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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1887)
JL HE OMAHA DAILY BER SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , THURSDAY MORNING. APRIL 7. 1887. NUMBER 293 IN ARMS AGAINST COERCION North - of - England Men Almost Solidly Against the Government's ' Bill , JOSEPH COWAN'S OPINIONS. A National Idea Cannot He Kxtln- /iilslictl I5y Le nl Knactmcntp , nnil the TorlcN Will Learn That Truth in , ProtPHtlnjj Against Tyranny. ApMl 0. rNew York Herald Cable Special to the Hii : : . ] All the noiHi of Kuglnnd Is up In nrins agntnst tlio coercion bill. Kvcry newspaper on either bldo hi Durham , Yorkshire , Lanca shire , or tlio border counties , prints accounts of the excitement ovci the question In tlio United Slates. That veteran , Joseph Cowan , who refused to enter parliament at the tlmo of tlmlastelections , has been much .sought after hero to-day for an expression of his views , remarked that nil the evidence goes to show that the geminent ] mean to persist In their headlong course ; that they mean to face tlio consequence of their cross policy. They will illller from other governments that have plajcd at the name gnmo If they have not to repent , lie also added that the government , by aid of cloture , will no doubt pet their repressive measure , but It will fnll , ns all similar measures have failed. It would appear that every Kngllsh party bccomcsdemonted when they coma to deal with Ireland , notwith standing the bitter , humiliating axpetienco of n generation. They will rccognl/o the truth of the axiom , endorsed by all history , that It'S ' Impossible to extinguish a national idea by lon'al enactment. The Irisli people arc resolved to llvo their own life , to manage their affairs In their own wny , anil there Is no power in Englnnd to prevent them. The sooner this conclusion Is accepted and acted upon the bettor It will be , botli for England and lor licland. Air. Cowan was twelve years In parliament nud was recently suspected of union views , but the above piovcs ho Is the same indepen dent sturdy Northumberland thinker of old. The force of American opinion Is strongly recognised everywhere In this vicinity. ANII-COnilCION Iir.MONSTIIATION'S. LONDON , April 0. The council of the liberal federation met in London to-day. There were numerous delegates pics- itnt from the provinces. 1'iesldent Sir James Kitson denounced the policy of tlio government as brutal and said they were trying to reduce the Irish to the level of the Hottentot. Ilo inoscd that the fcdciatlon protest against the eocieion bill as ictro- qrado in policy , tyrannical In principal , nnd vindictive ) In detail. The president's motion was approved , as was also u resolution ex pressing gratitude to Gladstone for his wis dom and coinage in exposing coeiclvo meas ures. The delegates made arrangements for a series of anti-coercion demonstrations throughout the country. iNviNcmr.rj DOVI.F itF.r.n.vsr.D. LONDON , April 0. Doyle , tlio Invincible , hnabccn released on ticket of leave , lie corn- plains' bltteily of tlio ttcatmcnt he received while In confinement , nnd alleges that the prison authorities single out the Irish con vlcts for especially haia punishment. TIJE ir.AcniNn OK KVENIS. At a meeting In Chelsea to-night a letter was read from Gladstone In which ho said : "Our adversaries have availed themselves ol tlio fact that 1 have taken a largo share In placing tlio Iilsh problem as a question ol practical politics before the country to pleail that it Is a personal aifnir , that It Is not n tuie conviction , and that the ueople are nol in eenulno sympathy with the Justice of the Irish demand. A little reserve on my parl will help them to bo sooner undeceived anil to profit more eilcctlvoly by tlio teaching they are already beginning to receive the teaching of nvcnls. " TO 11K.SU.MK EVICTIONS. Dum.iN , April O. Tlio attempts of agents to compromise with the tenants on Lori Lansdowno's estates have fallei nnd the work of cvlctlnir all who refuse t < pay rents will be resumed about April 20th Dunne and Kllbrlck , two of the prlnclpa tenants of Lansdowne , recently evicted Iron their oxtensho holdings near Laggacarrcn have been elected cliulnnan and vice chair man respectively of the Atby board of pooi guardians. It Is decided that the natlona league will remove Its headquarters to Kni ; land in event of the passage ol the cocrclot bill. Hunting a Bui no rl nil Kuler. [ CopiirtuM tSSriivJiimta ( Junion Uennctt.1 VIKNNA , April 0. | New York Horali Cable-Special to the BUK.J i'oor M. Stol lolf's woes are not over yet. since his at rival hero he has vainly ondeavoiod to indue 1'rlnco Alexander of Battonbere to allo\ lilmself to bo renominateU as a candidate fo the vacant Bulgarian throue. As the Batten berger shows no eagerness to return , I hea from Sofia that M. Stelloff Is now tolcgiaph ically Instiuctcd by the regency to make an other appeal to Pdnco Ferdinand of Coburg Croat Incitement In Ilnytl. HAVANA , April 0. Advices from Port A Prince , dated March SO , says : Tlio excite went continues throughout the republic eve the demand of Knglnnd for the possession r Toitugas island or a payment ot 81,000,000 | bettlement of old claims. It Is luported the n special British envoy has presents England's ultimatum to tholla > Unn coi eminent and has threatened the bombardln of the principal ports of thorepubllc after lapse of live days If Knglnnd's claims bo n < acknowledged , ( iereat consternation exlsl among the foreign residents , as It Is state that tlio llavtlans menace general massi eroof foiolaners If the piesldont yields I L'nglivuU's demands. Itoyal Squibs. LONDON , April & Prince Alexander < BattonberK has again declined fo bo n elected ns ruler of Bulgaria. Queen Victoria has arrived at Al\-Le isalncp from Cannes. Her majesty Is muc fatigued alter thu Journey , Doings or the Pope. KOMK , April 0. The pope Is about to Usi a letter sanctioning the principle of the ere tlon of a Catholic university ttt Daltlmor The pope persists that Dr. McUljun uiu coiuo to Home. The Hook Island Uoubery CARO. Mount ? , III. , Anrll 0. 'Iho testimony i the convict , William J. Gallagher , was co tinned today In the Schwartz-Watt mu dor tilal. Gallagher detailed several prlva conversations ho had ban with SchwnrU the Cook county Jail. Schwartz was to ha' ' Gillagher take SH.OOO , which was S1CO bills , chanced to 85 and 3 note ? , and offered to piy Gallagher ? 300 If ! would arrange tlio nutter. Gallagher ask < Schwartz If the money was pait of tlio pr ceeds of iho Itock Island oxtircM robber SchwarU declared that it was not. Ilo a n Jew had loft a satchel on the llock IsOat train and that | ie had touudtUe money in tl satchel. Maynarrl' * Promotion. WASitiNOTON , April C. Judge Maynn relluqulsru'il the ofllco of seeimd comptroll : f this morning , und formally entered upon li * T , duties as assistant secretary of the trea wy , CAIIH CAPTUHLJD. Iho Murderer of Warren Lonji Taken Into Custody. ST. KinvAiti ) , Neb. , April 0. 1 Special to the Bin : . ] I'd. Cnrr , tlio man who murdered Warren Long last night , was arrested this morning at 0:10 : o'clock. Several small parties had been searching for him nil night , but had put off looking through tlio building In which ho slept ( a small building used ns nn oillco by n grain dealer ) unlll this morn- Ing. As soon ns day broke n party went down nnd surrounded the building and , on breakIng - Ing open the door , found Carr Inside , lie olTcred no lesistanco , but protested that ho was so drunk that he could remember noth ing after n little clrcun : tntico that Inppened about thirty minutes before tlio shooting. About 10 o'clock in the evening lie onzaged In an altercation with n painter In trout ot the hotel and tlio quancl seemed liable to terminate In blows. The landlord c.imo out and oidcred Carr to move on. Carr refused and nbusivc Inncimgo was used on each sldo until John Vl//ard , the landlord ol the hotel , becoming tiled of It , knocked Cnrr down nnd kicked him out in tlio street. Bystand ers then Intnfeied nnd took Cnir to his room , where he promised to remain , but , changing his mind , ho aimed himself witli n shotgun nnd returned , with tlio intention , it is supposed , ot wrcnklnir , vengennco on Vi/- zird. Long , nnioni : several otheis tried to get Cnrr to irlve up the mm. Ho told them to stand oil. They nil complied save Long , who still attempted to pacify Cair. The latter , however , became moie enraged , nnd laislng the gun tired , tlio load entering Long's chin nnd bonetrntinc backward , causing almost Instant death. Carr then lied and was not raptured until this morning. At tlio coroner's inquest to-day \erdlct was brought In that tbo deceased was "wil fully murdered" by Carr. The prisoner was safely lodged in the county jail at Albion. Railroad Ivxtonnion. Cinvr.NNi : : , Wyo. , April 0. [ Special Telegram - gram to the BKI : . | Articles ot Incorporation of the Cheyenne & Burlington railroad com pany were tiled this evening with the secre tary of the territory. The Colorado & Wy oming , recently Incorporated in Denver , pro vides for the extension of the Dmlington & Missouri from some point nlong the line- probably Culbertson to the junction of Crow creek nnd the territoilal line , which brings It within n ilozen miles ot this city. The Chovonnc & Burlington is to continue It here , nnd the Indications nro that it will bo pushed In n northerly direction. General Manager iloldrego has been In town to-day in consultation with the lending citl/ens nnd tlio city will probably deed over to the road such land as may bo required for their plant. Tlio announcement that the II. it M. is posi tively coming hero has veiy materially stif fened the boom that lias been In progress lor about two weeks past and n season of un precedented nctlvlty is now looked forwnrd to. A Dchnuch Kiuls In Death. LINCOLN , Neb. , April 0. [ Spocinl Telo- grnm to the Bm.l : This afternoon nt 3'JO : o'clock n grader on his wny east tiom the mountains was found dead in his wngon near IJohaniion's livery stable. He had been dead fora day , nnd n vial labeled laudanum lav beside him. Ho had spout in whisky SlOOiecclved ns boot fiom Bohnnnon inn trade of two horses for two mules. His nnmo wns C. F. iCiielurBJ Tlio coioner's in quest has not yet been concluded. T11I3 l IHE HtiCOUD. Boston Suffers From n Severe Con flagration. BOSTON , April 0. A lire which started at 90 Milk street , shortly nfter noon to-day , swept through that building in a few min utes nnd endangered the largo bulldlngon the corner of Milk street nnd the postollice. The lire was finally gotten under control be fore nuy surrounding buildings were dam- need. Wright & Potter me tlio heaviest losers , suffering to the extent ot § 100,000. The total loss Is $ ' .200,000. The tire broke out In the dry Ing room of Wtight & Potter's printing establishment. Wright & Potter , who nro the state prlntois , carried n largo stock and all their state work is burned. Tlio firm's loss Is estimated at 870.000 : insured tor S7C.OOO. O. J. Itand < te Co.'s loss on stock Is 515,000 ; insurance 87,000. The other losses , including that on tlio building , aggregate about S O.OOO ; fully insured. In London. LONDON , 1 p. m. , April 0. The permanent Infantry banncks at Aldershot are on lire and being rapidly burned. The flames started at noon and have been raging ever since tanned by agaje ot wind ot such sever ity as to make the elforts ot lircmun practi cally useless. _ _ _ _ _ At Mlssoula , Mont. MISSOUT.A , April C. The Northern Pacific express office and Magulre opera house on Main street burned nt 10 o'clock this morn ing. No Insurance. The turnituio In the opera house was saved , but the express com pany lost ever } thing. In Switzerland. LONDON , April G. An extensive fire oc curred to-day in the Swiss village ot Buchol In the canton of Saint Gill. Sixty houses were burned and many cattle perished in UK ilnmes. Logan's Forthcoming Book. irAiiiusnuno , Pa. , April 0. [ Special Tele gram to the BKK.J A resident of this city nn Intimate friend of the late General i egan nnd of his family , who has received fron : Mrs. Logan the prospectus and some advance sheets of the general's book , entitled "Tin Volunteer Soldiers of America , " now li : press and soon to bo published , declares thai U Is destined to create a sensation when it li issued and to provoke controversies that carnet not help but bo of engrossing interest to tin country at largo. The book will bo extreme ! . ! severe in Its denunciation of West Point mu what Is termed the military lobby , but tin feature of thu work nnd ono thn will nttiact penernl nttentioif am excite the widest comment , \yillbo thn pagei devoted to General Sherman , whoso critl cisms of Logan'.s military movements durlnt the rebellion ns published In Sherman's Me molrs , neither flattered Logan's pride no : reflected credit ou his rccoi das a soldier. Mrs Logan has In her possession a number o letters which were written to her husband bj General Sherman previous to the pnbllcatloi of th cMemoirs , during the ionu' correspondence donco between the two men. These loiter not only assure Logan of Sherman's warn personal attachment to him , but testify ti the writer's high appreciation of Logan' military services daring the war and ad ml ration of his military genius. "I have scei the letters. " says the gentleman who has th advance sheets of Logan's book , "and cai assure you that their publication will bo mos embarrassing to General Shormau. The Rahway Mystery. UA.HWAY , N. , L , April 0. [ Special Tele gram to the BIK. ! Chief of Police Tooke has received n letter from Mrs. August Haas , ot Now i'ork. In which she says thn her husband and she visited the morgue Sun day and both positively Identify the body ci the murdered girl as that ot a youn Swedish woman who occupied the stat room with Mrs. Haas on the passage t America. A perfect icign of terror prevail among females here , thoto living on the ou skirts of the town being atrald to ventiii out ot their homes atter dark. The citizen nre rnlsinir n lar o tund by prlvntH subscriji tlon for the purpose ot rewarding the pei sons who shall identify the Kill nnd dctec her murdertr. Lost on the Pacific. SAJ : FIANCISCO : , April 0. The Merchant' ' f id Exchange receded a dispatch to-day statin idd that Urn bark Hldorado , Captain Humphrey 10 from Seattle , March n , ( or this point , with cargo of coal , foundered oil Capo Flatter nnd nil but two of the crew ot twelve wer lost. The vessel was of seventy-six ton burden , owned by the city , valued at S-O.CU nnd pnrtly Insured. It U also reported tin the shin St. Stephen , frpm Seattle , Mnrcb S coal laden tor this pott , has been lost..Sb woa owned lu New \ork. BIG DEMOCRATS DISAGREE , Secretary Endicott nnd Judge Saynard In dulge In a Controversy. MERELY A PERSONAL MATTER A Quarrel Which Will Require the Services of the President to Set tle Colonel Iltivci'ly Culls on Cleveland. High Officials Fall Out. WASHINOTO.V , April0. ISpccial Telegram to the Br.K.j A bitter contention has ex isted foi some tiino between Second Comp troller , Maynard , now assistant secretary of the treasury , and Secretary of War Kndlcott. Secretary Kndlcott has demanded that tlio accounts of Surgeon Billing.- ; , Lieutenant Uay and Captain Wheeler for mileage while traveling abroad , which wore disallowed , be referred to the court of claims. This the second comptroller refused to do , leplying that tlio claims weie definitely determined , that they were disallowed and the papers tuincdo\er to the second auditor , and theio the matter ended. Secretary Endicott then stated that it the second comptroller would not refer the claims to the court of claims for ho himself would do it , to ' Jlr. Maynard replied just before iavlng the comptroller's ofllco to go ito that of the assistant secretary t the treasury , and ho closes his Htcr thus : "If the secretary ot war as any doubt with refeicnco to tlio cor- ectness of his own views upon any or all of he abstract questions of the law propounded ii his letter , the opinion of the court of claims hercon might bo of value to him , but as this ftlco has no doubt and so far as it can bo earned this department has none with refer- ncc to tlio conectness of the adjustment of he accounts relericd to , It Is not seen how a 'eferenco ol these cases by another depart- ncnt to the court of claims can affect the past r control future action of the treasury de- lartmcnt thereon. " The controveisy has reated quite a stir in ofliclal circles , blnco hii pert action of .Maynard Is construed to nean that he has the secretary of the treas- iry and a precedent at his back In taking uch a pobitlvti Issue with the secietary ot ivar. roi.oxKij iiAvuni.Y CAT.T , < < . Among I'lcsidentCIeu'land'seallers to-day , \as J. 11. Haverly , the well-known minstrel nanaiser. The president icceived him very louliiilly and he lemained almost half an lour. "You arnlooklnir in much better health .han I expected to see you"said Mr. llaverly , , vHo had never seen Mr. Cleveland before. 1'iom nowspapei reports 1 expected to Und ou in dccllnlui ; health. " "The newspapers have published many ridiculous stories about the state ot my icalth , " replied Mr. Cleveland , "and they lave biouglit to me a Hood ot letters and ail- , 'Ico relating to sanitary matteis. You ought .0 see the room lull of machines nnd health appliances which have been sent to me. All kinds ot suggestions about oxcrzlso and es pecially reducing my llesh have been re ceived , together with every conceivable ath letic machine. " " 1 guess jou are able to cope with most any kind ot a machine , " said Ilavorly , icfer- rlng to political machines. " 1 hope you are , for I want to help you If you arc not. " The president saw the point to the pun and rctoited : "I presume 1 can handle them If I want to. That's a question : Do 1 want to ? " "I'm thinking ot buying n little homo icre. " remarked llaverly , and am glad to Jeain that you have done so much to help the boom In real estate in Washington by your purchase and support. " The president made no reply and blushed , and Mr. Haverly was puzzled thereat. When he related that part of the conversation with the president and was told the president con sidered his support of tlio estate boom a very delicate subject , owing to the Massachu setts avenue scandal , the minstrel blushed and expressed regret at his observation. When asked if tin invited tlio picsldent to at tend his show to-night , llaverly said , "No ; 1 Intended to when 1 went to see tlio piesldent , but after talking to him a little while J con cluded it would bo in bad taste , as tills is holy week and ho might have some religious scruple about attending shows now. " IIUCKNT.U I'OK JOKUAN'4 SHOKS. It is reported that the piesldent has been persuaded to take Into .serious consideration the advisability of appointing ex-Congress man Bucknt'r , of Missouil , a successor to United States Treasurer Jordan. It Is under stood that such an appointment woul tend to remove certain disagreeable - able complications in democratic politics in Missouri , and It is rcpicsented it might at tlio same tlmo help the piesident's prospects in that state. It is represented that Uuckner is in hearty accord with the administration In regard ta the sil ver and currency questions. It Is probable also that ho has modified his opinions some what in regard to the oatsonal banking sys tem , but his appointment as treasurer would hardly bo regarded with favor by the friends ot that spstem , EHE COMING TliKASUTtUn. Itepresentatlvu Outhwalto and other promi nent Ohio democrats who have talked to President Cleveland on the subject to-day do not think Theodore Cook , of Cin cinnati , will bo appointed treasurer of the United States as announced last week It would bo done. The president said : "I did think of Cook at Hist , but have been combIng - Ing the universe for the best man and I think I will get him. " It Is believed the tieasurer will come from the cast unless the president reconsiders Cook. NKI1HASK.V AND IOWA.PENSIONS. Tensions wore granted Nebraskans to-day as follows : Carolina Scelv mother of Kllas Williams , Clearwater. and widow of Petei Platte ; Henry Crabtree , Indianola ; Carml O. Skinner , llenkelman ; Elizabeth , widow ol James L. Mitchell. Nebraska City ; minors of Franklin Fowler , Schuyler ; Fred 1 ! . Wurton < bcna , Fairbury ; John JJ. McFaddeu. O'Neill. Pensions granted lowans : Luclcn G , Towne , Creston ; William K Nixon , Mouni Pleasant : Lucius M. Hood. Spencer ; Isaic Cox , Keokuk : Samuel Cavort , Mammkota ; Charles J. Harrington , Cedar Falls ; i-'recmar Hitchcock , Des Molues ; Stephen W. Hal lard , Clear Lake : John Uewcll , Mag nolla ; Helen U. Turner , for widow 01 Keuben 1. Lawhorn , Lamonl ; . Stephen father of Warren K. DunbarSprlngvllle ; Elizabethmother of Cornelius (1. Pike , Kden villo ; Elizabeth , mother of Dan'l W. Falls , Uurllngton ; Wm. Hand , West Union : Iteuoen J. Lawhorn ( deceased ) , Lamonl John Nichols , Des Molnes , ( Increase ) ; Wm Heed , Hosn Hill ; John Iteourn. New Ai blon ; Horatio Bean. Wapello ; James Austin Mllford ; John Smlce , Toolsborough ; Dan' C. ( ireenleaf , Itloomlield : August Jacob Trimello ; James Uamsev. Kutland : Warrer Waite. Nashua ; Joseph F. Lock , Kast Dei Molnes ; Alfred M. Wltcox , Shell Kock : Thos. G. Soverly , Hortram. AUS1V NEWS. Captain J. G. Uutler , ordnance depart ment , Is ordered from Sprlnghcld , Mass. , t < Colt's fire arms manufactory , Connecticut , t < inspect tiatlinc guns bclnir manufacture for ilic ordnance department. Second Lieutenant Frank Greer , slgna corps , Is granted four months'lease , will permission to apply for an extension of t\M months. Assistant Snrtceon 11.0. Burton Is rellovc < from duty in the Department of Dakota am ordered to temporary duty at I'lattsburg bar racks , Now York. Assistant Surgeon L. A , Lagardo Is re llpved limm Camp Sheridan , Wj omlng , and ordered to duty at Fort Assuui bolne , Montana. NobraHka and Iowa Wenthcr. For Nebraska : Fair > vcather , vatiabl winds , generally southerly , slight changes I temperature. . . For Iowa : Fair weather , variable wlnd sllgliUy warmerJn eastern portion , stiitlouar temperature lu western portion. , . I OXG AND SHOUT HAUL ) . Its I'rovlslotif ) Suspended Temporarily liy the Commlialon. WASHING TON , April 0. A petition has been recel\ed by the Inter-state commcicc commission to-day from the general manager of the South Caiollna company , for relief from the operations of the fourth section ( thu long and short haul section ) of the Intcr-stato commcico law. A petition the same as the ntiovo has also been recehed fiom tlio general manager of thoGcoigla Pacific railroad. The commission ers were In conference two hours or more tills morning over petitions foi the sus pension of the lone and short haul provision , but took a recess without having i cached a conclusion. They will reassemble at U o'clock nnd continue consideration ol this subject. At the afternoon session the inter-stato commerce commission made a inline on points contained in the petition of tlio South ern Hallway and Steamship association , In \\hlch authority was asked to allow tlio pres ent rates to centlnuo for the present In order to prevent a great disturbance ot the bust- ness interests and Interests ot tlio dllferent lines In the association. Atter rcleriing to tlio petition in detail , the ruling ot the com mission is as lollows : "It appearing to the commission , after investigation of said peti tion and the facts presented In support thereof to be a proper case for a temporiuy order authorl7inir the existing rates to bo main tained foi the time being until tlio commis sion can make a complete examination of fie matters alleged in s.ild petition as rea sons for leliovingsaid common carriers tiom t ho operation ot said section of said act , It "s oidcred that said application bo and tlio ame hereby Is granted temporarily , subject o modification or revocation by the commls- lon at any tlmo upon hearing or otherwise , ml said common carriers are hereby tent- lorarlly relieved from the operation of the ourtli section ot said act. to the extent speci- cd In tlio recital of this order , and for period ot not greater than ninety ajs from tills date , ubject , however , to the estiiction that none of said common car ters , while tins order remains in ioice , shall n any case charge or reecho compensation or the transportation of pioperty between tatlons on their icspcctlvc lines where more is h.iruc.l tor n shorter than for a longer haul \ lilch shall bo greater than the rates in torco ind charged and recelsed by said catrlers especthely on thelilst day of March , 18s7 , iChcdulcs of which have been tiled with tlio ommlssion. It Is made a lurtlier condition f tills order that a printed copy hereof shall 10 forthwith publicly posted and Kept with ho schedule ot rates fares and eliariros at : \ cry station upon tlio lines of said common ; .inlers , where such schedules are by law re- mired to bo posted and kept lor tlio usu of lie public. And it is further ordered that the ! ommisslou coincno at Atlanta , ( ! ; . , on tlio lOtli day of ADI 11 , lb8T , ata o'clock p. m. , and hereatter at Mobile , Ala. , April 'JO ; New ) rleanv , May 2 and nt Memphis. Tenn. , on May 4 , toi the consldciation ot the subject natter ot said petition , at which plances nnd lines said common carriers or any ot them nav appear and present an application tor aid lollef witli evidence In support thereof , ivhlch applications In eacli case must show : he precise reliet desired , the tacts upon ivhlch the same is claimed , and tlio extent to .vliich . relief from the operation ot said sec- Ion of said act is asked for. And at tlio iamo places and times , pcisons interested In opposing any such application may also ap- lear and be heard , ami nt any time prior to May 0. INsT , tlio commission will icceivo rinted or written communications in sup- ort of or In opposition to tlio relict asked or by said petitions. This announcement esPi'cting tunes and places ot hearing and iieihod of procedure Is subject to change or nl.irgement In the discretion of thocommls- lon. ' 'or the commission : ( Signed ) T. AT. Cqpi.EV , Chairman. IN MKMOKY OF JOHNSTON. The Equestrian Statue oftho General Unveiled at New Orleans. Nnw Oiir.rANs , April 0. The ceremonies ncldcnt to the unveiling of the statue of ieneral Albert Sidney Johnston on tlio omb of the benevolent association of tluj Army ot the Tennessee took place this after noon in tlio presence ot 0,000 people. On the platform wcio many noted iieisons , Including Mr. and Mrs. ilellerson Davis , their dauchtcr , BeameL'anl and stalT. and others. Davis spoke In eloquent words of his old friend and brother soldier , and recounted at length "ils services to the state of Texas while they were lightingforthulrJIberty and the right of solt-go\ornmcnt ; also his services to the United States during the war with Mexico. In conclusion he said : "I lo\ed Urn as a brother ; I honored iltn as a man ; admired him as a hero ; but , more than all this , I felt the sore loss to a just cause which was lullicted when Johnston died. My friends , I have al ready said enough. You all know that John ston led an army which was composed of ma terial rapidly thrown together. One corps , commanded by the gallant and trim soldier , IJrage , was the only one whlc'i had the advantage of uiorough dis cipline. You who followed Johnston through battle saw how ho had gone forward step by step until , at last , ho was snatched by death from the very arms of victory , almost completed by his genius and your valor the valor of the army of Tennes see , which , whether In advance or retreat , received no stiain to transmit to future gen erations. " In reply to an invitation to bo present at the unveiling President Cleveland sent let tt-r of regret. DISCHARGED AM ) KILLED. An Indian Agent Shoots Ills Farmer in Self-Defcnse. WASHINGTON , April 0. Indian Commis sioner Atkins has received the followln letter from Indian Agent . C. Osborno at the Ponca , Pawnee and Otoo agency , Indian Teriitory , under date of April 2,1857 : With a profound sense of icgrct I have to repeat that In discharging yesterday K. M. Smith , a tanner at the Otoe agency , fet general bad conduct upon the agency , but chielly because ot his ungovernable temper , which was continually being turned loose upon both employes and Indians , I had tc kill him In self-defense. Ho repeatedly threatened to kill tlio clerk In charge , wlic reported his bad conduct and asked that he bo discharged. I wont to Otoe to explain to him my reasons for discharging him , to heai his defense , It ho had any , to pay him his salary for the pact quarter , and to dismiss him. While very calmly and quietly per forming this duty he made a violent attack upon the clerk in charge , whom ho wounded on the arm , and then turned upon Mr. Jus tice , the agency blacksmith , and myself , with a cocked and levelled revolver and with the manner of a maniac , when I sliol him dead. 1 am thoroughly convinced thai 1 saved three lives in taking his , and when it Is considered that one of those three Is mi own , and the only ono I have , 1 trust I ma ) be exonerated. Osborne Is from Gallatln , Tenn. , and ha ! been In charge of the agency ever since Au gust , lt > 35. Smith was ono of his own ai > polntecs. COMING 10 OMAHA. The Kansas 1'aclUe Lnnil Office to He ItomovcU From Kansas City. KANSAS CITV , April 0. The Journal wll say to-morrow that the Kansas Pacific lam1 olllcet.hls city will soon be removed to Omah : and consolidated with that ot the Unioi Pacific main line , as the gradual dlmlnu tlon of land sales renders it inexpedient ti maintain separate ofllces. Denver's Social Sensation. DKXA'int , Col. , April 0. [ Special Telegran to the HKK. | A sensation has been create ! In social circles by ox-Governor Gilpln lilliif application In thp county court tor divorce aliening Inhuman treatment by his wife wulch , tozether with her extravagance am ungovernable temper , makes life a burden llu further alleges that tils wife entered Int conspliacy to tauo Ids life and get control o his property and children , vliose atlectlou she has estranged from him. Mr. ! ilpln. pray for separation and tlio custody of Ills thiei children. Mrs. Gilpln has tiled an answe denying the charges made by her husb.ujd 'Governor Gilpln Is seventy-four years old am his wife is tUty. riiey.have bvcu iraivlci thirled ! ! 2curs. . ' ' MORE'NEWS OF ELECTIONS License and Prohibition the Main Issues in Nebraska Towns , VICTORIES FOR BOTH SIDES A Close Contest For State Olllccrs In llhode Island Prohibition De feated lly Five Thousand Ala * Jorlty In Mlchluan. Lincoln. LINCOLN , Neb. , April 0.-Tho footings of the vote In the election yesterda > were com pleted nt an early hour this morning , as fol lows : For Mayor Sawyer , dem. , 2,014 ; Itogcen , rep. . 1,4S ; Crop ey , prohlb. , ISO ; plurality for Saw > er. Win. City Clerk-Mauley , rep. , 3,0705 llohman , dcm. . Gib ; Rollins , prolilb. , SOU ; pluiality for Mauley , 2,058. Tieasurer Jones , rep. , 1,031 ; Tiecuian , clt- 1/011,1.037 ; Hopkins , dem. , Oh ) ; Lewis , pro- bib. , 4H7 ; plurality lei Jones , 570. Uyers , rep. , was elected cemetery trustee by a plurality of 24. The pluralities of couneliincn were as fol lows : First ward , J. II. Dally , dcm. , 110 ; Second waul L. W. UllllnL'siey . . .5 , , 'I..I . . . _ . . , , , 1 , . . _ _ . . .111. . . . . , ! , . rep. ! > ; . , . . . . I. ; III/UII. " ' , .11 Mil WlllU * lit \J. yi and Fied llovey , prohlb. , 45. Fremont. FREMONT , Neb. , April 0. ( Special to the Bun.J The city election held here was n comparatively quiet one , there being no par ticular Issue at stake. The total number of votes cast for mayor was 1)01. ) Tlio election resulted In an overwhelming victory for the republicans by such majorities as were never known in tills city before. 1) ) . F. Slaulfer was re-elected mayor over M. H. Htnman by a majority ot 100. A. W. Forbes , clerk , re ceived a majority of : ! IO ; J. L. Kelnaul , treasurer , got a majority of 213. Tlio vote for police judge was a tie. Three out of four lepublican couiicilmen were elected , ns fol lows : K. M. Collins , Kay Nje , Krnest Scliaurnmn , Clans Plambeck , democrat. An inteiesting feature of the day was the liL'ht made by the ladies for the members of the school board. The republicans and demo crats nominated a union ticket of C. H. May and C. 11. Taneray. The ladles only tlio day beloro election put up a ticket by nominating Mis. L. W. Reynolds and Mrs. W. H. Kly. They turned out to tlio polls and wonted and k'otcd for their candidates. The result gives Tanciay Tiunjoiity and Mis. Reynolds 1 ma- 'ority. Grand Island. GiUNi ) ISLAND , Neb. , April 0. [ Special Telegram to tlio Uii : : . | Tlio citi/etib' ticket was elected in full at the election In this city , 'csterday by majorities ranging from 100 to ISO. Judge W. II. Plait was elected mayor Henry Garn police judge , John W. West .rcasuier. Charles . llrinlnger city clerk. James Alexander was elected councilman in tile fourth ward. II. J. Palmer In the third waid. Charles Wasmer In tlio second waul , and J. W. Livingston in the lirst ward. Everything \\entotl peaceably. It Is con sidered a good strong administration lor tlio coming year , as all elected are representa tive businessmen and will makothings move in the right dlicction. Mr. Kd Hooper , thu defeated candidate tor mayor , Is a llrst class man , too , but his candidacy came too late to be canvassed , hence his vote .was compara tively small. Mr. I'latt will without doubt make an effective and bo a popular mayor. Chadron. CuArmoN , Neb. , April 0. [ Special Tele gram to the UKE.J At tills hour (8:30 ( : p. m. ) cannons are booming and torch light proces sions marching In honor of the election of C. C. Hughes to tlio mayoralty of Chadron. Mr. Hughes Is also assistant superintendent of the Black Hills division of the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railway , and In recognition of the high honors bestowed upon him he promises his constituents that he will keep the wheels well oiled and allow no hot boxes to endanger the s-ifty ot the city gov ernment while under hit' juiisdiction. He fintlior piomises that tlio administration of city atlairs will bo run on schedule time. The Chadron band , headed by Richards Hios. , Charles King , William Fowler , C. K. Elliott R. Flanders and other prominent eiti/ens have just escorted the mayor-elect to the city hall , where refieshmcnts are bountifully lu honor of the event. Keiirncv. KnAiiNr.Y , Neb. , April 0. [ Special Tclc- Kram to the HKK.J Yesterday's election was a very exciting one. Tlio contest was license veisus temperance. The license ticket won by majorities ranging from 00 to 200. The elect are : C. U. Fluch , mayor ; It. A. Julian clerk ; S. M. Nevlns. treasurer ; K. N. Porter held , engineer : 1) ) . F. Kast , police ludgo ; li I ) . Smith and H. J. Allen , members ot schoo board ; Walter Kuutzln , councilman Thin ward : C. 1. Tuttle , Second ward ; Overmlllor and Rogers , Fiist. PlattRinouth. Pr.ATTSMOUTir , April 0. The democrats elected three of the four councllmcn Week bach , Jones and McCallcm. Button , repub lican , was elected In the Third ward. Fo mombeis of the school board Shownlter am Sam Waugli were elected over two republl cans and Mrs. Perrv Walker and Mrs. S. A Davis , the ladles' candidates. A franchise tvas voted to the company headed by lr Mercer , ot Omaha , to erect u street railway there being only three votes against It. nertrand. Ur.TtTiiANn , Neb. , April fi. [ Special to the Hr.E. ] Much excitement was created yester day over the village election , which resulted in the success of the people's ticket over the liberal ticket by majorities of from four tc nine. The result was a great surprise tc everybody , who long ago conceded the elec tion of the liberal ticket. The change will abolish the saloons for tbo next year , com menclng from May 12. Ha n croft. BANCROFT , Neb. , April 0. [ Special to the BKK.J The entire citizens' ticket for conii' cllmon , backed by the business men nnd torn yeranco clement of the place , was electei yesterday by a majoilty of nlno over th < peoplo's ticket , backed by the saloon inter ests. This means that Bancroft will try to exist without the aid of saloons , at least for : year. Public sentiment had reached a hlgl pitch and the election was hotly contested. Croto. CitETn , April 0. Prohibition and 11 cense were the Issues In the contest lu till city. T. II. Miller , license candidate , wai elected mayor by a majority of 110. The 10 malndcr of the license ticket was elected iv follows : F. U. Williams , city clerk , 12J ma jority ; C. M. Buiket. city treasurer ; Eugem Schilling , polli-e Judge ; S. S. Urown , cit ; engineer. The council will stand four 11 cense and two anti-license. Nebraska City. NKIIHASKA CITV , April 0. The clectloi yesterday was quiet , notwithstanding tin elTorts of paity managers to make It lively Three lopubllcans and ono democrat wor elected councllmen ; an indiipendent wa elected police judire , and the demociats ani prolilbitlonlsts divided tlio school board The street railway franchise carried. Valparaiso. VAi.rAiiAiso , Neb. , April C. ] Spocinl t the HKK. ] The town election passed elf ver : quietly yeiteiday , resulting In tlio election o the straight no-llconso ticket by n laigo mn jorlty. It was closely contested on boil Hides and the result was a surprise to the auji porters of the high llcenso ticket , Alma , AI.IA , Neb. , April 0. The business men' ticket was successful as follows : J. A. Kan dull , mayor ; F. 1) . Wallon , clerk ; J. K. Mej crs , treasurer ; W. 1. Campbell , 'oiiuellmcn First ward , U. I Howman ; Second ward , It. M. Liberty andJ , P. Cnr- 011 ; Third ward , S. L. Roberts. Nell h ami Oakilalo. NKI.IOII , Neb. , April G. ( Special Telegram n tlio llniM Hoth Ncllgh and Oakdulo lected no-llcenso tickets at the elections L'sieiday by a majority of two in this place and twenty" In Oakdalo. llcnnutt. Ur.JCvr.TT , 'April 0. . The llcon o ticket vas elected by a majoilty of thirty. The lew board will consist of Dr. K. Piper. Wm. Jocgonkainp. JoUu Uickson , U. F. Tubbs and Nels Pedersou. Srrr.uioit , April 0. High llcenso cariled jy a lair majority. Ilrnklcman , Hr.NKi.r.MAN , Neb. , April 0. Low license wascairiedby a largo majority. nine lit.ri : SrniNos Neb. , April 0. The entire Icense ticket was elected heio to-day by iiajorities langing fiom tlirco to seventeen. UlyHsen. UI.VSSKS , Neb. , Apill C , High license was carried. Geneva. ( ir.NuvA , Neb. , April 0. Tito temperance * ; lcketas elected by a majority of b3. K. 1C. A. Adams weio elected tiustecs of the schools tor thico years. . Mii.rnni ) , April 0. The high lleenso ticket vas elected by a majoilty of twenty. CrclKhlon. CitKioiiTON , April 0. An anti-llcenso board was elected were , headed by George K. Cheney. IMattc Center. Pr.ATTK , April C. The license ticket was elected by a largo majoilty. The members are J. W. Lynch , R. L. Rossltor , W K. Kent , George N. Hopkins and Gcoue 11. Stevenson. SyracitHC. i : . April 0. The license ticket was successful by a mnlority of thirty. Junlata. April 0. The license ticket was elected hero by an average majority of Z > . Lattj ear the town declared lei piohlbition. Illoomliinton. Br.ooMiNOTON , April 0. Tlio people ot this city affirmed high license by an increased majority. _ _ _ OUTSIDE Tim STATIJ. The Democrats Hold the Ucliif ) of Power In Minneapolis. MiNNiiArou ? , April G. Yesterday's elec tion was a victory for tlio democrats , who elected ten aldermen to tlio lepublicans cloven. Tlio democrats already had nine to the republicans slv , so now tlio council stands nineteen democrats to seventeen ID- publicans. For the lust time in yuais tlio democrats me In power. Sleepy St. Ijoiilq. ' ST. Louis , March 0. Nearly accurate fig- uies show that for the council , or upper house of the municipal assembly , the republi cans elect live mcmbeis and itho democrats two , and that the lower house will stand louitcen democrats , and ton republicans , two independent demociats , nnd ono republican labor , 'the vote Is very , small , only about thirty-two thousand votes cast. The complete vote cast at yesterday's elec tion as pi luted this morning does not change the results given in the latest dispatches trom here last night. Tlio labor vote slightly exceeds f > ,000 , which Is a little over one- eighth of tlio cntiio vote cast. Max Stoelir , elected to the house of delegates in the Fifth ward , Is said to be a labid socialist and an active leador.'amoiiK the Knights of Labor. In east St. Louis , 111. , the clti/cns ticket with M. M. Stevens at its head was elected with the exception of one alder man. This breaks up the old ring uilo which prevailed many yeais in that city. Milwaukee.1 Mn.wAincni : , April 0. The city yesterday ga\o n majority for tlio labor candidate , but the towns polled n fusion vote that over topped tlio labor vote In the city and elected thu fusion judicial candidates by a majority ot neaily l.fiOO. Tlio labor vote was within 100 votes ot what it was last fall , while tlio fusion vote showed n laliirlg otf of nearly 4,000 as eompaied with the total vote cast at the fall election. The judges-elect are : Su perior couit , Goo. 11. Noycs , ( rep ) ; circuit court , L ) . J. Johnson , ( dem ) . Ithndo Inland. PiiovinuNcn , II. L , April C. The state election Is In progress under fair skies and with a close contest existing. The prospect favors a largo and close vote. It is believed that Wliitmore , frop.l for governor Is run- nlntr considerably behind his ticket though Metcalf , candidate lor attorney-general , is very generally scratched and the democratic nominee substituted. The woman suffrage amendment receives but taint support. Davis has a plurality for govcrnorof proba bly 1,500 , together with the rest ol the demo cratic state ticket except attorney general , which is still In doubt. City. KANSAS CITV , Apiil 0. The vote for mayor yesteiday was as follows : Kiimpf , republican , fiS6U ; Worthed , democrat , 3,121 ; Melch , labor , 1U23. The republicans elected their ontiie ticket except treasurer und four aldermen. The democrats elected tieasurer and four aldermen , and the labor party two aldermen. In these two wauls there was no opposition. Tlio labor votes weio diawn clilclly trom the democrats. Prohibition Defeated in flllchluan. Dr/riioiT.Apill 0. Specials to the Evening Journal indicate the prohibition amendment has been defeated by about live thousand. Gogehlc county , In the upper peninsula , which has not been Included in tlio Jouinal's earliest estimates gives two thousand major ity against piohlbition. The latest returns liom the soiitliciii paitot the state favor pro hibition , but the vote In thu uppui peninsula moie than ovcicomo this. JJoodlcrH Giving Jtondn. CHICAGO , April 0. [ Special Telegram to tlio BKK.J Tlio work of examining the ball bonds ot the Indicted county boodlcrs was still engaging tlio attention of the criminal court olllcials to-day. The llrst victim of tlio special grand July's work to make his ap pearance this morning was Chairman Klehm , who came into tlio clerk's oillco looking worried and tired. It was agreed that those parties who had previously glvwi ball should not be compelled to give new bonds to covei the last Indictments , but should enter Intc new sureties , which would cover all the In dictments In a lump. Commissioner Klehm was roqunod to give 821,000. There are SIX' teen chaigosot conspiracy against him ami thicoof bribery. Commissioner Casselman , on one Indictment lor bribery nnd seven foi conspiracy , gave 11,000 bonds. Lnvl Wind iiiuller , the grocer \vhoturnlshed fiosli straw' boriles tor the county In such onormuu quantities , Rave lull on one Indictment foi ronspltacy. His ball was 5'-.VXJ. Gommls sioner McClaughroy gswou bond for sSO.oOO There are two indicimentr. against him lei bribeiy nnd twelve foi conspiracy. F. W Dcpper , the meat contractor lurnl-'hed ' bail in the sum of S--W on tuo indictinuiiU toi bribery and live lor conspiracy. A New Hampshire NJW : YOIIK , April 0. A special to the Mail nnd Kxpiess from Contoocook , N , 11. B.iys ; Distinct earthquake tiemors teirlllci the Inhabitants of this place today. Tin vibrations comn from tlio east and loud do tonatlnns ucro heard like loud claps of thun dcr. Tlio cracking of the fio/en uround aiii thubrcaldn nt Ice In ponds added to tin noise. Tlio shocks lasted' about a minute Hollies were jarred nnd dlslles rattled elf tin shelves in closets , while miny people wen rolled from their Oedti , . . A DEFENDANT'S ' TESTIMONY Pnnl Leader Takes the Stand in the Had4 dock Murder Trial , i . HOW THE SHOOTING OCCURRED Aronidorf AVni Not Present When the Tragedy Took 1'laco Lonvltt i'lrcil tin ; Shot-Other Kv - ilcnco Introduced , Story oftlio Dofon e. Sioux CITY , la. , April 0. In tlio Haddock murder trial this morning , James Junk , Josephs. Borsch and others tcstliled as to the reputation of Lcavltt and Bismarck. The witnesses who were saloon keepers , pro nounced their reputations as very bad. C. Hart , a boarder at I'aul Leader's , ono oftho defendants , testified he w.xs one of the crowd that went fiom Junk's saloon to the scene of the murder. About half a dozen started down with Leavitt. Arcnsdorf did not go with them. Loader and 1 toll owed the crowd down about l.V ) feet buhlnd them. Leader and 1 passed by the crowd , which was standing by a high boird fence. Leader was next to tlio fence. As wo passed the crowd somebody took Leader's hat otf and put an other hat on Leader. It was the man whom I understood to bo Leavitt. Ho passed and tin ned the corner and went south on Water stioot between sixty and eighty foot. There \\eheaid thorcpottof a pistol shot. Wo looked around Instantly. We saw ono man stagger and fall and another turn and run. The man uinnlngauay had on a rubber coat and light pants. 1 did not notice his hat. He ran toward the northeast. Leader and 1 walked to the corner of Third street and then wont east to the Milwaukee house. Ulsmaick was not with us. I iiover saw him. Wo got back about 11 o'clock. Bismarck was not at the Milwaukee house. \s- Aumsdort was not thu man who liiod the shot. 1 am positive ho not In the crowd that went to the scene of the murder. At the afternoon session ot the district court Paul Lender , one of the defendants and the llrst one so far introduced , was called. Ills testimony was substantially as I 'ollows : Lived at tlio coiner of Nebiaskn and Second sheets In August , 18i > r > ; was at lie M Hwaukee house August ! ) ; was at thu Jcntral housu about U ; was at the Now Kng- land hakciynnd was going home when 1 met Mi. Hart at the corner of Nebraska and Fourth ; wo went Into tlio Kngllsli Kitchen aloou ; got a glass of beer or clu-ar , and hence to Junk's ; Hint Aiensdoif and others to our right ; another crowd to our loft ; ArensdorC laced the front ; wo walked throuah into the rear loom ; iccogiil/cd Leavitt among thn otlieis ; I didn't know ilm ; lemained in Junk's Ihooi six minutes ; Areusdoil was In thutciowdnt the corner ; Arensdoif Is 1101 the man who fired the shot ; I was not nt thu meeting of the saloon keepers Augusts , IbbO ; bollevo there was n union of some kind among them ; 1 under stand theio was no complete oiganl/atlon ; J attended ono meeting ; know of no banding together or association to whin or injure Haddock or anvono else ; Leavitt nnd they nil went out together ; 1 Went out with Unit a second or two after Leavitt ; wo left Arena * dort in Junk's ; thociowd , headed hv Leavitt , wont along tbo south side of Fourth to \ Water ; wo followed behind them ; didn't know what they were going to do ; never had a word with Leavitt about what they were going to do ; caught up with them nt the high tence , elirlit or ten feet tiom tlio corner ; ns I ' walked by him he jellied this straw hat oil" of my head nnd put thisgiay ono on mine : nsUed him what ho meant , and he saici "That's all right ; " walked down Water street and heard the report of n gun behind us ; looked around and saw ono man stagger ing eastwaid nnd andnnotherrunnlA north ward ; ho woio a long , black coat , light pnuts and Itiown low-clowned lint ; ho went down Water town-id Second , nud on Second homo ; got thereabout ten minutes beloro tlio tiala ni rived on the Milwaukee about 10:10 : ; Bis marck was not with mu ; didn't see him that evening ; at the time the shot was llred I thought tlio man was Leavltl : I was satisfied tint Lonvltt was tlio man who lired the shot nnd was running away ; I did not go to Haddock ; 1 heard that Haddock was shot live or ten minutes niter I cot to the hotel ; I knew the miuslinl , sherilf , district attorney , but I never told ami ot them ; the hrst time 1 lett Sioux City niter the tnuidnr was when the time 1 went to Council lilulfs with the wife of Bismarck ; 1 did not ire before the coronet's jury and toll that I know who waa the murdotm ; 1 did not care to be Implicated in tlio murder ; I was m rested before 1 was Indicted ; 1 should have told that Leavitt was' tlio muideier wliuii airested it I had boon asked. Slid Started For Omaha. Dis Moi.vns , la. , April 6. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. | Lnst Sunday noon n German inl , lluttio Grey , nged about nine teen , not unused to traveling alone , left her homo hero to visit her uncle , James H. Porter ter , who Is an engineer working In the exposition - position building at Omaha. Monday word was sent from Omaha that she had not i reached her destination , though she Hhotiid have been there Sunday evening. Nothing has been heard trom her since , and foul play Is suspected. To-day thu mother , nearly do- Htracted , started lor Omaha in search of the missing glil. Diligent search was made last night for the mother nnd the gul , but no trace ot either could lie foirnd. Mr. Cooper , not Porter , ns erroneously telegraphed , had not seen his niece , Miss Groy , and did not think him had arrived in the city. He Is also doubtful as to the girl having readied Omaha. Attempted Murder and Suicide. Dis : MOINKS , la. , April 0. [ Special Tolo- giam to thu liKi--Kdward : | Comings , aged thlity , living near Davis City , Dccatur county , had some dllliculty with his wife , who was visiting her father , lie ordered her to leturn homo , but "ho refused. There upon lie said : "If wo can not llvo together wo will die together , " nnd tinning , shot her twice and then shot himself , dying Instantly. It is possible that she will live. The Lynched Mtmlnror Hurled. Cnu.NiMi , la. , April C. [ Special Telegram to tlio BISK. | The funeral ot John H. McKenzie - Kenzio , who was lynched Sunday morning lor the murder ot John H. Kiggs , occurred to-dny , his Krlot btiicUen wife and a paity ol neighbors taldng the body to the Qulncy cemetery tor burial. Shot While Jluiitliic. UNION , la. , April 0. [ Special 'lolcgiam to the Bii.j : Archie A ndctson , younuest senor or A. J. Anderson , was accidentally shot this morning by Frank Delayo while hunt ing. His thiuli was badly .shattered and am putation of tint limb will be ncvcssniy. ? l/irHhnlltown .Matters. MAIWII.U.IAOWN , la. , April G. ( Special Tck'urniu to thu JlKi : . ] Judgjj Weaver hi the district coin t to-day , rntused to grant atraiis- ngnlnst Uowman'a bifwery to the United Mates com t , Thn fcolillers' homo trustees nro In session. \Voik \ will begin thin \ > eck , Unknown Schooner Hutilc. N\Nit ) ( KIT : , MC.SJ. , April G. A lnr ethre - masted schooner was discovered sunk llvo miles from the cast end of t'.ilH ' Island on Ha s reef ycsteidnv. A boat's crow \\nit to her and found her In ten fathoms oC wnUr with hf r sails sot. There. Is no tiding ot l ) ; r crew. Her name Ims not been learned , 1'uninliiiiom liy ICIcctrlclty , ilAiii'.ismiito. , Pn. , April 0.--A bill was passed by the senate today providing that punlslimi-nt fi r murder In the first dvntl. by lliu us * of electricity ,