Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1887, Image 1

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Thu New Laws Which Qo Into Immediate
Effect ,
Magnified Into Mnttcr.9 of Moment By
the Trickery of Astute and In
terested LolibylstH nntl
Kmergcncy Hills.
LINCOLN , Neb. , April 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hr.E.I The following bills
were passed with the emergency clause :
Mr. Mclklejohn's Senate File IS An act to
amend sectlou 12S ot chapter 10 of the com
piled statutes of Ibb5 , limiting the Indebted
ness of corporations. Approved March 1.
Mr. T/schuck's Senate File 47 An act to
nuthorl/.otlie state treasurer to transfer 8135-
600 from the university fund to the state general -
oral fund. Approved February 8.
Mr. McNanmr's Senate Kile 159 An act de
fining the boundaries of liinmli county.
Mr. McN'amar's Senate KllelOS An act de
fining tin ; boundaries of McPhcrson county.
Mr. McNamai's Senate Kilo 100 An act de
fining the boundaries or Arthur county.
Mr. McNamar's Senate Kilo 109 An act
defining tlio boundaries of ( irant county.
Mr. W. II. Sncll's Senate File 115-An act
legali/.ing the sale and conveyance of certain
lots , blocks and parcels of land In Falrbury ,
Jefferson county , Neb. , and to quiet titles to
the same , Approved March 24.
Mr. Hurnham's Senate Kile 125 An act
authorizing the sale of two acres of saline
land to school district 51 , Garlicld precinct ,
Lancaster county.
Mr. Hearlwelrs Senate File 12C > An act
authorizing county boards to borrow money
and issue bonds to pay the same.
Mr. Robbins'Senate Fllol74 Apportioning
the state Into judicial districts and appoint-
In K ollloers thereof.
Mr. Vandemark's Senate File 201 An act
for the taking and prosecution ot appeals.
Mr. Mclklejohn's isenato File 248 An act
chancing the name of tlio reform Pchool to
the Nebraska State Industrial institute for
juvenile offenders , also amending sections 1
and 75. statutes entitled "Reform Schools. "
Mr. Vttiidemark's Senate Kilo 255 An act
to recount the ballots cast for and against
the legislative amendment on the second day
of November. 18bO , and to declare the lesult.
Approved February 23.
Mr. Colby's Senate File 2CO An act to
amend sections 57 and 58 and to add sub
divisions LV111 and L1X to section 52 of
iirtlelo 2 of chapter 14 of the compiled statutes
relating to cities of the seaond class liavlnit
over 5,000 inhabitants and to repeal said
original sections 27 and 58 mid all acts and
parts of acts in conllict with this act. Ap
proved March 25.
Mr. Colby's Senate Kilo273 An act to enable
county judges to appoint special adminis
Mr. Kent's Senate File 274 An act enabling
the siipiome couit to reduce sentence ol par
ties wlille appealing In said court when the
name Is judged excessive ,
nousi : .
Mr. Watson's House Roll 15 Providing for
the erection and turnishlng ot a new Imild
ing at thu Nebraska Institute lor the blind ut
Nebraska City.
The amount appropriated is S35,000.
Mr. Watson's House Koll 17 An act foi
the relief of Otoo county. Approved March 3
The amount appropriated is 83,075.25.
Mr. Andrews' House Roll 20 An act pro
vldlinr for tlio erection of now buildings m
the Kearney lelorm school.
The amount appropriated Is $25,500. x
Mr. Kaymond'R House lloll 22 An act to
protect primary elections and conventions of
political parties and to punish offenses com
mitted thereat. Approved March 2. .
Mr. White's House Roll 23 An act to repeal
section 7(1 ( of aitlclo 2 of chapter 14 compiled
statutes of 1831 entitled "Cities of the Second
Class and Villages , " and to amend section 20
of chapter 70 ot the compiled statutes of 1SS1
entitled "Registration of Voters. " Approved
Match 23.
Mr. Howman's House Koll 20 An act mak-
In ; appropriation to pay for the publication
of the constitutional amendment submitted
to the people at the general election In No
vember , Ib80. Approved March 23.
The amount appropriated is & 3b71.
Mr. Aililn's House lloll 43 An act prevent
ing the acquiring of title to lands in Nebraska
by non-resident aliens ,
Mr. Whltmoio's House Roll 47-An act to
amend section 2'J of an act entitled an act
concerning counties and county officers ,
npproml March 1 , 1S70. Appiovecl Feb
ruary 28.
Mr. Caldwell's House Koll OS An act pro
viding for the appointment of n deputy at
torney general.
Mr. Randall's House Roll 74-An act
authorizing the auditor of public accounts to
draw warrants on the unexpended balance
ot appropriation for the taking of the census
of 1NS5. Approved March 23.
Tlio amount of the warrant Is SG41.
Mr. Nichol's House Koll 83 An act to pro
vide lor the payment of the incidental ex
penses Incurred during the twentieth session
of the legislature. Approved January 29.
The amount appiourlated Is 40,000.
Mr. Latta's House Role S3 An act to appro
priate to Chas. A. Johnson tie sum of
> 3te9.80. ! Approved March 4.
Mr. Whltmoro's House Role 00 An act to
compensate Robt. W. Fnrnas for seivlcos
rendered the state ot Nebraska at the New
Orleans centennial exposition. Approved.
The amount appropriated Is 95.000.
Mr. Mlnnlx's House Role 98 An act defin
ing the duties of the board of county com
Mr. Colo's House Kolo 101 An act to
establish , locate , erect and maintain an
asylum for the incurable Insane within the
state of Nebraska , and appropriate the nec
essary funds therefor. Approved March 13.
The amount appropriated is 575,000.
Mr. Colo's House Role 121 An act to pro
vide for the publication of the names of all
the ox-soldier ; * , sailors and marines residing
In Nebraska. Approved March 4. The ex
penses are to bo paid out of the general
Mr. Smyth's House Knlo 12-J-An act to
pav Patrick O'Hawos for collecting claims of
the state of .Nebraska from the United States
goveinmcnt Approved March 4.
Tlio amount appropriated Is S4.520.SO.
Mr. Smyth's House Role 18S-An act pro
viding for the issuing and payment of school
district botms.
Mr. Caldn ell's House Role 141-An act
providing for the issuing aud payment ot
school district bonds.
Mr. White's House Role 14G-An act to ex
empt secret societies and benevolent associa
tions from the requirements of chapter 10 ol
the compiled statutes of IhbS , to define the
duties powers aim obligations of such socie
ties anil associations , and to provide penal
ties for violations thereof. Approved Nurcti
si )
Mr. Marshall's House Kolo 153 An act
preventing the negotiation of bonds held by
the state as a permanent school fund In case
of theft or otherwise.
Mr. McCanu's House Role 209 An act pro
vldlug lor the sale and leasing and manage
ment of all the lands set apart for educa
tional purposes.
Mr. Whltmoro's Housa Roll 270 An acl
describing the manner in which lallroad cor
iterations may acquire right of way across
educational lands.
Mr. Dlckeuson'h House Koll 219 An act tc
provide for tlio erection of n building for tin
university of Nebraska for the practical ant
scientific Instruction of the Industrial classei
and for Instruction In the mechanical arts
nnd to appropriate money for that purpose
and to authorize the board of regents of tin
university to erect said building. Approvei
March 4.
The amount appropriated Is 850,000.
Mr. Yeach'u House Roll 225 An act amend
Ing sections 215STJ , 2i3 and 275 of chapter 2. .
otlho statutes entitled , "Decedents , "
Mr. Pomberton's House Roll 2J An ac
providing clerks for county judges In couu
tle.s of over 20,000 Inhabitants.
Mr. Aeeo's House Roll 247 An act to es
tnbllsh and maintain , the Nebraska soldiers
and sailors' homo. Approved March 4.
The amount appropriated Is
Mr. Kelper's House lloll 37J An act author
lilug the cotmnlssloiurs of Plerco county t
loc.Uo a road off the section line.
K Mr , Smyth's House Roil JEW An act cf
dine Jurisdiction to the United States ovf
the mllltarv reservation known as Fort NIC
Itrara aud Fort Robinson. Approved March 21.
Air , Cole's House lloll 355-Au act to npprc
prlate SI.SOO for fixtures In the adjutant gen
eral's ollice.
The amount appropriated wasel.COO.
Mr. Norrls' House Koll 3s2 An act for the
relief of Eaa , Leonard Smith. Approved
March W.
The amount appropriated was S7,172.S3.
Mr. Watson's House Koll SU2-An act re
lating to thu purcha > c , lease , sale and aiding
of rallioads In certain caves , and to the
ratlllcation of prior lease ? , .sales aud consoli
dations. Approved Marcli 14.
Mr. Watson's HOUMI lloll120 An net
amending section 4JO , chapter 43 , entitled
"Change ot Venue. "
Mr. Cole's House Koll 42S An act compel
ling lallroad corporations and others to keep
crossings In lepalr.
Mr. Nichol's House Koll 455 An act appro
priating for the expenses of the state govern
ment for the years 187 and ISbS.
Mr. Andres' House Koll 470 An act relat
ing to public .schools In metropolitan cities.
Mr , Abiahamonn'.i House Koll 477 An act
for the icllet ot Kearney county. Approved
Match 2S.
Mr. Nlehol's House Roll 483 An act to pro
vide for the payment of the officers , members
and employes of tha twentieth session ol
thu legislature. Approved March 21.
The iimouut appropriated Is 55,000.
Mr. Nichol's House lloll 481 An act to pro
vide for the incidental expenses Incurred
dining the twentieth session of thu legis
lature. Approved Mareh2t.
The amount appropriated is 35,000.
and Freight Matters
AVIilch are Causing Dissensions ,
CincAfio , April y. The general passenger
agent of thu Pennsylvania company has sent
a private and confidential letter to the gen
eral passenger agents of the western lines ,
stating that his road had only temporarily
agieed to the allowance of differential pass
enger ratns to tlio weak lines east of Chicago
and St. Louis , and that his company would
claim that any road selling through tickets
at a rate higher than any other load was
guilty of discrimination under the Inter-stato
commerce law. He asks the views of the
western passenger agents on the matter.
The move Is understood to bo one to deprive
the Chicago & Grand Trunk and other Hues
of the privilege ot making a rate to the sea
board of Sl.r/i less than the strong Hues , as
now agreed to.
Since the prorating ariangemcnts between
western and eastern lines on freight Irom
the seaboard to the Missouri river and be
yond was declared elf the larger portion of
that traffic has been diverted away from Chicago
cage and through St. Louis , thu rates to Kan
sas City being from 2 to H eents lower via St.
Louis. It is understood that early next week
the Chicago and Kansas City roads will issue
a now Height tariff which will equalize the
rates via both cities and stop the diversion of
thn traffic away Irom Chicago.
The Michigan Central road will to-morrow
issue a ciiculav boycotting the twenty-live
roads upon which the trunk lines have placed
their ban , aud all thiough tickets over
western Hues will bo taken off of
sale. I'l'ho Chicago roads exempted from the
.boycott aio the Northwestern , Illinois Cen
tral and Milwaukee & St. Paul. All of the
roads leading to Kansas City are barred , so
that a traveler from the cast cannot buy a
ticket to that point , As the Lake Shore
joined the boycott to-day , the Baltimore A :
Ohio and Grand Trunk are now the only eea-
boaid lines which are not tinning westciu
tickets to the wall. Neither side snows any
plgns of yielding and thu boycott will proba
bly continue until the matter Is brought bu-
loio the Inter-stato commission.
A move is on loot to send on from tills city
n protest of leading meichants and shippers
against the action of the Inter-stato 'commis
sion In suspending the operation of tno long
and short haul clause at various points. The
special grievance hero Is the suspension af
fecting thu route across the lake from Mil
ST. Louis , April 8. A private dispatch to
the Republican from a prominent railroad
center In Texas says no through tickets are
now on sale Irom points In Texas to points
cast of St. Louis and Now Orleans , and that
It is not known when therojwlll be.
Ho Dies Protesting Ilia Innocence of
the Crime.
Four SMITH , Ark. , April 8. Patrick Mc
Carthy was hanged hero to-day for the mur
der of Thomas and John Mahoney in tlio
Cherokee nation on the ICth of February ,
1830. The evidence was circumstantial , there
being no eye witnesses to the crime , and
McCarthy died protesting hid Innocence.
Joe Sprtilc , who was also Implicated In the
crime , is still at large , but McCarthy was ar
rested ono year ago to-day and brought hero
for trial. Ho was convicted September SO ,
and sentenced with live others to hang July
14 , but the president respited him until April
8. The theory of the prosecution was sus
tained by the fact of McCarthy having In his
possession the property of the murdered
men , but ho protected his innocence- and ,
with a cruel fix In his hand , on the gallows
vowed ho know nothing of the murder. The
general Impression hero Is that he was Inno
cent and that In his case circumstantial evi
dence lied. He was a devout Catholic and
died in the faith. Father Smyth remained
with him on the gallows until the black cap
was adjusted and stated that McCarthy had a
few words to say. He ( McC.-.rthy ) addressed
the crowd briefly , maintaining his Innocence
and expressing a willingness to die. The
drop foil at twenty minutes past o'clock
and death was almost Instantaneous.
Choked Off in Alabamn.
MoNTGOMi'.nv. Ala. , April 8. Shade
Scarbrough , who murdered Madison Caesar
In July last , was hanged In the jail yard at
Klayton , Ala. , to-day. Hoth men were
Prohibition Defeated.
DKTKOIT , April 8. From all reports re
ceived the Evening Journal now figures the
majority acaluat prohibition at 3,070. Moro
complete returns In most cases cut down
the urohlbltion vote. In this ( Wayne ) county
the majority against the amendment Is 23,344.
being an Increase of several hundred over the
former reports. There'is no doubt that pro
hibition has been defeated.
MAmjiiioTi : , Mich. , April 8. There Is
great excitement all over the northern Mich
igan peninsular over alleged frauds In the
recent election which places In doubt the fate
of the prohibition amendment. The Ironwood -
wood authorities are reported to have sought
legal advice , It being charged that
voters by the hundreds wcro Im
ported from Wisconsin to vote
against theamendment. Frauds are alleged
to have occurred in Gagclolo county. That
the most wholesale fraud was carried on
there . 'corns apparent. Revised leturnscul
down the veto against amendment 8,450 , al
lowing Uessemer nearly 1,100. If Hessmei
county Is then out and there Is no doubt of n
contest the state- has certaiuly carried the
Observing Uood Friday.
Nnw YOHK , April 8. To-day being Good
Friday , all down-town exchanges were
closed , as were also the bankers' andbrokers' '
offices. Tr.o state and United States courts
wcro closed and also all city department ;
that were not required to ho open by-law ,
Services appropriate to tha day were being
celebrated In tuo churches of all aenomlna
The Schwartz-Watt Trial.
Moiinifi III.i April 8 The afternoon sos
slon In the Schwartz Watt murder trial to
day , was taken up In listening to testimony
as to the good reputation ot the uofcndaut :
prior to the express messenger murder.
Fatal Fire in a Tenement.
Nr.w Yonw , Apdl 8. Two hundred rcsl
dents of t'io ' tenement house 13 Kssex street I
which burned last night , and of whom thli
teen are In the hospital from burns , won
given siuiie relief to-day by a donation o
J3U > . Ono girl , ten years old , Is dead am
several moro are expccte.1 to dlo.
An Imported Irish Rnler.
LONDON , April S , Colonel Kins Hay Hei
man. conservative member of parliament fo
y. the Isle of Thanct , division of Kent , ha
-J been appointed under secretary for Ireland
A , B. Ohardo Appointed Receiver of Pub
lic Moneys at Niobrara.
Clcvclnnil lias No Time to Look After
Appointments lit a Hopelessly Ito-
jmUUcnn State Who Ills
Advisors Arc.
"Was McSliano Consulted.
WASIHXGTO.V , April 8. ISpeelal Telegram
to the UEH.J A. U. Chardo was to-day ap
pointed receiver of public moneys' at the
Niobrara land office. It Is given out at de
partment headquarters that this Is another
appointment on McShano's recommendation
and that as McShano Is the only democratic
congressman from Nebraska he Is alone con
sulted and his advice taken. This appoint
ment must produce some consternation.
Mark ley 1ms a long time been promised this
place. Moie than a year ago Dr. Miller and
the department assured him he should have
It. Markley came a year aso to receive the
plum and then also a few weeks ago , ac-
icompanlcd by ono Juan Boyle , who claims
to rank McShano as the great high priest In
Nebraska democracy. Hut Hoylo and Crltes ,
formerly of 1'lattsmouth , another high priest
now quartered In the treasury department ,
managed to ship Markloy back to Nebraska ,
assuring him his commission should soon
follow , and then , by some sleight of hand ,
Markley was put out of sUht and
ono Charde dug up and put In
his place and given what really
belonged to Markley. The president , In ex
planation , says that ho or his paity have
nothing to expect from Nebraska with 25,000
lopublican majority , and ho has not the time
nor the-lncllnatlon to give any attention to
appointments. If Boyle or Crltes will tell
him what to do ho la only too grateful to
them ; that ho would cheerfully follow the
advlco of McShanc , but McShano seems
afraid to take the responsibility for fear ho
will make enemies or Is too much engaged In
his largo lauded and cattle syndicates to give
such trilling matters much attention ; that
McShauo has probably not much hope of a
re-election and Is not disposed to spend the
time to visit Washington and confer with
[ A. 13. Charde , the now receiver , is a resi
dent of Oakland , Hurt county , ana is the
senior member ot the firm of Charde it Heck-
man , real estate agents. Ho came to Ne
braska in 1875 and studied law In Decatur ,
afterwards removing to Oakland , his present
There are a number of Influential friends
ot Mr. Blalno in Washington now and none
of them believe he will cither bo a candidate
or nominee for the presidency. It Is well
and positively known that the trip of Mr.
Blalno to Jiurupo was arranged and sug
gested by his political managers , and It is
said to bo an Important move In the work to
bo done next year. His consent to go and
leave his future as far as It relates to public
life in the hands ot his friends is regarded
as the first Indication that ho Is willing to do
the best thine tor his party. Ills departure
for other lands to remain till the destiny of
presidential aspirants is lixed Is regarded
liero as his leave from presidential probabili
ties. Thorepoit that Whitelaw Reid some
time ago wrote a letter to Murat Halstcad or
lUchard Smith suggesting that It was time
for Mr. Blalno to step aside for some other
man the party believes to bo
stronger and suggesting Senator Sherman
as that man , is Kcherally accepted as true ,
notwithstanding a qualified denial by Hal-
stead. Politicians say the report may not bo
exactly correct , but they think something
substantially to that effect has tascn place ,
or Is now In condition of Incubacy.
Hut that Blnlno has passed beyond the presi
dential likelihood Is conceded bv most of his
ardent admirers. Many say he has had no
thought of a renomiuatlon and that his de
termination to go abroad to get beyond all
the Inlluenccs of politics is proof of it.
Me.tnwhilo the talk about Sherman and Al
lison Increases. Sherman Is yet in the city
and will bo hero most of this summer. Ho Is
ureatly encouraged by reports received from
Tennessee stating that his Nashville speech
had a most profound influence. Democrats
In all parts of tlio state are calling upon Sen
ators Harris and Heck and Spc.ikcr Carlisle
and other leaders to como down and answer
Sherman , but none have consented to do so.
Harris and Heck and Push and several other
prominent democrats who , have received
those invitations to answer Sherman are
here quietly looking alter olllccs for constit
uents , but Iiave no time to give to this mat
ter. Others are In Now York dealing in
Stocks and having a good time , while still
others are preparing to take jaunts to Eu-
rope. None nave a disposition to answer
tlio man from Ohio. Republicans take great
encouragement from the recent elections in
the west.
Tensions were granted Nebraskans to-day
as follows : Martha M. , mother of George
Dane , David City ; Alfred , father ot Peter
W. Miller , Omaha ; bamuel Ivcs , Bine Hill ;
George W. Oaston , DeWltt ; ( leorge Wills-
man , Alexandria ; Moses Lcary , Burnett ;
James Voloy , Falls City.
Iowa : Ellas U. Motutt , Newton ; Wilhelm
Kuhu , Muscatine ; Samuel Irwln , Pleasant
Prairie ; Charles H. Miller , Cresco ; James
McKee , Creston ; William Deorshaw , Elmo ;
Ellas Holllday , Mnploton : Elliott S. Koger ,
Hod Oak ; George W. House , Maquokcta ;
James Harper , Shonaudoah : Commodore H.
Kins ? , Clyde ; Ell Wllkln , Wlnterset : Mack-
1m E. Rons , Adel ; William Golden , Jnssup ;
John Lelltcr , Richmond ; Erastus V. An
drews , Decorah ; minor of John Hoardman ,
Hldnev ; IrlllaK. , mother of Willis H.Dur
ham. Oxford : Sarah A. , widow of Emanncl
Castleman , Newton ; Margaret , mother of
Joseph H. Griffith , Iowa City ; Cora M. ,
daughter of Martin V. T.uinclilll , Knoxvlllo ;
Klclmrd Beurdsloy , Murray ; Armstcad M.
Iteld , Lucas ; John D.fUethard , High Point ;
James H. P. Baker , Irwln ; Noadlati Slbcrt ,
Agency ; Kobert Hudson , Wacksburgh ;
.Christian Small , Jamaica.
Post Chaplain Henry Swift , recently ap
pointed , has been ordered to duty at San
Antonio , Tex.
Post Chaplain William F. llubbard Is or
dered to Fort Huford , Dakota.
Major Charles J. Sprague. paymaster , will
be placed on the retired list next Tuesday ,
April 12 , under the law on reaching the ace
of sixty-four years , and will bo followed four
days later by Brigadier General Orlando U ,
During the present year Colonel John
Hamilton , Fifth artillery , will retire nndci
the same law on August 10 , Colonel Glovei
Pmrin , assistant surgeon general , No vein bet
17 , and on October 29 First Lieutenant
William U. McMInn , Eighth Infantry ,
curi'v's WII.T. .
The will of the late Fletcher P. Cuppy , ol
this city , leaves his law library and his gold
watch and chain to his brother , Henry
Cuppy , of Osborne , O. Ills miscellaneous
library and gold-headed cano to his brother
John A. Cuppy , of Fontanelle , Neb. , and the
residue of his estate to Miss Laura Ken
drlck , of Lynn , Mass , Generals , S , HenUi
Is executor.
The following Nebraska postofflccs wen
discontinued to-dav : Nesblt , Keya I'alu
county. Omro , Nance county ; Strohl
LOUP county ; Wrlcht , Hrown county. Tin
naifio of the postoflico at Dorraucc , Platti
county , was changed to Ocono.
The New Navy.
l- WASHIXTOX , April 8. Advices rccolvec
at the navy department from the luspeeto
' of steel to be used by the Union Iron work
In the construction of the cruiser Charleston
report favorably 03 to Its quality. Com
manner Evans , president of the Inspcctloi
board , who has lust returned from U ramp'
works In Philadelphia , reports that the ( rain
lug for the Baltimore Is excellent.
An Air lilne Itallrond.
Pr.oniA , April 8. Articles of Incorporn
tlon oT the Peorla & St. Loula air Hue rallroai
were tiled hero to-day.
He Is Attacked Ily Bronchial Catarrh
nt l-'ort Gibson.
ST. Louis , ApilI.JJ , A private telegram
has been received In this city from Fort Gib
son , Indian Territory , statlne that Blnlno
has a severe cold and Is threatened with
pneumonia. No particulars yet have been
received , but a telegram has been sent to
Col. Copplngcr , commandant of the post , and
soii-In-law of Hlalnc , asking for the facts and
they wilt be repotted as soon as received.
It. C. Kernes , a persona ) friend ot Hlalne ,
accompanied by a prominent physician of
this city , left hero nt 1 p. in. , by special train
for Fort Gibson. None of the circumstances
leading to Hlalno's Illness are yet known
here , but particulars are momcntailly
expected. Tlio Inference naturally drawn
from the fact that the physician had cone
from hero to sec , and perhaps to attend
Ulalno in the face ot-tlin probable fact that
there Is a skillful 'jinny surgeon at Fort
Gibson , Is that he Is , or Is likely to
bo , seriously ill. lo determine
this , however , further advices
will have to bo awaited. Meantime the pri
vate telegram previously referred to giving
the statement of Hlalno's physician Ls as fol
lows : "Ulalne Is doing well. Only a slight
fever. Pulse good , only eighty per minute ;
respiration llfteen. "
The following dispatch was received by the
Associated press at 8:30 : to-night In reply tea
a telegram sent this morning to the com
mandant of the post at Fort Gibson asking
for an account of Hlalne's sickness :
Four GIIISOX , I. T. , April 8. To the As
sociated Press Ulalne Is suffering from
bronchial catarrh , with fever of a remitting
typo. He sleeps well and has no typhoid
symptoms. His respiration Is'normal.
I Sighed ] CIIAULRS P. Br.iiNn ,
Post Surgeon.
The latest Information from Fort Gibson
Is that Ulalno was quite unwell when the
train arrived at Gibson station on Sunday
night ; that ho did not go over the fort until
the next day ; that ho has been 111 with a very
bad cold since then , but that ho will leave
for the north to-morrow. It is not stated
whore ho wilt go , nor what his future move
ments will be , but It was given out when ho
was In this city that when ho leit for Gibson
ho was to go to Chicago.
rlho Baptists and tlio Nowspaporn.
NEW YOHK , April 8. | Special Tclo-
eram to the UEK.J The Baptist Social
union dined at Delmonlco's last night and
afterwards discussed "The Moral Influence
of the Secular Press. " A paper by Koi-
wcll Smith , president of thn Century
company , was read In which ho spoke of the
enormous growth of the press and declared
that the moral lullucnco of the press was
good and beneficial beyond human thought.
The liussian nihilists In UU trials had prayed
not for pardons or leniency , but for a public
report of their eases. United Italy , too , was
due to the power of'thopiess. Kcv. Robert
L. Collycr said that the press was one o f the
strongest powers for good that ho k new of.
Tlio newspapers were more widely and
faithfully rend nowadays than the bible ; it
was an everlasting standing committee of
Inquiry and Investigation. The papers
snmcUmcbisubstituted what was pungent for
what was true , to sell their news , but a great
many preachers did the same tiling to sell
their pews. Several of the members of tlio
union made live minute speeches. Ouo
wanted an "elite" paper published. Another
commended the Philadelphia Ledger as the
ono clean and wholesome paper In America.
Another called the reporters bad names like-
" " and " . "
"scavengers" "earthworms. Ho was
an old gentleman of full habit , apparently
partlculaily sensitive and nervous.
A Curious Easter Custom.
NEW YOUR , Arrll 8. A Washington
special says : On Easter Monday Mrs. Cleveland -
land will como In from Oak View , where she
has been for the last few days , to sco the egg
rolling In the white house grounds. This
will bo a novel spectacle to her and Is ono of
the most curious and distinctive children's
customs In the world. Egg rolling at Easter
Is common enough , but why Washington
children for longer back than anybody can re
member slibuld tli Is day take possession of ono
paitlcular spot is as queer as anything In the
mysterious regions or children's myths and
customs. Nobody knows when It originated.
It Is required ot every president that besides
giving up his private grounds on that day ho
shall come out at least once during the after
noon and show himself on tlio south portico.
President Arthur always did it and President
Cleveland did last year , and every child who
goes knows that the president Is duo on the
south portico and would be highly indignant
if he failed to put In an appearance. No
doubt "Fronklo , " as the children call Mrs.
Cleveland , will bo anxiously expected on
Monday and her arrival will bo hailed even
moro than the president's.
Captain SainuulB * Tale.
NEW YonK , April 8. Cnptaln Samuels , of
the schooner yacht Dauntless , defeated by
the Coronet In the race across the Atlantic ,
arrived hero on the steamship Adriatic
to-day. When asked to give his opinion of
the cause of the Dauntless' defeat , Captain
Samuels replied that the Coronet was a much
better boat and the Dauntless was fnirly out
sailed. "The Coronet , " ho continued , "is a
magnificent craft , and I knew It would be a
hard race before we started. My Idea in
letting the Coronet take the lead was to prevent -
vent everyone from being discouraged be
fore the yachts got out of sight , as they
would have been had 1 taken thu lead. I did
not give up the raee until I heard that the
Coronet was nearly twenty-four hours ahead
ot us. "
The President Invited West.
WASHINGTON , April 8. A delegation of
cattle dealers waited on the president this
afternoon and Invited him to attend a re
union and banquet of the live stock bleeders
of the United States to bo hold at Chicago ,
November 8 to 18 , 18S7. The president
thanked them for the invitation and said
that while ho had a great desire to visit the
west , ho could not very well promise to accept
an Invitation for a date so far In the future.
His presence In Chicago In November , he
remarked , depended entirely upon the state
of public affairs at that time.
President Taylor's Epistle.
Pnovo , Utah , April 8. At a general con
ference , of the Mormon church .to-day an
epistle waj read from President Taylor con' '
talnlngalengthy Arraignment of thekdniund !
law and denouncing such legislation a :
worthy the despotlo rule of ( medieval times ' ,
The epistle Is chiefly remarkable for Its silence
enco on polygamX. It neither alludes to noi
defends the practice.
The M jflower Sold.
NEW YonK , April 8. [ Special Telegram
to the BKI.J : TUo Tribune states that the
Mayflower has been sold to Vice Commodore
Harrow , of the ttcvr York Yacht club , foi
about $30,000. Bhe will not go to England tc
compete with the Arrow for the Amcilcaii
CUD , astlio penalty for using her ccnterboarc
will handicap her too heavily.
About Dr. McGlynn.
Nr.w YOIIK , April 8. [ Special Telegram t <
the BnE.J The report that Dr. McGlyni 11
was about to do violence to his own theories
about public ownership of land by purchas
Ing a house In Brooklyn proves to bo un
founded. Ho has not bought a house , doe
not Intend to so , and furthermore ho Is no
colng to move to Brooklyn. The house tlia
ho rented was for the family of his brother
In-law , Mr. Wiielan.
The Pope and Clilnn.
PAKIS , April b. The pope has forwardci
to the French government proposals almlui
to bring about an understanding with Franc
with reference to the establishment of dlplc
matlo relations between thuvatlcao am
Hoffman's Accomplice in the Dunlnr Wreck
Tolls How It Was Done ,
Destructive Prali-lo Plros Prevailing
iscar Ojalalln , McCook and Stuart
A Hey Fatally Shot at
Lone Pine.
Trial of the Train Wrecker * .
NKIIUASKA CITY , Neb. , April 8. [ Special
Telegram to the Ur.R.l Tlio trial of David
Hoffman , charged with wrecking a Missouri
Pacific train at , dragged slowly to
day. Tlio witnesses so far called merely
told of the tracks In the snow , to which
the boots of Hoffman were fitted , a
dozen or moro. One of the principal
witnesses' , Mrs. Jno Hoffman , has not ar
rived , although the sheriff was sent to
Nanco county for her. She Is tlio
ono whoso testimony the defense
fears most , as she will swear
the prisoners came In the door
of the house , facing the wreck , and not on
the north as the defense claim , It
is now feared by Hoffman's law
yers that Hell means to turn
state's evidence , and In this manner
escape with a Unlit sentence , while Hoff
man may have to go to the pen. From the
present outlook and the largo array of wit
nesses now on hand , It Is thought that the
testimony will not all bo In before to-morrow
night. General Attorney Waggoner , of the
Missouri Pacific railway , assisted the prose
cution to-day. The testimony of the priso
ner's brother , who resides noith of the wreck ,
was very damaging.
A gicatcr portion of the evening was spent
In laying the foundation for the admission
of the confession made by Dave Hoffman on
January 13 to Frank Tutt and tlneo other
detectives at the Grand Pacific hotel , wheio
they Had him from near midnight until
nearly morning. In this confession ho says
that lie and Hell did the work jointly. Hell
lirst suggesting the crime. About fi o'clock
James Hell , who was indicted with Hoffman
for the wrecking of the train , was brought
Into court for thn purpose of turning state's
evidence. Ho said that about 10 o'clock that
night ho and Hoffman started lor John 11 off-
man's house ; when they got to the B. it M.
section house Hoffman told him a passenger
train would be down on the Missouri Pacific
shortly , and as they always carried money ho
pioposed to have some ; thought a switch Key
lie had would open the section house , but it
failed , and the door was forced open , ho
( Hell ) taking no pait. Hoffman got a claw-
bar nnd wrench ; went up the U. & M. track :
crossed tluough the timber to the Missouri
.Pacific ; ho ( Hell ) followed ; when they
got to the track Hoffman tried ono point
ana the nuts would not come oil the
fish plate , so ho moved to the next ; Hell said
he was drunk ; set nowu to watch , telling
him that if any ono was Killed ho would go to
the penitentiary ; befoip Hoffman unloosened
the rail he went down into the ravine ; heard
Uotlman say , "There , 1 have got it.'Vi'hruw
away the crowbar anil camoto where lie was ;
the train came In sight and ho watched it
wreaked ; then run down through the brush
and up through a cornfield to John Hod
man's house ; Dave was ahead of him all tlio
time ; at the house found John gene to the
wreck : lie and Dave went down to assist
what they could ; would have told before , but
was afraid of being lynched ; Dave said ho
was told that he and his brother would swear
that ho ( Hell ) did It. The confession created
considerable excitement. The prisoner sot
very calm , watchine Hell while ho gave his
testimony , while Hell appeared cool. A
session of the court was held to-night , at
which Mro. John Hoffman testified as to the
way the men came homo and how they acted.
The prosecution closed their side of the case
and the dctcnso will begin In the mornlug.
T hero don't seem to bo a great deal of inter
est taken In the case , and the attendance is
light. There seems to be no doubt now but
what both men will bo convicted of murder
In the lirst degree , and as iliey do not seem
to have friends or money they will most
likely hang. _
Destructive Prnirlo Fires.
McCooK , Neb. , Aprils. [ Special Telegram
to the llKKj A terrific piairio fire raged
south and west of this city yesterday and
last evening , ranging over many miles of
territory. It la reported to-day that twelve
or fifteen families are burned out south of
hero and everything destroyed. No loss of
llfo Is reported as yet. A very high wind
prevailed and the lira could not be controlled.
At Stuart.
STUANT , Nob. , April 8. [ Special Telegram
to the Ur.K. | A terrible wind Is blowing to
day. A fire broke out south of town , sweep
ing everything In front of It ; burned tlio
barn and nine head of cattle of W. Hallss ;
loss , S700 ; also burned the barn of John
Schrcck and fourteen head of stock ; loss ,
81,600. Reports have just reached town that
Gordon , northwest of town , Is buaned out
with heavy loss , and two other farmers ,
whoso names could not bo learned. The
wind is blowing a terrific gale.
At Ogalalla.
OOATALTA , Nob. , April 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the HEK. j One hundred tons of hay ,
.supposed to be set on lire by some Incendiary ,
have been burning all night. The chaired
remains of an unknown man wcro found In
tlio hay. The citizens are working hard , to
keep the flames from the town.
At Sterling.
STEHUNO , Neb. , Aprils. The barn of the
Chicago lumber company was burned last
evening with Its contents five noises , ono
cow , several buggies and an omnibus. Loss ,
51,000 ; insurance , Sl/JOO. A carpenter shop
adjoining the barn was also consumed ,
At Hastings.
HASTINGS , Neb. , April 8. The 11. & M.
coal sheds burned last evening , causing a
loss of § 1,000. The prompt work of the lire
department saved several hundred tons of
coal on cars.
Electric JitgMa and Telephoned.
McCooK , Neb. , April 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the HIE. : | To-night the old mayor
and council step down and out , after grantIng -
Ing a franchise to the Edison Electric Light
company of McCook and the McCook Tele
s phone company. Arrangements have al
ready been made for putting In both plants ,
,3 and insldoof ninety days McCook will be
lighted by electricity anil liavo a telephone
exchange In operation. The Lincoln Land
company have a sufficient motive power In
the double engines at tlio waterworks , and
arrangements have been this day closed toi
the power. The Edison system is to bo used ,
supplying both the are and the Incnndesccnl
light , A canvass of the city was made and
1,000 lights have been taken. The price ol
property and lots hero have advanced 100 pei
cent. McCook can now claim a front place
among the cities of the state , having u sys
torn of waterworks second to none In the
state , lighted by electric light , and a tele
phone exchange. She Is bound to be the me
tropolls of western Nebraska ,
o An Alnflworth Touch Arrested.
AINSWOUTH , Neb. , April8. [ Special (
is BEE. ] "Cam" Alderman , In n drunker
- spree , enteiod the house of the Misses Alex
inndcr yesterday morning at 1 o'clock , badlj
s I frightening the ladles. He took a lew valua
bles. Thu constable has him in charge thl :
morning. "Cam" has parsed bufoio tno pco
pie ot this community as a tiibti labs tougl
lor three years , and It Is generally coneedei
that a Year In the pen with his brothc :
"Jack , " sent up for murder two years ago
would bo altogether wholesome for the town
A Fatal Combination ,
LONG PINE , Neb. , Aprils , The eight- year
old eon of Byron G. Smith , living ten mile :
bouth' of this city , played hunter .with a sh'o
gun , Wednesday , and was killed. The child
secured the gun while his patents wcro away
from home , and In placing thu weapon on a
shelf In the granary It fell and was dis
charged , the contents entering his body at
tlio left shoulder and penetrating his lungs.
He died before his parents returned from
town. _
Could Not Prove Fraud.
Coi.UMiiu ? , Neb. , April S. [ Special Tele
gram to the IlKK.I George H , llnrdell , tlio
leading dealer In turntture , who was attested
some time since for fraudulently disposing
of his stock to dctraud his creditors , had his
examination to-day before Justice J. C.
Cowdry and was discharged , tlio prosecution
failing to make their case.
Leased Ity Omaha Men.
NOIFOMC : , Neb. , April 8. ( Special Tele
gram to the UKi-E. : | O. Uclllsly and II. H.
Hellman , of Omaha , have seemed n seven
years' lease and taken possession of the Til-
lerburg , the largest hotel In the city.
Pr.ilrlc Flro In Dakota.
WATr.iiTOWX , Dak. , April 8. A severe
wind , which toward nightfall culminated
Into it tornado , lasted throughout the day In
this section. About 11 a. m. It drove up n
prairie lire to the western limits of town , de
stroying a barn and two stacks. Thu lire de-
paitmcntaud the entho population turned
out , and by heroic efforts saved that portion
of the city. This evening the blinding
clouds of dust rendered U Impossible
for one to see a building half a block
distant. This lasted nearly an hour.
At tills time the portion southeast of the city
caught lire and the tire alarm was given by
every boll in the city , but the wind blew the
flames away from the town to the inhabi
tants on the north side. The entire eastern
portion of the city seemed on lire. Tlio mer
cury stood at 8.1 decrees above during the
afternoon. During the stoim this evening
freight cars wore blown out of tlio North
western yards , and when last heard from
wcio going before tlio wind down the track
towards Garry. Lumber piles wore scattered
and light articles were strewn about the
streets. Trie present indications are for
A Number of Minor PiRtitfl Between
Union and Non-Unlou Men.
CHICAGO , April 8. The hall of the strik
ing union carpenters on Fiftli avenue has
been crowded all day with strikers. A num
ber of contractors visited tlio hall during the
day , and sought to enga o men to help them
out on Important work. Their appeals were
invailably denied. The strikers state that
they will stay out until their union Is recog
nized. The carpentois claim that 200 bosses
have cxpicssod a willingness to grant their
Only nineteen contractors responded to
the call for a mass meeting of master carpen
ters this afternoon to independently con
sider the demands of the strikers. The ses
sion resulted mei el j > In the contractors pres
ent agreeing to attend another meeting to-
monow night. Fights between the strikers
and imported carpenters were numerous
to-day , the non-union men being compelled
to null work In a number of instances. Nine
strikers were ariestcd on this account , and
ouco there was considerable excitement , but
no accident as the result of an exchange of
shots between a policeman and strikers.
The Knights of Labor clement of the strikers
are not all satisfied with the way matters are
being conducted by the carpenters' counsel.
They think the Carpenters brothcihood Is as
suming too much authority in the matter. A
meeting of the kniclits will bo hold tomorrow
row , at which it Is possible the strike will be
broken and a great part of the 8,000 men will
dccldo to resume work Monday.
Ulflgectinir an Organ.
Nr.w YOHK , April 8. | Special Telegram
to the Br.i : . ] Members of tlio general com
mittee of the united labor party occupied thu
greater part of that body's session last night
in berating the party's official organ , "Tho
Leader , " and sticking the knife of criticism
into Us late editor , U.I. Hlntoii. The on
slaught was precipitated by a report of the
committee which was appointed for the pur
pose of recommending something which
would result In keeping the organ allyo and
making It a power lor the propagation of the
principles ot the united labor paity. Tlio
report , which Is a long one , declares that
Uinton's editorials were too long , too dry ,
contained sentiments that were pro
nounced to bo socialistic and oven
anarchistic , and that theio was a woeful
lack of news In the paper. Illnton was
present In a front scat , enveloped In a hn/.o
of tobacco smoke , his hnjrcrs working ner
vously. When tlio loading was done he
leaped to his feet , and came down
upon his heels with a bang that could be
heardabovo the roaiintrof ado/en delegates
for recognition. Chairman McMnckln ac
corded him the floor , but even before the
words ot recognition left his mouth the
colonel was shouting with tlio full htiongth
ot Ins powerful Itiinrs : " 1 pronounce the
criticism pronounced In that report upon the
editorial management of the paper as false
In every particular. I speak for the paper.
1 am not connected with tlio editorial de
partment. My connection closed last ulu'lit ,
but 1 was upon Its editorial stall , and during
tlio past six months 1 have written 00 per
cent of all editorial matter which had ap
pealed In Its columns. " A general and
lively debate followed , in which much bitter
ness was exhibited , and it was finally de
cided to table the repoit.
The Haytian How.
PAIUS , April S. The government has or
dered a man-of-war nowjn the AVest Indian
waters to proceed to Poft-au-Prlnco to pro
tect Europeans there in view of the reports
of a threatened massacre by Haytlaus , In
the event of their government complying
with the demands of Great Britain , ou ac
count pt some claims.
Advices received by the Hnytlcn legation
at Pans , from Port-au-Prince says the Hay-
Hans are much excited over Great Britain's
demand , but deny they have threatened to
mu'-aacro foreigners.
WASIIINOTO * * , April 8. Although no cor
respondence passed between the department
ot state and the government ol ( lioat llritaln
in regard to the reported threat of that gov
ernment to sle/.c Tortugas island from Haytl
In default of a debt , yet an Investigation is
being made and all data relat
ing to the subject In possession of the de
partment is being collected. The English
claim appears to bo very Intricate In Its na
ture. The correspondence iiad , In Frellng-
huyhen's administration , show that the claim
is an Individual one , based upon a number
of cessions , sub-sessions and contracts , re
garding the privilege to cut mahogany that t
was not cut or at least not In sufficient quan
tity. The amount of the claim In Frellng-
huysen's administration was placed al
f - - * -
Hie Chlcagoa Defeated.
ST. Louis , April 8. The second game In
the world's championship series proved to be
ono of tlio most brilliant and stubbornly con
tested struggles ever played , nnd the Chl-
cages were defeated only after a hard battle ,
Caruthers pitched a magnificent game anil
was admirably supported throughout. Th <
cmnd was much larger and mom
tic than the dav previous and enjoyed UK
game hugely. The following was tlio score
St. Louis 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' ,
Chicago 0 2 0 0 1 l(0 0 0 *
Lnndfi Itccoimnmulcd For Patent.
WASIIINUTON , April 8. Theeommlsslonci
of tlio general laud ofllco has n > coiumcndc <
to the secretary ot the Interior for approva
for patent a list of the lands lying within tin
limits of the Union Paclllc railroad In Nc
braska , between MMwav , In Dawsou county
and HI" Springs , In Jvolth countagqrcgat
lug StJliWJ acrc.s.
The CnmmlHslon'N First Clerk ,
WASHINGTON , April 3 , The lntcrtati
commerce commission has appointed E. L
Puch , of Alabama , to a clerkship under tlm
coininls.sloii. I'UKh Is a snn nt Senator Pugh
This is the Drit appolntmeut inaUu by lh <
Arensdorf's ' Last Witness Examined in the
Hnddock Murder Trial ,
Testimony Given to Impcnch the Char *
nctcr of Important Witnesses For
the Accused llrower Nothing
Startling Developed.
Sioux Clly's Great Ca c.
Sioux CITY , la. , April 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hiii l The resting of the case
on the part of the defense was the most Im
portant Incident connected with the great
murder trial to-day. There has been a i.or-
ccptlblo decrease of attendance during the
day , owlus first , no doubt , to the audience as
well as Jury , lawyers and judco , being phys
ically tiled out , and second , that It was
known that no very startling testimony
would bo intioduced to-day. The lirst wit
ness put upon the stand to-day was H. L.
Loavltt. The defense wanted him to Identify
the manuscript ot his fiist confession. A
portion of It was then offered as Impeaching
evidence. This the state objected to but sig
nified Its willingness to have the entire con
fession taken as a whole. This was sustained
by the court. The whole of his testimony
before the coroner's Jury was also Introduced
without objection. At this point th o defense
advised the con it that It was ready to rest Its
case. This was about 10:30 : o'clock , an hour
or more before it was thought the end would
bo reached. An adjournment was then taken
until afternoon , when the state began the In
troduction of cross-examination , Impeach
ment and rebuttal.
U , A. Lyon was recalled. He denied hav
ing taken a revolver out of a show case In
his store and saying "That Is the kind of re
volver that killed the d d preacher. I
knew all about the murder , and If they don'
let up there will bo more served In the same
way. "
J. C. Juhl , alias Peterson , was questioned
concerning a statement which ho made In
Attorney Murphy's ofllce. Ho dented having
been at a grocery on Fourth stieet when the
shot was fired ; denied haying said after the
minder that ho wont over to where Haddock
was ; that he him led to the place and re
mained five or seven minutes before going
110 me.
A. C. Mathews , clerk of the district court
at Lake Hcnton , Minn. , testified that the
reputation of Gus Schmidt , one of tlio de-
lenscs principal witnesses , for truth and ve
racity , was very bad , as was also his moral
O. H. Jackson , also of Lake Henton , and
John S. Cass , a lawyer of the same place , S.
V. Nordville , of Sioux Falls , Dak. , toimerly
ot Lake Ueiitou , and Probate Judge E. M.
Olsom , of this city , also formerly of Lake
Henton , ami a county commissioner , all tes
tified to tlio same effect.
Dr. J. M. Knote was swoin : I remember
the evening Rev. Haddock was killed ; heard
the shot when 1 was In Maker's urug store ;
left my ollice at 10:25 : and wciut direct to the
drug storc-was ; there from three to live min
utes when 1 lieaid the shot ; Dr. Savage aud
Dr. Berber wore called to see the murdered
man : went down to the scene ; met Mr. Lyoii
at Elliott's corner as 1 was going from the
scone ; it was then within five minutes of 11
o'clock ; 1 to.'d ' him that It was Haddock that
had been killed ; he said to me that ho waS
glad , that It "served the preacher rlcht. "
Klchard Fischer was sworn : 1 Ilvo la
Sioux City ; used to havuashoo store on
Third street ; knew Mr. Lyon ; niter the
murder 1 went to Lyon's gun store and
looked at some revolvers ; while looking at
some revolvers he picked up one and said :
"That is like the ono that Killed the d d
preacher" ; he further said , "Do you belong
to the crowd that Is prosecuting the saloonsV"
1 said , "Yes , that Is my side ; " ho said , "You
are likely to be served In the same way as the
preacher. " I"
Ex-Alayor D. A. Mngeo and wife both were
awakened by the shot aud swore that had
paitlesgouodown Water street afterward , as
claimed , on the sidewalk which passes tholtf
house , they certainly would have heard
C. C. Hamilton was called by the state : I
was the shoitliand reporter before the core
ner's jury ; wrote out tlio evidence of John
Arensdorf. FTho same was then offered in
evidence and was read by the witness. ] I
also took the testimony of Julius Lolherton
as glvon before the coiouei's jury ; ho stated
that the man who lired tlio shot ran directly
north and that ho could not see him after ho
got away ten feet.
Much comment is heard concerning the
course taken by the dclense. They have of-
feied no theory , have by no means proven an
alibi , and the great mass of their testimony
is only such as attempts to discredit the
state's witnesses. Thus far there Is no ques
tion but what the state's case has boon much
better managed and conducted than the de
fendants' . It is thought the ease will last
during the greater part of next week , If not
After tlio Corning Ijynclicrn.
DKS MOIXKS , la , , April 8. | Special Tclc-
Kram to tlio UKK. ] The governor has Issued
the following proclamation for the arrest ot
the persons concerned in the lynching at
Corning last Sunday :
Whereas , The crime of murder was on the
night of April 2,1W7 , committed In the town
of Corning , In tlio county of Adams and In
the state of Iowa , upon the person of J. 11.
McKenv.le by some- person or persons un
known to the authorities , now , therefore , ! ,
William Larrabcc , governor of the state ot
Iowa , Dy virtue of the authority vested In mo
by law , do hereby offer a reward of S500 for
the anost and delivery to the proper authori
ties of the person or persons guilty of such
murder , the said reward to bo paid upon con
The law restricts the governor to the sura
of S5UO , or In this case a much Jaiger sum
would have been offered.
Negotiation ! ! For Itailroad Purchase ,
DUIIUCJUK , la. , April 8. [ Special Tclegiam
to the UKK. The Illinois Central announces
that It has practically completed negotiations
for the purchase of the Dubuquc A Sioux
City road.
Superintendent Dickey , of the Diamond
Joe Heat Line company , denies making a
contract to transpoit Hour Irom Minneapolis
to New Orleans , and attributes thu report to
the railroads desiring the suspension of the
long and short haul section ot the Inter-stato
_ commerce law. Dnbiinuo jobbers are figuring
to get freight . from New York via liast St ,
Louis and the Diamond Joe Hue.
Itobhod IJy Masked Hluliwaynion.
Sioux Crrv , la. . April 8. ( Special Tele
gram ito the HKK.J Last nli'ht Joseph
Koreas was held up near the oil mill hy a
masked man , who held a revolver to hi" head
and compelled him to disgorge , which Joseph
did. handing over 82. ) to the robber. William
Collier , u commercial traveler , while on his
I way to a hotel fiom the midnight train , was
o hold up on Nebraska fiiieut aud a gold watch
and $19 taken Irom him.
A Prominent Citizen Rulcldc * .
DUIIIIQUK , la. , April S. [ KpecIal Tele
gram to the Hn.J : N. C. Reda , ono of the
leaning cltl/cns aiid a prominent mamifrc-
r turer , committed suicide to-day. Ho left h u
, ollice at 11 o'clock this forenoon and was no
II seen iiL'aln. Late to-night his body war
fo'ind hanging to the rafters In the woca-
shjwl. It Is suppose.d that tlio deed was c < ui >
mined dm In * a totiipotaiy alienation
mind caused by hlekiutss.
C.'ommltmcnf Orders Issued. ' .
Sioux CJTV , la. , April fc. ( Special Tele
gram to ttio UHK.J To-day Justice Campbell
Issued commitment outers for Chailay Cor-
iiii'iiy and SnmucI Taylor , who were on
Moiuhy convicted of Milling liquor In a holo-
lii-tlie-watl. The boys weio clvcu until
to-day to pavlliKir linm ? tti and costs-rbut
nu jet liavo not uiadu the nece.isur/ i u .