II THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Delivered by cirricr In nnypnitor the city nt twenty ceiila per wtck. 11. W. TILTO.V , - - Mnnnjcr. Tiar.rilONES ! BCSINIM Orrict , No. 13. WIGHT EniT(3ii No. 23. MI.NOIl MENTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. New spring cowls at Ucltcr' , tailor. George W. Thompson ACo. . real estate There IB to be a meeting of the bout club to-night. J. It. Ferguson was last night nrrcstcil for being ( It link. SCP W. C. Stacy & Co. , No. 0 .Main , ( or bargains in real ( "state. Palm Sunday was jestcnlay observed In the usual manner in this city. Typographical union No. 2011 hold their regular monthly meeting jestordav. C. J. Colby has faith in the boom , as is shown by the largo new s.ifo ju t put into hisolliec. The police force matlo a change again yesterday , Otlii-eis Stt\cns ! and lion- driuk.s going on day duty. The Women's Christian association nil ! meet this afternoon .it It o clock at the residence of MIH Dr. Montgomery. 1 ho street cars yesterday did a good business and wore crowded all day in consequence of the disagreeable nc.ithur. The Alpine Choir and Ttol < " 3o com pany appear in matinee and evening performance at Dohan 't next Wednes day.The The last stone pier of the Union Pa- cilie bridge is almost completed , only eight feet more htonu having to be put on it. Mr. Chapman , of Veimout , who is Visiting.I. W Siiuiie , aug acrv picas- ing solo at the Congregational chinch ycHterday. Rev. Jr , McCienry at the Methodist church v'stonlny moining aiibweied the query. "Is the worltl growing better ? " in the alliim.itive. The funeral of William Smith , who died ho suddenly on Satuulav , will take place this atteruoon fiom the lesidenee of Mrs. M. Malonuy , No. 72 , ! rouith fetreet. The icgular monthly meeting of the city council takes place to-night. The Bi-bsion will prob.ibly bo oeetipiedentirely by the allowing of the regular monthly bills , ete. John ( Jraghan , who resides on Tenth Btreet botweca Seventeenth and Eigh- tconth avenues , is nutting in some im provements , as well as haing completed n line residence. The Globe editorial force has been re- organi/ed , with Colonel Keatluy at the heavy gun and Mr. llobion as the city editor. Mr. C. M. Mt'ynnrd continues in the position ot business manager. Dr. Patton , the city'assessor , will ask the council for an extcntion of time , to enable him to complete hi.sork mote natisfactonly. There have been so many changes in real estate that the assessment is more dillicull than two yeaib ago. It is now .stated th.it the test of the new lire and police alarms will take place within the nc\t t\vo weeks ; that the com- panj ha\ < > tested it to their own satisfac tion. If the test comes oil it wilj bo a re lief to the public who are becoming tiled of waiting. The sum total of the sticet cleaning in Dos Monies this spring according to the Register is t hut done by two men and one wagon working half a day. The same paper hiiggc.sts that the street cars them had better bo mounted on boats and run by paddle. This is fiom the "boom edition" of the Register. YestoiJay was about us disagreeable a day as has been in a long while. The wind .sent the dust in all directions and made it e\tiemely unpleasant for those who found it necessary to bo outofdoors. An April shoncr biich as makes the "llowers bloom in the spring , " would have been very acceptable , h.ul it put in an appearance ycstculay morning but the shower got frosty , and turned into flakes of snow , lirluk. We have POO.OOO good brick for sale. THOMAS GKKI.N & SONS. Call at 101 Uroadway. Weaving the AVrcatli. James Wallace , son of W. W. Wallace of this city , nnd Miss Hello Holt , of Wiuorly , In. , aio to bo mairied on Wednesday at the residence of the bride's ' mother in Waverly. The groom nill leave with his sister this morning for Wavorly , and to morrow quite a party of Council Hlufl's people will leave to attend the wedding. The bridal party will visit this city fcridav and a reception will probably bo given on that evening. Do not forget 401 Broadway , Council UlnHX la. , when you wish anything good and cheap in dry goods and carpets. Still doing bnsinsss on the old camp ground , ( iood goods and always found as represented. Call and see us. UAUKNFSS bitoriir.ns. Money to loan on real estate. Counni Bluffs Real Estate Loan and Trust Co. Itoomii , Everett block. HOII Jcatouu. W. A. Still , who resides on Sixth \ enuo ncnr Eighteenth street , was com plained of by his wife on Saturday night and the police put him in the city jail un til such time as he could overcome his anger. Upon being arrested Still told the ollicers that his home hud been fre quented by " ( Jap" Hayes and that he was conspiring to Injure him In his wife's estimation ; that he had attacked Hayes but that no serious damage was done , ycsteidayStill said Hayes and his wifo'f Bister wcro htill intimate ; that he dldn'l want Hayes , about his homo but if ho wae fined for disturbing the oeaco ho inti mated that infoimations would bo tiled against the trio whom he believed hat conspired against him. It looks as if the old case was again to be shaken up. Contractors and builders will find it t < their interest to got prices on lime , cc ment , plaster , hair , etc. , from Counc Bluffs 1'uol company. 031) ) liroadwn Telephone 180. March Arrcata. During the month of March the polio force luiulo 151 arrests. They were di Tided as follows : runk . C -I huaultanil battery . - Assault with intent to kill . Assault . , . Disturbing thu peace . 2 Gamine concealed Papons . I'ahslng countertoit money . Exposure of person . Larceny . 1 llackinnn o\crclmrKliK imasenpeis . Fiultl > u from Justice . , . Run aw ny boj s . Malicious mischief . I'crmlttlui ; mlnurb In Falcon . Insane . Swlnclliui : . Vagrancy . 1 Invalid . , . 1'eddlltiK without license . Suspicion : ) chai actors . Adultery . . . . . .t . , . CoiniullllUK nuisance . Total. .1 ! PLANNING FOR FACTORIES , A Number of Now Enterprises Promised Council Bluffs. A JEALOUS HUSBAND. Marched In By the Police In March The Hllilc Meeting Imst Night Drier nils or Nc\\n. A notlotn Tor the Hoorrt. Not only i there a largo amount of building going on in Council Blulls just now , but many new buildings are being planned , and as soon as it is settled , so far as spring is concerned , and the city has its last snow storm of the season , then the building season will open. Hut so long as Mich storms as visited this city jcstertlay e\ening continue the building eason will be apt to lug a little. A week ago this morning the Hi.i : con tained two ami a half column list of the buildings that arc now being erected. This list did not comprise the larger buildings , mention of which have been made frequently , .but was confined to the small ones , principally residences costing from ? ; > 00 to > lo01) ) each , of which several him- died aie being erected , but one of the more encoiu aging features of the boom ami a stionger foundation for it is the awakening ot interest in the advanfiges ollered b.y this city as a gieat mauufac- tuimg center. Theie is not ti day passes but some one from the east is heie look ing o\er the giound witli : \iewto en gaging in nianulactming. The success ot the faetoiics already es tablished hoi c , Mich as the cracker fac tory. the canning factoiv , handle fae- toiy. the har\ ester manufactory , the candy factories , can iago factoiics , the paper mill and numeioiis others hasdom- onstiated that Council Hlulls has peculiar ad\antagcB in this line. Several of these factories are enlarging and some arc doubling their capacities. A number of mannf.icturing entei- piises arc assured , the arrangements for which aie being perfected as lapidly us possible consideiing the magnitude of the enterprises. The mo\o for a starch factory ii > pio- grossing well and home capital is ready to lineal without delay as soon as ar rangements can be made for pioctiring the necessary and c\peiicnccd manage ment. The recent transfer of the property known as the llundrio foundiy insures the revival and onlaigoment of that im portant industry. F. Ogdcn , who made the pmchaso in the intcrestof thoMount Vernon , O. , iron works , of which ho is part owner , is thoroughly expoii- ciiLcd in this line of manu facturing. Abundant capital backs the cnteipribe , and the works arc to bo greatlv enlarged. The company tr.king hold of the woiks have a national repu tation and a laige western trade , which this move will enable them to handle more easily and more tatisf ictorily botli to themselves and their customeis. A now enterprise for this city witli old experienced gentlemen behind it , is that of the sash , ttoor and blind factory ot Messrs. Strock Bros. These gentlemen have owned prooeity in this city for three years past and until recently in tended locating on it , but now they Frivo concluded to build on other property which they are negotiating for. They have f20,000 worth of machinery "n their present factory m llli- ois which they are now rcparing to hhip to Council lilufTs ami .hoy . piopose to have their Council Blull'd actory going by July 1 , next. Should hey fail to pm chase the property they imy desire , they will no doubt locate on heir own .land. The paper mill which has boon so sue- essfuf proposes to increase their eapac- ty to live tons per day , which is encour aging to say the least , and they ha\o al- cady oidored more new machinery. They have been unable to supply the de mand for their paper. There are a number of lumber firms hat are contemplating establishing new ; ardd hero. Mr. Reed , of the irm of Ililworth & Reed , one of the largest lumber concerns of Chicago , has been hero several clajs "ooking over the ground with a view of ! stablishing general western hcadquar- ors in the lumber jobbing lino. Mr. ; { oed is anxious to have the companies represented hero concentrate their \ards : uul form a lumber distiict. There are numerous other projects. The mention of these which first come to : nmd is sullieicnt to indicate that Council MufTs is in a fair way to speedily become mo of the greatest manufacturing ecu- crs in the west. - Ilaikness Brothers are at 401 Broad way , Council Hlufls.Ja. No. 401. No. 401. Select your carpets from the choicest itoek ever brought to this city. It is well worth your time to exiimino thtso goods before purchasing elsewhere. UROTIIKUS. Garden hose 80 to 22c per foot at New York Plumbing company. Every foot guaranteed. J. W. & E. L. Squire make beautiful abstracts of title , and deserve tnc success they arc enjoying. _ _ Call at 401 Broadway for dress goods. The Book of Book * . The County Bible society hold its an nual meeting last evening , with a union service at St Paul's Episcopal church , the Presbyterians , Congregationulists and Baptists joining. Despite the bluster ing weather there was a largo congregation. The scene presented was btrikingly suggestive of the inorcasing liberality among the churches and the weakening of denominational se clusions. It was a pleasing picture to sco the Methodist divine , Rev. Dr. Me- Cieary , reading the forms of prayer without mirphco or robe , while the rec tor , Rev. T. J. Mackoy , in his ecclesiasti cal giub , led in the responses. Rev. Dr. Cooley , of the Baptist church , and Rev. G. W. Crofts , of the Congregational church , aho participated. The clue ! address of the evening was by Rev. Air. Hood , the state agent ot the Bible society. Ho spoke niiunlj on the word of Goitas "Tho sword of the Spirit. " Ho pictured the constant tighl against evil , which had been going on fcince the beginning of the world. He claimed that the onlv safety to this conn' ' try , ami to the world , Mas the church ol God , with the Spuit in the church , and the sword of the Spirit the Bible. This was quick and powerful , am ! sharper than any two-edged bword It was quick to euro of sin , iviil boa wounded Immunity. It was powerful tc convict and convert. As it was nceess.irj for the body to have constant food , so tin soul needed the head of life. The Bibli was like a smgcon's lance , piercing so ciety , and letting out the corruption alloniing relief and re.stiali.ing health The labor question , the tompeiancoro form , army and all of tlio.su matters mils bo snttlcd on the basis of thuoido God. Following his address camothe .mmm Imsinu-s of thii hooioty , Mr. Tliurmi Olllcer , as trciisuier , read thu tlurty-lir > annual report. D. ( ' . Bloomer remarkc't that it was thu best rcpoit ho had kmmi of during his thirty \curs' conncctioi witli the society. On motion ot Rev. K. II. Fleming th old othco.-s wcro ro-clcctod , witli tlio.iul ditiou of Frank. Cook as secretary , to UJ a vacancy. The ofllocrs aio now : President , I ) . C. Bloomer : vice prcsl dents , N. P. Dodge , Dr. II. W. liar' ; sec retary , Frank Cook ; treasurer , i'homas Onieer ; depository , D. W. Bushnell. Mr. Fleming , who is the county agent of the society , presented his annual in- port , showing Ills receipt" to ha\o been about 1,000 , and hi * expenditures , in cluding salary. $ S81. The number of miles travelled by him 2,8" 0 ; number of fam ilies and biislmss places vis ited , 2.U0.1 ; number of fami lies found destitute of the Bible. 12U ; number supplied , 261 ; number of desti tute individuals supplied , 22J ; number of books bold , 177 ; number donated. 203 , milking a total of l,47r > books distributed since the canvass began two joars ago. He reported that this city and all the towns in the county had been canvassed , and all the townships except about twche. Call and sco the stock of her < = es and mules at Star Stables before purchasing elsewhere. For acre propcity , residences and bust- ness propei ty call on W. C. Stacv At Co , , No. ilMain stieet. MissMollie Corcoran , dressmaker , 71 1 Minster stiect , between Seventh and Eighth , Ou tiers. The following are the transfers for Saturday , Apnl2 , 1887 : 11 M Mclleo to . ) U Butcher , lot 5 blk 8 Plpii'o's ndil s.i ? > . 11 M McCeo tii V \ , I'alne. lot 0 blk 0 I'lt'ice's acl < l-W > . 11 M .Met ice to. I no \ Baldwin , lot 10 blk 17 Hueis' subTOO. . W A huinneis trustee to ( ' 11 Plnncv , lots 41111 I'Jlilklll Ha\llss I'almui-Sl.lUJ. . < ! co Metealt toV A maunders trustee , lots 1 to 14 Inclusive llk ! H Heels' siib-S,500. ! r.ll/.iCi.iwfoiil toM llorwitli , lotB bile 11 Beers' subU \ b 'I' French to Olel W.ihlciccn , lot 1 1 blk 12 Beers' sub & 4'i\ ( ! co W Thompson to Thos III ley , 10 lots Ihninpson'sndd SlriOO. Ceo U Thompson tn i : 1 Fitch , lot 10 blk 3 Thompson's addl8' ( Forrest Smith to J 11 Spoiled , lot 3 Paster- lield sub-S i,00. Ii Media to WC Morgan , lot S blk 24 \V \ V Mead to Kiank Cook , S acies S1.200. A M.Johnson to I ) J i'atton , lot b blk 12 Eveii'tt's add-8400. M 1' liohrer to W L I'.itton , lots 11U bllv ' 'b Beers sub-Sl.ooo. M T Kolnerto 1 , Kluneli.iu , lot U 14 bllciM llt-crs' sub-81,000. ( leo 1) AIIIOII toM IleaiiH' , lot r > blk 7 JloM C < k.l IIiit's $ ViO , K A Heiison to Juiiiuu 1 ! Wallccc , lot -4 blk 7 Omaha add WM. K A Benson to .1 .M Cvats & C lj Wilson , lot 11 blk 0 Omali.x add i JJj. K A Benson to.V ) Yates , lot 11 blk Ifi Uniaha add fc.-r > . i : A Benson to Jno M ll.tley , lot 21 blk 1C Omaha add 5210 i : A lieiison to C F Hlust , lots blk C Bon- son's 1st .uld-Sinu. K A Benson to ( J Fuliist , Int4 blk 0 Uen- sou's Istntld tllO. i : A Yensou to A K ll.iscall , lot 11 blk 0 Benson's 1st add SlIO. H A Benson to U C Couch , lot 14 blk C Hen- son's 1st add-SlW. K A Benson to Dexter L Thomas , lot 3 blk 1 Hen ion's 2d-Sm K A Uenson to Allied 1'i.itt , lot R blk 1 Benson's 2d-Sr.OO. K A Hcnson to .1 U C.innou , lot 13 blk 1 Benson's Sd $ MX ) . K A Henson to. ) C ibcliniver , lot 17 blk 2 Hcnson'h ' 2d 100. 0 K Aannaii to A K Rowley , lot 10 blk P Curtis i\s Ramso > 's add-SMX ) . H A Warner to W C Moifr.ni , lot 3 blk 9 Bii > liss'd200. : ! . Mrs E Clart to M E Bevlridjjc , lot 20 blk 4 Pierre's ndd-S400 D W Wittei to F Cook , lot 10 blk 24 Bay- II ( ' , McGee to i : Clark , lot 1 blk 8 Bayliss & 1'almui's add-SJV ) . W C Morgan to Jus O'Neill , lot 12 blk 'J4 Beers' stib-si,000. : R Bryant anil wife to W Seldontotr , 14 ots In Hnant A Clark's add 5510. Jacob Ciouso to J F McGee , 20 lots In Brown's add-S m A W Davis and wife to Lobltlial Cochranc , ot 10 blk b Umlerwoud mill SWO. Al K & J O Jetrties to Jos bchroopfer , ej < i otObik 8 Minrten-Sl.SV ) . Hem v Munn and who to T S & V L Davis , lwl47.- > 42-S.,000. S S Osloi and wife to Sam Ward , eH nwiil 4 30 52,400. M N Swan to Nels Johnson. lot 13 blk 21 loward's add Mi" ) . Forti-one transfers , considei.ition S'il,270. Slieiraden is still making cabinet pho- it | 3 per do/ . , best finish. Crayon or ndia ink life si/o pictures only $10. By ' . M. \ \ oodard , artist. Call at 401 Broadwi.y , Council Bluffs , ! a. , for carpets. Star sale stable * for mules and heavy draft horat-s. Norman Horses. Two fine Norman stallions for sale or rado. Address K. B. Shields , Log.in , la. Star sale stables of Council Bluffs. The nrgobt stock of iiqrses and mules west of Jhicagp. which will bo sold at wholesale or retail and satisfaction guaranteed. PorMonal Paragraphs. \V. B. Judd is in off the road. W. L. Shepard , of Villisca , is at the Ogdcn. Kov. B. P. McMonomy was at Wcston yesterday. B. L. Knight , of Oakland , Neb. , is at the 1'ncitic. W. A. Rankins , of Sioux City , was at the Ogden yesterday. B. M. Carlisle , of Missouri Valley , was in the city yesterday. F. U. Broadwell spent yesterday with his brother m the city. William Kintz Sundayed at home , but will start out to visit his trade to-day. The best and largest line of Refrigro- ators just received by Cole &Cole , 41 Main street. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cheney have moved into the residence lately occupied by G. W. Thompson. Miss Lester , of New York , who has just returned from a trip to California , is visiting her sister , Mrs. . . Hark- ness. L. 11. Morritt , of Hartland , Vt. , isattho Pacific , and reports having left homo last Tuesday , snow being then several feet deep. Mrs. Huber is to occupy the house where Rev. Dr. Cooley resides as soon as his now home is read } ' for occupancy , Mr. and Airs. Nichols will occupy rooms with Mrs. Iluber. "How you BruddcrBeu ? " "Me ? " "Lor sister Charity , poorly suro's you born I ih wid do rhoumatis a creeping all about same as a tame bnake. " "Chile , buy Salvation Oil doy cure bixrtin. " The shorter the tunnel the'sweeter the kibS , but the older the cold thu harder the emu. Dr. Bull's Cough b > uiphae broken many stubborn coughs. Senator Ingalls1 homo at Atchison , Kan. , consists of the house in which he and his wife spent their honeymoon , to. gethcr with such other wingb r.nd rooms as have been added from time to time. Originally there wore only four rooms. Now there are eighteen. Keep Your Blood Pure. Impure blood , however generated , is always present in the body when pain is felt ; it spreads and ferments wherever n weak spot nxista. Take BUAUUETH'S PIU.S to make the blood pure and expel all that is hurttul to the sy.stem. They are the one gioal and unfailing remedy. They cleanse th' bowels and restore emial circulatior thiougliout the body. They preserve the vigor of iouth and often have life. Among Queen Victoria's jilbilee giftj js n magnificent dinner service of hriglr jellow Dresden war * , from the Uunnai HENRY E1SEMAN & CO.'S ' PEOPLE'S STORE , Will DlHplay New Spring Goods In Livery Depart merit Tills Week. * We invite the ladies to call during this week to see our superb stock and guaran tee intending pui chafers that no bolter values can bo found in the United States. Kverything is marked at the very lowest crt.s/t pi ices wliitSh means about one- third le-s than other houses will sell the same quality of goods for. Wo call special attention to a recent purchase of silks al much less than regu lar value and we propose to give our pat rons and the public a beautiful oll'ering at special sale during this week. 5,000 > ards Summer Silk at 25 , y > , 10 , 60 and l > 0o per yard , worth fully a third more. 11,000 yauis of Colored gros grain and f.iilo francaiso silks , all shades , at tn. 75 , UOc , tl.OO and $1,25 per jaid. These goods are the now fashionable gray , shades included. They aio bargains and must bo seen in order to be appreciated. 2" > pieces surah silk , all shades , including black , at 50c , ? oc , tl and t.1.25 . poryaul. The greatest bai- gains ever seen for the money. Soveial thousand reniivuits of plain ami fancy brocaded Bilks and satins to bo closed out during tliis great sale at less than half their icgular pi ices. This m a grand oppoitunity for moth ers to find suitable ends lor children's dres cs small LiitN to combine with w 01 sled inatoiials which is now so m. trie sii.iis We "li'ill elli r u few special baigaius thU week in black silus AT if 1.00. We are selling the veiy best black silk Rhadanio ever olleied foi the mono } , nil pine silk , well woven Mid well finished. These .no woith t-1.2 > , AT ? I 00. Black groi-gr.nn silks. We gnaiantec to Mipplv a silk th it will not cut or crack ; all puic Italian silk , satin finished , and with a gram heavy enough to make a handsome dies , AT $1 00. Colored gros grain silks in all the new eolois. This is n handsome : ind duiablc cloth w 01 th fl 2" . AT $1 00. Al mure silks in black and colors. In olleung this new weave of silk we can salely say that it is ceitamly veiy pretty and will wear as well as any goods that can oc bought. Wo have an elegant line of eolois and warrant these goods to be all pine silk. AT $1 00 Black Rad/.innr bilK. The increased popularity ot this weave of silk , both for dress wear and for ohoit wraps , has in duced u to make this a very special bargain and we aio very positive in say ing that nowhere else can these goods bo bought for less than $1.1. : ! We also show an elegant line of silk vcivets and trimming velvets and plushes in all the latest sUlos at 75c , fl. fl.1) . $1.50 , $1.75 and 1 $ per yard. The best value ever shown for the money and the largest and best line in the west to select fiom. Now is tiio time to get bargains our prices aie the lowest ; our goods arc the choicest ; our styles aie coireet ; we main tain the lead ; ouriepnhiliou is well es- tablishnd , and we , witli pleasure , refer to the leading ladies of the city. Pay us a visit and we will at any time bo glad to show you our stock , no matter ifon . wish to purchase or not. Respectfully , . Ill.NKY ElSEMAN & Co. , People's Store , Nos. 314 , 310 , :118 : and 320 Broadway , Council Blulls. JV. It. If'c dive all innil oi'rfcrs spe cial and i ' ( Hiii t attention and any order * or correspondence i/oti man farttr 111 with will receive the greatest cafe and attention. Emperor. It is profusely ornamented with medallion pictuies of notable events and poitraits of famous persons of her reign. It will contain in all 4BO pieces. _ * # * Decline of man or woman , prematurely induced by excesses or bail practices , speedily and radically cured. Book ( illustiated ) . 10 cents in stamps' . Consultation free. World's Dispensary Medical association , Bullalo , N. Y. LATEST NOVELTIES In Amber , Toi toiscSholl etc.Hair , Or naments , as \vcll as the newest nov elties in hair goods. Mrs. C.L. Gillette 2 < JMr.iii street. Out of town \ork so licited. SPECIAL NOTICES. Bpecla ! advertisements , such as Lost , Found 'to Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Viants , Boarding , etc , will t jo In sorted In this column at the low rate of TEN CUNTS PKH LINE forthoflrai Insor- Jon and HveCcnUPcrUneforcacu subsequent Insertion. Leave ndrertlietnentH nt our offlca No , U I'curl street , near Uroniiwajr , Council Bluffs. WANTS. First-Class hostler. None other WANTED . Mage Wise. _ KENT ( lood hnuso of ton rooms , sta ble , one acre of ground , with grupcg , ap ples and plums. Cle\nti > d elto. Kent only f JO per month. Apply to Horace Kverott. - large family horse. Answer , WANTED-A , ske uncl color , 1' . II. Dee office , Council JllulTs , HUNT Good bouso near hetul of OnK- FOU avenue , iibout 200 feet noithnaht of house of Lucius Wells , llent only S16 per month. Alsou hoitco of ten rooms with ton acres of irarden mndM ) SITOS of pneturo. only ono half mile from city. Splendid chance for u milkman Apply to Horace K\erUt. "tm HKNT A choice suit of Iho rooms suit- F nhlo for lltfnt .housokkeeplng' for smnll family ulthout children. Inquire at No 41 Mulustreol. SALU-Completc plant and eniitnmunt FOIt K. H. bridge work , conelstlnir of 7 pllo drloruiirpentors tools , tents , boddlni ? and boardlne oulllt for IV ) men. In Rood re pair. Now stored at Chencnnc , W. T. For In ventory and terms address No. 13 , N. Main St. , Council Illnffs , Iowa. BALI ! A ( rood second-hand delliery FOH , cheap. 0. II. bralth , .No. MO Ilroad ay. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OK Itr.NT Purnlshed ronmfi with board 511 Mill Ftr ( ct ; iils'i d iy boanlore n\ht'ii. \TITANTKI ) Luumlry uM to do plain washing > > nnd ironinir. Alco nursu girl , not ynuiitftr than n , at 1'ucltlo houso. HUNT Furnished front rorm ; ? * cct month , No. i < 03 Mynstor st. BALKMuslo nnd sow mj inncblno busi FOIl . lOKether with innlUtoikof liolldjy uooda and wall paper , ( lood town nnd country , vood rocntlon. cheap rent , iirolltnblo biiSmoss. ln\rlc fl iiO to * 1W. . Would take part In Council Illuff * reiil estate. . Addresi A. L , Man- IngUunlap , lowi. PEOPLE'S STORE. Our t'omtaiit Aim I lo C l\c Hct- tvr Value In Cvcr ) tiling Wt Sell Tlum Oilier House * In Council Itluir * or Vlclnlly Our SlorK Will AlunjH lie Found I'U'iiti mill Trcoli ; of the Hctl < tualil- and Latest Mjlc-c. In our Dress Goods Dcpaitmcnl we will oiler special baigalns this week. Read our prices , see our stock. Wo can show \ou more ilrcss goods , twice over , than all of our competitors combined. Go wlicic jou can find what vou want. In out American Dress Goods Dcpatt- ment jou will find , this week , at ! ! c per jaid , 130 pieces ot Plaids , suitable ! lor children's wear. At 5o per j.ud wc have 100 pieces , half wool goods , woith fiom lOe to 12jc , At lOc per yard we ollor leO piecLS wool mixed ilicss ma- teiials woilh double the money. At 15c per yanl. II cases of heavy double-fold Seiges , Cashmeres and .Jamc town Al pacas , sold oveiywheic fiom 25c to 3Jc per yard. At 2Jc wo oiler 7o pieces of Combination Beiges. At 2.1e , " 2 ca-es ficsh now shades Body Cashmeies , : iS inclies wiik1 , sold o\ciywheie else at40c per yard. At 3Jc , : ) "io and lc ( ) per > .ud , 30 , 38 and 10 inch .Satin Diagonals , all new shades , also Cheviots and Seiges in all wool goods and best value ever snown for thu money. In Fieneh and KnglNh Imported Dress Goods we oiler this week at Wlc per j aid , 1 case of 50 pieces Cheviots and .Seiges , in pin checks and bioken plaids , 12 inclies wide , woith O.'o to 75u. At fiOe wo have 1 ca e 42 inches , in all wool Fieneh Cashmeres and Soigcs , in stupe * , cpids , diagonals and other fnuc\ weaves , in all shades , including the new grejs and tans , woith 7r > c per > ard. Air > ! ) c , two cast * : , nil wool Diess Flan nels and 1'iicots , solid eolois , new mix tures , tans , guy , beige and ecru , the best quality in Anieiiea for the money. At O'c ' ) , 75c and 1 00 a yiud. we oiler- 175 pieces Fioneh bilk Mixed Serges , coided and stuped Silk Mixed Pans DIC.SS Novelties. Camel's Hair Cloth , Plain and Diagonal Suitings fiom the best looms of the world. We also have a full line of I'limming Velvets and Novelties smlablc for com binations with the above mentioned goods , and areprepaied to show a line of Combination Suitings second to no house in the United States This is our Silk and Dress Goods week , let everybody in want of a nice Spring Dress call on us and we willsiirpiise jon. Bo stiio to call dining the speciai sale-THIS WKKK. cisitiivs : ; AC ro. , IIOILI : : > STORI : , .Vox. : ii. i , : uo , : il ยง and : ! 2O Kroadwa ) , i'oiim'il ItluiU. .V. It. All mail order * foi Maniples or good * cnlriiNtud to our earc will reeeiie the best of attention. D. II. .MiDANBI.D A. CO. , [ KstiibllKlicil ISA ) No fM Muln sircet , , : ronncll AM ) DEA1 HIS IS HIDES , TALLOW , WOOL , ETC Jf. SCJfUItZ , Justice of the Peace. NEW SPRING STOCK CARPETS Curtains , Upholstry , Window Shades , Poles , Door Mats , Rugs , Sash Draperies , Etc , , ARRIVING DAILY. Mail Orders Carefully Filled. . w w lOur * - * \ Our Mr. Stookert Superintends All Work. COUNClTBLUFFS CARPET CO. , 405 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , : : IA , Star Safe Stables and Mule Yards UroiiUwu ) , Council Itlulfg , Opp , Uuiinnj Depot 09 t s * I f = i- _ : _ m _ _ _ gj TTorscTantTmuTcs kept constantly ou hand , for sale at retail or in car loads. Orders promptly lilleil by contract on short notiro. Stock sold on commi Mon. SHI.UTKU & HOI.LV , Proprietors. Telephone No. 114. Formerly of Keil Sale Stables , cornel 1st. avL . and Itli street. TMH TROTTING STALLIONS , DR. ARCHIBALD ( Standaid No. 2915) ) Sirrd by AIniont No S3 , and REGISTER , ( Standard No. flSlS. ) Sired by Tramp No. 308. These stallions will make the season o IrVTattho a Driving Park Tor particulrirs Inquire of or address WADi ; CAUY , Council Bluffs , la , GARDENERS AND FRUIT GROWERS. Choice Property at a Bargain , Fifty Acres Choice Land Adapted for Gardening and Fruit Growing. About twenty acres of the tract is not to apple orchard which is in bearing , and to all varieties of choice mall fruit and vineyard , divided in follows : Tin : VIMIAUI : > . I'ropcr contain1) ) upwards of live acres. The vines are thrifty and in bearing. Between three and lour acres are well set to cholco varieties of blackberries , laspbeiries and tiawbcrries. THI : AITM : ouciiAim. Contains more than 1,000 trees in bear ing. In addition to the above enumer ation are H large numbeis of choice plums.chciry and other fruit' ; , aNo shade and oniamciital trees suriotimllng the buildings. IAIUJI : 4'omionioi's IIOIIM : , Otdmary bains and other out-buildings Tliesoil'isof excellent quality for gard ening purposes , being a deep black loam and is aw aimsouth slopeand is altogeth er the most attractive and desirable of anj tiling within business distance of Omaha or Council BlulK With the new- bridge completed across the Missouritho , piopetty is not over thiity minutes dnvo from the Omaha postolllee. Anypaity tie- siting a choice b.ugain should apply at once as , if not sold within the next two weeks it will be withdrawn from ( lie market. \ For Prices and Terms Apply to G. J. GOIJBY MASONIC TEMPLE , COUNCIL BLUFFS. A. jr. w. it A RICE ! & RAYMOND , Estate Brokers , No. 13 North Main Street. Lower Floor First National Bank Blocl Council Bluffs , Iowa. TELEPHONE NO. 239. Real Estate Vacant Lot * , Lands , City Resiliences and Farm * , acre properIn / western part of city. All selling cheap to make room for sprintstock. . R. P. OFFICER , Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Itootn 0 , over Officer < C Jersey's banlf , Council Jtluffi. VALUABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY AT AUCTION T" Property Situated on the Corner of Pearl Street and Sixth Avenue , hnown an the CRACKER FACTORY PROPERTY , WILL BE Sold at Auction on Wednesday , April 20th , H. H. INMAN , Salesman. FARM LANDS CHEAP Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from fiOO to 410 00 per acre. School and state lands in Minnesota on 30 years' time 5 per cent interest. Land Bujers fine f tec. Information , etc. , given by . . . , , . for Froidnkhc'ii AJ Co. . U'licago. ' No. 555 Bioadway , Council lilufls , Tnwa. agent Announces that illsetotk ot Finelmported Spring-Millinery In Choice Shapes ol Hats & IJoniicts , Toirotlior w Ith a iMracLlnc of Novelties In Fancy Ma terlals is now Jtcadjor Yottr Careful Intpcitloiit 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha. CROCKERY , LAMPS , GLASSWARE , AND FINE POTTERY. J'rlccs Very Low , W. S. HOMER & Co. , JVO. 2t MAA ST. , COUNCIL It LUFFS , : : JA. FINLEY BURKE , Attorney at Law. 501 Hro.ulway , Up Stairs , Council lilulK OFF1CIUI cfi PUSEV , ( "ounuil IMuHs.Iowa. Established 1 > 7. O. B. ALLEN , npeerkvefOMapPii'oi3 , [ , ' ! her JVo. 11 Xnvlh Main .S/ / . City nnd county maps of cltlus nnd counties la wcittrn lowii , NtbiusUu mul w. L. niuas , Justice of the Peace. No 004 Broadway , Council Bluffa. Coellctionf. * specialty. , Refers to the Hce , Horses Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail * nnd in lots. Large quantities to select from. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin- pic or do'ible. MASON WISE , Council Bluff OIIN Y. fiTOB. JACOlt BIM9 STONE & S/MS , Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State and Federal Court * Rooms 7 and S ShuKart-Beno Block. COUNCIL UI.UFKS. FllAXK ( i. KICK , CIVIL ENGINEER , Deigns , estimates ami reports on brld vlnduUH , loundnt Ions and ( fiuioriil etiKliioorliiK. Blue prlntHof any Bl7o alidiiuuntlty. Olll < u No U N. Main St. . Hrbt National Hank niocn. jc. o. A.nv it : < . , ' Hardware , Stoves , ) AND ( HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. No. 620 Main St. , Council Bluffs , ' CRESTON HOUSE. The only Hotel in Council Blulls Having a fire Escape , And All Modern Improvements 215 , 217 uncl 21 ! ) Miiln St. MAX MOIIX , Prop. Jt. HWK , M. 1 > . I Cancers and other Tumor Renin\Cl without the knitc or Drawing a Blood. Oer0car& ! ! Practical rxpcrcnce. No 11 Pearl St. , Council BlufA. . K. S. JiAItXJSTT , Justice of the Peace , 415 Uroadway , Council Bluffs. Refers to any bank or business house in tin ) city. Collections a kpcualty. MOIIK r\TAHItII. JUinrdy li a jiotittt o cure , free 14111 plo mckcc and Nx.k fur t r-rnll In liAliilx. L..11. WLU1CAL CO , fcait J4 J > tou , C\uu.