Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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llcports Sliow the Condi I Ion 'ofVlicnt
to He Had.
& \K FnAxrlsfo , April 7. Tllo produce
exchange ; to-tlay publishes' reports from all
the wheat comitlt ; * in California , Ivlnit the
ncttial condition of mowing wheat April 1.
It summarizes the situation as follows : The
acreage seeded to summer tall Is consider-
nbly below the average , hut this part of the
crop Is generally In good condition , nnd with
any rniii will maku n jjood crop. The total
ncreaRCKtcdcd Is below the amount seeded
last year. Late ! ( train , of which there is a
lai < ? amount , is beginning tr suitor for want
of moisture , mid In FOIDO sections h beyond
riMirmDtlon , notably on the \\ost sitlei of ttm
Kan.Ioan.iiln valley , wheie tlmacieaKUSt'edwl
is not ! Jij pur cunt of last year's
area. .From Modesto south the crops
liavo sultcred nnd aru Kcnornlly I" bad condi
tion. The Miiitliorn counties , with thi ! ex
ception of Ventura , me not inconr.iiltif. ! !
Tbo ncreaso In all of them shows mote or
loss of a decicaso and they do not piomlsu to
cut a lariju lijjuru in the yield of wheat this
year. On tin- other hand , they have a lar o
ncrcairu In barley , and with a itoocl sprint ;
will turn out u lame amount of this iraln. ;
liarley on thu \ \ hoi o looks butter than wheat
nnd tlie acru.izo shows an increase ; from last
year. Yesterday's showers were qulto copi
ous In thd northern nnd central part * of thu
ntatt- ' , but It was not then ) they were most
needed. The lain ceaseil at an caily houi
this morning. Sunny weather again ptevalls.
The llnlnvny Mystery.
NF.W Yonic , April 7.-A. man Rave himself
tip to the Brooklyn police jiut before noon
to-day , on Ids own statement that ho wai
the murderer of the unknown dead girl at
llahway , N. J. The man's name Is J. J.
Flatli. Ho Is a barber , and a stranger In
Brooklyn. The police am InvestlKaHnir.
lUriWAY , X. J. . April 7.-Otto Hclslcr , ol
New York , visited the morgue to-day , lie
says hucamo to this country on the steamci
"Westernland , which arrived hero on January
14. Among the passengers on the steamer
was Meria Noorse. a young ( iorman girl , and
her Ir ver , Max Kinder. She was twenty-
three years bid and Kinder several years
older. Sim Imd two dratts , one for Sl.'JOO and
another for SS0. llelsler thought the dead
Kirl wus Miss , but could tiot Identify
the clothing. iN'oorse Is the name worked
on the cilu'o of the hnmlkurcliiot toiina in thu
valise picked up In the river near the scorn
of the murder.
Illootlctl HorscH Crcinatoil.
IT'oiir : , la. , April 7. Jno. Klllen'f
stables In Now Libeity , Scott county , burned
' head of blooded
last nlpht. 'Ihlity-scvcn
horses burned , musing a loss of 850,003 , nu
lusuraiico. The cause of the lireis un-
Sherman'H Tjtttlo Spec.
FI.NDI.AV , O. , April 7. Senator Sherman's
business ngont to-day sold for SoO.OOO prop
erty for which the senator paid 810,000 i
month ago. JL'he ' senator lefuses $1 i,000 foi
100 acres for which lie paid S O.OOO at tht
same time.
Itoot nnd Shoo Jlouao Knlla.
Konroi.ic , Va. , April 7. The wholcsah
boot and shoo house of S. N. Brlukhouse lias
sslgncd. Liabilities , 800,000 , ; assets an
about that amount.
St. Joseph n Reserve City.
WASHINGTON- , April , 7. St. Joseph , Mo.
vras to-day made a national bank reserve
To-night Manager Walton , of thii
theater , takes n bGnclit. A line pro
cram ino will bo p rose n ted. The Puol
Comedy company will give nn cntin
change ofpru rammo , introducing soncs
epccialtios , oto. Mr. Nahan Franko , tin
eminent violinist , will render one of hti
iuiiuilablo .solos. The Second U. S. In
/antry band will appear. A grand pie-
eating match for u prize of $5 will take
place , and us there afoa largo number o
( mtnos it will doubtlsss prove an niter
estinir ovent. Hesnrvod scats may bo ob
tallied nt thu box ollico to-day. There i
already a largo advance sale , and thosi
vrho wish scats should obtain them dur
Ing the d ay , 'as ' there will undoubtedly bi
8 crowded house. Notwithstanding thi
extra attractions prices will remain a
usual , 15 , 25 and H5 cents.
The Hmnnno Society at Work.
The Nebraska Huniann society \voi
their lirst ciisc , in the uolice court yestcr
day afternoon against Peter McLaughlin
a liorsu clipper employed by Kinne ;
Ilros. , charged with cruelty to animals
Gen. J. E. Smith , chairman of the ON
coutivo committee of the Iluniam
Society appeared as prosecutor
The prosecution did not claim that tin
cruelty to'tho animal in question con
aisled in the clipping process but in th
abusive treatment of the horse by Ale
Laughlin who had performed the work
The jury that was asked for by the dc
fcnse was not called as } McLaughlin'
employer did not appear at the cour
room until the case had been called aii :
McLaughlin himself showed nn ineliun
iiou to admit his guilt. After a brief o.\
amination this was done and the cour
Imposed a line of * 10 and costs , whicl
McLaughlin paid. The Humane sooiot ,
propose to enact a vigorous prosccutioi
, against the olVenders of the law
' 'and ordinances protecting dum
Animals. Messrs , Smith , Giffonl
Millnrd and Hell of the oxeciiltv
committee and their agent S. J5. ( Jlarl- -
liavo been appointed by the mayor a
Bpcc.ial policemen and will make It the !
'flpecial business to see that the laws ah
rules of the Humane society arc onforcoc
The Now Dlatrlot JudjiCH.
L. C. UrolVKsq. , of the law linn o
Groll'vSc Montgomery of Omaha , has boo
appointed one of the two additional dit
tnet court judges. Mr. Gro'lV is n mo ;
excellent gonllomun and good lawyc
mid will m'ovo himself the poor , it is be
lloved , of the honorable jiul/ccs / whom I :
will now bo associated with. His a ]
pomtmcnt , while merited , is a hi"
compliment to his cnpahililics as ho ;
yet a young man , not being more tha
thirty-four or live years of age. M
llopowell , of Ulair , a lawyer who is we
and favorably known throughout N <
bmska and who has a long residence i
> hp state to recommend him for famll
arity with the laws , is the other n'
poiutco. _ _
A IMInlitcr IriHldo Jolict.
Rev. Mr. Dawson , of North Hond , nj
poarcd nt the Tenth street M. E. churc
last evening before au audience of uboi
one hundred nnd told them how Jell
pcnitontlary appears to a visitor. 11
description was graphic and intorestin
It did not possess any prictically proli
able features , however , as none of the
who hoard him are over likely to be ab
to prolit by the information.
God's Revolution ,
Rev.V. . \V . Palmer , who delivered
very interesting discourse in the city hs
last Sunday evening , will , at the rcque
ot a number of these who listened , sue ;
tltcro again on Sunday night. His ton
will be , "Revolution of God as it's Givi
in the Scriptures. "
Architects and engineers can And
full supply of instruments , paper at
tracing cloth , at U. 1 < . Goodman's , 11
Faruam st.
The South Oraaha. Land company hai
ppolntca U. E. May ne sole agent for tl
sale of their lots. Ho will show the pro
erty and furnish all desired inforrnatU
upon application.
ISIgned ] W.A. PAXTOK. President ,
Buy your paints , varnish nnd brush
ftt C. F. Goodman's , 11 JQ Farnam st.
A Burglar Nipped While In the Sacristy of
St , Fhilomeua Oathcdral ,
South Omnlm Fire The Counoll
Salvation Army Holy Week The
City llonndarirfi All Boy
Other Local.
A Uolil IJttr lar Foiled.
One of llio most during attempts nt
btirglury tliitt has boon known in thu
city wus madu List night nbottt 9 o'clock
nt St. i'hilomcna's cathedral nn Ninth
street. During the wogross of the ser
vices in the church , tnu sexton , James
Mulcaliey , stopped inside the sacristy in
discharge of kin duties tuid was aston
ished to tind a burglar at work remov
ing the golden and silver chalices from
the vault in which they are keut. Mr.
Mulcahoy seized him by the coat collar
and was just going to call for help when
a revolver was placed against his heael
anil ho was told tha' he would bo killed
if lie said a word. In his alarm ho re
leased his hold and tha burglar etisap-
Kjarcel thn ugh the open window by
vhlch bo lu.d g . 'mod access to the apart-
nonl. Mr. Mulcahoy at once gave the
\larm and Detective Ormsby , ot the po-
ice force , was detailed on the case. From
ho sexton's description Ormsby spotted
Jharles Wilson , a well known cracks
man , and wenlatter him , lie found his
nan in Nick Wallace's notorious den on
) ouglas street and placed him uneteir ar-
cat. On his person was found n chisel
which he had used in prying un the
window through which ho had effected
n entrance into the church. Wilson , of
innrcio , denied his guilt , but the sexton
dontilies him and ways there can bo no
juestion about his being the man. Wil-
on , it will bo remembered , is the crook
vho was caught by Captain Cormick two
nonths ago while hiding a set of burglar
eels tintle'r the sidewalk on Howard
street. Ho lias just been released from
ail , where he lias been serving a sixty
lays' sentence as a suspicious chnrac-
or. Ho is a crook of tlio
vorst typo nnd the authorities have
> icn ! working for a IOIIK tiino to get us
Ettre a case against him us they have
low. The boldness of the attempted
jurglary is astonishing. Services were
'n projrivss in the church and fully 300
lootilo were almost in reach of the cracks-
nan while ho was tit his work ,
i'ho sacristy containett nil of tlio chalices
ind other utensils used in the perform-
nice of the Catholic ritual valued at sev
eral thousand elollars.
Properly Owners Say Yes Cable
Polks Answer Kvnslvoly.
The directors of the Omaha Cable
Tramway company spent tlio afternoon
yesterday in a business session at the
ollico of the Union Loan and Trust com
pany. Reports that began to issue from
.he place of meeting early in the session
sot the real estate men of the city all
agog , and at work upon deals that worn-
sod a spceely return of millions. Evcr.v
man who owned property on Dodge
street from Ninth to Thirty-sixth streol
was approached by the enterprising real
estate agents and Oasked to place ti
irico upon his property whethci
t was on the market or not ,
The report gained currency and was up
parcntly reasonably well confirmed thai
the company had decided to locate one
of their lines on Dodge street from Nintl
street west. It was announced that the
company would begin delivering material
to-day for the construction of the Dotlgc
street line west from Ninth street tc
Twentieth. It was also currently re
ported that a line will bo built on Hurnoj
street to tlio western and southwestern
portion of the city.
Members of the cable company , how
ever , deny that any decision has been ar
rived at. Mr. L. 15. Williams , when
uestiojied concoriiinjr tlio matter , stated
hat the meeting of the di
rect qn * had been for the
consideration of other important matters
and that really nothing hael boon done
regarding the matter ot location. /
committee has been considering the mat
ter and will call n meeting probably in r
very few days to report upon tlui matter ,
Notwithstanding these statements prop
erty owners on Dodge street are vorj
jubilant and have given out the impression
sion that they have been assured that the
cable company will locate a line on tha1
The Council KocoiiNltlcra Its Action-
The Army at Ijarce.
The members of the Salvation Army
who were arrested on Wednesday nigh
for parading the streets in violation of t
resolution adopted by the council pro
hibiting tlio same , were released b *
Judge Stonbcrg yesterday , on their owl
recognizances , to appear for trial 01
Tuesday next. Last evening a detail o
the army made a skirmish , marched uj
Farnain street and down Douglas stroo
without nuisio and were consequent ! *
not disturbed by the authorities The :
have decided to make no further stree"
demonstrations until their case in cour
lias been decided. They have scctiroi
counsel nnd will demand a jury trial.
At the meeting ot the city council las
nitrht Mr. Goodman oll'orcd a resolutioi
culling for a reconsideration of the voti
instructing the marshal to prohibit tin
Salvationists from parading the streets
Mr. Kaspcr moved that Mr. Goodman'i
resolution bo laid upon the table. On i
yea and nay vote tlio motion was lost am
the mutter taken un for discussion. Coun
oilman Ford didn't ' want the council ti
backdown fron ? their position , "Pdhavi
a poorer openyin av the imlnount a-
common sinso there is in this council i
they back elown. Let tliim poapln gi
into a room with their prutchin' and sal
vashionism and not bo makin' liowlin
nooshances of thimsolvcs batin their tiui
bnrcens nnd poundin1 tlio dhrunis. "
Mr. Kaspar started a laugh by statiiij
that hu had just as much rohcion as an
member of tlio Salvation Army. Hi
makes his prayers in private , however
and does not go out in the streets am
cause runaways in the performance ) o
his devotional exorcises. Ho thought th
council ought to stand by their formo
notion at least until the case against th
Salvationists is decided in the courts.
Mr. lioodman thought the Salvationist
were no more 'of a nuisance than th
medicine men nnd other fakirs who ir.
test the street corners.
Mr. Lee eUdn't think the councilslioul
be it : a hurry about the. mutter as the
had succeeded in getting the case befor
the courts and made a motion which wa
attoptcd , referring the mutter to tlio con
initteu on police for one week.
Mnumly Thurmlny , Gooel Friday , an
tlio GlniL Chimes of Kniter ncllx.
Kabter is next Sunday. This is Hoi
week. Yesterday was Maunday Tkur ;
day , and this morning ushers in Goo
Friday. Mauuday Thursday , so name
from the Latin verb nuuidurc to con
mand and having reference to Christ
command to his disciples regarding tli
holy communion , "This d0 in .ronton
branco of me , " ' is kept generally by the
1-IpiScopallans and Roman Catholics , and
is the accepted anniversary of the insti
tution of the Lord's supper. It wus cele
brated in the St. I'hilomena cathedral
yesterday by a number of services nt
which Bishop O'Connor olliclated. It was
appropriately observed at Trinity ca
Good Friday will bo celebrated by serv
ices at cathedrals of n less solemn ,
but still deeply religious nature. At Trin
ity cathedral the following will bo the
order : At 1) ) a nt. , morning prayer , ser
mon by Dr. Dohcrty. The dean will con
duct tlio three hours' service from 13
m. to 8 p. m. , it consisting of hymns , de
votions and addresses , Evening prayer
will be said at 5:15 : p. in. There will bo
a special literary service , with anthems
nnd an address by the dean , at 7JO : ! this
evening. At this service selections from
' " " will bu
Gounod's "Redemption" sung ;
also an anthem by Gounod , "Oh , Come
Near to the Cross. " The music will be
very beautiful , rentlercd by n larco cho
rus.The cathedral will bo open all day for
private devotions.
Grand music on Master evening at Trin
ity cathedral will bo rendered by a choir
of eighty voices , anil in tbo morning the
chorus will bo fifty voices. A choice inn-
Meal programme has boon prepared and
is being nightly rehearsed.
The Moth-MoIjaiiRhlln Match Bane
llnll Notes Other Sports.
A wrestling match has finally boon ar
ranged between Chas. Moth and Colonel
J. II. McLaughlin to take place at the exposition -
position building next Thursday night.
Mr. U. N. Parshall , Colonel MoLaugh-
lin's agent , is in the city and has ad
dressee ! the following letter to tlio UBK.
OMAHA , April 7. In behalf of Colonel
J. 11. McLauihlln , of Minneapolis , I have
this day arrived In Umnhiiand mnde arrange
ments for a mixed wrestling match nt the ex
position huihliug on the evening of April 14.
between Charles Moth nnd the champion
oollar-and-elbow wrestler of the world ,
Colonel J. II. McLaughlin. Mr. Moth
expresses himself ns being dissatisfied
with McLniighlln for not putting in nn ap-
uearance before this ; that arrangements had
been completed for n match previous to this
nnd Me'Lnughlln did not show up. 1 really
can't believe McLaughlin wont back on his
engagements knowingly. However , now
the meeting of thesn two giant athletes Is
certain ns I hold n receipt for the uaymeut of
the rent of the exposition building. Further ,
I believe Moth will sav before tlio 15th of
this month that Mc.Langhlin cntno soon
enough , and to make it Interesting all around
1 will wager S-IO that I can defeat any light
weight man of Omaha the sntno evening of
the above match at collar and elbow. To
prove 1 mean business 1 have deposited with
Harry Hunter of tholtax 810 as forielt for
the same. Respectfully ,
The Omaha team divided themselves
nto two nines yesterday afternoon and
played their first practice game at Ath
letic park. The members of the team
were positioned as follows :
VKTIMIANS. Position. Kins.
I Inrter c Krehmoye'r
lloaloy p Uoodenoiigh
Uwyer 1st Wlthncll
Swilt , ! ) el Handle
Uouko od Miles
Walsh H Gun ins
Under 1 Dougherty
Me > ssitt r Veach
llrlmblccorn m Houseman
The game was an interesting one and
resulted in a victory for the Kids by tlio
following score :
Innings- 123450780
Vets 1 1 l 0 o a 0 5 1 W
Kids i o o o i a a 5 i la
David Howe , the now manager of the
Lincoln team has released all of the men
of that club except Reinaglo , Snyder ,
Robinson , Lawrence and Nelson , anil
lias gone east after now men. The Wil
liams brothers , the old battery for the
Lincolns liavo gene to Marshulltown , la.
O'Lcury , the champion pedestrian , lias
arranged to have a six days' go-as-you-
please match in the exposition building in
this city commencing April 25. The race
will be open to all comers. Pedestrians
will got 75 per cent of the receipts , di
vided as follows , 40 , 25 , 16 , 13 and 8.
Nine YoniiKlmrtica Kcoelvo the Rita
nt Trinity Cathedral.
Bishop Worthington , of this Episcopal
dioccso , hold a special service in Trinity
cathedral at 5:30 : o'clock , on which occa
sion Canon Doherty , of Urownoll hull ,
presented a class of nine girls for the
rite ot confirmation. These young la
dies had been baptized the previous
evening in tlio cathedral , Dean Gardner
assisting in tlio service. The confirma
tion service was impressive. The bishop
made an address , using as a text the
sixty-first psalm , verse 8 : "So will 1 al
ways sing praise unto Thy name , that I
may daily perform my vows. " The at
tendance * was quite largo. The young
ladies were tastefully attjrod nnd on-
torcd into the spirit ot tlio impressive oc
casion with duly solemn earnestness.
Ulazei at South Oniuha.
A destructive lire oocurcd at the stock
yards yesterday afternoon. It broke out
about4:30 : o'clock , in the stockyards
barn , which is located at the southeast
corner of the ) yards , nt the side of the
switch track. It is supposed that a H. &
M. engine loft a kindling spark which
was fanned into a llamo and rapidly grow
to n destructive blaze. The inflammable !
material of which the barn was construc
ted and the still more inllammablc con
tents made so hot a lire that the bucket
brigade , although valiantly lighting it ,
Were unable to accomplish anything ,
except to prevent a more disastrous con
flagration. The fire department from
tins city responded as quickly as possible ,
arriving tliero in three quarters -of an
hour , and rendered elliciont assistance.
The burn , a largo and comparatively
now structure , was destroyed , with 400
tons of hay and 4,000 , bushels of corn.
The truck scales , dead hog scales and
several pens east of scale house No. _ 1 ,
were also burned. The scale house was
saved witn dilliculty. The Joss is cstiimi
ted at $15,000. ,
A Man With Two Mouths.
Otto Deipior , of St. Louis , is at prcscm
the only individual in Omaha with twr
mouths. There many people in Omnh :
who hayo mouth enough tor two , bu
Otto claims tlio bolt ns the actual poss
cssor of two orifices through which IK
cmitK vocal sounds. Some time ago hi
wns struck by a falling derrick and hi !
throat wus injured so that his windpipi
closed at its upper end. A SKilful sur
gionl operation placed a silver tube ir
the breath pipe nnd ho was saved fron
actually dying for lack of air. Sub
sequently. tlui orllico to his moutl
nnd nostrils opened again , nnd now Otte
can omit the fumes of his last drink int <
the face ot an appreciative but disgusloi
companion from two holes at the sunn
timo. Ho can also play a mouth orgai
cither way. It is extremely ditlicult ti
appreciate to what extraordinary uses
Mr. Dopfor could not put his pcculia
power * . As n permanent police wlustl
lie could be a screeching success. Hi
could also drain a schooner of bee
"without taking breath" ns most pcopl
are obliged to to take it , because whil
the amber liquid was gently and contin
uously gurgling down one avenue , th
possessor of this silver tube breathing ap
parntus would bo calmly indulging in hi
regular respirations. There are groa
possibilities in store for Mr. Depfor.
Fcaron & Cole , commission merchants
have sOld out to 0. W Ui > all & Co.
rho IluslnoHj 'J.'rnimnotod nt Ijnst
Night's Council Meeting.
An atljourned mcelting of the council
vas held la'U nlglit a which all of the
nembers were present. The business of
ho meeting was ria follows :
rr/mioNS ANI > qoMMCNicATioss.
From the Mayor Appointing S. B.
Clark , Alfred MHlard , S. E. Smith ,
larold Gillbrd ami John T. Hell as
pccial policemen ) ; on application of the
executive coiumitte'u of the Nebraska
lumatio city. Approved.
The bond of AlfredjGrovor as assistant
city engineer was approved.
Of Samuel Hues Protesting against
the av/ard of damages matlo by the com-
nittco appointed to assess the damages
by reason of the proposed change of
grade of Lcavcnworth street. Grades
ind grading.
Of Property Owners Protesting
against the opening of a saloon at No.
1713 St. Mary's avonuo. License board.
Of Property Owners Asking for the
laving of Jones street from Ninth
street to the river. Paving , curbing and
Of Property Owners Asking ser a di
vision of the Fifth ward into two voting
precincts. Granted.
Of 15. 1J. Wood ct nl Asking for the
narrowing of Chicago street from Sevon-
: eenth street to Twenty-third street.
Unities and grading.
Of Homer P. Lewis Tendering his
resignation as a member of thu public
Ibrary board. Accepted and Miss Clara
Itustin chosen to fill the vacancy.
Uy Lowry Instructing the marshal to
enforce the ordinance preventing the
throwing of store sweepings , building
refuse , etc. , upon paved streets.
Hy Dailey That the city engineer bo
dirc'cted to prepare plans and an ordi-
ngnce creating Waring system of sewer
district for the territory north of Clark
ind Franklin streets and tributary to the
lorth branch of thu North Omaha main
sewer , arranging the plans with a view
o sub-districting the same if thought ad
visable to do fro. Adopted.
The resolution adopted at the mooting
on Tuesday evening , instructing the
marshal to prohibit the Salvation Army
'roin parading the streets , was recon
sidered and referred to the committee on
Changing the gradu of Lcavcnworth
street from Sixteenth to Thirty-sith
streets. Grades ami grading.
Ordering the paving of Twenty-ninth
u'ouue , in paving district No. IOC , with
cedar blocks. Paving , curbing and gut
Dividing the city into nine wards and
lelining the boundaries of the same.
L'nblic property and improvements.
Narrowing Twenty-second street from
Davenport to Nicholas streets. Public
property and improvements.
Submitting the election proposition
authorizing the issuance of bonds in the
sum of $200,000 for tlio construction of a
city hall. Passed.
1'ixing the corporate limits of tlio city.
A Chinese Nnmo That Antedates the
American Gag.
All Say , the big bos | Chinaman of the
district reached by Jthe Union Pacific ,
was in the city yesterday and last even
ing went west. He is accompanied by
his secretary , Ah There. The statement
of the gentleman who said that there
wus nothing new under the sun , is herein
voniied. Ah There is about thirty years
old and probably has .in his genealogical
line many ancestors who bore the sanu
name. Thus it is that would-be original
America is again put to shame by the
traditions of the heathen Chinese. Al :
Say lives at Evanston , Wyoming , an.l is
the proud father of four American born
boys and two girls. His wife is a verj
pretty -after the Chinnso style Monga
lian woman and Ah Say made a good pick
when ho went back to the celestial land
some eighteen years ago and secured her ,
Ah Say isn't ' pretty , but he is brainy and
rich , and ho controls 3,000 or4,000 China
men with a figurative rod of iron which
is only surpassed by the extraordinary
authority exorcised over them by the six
companies. Ho figured conspicuously in
connection with the "Lookco Splingeo'
or Hock Springs , in United States lan
guage riot on September 2 , 1885. lie is
the "bossco" to whom all of the China
men in the Union Pacific coal mines and
on the railroad sections between here
and Ogden look for instructions , and in
that critical time they sought iiis advice
with an unanimous spontaniuty thai
called out all his rosetrvu mental
powers , lln manifested his ability , how
ever , in a marked way , commanding the keep away front the mines
until they were ollered military protect
ion. When the authority of thu regular
troops was established Ah Say told the
still terrified coolies , who had massed in
Evanston , to go back. There , probably ,
Avafii't ono Q them Avh'o wouldn't ' have ,
preferred to commit hari-kari to return
ing to the scone of tlio massacreo of thoit
companions , the dcstuction of theit
bouses Joss house and all and their
own precipitate rout ; but Ah Say issued
thu mandate , on pieces of red paper with
iv few hieroglyphics , nnd they bundled
into the box cars nnd went bsvck like so
many obedient pack mules..When . it come ;
to gilt-edge blindfolded obedience thu
heathen Chinuo is just as peculiar as lit
is for his tricks witli pasluhoard while
wearing the smilu which is child-liku anil
Ah Say had with him , last evening , sis
silk-coated celestials whom ho is con
ducting westward. Hu also had All
There. When anybody says "Ah there ! '
on a reader of the HICK hereafter , ring u
Chinees chestnut boll.
The Jewish I'aisovor.
To-day at sundown the Jews through
out the world will bonify the celebration
of the Faast of Passover , ordained b.
Moses nearly 3,500 yiMr ? ago. Throtigl
all the trials and persecutions and temp
tations that have besot and , sometimes ,
overcome that race hfyhis long lapse ol
time , this observance has over hold its
place among them and , " perhaps more
than any other festival in the calendar
has contributed to the preservation o
their national identlty..for . centuries , ami
of their principles of cruod and < worshii
even to this day. C'opiderpd slniplj
from thu point of views A > f historical in
terest there is something almost subliim
in the unwavering faille , anil constancy
with which the Juwshaviecommcmoratoi
the' exodus ot their fathers from Kgyp
tian bondage. These people have suf
fered , they have thriven , they have beet
exiled , they have boon slaughtered , thej
have witnessed the rise and fall of em
pires , they have seen thu extinction o
old races anil tlio birth of now races , si
lent and observant witnesses of thu Um
vorsal Arbiter who molds the destiny o
Individuals anil nations , Ihoy have
amid trials and oppressions unpreoe
dented , amid changes that no other raci
has been permitted to see , stood flrml :
and boldly before tlio nations as the wit
ness of the Deity and preserved the !
faith undimlnlshed and unimpaired.
Therefore , is it that the Jewish natlot
exists stronger , more numerous , inon
powerful , more respected than over before
fore , rising like a young giant fron
among the memories of the past , tri
umphant over the combined oppression
of Doworful nations long since dead jmt
still clinging to the banner , "Shemi
Yos'voot ' Adonay Klo'houn Adonay
ICchatl , " Hoar , O Israel , the Lord Our
.Tod , the Lord is One.
The Council Ilctlnu the Corporate
Limits of llolh.
The council last nisiht passed the or
dinance dotlning the corporate limits of
: ho city. The only important change
: rom thu orignal plan , a map of which
las been published in these columns , is
n cutting oft'a portion from the western
portion of the city and extending the
north line to the Florence town lino. The
western boundary , north of Leavenworth
street now runs on Vista street , cast of
thu Catholic cemetery , just west of Wal
nut Hill ami cast of lirlghton to the
southern line of tlio corporate limits of
Florence extended. The southern bound
ary remains at F street in South Omaha
and tliu eastern boundary remains un
Tito amended ordinance ilolining the
ward boundaries was also introduced
and passed to its second mailing , The
only change of note madu in the original
plat of the redistrieted wards is the
'traightoning of the irregular eastern
boundary of the Fourth ward. The east
ern line of this ward will bo Twenty-
seventh street from Chicago to Farnain.
lltilldinii I'crinltM.
Superintendent Whitlock issued build-
ng permits yesterday as follows :
Hugh McDowell , one-story frame cot-
tatre , Deeatur near Thirtieth S TOO
James Duffy , two-story tranto store ,
Kltteonth near WIlllamM SOO
Board of Education , one-story addition
to school house , Seventeenth aud
Leavenworth .100
N. P. Drage. one-story frame cottage ,
Costollor near Sixteenth 1,000 ,
Henry Voss. two-story frame residence ,
Wlrt near Eighteenth 4,700
Five permits aggregating S7.GOO
Donth or Au Agfd Mnn.
Mr. O. Matsou , father of Mrs. H. Nel
son , died of old age , snventy-four years
old , at the residence of his daughter ,
North Twenty-fifth street , yesterday.
The funeral will occur to-day at 2 p. m ,
E. M. O'Connor is in iail charged with
relieving Mtirphv & Woodmansco's till
of * 25.
W. F. Christy , formerly with Pcycko
Uros. , has been engaged by Freeman &
Co. . the commission merchants.
Charles Charon aged twunty-thrcc , ob
tained a license yesterday to wed Miss
Olga Lindblad , aged nineteen.
Yesterday the scholars of the convents
beginatun days vacation , which will last
until the cloe of'thu Easter season.
Mr. Sam Finlayson , of the firm of Fin-
layson & Douglas , job printers , has re
turned from a Hying trip into Missouri.
The spread of moasuls in the Cnstcllur
school district , south of thu tracks , has
led to a temporary closing of the school.
Paddy Norton , the pugilist , has been
arrested on the charge of vagrancy.
Tliero are more of his class running
C. II. Melvin , of the Chicago Grocer ,
thu loading trade journal of thu west , has
been in the city a few days tiud left last
evening for the west.
In thu prospective reorganization of
thu city schools under thu now charter it
is believed that manual training will be
given a very fair recognition.
Fcaron & Cole , formerly in the pro-
dticu commission business , have opened
a real ostatu ollico under thu name ol
Fcaron , Cole & Robertson.
Maggie Tcado presented her casein
application for a divorce from Henry
Tcadebofoio Judge Neville yesterday , it
is held under advisement.
The suit of Simpson vs. King , in re
plevin action on a piano sold to the de
fendant by Edholm & Erickson , is on
trial before Justice Hurka.
F. M. Moore , becoming wearied oi
single life , actually , while a Benedict
nominally , since 1875 , has commenced
proceedings to obtain a divorce from hi ;
wife , Lulu.
According to state superintendent ol
schools Lane , the new charter provides
for the election of nine members of the
board of education. The six now ir
office hold over.
Judge Stenborg Wednesday evening
married J. P. Peterson andTlicrcsa J. L
Kutcilson , the ceremony taking phieu al
the residence of B. F. Mudsen on Sixtli
and Pierce streets.
"Abby Livingston , Oakland , Califor
nia , " was tlio address of a silent pa8011-
gor on thu truin going west lust evening.
Going back to her hist resting place in
the golden siinds of the city by the bound
less sea.
In the county court yesterday Charles
1 > . Beiudorf ub'tained a verdict against
Kote & Callahan , contractors , of fjfl50
damages for personal injuries sustained
by falling through a hole in thu street ,
unprotected by the defendants , in Ou-
tober last.
John L. Webster has filed in the dis
trict 09111-1 at Harpy county an answer in
the suit of Willrodl & Co. millers against
thn Union Cattle Co. , of Gilmoiv. Tins
millers brought suit against the latter
corporation for § 15,000 , claiming that
the rufusc from its barns impaired the
course of the river , thus preventing the
mill from operating , Thu answer of the
Union Cattlu company makes : i general
denial of the chaugo.
A sobering-up individual with a black
satchel ami very confidential manner
was cross'oxamined by the depot police
last evening and claimed that ho was n
deputy shorilVof Howard county. Ho in
sisted that Sluvin could identify him and
wanted somebody to go down to the hotel
which that gentleman formerly con
ducted. He was finally considered to bu
moro of a nuisance than a candidate for
the police station and was advised to
vamose. The way in which he obtiycd
was an example ) ot alacrity.
Personal 1'aragrnpliH.
Henry W. Yatcs has gone cast.
Mrs. Franko left for New York City last
G. II. Licutry , of Lincoln , is at the
Barker hotel.
Judge George W. Doanu and wife have
returned from Cuba , where they liavn
been spending several weeks very pleas
antly ,
T. H. Mct'agtin has returned front a
trm to California where ho spent the
winter months. Ho is an enthusiastic
admirer of thu Paclllo coast climate.
II. G. Balch , bankur of Laiamio City ,
Wyo. , is nt the Paxton. Mr. Batch was
nominated bv the democrats of the terri
tory last fall for delegate to congrcss.but
declined to run.
General Manager Fitch of the Fremont ,
Elkhorn & Missouri Vuiloy railroad , ii-
in thu city. He said in reply to a ques
tion.Vo are working as fast as wn
can on the line to Omaha. The grader.5
are live miles away , now. "
M. C. Trow , one of the earliest of the
settlers in the new town of Douglas ,
Wyo. , and one of the best cltl/.ons of thai
promisint : point , is in tlio city on his re
turn from an oxtundwd visit to relatives
in St. Louis.
Nebraskans In thn city : K. W. King
of Sowtuds Philip Unott , Suwardj P. L
Croutz , Oakland- Miss Lydia Smith
Craig ; Ed A. Batigh nnd wlfn , Oakland
F. A. Wnllorstead , Craig ; J. II. Pratt
Hummer Hill : Chas. L. Lane , Blut
Springs ; T. J. Parks , Fullerton.
George W. Simpson , president of thr
Boy State Live Stock company nnd interested
torested in the Hammond packing house ,
Is In the city from Boston , ncoompaniei
by Andrew Ninimo of the same city , a tic
T. B. McShaup , of Montana.
STERLING , ItL. , August 22 , 1835
We feel we mut write something of the
success of Hop Hitters. Their bale is thrib-
blc that of any other article of medicine.
Hence we fed it but just to ' voti and your
bitters to say that It U a mc'diclnc of real
merit and virtue , and doing much tjood and
effecting grealcurcs. Yours ,
llAY.VKSVILI.E , OltlO.Fcb. . 11,1831
_ I nm veryLjInel to say 1 have tried Hop
Bitters , and never took anything that did
me so much good. I only took two bottles
and would not take $ 100 for the good they
done me 1 recommend to my patients anil
get the best of results from their lite.
C.B.MuRCKU , M. D.
NEW HAVKN , Co.v.y. , Sep. 15 , 1SS5.
We take pleasure in giving you a notice
and a nice , strong one , as it ( Hop Hitters )
deserves , it. Wo use it , and we know it dc-
serves it. The Register.
GtiKKNwicii , Feb. 11 , 1830.
Hop BITTKUK Co. Sirsl : was given up by
the doctors to die oft > ciofnla consumption.
Two bottles of your bitters cuicd inc. They
arc having a large sale heie.
it , N. Y. , Feb. 12 , 1883
Hop Hitlers are the most valuable medi
cine I ever knew. I should nat ha\e any
mother now but for them.
LONK JACK , Mo , , Sept. 14 , 1S85
I have been using Hop Bitters , and have
received great benefit trom them for liver
complaint and malarial fever. They arc
superior to all other medicines.
KALAM\OO , Mtcit. , Feb. 2 , 1880.
Her BITTKRS Mr . Co :
I know Hop Bitters will bear recommen
dation honestly. All who use them confer
the highest cconiums and give them
credit for making cures all the proprie
tors claim for them. I have kept them since
thcv were first offered to the public. They
took high rank from the first , and main
tained it , and arc more called for than all
others combined. So long as they keep up
their high reputation for purity and useful
ness I sliall continue to recommend them
something I have never done before with
any patent medicine. J. J. BAIJCOCK.
PhjMcian and Druggi'.t.
KAIIOKA , Mo. , Feb. 51. 183U.
I purchased live bottles otyour Hop Hit
ters ol Hishop & Co. last ( all , tot my daugh
ter , and am well pleased with the Hitlers.
They did her moicgopd than all the medi
cine she has taken in six years.
Wii. T. McCt.rnn.
The above is fiom a very tellable fanner ,
whose daughter was in poorhcnlih for MJV-
en or cit > hl years , and could obtain no re
lief until she used Hop Bitters. She is now
in as good health as any person in this
country , We have large sales and they are
making rematkablc cures.
Very fowfoopln knowthnttho RhrlnkaKO ot Mw.U
ro.utod iu arloaov n la from tmrtr-llnilo lort/nti
cmiL All raoatcontainssovouty.livo percent of sftt :
. , Hilla natter , ami tt
mid only t cutj.fivoi > r cent of
IOM liuiuila lutlio roaitinsUmiidr.Intliiovnpo.
ration of thaluic" . which let ho VITAL rABior MEAT
Effoot of + ue SOLID OVEN Door.
A TEN pound Sirloin , mniUuinor wclWono. will lie
I : nucKiito MS iioundinnil four ounrea of llaa < tcil
li\outcliowlninlo-9of thion | > nmnl niiu twolvoouncci
of Julco.Utlo the lo i tiim i > < thq totnl
utt 'Ut , it * ! iona the ouoruiouu 1.US
Effect of WIRE GAUZE OVEN Door.
A TEN pound birlolii , irmllnni or well-.lonii.wlU Ii
fnrtucod to nlneiinimdi nnilotrht oimcuxof "oiijtcj
mnat , tnowliiBll loan of eiuht ounce ; , of iulco. hll
UiUlcmU llvo per emit.of the tntnl wt'i lit. itnliowi
thu veiy small LQ330iMirjrnKYy.NM-.nm.MT. Otf JUICii
SOLO IN KEB1USKA as follows :
P. KKN'NJJV. . . .Cannon.
E.G. ! Jrlr.\vr.R , HAV SPKINOS.
II.A1KD&CO NhBtASivCirv. !
W. K. THMPLKION , Nriso.-i.
N. J.JOHNSON , Norn n riu.
J. J. McCArTKISTV , O'Nrn I. Cirv.
A , 1'F.AKbON. . SrFRUNO.
rtr > % '
stiVja rs ra - * I rv , J > -
: ? esi ejiiav
{ * & _ . - & , huhAdUjrQOutQ.LSJuS ISi&ULld'Ci
* s < V KtnbtHlif the highest rsrrrlttn-
* fnvarlttslufnaliloiuittlpflrrlfiit
Curn.imcls ) IJ.&T.COIJSINS ,
n every fjle. ( NEW YORK.
1887 Spring Valley Stoci Farm , 1887 ,
Ooorgo Willtee 010. Iloeord 2i23.
Mrnsurod by aiU1) ) , tlio - : * " ' "d thoaiJ : ) htinul
ardswnstliQ Kro l ' 8t Hint ovi r lived , Iliivmit
tinir r > . " > sous ami diiuulilcrd In the " : : U list down
Hioonly son of QOOMH WllUes In I'm ' Plate nt
aS-11 Black Willces HtHl BtantJartl.
SlruJ by < 5oor c Wllkoi r.IJi . 1st ilnni I'nnny
Hell Plr il l > y ( 'oiifoilunitu Onlaf , own lirotlinr
to Woodlonl Chlof. S ! i ! n-l drt'.i . IlysdyK1 *
Ilnmlilftonliui. Will stnnd lor iiinrts nt thu
nbovo furin ut in thu fi-nvin , cn l ; ilni of EW
Tloorllh prlvtlfBO of luturn Hliould nmrag not
nrove In f'inl. Limited to BU mnros h-j-ildos mr
own , Henflon commcwci rub. 1 and ends
AucusU' < t.l T. rorfurtlinr particulars nond
for circular * .
Urlnlnnl nti'l ( Inly
Trj n h.l . .
S20 South liith street , Omnlta.
Room 35 , 1'iixton Block , Om.iha ,
W. J.
813 South 1-UhSticct.
.A-ttorr-oy cxt
ItoomS , Kfonsor mock.Oinuisllo rosloftlro.
' "
* " "
X-IoiT5.oopa.tlx ,
Room 3.2 N. KitU st. , Oinaha. OlVice Itoiiri
! ) to 11 a.m. , 2 to 4 p.m.
21 < i S. lUth St. , cor. Faruaiii , lion Hank
Unildini ; . Office hours , 2 to 4 niul 7 to ! !
p. in. 10 to 12 on Sunday. TeuphoiieG04 !
O. S. HOFFMAN , M. D. ,
Office , N-W Cor. 14th and Douglas.
Onicu Tcloplione 4(55 ( ; Res Telephone , 43
Su.rg-eon. and. Flxysician. ,
Office , N-W Cor 14lh and DouilaH.Rt. ;
Office Telephone , 405 ; Res Tclephduc , 508.
2ls.ysician aitci Siarofoori ,
Hesldonoo , No. Un-.loiius street. Olllco , With-
ncll lilucic. Tolcpliotio , rusiduuco K'J , olllua
l liysielan. and feSx
Office mid residence 72 J X. Ifjth St
Office , 8iS. ; ! 14th st. Telephone , 589.
Surgeon and Physician
Office , Crcttnsc Block , Room 5 , 10th and
Capitol Avenue , Omahn , Nob.
Residence 2010 Webster street. Telephone
No 351.
A' . D. lIATOllKlt ,
General Arront
Froirtdent Saving Life teiuvM Co
of New York.
Millim ! Hotel Itlook , Omnlin.
The Ptrlctly ' 'Natural J'lvsmluin 1'i.m , " Aetna
average yearly cost duvlut ? 13JJ , 1331 and 13J5 ,
Rt nco u7 for JICMWO. was S7S.SJ.
0. ,
Printers , Book Binders
And Blank book Mnnnraoturorj. No . 1WJ and
108S.Uth street. Omnhii.Nob. J.P. Fulrllo , Supor-
Intendi'tit Ulndory. Tolaphono No. H
21C North 10th Street ,
FKED 8TEXZKJL , Proprietor.
Format- proprietor of Northwestern house
Trie opening of my now lion so tumbles me to
oll'or the pilhllo nloo rooms , clean beds , and ox
collmit Itltchon. at low prlous.
JZ > S . J. V. COUN8MH ,
Physician and Surgeon
JS07 Laltc-at. , Omaha , JVc& .
I.ako Street DrtiffStorr.
ill. Jl. lllSDON ,
Mcrclmuts' National Hank riuihlliifr , Itoom U'
Telephone No. i75 ! , Oinixlm , Nebrnsltn.
Phoenix , London , Kiiisluml . $5,72.1 174.1'
( iromen'8. Nownrk , N. J . l.BH.SM.OJ
Glen's Kalk ( llon'n Kails , N. Y .
Olranl , I'liiliulolpliln. I'll .
WosUhbBtor Now Voi-lt , N. \ ' . . . .
City Knulncor S. Omnha.
, South Omnlm , ItoomS , Hunts HullrtlngmiN
Omahii , Itoom 0 , over Comuioic al Nnllonal Itnnk
I'rnctlrnl rnrpnt npliol'teior. Iloflltlnir nnf"
Lnyinff. Honlnrod enrpol a ? pcclnlty. Orders b.1
tiinll or othorwlio , tit 117 South ITtli St. , will bl
UHUdplly attended to.
OMIcu , 1-11 1 1-U raniain.
And Celled ion Aycnl ,
Choice bargains in Omaha nnd Counct
Call nnd satisfy yourself by looking ovi. '
my list.
Correspondence solicited.
Rooms i ) nnd 5 lAenzer Illock Opp , I'.C
Omaha , Neb
FfiW D7WD7
Carpenter and Builder ,
Tolciphrmo COO.
tO ! > Soutli SlxIccnJli Street.
Veterinary Surgeon
< ii4 > o , ' 117 S. Mill STKIUrr ,
Tt'lf ' | > linno 70.
Embody the highest excellcnclos In Sliape-
IlivMf , ComTort , and Dtirahiltly and
nre the !
Beigiiing Favorites
in fRchionable clrck'b , Our name IH on eve
ry sule. J. & T , COUSINS , New York.
Successors to , Jno. G. Jacobs ,
At the oldKtnnd M07 Kartium st , Oi'-.en
byt'iloiranli ; solicited ami tirotnutly ut
tended to , Tol9ihono ? No. i'35.