Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; .FRIDAY. APRIL , 1 , 1887. 5
The Palmy Days of Lincoln'a Hotels and
Saloons Drawing to a Oloso.
Oocomposod Moily of n nian
Found In n Hnok I'ooni on'o
Htreel Oilier Capital
City News.
IFHOM me nun's LINCOLN nunp.AU.I
Lincoln's greatest harvest time is nearIng -
Ing a close. The hotels and boarding
houses which have been lillui' ' , to over
flowing the past four mouths , will soon
bo deserted. The high priced furnished
rooms will remain vacant for two long ,
weary .years. The saloon men's prolits
will diminish more than one-half , The
country theatricals which have mot the
plaudita of the interior statesmen will go
on the road to starve. The festive hack-
men will take time to properly feed and
groom their abused horses. The mer
chants' Bales Will suffer n great decline.
In fact , every business and moral inter
est of Lincoln will siiluir a great shock
by the adjournment of the legislature.
It is safe to say that four-fifths of the
| 5i,000 ) appropriated to defray
the expenses of the legislature
Is paid to business men in Lincoln. Some
say that a few dollars also Iiml their way
into tlio coders of questionable business
women , No wonder that Lincoln people
and newspapers have nothing to say of
the shortcomings of the legislature as a
body when it is the support and vitality
of the city. It has appropriated far more
money to Lincoln institutions than ever
before. Il has created new enterprises
and now interests and liberally endowed
No.cityovor needed paved streets worse
than Lincoln docs. The streets nro uni
formly level and soft. After a rainfall
the water stands and soaks in. There
is no grading or sewers to carry it oil' .
The movement on foot to pave the city
comes none too soon. Like all such
movements it is fraught with schemes to
run in paving material in the interest of
certain parties without regard to public
economy. The city can well adord to
make haste slowly. The people should
take a hand and brace up their repre
sentatives in the council. It i.s an awful
good time to look out for jobs. A few
honest men can do nothing in the face of
a corrupt majority with money.
A looker-on said to your correspondent
yesterday : "Tho Saline land syndicate
would rather have lost $ 'J5,000 than the
bill providing for s.ilo of the land recom
mitted. The syndicate is the sorest crowd
in the city to-day. They are cast down
ns if by an overwliclmingsorrow. There
is a good deal of talk to-day of annulling
the action of tlio conference committee
on adjournment , so that the legislature
may holdover two or thrco days without
V pay. The movement is traceable directly
to the land syndicate , who hope to revive
their bill.
There are moro than two hundred
touchers m attendance at the state asso
ciation meetings Interest in the discus
sions is very active and a great deal of
good Is being accomplished.
Several complaints have como to this
olico of tlio repeated action of
tile"opuiu liousu management
here in raising the estab
* $ lished price of admission upon occasions
of crowded houses. The regular price
of admission to the gallery is 25 cents ,
which Id immediately raised to 75 cents
after all scats are sold and standing room
only is announced.
Ollicor Malono's ollicial conduct was
investigated by a special committee of
the city council last evening. Ho was
suspended some weeks ago for alleged
misconduct , which action is said to bo
the culmination of a long and tedious
potty warfare of Jealousy and backbiting -
ing among members of tlio forcn. A de
tailed review of the matter would bo ex
ceedingly tiresome. The committee is
expsetou to report Ita findings uoxt Mon
day "evening , if reports may bo rolled on
there are oilier members of the force
whoso conduct needs moro thorough in
vestigation than Oflicor Malono. In the
bill of particulars a charge is made
that ho was guilty of disobedience of his
orders from Ofllcer Post , who was nt
that time acting chief. The date was
iven as March 14 , notwithstanding that
§ o had suspended Mr. Malone on the
12th. Post also swore that ho was ap
pointed temporary chief on March 7 , and
In his charges ho accuses Malone of dis
obedience of orders given him by Post
on the Oth. Malone says that Post had
issued no orders until the following Fri
day. Post testified that Malone hadnovcr
disobeyed his orders while Post was act
ing chief.
About 8 o'clock this morning
a horrible discovery was made in a
back room on the south side of O street ,
between Thirteenth and Fourteenth , over
a grocery store. The room had remained
looked for thrco days , which gave rise to
the suspicion that something was wrong.
The authorities were notified and an im
mediate Investigation was made. An
I ollicer broke In tlio door , and u scene that
beggars description presented itself.
There was no furniture In the room , but
in ono corner on a pile of straw the form
of a dc d man , apparently forty years
old , partially covered b ' ? a quilt , lay
tretot.od out. Upon ono'foot only was
an old sock and shoo. Ho were u suit of
re'Jpoctablo-tookiuff clothes. Ills bloated
npucaranco and the sickening stench
which tilled the room , indicatedthat ho
had boon dead at least three days.
To add to his frightful appearance
the rats had eaten away his nose and part
of ono cheek. The body was soon re
moved to the coroner's oUioe , where at
tempts were made during the day to iden
tify the unfortunate man. Ono person
\J" thought his name was Uatcholdcr , hut
could not bo positive. Ho know nothing
whatever of the inan'a history or busi-
I nets. Ho had mot the dead man but
once. Another thought ho recognized
him as a former brake man on the B. &
M. railroad , but the records of the com
pany could not substantiate this theory.
The coroner Is hard at work trying to
learn tbo dead man's identity. There
seems to be no suspicion of foul play In
the case , although there is no evidence of
cause of death. The whole case is wrapped -
pod in mystery. An inquest will prob
ably bo hold this evening.
A burglar entered a boarding
house at Eighth and K streets
last night , through n collar
window. Ho carried off an overcoat ,
two fur caps and n few other things of
less value. He loft the house without
waking the occupants.
To-day it is stated upon the best of au
thority that Mr. John Fitxgorald has pos
itively refused to accept the democratic
nomination for mayor. His letter declin
ing the nomination on the citizens' ticket ,
and reasons therein given , would hayo
rendered his acceptance of the demo
cratic nomination decidedly in bad taste ,
and it was thought by his friends and
himself that the letter would have de
feated hint bid ho run.
. , TtaroBKliout tbo United State * ,
/ Colgate's Toilet Soaps are acknowledged
' tha purest and best Cashmere Bouquet
the most popular.
Oinnha Under -tho Now Charter So v-
cral I'rontltipnt Provisions.
Omaha Is now a metropolitan city , wlillo
Lincoln Ix'coines a rlly of the first clasj.
may l > o i-xtunilcd by tlio mayor and council
iny tltnu wltliln a year , by ordinance said
corpornto llmlU to include an arua not to ex
ceed twenty-live mniaru miles. 'Jlieseen-
arjrert limits may Include ) any township or
village , but after this year's extension they
cannot bo chanvcd until tliu city tins In
creased In ] ) opulatlon 'JO.OOJ. at shown by a
sUto or national ccn us , which moans IsM ,
and then any extension shall notcoiuoie
than one mlle In nny direction.
The mayor and council ure authorized to re-
subdivide the city Into ward * , notnxceedlni ;
Um wartl . Kach ward to bo ri'iwueutetl by
ode ward councilman , nod thu city nt large
by nn equal number ,
If ton wards nre created there will bo four
teen councllmen elected May 3d , ten nl larno
and four for new additional wards.
under the new chaiter will occur May 3 ,
1) ) S7. All electlx'eoiilrors under the old charter
hold ever until their successors arc elected
and qualified.
Oniccra elected on May 3d , ' 87 , excepting
ward councllmen. will hold their positions
until January , Ib'JO. The nix ward councilmen -
men whoso teniiHiinilerthoohl ehartcr would
explreln April , lS-iswlll holdover until .Innu-
ary , ISUO. The M'cond elty election under
tlin new charter will occur In Deeeinbur , ISJ ,
and thereafter every year in Dorembor. At
thu election In December , IS , only wnid
rouncllmen will bo elected. In Deonnibor.
1390 , thu mayor , treasurer , comptiollor and
police jiulee and thu councllmen
at lartfo will bo elected.
arc city emjinetir , street commissioner , SUD-
crintondont ot buildings , city attorney ,
assistant city attorney , chairman and two
members of the board of public works ,
chairman of board of part ; com-
nilssloiieia , commissioner 01 the board
of llro police nnd boiler inspector.
These onicers nro nil nnnolnted bv
the mayor to bo confirmed by the council.
In case the council refuses to con linn any ap
pointive ollloo the mayor Is required to make
anothernppoiiitmcnt utle.istoncucach month
until thu ollico Is tilled. In addition to these
oHIc T the mayor and council may create any
now ollicohlch they deem necessity and
tix pay.
Salaries of ronnnllmen. sOOO a yrar ; mayor.
S2f.X ( ) ; police Juliet' , S'J.UOO ; tiuasiuer , M.4UO
and commissions nnd fees ; comptiollur ,
S'-,000 ; chief if uollec , Sl.bUO : clt ) cleilc ,
S'JOUO ; pity attoinov. Sii.OOU ; assistant city at
torney , 51,000 ; city engineer , Sil.OOO ; assist
ant eiiKluecr , S'J.OOO ; chairman boaid of pub
lic works , 82,500 ; members of thu board ,
51.000 each ; Mrect commissioner , S1.80J ;
building Inspector , Sl.bUO ; water Inspector
specter , 1,500 ; policemen not ex
ceeding S3" ! per mouth ; otllcers under the
rank ot chief not to exceed 3101 per month.
roucn AND run : COMMISSION ! ! ? ,
A police and lire commission made of two
lopubllcansand two democrats , appointed by
the tovoinor. with thu mayor as ux-nfllrlo
member , contiol the lire and police denait-
menu and nulro all appointments nnd removals -
movals , aubject to regulations to be enactou
by oidinance.
The council is restricted In the passage of
ordinances , so that no ordinance can p.iis at
the mectlnz at which It Is Introduced. Coun-
cllmun nro reipiirodto furnish bonds each in
the sum ot S2ooo , nnd bondsmen bucomo lla-
blo for the uiembor voting nn overlap.
The mayor and council are o mpowered to
compel the owners of any nddlt Ion to the
city to lay out Its streets and alloys to conos-
pond with existing streets In width , and they
may prohibit MiOMiloof lots or lands in such
addition until tlioy are platted In nccordanco
with ulans approved by the board ot publlu
The mayor nnd council have power to prescribe -
scribe regulations lor thu location of tttock-
yaids , slaughter houses and waiehouses nnd
Btablus. containing ollwuslvo matter , within
three miles of corporate limits , and they may
causa these concerns to bodcclnied nuisances
and removed nt the cost of the owners , be
sides leaving the owner liable for civil dam
Tio\iin OP nEA.r/rii.
Mayor and council liavn power to establish
aboard of health and ontorca quarantine
leiculatlons within three miles ot the city.
They also have power to prevent and puniah
cruelty to children and animals.
PLUMUIXO AND noiLcn ixsrncriox.
They have cower to provide lor Inspection
of steam boilers , plpo Htling and plumbing ,
and appoint inspectors to enforce regula
They have power to define llro limits and
rcculato construction of buildings and cause
removal of nny building erected in violation
of Its regulations nt the expanse of the owner
of the lot ; also power to rcgulato construc
tion of party walls nnd their use and mainte
nance , and proscribe ) tholr thickness ,
strength , manner of construction of all
buildings ; also construction ot lire escapes ,
heating fixtures and appliances nnd to reeu-
late plumbln ? , plpo fitting and sewer con
nection in nil buildings now or hereafter
constructed , to nwilato number , slzo and
construction of doors nnd stairways ot
theaters , tenement houses , public halls ,
whether now built or to bo licroaf ter erectod.
The mayor and council may levy special
tax tor keeping side walks clean and clear
of obstructions.
They have power to regulate license or
prohibit the auction sales of animals , goods
or wares in tuo streets or public grounds of
the city.
They may prohibit the establishment of
additional cemeteries within the city limits
They have power to regulate depots , depot
grounds , frois-lit houses regulate laying of
railroad tracks cable roads nnd street rail
ways and prescribe the time nnd manner of
running street cars within the city , require
the heating and cleaning ot such MM and
fix the faro to bo charged.
Railroads are required to construct via
ducts across any street or alloy ana pay for
the entire structure Incluillne 800 font of approaches
preaches , the city to pay the excess and the
damage to adjacent property.
The city has the right to regulate the tolls
of wagon and foot bridges over tuo Missouri
The city has the right to regulate the
manufacture , nalu and use of gas and
electric lights , fix thu price thereot ; regu
late the rent of gas meters , also to regu
late the erection of telegraph , telephone an d
electric light wires and compel the owners to
place thorn under ground : also to regulate
the rental of telephones.
The city lias the power to establish nnd
maintain workhouses , hospitals , jails and
station houses.
may be erected by the city or supplied bycon-
tract. The city may condemn property with
in ton miles of the city tor waterworks pur
pose 3.
Power Is granted to establish market houses
and places , nnd they may bo located on nny
public grounds or street , or any land pur
chased for that purnoso , provided that If the
costot the Improvement Is In excess ot
820,000 It shall bo submitted to a vote of the
The city may Issue bonds with Interest not
higher than 0 per cent , tor tha constrnutlon
of sewers and pavements , erection of the
city hall or other public butldlnes , for the
purchase ot gas works , water works , and
land tor public parks , also for taking up the
floating debt oHho city or funding outstand
ing bonds. The Issue of bonds is limited to
10 per cent on assessed valuation arid no
more than $200,000 can bo Issued In one year
lor any purpose except the renewal
of bonds , paving bonds , purchas * of
gas works , water works or land for parks.
Mayor and council are vested with power
to ouen , extend , widen , narrow , grade , curb
and gutter , park or beautify any street or
public grounds ; also construct and repair
sidewalks of such material as they may
choose , nnd collect special taxes on the
abutting property , and In making such im-
a majority of the property owners. Where
no grade Is established the owner may put
down a plank sidewalk.
shall not bo ordered , on nny street which has
not boon ordered paved , except ou petition of
majority of owners of property abutting
along the linn of that portion of tlio street to
bo curbed and guUerC'.l. '
Miall bo ordered on any street within any
Having district on petition of a majority of
trout feet owners thereon , with the material
BOlocted by the majority of the property
owners. Provisions about paving nnd
assessments are the aamo as they have bp
luring the past two years. .
for Interjections nmbo Issued by the city
not exceeding in any one year.
All horse , steam , electric , cable or other
railway companies shall be required to nave
twceii the rails , nt their own cost , and keep
the same In repair.
tnay bo ordered to bo made before nny paving
Is done , nnd the cost assessed against the ad
jacent property.
All property of railroads , within or with
out the rleht ot way , not actually used for
operating the road , fs to be listed by the city
cleric and assessed the same as other prop-
ei ty.
ahull consist of thrco members appointed bv
the mayor be fora the first Monday ot
July , 1537 , the chairman to devote his entire
time to the duties ot the ollico. They have
power to make nil contracts on the part ot
the city , with the approval of the council.
Is to bo appointed by the mayor , but no sal-
nrlcs are provided , The street commissioner
and chairman of the council committee on
nubile propei tv nnd Improvements are mem
bers of the board. Thcio being no authority
to condemn property for parks outsldn of the
city limits tin : wotIc of tliu park commissioner
will be confined to existlnc parks and public
squares and establishing boulevards within
the city llmlK
No change of established gradn can bo
madn unless by consent of a majority ot the
trent foot owners on any street or part of a
street to bo chanced. Damages must bo as
sessed and tendered. In making chances of
gradu the council has the power to assc s
property bcnehtted to pay part ot the damage.
The council Is required to select an official
paper nt the beiiinnlni : ot each year lor oill-
chdadvertlslng.bitt no paper i.s allowed to bid
unless it lias had ii.OOJ circulation for six
mouths prior to the bid.
The ehost at the white house is said to
walk half of every niqlit , but ho could do
double that amount of work , if ho wasn't
afraid of the morning air , and know that
Lr. ) Mull's Cough Syrup cured all Kinds
of troublesome coughs and colds.
Slio Flood nt the K'lto ' in the late spring
twiliuht , nnd when shu said good-by ,
she foil neuralgia kiss her rosy elii > okljut ;
phi ) only smiled , for she Itr.u Salvation
Oil , the greatest cure on earth for pain.
The Two Men " \Vlio Held Flvo Aces
Itetwucit Them Wcro Hurled
Farmlngton ( N. M. ) Letter in the Now
York Sun : They had a poker game liurc
Saturday night in the back room of Jica-
nllo Hob , who was present to sec that
everything was fair. The men at the
table were Tom Sinanbaugli. a cattle
dualer , nnd I'ottor Abort , Omaha Throup
anil 1'at ) Williams , gamblers. Tlio game
had been going along for some time
without much excitement and with no
very largo winnings , when suddenly Pap
\ > lllianis , who had thrown clown two
cards , offered to go it blind for $30. The
others saw him , and a crowd that had as
sembled at the bar moved over to see how
tlio thing would uomooiit. All tlio others
drew tlireu cards each. Williams ran his
cards over carelessly , called for a drink ,
and with a cigar in one corner of hi.s
mouth said ho would but $50. AH the
others staid in , and on _ the show-down , no
0110 manifesting a disposition to raise it ,
it appeared that there were live aces out ,
Pap Williams having three and Poltcr
Abort two. This discovery came very
near resulting in war , but at the sugges
tion of JicariTlo Hob the pot was left up
and a new deal was had , ho taking the
oxtru nco and tearing it tip.
After the now deal Abort called for
four cards , Sinsabaugh for three , Throup
for three and Williams for two. There
was now more than $400 in the pot , and
as Abort offered to hot $50 , the others
felt that they would have to see him.
When it came around to Abort again ho
concluded to raise the terms a little , and
he put up $100. * This caused old man
Sinsabaugh to draw out , with the remark
that the water was getting too deep for a
man witli a little pair. The other two
saw the raise and called. Down came
the cards , and almost simultaneously
with their appearance was the crack of
a revolver , and Potter Abort fell out of
his chair , while Pap Williams , gun in
hand , reached over and swept in the pile
of money. Oa the table in Iront of
where Abort was lying were live cards ,
three of them aces , while m front of
Williams were two aces , one of them Do
ing a duplicate of ono in the hand of the
man under the table.
So much interest was excited by the
inspection of those two hands and the
sweeping in by Williams of the money
that no ono noticed Abort slowly rising
on the other side of the table. Jicarilln
Mob was the first to catch u glimpse of
him , but ho had time only to cry out to
Williams , when Abort's revolver was dis
charge , and Williams fell with a bullet
through the head. Kvpry man in the
room , except , the proprietor , then broke
for the door , but before all had gone out
Mob's voice was heard saying that the
dispute over the game had left no one to
claim the stakes , and ho as landlord
would therefore take possession. Dis
playing two big repeaters as he said this ,
ho was just in time to reply to a shot
from the weapon of Omaha Throup.
Neither man was hit , nnd for a minute
they stood facing each other. A by
stander hero stepped between the men ,
nnd the crowd , edging forward , soon sep
arated thorn. Then a council of war was
hold , and it was agreed that the money
not claimed should go to the house , thn
two survivors of the game receiving
their stakes buck.
The next morning Abort and Williams
were buried just out of'town , and at the
head of their graves two boards were
placed , that at Abort's grave having the
inscription , "Thrco Aces , " and that al
Williams' grave having "Two Aces. "
The coroner's jury returned a verdict that
both men came to their death from
natural causes , "superinduced by over
eating. " a good way , as ono citizen said ,
of covering up the fact that they were
hogs. It has not yet boon decided which
one had the extra ace , but from the fact
that in Abert's pocket another ace was
found and in Williams' belt there wcro
two more , it is inferred that both were in
the business.
It U l-'uct
well established that consumption if at
tended to in its first stages can bo cured.
There is , however , no true and rational
way to euro this disease , which is really
scrofulous ulcorution of the lungs , except
through purityiug the blood. Keep the
liver in perfect order and pure blood will
bo the result. Dr. Piereo's "Golden Med
ical Discovery" a purely vegetable com-
dound does all this and more ; while il
purities the blood it also builds up the
system , strengthening It against future
attacks of disoaso. Ask for Dr. Picrce's
"Golden Medical DIscoyery. " Take no
other. Of druggists
Ijlon Taming.
Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic-
News : Toiind the original lion tamer
wo must go back a long time , llanno is
said to have driven a pair of lions in a
chariot , and , though ho prudently in
trusted the breaking of them to some ono
whose lifo was less valuable , Is entitled
to all credit for his courage in mounting
such a vehicle. Since that day , howevtr.
there have boon many tamers of wild
beasts , and Mr. Seoth , who appears at
Olympia , is , we believe , one ol the most
recent additions to the profession. It is
impossible to withhold praise of a cer
tain kind from a man who embraces the
dangerous calling of a stibducr of lions ,
timers , and other unsociable anltnali ;
} , For this week we offer the following :
A splendidly gotlou up Spring overcoat , silk faced , for Equal to any tailor made garment to cost $35.
$10which , cannot be purchased elsewhere at less than $14 Light and medium weight Suils at $5 , * 7.50 , * 9.00 , tlO ,
A fine Mohair Spring Overcoat , satin faced , for $12. $12.50 , $14 , $15,517.50 , SIS , ? 20 , $22.50 and $25 , any of
Equal to any tailor made garment to cost $25. which we will guarantee cannot bo duplicated elsewhere
A fine worsted Spring Overcoat , satin faced , for $15. for 20 to 80 per cent more money than wo ask.
Before purchasing , a call and an examination .would save you money , and we guarantee
fit and complete satisfaction
The New York and Omaha Clothing Company.
Men's and Boys' Clothiers , Furnishers and Hatters.
but , ( o our thinking , tlio ppoctaclo of n
man in n lion's dun is nuvcr n very edify
ing ono. In the first place , however
highly trained the nnimnls may bo , their
performance falls very fur short of that
of performing dogs or "liberty" horses
in n circuis.V \ hen the lions have jumped
backwards and lorwards over barriers ,
and possibly their part of the business \
is finished , though , in justice to Mr.
Sooth , it must bo mentioned that he has
added n now feat by teaching ono
of h'u troupe to lire a pistol. But
as a rule the feats of the wild animal
are few and simple , tins real attraction of
the cntcrtaitinient being to s o a man ex
hibit his mastery over animals whoso
nature it is to resent interference ;
in other words , people go to sco tlio
tamer place himself in jeopardy. Of all
exhibitions involving danger to the per
former , the strongest admirers arc gen
erally these who would not for untold
wealth venture the same thintr or any
thing approaching thereto. The "high
diyo" into tlio not below was regarded
with equanimity by crowds of persons
who would shrink from taking n header
oil'a four-foot board into u swimming
bath ; people who find delight in watching
trapc/p performers going through their
evolutions at a dangerous height could
not , probably , perform the simplest
gymnastic o.xerciso on the ground , while
many of these who look on unconcernedly
at tlio doings of the lion-tamor would retreat -
treat incontinently into the nearest door
way if they saw an unmuzzled dog run-
towards them. It is , however , a curious
fact that , dangerous as lion-taming is ,
comparatively few lion-tamers have boon
killed in the exercise of their calling. If
the sight of a man risking lifo and limb
in. u cage of wild animals can be toler
ated , no one will ventttro to assort that
the lion's den is the fit place tor a
woman , yet at the present time there is
a "lion queen" who goes into the
animals with her husband. She , liow-
pvcr , is not the lirst of her race , though
it is much to bo wished that she may be
the last.
Complexion Powder is an absolute
necessity ot the relincd toilet in this cli
mate. ro//oni's combines every element
of beauty and purity.
Too Drunk to bo Tried.
Some enterprising genius yesterday
smuggled a lot of whisky in to the pris
oners in tlio city iail , nnd when the deputy
marshall brought them before Judge Stcn-
berg yesterday morning they were all too
drunk to bo tried. Six of them were sent
back to sober up.
Klmer Wyman , a travelling man who
had discharged a revolver on Sixteenth
street Wednesday night in a sudden lit of
oxuboration was lined ? 5 and costs.
She has the complexion of a peach ,
Pp//oni's Medicated ComplcxionPowdcr
did it. Sold by all druggists.
Saratoga Lyceum.
The interesting play "Above the
Clouds , " given in such an attractive
manner by tlio ladies and gentlemen of
the Saratoga Ivceum , will be repeated by
special request Saturday evening next at
Lyceum hall. Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Uaur
and Niss Jean Knby of this city will as
sist in the programme.
A Conjtnoii-Sonso Remedy.
In the matter of curatives what you
want is something that will doits work
while you continue to do yours a
remedy that will give you no inconven
ience or interfere with your business.
Such a remedy is Allcock's Porous Plas
ters. These plasters are purely vegetable
nnd absolutely harmless. They require
no change of diet and urn not affected by
wet or cold. Their action does not in
terfere with labor or business : you can
toil and yet bo cured while hard at work.
They are so pure that the youngest , the
oldest , the most delicate person of either
sex can use them with great benefit.
A. IK Deal.
The sale of the Patrick farm , compris
ing about 050 acres was sold yesterday to
W. II. Underwood , of Kansas City , for
$ C15,000. He represents a powerful syn
dicate of Kansas City capitalists. Mr.
Underwood telegraphs that hn will
bo in Omaha before ! ) p. m. , April 7 , pre
pared to pay $125,000 , down. It is said
to bo tlio intention of the syndicate to
build a cable road to this property.
Ono of several gamecocks that wore
being shipped to Portland , Ore. , escaped
from the coop and tlio baggage car , ana
all the efforts of the train hands to catch
it were unavailing until'a ' ) bright brakeman -
man released another cock. In a mo
ment the two had engaged in battle , and
were easily picked up. %
Prepared wtth sMet neat toPuttr , Btronztt. ani
Hedilif olnM * Dr. PiSc1 * Biking Powder eonWi
mo Am mnnli.TJBUktlim ot I'hoaptUea. Dr.Prlce'e
Jteincu , YuUllfcLuMii , Mc CrocteU touel/ .
It tilt ] grown from 100 to III.MO ( popitlntlon In 13
T iira nntl 11 now unmlnu fustor tlitn aiar ,
Investments In brick block * par II ) toWpor cent.
avcraiied oror 100 per cent per nnnum
IlnTC for sale brlrk block * , hiirlneis Ion. nil kinds ft
mil ( Mlntp. 1 , 'i , 5 , ID aud 'A ) ucru trucis , fnrms and
clump limcl * .
UlUMCUItNCKSi-Tlio Kirst nnd Lincoln Nntlnnnl
bHtikx , ( iov.ThiiH'r , Judjo Oobb , Son. 8. .M. Cullom
Inols.aml UGH. Ben llnrrlaon. Indiana.
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado ,
Of the Missouri Stale Museum of Anatomy ,
St. Louis , Mo , , University College Hospi
tal , London , Giesen , Germany nnd New
York , Having devoted their attention
Nervous , Chronic and
More especially those arising from impru
dence , invite all so suffering to correspond-
thout delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured safely and speedily with
out detention from business , and without
the use of dangerous drugs. Pa
tients whose cases have bten neglected ,
badly treated or pronounced incurable ,
should not fail to write us concerning their
symptoms. All letters receive immediate
attention. _ _
And will be mailed FREE to any address
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , "practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and'
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an
' Essay on Marriage , " with important chap
ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or
gans , the whole forming a valuable medical
treatise which should be read by all young
men. Address ,
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado.
1707 Olive St. .St. Louis. Mo.
I.oweit Rate Ever Offered From Mo. Rlv r
% r SIGLER'S Grand Pullman Car Excursions ,
Personalty conducted , leave Chicago , St. Louis ,
Kanias Clt 7 , Oiuiha and otber Western Cltlei
dontblr , for California over the C. B. A Q. and the
H. C. B1QLKU. Manager. JK6 Clara Btrucu CnicAOO.
* * RAILW.
The only road to take for DCS Molncs M ar-
flmlltown , Cedar Kanlds , Cllntin. Dlxon , Chica
go , Milwaukee and all points oust. To the people
ple of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming. Utah ,
idnho , Nevada , Oregon , Wnnhliurton and Cali
fornia , It olTnrt superior advantages not possi
ble by any otlior lino.
Amonir n few of the numerous points of su
periority enjoyed by the patrons of this road
Lotwiton Omuha and OilcaifO , uro Its two tralni
Hday of DAVCOACHKS , which are the llnost
thnthumnn nrt and luironulty c-an croato. Iti
PALALB St.EEI'1 NO CAHS. which are moileli
of comfort lAd nleiranco. Its I'AUUMl DllA W-
1NQ KOOM CAHS , un4urnas oil by any , and Its
widely celebrated PALATIAI , DINING CAKS
the equal nf which cannot bo found olsoirhera
At Council DIulfH the trains of the Union 1'nclflc
Hr. connect In Union Depot with those of tba
Chicago * Northwestern Uy. In Chtrnuo th *
trains of this tine make close connection with
those of all eantern linen.
For Dntrolt. Columlnia , Indianapolis. Cincin
nati , MauaraFalls , Buffalo. Pfttsbunr.Toronto ,
Montreal , ttoston. Now YorK. 1'hlladelplilu ,
Baltimore. Washington and all points la th
east. Ofk for a ticket via the
If you wish the best accommodation. All ticket
apciits sell tl"kcu via this lino.
UenL Manager , OonL Posi'r Agent
W. M. IJABCOCK.Cafr ° ' L. R. rtOLI.BS ,
Weitern Avant. City 1'usa'r Agent ,
Omaha , Nebraska ,
Ono Aytnt ( Hfirnant onlr > w nt < In rmr town for
Everybody want ! "Tanslll's Punch" 5o cigar
now ; they wore ulways good but of late they
bavo Improved. 1 heartily approve of your
way of dtilne Diisltioss , you are auro to hold and
Incretuo your trade.
A. AHKND.Druggist , Chicago , III.
Lawrence Ostrom & Co.
Is Death to
Consumption ,
Malaria , Sleeplessness ,
Chills and Fovorj Or Insomnia , and
Typhoid Foyer , Dissimulation ,
Indigestion , 01 Food ,
Dyspepsia , Ten Years Old ,
Surgical Fevers NoFtiBolOil ,
UlooJ 1'oUoulus Absolutely F.uro.
This will certify that I have examined the fiet'e of Bourbon Whisky , received from
LawrenceOstrum & Co. , nnd found the same to be perfectly tree from Fusel pil and
other deleterious tuhstanccs and strictly pure I cheerfully recommend the same for
Family use and Medicinal purposes.
J. P. BARNUM , M. D. , Analytical Chemist , Louisville , Ky.
For ontc br druBE.Brriuc merchants and grocers everywhere. Trice $1.25 per bottlt
If not found at the above , half-dpz. bottles in plain boxes will be sent to nny address
in the United States on the receipt of six dollars. Express paid to all places east of
Missouri River.
LAWRENCE OSTROM & Co. Louisville , Ky
Wholesale and Distributing Agents.
RILEr X DILLON , Wholesale Liquor Dealers , \ Omaha.
Familiessiinnlled bn GLADS'IOtfE JiKOS. iCCO. , Omaha.
Dealers in
Paints , Oils , Class and Varnishes
Painters' and Artists' Supplies. Plymouth. Co
tage Colors ,
llcadiifor use in new and desirable shades. Qualify Guaranteed
1118 Farnam Street , - - Omaha , Nebraska
The G , E. Mayne Real Estate and Trust Co ,
K. W. COB. 15th AND HABNfiY , OMAHA.
Property of every description for ealo m all partit of tha oity. Lands for sale In
every county in Nebraska.
Of Titles of Douglas county kept. Maps ot the city slate or county , or najr other
information desired furnished free of charge upon application.
JAB. A. OAUPENTEK , Vlco-1'ro. C. U CAUHKNTKK , Trt-os. -
Carpenter Paper Company ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers
Carry a nlco now stock of Prinliiiar , Wrapping anil Writing1 Paper. Especial
attention given to cur lend orders , which will be .shipped direct from mills ,
All ardors will receive personal attention. Wo guarantee good goods at
low prices.
\-rrrf\Tifn J ti'irn rn
11M and 1110 Douglas St. , Oma'hn.
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The lnrief ; > t slock. I'iice. Uic lowest. Repairing a specially. Work warranted.
Corner Douglas and 15th streets , ( Jinuh.i. Licensed Watchmaker for the Union
Pacific Railroad Company.
Decker Brothers
: pi.A.isros. :
ItyDr. Hnndlker'i method. No operation : No Ptlni
No Detention from builnoi * . AUiulaj in children
I well u grown people. Ilunilredi of nato rnph
time nlnls on ale. All builuon Urlctlr rnnlldon
PllOF. N. D. 4JOOK ,
Room 0 , 1514 Douglas St. , Omul , . Nob.
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital . $200,000
Surplus . 40,000
11. W. Vatos , President.
A. K. Toualinice President.
W. II S. I highcs , Cashier.
W. V. Morfce , John S. Collins ,
Il.VV.Yates , Lewis S. Rood ,
A. E. Tou/alin.
Cor mh nnd Farnam Sts ,
A General Hanking Ihuiincis Transacted.
> > ] > mi > i <
. .
P.i " , . . .in - . . -flvn. . . . . . . ni ndlicr.tlom cimnTino or
imuoui , wild , ( eolhlnfccnipli of
Itjr dlrKtlluouih ! HI vitk tn/j it i *
. l hrtllli > r.dVII . > ioui triif k. KlKtrt * ' 5\ > ? -f > lllnit > alli ; or / rftUi ; < i 0 In twk.
( Irntiit Impr n. . lovrr ill Mktr Wit" . Word CIMI ! *
ntMiill/ run 4 In llir.i tnoitui. * > J < 1 lou > fc l4t. < linB
ThGadaEIctrioCo. IC L 8ilt I..Chit s