8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. APRIL 2. 1887. ' ' ' ' THEY \YILl \ TARE 80 CHANCES Proprietors of the Gambling Houses Say They Will Close Up , FIGHTING WITH A BURGLAR An Kxtcnnlon of tlio Street Hallway Ijlnc A Laborer lntirnil , | 1'uat * o 111 co OullcctiutiH Oilils mill l-lndH , ICtc. They Will Close Up. The nnti-gambllng bill which closes ii ) ) the iramblinK houses , nt the same tinin that It prevent the selling of pools on horse races , ba o ball Dailies , niul all Himilar events , lias become a law. It will doubtless have the ell'oct of closing up nil tin- houses in this city , as none of the present proprietors care to run the risk of colng to the penitentiary by disobey iny the law. An ohl sporting man said yesterday "Tlii-re is no question in my mind but this law will close tii nil the houses in this city just as soon as ityoos into oli'ect. There arc over SCO men connected with local h OULL-S , most of them working on salaries , who will be thrown out of employment so far as Omaha is concerned. This includes faro bank dealers , roulette dealers , hazard dealers , stud poker men , ca > sli keeper ? , managers , cappers , plungers , etc. , also the colored waiters. Most of t hem prob ably all ( if them will leave town. " ! allowing area few oxpros sions of opinion from the difl'cront proprietors : William Soderstrom "I shall certainly close up , as t don't ' care to risk my liberty by defying the law. I shall probably leave town. " Jack Morrison ' ' 1 am not anxious to run any chances of spending any of my future in the pen. and will clo e up. The law may bo a dead letter and it may not. I'll not take any chances. " C. S. lliggins " 1 told you when the bill lirst came up that I would quit the business if the law passed. My business will bo less alVeeted than that of any other man in the town who runs a gambling house , as that is but a very small branch of my business. Goodloy liruckcr " 1 have announced already that I would not run in violation of the law. i will close up between this nnd .Inly 1. " "Hlaneh" Kennedy "Of course I'll close up. You don't take mo for a fool , do you ? I don't take any chances in a game like that Few people understand the scope of the bill. It will stop all races at the fair uroumh for money , and will abolish boat races , bicycle races and everything else for stakes. Of course I'll nuit. The business will pass into the hands of a lot of disreputable sharks who will do a robbing business in back rooms , out of the reach of the police au thorities. " _ KM-'OHCING THE liAW. Children Over Flvo Years Must I'ay Jliilf Knre Hull Noted. The U. P. representatives at the dcnot nro beginning to enforce the provisions of the interstate law , with reference to children riding on half-faro tickets. Hereafter all children over live years of age must pay half tare rates. Children over ten years of ago must pav full rates. Heretofore the passenger ollicials have been very lenient ubout collecting fare from children. MINISTERS WHO TRAVEL. The Union Pacific is now sending out a circular to ministers , a part of which reads as follows : "DKAR SIR : This company is advised by coun sel that the Intor-btato Commerce Law prohibits the issue of tickets at special rates , except to railroad ollicers and employes , and to ministers of religion , and that orders or permits for special rates not nnthori/.ed by the law , though issued prior to the passage thereof , can not legally bo honored. "Tho term 'minister of religion , ' is un derstood to mean a person regularly ordained , licensed or appointed as a minister by a religious organization , ac cording to the prescribed or usual form of procedure of such organization , and wholly engaged in religious work , with out any other business or occupation which does , or may , require such person to travel by rail. "Special rates cannot bo made for per sons not ministers , engaged in philan thropic or charitable work , or for minis ters who are engaged in other occupa tions , in the pursuit of which the privilege of traveling at reduced fare would give them an ad vantage over other persons en gaged in the same occupation. " 'Special rates cannot hereafter bo made for the families of ministers. "As any journey between two woints in the same'stato may become part of an inter-state journey , it is necessary that Btnto business shall bo conducted in strict accordance with the law governing inter-state business. "The penalties imposed for any viola tion of the law are so severe that until it is otherwise cons-trued by the commis sioners or the courts the company does not feel justified in assuming any risks. " TWO HUNDRED CARS. Clarence Howard , of the Missouri Car and Foundry company , with head quarters at St. Louis , is in the city. His company has just closed a contract with the Union Pacific to furnish 200 now lihiino dump cars for carrying ore. MR. NEWTOX RESIGNS. Mr. C. F. Newton , who has long been supervisor of bridges and buildings for the Union Paoitio , has resigned. Mr. J , E , Hubbard has been appointed as his successor. NOTKS. A circular has been issued by thc ticket department of the Union Pacilk which reads : "Hy agreement of all lines in Kansa < ami Nebraska , all land excursion rates tc points in thcie states will bo abolished or March ttlst , except that extension lair ! excursion tickets will bo soh ns heretofore to holders of landcxcursioi tickets to our land points purchased ii the cast on or before March Hist. " General Superintendent Smith loft yes terday for the east. FOH KN WOMEN. A Homo for Repentant Mnjdnlpnei to bo Rataullshcd Near Omtilin. The news that the legislature ha : passed the bill appropriating $15,000 foi an industrial homo for women is rcoeivel by the W. C. T. U. in this city with mucl rejoicing. They have been working han to secure this , and now that the state hv promised to give subatanlial aid to ti ! < Bchomo they are happy , Mrs. G. W. Clark , one of the ladies o the Uucklngham Home , and apromincn mover in the scheme , said yesterday tha they bhould try at once to raise mor < funds , so as to make the amount $25,000 Subscriptions will bo solicited both ii the city and in the state. The homo wil probab'ly bo sitifatcd near Omaha , am the ladles expect to secure a donation o the land on which it will bo located. ; large tract of land near Florence ha been offered and may be accepted. Tlio homo will bo exclusively for fallei women , who have , turned from a life o ice , and desire to reform. The > . C F.3 since opening Its headquarters In the Uuckinhatn on Twelfth street , but owing to the fact that its quarters for the ac- comodation of these unfortunates were limited , it has been greatly hampered. There are many unfortunate women who would reform if they were given the opportunity , and it k this opportunity t'1lt ' ! tH ° women of the \V. \ C. T. U. desire to furnish - nish these unfortunate outcasts. The homo will bo made as nearly ns possible fcolf-supportiiig. The Inmates will bo taught to sew and do house and general worif , as well as practical work in the garden which will bo a feature of the Home. Those who so desire will bcgiven instruction in shorthand ami telrgraphy. In fact , every possible opportunity will bo furnished the inmates to lift them selves from the mire , and to train them selves for a life of usefulness. Why pay * 000 for a lot when you ean buy one for from $1.000 to $1,500 in Hriggs' I'laco immediately adjoining ? C. K. MAVNK , N.V. . cor. Kith and Harncy. \Vr are reliably informed that the Pat- nek farm is sohi. The statement of the licrali ! notwithstanding. Tlio purchas ers of the 1' . farm are endeavoring to keep it quiet for the purpose of buying up as much ground between it and the city as possible. WUKSTMXG WITH A IJUUGLAU. A. IJernstelii Hocolves n Visit nt1 O'clock In the ; .Mortiliiir. Abraham I5ernsteinwho runs a second hand store at 713 North Thirteenth street , had an exciting tussle with n burglar about 4 o'clock yosterdiiv morning. At about that hour his son was awakened by hearing a noise as of someone ono moving abont the house. Ho looked an < l saw a gentleman of decidedly bur glarious aspect in tlio room. Voting Uiirnstein aroused his father and the two jumped out of bed and tackled the in truder. They had a lively tussle for a time , and had they stood together , would undoubtedly have- downed the burglar. As it was the son left to hunt for a polico- man. Ho searched and yelled in vain , for no olliccr came to the res cue. When ho returned he found that the burglar had escaped , after knocking Mr. 13crnstein down. The oldgcntloman was pretty badly used up , though nut seriously injured. So far as can bo learned at present the burglar did not secure anything for his pains. The olhcer who belongs on this boat was John Donovan. Marshal Cummings censured him severely yesterday morn ing for failing to respond to tlio calls for help of young Bernstein , which were loud enough to bo heard four or live blocks , or more. Farnam always lias been , is anil always will be the struct of Omalia. The street railway is to bo extended at once to a junction with the Belt lino. We have seventy lots on Farnum , in Briggs" " I'laco , one-half of which will bo sold. Special inducements to purchas ers Friday and Saturday of this week , after which time priees will be advanced. C. E. M.VVNI : . I'lncc , 211 lots in I5rig 's Place actually sold to-day. During to-morrow the iO per cent discount from prices will bo given , after that date no discounts will bo given. The Omaha Horse Car Co. will have- their track down and in operation through Brigg's Place to Belt Line by May 1st. The cable line which will be built to Patrick's farm will go on Dodge street through the .Brigg's Place. ST1U513T CAll NEWS. A Line to AVnliuit Hill Crossing Virginia Avcnuo. The latest move of the street railway company is in the direction of building an extension of its line out Cuming street to Lowe avoHue in Walnut Hill and thence indefinitely. The line is already extended as far as Brown street on Cum ing , and work will no doubt bo com menced on the extension this summer. If the company secures its charter soon enough this may bo a cable lino. Sev eral of the directors of the company who arc now in the east , will bo back in a day or two , when the scheme will bo hilly considered. Next week the company will commence building its extension from Farnam street aoross Virginia avenue to Hans- corn Park. On this line cars will run every ten minutes to the park. This , with the green line cars , will give a live minutes service to the park from Fifth- tecnth and Farnam streets , Another line which is projected , and will bo built soon , is ono from Twenty- fourth street to Creighton college. This will bo completed by early summer. Buy Briggs Place Lots to-morrow of C. E. Mayne , cor. 15th and Hnrncy. The most desirable residence property ofl'ered for sale in Omaha to-day is with out doubt in Briggs Place are lower by forty to sixty per cent. , than the prices of adjoining property. The terms of sale are very easy one-fifth ca h balance in six semi-annual payments. Deed given with every lot. Don't fail to call on C. E. Mayuo aud get n lot in Briggs Place. Buy Briggs Place Lots to-morrow of C , E. Mayne , cor. 15th and llaruuy. Tlio Mnlls for March. Postmaster Coutant's report for tlu month of March showing the following business. Carriers cmnloyctl 2 Delivery trips dully 0 ! Collection trips dally 7 : Ito lstered letters delIvcred l,2lt Mall letters dellweit 4Sib ! Mnil postal curds delivered U'.M Losal letters delivered 112,05 * Local postal cards delivered 0 ,57 ! Newspapers , etc. delivered < M > ,15' ' Letters retained to ofllce 81 ; Letters collected 21I.771 Postal cauls collected ( H W Newspapers etc. collected Ul.bli Passenger trains on Bolt line will rni through Briggs' Place before sixty days and the street railway on Farnam stroe will bo in operation through Briggs Plaeo in four weeks from date. Briggs Place is traversed by the si : principal streets ot Omaha Hnrnoy Farnam. Douglas , Dodge , Capitol tiroiun and Davenport streets. With the cable line on Dodge street ou as far as Patrick's farm , the street ca line on Farnam out to junction on Bel Line , and passenger trains on tha Bel Line , Briggs place is the most acccssibl property in the city. His Hip nuiocatcd. William Wilson , employed at the cour house was seriously Injured yesterday al tornoon by the fall of n derrick used ii hoisting the stpno steps. His hip was di : ocated. Ho will recover. Passenger trains on Belt line will ru ; through Briggs' Place before sixty tlay nnd the street railway on Farnam Mree will be in operation through Briggs Place in four weeks from date. With the cable line on Dodge street ou as far ns Patrick's farm , the street ca line on Farnam out to junction on Bel Line and passenger trains on the Bel Line , Briggi Place is the most acccssibl Bi-onetylu' ! . * A CAMP ABANDONED. Medicine Dtittc No Ijongor Necessary Army Notes. Camp Medicine Unite In Wyoming has been abandoned , Lieutenant llronnau , with his men , has returned to fort Kits- sell. The camp was established during the anti-Chinese riots , a year agoand has been maintained over since. 1'eaco seems to bo permanently restored , and there is now no need for the presence of the soldiery In that quarter. Lieutenant 1'ickoring has returned from the Santee Indian agency ; where he wont to witness the distribution of gov ernment supplies to the Indians. He re ports that he was occupied six days in crossing the river on account of the llood. Colonel Terrell has returned from his trip to Texas. General Garry , who went down as far as Monterey , Mexico , re turned with Major Terrell a part of the distance. Buys Hrigg Place Lots tn-inorrow of 0. 1C. Mayne , cor. 15th and Harney. With the cable line on Dodge street out ns far as Patrick's farm , the street cat- line on Farnam out to junction on Holt Line and passenger trains on the Holt Line , Briggs place is the most accessible property in the city. 15uy Briggs Place Lots to-mortow of C. E. Mayne , cor. 15th ami Harney. The roller- for April. The following is the police detail for April : DAY FOKCT. Thomas Cummings , mar shal ; John McDonald , deputy ; Thomas Jonnick , captain ; Mike Whaleti , court tailill' ; Pat Moyston , sergeant ; John 'uriibull , city business ; Pat Cusie , Cutti ng street ; John Donovan , Douglas , . 'hirteenth to Fifteenth ; Pat Horrigan , 'amain and Harnoy ; liichard Burdish , i\suth , Harney to douot ; James Brady , Twelfth , Douglas to Capitol avenue ; I'om Casey , Faruam , Twelfth to Fif- ccnth ; Louis Godala , Thirteenth , south of bridge ; Mike MeCarty , Ninth , Tenth itul Eleventh , north of Douglas ; Pat jilligan , Thirteenth , Harnoy to bridge ; lolin Brady , Sixteenth , Dodge to Nioho- as ; Pat llinehoy , streets and alleys ; icorgo Trumbull , patrol driver. NIOIIT Foitou Mike Hiloy , Cuming trect : Jerry O'Gratly. Thirteenth , larnoy to bridge ; John Norman , Sixth ind Seventh , north of tracks ; D. M. jhanahan , Sixteenth , Cass to Nicholas ; 'Jliarles Lougo , St. Mary's avenue ; 11. P. la/.o , Tenth , Harnoy to Jones ; Dan Ken- led.y , Douglas street ; James O'Boylo , Japitol avenue , Ninth to Twelfth ; Arthur Ptilasky , Farnam , Twelfth to fifteenth ; Andrew Faliey , Sixteenth , ) ouglas to Cass ; Charles" Hlom , Ninth niul Tenth , north of Douglas ; Mike ) empscy. Twelfth , Douglas to Capitol ivcnue ; Tom Pioronet , Tenth , Jones to leot ] ; Edward Corral , lower Faruam iiid Harnoy. D. M. McBride , Thirteenth , > outh of bridge ; Tom Ormsby , at large ; Andrew Crawford , patrol conductor ; "Al. Sigwart. city jailer ; Peter Mat/.a , sor- cant ; James O'Brien , patrol driver. Uriggs Place is traversed by the six irmcipal streets of Omaha Harney , . 'amain , Douglas , Dodge , Capitol avenue ind Davenport stre"ts. Why pay : J3,5CO for a lot when you can jny ono for from $1,000 to $1,500 in Unirga' Place immediately adjoining ? O. E. MAVNI : , N. W. cor. 15th aud Harney. 15uy Briggs Place Lots to-morrow of C. [ i. Mayne , cor. 15th and Harnoy. Two Fires. A "still alarm" was sent into engine liouse No. 2 about 5:30 : yesterday morning announcing a fire in the ten cent lodging liouso on Farnam , between Eleventh and Twelfth streets. The bla/.o was ex tinguished without much damage. A fire in a cottage owned by John D. Creighton and occupied by Al Hickson , on California and Twentieth , called out Lho tire department about 11.30 yesterray The damage was about $20 , mainly to the roof. Briggs Place is traversed by the six principal streets of Omaha Harney , Farnam , Douglas , Dodge , Capitol avenue ami Davenport streets. With tlio cable line on Dodge street out as far as Patrick's farm , the street car line on Farnam out to junction on 15clt Line and passenger trains on the Holt Line , Briggs place is the most accessible property in ttio city. Passenger trains on Bolt line will run through Briggs' Place before sixty days , and the street railway on Farnam street will bo in operation through Briggs1 Place in four wceksfroni date. Sunday School Concert. The concert given by the First M. E. church Sunday school orchestra Thursday evening was largely attended and highly appreciated. Tlio different numbers wore well rendered and encores worn a promi nent feature of tiio entertainment. Passenger trains on Bolt line will run through IJriglis' Place before sixty days , and the street railway on Farnam street will bo in operation through Briggs' Place in four weeks from date. Briggs Place is traversed by the six principal streets of Omaha Harney , Farnam , Douglas , Dodge , Capital avenue and Davenport streets. With tlio cable line on Dodge street out as far as Patrick's farm , the street car line on Farnam out to junction on Belt Line and passenger trains on the Bolt Line , Briggs place is the most accessible property in the city. The Now Hospital. The county commissioners are receiv ing specifications and plans for the con struction of the proposed county hospital , The architects alone who presented their plans last September are allowed to com < polo now. Buy Briggs Place Lots to-morrow of C , E. Mayne , cor. 15th and Harney. Why pay ? 3.riOO , for a lot when you can buy ono for from sjt.000 to $1,500 in Uriggs' Place immediately adjoining ? C. E. MAVXI : , N. W. cor. 15th and Harney. Passenger trains on Belt line will rut : throiurh Briggs' Place before sixty days and the street railway on Farnam street will bo in operation through Briggs' ' Place in four weeks from dato. 4Bnirgs Place is traversed by the si > principal streets of Omaha Harnoy Farnam , Douirlas , Dodge , Capitol aventu and Davenport streets. John Stelmer , the boss carpenter of tin flro department , has resigned to take t fnrcnmnshiu in the Thirteenth stree panitr ] ) ! mill. Why pay $3,500 for a lot when you car buy ono for from $1,000 to $1,500 ii Briggs1 Place immediately adjoining ? C. E. MAYNK , N. W. cor. 15th nnd Hnrnoy. Why pay $3,500 for a lot when you cai b.iv ono for from $1,000 to $1,500 ii Briggs' Place immediately adjoining ? O. E. MAYNK , N. W. cor. 15th and Harnoy. The South Omaha Land company havi appointed C. E. Mayno solo agent for tin sale of thelrlots. Ho will show ttie property orty and furnish all.desired itiformatioi upon application. * The ex-soldiers' sons who drill every Saturday afternoon nt German ! : , hall , Nineteenth and Harnev , are progressing finely. The young ladles are preparing a line banner fdr them , and the commit tee has decided to trivo a silver medal to the son who will show the most pro- lielency in drill nnd manual of arms. All sons who wish to join should do so at once' Thispowdcr nevervariei , A marvel ol purity.strcngth and wholesomeness MOIC economic thniv-the ordinary kin ( In and cannot be sold in competition w ! h the mul titude of low test , short weitjht.aluin or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Roval Baking Powder Co. . 106 Wall street , New York. Notice to Bridge Contrnc'.ors ' and Builders , \TOT1CK Is hereby pl\on that tcdltul bids will -l- > lie received i\t the county clerk's otllcv , of Nnnco county , lit Kullurton , Nobrimkit , until noon of the "Ilil dny ol April , 18S7. tor the erection ot it wnpon liridso uuiov * the Ijdtiji rlvor , south ot the vlliii ! ! ) ol' Gonon In sum county , Midi brlitzo | q tobo about 1'J7J leoi In length , twelve luot In width , leniftlt of spans seMMity tietlth two turn outs , to liuvo heavy oult piling lor jiicis , uiul siibst uitliil ice lire iks nt enuh plrr. 5ho lirldiru Is to lie olmllnr In construction to the Iniii ) lirliliru at Ftillortmi , Nebraska. All biiltleis 010 tciiiliecl ] to nucompany their bids with plans anil e-pcclllc'ittions ol the \\oil. All bids will bo publlcally opiMiul niut oxainlnuil by the county hoard of suponlnois , on the " .id Iny ol April , 1887 , nt two o'clock in the utter- iiuon of suld dny , ut the enuit house In 1'ullur- on. nnd the contrnot for the erection ol snld jfiilgo uwnidfd to the lowest ruFpoiiblble bid- iler having tlio most suitable plans. The county board , however , ri' er\es the rlirlit to reject uny and all bids and no money will bo palil lor i ejected plans. All bids must bo sealed , iind addressed to I'rank Gay , chairman ol Iho board of I'liiinty snpurviiors. In cute of A. M Schn- maker , county cleik , 1'iillcrton , Nebraska , and the eanio shall have umloi-ed thereon : "Jlids for the election of the I.oup lindiro tit Genoa. " Bv order of the county hoard ot supcrvibots , of Nauce county , Nobiuskn. ( Jhen under my hand ami the seal ot mild comity , this Kith dny 01 .Match , 18S7. A. M. SCllfMAKIJH. County Clerk. it H A 13th St , Cor. Capita ! Aycnua TOR THT : TTSKATIIENT op ALT. Chronic fit Surgical Diseases DR. McMENAMY. PropvJptos' . Sutccu jtnm' lloijiltal and 1'rivato Hrac ce Wo liavn tlia facilities , R | > | Rrntn * anil rem dlo- for the successful treatment of o\ety form of di - rase requiring either medical or surgical tr utmc-l , . " .nil 1 tulle all to conic niul liivtetlKatufrirthcmielvn nt ccircspotid with ua. Long experience In treat In" cuset by letter cmfolea tin to treat tnnny caioa icientldckUr without ( wlue them WHITE FOR CIRCULAR on Dcfomitlei ami IlracM , Club Feet , Curvatures of the Hplno DISEAJM OP WOMFV. I'ilen , Tumorn , Canccrf , Catarrh , Hronchltl * , Inhalation , Klertricltj , I'ara- ! yplif , IJpilejipy , Kidney , Eye , Ear , Skin , Jjlood am ] ull surgical operations. Ruttcrlnn , Inhalers , Timers , Trunrcn , nil I nil kinds of Mediral anil Surgical Applance * , man ufactured and for dale The only reliable nlodlcal Institute making Private , Special $ Nervous Diseases rA bl'fcCIAI.TY. ALL CONTAGIOUS AM ) 11I.OOD DISEASES , from < \ hatavcrcause produced , i < iiccessfnly ! tre.ited Wo citi rtmoTO S/nhilitic poleoj from the ivstcm without mercury , Now r torattvo treatment for lo of vitnl pow r ALL COMMUNICATIONS CONFIUKSTIAI Cull find coruiilt us or send name and poit-omrc n'ldriji plainly writtun enclose utimp , aud we will send you , in plain wrapper , our PRIVATE CJE3CULAR TO MEr.1 Cl'ON I'mVATB , ErKCUI , iNO NllHTOUS DlfUASH , ScutNAi. WEAKNESS , SfEKMATOKniiaM , lupo)1" . ' . cr , HvrniLii , OoNORniNZA , QLZIT , VAnicocr-r STBICTURK , AND AIL DEBASES HP THE GIMTO UKINABT OBUAKS , or lent ! lottery of your caro.ot an opinion , I'eraons unable to % Islt as may DC treated at ! ; homi'O , by coircppondence Medicine * and lustra ment mil by mill or express S3CUURLY 1'ACK ED FROM OlJ3EIlVATION.no murU to Indlcnle contents or tender. One pernnnil interview pro fcrred If convenient , fjftyroomi for the "cjn modation of patlcnU. Itoard and nttcndancu ( . ' reasonable prices. Address sl ( Lottern to Omaha Medical and Surgical instltnto- Car. I3th SI. anfl CioltolAvo. . OMAHA ' ' 0 FOR A Inrun nmuber of ro-tmlod I'orulicron nnd Clydosdaln Stallions. A No Homo lliod Oolts. Kvcry nniiuul ituurnntcoU n brouilor. Prices roiisonniileunil terms easy. Ourstciok lius licon Bolcctod wltli rcluroiius to both Individual inorlt iitnl podljjree. A lurtro number of our Btiilllonsiiro iiBuliiiintiM and Colts of their pot can bo shown. York la or. the Ii. & M. U. it , two houis' ride wett of Lincoln. Tor cata- loe.ucs and further Inlorinntloii , nddf : ? - FAIIKII.VCII , Yori.Web. PtMlltitcdthn * flKf bV'lhli'N W IMI'KON CU thU ir iflcpurpoi , Ct'KE < ir . . . . . . .oui.inild , teething currrnti of y itjnlrectly thruuti Alt wrtli pirtrrcitcr- tohciUh and VlsurouiStrrrgth. Klrctrio t.urr ub o-felllnitantlr or weforfrlt t&.OOO lu run * Urrateil ImprovcmtnMorcr all olhpr bf 111. Worft caiei per * mancnIlrciircUlntbrrflmoutbi hraVrt pamphlet 4c. itamn The Sandin EUctrio Co. 169 UaSalla it. , Chicago One Acrent ( Jlerrnmat wtntM InrTerT town for Kvorybody wnnti "Tnnslll's I'uncli" Bo clear now : they were ulwravs jrourt but of lito they linvo limirovud. 1 lienrllly npprovo ofoir way of dninir ousiiioss , jou mo biiro to hold and Incrcftso youf trade. A. AltEND.DrUe'i6tClllcil0 ( ( , III. UDDRESS , / ? . W. TAHSILL & CO. , CHICAEfl S V IB r m R V Hr * * I h r I notltlTt r m Jr ' " ! ! > beT dlnaaa ; bj 111 nia &WKl& ltA& &tt&j * $ iinuntT50B9" ? ' : r 1.1. . . ' > 5l.1..r ltf.\ t ! NOTICE. Ari'liltvut * and Coiilriiftorn. The Illuck Hills Stone Qimrrlcs nro now rondy tocoiitrHctmul elilp IIIMO , ovun colored llroun and Whlui Sand titoiiu. Coriusiioiidincu and orilvrs solicited. tjon.v A. vorx Eecretary UutIlo'G. p > rown Stone Co. , ' READY. This is our first spring season in Omaha , we are now ready to show < not only an entire new stock of Sprina ; Clothing for men , boys and ! children , but also that we are selling our entire line for less money than any house in the United States. Our large assortment of Spring Overcoats surpasses anything everi exhibited in Omaha. We call special attention to our $5.75 and $7.75f line. The latter is trimmed with silk facings and satin sleevelinings. The prices of these will surely surprise everybody. The better grades * which do not exceed $15.75 in price are as good as you get at the cus- torn tailors and for which you would have to pay at least $35 for. Our offerings in Spring Suitings , of which we have an enormous as sortment , will give us a wide reputation , for we have marked them ta' ' sell 25 per cent less than any house in the city , and particularly to , our strictly All Wool Men's Suits at $5.75 , we challenge any housei in the country to compete with us in price. Commencing to-day and continuing the coming week we will offers 200 Pleated Suits for Children from 4 to 13 years for $2.95. Also 400 ? Children's Knee Pants at the nominal price of 25c per pair. j \Ve \ mean to give you all the details regarding the clothitig we selfy TJiose who traded witJi us last fall Jiavelong since become convince that we are not misrcprcscntatives as to styles , qualities and prices. All goods are marked in plain figures and at strictlv one price at the S ' y Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. AND PERFECT IN EVERY RESPECT 'Jliconlij Machine that ivill sew backward * and forwards equally well , anil tlic Ligh'est Jiunniny Sewing Machine in existence. The Union Sewing Machine We desire cncrj/ctlc and In Xebi-ash-tt , Colorado , Wyoming , Dakota atid W'cstcrn Iowa. If lion are lookinr/fot * a cheap Machine , don't , answer tliitf advertisement , but if i/nn want to Jtandle the best Sewing Machine Unit money can bita } hlrenttfor particulars. 209 N , i61h St. , Omaha , Neb , Mention Oinahit Jicc. D iFOT i 1312 Douglass St. Challenge Brand Dog Food SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER PREPARED FOOD. COOKED READY FOR USE. , CHAILEKQ | iDOG-FOOt/l / Allhr < ' lsof dona eat It pmtllly.ljeconilNif Ilirlfty end enpulilu at I'HjuiInz hanl rtrlil urk. It nnfr ilt turli th mu > til llaite toiiucli. We rtfcr to o > trone liuiiJrcd or ( ho prominent kennel o ncrn of this ( ountry AuinnK them w mention lr J 1'innk I'niy ( Aklunont ) . Ii. Win JiinK II Clay Ole > er , V B . II. V Wllwii. W A. uo < t r. n. M stpvfiiiun , w s Dincmieiffer. K. c H pr , A 11 WakctWd. John E Ttmicr , A 51. Tucker. A I ! . Knurr. K. II Moore , Q Ed uiuuin , K.b I'arrolt. I i > > . 7 lt > cans , nnet endii pit IMC. 1 iloz . * S SH y III C-IIM. 'JO rlK eatli ; i > er CIWH , "J dor . j l > ( l Siirclal Indue. Mielita to drixli-ri and kinnu men bujlnf U lniei qimntltl < K Omalia AgeuUi 1312 Uuu la * St. row t Kate T.ver OlTcrrU 1'ram Mo. It I ver CALIFORNIA ROUNDDPH TRIP OUU WSIGLER'S Grand Pullman Car Excursions , I-f raomilly coniluclril. leuvo Chlcapo. fit. I.ouli. Kiinius Citjr. Omnlia nml other Western Cltlca monthlr. fur California over tlioO U. &Q and the GREAT SCENIC ROUTE pimlcularaaiiilreii II. C. SIGLKH. ilauascr 'iJu Clark street. CIUCAUO. DREXEL & MAUL , Successors to Jno , ( } . Jacobs , 1737 ItEnTAKIDR S AM > . At tlio olilstand 1 107 Farnum st. Onlors bytolugraplt solicitoU and promptly at tended to. Tola phone No. i."J5. CDCC TDUI .irsKnaifii7.sK : rntt lnlALiiivir .r.iroi : _ < affi . . . t ) . OLIN CO. , M > . DEWEY & STONE ! ZSKfEO A magnificent display of everything useful and ornamental in the furniture- maker's art , at reasonable prices. y- CTJMMINGS & NEILSON. Dealers in Paints , Oils , Glass and Varnishes , Painters' and Artists' Supplies. Piyiiicmtli O c ; tage Colors , Head ) ) for use in new and desirable shades , ( titulitt/ Guaranteed 1118 Farnam Street , - - Omaha , Nebraska EELIABLE JEWELER , Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The laigest stock. Prices the lowest. Repairing a specialty. Work warranted. Corner Douglas anil 15th streets , Omalia. Licensed Watchmaker for Hie Union - Pacific Railioaii Company. THE 75th BRftMD DRAWIHB. MARCH 20th. , vo OK One Million Distributed Every Year UK AtiUUMUf'.Va-KU I.VrdltK SV .MONKV DIVIIIKI ) AMONO A l'll\Y I.UOKY 1JO.V iioi.iunt * KVKIIV : i . MONTHS. Only $2.00 n-qnirrd to secure one Uoyal Kalian 10'J fiancn gold bond. Thwe bond participate in tour drawings cvi-rv year ard ictain their original valu until the > oar Kill. Prizt-h of aOOJ,003' 1,000.000 , 5,0,013 , iMO.OOO , &c. francK will b drawn , bckidi-b the certainty of receivinj ; back 103 franc * in gold , > ou may win 4 tiinu evcrvycar. Tlifi 1 im fc. imd Ida host , Invo'Umcnt ' ev r nfforcd , ai ttio luvoitoil money mu t bo paid ' when butnl in iturcs. Hind forrln'iiltr < ai It will pay yon ted ) , or utiiul your orilerJ with in 01 lejjuturodlc'ttor , or pnitul nuUii , niul In rutuni wo will fariviud tlio ilooumonts. . lC ISiULI.IIA.HI ; \ < i < > . , 305 Ilroudwayuw VorU H ) N ; B. These bo'nde'are not lottery tickets , and their sale is legally perm'ttcc ! lrvU ' : ] v , , b. > byawof ! 187 < } . ' . . ' - . ' . . ' . . . . ; ' ' , ' / . _ _ . ' . ' . . . , "