Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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A < lvcrtFncmonts undortbii lie id10 cents per
line for the nnt Insertion , 7 cent * for each subsequent -
sequent Insertion , nnd 11.60 n line per month
Mo advertisement taken fur less thnn' ' ' jonts
lor the flret Insertion. Seven wordr' ill bo
counted to the line ! they must run wnsocu-
lively and must bo paid In advance. All adver
tisements mliatbo handed In before 1:31 : o'clock
pm..tind unJir no chcumstnnccs will the ) betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
I'nrtus ad\crtNnirlnthoutolumni nndhnv-
toiptho answers n < Jdre scd In care of THE lliK
* rlHplcno nek for a chccV toennblo them to ( ret
tholr letters , ns none will bo delivered except
on vreicntntlon of cheek. All answers to ad-
TBrtlsements should bo enclosed In nnvolomn.
$ 1500,000TO ' LOAN at 0 per cent. J. J. Ma-
honey,1609 Fnrnnin. 121
ONKY TO LOAN-On roulostuto and chat
tels. D. U Thomas. 129
$000,000 to loan at 0 per cout , Harris A Srunp-
von , 1610 Uouglas st. CM
6PKH CENT Money.
11. 0. Patterson. 15th acd Harnoy. 121
M ONKY TO LOAN-O. F. Dnvis It Co .real
estate and loan agents , 1505 fnrnarn st
ONEY to loan on real estate and chattels
M :
8. KaU 4 Co. 1511 Farnatn st , ground floor.
$600 )00 ) To loan on Omaha city property ntO
percent O. W. Dayover 13u Dougmt st
TlfONRY TO LOAN-On city nnd farm prop-
J'lerty.Iow intcs. Stewart & Co.Hoom3
Iron bank. 127
MONEY to loan , cash on delay.
J. W. nnd E. L. B | Ulro , 1413 Fttrnam st ,
Vazton hotel building. 120
MONEY First mortirngo notes. The Douglas
county bank will buy papers scoured by
first mortgage on city realty. 121
MONEY TO LOAN on imnrorod real dilute ;
no commission charged. Leavltt Ilurn-
ham , Hoom 1 Crolgbton lllock. 117
6 PEU CENT-Monny to loan.
Gregory & Iladley ,
Rooms 1 nnd 3 , lludick block , 320 8. 15th
TO I/AN Money Loans placed on Im
proved real estate In city or county for
Mow England Loan fc Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. IGth nnd Chicago sts. 120
MONEY to loan on Improved city property nt
0 per cent Money on hand ; uo not hnvo
o wait Have n complete sot of abstract books
of Douglas county. I. N. Wntson , nbstrnclor
Harris Heal Estate nnd Loan Co. , 120 ! S. 1Mb st.
MONEY LOANED at C. F. Hood 4 Co.'s Loan
OlHco , on furniture , pianos , hoi sonwagons ,
personal property of nil kinds , nnd all ether ar
ticle * of value , without removal. 1119 S. 13th.
over Illnglmm s Commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 132
T.OANB Loans Loans.
Heal estate lonng ,
Collutfrlal loans.
Chattel loans.
Long tlmo loans.
Short time loans.
Money always on blind to Onn on nny ap
proved security.
Investment securities bought and sold.
Omaha Unanolal Exchange , n. w , cor. 1Mb
cd Harn y.
* Corbott , Mnnngfir. 119
MONEY TO LOAN by the nndorslgnod , who
has the only properly otgnnlrod loan
genoy In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 tnado
on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons ,
machinery , Ac , without removal. No delays.
AH business strictly confidential. Loans BO
tnado that any part can bo paid at any Imo.oach
payment reducing the cost pro rota. Advances
tnadn on fine wntchos nnd diamonds. Persons
Should carefully consider who they nro dealing
\rltb-asmany new concerns are dally coming
into existence. Should you uood monny call
and nee me. W. n. Croft , Hoom 4 Withncll
Building 15th nnd Hnrnoy. 131
" 171011 SALE One-half Interest In the Nebraska
JL1 Signal , the largest circulation of nny coun
try weekly newspaper In the state ; largo job
ofllce In connection. I'or full particiiHrs nd-
dross or call on E. C. Sawyer , Adrnr. , Fair
mont. Nob. 738
WANTED A young man with f3,00l ) would
like Interest In Koine good substantial
> business , address K 4 , Ilcc ofllco. 7'Jfl 3 *
" 171 O11 SALE Chenp , a nlco pnylntr restaurant ,
J } L. 1' . Hammond , Itoom 3 1622 Douglas st.
r | IlADROKBALK-ve haven fine stock of
JL dry goods tor sale In one of the best towns
Of the state. Involco about $8,000. Hoason lor
polling that wo are in other business nnd do not
llvo In the town. Will take part In trade.
Park & Fowler , 1522 Douglas .St , Onmha. 717 3
BUY a Mayfleld lot on West Cumlngs street ,
$350 , 460 down and 110 monthly. O. J.
Canan. 722
AllAHK CHANCE-For a splondld Invest
mont In n good paying hotel property.
For particulars nddtoss W. A. Wbltnov , Grand
Island , Nob. C.IO 3
TTtOH BALK-MI1 * Hairy. SO cows , 3 her o ,
JU wagon , oans , A-c ; cows all No 1 milkers ;
elllinr 75 gallons milk ] ior d y. Call on K S.
Jester , at cattle yards , t'urny'a Darn Cumlng et ,
f > ! IO II3
TfWM * BAIjK liuslness , Jewelry , dry goods
J ? nnd notions , NV > North inth , > > 111 glvo rous
ens for selling. Cull and see. K.I a'l *
\17ANTED-To find good , llvo business mot
TV with stocks of goods to move to a gi ow
ing town where money can bo made , I villas
fist the right kind or people In building , eto.
Will pay good big bonus to anv ono ( hut will
tart a canning factory , or. In fact , any kind ot
a factory that employs hands. Wo want a drug
tore , furniture store , grocery fltoro , a doctor ,
a practical pnlntor right away. For particular *
undress Hank of Valley , Valley , Nob.orC. U
Jluyne , Omiiha , Neb. 4"i4a l
| 7 < OU BALK * 7,000 of general merchandise
JL' and store furniture , clean , wnll assorted ;
vrlll take half In good unlnoumbered farm laud ,
balnnco In payments well tenured : goodroaaouB
tor selling. Address Cell llox 07 , Alma , Nob.
FOIl SALE or Exchange A newB'i bbl com
bination mill situated on Little Illuo
river , near Hebron. In Thayer county. Will ox-
chatipe for wild or Improved Innds or live stock.
forfurtbrr particulars address Flret National
lintik , Hebron , Neb. WJ
ITnOH SALE-Hnit interest In one ot tno best
.E paying drugstores In southwestnrii Iowa ,
Cnpltal required , f-,500. Address l 40 , Uco of
fice. H18
n the 2.1th Inst. , n packHgncou-
JL' tabling two deeds and otlior papcra ,
Omaha Towel Co , , 1517 Howard t3. 70.S nlJ !
T.OST A gentloman'd bird scarf pin , gold.
JLJ with diamond pendant. The Under will bo
ultably rewarded by leavmir It at chief ongiu-
ccr'soillooU. 1' . Hy. sy lj
LOST Pair of Kid gloves on Oipltnl ave.
Finder plcuso ivtuinsamo to llco ntnco.
PHHSONAIr-Prlvato homo for ladles ilurintr
conltnumont , strictly conlldenihil , Infnnts
ndopttd , a < ldre- K 43 , lleo ollico. UWiOj
T\fllH. nUKANT Cbirlvoyant from lloston , Is
UiLrollablo In iillnlfalrsrir life , unites separated
lovers. U ' N. liUh it. room 1 640.ii8
Mrs. Pr. Nannie V. Warren
. clairvoyant. Medical nnd huslnee ) Medium
Xoom No , U , m North ICtb it. .Omaha. Neb.
I 134
( ) lt KENT Ortaas. J5 per month. Horpe ,
1813 Douglas. UJJ
TWTOTICR to U. B. Agents , lot 1,1 in Tuttle's
j-i sub-dlvlnlon Is tiot m the market. John
Stookm yer. 720 1 *
AGEXTLr.MAN from the south dcelrcs the
acqualntancoof a stylish Indy about 20 ,
brunette proforto-l , object nintrliuouy. Address
K.I. l o ofllco ' . " 3 II
SPOT CASH for second-hand , furniture , car
port and stoves , at 117 N. 15th st.
203 al3
FI10 parties having houses tor rent , Itcntal
X Agency , HOUIIWH * C-i. , 15st . opposite post-
office. We have turned over to them our rental
\Yerccomtueudthera. . ilcCiifU * Bros.
B LA ICE'S Premium Short baud ,
anJ Typowrltluif Institute.
Thorough practical and
Hellublo instruction.
Write or apply to L. J. Ulnko. principal ,
cor 10th and Capitol ave , Omaha , Neb. G&l n2U *
HI place where they sell furniture cheap
for cash ban been rumored frcln 1416 Doug-
, 10th s : . I i3al3
NT be an oyster. Don't be swalloned
allv when you want to sell furniture ,
? tu or hpusehod ! gcodi , call at 117 N. 18th.
/ ir.S3 POOLS , sinks and vaults cleaned , oiler-
W less process. U. Kwlng , box 4-7 , city.
| MB a 13 *
HI13 M. OIILr.N8CllLArr.H--aradtmtod }
midwife , corner 24th and Cumlng st , up
Ptnlrs. 87'nU
T7IOH IlKNr-Hquaro Piano , fi montnlr. A
JL1 iiosne. 1513 DouirUK. WJ
CASH ndvanccil on diamonds and wntchc nt
117 N. ICthst. Orft .V Co 203 nH
DON'T bo aclam. Don't pay two prices when
you can go to 117 N. ICth ami buy furni
ture , stoves , Ac , at rock bottom prices.
Ail aH
JjTmsT-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th ft.
MONKVtnlkswhcn you want to buy furni
ture or vapor stoves at 117 N 10th , between
Dodce and Cnpltot avo. 201 alt )
JF you want to buy or sell furniture , fro to
J. Ferguson's , 715 N. ICth. 7J7
FOK KHNT Squire I'lnno J moatnlr. A
Hospe.lH3 Douglns. 135
NEW Hoarding House , flno tnble.s , clean and
palatable victuals. 1418 Chicago st. 805
JTOHAOn First-dim stornpo for nlco fur-
J nlture or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodto-t.
17UMI HALK-Klrst class milk business , Mor-
JJ tcnson Cnnetonson , 1414 Faruam st.
so ; DJ
TT1OH 8ALE-Frosh milk cow with calf. 1224
JL1 Chicago BtrooU 704 lj
Foil SALE-Frcsh milk cows and a lot of
pprlnccrs , corner Gth and 1'lorce or lloddH
& Thrall's old packing bouse 72J 2 *
FOH SALE 2 million brick nnd upwards no-
Bides dally out put of 3IKX ( ) ) . Knqulr *
on premises , cor Dorcas and 2nd sts. Omaha
Ilrlck and Terrn Cotta Mfg. Co 619
WANTED A thoroughly experienced retail
boot and Khoo salesman. None other
oed apply. Address ttlth reluronco II OS llco
olHco. 721 1
\\TANTRD-Ton galvanl/ed Iron cornice
T T makers on new court houeo April 1st.
Apply to J. M. Carter , superintendent. Council
lllulls. 629 3 *
" \\rANTr.D Pulosman : nn oxporlcnced man
TT traveling from Omnhn Into Nebraska , ( Col
orado and Wyoming , who conttols $3,000
trade per month , wishing Klilo line of cigars
and tolmcco , please addro-is with references
und salary expected , Wiith , Dickie , V Co. ,
Chicago. 703 2
WANTED ( 'oat nnd pant makers. Apply at
1118 N. 16th8U 5583 *
WANTED A cigar salesman to represent a
' Hrst-class factory through Iowa. None
but those who can command n good trade and
furnish satisfactory references need apply.
Salary no object to right man. Address cones-
poudouce to Verulanck llros , St , 1'uul , Minn.
480 1
WANTED 50 sober. Intelligent men of good
iuilre ) $ to try u lOc mctil at Norrl-t' res.
taurant , 104 SIGth Bt. 136
WANTED A smart , active man to take hold
of novelty jiHt out. f 3 to $ i n day.
Northwestern Novelty Co. , 1207 Furnatn st.
WANTED I'lvo flrat-class advertising solic
itors ; only men capunlo of earning good
salaries need apply. A. II. Eads CompanyItoom
20 , B. II corner 13th nnd Dodge sts. OS3
W AMED-Men to cut wood. T. Murray.
W ANTED At once , peed butcher. Apply
Hums llros. , 1620 Howard nt. 667 31 ]
WANTED Experienced dry goods travelling
salomnn having an established trade In
the country tributary to Kansas City. State
amount of trade , torrltory covered , and how
long. Address , with reference , W. 11. Grimes
Dry Goods Co. , Kansas City. Mo. 353
WANTED 10 good cornice milkers and 3
slate roofers. None but first class man
need apply. Inmilro ntVo tern eornloo
works , W8 and 610 S 12th Bt. Omaha. 607 1
WANTED 100 men for track laying , near
Colorado line , gang Just organising.
Work will last all summer. Good wuges and
good job. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120
1'arnlmm. 745.
\\rANTED-lllncltsmlth ut HroraflcM Station.
W ton miles from Aurora , Nob. J. W. 1'ar-
rand. 736 5J
WANTED Stenographer and typo-writer.
One who Is competent and can turnHli
good rnforonccB nnd is willing to perform ether
ollico duties. Call or address Paxton , Oixlla-
ghor 4 Co. 8J7 1
WANTED-First class architectural
draughtsman , roust bo good in elevation ,
peed wages paid weekly , address Win Gray , ar
cli licet , Lincoln , Neb. 786 1 *
WANTED-A strong boy to take core of
hort-cs nnd make himself generally use-
fnl about the pltico. Apply at 710 North 22d at.
783 1J
ITANTED-Mnn and wife to take charge of
f a farm. Chas Child , lijOS Louvcuworth et.
W ANTKD A reliable , competent and push
ing man , who understands the subscrip
tion book business to tuuo the general state
agency of our now subscription book , "The
Poldlor In Our Civil War. " This Is the very best
subscription book now on ilio market two
nirtgnlllcont volumes , with 1,000 war Illustra
tions , forming a complete panorama ot the
civil warfrom Its beginnlm ? to the surrender
nt Appomutto.T.
To the right man I shall offer full control of
torrltory , extra largo discounts , attractive olr-
cuhus , and all facilities for a sure and good
paying business , for full particuhtrs address
n. W. Ulllmvtiam , Publisher.
Successor toQ. VT. Carlo to n& Co. , New York.
837 2
WANTED Help , n man nnd wife without
children , wtto to do housework , nmn to
takn care of and drive currmiro team. Colored
people profoncd. Addrois J 8 5 ll'.M Farnum
it , BIO yj
W PANTED At the Paxton hotel a good mat
tress maker. Apply at the ollico.SOD
WANTEH-A young man , must bo well tie
oimintod in the city , to soil shirt * . Ad
dress K 13 lien ollico , ttf ) 3
I7ANTKO-A boy , Omaho Shirt Factory. 3J3
\ NIOth. b233
, 'ANTEI1 Kxpcrlonced trimmer , apply at
1313 Haruoy st. 1. Oborfolder & Co.
811 3
AV , ANTHD None but good active young
' nion of business ability need apply. J ,
M. Frunch A Co. , lluanman bloclc. b-8 0
\\7ANTED Salesman by Chlcngo house
TT clothing salesman for Nebraska , Kansiu
nnd Iowa. To those wno hnvo an estnbllehoi
clothing trade and peed references , we wll
pay a liberal salary. Or to any reliable young
man , with good character nnd business ability
engaged In other lines of trade and not making
enough money and wishing to changn , wo wll
give p'cnty of territory , and n good line of
samples nt bottom prices , nnd pay 7 percent
commission' Address W. f ) . Horaanwny , attor
ney , I'renzor block , Omaha , Nob. 8J7 7
AGENTS wanted for thbllfo of Henry Wart
llcochorby Thos. W. Knn.v. An nutheii
tic and complete history of his llfo and work
from the cradle to the grave. Outsells nl
others 10 to 1. The best and cheapest and
splendidly Illustrated. Bulls UKB wild llro Ux
tra tormu. Onttlt tree. Now U the time. Ad-
drcsa at once , S. r. Juukm i. Co. , Kansas City
WANTI3D A good girl for general house
work 704 8 , Ibth. WO 3IJ
VlTANTKn A good girl for general houi > o
T ? work In a small family. Apply at 171-
Clnrkst . 751
_ _
W ANTED Competent dr < "ssmtikeis. Mrs
T. I ) . Dnvla , 1011 Howard st. OU 3 *
VV"ANTKD An experienced nurse girl
M roforBncua required. Apply 2010 St
Mary'a o\o. 7M lj
\\TANTF.D-A girl for general housework It
M small family , IWtS rarnain nt. WO-
" \\7ANTKD-A good girl for general house
\r woik. Mrs. liyiici,3117 Websterbtreot.
701 1
WANTED A girl for general house work In
family of thice. None but a U t clflb
one nceJ apply. 1'JO.S rarnham St. 744 1 *
WAN-lED-filrl for penernl housework
must bo neat nnd clean , and undeietam
wnfhlng nud Irouinif. B. U Cor. Farnhnm i ,
gOtbtUr. 74J 3.
WANTIID-Oirl for penernl hoiuowoTk"
small famllv. Saward bt , "nd house eai
Campbell. Urs , Wright. 7hl 3J
W IAfiTRO A girl for ueiicral housework
Apply 63d Cfilfar > .
/ * * . . < .MI IWUI * VJ first class girl for
T peneral housework , tireo In family. 114
N. IHii at. ej-i 3J
\\rANTED-Aglrl for ironoral house workT
* T Must know now to cook Family of two ,
f 4 per wook. 0. L. Erlckion i Co. , 212 N ICih.
710 1
\ \ TANTED others noci
apply , references , 1SU C'hlcaso street.
nd second alrl In pnvnto
family of two. Address U. M Alton. Atnci ,
Nofl. ' 7. 3
w ANTED-IIead Inundrnss at the I'ntton
hoteL Apply tJ the houteki'cper , 7212
AY rANTED-GlrL 2719"LolTvenwortiii CTO
\ \ 'ANTED flood pin for general housework
In small family , as. ! LcavouHurtu St.
I'ANTED A female cook , apply 1101 Fnrnntn
St. , upstairs. 813
17"ANTED1-A good girl for general botise-
i work In a small family , 24'J'J ' Capitol avo.
b32 2J
\\rANTKI ) A iilrl for general homework.
' ' family of three , 113 South Jefferson or
23J st. an ; !
ANTHD Olrl for Konornl housework ,
2loirkrnnm. UU
irANTF.D An experienced nnrsoi call at
> Mri. Frank 12. Mooro's , 713 faouth ISth.
" \\7ANTED-At once , pli\no plnyor. coloroJ
> > woman preferred. Apply 1123. Uth. 34S
WANTED Ladles to work for us nt their
own homes ; $7 to 10 per week can be
quietly made. ; no photo-painting , nornnvass *
ng. for full particular * please addrofs at
once Crescent Art Co. , 1'J ' Central St. , Boston ,
Mau. , llox 5170. 903
ITANTKIl Good cook and Laundress. 202 N.
> 18th st. f.8
" \AfANTED-Sltuatlon , by an experienced
hardware clerk nnd tinner. Good refer
ences Spraks English and German. Address
K 1C , llee o Illco. 843 4
- situation ns assistant bookkeeper -
keeper or cluik , good references. K 13 ,
flee office. bJO 2j
WANTED Situation by first clnss cooks ,
waihers and Ironeis. Wo contract tor
hotel , kitchen nnd luundry work. lniUlro | at or
address 110 South 10th st. ( jcorgo Loycr.
H)8 ) 6J
\ \ ? ANTED Ily an Al concern traveling sales
' man to sell provisions on commission in
southern Iowa and Nohraska nnd northern
Ml sourl. Those already reproiontlng ether
lines preferred. Address giving refcronco ,
route , etc. , K 10 Hoe olPco. SOO J
\\rANTEO Situation by steady young man
who has experience In olllco und dry
gooiM buslni" < s and Is firm penman , llcst of
references given. Add. B. 11. Post Olllco.
8 Hi T
WANTED ? ewlnir nt private nou < o by ex
perienced drcssmaitor. Addrest 1 . M.
P. O. City. 8104 *
" \\'ANTED A Bltuation by an experienced
' harness und collar uiolur. Address II
72. lloo OlHco. 7402 *
" \\rANTED-Sltuntlon by boy 10 years of ago ,
> of good common school education ; any
ro poctnblo position with opporttinltr of nd-
VBtiucment , Address W. S. , 709 N. 16th street.
" \ \ 7 ANTED situation In ofllco by youne lady
T who has had 3 ycnts experience. Addrosi
" \\7ANTKD-Rltuatlon as chambermaid or
Rccond glil In family , can do general
hnu ework except cooking , Addrnss II 51 lloo
oflico. _ (112 1J _
TX7ANTED Situation aBbnokkeopor or clerk.
T Over twenty years experience ; best rofor-
encon ; bond * . Artdro < n 11 57. Boo olllco. MIS'
" \\7"ANTEO Situation us brick or tllo hurnnr ,
> > 20 years experience , up nnd down draft ,
good references. Address H 6J Uco oftlce.
595 2 *
\VANTKD Situation ; Kansas or Nebrasua
* by thorough bookkeeperalso ; writes short
hand. Cash bond given. Hoforonces exchanged.
N. Scbulze,602 W. Madison st , Chicago , III.
\ \ ANTKU-8,000 yards dlit. Apply at 13th
' nnd Nicholas , E. K Nauglo ico. 829 t > r
\\rANTBD-To lenso ground In any part of
> T the city , not ever 10 blocks liom po t-
olllco. Address O. W. Cody , bo.x 63H , city. 819
\\rANTED-Uoard and room by slnglo gontlo-
> man. Stnto terms , which must be reason-
nblo. Location,10 mlnutua walk from postolllco.
Address K 8 lloo olllco. 794 1'
WANTED-Threo or four unfurnished rooms
by throe adults , suitable for light houso-
konplng ; rofuionced oxohangod. Address 1C y ,
HeooQIco. 804 5
WANTED lly throe gentlemen , suit of
rooms , In private family prctorrod , Hcf-
oroncogfflven. K. 5 lleo. 7W4 1 *
WANTED To buy 2 second hand olllco desks
lu good condition. George Hujn.Granlto
block. 74S !
WANTED Second-hand elevator for llvory
ptablo. Call at Hoadster's stable , B. 17th ,
bet Harnoy and St. Murr's ave , 574-2 *
" \\fANTliD House of 0 or 7 rooms , centrally
i > located , by April 15 , Hefcroncos. Address
C. T. Northrop & Co. , 1217 Jones St. , Omaha.
730 2
WANTED-To buy furniture and lenso of 5 to
8-room Hat , In good locality for ro-
rontlng. Must boa bargain for spot cash. Address -
dross , with particulars , H 71 , lleo olllco. 703
WANTED All persons to know I glvo In
structions In book-keeping , day anil
evening , to meet demand for competent bool-
keepurs , J. U. Smith , 101 ! ) Chicago st. 700 3j
MONEY WANTED--,00 to $5,000 , for the UPO
of which for six months I will pay tno per
cent per month In ndvanco and give good no-
enrlty In double the amount loaned , address
H 67 , Dee ofllco. 698
A second-bund low seated buggy
top , lad'ys phnoton , In good condition.
Apply at lilla Douglas St. 7233
"ItfANTED Law library. Bond full pnrtlcu
V I lurb to W. S. D. , Lock box 6 , Lyons , Neb.
70J 1
\\rANTnD A newspaper , paying circulation
TT guarantond from the start , lor particu
lars address Uauk of Valley , Valley , Nob.COS
\\7ANTr.D To buy for cash old houses to bo
' ' romovedfrom tholr present 6ltC3. Appl }
to C. II. Dodge , 017 Bouth 13th sU Gl'J
W ANTED-Toams , 303 S. llth at.
171011 RnNT-8-rooracd house , furnished. Ill ;
J South dth. O'KMJ
l OHUENT-Splondld hotel and bonrdlnj ,
H house , the Into llrownoll hall , very cen
tral with its rooms all clonn nnd rcnnotatod
Sewer , and water In building. Call on W. F
l.omuun 717 South 1'Jtli st. 817II
B10H KENT-A small Btoie,303U N 15th.
- blU 1 ]
Foil ltr..NT-Ono largo brick hotel all nonlj
fnrnlslieJ. Host location In city , running
now to Its full capacity , bust of reasons glvei
for renting , can lie rented at reasonable rent
Adam .Vitidolph proprlutor , Oraud Isliind , Neb
" 787 4 *
FOIl KENT 10-room house. , tiath room , hot
and cold water , sonaklng tubes , olectrlo
hells , oto . now house , never boon occupied
f.'cl per month , will lonso for one year , ( looil
location. Call at once Oicitorv \ Hadlny
looms 1 and , i , Itcdlck blk , iUO So lulh st. "S'i
FOIl HK.VT 1 now cottaaos on Oallf ornia
nnil 30th street , near Cuiufng street cars.
Itont J-T > per mouth. Apply to Kaufman llros. .
LWS. 15th st. 5jy
"IJlOll HI'NT Store and living apartments o.
-i Ciiming nearSaiindors st. Apply at Hun-Is
Heal Kstato and I.onu Co. , ; tO S. Uth st. 7 ;
J71011 HUNT Large store , suitable for druif
store or dry goods Btoro. Apply 0th am
Grant strnot * . North Omaha. 66S-1 *
FOIt HUNT Ilutcher shop with llxturoscom
plotc. Apply 0th and Grant streets
North Omaha G70-1 *
"J OIl lllINT-nrlck yards , T. Murray.
4(0 (
F OIt llENT hfl acres of ground. Improved
North of the city 3 mllos. It. C. Patterson
1/10H UlINr"Sttiblc. . Capitol ave and flth En
qulroroiijn0ArUiiirton block , _ 74J _
U HHNT S of a liirgo olllco well locutciT
Inquire of Swan A Co. , 15.'llodgo st.
st.7.V )
' 1CO11 IIE.MT-A suit of newly furnished rooms
Jall modern conveniences at lU.'l Dodge st
b-'l J
_ _ _
FOH HUNT-lJnrurnlstiod room , 1015 Dodge
JJ > OH IH.NT 1 large room , Fouth front with
. ' good closet , aUo 1 ueat room , at 1714 Cull
fornm st. 703 a
HENT-KurnUhed room for two gontle-
_ SOI 5 >
OH IlKNT Corner room lu nno location , 1
or 1 j omnr gentlemen , best of reference re
quired. 324 N. 15th St. 7U7
F0 KENT Vary Aoslriililo itirnUlioa room
to tcntleman. modern conveniences , five
minutes walk from J . 0. Brown * Crolghtoii
U'-J Douiflas. _ 704 a
T/\OIl \ HRNT-A small noitly furnished room
JJ tay ruftnnt. 780 0
nENT-S furnUhed rc mi at S. K. Cor
Si. ,
T71011 nr.N'T-TurnUhcil room 17M Jaol-fon St
L1 Call In the back building. . 7402'
ni'ST Neat , comfortlblo rooms with
modern convenience ! toficrnianont par-
I7 < OK HKN'T Fiirni hcM sliApltig rooms nnd
1 fttrnMied nud tinfurtiHhnd moms for
tght hotisokeoplng. Iti'iulro&N ' Howard st ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nn _
1 < 10ll HliNT-llandsomely ftlrnls'iod rooms ,
Ju modern cotnuuteiicos , 31 ? N. 15th st.
_ fcOjJ IJ _
171011 HUNT-1'urnUhcd rouiu , 131fl DrTdco.
J : F I C3JnT ;
_ _ _ _
"TT Olt HK.NT Klcirnntly furiTfshcd front room
JU suitable for two gentlemen or gentleman
midwife. Apply 1718 Dodge < > t. 7-7
IT'OH HUNT-Two fiiriil hofooiiis for hou o-
JO keeping ; futulturu for lo. 1613 Jackson
St. ' CM-lj
1710U Hl'.NT Largo furnished front room ,
JL1 suitable for tno ; bath. 22J'i Fiirnain.
171OH HUNT Furnished front room and
4 : board , 621 Pleasant. Oi7 3
T710H HKNT llonrJ ana room (3 per week ,
J ? 619 north 10th street. U < 4 3 *
FOIt tiXT : A newly furnl. hud front room ,
with closet and bath. 501 South aotli Rt.
FOH HENT-Furnlsbod rooms , 713 N. 10th at
628 lj
TJ10K HENT-Furnished rooms , 714 N.JMh.
TfOK HBNT-Storo room and No. 110 N. 14th
st. busoment.
FOH HUNT Nleoly furnished rooms at rea
sonable rates , ono nlock from court house ,
506 So 13th st , north St. Mary's uvo , up etnlrs.
57 *
WANTED To rontTor Broom house , not
ever 15 blocks from postoffloc. Enquire
at llennlson llros. 2J3
FOIl HENT-orflcos In Hollman building cor.
Farnam and 13th ts.ln suites or singly.
I'or prices , diagrams and Information apply to
S.A. Sloman , 1512 Farnam st , Hoom 2.
FOH RENT Nicely furnished front room 3
blockslouth of tno Oporu Houso,1415 Jones.
Cake & Hillings , Heal Estate Hot Cakei.
Over 101 South 15tu St.
Clarkson & Hontty.
Farnnm gt. 6fixW ) , cor. tth. $ " ) ,000 cash , $3.7'W.
Fasuiim st. miU , bet. 10th and llth , SS25 uer
Farnam st 41x132cor KtbImproved,1-3 cneh ,
Farnam st 22xl32bct. 12th and 13thImproved ,
1-3 cnsh. $3-.OOJ.
Farnnm st. 22xl.12bct 13th and 14thImproved ,
l-3cashJj,000 ,
1'nrnatn Rt. 115x125 , cor 28th Et. , lmpro\ocl 1-3
cn < h. $23,000.
Furnum Bt. Ofi.xllO cor. 35th St. , yt cosh ,
Farnnm st. 100x2Sfl.cor.32nd nvo. . runs thro to
Hnrncy , linpiovomenta cost $ .1.100 , $ J5,000 ,
16th st Mxir. , runs thro to 17th , 1-3 cash ,
16th St. , 132x132 , corner Davenport , $0)0 ) per
foot.u rate bargain.
16thgt..44xlUi , corner Capital uvo. , Improved ,
ffO.OOO ; $10,000 cash ; bulanco 10 jonrs , 6 pur
Kith strcot,44C6oorner Davonport.lmprovod ,
$40,000 ; $10,000 cash ; bulanco 10 years , G per
lilth street , 00x110 , near Nicholas , 1-3 cosh ,
Loavonwortli street corner Tth , OCxiH.U cash ,
Leuvonworth street corner 2.1th btroot , 144Vix
128 , $30,000. P
Howard earner Oth,6flxiaS all assessments
paid , M cash , $ J"i.O ! . fc
Howard between 14th an < v 15th , 33x132 , 1m-
pmvcd , f5,000cash ; $ l / > fX ) .
.lonus northwest corner 12th , G6\131 , bargain ;
$9'i3.1cagli$2lCOO. ;
Mnrcy corner 8th , 132x13 ? , JS.1,000.
> .Tones between 14th undw&tli , C6xl32 , Im
proved , $18,000. SI
Unimproved Bbts.
Hnnscom plnco 100 foot conier , cheap , cash
$ J ( WO. $4,000. jf
Yatosie Heed 9 east front Kts $1,050 to $1,250
10th st , cor Castollar , 15..x23 . $15,000.
10th st near Center , 50x200 Improved , 52.00D
cnsh ; 5,000.
Kllby Plnco G cholco lots each , $1,5DO.
Illgnland place , " choice lots.
Hoyd'8 addition , u low cliolco lots at bargain
Klrkwood on 20thst , cheap , $1J100.
833 3 Clarkson & Iloatty,219 South Uth et.
PENMAN PLACE lots cheap , easy terms ,
' Wnllnco , Crolghton block. 812 3
M. A. Upton &Co. ,
150'J Farnfttn st ,
Telephone 73.
Tarnam Btroet.
N. R. cor. 20th and Farnam 6flxl3J , $35,000.
.lust WJSt of 20th 22x132. $7,000.
S. W. cor inth and Furnam 90x132 , $12,000.
1211 ft between 21st nnd 22d IliixlS- ; , $1iOiX ) .
128ft between 21st and 22d 12 x132 , $18,100.
25tU st , $6,000 Improvements 67xlJ3 , $15,000
Harnoy street
26th st , 190x104 from Hurnoy to Ilownrd ,
$ V ) . 00.
SOth st , 60x112 Improvements $1,000 , $12,500.
Howard street.
12S.X128. fronting on 3 streets , $12SOO.
Cumlng street.
N. W. cor 23th nnd Cumlng 54x121 , 510,000.
Douglas Streot.
44 ft. east N E cor 14th and Douglas , 22x132 ,
Davenport Strent
CB ft , west S W cor llth and Davenport , CO ft
front , $10,0 JO Street.
R nnd K front , 15th nnd Hlskory , 100x110 ,
$ (1.000. (
There Is from 2,1 to 100 per cent on money in
vested In the above before January 1 , 1888.
We have business nnd residence property In
all parts of Omaha and South Omaha.
M. A. Upton & Co. ,
Telephone 73. 150'J Farnam.
MILITAltV KOAD LOTrf-Largo list.
813 3 Wallace , Ciolghton Block.
CUNNINGHAM'S ADD-Largolots.and ovor/
ono has trackage. They are cheap now ,
and will command fancy prices soon.
Gregory * Hadloy ,
Itooms 1 and 3 , llodlck's Dlk , 5J ) S. IGth st.
VTKLSON'S All -Iot 03'SxlKi ' , with 2 houses.
-L > ono 11-room , the ether 7-room , total rent
* fl ? per year , all for $0,000. 2,410 cash , bal 1.
' . ' . : i 4 and & yoars. Notice the easy terms and
thaticnt paysovof 10 per cent on imoHtmcnt.
Orepory & Iladloy ,
Kooins t and 3 , licdlck blk , U30 South luth st.
FOIt PALI : Neat 6 room cottaec , SOWOraeo
et. Kasy terms ; cheap , or will oxchancn
for more valuable proporty. J. M , DavH,3JO
N 10th st. 083-3
FOH SALE-100 foot front , corner on Farnam
Bt , $13,000 ; specialbiiap lu tills ; half cash.
J L. HICO & Co. 4'JH
IflOIt BALK-Sonth front lot In Washington
Sqtiaroadd , fJ.OOd , worth fl,5CO ; must go.
J. L. HIco & Co , solo ngants. 4'H ' )
FAHNAM ST. ncroaao , 10 ocros , JI.800 per
acre. Hush A , Sol by , 1003 Farnam. W5
FOH SALE OH THADi-Wo : own s vernl
thousand ncros of choice South Dakota
farming land which wo will poll or trade for
Omaha proporty. Wo want U > soil and olfor our
land nt bottom prices. Wright & Lasbury. cor.
under Paxton hotel UI lOil
OH SALK-Lot In KllbyMfoco , f'HV ) .
House of 5 rooms , 3 f lllVlots , $3.310.
II. W. Huntress , IW Fnrmuu st. bJl 2J
WHAT Is thU-A corner dtaaa 3 houses , ono
of 7 rooms and onrtrtt II room' , barn
fruit and shudo trees , best location In Omaha
View , only f.'l.tfl ) , very easy terms. Lawrence
St Beydul. 318 N loth st. bf ) 3
" \\rl3 have for snlo : A
' Ono full lot an llownnrMrcotnt. . . J l.fnfl
Two lots In Ambler Place , nuAornnr. . . . 050
Ono lot near IlOth In MoyU | lllchard-
son * Tlldon'fl Of. 72 :
Host corner In Oichard Hllt.JS 1,0'JO '
HouEoandlot.OffxiriO on Cijjto etroot ,
good barn , veil nnd cIstorifH n.Ofl )
IloiiAoand lot In Oinalin VleiflL 1,700
Ono line lot In Mnyno Place 4fir Lcuvcn.
worth . , TI 2,000
Soutli } J of lot , good 7-roJfc house on
Mth , near Cummhigs. 'Jlhrs Is a hie
bargain and will pay to InH'tlgato. . . . 3,000
Lots In Hanscom 1'ark addition.
Jots In Clifton inn.
Sulphor Springs addition.
All of the above are good bargains and wll
makoyou moroy , call on Gooiiard * Mnoro at
once , 311 north 10th et , , opposite Husonlo
building. 84J-3
FOK SALE-8 W cor 10th and rurnam.W feet
fiont on Farnam with Improvements , cash. J. L. HIco A Oo.agonta. i'JO
$100 cash will sccuro 101 acres of first class
farming land In oastiirn Nebraska balance
Tory long time and no taxna tor 30 years. The
O. h. Davis company , 1505 I'urnam ft.
TCTOH SALlCholoo lot In Orchard Hill
J tl.0 ) , tVMcaah. J. L. Hloo It Co. W7
T710H SALK-3 lotsJuUoiT Loavonwortli St. .
* - In Mayno's Pi ice , H.70J to * , ' , OjO ono ol
those is a corner and a bargain. 1'urk & Fowler
16-i.i Dougiag. 7la 3
FOR SALH A Icaso tit $300 per annum for i
years from Aprils , ' 87 , ou store room and
A-roora list on bt , Mary's avo. between Kih and
1SU It * , eiinw & Co. , 610 S. IDth it. W8
T T nAMMOXD.nenl rstnte.mS.lOth st ,
- ' llm door north of Douehis.
\olU'nddto Washington Hlll.lot60x130 .t APO
tiitltnto place , line lot , It.V ) cash n
riark'o lots , each OlxlM , f2j ! per front ft
IsladdtoS. Omaha , nne lot Jl.liOO
lojd's niln to S. Uninlm.n lots a.trx )
S. > V II. add to Walnut hill. Hot 7M
Albrlgut's Annex.lot. I1M cnati 600
"orthiigo , lot near Cumlng st 700
llnnscom place , lot I , blk lf"00ci\ . . . l.rm
list near Farnnm , Hot , 4i < cUil ! 3WO :
Jiillfornln.cor IAHVO uvo , S.iliO
Armour plHcc.3 line lot , each 47ii
Klloy place,3 beautiful lots S.'OO
< . * llluuibiiugh.oletrant lot. } J cash . . . 1(01 (
Crcston add , 3th , near cars , i lot 1,500
Kij 1
FAHNAM ST acreage , 10 acres , tl.SOO per
ncro. ItiMh it Sclhy , 1009 Farnam. 005
FOH PALF.-rornorlot.3.'ithand Luke strcotn ,
l.Tj fectonZSth st , fronting on two streets ,
f200 : ! ; h cash. J. L HIco A Co. 4W !
M 1I.1TAHY HOAD LOTS - Lnrso ll t.
S \VnlUca , CreUhton IIlock.
1710H SAtI2-Pouth front lot In Washington
J.1 Square ndil , f ( . ( XM , worth $300j must ro.
J. L. HIcnA Co , see ! agents 4Cd
Hlock3l7to33thobostpartof llowllnir Orocn.
Thechoapest property on the market ,
ii mile from Benson car lino.
5-acre lots per acre $ o < K ) .
2'i ' acre lo's per acre | J > X
Acre loti $000.
Lota 50x127 on Hamilton street $175 to $225 for
Full commission to agents , flit pints.
Marshall & Lobeck ,
No. ISO ? Fanmm.
Telephone 73. 104
FOll BALK Corner on 31sl und Cumlng St. ,
48x150 , pnved in front , $4,000. J. L. Klcu&
Co , sole agoute. 468
OSWP.NSON 4 CO.-1404 Karnam street ,
Hooni 15 , dealers In real cstato and west
ern land. Houses built to suit purchasers on
monthly payment. Wl-ul4
FOH rfALK-67foot fronton Karnnm St. , bet
22d and 23d , with $ iUOO worth of Improve
ments throwu la , tlD.OOJ , S cash. 3. L. HIco A
Co. 497
FAHNAM ST. acreage , 10 acre * , $1,800 per
aero. Hush A Solby , 1609 Farnara. DOS
MILITAUV 110.VD LOTS-Largo list.
8122 WallaceCielghton Block.
EOH SALK Corner on 31st and Cuminir st ,
48x150 , paved In Iront , $4,000. J , U Illco Sc
Co. , solo ngonts. 4 i )
IF you nro shnrp you will Investigate these ;
lHx Ul cor nor Davenport and 32d uvo
In Morxraan 1'nrk , 1-3 eush $ 0,500
45x1.11 near corner In .Mursman 1'urk , 14) )
cnsh 2,750
Lots t an-1 20 In block 2 , Drake's f.ooi )
Lot 2in blocl < 49 , ii cnHh 5i < 0) )
South-west corner Culdwell and 1'ler. . . . il,50i )
i : \l0 : ! on St. Mary's nvr 20,003
Mlddlo 1-3 lot 1 , block 349 , with nlnu room
house , modern improvements , ' 4 cnsh 7,000
07 3-4x12' ) ! J corner with cottage In roar
on Farnnm , $ , ) , OJO cnsh , balance easy 11. . 11.000
Lot nin 10 , Isaac anil Solden'8 add
Lot 7 In block 310 , with two houses that
rent for $10 month4 cash 10,000
Lot 1 and 2 In block 2 Ilanscoml'lnco for 5,50(1 (
Lot 18 block 16 , Hanicom I'lnco " ,5V )
Lot 17 , block n , Hanicoin Plitco 2,050
Lot 14 , block M. IInn com Plnco 8.159
Lot7 , nlockC. Iliinscom 1'laco " . * > 50
Lot II , block3. J. I. Knllck'H add ,7. ' > 0
Lot 14. block3 .1. ] Hodlck'fl mill 3,750
Gi'orgoM. Cooper , Itoom 3 , Arlington tllk.
-I 0 ACItKS 4 mllpswoit ofPO , for sale , $ 00
-L per aero. D. C. Patterson , Omahn Nu
tionuibaiiK. 2SO
FOH SAM ! 8 line resilience lotIn ('s
add . Oi | | > olto Konnlio'rt Plnco. $ lIKX )
each ; just on the market. J , L. HIco & Co..solo
agents. 490
FOK SAM' Duslrnblo residence property on
Capitol 11111. luiiulru 22.'J Davenport st.
FOH SALE 7 lots In In tltuto Placot500 each
for the bunch , or will oxchnngo for house
and lot. J. L. Hicu , V Co. , sole agents 497
T 1ST your property with us If you want It
JU sold , for wo inonn business , Pierce to
Rogers , Hoomr Arlington Illk. KIS
rPWOof the best lots In llowllnir Qroon hnvo
J- been put Into my bunds to suit. They nro
very chrap. The owner needs seine money
badly. John Uullaglicr , 317 South 13th st.
620 2
VEN.MAN PLACT. lots cheap , easy terms
Wallace , Ciclghton block. 8123
812 2 Wallace , ( Jrelghton Block.
, 1311 Furnnmst.
140 foot on Pierce by Udon 19th Bt , with
12H foot square fronting on tnroo streets ,
$ I2.HIO.
Full lot north of Cuminir on 27th st , with 6
room hous-e$3ROO.
Corner Douglas and 12th at , nnd 35 foot front
on 12th st , $35OUO.
1V ) foot front on 17th and 13th st , each , with 5
houses. $20,000.
5 aero tract InTuttlo's subdivision with 8 room
hou c , $ , OI.M.
3 choice lots In Walnut I1III , $1,010 oach.
l < ot on 27th and 28tb , 5-roomhouso ,
40 loot front on 10th st , south of viaduct ,
$5,00(1. (
45rl27on South 13th st , $1,500 ,
Lot on Furnam , near Iflth st , $3,000.
Choleo residence lot in Summit I'lnco. $3,500.
1111)113 ) ! , eornor 31st nnd Farnam , $17OOJ.
Corner 25th nnd Capitol a venue , $6,000.
50 feet on Douglas , with 2 10-room houses , all
modern itnprovoinontR , $12,503.
2 lots on Hamilton Ftroet , f2sOO.
6ilx.'iOO. Irontlng on Cuinlng and Hurt streets , D
bouses. $15.000.
M feet front on Farnam , with two stores
nml a residence ; brings 12 per ceut on Invest
31x132 , Cass st , between llth and 15th , with 7-
room hoU3fi , $4,200.
Full lot , 21st st south of Loavonworth , 7-room
house , barn und nil modern Improvement ! ,
Corner , Bnrt and 18th st , with 6-room house ,
Lots In all additions cheap.
391 B. KaU & Co. , 1511 Farnam.
T71OH SALE South front lot In Washington
JJ Siiuuro add , 8J.OOO , worth $3,500 ; must go.
J. L. Illco & Co , solo agents. 400
TJ < OH SALK Oroxchanso for Omaha prop
r crty , 10 ncroa of choice laud 12 miles from
Omaha , now house , barn , grannery , well , oto.
3 miles from railroad depot , addrusd HUO , Uco
oflico. _ 036 3J
FOH BAMS-UitO blocked South Omahn , only
f-h ( 0 this wo conHldor as a special bargain
Lots ii nnd 7 block 8 , 1st add to South Omaha
f.i.SOO for both. Some vury nlco lots Orchnti
Hill , $75U to $1.000. Thc'bo will pay you to buy
Park & Fowler. 152J Douglas. 7188
WAHEHOUSI'oi businoas property lu block
IW , JJ.500 , easy terms.
Hcstaunu.t nud lot ' 'xii- ; . ' for snlo , .1 rooms
good paying business , In Wocplng Water. ? . ' , fiUO
terms easy.
Lot 1 ! > in Anlsfleld , $ " 30.
House 40x138 , tl rooms and lot on Douglas Bt
for biilo , SI.IOJ.
Gibson , Aylosworth illenjatnln ,
705 1612 Farnam.
I CAN oiler tor a week two lots , with lliroo
now cottages , In llodlcks second addition
for f I13U3.0) .
Di-slrablo pioporly In nil parts oftho city. E. llurmositer 411 South 15th Str.
_ 7JLJL-
FOH SALE 4 nno lots In A S. Patrick's add.
$ l,3JO each. J. L. HIco & Co. , sale agents
10 ACHES 4 miles west of P O. for Rale , JCV )
per iiore. 1) . C. Patterson , Omahn Nu
tloinil bank , -0
, Cnilglitnn block , olTers * the fol
lowing , any of which nro good Invest
LoH U nnd 12 , Dlock 8 , Walnut Hill , with
house and barn , cnsy piiymcnts . $ 2,110
Lot 22. block VO , Hiiii'com place . lui ; ;
l/t 1(1 ( , blocks , llodford Place , good ,
wisy terms . 750
Five east fiont lot. = , bocl ! ; 3 , Ilo > d's , font
Bhoittlmo . 4000
Two lluo ea t fionts , Mayno'H addition
to Orchard Hill , ono n corner , eusy
terms , each . 00
Tno CO I cot fronts on Hamilton st , bus-
Inms prnportv. and u simp , for both. . . 3,000
Lot 12 , block2 , IlAwthorno , a beautiful
cast front on31d Strom near Daven
port with line forest trees . 1,500
I.ot5.bloo2 ! , Hawthorne . l yi
Lot 22 , blocU 3 , Huwthorno , easy puy-
inonts , tlnu lot . i,2V
T.ot 3 , bloclf 4 , Iliiu-thorni' . 1'i'y
FInoaoioi on Ames' uvenuo , Just west
ot Everett placo. bccutUul tract und
Riiltablo for platting , a snap at . fiQ > )0
Thlity of the best 8.1 , S < and 25 foot lotion
the military road on good terms , best propcrt )
on the road. Great boom In tlm pioperty , *
ear line bolng built In 1 rout of those lotse.-vb
Several nleirnnt lots in C'lif ion hill , each ? 800
r 1 ot 14 Mayni-J add to Orchmd hill , 5't ! fron
on Military roud. } 2noo.
20 rtne lots In Donmaii place from $ Vtt to $ ; OQ
nnp-nfth cash , tmlnnro longlnno. Those lots
nni cheap nt the prlcoi offonxl ,
20 lots In Institute place from $400 to ) iVX )
tenth ca h , * 10 per month. 'I ho cheapest prop
oity ot the class In the market.
YI ttcrt-s in llonflel 1 , the liost In tnat elegant
property very good , I1.2W.
17tcot onGrneo by ( Won 13th and running
through to St. Paul right of way , tl.WO.
I am prepared to invest funds left In my
charge to the best possible advantage to the In *
yoitor. Tlili clafj ) of business especially so
licited , Wullaoe , Investment Agent. CrelgJiton
8AL15-8 nno rpslilortco lots In Ono'a
FOR . , opposltn Kountzo'n Place , 11,000
cAch ; JuM ou tbo mantel. J , u HIco K Co , ,
solu agents. 4P9
| 7HH SALV Cornoron 31st nnd Cumlngst ,
JL1 48x150 , paved 111 front , $ lOJO. J. U HIco Jf
'o. , solu agents. _ 4Vfl
1710H 3AM5-2 bonutlfnl lol irontingon Shor-
-U man avouue , pi\vod st , city w tor , sewer
mid gas ; choice residence property , } iMX ) . J.
SI33 Wallace , Crulghton llloek.
SA. SLU.MAN , Heal l .stuto llrokor ,
. 1612 rnrnam Struct.
I'urnam street , cor. ISth.iWxia. , if cash $ fO,0. > fl
nmmniBt. , near 14th,22xll2tiiiprovol. . ; i't,0
h'nrnnmst.nearlt < th,44il.t ! . Improved. . EJ.IXIO
KHrmuusU , near 20th,2Jil . ' . very ch np. 7,003
Furnaiut < ) , linx l.)2 ) a\000
Fitrnnmpt. , cor.31st st. lUCxlX ! , south
and east front I'.OW
Karnam st , cor 4Uth , 10x133 , s und o front OJMt
1'nrnRin sUonr. 41st,4-xll ! , and e front 3.IVM
Iliuuvyfit. ncarSOUi,171x170. Improved. . 85,000
Ilnrnttyst. Kodlck'sOroTc , 41x1. ) : . ' l.noo
Douglas at. near U'th , Uxii2 : , Improved. . ftVUOO
Douglas st. near Mtli. 32il't : , H Interest. , MO
DuuiclMst. near 23d , iVIxl.t ! B.OUO
Dodgest. nearrjth , MxlfiSM 2. W
Dodito st. near 28th , 40 < cl7 , lmprov < t. . . 3,000
Jackson Bt. near 15th , ( Wxl3J , Improved. 1nixiQ
.louesst.oor.Uth , SUxl'W 24.00J
Lenvenworth st. cor , 21st , l 'xlll , Im
proved 18,530
Loavonwortb st. cor. 20th , 140x143 , tin-
tirorud 35,000
Hth ot.opp , M. 1' , and Uolt Line dopui.
' ' ' '
14th st. trockago' , riuiiYoo'k'piacc/Ctxlis. / 8 VM
I'arknre. opp. parkIMxtm ) 1. 0
Oeorgla ave. near Mt. Pleasant. 60x150. . 2,800
SOth st , near Dorcas , lOOtllW , Improved. . * . ' > 00
20th st near Douglas. 3-.T 9 , lintirovod. . R.OV )
IMhst.cor.Martha.Mxl.'U.improvod. . . 4.MM
Iflthst. cor. Soward,63x130,3 houses . . . 4.50) )
Pierce near 20th , 00 feet front , 3 streets. f > . : t"0
Hamilton Bt. near Holt line , Improved. . . l.MW
35th St. , near Davenport. 100x130 2,200
Seward. near05th. 80x157 1.IW
10th st , near Castollar. lai fuel front. . . . 4..v )
8th st , near Martha , 61x151. corner. . . . 1 , < KX )
Hurdettost.noarzath , 50x132 , on car line 1,000
Burtst , nearLowonvP , M 1-2x1 JV 1,100
15th. cor , Poppleton , 03x1(10 ( , Improved. . 4.r 00
Iaven | > ort , unar24th.54 l-ivl3-lraproved : 4,000
Chicago , corner4th : , fflxl)2 ! ) , improved. . 8,000
2th ( , near I'opplctnn , 501127 , Improved. . B.OOO
OrchardHIII , lots * 7M to 1,000
Drown I'nik , lots JWDto 850
llodford Place , lotn IK > 0 to 1"00 "
lllirhland 1'nrc , lots oaoh-oash (93. , K
Wnkely add. lets 57x15 ! ) . rrtch 4W
25 acroq near Fort Omalm.flncly Inprovod 11,000
Cuntor et.fiflxlTJ. Improved > 1.200
Karnam M , near 3Sth , 57x133 3'tOO
Nicholas Bt. purncr. ( WxlllJ , truck In nlloy 4,200
I'ark ave , laclnir 1'ark , BOilSO 4,000
H 16th st. Hour viaduct , 40x102 5,000
8111phurSprings add. Just opp. 16th st , 50
x124 . . . . . ' -,000
Loavonworth stnoar Dolt Line , 100x127. . . . .r'00
ITUUM 1'OU SALK-Throo miles south of Nol
JJ son , NuoKolls county. Nob. , ij section , 280
( icif 8 In cultlVHtlon , a > ucrna fonood for pas-
turo. two houses und 2 bums and other outbuildings -
buildings , 2 well * . M fruit trcot. I will .lull this
lor | S.roo , ono-liulf down , balnnro on ton years
tlmo with 8 per coiit lntoro t. I'or further Information -
formation cull on or itddross J. 11. Dnvis , throe
mllo.i south of N'clson , Neb. 374alJ
FAHNAM ST. ncrcaKO , 10 ncros , fl.W per
ucro. Hush &Solhy , IC09 Knrnnm. 505
FAHNAM BT. ncronBO. 10 ncros , flM per
acre. Kush&f olby , 1 < XM rarniiin. W5
DENMAN PLACE lot' * cheap , easy terms.
Wallaro , ( Jrclghlnn block. 812 2
"ITlAnNAM ST. ncioiiRO , 10 ncrcs , $1,800 per
-I ? aero. Hush A : Sclhy , 1COU Farnnm. 6l5
"I710U SAL1I In larjfo orsmall lots neld Reeds ,
X' timothy , little rod and nmmmoth clover ,
Gorman and common mlllott socils. 1 wurriint
this seed nil raliod In Ilutlor county , Neb , and
new. pure and clean seed. Wrlto to W. O. Ilos-
ton , David City , Neb , for prices. 4'll ' a6
IiKM 8ALK-N. K. cor 20th and Farnnm st ,
1 60x133 , f31,000ono-thlrdcush. J. L. lllco &
Co. , agents. 4a
10 ACIUXS 4 mlles we tof P O , for sale , ffiO
1 porocio. D. U. 1'uttcraon , Omaha Na
tloiiHl bank. 280.
FAUKAM ST. acrratto , 10 ncroR , $1,800 per
ncro. Hush .VSilby , ICO'J ' FaniHin. 6U5
FOR -SAI.K-4 line lot * in A. ti. Patrick's add. ,
$1,100 each. J. L. HIco & Co. , eolo nironts.
4W )
Our now addition.
Acres $ TO to $400 per nor * .
Near South Omahn ,
And Hydloata Hill.
Marshall & Lnhook ,
16S 1509 Karnam.
j BALI ! A corner lot 68x132 on 15th nnd
-L Cumlngst onoof the bust locutions In the
city for a warehouse , with waterworks nnd
Eoncrngc. Apply at promises. Thos Slnoliilr ,
890 20J
GHNHINR HAHGAINS-Two corner lots in
Ilurdettocourt , only 4 blocks from Bnun-
4er'fstroftuara. w. M. Ilushmnn , Itoom 19 ,
Bushman Ulock , N B cor 18th andUouglai.
INSIDE PIIOPEHTY Wo hoi-o some good In-
sldu property nt a baigain , I'iorce A Hog-
ers. 1211 Dodge street. 810
IF.NMAN PLACE lots cheap , easy tnrinn.
' Wallace , Crolghton block. 813 3
A CHANCE for Investments ,
-tx Gibson , Alcsn-orth & Hcnjnmln ,
1512 Farnam at.
] lot In Imp. Ass'n. 47x111 , with 2 small
houses $ 3000
1 lot In Hawthorne , 48.xlOl > . cor. Sltl and
Davenport , with il room housecistern ,
ncll.otc , very easy ttrma 3,500
Hot In Hillside Ud add j W
1 lot In lipdford Place. 60vl2fl 73i
1 lot in HltchooBk's Ut add. 50x125 7lM
1 lot In Lowe's Istaddti0xl2iwlth ) hoiiHO 1.750
li ! lots In Sblnn's 1st add , 75x12' ' , Culil-
wull st 3,700
llotinlledlck's add , f x22. Half Howard -
ard st 3,300
Slots In West Sido,5)xU9 ) , hnrn and fruit
trees 5,100
5-room house nnd lot N. 17th St. , good
well and cistern 0,600
Kotmt/e 4th add , lot 8 , block (1 ( six room
house , well , cistern barn , Ac 4,000
Hlmobaugh & Patterson sub-lot 16 , block
2contruct 550
120ft on St Mary's avo. with 2 0-room
houses , gas and water , will subdivide. 8 > , OW
40 ft on St. Mary's ave bet , 19th and 20th li.OOO
Choleo lot In Omaha Vlnw J )
132 ftoriinthst near rarnura 70,000
2 lots , O.JEJ7. Lowe's ndd. 4-room house ,
cellar , well nud CO-foot barn , price . . . . -WO
FOK SALT2-2 cholco lots In HIlMda No. 1 ,
$ 7,500 oacli , or H.5UO for both. J. L. Ittco *
Co. 897
JOHN GALLAailHH.317 South 13th at Acre
property , lots all parts of the olty. Choice
lots in Hnnscom Piano. llousr > , 9 rooms , lot
66x80 , location unsurpassed , $5JOO. 'M * 2
T71AHNAM ST. acreage , 10 ncros , $ li01 port
-t ucro. ItU'h & Sulby , IfO'j Fainam. &
FOIl RAM ! -Or trade for a slock of goodc ,
fOfl acres of farm land ; will Bell or tni'lo
nny part. Addrots J. M. W. , Spnugvlew , Nob.
717 S
TJIOsTEIl'S ADD'NCornor ou 2-'u tlWxiiO. :
J-1 for $1,410. Busy torms.
Gregory A ; Hudluy. 42 ]
IilOH S Mjfj-TjTii iotOblk I'M1 , , ' , ,1m6T with
linprovciiitut1' . Half catb. J. L. Klui .V Co
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
011 SALR-K I foot front on rarniim Rtr
6ldo$2UOperi''iot J. U Hlcu&Co. ii'J7 '
DENMAN PLACE lots clioap , easy torms. '
Wallace , Crolghtou , block. SI3 2
"VTOTIISThis bnrgnlnln Washington square ,
! > the best lot , tZ.ixio. Knsy puyinuntn. I.tot-
rctico&Sojdol 2IHN10thst. Hll 3
SALE-10-J foot front , coinur on Furnim
J. Ft. $12,0)1 : spocialbiinplu this ; half o sh
J.L. HIco ti Co. 4'J5
FAHNAM ST. Hcrn'igo , 1 acres , $1,800 poi
acre. Hush & r-ulby , I8U1 Furnum. 5Q5
( HAW & CO.,610 S. 16th st. oITor for snlo for
k JS .lMn cor on 2ulh st , II Uiot front on aith.
ifl.'o ) , a full lot In HiuiH'iom l'lin .
14,0'JOa house ami half a lol St. Mary'
$1.200. a few lots on west Lenvnnivorlh.
{ rijOu Si-foot lot nu wo l l.niivuiiworlli.
Jl.HOO , a lot InOruhard Hill.
I3.00D , a largo lot iiua hciuso In Ludwlu Place
M.VJ , a lot In Washln.-ton Hill.
ttw , a lot in Alhnirlit'B Annox.
* 1,0.x ) , 100.xI2.'i foot on corner In Kllby Place
f 1,201) ) , i house and lot on south 18th svr''Ot.
No incitement lu our ollico. Como up nni
tco us. i.M C
ilOIl SALE-4 flno lots In A. 8. Patrick's add.
$1,3UO en < ; h. J. L. Hicu & Co. , sole adorns
4 W
J 0 ACIU'.S 4 milch west of P 0. foTTTioi fM
. . per noro. I ) . C. J'nttorson , OniHh-i Nu
tional bank. 2X )
C10II P\LE 100 feet Iront , corner on Fiirmim
J. st$12'r1) ) ; special snup In this ; halt cash
J. L. Jiko . < c Co. J6
T IOH SALi-N. : K. cor 2th ) nnd Furn-nn sis'
J. OO.XI32. jll.OJO. eau third cash. J. L Itlcet
Co. . a '
SOUTH OMAHA Sorno of the host corners
In the business portion of the town , atw lots
In all additions thuioto.
( Jregory ft Iladlev ,
Itooms 1 and 'J , Keillck's Blk , IS S. 1.1th fit.
SOlil H Omaha Park and Hnir.muml I'lnco ( t
. . . InsldnSauUi Omaha property Then Olxmi
or.lw V'ore , owneia. ; | I4 H Uth U , Zd Vloor to-
FOH 9ALR-S W cor 19th and rarnnm,03 f"ct
front on Farnam with Improvomr-iiH ,
fW.OOO , 1-3 cash. J. lj. Hlce * Co. , ngunts. 4 U
171011 SALE SO feet front on Humidors st. w.tu
JU Improvements worth f 1,600 at ir. , . i ,
I'oslmo bargain. J. K HIco * Co. 4UJ
S017TH Oiuahi f'nrk and Hnminond 1'lnoo M
Inside South Omaha property , Theo Ol < eu
or Jos Vore , ownet.s.llU 815th St. , 2d tloor bo-
twecn Farnam am' llartnr. 25t a I
FOH SAM-8 : flue rcsMonoa lots In duo's
add , opno lto Koiintro'D I'lace , $ IOOJ
ench ; just ou the market , J , U HIco .V Co..solo
agent * . 41H1
B Itneitlgnto this. C-l - ft on 15th Ft
near JOIK" at the suiprllnilv low prlco of
( tGOatoot John Gallagher , 317 Bouth i.Hlut
821 3
_ _
AflUTAHY HOAD LoTs-Urgo list.
LU. 8I2J1 _ Wiillm.- ! ' , t'uilgliton lllock.
POHSALE-80 foot front on Saundora st. with
improvements worth $1,600 at $7,500.
. 'osltlvu bargain , J. L , Hloo & Co. 4M
FOlfsA 1,1 ! Cornet lot , 35th and LuKe t roots ,
1.15 feet on 25th ft , fronting ou tno streets ,
[ i.300 ; l-3ciisli. J. L , Hlce A Co. 4M
FOirsALiornM"iot725tlirnm1 : 1.akastroeM ,
1V > foot on 25th f.t , fronting on two street *
$2,300 ; l-3casli. J. L. lllce. V Co. 409
DENMANPLACEots cheap , casv tormi.
Wallace , Crolghtun blooK. _ 8123
BIO H.VHfiAlN-Ono hundred feet front oa
South Eleventh st , eornor lot , only 16,000.
Tart on tlmo. V , U Vodlcka , 520 South Mth st.
FOll BALK-aood Nebraska farm. It. M. .
Canfiold house , Omaha. 847 2J
ES1DENCE Itargalns
lly Miolos & Crumb ,
1100 fnrnnm street , opposite Paxton.
43x122 to ulloy , KO < 1 cottage , 6 room * ,
fui nnce , barn , well \o Donlso'H addtlon , $4AX ) .
00x128. n corner on Hamilton stioot , good 9-
room eottugo , room for two more. $ ! > , OOOL
75x110 , corner , east front , Hodlok's sub-dlvli-
lon , splendid ID-room bouse , modern , a bargain ,
f IiviVvO *
Bflviiz to alley on Pleasant street , 0-room
house , cltr wattir , a bargain , $ s,5K ( ) .
60x150 , Georgia uvcuuu.V room bouse , barn ,
city water , $ .1VO > ) .
fiiiAHO , Virginia avenue , 7-room house , $5,209.
Nx130 ) , corner Shmn's addition , furnnco , good
city water , etc. , barn costing $ MKI , * 7OOJ.
_ Fnll lot , 9-rooui boubo , Shlnu'B addition ,
$7,500 ,
Full lot nnd new hoiiso , $2,800
nixl27 , U cottages , Shlnn's second addition ,
$3,000. orono-lmlf for $1,60. . ) .
46x110 to alley ; V-rooin house ; elty water , gal
nnd sewer , on Tn cnty-uf th uciitio , near Dodge
street , $11,000.
Flvo-room cottngo nntl largo lot , 75x150 , cor
ners on alley , Sovcntoonth and Mason streets ,
5uvon-room house , barn , well , shade trees ,
etc. , on Charles ; is Just otf Sanmieis uttoet ;
60x1. ! 0 , $6tHX ) .
Houses nnd lots lu Sl.lnn's addition.
Houses and lots In Sliulls addition.
Houses nnd lots lu llanseoin I'lnco.
Houses and lots in all parts of the olty.
Two lots , inco Lowo's addition , $1.150.
Four lots In A. B. i'a.rlek s addition , $1,400 to
$1ROi ) ; line south front lot In Domse's addition ,
$ . ' ,200 ,
Four lots. Foster's addition , $ ? , COO to ' 2,400.
Ten lots , Kllby Pisco , JWMto $1,5 JO.
Klght lots , .loromu Park , t , , M to 1,000.
Two lotp. Loavonwortli Tonnco , on Lonvon-
worth , l.000.
Four lots In McCormlck's Second addition
$1. QUO each.
Nine lots In IIousol A Stebtuns , $ IWO to
Forty lota In Hanscnm Plnco , $1.ROO to $4,009.
Klghtlots , Dwlght & Lyman's , $ SK ) to I WO.
Eight lots , lltlcn Place , Sl0 : ! > ) to $1,500.
Ambler Place lots. $ f25 to $1.0,10.
Five lots In Hillside No. 2. $2,1HO to $2,603.
Twenty lots In Orchard Hill , $750 to $1,100.
Lots in nil parts of the city.
Bholos & Crumb , HOii Fniuam street , opposite
Pauou hotel. 827 3
FAHNAM ST. acreage , 10 ncrcH , $1,830 per
ncro. Hush & SUby , Ittua Farnnm. 501
TTIAlllMOUN'T PLACE-Lots2i and 2'l , onoot
JLMhebost corners In North Km ! . $1 ,700 for
both , $ )10cah. ) ami bulanco 1,2 and 3 years.
( iro.'ory & Hiulley. 429
HANSro.M PLACE Oni ) of the finest corners
on VirKlulanvo. 105xlV ) . Lots levulod up
and Ivlngubout3ft above grade , only $ ri,600.
d29 G i ugory 4. 1 ladloy.
/ 1HUIICII bulldlng,3xlS : , for snlo very cheap ,
\J siiitnblo for store bulldlnir or for mission
church , in line rop.ilr , month or six weeks to
move It. John Uallnflier , 327 Bouth 13th st
TELEPHONE 418 for J. U Illco &Co. , rct > lel
tnto broken. 475
4111 south 15th st.
Offer thcsj bargains today :
1 corner Gooi via nvo. anil Dtipont $1,13) .
7 Orchard hillchoice lots each $ .rt.Y ) .
House and 2 lots , Maunders & Hlinobiiugh'l
add. to Walnut hill $2,300.
UO Finest lots In Clovordnlo , bargains.
Fine lots In Kllby place , clump.
Final 1-2lot John I Hodlck's nub-dlTUIon ,
Kcholoo lots In Maynes add. , ouch $5J&
Eeliolce lots Falrmonnt phi'jo.
Incro beat in liclvudero , b irgaln I33X
"lota Jotter's addition , each $70J.
Mots Mt Douglas , each $510.
2lots South r.x. place , oncn $100.
B Brown Park , bargains each $6JJ.
" 4 lots cholon In Yatoa * Humpol's a Idltlon.
10 acres 'i nvllo south of Harris & Patterson'
anner , nxtrn nice , ehn p and easy torras.
A flno list of western lands for sale , or trade
for Omaha proporty. . , ,
400 ncros highly Improved , Saunders Co. , sal *
or trndo.
115 fei-t front on 16th strsot ,
Last , not lonst , mrnor on Farnam $41.01) and
many othors,41U S. 15th st. Wide und Parmelo.
Itcnl Instate TraiiHfcrft.
Peril cstato transfers filed March 81 ,
Kihvln S Komi nnd wlfo to Ocn H Guild ,
lot 27 blk 1C Albriglit'3 annex to S Onmlm , w
TJiilte < l Stntos to Samuel L Mnrston , n e Jf
n c v , ' i0 ! , is , 1:1 : , patent.
United StaU'.i to Sauil L , Marston. ICO acres
In : iO. 15 , 13 , imtunt.
Jtasiuus Jensen and \vlfe to Ole Olsen ,
part lot 8 blk 18 > < f. w l 50.000.
Cnthcrlno IVrkiiiH to Helen L Cocgslmll ,
r,2 sq rods In 31 , is , in , w d-S3ooo.
City of OmnliatoA M Anderson , 25x30.79
ft be lnnlnc : it so our loto lsavu : & tiriflln's
add , n c-SUii.-'O.
Fic'umnn ] ' Klrlccndnll ct nl to Mary A.
.Schtioidor , I .x47l It blk W Omaha , w (1
9 1.800.
City of Omaha to G E Maynn rt al. 10x133
ft hcKlnnhiK at n w cor lot 4 blk 2VM Omalia
q c ii'.ir. '
Stiean K Wells nnd husb to A N Wliltnoy ,
lot 10 nllc1 1'rtitt'B r iibillv , w rt-S1.700.
Gco L Miller nnd wifu to Sntnl Ji Cnllaway ,
lols 0 and 10 blk 1 , lot 1 blk 7 WeU Kud udd ,
w 1-0 , < . ' 00.
Thcodoro OlFen and others to Kobert M
"McDowoll. lot 7. block 5 , and Jots 1 and a ,
block 1 , mmmntul 1'uico add to South
Onwlia , w d S2aiO.
Andrew Itosottater and wlfu to Joseph
A ub , t > s\ro f cct , boQlnninc at northeast enrner
of lot 4 , blor.k 114 ; also strip off wi'bt slilo of
salil lot , w d SV-00.
( Jporno Illvlniiis tn Kato A Doollttlo.
lots 8 and 0 , block W , Ihmscom 1'l.ico , w d-
Sll.W ) .
I'ctcr WIlK to lieclor Wilhelmv.fc Co. . west
100 ( net of lotO , block If/I , W d-S'AVW.
\Vllllaia A ( Jwyer , Si. and others , to liar-
tin Quid : , lot IS , block -1S , ( Jtaudvlow , w d
-sw : > .
South Omaha Land company to JolTerson
W lii-dforil , lot 7 , block. 12 , South Omaha , w
.1 \Vlli-llonl annothcr.i to David Antler *
ron , lot 7 , block ? , S'jul'i Ouiiilm.v d
li'ono ! W Loomls to the public , nlat of
I.oonns'J'l ' subdivision 01 lot 21 , TulUn's sub
division dedication.
flMarjarpt ; K Janes and husband toeon6 ! !
W I.Gdtiili , lotiil , Tuttlu'fl btibdivlslou d
Henry J Windsor to .losoiili GaniPatilot 4 ,
block 170 , w d-S21WO. (
Christian llattiuan and wlfo to John P
Hawkins , lots SI and SO , Bijllaite , w d
S'iOO' ' ) .
Mary A McCrearv to the nubile plat of Mp
Croat y's place , lots 17 and lit , section - MS13 ,
except part cld to Xortlnutstein Kallway Uo.
K'lwlii Dygeitto Jtobert McClelland , lotsO
and 10 , Kalrview. w u S'JOO.
Mlron Mtviro and wlto to Julia K Vander-
coo'f ' , tO actc-s in sectlcn 8 lfU ! , w d § . ) ,000.
Sauitie.1 Kolrbnnlicn ; and wile to Kiucne II
Wnortriit , w 21 U of o J < of lot 3. blk 41 ,
Oiunba , w d-S4 , 00.
Henry O Dcvues to Annie Moran , lot
10. blk 20 , Hanscom place adit , w d-SOW. .
CatlKtrlnu Hurnlck and Imshand to Louisa
( irotb t al , part ol I.o * . H , Jiarker'H uiottmcnt ,
w d--8vo. ;
NVistein Loan anil Trust company , of
Cherokee. Iowa , to Arthur I' Wood nt al ,
yt lot 1 , till : , Improv As > o r.dd to Otnabu
(1--57..VX ; .
Kduatd 1' I'otoison ct al to Martin Calm et
al , InU U , ii. 4. : > , ( J , in , 1 and Id blk 1 , lots 1'J ,
. I , 5 and fi blk ' . ' , lot 3 blk 3 , lots 1. 2 , fl , U
and 12 blk 5. lots 13 , 14 nnd 10 blk 7. lots In
blk S , all of blk 0 , Gtumoruy 1'ark , q c
llaln f J Thomson and vtlfo tp Otto J 0)111 )
son , lot a bllc.,1 , Arpisliou 's .Second aud , ' .v it
S1.700. , . . .