Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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Tbo Union Pacifio Vice- President Offered
thd Receivership.
Contemplated Condemnation of Clt'y
Property For llio .Nebraska Central
Itnllway | { rletjo Terminus Hlit-
horn Itltfht of Way.
Will He Accept ?
A tclojjrnm was received last ovcnlnz
from Chicago , stilting that It was reported -
ted tliero that 3. R. Callawuy , vice-
president of the Union I'nclllc , had been
offered the receivership of the Wnbash
railroad system , to succeed Judge ( Jooloy
who Imi reccutly been appointed Inter
state railway commissioner.
Mr. Uallaway was visited at his resid
ence and was found in bed , Ho is con
valescing from nn illness of over a week.
Ho stated that It was true that ho had
boon tendered the receivership of the
Wabash. AH yet ho had not replied , and
lie should not do so before to-morrow.
Neither had ho the
resigned vice-presi
dency of the Union Pacilic. Ho was not
in a position last night to say what his
answer to the tulegram offering him the
receivership would bo.
From the manner in which Mr. Calla-
way spoke , It is sunni.scd that ho will
The following associated press tele
gram , dated Chicago , wiu received at 1
o'clock this morning :
The appointment as receiver for the Wa
bash railway lines east of the Mississippi
river , to succeed .hid no Coolov , was today
offered to .S. It. Cullaw.iv , general manager
nf the Union 1'acltic railway. General
Wacer Swayno , Missis , Williams and
Thompson , General George W. Smith anil
Vf. U. Heale had held a lengthy consultation
And reported to .Jmliro GrfMliain tliat all tlip
parties In Interest had agreed upon Uallaway
BS eminently tilted for the position. Judge
OroHhnm at once conscntml to make the
appointment , nnd Sir. Callawav was tele
graphed to at Omaha , lie replied signifying
his willingness to accept , but that he was
nfrald ho cuuld not do so at nnco. As Judge
L'ooloy has to bo In WashlnKtou on Monday
on the Inti'i'-statu commerce commission It Is
necessary that the new receiver should
quality * without delny. Telegrams were
Atalti sent to Mr. Callaway , but at the ad-
lourumeiit ol the court no answer had been
Several rumors were In circulation this
Afternoon , ralatlvo to negotiations lor settle
ment between the bondholders east of the
BIlsslsslppl and the purohaslm ; oommittec ,
ut nothing as to an understanding hclng
reached was mentioned before Judge
Nebraska Central Auks Tor the
Condemnation of 1'roperty.
The Nebraska Central railway com
pany , the reorganization of which the
IEF ! reported yesterday , ( Hod n petition
In county court yesterday , before Judge
McCulloch , for the appointment al ap
praisers upon the valuoiof property in
Omaha which the company desires to
condemn tor dnpot , side track and termi
nal bridge grounds The realty wiicU
the company has designated as necessary
for its purposes is as follows :
Uiooks , 0 , 30 , 27 , 28 , 37 , 1)3 ) , 09 , 03 , 70 , 9 ,
j nd block D. Tins property is between
Dodge and Webster streets , north and ,
eoutli , and has something of a triangular
ilhapo with the base on California street ,
und block 0 tied on the outside. Four
teenth street will bo the western -bouiir.
dary of the area , on block 20. The area
ia nearly cloven whole blocks.
* * * In response to the request Judgn Mc
Culloch immediately appointed the ap
praisers , who are John L. McCaguo , R.
Kitchen , S. A. Orchard , C. H. Dcwey. N.
Bholton and S. A. Orchard. These gen
tlemen will qualify for their work on
April 5.
As is understood , the land which is
wanted by the reorganized Nebraska
Central company , is for the purpose of
affording territory enough to construct
depot , round house and tracks which
would naturally bo needed at the termi
nal point of a bridge which will proba
bly be constructed from the Iowa side tea
a point just south of tlio smelting works ,
or between Dodge street and Capitol av-
enuo. This bridge , it is well understood.
as well as the whole additional railroad
improvements will become when com
pleted the property of the Chicago , Mil
waukee & St. Paul. The western outlet
of the road will bo on Webster street , and
thence west through the city into Ne
braska about 150 miles.
No more satisfactory evidence of the
probility of an early construction of the
bridge could bo given than these con
demnation proceedings. The subsidy
which will bo asked by the Nebraska
Central is stated to bo 4150,000. The
county commissioners are expected to
issue a proclamation soon calling for an
expression of the people , either at the
general election or at a special election ,
upon the granting of this subsidy.
Almost at the same time of the filing
ol the application of the Nebraska Cen
tral for appraisers to condemn the prop
erty that that company wants , the Fremont -
mont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley coru-
pnnv lilod n like petition before Judge
McOulloch for appraisement of n right of
way into the city for its extension from
Arlington. The route of the railroad is
to bo through blocks S and 5 of Brighton
nddition , west of Fort Omaha ; thence to
the southeast corner of the military res
ervation and eastward to the fair
grounds ; thence turning to the south
and along the side of the bind to the
bottoms , where it will strike
the right of way of the Chicago ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha , which is
a part of the same system , the North'
western. When tno Elkhorn Valley
company first proposed to build to
Omaha , there was a $75,000 subsidy ii
connection with tlm proposal. Not re
ociving the encouragement in that dircc
( ton wlilch was desired , the company do
cldod to build anyway. In the language o
of one of thoollldnls : "If Omaha 'i
want to do anything for us , wo will noi
bite oft' our nose to spite our face , but we Q
shall go into the city unhampered by anj
obligations , and that is something. "
The work of construction of tlio Klk
horn line to this city is being rapidly
pushed. Three hundred mou and teams
nro busy constructing urado and layinf
track about live miles from the oit\ \
limits. Trains direct from the Blacl
Hills , Central Wyoming , and the grca
northwestern part of tlio state will BOOI
bo pulling into the Northwestern depot
Judco McUilIoch appointed as ap
Bruisers of the land to bo thus condcmnoi
lor right of way , W. V. Morse , Join
Rush , Joseph Hodman , J. E. Rlloy am
A. R , lufrvnc.
The committee of Union Pacillo isngi
ncors who have boon in Omaha for tin
past live or six weeks loft last night lo
their homes. Chairman Vrooman , o
North PlatUt , will remain behind lor i
day or two.
Army Now * .
A general court martial has boon ap
pointed to meet at Fort U. A. Russell
SVyo. , at 10 o'clock a. in. , on Thursday
tlio 7th day of April , 18S7 , or as see
thereafter as practicable , for the trial o
"Such persons as may bo properly brough
bqfore it. The following is tbo detail lo
) Uo court ; Major Juiucs S. Casey , Seven
'X '
rcenth infantry , Captain Clarence K.
Itcnnctt , Seventeenth infantry , Captain
Thomas O. Troxol , Seventeenth infantry ,
Captain Cyras S. Roberta , Seventeenth
Infantry , Captain Charles 11. ( Jrooiio ,
Seventeenth infantry , Captain William
P. Rogers , Seventeenth infantry , First
Lieutenant Daniel 11. Brush , Seventeenth
infantry , First Lieutenant George 11.
Roach , Seventeenth inf.intry. First Lieu
tenant James D. Nlckernon , Seventeenth
infantry , Second Lieutenant James T.
Ivcer , Seventeenth infantry , Second Linn-
tenant .lanie.s ii. iJrulcm , Seventeenth In-
f.intrr , Second Lieutenant James II.
Frier , Seventeenth Infantry , Second
Lieutenant Lucius L. Dtirfeo , Seven
teenth infantry , First Lieutenant George
Riihlon , Seventeenth infantry , judge
advocate. Should any of tlio ollicer.s
named in tlio detail bo prevented Irom
attending at the time and place specified ,
the court will nevertheless proceed to ,
and continue the business before it , pro-
vi'dcd the number of members present bo
not loss than the minimum prescribed by
If Modjeska was charming as Viola
she wa ? superb as Gilbcrle in Frou-Frou
last night. In no other part could her
genius bo moro effectually demonstrated
or the qualities that makohos success bo
brought into stronger relief. As the young
and frivolous wife , in whom there is
manifested tlio undeveloped germ of a
more exalted womanhood , Modjcska was
simply delicious. Her half childish , half
petulant nnd altogether bewitching
moods marto her seem a creature far more
lovable than wayward. In the mock re
hearsal with Barrymoro , both wcro de
cidedly clever , and Modjcska displayed
an unsuspected vein of comedy , in the
scene with Louise , where her deeper
emotions submerge the frivolous side of
her nature , she was magniflccat , Her
noting at all times suggested an under
current ot suppressed emotion that
served to intensify the effect of the
climax. Charles Vandenhoff was capable
as Sartorys , as were also Joan Hayes as
the Baroness Do Cambri , Mary Shaw as
Louise , and other members of the cast in
their several parts. At the matinee "As
You Tike It , " and to-night "Tho
Chonans. " _
Robbed Ilia 1'artncr.
A number of men , who wore being sent
out for railroad work in Colorado by Al
bright's employment agency , were rest
ing at the Union Pacilic depot last night ,
when one of them , who gives his name as
Charles Anderson , appropriated a valise
and overcoat that belonged to one of his
follow employes. Ho was picked up by
Officer Pieronet and jailed on the charge
of larceny. Tlio stolen property was re
turned to its owner who proceeded on his
journey. _
Ite.vciiito Collections.
The following were the revenue collec
tions for the month of March.
Collections on lists 5 21.92
lloer stamps 0r , : : i.41 )
Spent stamps lG5bT , ( ) > .OL
Clear and cigarette stamps aS < Kr > u
Tobacco stain ps 100.HO
Special tax stumps 55.W : !
Total S17 , SC3.23
Some Folks
have much dlfliculty in swallowing the
huge , old fashioned pill but anyone can
take Dr. Piercc's "Pleasant Purgative
Pellets" which are composed of highly
concentrated vegetable extracts. For
diseases of the liver and stomach , sick
and bilious headache , etc. , they hnvo no
equal. Their operation is attended with
no discomfort whatever. They are sugar
coated and put up in glass viais.
fc Roglnn Wants Her \Vntch.
- Ttarcaseof-Rosln.i Taylor vs Edholm
& EflEksorj was given to a jury in Judge
Nc-ypllo's court yesterday afternoon. The
pdmtiff asks judgment for the price of a
watch which was given to her by a friend
and taken away again by the defendants
who claim to have a lien upon the ticker
for a balance duo.
Coughs. 'IJrottws's Broifc7ifU Trocfics"
nro used with advantage to alleviate Couu'hs ,
Sore Throat , llorseuesa and Uronlchal Affec
A. Shop Lifter.
A well dressed woman , while making
5omo purchases at S. P. Morso's store
yesterday afternoon , was soon to appro
priate several pieecs of lace and articles
of less value. She was arrested and
gave her name as Maggie McCarty. She
will be called for trial to-day.
A shattered frame may bo reinvigorated -
orated by that wonderful tonic , Dr. J-
II. McLean's * ] Strengthening Cordial and
Blood Purifier , it enriches the blood , nnd
vitalizes nnd strengthens the whole
Another 1'rlcst Humiliated.
Nr.w Yoiuc , April 1. Itov. James Curran ,
a staunch friend and former assistant of the
dopoted priest , Dr. McGlynn , appeared with
the latter at Jones' woods on St. Patrick's
day. For this ho was sent to Kllonvlllo , N.
Y. , to rellcct on his contumacy In appearing
In public with a priest In disgrace. Dr. Cur-
ran did not urolit by the hint , however , and
came down on the night of Dr. McGlynn's
lecture and appeared on the platform with
him. For this Dr. Curran lias been ordered
Into solitary retreat at llobokcn , with lasts
and pennanco for ten days. At the palace ol
Archbishop Corrigan It was Intimated that
the parishioners of St. Stephens would do
well to take the hint and behave themselves
lest they sutler excommunication. The pun
ishment of Dr. Curran Is taken an an evl-
denco lhat Archbishop Corrluan'a course
toward Dr. McGlynn lias the appuival ot
Homo. The parishioners of St. Stephen's are
cxcltoil over the affair and propose to hold a
meeting In Dr. Curran's support , ns they have
done In Dr. ilcUlyun's.
Coming Vncht Itacos.
Nr.w YORK , April 1. [ Special Telegram
to the UEI : . ! Unless a bettor yacht than the
Mayllower Is built between now and thotlmo
of the trial races to select a defender ot the
American cup. the big white sloop will prob
ably be chosen to struu'Klo with the beauiy
Scotch cutter Thistle. Chairman Smith of
the American eup committee , got a letter
from General Paine yesterday , paying that
the Mayflower would RO over to EiiKlnud to
pail against Chamuorlayno's Anew for the
queen's cup. If Chamberlayno's terms arc
t reasonably fair to the giant center boiudnr.
Hut If she goes filiu will return In ample time
to enter the trial contests hero.
y Trio Queen nt Cannes.
LONDON- , April 1. The queen nrrlvod at
Cannes to-day. Her majesty drove from the
railway station to the villa Kelclwelsso In an
open carrlauo with outriders , escorted by n
guard of honor , a force ot mountott gen
d'armrs and the Cannes 11 ro brigade. The
houses along the routn were decorated with
Hags. 1'eoplo tilled the streets and enthu
siastle1 cheered her majesty. The French
Mediterranean squadron , which has boon
onleruil to Cannes , saluted the queen on hoi
M.innlnc'H Ilcnlth Heportnel Critical ,
Nisvr Yonic , April 1. A Washington spea-
clal to the I'ost says : A gentleman In thl <
city who has had special nuon to Intcrcsl
himself In the condition ot ex-Secrot.xry
Manning's health , lias received personal ad
vices from England cnnilrmlng the worst re
ports yet published , ills Inform in t assorts
that tne ex-sewretary was not only not Im
proved hy Ills voyage , but decidedly worse
to-tlay than ho was when ho Bailee ! worse
oven than whnn ho landed In England. Ills
friends have little hope ot his recovery.
The Cloture Carried.
LONDON , April 1. In the house ot com
mons to-night the cloture was carried by .1
vote of 301 to 2o3 and the first reading ot tl )
coercion Wll was agreed upon without dl
A Project on Toot to Form Another Com
A $10,000 IMniit BeliiR I'lnccel lit the
1'nxton Tlio Trjim-Mlmourl
Wagon Brlilsc I'lncky uiiel
Blooely Prlzn Tlulit.
Another Iiic.nulescrtit 1/Blit Co.
G.V. . Coster , of Now York , agent for
the Kelison Incandescent Light company ,
has beun in the city several elays , cndoav-
orlng to secure the orgaul/.atlon of n
company for an incanelesccnt electric
light plant in Omaha , to cost $250,000.
Ho stated yesterday that he hnd reasons '
to bcllcvo that his efforts would be suc
cessful. As yet ho was unable to give
more Information , but hoped Unit ho
woulel be nblo In three or
four days to announce the filing
of articles of incorporation , as well
as lo disclose the location of the work * .
The real obstacle nnd , in fact , the only
ono ol gravity , to the immediate organ
ization of u company was that the gentle
men interested dcsircel to see n practical
illustration of the Kdison light and to feel
that popular auprcciation of it would bo
Tills movement is tlio outgrowth of the
establishment of an incandescent plant
in the 1'axton hotel , which has been pro
ceeding quietly under tlio supervision of
Philip btiobel , superintenelont of the Kill-
son company , for several days. The hotel
is all wired and the engine "arrived yes
The hotel will be lighted by GOO incan-
descents , requiring two engines of sixty
horse power each , anel two dynamos.
The machinery is to bo placed in the
basement. In the rotunda of the hotel a
magnilicunt chandelier will bo suspended.
Ten thousand dollars will bo the cost.
Mr. Setibel put in the lirst incandescent
light plant in the world on the steamer
Columbia , which was owned by Villnrel ,
nnel plies between Portland and San
Francisco. _
Meeting of the Directors Yesterday
anil Election of a President.
A mooting of the directors of the
Omaha & Council Kind's Kridgo company
wns hold at the Merchants' National
bank yeslcrelay afternoon. John T ,
Stewart , of Council Bluffs was elected
president and George Wright , of the
same city , was appointed secretary. An
other meeting will bo held next Mouelay
at which the time of commencing the
construction of the bridge and its loca
tion also will bo determined upon. Mr.
Murphy inelicated from what ho sai < l that
the construction the bridge was assured
and that the f000,000 capital stock would
bo easily subscribed.
The Omaha and Council Bluffs Bridge
company filed substitute articles of incorporation -
corporation ycstorelay. Tlio articles set
tortli the purpose of the corporation to
bo to construct a bridge across the
Missouri river between Council Bluffs
and Omaha and to operate a line of
cabin , electric , horse or other ra ilwny
across the samo. The capital stock of
the company is $ GOOCOO with an author
ized capital of $1,000,000. The ineor-
porators are Guy C. Barton nnd Frank
Alurphy of Omaha , F. J. Evans , Goo. F.
Wrieht and John T. Stewart ot Council
A Uattllnir Mill Between Local Light
\Vci : lits Sporting Notes.
Omaha lovers of the art iistiana were
treated to a rattling display of muscle
and science in a private room in this city
last night. The event w.ts a light between
tween two local light weights , Jimmy
Lindsay and Tommy Iloonoy. It was
announced by the referee as a twelyo
round match with four-ounce gloves ,
llooncy proved to bo about ( if teen pounds
lighter than Lindsay. Timekeeper and a
rcfereo wcro chosen and the fight pro
In the first round Lindsay displayed
good rushing tactics and nt the first
break knocked Iloonoy into a corner ,
llooncy recovered anel rusiicd nt his op
ponent , who dealt him a scries of rattling
uppcrcut blows. Iloonoy got the worst
of these and came out with ono
eye battered up. Ho slashed in ono or
two straight arm blows which Lindsay
took good natureelly. The round closed
with everything in Lindsay's favor.
The second round was very much like
the first. Iloonoy succeeded in landing
a stomach blow or two but was
promptly met by Lindsay with a sting-
in" upper cut slash cvory timo.
llooiioy was bleeding quite frcoly when
time for the third round was called.
Lindsay kept up his uppercutting tactics
anil battered up Ilponoy's face terribly
so much so that it was literally recking
with gore , llooncy , however , stood up
to him in good shape nnd worked in
several good straight arm blows. He won
the admiration of every ono by the
game manner in which he took his pun
ishment. At the close ot the rounel ho
was blowing so freely that 'ho could
hardly see or breath. The fourth and
fifth rounds were a more repetition of
the first two. Lindsay battered his man
about just us ho pleased , uppercutting him
so viciously at tunes that Iloonoy was al
most lifted from his foot. At tho. end of
the fifth round Iloonoy iinuounccel his
willingness to quit , nnet the referee gave
the fight to Lindsay.
Lindsay has improved much since his
fight with atovonson , and with proper
euro and training will make a first-class
John P. Clew lias made arrangements
to travel with Put Killen , giving exhibi
tions about tlio country. They will start
out about May 1 , or before , with Bat
Mastoroon as manager.
Uornty , of the olel Fremont team , ar-
riveel in Omaha last night , making the
Omaha club complete with the exception
of Goodenough , who has been tele-
graphcel for. The team spent the after
noon yesterelay in practice at Athletic
park. They miido a bplcndid showing.
AH of the pitchers , llealoy , Veaon ,
Houseman anel O'Lcnry were given a
chance to show what they could do , and
all of them surprised oven the most sanguine -
guino of the spectators. To-morrow a
practice game will bo played at the Ath
letic park between two nines formed
from the sixteen members of the team
anil two players pickeel from the old
Union [ Pacific nine. Manager Handle
will arrange to have all of the batteries
work in the game in order that natrons of
the .sport may see the kind ot material he
has seloctcd for the Omaha champions.
Bullock and Ashinger try conclusions
in three contests at the exposition build
ing to-night. The lirst race will bo n ton
milo heat followed by a live nulo heat
ami a ono mile dash. Between the heats
a number of amateurs will race. Charlci
Moth who rides a sixty-inch Champion ,
the largest wheel in the citv , will race
against Master Harry Armstcd , who rides
a thirty-inch wheel , the smallest size
iniulo. The race will bo a novel ono am
as Master Armsted irets a good deal o !
speed out of his small wheel , with tin
handicap pivon him , will make the race
an'interesting ono.
. The La Feu re Gun club shoots to-day
The Omaha Gun club commences unoi
Its regular weekly > shoot on Tuesday
There nro prize fights anel rumors of
prize tights , the la'ltor ' predominating. It
is whispered thai Clew having des
paired of getting n light out of Dempsey
has decieied to taoklu Frank Glover and
n match is being arranged.
The pomilar bloetti purifier , Hood's
Sarsaparilla , is liaVihg a tremendous sale
this reason. Nearly .everybody takes it.
Try it yourself.
Mr. Samuel W. Allorton , of Chicago ,
left for home last bviming. During his
st-iy in Omaha ho interested himself
largolv In the South Omaha Cable line ,
whichis * to be pushed to an early com
Captain Appolllnartis-on-thc-sldo Wild-
man , sorgeant-at arms of the senate of
the late unlamcnlcd legislature , is in the
city. The only thing wlilch the captain
din of note during the late session was to
offer to take another man , follow Mr.
Rosewatcr cast , kielnnp him and bring
him back , dead or alive.
The Intcr-Stato Uonrel Opens Up Busi
ness Vcstorilay.
WASHINGTON , April 1. The Inter-state
commission was chlelly occupied to-dnv In ex
amining correspondence. When the com-
mlss'on ' reached their temporary quarters
they found a largo nuantltv of mail awaiting
them. This mall had accumulated at the In
terior department and was this mornlns sent
to the commission. An examination of the
letters led to the discovery that the most of
them were applications forodlro under the
board and that every state In the
union had within Its borders one
or moro persons desirous of official
positions under the commission. A number
of proposals trom persouTUeslrinp to furnish
the commission with permanent ( juaiter.s
were submitted and part of theday wassuent
In house hunting with a view of pecurlnRa
permanent home for the board , the two rooms
temporarily assigned to them being entlicly
Insufliclent. M. 11. Smith , president of the
Louisville & Xashvlllo railroad , and James
II. Ogdcn , commissioner of the southern as
sociated roads , presented apapersottlne forth
In substance that the lines north of the
Ohio and west of the Mississippi rivers
refuse after the Inter-sUte commerce law goes
: nto effect to continue the contiact joint rates
with the lines south of the Ohio as thesy ex
isted prior to the enactment of the law , and
asking that , In view of the competition
which the southern roads have to meet with
water transportation companies , that the
long and short haul clause of the law bo sus
pended as far as It clfects the roads they rep
resent. It Is claimed that If this be not done
rates will have to bo Increased to the great
injury ot the rallroaels' industrial Interests
aim the pcojilo of the south. 'IHio commis
sion agreed to hear what Messrs. Smith anel
O.'den might have to say on the subject
to-morrow anel to hear any persons Inking
the opposite view on Tuesday next. At the
same time It gave notice that the commission
had no authority to hear and determine
questions arising under the ) law prior to
April 5. The commission have not selected
any of Its omploves and say that great care
anel circumspection will be required In their
.selection because oftthe smallnejss of the
appioprlatlou for clerical hlio.
The Erratlo Younjc L/ndy Bays She
Will Uo HHiHhe IMenscH.
NEW VOUK , April i'Spoolal ' [ Telegram to
the line. I Mr. anel Mri I'olsom , parents of
Miss Agnes Folsom.'tuo young comic opera
singer who , they allege" , Is kept under re
straint by Dr. William'M. , Gate , found the
ofllco of ex-Judge Jones , the refcieo In the
case , a dreary , hopeless place yesterday. In
the outer olllce , shut off from their view dur
ing the entire hearing , , yrith the exception of
ono brief dramatic , { moment , was their
daughter. Dr. Cato did not appear. The
hearing was private aneV reporters were sent
to the room in which Ml'ss Foloom was wait-
Ing. She laughed mqrrily when she recog
nized them and talked'as unconcernedly as
could bo. At the beginning of the hearing
the counsel got Into a snarl as to the scope of
the referee's Inquiry , during which Munday ,
counsel for Mr. Folsom , said ho could show
that Gate had kept Miss Folsom In his otllce
three days and three nlehts last week , takinc
In the slirn so that people would think that
ho lived there no longer.
Miss Folbom was listening outside to this
legal snarl , and when she heard Munday's
last remark she doubled up her list anel shook
It In his direction , exclaiming : " 1 could lick
that man I"
Allan , counsel for Cato. then called Miss
Folsom. She entered the room without a
sign of iccoenltlon of her parents , and In
clear and almost defiant tones said that the
affidavit she had signed was her free act.
"That will eto. Miss Folsom , " said Allan.
' You are at liberty and free to go anywhere
you wish. "
The clrl swiftly arose from her chair , with
head held high , ana moved toward the door.
"Agnes I" called her mother , halt raising
and holding her hands. "Oh. Agnes I
Heavens ! " she cried again and fell into the
arms of Mrs. Cobb as the girl passed out of
the room to the street
Folsom had bean looking at his daughter
with all his intensity , and when she lott the
room ho fell back Into his chair but said not
a word. For a few moments nothing was
said to Interrupt Mis. Folso'n's sobs , but as
noon as she regained her composure partially
she took the stand and testllicd In a faltering
manner broken with sobs. At the close of
her testimony the case adjourned to Tues
day. Her story has already been given In
these dispatches.
Schwartz On the Stand.
Mortnis , 111. , April 1. In the Schwartz
luuulur trial this morning Special Agent W.
J. Ray.continuing his testimony , recounted
tli e search made the night of the murder and
said that no tracks had been found on the
ground that could have been mnelo by a man
jumping fiom the train within 400 yards of
Morris. Thomas C. Wlnthrow , general solic
itor of the Uock Island road , told about his
havini : Schwartz arrested after questioning
him. Ho said ho questioned Schwartz with
out threatening him with arrest or attemptIng -
Ing to intimidate him. Schwartz was then
placed on the stand by the detonse to contra
dict Wlnthrow's testimony , which ho did
saylna that U'inthrow'.s lirst words conveyeei
his belief that Schwartz knew who was the
perpetrator ot the crime. Couit adjourned
with Schwartz on the stand.
Montcomory For the Uench.
WASHINGTON , April 1. The prcslden
to-elay appointed Martin V. Montgomery , of
Michigan , to bo associate justice of the hi
premo court of the District of Columbia te
succeed Justice MacArtb'ur , retired. Mont
gomery's appointment $ s commissioner o
p-xtents was ono ot the 'first of importance
made by President CtocKind.
That Is What tlio Situa
tion Is Declared to Moan.
General Demoralization Pervades the
Domoorntlo Hanks The Labor
Men Jeibllunt What Joe
Griicnhut Has to
The Complication 'Increasing.
CHICAGO , April 1. [ Special Telegram to
the HKI : . ] Harrison has turned traitor to
the host Interests of Chlcazo by declaring
himself openly for socialism. The best
element of his own party Is disgusted. Ultl-
/ens who care nothing for politics are dis
mayed. The committee of fifty has served
its purpose. Mr. HotTman took care that It
contained very geol men , too good to join
with the rabble at the last hour In the hope
less scramble. But It also contained a few
wily socialist politicians who , as predicted In
these ellspatcbcs , dictated the final action.
The members ot the city central committee
are averse to doing anything which may in
the slightest way indicate an Indorsement of
the labor ticket. They are alive to the dis
astrous effects ot such action , and , tired of
ho long drawn out farce of trying to find
andldates for the leading municipal ofllces ,
vlsh to wheel Into line for Roche and
lonost govcrcmont. Alderman Colvlu ,
vho has worked e.irly and late
o secure a democrat successor to the present
nayor , favors a declaration by the city con-
ral committee to that effect. Ho wants no
ompromlso with the communistic elements
of the city. A prominent employe at the
ity hall said to-day that two-thirds of the
iroscnt employes will vote for the ropubll-
an candidate If a decent democrat ticket Islet
lot secured , and shortly after this statement
ras made the liut drop of gall was added to
larrlson's overflowing cup bv the appear
ance of a letter from City Collector Onalian ,
vho was to be nominated for tieiasurcr , elo-
larlng that ho had made up his mind to vote
or Mr. Koclia sooner than .seo the city de
lve rod over to the commune.
The socialists wore in high glee all day on
account of Harrison's outbreak and claim
hat now they have -10,000 votes pledged.
lee G men hut , one of their most In-
luentlal workers , was particularly elated.
To a reporter ho said : "History is belug
uade very fast just now. Vou see Chicago
s a European colony. The masses are day '
aborers who do not own their business.
L'hroo hundred firms employ lliO.OUO work-
nen within ton miles of the city hall. It Is
distinctly a capitalistic city , llere the lUht
.s to bo made between labor and capital.
They are now face to face and the time has
come. Harrison Is playing a peculiar part.
Ho was never elected by the democrats. The
socialists made him. Ho has been honest
enough to at last acknowlcdco U. The tables
lave changed : the socialists have their
own ticket The democrats are asked
o got out of the way . The mayor Is
n a place to help them and It has
been done. The democrats will now return
: nmplimouts by voting the socialistic ticket.
This Is the understanding and the present
liolders of appointive ofllces will not be dis
turbed. On Tuesday next all the wheel
liorscs of the democracy will vole our ticket.
knowing they will share the benefits. The
campaign will coal them nothing , and their
old enemies , the republicans , will go down
before the tuslon ticket. Talk about the
Irish. I tell you that the coercion bill Is
making Irishmen into wild soslallsts every
day. We will carry every Irish ward In
Chicago. By next Sunday the people may
become desperate for fear of the socialists.
Citl/.ens may rise up in a day and compel all
party lines to bo dropped anel demand a union
of all eltUens to defeat the socialists. If they
become alarmed at the couuminu they may do
It. This Is a contest between tbo American
commune and capital. It Is Irresistible. "
This man ( Jiuenliut has boon for several
years drawing a salary of J .OOO per annum
as a "tenement Inspector" for the city and
It Is notorious that his hardest work has been
done organizing socialistic clubs , making
communistic speeches and polling the so
cialistic vote for Carter Harrison on election
day. An effort was made by reputable demo
crats after the Ilaymarket riot to have him
ousted , but "tho best" refused to do this.
The managers of the united labor party
have tried for several days past to convince *
people that they had no soclalistlccanelidates
on their ticket , although they could not deny
that the bulk of their votes wcio expected
from that party. Their efforts were all
spoiled last night by the speech made by Mat
Schmeidlnzer , their candidate for an Impor
tant city office , who , in a campaign speech ,
allowed his enthusiasm to carry him away.
He said : "When we have elected our men ,
then will come the tug of war. Then the old
tyrants , our long-time masters , by any and
every e\cuao and subterluge , will keep
us out of our rights. They
will exhaust the technicalities of the
law to pi event the seating of our men. I , In
this place , tell them to beware. If they try
to defraud us of the election , as they have
for .so many yeais past , wo will arise In our
might. Wo will earnlite , the bullet and the
halter to the doors of the places erccteel by
plunder. Wo will show thorn that we can
use weapons of destruction to some pur
pose. "
This was received with unbounded ! ap
proval. Tue democrats , that is , the better
portion of them , are making desperate efforts
to save their party from utter disintegration.
Robeit Nelson , the united labor candidate
for mayor , in a letter issued to-day says that
he will , If elected , roeard the office of mayor
as a great and grave public trust. Efficiency
will bo his solo guide In making appoint
ments to or removals from office , and prop
erty and the rights of the people
will bo protected and the laws
enforced. Republicans and democrats alike
pronounce Nelson's letter a sop to the legion
of democratic officeholders and city em
The Cook County Democratic club , an or
ganisation occupying mleldle ground between
the silk stocking and short hair elements of
the party , held a meeting tonight.
presided over by Charles Kern , ut
which it was expected that an anti-Harrison
democrat would be named for mayor , or the
icpubllcan nominee , Hoacho , endorsed.
Nothing of either kind was attempted , and
the meeting aeljourned without transacting
any Important business. The democratic
South Town convention assembled to-night
but failed to put up any candidates lor
town otllceifi. or elo anything else. So great
Is the confusion In democratic circles that In
a number of WArels there are no democratic
candidates for places as aldermen.
Another Ilnel rtankor.
DETROIT , April l. A. M. Stanton , mana
ger of George K. Sistaie's Sous' bank in this
city , has absconded with between 823,003 nnd
S'JO.OOO. Part of thl * hum was taken from the
Detroit branch ol ilio bank ana the balance
was secured bv means of fictitious ordcissent
to the tiiiu In Now York ,
> * *
ed ] anil ( jbO'jlJ ' take a good pprlnz "When In Uii ) oprlne Ifolt all rundown and debll
mccllclur , for two reasons ; , , tntcd I found Hood' * Faroparllla Jtiit the reedlclno
lit. The botjyls now mr Buscopelbto to bono.'lt tobulM uieup. My "Ho also , nftcr much physlca
from medlclno than ut anjr ottier BOHKOH. prostration , found In Its use now lift ) and lasting ton
Sd. The Impurities wlilell'hUra nccutnulatofl In the eat. Upon our Illtlo girl , who had been > lck with
Lloixl HhouUl ho eipclledjQnd the syaeem glrou tonu
scarlet taret. Its urfoot HU < marvelous , eullruly rcmo
nnd otrenKlh , bjforo tbu i > roitraUnt ; effects of "arm
itcnlhi'r aio foil. " ' Inn the i-ilfon from her blood nnd restorl.iK Inr lo
Hood's safaparllla In tha l > c ! t iprlnc medicine , u BOoJhcallh.-K.C.STHATTU.v , Swampscott Jlass.
purllloMhe bloml. It itiarjioaj the appetite. It tone *
thoclltiestlon , ItoTeioonTei'detillltr. It build i up "IIoo-l'n ftiraaparllln was n Oed nend ionic , for I
the vrbolosjritem. Trj H ar you will bj convlncuJ rnrrJ mo of d ; | ie | la and liverctunpUliit with hiou
oflttiupcrlorltr. I had suifoieJ Kl years.-J.U. llemxiircic , bouth
' H. V.
1'jllsburg ,
Purify Your Blond
nomeraborworto not > ajr IIooil's Sar ipnrlll will Tune Up Hie System
do IrapO'nllillUlej. Wo tell ypu plainly what It hai
done , un.l lubnilt proofi from sourcei ofunquostlon- "For roTtral yenrj I hud been troubled with a kind
ed reliabilityund aik you frankly If you am nutrerlni : of asthma orcnturrh In mgr throit.and had trltd IOT
from any dlsonso or ufTectlon caused or promoted by cral kinds of medicine but could find nothing to help
impure blood or low slate of the system , to try me. My wife wanted me lo Iry a Uoltle of Hood's
Hood'i saritaparllla. Ourcipcrlonra warrants us In barsapurtlU. Hold tha drucelst of whom 1 bough
auiulnt you that yuu will not bo disappointed at the ( tlhit I hud no faltli In It , but would flvulta tria
vchlthldld. I must say I was Tery much bonetlUei
'I took HnoJ'i Sarnapnrllla for general debility by uilng It and would recommend U Terr hlchlr to
nnd was wonderfully beaefltKii by It. " J , 1' . JOu.v- any ono baring oithma or catarrh. " KM AS. I' , Utv
box , Martin's Kerry , O. in is , uiiu of Uovrlej & 1'ctertou , Onaba , Nea.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold br all ilugsu. 11 ; fir for $ i Prepared by C Bold by RlldruirfUt * . $1 : six for $ V 1'reaaroil b
I. HOOD &CO. , Apotliociirios. Umel ) , Jn ! > i. C.I. 11OOD it CO. , Apotueonrloa , Lowi.ll , Mu3i
1OO lukCM Ono Dollar ' ' ' 100 I > o c * One Uu'llur
\illi pain , " is the eael cry of many a victim
of rl'oiniatistn or nceifalgla , ntul frequently
other eli < ea cs , such a * kidney anel Iher
oinplaints , are directly traceable to rliett-
iiallsm e > r neuralgia. Thc e diseases for
otiic unexplainablc reason , arc rapidly in-
rcasing , and in many instances are the eli-
cot cau c of much sickness \\litch so
lilies iti real origin as to be mistaken for
other disease1 ! . In curing rheumatism
icuratj'ia , sick headache , and in many O.-KCS
if kidney and liver trouble ! * , Athlopheiros
us wrought \\onders. Those \\liohn\e
ised it are best qualilTed to speak of its
net Its.
Rev. L , 15. Scnter , Morse , K.msas.say *
'About two ) ears ago , my daughler-in-
aw was taken with a severe attack of
hcuinatism. She could not turn hciself in
> cd. I sent her one bottle of Athlophoros ,
ml by the time one half was used t\ii was
ree from all pain , and has had no return
of the trouble MUCC. It has also been of
real benefit to my wife in neuralgia.
Henry Martin , Muscatinc , Iowa , says ,
'I did have i hcuinatism very badly until I
iscd Athlophoroshich has completely
uicd me. For sevecal years there would be
crtain times that I could invariably took
or a severe attack of rheumatism , which
voulil confine me ta the house for a week
at a time. I was suffering from a very se-
crc attack in my arms and had been con
fined to the house for a week at the time I
iscd Athlophoros. The first tuo doses
ccmcel to go right to the scat ot the pain ;
ny relief was simply \\onderful after 1 had
akcn two doses of rhe medicine. After I
tad used one bottls my pain was all goneI
ladficeuscof my arms so that I went
lack to work. I have not felt my rhcuma-
isin since and have not lost nn hour's work
Every elrncRlst shoulet keep Athloplio-
os and Athlophoros I'ills , but wlie'ru
hey cannot bo bought of the elruggist
ho Athlophoros Co. , 133 Wall St. , Now
York , will Bond cither , carriage paid , on
ecc'ipt of regular price , whiuh is $1 peir
jottlo for Athloohoros tinel 5Uc for the
For llvor nnd kidney dlscnsps. drflpcpsln , In-
woakncsa , norvoua Mobil ,
of woman , constlpntlon , hoiidaolie ) , linpuio
blood , etc. . Athlophoros 1'llls nro uticnuallod.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000.
"Wodolmroby certify tlmt wo gitporvlsa the
rraiKfcmontg for nil the Monthly utid Seiul-Aii-
UIH ! UrnwliiKS of The Louisiana gtnto U > ttory
'onnmny , imil In PTSOII mnnrvKO ninl control
lie drawings themselves , uiiil ttmt the munei niu
onducteJ wltti honesty , Inlrncss and In Kootl
ulth toward all parties , nnd no iiulliorizo the
Company to USB this corllfleatu with fnc-Mm-
csof our signatures nttnchc < l , in Its advertise-
icnts "
Wotho midorslBiiod Itanks nnd Hunkers will
my nil I'rizos drawn In The Ioeililnni : State
xittorles which may bo proscutod ut our conn-
President I.oulslnnn National Hfuik.
President State National Unnk
Pi csIdcntN'ow Orleans N'&ttonnl Hank.
Prc * . Onion Xatloim Hank.
J ejviiii HALF A MILLION Uicr
Incoiporutcd in IMS forESyonrs by the Icsrls-
lure for IMncMlnniil nnd Clmiltnblo purposes ,
with n capital or $ IUOUOUO to which u reserve
In ml of over JiViU.UO. ) Inn Rlnco been milled.
lly an ovonvliuliulnir popular vote Its finn-
chlso wu < ( in ado u purl or Ihu pi'jtont Stietu
Constitution adopted December 2dA ] ) . 1S7II
The only lottery uror voted ou and endorsed
Oy the iie'opio o [ nny Btnte.
It never ncnlos or postpone ! .
ItBC-rnnd single number drawings take plaoa
nonthlv. and Iho ncnt-anntinl ; drnwlnu-s iciru-
arly in cry elx inoiiths ( Juno nnd Duuuinbur ) .
Jib ( Jrund Drawlner , ClasJ U , In tlio Acmlamy of
ilusic. New Orlemns. Tucsdiiy , April Utn ,
S37"Uld Monthly llriiwnnr.
Notice. Tickets nro IO only. Halves , $3
Fifths S2. Tenths , SI-
rni/Knr $ lWl'ooo jira.OOO
ir.ii\Niii'iii7E oi' ni.eioo fii.oiin
I ClMMI rill/EOK1 XO.flOO 'O.lHIO
" r.\noK I'ltizr.s OF loixio yn.nrio
iMiieii ; I'liixusor r , fflo a.ojo )
' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Eo 'wo . . I'ri'.ewn
KIO " nno iw.oio
JOl SOD 411,000
nee " ! < > r.j.ooj
1,000 " M GJ,000 ,
100 Approximation 1'rizoa ol $ ! 0) . . . $ nl,000
1(0 ( " " ) ) . . . . 20.1HM
100 " " 100 . 10,000
s,17tl l'rl/rs ntnonntlnc to . S."kl5nen
Application for rates to clubs should ho mmlo
[ > nlr to tha offlco or tlio company In Now Or
CFor' further Information wrlto clearly , arlvlnii
fullnddicss. POSTAL NOTIJS Ktpross Money
Drderf.or Now York Ktohnnijo in ordinary let
ter. currency br oiprwsa ut oeir xpense aJ
dre se ,
NuwOrluaniA ,
Washington , n. 0.
itcfflittercd letter * ta
New Orleans ta
RT ? \f T ? Ar TO V ' 1 ? That tbo prpsimco of
Jlj jll 111 M Ii J'j It uiorol8 llo uretarl ( mid
ICarlr , who nro In clinrito ot tlio dniwlniis , h aiMiir.
Kiitco ot utxoluln fnlrno9 > and Into-trtty. thnt elia
limners areiillciniiil , anil tlmt no one can poxll r
ill\lne lint number * will drawn Prize. All pnrtlui
ttirreforiuulvereiilne eciKUiimnece l'rlte In tlil < Lot
tery. ur hoMIng out anr othar ImpoMlhln Indued-
menu , lira atvlndlerj.uiid only aim to deoolvoauddo-
Cancer of the Tongue.
My wife , some Ilirto nr four j earn aco. was troo.
bled mill na ulcer on tlio ndo < it her tinwie near
t e throat. Tlio pam was tnccmnt. causing exa
ol sleep umt mexluriug preat ner\ou proMrulloti.
Accompanyii K thw iroul.le WJH tlieuinatlsm. It
hartPMieirtromtlw moulilen and ccntoreH in tlio
wrl.lof ono lianrl. BUenUnotl. iii2 the use of U.
Iletvrecu tUo nutrennu or tfco two , life bad fc'rown
tiirusniomo. Uy tUn iiio ot a halt tlo/.eu Una I-
tlteVl bottles cnjwtmi Srerlnr , she was mtirelr
relieved anU restored to LealtU. This was Ibreei
5S , ana lucre ha.beenn0 = yf , U * , . * .
Hpsrta , Oa , Juno 5,1J36.
Treatuoon Blood and Bkln , niseawsnulWI tree.
T hwirr BrEciflo Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ui ,
State and Washington Sts , ,
Of interest to those furnishing
We have secured under con
tract the exclusive control and
sale for the ENTIRE WEST of the
Dejlgned fcy U'm Jlorrlo ,
nnd made by
Morris & Company ,
London , - - England ,
Consisting of
Hammersmith Rugs ,
Paper Hangings ,
Figured Woven Stuffs ,
Furniture Velvets & Cloths ,
Arras Tapestry ,
Embroideries ,
Painted Glass Windows ,
also ,
The De Morgan Tiles ,
Now on exhibition
in the
4th Floor , State & Washington
NOTE See ) Article "A Day In Surrey
with Wm. llcrrlo , " Century ilaEaslna
July , 1B36.
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
1712 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado ,
Df the Missouri Stale Meiscum of Anatomy ,
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospl-
.al , London , Gicscn , Germany and New
York , Having devoted their attention
Nervous. Chronic and
More especially those arising from Impru
dence , invite all so suffering to correspond-
thout delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured safely and speedily with
out detention from business , and without
the use of dangerous dnigs. Pa
tients whose cases have been neglected ,
badly treated or pronounced incurable ,
should not fail to write eis concerning their
symptoms. All letters receive immediate
And will be ; mailed FREE to any address
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , ' 'practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an
' Essay on Marriage , " with important chap
ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or
gans , the whole forming a valuable medical
treatise which should be read by all young
men. Address ,
17-12 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado.
1707 Olive St .St. L"uis. Mo.
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital $280,000
Surplus 40,000
II. W. Yates , Prosielont.
A. K. Touxalin. Vine President.
W. II S. Hushes , Cushion
uiiir.crous :
W. V. .Morse , John S. Collins ,
H. W. Yates , Lewis S. Reoet
A. E. Toiualin.
Cor llith nnel Ftirnnm Sts.
AGe.icral Banking liimiie'ss Transacted.
1(1 (
CAPITAL , . . . $40OOOO
SURPLUS 400,000
Accounts of Hanks , Hankers anel Corpo
rations solicited.
Our facilities for COLLECTIONS are
excellent and we re-discoeint for banks
when balances warrant it
Boston is n Reserve City , and balances
with us frombanksnot ( located in other Re
serve Cities ; count as rcser\c.
We draw oeir own Exchange on London
and the Continent , and make Cable trans
fers nnel place money by telegraph through
out the United States and Canada.
Government Bonds bought and sold , and
Exchanges in Washington made for Banks
without extra charge.
We have a maiket for prime first-class
Investment Securities , and inyite proposila
Irom States , Counties and Cities when is
suing bonds.
We do a general Hanking business , and
invite correspondence.
ASA I1. POTTER , President.
JOS. W. WORK , Cashier.
Its cuuseR. unit n now and
DEAFNESS. sncctM-sfnl . e/'fJUEttt your own
* * homo hy ono ivho wns UcRf twenty cleat
roars. Treutod liy most of tlio neilnd Hpnciul-
lts without bonullt ; cured liimsoir In ihioo
nionthp , nnd dlnt'O tlion hundred * eif otliort ,
full imrtlculiir * Hunt nn application. T. II.
I'ACK. No. 11 WCitUlst St. , oiv YorkClty.
COMcuilBon St. ,
L. J. MARKS & Co.
Grain and Provision Commis
sion iMVrdmiit.H ,
JO < inl 12 rticljlc Avenue.
drain inrt I'riYinio M bought mi'l < > M un martins
on elm ( 'Ml ik'n Iliiiril nf'Irmlu , I'lirieipaniloucu o
I rltc'l lullyur eeklui.irkni Irtlrraunt on mipll-
cnlloii. licturcii u Corn Iliclurue Hunk ClilCJiio.
c rr.ticlf. VtwiauU.ItlUtitn ! Myrllratli.
fjrth.'n. lllailt.l.HCM.Urin l.nll.d fm br tbt M nuf.ttBi l ,
UYOr ! O. HtALY , | 028tato St. , ChlcaKO *
Scnel fctamp for spiinjj anel bummer jno
grams , just i'tuud. Tims. COOK & Sox ,
mar3-2m ICO Dearborn St , Chicago , U | .