Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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Bovernor Thaycr Names the Diatriot Judges
Under the New Law.
ptato Superintendent I ano Icsncs a
Circular to County Oniclaln
A Verdict In tlio Kmitm
Cnsc Cnpltnl News.
IrnoMTitn IJKB'S MXCOI.N imnr.Au.l
Yesterday nftcrnoon Governor Thaycr
fcptmtntctl the following Kcntlcmcii as
Judges of the district court in Nebraska ,
iu conformity with the hill increasing
the number of judges find judicial dis
tricts :
Third District Lewis A. Grofl1 , of
Uotigliis county , and Mulvillo 13. Hope-
well , of Hurt county.
Fourth District William Marshall , of
Dodge county.
Seventh District Isuac Powers , jr. , of
Madison county.
Ninth District T. O. O. Harrison , of
Hall county.
Twelfth District Moses 1 * . Kinkald , of
Holt county.
The appointment of a judge for the
First dintrict. and for the hlevonth dis
trict , which latter Is composed of the
western portion of Judge Uaslin's former
fllfitriot , are deferred for the present.
Tho.supremo court in the uiturnoou scs
fiion Wednesday took up the petition of
friends of 11. C. Hurr , the Lincoln utter
noy , who asked his reinstatement for
practice in the courts of the state.
Mr. llurr's petition , which was volumin
ously feigned by Omaha and Lincoln at
torneys and also bv lawyers trom diller-
cut sections of the state , was filed witli
the supreme court the first of March.
When the petition was brought to tlio
court they postponed hearing tor thirty
days presumably to allow any attorney
in the stallit such there were who
wished , to lilc a protest against a rein
statement. None such , however , were
lilcil and as those who were iiistrumnntal
in securing the disbarment ol Mr. Hurr ,
had either signed the petition asking his
reinstatumunt , or expressed verbally a
willingness to have such aciion taken ,
the court unanimously acceeded to the
petition and issued an order remitting
0110 year from the judgment , which will
reinstate Mr. Hurr May 20. This Is the
iinal act in the celebrated Zimmerman
case and Mr. Hurr was yesterday receiv
ing congratulations from friends over
the fact that he is again a full-Hedged at
torney.surnr.ME COUIIT ruocuKWNas.
The proceedings in supreme court yes
terday weio the hnal ones for the winter
term that has met weekly since the lirst
of January , and will now go over to
June. The following was the business
of the court yesterday : State ex reKiard-
nor vs Koggen ; argued and submitted.
Stale ex rol Attorney General vs Hurr ,
one year remitted from judgment ; re
spondent reinstated in all courts of the
Htato May 20. State ex rol Savings soci
ety against Dakota county ; cause re
moved to United States circuit court.
State ex rol Perry vs Clay county and
slate OK rel Dean vs Clay county ; judg
ment modified requiring payment in the
three emial annual installments. East
erly vs Van Slyok ; submitted , Courtnuy
vs Parker ; argued and submitted. Hell
vs Arnult ; continuance set nsido anil
cause submitted on brief to bo filed.
State ox rel Crawford vs Graham ; relater
to give security for costs in $200 in
twenty days or cause to bo dismissed.
Wolf Vs Murphy ; motion for leave to be
made warty overruled.
Court adjourned to Tuesday , Juno 7 ,
1887 , nt 850 : ! a. m.
State Superintendent Lane has issued a
circular to county superintendents in re
sponse to the State teachers' association
that requested the state superintendent
to prepare a general manual covering
the work to bo done at county institutes
the coming summer. The state suporiu-
tonuont way also requested to rcissuo and
revise the course of study for country
schools. Mr. Lane in his present circu
lar asks the different county superintend
ents to aid him at once by Bunding plans
of work and other information that ho
can use in the work of both the manual
and the pamphlet.
of the Knights of Labor Co-opcratlvo as
sociation of Hcatrico , Nob. , were ( lied
with the secretary of state yesterday.
The object of the corporation/Is the man
ufacture ot building material , furniture ,
etc. , and the capital stock of the com
pany is $25.000 , divided into shares of
$100 oach. The company is to commence
business at once , and the names of the
incorperators are Henry Hromleq , J. S.
Rutherford , John Molntyro , E. Sanford ,
F. M. Woodcock , J. LHudson. . N. D.
Hnbbard , G. W.Gow and W. A. Wagner.
The coroner's jury that took the evi
dence in thn case of the man found dead
in Ins wagon near llolmnnon's stable , in
this city , returned a verdict that de
ceased came to bis death from unknown
cause , although the evidence all tended
to show that it was either suicide or an
overdose of laudanum taken when the
man wan drunk. The dead man wo ?
named C. F. Kouhn. Papers on his per
son showed that ho oamo from Colorado ,
and ho had letters showing that ho hail
formerly lived in Kay county , Canada
Hn had been in Lincoln some ten days
drinking most of the time , and only sonu
( $9 wuro found on his person.
A110UT Till : CITY.
,4 In the district court yesterday the trial
of licrdman against the Stock Yards
company was occupying the attention o !
court. 'This is ono of the most importnn
oases of the term , involving the use of i
water power on Oak creek and covering
Eovoral injuctinn suits. Messrs. Court
nay and Woodward appeared for tin
llerdmans and Hall and Kelley for tin
Messrs. Franklin ami Hcddlcson yesterday
torday closed the sale of the eighty acr <
Allen tract , lying near the city , the pnr
chasing party being Colonel A. J. Hoe , o
Piqua , O. . and the consideration $10,000
The sale Is an index of the intlu.v of cast
qrn capital to Lincoln.
A onokot club has been organized fo
Lincoln , bonio twenty enthusiasts in tin
game holding a meeting at tlio Ilurlbu
house parlors and selecting Uev. Ale ;
Allen temporary president , W. 11. Hur
greaves temporary sucrotary and A. JJin
cautain. The club will hold a mcotinj
on next Monday evening for pormaneu
in pollen couvt yesterday there was i
long array of hard characters , the resul
of the rouml-up of the night before
Kovon tramps were arraigned and linci
flO each and costs , live cases of plaii
drunkenness wcro fined and two cases o
drunk and disorderly were assessed $
each and costs. Out of the entire grU
only two could ralso the nccessar
amount to pay out and become free men
A small blnzo in the early morain ,
hours yesterday destroyed a barn belong
ing to 1) . K. Thompson. The loss wu
light but a small boy in running urouu
the blaze fell and broke a log , Ills nam
was not learned.
On next Monday and Tuesday evening
the H. & M. will run excursion train
from Lincoln to Onmlin , leaving this oil
at 5 P. m. The excursion is to enabl
Lincoln people to attend the Nation :
opera entertainments.
A pralrio tire in East Lincoln cam
near destroying a number of residence
on the outskirts of the city and as it wa
. & great deal of valuable shrubbery am
rlnoi'iml ground was injured.
The K. of P. boys of Lincoln are ac
lively at work in the organization of
iuiforuicd Knights baud for the city c
Lincoln. Commlltnos from the different
lodges have the business in charge.
Hon. A. S. Weaver , who In connection
with Judge Thomas and P. E. Hoardsly ,
enters the law business m Lincoln , is in
the city.
The manager of the base ball club Is in
St. Louis hunting players for the Lincoln
club. It docs not make an assuring
Let us be thankful that any poor suf
ferer can buy with 25 centa a bottle of
Salvation Oil.
Vcunor's predictions , though in the
main pretty accurate , are not infallible.
Hut Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup was never
known to fall to cure a cough.
Ucvlvod by tlio Dcatli of a Jtutned
Speculator Lately.
Now York Times : John Hider , once a
wealthy speculator in this city , died
lately in the seventy-third year of his ago ,
at the Old Gentlemen's Unseetarian
home , on King's ' Urldge road. Ho died a
poor man who for several years had lived
upon the charily of friends , although his
two sons and his wife are living with .suf
ficient means at Norwalk , Coun. Rider
eamo of a well-known and. well-to-do
Now England family. His father hud a
contract for carrying the mails between
Hostou and New York before the days of
the railroad. Rider was a fine looking
young man , and the New England
vernacular , termed "smart , " Ho was
born in Worcester , and began to
make money early in life as captain
of his own ship plying between
China and Hoston. Then ho engaged in
the rubber business , and contested with
Goodyear & Co. the right both claimed an
inventor.of the process of vulcanising
India rubber. Ho also accented several
government contracts , in carrying out
which he made much money. Ho added
to his fortune by speculation , which ,
however , caused his ruin in the end.
When penniless his relatives deserted
him , and for a number of years lie was
taken care of by Mrs. Herry , of 112 West
Fortieth street , and Horace Lclaml also
aided him. Circumstances , however , led
to his recently being admitted to the
homo. In Ills prosperous days ho owno-1
tlio present Grand hotel property and
homo real estate on Thirty-hrst street.
In politics ho was a stanch republican.
Mr. Rider's death was due to acute rheu
matism and was sudden.
The way in which the process of vul
canizing rubber came to bo discovered by
the Goodycars was told to a Times re
porter some years ago by John Dixon ,
ono of Goodyear's employes. The men
had a habit of chewing rub
ber much as the modern school
girl chews gum. Ono day , while
Dixon and an Irishman were carrying
Borne rubber on an iron hanclbarrow to
the oven , the Irishman was taken with a
lit of coughing as ho passed a barrel of
sulphur , and involuntarily spat out
his rubber cud. It fell into the barrel.
Setting down the barrow , he made a grab
for it and recovered it. The sulphur ,
however , adhered to its moist surface ,
and he throw it down witli an expression
of disgust. It fell upon the barrow , and
was put into the oven with it. When the
barrow was taken from the oven Dixon
saw that the little piece of rubber hail as
sumcd a now appearance. Ho examined
it carefully.and became convinced that he
held in his hand the key to the discovery
Mr. Goodyear had been searching for.
Ho took the little thing to Mr. Goodyear ,
who , when he saw it became much ex
cited. Dixon told him the circumstances
under which the change had been oll'ectod ,
and Mr. Goodyear set his son and Dixon
at work experimenting. It was several
months before they succeeded , but they
finally learned the secret of making vul
canized rubber.
An Imperative Necessity.
What pure nir is to an unhealthy
locality , what spring cleaning is to the
neat housekeeper , so is Hood's Sarsaparilla -
parilla to everybody at this season. The
Iod3f ) needs to bo thoroughly renovated ,
Iho blood purified and vitalized , Iho
germs of disease destroyed. Scrofula ,
Salt Rheum and all other blood disorders
are cured' by Hood's Sarsaparilla , the
most popular and succosstul spring
medicine. _
A Mttlo Girl's Appeal.
Washington Letter in the Cincinnati
Enquirer : A little girl eight years old ,
residing at Gordon , Dakota , has written
the following letter to Secretary Lamar.
It was printed on a small piece of paper
with a lead poueil.ina style peculiar only
to children when they are writing their
lirst letters. Every letter is a capital ,
aud reads :
"Mr. Lamars : Won't you please decide
the land case that is in .your ofllce now.
Ma has to work out , and minuio is sick ,
and I have to do the work. I am only
eight years old. Wo hain't no money ,
and Li'go Moon is trying to get our claim.
ADA FniNCii. :
"Ma wants to get some money so wo
can get some close and got a horse. It is
awful cold hero at Mitchell , Dokata , and
we have lo burn hay , and can't hardly
keep warm. Good by.
"Gordon , Dakota. ADA FHKNCII. "
The letter was referred to Commis
sioner Sparks , and went through the
routine of the land oilloo , and an official
loiter was written to the girl informing
her that the commissioner hnd decided
the claim in favor of her mother , but an
appeal had been made to the secretary
of the interior where it i.s now pending.
The little girl wrote another loiter ,
pimilar to her previous ono , .begging the
commissioner "to get Mr. Lemurs to de-
side ma'n case. Ligo Moon , " she says ,
"told inn that if you dcsido in ma's favor
ho would not giva her any more trubble ,
but Ligo Moon lies , "
This letlor was also answered and the
correspondence sent to tlio secretary to
hurry his action ,
There are many cheap cosmetics of
fered for sale , which claim to contain
nothing injurious to the skin. This is all
bosh , all. or very nearly all arc com
pounded from the most deleterious and
poisonous drugs in thn matoria median.
They destroy the vitality of the skin ,
making the consumer prematurely with
ered and old. J. A. Pozzoui guarantees
ills medicated complexion powder en
tirely fri'tt from all iniurious matter , and
will'gladly pay $500 to any practical
cheniist who can ( hid upon analysis the
slightest trace of white lead orarsonic.-
Use none other and yon will never regret.
Price 50 cents and $1.00 per box. Sold
by all druggist. " and perfumers.
A Dinner Can Not Do Ijtulcd.
"If a newspaper now wants to disuar-
ago a man it nan safely attack his din
ners , " said n Uoston lawyer to-day aftoi
the decision of the full bench of the
supreme court on Iho interesting ( \ucs- \
tiou whelhor a newspaper's comments on
what is considered a poor dinner ren
ders it liable to an action for libel. The
court said no. James Dooling , a Hostou
caterer , sued the Hudget Publishing
company for an alleged libel in the
Budget's comments on a dinner served
by mm to the Ancient and Honorable
Artillery company at its last annual
meeting. The paper said : "Ono would
suppose from the elaborate bill of faro
that a sumptuous dinner would bo fur
nished by tlio caterer , Dooling , but in
stead a wretchiid dinner was served , and
in such a way that hunjrry barbarians
might object. The cigars were siniplj
vile , and the wines wcro not much bet
tor. "
Judge Pitman , before whom the case
was lirst tried , ordered a verdict for the
defendant , and the decision ivas sus
laincil by the supreme court , which hold
that words relating merely to Iho qualitj
of articles made , produced , furnished 01
sold by a person , though false and ma
licioiii , are nut actiouablo without special
dfttnnffo. No lack of good faith no viola
tion ol agreement , no promise that the
dinner should bo of a particular quality ,
no habit of providing dinners which the
plaintiff know to bo had is charged ; not
oven an excess of price beyond what the
dinner was worth , but the charge was in
bllcct simply that the plaintiff , being a
caterer , on a single occasion provided a
very poor dinner , vile cigars and bad
wine. Such a charge is not actionable
without proof of special damage ,
I'nrtnoM Disagree.
D. Gray , who has boon In the harness
business al No. 15 South Mam street , was
somewhat surprised last evening on re
turning from supper to see the stock of
goods loaded on wagons about to bo
moved. Ho stopped the teamsters and
learned that this was the work of E. Al-
berlson , who some monlhs ago became
associated with him in the business. The
two had had n disagreement and
Mr. Gray says that for some time ho has
been insisting on a dissolution and set
tlement. The two had a wordy confab
several days ago , Mr. Gray says that ho
has been trying to get the matter settled
by arbitration , offering to leave it to
three business men lo decide as lo each
one's intorosl in Iho business. II seems
that while Gray was at supper Albcrtson
sought to steal a march on him , and to
have Iho goods removed. In Ibis ho was
stopped by Gray , who had the goods un
packed and placed back in Iho shop. A
nosv lock wni Ihen put on the door , so as
lo prevent Albortson from using his key
A Tender Skin
is greatly injured by cheap adulterated
toilet soaps. Use Colgate's Cashmere
Hoquut : the purest and best ,
Short Haul Honeymoon.
On the Slh of February Justice Harnctl
tied tl\o \ happy knot which made Alvy
Chambers and Ca jline Hudson husband
and wife. Yesterday the bride returned
to the justice's olllce aud poured forth her
tale of woes. She claimed that the man
whom she had married had abused her
terribly , and that ho followed her alonir
the slroots calling her nil sorts of names ,
that ho had pulled a revolver upon her ,
and otherwise conducted himsolt so that
she could stand it no longer. She wanted
to have him iinestcd on some charge so
that ho might bo locked up. She was
sent to thn district attorney for lhat of
licial to decide whether there should bo
n warrant issued.
Pretmrfld with strict regard to Purity , Strength ,
IteoUlitalneee. Dr. I'rlco'u Diking Powder cantalna
co AtuiuonlaUmoJUunior Phosphates. Dr.Prlco'a
Jiilracta , Vaallln , Leinon , oto. , fl&voideUcioasJy.
1707 Olive St. , Stv Louis , Mo.
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado ,
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , Loiulon , Gicsen , Germany and New
York , Having devoted their attention
More especially those arising from imptu-
dencc , invite all so suffering to correspond-
thout delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured safely and speedily with
out detention from business , and \\ithout
the ubc of dangerous drugs. Pa
tients whose have been neglected ,
badly treated or pronounced incurable ,
should not fail to write us concerningtheir
symptoms. AH letters receive immediate
And will be mailed FREE to any address
on receipt of one 5J cent ttamp. "practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an
' Essay on Marriage , " with important chap
ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or
gans , the whole forming a valuable medical
treatise which should be read by all young
men. Address ,
DliS. S. & D. DAVIESON ,
17-12 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado.
1707 Olive St..St. L uis , Mo.
Decker Brothers
Notice to Contractors ,
Bids will bo received untl lAprll 14th , for tlio
brick nnd carpenter worn for u foundry build-
Intr. I'luns nnd spccltlcationa nt thu olllco oftho
Piixtoni : Vlnrllnir Iron Works , Union I'nclllo
Hallway nnd South 17th strcot. uTd'Jt
Chicago , Milwaukee &SL Paul B'j '
The Jiest lioute from Omaha and
Council Stuffs to
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun
cil mulls
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapldi ,
Rock Island , Frceport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesvllle ,
Bcloit , Winona , La Crosse ,
And all other Important points East , Northeut
and Southeast.
For through tickets call on the Ticket Affont
atUOl Farnam street , ( In Paxton hotel ) , or at
Union I'aclflo Depot.
ruUman tiloopon and tlio finest Dining Carl
in the world are run on the main lines of the
nnd every attention li paid to passenitcra by
courteoua employea of toe company.
It. MII.I.EU , General Manager.
J , V.Tooin , Aaalstant General Manager.
A. V. It CARrixiKH , Oenfral I'ftmsonKor and
Ticket Ajrent.
G o , U. HBArmnn , As < litant Ooneria Pa *
iengoraod Ticket Ajrent.
J. T. CLABK , Qenvral tiuptrlntcodoiU.
For this week we offer the following :
A splendidly gotten up Spring overcocat , silk faced , for Equal to any tailor made garment to cost $35.
$10 , which cannot' be purchased elsewhere at less than $14 Light and medium weight Suits at $5 , * 7.50 , $9.00 , $10 ,
A fine worsted Spring Overcoat , satin faced , for $12. $12.50 , $14 , $15 , 517.50 , $18 , * 20 , $22.50 and $25 , any of
Equal to any tailor made garment to cost 825. which wo will guarantee cannot bo duplicated elsewhere
A fine worsted Spring Overcoat , satin faced , for $15. for 20 to 30 per cent more money than wo ask.
Before purchasing , a call and an examination would save you money , and we guarantee
fit and complete satisfaction
The New York and Company I
isos F.A. : STREET
Men's and Boys' Clothiers , Furnishers and Hatters.
MATTEIl of application of 1'rcd Ilehcliuer
lor liquor license.
Notice Is licrnliy ilon that I'rod fk'lsclinerdld
unoii thu Olh day or April , .A. 1) . l - < 7.
lllo her npplu-iitlon to tlio inns or mid city
council ot Oniahit , lor license to sell malt , "plrlt-
nous ntul vinous llqiior-i at 315 South
U'wolft St. . 3d wuul , Omulm , Nob. , from the llth
davot April , 18S7 , to tlio 10th day ol April , ISS * .
If thuru bo no objection. romon tr.tnoo or
protest llleclwltliln two weeks from April Oth ,
A. 1) . Hit , the s.ilil licence will botrrantcil.
HIED nr.i.scHNiit ; , Applicant.
J. 11. SOUTH vui ) , City Clerk. 7 11
MATTKH of application of Monnglum & Co.
lor liquor lk'01190.
Notice ishcroliy given that Mouaghan &
Co. ilia upon the Stli day of April , A. U. 1SS7 , fllo
their application to the nnyor mul city council
of Umiihu.lor penult to soil nuilt , spirituous utiil
vinous lliiuora , nt No. 10)J ) Capitol Avenue ,
Third ward , Omnha , No ! ) . , from tin ) llth
dnv of April , 1SS7 , to the 10th day of April.
18H- * .
If there bo no oblcctlon , remonstrance or
prote-t tiled within two weeks Iroui 5th ol April ,
A. 1) . 1H37 , the * .id ! permit will ho grunted.
MOXAGIIAN .V CO. , Applicant.
.1. . PotJTH MID , City Clerk. 7 11
MATTIJn of application of Gust Hudlou" for
liquor license.
Notice U hereby given thnt Oust IttidlolT
illd upon tlio 8th day ot Apiil A. I ) . liJST , llluhis
application to the mayor and t-lty council of
Omaha , tor llceuso to sell malt , spirituous and
vinous llriuors , at Noithctist corner Twenty-
ninth utul Cmnlnr Rticot , Sixth ward , Or.mlm ,
Nob. , from the llth day ot April , 1SS7 , to the
Oth day of April , 1S-W. ,
If thcro be no objection , lomonstranco or
protect Hod ! within two wcclc * trom Apill Oth ,
A. 1) ) . 1337'tho snlil lloonso will bo if rantud.
OUST HU0I.OF1Applicant. .
3. IJ. SOUTH \m > , City ClerK. 7 11
MATTEH of applicationiOf Stors & Her ,
Notice Is hereby given thnt Storz & Her
did upon the Oth day of April , A.U. 17 , lllohH
application to the mayor anil city council of
Omaha , for license to soil tnoll , tpirituoui and
vinous liquors , at No IW'.i ' South Ninth
ptreot. Third warl , Omulm , Nob. , from the
llth day of April , H37 , to tholOth day of Aurll ,
low ,
If there bo no objection. ' romonstrunro or
Pioti-st Illod within two weeks from Apiil ( Jth ,
t\ . I ) , liai , the said license win bo ff ranted.
- STOICUiUlt , Applicant.
J. n. SouinAim , City Clerk. , 7 11
Notice to Contractors.
SUALHD proposals will lie received at the
olllco of the sccretaiy of the Hoard or Kdu-
cation ot the School Ulstiict of Omulm , in the
county of Douglas , In the state of Nebraska ,
until 1 o'clock p. in. Monday , April llth , 18S7 ,
lor the cruction of a two-story twclvo-room
brick school building to bo erected on the south
west corner oC-Mli and Webster btreots , in ac
cordance with plans and spoclllcntlons to bo
Been at the ollico of HotLitcnsor , archi
The Hoard reserves the right to reject any or
all bids.
fly order oftho Hoard of Education.
mttdSOt OHAKU5S CONOYlUt , Secretary.
Notice to Property Owners and Lessees-
I N pursuance of Ordinance No. 12B7 , ordering
paita of oci tain streets paved in I'uvlns
Districts Nos. CO , 01 , IB , B7. Ml , 7- . ' , 7T. 78 , tS.
li" and lUi , In the city ot Omaha , you IHO hereby
notillod to miilio nil necessary connections with
sowerBin and water mains or hiltorals , and to
complete such work on or before May 15th ,
1887 , ns it la tlio purpose to jmvo streets in said
districts , and more particularly described as
follows , vlDavnnport : street , from the west
line of Ifith street to the rnst line of ' . . ' 2nd street ,
in 1'nrlnir District No. ) . Tenth street , from
the north line ot Center street to tlio north line
ot Martha street , in 1'nvlnir Dhtrlct No. 01.
rarnnm street , from the cast line of.'t'th ' sticot
to the center line of ilflth stioct , In r.iviujr Dis
tricts Nos. ( li and 07. Cumins street , from the
east Ilnonf iUml street toUJth atrect.ln Pavlnjf
District No. 63. 21th street , fiom the south line
of Seward street to the south line of I'atrieK
avenue , in Paving District No. fin. Mason street
troiu the west line of 10th Btreet to the
line of llth street , In 1'avinit District No. " - ' .
llth stieotlrom tlio north line of Capitol nvonuo
to the < outh line of Davenport street in I'nvlnir
District No. 70. 1-th street from the north line
o { Capitol avenue to the south line nt' Duvon-
port street in Pnvlnir District No. 77. Kith street
trom the north line of Capitol nvonuo to the
bouth line of Davenport street. In Pnvlnir DIs-
trlctNp. 78loth street from the south line ol
Howard street to the south line of Leaven-
worth street in PavliiR District No. K > . 7th street
from the north line of Jackson street to the
south line of Loavonworth street. In Paving
District No. 97 , Chicago street from the west
line of 10th stveetto the east line of 'JOth street
In P.wlnji District No. 10" .
No permits for excavations or connections
will bo Issued to nuy property owneiB or Icssocs
on uuy portion of said streets after the irrndlnir
hnsbeon commenced by paving contractors to
put the streets In shape tor paving , and until
such pavliitf Is completed and accented by the
city. J. K. HOUSE.
Chairman Hoard of Public Works.
upr C-7-0-11-13-15-17-HV81
Probate Notice. "
IN the matter of the estnto of Jacob C. Jacob-
Bon , deceuiod.
Notice Is hereby Klvon.tlmt the creditors of
Bald docoatcd will meet the administratrix of
said ostnto bolero mo , county JmUu ( it Douglas
county , Nebraskaat the county court toom. In
said county , on the 4th day of June , 18.S7 , on
the 4th day of August , 1SS7 , and on the 4th day
of October , 18H7 , ut 10 o'clock n. m. each day
for the purpose of presenting their claims lor
uxamlniitlon , adjustment and. allowance. Six
month * nio allowed lor creditors to present
tlioir claims , and ono ye < ir fonitio administratrix
to settle said estate , trom tlU4thday ) of April ,
18,17 , this notice will l > o published In the Omaha
Dally Ileo once each wccfk for four weeks
successively , prior to the 4thwy of Juno , I b7 , .
J. H. McCUM.ooilCounty Judge.
nprl fjl t-Sl-as
Notice to Contractors ,
SEALED proposals nro mvlvcd foroxcnvntlnff
the lot on the northeast corner of Fariiam
iind Seventeenth streets , Omtthn , Nob. , for the
Novr York Lllo Ingurunco company , to bo sent
Immediately to
W.T. DOOTlUKso. ,
aiullroadwoy ,
' New Yprk City.
The amount of oxcavntlon will bo approxi
mately 17.HOO cnhlo yards , Suit ! proposals will
state prices per cublo ynrfl 'for cellars nnd
trenches , respectively , and tlio'tlmo ' nocoasary
to complete thn work. The right Is reserved to
reject any or all bids. . tiOdSt
H. (
Notice to Contractors.
SEALED proposals will be received at the
pitieeof the secretary of the Board of Edu
cation of the School District of Omahn. In the
county of Douglas. In the stuto of Nebraska ,
until 4 o'clock p. m. Monday , April llth. 1M7 ,
for the oroctlon of a two-story 16-roora brick
school building to bo erected on tro high school
ground , nnd also for the oroctlon of a two-story
plgbt-room brick school building to bo erected
In Omahn View , in accordance with plans nnd
spoeillcntlons to bo seen ut the office of F. M.
Kills , architect.
The Hoard reserves the right to reject any or
ull bids.
Ilr order of the Board of Education.
ml7d0t CIIAULE3 CONOVEB , Secretary.
rpnE Nortolk Btreet railway will receive prc-
- - posala for the Immediate construction and
equipment of ono and one half miles of street
railway in the city of Norfolk , Nebraska. Pro
posals received at the office of the secretary of
company m Norfolk , Nebraska , until the mil
day of April , 1B3T. II. C. BUOME ,
prTtoSS , Secretary.
Lies just south Of Hanscom Parkonly 2 miles from the court house ,
on high and sightly ground. 176 beautiful residence lots.
Events shaping _ . - that will make these lots an investment
Buy Lots to , but one
You will Pay $1,800 ,
$2,500 for Them
Ten months ago we told you there was big money in SOUTH OMAHA
property. You were skeptical and waited , and what did you miss ?
Some people say , "Oh ! its all luck , this making money. " Luck to the
dogs. Its'
These are the elements that goto make up the sum of prosperity. Tak
a square look at the case of Thomason & G-oos' addition , who own
the 600 acres adjoining it on the south.
Who , without any further eifort , could peddle it out in the next two
years for ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Do you suppose they are Idiots
enough to do this ? . No ! They will either build or subscribe to A
CABLE LINE and realize three millions from it.
to yourselves , do a little investigating and figuring and you will see
that there are the "Greatest Bargains on Earth , in lots in this "Key to
Omaha and South Omaha. Remember , that this is no washings of the
Missouri River , nor farm lands diverted from their natural uses , years
too soon , but choice suburban residence property , situated on the
everlasting Hills , midway between two cities , that are last closing in
to one solid , mighty metropolis.
harmacy Building , South Omaha and 1509 Farnam , Telephone 73 "SI
$3 SHOE.
Btjllsh , Durablo. Easy Klttlns.
The best gJ M < oo in tlio World.
W. 1. . UOUOI Afl
$ &eASH9I
tlaoU by other linns.
SIIOI ! FOIl HOYS plvci neat tatUfactlnn. All
thunluivuiip ] undo In ISnttou , CnngrpFS mill I.1P ,
Hll Bt ylin of toe. Sold by 2,000 dealers tlioiiKliniit tlio
U. H. If your clcilcr iloi-i lint Iteeii them , Eciul nanio
on postal to W. L. IHUHil.AS , hmcliton , Mass.
uiisoruimloui dealers nro otlcrlni ; other ( 'oods an
mine , and when asked why my stump U nut , on tlio
tilers , ,1 that I liavu ilincontlniUMl lt use. THIS
I > * I'WIjSIl. ' Take nouo represented ton the
" \V. L. Douglas Shoes , " unless iinin < > , warrnntoo
nnd iirlni ur stui ii 'd on bottom of eack
Idioo. M' . 1. . DOUnLAS , llrocktuu , Blass.
For sale by Kclley , Stiper & Co. , cor.
Doilfro nnil ifitli-stH. ; Hoiiry Sargent *
cor. Sowuril a nil SaumlorH sta.
The ONLY CORSET raado h t can Do returned
br U purchaser after TIIKIIK WJCKIt'a
WEAK If not found
la every respect , and Its price refunded br i 1lsr.
Made In a variety of styles and prices. Hold br tlrst *
dan dealers everywhere. Roware of woilhlotI Imi
tations. None genuine without lull's Damn on box.
> . * O8 .Uroadws > r , N * r York.
Lawrence Ostrom & Co.
Is Death to
Consumption ,
Malaria , Sleeplessness ,
Chills and POVOM Or Insomnia , anil
TyphoM Feyer , Dissimulation ,
Indigoatiou , 01 Food ,
Dyspepsia , Ten Years Old ,
Surgical Fevers No Fusel Oil ,
Blood rolsoulog Absolutely Puro.
This will certify that I have examined the Belle of Bourbon Whisky , received from
Lawrence Ostrum & Co. , and found the tame to be perfectly iree from Fusel Oil and
other deleterious iubstanccs and strictly pure I cheerfully recommend the same for
I'amily use and Medicinal purposes.
J. P. BARNUM , M. D. , Analytical Chemist , Louisville , Ky.
For tale by druggists , wine merchants and grocers everywhere. Price $ J,25 per bottle
If not found at the above , half-doz. bottles in plain boxes will be sent to ny address
n the United States on the receipt of six dollars. Kxnreu paid to all places cait of
Missouri River. .
LAWRENCE OSTROM & Co. Louisville , Ky
Wholesale and Distributing Agents ,
JtJCnAItnSOlf DltUO CO. , and )
KILKY d > DILLON" , Wholesale Liquor Dealers , \Otnaha. \
FamUiesupplied bu aLADS'LONK 11ROS. < QCO. , Omaha.
n T , CLARK mwa co. .