Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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r iii1sssfa 'vsssVfclii'sf1L in * " ! '
Ihe Milwaukee Road Will Doubtless Ask a
Subsidy. „
Wntcrs Pftoslnj : a Bail l > ralt
Contrnotor Coruy's Urctl Tlio
Now City Knclnccr
Other Ii
Coinlni ; Into Omatin.
Well defined rumor has It that the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul road is
K- projecting the Immediate construction of
its line into this city. It is stated that
the road will soon ask the city of Omaha
for a subsidy unit that If its over
tures are favorably received
it will commence work at once
Mr. J. T. Clark , general superintendent
of that road , Is now in the city quietly
* > i skirmMiing about. Ho refuses to say
anything about the matter. Local railroad
K ,
road men credit the rumor and say that
there Is not the shadow of a doubt but
that the Milwaukee will enter Omaha ,
and that at once.
Mis. C. II. I'rescott , wife of General
Manager and Vice-president I'rescott , of
the Oregon Railway and Nayagation
company , is at the union depot in her
special ilining and palace cars. She Is on
route to Now i'ork with her daughter
aged thirteen. They remain in New
York for a war. They are to-day the
guests of S. i\ Smith , general superin
tendent of the Union Pacific and leave
Omaha to-night by the Chicago , Rock
Island and Pacific"railroad. .
The Union Pacilic's increased traffic
lias necessitated an increase in the facili
ties for handling cars in the yards. Ten
now switch engines have recently been
put to wOrk in the upper and lower yards.
The Union Pacific freight department
has FX men constantly employed on the
now freight tarifl's , which have to be
issued in accordance with thn interstate
commerce law. The work involves a vast
amount of details and it is hardly prob
able that the new tariffs will be out before
April 15.
A KKcntfT ArroiNTjinxT.
A circular has been received in tlU
city announcing the appointment of Mr.
liurton Joluihon as second assistant general -
oral freight agent of the Chicago &
Railway officials say that they appre
hend no further danger from the river.
Pat Humphries , the well-known passen
ger agent of the New York , Lake Eric &
Western , is in the city.
The Mln-inuri's Impetuosity Dropping
\ into Its LcRltimnto Channel.
The water in the Missouri has fallen
considerably since Tuesday. The union
Pacific railway is ballasting its track
and straightening out its sinuosity.
South of the waterworks a largo box-car
is partially submerged , and is nearly
tilted over. The engine and house
of the Grant Flag and Stone Paving
company are unUer water , ns is their
yard. William Davis , whoso house near
the bridge was moved smoothly to Kansas
City on Sunday , has an idea that Omaha
will pay him und has notified the au
thorities. Ira Jones trundled along the
track with an immense sphere of beading
on Ins back , a strong comforter enclosing
nil. Ho waded into the mud to get into
his house. The crowds of poor people
who are out on the track in the water
picking up wood and other articles are
Htill industrious. It will take two weeks
before the water subsides fully , it is
claimed , and then will follow a season of
mud , and if the sun shines warm , bad
odors may bo cxocctcd in the neighbor
hood. _
A Man ricftUtora Under nil Assumed
Nnmo anil 1'nssos n Hail Dm It.
W. J. Baker is the name of a partly
suave gentleman who came to Omaha
about two weeks ago. He registered un
der ati assumed name at the Cozzcns
hotel , at which hostelry ho has since
been stopping. Ho announced that ho
represented a big starch factory in the
cast , whoso goods ho desired to sell in
Omaha. Mr. Uakor ran np a big bill
and a few days ago pretended to settle by
giving Mr. Law , the proprietor , a draft
for $50. This was accepted bv that gen
tleman who returned to Hakor a sinull
balance in cash. The draft has since
been discovered to be worthless , having
been returned protested.
Yesterday Manager Nocdharn of tin
hotel appeared in police court and swon
out a warrant for Baker's arrest , on :
charge of defrauding the hotel to tin
amount of his bill , $ < J5.G5.
Contractor Corny Performs a Deec
Which Averts And Accident.
J , O. Coi'by , the well known contrao
tor of tlds city , performed an act Tues
day which averted u serious catastrophe
nt the same time that it brought one upoi
himself. During the parade of th
Knights of Pythias band and lodges , i
horse attached to a telephone poln ii
front of Drexel & Maul's , on Farnan
street , became frightened and started 't
dash up the street , which was tlirongo
with vehicles and people. Some on
would surely have been hurt had nc
Mr. Corby , who was standing by , flnni
one arm around the neck of the ufl'righte
animal and with the other hold on to th
telephone polo. The horse did his bos
to break loose from the grasp of Mi
Corby , but that gentleman was there t
stay. Ho held the animal until som
one came to his rescue. His hand wa
.badly lacerated , but otherwise he wti
uninjured. _
TlitU Humane Society Arrctt.
To the Editor of the BEE : In you
issue of Tuesday allusion was made t
the arreit of McLaughlln by the tiger
of the Humane society , in which an a
tempt is made to give the impression t
the public that the man was arrested fc
"clipping11 horses , and that this will L
made a test case to determine who the
"clipping" horses is cruelty to annual ;
the names of a number of prominci
horsemen are mentioned who , it is salt
will bo subpa-iuicit as witnesses to gi\
their opinions. The plain tacts are sin
ply these : The man was arrested , not I
the agent of the Humane society , but t
Oflicer Turnbull ; not for "clipping"
lioreo , but for beating the animal wll
an iron rod , as several rcsponsib
gentlemen who ulno witnessed tl
affair will testify. The Humane socle
linn never "mado war upon horse clii
ping " A suggestion by one ot the met
bcrs that midwinter , during the coldc
weather , was scarcely the proper time
hear a horse of its warm coat is n
ranking war upon clipping by ai
means , nor do we know of any mpmb
of the society who opposes cliDpU
( orwa at the proper time , Oflicer Tur
bull arrested this man tor what appeared
to him and others to be an Inhuman
treatment of the animal , and it is greatly
to the credit of that olllcor and would re
dound with credit to all the members of
the force to bo equally viirllant in this di
rection. As wo have said repeatedly , it
Is not the Intention of the Humane soci
ety to annoy or meddle with others' af
fairs , but to enforce a law on
our statute books which will
put a stop to scones which
are distressing to human people and n
disgrace to our citv. We have known
valuable horses to bo ruined through the
violent , ungovernable temper of grooms
and drivers , and he must Indeed bo a
( juuer owner who does not appreciate a
society which through purely human mo
tives endeavors to protect his property.
This c.i o hits boon reported to the socie
ty's attorney as a case of cruelly boating
n horse , and will bo so tried , and those
who imagine they will regaled by a
sproad-eairlo trial lo determine whether
"clipping" ' is cruelty to animals will bo
disappointed , as this will not enter into
the case at all.
On Sale At
To our many friends and customers
who have been waiting so long for the
famous BnuH'.s PLACE to bo nlaced on
the market , wo would say that wo have
them on sale at very low prices. This
property being at the terminus of Har
tley , Farnam , Douglas , Dodge and Capitol
tel ave the principal streets of the city
which will bo opened and graded at
once , and which will make them the
most desirable residence and business
lots in the city , Mr. Benson , the owner.
who everybody knows will make good
all his promises , agrees to build from 15
to SO houses costing from $2,000 to $3,000 ,
and to otherwise beautify the grounds by
shade and ornamental trees. A street
car line will be constructed at once on
Farnam to a junction with the belt line ,
which traverses tins tract. Passenger
cars will also be run on the Belt Line in
Come quick in order to secure choice
of location. A discount from list price of
10 per cent is offered on all sales up to
April 3d , ' 87. Don't forget the place to
secure these bargains.
1509 Farnam St.
Building Permits.
Superintendent Whitlock issued build
ing permits yesterday ns follows :
J. II. Mlllurd , 2-.story frame barn , llar-
ney And Twenty-tourth street S 1COO
F. L. Dennis , Iraino addition to dwell
ing , Eighteenth and Paul streets 200
Al. J. Murphy , 1-story frame cottage.
Seventeenth , near Nicholas street. . . . 1,000
F. . ) . liurivall , 1-story frame cottage ,
l'aSoutli Fointconth street 800
Win. Anderson. 1-story trame cottage ,
Second and Dorcas street 4CO
J. 11. Scotman , 2-story frame dwell
ing , 2S12 Leaven worth street 2,000
Cornelius Ssmlth , 2.story tratno dwell
ing Eighteenth and Clark street. . . . 3,000
Hillside Congregational church , \yt-
.story iramc nnrsona c , Ohio and
Thirtieth street 1,500
Joseph Oncllncr , addition to dwelling ,
Sixteenth and Lcavmnvortli street. . CT5
J. S. anil It. U. Wood , addition to
residence , Twenty-sixth and Capitol
ave 2,000
N. Spcilmnn , 1-story frame cottage ,
Pinckncy. near Thirtieth street 400
E. S. Itowleyi three 1-story fiiuno cot-
tngos , Grant and Thirtieth strcot. . . . 1,125
Paul Uotzschman , 2-story frame dwell-
inc. Fourteenth , near HlcUory
street l.COO
0.13. Siildon , rebuild dwelling , Thir
teenth , near Center street 575
Omaha Cable Tramway , 2-story and
basement power house , Twentieth
ana llarnoy 25,000
L. 11. Junes , 1-story frame cottage , 2912
Ersklno street 450
Michael I tail , 1-story trame store , IG'-O
South Tenth street 000
Seventeen permits acgrwiatlng $53,235
Improving a Knapsack ,
Colonel Mcrriam the genial soldier from
from Fort Laramie , is in the city
shaking hands with his friends. Ho has
procured a long leave of absence and is
on his way to Europe. He intends to
visit the different military headquarters
of the continent for the purpose of ob
taining points which will c.iable him to
improve the new knapsack which ho has
just Invented. This is a knapsack which
is intended to throw its weight not upon
the back of the soldier , but upon his hips
where it will rest easily. In long
marches , a knapsack , when perfected by
Colonel Mnrrinm , will bo a quiet factor
in preventing "waste of energy. "
The Now City Knglnecr.
George W. Tillson was Tuesday even
ing appointed city engineer in place of A.
Kosewatcr , lately resigned. Mr. Tillson
is thirty-four years of age , and was born
at Tomastown , Maine. He graduated at
Portland university , and is an expert in
the sewerage business. In . 1370 lie had
charge of the sewer system of Memphis ,
Tcnn. , and in 1881 of the system in Kalamazoo -
mazoo , Mich. In the autum of 1881 he
came to Omaha and has been in the city
engineer's oflico over since. His expe
rience renders him very competent to till
the new position to which he has been
The Charity Union.
The Charity Union on Sixteenth street
will probably cease to exist after April
10th , the lease for the present quarters
then expiring and none others being sc-
cured. Manager MoMurray says Urn !
during the past winter lodging has been
furnished on au average to twcnty-ffvc
persons each night. Men * only are ac >
commodatcd. Meals are furnished tc
1 workers , the work consisting in preparing
ing wood for fuel with saw and ax. The
wood yard is back of the Creightor
block. The institution has been con
ducted under the auspices of nine younj
men to help needy strangers in the city
Frco Lecture Talk
By Professor Yumall and wife , of Chi
c.igo , on "Mental Science , or Christiai
Healing,11 afternoons and evenings , Mon
day , Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursda :
of this week. Classes begin Friday
April 1. Patients reccivea morning
from 0 till 2. Parlors at 320 North IStl
Thirty-Three Years.
Tuesday W illiara Lehman , the wol
known painter and sign writer , celc
bratcd the thirty-third anniversary of hi
birth. Although ho endeavored to kco ]
the festive fact trom the knowledge o
his friends , a largo number "gathorei
him in , " nnd an impromptu banquet wa
the consequence. Mr. Lehman is one o
the leading members of the Turnvercin
and an athlete of no small abilities , ii
addition to being one of Omaha's pori
ular young men.
it Postponing a Club I'arty.
I The Philemon party , which was to hav
, taken place this evening at Masonl
ball Jwlll not occur until Frida
y cvcnine , April 8. The change is mad
for the reason that so many social event
y a are to take place this week and the men
h bers and their friends desire an opnoi
la tuully to "rest" for a few days.
tj- A family In Nikolsburg , Austria , cch
bratcd n curious "bimetallic" wcdclln
ii- the other day. On the sp.raa day a well
iist known citizen of that town celebrated hi
Lo golden wedding , and his son-in-law , lly
Dt ing in the name house , celebrated hi
Dty silver wedding. The double event w
? r made still more picturesque by the mai
rlago of the letter's daughter in the niidi
of UK
* v ?
Stray Ijcavua Front a Ituportor'a Note
"Yes , the corner of Thirteenth and
Farnam streets Is going to loom up
big and don't you forget It , " said
an old settler Tuesday. The two.
bank buildings will bo grand busi
ness structures. Than Meyer II ell-
matin , one of our oldest and most enter
prising citizens , lias added a story to his
block , which will correspond with the
other corners in line shape. Mr. Hell-
man deserves the credit of having built
the first brick business block of worth in
Omaha. He don't say much , but he acts
every time when action Is necessary. In
that block of his were at dill'oront times
the military headquarters , the Western
Union telegraph olllco. the first police
court and several other prominent olliccs.
1 understand he intends to continue this
spring's improvement by fixing up the
A. B. Snowden liquor store with one of
the finest plate glass fronts In the city.
Oh , yes , the Thirteenth street coruer
will boom as long as such men as Meyer
llellmaii have anything to do with it. '
"The scarcity of houses in Omaha , "
said a railroadoflicialyesterday morning
"is shown by this Hood. People who have
been driven from their homos by the
high water have tramped every street
and alley in the city looking in
vain for hou ns to rent. They have
been compelled to seek temporary
shelter in cow stables and such places ,
and the cold weather which seems to have
come with the Hood makes their condi
tion extremely uncomfortable. There is
furniture In nearly all the submerged
houses , and the effect of the soaking
muddy water will bo disastrous.
Ijlccnsctl to AYcul.
Judge McCulloch issued marriage li
censes yesterday to the following parties :
Kamc. Kcsldonce. AKO'
j (5. ( ( ! . Allen Douglas county 50
j Mrs. C. M. Kubbe..Douglas county 41
II. J. KoosslK Douglas county 10
Mngidu Utte Douglas county 24
1.1. M.Sheppcrd..Omaha 24
1 licssle Close Uclltonte , Pa 2S
Real Kstate Transfers.
Peal estate transfers filed March 29 ,
Jas M Ross to Fred W ( Jray , 47x102 ft , bo-
cltininu' at a point 47 It s of nw corner of lots
5 and 0 , in blk 10 , Impiovcment Association
add , w il-SSW.85.
Fannie L Karinor to Frank Kwers.lot 7 , blk
17 , llanscnin place add , w d S2bOO.
Frank Ewers and wife to Hobeit B Guild ,
lot 7 , In blk 17 , llanscoin place add. wd
llenry Ostlioff and wlfnto John K Hazard ,
51-30 acifs in 25.10 , 13 , and 10 acres of JJO , 10 ,
13 , w d SI.
Jas E Lone and wife to John II Brown , lot
i 1 , blk.15 , Budlord place , w d 81,100.
llichard McDonald and wlto to Andiew
Ilosowatcr , bS.\00 ft , com at ne corner of lot
4 , blk 114 , Omaha ; also a part of a ship ot
land on w side of said lot. w d-813,000.
llanuali L lioth to Andruw Hosowater , lot
11 , blk.l , Kountzo's 4th add , w d-S3,000.
AdaF Perkins and husband to Helen L
Coguersiiall , all of lot 8 , Keyes' dlv of lot ! ,
Capitol aud , n c 81.
llattlo A Allen and husband to Helen L
Cocgorshall , all of lot a In Keyes' div of lot
0 , Capitol add , q c-Sl.
Sophia J CoL'gui shall and husband to Helen
L Coggershiill , same as last , q c SI.
Kate A Doollttle and husband to Helen 1 >
Cogircrsluill. same as last , q c SI.
Cynthia N Gibson nnd husband to Helen L
Contorsliall , same as last , qc SI. ,
Carrie E Earll and husuand to Helen L
CoKgorshall , same as last , q c SI.
Helen L Coguerhhall and husband to M
Corbon Gilltmm , all of let S , sanio as above ,
w d 88,250.
Win F Sweesy to Wm J Maxwell , lot 1.
nnd o .14 ft of lot 2 , in bile 0 , and lot 1C and u
4 ft of lot 15 , blk 4 , Sweesy's add , w d
S 1(1,000. (
Frank L Eileston et al to Harry Benedict ,
lot4 , blk8.1'lainvlew add. wd 31,000.
Gee Armstrong and wife to Samuel Katz. o
51 ft of lot2 , Armstrong's sub dlv of lots 1,2 ,
3 , blk 3 , Armstrong's 1st add , w d S4.500.
Gee Armstrong and wife to Soren Larson ,
lot a , blk 4 , Armstrong's 2nd add , wd
City of Omaha to John P Roc , 10x132 feet ,
beginning at nw cor ot lot 4 , blk 40 , Omaha ,
qc 5297.
Guo II Hoggs ct al to Edward Dlckenson ,
lots 4 and 5 , blk 20 , Omaha View extension ,
W d 82.550.
Elmer P Swain et al to E H Dut'reno lots 1
2,3 , 4 and 5 in blk 3 Uoyd's add , w d S2.00J
City ot Omatia to John J Hardin lot 11 blk
817 , w d-8250.
Ed waul V Lewis and wife to Lazard Kahn
lot 1 blk 317 , w d-S4.000.
Eliza Purcell and husband to Marv Ann
McCauslandseOa feet of lot 53 McEntec's
Itonert E Stein and wile to Win E Hrlnk-
crhoinots 2,3,4 iiarkelow's sub-division , w
d S2.400 ,
C E Mayno and wife to Gee E Barker n o
M of sec 13.10 , y , w d-SJ.SOO.
A E Toiuelln and wife to Henry W 1 ates
lot 10 blk 7 Hillside add No 1. w d 8950.
John U Hamilton to ChasF Goodman lot
4 blk 7 Paddock place , w d-S3)00. ( )
Frank Ordens and wito to Chas A Palmer
w 34 lect of e ISO feet of lot UK Millard &
Caldwell's add , w d 81,750 ,
Otis U Ballou et al to Wm L Sceloy lot 10
blk 0 Ambler's place , wd-SJOO. , , ,
Lvdia H Hall to Louis Conolly lot 8 Hall's
plati ; , w d-Sl,500.
Benjamin A Gibson ct al to the public pint
of Wise & Parmele's odd being a sub-divl-
'sion ol w K of s w } i of s w )10,15,13 , dedl
John Simmons and wito to EdwArd Klnh-
elleu 00x132 feet commencing at n point 8C9
feet w of n e cor of s 10 acres of n w X of n o
of 9 , lb , 13 , W d-Sl,030. , . ,
John Simmons and wife to Robt Sketchley
44x132 teet commencing at a point 781 feet w
of n e cor of s 10 acres of s w li of n e } ( of 0
15 , 13 , w d-S750.
Jas P Fronzer et al to John T Adams e' filet
lot B blk A IJodford add : w d-SSOO.
August llartman and w'ife to $
Mlchaclson s 100 feet ot lot 1 blk 12 ll
incut Association add , w U-51,7.V ) . A.
Alonzoll Hunt and wife to Thos J Hot.
X oflotlOblklllorbach's 2nd add , w HI
S2 400
"Win Mack and wife to Florence E Morrell
lot 1 blk 5 Uoyd's add. W d-SbOO.
Arthur S Potter ct al to Emma J Scott lot !
blk 4 Potter & Cobb's 2nd add to Soutt
Arthurs Potter'to Lincoln II Scott lot K
blk 4 Potter & Cobb's 2ad add to Soutl
Omaha , w d SOW.
Ja < E Hllev and wife to Jos Uolub , lot 21
In J E Klloy's sub-dlv , wd-SfiOO.
Jas Patac and wt to Barbara Mstll , o M lo
13 blk5. Kountzo's 3d add. wd 81,400.
Charming M WoodbrlUge to Chas \V Hlg
cins , lots 12 and IS blk 4 , Albright's annul
to South Omatia , wd-SiOOO.
Gee E Uertrand to Ada It Toft , lot ? sub dl'
blkH , Reservoir add ,
City of Omaha to Jas Cosgrnve , 8x88 ft be
ginning at sw cor of lot 7 blk 18l } < , qc-SM.3C
1 Dexter L Thomas and wf to John Johnson
s 7K ft of o 100 ft of w of n K blk Q aiilnn' ;
2d add. nc-810.
FredkBchncll to Gustavo Bohlraaun , par
of lot 03 In Okahoma , wd-SO&o.
City of Omaha to Herman Kountze , lots 1
2 and 6 blk D and lot 8 In blk W. qc-Sl,570.
Gee W Smltli to the Omaha Barb Wire Co
lots 1 and a blk 1 > . qc-83.
Omaha Barb Wire Co to Wm Deerlng Co
lots 1 and 2 blk U Omaha , wd-S'-M.OuO.
Dennis Cunningham and wftoC K Mayne
undlv X ot lots 1 r.nd 2 blk 1 and lots 1. 2 am
3 and n 3-5 of lot 4 blk 7 , Cunningham's su
add , wd-Slb50.
Grace U SudborouzhtoCltra Ammermanr
undiv H In lota 13 and 14 , Sunnysldo add
wd 83.w)0. )
WmT Robinson to Grace B Sudborougti
lots 13 and 13 , Sunnysldc add. wd 55,000.
Frieda Obcrfelder and husband to Meye
Hellman , undlv } * lots 14 and blk 10cs
End add , wd-S5.000.
Gee H Boggs et a ) to Thos B McNalr. lot
17 and 18 in blk 13 Omaha View , wd-S2.15 (
Mary Bohleber and husband to John Mer
rltt et al , lots 1 blk 204. wdlooo. .
Jas Al Swfltnam et al to Svlvla E Thomai
lots 1 and 3 Vlnton Place , wd 81,950.
Edgar A Morscmann and wf to Laura
Masters , lot 7 Morseman Park , wd-S'.OOO.
lsaac Yan Horn and wf to Alonzo B Hu r
etal. lotsl , Sand3 in blk 10 , Hawthorn
add to Omaha , wd-84,300.
Dr. Hamilton \ \ arren , Magnelo ) Phyi
. clan and Surgeon. Room 3 , Crounso bloc
, t corner 10th and Capitol avenue. Dipl
iheria and nervous diseases a-speclalty.
* * .
Mlrcvltle * .
Judge Dundy returned yesterday from
ils southern trip ,
The cnso of I'it&nntrick vs. John M.
LMionins , on n pltitnoing contractis bulng
trailed before Jitdpo Iscvllle.
A letter hns bceu received from Slier-
nnn I ) . Canlicld snyinir thnt ho expected
o sail with "UulTiilo IMIl's" trottpu for
Europe to-day Starch ill.
The jury In the Hlco case brought In n
erdict ycstordtvy morning to the district
court limliii ) ; defendant guilty of assault
and battery.
Judpo Slcnbcrg yesterday held II. E.
) ay. thocmber.zlinRnRcntof ( ico. S.Mcck ,
o the district court In the sum of 11,000.
) ay cotild not K\VO \ bond and went to
Ills the opinion of those tu n position
o know that the passage of the city
iharter will cause the election of two
ustice.s In each of the Omaha wards
under the act of 1335.
Drs. Holl'man and ( ialbraith , who are
nttcmllnjr A. H. Swenby , the man who
vas knocked oil'theUnion , Pacific bridge
n day or two ago * say that ho will re
cover , though one shoulder will bo use-
ess for life.
The registration of school children has
icon completed in the first ward. There
ire 1,01)1 ) male and 1,010 female pupils ,
naking a total of 8,2U1. Last year there
vcre 1OIU male and 1,103 female , total.
J.137. The increase is 1,001 over last
William II. Sloan , the inventor of a
new switch fastening , commenced pro
ceedings in the United States court yostor-
dn 'anainsttho H. t&M. railroad to prevent
hut road from using IUH patent , which
10 claims it is doing unlawfully.
Mary E. Kollo'ig , wife of ex-Senator
Kellogg of New Orleans , filed an appeal
in transcript in the United States court
rcstorday in her case against the city of
Jinalia. She claims damages on account
of property injured by grading.
A centloman from Columbus , now in
this city , received yesterday u telegram
from Columbus , Informing him that
Stephen McAllister , of that citywas run
over and almost killed bv a runaway
team yesterday morning. It is doubtful
whether he will recover. The gentleman
n brother of State Senator McAllister.
Zina Smith , in the employ of the Trans-
fur company , jpst his pockctbook re
cently. It contained two annual passes
and ijlO. Yesterday he received an anony
mous letter , enclosing the two passes and
expressing the hope that ho would imd
opportunity to use them before their use
fulness expired. The writer neglected
to mention the $10.
Jas. S. Hagomann , a man who has been
drinking hard for the past few day , was
soul up to the county jail by Judge Stcn-
berg yesterday for ton days , for the pur
pose of getting the whisky out of him. E 1
even disturbers of the peace were ar-
aigned and four were fined. None of
them Had any money. Six girls who had
failed to leave "Rotten Kow" in accor-
mice witli the instructions of the marshal
were released. They promised to move
out at once.
Criminal Cases Continued.
The case acuinst Henry Mitteman ,
charged with the murder of Walter Dur
ham at Millard , and that against. William
White , policeman , charged with the kill
ing of Jacob Hinhardson , have been con
tinued until thoiMay term of the district
Thispowder nevervarie * . A marvel ol
purity.strength and wholesomeness. More
economic than the ordinary kinds and
cannot be sold in competition with the mul
titude of low test , short weight.alum or
phosphate powders. Sold only 'n cans.
Royal Baking Powder Co. . 106 Wall street ,
New York.
It lias grown from 400 ( o 40.000 popn'atloa In 19
vuars and li now growing flutter thnn or.
Invesiraantii In brick btocksjmy 10 to 20 per cent ,
liotshnro uToranod oror 100 per cent per annum
llnve for sulo brickiilocki , builneai lou , all kinds of
real oatnte. 1,2,6.10 and ) acre tracts , ( urns and
cbeuii InndJ ,
nKrKUKNCKS ; The First and Llncol N -P
banks. Uor. Thaier. Judge Coliti. Ren. a. M. 0
Illinoisand Uea. Bsn Unrrlion. Inrllanii.
Decker Brothers
Send stamp for spring and summer pro
grams , just issued. TJIOS. COOK & SON ,
mar3-2m 10 ( > Dearborn StChicago , III.
Architects ami Contractor * .
ThoIJIaok Hills Btono Quarries are now ready
to contract nnUihlp pure , even colori-U Brown
and White Sand titoue. Correspondence unu
orders solicited.
solicited.JOHN A.'Y.OUXO ,
Secretary Buffalo Gap Brown Stone Co. ,
iiulTulu tiup , Dak. .
a -
A' '
The large sales which followed our recent announcem"
through the press , of our immense line of Spring Overcoats
our popularly low prices , has so depleted our stock , ( some styl v
having been entirely closed out , and of others the sizes wer f >
entirely broken ) that we were compelled to duplicate our entii '
line ? which with an increased assortment is now again comple * tfl
Those who were in the habit of ordering their Spring Ovei
coats made bv merchant tailors , were deeply interested in 01 ;
$14,75 and $15.75 overcoats , of which we sold large quant'
ties. These garments are made up from vervgood English am
the verv best American fabrics , and the make-up of which wi ]
compare wiih such overcoats as merchant tailors ask from $3 ! *
to $40 for.
* \ !
We have also an immense line c f lower grade Soring Ovei
coats , one stvle of which we sell for $5.75 , is a marvel of ohea
ness and sold bv other dealers for
All goods are marked in plain figures and at strictlv -
price at the
Nebraska Clothing Com par <
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
1 he only Machine that will sew backwards
and forwards equally well , and the Lightest
Running Hewing Machine In existence.
Union Sewing MacMi4
Wo desire energetic and resitonslblcdealcrs
in Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Dakota and
Western Iowa.
Jfyou are looking for a cheap Machine , don't
answer this advertisement , but if you want to
handle the best Sewing Machine that money can
buy , address for particulars , '
209 N , 16th St. , Omaha , Neb ,
Mention Omaha lice.
13th St.Cor. Capitol
Chronic & Surgical Diseases
DR. iffcNIENAMY , . Proprietor.
RTitceu JCATS * Hospital aud PriraU ) 1'ractica
Wo have tha facilities , apparatus and rcmedlw
for the euc c sful treatment of every form of dls-
i aicrcnutrlni ; cither medical orsurglcnl treatment ,
f.Dil Invite nil to coriio and Itivutlgatof or thcrasclvoj
it correspond with us. Long experience In treat
ing esses br letter enables us to treat many cnaoi
iclentiflcally without seeing them.
WUITK TOH C1KCULAU on Deforraltlei and
nracci , Club Feet , CnrTaturrs of the Spine
OISEASIS or WOMHK , I'iles , Tumors , Cancers ,
Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation , Electricity , rural-
ytls , Epllcpiy , Kidney , ye , Kar , Skin , Blood and
all operations.
Untiorlci , Inhalers , Ttrirr * , Trasses , ani )
nil kinds of Medical and Surgical Appllauccs , mou
ufactnred and for rnle.
Tha only reliable medical IniUuto making
Private , Special % Nervous Diseases
from whaterercan > eproducedeucccisfully treated.
Wo c n remove Syphilitic polsoa from thosjeUm
without mercury.
Now rsitoratlre treatment for Ion of rltal power
Call and consult us or n nd came ami poit-oSUo
addrcii plainly written enclose stamp , aud we
will 'end you. In plftlu wanner , our
or , SYPHILIS , floxoimuuii , GLUT , Vmicocii ii ,
URINABT OMAXS , or send history of yourcaieior
au opinion ,
Persons anahla to visit us may be treated at their
homes , hr correspondence. Medicines and Instru
ments seat by null or express HKCUKEL.Y PACK
ED FROM OI1SBUVAT10.V , no marks to Indicate
content * or sender. One personal interview preferred
ferred If convenient. Fifty rooms for the accom
modation of patients. Board and attendant at
reasonable ) pilces. Address ll Letters to
Omaha Medical and Surgical inslitntn ,
Cor. 13thSt.
A lur o number of roi-ordoJ Pcrchcron nn *
lo Stallions. Also Homo llrrd Colts.
Every animul trunranteea brocdor. I'rlcvi
roasonnbleanJ term * easy. Ourtlock bR been
elected with rofcroncs to both Individual
merit mid podlpree. A Inrtro numbur of our
Stallions nre Bccilinatpd niiU Cells of their get
cnn bo shown. York Is on tboll. i 51. It. It. ,
two hours' rdo | wcit of Lincoln , tor cata-
' d further Informotlon ,
A magnificent display of everythj
useful and ornamental in the furniti'F
maker's art , at reasonable prices.
Dealers In
Paints , Oils , Glass and Varnis ! T ;
Painters' and Artists' Supplies. Plymouth | f
tage Colors ,
Heady for use in new and desirable shades. Vitality C ! tun-ante
11)8 ) Farnam Street , - - Omaha ,
The C. E. Mayne Real Estate and TruJt
Property of every description for sale in all parts of th cStf. Lands fOTiV
every county in Nebraska.
O/Tltlcs of Douglas county kept. Map of the city state or county , or any ot
information desired furnished free of charga upon application.
One Million Distributed Every
Only | 2.00 required to secure one Koyal Italian 10l > francs gold boml. Thete
participate in lour drawings ever/ year aril retain Hieir original
until the year 1011. Prizes of 2,000,003 , , 1,000,000 , rnO.OO ) , KO,0 X ) , &c. Iranci
drawn , besides the certainty of receiving back 10J francs In gold , you may win
Thf U H4 arc. RDa t'l. i ) best. Investment vvur offurcd , as the Invested money raugt bo n
when bond nmttiri 8. 8 mil for rlraul IM a lit will pay yon to il > . 01 fnutyiur \ cirde . j
or icirwtiiiwl letter , or poital notes , und In return wo will forward the uouumenM.
Itiitl.l.\ : U.\\IiI. < VOt 'JOS llro U\va > r , New York C
- N. JJ. These bond * arc not lottery ticheU , and their ale legally permitted in'
' '
; Sbylaw'ofl878c ;