Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1887, Image 1

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    , sS v3 *
Ho Is Well Pleased nt the Result of tbo
Chicago Election ,
Look I UK After Lalior Measures In tlio
Pennsylvania LcKlelaturc A
15It : Striicc in Brooklyn
Other Labor New.- * .
The Mnntor Workman Talks.
'ilAUitisnuitd , Pn. , April 7. Two hundred
Knights of Labor representing every district
In Pennsylvania , mut hero this afternoon to
consider the various bills relating to labor
now before the legislature. The session this
ntteinoon Was secret and was strictly de
voted to organization , General Master
Workman Powiterly ptcslded and , In calling
the convention to order , made an address In
which lie counseled wisdom and great care
In deliberation and spokoof the lapld growth
of the order. Ho expressed himself as well
pleased nt the rnstilt of the Chicago election.
He said : "Wo are charged with Doing an
archists and favoring measures that tend to
anarchy. As chict or our organisation I can
say that anarchy finds no abiding place
in our midst , but monopolists want to make
the people believe to the contrary. No mat
ter what evils wo have committed In the past ,
wo always aim at doing right. We have pur
hiicd a line of policy and found out things
that are right and wrong , but wo have al
ways kept clear of tlio ono tiling that brings
odium on our country anatcliy. " He re
joiced , therefore , in tlio defeat of the an
archists' candidates In Chicago. " 1 read of
the result of tlio elections in Chicago the
other day and 1 was clad to see nnd hear
that the worklngmen ot that great cltv were
good enough to throw the Ho back Into
the faces of those who passed as
their friends and representatives. No
sooner did the anarchist ticket go botpro the
people than its supporters said , 'Wo will
carry the ticket through under the flag on
whose face not ono star glistens , not one
Btripo Is to bo found , and the teachings of
tmcnmen ; as Powdi-rly and Grfllths , will
have no weight with us. ' But they found out
election day that anarchy was snowed under
as It was never snowed under before , audll
gay amen to that every time. [ Great ap
plause. ) I did not know but what , in tno
( Iccoiation of tills hall , you might forget to
place the American flagon the wall. fearIng -
Ing that it might bo forgotten , I brought this
with mo this morning [ Hero Pow
derly exhibited a flag amid tre
menduous applause I and I brough
It down hero so that if It wcro charged thai
wo were not Americans 1 don't care whero.
1 was born : 1 don't caru where the rest of
you weie born that there was ono who
swore by that flag and no other , filer
Powdorly presented the flag to M. T. Burrell
of Carbondale , an old friend. J Let them to
morrow morning , after thebo outbursts of
npplaiibo , charge us with being anything else
but free-born American citizens , and these
manifestations which you have now clven ex
pression to will bo the refutation of that Ho
which will ring down the centuries In con
demnation of red Ikies. Now , uiv brothers ,
wo aio here , and wo will stand or fall by the
Kentlmonts 1 have given utterance. Wo are
herons Amei leans to teach American legis
lation in the interest of the American people
ple , and in our American way , and also to
par that those men who assembled a hun
dred years ugo tn the city of Philadelphia
and gave out , the declaration of Indepen
dence to tlio world were right when
they declared that all men were
created frcn and equal and endowed with
certain Inalienable lights and that wo be
lieve they told the truth and that it still con
tinues to bo truth , Instead of a living Ho as
sonic of these men would have the people be
lieve. lApplauso.J Wo can do this without
being anarchists and do it without becoming
partisans and without being tied to tlio
chariot wheels of cither the old democratic
or republican party. " [ Applause. ]
n\K \ Strike in Brooklyn.
NEW Yonic , April 7. To-day bricklayers'
unions Nos. 1 , 3 , 0 and 29 , the lathers' union ,
the carpenters' and joiners' association and
the stonemasons' union , all ot Brooklyn , all
went on a strike. These unions have a mem
bership of over G.OOO men. They have quit
work hopiiiL' thereby to force the boss frnm-
crs to accede to tlio demands of their men.
The executive committee of the framors'
union to-day telegraphed to tlio executive
board of the framersr national association at
Baltimore asking permission to call out all
tlio' framers of this city , Jersey City and
Brooklyn , and to a&k tlio national board of
building trades to call out all men engaged
In the building trades of the above named
cities. If tills call Is made bv the building
trades' board and complied with It will para
A Large Amount Involved.
riTTsnuito , April 7. Three hundred thou-
Band dollars In back wages , dating from the
1st of February , Is Involved In the settlement
. of the wages question ot the employes of the
Connellsvlllo coke region now being heard
by the arbitration board. A strong effort U
now being made to have the whole mattet
settled before it passes finally into the hands
of the arbitration board and Umpire Jack
son. The employes' representatives have de
cided on a general advance ot 20 per cent
Should this be conceded It will date from the
1st of February , and the employes , 10,000 in
all , will receive back pay amounting to $300-
Conl Miners Strike.
LOUISVII.H : , April 7. The coal minors In
the Jelly county region of this state have
gone out on a strike , and as a consequence
the Kensee , Wooldildgc , East Tennessee ,
Standard and other mines are shut down
With no prospect of opening up for some
months. There are about 700 men employee
in the mines. The cause of the strike Is the
refusal upon the part of the men to sign t
yearly contract requiring them to agree note
to strike for one year.
Collided With An Icouerf * .
ST. JOHN , N. K. , April 7. The barkcntlm
'Susan , Captain Ityan , from this port foi
Uarbadoes , struck an Iceberg off Capo Broyli
and sunk half an hour later. The dlsaste
occurred at midday while the vessel was at
tempting to weather an Iceberg. The crev
of eight men , including the captain , took t <
the largo boat , which capsized and , the cap
tain and another man sank Immediately
Two ot the others caught hold ot sorni
floating debris and kept themselves abov
water until , when almost exhausted , the > ; rescued by the barkeutlue Muriel. Fou
others eraspcd the upturned boat , whlcl :
upset and three were drowned.
Steamship Arrivals.
SOUTHAMPTON , April 7. ( Special Tele
gram to the BEE , | Arrived The utearne
1'cnnland , from Now York for Antwerp
th o steamer Soule , from New York for Br <
QUEKNSTOWN , April 7. Arrived Th
steamer Itepubllc , from Now York.
NKW VOUK , April 7. Arrived Th
steamer Noordland , trom Antwerp.
NKW YOIIK , April 7. Arrived Tin
steamer State of Pennsylvania , from Gla ;
PHILADELPHIA , April 7. Arrived Tn
steamer Lord Gough , from Liverpool
Tho'Contest For Carlisle's Sent.
CINCINNATI , 0. , April 7. Thoebn , of Co ?
Ington , referring to a dispatch from Wasl hn
liiKtou , which stated ho had given up his coi
test for tlio seat of Speaker Carlisle , gays h
lias not abandoned the case , The tlmo fi
taking testimony In rebuttal by Speaker Cai
lisle lias not yet expired , and be Is Informe
that CurlUlo will take no testimony ,
Nrnrnska rvd Iowa Weather.
For Nebraska : Fair weather , slight !
roldcr winds , becoming variable.
For Iowa : Fair weather , southerly wind
becoming variable , warmer In eastern po
tlon , stationary temperature In western pu
tion ,
Important Matters Considered at
Length Ity the Cabinet.
WASHINGTON , April 7. The cabinet mot
at 11 o'clock to-day In accordance with the
plan for the summer months , and remained
in session over three hours. The meeting
was devoted almost entirely to the considera
tion of International questions , the most Im
portant relating to the Canadian llsheilcs ,
the policy of Great Britain in regard to the
Island of Haytl , and the .seal fisheries of
Alaska. In regard to tile lishcrios question
Ills undctstood that Information has been
received to the effect that England sustains
the position taken by the Canadian authori
ties and Is in no case disposed to make the
concessions icquestcd by tills Government.
Tills question was considered by tiio cabinet
with a view to the advisability of suitable
action by the president under tlio provisions
ol the retaliatory act. Tlio alleged demand of
Great Britain for the possession ol the Tor-
bugas Islands or thopavment by the Haytian
government of 81,000,000 , In settlement of old
claims , was considered at some length. The
United States havogicat Interests In Haytl ,
commeiclal and otherwise , and ore
deeply concerned In Its \\eifaro and prosper
ity. Correspondence will bo opened with
Great Uiltaln on this subject , The Alaska fisheries were discussed with a view to
their better protection fiom foreign Interfer
ence. It Is represented that thebo Interests
aie now thieatened by tlio wanton and whole
sale slaughter of seals In open ocean. It is
said that durini : the day tno female seals
leave their young on the Chores of tlio Islands
in charge of tlio males whllo they yn miles
away in search of food with which they 10-
turn at nl-'lit. Recently a practice has sprunc
up of catching the female seals whllo they
aio in search ot food. Their young perish
as a matter of course and the perpetuation of
thu animals Is endangered. The difficulty of
controlling this matter arises from the al
leged want of jurisdiction of our government
over those waters beyond the three mlle
limit. Tlio question will bo again considered
at a future meeting.
Smallpox In Chicago.
CHICA.OO , April 7. Dr. Montgomery , med
ical Inspector ot West Division , reported to
the health department this morning a case of
smallpox at No. 40 North Carpenter stree.t.
The patient is an Italian laboier named Joseph -
soph Casselli , who Is ono of ninety Immi
grants who arrived In Chicago April 1 from
New York , They canui over in the Anchor
line steamer Alsia with 600 to' 70J other Ital
ian Immigrants. Two cases of smallpox
broke out on board of the vessel and when it
arrived in Now York it was quarantined for
a day and night , when most o the passen
gers were allowed to land. Casselli and
about ninety of his companions came on to
Chicago and scattered through the city. The
house on Carpenter sheet has been quaran
tined and every effort will bo made by the
authorities to pievnnt tlio spread of the dis
The Klcctiou in Hlioile Inland.
PjtoviDKNon , H. I. , April 7. The vote for
lieutenant governor ot Hhodo Island yester
day was as tallows : Honey , ( detn. ) 175 ;
Uarleny , ( rep. ) 15,016KImbcr ; , ( prohlb. ) 1MO.
Theiesult of the contest may bo summar
ized as follows : John W. Davis , ( dein. )
elected governor by 9T3 majority. There
was no election for lieutenant governor or
sccietary of stato. Xlba O. Slooum , ( dom. ) Is
elected attorney teneral by a majority of f
2,515 , and J. G. Perry , ( dcm. ) general treas
urer by 3,009 majority. The majority against t
woman suffrage is 1(5,123. ( In tills city tlio )
entile domocratlc assembly is elected. Tlio )
senate stands Republicans 19 , democrats 12 ,
with no election in live cases. The house
will comprise 27 republicans nndii'S demo
crats , with twelve districts yet to bo hcaid
Non-Polygamous Mormons In Session.
CLUvr.i.AND , April 7. The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints ,
or the non-polygamous Mormons , are holdIng -
Ing a conference at the old Mormon temple ,
which was erected in KlrtlandO. , lifty years
ago by Joseph Smith and his followers.
About seventy delegates are present , repre
senting churches in several stales. Joseph
Smith , ot Iowa , sou of the original Joseph
Smith , Is president of the church , and ho
opened tlio conference with a speech. Thorn
are at present 10,230 Latter-Day Saints , the
net gain during tlio past year being l.oOO.
Iowa has the largest number 1,227 and Vir
ginia the. smallest six. The conference will 1
continue several days.
* _ - fc . -
A Pension Dispute Settled.
WASHINGTON , April 7. A difference ot
opinion and of practice has lor some time
existed between , the pension ofilco and the
office of the third auditor ot tlio treasury , as
to when payment of accrued pension usually
becomes consummated. The question was
referred to the second comptroller for final
decision , and he has given his conclusions
thereon , which , briefly stated , are that to
mats K complete payment two things must
occurr the receipt o ti9 ! caeck of the gov
ernment by the pensioner and tne execution
by him of an acquittance in proper form.
MUslitR Steamers.
NEW Yonic , April 7. All hope of th (
missing steamer Carmoua being heard of ha 13 :
now been given up , and her name has beer
added to the long list of those reported lost
The steamer Salerno has not been heard f ran
since spoken by the Elbe on the 27th ultimo
and It Is supposed that she , too , has beer
sunk. When last soon the Salerno was pro
cccdlng cast under sail with a broken pro
peller. Her captain refused the Elbe's as
Destructive Midnight Blazes.
NEW YOIIK , April 7. At midnight to
night the live-story tenement building No
13 Essex street was damaged by tiio am
water to the extent of S10.000. Twenty per
sons were more or less injured.
CHICAGO , April 7. The building 7S and 7
East Uandolph btrect was damaged by fin
to-nlcht S'JO.OOO : At 12:15 : the tire was btll
\Vhltclnw Held for Sherman.
Nnw YOIIK , April 7. The Washlngtoi >
correspondent of the Evening Post renew
his statement made yesterday that Whitclav
Held had written a letter espousing Join
Sherman instead of Blalnn for the prosl
dcncy , but savs the letter was addressed I
w Itlchard Smith , ot the Cincinnati Commei
lo cial , Instead of to Murat HaUtcad , as 11 rs
lop stated.
10 The Under-Valuation Committee.
10y WASHINGTON , April 7. The senate undei
y valuation committee , which failed to nice
irh yesterday as arranged , are .now expected ti
meet to-morrow morning. It Is the oplnioi
of most of its members that evidence enoug !
has already been taken , and the commute
will now proceed to formulate a bill for iutrc
eur duction early next session.
ure ' Dlown Up Hy Giant Powder.
e- TUSCAIIAHA , Nov. , April 7. The lioistln
works ot the Nevada Queen mlno wcro con
pletely destroyed yesterday by the exploslo
of a box ot giant powder placed near tli
bolter to thaw. The boiler exploded and 11\
men were seriously Injured , Ad. llussell , tl
foreman , it Is believed fatally. It will t
three months before now works can be coi
strutted and woik resumed.
The Schwartz- Watt Trial.
Monnin , 111. , April ? . The prosecution li
troduued the widow of KellojK Nichols , tl
h- murdered express messenger , as a wl
In the Schwartz-Watt trial bi
n- ness - to-day ,
n10 no evidence nf importance was elicte
10or The stutu closed Us evidence this afternoo
ir- A Town Destroyed By Fire.
LONDON , April 7. The town ot Kuty , 1
Austrian Gullcla , bos been almost complete :
destroyed by lire. About 1,000 persons a :
homeless. The tire was Incendiary.
Electricity Don't Go.
3r. ItAjtnmnvuo , Pa. , April 7 , The bill
-authorize the carrying out of death sentenc :
by electricity ww lost. on third nadlog. . ,
Defendant Arensdorf Takes tlio Stand in
His Own Defense.
The Damaging Testimony of Previous
Witnesses Declared to Bo Without
Foundation Severely Cross-
K.xamlnccl Uy the State.
The Sioux City Trial.
Sioux CITY , la. , April 7. John Fitz Sim
mons , who testified for the state last week
that the man ho saw shoot Haddock ran In
the direction ot the bridge , atraln appeared
on the stand this morning and swore for the
dolonse that ho was formerly mistaken
concerning that point. He now thinks tlio
man who did the shooting ran
In n noittierly direction , lie did not
believe the assassin was John Arensdorf.
W. O. Merrill , a business man , testillod that
Bismaick's reputation was bad. Harry Shcr-
wln , another of the defendantstook th o
stand , lie recollected the evening of August
3 perfectly well ; saw Lcavltt going Into a
dry goods store with a llghtj suit of clothes
on ; "I was at the English Kitchen saloon ot
which 1 was proprietor at the time of the
killing. " said the witness. "I heard
of the killing of Haddock at about 10:00 : ; 1
heard of it at my place of business. Arcns-
dorf was at the Kitchen at about the time I
heard of the killing of Haddock. He had
been there about seven or eight minutes. I
couldn't say exactly how long. Ho wore a
dark suit of clothes. 1 went down Fourth
street with John Arensdorf. I left
Arensdorf about 11 o'clock , pud ho went
west. I knew of no conspiracy to Injure
Haddock. I was not at any meeting of
saloon-keepers where anything was said
about whipping or Injuring lladdouk , or any
other person. Cannot state who wcro the
olllcers of the saloon-keepers' association ,
and cannot say who presided.
In the afternoon John Aiensdorf.
tlio dctendcnt took the stand and
testllled substantially as follows : Been
engaged In the brewing business two
years , and dining the month of August , Ib
was foreman for Frnntz Bros , on August
came down town between 7 and 8 in
the evening ; staid at Philip Eberle's place
till 0:30 : ; met Barnes and Daveiaar , and \\eut
with the former to Sheplmuls , across the
struct , was alter 10 when wo left there ;
Barnes wont west and 1 went to the Chicago
saloon , and then to Junk's saloon , Scollard
andGrady were thcrowhenl arrived ; went
next to the English Kitchen and heard there
that a man was killed ; went to to the place
of the murder ; remained a few minutes then
went to the brewery ; returned to Junk's ,
there I remained ten or fifteen minutes ,
then went homo ; woio my usual
clothing , n hluo suit and tail
coat ; did not have on a rubber coat ,
have heard the testimony of Leavltt ; was
not at the corner of Fourth and Water when
Haddock was killed ; was at the meeting on
the Sd of August ; it was no private meeting
to my knowledge ; nothing was saiit in my
piesence about dolnc up anyone. Witness
then iiiade a detailed denial ol the move-
meats and language attributed to him In the
testimony of Luavltt and Mrs. Leavltt. Ho
had conversed with Leayilt at tlio lattcr's
theater but had not discussed the killing ot
Haddock. Witness knew Bismarck and his
wife but denied tlio truth of tno important
part of the testimony relating to lilm. Ho
know of no conspiracy to Injtiio anyone and
had no idea whcie Haddock was that night.
Cross-examined by tlio state the witness'
testimony was chaiacterlzcd by a sweeping
denial of nil the damagiuir testimony relat
ing to him given by oilier witnesses. Saw
Tricber at.unk'b ) on the night of the murder ,
but did not remember seeing Munchrath ; did
not see lionry Peters at Junk's ; saw him
several weeks after the murder , but know
nothing about where ho went ; denied ro-
ceiviii ! ; any letter from Trlebor : had talked
with Mrs , Tricber about her husband , but had
written tlio latter no letter ; witness had seen
Mrs. Bismarck on tlio business matter re
ferred to in lior testimony , but had never
told the sheriff or any other olllccr that the
wife of the suspected man had run away ; ho
. did not think it any of his business ; ho did
not know what lie testified to before the cor
oner's jury , ami thought his recollection then
was not as good as it was now. Those last
replies wore given in answer to questions ! m-
plyinc that witness' testimony before the
coroner's jury was different fiom that ho had
given in court.
Killed "While lliintlncr.
DES Moi.vr.s , la. , April 7. [ Special Tclo-
gram to the BEE. | Mr. S. W. Morrison , of
Chicago , while hunting near Valeria.'twenty
miles north ot thin place , accidentally shot
and killed himself this morning. Mr. Mor
risen was about thirty years of ago and wars
formerly an officer in tlio United States navy
and was ono of the survivors of tlio relief
parly that was sent out to find the Jeannctto
in the Arctic regions. Ho was attefvvu7.Ji3 in
„ the revenue marine service in New York
0 harbor , and for the past year has been con-
nccted with the Yanderpool electric railway
manufactory of Chicago. Ho was In this
. city yesterday and left for homo last night ,
stopping to hunt on the way , with the fatal
icsult noted. Ills parents reside in Mlchl-
j- - Dnlniqno's City Council.
5- DUBUQUE la. . April 7. [ Special Telosram
to the BEE. ] The old city council to-day
passed an ordinance for a sewerage system to
cost 8150,000 , and an ordinance fixing good
behavior as the period of the night police
captain's term. The new council , controlled
by tlio Knights ot Labor , organized this after
noon. Mayor Voolker is a dry goods mer
chant. Four of the new aldermen are me
dia nlcs and one a retail grocer.
Bishop Hennessey and lifty priests cele
brated Holy Thursday at the cathedral to
The Doynott Goes On.
n CHICAGO , April 7. The Chicago , Burling
rs ton & Qulncy railroad officials claimed to
rsw day that they had received notlco from the
IU New York Central that Burlington tickets
had been withdrawn from sale. This would
to Indicate that all the eastern lines except the
irst Michigan Central and Lake Shore wcro no
engaged In a boycott ngalnst the westerr
roads for refusing to stop paying commit ;
sions In the cast. Tlio officers of the boy
cotted western roads say tlio boycott wfl
have little effect on their revenues. Thi
passenger earnings of the Chicago westerr
roads derived from travel originating east ol
tills point and ticketed west Is said to be bui
a small percentage of the total , probably in
the aggregate not 3 per cent , and oven of thl :
small amount the boycotted lines profess ti
be able to capture very nearly their fill
siiare , tlio influence of 110 eastern "com
bine" to the contrary notwithstanding.
ut '
The Barbed Wire Combination.
in JOLIKT , 111. , April 7. The Darb wlro man
lie ufacturers of the country have perfected i
vo scheme to close down a largo number ol
ho plants to decrease the output and ralso tin
be price. There has been considerable uneaslnes
HI- of late among them , and although they havi
been running they claim the market is over
clocked and that they are running at a loss
In- The United Barbed Wire company , a no
Inho tional concern to which all manufacturer
it- belong , proposes to lease all the plants It cat
itmt at 5. ! per ton on their licensed tonnage , o
id. S2.0 a year on the tonnage shipped In 1SSC
with 1 pur cent ot the value of the plant
added for three years , and close them up. I
is expected that 50 per cent will lease , an
replies favorable to the proposition have bee :
in received from nearly half of them already.
ire Detxth of a Temperance Agitator.
NEW YoiiKi April 7. General Thos. A\
Conway , secretory of the terapei
ance league ot New York an
tees organizer of the state teraperanc
os Insurance association of New York , die
suddenly last evening. . . . - ' - . '
Illinois LoRlslntors Indulge in Loud
nnd ticcry Lmncuncc.
SpiuNorint.ii , HI. , April 7. A sensational
encounter occurred In the special house ses
sion this afternoon between Itcpresontatlvcs
Merrtt and Dixon , which was occasioned by
the consideration of Mr. Merrill's conspiracy
bill , which was bofora the house on an order
of second reading and which called out a
lively discussion , the labor members of the
house showing vigorous opposition during
the debate. Dlxon spoku against the bill
and , being Interrupted by Mr. Morrltt soveial
times during his speech , he took occasion to
refer to Mr. Merrill's u-coid , as ho alleged ,
during tlio war , and Mr. Dixon said
that if reports were. true , and if such
a law had been In existence
twenty-live years ago as the ono
proposed by tlio bill under consideration , ho
victed and sentenced as a traitor to his coun
try and would have to-day been lying tn a
traitor's grave. Whllo others were defend
ing the Hag of their country , the author of
tltd bill was plotting treason under the cover
of night with the organization known as the
"Knights of tlio Coldcn Circle. "
"Whoever makes the statement Is a liar ,
and I will hold him responsible lor the
charge. " shouted Mr. Merrltt , shaking his list
nt Mr. Dixon. "Do you nmko that state
ment on your own responsibility ? " continued
Mr. Mcirltt , directing ills question lo Mr.
Dlxon. "If PO , you are a liar , " ho concluded.
Mr. Dlxon said ho had proof for all
ho had stated and sent to the
clerk's desk a manuscript written by one II.
J. Weibel , of New Salem , and which re
viewed at length the alleged part taken bylMr.
Merrltt during the war , containing among
other charges those made by Mr. Dixon , At
the conclusion of the reading of tno letter ,
Mr. Mcrrilt branded the author of It as a liar
and n robber ot character , nnd
said that the whole community In which ho
lived would brand it as a falsehood , and said
that he would hold tlio writer responsible. Mr.
Dixon said substantially that he Imd taken
the course that ho had In laying the commu
nication before tlio house because Mr. Mer
rltt had taken every opportunity since the
opening of the session to taunt nnd harass
him whenever ho took tlio floor. After fur
ther discussion the bill was advanced to third
The Long and Short Haul.
PniLADKU'iiiA , April 7. The general
opinion among railroad olllcials In this city
Is that the action of the inlcr-state com
merce comissloncrs In the long and short
question concerning the southern rallioads ,
will crush tlio entire measure. They nrguo
that every railroad of any consenuenco In
the country will make the same claim as that
contended for by tno southern lines.
WASHINGTON , April 7. Leland Stanford ,
president of the Southern Pacllic railroad ,
telegraphed to the intcr-stalo commerce
commission asking lor a construclion
ot the long and short haul sections , declaring
that unless the California roads
were given an opportunity to compete
with the ocean lines on tlnough business ,
tlio railroads will bo unable to carry any
through freight. Chaliraan Cooley replied
that thn case must bo formally presented by
petition ami then investigated.
On n petition of the Detroit , Crand Haven
& Milwaukee railroad the intcr-stalo com
merce commission have agreed lo suspend
for ninety davs section 4 of the intcr-stato
commerce law so as to permit the charging of
greater rates for transportation of property
irom Grand Haven and points easterly
thereof to and including louln , to points
east of the Detroit river and the St. Clalr
river , than are charged on like traflio from
Milwaukee to points cast of tlio same river
over the same line , and also for the trans
poitatlon of property to Ionia and Grand
Haven and points cast of tlio Detroit and Si.
Clalr rivers than are > harged on like tiallic
to Milwaukee over th'u same line.
Theatrical 1'ooplo Want Relief.
CHICAGO , April 7. A largely attended
meeting of managers nnd other persons con
nected with the theater business was held
hero to-day to consider the effects of the
intcr-slalo commerce law upon their Inter-
ests. Representatives from all the Chicago
theaters , theater printing establishments ,
and a largo number of traveling companies
were present. Colonel John A. McCaull pre
sided. A good many speeches were made ,
each detailing Instances of what was claimed
to bo a gross Imposition on tlio part of tlio
rallioads , and suggesting various methods of
redress. The enormous Increase in excess
charges on baggngo was the main grievance.
The plan of pioeeduro wnlcli met with the
most favor was that the natlonal'commisslon
be asked to suspend for the season the pro
visions of tlio law which , as intopreled by
the railroads , bring especial hardship upon
theatiical people. It was urged that tills
would be no more than just , Inasmuch as n
majority of the contracts made prior to tiio
passage" the law contained clauses with
which it had now become otherwise prac
tically Impossible to comply. A motion to
refer the whole matter to a committee of ten ,
with Instructions to report Saturday , was
unanimously adopted. Tlio committee is
composed ot Chairman McCaull , three
Chicago theater managers , tlirco members of
traveling troupes , and three show printing
house proprietors.
Guilty of Ulcctlon Frauds.
ST. LoTJlS. April 7. Peter It. Morrissey ,
ex-member of the lower iiosse of the munic
ipal assembly and ono of the judges of elec
tion of this city last November , who has been
on trial before the United States circuit
court for fraudulently registering voters and
receiving Illoyal votes while acting as judge
of election , was found guilty this afternoon
of the latter charge. The now grand jury
for the United States circuit court was sworn
in to-day. They will continue the Investiga
tion of election frauds which was loft un
finished by the previous grand jury , and it Is
expected that more Indictments will bo
Prohibition In Michigan.
DKIITOIT , April 7. Complete returns have
not been received from Monday's election.
All later reports continue to cut down the
majority ocalnst prohibition until at 1:30 :
o'clock to-day the Evening Journal's figures
show it defeated by only 1/JS7 votes.
The exact figures on tno prohibition amend
ment are stilt unknown. Slowly the ma
jority against tlio amendment has been cut
down , but It is thought unlikclv that It will
go much further. All the published reports
vary moro or less , ranging from 1,550 to
about 0,000.
The First Fisheries' Gun.
ST. JOHN , N. B. , April 7. News has just
reached hero that the fishery cruiser Vigilant
when sailing.out of Beaver harbor a few
days ago , discovered an American lishlns
vcsse.l within the ttiren miles limit , nnd evi
dently after bait. The Vigllantgavochaso and
gained on tlio Yankee , who refused to heave
to when a blank shot was fired. The race
was continued and America's vessel soon
coined .the limit and was safe. This Is the
first gun tired this season by a Canadian
important rt'lll Decision.
DETHOIT , April 7 To-day In the Wayne
circuit court Judge Jcnnlson gave his decis
ion on the contest will of tlio late Frauds
Palms , declaring U void. The will gav (
Francis Palms' 57.000,000 to his two chlldrer
to bo held by them In trust for their children
A friendly contest was begun to secure :
legal decision on the will. In his declslor
Judge Jennlson holds that the statutes an
against controlling fortunes from the grav (
from generation to generation.
Through Tickets on Sale.
PiTTSiiuiio , April 7. The Pennsylvanlt
company , operating lines west of Plttsburg
resumed tlio sale of through tickets over tin
Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy , Hannibal < S
St. Joseph , Kansas City , St. Joseph ft Conn
ell Bluffs , also the Northern Pacific railroads
An Iowa Man Honored.
WASHINGTON , April 7. The president to
day appointed Benton J , Hall of Iowa to bi
commissioner of patents , vice M. V. Mont
pomcry , resigned.
High Licence Defeated In Xow Jersey
TutiNTON , April 7. lu the assembly las
night the high license bill was defeated.
Congress Falls to Provide Enongh For the
luter-Stato Commission ,
Not Much Work Expected neforc
Next Fall on Account of the Lim
ited Allowance National Capi
tal News.
The llonrd in Need or Hoodie.
WASHINGTON , April 7. [ Special Telegram
to the BRI : . I Very little elTcclual work Is
expected ot the Inter state commerce com
mission this year. It was announced to-day
that none of the Important questions submit
ted would bo disposed of till an investigation
was made. Since the ruling of the comp
troller of the treasury that none of the com
mission's expenses can be taken fiom any
fund except that specifically appiopriated for
it by congress , less than SJO.OOJ remain for
traveling expenses nnd clcik hire , and since
the Important questions presented so far
como from distant points there can bo little
traveling done and little Investigation made
till congress makes a further appropriation
for the commission , The recess taken for n
fortnight will probably lead to others and
delays of vital business to await congress
ional assistance. Unless the commission
reconsiders Its determination to Investigate
cases by visiting localities whence they arise
the law will exist principally lu name only
till congress assembles , when an emergency
appropriation bill Is to bo presented.
Senator Spooncr has returned to Washing
ton from u visit to Wisconsin. Ho says the
people of the west are pleased with the com
position of the Inter-stato commission and
that they expect beneliclcnt results from the
law. Speaking of his bill to regulate the
price and qualily of gas in Washington , Sen
ator Spoouer said : "Yes , it failed In the
house , bull shall give them n chance to piss
it next session. It Is a good measure and I
shall not let UP on It. " Tnls Is the measure
Senator Van Wvck has been urging lor passage -
ago and which has made him universally pop
ular in Washington.
Pensions grantelNebiaskaiis | to-dav : Har
vey ( J. French , Blair ; Ellsworth P. Taylor ,
Lincoln ; Myion H. Southwick , Wyinoro ;
Calas Jcllers , Taylor ; Mlle J. Whiteman ,
Camcbrldgo : Leonard ZsPreston , Hamilton.
Pensions granted lowans : Elizabeth S. ,
widow of Calvort McKlnnov , Llneviilo ; Ue-
becca , mother of Uoboit H. Deems , Luvcrno ;
Sarati J. , widow of Asa 'Patson , Swan ; An
drew II. Young. Fort Madison ; Joseph M.
Bacon , Ames ; William Brlner , Weitervlllo ;
James B. T. Shanks , Ottumwa ; Thompson
Armor , West Point ; Thomas H. Pownali ,
Centredale ; John H. Wulkinshaw , Blanclr-
ard ; Louis Hclnberg.Decoraii : Urlha Dunn ,
Oulncy ; John I ) . Lankton , Sidney ; Henry
S. Lee , Webster City ; John W. Lwings ,
JJentonsport : John H. Cramlr , Augusta ;
John T. Hobb3 , Ottumwa ; Henry Slier ,
Moultoni John N. C. Cuddinir , New Vir
ginia ; Charles Porter , Lakevillo ; John Gill-
nor , Agency.MILITARY
Major Asa Ulrd Carey , paymaster will re
port April IB as chief paymaster of the De
partment of California.
Hospital Steward James Carroll , U. b. A. ,
last on duty at Fort Custer , Montana , has
been assigned to Camp Pilot Butte , AV yoru-
ing , for station. .
First Lieutenant Fred AVheeler , Fourth
cavalry , has been relieved as post quarter
master at Fort Lowell , Arizona , and oidered
to his troop at Fort Huachua.
Army leaves : Major George A. Hnrrlng-
ton , Tliird Cavalrv , litteon days' sick leave-
First Lieutenant Frederick D. Sharp , Twen
tieth infantry , two months from May 1 ;
Lieutenant Colonel Allred L. Hough , Six
teenth infantry , superintendent ot the gen
eral recruiting service , inspected the recruit
ing depot at Columbus barracks , Ohio , on
Tuesday , and coos thence to Jefferson bar
racks , Mlssouii , for the same purpose before
returning to Now York. .
Secretary Lamar to-dav disallowed the
claim of D. K Ames , of Cedar county , Ne
braska , tor S500 on account of Yaukton In
dian rates In Itrx ) . The evidence was Insuf
ficient to establish tlio claim.
Jordan C. Adams , of Union , la. . John L.
Daly , of Lincoln , and James M. Moore , of
Adulr , la. , were to-day admitted to practice
before tlio Interior department.
O. B. Balyiok was to-day appointed post-
mastcrat Wllliamsburg , Phelps county , vice
Marshall , resigned. Also the following in
Iowa : Chailes llcid , Mantc-no , Shelby
countv , vice George. Greenwood , resigned ;
Haas Strothan , Plalnville , Scott county , vice
C. Schmidt , deceased.
The Color Line In Art.
NEW YOIIK , April 7. 1 Special Telegram
to the BKC. ] A decided sensation at the
school of the Art Students' league , In West
Fourteenth street , culminated yesterday In
the admission to the antique class of the
young negro , George Alexander Blckels ,
the first colored student ! In the school. For
weeks there has been n great deal ol ex
citement over youna Blckols' application to
join the school. There are about four hun
dred students tn the school , and of these
nearly two hundred and fifty
are young women , many of them
southerners , strongly disposed to draw the
color line with more or less artistic precision.
They protested vicorously against being
obliged to associate with the ambitious col
ored youth , and many of them threatened to
leave if ho was admitted. After much dis
cussion at an Impromptu indignation meetIng -
Ing held during the noon iccess yesterday , it
was agreed to decide the matter by n vote of
tiio antique class. In which young Bickels do-
slred to study. The result was Ills selection
by a bare majority , and ho has since paid his
fees and settled aown seriously to study In
the antique class. But there are still mut-
tcrinits of discontent , especially as thu stu
dents of the modelling and costume classes
lose no opportunity to fan the flames by
sympathising with the ] discontented mem
bers of the antique class , and expressing sat
isfaction tiiat they have no negroes In their
Finns or Police lie form.
NEW YOHK , April 7. [ Special Telegram
to the BKK.J Mrs. Isabella Beechor Hooker
anticipated a year or two last night at the
Constitution club.and , electing herself police
commissioner , proceeded to lay down a vig
orous and novel policy of police reform. In
the first place tlio present police captains
were all to give way to a police matron , each
with absolute administrative and even judl
cial powers in her own precinct. Sergeants ,
however , or assistants were to be men. The
patrol men were to be divided , half men and
half women , Each officer was to bo a model
of gentlemanly or womanly propriety , not to
drink liquor , smoke , chew , gamble , swear or
flirt with the cooks , housemaids , coachmen
or car drivers. All would have to bo auie to
read , write a bold hand , draw and take In
stantaneous photographs of living criminals
with detective cameras. If the camera did
not stop the thief the photographer was tc
shoot him skillfully below the knee. AI
close quarters no clubbing was to bo indulged
In , and demonstrative drunks went to meet
with a soft answer which lurneth away
wrath. She would have looking glasses In
each cell where tramps are placed , In the
morning slio would have thbltramps washed
and fed on oatmeal and beans. They should
bo made to wash their own clothes and cool-
their own dinners and after a month of thlf
training there would be a hope ot reforming
them ;
Attempted Fratricide and Suicide ,
SriiiNOFiF.i.i ) , III. , April 7 , William am
Joseph Warford , two brothers , had an alter
cation at their home , fourteen miles south o
hero , concerning a horse. William drew i
revolver and shot. Joseph , breaking his arm
He then .went to his room ud ahot Jilmsel
through the heart. '
Admiral 1'ortcr Points Out. the Im
portance of Mercantile 'Marine.
NEW YOIIK , April 7. ISpecial Tele-
cram to the Bii.J : : in a letter to Aaron
Vanderbllt , representing the American Ship
ping and Industrial leauui' , Admiral Porter
says : " 1 only wish 1 ic.illy had some Inllu-
once In this country to help forward meas
ures for tlio advancement of our mercantile
mailno without which wo can never bo n
great naval power. With all our wealth and
enterprise , wo are , owing to the force of cir
cumstances , over which our people seem to
have no control , bourbons up to lliu hub ,
earning nothing and forgetting nothing.
Every state In tlio union Is Interested In
having our commerce ic-ostabllshed , no
matter at what cost. Think what an Impetus
the establishment of a great line of steam
ships would give our Iron and steel Interests.
Every steamship that wo build for ocean
service ) should bo able to c.tny guns , and the
government should condemn her for
national use whenever It Is considered neces
sary ; In fact to exercise greater power over
the mcicantllo marine than over the militia.
An organl/atlon of that kind , however , can
only bo established by stringent rules of
congress. The grants to the gieatrailroad
which correct tlib Atlantic with the L'acllio
bv which mil lions ol dollars and millions upon
millions of nubile lands were given wcro
enough to have built up our mercantile ma
rine and navy twenty times over. Yet a low
people have objected to these donations on
the part of the government , as It was felt to
be tlio only means by which wo could open
tlio country for settlement and obtain con
trol of the gieat commerce of the oast. Thcro
was a treat cry at the time hut unfortunately
we only half did the woik. Wo
started to accomplish und failed to
continue the road to China by not
appropriating money to put upon the Pacific
a sufiiciont number of steamships to ontiiely
control China trade and give us a lareo num
ber of fast and powerful vessels that could ,
when necessary , bo transformed into heavily
armed men of war for protection of tlio
northwest coast. At the present time a
single powerful vessel of an enemy could
devastate the whole of that coast. "
Chicago AVIns tlio First Champion
ship Game From the Ilrowns.
ST. Louis , Apill 7. Tlio first game of the
world's championship series between the
picsent world's champions and the Chl-
cages was played to-day In the presence of
8,000 people , and Chicago won it after a haul
light. Tlio Browns took the lead In the llrst
Inning , scoring a run on Welch's base on
balls , Comiskoy's pietty drive to right and a
wild tlnow of Plclfer. This lead was in
creased in the thiid by a run by Gleason on
Williamson's wild throw , a balk by Clarkson
and Welch's haul two-babe hit. For six suc
cessive Innings Chicago wan whitewashed ,
FouU's wonderful work completely battling
the white stockings. In the seventh , how
ever , Alison's two-bagger , Svlvo-ttor's muff
of Gleason's assist , und Burns' single
brought In two runs. Four moro wcro added
In the eighth on two-bag drives by Sunday
and Anson , Welch's bad mull' and William
son's single. Tlio game was characloii/ed
by brilliant backstop woik by Bushong and
Daly and generally fair fielding.
THE scoiu : .
St. Louis 1 0100010 8
Chicago 0 0000024 * 0
Total bases on hits St. Louis , 13 ; Uhicaco ,
13. Pitchers Foutzand Clarksou. Umpiio
Bound For the South Polo.
( .Cojij/n'o/il / 18S lti ] James fJoixlon lltnnttt , ' ]
VIBN.VA , April , ? .iNowXorkHerald Cable
Special to the J3ii.j : Baion Nordensk-
fold , the explorer , Is staying hero for n day
or two on his way to Venice. I caught him
at his hotel to-night. Ho told mo lie was
meditating a Swedish Antarctic expedition
with the assistance of King Oscar and his
old friend , Mr. Oscar Dixon. The date of
his departure is uncertain. Ho expects to bo
away for a year and a half. Baron Nor-
dcusktold spoke with lively interest of tlio
Gilder expedition , although ho said that it is
a pity that tlio uortli instead of the south
polo should be the aim of Colonel Gilder's
"Have yon any special object In choosing
the Antarctic region V"
"Only scientific object , " replied the ex
"Aro you sanguine of getting further
south than your forerun nerV"
"Yes , if I can get cool enough tlio great
difficulty. "
"Do you think it possible to reach tlio
not tli polo by balloon' . ' "
" " Baron Nordenskfold.
"Quite , replied .
"Nineteen men might try and fall , but the
twentieth would succeed only once ho
reached the polo , how on caith would ho got
homo agaluV"
No Grounds for Complaint.
PAHIS , April 7. A seml-ollicial now is pub
lished referring to the report in circula
tion hero that the French government has
demanded the recall of Colonel Von-
Villaume , first military attacho of the Gor
man embassy hero. Tlio note declares that
the conduct of the official in question has
furnished no grounds for complaint.
A Fishlnc Smack Smashed.
LONDON , Apill 7. The Cunard line
steamer Pavonla , which sailed from Queens-
town yestcTdav , flunk a fishing smack oiT
Capo Clear. Two occupants of the smack
were drowned.
CowhldiiiR a Itocreant Lover.
Niw Youif , Apill 7. [ Special Tele-
giam to the BLK.J May Ellmgsworth , of
Jeisoy City , a pretty blonde of nineteen , was
lett an orphan In Glasgow three years ago ,
She came hero with her inheritance of 54,000
and endeavored to find an aunt , her only
surviving relative. Fallliit : in this she se
cured employment as saleswoman. About n
year ago she met Jesse Thorno , adrv goods
clerk. After protracted courtship they wcro
engaged and cards were out for the wedding
next week. Saturday night she released
Theme from his engagement on his plea that
he could not support a wife. Stind xy night
while walking with the landlady's daughter ,
she saw Theme with a young lady arm In
arm. She followed the couuio and overheard
him make an engagement for Tuesday even
ing. Miss Klllnnsworth was on the outlook
for the younpr man Tuesday evening ,
and when he appeared she thrashed him vig
orously with a largo rawhide across the face
und shoulders. Thorno shrieked with pain ,
and attempted to run away.nut Miss Ellings-
woith followed him , plying the whip relent
lessly over bis back. After .soundly castigat
ing him Mlks Eillngsworth said , " .Now. 0. "
Thorno slunk nway amid the jeers of the
crowd. Miss Ellingsworth had purchased
her entire outfit for the wedding and bpunt
all of her money in preparing lor her
Dr. lUcGlynn'N Movements
NEW YOIIK , April 7. [ Special Telegram tc
the Br.E.J The Herald states that Dr. Mo
Glynu has rented a residence for three yean
In Brooklyn. Some of his old parishioners
feel offended because a fiiend of Hunrj
George , for whom they have no love , wa1
chairman of the academy of music lecturi
Instead of ono of their own number , consequently
quently they aio disposed just now not U
hold any moro meetings for the purposes o !
agitation in his behalf. The doctor will lee
I tureiu Cincinnati Easier Moudiy.
A Monte Carlo Slide.
MONTE CAIII.O , April 7. A heavy land ,
slldo occurred hero to-day , occasioned by tin
recent earthquakes. Immense masses 01
rocks and eartli slid down and ontlrol ;
blocked the railway and carriage road. Tuln
trom Cannes.and Mcntono , wull laden will
tourists had marvelous escapes from destruc
tlon , getting over the tracks jiut in tlmo t <
avoid annihilation ,
Evidence Boinor Taken in the Oaso Agalnsi
David Hoffman.
Wnhno IllddltiK'Por Manufacturing
Enterprises Norfolk's Hotel to Ho
llobullt New Itnllrund Fur '
r Other State News.
The Iittitnr Trnlti Wreckers.
NKIIHASKA OITV , Mob. , April 7. [ Special )
TeIegra'rttothoniK.-Tho : | trial ot David * )
lloirimn , one of the ntuii charged with-
wrecking tlio Missouri Palllc passenger
train nt Dunbar on tlio night of January ll(1 (
by mlsplaclnr a mil , at which tltno the train i
\vcnt Into the ditch killing Engineer !
Dowltt ' and Injuring souio foity pas-j
frenuo'rs , was called In the district court ]
tills morning. A Jury was obtained last *
evening. The officials who wcro aboard tlio
train wore called and told their story and de
scribed tno ssuiio , how the train loft the
track , tlio death ot James Do.vltt , and the
wounding of others , and the tracks In the
snow that led to the capture of Hoffman and
James lioli. Thuio was considerable oxcito-
nicnt when Express Messenger Frank Chono-
worth was placed on the stand , unit told how
ho had been bruised up , his skull mashed
nml his body cut up. Them Is still
a largo scar across his forehead which Is yet
unhoaletl. liuteetlvo Tutt and his assistants
wore on the stand and told ot the prisoners'
confession given them at the Grand 1'aclllo
hotel on January 1" , which the defense now
claim was forced from them by placing a re
volver at their heads and giving them just
ono mlmttn to confess , by a w.ueh held In
their hand , or die. The evidence so far
against the prisoners Is ptuely circumstantial
and as yet there has been no direct ovidmico
produced to show that they misplaced the
rail. Watson & llaydcu are prosecutlnp ,
while Suymonr & Cole are defending. It In
thought that all ot the evidence will bo In by
to-morrow mornln ? and Jamns Hell will bo
put on trial If a jury can bo obtained. \ .
Manufactories For AVnhoo.
WAHOO , Nob. , April 7. [ Special to tlia
UKE.J At a meeting of the boatd of tradd
last night Moses Jerome , of Illinois , made n
proposition to the city to the effect that if a 3
suitable location and a bonus of 000 wcro
guaranteed htm ho would locate a hemp fac
tory hero. After a full discussion the propo
sition was accepted and the location and
amount guaranteed. The plant for
the factory will cost 310,000 , and
furnish employment for a Lugo num
ber of laborers , besides furnishing n prolit-
able market for the hemp raised by the farmers - ,
mers ot the county.
One by one the manufacturing Industries
are discovering the advantages ol Wahooj
and are acting accordingly. A glucose or
starch factory is the next thing In order.
Wahoo knows the value of enterprise and
tlio necessity of striking at the rlelit II mo.
Any profitable manufacturing business will
lecelve a welcome of the right kind by giving
Wahoo a call. _
Railroad I'roqpccta.
Eno.vit , Neb. , April 7. [ Special to the
Br.n. | Edcar , Just at piosent , Is deeplv in
terested over her railroad prospects. She al
ready 1ms the St. Joe & Crand Island , and
the Nebraska & Colorado ( Hurlington &
Missouri ) , and now the Hock Island survey
ors are In town surveying a line northwest
from Hebron through Edgar. To Just what
point northwest of us the surveyors are aimIng -
Ing your correspondent cannot ascertain , but
the citizens ot Edgar are morally certain that
tlio road will bo uullt through this city the
coming summer , and the assurance Is a great
bomco of satisfaction. The Noithwcstern Is-
also coming. The line Is established as far
as Geneva , and work commenced. The mir-r
vcyors will soon ho put on the line from
Geneva to Hod Cloud , and Edgar Is right on
the prospective route. No wonder the cltl-
zmisaio jubilant.
Will Rebuild the Hotel.
NORFOLK , Neb. , April 7. [ Special to the
Bnn.1 Since tiic burning of the Pacific
hotel , the largest house In the city , various
schemes for rebuilding have been canvassed.
Recently Air , John Koenlngsteln , proprie
tor of the building destroyed , olfeied to re *
build If the cltUons would make him a loan
of § 10X ( ) ( ) one year without Interest. Air.
George Williams wont on the Btrcet with a
subscription paper and secured' 810,500 to
carry out this plan , and the rebuilding is now
assured. It will bo a larger and better block
than the one destroyed.
County Commissioners I'.njoinod ,
FAIRMONT , Neb. , April 7. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bun. | Ilcports como to this city
to-day that citizens of Olcncary precinct
have filed an In junction ngalnst the county
commissioners restraining them from Issu
ing bonds to the Omaha * Kansas City rail *
road , claiming fraudulent voting. Tlio 1
Omaha & Kansas City has graded within ;
ono-half mtlo of the city nod will have trains $
running within thirty days.
A syndicate has purchased nearly seventy- 1
live acres of property. They will plat a )
once. Several brick blocks are going no. t .
The Uarflcld Statue Unveiling.
WASHINGTON , April 7. The executive
committee of the Society of the Army of thq
Cumberland has practically completed the
programme for the annual mooting of tlio so S
ciety which will be hold In this city on May
11 and 1 ? , upon which occasion the Gat-field
statue , to be erected at tlio west approach of
the capita ) , will bo unveiled , A meeting of
the society will bo held on the morning ot
May 11 , at which Ccnorul Sheridan will pio-
sldo. An oration will be delivered on the
evening of that day at the congregational
chinch. The statue will bo nnvoiled on May
I'- with appropriate ceremonies at which the
president and momhors ot the cabinet will
MO present. Tlio society will bo escorted to
the capltol by United States troops and ma
rines stationed at Washington ,
the militia of this District
and Grand Army posts. Tlio pedestal for
( lie statue has been erected on the circle at
the Intersection of First street and Marylana
avenue. Congress has appropriated 520,000
for this purpose. The statue was paid for by
the Society of the Army of the Cumberland
and will bo placed on the pedestal the first
week of May. On thn evening of May 13 a
grand symposium wilt bo held at Abncr's , and on the day following the society
will be taken to Mount Yernon and Marshall
To Complete the Cruisers.
\VASIIINOTON \ , April 7. Secretary Whit
ney has decided to push to completion the
work on the cruisers Atlanta , Jtoston and
Chicago so as to permit an early adjustment
of accounts with the contractors. To this
and all extra woik on the vessels , such as the
changes made In the Boston and Chicago by
direction of the navul advisor" boaid as n re
sult of the trials of the Atlanta , will bo dis
continued , nnd aside Irom Kinall changes
necessary to lit the vessels for sea , the en
ergies ot the department will bo concen
trated upon the work requited by the origi
nal contracts with John Roach. The secre
tary to-day addit-K.sed a letter to tha chiefs ot
thn bureaus of construction ami steam engi
neering. and to the assignees of John ItoncU
to the ahovo effect.
Murdered By A Chlnnman ,
CHICO. Cala. , April 7. A report lias Just
reached here from St. Johns tlmt a Chliicfto
cook .shot and killed Mrs. Joseph Million ,
with whom ho was employed , and iilto
vtoundcd another lady ami man. Great ex
citement prevails A posse Is In purhiilt oC
the murderer. .
Ii'uncrnl of Catherine Wolfe ,
New Yoifif , April 7 , The funeral of Path-
orldo Lorlilard Wolfe took place to-day from
Grace church , lilshop Potter official Ing. The )
ditirch wMcrowduil with friends.