Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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Prospecta of an Excitine Contest at the
Polls To-Day.
John Mnrvln Bent to the I'cn For ttio
Kililni : of Prank NeiicrRnll
Sulcldo Near Wnlioo
State News.
; lncoin's City I'lcctlon.
. ! ? , Nub. . April 4. | Special
'leli'irram ' to the Hr.i.J : The election
to morrow promises Ijo tlio most
exciting \\lilcli lias ever take place
In Lincoln. There will be thico tickets
In the Held the democratic and citizens' the
republican and the prohibition. Each party
hvt'ins confident of success. This afternoon
mi attempt was made by tlm republican ills-
nllecled oneb to Induce Colby , the prohibi
tionist candidate for mayor , to retire and en-
nblo a coalition between his supporters and
these of Saw > er , the citizens' and democratic
nominee. If the attempt had been success
ful It would have been attended possibly with
ulsastrous conscriuences to Uoggen. As It Is
the chances of the lalter's success are rather
assuring. To-night the prohibition people
ore printing three- circulars , addressed to
Homo of the cleigynion , the women and the
low and order people ot Lincoln. They are
1 Inspired with various sentiments and will be
scattered In thousands at the polls to-mouow.
They will aid In satisfying the prohlbltlon- pV.sibly In the polling of
ntmitt 700 votes. The citizens and democrats
promise excellent support to Mr. Sawjer ,
while the meetings of the republican mana-
. which are being held to-nleht , Kiiaran-
Surs. Kuiigun a heavy vote.
Cattlemen In Convention.
UiiuvK.v.viV'yo. : . , April 4. [ Special Telo-
grnui to the JJr.u.l The attendance at the
annual meeting of the Wyoming Stock
drawers' association , which convened In this
city to-day , while somewhat smaller in point
of numbers than previous meetings , Is n fall
representation of the stock groweis of Wy
oming , Dakota and Nebraska. The Rocre-
rotary's reports show the receipts of the past
year to bo 5.VJ , 131 ; the exDouditures S31OSQ ;
leaving a balance on hand of $1,000 , against
n dcncit of 310,000 at the close of the
the preceding year. In the future no assess
ments will bo levied against members , the
Hales of mavericks and strays bulni ; sulllcieut
to piovldo for all expenses. The unusually
line weather which Im * prevailed during the
past two months , together with the favorable
reports brought In bv ' ranch foremen , Indicate
lighter losses of'stock than heretofore
counted on. 1'rlces of beef are counted on
ns being higher the coining season , and ttio
irellnit which animates the convention is
that of encouragement. The uoneraloplnlon
is expressed that the prospects In the cattle
business are brighter at the present than at
any time dm Inn the past two > ears.
Marvin Convicted.
FALLS CITV , Neb. , April 4. The verdict of
guilty of manslaughter , rendered last Satur
day night by the jury In the Marvin murder
case , Is generally approved by the public.
Counsel tor the prisoner have moved tor the
now trial on the giound that metnbeis of the
.jury conversed about the case with outside
parties , and It Is probable that the verdict
will be set aside.
LINCOLN , Neb. , April 4. [ Special Tele
gram to the Ur.rc. ] John Marvin , who snot
and killed Frank Nebergall at Falls City and
was found guilty of manslaughter at that
place Saturday last , arrived hero to-day. lie
was accompanied by his hi other Frank and
was In the custody of Sheriff Kay , of Rich
ardson county. lie- was sentenced to one
year In the penitentiary , to which he was
iaknn this evening. Ills sentence was the
lightest which could be Imposed upon him
and it Is probable that ho will be suggested
for a pardon.
Fairmont Nomination * .
FAIHHOXT , Neb. , April 4. [ Special Tele-
KHUU to the DKE.J The following citizens
were nominated to-night : John Harsby ,
mayor ; C. M. Clark , clerk ; T. M.Wright ,
treasurer ; J. II. Haughawaut , city engineer ;
Prod Payo , councilman Second ward ; F. O.
Usher , councilman First ward. I. U. Chase
nnd V. A. Stuart were nominated for mem
bers of the school board. The proposition to
build two school houses , ono in the First
ward and one in the Second ward , was car
Suicided Ily Unnclrif * .
WAIIOO , Neb. , April 4. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE.J To-day at 10 o'clock the body
of John Canootson was found hanging to a
K trod about one mile northwest or town. The
coroner was notified and the following facts
> were brought otil by the I nquost : That the
deceased was a Qernian. unmarried , about
twenty-six years ot ase , and cumo to his
death by strangulation admlstered by his
i * own hand at the end of a string. Temporary
liberation of mind Is supposed to be the cause
of the rash act.
Appointments By the Governor.
LINCOLN , Neb. , April 4.-Special [ Tele
gram to the BEE. ] Governor Thayer this
txtternoon appointed ex-Sliorlit Dan Hop-
, -oklns , of. Mcrritt county , as deputy warden of
the penitentiary ; A. C. Crawford , of Hall ,
janitor of the capital , and Mrs. S. J. Edgar ,
; pf Clay , matron of tbo hospital for the in-
Bane at Lincoln.
Piro nt Fort Monde.
lUrm CITV , Dal : . , April 4. ISpcclnl Tele-
jgvam to th BKI : , ! A tire nt Fort Menrte to-
ntjl > t destroyed the hpadqitarturs ot Colonel
Nupnrticulurs of thelosa or orialn
Imvti brx > n learned.
Great Interest Is manifest In the municipal
s election which occurs to-morrow.
A Illnzo at Watmo.
WAIIOO , Neb. , April 4. An Incendiary
fire last night destroyed tlio iirahi clovator of
11. H. Uorsiiy and thtce Hut cars > . Lois
610,000 ; iuMirauce 57,000.
tSritlHh Grain Trade Hevlow.
LOXDOX , April 4. Thn ilark Lina Ex
press , In Its review of the British grain trade
rturliiR the past week , says : English wheat
It tt'iulluc lower In London , aud in u number
"of provincial markets there has been a C < l@ls
decline. Ttie feellnc of the trade Is one ot
extreme depression. Sales of English wheat
flttrlDK the week v ere SI.CS7 quarters at
S3s3d , aRalnat 01,140 quarters at 30s 5d durIng -
' Ing the corresponding period la t year. The
.market for foreign wheat Is otiiet and deinor-
allzed. The arallablo suptiHcs are already
tnore than ample for the remalnuer of the
Ameal year , while the stocks at port are con
stantly Increasing. The \\eck' receipts of
" Hour at London ate thu largest on record for
"Ik .week , amounting to 8S.OSJ narks of Ameri
can nnd 15US.S sacks of Eiij'isti. ! four
canroe.s ofvliest arrived , three were with
drawn , and ono was sold. To-day the whsat
trade was at a fttaiuMlll. Quotations were
nominal Any dealings that were mane
m-roat a Cd decline. Flour was depressed ,
and quotations were Irregularly lower. Corn
was quiet ItussUn osts rose OU. Linseed
was 5d ulghtir.
Northern 1'acttlo liand I'ntontn.
WASifuroTOX , April 4. Upon the applica
tion of the Union Paclllc railroad company
for the Issue of patents for lands alone the line
of the road In Minnesota and m Dakota easi
of the Missouri river , Commissioner Sparks
has reported to the pccretary of the Interior
U- that the position of the road named was
definitely located and constructed within the
t'.roe required by law and accepted by the
president rs properly constructed , and that
110 measure for the forfeiture of the lands on
fiat part of the line was prndlnu before con
cress at It/i / adjournment , ana he Is Informs
py the chairman and leading members of the
house committee on public lands that no such
jnensure was proposed or cotuldered by satil
f 'jnanlttet . The comml.sslonrr therefore rec-
pmmflnds thxt patent ! be Issued to the com-
rinr for tn lands ulonc ao much of the road
M Jfw tstivf < ! n n point near Dttluth , In Mln-
BMoU , and t 9 UU > ouil rlier Iu UAkota. bat
ntatcs his opinion that no lands should bo
) nloutcl to paid company for lands on any
other portion of thr road
( . 'Jmttnnor > ia'H lloom DIITIoultr.
UIIATTANOOOA , Totin. , April 4. fSpeclal
Telegram to the IKE. ! J A slncular difficulty
ms arisen here as a losult of tlio real estate
> oem which has prevailed here for three
nontlis. Soniu time since a syndicate of
capitalists purchased n large tract of land al-
nosed In the center of the city , called Stone
'ort , which , on account of Its rock and un
even condition , has been allowed to be occu-
ilcd by iiLV'toc-i , at least 200 small houses
a been put up ior their occupancy.
famlllus since the iir-w ptirchaso
lave been notllleil to vacate this property at
once , and thev will lint a to leave. There Is they can
cot , and ChUtino ; < ui ; hnow confrnntcd with
he problem ot what to do with 200 families
vhu aic turned out of house and home. The
poor people will have to get ol ! during the
! oiniii ! ? week , and what to do with them no-
jody knows ,
A Itnilronil War Imminent.
CHICAGO , April 4. The Pennsylvania
company and its allied lines liavc ordered alt
of their ticket accnts , commencing tomorrow
row , to throw out all coupon tickets of the
western roads with the exception of the St.
' .nil's and to sell no ninio tickets to western
mints beyond the terminals ot the I'uiiusyl-
aula company. The effect of this order Is
hat anv puison from the cast traveling
jt'yond Chlcaito will bo forced to buy a ticket
iver a western road at this point unless ho
travels over the at. I'.uil roacf. As the west-
.rn roads will probably retaliate a war lie-
t\\cen the two sections Is expected. Tlio
action ot the IVnnsjlvania Is lusrd on the
ii'fusal of the western lines to ceasu paying
Desperadoes Kllloil nnd Captitrod ,
Ai.nuQUnitrtui : , X. M , , April i. OIIlccrs In
pursuit ot lilll and John lirown , the noto-
lious desporadop.s Implicated In wrecking the
Atlantic & 1'acltlc train nrar Uluo Water
ast January , came upon them yesterday
near Lajova. Tlio summons to halt was an
swered bv it shot from 1)111 ) Hiown's
revolver. The ollicors returned the lire
nnd Drown tumbled trom the saddle dead.
John throw up his hands and surrendcipd.
lie will bo taken to bocarro county under
: hu cluriro of murder and horse stealing.
This is the second of the gang of train wreck-
01 s who have been killed by otlicers. Three
are In jail awaiting trial. This breaks up
one of the worst cangs of lobhors that over
nfested ew Mexico.
The New AVabash Receiver.
CIIICAOO , April 4. Judge Gresham , In the
United States circuit court to-day , appointed
Jeneral John McNulta , of lilooniington ,
111. , to bo tecelver of the Wabash railway
lues east of the Mississippi river. General
McN'ulta is n lawyer , lie at one time had
control of tlio narrow gauge road uinnlng
from St. Louis to Toledo , having bcenrecom-
ncnded tor that trust by Judge David Davis
and Judge Treat , lie Is said to havn managed
.he affairs of that road very successfully.
Slosson Defeats Bchaofor.
CHICAGO , April 4. George Slosson , of
Chicago , defeated Jacob Schaefer , of St.
Louis , at cushion caroms in Central Music
hall to-night for 5500 a side. About 700
spectators wrro present. The score was :
Slosson TXX ) , Schaefer4SS. Slosson was far
behind In the first half of the game , but for
seventeen consecutive innings Schaefer
scored practically nothing.
An Unknown Schooner Wrecked.
SANIIWICII , Mass. , April 4. An unknown
lariro two-masted schooner ran between Nantucket -
tucket and Hyannls during the storm Satur-
dav and sunk , only the mast heads being
visible from the shore. A boat was sent to
her reMUio jesterday , but none of tlio vessel's
crew could bo found aud are supposed to b
1'rlntors Dpmand a llaisp.
CINCINNATI , April 4. The typographical
union , at n meetlnc hold yesterday , decided
to advance the price of .composition on morn-
Ine newspapers to 45 cents per thousand , and
notllled the newspapers that the new rate
would take effect at 7 o'clock this morning.
The proprietors have not yet taken any
The Elgin Dairy Market.
EI.OI.V , 111. , April 4. On tne board of trade
to-day the butter market broke down and was
sluggish at a steep decline. The rojular s.Ues
amounted to 18,960 pounds at 2S@29. Noth
ing was doing In ciieeso on the call. Tiie
total sales aggregated 23,453. ,
A Bankrupt Suicides.
BOSTON , April 4. Volney It. Chamberlain ,
against whom suits for perjury and conceal
ment of assets to the amount of 5"0,000 were
brought by John It. Squires & Co. , pork pack
ers , committed Ktiieldu thN afternoon nt his
residence in Cambridge by shooting himself :
thtougb thu head.
The Burlington Withdraws ,
ST. PAUL , April 4. The Burlington road
to-day eave the sixty days' notice agreed
upon of Its withdrawal from the agreement
with the other lines between Chicago and St.
Paul and Minneapolis on freight rates. Tne
present rates aie consldeied too high.
Philadelphia's New Mayor.
PHILADELPHIA , April 4. Kdwin II. Fitter
was at noon to-day Inaugurated as mayor ,
and entered upon hh duties as thu first
nmyor under the now city charter.
A Charitahlo Lady's Death.
NEW YORK , Aprile 4. Mrs. Catherine
Wolfe , a well-known and charitable- lady of
this city , died at her residence on Madison
a\enue this morning.
Immigrants Start West.
NEW Yonic , April 4. Four thousand cml-
crants were started west from Castle Garden
to-day , bein * the accumulation ol ! arrivals
cilice Friday.
Ornaments on I'ottcry.
It is thought by some that ornamental
imtturns on pottery ivro Immlcil down by
. : WK ea from one gonunitiou to imothor.
This is not true of our Indian , who , after
making si pot , ornaments it with impro
vised designs. Ho has no pattorn-books
to K ido him. Indians of New ftlexieo
nccu.stomoil to pottory-niiikiMfchavusince
their contacts with whites , given nttou-
lion to more elaborate ornamentation ;
just sis those of Mexico meet n tloiniinil
unil find their wuy into public nntl pri
vate collections. The most notico.'ihle
cluiiRo in tashniquu is the use of nninial
and human forms , which , though not un
known on older pieces sire rare. Toy
forms of pottery iiiul those animal anil
human designs which mot the readiest
sale have been most improved by a kind
of niittiral selection.
The thirst for iintlnuitips hits also stim
ulated the ntttivo artists to imitate them.
Ju the City of Mexico au Italian made a
peed living for tlireo years making stone
sculptures in imitation of antiquities.
1 ho writer saw some of his works , but
they were easily detected. The children
all had European faces , and the delicate
parts of the body were too well worked
out. Near the City of Mexico lire a
settlement of Indians who have the
credit of manufacturing clover Imitations
of ancient pottery. The noble custom of
exciting in children the love of the beautiful -
tiful through toys and dolls was not
neglected Lv the ancient. Mexicans.
Lvou in our day a striking example is
the manufacture of toys in great profusion -
fusion at Guadalajara , which are sold
not only throughout the republic , but
They are taken on the backs of mon
. ani'Vlls ' ! Packed in baskets anil
crates. J heso toys are very truthful rep-
resontatlvcs of the man tiers and customs
of the people. For the rude apparattu
cmoJoyed they are truly remarkable ,
inn most Interesting fact about this ware
is the way In which the ariist holds on to
ancient .forms , and in the decorations
yields himself absolutely to the whims
and domauds of the market. Ho oven
borrows from the Spaniard the art of sil
vering and gilding. This almost total
hiding of tne old thing which they are
unwilling to civo up , with paint and
forms to which their old art wns ivstran-
ijcT , is also sotm iu their gourd
Richard Tizzard Suspicions His Wife and
Deserts His Family ,
Imprisoned In n Cur Saved From the
I'cn Stewart's Troublesome Tel
ephone The ? Boston IdcnN
Other Local News.
A. Mixed Pickle Family Affair.
About 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon n
neatly clatl little girl unpcared In the
UIK : rcportoriiil rooms and timidly pre
sented the following note :
m : < > r.iino.v.
A man living not over two blocks west of
the high school has shamefully descited his
lamlly. Ills pretended reason tor so doing
seems to bo that "his wife was the cause ot
his daughter's death a few months back. "
This , with other charges too vulgar to men
tion , which ho is circulating around town , ho
givo.4 as reasons for his conduct. For the
s.ike ot the two ilttlu children the matter
ought to bo iincbtigattid. A Ninoitnou.
In response to inquiries the Ilttlo irirl
stated that she was Lily Ti//.ard , the
daughter of Richard Tisward , Twenty-
third and Davenport streets , and that her
mother had written the note ; that her
father hadn't been homo for a month ,
although in the city , llu had paid the
grocery and moat market bills for the
lamily which had been sent to him , but
had refused to come homo. Her sister
who died , she- said , was only her half Bis
ter , and was not her mother's daughter.
She was hixteen years old and iiaiucd
Addie Ti/.zard. She died about six months
ago ; and "nobody knew what was the
matter with her , " added the child art
"Didn't you hearanybodysaywhat was
the matter with her ? " was asked.
"She had poison in her stomach , " she
said. The little girl further said that Dr.
Lanyon had attended her sister when the
latter was sick.
Dr. Liesinring's ollice was visited and
the record of death certificates examined.
Is'o name like that of Addie Ti//ird ; was
Mrs. Ti/.zard was called upon. She
said that her husband had absented him
self from home for the best part of the
time during the past nine months ; and
that for over a month he had not been at
the house but once. That was when she
was absent. He took the lock ofrtlic door
and cllbeted an entrance , after which ho
irathercd up his clothing and took it and
all others of his personal effects away.
She had taken this as conclusive evidence
that he intended to remain away perma
nently. Since then she understood that
he was slcapiug at the Truth olllco , but
know nothing further about his iictions.
"Do you know why Mr. Ti//ard ab
sents hitubclf so determinedly ? " was
Mrs. Tizzard hesitated and said : "Of
course , lie says it is because I mistreated
his daughter and that she died because
she did not have proper attention. 1 ean
prove differently by the neighbors , and
by those who wcro _ m the house when
Addie was sick. She died from blood-
poisoning , as a result of diphtheria. She
was only sick in bed ttiree days. He
also charges other things against me , but
1 don't care to say anything about that.
He never could go away from the house
two hours without thinking there was a
man in here. I've lived here four years
and during tint time tiie neighbors who
have seen me every day ought to know
whether lie has any reason for such a
suspicion , lie is crazy on that subject. "
"ISo , I don't know as I should want to
live with him again if hfl would come
back. He never made himself very'pleas-
ant around and ho wouln't bo liable to bo
any more so if he should oome back
again. What 1 want him to do is to
commence proceedings in the court.
Then I ean toll what I know and prove
it. He has property and 1 am entitled to
half of it. I have lived with him and been a
faithful wife to him over twelve years. I
alwavs treated his daughter just the same
us I did my own. She was only 4 years
old when wo were married. "
Mrs. Tiziard talked in an indifl'orcnt
tone nnd yawned frequently as if the
topic of conversation was of little inter
est to her. The neighbors who were
seen professed to know nothing much
about the Tizzard's family affairs and in
dicated their opinion that Mrs. Tizzard
was a woman of correct character.
Dr. Langon , who attended the girl
Attclio Tiz/.ard during her fatal sickness ,
was called upon by a reporter of the HKE
last night.
"Doctor , what do you know about the
death of a girl named Addie Tiz/.ard ,
who livee with her parents at the corner
of Twenty-third and Davenport streets ,
about six mouths ago ? " was asked of
"I don't know anything about it. I
guess you've struck the wrong man. "
"Certain about that ? "
The doctor pondered a moment , and
said , "Oh , yes , I remember now the case
you refer to. I attended that girl. "
Ho was then told by the reporter thn
version of the death accidentally related
to the DEK man by the young stepsister of
thelleceased , Lily Tizzard.
'Ton can set that down as false , " he
answered excitedly. "Tho girl was not
poisoned , at least , with any mechanical
poison. "
"What was the trouble , then ? "
"It was a clear case of dipthoria a very
violent case 1 may say. The girl died
within three days after she was taken
sick. "
"Then there was no poisoning ? "
"No , except blood poisoning. The case
was aggravated by the fact that the girl
refused to take the medicine at
first , because it was ofTered her
by her stepmother. Later , on when
it was given her by her father or myself
, siu ! took it readily enough. Hut it was
then too lute , as the discaso had become
lirmly rooted. There was some trouble
between the father and mother , and they
novnr livi'd happily together. What the
trouble was I nm snro I don't know. I
believe for ono thing that the mother
claimed Ti/.znrd paid too much attention
to Addiu the one that died and neg
lected his other children.
As already intimated , the certificate of
the death of the girl was never tiled with
Dr. Lanyon. This of itself was a strange
circumstance. It would bo much more
satisfactory all around if the certificate
of her death had been tiled.
An Important Mooting of the Educa
tional Guitrdfnns.
All of the members of the board of
education except Mr. Uhickburn , wore
present at the regular meeting last night.
It has been announced that Mr. Davis
would not attend tUo meeting as ho con
sidered the board legislated out of olllco
by the amended school law. Ho came in
n little late however and took part in the
transaction of the following business :
The report of Treasurer ISnck showing
a balance of $10,270.7.3 waa received and
placed on tile.
The petition of Mis ? Evans asking an
Increase of salary was referred to the
committee on teachers and tevt books.
11. M. Jud.soii was chosen janitor of the
addition to the Long school.
A notice that the board had boon sued
by Charles O'Connor tor$101.07for work ,
was referred to the judiciary committee.
The committee on claims reported
favorably upon bills amounting to
if7 , 03.15 which wora ordered paid.
. iSlUs Julia K. Kennln and MIM Myrn
La I tuo were elected assistant teachers.
The secretary was iiistruqtcd to secure
n tree for each niemtior of the graduat
ing ctass of the high School to plant an
the high school ground on Arbor day ,
April 23. |
A number of proposals of real esUto
for school sites Word received nnd De
ferred to a special committee , consisting
of Messrs. Point * , HtUckburn and Clark.
Superintendent James was authorized
to make the uece.ssafy arrangements to
allow the teachers of , the primary grades
to attend n scries of , lectures on a now
method of teaching reading to bo given
by Mrs. Pollard , of Chicago.
Owing to the prevalence of measles In
the family of the janitor at the Castellar
school the committee on supplies and the
superintendent w'bro instructed to make
the uccossasy arrangements to ptotoct
the pupils of the school from danger of
the contagion.
The Administrator of Sirs. Wntson
Hues For Dnma oH.
Edward Allen , as the administrator of
Eliza Watson , commenced a suit in the
federal court for ? 0.000 damages
ngatnst the 1J. & M. railroad. The peti
tion sots forth that in January , 1880 , Mrs.
Watson was riding on the H. & M. rail
road from Hastings to Juniata. Slio
wished to get off at Juniata and so noli-
the trainmen , but they had looked the
doors of the coach and refused , as she
alleges , to let her out. She found herself
imprisoned , and was obliged to wait
until she had ridden two miles past
Juniata before she could prevail upon
the conductor to stop the train and let
her oil' . When she did get off she found
herself in a drift of snow. The nignt
was cold , dark and stormv , and on her
two miles walk back to Juniata , she con
tracted a cold which resulted In her sick
ness and led to her death. She loft a
family of three or four orphan children.
Her administrator sues for sfn.OOO dam
ages on account of her death , and $1,000
additional , the amount of her doctor's
lie Says Thnt the Reports of the Prcfi-
Idont's III Health Are Knlsc.
Mr. C. V. Gallagher , the recently ap
pointed postmaster , who has just re
turned from his eastern trip , says that he
met President Cleveland while he was in
Washington. " 1 had a delightful cha
with Mr. Cleveland1 , said Mr. Gallagher ,
"ami was much impressed with him. He
is looking iu splendid health. All these
reports about his impending ill health
are ridiculous canards. They were in
vented by a physician who was anxious
for a little notoriety. Mr. Cleveland
never felt or looked bolter in his life.
The president seemed interested in this
city and said ho understood Omaha was
enjoying a great boom. "
"I did not learn of my appointment
until I reached Washington1 ' said Mr.
[ Jalhigher in answer to another question.
"My little boy took up a paper in the
liotel that morning,1 and the first para
graph his eye lighted ifpon was tliho one
announcing my | appofotmont. , He ran
save the paper toIno .with the exclama
tion , 'Why , papa , Justjook here. ' I sub
sequently called dipon the president ,
when the news of my appointment was
continued. ,
t r
The Boston Ideals' ' engagement opened
last night with Varney's charming opera ,
"Tho Musketeers. The audience was
rather moderate tuidmot noticeably fash
ionable , partly owint ; to the fact of this
being Holy weokaualso * because tins
is the third presentation ! of the. opera
hero. It would have been a better ideate
to have held to the original bill , as the old
standard operas are rarely given here.
"Tho Musketeers" is one of the most en
tertaining light operas ever written ,
brimfull of bright music and fun. The
funniest episode of the performance Jast
night , however , was the rapid and un
dignified exit of a discornfitted scene
shifter as the curtain ro3o on the third
act. Even the orchestra was surpiiscd
out of its usual apathy and joined with
the audience in an audible snicker.
Marie Stone , as Simono , sang with all
the sweetness ami brilliancy of former
days. Her waltz song in the last act was
particularly taking. She was recalled
and received an elaborate llower piece.
McDonald was as handsome and clever
as over as the captain ofthe Musketeers.
Karl took the part of De Solanges this
time and did capably. The part of Marie
de Pontcotirlay was attempted by Miss
Harriet Avery , a girl with a
high rasping voice that rattled -
tlod and ran off the track.
She lost connection with the orchestra
entirely in her first solo , but that element
of the audience that finds an outlet for
surplus energy in hand clamping kindly
gave her an encore. She with less kintt-
IICKS repeated the song. Miss Mona
Cleary as Louise sang swoetlv " and acted
with a good deal of chic. J" . C. Miron ,
Hazel Jilakc , Gertie Colby and Florence
Keod were all deserving of mention. To
night the "Daughter ot the Regiment"
will be , given in superb style according to
Manager Foster.
Uobson and Crane will appear at
Boyd's on Friday , Saturday afternoon
and Saturday evening , April 15 and 10.
They will present the "Merry Wives of
Windsor , " with Crane cast to Knlstnff
and Rohson to Dr. Cains. At the mati
nee , in "She Stoops to Conquer , " Robson
will bo Tony Sumpkin and Crane Hard-
castlo. In the "Comedy of Errors , " Sat
urday night , they will personate the Two
Stcwart'a Telephone mil.
The Nebraska Telephone company
commenced suit in the district court yes
terday against John T. Stewart and
Stewart Brothers , of Council Bluffs for
the collection of a bill of 150.5.40 for tele
phone service fromiJnly 1,1883 , to March
1,1887. John T. Sfpjvijrt , the principal
defendant is the 'wenlUiy Council Bluffs
pork packer. Tho.bringing of this suit
against him is only , a.fttop in a litigation
which has been oinon / between the
parties to this sui .for-Several years. In
18S3 the telephone company removed the
telephone from Mr. * tewart's private
ollico , because , as1 "tfiapo'mpany alleged ,
ho ( old the operator ut central to migrate
tosheol and failed I toicouch his remark
in diplomatic lapgiuujo. Stewart com
menced an actloirm damages which has
never been finally Vlisppsctf of and is one
of the causes of tho-pre/Jcnt / suit.
Five Hundred Lost.
The Chicago , Uurlifi ton & Qnincy has
an Important and weighty contract on
its hands in the matter of the fast mail.
When it misses connections it loses f 500.
Yesterday atternoon a bridge burned in
Iowa. The result was that the fast mail
as well as the passengers had to go
around by the Kansas City branch. The
Union Pacific train west bound last night ,
No. 1 , did not wait and the "Q" consequently
quently losea the | 500 forfeit.
Saved Kroni the Penitentiary.
H. E. Day , the embe/zling agent of
George S. Mack , who was arrested on a
charge of embezzling from his employer ,
and bound over to the district court , was
brought before Police Judge Stcnberg
yesterday afternoon. District Attorney
Simeral had discovered that Day had em
bezzled f30 , which made the crime one
of petit larceny only. To this charge
Day plead guilty and \
days in the county jail.
Personal 1'araRraphfi ,
Mark Coad came In from Fremont yes
terday ami is at the Paxton.
J. W. Collins , cashier of the Choycnno
National bank , is at the Paxton.
General George Crook and n party of
ofliecrs are enjoying a hunt to-day.
lion , James G. Blalno is expected in
Omaha on Saturday next , from Colorado.
G. L. Peck and wife , of Danville , 111. ,
are nt the Millard ; as is also Goo. Brown ,
of Boston ,
Hon. J. M. Carey , Wyoming's delegate
in congress , will arrive in Omaha from
Washington in a few days.
Hon. Francis E , Warren , recently gov
ernor of Wyoming , and Hon. A. V.
Qiiinn , of Evanston , Wyo. , a wealthy
cattle and land owner , went west last
J. P. McCarthy , formerly senior of the
undertaking linn of McCarthy As Bar
rett , has returned from Texas , where ho
has been for his health. Ho will remain
in Omaha a few weeks and then go to
Mr. Charles Feitchctt , prominently
connected with W. J. Broiloh , the well
known heavy hardware dealer , was
elected a member of the LoFevro gun
club at its meeting last week. This
shows that this organization is deter
mined to have good shots and good men
m its membership.
John Latter left yesterday morning for
Fremont where has a position.
The stops from the northeast corner of
the court house grounds to the east approach
preach are nearly completed.
The Elks will give an entertainment
at Masonic hall to-night m honor
of the Boston Ideals and the Modjcska
company. A very fine literary and mus
ical programme will be presented. About
400 invitations have been issued for the
occasion , which will be exclusively a
stag affair.
V9-AJln a larxefyars \ statements confirming
the tfflcacy ( if Kt. Jacutii OU and Ot permanent
cure * arc given below.
From an Aged MlnUlrr Mny.lBSO.
Wsxixlmchle , Bills Co. , TCXM.
My wife fell frAm a horse nnd received a
ccvuro bruiting ; ono rib broken. I gotsomo
of \ our 8t. Jnvoba Oil. fjlio used one bottle
nd U did licr good. I atn an old min
ister of 40 odd years stnn Jinp.
S.B.YAlfllOROUCn ,
Fromlll * "Wlfn 0 Tear T , t r Cured.
. Wnxnlmclile , Tex. , Nor. Olh , ISM.
My liusUuullsdeud. 1 as tbe principal
Ijcncflclary of St. JixcoVis Oil , having re
ceived painful Injuries falling from a
horse. J was cured by It. YARBOROUan.
Abtcess on Bight Arm-July , 1881-Cnrod.
Itolyoke Mais.
Five years ago an aliscoaa formed on my
right urm and with U came rheumatism.
I was unable to htal the abscess or remoro
tbo jialiis. I used tlirco bottles of St. Ja
cobs Oil ; In three days all pain had
ceased : In nine days tha abscess uo * en-
tlruly healed. TnOd.l'.aLOSTEK.
From Same 0 Tears Later Entlunlantlc.
43 High ! St. , Holyoke. Mass. , Oct. a ) , l&sfl.
Yours received. "I. Thos. P. Olostcr ,
after five yenrs of terrible su flcrinjr from an
abiceis 011 the rlfrhtarrn , us permanently
cured by St. Jacobi OIL. For further Information
mation apply to me. "
Hpralned anil Fractured Arm Cured.
New York , N. Y. , Nov. 1 , 18K8 ,
In reply I would nay , some ycnrn ego I
had a very badly sprnlncd and Iraclured
arm and found St. Jacobs Oil reduced the
swelling and the pain
AS- All 'persons ustNn St. Jarotn Qil or Kcd
Star Consjh Cure , will by rrnilini a two-crnl stamp
and /Mary of their case , ncciie ADVICK met.
Cancer of the Tongue.
Mr wife , some three or lour years ago , was tron.
bleu with an ulcer on the side ot her IODKHO near
the throat. The pain waa incessant , causing lst
ot sleep und proilurmB crest nervous j.rostratlon. .
Accompanymff this trouble waa rlicumatlhrn. It
liail pisseU fiora the slicmlilers nnd tcntercil m tUa
wrist ol one band , Blie almoit IOHIUK the uic of It.
Between tueBntTurinu of the two , life liad frown
liurtlensorae. By the UEO of n Halt dozen f mall.
Bparta , Oa. , Jono 5 , 183 .
Trcattsoon Blood and Skin Dlieasea mailed fres.
TnB switr Srrcino Co , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Oa.
1BTV. . 23d St. , N. V. _
The Best Jloute from Omaha and
Council Jilt iff n to
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun
cil Bluff *
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarHajiids ,
Rock Island , Freeport , Uockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesvillc ,
neloit , Winona , La Crosse ,
And all other Important points Bait , Northeast
and Southeast.
For through tickets cull on the Ticket A ( rent
at 1401 Kurnam street , ( In i'axton hotel ) , or Ht
Union PaciaaDtipot.
1'uUmnn Hleepers and the finest Dining Cnrs
In the world are rue on the mslallDC of tl.
CrllCAflO , MlLWAUKKK il ST. I'AUI. lU'LWlY ,
nnd every attention U paid to paijengbrs by
courteous employes of the company.
It MILI.KU. Oonrral Munarer.
J , I' . Tucuicii , Assistant General Mina/ .
A. V , tl. CAHPCMTEB , General l' i oner and
Ticket Agent.
GKO , 5. ilKArvouo. Assistant l3ooer J In *
lonxnr and Ticket Agont.
J. T. CLARK , Gontral Superlntsudeot.
Cured In from three to sir Sore Tlironf ,
months ; warranted. etc. , quickly rohood
Loss of Voice nud cured.
Trom Inflammation of the
Vocnl Ohords.otc. , npcodlly
rullevcd and cured ,
Simple Cold ctlroil In n fnif
BRONCHITIS hours : Colds on the chest
In IU hours.
Cured Iu ovoty case ; war-
Ctu-ud In from three to all Headache
Iltstnntlv rnllovod nnd will
Ilillnmod or Granulated cot it-tin n If the icinody
I.Kb puruiuucntly om-cd IB occuslonally usvd.
"WHY ?
floiM the ' C.irbollcSmnko null" nccomnlhh what other romo'lle * fall to do ? Hoeauso It goes
( llructly to thosi-nt ot thodismiso In till trouble ; noted nbcvo , nliorn the "Ciirbolio Smokn" nt
onon romniences the work or tUlaylng all Intlummatlun. IT la .NOT AN INVENTION , HUT A
A.VD ctritrj * .
OMAHA , Nob. , Mnrrh , 1MT. SMOKE Il.vr.r. Co.-nontlomon : 1 purchased ono ot jour Cnrbullo Siuoko Ilalla last
Jntumry , nt K st St. I.oulj , 111. 1vns ginrorlneat ttio tnnu with asevurn ease of Nusnl Catarrh
nndcontlminiHdiopuliiKaof tlio mucous m. liter Into the throtit , J wns nisi ) subject to sick huml-
iieho , which troubled mu h grout di'iil. 1 have ' .tsed jour rcmodr faithfiillv and nccordlnif to
dlri'Ltiotis , and am ontlrely cured. Vourstruly. I , II. MUTTAUTSJ1U Jones btteeU
Subscribed and smjin to before mu this loth dny of Muroli , 137.
[ niutj 1. A. muDlUCK , Notarj 1'ubllo.
OM vnA , Nob. , Mnrch S3 , 1SS7.
CAunouic SMOKE n ut , Co. Gentlemen : I have used your Carbolic yinoKo Uall for OATAUIIH ,
COMIX , etc. . and llnd from experience tutit It nlvi-H Iniiiiodlnto lollnf in all such troubles ; bolng
niipllod by Inhalation , It naturally reaches the seat of the dlst'iiao , romtvlnir the inucoui matter.
disinfecting iinn healing the diseased niuinlinincs In a short time. I bellove It to bo n wonderful
mudlcnl discovery , nnd tiiko nlcnauro In undorslnir It. 1 urn n graduate of the unit ot city I'onti *
Bjlvaiila Mcdleid Oollotfo of I'iilludclphla , which It n Kuarnntoo of my authority on sucu Mihjotti ,
Yours very truly , W. II. BHKIMIAIIKN' , M. I ) . D. U. S. , Ml 8. th St , Council UlulTs , la.
Subscribed In my presence nud sworn to before mo this " 4th diiy of Mil roll , 1SST.
UKAI.I JAS. F. MOUTON , Notary rublie ,
THK COMl'LHTE THBATMENT Includes a "Dobollator" pneknuo which should bo ugod in
nllchionlociuca , as n constitutional treatment IB then necessary. Ono Smoke Ball lasting from
ono to tin to mouths PHICi ; , ? 3,4 cunts postairo. "Dobollator' ' pncknec. VI : sent bv mall. A
FIIKK TEST gl von to all who tall at our olllco , lloom 11 , Crclghton lllock. fSTOrity on SUNDAVS.
Itootn 11 , Ci'dyhton Itloch ; JVKrf to Postofllcct Omaha , JV
I IJNCOLX , NKn. , con. Urn ANII o sintETS. HASTINGS , NBH.
A magnificent display of everything
useful and ornamental in the furniture-
maker's art , at reasonable prices.
THE 75th GRAND DR WiNG , MARCH 20th.
One Million Distributed Every Year
Only _ $2.00 required to secure one Royal Italian 100 francs gold bond. These bond
participate in four drawings every vear and retain their original valu
until the year 1944. Prizes of 2.000,000" 1,000.000 , 530,003 , 250,000 , &c. francs will be
drawn , besides the certainty of receiving back 100 francs in gold , you may win 4 time *
every year.
Thii Is na nfc , nnd the ho t. Investment ever offered , as the Invested money must ho pntd biok
when bond mntiirci. S3nd forrirctil.irs at It will i > ay you to di , or norul ypnr onloMlthiuuiiuy
or logistorcd letter , or postal note ? , und In return wo will fonvnidthe documents.
BEUL.IM UAMKIXG CO. , 3O5 Kroncluay , IVc\v York City.
N. B. These bonds are not lottery tickets , and their sale is legally permitted in thii U ,
S. by law of 1878.
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
1742 Lawience St. , Denver , Colorado ,
Of the Missouri Stale Museum of Anatomy ,
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New
York , Having devoted their attention
Clinic aid
More especially those arising from impiu-
dcnce , invite all so suffering to correspond-
thout delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured safely and speedily with
out detention from business , and without
the use of dangerous drugs. Pa
tients whose cases have been neglected ,
badly treated or pronounced incurable ,
should not fail to write us concerning their
symptoms. All letters receive immediate
And will be mailed FREE to any address
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , "practical
Obscivations on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is > added an
' Essay on Marriage , " with important chap
ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or
gans , the whole forming a valuable medical
treatise which should be read by all young
men. Address ,
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado.
1707Dlive St. .St. L uia , Mo.
Hprnlallr DUtllled for
Medicinal U. .
. I. WA 1.1,1X0 , Bur
g cn In Cliiir , .NlUoml Uuutl
of N.J.wrltni
"Mr tt utloa WM rallri t <
jour K > jilon Milt WkUkejr b }
Mr. Lalor , UnctfjtH , tf Triitou
nd I bait HUH ! * f w UlUx
with fir tatter tSttt th n mnj ]
litTi ba4. I km [ MWDiiaiUni
ronr article In mjr pr ellt , tat
Bud It Tiry ittliUtttry. "
rrr Tk. n tiiB tu ik < n < i > t > u <
t ! Bjtf. ,
Ifl l. A | > oU for Ikl 17. 8 )
316. 318 wi 320 Rw St. Philadelphia. P.v .
Qoodmau irua ) Co.uoal , Agents , Omaha
Ouo ig nt ( )1erruint
Kvrryboily wnnts "Tanslirs Piinrh" 5o clit r
now ; thor were ulwav-JKOfMl hut of Inte tlu r
IIKVO linpro\uil. 1 lm rtily Hpprovo of vfiur
wny of ilrilnif uusliic a , you no sure ti > bold ami
HBMSS , R. W. TMSfLL CO. . CllUit
And many other complaints cuied by
A Prominent Buffalo Physician says :
BUH'AIO , N , Y. , Fob. 14,1W
Drlterno. Chleacn. 111. U ir Sir : It I ) lomethlru
imtiftiuii tur ono of the medical profxrelun to Indorau
an mtvortlioo article ) yet I t k plcninro In Inform-
IIIK y ii that one of your Kleitrla Delta cured meof
rhoumatlfm , from which I hml miirured : > year . I
hare recomiucndnd rour Inrontlun to ut lojit forty
of uif patiAnts luffonnr with chronic dl5 tse3nf vn-
rlnin klndi , Vlij I'ulpltnUon of the heart , norvim.i
drblltlj , ci'llepsj , rueumntlfitn , I ITI In the buck nml
kldnoyr , ate. , etc , , eio. All him uurcbaicd unil
worn them with mom gratlfylriK ro uH . I cunhlulilr
rci oiniu"iicl your Klccirlc UolU aspouosilng grout
merit , fraternally your .
L Ll.tCMluilAEtM. D. 63 Nluiiaru-it
A Chicago Pliislclan Says ,
Dr Homo- Dear Sir : I hnvo used ncveral kind i of
nmcnetlP nl ( Klectnc Belts on pittlontiwnd niytolf.
I can lionentlr xlve tlio preforencu toyunri. ur Mil
ocdK. Hcncu I ctinamtdo rccotumondyourMoriTull
otlicrt. Venn traternally , J. M..IOHNOX. M I ) ,
Jnn 14 , ItW. OfQcoja Htnte-iU , Clilcavo
A 1'liysidan Says , All of My I'atlciit
arc Satisfied.
OUNBVA , NEIL , Jnn SI. 1137
Ir W.J.TTorne. InT ntor-le r Hlr : 1 roconiinent
your ifiloctrlc Belts 10 H ! | who Aurfcr with anynorroci
nuublo. any clir.iulo llvwr or kidney illneuBea. All or
nir patlentH that lire ualnu yuur Kloctrlu llelti art ,
eitlsned. i-'raternnlly. M. PIHIIMI.M I ) ,
PhyilcUn HDd Sur.-eon
A Minister of the German Evangelical
Ghnroh , Says :
MinnroN , AllocnnCo , Mich. , Feb3 , t7
Dr. W. .1 lli > run , CMIt | 0 , lll-Iloar Hlr : Your
I'lOL'trlo Uulta do all you ilulm. Onoof tbem liolitrd
meof dripcpaU. con tlpntlon and general ricbllltr
1 would Ilku to Introduce your Knod > hero \VIII
you let ran have the axcnoy lur thl > townihlpll'lr'nm
Klvo yourtormi. laiuthe mlnlsfrof the Ceruiau
JSvangellcal Church of Lalgliton. Hcioect/ullr.
IUV. LolTIHlIltt'MU ,
, Mlddlerlllo , llurry county , Mich ,
of the Stomach Cin-ud.
CiifBT.MtT. li.r. . , Jan.01,13D7
Dr 1om ! rxarBlr : I wa > iiiiriTlna with neural
Bl of tlio itoruuoh , and medicine teemed to hara nii-
orrcctiercn morphine did notrollevn in * much. Tlio
Htlnit WiiulJ bi-Kln vorr ercnlna about nlnoo clock ,
and last about BX | hears I nontfur nneof your Klcr
Ir.c lii-IIl , unt It und put Iton nnd h.ivn'l had t'ie
lean nyTuptorao ( uaurtltfla since lam well plvato t
YOUK truly , A.Q. lIxucuuiiT.
Dr. W. J. IIORNR , 191 Wabasli-avcnuc ,
Sole InrpBtnr , Trnprletor und Manufacturer.
c'enU stamp for cataloeuo.
Embody the hiche&t excellencies in Shape
liness , Comfort , and Durability and
are the
Reigning Favorites
in fashionable circles. Our name is on eve
ry sale. J. & T. COUSINS , New York.
rH-o 4 _ _ _ J.O.\S. LICOI.I , Ul'iliHTII TO
IUKII < rlhliNMwyrinTM <
Send ttamp for spring and summer pro *
prams , jus * Umed , Tims. COOK k Sow ,
mar3-9ro K-O-Dnarborn litiClhicnio , 111 ,