked zeal. Mr. Walbach showed himself through out a cicar-hnaded and reliable repre sentative. Ho resisted to tlio utmost the intense pressure brought upon him by corporate and local influences , and re mained true to the trust reposed in him. Mr. Wright , although a quiet man , was always to b j relied upon when it came to any issue in which the people and tax payers were deeply concerned. His fidelity to his constituents cannot bo called in question. In the second group wo can class Senators Uartwell , Holmes , Kant , Linn , Moore and Schminko. Mr. Hiirtwoll is a man of moro than ordinary ability , honest and well-moan ing , but his business and political rela tions with the railroads rendnrod him un reliable on all issues affecting the nro- ducers. Mr. Holmes is a natural wobblor who. held a seat to which auothor man was fairly entitled. The bargain by which he retained his seat and his political alllmtics with the railrogitos made him a cats-paw ( or the monopolies , claim brokers and appropriation gobblers. Mr. Kent was very much the same sort of a man as Mr. Hartwoll honest but hold down by railroad ties. Mr. Linn was disposed to do right , but hampered by his grain elevator and made unreliable by his political affiliations. Mr. Moore mode a good representative for Lancaster county but a very poor ono for the balance of the stale. Ho pulled through heavy appropriations ( or Lin coln and had to tie up with all sorts oi frauds to got through what his constitu : ents wanted. Ho was right on the rail road taxation issue , but wrong en all other railway legislation. Mr. Sohmlnko wan a vigorous worker and most of the time fought on the right side of every question , llut ho became very weak toward the. end of the session , mainly through the Influence exerted over him by his qollcaguo , Watson , who wont over to the railroads and , traders. The third class is very email. It is composed of Senators Brown nnd Lind say. say.Mr. . Brown is a railroad attorney and consequently was liandcitfi'ed on the sen atorial nnd railroad questions. But ho proved himself honest and a vigorous op ponent of jobbery and reckless appropri * ntions. Mr. Lindsay is also a railroad attorney and through this Influence became moro or less Involved in the support of bad measures which the railroad lobby had contracted to pull through. But Mr. Lindsay is not a boodlcr , us far as wo could observe. In the lust group , which comprises men who have proven themselves un trustworthy and dangerous as legislators , we have placed Senators Boncstccl , Burnham , Campbell , Colby , Conger , Fuller , Majors , McNamar , Uobbins , Slier- vin , Sncll and Vandcraark. Air. Boncstccl acted in accord with the wishes of his constituents on the sena torial Issue , but after the senatorial con test allied himself with the jobbers ami railrogues. Ills conduct became a matter - tor of general scandal. Mr. Burnham might have been excus able for voting with the appropriation combine , but he cannot justify his steady support of all the jobs and opposition to decent legislation. Mr. Campbell was the cipher of tlio senate , except that he voted steadily for jobs , steals and bogus chums , and against all railroad legislation except such as was supported by the railrogues. Mr. Colby acted throughout as the at torney for the railroads and champion of all soils of Icgali/cd robbery. His fidel ity to his corpor.ito employers and job bing retainers has doubtless been liber ally rewarded. Mr. Conger's conduct at this session was moro than suspicious. His intimacy with boodlers and jobbers explains his record on the vital issues. Mr. Fuller played the traitor in the Van Wyck camp , and played fast and lose ever after during the balance of the session. While ho managed to place Norfolk under obligations on the insane asylum appropriations he proved him self untrustworthy to the people at large. Mr. Majors disappointed his best friends , by adopting the peculiar tactics of Church Howo. Hu studiously kept up appearances of decency , but -was nearly always to bo found in the under current with the worst men in the legis lature. Mr. McNamar was n railroad attorney and acled that part throughout regardless of the public wclfaro. Mr. Hobbins' conduct during the sena torial contest left nothing to bo expected of him during the remainder of the ses sion. His reputation down at Lincoln was that of a boodler , and his behavior did not contradict the prevailing impres sion. sion.Mr. Mr. Shervin's record up to a certain period of the session was above reproach , and thereafter ho acted very suspiciously nnd voted with tlio members upon whom the railroads and jobbers rolled. Mr. Sucll made a bad impression dur ing the previous legislature , and justified during the present session his classifica tion among the railrogues. Ho was a running-mate for Colby and no better. Mr. Vandomark was the wart upon the political body known as.the senate. Ho came in with lend professions of honesty and anti-monopoly , and went out blackened oned all over with disrepute. Ho was throughout a cheap tool of all the rascals who hovered around the legislature. His dissolute conduct left lim in a condition that disgraced him as a man nnd dis honored the county ho mis-represented. The Opera FontUnl. The opera festival which begins in this city on Monday will bo the dramatic and musical event of this season. Theodora Thomas and his unrivaled orchestra of sixty alone arc an attraction sufliciont to draw thousands of the music loving people of Nebraska and lowr to the exposition building. But the grand orchestra is by no means the pri mary feature of the operatic entertain mont. The vocal talent of the American Opera company , its magnificent cos tumes , grand chor'usus , famous ballci and matchless scenery , will each o : themselves allbrd a treat to the lovers ol music , dramatic and terpsichoroun art This dramatic company , it should , be borne in mind , is bettor equipped m re spcct to orchestra , costumes , clio ruses , scenery and ballet than an of the grand opera companies tlia have over appeared on the America ! stage. Over thrco hundred persons , in eluding sonio of the most famous artists will takn part. It is to bo hoped that th people of this section of tlio country wil avail themselves of this opportunity which they may not have again for year to come. Wasted Sympathy. There are always some sentiment : . ' people who waste their sympathies on causes that least deserve them. It is s > with the ladies ot the W. C. T. U. wh have rushed to the defense of the Sulva tioii army tramps. They allow them selves to bo Imposed on by women wh are devoid of that inborn modesty wine characterizes the good and virtuous of their sox in every clime and under every condition of life.Vhon a woman , no matter under what pretense , courts the notoriety of a street pa- radn and delights in surroundings which rob her of the respect and esteem in which wo all dcsiro to hold our moth . ers , sisters and daughters , she is ou the border line of indecency. It is no UKO to mince matters in dealing with tills so- called free religious exercise. There must be a limit somewhere to the toler- auco which any community extends to ward thcso tamborino and base drum me.udicants. Their female captains and lieutenants have everywhere sought no toriety and sympathy by conflicts with the police. They do light in the martyr dom not becaiu > o of the fervor with wuich they love the Lord , but because deluded Hympathi/.ers are always found to contribute liberally to their tramping fund. It pays them to bo ; insulted , arrested and liarrasscd , Wo have no patience with the hyp'o- critical cant of certain Omaha editors who profess to bo shocked over the so- called outrage In the arrest oi the Salva tion army women. These hypocrites are merely Imuosing upon the credulity of their readers. They do not believe what they preach , and are simply catering to a false sentimentality. Our city jail is not a proper place for rpspcctablo moiforwomon , but the Sal vation army women have no right to complain since .they went there of their own free will , when they had the choice of freedom by abiding the orders of the police until the council had re- vokcd them. They voluntarily came into contact with indecent women in the jail , just as they do every day with the The Now District .Tintcon. .Governor Thaycr has appointed six out of the eight additional district judges , created under tlio now apportionment of districts. With ono einglo ex ception , these appointments are excellent and will meet with popular approval. In the third district which com prises Douglas , Washington , Hurt nnd Sarpy counties , the governor's choice will'giyo universal satisfaction. Messrs. GrolV and Hopowell nro both eminently qualified for the position. They are highly esteemed by tlio bar , and enjoy the respect and confidence of the people in an eminent degree. The selection of Hon. William Mar shall , of Dodge county , for jmlgo ot the Fourth district will bo commended not only by the people of bis county , but by men of all parties in the district. The governor's appointment in the Seventh district does not strike us as satisfactory. Mr. Powers' record as a lawmaker will not bear investigation , nnd his con duct as attorney general was not above reproach to ue a very mild term. The governor did a graceful thing in appoint ing Hon. T. O. C. Harrison , of Hall , as judge of thn.Ninth district. Mr. llurri- son is well qualified for the bench , and his : proved himself n staunch friend of the governor on a trying occasion. By all odds the most popular and best selection that could have been made for the Twelfth district , is the appointment of Honorable M. P. Kinkaul , of Holt county. Mr. Kinkaid ranks with the first attorneys in the stuto. Ho is a clean man with a clean record , and will make an honest , fearless and impartial judge. ONE of our local cotemponirics boasts hat it prints and pays for moro special elosjraphic news than any other paper jctwecn Chicago and San Frnncisco. L'hc same paper for : i time claimed to lavothc largest "paid-up11 circulation bo- ween the hake City nnd the Golden late. These bogus claims can deceive nobody. If that paper desires to com pare its telegraph company receipts for special dispatches' with the receipts for noncy paid out by the UKE for specials , we will cheerfully publish them and credit it with its claim. Meanwhile wo > cg leave to ussc.rjt that the UKIJ pays nero money for telegraphic news , .special il press , than all tlio Omaha dailies to gether. Slick n pin there. iViinx a man whb'o crandfathor was reputed to bti mi apostate French Juw talks about the traits of that race in a contemptuous manner it only shows the tcgnncrucy of the fellow who inherited i quarter of a million dollars from the ipo'stato thrco cent silver keg man and now prides himself , so much on his aristocracy. HAS Mr. McShane bought out Dr. Miller with the understanding that the Miller democrats were to have all the > lums from the federal fruit orchard ? It ooks very much that way to a man up a tree. Pntchctt , Crkcs and Chard have already been taken care of. Next ! A CIIINKSI : business firm lias oflercd $5,000 for the head of King Kalakaua , of the Sairlwish Islands. Tno Chinese huvo a keen appreciation of the beautiful. KINGS AND QUI3KNH. Kmpcror William cats his bread without butter. Emperor William always cocs to bed by 10 o'clock. The Uinu' of Holland has a remarkable his torical colli'ction of harness. The empress o Austria Is about to publisl a volume of her adventures while yatcliing Incognito in the Levant. 1'rluco Albett Victor , eldest son of the pilnco of Wales , wears tlo : tallest collars of any jounp man In England. The eldest son of the German crown prince Is such an Intense partisan and hater of Franco that ho refuses oven to drink champagne , and will drink ouly German wines. London Life : I hear from Pekln that the emperor of China Is likely to bo fully the match of Louis XVllI.-as a eourinet and counnand. Jlo Insists upon the most excep tional dainties. Camels' humps , bears paws , and monkeys' lips are particularly relished by his majesty. Going. l'eur ItounJ. Moving about the quiet ways , Sitting beside tliu hu.irth. 'estins ; as best she can and may ID the careless household mirth ; Yet aUvnys through tlio haunted night , AH through the restless day , Fcellne another hour is passed , Of the time that llles away. The last Iraif ctrnnrt of the cable Is parting slow and sure , That never ajaln to the harbor sldo My bonnlo boat \\lll inoor. Mv bonnle boat that HIM como a''aln , ( iu < l temper the wave and wind I To i-lnddon sad eyes and yoainlui : hearts , That now are left bublpt ; May como ngaln , hut not to Ilo Safe by the old liointi shore ; The anchor of youth Is auuogt weighed ; They will cast It never more. And It's U , and Its O , for the sinking dread , It's O for the rllinliln ( ; orrow , As over the cruel creopUi ? nl ht Urlnus on a we.iry munow ! Love that Is true must hush Itself , Nor pain by Its useless ery , For the yoiini : must got and tbo old must bear , > ) And time goes bjVKmaby , STATE AMI TICRltlTOKY. Nebraska Weeping Water proposes to erect a stone pile gymnasium tor tramps. The Republican of Weeping Water is five years old and ovcrllowlug with live ads. ads.Norfolk's Norfolk's pull at the state treasury in -tbo next two years will amount to 9161- 000. 000.Tho The voters of Greenwood rejected a proposition to invest $1,000 in water works. They put their trust in blazes. That fatal combination of a boy and a gun were rudely parted near Long Pine Wednesday. Boy died , aged right. Weeping Water views the future with a degree of complacency welded by a 915,000 church , a 910.000 school , a largo hotel , brink depot and waterworks. The U. & M. company has plastered a mortgage for 911,780.030 on Its branch lines In this state. Drafts on the late campaign fund will now bo honored. The Hastings Gazctto-.lournal will ap * as a morning paper on the 1st of Scar . The Journal swings a bright and discriminating scissors , ou the editorial page. A largo quantity of school land In Box Butte , Cliaso , Cherry and Dawes counties will bo placed iu the market next Tues day by the state board of public lauds nnd buildings. The Omaha Southern is skirmishing in the vicinity of Nebraska City in search of a grade , and it is intimated , on the quiet , that a bonus would unable the company to see ita way to town without much de lay.Tho The Aurora postofllco has been fur nished with 000 combination lock boxes and drawers. Patrons of the ofiico will bo provided with night keys put up "In cases of extreme necessity. " In this ago of wonders springing from the lap of necessity , thcro is nothing newer or striking in tlio construction of rail roads on paper. Crete's first experi ment in this line gives her the champion bolt , seven miles long and studded with stations and pie stands. ' The road is temporarily recuperating in the Vidctto ofllcu. Tlio Norfolk Gazette publicly an nounces "to whom It may concern" that the editor is in from 0 a. m. to 12 p. m. , and is always ready to receive advice on the conduct of the paper from kickers , nd chronics of every grade. His solo bjcct in life is to please the community , t Is well to state , confidentially , that Tan Voart emphasizes his periods with a number sixteen , screw heeled. lown Items. Green peas are n luxury in DCS Moincs it $1 a quart. Dos Moincs hopes to pile up nu assess ment roll of $17,000.000. A two months' babe in Ottumwa weighs .lirco pounds in full dress. The police court of Keokuk is loaded ivith drunks and disorderlies. A patch of100 acres of corn will bo hinted for the Davenport cannery. Crcston hits gathered up bad debts to he amount of sf 20,000 , and placed them n 5 per cent bonds. The victorious Knights ot Labor at the ) ubuquu election on Monday say the first iot of the now administration will be to aise saloon licenses 100 per cent more hin : they now are. A grand wedding occurred ntDubuquo on Tuesday evening , the contracting parties being Klton Crane , son of the ox- liostmastcr of that city , and Nellie Kider , la'ughtcr of one of the leading dry goods merchants thoro. The event called out the most fashionable ) circle of society. A chair passenger coach was dis covered ou fire on Tuesday morning as the train was entei ing Seymour and an excited and horrifying scene followed. l-i. B. Westbrook , of Newton , had the presence of mind to grasp the automatic air-brake cord and stop the entire train. It was a fortunate act , and undoubtedly saved a earful of sleeping women and children. The car was completely de stroyed. Dakota. There are fourteen prohibition counties in the territory. An addition to the Jamestown college s to be made , to cost ! jll,70."i. ) The late Hood damaged $30,000 worth of property in Campbell county. Yankton is ready to give a well-filled purse to the Nebraska Central if it is built that way. Agitation against prohibition and in 'avor of high license has been inaugu rated in Charles Mix county by a largo meeting of farmers , at which u Catholic priest was the principal speaker. The now Lake Park hotel at Madison is at length opened for business. The build ing is three stories and- basement high. The walls arc of Dell Itaoids jasper , and the hotel has all modern conveniences. The Intoi-dtato Commerce Lair. I'htlaMpMa llicntd There is not a more intelligent and wjdo-nwakc body of workers in America than the commercial travelers. They visit all parts of the country and , miug- ; ing with the people , exert a great deal of influence upon public opinion in regard to various question' ' . These busy men of business , as well as the suburban resi dents roundabout Philadelphia , have snft'orcd an unjust attack ut the hands of the railroad companies. The commer cial travelers have been notified by some of the railroad companies that hereafter they will receive no moro mileage and com mutation tickoU. 'Ihe pretended reason for this clwnjre of policy on the part of the railroads has been found in the pro hibitions of the inter-State commerce art. Hut the commercial travelers know full well that the law expressly declares that nothing in it shall apply to "tho issuance of mileage , excursion oi commutation passenger tickets.1' The law has not af fected in the slightest degree the policy under which mileage tickets have boon issued to mercantile man traveling long distances nnd going from town to town- There never has boon any complaint in regard to this policy , because thcro is nothing unjust or unreasonable in it. Yet the trunk railroad companies ostentatiously signalize their obcdlencn to tlio inter-state com merce law by doing away with a liberal system that the law distinctly excepts from ita provision" . The merchants and commercial travelers of the country can not fail to understand the motives that dictate tills action of tlio trumk railroads. By striking the business men who are compelled to spend a largo portion of their time ou the road it is expected to drive them into hostility to the inter state commerce law ami to bring their inlluenco to bear on public opinion in favor of its repeal. Instead of accom plishing their object , the trunk roads will only strengthen the dcmond for maintain ing the law in its full force. I'rotectlou la Dakota. Sf. Zotils J.'cjmMffflti. A larao Dakota wheat farmer , who is a republican , while on a recent visit to New York , expressed some very unrc- publican opinions on the tariff. "Wo f armors in the northwest , " said he , "have found out that a high ttmu" is a bad tiling for us. It makes our farming im plements , our clothing , our blankets , in deed almost everything wo buy , higher than they otherwise would bu ; and , on the other baud , it docsn1 ! bring us in anymore moro for what wo have to sell. " It has taken republican farmers of the north west n long time to como to this blunt , common-sense view of the matter , but they are coming to it at last , and it is probable that their change of opinion will bring about Important moaiiications in tlio alignment of parties. A protec tive tarittwhlch takes millions of dollars from northwestern agriculture every year to build up manufactures 1,500 miles distant , und to give $109 per capita of bank deposits to the laboring population ol the eastern states , cannot bo anything else than an injustice. Yet , the republican party which tlio north western states have long supported is pledged to its policy. It is a pnrt of re- pubficanlim. The party established it when U came into power twonty.six yearn ago , and it exists to this day. Once in 1883 a republican congress made a pri-tonco of reforming the tariff , but it was ouly to Jungle the duties without re ducing them or giving any real reform and tlio need of a genuine revision of the nnff has been moro proving since 1833 than It was before. Meantime north western farmers nro continuing to pay norn for everything they buy than they would , but for this protective tariff ; anil now they are to bo debarred from 'European markets by higher duties lovlcd here on their grain , in retaliation for the lutics wo levy on Kuropcan manufac- urcs. A GOOD WAR STORY , How n Vnunfc 1'ntrlot Proved Too SI noli Tor I ho Copporli units. Boston Transcript : "You have set the ashion of tolling homo war stories , " vrltcs n correspondent of tlio Listener , 'and 1 have ono to oITor you that 1 am ) iilto sure has never been in print before , ts scene was a village iu the town of Sandwich , where they happened to have i considerable number of copperheads. The mass of thn people there worn in- .cnsoly . loyal , worhaps all the moro so on account of tho'prcscnco of these oppon ents of the war , und the copperheads had frequent occasion to make several out ward signs of loyalty , oven if they did not feel the sentiment inwardly. " 'Hang out your flag to-night , ' a man would say to another , as ho passes by n shop door. " 'I don't see any reason why I should lang out my Hag,1 the man in the shop would say. " 'Hang out your llag to-night just the same , ' the ether would say again. " 'But I ain't got any Hog anyway.1 " 'Hangout your fiag to-night ! " the word catiio again ; and the man who had served the notice passed on quietly. " .Nino times out of ten the llag would be hung out. "Kvcry town had a liberty pole then , , ipon which the union fiag was kept lly * ng , often day nnd night. 'l > o liberty- iiolc at Sandwich was very lofty , and ivjs in two pieces , with small cleats or foot pieces nailed on so that it might bo climbed in case of need. At the top of ! hc lower section of the polo , where it joined the topmast , there wan a cross- tree. The rope which run up the llag and held it in its place was made fast at [ he cross-tree. 'One morning when the people of Sand wich got up , they found the llag that had been living at thn top of the liberty polo lying in the dust of the street. It had been pulled down by some copperhead in the night , and baselv dishonored. It was dusted and run up'to the top again , amid cheers. "There it flow all day , but the next morning it was again found in the dust , while n shameful object , no less revolt ing than the figure of a dead cat hung iiead downward , had taken its place at the top of the polo. "Then a young man of the village , n mere stripling , came running up as the crowd gathered in horror and indigna- tind , with a hatchet in his hand , and picked up the llag from the ground. He climbed the pole with the llag wrapped around his shoulders. Up he went ; rested a moment at the cross-tree , where everybody expected to see him trv to run down the object at the top anil run up the Hag. But in an instant he started up up again , climbing the swaying topmast until he reached the very top. "Here he lost no time in cutting loose with a blow the object which hung there , and it came crashing down. Next he cut loose the rope itself , and the people won dered what ho was doing. They saw pnMcntly , for in a minute lie had the inner edge of the llag against the polo , and , with nails that ho took from his pocket , ho was nailing the llag to the mast with the back of the hatchet. When that work was thoroughly done , and the llag flapped again In the breeze , amid the cheers of the people below , the t > oy began to descend. And then it was plain that ho had a new use for his hatchet , for as ho came down ho knocked oil' , cleat by cleat , the littio pieces upon which his own foot had climbed the pole. Ono after another they fell oil' , and the blows of the hatchet left the pr k ) MS smooth and clean as be fore these pioccs had been lacked on. Again ho rested at the cross-tree , and nguin began descending , knocking oil' every piece as fast as he left it. and when he jumped upon the ground not only was the union fiag flying proudly at the top of the pole , but its removal had been put beyond human ingenuity and ability. "Tho flag hung thcro amid the storms until , long afterward , it had beaten itself into shroui. And the people of Sand wich woie prouder of the tattered fiag than they would have boon of any now ono that could have been raised , for it told to them a story of patriotism and bravery. "It is not much wonder that the youth who nailed this flag to the mast bccamo a trusted and active citizen in the western state to which ho afterward removed , and was named not long ago for ono of the highest official honors in that state , His modesty regarding the incident is very great , however , and it has almost faded out of sight. " Clmngca In the Circus Business. Now York Sun. "Traveling by rail has made many changes In the circus business , " said U. F. Ham ilton , "and when you como to figure it up , the circus is a big source of revenue to the railroads. Sometimes it costs $1.090 a day for tlio transportation ot a big show. Now , instead of going into the town on a turnpike , tired and covered with dust , the circus people ar rive by cars in good condition , and give a street parade with some spirit. The udvcutof a circus is not looked upon as a calamity , moral or financial , any more. Business men understand tuut , in a small town or city , everybody who has anything to sell is directly benefittcd by the circus. It draws the country people into town and stimulates the circulation of money. A fair share of the cash taken at the tent goes directly back into the pockets of the townspeople. Some times the olllcials try to bleed the circus by charging an enormous license fee , but that does not pay. The city of Holy- okc , Mass. , one year , raised the circus license from 11.10 to $900 as soon as Bar- nuin announced that ho would show there. The result was that liarnum changed his arrangements and pitched his tents in Chicopee , a few miles away. The Hoi- yoke business men made a great fuss and the next year Holyoke notified Barnum Unit the license fee had been reduced to the old figures. There is a good side to the circus business when you como to know all about it , und thcro are some re deeming features that the public never heard ot. Two or three years ago , when I was laying out the line of march for the Now York street parade , Barnum re ceived a letter from a gentleman un known to him. iu which the writer said that his littio boy was ill and could not go out , but was anxious to &oo the pro cession , und ho wanted to know if the procession passed his house. Mr. Bar- mini gave mo the letter , and wo changed the line of march throe or four blocks from the original route in order to give that nick boy a chance to see tlio parade from the window. Mr. Hutchlnson once got a letter from a littio fellow who said ho wanted to go to tbo circus , but his aunt , with whom ho lived , was too poor to afford the expense of a ticket. A ticket was sent to him at onco. It was a small matter to the management , but it made one youngster happy. 'Iho circus men are not such bad fellows when you como to know them. " A Lucky Man. "A lucky man is rarer than a white crow , " eays Juvenal , nnrt wo think he know. However , wo have heard of thou sands of lucky ones and we propose to let their secret out. They were people broken down in health , suftoriug with liver , blood and skin diseases , scrof ula , drop&y , and consumption , and worn luoky enough to hoar of and wise enough to use Dr. Piorce'a "Golden Mud- ioal TJiscovery , " the sovereign blood mirlu > r , tonic nd a'.t ratlve of the A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. Witli the approach of spring and the increased intercut man ifested iu real estiito mutters , I am more than over consult ed by intending purchasers as to favorable opportunities for investmontnml to all such would say V When putting any property ou the market , and advertising it as desirable , I luuo invariably confined myself to .1 plain unvar nished statement of fact * , never indulging in vague promises for the future , and the result in cv- eiy case has been that the expec tations of purchasers were moro than realized. I can refer with pleasure to Albright's Annex And Baker Place as sample illustrations. Iota iu the "Annex" have quadrupled in value and are still advancing , while a street car line is already building past Baker Place , adding hundreds of dollar ? to the value of every lot. Albright's Choice was selected by mo with the greatest care after a thorough study and with the full knowledge of its value , and I can- conscientiously say to those seeking - ing a safe and profitable invest ment that Albright's Choice ' . .vIf If ofl'ora chances not excelled iu this market for a sure thing. Early investors have already reap ed large profits in CASH , and with the many important improvements contemplated , some of which are now under way , every lot in this splendid addition will provo a bonanza - nanza to first buyers. Further Information , plats and prices , will bo cheerfully furnish ed. Buggies Ready at All Times to Show Property , Respectfully W.G.AIMGHT ; SOLE OWNER , 218 South 16th Street Branch o/Jlcettt South Oinaltn JV. li. rro ] > ertu for sale.iu ( ill parts of II * city. , . , '