Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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    r\ \
Ad\ertl emenU anderthls head , 10 cents per
line lor the Cnt Iwertion , ' , cents for each salt-
equent Infertlon. and $1.50 n line per month
No advertisement taken for IMS than1' jents
for tlio first Insertion. Seven woKr' ill bo
counted to the line ; they must run wnsecu-
lively nnd mutt be paid In advance. All adver
tisements mutt be handed In before 1:30 o'clock
p.m. , sind under no circumstances will theybo
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties odvertitInir in these columns nd hiv-
tnpthe answers nJdre sod In care of THE lice
win please nsk for n checV to enable thorn to get
their letters. M rene will bo delivered except
on presentation of check. All answcri to ad
vertisements should be enclosed In envelopes.
, to loan at 6 per cent , HarrU & Samp
$ son , 1510 DouglMSt. 6M
UKjjrJuf TO LOAN at 6 per cent. Mahoney
k Llnahan 1609 Faro am. 121
pKlfcENT .Money.
It. c Patterson. IMh a-d Hnrney. 'At
MONF.V'TO LOAN o F. DUVIS & Co . real
estate and loan agents , 1505 Farnam st.
to loan on rcnl e tnte nnd chattels
MONEY iCo. . 1511 1'arnum st. , grotlndjloor.
tC500f > 00 TolonnonOmnha city property at 8
T percent. O. W. Day , over 1312 Douglaf St.
MONEY TO LOAN-On city and fnrm prop
erty , low latcs. Stewart 4 : Co. , Room 3
Iron bank. 7M
'TLfONEV to loan , cash on delny.
M. J. W. nnd E. L. Squire , H13 Farnam t. .
Fax ton hotel building. 76)
MONEY First mortgage notes. The Do up las
county bank will buy papers secured by
first mortgage on city realty. 701
MONKY TO LOAN on iranrovod real state ;
no commission cburged. Loavltt Burn-
h ra , Hoom 1 Crclgliton llloclt. 7CJ
PElfcEVT-I > tonny to loan.
Gregory & lladley ,
Itooms 1 and 3 , Redick block , 320 B. 15th St
LOAN Money Loans placed on Improved -
proved real estate In city or county for
New England Loan It Trust Co. , by Douglas
Cpunty bank. ICth and Chicago fU 76t
MONEY to loan on Improved city property at
G per cent. Money on hand : do not have
to wait Hnvc a complete set of abstract books
of Douglas countj. I. N. Wntson , nbstrncter
Harris Heal Estate and Loan Co. , 820 S. 15th st.
MONEY LOANED nt C. F. Heed i Co.'i Loan
Ofllce , on furnlturo , pianos , borscs.wagons ,
personal property of all kmd , and nil other ar
ticles of value , without remoTHL Ul S. 13th ,
over Dlnghnm's Commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 7M
TXJANS Loans Loan * .
Ural estate loans ,
CollateriHl loans.
Chattel loans.
I/onr tlmo loans.
Fliort tlmo loans.
Money nlwnys on tana ta Can on any ap
Proved security.
Investment securities bought and sold.
Omaha financial Eichango , u. w. cor. 15tt
ted Ilarnov.
Corbott. MnnBgf-r. 76.
MONKY TO IXAN by the nnderelgned , wet
has the only properly orirantze'l lonr
Dgoncy In Onmhn. Loans of f 10 to $109 iand <
on furniture , pianosorifims , horses , wagons ,
innchlnery , ic. without removal. No delays ,
All lnislne s ftrlctly confldentinl. Loans
mndc that nny part can bo paid at any Imc.cncl
payment reducing the coot pro rat a Advancei
tnadn on flno watches und dlnmonds. Persom
should carefully consider who they are dealing
* ltb-as many new concerns are dally corain ;
Into existence. Should you need money cal
and sec mo. W. It. Croft , Itoom 1 W'thnel
Jiullclln ? 15th and Hnrney. 763
BAUI Small etocVof clears , pipes , to
tiucoo nnd candy , showcases , counter ,
helving nnd fixture ? . Will sell cbenp this week
Will trade for lot. Call on II. M. Sampson , 1511
Douglas st. 210 VJ
BALE Meat market. Fine location
ifth and Lake st , ' 21 < 9j
"IJIORSALE A half interest In an establisbcx
JL' dally paper in Omaha. Address II 40 ltc- <
office. 131 9
TG10K SALE In Crelghton , Nob. , meat mar
X : kct ana butchers' outfit. Good dwelllnt
hou o and barn. This is a flrst-clnss opening
Apply to D. Mclntyre , Crolghton. Nob. 103 7
TjlOK SALE A woll-iissorted stock of genera
JJ morciinndlse at Emmet , Neb , conslsiln ,
of groceries , dry poods , boots and shoes am
Imrdware stock : will bo sold on rensonnbli
t amis. For particulars call on or oddre-u W.
Illgman. Rloux City , la. _ 85213
T > CSINESS chance A partner wanted in i
Sj good paj-inB business , mnnufncturlnif
only u moderate amount of capital requlrcil
Hare chanco. For particulars address or en !
Dayton It Vorls. room 1 , 130 < nouglas. 8fr5 7J
OK SALE Ono-half lntoro t In thcNe
J ? Signal , the lanrest clrcu'.arion of nny coun
try weekly newspaper In the stute : larpa jol
office in connection. For full parttculnrs a < !
Cress er call on E. C. Sawyer , Admr. . Kali
Tuont. Nob. 73S
Bl'Y a Mayfleld lot on West Cumlnes strcel
S350 , (50 down and tlO monthly. C. J
Canan. 72. !
FOR 8ALB Good paying restaurant , cer
trally located ; for particulars call on or ad
dress Chat. L. Hart , Crcln-jiton Block. 137 10
FOB SALC 01 Kxclmngo-A uewS3 bbl con
blnation mill situated on Llttlo Illu
fflvor , near Hebron. In Thaypr county. Will o > for wild or Improved lands or llvo stoci
tor furthpr particulars address llrst Natiom
Bank. Hebron. Nob. _ so
\VANTED To flnd ffood , llvo buBlness me
' with stocks of goods to move to a jrrow
Ins town where money can bo made , I w ill ai
Klst the right kind of people in building , eti
will pay treed big bonus to unv oao that wi
tHrt a cunning factory , or. In fnct , nny kind c
U factory that employ s hands. We w ant a ilru
ttoie. furniture store , grocery store , n iloctoi
a practical painter right a ny. For particular
nddrt sllank of YoUey , Valley , Nob. . or C.I
Mayue , Omaha. Neb.
PEIlSONAL-To the lairing men. clerk !
bookkeeper * , etu. . of Ouiuba , Brcotlnsr :
You will please tHko notice that from this flat
the Kcal Tctato ollico of J. L. lllco i Co , ovc
Comroercliil NHtlonnl Dank. S. E cor 13th an
] > ouplas will be open for the traniaction r
business until 90 p tn. every ovenlnir , fret
Monday to Saturday evening1 , itejpoctftilly ,
L. Hlco i : Co. m
_ _ _
TDKltSONAL Prlvftto homo for ladles durln
JT oonfinemeiit , ctrlctly confidential. Infant
ndoptod , address K 42 , Uno oOloo.
IW. UUHANT-Clarlvoynntfrom IIoston.1
rcliaMo In nil affairs of life , unites separate
lover * , aa N. 16th st. room 1 CtOa2j
EHSONAI Mrt. Dr. Nannt * V. Warre
cJatrvoyant , Mi > dicnl and bustneM Mcdla (
Boom ho. t , Ul North leth it. .Omaha. Nob.
OMAHA Storage Warehouse Corner 13i
and luml stsM for storage of housebni
poods and ccneral merchandise at low rat c <
Advances umdo ; Issue warehou < a receipts. 1
It. twitch at the house. Office 519 South 13t
Vtrret nnd 13os , 1310 an < l 1312 itnrd street. Teli
| < lionef < a. M. 8 Hoodrlch. 41 gr. 1)95 m3
"C1OII IlENT Ortaev $ S per month , riontx
JJ 1413 Douglas. 770
SPOT CASH for second-hand , furniturecai
pets and ttotti , at 117 N. IStb it.
233 a8
TO parties having house * for rent. Rents
Atrney. Benswn > J , list , opposite po
rtflli * . Wo Imre turned over 10 then our renti
fist. Vie recommend tluin. MuCuru * Eros
_ 618
Y \ J. 0. Houke furmel.luir voodi. nil kind' '
ccih or inttMimtui ; lowest urlzei at .
T.1J15 Dousias st. hx >
INT be nn ojtlcT Don t bo awallowe
alive wtien you want tn * ell furnlturi
carp-Ms or hous-hold iroodi , cali t 111 N. Ktl
* > \KE'a Prrmlum bhort hunj ,
X > aiiJTj rewriting Initltute ,
Tbnrtiuch practical and
Itollablu m Huctioo ,
Writ * or apply to I. J. ninVe. prlnclp *
_ _ - - - . ave .Omaha. Neb. BSlaSI
ON . hup.r 4 and any dollar * p r tnonih w |
be p 10 b/ttreecvi > tl meu nnd thalrwlv'
Cor boar < 1 _ M f urnlihrd roorai in well locate
tl h > > orbfH)1r 'er Dct exrhascci , Addrc <
PRIVATE school of stenography ntWJ Norttt
1'th Mneet. Pupils given special attention
on the stonograplu. Call nnd Invoitlgnte. G.
W. llaher , agent. * _ . 123 P
"V'OTICK Tcnllrcsl estate agent * , lots C , 7 ,
-L > S , paiid 10 in block 3 , Uoyd's nddltion , nro
withdrawn from th6 * market. John G. il op-
kins. 147 ? J
rpHE place where they 0u furniture cheap
J forciish hn been removed from Hl Douglas -
las to 117 N. ICthtt SflaU
/1E9S POOLS , sinks and vaults cleinM , Oder-
\J leps process E. liwlrubox 427. city.
v.-a n 13
I hereby notify real estflte ngents that the lot
on which house Is 1321 Sherman avenue If
withdrawn from market A. A Whitney. 1W6 *
midwife , corner 25th and Cumlne st , up
Etiilrs. . ? 2al4
F OH KKM ! - < ] uare picno , $ t montnir. A
Hosr/e. 1513 DougUs. 770
\ll advanced on diamonds and watches at
117 N ICthst OrffACo 20.1 nil
DONTbe nclam. Don't pay two prices when
you cnn go to 117 N. ICth and buy furul-
turo , stoves , ic. at rock bottom prices.
_ _ | _ _ _ 203 B13 _
TLtTltST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th H.
J ?
_ _ _ 724 _ _
MONEY talk" when you < nnt to buy furni
ture or vapor stoves nt 117 N.lSttu between
Dcxlce and Capitol ave. 2tt ) alS
ou want to buv or cell furniture , go to
Ferzuson's , 715 N. ICth 771
F OK KENT Square Hlnno $ J moutalr. A
H08P0.1S13 Douglas. 770
2\V Boarding House , flno tables , clean nnd
palatable victuals. 1116 Chicago st. 772
- - storngo for nice mr-
nlturo or bo cd goods , nt 1513 Dodgc-jiJ. !
"ITIORrfALE Compltto outfit for store , conn-
A ? tcrs. thelvci and how < a os at about hnlf
price Iniulre at Hardware store head of St.
Mary's nvc , 2(4 ( 0
F ) SALE Second hnnd barber chair nnd
pole. Good oi new. 702 S. 10th st. 201-7J
FOR SALE Horse buggy harness , price $ > fl.
Parrel Deliver Co's stables , 15th nnd Web
ster. 172 7 *
lORSALE-Brick. T. Murray.
"iroit SALE Chean. neirly new grocery
Jwagon. . Inquire G. P. Muldoon. Uth nnd
Jones 151 11J
/1HOICE LAND5 $3 per ucro. t-ltt makes 1st
V / years p-iyn'ent on 1V ( ) acre * . Writ" for In-
formntion W. F Paine , Sidney N b. 252mny7
FOR fc'ALE Bar fixtures , front nnd back bar
mltror , etc. Crawford & Steven on. MS 8.
10th st. 101 IIj
GOOD expres * or delivery hoi'e for 575
- Pierce A : Rogers , 5 Arlington blk. 117
BfOR SALE Furnltur * of Oist-class private
1 residence , 11)19 ) UoJgo. t
"I710R SALE 70 well feed hclfcrs in good eon-
J ? dltion.u1) with calve , 53 joarllniTB nr.d n
registered 5-ycar-old Hfreford Bull. F. I ) .
MitchellFoster , Pierce Co. , Nebr F'i2-s *
FOR SALE 2 million brick nnd upwards DO-
sides dally out put of 30,003. Enquire
on premises , cor Horca and 2nd sts Omaha
Brick und Terra Cotti Mfg. Co 774
WANTED 50 men for railroad work near
the Colorado lino. Albright's labor
agency , 1120 Faruamrt. 245
T\ANTED 2 good stout boys to lenrn har-
' IICBS ranRlnjf. Apply Omaha Sitddlery
Co. 223 7j
" \\7ANTED-An CTperlonced man to f et up
T nnd finish furniture and lay carpets. Must
be steady nnd willing to work. Apply nt 017 S
13tb sU 223
" \\7ANTED-A younff man to do copying two
' or three houig dally. Address K 51 Boo
oOce. 107 U
w TANTED-A flrst-cKs milker. J. F. Hoch ,
" north of drnf and dumb Institute. 201 < Jj
\\TANTED Three first-class coat , two pants
and ono Test ma'jor nt 112 South 13tn et ,
Lincoln , Neb. First-class prioo paid. Best shop
in town. 2C6 SJ
\\'ANTED-Barler. $3 per week nnd board ;
* chance for raise. Write C. E. HOUFO , Nor-
f elK , Nob" 253
\VANTKD-By nn Al concern traveling sales
man to sell provisions on commission in
southern Iowa und Nebraska nnd northern
Missouri These nlrendy representing other
llne preferred. Address giving reference ,
route etc. K 10 Bee office. & 36 14j
TSTANTEO-Flrst-class shoemnker to "box
' the craft , " mcndy work to a steady mnn of
peed address. W. A. Dnffpett , Mnryvillo. Mo.
Manufacturer 4 Dealer. 1837
\\7ANTED-Fifty men to cut cord wood nt
It Plattsmouth. Apply to llercer Bros.
" \\rANTED-3 good carpenters at 512 Georgia
TT aveune. 200-8J
WANTED-4 bell boys nt the Paiton hotel.
WANTED-First-class tinners nnd furnace
men , at 1G23 Capital avo. J. H. Sulivau
i Co. 128 7'
WANTF.U-Two peed coat makers , at John
Morrison's , 121 N llth st , Lincoln. KB
"WANTED M sober. Intelligent men of goo-1
T > address to try a lOo meal at Norrls' res.
tnurant , 104 S IBth Bt. 775
"ANTED Experienced dry goods travelling
salomim having an established trade in
the country tributary to Kansas City. State
amount of trade , territory covered , and how
long. Address , with reference , W. B. Gtlrao-
Dry G oods Co. , K ansus City , Mo. 333
T\TANTRD Salesman by Chicago bouse
T T clothing salesman for Nebraska. Knnsn !
and Iowa , To those who have an established
clothing trade and peed reforrences , wo wil
pay a liberal salarj. Or to any reliable youne
man. with peed character nnd business ability
engagi-d in other lines of trade nnd not makino
enough money and wishing to change , we wil
give plenty of territory , and a good line o
samples nt bottom prices , nnd pay j percent
commission- Address W. G. Hemanwny. attor
ney , Frenzer block , Ocnnha. Neb. 837 7
T\7"ANTED-Mcn to cut wood. T. Murray.
\\TANTED-TO locate at Chester , Thnyer Co
T Neb , a good practicing physician. One
coming well looouimondod cnn do a good bus !
ne-s. Address K 22 , Bco office. NX ) S
TTfANTED-rirst-claFS cook. Will pay $3 pei
week. 127 Dodge nt. 203
" \\7ANTED-A competent , experienced nni
T T reliable Auiorlcan woman to go to tb (
Catskllls for the summer and take charge o
3 children. 623S2uth. -Il9
YXT'ANTKD A competent person to do house
1 > woric ata23SOlth. sih
-tTrANTF.p-Glrl forceneral housework. Ill
T T South l"th. 22j gj
" \VANTED-A git from 12 to 15 years of g (
TT to nfsl < t In taking care of two small chll
ilren. Inquire cor I'-th aud Jackson. Mrs ,
Bhuitz. trr
w ANTEIGood pjrl at 60S Vlrjrtnla n\e
good wages paid. 31
-n7a y ( and gentlemen * agenti foi
TT Mrsv Campbell's now pntont lUectrio Urn
bossed "Empress , " Richest nnd most stylist
watirproof outside garment ever made. Beau
tlful as satin und mnrodiirnblo. Kirpo urotlts
Address , with stamp. 1 * . H. Campbell .V Co . 4-
W l.andolph St. . Chicago. _ riLlfc * _
W CANTEDCompotact glri fur genera
r.ouscwork , n w cor 23th and Dccntur sts
_ 217 12 _
" \\7AN TED Young man. nhorthand""wrltei
T > and type writer qunlltied fur rnllu ay ottlc <
work. piHKl references , In want of a pbicc. inai
nddrens 1C C2J5eo oulcc. _ 23j 7 ]
\XTANTED A cool wagon materfbnVen
TT oral work , Muldoon i : Kris' * . 14th and
\\TANTiD A good girl for general house
T T work In n small family , must bo a gooc
cook , wmbcr and Ironcr. BIOS. 19th. 23 ? . ' ) ] _
W ANTP.D-Cook ami Dining room girl i
1317 Douglas t. _ 2 6
\\rANTKD-Ono chnmbtrmnil , one dlclnr
T room girl , onpdltbwai&cr for hottt. Ad
artu K * i5 . lire ojfloe. _ 2i 7J _
* NsrCD- imr o rlrU JnqnlFe of Mr
1/juls Bradford , 2tth and St. Marr's ve
_ _ _ '
\VT ANTF.U-A good rlrf'for rsacrnl bouse
TV work Tpt g. 13th. S20 II ]
TffANTED'-CQSf tBnt trirl for jr-nara
T bouiotMrt. third cottage north of r > nv-
Coifax itre t. Take Pnrl
ave car * . _ _ * ° 5 _
\rTANtlD-A < oed yirl for fcneraThcuM
T work In a scrJl f mty. ) Apply at 171 !
dark tt _ TJI
> f\7TNTEn-L dy cauTaJwcr. App ! ? to S3 !
T f p , Inth it. _ ] GC
WANTET3 Coo < l jrirl at once , small f tally
_ T71S Learsnworthjit. _ U _
WANTED A dlninir room Ctrl attbe Vlenni
Ktsuuraat. 1J1J Hoiiarvl ct , W I *
[ \T-ANTFO-01rl for general houneworkse
T T cor Parnatn nnd 2-3ta st. 1P4 9
t\fANTKt ) A girl for general housework ,
1110 south 13th st. 13 7'
LTANTED-Second girl 1513 Howard
_ ) A girl for gcnernt housework ,
T T must bo nblo to cook , family of three. $ l
per week. Inquire of C L. Enck on \ Co . 212
N ICth 1J3 7
\\TANTED-Firstclass waist and skirt makers
' T Mnude Roece. pnrlors 3 and 3 Jncob's
block , cor 15th and Capitol ave. 185 J
"IVANTED-fompetent Blrl for general
TT housework , family of two. No. 211 South
ISth ave. 174 S *
\\ANTED Girl for housework MM W.W.
TT Bingham.S12South ICth st. V33 7'
" \\T ANTED-A competent girl to do general
TT housework , southwest1 corner 22n 1 and
Lake sts W77
WANTKD-GIrl for general housework : ap-
TT ply at IIQa 3 11th st. 193 7J
\VANTKD-Good girl by Mrs M. U Stlttfor
M general housework , at 1115 8 fth st.
193 8J
" \\7ANTED-Olrl for gcnetal housework ,
TT 2IOU't.rnim. IV2
\\fANrED-At onre , piano player , colored
TT woman Preferred Apply 1123. 9th S4'
Y\rANTED-LadleTo work for us n
T own homos : f7 to 13 pr week cn
nuietlv inaje : no photo painting , nocanvasa-
Ing. I'nr full particulars plca o ndrtre s at
once Crescent Art Co , (19 Central It- , Boston ,
Muss , nox.5170. 02
\\7ANfnO sftiIntJo n. by"n yo"ung mnn ( tnlk
> German nnd Eneliib ; attended D-ivenport
business college for 0 months ) n bookkeeper
orn = slstmit or clerk In wholcsnloor retnll limi-
no's ; salary not an object. Addiess K Gt , Dee
olhcc. S51 loj
Situation as waiter In restaurant.
Address K 5-1 , Ueo office. 2U I 7j
WANTED A petition by competent steno-
grnpher. KM lleo odice. 19 i n
" \17 ANTED Situation n coachman. Scandl-
' > imvliui , understands horses. Good ref
erences. Address K M Uoe ollice. 19 ! 7j
WANTED-Sltuntlon ns clerk in office < ir
store by < i gentleman or gooj education
and tempurato hablls. Address l47 Hit- office ,
16o 7 *
WANTED Sltuntlon by n German ( nge 21 > .
B clerk In retnll or wholesale grocery erIn
In general merchandise store out of citv : good
recommendation nnd experience of flvo years
In poncral merchandise store : wnyts no object
onstart. Address K 44 , llooolhoo. 1457J
STENOBHAPHUR nnd typewriter operator.
dcsirea employment evening * . K : r > . Heo
otrice. M7 U-
"XA ANTED-Positlon bj middle ngcd lady
T > fully quallSed ns nurse Adrtre K43 ,
Bco offlce. HU 11J
BANK1 NG , hardware or lumber Mtnntiou do-
sired by joung man : can invest 2,0 Al , ad
dress C E II care Hcmpbill & Moore , DCS
Jtolnes , la. 933 7j
WANTED-Situatlon by steady young raau
who his experience In ollice and dry
goods business nnd l flno pcnmnn. ne t of
references given Add. B. U Post Office.S157
" \\TANTE1J Situation by boy 10 jcnrsof ago.
of good common school education : any
respectable position with opportunity of ad
vancement. Address W. S. , 7UJ N. ICth street.
"VT7"ANTED Room cuitablu for4 single joung
' ' men , or suit of rooin . , rnu't be convenient
to 15th and Farnam. Adelrei-s 1C 51 , Hee. 24S
" \\7"ANTED Room iare enough for 4 for
* T sleeping iipartmcnte , In center of city. Ad
dress K tO. Kuo. 24U
TVANTED To buj for cash old house * to bo
' ' removed from their present Bltos. Apply
to C , H. DoJge , ( .17 South 13th St. 2.J3
T\7"ANTEI > To give away 5.0OJ yards of dirt
1 to anyone who will haul it n vny from n w
corner of i7th and Webster sts. 617 South 13th
Et. 120
\\TANTED-To rent by May 1st S room liouo
TT In good location nnd choice neighbor
hood bvdoslrablo tenant. Address AcrC U.
Mayne. . 215 Jij
"VTTANTKD Young lady room-mate. Picas-
i nnt room , centrnllv located. Iteforcncea
exchanged. K 54 Bco ofhcc. EOS P
\\7 ANTED-To buy houio and lot on pay-
Tf mentsofjoij per month , not more than
1V4 miles west or south of court house. F. Bar
rett & Co , Real Estate agency , 314H S. 15th.
211 9
WANTED To buy 4 or 5 , 4 or 6 room houses
to bo moved off the ground. Purk i :
Fowler , 1532 Douglas. 184 U
TT7ANTED Room and board in private
> > family. Heferences. Address H. U. U P.
local freight oilico. 1S1 8 *
" \TTANrED I want to buy n flvo or sKroom
I > cottage somewhere inside the licit line ;
north or west of P. O. preforrc-d , monthly pay *
ments. K 53 Bee office. 17 : * 3
WANTED A young lady room mate. Inquire
at 1715 Dodge St. 155 7'
TXrANTED-Ronrdlng place for two children ,
near 20th st. Addro s Nurse , 419 seth
street. 104 7j
" \\rANTED A gentleman wants peed fur
' ' nlsbed room with board. Addro = K. 3
Bee. 107 7
\\TANTED To rent , n furnished house Ad
dress K23 , Ueo offlce. SfZ 7 *
\ \ ANTED-To buv team of good , sound
' driving horses , harness and tnp buggy
Wllljiay cash.
Dion Geraldlne , 714 Pacific st. P53
" \\7"ANTED A newspaper , paying circulation
guaranteed fiom the start , for particu
lars address Bank of Valley , Yalloy ,
\\7"ANTEI ) To exchange medium sized Hall
> > safe for lar o safe of any kind will pay
Dion Gernldlne , 714 Pacific St. , city. 834
\\rANTED-Boird and JoJginir bv a single
man , with some private fnnrlly , locates
near the center of the city. Address , stating
terms , to "K 17" Bee office. M j 7j
\\T ANTED To lenso ground In any part o ]
the city , not over 10 blocks from pcwt
office. Address O. W. Cody , box 5JO , city , tl'
TjlARM to rent. T. Murray. * 853
F OH RENT House if unuture. carpet * . Ac.
for solo. Apply 1909 Farnam. 213-
TT10R SALE Monthly payments. 6-roon
JO house on 21et near Grant , $2W ) , $2Q i
month. Address K61 Bee offlce. 2U 10J
T710H RENT-May Ut.turnUbed house9 room :
Jv > modern conveniences , central location ,
Mead & . Jamleson , 31S S 15th et. 'V05
TCVR ) ItKNT S-room house. Enquire J. F ,
JC Barton , 2316 Capitol ave. 857 7j
FOR RENT A now store on 10th St. . between
Mnson and Pacific St. , 22 by 32 , Inquire ui
Etalrs. 151 1C *
TTOR HENT May 1st a furnished house. An-
J } plytoJIrs. A. B , Eustls , 8l Colfax st , S
door * n of ixmvenwortb t > t. 17G 7 *
FOR RENT-2n3 floor22x13) ft. ; well lighted ;
prlvilego of u lng water elevator Included.
Apply at 1105 Douglas si. - 191
FOR RENT 4 new cottigo-i on California
nii(13Jth ( street , near Oumlng street care.
Bent $25 per month. Apply to Kaufman Bros. ,
237 . . " . >
FOR RENT Store and Jiving apartments on
Cumin ? near Faundcri sU Apply at HarrU
Real EMate and Loan Co. , 3 = 0 S. 15th st. 732
T OH RENT-Brlck yardJ. T. Murray.
" 171OR RENT Three room house 1108 Soutt
J 7th st. Ml
" | TKR HENT-Newly furnlshei front rooms
-P single or ensulte. SUN 17th st. 242 lij
IVll [ KENT i Large rpotni suitable foi
qfBces. Inquire t Morritt'a restaurant
IJ307 Vyrnam. g40-10j
"C Oll 1E ! > T Nicely furnished room and n
- . cove in prlvut * family. 2331 , St. Mary'i
! _ _ _ _ _ 2212
"ITMjRRENT Itootn ca t front furnUhed 01
J' unfurnishtd. Gas end bath. 5'-a Pleas
act street. 22s 9 *
" | 7WR KENT Furnished rooms and board. UI
iN. . 17th fct. between Chicago and Daven
port. 2258 *
FOR hBNT UnturnlsbM looms , corner 10U
and Webster over dry goods itore.
- 4 BJ
> OB 11ENT Rooms One suitable for 3 or <
rectlemvn : on lultable for \wo rentle
in en ; cno suitable for gentleman and wife
Board In the family. 1419 Chicago it. IM
with. flnt-cla tabl <
F OU linNT-NoTly f 'rnl ! le hronn In new
- house : 231 * Fornnra . | 4 HI 12
T7IOR nKYT Corner rootri In flno location. 1
J or 2 young gentlemen , best of reference re
quired. 324 N 13th St. q 7t > 7
T liTU-NT-FurnlsheJ rooms , 712 N\l h st.
OR HENT-FurnisheJ roorai 1707 Cis * .
Jj 1M
"T7X1R RFNT Furslnhod rooms. Inqn'rent502 '
JO N Hth street. .133 a
TjTOR 1ll.NT Twoun'urnl'tioJ rooliis
1 ? Milt e , S. W. cor Ifth and. Jackson , S15 per
month. / 123
T7UR RENT Well furnl heii.front room sult-
.13 able for two. 1818 FHrnntttlu in 7 *
RENT Furnished room find board In
1 private fnmily nt 701 3 15th. 2W 9 ]
Tf\OR \ KENT Suit of newly furnished rooms
Jt ? to three or four gentlemen , l lu Web
ster st. 12J 11 *
F OR RF.NT-Furnt bcd rooms.niTf. . 2M It.
between Chicago und Davon ) > ort , 10) ) UJ
FOR RKNT Furnished rooms with or with
out board. Also barn suitable for carpen
ter shop or stablo. at 1011 Dodge st. 1061 1 ]
FOR RENT Furnished rooms , with or with-
out board , at 412 N. Uth st. Ifri 11 ]
OH RENT-Elezantly furnUhod front room
suitable for two gentlemen or gentleman
and wife. Apply 171S DoJge St. 7J7
FOR RENT-Furnlshod room , 2213 Cass s
R RENT-Furnished rooms , 714 N. 13th.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished ronms at rea
sonable rates , one block from court house ,
506 So 13th st , north it. Mary's ave , up stairs.
57 *
FOR RENT-Otht- Hellman building cur.
Farnnm and Uth sts. . In suites or singly.
For price' , diagram * and Information npply to
S.A. Sloman , 1512 Fnrnatn St. , Room 2
1\T G. Shrlvcr , Sneclnl Bargulns.
C0vl40 on Isth n Sherman , $3,003 ,
cash , onlance 1 to4yoaro.
1-MxHOft. o front on 17th near Ltn ed Oil
mills , ! ' ' .inX ) , l-"ith cash , balance 1 to 4 yeais
ifivUO on1st npnr Grace st , JJ.I'.O. '
44 ft. front on SmndTS st nenr Hnrnllton ,
f * > ,400. cn h , bnlnnce 1 to 4 jcars
y ft on snundcrs st. beyond paved street ,
I7.(00. (
12ti ft. on Saundcrs st. and Pntrlck HVC , , flW
per foot.
41 ft on Bristol st $330.
CO ft south front near Davenport ? sub , ? l.y > 3
lOOtlJOIt In A. S. Patriot's adj. south front ,
on corner , Sn.0 < j ] .
2 lots In A. & Patrick's add , tS > 1.
1 corner lot A S. Patrick's add , 11,5'K ' ) .
Nice lot in Dcniie ndd. fl,7W ,
Fine lot in Bedford , fSVJ.
< * ill2 ft cor Buraettc and 27th SK. $2,500.
Lot 12blif lipatrlckV.'nd.H cash.bil 1 and 2
years , J.3,000.
IxDts 3 nnd 4 blk,4 Patrick'1' add on easy tei ins ,
will sell 43 ft.
Lots 1 and a Lilt C. Kilby place. $1,053 , for 1 ,
si. : m for 2.
V > feet In Jerome Park on Lowe nvc. , ( ISV ) .
75 feet cast front on Georgia a\e. , 52wy.
00 feet front on Nicholas et , fj.t.00.
South front on Burt and Twenty-ninth
streds , ? JCOJ.
2 fine lots , corner. 120 feet front In Lowe's
add : tine view , both : , 00.
A nice . front in Lowe add. tl.COO.
Corner in Orchard Hill , f lM ( < l.
Lot ( ,0x.7 , Parker's add , just off car line
Improved Propeny.
66x140 on Park ave , iinptovemonts worth
$2.000 , $6.0Cn. j
Corner IttixlSi ft on street car line nnd R. 11.
with 3 house5 , fine business cirner , fM.VW.
Nice 6 room house on 19th nsarLnXc , J.&O.
03 It on Cumlngs near taunlors and running
back to Burt , -nith5 hou e-wjl&A > J ,
Full lot E front. House t rooiis on " > tb near
Farnam1,000. . ? 700 cash. '
Full lot , east front , with nice 5-room house ,
city water , barn , ftc. . Georgia u\c , Jo.'MO.
Full lot , east front , large new house , sightly
location , Hnnsooni Plncc , ? JH".0
Larte rooin house nnd barn , full lot , Hans-
corn PUcc , $3,000.
Lnrso 10-roora house , enst front , on 2 < thncar
, ,
We are selling lots every day in our new addi
tion , "North Omnhn , " nnd those v no purchase
nro securing decided bargains. A number oi
new mnniiinctorics nro to lcx.ite on this
ground , the south four bloOKs being reserved
for that purpose. Buy B lot In/'North Omaha , "
J353 to $4W , on easy terms
W. G. fehrtvor , Opp. P. O.
HAVE Sl.COO Interest In 8 North Omaha
I lots ( corner ! will trade for oqtiitutilc Interesi
in paving siloon or other business. Addrcs :
K 57 , Bee offlc-e. 2:5 9 *
FINE loin In Shnvoi- Place , $ J30 , easy terms.
Shnw\Co.MOSlGth 234
f I HK roiU estate office of .1. L. Rico & Co. opcr
-L until'ap. m. Telephone 41S. 122
O A. SLO.MAN , Real Estate Broker ,
CJ. 11 Farnam Street.
Farnam street , oor. Ibtb , 03x132 , } i cash. $ ro.OOO
Fnrnamst. , near 14th,22x112ImprovoX. a'ia3Cl
Farnam st. , near Ifeth.44xl32 , improved. , 'ii.ooc
FRrnumst.neur20th xl32. very ch ap. 7,000
Farnamit..near23th.llCxxl32 35,0 > J
Knrna-Tist. . cor.Slst St. 13oxl32 , south
andeastfront 17.0X
Farnam st. cor. 41st. 4SxHi. s and o front 3.BK
Douglas st. near 1Mb. 2-'xl32 , H interest. IVV ) ]
Douglas st. nenr 2.M , 68xlK h.WC
Dodge st. near23th. MxlUji 2 , B
Dodne St. near 2Mb , 43x127. UaprovM. . . 3,0 %
Jonosst.cor.15th , CSxllJ 24,031
Lioavenworth sL cor. 21st , 132x111 , Im
Leaveaworth at. oor. 23th , 143x112 , iin-
orovod - 5OOC
16th st.opp. M. P. and Bolt Line depou
Uth st. trnckago. Paddock place , 63x112. 2.50 :
" -ItlDL 11CUI 1'UUmti- . VUJ , JlIlUI < Jaa .
IStlist. cor.Martha , CiillJ.improx't-d. . .
2-Jthst. cor. Sward,03x120i : houses . . . 4.5CH
Pierce ne r2Jth,63 footfiont , 2 streots. 5i > .
Hamilton st. ooar Belt ilne , improvuu 1.3C
33th Et , nenr Davenport.lOOxliO 2,2.1
Sewardnear3311 , C0xl57 . . . . . 1,1V
10th st , near Castollnr. 115 feet front. . . 4..VK'
eth st , near Mnrtba , 51x151. corner . . . 1OD (
Burdetto 3t , near 23tb , 5 < Jxl32 , on car line lw :
Burt st , near I/iwe R.V9. 511-2x133 1,10 :
25th , cor , Popplcton , C3xli 3. Improved . 4.COJ
2CthnearPoppletnn,5UX127 , improved. . fi.OV.
Orchard Hill , lots $750 to l.ou ;
Brown Pmk , lots $503 to RV
Bedfonl rtnce , lots $530 to JO !
H.f-liland Pnrit , lots each-cash $ fi3. . U
Wakelyadd. Icts57xl5j. each 40 ;
23 ncres near Fort Oranhifinely Inprovod ll.txx
Center ft. Mxl'i2. Improved l,2fl (
Farnam st , nenr85th 4,50'
Nicholas st corner . . .M
Park nve , fnclng Park , .VJittO 4,03
S Kith st , near viaduct. 40x102 5,03 ;
SulphurBprings odd. just opiv. ICth st , 50
X124 2.0CX
Loavenworth st.nenr Belt Lino. 190x127. . 2,71 *
Saunaors st cor Burt ifiixSl s and e front fi,50'
Lenvcnworth st cor 21st GCxISI Imp. . . . 12.50
I'nrnamcor 19th imp .rent tVWO 33,001
B \ M. PnrK lots , $5J each
Ilellmnn's ndd lots , $13.3 each
Jerome Pnrk lots , east front , on grade . 2.0J
Bargain Farnma t n corner s end w
front only . . . . 3 0
050 S , A. Sloraan , 1512 Farnam st.
T I HE real estate office of J. U Rico & Co. opci
until V'M p. in. Telephone 4K 122
rpHE rtnl estate office of J. L. Hlco i Co. opci
Jiuntil 0:30 : p m. Telephone 415. 122
OR SALEVe have 30 lots for sale In Meyer
or * ' , Richard &Tilden's n.ld. . call on us fo :
terms nnd prices. Bennwn i. Co. . Uth ft. oppo
file pOM ofhco. 3 171 7
EAST Iront Kilby place onrT $333. Lots ii
Benson & .Mnytie's ajdltlir. adjoining this
lots arc wiling from JI.2-X ) to , 'X > J. This Is i
baigain. Park A. Fowler. ISS ouKlat. 1S4 il
EAL ESTATE bought , f-oSr exchanged o
rented , money loaned Mnd Investment
3I4' S. 1Mb.
New4 room houii > , closet , pantn
- * - nnd cellar , pump nnJ clstf rn water : lot 2i'
153 , $1 3J,5SXIca4h. R. McUoVclI. 13-W Hnrnc :
* ± _ ' 211 10J
G8xS3 feet , corner 23d und .airalnB Ms. will
t o etoro buildings rcimug lor $100 pa
numth , for 115,000 , f 3.00) caslind balance 1 , :
nnd 3 years. r ,
IbreeftHfoot lots on 16th st.lnflde the rail )
limit at jiw per foot. Thi ilrvood buslnc
property and very cheap. Tcrifts ca y.
tssfeeton Learenworth bynil icetonSl'
St. , with two largo residence" : Imprnrsmont' '
oot $7 00. for W&Q. Tnls lt tssiao propertj
and rery cheap.
A corner In Kirkw& , ciri4o feet , for $1,503
H cash , baltr.i.-o 1 and 2 yeara.
. An. s uit front PUlnview lot for f 1 .200 , H cash
Balance 1 and 2 j ears.
A 00-foot fcouth front on Charles st- for $1,500
H cash , balance 1 and 2 yean , *
One of the best cornerb In < I owo's addition
bouth and east front , for $1,300 , half cash.
Corner lot and new S-room house In Denlso' '
addition for $ J.700. ThU 1s a liargaln
A splendid eaat front In Kilby Place for $1,59 ]
North Omaha and Vaer Place lots for call
at low prices and easy terms.
03 toot south front lot on Hamilton ft. will
5-room house for $0.200 , $2,503 cash and oalanci
1,5 and 3 years.
Corner , south and east front. In Uncoil
Place lxx $3oOcaih and balance I and t > eara
Hack & Hornan. Real Estate and Loan Brokers
1 renzer block , opp P. O. _ a
Tj OH SALK-Beautlf ul lying lot. 10uxl2j. nea
i ? cars oa open graded st , J1 X > . easy terra
and small semi-annual payments. Innuln
private home , 401 X 15th st. 243 bj
TlfEreafejtate.offlco of J . L. ttlce * Co. opci
lUUil - ! n. ta. TaUuhAa * Ua. Iti
C WELLS , real c'tato broker. hn re-
mo\e < l hl olli-o teal \ Farnam st cor of
Uth , and h'ipe to fee nil his ol I friends and
many new one . He has n Hrgc ll t of valuabl
proterty for .ilcand to all who wish to pur
cn c liemvltc you to call nnd bellp\c It will
bjto your Interest nt well ns hl < to get his
prcc ! and terms. To non residents seeking
lmo tment Any Information that you w | n
will bo cheerfully given , and pirtlcufnr atten
tlongH en to showing property. Please note
thefoUowinc :
2 lot ln Ambler plnco.cnch $ fO3
Ixts In Albright Choice , M75 to 4. 3
Ixitg In Albriirht annex. JVX ) to 7TO
31ot in Arm trong2d ndd , each s,2V )
2 lots In Burr Oak. ench 1.C01
I > ot In Armour place . . 4V )
* 5tl < iftot lot 2. Bnrtlctt place , a cheap
nnd valuably property. 4.VO
2lot ln litdfordplace nt 1.70J
Ix > t 17 , blk 12. BedforJ 773
7 lots in Bt'Jlord place , each K',3
Ixt5.blk2 , Baker place GOO
l/t 0 , blt7. Baker plnco ( ft ]
Lot 1 , blk L Baker place 450
North 100 ft of lots 1 nnd 2 , blk 2 , Camp-
beU'undd 6,00
LotClifton place 1,950
Lot 4Courtlnnd place , the bo t location
and re'liletut ; lot In the city , itb large ,
Dooshndo tre s , nil for. . . . 7,533
Ixts 1 nnJ 2. blk 5 , Uonlso's add , both 4.2. > 0
Ixit C , blk2. Dcnl-o's add 2.MW
Ijotl- ' . blKfi.Dfnlse'sndd 1.2.V )
Lots 15nnd 16 , Falrviow , each . . . . l.o'iu '
Lots 13. 14 and 15 , blk 1 , Hnnscom Place ,
each 3.010
Lot 12 blk 9. Hanjcom Place 3.SJO
Lots II and 12 , blk 2 , Hanscom Place , 8
E cor Popp"ton ( and Virginia n\e ,
fronting east , n barcnln at . . 7,2X1
Lots 6 , 7and S blk ( , llncucom Plac ,
eacl . . 3,500
Lots 1 ? , 19 nnd 20 , blk 6. Hanscom Place ,
each 3,000
Lot 17 , blk IB , Hnn cora Piaco . . . . 2VH
Ixt Snnd9 , blk 2 , Hanscom Place , both 6,2V )
Lot6. blk 15. Hanscom Place l.'XW '
Ixt 2 bK li , Han'com Place . . . 1.80J
I/3ts 10 nnd 14. blk 20 , Hanscom Plnce
each. 1.7M
I its S and C , blk I'.1 , Hdnfco.-n Place both 3,509
Ix > t 2 , blk 19. Hunscom Place . . 1,6K1 (
Lot 1 , blk M Grand View MO
Lots 21,2J and 2:1. : blk 2 Hawthorne , each l.WO
Lots : C ! . 36 and 37. Harlara Lane , each XX
ylot In Horbach 1st 2,500 to 5,0(1
South 40 ft of lot 4 block 1 Kiruwood 1,125
15 In 1 , CKrendon 1,7W (
7,6. 9nnd 10 Lakovlew. each 45Q
The whole of block -n In Boyd's ndd. a
bargain nnJ sure to double In value. . . . 7.500
13 HIK ! It in- , south fronton Coroyst. . . 3,100
11 In 4 , Pnrk Place inXK (
4 nnd 6 In 5 Paddock Plnco , each } , * . * !
4 and 5 in 4 , Phillips' ndd 4,500
Inside Property.
East 44 fret of 8 In 124. gilt edge 2OTC
North > i of Sin 171.C6xM 23.00C
Wp t 41 ft .lot 1 , block 121. 12th nnd
Douglas , improved 40.00C
Stoic and house on Douglas , lot Ex50 , nil
for 6.0M
Corner on Fnrnnm , valuable , 50x132 it ,
can be bought now for 32OOC
Lot C. In IW , 10th and Jaouson , rents for
52.0JOnycar 25.00C
22ft. of 3 nnd Mot 4 In block 113. fronton
Douglas : s. E.Douglas andllth 35,000
S. E. Oth nnd Lcnvcuworth.MxlJ2 , a val-
nble property for . . 25.00C
5 W. 8lh and Leavenworth , 8 cottages
rents forSHO per month . . . . 13.00C
East 41 feet of 6. block 101 , between 10th
and llth on Douclns 22.00 (
Lot 7 in 22. on Mason between 13 nnd 14th 10,030
South half lot 5 , block 17. with 2 houscB ,
rents for J50 n month , 23:3 : nnd Pass . fi,00 (
Lotb. block 114 , between Douglas and
Dolge. a good Imestment lor oO.OOC
Lot ,1 , in7 , ono of the best bargains in
the city 23,00 !
7 stores with upper rooms , rents for
$1,000 a year , n good Investment , self
sustnlnirg. right In the city and will sell
for $40,003 within the year , and can bo
bought now for . . . . . 30,03 ,
1J blrclt of the best trackage property In th <
citv with private trnck. valuable for manufac
turing or wholesale purposes , $73. < X
14,13 nnd 1C , In 14 , Orchard hill , lay high ant
dry , each 51.0W
l and 2 block 18. Orchard bill , thrse2 lots or (
n bnrpaln and will be n good Investment tc
whoever buj s thorn , each S1 ) .
21 nnd22 InC , Orchnrd hill. $350on easy terms
This will pay
Lotsl and 2 in 9 , Orchard hill , for $1,103 t <
l , iu
1,010 block 6. Orchard hill K >
Lots S and i block BOrrharil hill 1,0 ! >
Lots in Omaha View 51,000 to 1,231
Lotin Albright'1" choice.
Lots in Albright's annex.
Lotstu Morse iBrunncr's.
Lot 1 block S , 60\HO , with 5 room house
Roger's ndd 4/n
Lot 15block6 , ii-Tl48. ItogcrVs ndd 6,0b
Lot * ) block 1 , Reod'sdivision.lot 11 block
3 , Reed's division , each 1,55
Lot U block 2 , John rllodick'a sub , a
good lot nnd cheap for 3rO
Lots 13 and 14 block 3. Rodlck's sub , each 3,75
Lot is in block2. Rcdlcfc's sub. This lot is
worth $4OOU nnd cnn be bought for 3,50
Lot 3 nnd adjoining H of lot 4 in W. A.
Rodlck's Bdd. both 2,80
Lots 2 and 3 in block G. lot 3 In block 7 ,
West Sldo. c.-ich GO
Lota 20,21,22,23 and 24. block 26 , West
Side , each 40
Lots 11 nnd 12 block 1 , Washington Hill
uach $ .1"
And lots nil over the city also acre propert ;
in Geo. Forb sub , Burkurs sub , 25 acres wes
of Fort Omaha , 25 acres within two miles o
Ifjouwant to purchase I will be pleased t
toll to you and try and give you as good bai
gains asyoucan get clscwhoro. C , Wells 15C
1'nrnnm. 1S9 7
SNAP-B3T131 east front , corner on alloy 1
_ Shlnn's 3d ndd. for $1,750. only t"-0 cash.
oTl30 ) In Foster's add. high and dry , enl
$2,2JO. , cash.
W\134 Patrick's 2d , fronting 3 streets. Includ
ing Lake street. $1,20) . H cnsh.
50\12I , Onenf the best corners In Falrmoun
Place , 12,003 , Terms Easv.Gregory
Gregory ft Hadley ,
Booms 1 and 3. Redlck block. 3X > Ss. 15th st.
T I HE resl estate offlce of J. L. Rico 4 : Co. ope
until ? :33p : in. Telephone 418. 122
FA UN AM 3T. acreage. 10 ncrcs , fl.'OOpo
ncre. Rush & Selby , 1603 Farnam. 505
milE renl ejtnto office of J. L. Rico & Co. ope
JL until P'W p. in. Telephone 413. 12J
riHKreal estate office of J L. Id'ce & Co. ope
until 9 nu p. in. Telephone 19. 122
rPWO lots in Hanscoin place , east f rents$1
JL and { 1,075 ; these are the cheapest lots i
the addition. Severn ! Orchnrd Hill lots. $7501
$1.000' Park & Fowler. 1322 Douglas , ISl 9
M. A. Upton 1Co. . ,
1509 Farnam Bt ,
Telephone 73.
Farnim street
N E. cor. aith nnd Farnam 60x131 , $35,003.
Just we t of 20th 22x132 , $7.003.
S. W. cor IPth nnd Farnam 93x132 , $12,030.
12.1 ft between 21st and 23d 116x152 , $ B.031.
123 ft between 21st and 22d 12-xl 12 , $ IS.400.
5tb st , J-5.0XI Improvements 57xlU , $15.000 ,
Hnrncy street.
2Cth st , 193x194 from Harnoy to Howan
, .
2Gth st , aSxlTJ Improvements $4,030 , $12,503.
Howard street
l.'iiie ? , fronting on 3 streets , $12S3 > X
Cuining street.
N. W. cor 25th nnd Cumin * 54x121 , J10.000.
Douslhs Street.
44 ft. oatt N Ccorltth and DougUe , 22x13 :
Davenport Street
Gift. west S W cor llth nnd Davenport , 68 1
front , 810.0W
15th Street.
S and E front , 15th nriJ Hikory , 100x141
$ ,0j3.
There U from 23 to IW per cent on money ir
routed in the above before January 1 , ISM.
Wo ha ; c buflnesd nnd residence property I
nil parts ot Omaha nnd South Omaha.
M. A. Upton * Co. ,
Telephone 73. 150i Fnrnam.
7JJ 0
/"CHANCE for nno Investment : cor 60 ft o
\J Californln MSt on 23d. $ ' 1.030.
Room to build 4 lints on California st. The1
buildings cnn b put up for $12,030 nnd will rci
for tfiJ each per month. This it will be FOC
will pny big on the Investment , Call and K
John Gallagher , 317 ti 13th about this proport ;
rfMl B real enate office of J. L. Rico A : Co. opt Telephone 415. 122
A HOME on easy terms. New flv nnd nlr
roomed house * for elc. Smnll cash pa'
mcnU and monthly Installments Co-opcram
Lam' & Lot Co , , 205 N. ICth Et. " 2ii H
O MAHA HE1GHTS-$250 ta $403,1-5 rasl
Clara son V Boat : ? , -519 S 14th t. Sfii 8
rsni estate office of J. L Rice ir Co. ope
- iuntil V.3U p. ra. Telephone 4le. 122
ARNAM ST. acreage , 10 acre' , $1 , 30 pc
acre. Rush Ic Sfclby , 1C03 Farnam. 1J3
T710R SALE-1O feet front on Farnam st , li
-C side J2CO per foot. J. L. Rice & Co. G97
SPECIAL Bargain-Corner lot Mayne't plac
one block from Le4venwortb , < jnly $ . ' .030
Park & Fowler. 15M Douglas. 1E4 9
CORNER and three Inside lots In block
Orchard Hill. ne t to Huml ton St. , Bt t X
Terms easy. Pierce & Rogers 117
MAHA HEIGHTSsurrounded by qulcke.
communication , depot on the ground b
August , Clarkson 4. Beutty , 219 3 14th ft.V796
o MAHA IlEIOIlTS-IIIfh , dry and beautlfu
Clarkson ic Bcatty , 219 8 Ittb it. bp 0
IAKE thecakc. CaWe i Btllinjri. Real Ei
estate hot cales. Over 101 South Uth s
Sample Ginger Snaps.
Ono hundred and ten feet on Jones and lit
st * , half cash. bal. i. 2,3 yun , tllJM.
Fifty by KJO feet for trackage for busioei.nei
Stock Vards.
Ten select * * lot * neir Swiff i paekuMr
45 ACHE ? north of r. P. 'shopa at | 5M per
ncrc Terms to suit. David M Cohnoll
agent , 313 Uth St. , opp Pnxton hotel , or C. K.
Ciallt ? , 1419 Dodge st. W7.
T OT5 for Ml * .
-IJ A great barjraln for a few da
Lot 55 Olscs ajt , n w corner Siunder < anil
? s lus street , will vubdirldo to advantage ,
nearly oneucro of land , J1C.WJ.
1/ot 106 , < ) le' nJJ , J5.0JJ ,
lA > t71 , OI o'S Odd. f 5,0X1.
IHock No. 1. Ilojil's add. $10.0)5.
Term , not leu than 1-3 cash , batanco 8 per
cent , scuil-annual Interest.
Itcmlngton I : McCormlcV ,
Ml 2M Sonth 15th street.
iX by Ono hundrcil and clchtv ft.
E cor of Ohio un 1 17th st. line hou o nnd
mru. cnn bo 'oKl rhonp tnd on easy terms ,
John Onllaiher.317 S nth sU 1O 10
To ACUUlmilP wcjr of ro. for aH . $000
JL pomcro. U. C. Patterson , Omaha N -
onal banc. " f >
AUNA.M ST. Hcre te. in acres , 11,100 per
acre. Hush A Solby , 18J9 Farnnin. uJJi
QOUTH OMAHA-Pomcof the bon corners
In the b'JSlno s portion of tha town.auJ lots
'n nil nldltlon * thereto.
Gregory At lladley ,
Rooms 1 and 3 , lledlck'g lUk. .tU S. IKth st.
AHNAM ST. ncrongo , 10 ncres , fl.sOD per
ncra. litish A , Selby , IPX ) Fnrnam. 535
M1K real e tatp office of J. L. Ulco 4 Co. open
L. until H'JO : p. in. 'JVlvphono 418. l
FOR PAf.n Tn larse orsmall lots Held seed ,
timothy , little rod and mimraoth clover ,
3crmnn and common mlllott socas. 1 warrant
this seed all raised in Iltltlor county , Neb , and
new.pure and clean seed. Write to W. 0. Bos
on , David City. Neb , for prlccv 491 afi"
ACHES In Cunningham's add at 11,500 per
acre. Small cash payment. Gate City Real
K tntc Co. , 1330 Douglas. 19 8
10 ACRES 4mllrs wcptof P O , for sile , 8J
1 per aero. D. ( X Patterson , Omaha Na
tlonal bank. 30.
ARNAM ST. acreszo. 10 ncros. $1,800 per
acre. Hush A. Selby , 1R09 Farnam. 505
9 Ournow addition.
AcrnittT.tto 40) par aor * .
Near South Omaha ,
And Sydicats HHL
Marshall tt Lobeok ,
773 150) Farnmn.
INSIDE PllOPERTY Wo have * ome good In-
sldo property at a bargain. Pierce & Rog
ers.1511 Dodge street. 830
10 UAHflAIN-One hundred feet front on
South Eleventh st. corner lot , only 15,000.
Part on time. Y. L. Yodlcka , UO South VJta gu
rilHlllTY lots two blks from new depot , South
JOmalm , H'ti If sold before the Utti.
Plcrco & ltogeis,0AnIngtonblk. 117
1HE real estate ofllce of J. L. Rico JL Co. open
T until9:30p.m. Telephone 413. 122
cash will secure 1&3 acres of first class
$ farming land In eastern Nebraska balance
rery long time and no taxes for 23 years. The
O. F. Davis company , 1505 f arnam st.
21 a 15
E real cstntb ofllce of J. L. Biro Jt Co. open
until 9:30 : p. ra. Telephone 414. 122
KO feet east front lot In Vntes & Reed's subjl-
' \isionfor { 1.203. John Gnllngher. 317 S
Uth. 141 10
VTELSON'S ADD-Lot G2L5U25 , with 2 houses ,
i > one 11-roora , the other 7-room , totiil rent
J 45 per year , nil for $0.003 , 12,450 cosh. n l 1 ,
2. ; i 4 and 5 years. Notlco the easy terras nnd
thntrcnt pays over 10 per cent on Investment.
Gregory Hadley ,
Rooms 1 and 3 , Hodickblk , 33 } South 13th st.
R SALE 5 room house , two full lots cor
ner. enstf rent , e.vy tarms $2200.
East front lot In Kilby Place $3J3.
Two lots in block 5 Ame Place $1000.
H. W. Huntress , 15t Farnara st. 037 8 *
nnHE real cstnte office of J. L. Rico JLCo open
JL until 9:30 p. m. Telephone 41s 122
F I OR SALK Desirable residence property on
Capitol Hill. Inquire 2222 DM enport st.
10 ACRE ? 4 miles west of P O , for sale , Jfl" > 3
porncrc. D. IX Patterson , Omabn Na
tional bank , 2 3
Jj\OR SALE OH TRADE-We own several
Jt ? thousand acres of choice Bouth Dakota
funning land which wo will soil or trade for
Omaha property. Wo want tn sell nnd offer our
land ut bottom pricfa. Wright & Lasbury. cor.
under Pnxton hotel 101
riMIE real estnte office of J. L. Rice 4 Co. open
JL until9:30p.m. : Telephone41S. 12J
SPECIAL Bargain Corner lot Mnyno's place
one block from ILenvnnworth , only $2,030
Park Sc Fowler 1622 Douwlns. 154 9
this splcndiJ list :
Gibson , Ayleswortn i BenJamln ,
1512 Fatnam St.
1 lot In Imp. Ass'n. 47x111 , with 2 small
bouse * $ 3,030
1 lot In Hawthorne , 43xll . cor. 33d ana
Davenport , uith 0 room housocistern ,
well , etc. very easy terras 3.W )
llotin HIIUIde2d ndd 1.8JJ
1 lot In Bedford PlaceMxl23 733
1 lot in Hitchcock's lit add. 50x123 . . . . 731
1 let in Lowe's Istadd.eOxlSJ.with house 1.733
IK lots in Shtnn'B 1st add,73xl2 H , Caldwell -
well st 3,703
llotinlledtck's ndd , 52x122 , Half Howard -
ard 8t 3,303
Slots In West SIds,53x129 , barnnnd fruit
trees 2,103
5-room house nn J lot N. 17th St. , good
welland cistern 0,633
Kountze 4th ndd , lot , block G six room
homo , well , cistern barn. Ac 4.033
Ilimcbaugh & Patterson sub-lot 1R , block
2.contract K > 3
120 ft on St. Mnry's ave , with 2 9-ronin
bouses gn * nnJ water , will subdivide. 31,0)2
40 ft on St. Mnry's ave bet. mh nnd ' .Mth l..WJ
Choice lot in Omaha Vluw 93J
12 ft on Iflth st. near Fnrnura 70.03J
21ot , G3x27. Lowe's add , 4-roora house ,
cellar , well and ft > foot barnprice 3.0T )
Wareboiiso or business property In block IW ,
$15,003 , easy terms.
Rcstaurnnt nnd lot 22x133 for sale , 5 rooms ,
good paying businf-ss. In Wecpin3 Water , $ .i i ,
terms easy.
Ixit 19 In Anlsficld , $ ? ,33.
House 4 > > xl3j , e rooms and lot on Douglas it ,
for sale. $ " > ,103.
Stnl/h / ndd. one lot MjrlS2. $3,000.
Farm of K ) ncres , splendid lion-e , barn , gran
ary and all outbuildings In Cass Co , 3 mile * N of
WeiplnWater. . $3'JW casb , $1 Oj.oasy terras-
Farm of W acres well Improved and all con
veniences In Ca county , $2WO , $3jo cash anil
assuma ? l,2"J'l " mortgagu.
Full lot on DoJito st , 3 houses , rents for $590 ,
$5 00 , JJ cash. 072
/JOHcrcsforaubdlvnion.only 3 mllea from
t the poslonico for $40.03. Terms , flO,03C
casti , bnliince T , 2 nnd 3 yean nt S per com in
terest. This Is unquestionably the ffiPRtOBl
bargnln In Omahn and will more tSun double
in value In 9-1 dny * . FlncK A Hainan , room 11 ,
Fren er block , opposite P. 0. 232
1502 Farnam st
Res-.dcncea :
Houso. 4 rooms , well and clitorn , In Bedford
place , $1,510.
Ixjt U block 6 , Hanscora plncr , bouse on
rooms with all modern Improvement" ! , $5 , iOO.
Lot 20 block 2 , Hapscom place , houie o'f H
rooniF , nice home , good locHtion , nil fort&.Qf1.
House , and Iot5 block 4BS In Grand Vfcw , cot-
tagnof4 rooms , crlUr. cistern , io , $1.200.
lloufio and lot , Hart man ndd at $ ; , VJ. )
Hou e of 12 rooi.ia on block 51. Hurhncli'ii 1st ,
nlo house , 3 rooms , same lot , a bargnln ni
2housosonlot 52. Horbnch's 1st fronting on
15th , rents for $53 per month Price $7.UiO
HoufO of 5 rooms , rellur , 2 cisterns , well
burn , out houses , all fcnood , $3,500.
ri K. corner of U S. Grant nnd Vlrtrlnta ao
5 < 3 feet on Virginia and 140ft on U. . % Grnct ,
houfccof 9 rooic fuinnce , elt-ctrlo bells , imn
ties , Ac , a good locution , a splendid torus ana :
goodiintittnent fort-.CJO.
House of C roora , good well , cellar , outhouse
end barn , on lot 11 blk lt < Centrnl Pnrk , J..Wj.
J/ot 14 blE 15 , with 3 Mort- ! . price $ J.OiU.
North W11 nnd 4 In 203 , C8iH ? . oorcer , hous <
8 rooms , $10.010.
H. w , aw ana Hurt , block 314 , houF of 1 !
rooms , gas , good barn , 1 block ot cars , cheap ui
A flno lesldence with nil modern convent
ences. 10 rooms. on lot lS nnd H blk 10 , crirnei
of Cildut'lland King in Slilun'o aid. , with fur
nace. stove , new carpets , gns imd window fix
ture * . nil dirt cheap At J- , ' 0 , on rnsy terms ,
1897 C. Wrilt. 1502 Farnara et.
FARNAM ST. acrenire , 13 ncres. $1330 PCI
_ acre. RmfajV Sclby. legJ Farnnro. S33
OSWENSON t CO. 1131 Farnora ttrcet ,
Room 15 , dealer * In real t-stata and w > > t <
ern land. Houses built : o suit purchaion ou
monthly payment. Ml-nl4
mnE real estate office of J. L Klcn V Co. npcr
JL until :30 p. m. Telephone 41 S. ] ° 2
10 ACRES 4 miles wn t of P 0 , for /tale / , $5V
per acre. D. C , Patterson , Omaha N *
tional bank. 2.Vi
PIlOPJJItTV. north .rest roriiot
12th nrA Jones it , rfixli ; , at n barjHln
Tine lmproverccnt cnnteraplatcd In thM
locality uhlrh will greatly nhanc Iti value ,
boleBKcntsClaritoni Ocatty , S1SS. Uth nt.
rnilE real eitatn oSce of J. .RIci i Co. oper
Jtuntil 8:30 p.m. Talepboue 41 ? . 1
FOR PALK-OIt TRADE-House atid lot 7t
Broadway , Council Hl'Jtff , ll/jfti. Will take
2 ( rood tlnrle orlvtng tor < ci In part paj must ,
J. U Ulet 3t Co. m
rnilK real citat * olflce of J , L 'lllco i Co. o'poc
1. until DO ) u. uLT-l oh - "
FAnXAM ST. nerpigp. 10 acres , $ r. M pfr
acre. Rush & Sclby , IWJ Farnam. M
1 Fiou"aFo sharp you will Investigate thcs !
Wx Ul corntr Da onport nnd32d HVO
In Momnan Park , 1-3 csvth $ 0,50)
5tl U near corner In Morjnmn Pttrk , 1-3
c h . . . . 2,750
ot l nn120ln block 2 , Drake's
: xit 2iti block 4 , ! cn h 5,0V )
"South-west corner Culdwoll nud Pier . . . : t.5i. j
, HlJOoni-t Mnrv'snvp . . SW.WJ
Middle 1-3 lot 1. block 349wlth nlno room
house , modern improvemonl" , 'i cnsh 7,0
57 3 4x123 'i corner with cottage In rear
in rnrnam , $3tWOcash. bnlnnco casyll ll.OM
> > t 8 In 10 , IsHiionndSc Men's ndJ. . .
Lot 7 In block ' ! IO , with two houses that
rent for $ fO month , ' , ' cash . . , , 10.0.X )
< ot 1 nnd 2 in blork 2 Hansooin Place for VAI
/ot 1 * block 16 , Hanscom Place 2yO
xit 17 , block ! ' . Hiitiscom Place 2VO (
.ot 14 , bliwklJ. Hnnscom Place 2..V.1
Lot 7 , block 2. Hanscom Place 2\V )
Lot 13. blocks. J. I. Rodlck's add 3,750
Lot 14. Mock 3 J.I Hedlok'g ndd 3,750
George M. Cooper , Room 3 , Arlington Blk.
iJPECIAl , Bargnln Corner lot Mnyne's plneo ,
k' one bl-ick from Leavennorth , only f.'OX '
i'lUk & Fowler. 1M2 Douglas. 1 V
JU RICK 4CO. . are solo agents tor the fol-
loMlng :
Lot 10. block 7. Ambler Plncp , $1OOJ.
Ix > t 1 , block 1 , Patrick's Addition , $4,750.
Lot 5 Washington Square. J3.2.V ) .
Ix > t 1G block 5. Hoggs & IIIH's , $ I1UX ) .
LoU 1 nnd 2Andr w , Williams * Troxell't
sub on Lake street , $3,030 each.
7 choice Institute Plaeo. Lots $ .VO each
fl lot in Corcll's Addition to Crciirhton llelgnt *
$375 each.
2 Boulevard CrcUhton Heights , lots $730
10 Hllleko's First Addition , lots $ rO to 1409
Lot 3 G ISP'S Addition , $7.030.
5 lots In William's sub , $1.000 to $1,500 each.
Lot block 2 O'.Seal's sub. $1,000.
I/ots5 and 6 , Davenport's tub , 13/00.
Lots 27 and 2 * Washington Square , at $ CODO.
Lot 23 Wtishlniton Siiunre , $2 , 0.
Lt 2 block B Shlnn'B Firt Addition , 1150 per
foot ,
4 business lotn on Saundcrs street near cor
ner Lake , $ -WXI each.
4 low in A. S. Patrick's Addition , $1.300 each.
2 lots in Brown 1'ark , South Omaha , $ C5g
House nnd barn with lot 50x127 on Hamilton
street only $2.800.
Open every evening until 0:30 : p. m. Tele
phone 419. 170
rpHE best five-acre' In Bonflold.
JL Lot 11 at low pnoo of $423 per acre H
Uotnembcr Bowling Green.
Acres only $509 , Cheaper than nny ndjolnlngr
Spring Valley $40) ) per ncro.
Near tock yards.
Cheaper thnn ncrcs west of Mo. P. n. B.
912 9 Marshall A Loleck , 1509 Fnrnam.
Blocksl7to3jthobostpartof Bowling Groca.
The cheapest property on the market.
'i mile from Benson car Hue.
5-ncro lots per acre $501.
2'5 nere lo's per acre S5M-
Acre lots $ fi ( .
Ixjts 50x127 on Hamilton street $173 to $225 for
Full commission to agents. Get plats.
Marshnll A Lobeck.
No. liJ ? Farnam.
Telephone 73. 778
410 south 15th st.
Offer thesd bnigains to-day :
1 corner Goorirm nve. nnd Dupont $1,7)1
T Orchird hill , choice lots oich fVfl.
House and Slots , Saunders & HlmobaUffh'l
add. to Walnut hill 2,303.
20 Finest lots In Clovordale , bargtJns.
line lots In Kilby place , cheap.
Flnel 1-2lot John 1 Rodlck's Sub-division ,
Scholoe lots In Maynes add. , each $5J1
Echolee lots Fnlrraount place
Incre ben In Belvedere , bargain
21ots Jotter E nddltlon , each $70 %
24 lots choice in Yntes Ic Homnol's addition.
A flno list of western lands for sale , or tradt *
forOmnha property.
Ixt 7 block 18 , Albright's annex , $703.
Lot 11 blocks. Cotncr & Archer's ndd , $530.
Lot 1 block 2. Burlington Place. $575.
I/ot M and 38 block 1. Armour Place , $175.
Gramuiercy Park lots TOO to $750
55xlU3 Merger nvo , 3 room house , and barn ,
fttlxlM cor Military Rve nnd Edson ft. $ : W > .
Two good store buildings on above property
will rent to good advantage.
Lot 7 block 83 , South Omnhn , $2.5'VI.
List , not loist , oornor on Farnam $4V31 * nnl
many others,416 S. 15th St. WIse nnd Parmeie.
J ? Buncher ,
1511 rnrnum Bt.
Nine beautiful lots m Brennan place on Cali
fornia , Pleasant und Cass sts , some cornenl
from $1,5JO to JJ JO each.
Two flno lotsiu Amber plnco for n few dny
only at f 'iJ5 cacti.
Two choice lots In McCormlck's 2d , ono a cor
ner. $ IWJ for both.
An elegant residence property on Park nve ,
first-class improvement. 98 feet front. $13,5'JO. '
iJrKe lot. faces both i'lorco nod Mt Pit-asant
sts , with two nousoj , very cho'tp.$1,203.
Fine buildlnir site In WestOmnhnndd , 155x187 ,
very choice , $12,030.
Ono of the prettiest lots on upper Furnam
neni26th st , 4\132 , for 215 porfront foot , noth
ing so cheap east of it. see this If you wnnt
something nlco nnd vnltinblo ns nn investment.
Coiner lot In Plmnviow , $ l"jO.
A largo list of choice Inside property always
un hnnd
I have the Choicest lots in the best additions ,
including Grammcrcy ParkClilton HIII.CrciRh-
ton Heights , Orchard Hill , etc , na well ns nil
the good South Omnha ndditlons. List your
property for quick s ilo- with me , and blwaya
ECO me before you buy or sell.
U13 S Buncher , 1511 Fnrnam 6t.
" Oil SALEWo have W lots for sale in Moy-
era' , Richard & Tilden's ndrt , cnll on us for
torinb aud prlcci. Bcnawa & Co. , 15th St.oppo
site post ofllco. 171 7
SHAW i : CO. , 510 S. ICth St. , have for sale tha
following :
I 500 will ecctiro you n good lot In Walnut Hill
on Lowe avo. , cur I'ne ,
$75 c sh will secure you n lot in Washington
Hill , Mind , property will never be any
cheaper there.
Comoln nnd go with us and look at *
lot In Deer Park , close to Hansoom Park ,
for 81,253.
2,030 will luy a very flno lot on Saunders Bt. ;
will be worth SfS.OOO intide of a year.
I:0i1 will buy a homo nnrt iinnll lot on Wh st.
near CastelHr : fiinnll piyraont reTUlrod.
Hemcmber toe place , 510 S loth st. 137
SPECIAL Two tine east front lote in Ambler
. _ plnco ou the county ronds. Ea y terms ,
$5.10 each.
Bartlott's n3d .CO ft south front. $ 7.530.
BoJfunt Pliiee , lots from # 153 to f )3. )
Baker Plnco , lots trom JSIOto $30) ) .
& ) f t lot In Crcston fronting on PJcnsantit ,
$ i. n
Lot in iliso's add , f S3) .
5 ncrei in Hyde Pnrk nt $3X1 per aero.
fi lots In Horbnch'R let ndJ.
2 o.isi front Jots on ICth Et , In HuBcJoru'B add
at T70C each.
fi lots in Highland Pnrk choap.
2 fine lot * In Mclrope hill for $530 enoh.
8 loti In McCormtckB 24 ndd nt 5 < .V ) each.
Tine south front lot In Oxford Pliue for
$ 'pOO.
Fiao south front lot In O-nnanVjowSl.OX )
W tt south front on LKB tt § \ , ' > M , an-1 tcrrai
lirchnr.l hill loti from t7" 'l to $ 'M.
OJxlK ft , about eir blocks from the postoffloa ,
Sl.f a
Corner lot In Plalnrtow , ? 1.2."iO.
a nice lot in Bfed's 3d Bddut flAM
5 ncres In Tuttlr's sub at n big bnrgalu
Corner lot on tlio BollovuH road for f IV > 3.
Itcslilericp Property
A flno corner on Virginia moniie , 100x130
feet , with n nlco -room t ° U house bnvligr : all
inirlern linprovomcuts
A tc'i-roou.rd bouse. 1 lot , Wxl59 , on Georgia
nvouue , for t UOHO , part cash nnd bnlanco < ! ' . -
lerrcd pnrmonti ) , iu 1 , 2 , 3 nnd 1 ) earn nt 7 per
cent Interest
C-room house on Poppleton nve , between 23th
anil 2Jth Ets. will make nlow niruroto buyer.
We hive n very choice list of ic.'ldtnce prop-
orty. We would be pluasol to sbowunj-onc
dcclrincto purchuca Improved nndiinlmprovod
property. FnmK F. N llllnms \ Co. .
10th nu 1 Chlcasoonr Doiif lui Co. Bank.
. _ _ 12T7 _
/ ItlNXINGllAM'b ADD-Largelou.nmt every
V/ one lina trackage. They nro cheap now ,
and will command fancy prices soon.
Gregory A : Iladlev.
Rooms 1 and 3 , Rodlcx's Blk , 3J ) S. 15th st.
42 ?
E-A lot OJilW on IMh and
JCumin ? st onnof the l.est locations In the
city lor a vrnrehouce. wlin waU'rworks nnd
sewcrmre. Apply nt premises. The Hinrlulr.
200 a2)J
_ _
JL. RICK 4CO , o3or the followlnc specm
bargains :
ns foej front on Fnrnira . , WWpcr foot.
J43 feet frnnt on Famtm 5t. . J2a per foot.
HJ ftet front on Fnrnnm st. 3 per loot.
40 fret front on F rnnm , f X > per
100 feet front nn rainntn. J11A03 , comer.
2 choice Hiuth I roti t liilliMi. Nn 1 Iot8 , ? V > 3.
lf ftet front on llamtiton nt. $3,100 ,
17 f > * t front on Farnam et , with line luiprova
meats worth Jfl.OM , $ ! K/Kj3
Beautiful lot , C0xlt , with 10 room modern
house on Tmdgp t. opposite high foliool , f 13fif .
Bcnutifillot'Vxi49 ) , 4 room house. tlm > le nrsd
fruit tro's , on Ca-nnron it , Glees add , opjxjaltc
Kountz Pltw , only $2.'W > .
Opei iv irycvoutuirtlll :30p. m Tvlrpltono
V > 10 ?
_ ,
_ _ _ _
1 1TI I and Dodge N. W. corner , CCx83. I an
Jrole n/ent
? nirxi plafi two bl.icki outb of Ilronnoll
Hall on Uth reot O. J' , TJsasscr , SIS K IDtu
. J CM
J. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'PH E reiif estate offlre o7 J. 1. lllc * . Co. tiptu
J lPtll9 Tap. m. 'f elupbone 411 * 13 !