Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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    I !
The President's ' Reply to tlio American
Fisberlca Union of Massachusetts ,
If the Canadian Authorities Continue
Unfriendly the Honor and Dignity
of the Country Blmll lie Main
Tlio FlHlicrlcn Dlnputo Revived.
U'ASIIINOTON' , April 8. The president
having received a communication from tlio
American llshnrlos union of Massachusetts
call I n 14 attention to tlio fisheries dispute , and
suggesting that the retaliatory act passed by
Ihu late congress would , In tli'cir opinion , bo
sufficiently oxc-cuted It the proposed retalia
tion was conllnod to tlio closlne of the United
States markets to Canadian fish products , hu
has nmdo the followiut ; answer :
WASHINGTON , April 7. (
OoorRoStwil , Rv { . , President of the Amer
ican Fishery Union , and Otheis , Glouces
ter , Mass :
Oentlemen 1 have received your letter
lately addressed to me , and have t'lvcn full
consideration to the expression of views anu
wishes therein contained In relation to tlio
Misting diiroroncuB between the covornmont
of Great UrJtaln and tlio United Mates ,
growing out or the refusal toward our citi
zens cnjraKOd In fishing cuterprl.sei of the
privileges to which they ro entitled , either
under treaties , stipulations or guar
antees of International comity and
neighborly concessions. 1 sincerely trust
the' apprehension you express of unjnst
and unfriendly treatment of American fish-
ermcn lawfully found In Canadian waters
will not bo realized , liut if. such approhen-
'slon should prove to bo well loumled , I
earnestly hone that no fault or Inconsiderate
action of any of our citizens will In the least
weaken the just position of our ( fOTornmont
or deprive us of the universal sympathy and
import to which wu should beontltloa. The
action of this administration since Juno ,
1835 , when tlio fishery articles of the treaty
of 1671 wore terminated under the notifica
tion which had two years bufore been Klven
by our ijovmnimmt , has boon tully disclosed
by the corrcspundenu ) between the runresun-
t\tlves : of the appropriate departments of the
respective governments , with which , 1 am
apprised by your letter , you are entirely fa
miliar. An examination of this cor
respondence has doubtless satlsliud
you that in no case have
the rights and privileges of American flsbor-
nien befn overlooked or noglvGted. but that ,
on the contrary , they have been sedulously in-
Blsti'd upon and ciued , lor by every means
within the control of the executive branch of
the government. The act ot congress ap
proved March , 1887 , authorizing a course of
retaliation through executive action In the
event of thu continuance on the part of tlio
Hrltlsh American authorities of the un
friendly conduct and treaty violations affectIng -
Ing American llshorme n. has devolved upon
the president of the United States oxccced-
initiy grave and solemn responsibilities , com-
prohcndlnc highly Important consequences
to our national character and dliruity , and
involving extremely valuable com
mercial Intercourse between the Urit-
tBh posessious of North America
nndj tlio people of the United Stutc.s.
I understand the main purpose of your letter
is to suggest that , In case recourse to the re
taliatory meosures authorl/ed by this act
Bhould be invoked by unjust treatment In the
future , the object of such retaliation might
bo fully accomplished by "prohibiting Ca
nadian caught lull trnm entering into the
ports of the United States. The existing
controversy Is one on which two nations am
the parties concerned. The retaliation con
templated by the act of congress Is to De en
forced not to protect solely any particular in
terest. however morltorlous or valuable , butte
to maintain the national honor and thus pro
tect all our people. In this view the viola--
tlon of American fishery rights , nud
unjust or unfriendly acts toward that portion
tion of our citizens engaged In this business ,
is but the occasion for action and constitutes
a national nltront which elves birth to or
may justify retaliation. This measure , once
resorted to , Its effectiveness and value may
well depend upon the thoroughness and extent -
tent of Its application : and In the peitorm-
aucesof International duties , the enforce
ment of International rights , and the protec
tion of our citizens , this government and the
people of the United States must act as a
unit all Intent upon attaining the best re
sult of retaliation upon the basis of the
maintenance of national honor and
duty. A nation seeking by any
means to maintain Its honor , dig
nity and integrity is engaged in
protecting thu rights of Its people , and if in
such effort ? , particular Interests are injured
and special advantages forfeited , these tilings
Bhould bo patriotically borne for the public
good. An immense volume of population ,
manufactures and agricultural productions ,
nnd the marine tonnage ana railways to
which these have given activity , are all
largely the result of intercourse between the
United States and British America , and the
natural growth of a full half century of good
nelchborhood nnd friendly communication
from an aggregate of natural wealth and In
cidental lelutfons 'of the most impressive
magnitude. I fully appreciate these
things , and am not unmindful of
the great number of our people who
are concerned In such vast and diversilled
interests , in the performance of the serious
duty which congress has Imposed upon men ,
and in the exercise upon just occasion of the
power conferred under the aet referred to , I
Bhall deem myself bound to inflict no nn-
neccossary damage or Injury upon any portion
tion of our people ; but 1 shall , nevertheless ,
bo unflinchingly guarded by that sense of
Bclf-rrspcct mid-dignity the nation demand.
in the maintenance of these , and in the sup
port of the honor of the government be
neath which every citizen may rcposo In
afety , no sacrifice of personal or private In
terests shall bo considered as against the
general welfare. Yours very truly.
Bt. Louis Legal Light * Mud Enough
to Fight a Duel.
ST. Louis , April 8. [ Special Telegram to
the BEE. ] Quito a sensational row between
Congressman John M. ( ! lover and Judge
Henry I < augulln took place to-day and it Is
thought by many It will load to a duel.
Sometime ago U. I ) . Lancaster , collector of
the port , sued Ulover for 8100,000 damages
claimed to have been Indicted by iibelous
utterances made by the defendant in various
uowspauors during the pendency of Lan
caster's application for the position. Sluco
congress adjourned Glover has boon taking
depositions at various tltnai in rozard to
Lancaster's character. To-day while depo
sitions wore being taken In the presence of
Glover , Judge Laughlin , Ttlio is counsel for
Lancaster , and a referee , a bitter dis
pute occurred between ( Hover and
Laughlln. The referee prevented a ticht by
going between them , and ut the end of the
day's proceedings ( Mover said frankly that
he was sorry for some Imrsli things that ho
had said and would re true I them 11 Laughllu
would do thu same.
"I'll have no half way business , " replied
Lnimhlln. "Von were the aggressor and
must apologize. "
"I'll .see you further" began Glover.
"Yon will see mo further , " Interrupted
Judge Laiuhlln , "and hear from me. "
The referee once more Interrupted and the
gentlemen separated. Judge l.ixunlillii Is a
ntan of great personal courage , as Is also the
congrossnmn. Friends of the latter say ho
will never back down now and a mortal com
bat is looked for.
Tlio Uoom at Clieyonuo.
Onr.YR.vxK , Wyo. , Aprils. | Special Tele
gram to the HKK. ] The Cheyenne & Burlington -
lington , the Wyoming branch of the Chicago ,
Burlington and Qulncy , lus bought the War'
ren emporium for depot purposes. The
building occupies a quarter of a block In the
heart of tliu city. The price paid has no
boon made public , but It will not fall short of
$73,000. The Union Pacltlc depot , costing
the same amount , will be completed in about
a month. The iiurllngton has made othci
extensive purchases ot property here. It I :
now thouzlit the Denver A Itlo Grande wll
bo extended here. A sticetcar line is alrcadi
projected and tlilujs art ) beginning to boon
with a vengeance.
To Revive the Itluo Lawn.
WARHINOTO.V , April H. The commission
era ot the District of Columbia have dccldcc
to rnflve the blue laws on Sunday next ant
yreront the opeului ; of place * ot business
except apothecary shops and undertaking
cjtnbllshmcnts. The commissioners have do-
crmlned to enforce the law nnd on next Sun-
tlav all news stands , cigar stores , confection
eries , nnd possibly even lunch houses , will bo
orced to shut up. It Is expected that a test
case will bo made by some dealer almost 1m-
npdlatcly. lillot'lie commissioners do not
state such to bo the cnbo , tholr action Is be-
leved to be the outcome of the enforcement
if the law against .Sunday llmior selling.
This law has lieon on I orced the lust two Sun
days ami Improved remarkably successful
owing to the provision making n second con
viction of Its violation work a forfeituio of
The Gypsy Qttcoii Burled.
DAYTON , O. , April 8. Jentlc Jeffrey Harrison
risen , the gypsy queen of the several trlfxw
who summer In the Miami valley , was burled
it-re to-day. Her death occurred In Missis
sippi In December last and the body was em
balmed and laid In a vault hero to nwalt the
gathering of the tribes. The funeral cortege
\\nsslngularly attract ! va arid the scenes at thu
grave were weird. Representatives of tribes
were present from distant points.
Madame Scnlchl Itccovcrlng.
CHICAGO. April 8. ( Special Telegram to
ho Uii : : . ] Madame Scalchl , who has been
confined to her room at the Grand Pacific tor
ivo weeks with a severe attack of typhoid
ever , hat so far recovered as to be able to
ake a drive to-day. Shu will no to the sea
shore next week to recuperate.
Verdict Acntnnt the Koad.
DuuuquE. la. , Apiil 8. James Artery , a
ormer employe of the Chicago , Milwaukee
A St. Paul railroad , to-day got a verdict In
ho federal court for 3la.ftOO damages against
he company , lie was run over by a hand
car and his lower llmUs and back paralyzed.
The HcHUlt In Illiodo lalnnd.
VnoviDKNCK , H. 1. , April 8. By newolec-
tons In South Kingston and Little Comp-
on to-day the general assembly stands on
erand committee Ufty democrats and forty-
rlx Republicans. Four senatois and eight
representatives are yet to be elected.
Fatal Boiler Explosion.
PAitKKwnuun , W. Va. , April 8. The
> oller of William Morris' s.i.vmlll , near
llarrlsvlllo , Klchlo couutv , exploded yostor-
lay. killing , J. Scott , F. Lindsay , U. N.
Williamson and one unknown man and In
uring thrco others.
Nebraska and Iowa Weather.
For Nebraska : Cooler , local showers , fol-
owrd by fair weather , variable winds.
For Iowa : Fair weather , followed by local
showers , winds becoming variable , cooler by
Sunday morning.
A Gorman-Swede Combine.
LONDON , A pill 8. The Berlin corregpon-
iont of tne Daily News says that n secret
: r jaty has been concluded between Sweden
and Germany against Kussln.
Steamship Arrivals.
NKWonif , April b. ( Special Tele-
Kraui to the UKK. I Arrived The steamers
Adriatic and Baltic from Liverpool.
German Socialists Arrested.
HKIIMN. April 8. Numerous arrests of
noclallsts have been made at Uamburi. ' , Stet
tin , Konlgsbcrg nnd other cities.
Personal Paragraphs.
§ U. H. Heath is liorcfrom DCS Moinea.
CS. A. Dyasanu W. 11. Dyus , of Nnsltau ,
are in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Parrotto depart for
San Antonio this moruinff.
F. Moran , an old engineer on the
Mountain division of the Union Pacific ,
s in the city.
Jtulgo I. P. Usher , of Lawrence , Knn. ,
'ormerly ' n member of Lincoln's cabinet ,
s at the Paxton.
Thomas Shortcll , representing the
'Chumplain" nail of the National Horse
S'ail company , .is in town attracted by
he horseshoeing contest that will loou
like place hero.
Major M. 0. Siva , agent of the Red
jino at Salt Lake , and a prominent Utah
wool-grower , was in the city yesterday
returning home from the cast where ho
was called recently by the death of his
wife , who was visiting friends.
Among the Ncbraskans in the city the
Allowing arc at the Paxton : Pholpa
L'aino , Lincoln ; W. P. Hall , Holdrngo ;
H. D.James , Madison ; W. E. Keller ,
West Point ; I. M. Wolf and family , Crete ;
F. R. Bignold. Crete ; Airs. Mark Coad ,
Fremont : D. W. Phelps. Wesltteld ; Fay
T. Wethorald , Guniniuin.
.The following , taken from a DCS
tfoinos paper , relates to n gentleman
who has just moved to Omaha. "Mr. H.
it. Grotto , who has been so long nnd fa
vorably know among DCS Moiucs busi
ness mon , nnd his family departed yester
day for Omaha , where they have gone to
nnke their future home. Thcro-is great
regret , among the Hebrew circles especi
ally , at this move. To express in some
manner their kind regards , a large num
ber of the friends of Mr. Grotto and fam
ily arranged a surprise for them in the
shape of a social and banquet at Our
Circle hall on Wednesday evening. The
pleasant event was kept up till a late
uour , amJ its memory will no doubt belong
long cherished by tlio recipients. "
Maggie Steele , the fifteen-year-old
daughter of Cyrns Steele , will bo burrind
to-day from the residence of her father ,
Twenty-third and Lcavcnwortli streets.
The funeral of Theodore Truckoy , an
old Union Paniiirs employe , who died on
Thursday , will bo held from the Holy
Trinity church at 9 o'clock this morning.
It will bo attended by the pioneer Union
Pacific employes , numbering about one
An Ubiquitous Crook.
Charles Wilson , who was arrested
Thursday night for robbing cf the
sacristy of St. Pliilonicna cathedral , was
sentenced to ninety days in the county
jail yostorday. When ho ccts out ho will
bo taken to Kansas City , whore ho will be
consulted concerning a burglary which
ho is supposed to have boon interested in.
Christian Science lle.ilinir.
Dr. and Mrs. Yarnali will teach an
other class commencing Monday , April 8
at 3 p. m. Parlors at 3UO North Fifteenth
strcot. _
Mr. ninlno Will Not Be Here.
As will bo surmised from the tqlo-
graphic columns of the BKE , Mr. Dlainu
will not visit Omaha to-day.
Another Centenarian ,
There died a few days ago in Roono ,
in the government of Volhynio , a peas >
uiit woman named KutnyuK. at the age
of 110 years. She had. followed Nape
leon's army to Moscow us a market
woman in 1813-18 , nnd was attached in n
similar capacity to the Polish array from
1813 to 1822. From the latter period
Kutnyak resided in Paris until the
Crimean war , when she accompanied
the French armyt nnd subsetjucntly re
turned to her native place at Koono.
Remnants , Remnants , Remnants.
On Monday morning wo will offer j
mass of remnants , all different kinds o :
goods , put up in eleven lot * , as follows
lOo , 20c,35c , 450,650,850 , fl.IO , $1.251.K
t'J.CO , $3.50. f3.CO and $ -1.25.
The goods consist of fine French nl
wool dress goods , Gilbert's all wool suit
ings , cotton and wool dress goodsFreucl
saloons , domestic sateens , Nainsook' :
Swiss and table linens. These goods wll
be cheaper than anything wo have evci
sold. Come early. Don't blame us i
you come late and iind them all aold. Oi
the same day wo will make special sail
of Fine Drosa Goods and French comb !
nation suits , also Jerseys nnd Spring
Wraps. Remember , Monday ,
Don't pay big prices ( or lumber , bul
buy cheap at L'rsdford'a.
A Detective's Story of tUa Chroer of Link
Forrest ) the Gambler ,
Dotlgo Street Gets the Cable Sport-
lug Notes The nail G-xmo-Vlslt-
Ing Supervisors rho City
News in General.
A Man In the Case.
Kate Murray , the Texas toqauly , fs not
alouo in her rejoicing over the success o f
her suit against Alfred S. Lyon , tlio Tex as
cattle king , for $5,000 for defamation of
character. During her present visit to
Omnha , und all through her trial slio ha s
been attended by a male companion wh o
sails under the nnmo of Link Forrest.
Since the verdict , awarding the plaintiff
$5,000 damages against Lyou it has de
veloped that this man Forrest Isat t ho
bottom of the whole trouble between
Lyon and Miss Murray and ia responsi
ble for their separation. A detective ,
who is nt present stopping in the city ,
has had occasion to work up the ease
aud asserts that the entire transaction has
been a schema to bilk Lyonof his wealth.
In this connection he gives a sketch of
the career of Forrest , which is pretty
well confirmed and shows him to bo H
generally tough character. According to
the detective he is a professional gam
bler and sure thing man aad has been
connected in a great many questionable
transactions in Texas , Mexico and Cole
rado. Ho was tried at Santa Fe , in New
Mexico , in 18S3 , for killing n greaser ami
was _ convicted of manslaughter and
given a live year's term in the pen. Ho
succeeded in securing a now trial at
which he was acquitted , Ho then re
turned to Texas where ho already had it
reputation established as n sure thing
man , and was the partner of such men
as Tom Aston , Dock Ellis and Harry
Williams. Ho stayed in Texas until late
in 1891 , when lie wont to St. Joseph and
was connected with a well known bunko
joint in that city. While there he shot
and nearly killed a negro namckl Harry
Watson while in ; t drunken debauch. He
succeeded in escaping punishment and
soon returned to Texas where ha became
involved in the trouble in which Kate Mur
ray-appeared as his tricnd and ajly. He
pot into a row with Tom Jones , city mar
shal of Witchata Falls , and a shooting
match was ptomised. Friends interfered
and the trouble was apparently settled ,
and Jones aud Forrest ( known tlian as
Monte Forrest ) were on very intimate
term- ) . This was early in 1833. Jones
was called to El Paso on oflicial business
and was accompanied by Forrest. They
registered at the Pacific hotel
and were given a room together
During the night a shot was heard and
Jones was found dead in his bed and
Forrest in the same room with the pistol.
He was arrested and hold a long while.
Ho pjeaded accidental shooting , and on
the tinal trial was .acquitted. During his
incarceration and trial Kate Murray was
his faithful friend and furnished the
money to secure counsel for his defense.
Soon after his acquittal the Murray wo
man began her relations with Lyon , the
cattleman , against whom she has just re
covered the $5,000 judgment. The detec
tive's story is cqnhrmed by members of
the local sporting fraternity , who have
known Forrest at Hot Springs , Texar-
kana and otho southern cities. The
detective does not hesitate in giving it as
his opinion that Lyon was made the victim
of one of Forrest's games of chance in
which he waa aided by Kate Murray.
Since the trouble was commenced here
last fall , by Lyon's arrest of Kate Mur
ray on the charge of the larceny of his
diamonds , 1'orrest and the Murray wo
man have been living at Lincoln.
Will Clew nnd Cash Meet Moth
BIcLinnuJiUn Other sports. "
There is a prospect of fun ahead.
Marshal Cummiugs notified John P.
Clew that ho could not go on with his
glove contest with Johnny Cash which has
been billed to take place at the exposion
annex to-night. Clew says that four ounce
gloves will bo used and that the contest
will take place. Ho claims that the
authorities c annot stop a scientilio contest -
test for points where soft gloves are
used. The marshal , holds a different
view and says the contest shall not ho
given. The law against prize lighting is
very severe and authorizes the marshal
: o arrest the principals and interested
parties if hn has reason to think that a
prize light i about to bo held , It is sim
ply n question as whether or not the fact
iliat both men are in training for the
match , which was at first announced as
n slugging contest , is sufliciunt to give
. marshal "leason to think" that n
match of the prohibited Kind
is on the tapis. The law
\lso makes the spectator of a prize light
liable to punishment and it remains to be
scon whether the patrons of the sport
will run the risk of arrest to witness a
match. The result will bo watched with
Colonel MnLautrhlin telegraphed his
; -unt , Mr. Pun-hall , yesterday that he
ould arrive in Omaha on Monday morn
ing to prepare for his match with Moth
at the exposition building Thursday
night. Moth has been expressing dis
satisfaction ever the result of his match
with McLaughlin in Minneapolis nnd the
colonel proposes to glvo him an opportu
nity of showing what he can do. The
match will doubtless bo an exciting ono.
The Omaha club will make their first
nppcarauco before the public to-day in a
game with the Dos Moincs team at Athletic
purk. The visitors litwo been in the
south since the first of March , playing
exhibition games und have the advan
tage of six weeks' practice. The homo
team is in good shape , however , and will
give the visitors something to think about.
At the turf exchange pool rooms last
night oven bets wcro being made on the
The batting order will bo as follows :
Omaha. Po.iDes Molnes. Po.
lituler 1 i , a J Unique 3d
Walsh sHutcliffB o
Dwyer lstAlvor | < l a
lirimlilecuru \Vnileley ni
II art or c Kaatz 1 * <
Kreliraeyor. riBrosnad "il
Kourko 8cl Bryan 1
Swift 8d Van Dyke i
Henley. . . , plWells j
The DCS Moincs club arrived- from
Lcavcnworth last night and put up at the
Windsor. Manager Will Ilryan and 8 < iT'
cral of the directors are at the Paxton. A
special train load of DCS Moines people
will arrive hero in time to witness the
Sunday game.
Mr. J. C. Pentzal yesterday received c
letter from Dan O'Loary , the New Yor
pedestrian , saying that he has boor '
delayed br sickness nnd has not b'cbn
abje to como here nnd superintend the
walking match which was booked for the
lirst week in April. Ho writes , however
that ho will bo hero the iirst of next wccl
to work up the preliminaries of tin
match which will occur the last week ir
April. O'Leary says that the contest wil
bo go-as-you-pli'aso. in order to accom
modate some local foot runners who wlsl
to outer , If any good moa dovolopt
themselves in this contest , O'Loary sayi
that ho will take thorn to England U
enter the walking matches which are tc
como off there in the fall.
i. Moth , the wrestler , imagine * , bo
ca'ujo ho has bcatln one or two sinnll-fry
amateurs that he Is a bioyclo rider. Ho
has for tlio past two IT three days been
loudly challenging John S. Prince to rldu
him a 20-mile race , giving him one mlle
in the twenty. On tins basis Moth claims
that ho can beat 'Prince. ' That gentle
man. however , is'hrrio ' condition to ride ,
nntl has turned the matter over to Clios.
Ashlngor , who agrees to run Moth on
the terms mentioned , Ho wishes to here
by challenge Moth a to race of that kind ,
and will await a speedy auswcr from
him. r r\ \
The announcement ; of the arrival of
Mr. W. E. CarrqlL the ox-champion
horscshoer and reiitcscntatlvo of the
Northwestern NIIUD company , in this
city as announced in the HKK lias created
a stir among the fraternity. Yesterday
morning two prominent nail representa
tives arrived from Kansas City and the
horseshoers of the city are ' 'talking
mon" Tlio probabilities are that a match
will bo arranged at once. The diflienlty
? ecms to bo on the quality of the nails to
bo used ,
Captain Bill Tluutta "Sails" Into
Everybody that had any interest in
lake navigation years ago knew Captain
William F. Tlbbits , one of the lirst men
who crossed the lakes. Out of the thrco
pioneers in inland sailing ho and Cap
tain Richard are the only ones remain-
ng. The silent one of the party , Captain
John Leonard , was the first man to com-
nand a steam vessel entering Chicago.
tic died n short time ago. Just think of
: ho history of the Omaha visitor , who in
1810 was treading the slippery
decks of a hike Michigan
) oat. What events have drifted
i.isscd him on annual waves ? When the
: aptain left the lakes ho became a railroader
reader and a pioneer at that as far as the is concerned. He is now the travel-
ng passenger agent of the Denver & Rio
irande , with headquarters at Denver.
lo is hale , hearty and ' 'hefty , " and can
ell a story like a preacher. For instance ,
he one relating the time the late William
.1. Vaudorbill made him pull the bell
ope to slow for good time is a ' 'daisy. "
Captain Tibbils at that time was con
ductor on the train from Leadyillo to
'iieblo. Ho had the Vanderbilt
) arly at one time , and as they
were coming down the Grand Canyon
slide , the curs were in an "unusual"
lurry in far.t they were flying. At this
imc Mr. Vanderbilt came after the con-
ractor. Meeting Captain Tibbcts ho
said :
"Conductor , my party is scared.
fou're going in too fast ! "
"Not at all sir , " said Conductor Tib-
> cts.
' \rcs , yes , you are , and I mast request
hat you pull the bell rope for slowing
up. "
Captain Tibbitts thought he would do it
nnd a tinclo soon broiurht the attention
of George Root , the engineer to slower
notion. ' " ,
Captain Tibbitts isf ftow representing
ho grand "scenic line of the world ,
and from those who 'have ' traveled in
Jolorado it is almost 'certain that ho is
right. ' . ,
Xho Cable Line liocatcrt.
The directors of thojCablo Tramway
ompany mot yesterday afternoon and
ndcd the agony that , 'has existed over
ho location of the line by selecting Do dee
trcct , as was predicted in yesterday's
JEE. The papers were drawn up and
igned and contracts -made for the im
mediate prosecution of the work. Ma-
rorlal for the line will bo distributed
; o-day and work commenced next week.
'lie line will bo built west on Dodge to
? \ventiuth at once to , connect with the
inc running north and south and will
> robubly bo continued further west next
Array News.
A board of suivoy has been appointed
o meet at Omaha , at 10 o'clock a. m. , on
ho llth day of April , 1887 , or as soon
hereafter as practicable , to investigate a
delay in the delivery of certain govern
ment property shipped from Fort McKinney -
ney to Douglas. Wyo , on bill of lading
STo. 11 , dated November 19 , 1836. The
ollowing is the detail of the board :
Major John P. Hawkins , commissary of
subsistence ; Major Charles I. Wilson.
> ay department ; Second Lieutenant
jymau W. V. Kcnuon , Sixth infantry ,
aide-de-camp. _
Visiting Supervisors.
The board of supervisors of Pottawat-
tamio county were in the city yesterday
making an examination of the court
louse. Tnn new temple of justice for
Pottawattomie is ncaring completion and
; he supervisors arc casting about fnr
winters concerning the proper style of
furnishing the building. The supervisors ,
Messrs. Frani , Underwood , Jones , Boiler
ind Waite , were accompanied bv Mr. E.
J. Eckel , of St. Joseph , Mo. , architect of
the building , and J. M. Carter , the super
vising architect.
Ltald Away At Host.
The funeral of L. II. Botz was hold
from the residence of W. H. Cramer , his
brother-in-law , 2103 Webster street , at 10
o'clock yesterday morning. The floral
tributes wore profuse. A number of
Union Pacilic headquarters employes wore
nrcscnt besides many other sorrowing
relatives and friends. The interment was
in Prospect Hill cemetery.
The obsequies ever Ole Matson , the
aged father of Mrs. Ncilson , was held at
the residence of the latter , 403 north
Twcnth-fourth street at 2 o'clock yester
day afternoon. The interment was in the
same cemetery.
A Jury For the Salvationists.
Judge Stoubcrg yesterday drew a jury
for the trial of the case against the mem
bers of the Salvation Army , charged
with disturbing the peace , which will bo
called on Tuesday unit. The jurors
drawn are : Martin Dunham. John Caul-
fie.ld , N. J. KdholniJ. S. Raymond. E.
T. Duke and W. T. Simon.
Tlio Sftlrntlnn Seraphs Get nn Audi *
mco In ttio Exposition Annex.
The Salvation army detachment in
Omaha was reinforced yesterday by the
arrival of .Majori'tigtilro , who is the com
mander of the department of Ohio and
Nebraska. The major took hold vigor
ously when he arrived , and the result was
a meeting in the exposition annex last
evening which aboijt ! tOO curious people
attunded. The usual programtnu of pray
ing and singing , Intcrporsed by short addresses -
dresses , was carried out , for which enter
tainment those who wore there paid , in
admission and contribution nearly $70.
The army have decided to await tlio
decision of the trial next Tuesday before
they attempt to resume their noisy street
parados. They wcro thus advised last
night by persons who attended the moot
ing and announced that they would fol
low the counsel. After that , in event
that they should bo convicted of disturb
ing the peace , they are undecided as to
what they will do.
The police , who are supposed to bo
posted on the after-dark conduct of resi
dents of the city , told uglv stoilos con
cerning those who are most conspicuous
in the army's niamiiiiyroo , but what is
true and what is suppositions has not yet
boon learned.
The Gospel army continues its quiet
parades anit has not yet been molested
as it is not likely to bo.
Myers In Mad.
Mr. Myers , the Detroit architect , who
has been in Omaha three or tour days , is
not in a pleasant frame of mind. County
Commissioner Tnnmo m the gentleman
whom Mr. Myers regards as anything but
amascott. The commissioners were to
meet yesterday afternoon and decide
upon thu hospital plans. The competing
architects are , as has been published ,
Mendelssohn &Lowric , of Omaha ; ( Joch-
rnno , of Chicago , and Myers , of Detroit.
Cochrano has an admirer in Commissioner
Timino , it is understood , and Myers'
ideas seem to be favored by Commis
sioners O'Knofo and Mount. The com
missioners did meet yesterday , but Mr.
Timino was not inclined to decide , and
was inclined to go home , which ho did.
Ho did not reappear , cither , as was un
derstood , to be the intention. The com-
mi.-isionnrs continued in session until
nearly 6 o'clock nnd then adjourned.
Mr. Myers contemplated goin to Indi
ana yesterday upon quite important
business , but remained to see what tlio
commissioners would do. Now ho re
gards Commissioner Tunmo's absence
from the board yesterday as unnecessary
and consequently is possessed of a g riov-
"No Moro Down tirakcn. "
James Enright , a popular II. & M.
brakeman , lias received word that by the
will of a recently deceased uncle , who
was a retired farmer living in the east ,
he becomes possessor of a neat legacy in
the sum of $10,000. Enright will give up
braking and get into some line of work
where ho can enjoy the pleasures that
his legacy will alibrd.
WOMEKSLEY In this city at 2 p. in. .
April 8 , Mrs. KlizabcthVomersley , aged 75
years 1 month S days.
Funeral S a nil ay , Apill 10 , at 2 p. m. from
Uaptlst church. Interment Prospect Hill.
"Urowii's Bronchial Trochon" are of
creat service In subduing Hoarseness.
The district court jury has been dis
charged for the term.
The revenue collections yesterday
amounted to f 3,191.03.
Dr. Swetnam has gone for a visit to his
old homo at Kirksvillo , Mo.
Anew dance hull for the benefit of the
soldiers , is being erected near the bar
One hundred and sixty-three deeds
wcro iilcd for record in the county clerk's
office yesterday.
San Goon , thu Ciiineso notion merchant
on Tenth street , was closed out by his
creditors yesterday.
Mary Schowsky , an insane girl was
taken to the asylum yesterday by Deputy -
uty Sheriff Phillips.
The adjourned term of the United
States court will be hold in Lincoln com
mencing next Monday.
If this kind of weather keeps up Zero ,
Lucas county , Iowa , will prove an at
tractive resort if there bo anything in a
Jimmy Donovan , the brother of Police
man Donovan , and Oscar Arnold were
arrested yesterday afternoon for indulg
ing in a pnzo light in a South Thirteenth
street saloon.
According to state superintendent of
schools Lane , the now charter provides
for the election of nine members of the
board of education. The six now in
oflico hold ovor.
The Young People's Missionary society
of Omaha V low gave a very pleasing
musical and literary entertainment at
the Hillside Congregational church on
Thursday evening.
Mrs. N. J. Ross appeared in police
court yesterday afternoon and asked for
the arrest of R. McClelland on the charge
of tearing down her house which stands
on his property near the river bank.
Nine graders , in the employ of Stunt &
Hamcl. were arrested yesterday afternoon
for violating the resolution adopted at the
council mooting on Tuesday night pro
hibiting the scattering of dirt on the
paved streets.
The Philemon Social club will give
its farewell party on Wednesday eye. ,
April 20th , at Masonic hall. The previous
announcement that the party would beheld
hold on this ( Good Friday ) evening , was
an error on part of tlio committee who
had the affair in charge.
Mr. Vonzor appeared in county court
yesterday morning in a suit against Mr.
Silvorwiso to recover $400 which ho al
leged liad boon taken from a trunk which
was among his belongings , which Silver
wise had put in a back room because the
one Vonxor rented was wanted for an
other tenant. The court decided in favor
of the defendant.
This is the Season
When a need modlelno Is srt A CM8lty. Tbolropuro
statoot thoblood.thodernDied'llgostlaD.and the wcalc
onnltlon ot the body , all cull for the purifying , regu-
latlnB.undstrenitthenlna InBuOucos to happily ami
cIToctlTOly combined In Hood'iSarsaptrllU. It orer *
comrt that tlroJ foellnjieuro hoailacbo and drpop-
la , and expels every taint uf scrofula from the
"All I ask ot any ono U to try a bottle of Ttood'a
BarsapartllH and ee Its quick effect. U takes loss
time and quantity to ahow Itcctfoct Iban any other
'preparation I aver beard of. I would not b without
, ltln the house. " MHA. C. A. M. llUDBAUU , North
Chill. Monroe County , N. V.
§ prlng Medicine
"We hare used Hood's Sarsaparllln for several
years , and feel proud to recommend It as an excel.
lent spring medlolno or to ba used at nit times as a
lood purifier. ForehOdrenas neil as Brown people
wo consider U the best. We tet aaldo one bottle
for our boy to take In the spring , lie li nine > ears
old mid has enjoyed goodbooltb ever since we bu.-an
giving It to him. We are seldom without It. " B. f.
Oliovxii , nochoster. N. II.
K. B. If you have made up your mind to g t
Hood's Siriaparllla do not take any otner.
"Two months ago I commenced taklnz liood'i Bar-
snpHrllla as nn experimentus I bad uo appttUeor
atronRth , and felt tired all the Um > . 1 attributed my
condition to acrofulojs humor. I Uad tried several
different kinds of medicine , without roonlvlrut nny
benefit. But as noon as I had tnkeu half a bottle of
Hood's Snrsaparllla , my appetite was restored , und
ray stomach felt better. I have now taken nearly
throe bottles , and I never was ao well ID uy life. "
Mils. Jirsaiii f. DOUIKAUE. I'nscoait , U. I.
"IlooU's Barsapsrtllu cured me of dyspepsia and
liver complaint with which I had suffered 20 yean. "
J , I ) . IloilNli/iCK , South Fullsburif , N. V ,
Bulldlnir-Vp Power
"I gladly attest tbo peculiar bulldlni-np power of
Hood'i Barsaparllla. for dome time I have been
unable to attain ! to business , but finally atthe request
of u friend I used uurt of a bottle of Hood's Sunn-
parllla , which gave tone and strength to my system
and made mo feel young as wbrn a boy. " UnAN *
vn.LKT.Woou8.Ci and C6 Lodge street. Cincinnati
Ohio ,
"Hood'a 8 r a arallU eared ma of dyspfpsla and
liver complaint with which I had lutfored 39 year * . '
J. Ii.Iloaxnicu , South rallsburg , N. V.
Hood's Sarsaoarilla
On Oosoii One Dollar
eld by all dramlata. Ill six for K. I'rep r d y0
BOOO & CO. . Apothecaries , Lowell , Mas * .
1OO Dotes One Dollnr
BoMbyalldnurUti. Ill six for I * . Prtpartl k/ .
I. IIOOD * CO. , Apoti earl 4 , LovtU. li M.
In the attempt to swim the Niagara Whll-
poet Rapids U no more reckless or dangerous
than to trifle with disease which each day
secures a sti anger hold ami hastens the cm !
of his life , Tim is specially true of rheu
matism , neuralgia , cata ! , and nervous head
ache , whioh though perhaps slight at first
are extremely dangerous , and steadily seem e
a firmer grip until at lasl the agony is unen
durable and sudden death brings relief.
Tncse disuse * can be cured by tlio use of
Athlophoros which , in connection with
Athloporos Pills , never fall when propctlv
used , Rcan tee following from those who
have tested it.
John S , Kennedy , Spcasville , Karisas says :
"Nearly two years ago , four bottles of
Athlop'horos cured me of rheumatism , and
I have had no return of the old complaint
since. "
Mrs. A Newton , wife of ex-Mayor Newton
ton , Ucs Moincs , Iowa , sas : "I h'otl been a
great sufferer for years , nud had resorted to
many remedies , but nothing-would do what
Athlophoros did for me. Athlophoros took
the stillness out of the joints of my fingers ,
which I had been troubled with so long. "
Murray J. Cochran , Dcnnison , Iowa , says :
"It is now two years since I used Athlo-
ros , and I have no rheumatism since. At
the time I used this medicine I was crippled
so thar I had to use crutches. My knees
were swollen so that I had to cut my pants
in order to wear them , my arms were stiff
at the elbows ; part of the time I could not
feed myself. While in this condition , I
was advised to take Athlophros ; which I
did. After ttsing a few bottles I was com
pletely cured.
Every druggist should keep Athlonho-
ros and Athlophoros Pills , but where
they cannot bo bought of the druggist
the Athlophoros Co. , 122 Wall St. , Now
York , wilt aond either , carriage paid , on
receipt of regular price , which is $1 per
bottle for Atnlophoros and 50c for the
Vorllvor nndltldnoy dleoivcfl : , dyspepsia , fn-
digestion , weakness , norvousdohlllty , cllionioi
of wotnun , constipation , hoitduolio , linpuro
bloodetc. . Athlophoros 1'llls are unequalled.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000.
"Wo do linmby certify tluit wo supervise the
nrrnntroutoms for nil the Monthly mid Soml-An-
mml Drawing of The Louisiana Stnto I < ottory
Compmiy.nnd in prraon miningo nnd control
tlio drnwlnes thomsolve * , und Hint the snrao Hro
conducted wltti honrsty , fnlrnoss nnd In peed
laltli toward nil pnrtles , nnd wo authorize the
Company to use this cortlllcnto with fnclm -
llosof our signatures attauhoj , la Its advertise-
meats. "
Wo the undorslffnod HankB nnd Hankers will
pay nil Priroi drawn In The Loulllnnit Stitto
Lotteries which may bo presented at our coun
President Louisiana Nntlonnl Hank. .
President Stnto National flank
President Now Orlounw NtUonnl Hanlc.
Prts. Onion Nntloua Innlc.
Incniporntod m 1SCB tor 23 yours by the logls-
ture for Kduo&tlouul nnd CliiultnUlo purposes ,
with noapitul of $1.000,000 to which n roson-o
fund of over $5" > O.OOJ has slnco boon addod.
Hy nn overwhelming popular vote Its frnn-
ohlao wna mndo a pint of the proiont Rtnto
Constitution ndoptedDecornlxirZd , A. D. IbTO.
The only lottery ever voted on nnd endorsed
oy the puoplo of nny state.
It nov r scilos or postpones.
Itsirrnnd tliislo nuruhor drainpa take plaoa
monthly , nnd the sbaii-nnnunl dr.iwlnira roiru-
larly every six months ( Juno nnd December ) .
4th Oriuiil Drawing , Glass I ) . In tliu Academy of
Music , Now Orleans. Tuesday , April 1'Jtb ,
1637X'Ud ! Monthly Drnwlnir.
Notlco. Tickets are 1\0 \ onlv. Halvas , $3
Fifths $2. Tenths SI-
MST OV ntf/K .
Application for rntos to clubs should bo mndo
only to UIB offlro of the company In Now Or
For further Informal Ion wrlto clearlr , Kivint
fulladdru.ii. POSTAL NOTK3 Gxprc.iJ Money
Orders , or New York Ktohnnijo m ordinary letter -
tor , currency br ornrosn nt our axpons * M
WowOrlouuaIJ .
Or U. A.OAIJPniN ,
Wasblnffton , D. 0 ,
Address Itcylstcred letters to
New Orleans L\
RV AV T ? Af 1TF M Tint thn presnncs of
Jli UL Ui iU D JCj 11 conor.iUHonuro riirdand
Knrlr , who uro In chnrno of the Jniwlrifs , u n KU ir-
nntco of nb'oluto fnlrnoss unit Inloiirttr. tuut tna
clinnrccnronlloqinil , nnd that no ono c n | , onlU.r
illvlnc nlmt numbers will drjwn l'rli . All parlloi
thoretorooilvortliilnR tnun'irnntco rrlioi In tliU lx > t-
tery , or holding out Hny other Impo llilH Indnon-
monts. urenwlnillcr8aiiuoalr ] aim to d c
frnu ltno unir.irr
Cancer of the Tongue.
Mr wife. Bomo Hires or four yean ago , was troo.
HJ with on nicer on the Bide of her vmuuoncar
ths throat. The pain was Inccmnl , ott in { < .
of ilcen iind nioduclne Kreal nirvoits rro trutlon.
Sifei ffiisws ssstt.tfi
sfea % S5KSff
, nr.i n nm . n tlio mo ot A naif dozen unail-
, , Jono 6,15 8.
Treatiw on Blood wd Bkln nUeaw
Tn swirr BrKcino Co. , JJiawer S , Atlanta- . .
117 Vf. Z 1 BU N. If ,
. OATAKIUI. ThBOro tO rniirj
ilemedylnpouilrecuro. f ( n > upl
picUia nd boolt for 4 eaJi lu ttjai > .
K.uT k IDIUAL , CO. , btt UiavlDB. Csna.
Warranted to neither brook down of
roll up In wear.
( out Groolnt without MliO ilamptd on Inildt f Conet
Try tl Jiylll ( fil | m HitfcUir lf M i r pr o l < ,
A ek your ret filler for tlic James Moilio , $3 Shoe
Caution ! onioUontorircoumiuouillnliifpriot
irooda In order to make a larger profit. This It
tlio OHNJINAIj WSUoo. Utmnro of Imitations
which kcknowlorive tliolr own Inferiority l > y at
tempting to DullU upon the reputation of tht
None genuine unlm bearing this Stamp ,
I Mud * In Button , Ouncrtii nt
I.RC , HIST CAI > SKiM. Vnft-
culled In urRAHtixrr , CoxroRl
and Art'iAHANCit. A nostril oirj
tent to ui lll brlnn you infor-
tnitlon uo r in got this Blio * In
tri SUtt or Territory.
Meant 4k Co. ,
4) Lincoln StrvM.
Our celebrntod factory produces n Inrper
junntlty of shoos ot this jrrncle tlmn any other
facto i y In the world. Thoufnndi wlio wear
thorn will tell you the rennon If you nsk tlirif ) .
JA1MK8 AIKANrV * - ! .SHOE tor Uoj'H iBUnftp-
prouolicd In Durnhility.
Full lines of the abore Shots for * * l br
( ? ] ( ) . S. JIILLEE
G12 N. 16th St. , Omaha.
Ami many other complaints cured by
A Prominent HnlTnlo Physician pays :
HUVFAI.O , N , V. , I'eb. 14 , iwr
DrllorncClileaeo , Ill.-Doir Hlr : It li fomnthfhit
iintisiml for one ut the moillcal prole-shin to ludur'o
tin advertised article : yet I Uko pli'iisum In Inform *
Inn you that ono of your ISIoctrlo Holts cured mo of
rbuumatlsui , from which I liad tmiraiud 3yc > r/i. / I
Imvo recommended your Inrcntlnn to nt lojlt fnMr
of my piitiontt mifrorlnt with chronic UI OH nf ra > -
rlmis kind < , viz ; I'lilpltu'.lon of tliu ticnrt , nervous
debility , oiillop jr > iueiim tl m , t aln In tlifl hiU'k no *
klilncvf , etc. . etc. . eto All unto purcbmrcl and
worn them with mo Rmtlfylnx lenilt' ) . I cntihlahlf
rueunimPiid your r.lccirla licit ) aauaioJ | ln great
merit. Krntornully vnurB.
L U. McMirnAF.u M. D. Kl Nlagarn-it
A Cliicngo riiisiciiin Says ,
Dr noino UmrSIr : 1 luru lui'd aorcrulktndi of
miiunctio am ) Klootrlo Dolls on riitlanlsHiid nirsolf ,
1 rnn honaitly giro the prafmrnct ) loyours , by lul
oilds. Ilonco I cinanitdu locoiuiiiundynurHOVfruH
others. Yours Initorrmlly , J. II. JoneON- j ) .
Jnn 14 , ltl. Omcolw ; Stntc-at. , ChldVo
APliysicinn Says. AH of My Patlont
arc SiitisOt'il.
(1KNKVA , NF.n , Jan 51 , HIT
Dr W.J.IIorno. InTOnlor Dour Sir : 1 rocominuud
your Kleclrlc HiSltB tn nil n ho fiiiTor with any norvom
tioublo. nny clirunto llror or khlnoy dlHenuet. Allot
my patient * Hint iitcnsliu > onrKlo"trlo Belts uro
latlnlleil. I'Vaternally. M. I'not-ST. M I ,
I'liyaalun nJ Surcaon
A Minister of tlio German Evangelical
Chttvcli , Snys :
IriiltTO.V , Allcc/m / Co , Mich. , TcliJ , IS17
Dr.V.J. . Ilcrrii ) . UhtciiKo , III-DeAr blr : Your
Kluctrlo lloltn do all you cUlin. Oiio nf Iliom belnuj
moot dyspopalii , constlpKtlon und K iu'ral dtibllltr
1 vronlil Ilku to intrOLtucd Tour cuo.H horo. Will
mulct mo hnvo thonitonoy forthlt Iowniblpl'lrns9
slve your terrui I um tlie inlnlati-r uf thu Ueruian
Evaliccllcnl Church ot l.oluhton. llonioctfully ,
URV TjOl'M IlntlMtt.
Itotldoncp , Sllddlovlllo , llairyaouuty , Mlalu
Noui'iilffiu of tlio Stomach Cured.
CutST.VIIT. lllJnn 01,1837
Dr. Home Hoar .sir : t wniiiilfartnii with neural
Kin of tlia Btomiioh , find rnedlclno scorned tohhTojio-
oirct'tiorcn murplilno Uhl notrolinve mo muih. The
uttHck would bixln every oronlnv Hbout nine o'clock.
ml last about six lioun 1 sent fur "iiioof your KICo-
trio Delta , ( rot It nnd put It on , mid hitn't had the
least tyinptotuof imuiulela einco. Inni nell tlcnsotl
Youn truly. A.Q. HAitcOtrnr.
Dr. W. J. IIOUNE"lMVabash-avenue ! ) ,
Solo Inventor , Psopriotor nnd Jlunufacturtr.
k'ond stiini ] , for f HttituKiio.
Hperlnllr DUtllled for
Medlcln * ! U .
DB. ZDW. Ii. WALLINQ , Surgeon
goon In Chief , National Uuart
of N.J. , viltei !
"Mr fttt iitlos WM called tc
your K jitono Mult WbUkny b |
Kr. I.ilor , Drugglit , of Trontea
or.d I liavo nisd a f f toltlw
vrlth fit , b tt r olftct than any }
b T Ind. I am rtcoinuitndlaq
your rtlc ! < > In my practice , tng
fled It T r "
" '
. .MlxUe ef Bet ! . " ' "
( SiU ij eli for IL U. B )
316.318 and 320 Race St. Philadelphia. Pa. ,
Goodman DrtiK Co.Gonl.Afont3Omnlia ;
L. J. MARKS & Co.
Grain nud Provision Commis
sion Merchants ,
JO and J2 J'adJIv Avenue.
OMinunil Provisions boiulit nnd nold on lunrzlni
nntliD Ohlrico no MotTniito. CorrniponrtPiuo M
llnitod DJllynr rcokly mnrkot Ir-tter i'nt on upjill.
outlon. ltoturniicorn ( ; UTChaujo llniik Cliiiuxo.
fortli.m. llluttrfttfrirftlftl-gja ntilVdfit , by tb Mknafictur n ,
LVOH A , HEALYi 102 State St. , Ohloano.
Embody the liiehcst excellencies in Shape
liness , Comfort , nnd Durability nud
arc the
Reigning Favorites
in fashluiiablo c ir.Icn. Our name ih on eve
ry * ate. J. & T. COUSINS , New York ,
For young women , I'rinceton , N. J.
Prospectus , full particulars , ecnl on pa
plication to J. II. McElvnlne.
I bats a pnmlTt r m < ) j lor in * tt > oT illittsi | br Us its *
U ? sndsVf f u * ef ik wwsl Ua4 and f ! f.tnVig
t T .encur.d. tn < t < l. aurarlsmjfaithlnlt i
thai lililMla TWO tant.n rnXK. letetb.r
' '