Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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TERMS or nuiiftcnirnotti
Dnlljr ( Mornlnif ttdltlnn ) Including Hundnr
UK * . Olio Vour . . . $ IOKM
For Six Months . f , W )
For Tlirco Month * . S M
The Omfthit Hundny licit , tnalloa to nnjr
, Ouo Ytmr. . , . 509
OMAHA orrirc. No. PH AMU wi FA VAH
NBIV VOIIK orrtcr , UOOM ra , Tmni'Nr. HtMt.niMi.
All communication * relating to news mid ml I-
torliil inattor nliould t > ad'lrouotl to tUo Km-
Ton or TUB lir.K.
All but ( now loltflrs unit romlttuncm ihoilld b
Ullll-tlSMJll to TUB HltK I'UMI.IMItMl COMI'ANV ,
OMAHA. Drafts , checks and poilolflcu orders
to bo made payable to tbaordtrof tliooonipauy ,
E. HOSEWATEIl. Entron.
Sworn Rfatninent of Gironlatton.
Stale ot Nebraska , )
. .
County of Douglas. )
Oro. li. Tzschuck , secretary of Tlio lire
Publishing company , tines solemnly swear
Mint the actual circulation of tlm Dally Uco
lor the week emllnu April 1st , 1837 ,
follows :
Bnltml V.Mar.2rt H.O.TO
Bimdav.Mar. 27 13.C.V )
jHomla'y , Mar. 'W 1 ltt
Ttiwtlny , Jlar.- . . 14.fi0.r
Wednesday..Mar..TO M. r ,
Thursday , Mar. 31 M5 ! '
Friday , April 1
Average ' . 14.107
Subscribed nnd sworn tobufoiomo tlilad
day of Ajnll A. D. , 1B37.
N. I' . KKII. .
[ SKA 1,1 .Notarv Public.
( Sco. U. Tzsclmclc , hnlnc limt duly sworn ,
deposes mid ayn tliat liu In secretary of Tlio
JU > o rubll.shliiirouitmny , that the actual nv-
crnco d.illv circulation of tiio Dally JJce for
tin1 mouth of Maich , 18SO , nf > 37 copies ; for
April. 18W1,12,1111 copies : fortor May , ISM , 12 ,
4.1 ! ) copies ; for . /lino. IbbO , 1S.BU8 copier for
July , 18SO , 12,314 , copies ; for Atieust , 18bO.
12,401 copies ; for September. IBM ! . 13oxi :
copies ; for October. 1BSO , rj.oti' ' , ) copies ; for
November , 1Kb * ! , WM8 , ! copies ; tor December.
ISSi ) . 18.237 copies ; for January. 1887 , 10'JGO ,
copies ; for Kobrunry , 18W7 , 11'iN ( copies.
Oio. : n. Tzpcirucn.
hubgcrlbcdand sworn to before mo this Oth
day of .March , A. I ) . 18S7.
ISKAL.I N. 1' . KKII. . Notary Public.
Tin : people of Suhnylor vindicated
themselves by keeping Mr. Russell the
traitor and spy out of ollico.
( AS fNSW.CTOIl GlMIKKT g'lVCS U Otlt 118
ft fro/.nn fact that water gas cryslalizes
into chunks of ion during every bli/.zard.
Tin : cnntnil committees of both parties
will hayo to follow suit and extend their
city limits from .South Omaha tp Florence
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IP some "grout family paper" should
offer pmo for the best fiction "The
Story of n Doom" Kansas City editors
would provo the lucky competitors.
AKIIOK day comes along iu a.short time ,
nnd it should bo remembered that the
man who makes two trees grow where
but one grow before is u benefactor.
\Vr. have had no rain since the last
election , and a good many of the politi
cal laboring men who hold down the
iron railings around Itayd's opera house
are grilling awful dr'y.
"ANOTiir.u war cloud has begun , lo ob-
BCtire Ihc sky of Europe , " says a brief
cablegram. It has boon noticeable for a
Jong tlmo past that all these war clouds
liavo a silver lining.
THE dispatches from Washington nii-
nounco that an effort will bo made to
suppress liquor selling in that city on
Snnday. And congress has adjourned.
This seems like locking the stable after
the horse ic gone.
MIC. BLAIXI : in his St. Louis speech
suggested that Missouri should erect a
monument to Thomas Jefferson. What
is the matter with Senator George Vest.
In a great many things ho is menu
EX-GOVIUNOI : : ST. Joit.v , of Kansas ,
gvlng his opinion recently of the high-
license question , said : "The whole sys
tem is a fraud nnd a sham. " It maybe
well to say if what ho thinks is true , the
saintly St. John" Is a whole Hconso pys-
torn by himself.
Ii' a man publishes a libel in the state
of Nebraska , without justification , his
chances are good to go to the peniten
tiary. Hut an army of men can circulate
slanders on an honest man and as long as
they only circulate thorn by word of
mouth no penalty can bo imposed.
WOMAN suffrage is a success down in
Kansas. A woman in a Kansas town was
elected constable. She is unmarried ,
yet beautiful. And it is wondered if a
man tilled with love could pour out his
soul by whispering soft nothings to a con
stable. It is feared that the fair lady has
climbed the giddy heights of fame only
to find them cold.
THE town lot booming in the south is
not much different from the same busi
ness in the north. A southern paper
flays that when a stranger remarked to a
citizen that ho saw they wore plowing for
corn the natiro uxolaimcd : "Man alive ,
them ain't corn furrows over thar. They
air streets and this hero is a city. You air
now on the corner of Commercial and
Emporium streets , and not in the check
of a corn row as you mought suppose , "
This oven beats the Dcorliold boom.
A HOY named Joseph Johnson , aged
fourteen , was arrested and taken to the
New York police court , charged with
stealing a small stove wilh a bright fire
burning in it , from a dock watchman's
hut during the laltor's absence. TJils
beats the record of any Nebraska legisla
tor. IJut through respect to the boy's
paronU It is but just to say the Nebraska
state house was heated by steam , and no
red hot stoves wore handy the day the
statesmen adjourned ,
EX-SEKATOK VANWYCK , as u member
of the Nebraska legislature exposed
bolter Gore's state printing steals. Evci
siKOO that the Lincoln Journal has been
relentless in its warfare against Vaiv
Wyr-lc. It assaulted the old soldier's re
publicanism and threatened to boat Mm
with ii democrat. K. P. Koggen made
it Impossible for ( inro to continue In his
state printing sloala , and as a republican
candidate for mayor of the capital city ,
the Lincoln Journal elected a democratic
mayor by lampooning the ex-sccrctarj
of stato. Hoggou is an old soldier , bul
his republicanism ! .s not good enough for
Ck'ro. Hero is consistent party loyalty
with a
il' _ JiJKiftfc -
An Irrltnblo Wnr Minister.
Tho.jnllitary cslabllshmcnt of this gov
ernment U ordinarily the most peaceable
department of the public sorvlo o , so far
ns popular observation can discern. It
may have its Internal jars and frictions ,
but generally they are not permitted to
become public property. When the
present sccrclary of war was named , the
selection appeared to bo entirely con
sonant with the commonly conceived
character of the service. Ho was repre
sented to be a quiet , retiring gentleman ,
eminently perfect In disposition , and of
course without the slightest knowledge
of or taste for military affairs. Such a
man , it was thought , was just the person
to carry on smoothly the routine of the
war department.
Tlio description has been verified only
in part. Mr. Endicott has been in a way
retiring. He has studiously kept him
self away from the public. According to
trustworthy report a great deal of his
ollicial work has been performed in his
homo , where he could bo trco from the
intrusion of the outside. This practlco
hai had ils annoyances and embarrass-
men Is for those who had business
with Hie war department which it
was necessary to bring to the secre
tary's attention. It is said the presi
dent has referred to il with displ ensure.
The newspapers have commented on it.
IJut the desire of Mr. Endicott for re
serve in tills respect is so strong as to
have resisted all these influences. At
the department , during the little lime ho
spends llioro , access to him is very dlfli-
cult. The caller must run the gauntlet
of a messenger who seems to bo in full
sympathy with tiio secretary , and who is
kept on guard at the oulcr portals un
doubtedly for the reason that ho is "a
gruff , pretentious and most uncivil crea
ture. " lie is a particularly fortunate
person who gets an audience with the
war sccrclary.
Hut this quality of reserve extends only
to the protection of tiio person of the
secretary. It doesn't reach to his ollicial
acts or deter him from making himself
unpleasantly conspicuous to those who
In any way traverse what ho deems to be
lis lines of authority. Ho has had sev
eral differences with General Sheridan ,
duo to his interference with what the lat
ter considered his functions. One oc
curred early in the now administration ,
when in pursuance of a change in the
rule concerning details , which did not
except oven the headquarters from its
operation , General Shei'idan found him
self obliged to remove some members of
his stall' . Another related to the direct
issue of orders from the war de
partment olliccrs on duty over when the
lieutenant general considered that his
position as head of the army gave him
control. The recent case of Colonel Gib
son , In which that ollicor was called to
account by the secretary of war for al
leged derelictions was u rather marked
instance of the friction between the head
of the war department and the head of
the army. The most notable example of
Mr. Kndicott's ability to assort himself
was in designating the adjutant general
instead of the lieutenant general t > f the
army as acting secretary of war. This
exceptional and immilitary act was as
nearly as possible a direct challenge to
Our Washington d ( patches now report
the secretary of war in another conten
tion. The second comptroller of the
treasury , Mr. Maynard , now assistant
secretary of the treasury , having dis
allowed the mileage accounts of several
military ollicors while traveling abroad ,
the secretary of war demands that the
accounts bo referred to the court ol
claims. Mr. Maynard replied saying
substantially that the treasury was en
tirely satisfied with its position , and if
thn secretary had any doubts as to th o
correctness of his own views an appeal
to the court might bo of value to
him. The result , however , could not af
fect the past-or control the future action
of the treasury department on the ques
tion in issue. There is very likely to bo
some further interesting developments
from this difference. Meanwhile the
popular impression of the secretary ol
war Is not growing more favorable. The
qualities ho has disclosed arc not such as
the people admire or value in a public !
ollicial. . The administration would not
lose in popularity If ( t wore rid of Mr.
Ilio Anti-Gnmbllni ;
Now that Governor Thaycr has ap
proved the anti-gambling bill , it may be
timely to explain its effect. The present
law against gambling simply makes
the keeping of gambling houses
or the business of gambling
a mlsdumoanor , punishable at the dls
crotion of the court by line or imprison
ment in the county jail. In Omaha
thcro is also a city ordinance agains
gambling to tiio same effect. Arrests
under those laws and ordinances have
from time to time been made and in
some Instances , notably that of the late
William Jones , alias Canada 15111 , gamblers -
blors Imvo been jailed for a short time
Hut they have nearly always managed
to escape the prison penalty under loga
technicalities by appeals to the higher
courts. In Omaha and in Lincoln public
gambling has for years been toloratoi
by the authorities and treated like the
social evil. The keepers of public
gambling houses call at the police cour
once a month , plead guilty of a violatloi
of the ordinance and pay a nominal line
Gambling being illegal , the losses at the
( raining table arc debts which wore not
collectable in a court of justice under existing
isting law. Under the now law public
gambling is made a felony , punishable
by iines and imprisonment in the
penitentiary. This will necessarily
do away with the existing system. No
gambler will dare go before ttio police
court to plead guilty of n crime which
would scud him to the penitentiary
When the city derives no revenue from
tins class of tolerated offenses , the police
will enforce the law against public
gambling unless indeed the cniof of po
lice and his subordinates should go into
collusion with the gamblers. This is no
nt all likely to happen , except whore
gambling may be carried on under cove
in some private room.
But quite apart from the severe
penalty which the new law 1m
poses upon professional gambling them i
a provision In the now law which wll
make the carrying on of suoh business
extra hazardous. This clause rends a
follows ; "Any person or persons wht
snail lose any property or money In n
gambling house or other place , either a
cards or by moans of any other gambling
device or game of hazard of any kind
uch person , the wlfo or guardian of
uch , his heirs , local representatives or
creditors , shall have Ihc right to recover
ho money or the amount thereof , or the
property or the value thereof , in a civil
action , and may sue each or all persons
wrlieipaling in the game , and may join
ho keeper of the gambling house or
other place in the same action , who shall
> o jointly nnd severally liable for any
money or property lost In any game
or through any gambling device
of any kind , and no title shall pass to
said property or money , and in an action
o recover Hie same no evidence shall be
required as to the specific kind or dcnom-
nallon of money , but only as to the
amount so lost. "
With such a stringent law public gam-
jling houses cannot flourish in this slate
oven where the authorities arc inclined to
tolerate the practice.
Something In a Name.
The lamentable ignorance of some
caslern newspaper men cannot be better
shown than by copying the following
paragraph from the Jersey City Journal. .
Iho people of the west of course know
that Nebraska was mistaken for Nevada :
The state of Nebraska Is steadily losing Its
population , and Its volume of business Is dc-
creaslnp , anil it Is In danger of dying of dry
rot. It Is dllllcult to get money enough In
taxes to earry on the state covernmciit ; the
legislature has just passed an act authorizing
i htato lottery scheme for the purpose of rais
ing rash , and Having the .state from bank
ruptcy. This Is a prfltty bad showing for a
sovereign state. It Is now evident that
Nebraska never could have been made a
state , but everybody thought when It was
done that n great future was before tiio com
monwealth ; which shows how greatly at
fault men may bo In thnlr judgment. It Is a
singular fact that them Is no constitutional
or legal way provided for remanding a state
back to a territorial condition. The makers
of the federal constitution never tlioucht of
such a contingency an a state desiring to get
rid of Its statehood I
This item is going the rounds of all
caslern exchanges. The scissors editor
of Iho Cleveland Leader is the last man
to reproduce it as a serious matter. The
fact that Nebraska numbers nearly a
million people , and her population is in
creasing at the rate of JJOO per day the
year round , and building about three
miles of railroad each day of the week ;
that she Is building new tqwns and cities
in every nook of what was formerly the
great American desert , goes for nothing.
The Now Jersey editor must either bean
an ignoramus or a very poor penman.
The Salvation Nuisance.
The great hue and cry raised about the
persecution of the Salvation army is
sentimental moonshine. The army has
been allowed lo go on from bad to worse
in this city until it had become a public
nuisance. It has reclaimed nobody from
vice in this world , and whatever
It may claim to have done for the
salvation of the souls of the hoodlums
who constitulo a largo body of its escort
through the streets , it is not visible to
the naked eye. Omaha is not the first
city in America whore the police have
been compelled to disperse and arrest
the so-called army of salvation. It had
to bo done in nearly all the
largo cities , and the action of
the police mot the approval
ol the best people of all creeds and
classes. The right to worship is one
thing and the right to run riot with noise
and disorder is another. The tact that
the Salvationists defied the police and re
fused to obey their request to quietly d is-
perse , justified the police oflicers in taking
them to the station. Their prompt re
lease by the police court shows that there
is no disposition to persecute them. II
they insist on making martyrs of them
selves , they arc entitled to no sympathy
and will receive none.
No rtoodlor Methods.
Wo are informed that at least one il
not several of the architects who are
competing for the proposed Douglas
county hospital are resorting to methods
calculated to throw n suspicion of cor
ruption upon Iho commissioners. Frank
Walters , a nolorious boodlor , has , wo
are told , been engaged to inllunco one ol
the commissioners , over whom ho
claims to have control. Other profes
sional boodlors are said to be
very much interested in the adoption
of certain plans. Now wo hope that the
commissioners willoffcotually put an end
to such scandal. Any architect who
would employ Frank Walters or a man oi
that stamp to influence the action of the
county board , should be barred out , oven
if he has the best plans. The construc
tion of public biddings concerns all tax
payers , and an effort to introduce cor
rupt methods should bo promptly re-
tienlod and stamped out.
Iitlo Talk.
The railroad racket which for the mo
mcnt seems to divide the Omaha news
paper combine is interesting mainly
ns it foreshadows the policy of the par
tics and influences by which those papers
are controlled. Up to the present
thcro is really nothing to debate , and in
the language of Old Abe , wo
"do not propose to attempt the
crossing of Fox Hivor until wo
got to it. " When the Milwaukee reader
or rather the Nebraska Central , comes
forward with a square , business-like
proposition for : i subsidy , coupled wilh
guarantees of bridging the Missouri am
constructing its proposed extension , we
will bo in position to say whether or no
the people of Douglas county can afford
to vote Iho amount ot bonds asked to
aid the onlorpriso. There Is nolhlng
before the house yet , and therefore wo
see talk about.
Tur.iiE is some doubt as to whom the
legislature intended to compliment ant
immortalizeby creating Chase county.
The natural presumption is that Ohio.'a
great ntatesrnan , Salmon P. Chase was. .
the man. Tliero are other men uy the
same name vain enough to imagine that
the legislature had them in its mind's
eye. Everybody knows whom Sowari
county was named after , but an ox-oity
marshal of Omaha might , if lie is vain
enough , take it into his head that ho is
the man. Every follow by the name o
Drown may pride himself on the fac
that he had been highly complimontot
when Brown county was carved onto :
Holt county. *
MAYOU Horn is not n candidate for re
election in a political sense , but ho is
willing to accommodate Pat Ford and
others of his friends who run the demo
cratlo tuacldno. Mr. Boyd is also willing
to servo the "citizens" of Omaha who
-eld that hurried and unanimous inaca
meeting at the Vcadomy of Music two
years ago. * j
THE gambling bill goes into cf-
cct on the 4M of July , amid the
booming of artillery , the fizz of the fire
cracker nnd the ascension of sky-rockets
ami fire balloons. The Inlo judiciary
committee boodlers will deliver appro-
) riate oralious explaining how they
passed the bill.
Tire naming of counties after promi
nent living politicians is a questionable
custom at best , b'ut when the legislature
chooses ] to pcntQtualo the name of a
a man who is connected with the crimi
nal practices of the railroad lobby , it is
an insult to the moral sentiment of the
Oim foreign export of wheat shows a
Ino increase. It Is a pity that , just as we
have outlived the depression , the Euro
pean countries should begin to put duties
on our offerings. America must adopt
rctalitory tactics.
WHO wants to bo comptroller of
[ ) maha ? Tliero will bo a fine opening
for a first-class accountant and business
man after May ! 1. For further particu
lars address the respective ward bosses.
IT is rather suggestive that Iho ninety
days fixed by llio constitution for all bills
that are passed without the emergency
clause , will , as in the case of the anti-gam
bling law , expire on the 4th of July.
Nel > rnnkn .lotting ? .
Fairmont cries out for a brick yard.
Railroad passes are now a foot long.
Tim school census gives Nebraska City
a population of II.UIO.
lion. J. Sterling Morton is booked for
an address at the stale university on
Arbor day.
Albion and Hoono county have issued a
tasty vest pocket pamphlet , illuminating
the advantages of the country.
Nebraska City has received the joyful
assuramo that Missouri Pacific trains
will btop in that town twenty minutes for
Burglars in various parts of the state
have combined with the railroads in
making the long and short haul odious
to the victims.
A very handsome specimen of petrifac
tion is on exhibition in a show window
in Fremont. Il is a fragment of the dem
ocratic ; ticket , lately deceased.
Prohibition made few gains in the mu
nicipal elections in ttio state , while a
dozen to\Vns returned to license and reg
ulation , preferring that to the drug store
The HeatricoCultivalor company , cap
ital ! ? 4U,000 , has filed articles of incor
poration. The Dempster Windmill com-
jwny will supply llio necessary plant ,
which places the success of the enter
prise beyond the province of a doubt.
Wymore is being boomed as the "Un
rivalled Magic City of the stato. " Pro
gress is painted on the battlcmenls of Iho
town , and real estate guarantees tin per
cent more in a year. I'o these advant
ages may be added "magnificent land
scapes and lovely sunsets. "
Tlio St. Joseph & Grand Island railway
has let the first contract for its Denver
line , which will start west from the main
line of the St. Joseph & Grand Island
road at Fail-field , Nebraska. The con
tract let was for eighty-live miles , the dis
tance between Fairlicld and Alma , and
work upon it will bo commenced at once.
Blue Hill comes , , lo the front with
figures to show that in business and
building vitality the town has no equal
in the stale , ago and population con
sidered. This is a broad claim , and
must stand until controvorled. The
town has a population of 1,000 , has three
railroads and three banks , good business
houses and comfortable residences , and
in the midst of n rich and cultivated
farming country. During the week end
ing March 31 eighty-five cars of stock
and grain were shipped from the town.
The freight charges on this amounted to
$10,000. , Any town anxious for the pen
nant will bring forward "persons and
papers. "
The exposure of the Bcalrico Mutual
Lifo insurance fraud by the BKE a few
weeks ago , was endorsed by the state
auditor , of Colorado , who investigaled
thn concern and reported to the legis-
laluro that while the company in its poli
cies docs not agree to pay a definite
amount to the beneficiary , only what the
assessment will yield , but the agent of
the company represents to the people
that Uioy will receive stated amounts.
"As a matter of fact , " says the auditor ,
"the company does not agree to give the
staled amount , as represented by the
agent , so that the policy holders , though
they get what is normally stipulated in
the contract , do not get what they are
led to expect. "
Iowa Items.
Ottnmwacoal mines are being operated
on halt time.
DavunpOrt has 211,100 tons of ice laid
up for the sultry days.
The annual stale convention of the
Irish National League of Iowa will beheld
held at Ottumwa on the 27th inst.
The fifth annual meeting of the Anni
versary association of the Independent
Order of Odd Follows of central Iowa
will bo held at DCS Moincs on the i Uth
A hitherto respectable young girl ol
Keokuk won arrested on tiio evening of
the 4th inst. for dressing in male attire.
She was discovered by an ollicor in a
Gcorgo Atwaler , aged seventeen , and
Waller Freeman , aged twelve , were
found dead drunk Saturday nijjht in
Hamilton where they reside. Young
Freeman was found near the railroad
track , and the liquor ho drank came near
producing death. It was necessary to
use restoratives.
City legislation at ifoissouri Valley was
suddenly brought to aicioso on Tuesday
evening. Just after tile city council had
bpen called lo order , ; i conslablo from
Logan appeared audi arrested Mayor
Seaton and three members of the council
on a warrant sworn mil by one Smith , on
ii charge of falsely iis umingto bo olliccrs
under the board of hbalth rules. The
trouble grew out of a , < iltlo quarrel between -
twoon two citizens ovcu a hog-pen , and is
purely spite work. '
Utah nnil Jlitalio.
A board of trade hajs'bucn organized in
Salt Lake City. . f i
The banks of Salt Ijato handled nearly
$1,0011,000 in bullionIho , last half of
March. < n
The Stem Winder , one of the Hunker
Hill group in Cuuir d'Alone , was sold this
week for $30,000 to Portland men.
W. A. Douglas , a wealthy railroad con
tractor from Leadvillo , dicd , of apoplexy
in the baths at Heck's hot springs last
The champion boxer of Wardnor ,
Idaho , offers to knock out any ton men in
the town one after the other without in
termission who care to stand before him
or forfeit (50.
Last week's local mineral shipments
from Salt Lake were 10 oars bullion ,
410,703 Ibs.j 89 cars silver and load ore ,
802,100 Ibs. ; 10 cars copper ore , 874.JOO.j ! 3
curs common loud. 1)7,023 ) Jus. ; total 07
cars , 1,020,707 Ibs.
A petition is on foot asking congress to
create a now territory with northern
Idaho , joined to that portion of Washington -
ton territory having the Snake river for
the southern boundry line and the Co
lumbia nnd Okinakano rivers ou the
west , to bo called Columbia.
The I'aclfla Conflt.
Thirty-three hotels are bciug built In
Los Angeles county.
The completed census of San Diego
shows a population of 11,307 ,
Licorice culture is quite an industry at
Florin , in Sacramento county , and is
proving quite a profitable business.
A San Francisco policeman , whoso car
was chewed off by a hoodlum , was offered
$590 to drop Iho prosecution. Ho actu
ally refused it.
Wheeler's peak , 14,03(5 , ( feet above the
level of the sea , is the highest point in
Nevada. There are twenty-seven peaks
in this state over 10,000 feet in height.
A rich sliver ledge has been discovered
in the Santa Hosa range , near Los An
geles. It is said the ledge is five feet
thick and extends eight to ten miles. An
eighteen-foot shaft exposes black car
A crank threatened lo visit San Fran
cisco with a terrible earthquake unless
he was paid f 10,000,000. Ho calls him
self the "Vicc-Kegent of Iho Lord. " On
Wednesday the "Vleo-Kcgont" sub-
milled his last demand , written In red
ink , in which he declared thai ho would
temporize no longer , and if the $ 10,000-
000 was not forthcoming in twenty-four
hours ho would shy an earthquake under
the peninsula. _
Graphic Description or n Hanging in
New Mexico.
In Macmillian's Magazine Mr. A. II.
Paterson tells an cxciiing lalo of a typi
cal lynching case in which he himself
took an active part , some years since. He
fixes the scene of action at Toros
New Mexico , but warns us that this
name is fictitious , as well as those of the
citizens to whom ho introduces us.
Shortly after 5 o'clocjc on a sultry July
morning , the jury , which had been engaged -
gaged all day in the court house of Toros
City trying a criminal case of consider
able interest , adjourned lo a private
room in the hotel or tavern hnrd by tor
refreshments. The foreman then pro
ceeded to "business. "Gentlemen of the
jury , lie began , "I understand you to bo
unanimously of the opinion that Sam
Cobbott and Jim Grohc , accused by Tom
Hanson of the murder of bis brother Ed
ward , arc " ' 'Not guilty. " burst simul
taneously from Iho eleven jurymen ad
dressed by their foreman , who was fairly
taken aback by a verdict directly in the
lecth of the evidence. Nevertheless , he
bowed to the will of the majority , and
when they got back into court , ho
stood ii ) > and faced the people
boldly , giving a verdict of "Not
truiltv" in a loud and emphatic tone.
The foreman's conscience told him that
the verdict was wrong , but it was useless
to light against his eleven colleagues. It
subsequently transpired that they find
the judge had boon bribed by the two
murderers a not uncommon occurrence
when there is money in the hands of the
accused and little in those of the men ap
pointed to try him. Vengeance was not
long in coming , The oldest inhabitant
of the little town was Joseph Cartwright ,
a man universally respected , and an Ulti
mate friend of Edward Hanson , the vic
tim. As Mr. Patcrson walked away from
the court house , amazed and outraged at
Iho verdict , ho fell in wilh Cartwright ,
who had been very kind to him when ho
first struck Toros City , "u raw tender
foot , " some ten years before. "Mr.
Cartwright. " ho asked , "what on earth
does this thing mean ? These men are
guilty. The jury must be mad. " Mr.
Carlwright's answer was pitched in a
very low key , but in a few moments Mr.
Pater.son saw him shaking hands with
Mike Allison , the wildest character of the
settlement , and divined that mischief was
browing. As they approached Cart-
wright's house , the latter invited thorn
both to supper , and they soon found
themselves seated at a long table. Around
it were placed Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright ,
Mr. Paterson , Mike Allison , the des
perado , Tom Hanson , brother of thn mur
dered man , and three other guosts.rancti-
men from the neighborhood. When sup
per was over and Mrs. Cartwright had
loft the room , Tom Hanson rose and ad
dressed "the crowd. " "A week ago , " ho
said , "my brother Edward was shot. To
day two men have been tried for the
murder and acquitted. Now , some say
this is justice : some , say not. There are
folks who believe Cobbct and Grebe
should be hanged. Gentlemen , I want
you to fix this matter as you think right. "
The speaker ended by proposing that
Joseph Cartwright be chosen as judge.
Accepting the responsible post with
much quiet dignity , Cartwright rose and
viewed the evidence given that day in
the court houso. As stated by Cart-
wright in his character of Judge Lynch ,
it told so heavily againt Cobbct and
Grebe thai no doubt of their guilt re
mained in anv mind. Called upon lo
give a verdict of "guilty" or "not
guilly. " Mine Allison rose and said :
"The .pjdgc and jury who acquitted them
were bribed to do it. 1 could got wind of
the amount given to each of them if it
were wanted. I say thcso men are guilty
of murdering Ned Hanson. " The word
"guilty" was repeated by every man at
the table , ana tiio judge rose to pass sen
tence : "I do hereby decree that Sam
Cobbot and Jim Grebe , being guilty
of the murder of Ned Hanson ,
shall die by hanging at 8 o'clock
to-morrow morning ; and I call upon nil
men here present to assist mo at whatever
risk to themselves. This I do in virtue
of my authority as Judge Lynch so help
mo God ! " Taking a small bible irom
his pocket , Cartwright handed it to each
ottholynchors , who kissed it , and then
lay down in the next room until they
were awakened to take part in the grim
business which awaited them with the
dawn. At 2 a. m. a light touch upon Mr.
J'alcrson's shoulder aroused him from
sleep. In the middle of the room was a
.small kcroseno lamp , and close to it a
roll of black calico , from which each
lyncher cut a slip and wound it round
the upper part of his face. This was
done not as a mask , but in order that
Judge Lyneh's executive olllcers might
know each other. Kvory man was armed
with u long knife and a couple of revel
vers. It was arranged that Cartwright ,
Tom Hanson and Mike Allison should
bring out the doomed prisoners from Iho
hotel in which they were sloeping. The
rest of the party , all wearing the ominous
black badge , stood grouped round the
wagon drawn up to the front door. The
owner of the hotel was the man who sat
as judge in the court-house on the pro-
vicua day and acquiesced in the verdict
of "Not guilty. " Ho looked terribly
scared when , in response to Cartwrij/ht's
loud knock , he opened the door ot his
hotel nnd saw the muzzle of a revolver
held close lo his head. "Show ti.s up to
their room , " grimly demanded Cart-
wright. In n tow minutes the doomed
men wore brought forth and placed In
the wagon. Hy that time a considerable
crowd had gathered about. It , anil the
unmasked witnesses of thu dread scene
greatly outnumbered the masked. Close
around the wagon , however , stood thu
lynching party , shoulder to shoulder ,
with gleaming firearms , in grim defi
ance oi inlcrferonce. Slowly the wagon
proceeded down the street until it reached
the spot Wlioro a gibbet had been
erected. There justice was consuin
mated , and a righteous punishment
niotod out to two murderers who would
otherwise have escaped the gallows.
Exposure to rough weather , getting
wet , living in damp localities , are favor
able to the contraction of diseases of the
kidneys and bladder. As a provuiitatlvo ,
and for the cure of all kidney and liver
trouble , use that valuable re m tidy , Dr. J.
H. McLean's Liver and Kidney lialm.
$1.00 per bottle. '
Times When Ho Lost Confidence In
UltimoC ! His A.bsant-Mliiletiic ( * < .
"There was ono peculiar characteris
tic of Mr. Hcecher's that I have not seen
mentioned in the papers , " said tin lull-
mate friend of the great preacher the
ollior day , "and Ihls is his occasional
lack of confidence in himself. Time nnd
again ho has told me that when before
an audience at some public meeting nnd
while waiting his turn to speak he was
almost on the point of getting up and
going out. 'As ( llsteiu'il lo ono and another -
other speaker address Iho meeting,1 ho
used to say , 'I would think , my goodness
I can never make such speeches as those ;
I'd better leave hero al once. ' But when
bo was once on his foot all Ihe.'o feelings
vanished , of course , nnd ho felt complete
ly lit case. Ho was always subject to
those limes of sclf-dcprceialion both in
and out ot the pulpit. When he first
came to Brooklyn , lie used to go around
the back streets just to avoid meeting
people ho might know. He combined
with his wonderful vigor and boldness
the shrinking timidity of a school girl. "
Of Mr. Decoder's absent-mindedness
Dr. Searlo , his physician , told this story :
Mrs. Scarlo was standing at the parlor
window one day when she noticed Mr.
Becchur go up Mr. Raymond's stoop ,
over Iho way , and ring llio bell. Before
il was answered ho came down the steps
and continued on his way up the street.
Seeing Mrs. Soarlo lie crossed over and
with u smile said , "Say , can you tell me
where I um going Ihis uflornoon ? "
"Why , you are going to baplizo Mr.
Howard's child notV"
to-day , are you
"That's It , that's just it , " ho replied ,
"but for the life of me I couldn't recall
the fact. "
"Another instance I recollect , " con-
lined thu doctor , "happened al his house.
I was Ihero at dinner. Major Pond , who
was also present , spoke about n concert
that was to bo held in New York that
evening. Mr. Becchcr paid ho would like
to attend it with him. 'Butyou can't go , '
said Mrs.Hccchur to him'you have an
engagement for to-night.1 'Oh , no , 1
haven't'he rejoined , I um free to-night
and I think I'll go over to the concert. '
While she was trying lo convince him
Hint ho really had .some oilier mailer on
"hand a carriage drove up to take him lo
Hobokcn where he was booked for a lec
ture. "
In reference lo Mr. Becchcr1 s memory ,
Ihc doctor added : "It was marvellously
poor. About the only thing that lie
could remember , ho used lo say , was the of prepositions that govern the ablative -
tivo in Latin. These he could rattle
off like sixty and did so frequently. "
Dramatic Story or Prince Alexander's
Surrender nt Solln.
New York Mail and Express : The re
volution of last summer in Bulgaria ,
which resulted in the kidnapping and
overthrowing of Prince Alexander von
Batlunbcrg , had not been chronicled by
impartial writers up to this date. They
have just been related in a book published
by Dr. Charles lloy , who was employed in
the Bulgarian army as one of tno physi-
ciaiia ot the staff , and who remained at
Sqlia for some months at Ihc battle of
Slivnitza , at which Prince Alexander de
feated the Servian army , The most in
teresting portion of D"r. Hoy's book is
that relating the coup d'etat of August
21 , 18SO. The palace or konak. of the rul
ing Prince of Bulgaria , at the capilal ,
Solia , was surrounded during the nifrht
by three sections of the cadets' company
and by three companies of the third bal-
talion of thu Second regiment. Then the
company of the cadets fired in the air
three rounds with loaded catridgcs.crying
afler each discharge : "Dole Ballon-
" Down with " A
berg ! ( Bullcnbcrgt" )
few minutes elapsed and the
valnt of his highness came down
the yard of the palace , staling
that the prince requested ono of the elli
cors to call on him. The answer was :
"Let the prince come to us. " Without
waiting a minute Major Groueilt and
Captains Dimitrieff and Kavaloff rushed
in the court yard , with ten cadets , hold
ing revolvers in hand , A palace em
ploye renewed the request of the prince ,
to which Major Grouieff answered : "Tell
him that the konak is surrounded , and
that ho shall bo killed if ho docs not pre
sent himself before us within less than
live minutes. " A few minutes later Alex
ander von JJattcnbcrg appeared before
tlie conspirators. He had put on his
uniform and girded on hi ? sword. Major
Grouioll' approached throe steps from
him , the revolver being directed against
the prince's breast , while , upon a signal ,
the cadets surrounded his highness , who
thus found himself a prisoner. Major
Grouioff then said : "Your highness , you
are dethroned , and thn least resistance
on your part would cost your life.1 The
prince , turning towards thn major , said :
"Gromoff , I have always behaved so well
toward you ; I have loved you so much ,
and still " llo could not finish his
sentence , being interrupted by Captain
Dimilrieff , who said : "Prince , this is not
the time for discussing. You must re
nounce the throne for Iho good of the
country. "
" 1 want the happiness of Bulgaria , "
answered Alexander , "ana 1 love Bul
garian people ; bul how is it thai the
ministers' council did not tell me any
thing in regard lo Hie mailer ? Before
Ihis I was ready lo quit the throne , but
now , after such an ignominious proceeding
"That's so , highness ; wn don't know
why they have "not notified you. Wo
love you , but wo also love the Bulgarian
people , who will love you still more if
you will leave Bulgaria as quickly as
possible. We shall bo very gralcful to
you for it. More than that ; if you have
not Hiilllcient moans to live upon wo will
grant you a pension. Prince , the people
and the urmv demand that you sign your
abdication , and you must do it on Ihc
spot. "
"Tho army , too ? " asked hu highness.
"Yes. "
"The people , too , you say ! But who
rcpreso'nls the people hero ? "
"Wo do , " answered Iho officers.
At this moment , it is staled , Captain
Dimifioil , pointing his revolver at the
prince , exclaimed : "Any resistance is
useless. "
" \\horodp you intend lo take mo ? "
asked Alexander.
"To the ministry of war. "
"Lot usgol"
It was then 3 o'clock in the morning.
When the party came out from the pal
ace , the cadets , setting the example ,
shouted again : "Dole Batlenbergl Da-
give Hoiilgarii'Dowii : ( witliBatlonborg !
Long life to Bulgaria ! ) The prince was
taken lo Iho ministry of war , where was
Captain Brnndcroff. On seeing him his
highness said to him : "And you also ,
captain , you bclongto the conspirators ?
Urandoroff answered : ' 'This Is not the
moment for discussion. Lot you kindly
sign this paper. " It was the abdication
ael , written by a military student , in the
following words :
"Perfectly convinced that my person
is an insurmountable obstacle to the de
velopment and wulfaro of the Bulgarian
people , 1 renounce- forever the throne of
Bulgaria. "
The prince took up the sheet of paper
and wrote with a firm hand : "Lot Hid
protect Bulgaria ! " and , without hesita
tion , ho signed : "Alexander. " Then he
wont out without saying a ninglo word ,
nnd followed Major Grouieff to thu car
riage ready to take him away. Groun-ff
invited him to take a saat. Tim prince
obnycd. and Captain Kanlgieffsat by his
fiiiln. In a second carriage were Prince
Fruiicls Joseph , brother of his highness ,
with Captain Zafiroff. Upon a signal of
Major Grouieff , the convoy , composed of
eight other carriages , containing some
officers and cadets , began to move oh. At
this moment , Alexander , turning buck
towards the oflicers and soldiers , cried :
"Sbogom. " ( Farewell. )
The olticcrs and the soldiers shouted !
"Dolo Guormanskyl Dole Batteiiburgl
Dagive Doulgiirinl" ( Down with (5er (
iniin.vI Down wilh Battouburgl Long
live Bulgaria ! )
The detachment accompanying the
prince was under llio dommand of Cap
tain KardgiolV. The departure look
place between 4:80 : nnd 0 o'clock in Iho
morning. They drove Alexander a
prisoner , to llio convent of St. Archan
gel , situated ten miles distant from Sofia ,
in thu mountain. During the trip Alex
ander von Btittcnburg was much cast
down. Ho kept repeating , "Moln Gotl !
Meln Gott ! " ( My Godl My Godl ) A
short stay was made at the convent , nnd
Iho voyage toward the Danube was re
sumed. During the day ot the U'.M , some
peasants declined to let the prince enter
their houses , fearing that his presence
should bring ill luck upon their homes.
On the next dny.tho ' . . ' 3d of last August ,
the olllcers , fearing an attack from the
Plewna regiment , which had not yet
rallied to the new government , hold
council in the forest of Wratzn , nnd it
was agreed thai in case of an altack the
prince should bo killed. Ho was cm-
barked at Kahovo , and not lost sight of
on board Iho boat ; for the ollicors thought
that in his desperation ho might jump Into
the Danube. Ho only accepted H.OOO
francs out of the 5,000 offered him , nnd
lie gave a receiptlaklng also ! J,000 francs
which belonged to him , and 'asking that
the remainder should be deposited in his
name in the Bank of JCngland. Ho
wanted to bo landed nt Pikct , a small
Itoumanlan port , instead of nt the Rus
sian port which had been designated by
the revolutionary government. In order
to please his highness the officers tele
graphed to Major Grouiou" , who
answered from Solia that the prince
iiuisl bo laken lo llio Kussian port of
Kuni , and that they must start immedi
ately. At 0L'0 : on the SJJd the yacht re
sumed its course down the river , nnd
Alexander asked to what place he was
bomg taken. Tho'answor was "lo Glur-
gnwo" in Koumania. But he had a presentiment -
sentiment that ho would bo landed in
Russian territory ; and covering his faro ,
witli his hands , ho cried. During Iho
whole night the yacht ran at full speed.
Its commander feared an attack and it
was again decided that in such a case
the pri'nco should not bo surrendered
alive. On August 25. Alexander von
Battanbonr and his brother were put
ashorn at Keni. The whole plan of the
conspiracy had been ably prepared by
Captain Brandereff , who accomplished t.
the remarkable feat of kidnapping the .
prince in the very midst of his capital ,
and of taking him safely across the 150
miles of the bad country roads to the
Danube river.
American Work Honor Than That of
New York Commercial Advertiser : "To
what extent has diamond cutting been
developed in this country ? " was the query
put by the writer to a leading diamond
merchant on Maiden Lane.
"Well , " was the reply , "as yet it can
hardly be considered as an clement in
our diamond It is , in fact , in
its infancy , and its beginning dates back
scarcely more than fifteen years. I pre
sume there are not 200 persons , at the
most , engaged in this branch of the diamond
mend trade , and they are confined chiolly
to this city and Boston. There but few
foreigners among them , for a largo num
ber of American boy.s have been educa
ted to the trade within recent years.
An apprenticeship is served , 1
think , in about three years.
It is not likely. however , that
the work of polishing and cuttinsr diamonds I
mends will require any snbslanlial'osi- ) )
ticm in this country for many years to
come , mainly because labor is so much
cheaper in Amsterdam , whore whole
families are engaged in the trade.
Whenever the demand for the stones is
lessoned , thcso can and do reduce thu
price to a figure with which it would bo
utterly impossible for Americans to coin-
pale. It would , of course , bo a great ad-
vanlagoif we could bring the diamond
here in its rough state iu large quantities ,
as we would thereby save the duty of 10
per cent , charged on the cut stones. But
: il the present time the quantity of rough
diamonds imported is not nearly suf
ficient to make any appreciable difference -
once in the price , or to inlluonco the
market in any respect.
"There is no doubt about our excell
ency in cutting .stones. Wo have de
veloped a .stylo which , to a certain ox-
lent , sacrifices material in shaping the
stone , but it obtains thereby the brst ef
fect. This is what is most desired. The
credit of the introduction of this now
slylo fa largely duo lo a Boston man ,
who was also the first to instruct Ameri
can bovs in Ihc art of cutting and polish
ing. Wo have also made some improve
ments in machinery , but the best 'laps'
tor polishing diamonds are still Im
ported from Amsterdam.
'Tlio wages paid to diamond-cutters
may bo considered high , and the moro
skilled workmen are paid at so much per
carat in the rough. The workmen must I
have good judgment as to the form in
which the slone will cut Iho best. Some
times a great deal must be cut from thorough
rough stone to got rid of imperfection ,
and again it is preferable to save mate
rial by leaving them. Ills judgment
must decide whether the stone will bo
mom valuable when small without a Haw ,
or when larger with thn flawAs a gen
eral thing there are always imperfec
tions in the rough stone , and the main
thing to bo observed in buying them is
whether the flaw can bo easily orndi-
caled. Our city has not yet attained the
dignity of being a market for rough
stones , nnd wu still go to .Anislcrdam
London and Paris for our supplies.
"Yes , there are more diamonds sold in
this country than over before , bill Iho in
crease of dealers has been in much larger
proportion than that of thn consumers.
Thu demand at present is mostly for small
diamonds for making up into orim
mnnls. " I
KortuKcue lienrna Something.
PUibburg Chronicle : Miss Fortuscno
must have taken buck with her some
queer ideas auont America if she learned
m much at other places as she did at
Piltsburg and Buffalo.
While .seated in her room at thu hotel
hero she srazdd across Iho Monongahcln
river at "thn inclined plant ! by which
Mount Washington is reached nnd ob
served ton newspaper man :
" 1 am ( old that lhi is a toboggan slide.
Is that corrects"
"No indeed " tlm . "
, , was reply. "Somo
one has been imposing on yon. That
was built for the benefit of the lire do-
parlmeiil "
"A hi How is It usodi"
' You see these parallel beams ? "
"Ye.s. "
"Well , the hill Is so sleep that the Cro
engines cannot get tip that track , and
have to bo pulled by human power.
The firemen walk on those parallel
beams , and drag the engine up after
thorn. "
"How interesting. " replied the nctrnss ;
"I wish a lire would breakout now. I'd
so like to seu thorn take an engiuo up. "
At Buffalo she learned something now
about Niagara fulls. She arrived on
Wednesday afternoon , and was anxious
to see the cataract. Her manager was
afraid some unforeseen delay might oc
cur to prevent the lady's return in tiimi
for the evening's performance , nnd ho
said :
"It would bo quite useless for yon to _ eo
to-day. The falls are not vl.Hibln on Wed
' - .
"Indeed ! And why not ? "
"Tlio.v always turn the water elY on
Wednesdays , "
"Hn\v \ uMraordlnary , " responded Mlsn
Forlcscueind : wcrita'way.quilo cutlslied
wilh Uie explanation.