Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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    jEffilHy * ' * * * * * * * " * ' 1 * * * * -8 * * : " " * * V n y > * p'wj [ tfjjjtft r & < fciy *
. , Allotments tinder this lioid. 10 tents per
| 6r the nr t lniortion,7 coots for each iub-
nt Insertion , nnd 11-50 a line per month
Vortlsimont taken for less than * wnW
first Insertion. Seven word * ill bo
lo the line : they must run tonsecu-
\ must bo paid In advance. All adver-
mtmt bo handed In before 1 : M o'clock
Id under no circumstances will theybe
"discontinued bytojophon * .
. advertising In thcsuiolumna nndhir *
Ringwcrs tuMrcMcd In care of Tn NIB
Vue ask for nchccV to enable them to get
tler * . as none will bo delivered except
ontatlon of check. All answers to ad-
t mentB should bo rnclosc-d In nnvclonoB.
_ _ _ _ _
00TO bO AN at e i > cr cent J. J. Ma
ny , 1C09 Farnnm. IZ1
EY TO LOAN On realestato and chat-
Mel * . O. L. Thomas. 123
0,000 to loan at 8 per cent , Harris &Samp.
' n , 1510 Douglag it C ° 8
In CENT Money. . _
U. Q. Patterson 15th a&a Harney. 123
TO I.OAN-0. P. Davis 4 Co..real
| estate and loan agents , IMS Partram st.
* NRY to loan on real estate and chattels
. Katt 4 Co. 1511 Farnatn Bt , ground "por.
.000 To loan on Omaha city property nt 6
'erceut O. W. Day , over 1313 o" 8t-
JNRT TO tANOn city ana farm prop-
erty.Iowiatos. Stewart 4 Co. , Hoom 3
i bank. 127
ONKY to loan , cash on delay.
I J. W. and E. L. Bqulre , 1413 Farnara st ,
\ > n hotel building. 120
INP.Y First mortirnge note * . The Douglas
Vounty bank will buy paport secured by
ortgaa * on city realty. 124
T5Y TO LOAN on improved real astato ;
io commission charged. Leavltt Hurn-
Itoom 1 Crolghton Block. 117
JENT Money to loan ,
ll land 8n6e S3 Block , aS H. h Bt.
_ WAN Money Loam placed on 1m-
broved real estate In city or county for
England Loan * Trust Co. , by Douglas
nty bank. 16th and Clilf ago ti. 128
to loan on Improved rlty property at
f8 per cent. Money on hand ; donothavo
\lt Have a complete got ot abstract books
nuglas county. I. N. Watson , abstractor
tig Heal Estate and Loan Co. . 820 H. IMn Bt.
JKMEY LOANED at C. P. Hood & Co.'s Loan
| - OOlco , on furniture , pianos , horscn.wagons ,
Oiial property of all kinds , and all other nr-
s of value- , without removal. 319 S.13th.
or Dlnpham s Commission storo. All busl-
i strictly confidential. 132
rOANB Loans Loanv
teal estate loans ,
Material loans.
ialtcl loans ,
bng time loans.
ort time loans ,
lonoy always on hand to oan on any ap-
ved security.
pTostmont securities bought and sold.
Vn&ha UnanclH Exchange , n. w. cor. 1Mb
Nrbett. Manager. " 9
lONBY TO LOAN bythonndorslirned.who
boa the only properly orranl/ici loiui
cr In Omaha. Loans of 110 to $100 made
hrnlture. pianosorgans , hortos , wagons ,
Blnery , Ac , without removal. No delays.
.Dullness strictly confidential. Loans so
Je that any part can bo paid at any Ime.oach
pment reducing the cost pro ruta. Advances
p on flno watches and diamonds. Persons
dd carefully consider who they are dealing
tai many now concerns are dally coming
Existence. Should you need money call
icoine. W. n. Croft , Hoom 4 Wthncll
illng 15th and Harney. 131
JADE OH SALE V7o haven flno stock of
Iry goods tor sale In one of tbo best towns
to state. Invoice about $ s,000. Reason for
pg that we are lu other business and do not
In the town. Will take part In trado.
[ Sc Fowler , 1523 Douglas St , Omnhn. 717 3
BALE The best paying business In
' al Invested : Is well established
business , will show books for
_ , . . _ . Ltno past two years. Inquire
T 0. Hollo-isle , 119 N. ICth at. , Crounse
ook. 712 31
JTY a Mnyfleld lot on West Cumlngs street ,
$50 down and $10 monthly. C. J.
B--Mont market , flno locutlon.cornor
pthand Lakosts. 687-3IJ
'SALE A half interest in a democratic
pwipapor In a domoorntlo county. A
. . .loalinun who Is also able to edit a paper.
preu H. B. Swing , Hartlngtou , Neb
_ . ; SALF. A clean stock of drugs , good lo-
Loatlon , Invoice $ UTO to $1EO' ) , part rash-
Ftlmo. Apply Immediately. L. P , Hum
t. Room ii 15J8 Dougloi Bt 606 31J
JIAHE CHANCE-For a gplondld Invcit-
i roent In a good paying hotel property ,
tlculars address W. A. Whitnev , Grand
63J3 *
rtE M1U Dairy. 26 cows , 3 horses ,
on , cam , &o ; cows all No 1 milkers ;
. . . .J gallons milk per dny. Call on E. S.
kr , at cattle yai'ds , Furay'B Barn Cumlng st.
uOO A u
> R 8ALB OR TRADE-Drug store In good
| own In Western Nobraaka ; stock and fix-
Tail now last fall : about $2.000. Will trade
Inlncumbered land or business property In
Itowu. Addrcjs Cox 561 , Kearney , Neb.
- 516 3IJ
.t 8ALK Drug store m a good and steadily
Irowlng Nebraska town of 1.000 Inhabit-
1 belt itore In the county , now doing a
Mass business ; invoice $3,000 ; good reason
Illng ; rare chance. Inquire at room 3 ,
pll block. 48-31
8Atl nL lneM. Jewolr ry oodt
I notions , K North lath roas-
pr lolling. Call and gee. & 23a3
JNTKD1 To find good , live business men
with stocks of goods to more to agrow-
rn wlioro'motipy can bo made , I will as-
ue right kind or people In building , oto.
ity good \ng \ bonus to any one that will
i canning factory , or. In fact , any kind of
ory that employs hands. Wo want a drug
| furniture store , grocery ftoro , a doctor ,
itlcaliialntor right away. For particulars
| illank of Valley , Valley , Nob. . orC. K.
f , Omaha , Neb. 434o23
. BALE (7.000 of general merchandise
[ and store furniture , clean , well assorted ;
take halfln good iinlncumbcredfarin land ,
nee In pay menu well accurud ; goodioaions
\ty.DK \ , Addresa Call Box 57 , Alma. Nob.
l SALE Or Trndo Geol paying hard-
lare business In ono of the bon countlei In
Block will Involco about Cl.OOO , Is good ,
, and well assorted. Will sell for cash or
part payment In good f firm land In wcst-
llowa or eastern Nebraska. Tor partlcu-
ttdUross X Q , Dee onico , Council Hluir * .
_ 24
1 SALE or Kxounngo-A now St hbl com
bination rail ) situated on Little lliuo
i neur Hebron. In Tlmy r county. Will ox-
b 4pr wild or improved Imida or live stock.
further particulars HOdrois J'irst Nattooa ll )
jr.HtIronNob. W9
IQALE Half Interest In ono of the best
paying drug stores In southwestern Iowa ,
" 1 required , $3,100. Address l > 40 , lleo of-
T.SN Ul1 Hay mare , 6 ynnrsold , white
JT | > t forehead branded U U. little wuito
lina-fi > ct. shod. August Bchnako. on
place. 7 miles N W of Omaha.
f ou my promise ! ) , 1513 Wohster , a gmal
Ck pony. 3 whlto feet , wluto f co. Wll
Tevd to bluheit bidder at constable salu
1'ctcrF. Todde.
- - of ducks , owner ca'n have
f oy calling at Wl Ixnvonwortli st. BaO 31J
PND-Oa the 25th ln t. , a package con
"Unlng two deeds and otoor papers
tTowelCo. . HIT Howard ts. 7B ( a3J
r-lletweor. MoSbano'ibarn and Planter *
as * , a pocketbook containing about * W
utents glreu for return to the iteootnce
693 SO *
ISK who wish to gee the well known Indli
iTIny"vUtvnlc ! < : "um' who llHt turiiei
h nWeblt'l.r reot. and will renmli
hundoy evening , coniult him on hoRltl
tinvM matters. CsS 50J
.3NAL-l > rlvBte home for ladles duririi
lanement , itrlctly confidential. Infant
< . addresi E 48 , Hae office.
f ntJlUNT-Cjarlvoyant from
? V.l.lffalr * or "f " URltc Bop rat <
. Itta it , room i 84bax's
Mr . Dr. Nnnnte V. Warren
PERSONAL . Mrdlcnl nmi business Mediuuj
Boom Na 8,121 North 16tu it .Omaha. Neb.
-\TOTICK to R R. Agents , lot 13 in Tuttlp's
1 > giib-dlvMon Is not m the market , .lohn
Stockmoyor. 0 1 *
CASH for socond-hnnd , furnlturo , carpets -
SPOT and stoves , at 117 N. 10th st.
? ! < ( ) liriLDEHS tfoulol bids will tie rccnlvod
.L Mntll April 15. 1M7 , by the Fiillorton Hotel
Aooclatlon for the erection of a brlolt hotel
4BxW with two stories and a tmsomont. Plnns
and specifications can bcoxammed ntthaLitl-
7on's1jnnk , Kullorton , Neb. _ 548 30J
fTTo pnrtle/i / having houses tor rent , Hentnl
X Agi-ncy. Honawa 4 Co , 15st . opposite post-
oftlco. Wo have turned O\CT to them our rental
list. Wo recommend them , McCagu * llros.
TSJOTICK To Contractors : Pealed iroposaU
1 > will be rocolvod until April 15,18S7. for the
erection of n atone church on Crclghton CollcKO
grounds , nnd also nn addition to the Sacred
Heart Academy , Park place. Plans and specifi
cations can be iaen at P. J. Creedon's architect
onico , 1415 Dodve st. The right Is reserved to
reject any and all bldn. P. J. CrooUon.
609 31
BLAKE'S 1'reraliira Short hand ,
nnd Typewriting Institute.
Thorough practical and
Hollablo instruction.
Write or apply to L. J. Blnko. principal ,
cor 10th nnd Capital ave , Omaha , Nob. 05-1 a29 *
nillB place whore they sMI furnlturoohoap
X for cash has boon removed from 14Irt Douglas -
las to 117 N. 16th St. 203 uH
/1E3S POOLS , sinks and vaults cleaned , oder-
V less process. K. Kl.cltf.t
HOSKNSfEfN has removed from
JOSKPH to " 09 N. lOtb st. , keopt always
a full stock of fresh and salt water fishes ,
oysters , puiae and poultry. Telephone 234.
Orders solicited. M4
M HH M. Oill.ENriCIlLAKOKIl--Graduated
mid wife , corner 23th and Cumin ? st , up
stairs. B72al4
DON'T be an oyster. Don't be swallowed
alive when you want to sell furniture ,
carpctror household goods , call at 117 N. 18th.
208 a8
FOK HKNT Organs , f 3 per month. Hotpe ,
1613 Douelai. 7)9 )
F I oil RENT Square Piano , $ t montnlv. A
HOID * . 1513 Douelaa. . WJ9
/ 1ASH advanced on diamonds and watches at
\J 117 N. 18th st. Orff&Co.'ai alS
TTtON'T bo aclatri. Don't pay two prices when
J- ' you can eo to 117 N. luth and buy f urnl
ttiro , stoves , 4c , at rock bottom prices
[ /UllbT-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th PL
0 ' 729
" \TONBY talk * when you want to buy turn !
I'l. ttire or vnpor stoves at 117 N. 16th , between
Dodee and Capitol ava. 20J alB
JF Ion want to buy or sell f umlturo , go to
. Forguson's , 715 N. ICth. 73"
T71OKKH NT Square Fiano $ J montaiy.
X ? Hobpo. 16131Knigiat. vanS
N EW Hoarding House , fine tables , clean and
pulatablo victuals. 1418 Chicago st 305
S 1TOHAGE First-class storage for nlco fur
niture or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodgo- .
TTIOH SALE-Frosh milk cow with calf. 1224
X ? Chicago street 704 Ij
FOK SALE Fresh milk cows and a lot of
cprlngors , corner 1th and Plorce or Hoddls
& Thrall's old packing house 723 2 *
IF I OR SAI.E-I.ot of household gooda cheap
for cash. Apply 421 South 10th Bt. 725 31
FOR SALE 1 span heivy horses , ago 4 and 7
years , 1 span light horses , pony and buggy
horse , cboap for cash. 27-T Cumlng. P. Oleson.
6S3 31J
FOR SALE Harbor chair , barber poles ,
mirrors , and a complnto outnt second
hand. Inquire Heaver Si Elgasser , northeast
corner 14th and Farnara. 651
T71OH SALE A new bake ovon.sliop and com-
X ; plctosotot tools nnd fixtures , In good loca
tion , at halt prlco It taken at once. Apply to L.
C. Knowold , 017 Virginia ave. 619 30
rOH SALE A ponyand double seated buggy.
Inquire 1113 Williams st. 001 30J
FOR SALE Second-hand elevator for livery
stable. Call at Koadstor's stable , S. 17tb ,
bet. Harney and St. Mary's ave. 671-30 *
SALE 2 million brick and upwards oo-
X ? Bides dally out put ot 30,000. Enquire
on promisee , cor Dorcas and 2nd Bts. Omaha
Brick and Terra Cotta Mfg. Co 6.W
7ANTED A flrst-clnsa watohraukor. C. L.
\v Erlckson * Co. . 213 N. 16th St. 715 30
WANTED A first class plumber , must come
well recommended , steady work for good
man , address Theo Huott & Sons , FremontNeb.
6Mi 31J
WANTED A thoroughly experienced retail
boot and shoo salesman. None other
cod apply. Address with reference H 68 lice
office. 721 1 *
ANTED A boy to do chores around the
house ; must know how to milk ; at N. W.
cor 21st and St. Mary's ave. 64331
Ton galvanlod Iron cornice
makers on now court bouse April 1st.
Apply to J. M. Carter , superintendent. Council
Hlutfs. 6293-
$100 A MONTH and expenses. Agents wanted.
$2 sample free. 88,000 sold in nine monthi.
Address Monarch Laundry Works , 83 Warren
Bt.N. Y. 691-3IJ
' \\rANTUD-Saleiman : 8n experienced man
traveling from Omaha Into Nubraska. Col
orado and Wyoming , who controls $3,000
trade per month , wishing eldo line of cigars
and tobacco , please address with references
and salary expected , Wlrtb , Dickie & Co. ,
Chicago. 703
W ; ANTED Coat and pant makers. Apply at
1118 N. 16th t 638 3
WANTED A cigar salesman to represent a
flrst-olass factory through Iowa. None
but those who can command a good trade and
furnish satisfactory reteronooa need apply.
Salary no object to right man. Address con 01-
prudence to Vorplaack Bros. , St , Paul , Minn.
WANTED Agenll to Introduce our now
booKg. American foots Just out Secure
your territory at once. Dig money In this , P.
F. Collier. Room 6. Redlch block. 478 81
WANTED 60 sober , intelligent men of good
address to try a lOo meal at Morris' rei.
taurant , 1048 16th st. 138
ANTED A smart , active man to take hold
of novelty Juhtout. $3 to $5 a day.
Northwestern Novelty Co. , 1207 Farnam it
W 'ANTED Flvo first-class advertising solic
itors ; only men capable of earning good
salaries need apply. AU. Ends Company .Room
20 , a 1- corner 13th and Dodge sts. Ci > 3
WANTED-Mentocutwood. T. Murray.
WANTED At once , good butcher. Apply
Burns llroB. . 1620 Howard at 687 3lj
WANTED Experienced dry goods travelling
siloman Imvlng an established trade In
the country tributary to Kansas City. State
nmauut of trade , territory covered , and how
long. Address , with reference , W. U. Grimes
Dry Goods Co. , Kansns City , Mo. 353
" \\rANTED-10 good cornice makers and 3
T > slate roof era. None but Orel class mm
need npply. Inquire nt Western cornice
works , .Vis and 510 S 12th at. Omaha. 607 1
W ANTED Man nnd wlfa to take charge of
a farm. Cbas t'hllj. ISO * Lcuvenworth
_ 522
A GENTS wanted for the llfs of Henry Ward
flleecherbyTbos. . W. Knox. An authen
tic and complete hidtoryof his life and work
from the cradle to the grave. Outsells all
others 10 to 1. The bnst and cboapcU and
splendidly Illustrated. Bells line wild lire. Ex ,
tra terms. Outfit tree. Now 18 the time. Address -
dross at once , 3. F. Juukin & Co. , Kansas City.
Mo. a'.9a5J
"WANTED Agents. Hran new novelties ,
> T snlos simply Immense , over 100,000 sold of
one article. J. R. Piigo & Co. , 120 Qulnoy St. ,
Chicago. 600 30
W ANTED Olrl to do gonernl housework ,
must be good cook. 1818 Webster. 443
T\7 ANTED An experienced dining-room
fi girl at Vienna Restaurant , 1617 Howard it ,
700 30
\VANTED-A good girl for general hoiue
f i work. Mrs. Kyani , 2117 Webster street.
701 1
\\rAN 1'ED-Sowlng- apprentice glrlg al
> T 713 South 25th Bt C94-30J
IT ANTEU-A girl at 623 South Utb.
714 3t
WANTED A competent girl for general
housework , must be good cook anil
laundress. Small family , good wages. Applj
115 South 24th tt near Dodge. 707 30J
W ANTED A girl for general bouiework ,
Apply 530 Colfax it. 710 & )
\ "ANTED-Glrl to wotk In kitchen at Doran
' Houir , 422 3.18th it. , no r St. Mary's ave.
_ _ 663
"fTfANTED A girl f or general housework In
IT family of thrua ; .wagoi $ I.UO for a'good
glrJ ; 171 ! . MtUHt. .
WANTED A girl for general housework.
1713 California. C5I
\\7"ANTED-Good competent girl for general
T T housework , N. W , cor 20th and Cumlng.
| ( US 31 _
WANTED-Immedlately first class girl for
general housonork , three In family , 114
N. 16th st. BM 3j
WANTED A girl for general house work.
Must know now to cook Family Of two.
$4 per week. C. L. Erlckson Sc Co. , 2U N 10th.
716 1
"WANTED A first-class Ironer nnd a shirt
* f polisher. King's Laundry , 16th mid How-
ard. 71331 *
WANTED Dro'Stnakor , ono who oan finish
waists perfectly ; no other need apply , at
Mrs.Hoy's,306 N. 16th gt Andcrson lllockrooms
1 and 2. 690 30J
WANTED-Good girl for general housework
In small family , must bo good cook nnd
laundress , tnqulro at C04 Virginia ave , C39 31
\\rANTED Cook and aocond Rlrl In private
' family of two. Address H. M. Allen. Amca ,
NOD. 729 3
W ANTED Head laundress at the Paiton
hoteL Apply to the hoUBCkooper. 724 2
fVANTED-Uu on-holo mokerg , 1113 Far-
Vnam. . 659 31'
vyANTKO Qlrl. 2713 Leavenworth. ceo
W ANTED-OIrl for general housework ,
ZlUi ) Farnam. 0 3
WANTED-dood woman pastry cook for
hotel ; Rood wages. Call Omaha Era-
iloymoot liuroau , 11V North Ifith stroot.
678 31
WAN1KU-40roodKlrls | for general house
work , hotel , restniirnnt | ctc- Call Omaha
Employment IlursBU , 119 North IKtb rt.Croiinso
slock' 677 31
W ANTED An experienced nurse ; call at
Mrs. Frank E. Mooro'3,713 South 18th.
IMNTKD-A girl for general housework In
small family. 1908 Farnam st 596 30
PANTEO-Glrl for general housework , 1917
Cass st 4.VI
ANTED Olrl for housework , 1S)5 Fnrnam.
62S30 *
WANTED-Good girls at Commercial hotel ,
corner nth and Loavonworth ; good
wages. Inquire between It and 3p. m.
\/ANTED-2 / mlddlo-ngod Indies to assist In
' the care of children , may go east for the
ummor. Apply Mead & Jamlcson. 318 S 15th
st. 597
W ANTED At once , phno player , colored
woman proft-rred. Apply 1123. Pth. 343.
WANTED Ladles to work for us at their
own homes ; $7 to 10 per week can be
quietly made ; no photo-painting , no canvoia-
Ing. For full particulars please address at
once Crescent Art Co. , 19 Central st , Boston ,
Muss. , Hex 6170. 902
1T ANTED Good cook and Laundress. 203 N.
> 18th It M9
WANTED Hy competent man , small Bfct ot
books to wrlto up at night. Good refer
encos. II70 , Bee onico. 71 ? 31 *
T\7"ANTED Situation by boy 16 years of ago ,
TT of good common school education ; any
respectable position with opportunity of ad
vancement , Address W. S. , 703 N. 16th street.
WANTED Situation by a young reliable
Gorman In mi office where he has an op
portunity to perfect himself In the English
language , Address H 61 , llco office.
W Situation In office by young lady
who has had 3 yoara experience. Address
H53 , , Bee office. 720 2 *
WANTED Situation to run stationary on-
glno. For reference. Sec , call at Sturgeon
ft Williamson's storo. 2723 Farnam , or uddrois
Frank Webb , L'723 Farnam st 670 30
WANTED-Sltuatlon as chambermaid or
second girl In family , can do general
housework except cooking. Address H 54 Bee
ofllco. 612 lj
TlfANTED Situation iu bookkeeper or clerk.
Over twenty years experience ; best refer
ences ; bonds. Address H 57. Boo office. 631 2 *
WANTED Situation as brick or tile burner ,
20 years experience , up nnd down draft ,
good references. Address II 53 Bee office.
WANTKD Situation ; Kansas or Nebraska
by thorough bookkeeper ; also writes short
hand. Cash bond given. References exchanged.
N. Schulze,603 W. Madisonst. , Chicago , IIL
WANTED House of 6 or 7 rooms , centrally
located , by April 15. Hoforcnces. Address
C. V. Northrop it Co. , 1217 Jones St. , Omaha.
TIT ANTED To buy furniture and care of 5 to
TV 8-room fiat , in good locality for ro-
rentlng. Must bo n bargain for spot cash. Address -
dross , with particulars , H 71 , Uoo office. 703
" 1ITANTED All persons to know I glvo In-
IT structlons In book-keeping , day and
evening , to meet demand for competent book
keepers. J. B. Smith , 1613 Chicago st. 700 3J
MONEY WANTED-$500 to S-5,000. for the use
of which for six months 1 will pay two per
cent per month In advauco and give good se
curity In double the amount loaned , address
H 07 , Bee offico. cys
TXTANTED A second-hand low seated bupgy
T T top , lad'ys phaeton , in good condition.
Apply at 1318 Douglas gt 7.283
WANTED Law library. Send full partlcu
lurs to W. S. D. , Lock box 6 , Lyons. Neb.
703 1
WANTED-Full-bloodod Newfoundland dog ;
must bo young und good watcher. Ad
dress or call 2436 fbarlos street. C. W. Mo-
Vickor. 675 31
WANTED A newspaper , paying circulation
guaranteed from the start , for particu
lars address Bank of Valley , Valley , Neb.
WANTKD Immediately , two unfurnished
rooms for light housekeeping , centrally
located. Will buy or lease housekeeping furni
ture of two rooms If location bo favorable. H
68 , Hoe office. c& > 30 *
V\7 ANTED To buy for cash old bouses to bo
TT romovodfrom their present sites. Apply
to C. H. Dodge , 017 South IJtb st t 649
WANTED To Buy , house 5 to 8 rooms , lull
lot ; state prloo , terms and location. Address -
dress H5o. Buo office. U)7 Jlj
W'ANTED Gentleman and wife want room
knd board In private family. Central loca-
tlon. References. H HI , Bee office. 632 3 } *
\17ANTED-ln a qulot family 07 gpmloman
TT andslitorsingle ( ) nicely turntshod rooms
suitable for light housekooplngsterms must bo
moderate. Address H 52 Bee office * 684 CO *
Ty/ANTHD Furnished room within reason-
T T able distance of postoffico , for single gen-
tlemnn. State terms and location. Address H
40 , lleo office. k 4G3
TITANTED-I hove purchasers for ten four.
V T five and six room cottages , to be removed
from their present sites. Owners of such prop
erty wishing to sell will call at once. Wallajcei
Crelghton block. 473 31 ,
Tf/ANIED-Teams , 303 S. llth t
TT 189 ,
FOR HENT fl-roomcd house , furnished. 1113
South 9th. _ 6XM ]
T710R RENT Largo corner store suitable for
X.1 grocery , dry goods , hardware or drug storo.
Head of St. Mary's avo. L. C , Enowold. 617
Virglnjaaye. 00131
_ _
TTIOTTHENT Flat of 6 furnished roomi , f ur-
' nit ure for sale. Rent of 3 rooms pays en
_ _ _
F ° R HENT Large Btoro , suitable for drug
Btoro ordry goods storo. Apply 20tb aud
Grant streets. North Omaha. . 68.S-1 *
FOK HENT Good burn sultnblo for four
horses. Apply at 617 S 13th at. _ 693
TflOK HENT Hutchcr shop with fixtures com-
XJ plcte. Apply 20th and Grant streets ,
North Omaha. 670-1 *
C10H RENT-'i ot 8 room house with close
-J cloeets , Ac , , up stairs , suitable for small
family , w cor 17th and Dorcas. Call on
premises. 256
"C10H HENT 4 now cottaifoi on Calif ornla
XJ uiid'JJth strcot , near Cumin ? street curt.
Rent $ -5 per month. Apply to Kaufman Ilros. ,
07 S. 15th St 5JJ
RUNT Ilrlck yards , T. Murray.
FOIt HENT bO ucres of ground. Improved.
North of the city 3 miles. H. C , Patterson ,
15th and Harnoy. _ 273
T7VH HENT The leading hotel In a tlourlsh
XJ ing railroad town In central Nebraska , 2j
rooms , newly furnished throughout und doing
a good business. Rent$80-per month. Bon-
awa it Co. , 15th It , opposite poitoffice. Omaha ,
Neb _ C43 30
tH > H HENT Stable , Capitol ave and Vth. En
quire room 6. Arlington block. 743
FOR HENT K of a large office well located ,
Inquire of Swan ft Co. ,1531 Dodge st
_ 751
HKNT Furnuhod sleeping rooms and
furnished and unfurnished roomi for
tight housekeeping. Inquire b09 Howard at.
l OK HKNT A nloely front furnlshod room ,
XJ with bed room. 613 North 16th street
FOR Rr.NT-Handsomrly furnished rooms ,
modern convenience ? . 3m N , 15th st
3 MtJIj
HUNT Furnished rooril , 1810 Dodat.
jP 58Jtti7
JH HBNT Kloeontly furnished front room
suitable for two gentlemen or gentleman
and wife. Apply 1718 Dodge > t. 7.J7
FOH RENT Desk room for real estate ;
splendid location , Address H < V > . lleo
office 89J 31
FOR RENT Flno bnslncssrQom on good t ,
cheap , Ilxtures for snlo , iwlross ono week ,
G 28 llco offico. \J 704 30
FOH KENT- Two furnl hed rooms for house
keeping ; furniture for aato. 1012 Jackson
st. JT 058-1 ]
T710U RENT Largo furnlsm-d front room ,
XJ gultubto ( or two ; bath. 2205 Farnam.C.V
C.V )
TOOH KENT Nicely furnished rooms , bnth
XJ and modern conveniences , prices reasonable -
able , 401 N. 15th st. U3 > Ujj
F 1011 RENT-Furnlshed rooms , N.W. cor 21st
and St. Mary's avo. 044 31
F I Oil RENT Furnished front room and
board , 6J1 Pleasant. 057 3 *
OH RENT Front parlor nnd alcove , fur-
F olsbod ; good boarcj. 2331 St. Mary's avo.
T710R RENT Hoard and room 15 per week ,
XJ 019 north 18th street. 694 8 *
F I OH HKNT A nice furnished room for ono
or two gonti at KSS North 19th st. 074 31
T.1OK KENT Nicely furnished front bay win-
X1 dow room , now house , bath ims. etc , to on *
r two young men , apply 260 : ) Douglas strcot.
622 UO
flOH KENT A nowiy furnished front room ,
with closet and bat a. 501 South 2uth st.
DfOR HENT-Furnlshod rooms , 712 N. IWth st
P 628 1J
; R HBNT Two furnished rooms , at 1916
Farnam it. 141
TJ1OK HKNT- Elegantly furnished rooms. All
X : modord conveniences on paved street and
itrcot oar line. No finer location In city. Call
it mv odlco. L. P. Hammond , room 3. 152. !
Douglas st. C30
TilOK HBNT-Furnished rooms , 714 N. 10th
JC r.-9-a !
FOH HKNT Elegant furnlstied rooms ; all
modern conveniences on paved street and
troet car line. No finer location In city. Call
at my onico. L. P. Hammond , room 8 , 1521
Douglas st. 619
rOH HENT-Store room and No. 110 N. 14th
St. baioment. 388
TjlOH HENT Nicely furnished rooms at roa-
X ? Ronablo rates , ono clock from court house ,
606 So 18th st , north St , Mary's ave , up etalri.
WANTED To rent 7 or H room house , not
over 15 blocks from postoOlco. Enquire
at Hennlson Dros. 3
T71OH KENT-Ollices In Hollmnn uulldlngcur.
X ; Farnom and tilth sU.ln suites or singly.
For prices , diagrams and Information apply to
8.A. Sloman , 1512 Farnam st , Room 2.
HENT-Nlcoly furnished front room 3
blockslouth ot the Opera HousoM15 Jones.
JF. HAMMOND , Heal Fstatn , 117 S. 10th St. ,
First Door North of Douglas.
Hoibach's2nd , lot 30x140 , 2-story 0-room
house $ 5,300
Credit Fonclor , lot 60x182 , 1-story house
22x42 3,500
California and 13th , 2 lots , 4 houses rent
ing for $14r. per month 20,000
Isaac's add , Howard St. , 2 lots , corner , $40
to $50 per Iront foot
Isaac's add. , Howard St. , 4-iopm house ,
1' ; stories .IP. 4,000
Farnam and 28th 3 lots , 2 cotfigo houses ,
M c.i3h IB. 25,000
24th near Howard , lot 48x142) ) iVroom cottage -
tago 0,500
ith near Dorcas , lot 60x138 , 2 houses ,
each 3 and 5 rooms - , 4,000
Wnlnut Hill,2 lots 100x159 , 5-fKm houso. 3.500
MolroEoHill.21ot9EOxl24..E.50and ' ! 760
Lindsay's odd. , between 32ndnd | 33d , flno
lot , Franklin Bt H 1,350
CUNNINGHAM'S ADD-l,8fcfolotsHnd every
ono has trackage. They are cheap now ,
and will command fancy prices soon.
Gregory St Hmlloy ,
Hooms 1 and3 , Rudlck'i lllk , 320 S. 15th st.
I 4 * J
VTELSON'S ADD-Lot 62Kxl25 , with 2 houses.
i- > ono 11-room , the other 7-room , total rent
$613peryoar , all for $0,000. S2.4Moft8li.bM t.
2.3 4 and5 years. Notice the ousy terms unit
that rent pays over 10 per cent on Investment.
Oreirory & Hadloy ,
Itooms 1 and 3 , liodick blk , 320 South 15th st.
BARGAINS In isido property.
3 very clioloo corners on Farnam east of
20th street nt figures which will net purchasers
n big profit In n very short time.
Choice oornor 133 ft front on Dodge Bt $18,000.
Choice corner on 18th and Jackson.
Corner on 16th and Jones very desirable and
44 ft on Harney st between 14th and 15th. a
cholco piece of buslnoel property In which
there Is big money.
68 feet on 15th st nesrLoavcnworth. $10,500.
Corner St. Mary's nvo and Jackson st. well
improved , prtco $27,000.
Entire block In Credit Fonclor add. partly im
proved , trackage on two sides , flno location for
largo manufacturing plant , $24,000. Take It before -
fore the prlco raises.
Wo also Imvo a choice list of bargains In resi
dence property In all parts of tbo city and in
South Omaha Call and look over our list be
fore purchasing. Wright & Lasbury. Under
PnUon Hotel. B24 80
FOR SALE Neat 6 room cottage , 200' ) Grace
st Easy terms ; cheap , or will oxchaniio
f or more valuable property. J. M. Davis , 320
N. 16th8t. _ 583-2
FOR SALE 100 feet front , corner on Farnam
it , $12.000 ; specialenaplu this ; half cash.
J. L. Kice&Co. 4W !
F I OH SALB-Lot 5 , block 79. South Omaha ,
$2,700 ; $1,600 cash. J. L. Hlce A Co. 497
TTlon SALE 80 feet front on Satindora st , with
X ? Improvements worth $1.600 at 17,500.
Positive bargain. J. L. Rice it Co. 498
TELEPHONE 418 for J. L. Rice & Co. , rent es
tate broker * . 475
"jmoil BALE-South front lot In Washington
Xj Squarn add , $3,000 , worth $ .1,500 ; must go ,
J. L. Hlce 4 Co , solo agents. 498
, F I ARNAM ST. acreage , 10 acres , $1,800 per
acre. Rush & Solby , 1809 Farnam. 605
FOR SALE-Largo lot near cars , small pay
ments , $450 , Inquire 401 N. 15th gt fl.4 30j
TJIOH SALE OR THADK-Tfe own several
X ? thousand acres of choice South Dakota
farming land which we will sell or trade for
Omaha property. Wo want to sell and offer our
land at bottom prices. Wright It Laibury. cot
under Paxton hotel "
FOSTER'S ADD'N-Cormer on 22d 8ttt ) ,
for $4,400. Easy terms.
Gregory & Hadley.
mELEPHONE413forJ , L. Ifiooi
X. tate brokers. 4'
iiuu SALE-N y lot 6 blk 198U ; , $ . > . .riuu . with
improvements. Half cash. J , L. Hlco d : Co.
T71OR SALE 143 foct front on Farnam st.ln-
sldo $2CO per foot J. L. Rice & Co. C97
FOR SALE IxjtO block C8 South Omaha , only
$2.000 this wo consider as a special bargain.
Lots II and 7 block 8 , let add Jfl South Omaha.
$ aoO for both. Some very iBo lots Orchard
Hill , $750 to $1,000. Thcbe tfljiay you to buy.
Park & Fowler , 1523 DouglasW 718 3
WAREHOUSE or buslnoaVroporty in block
158 , $4,500 , easy terms.Jr "
Restaurant and lot 22xl3JHfor sale , 5 roomi ,
good paying business , in Wclklng Water , t"Wi ,
terms easy.
Lot 19 in AnlsQcld. $ ? 50.
House 40x138,6 rooms audfjpt 'on Douglas Bt ,
for sale. $5IOJ. W
Gibson , Ayleawortr&BcnJamln ,
705 JZ 1512 Fqriiam.
ACUANCE for Investment * . .
Gibson , AyleswortlM Benjamin ,
Jr ? lsia t'1 "am st.
1 lot in Imp. Ass'n , 47x111 , Wtib 2 small
houses .Ui $ 3,000
1 lot in Hawthorne , 43x109 , $ > r. SJd ana
Davenport , wltliti room uojise.cistern ,
well , etc , very oaiy termi.r. 3,5V ) 1
llotlnHlll Ide2d add „ „ . . 1.80)
1 lot In Hoclford Place. 60x1237 73J
llotinllltohcosk'slitadd. 50x125 7i
1 let in Lowo'a Istadd,60xl20wlth bouso 1,750
lii lots In Shlnn'i lit add , 75xini ! , Cald
well Bt 8,700
1 lot in Hodlck'8 add , S2xl22 , Half How
ard st 3,309
Slots in West Side,50x129 , barn and fruit
trees r 2,100
5-roora house and lot N. 17th st , good
wetland cistern 6,600
KounUo 4th add , lot 8 , block 6 six room
house , well , cljtcrn barn , tc 4,000
Hlmebaugh & Patterson sub-lot 16 , block
2.controct 650
120 ft on St Mary's ave , with 3 0-rooin
houses , gas and water , will subdivide. 31Wn
40 ft on St. Mary's ave bet. 19th and 2Jth l..OOQ
Choice lot In Omaha View 000
132 ft on IDtn st. near Farnam 70,0)0 )
2 lots. 60x27. Lowe's add. 4-room house ,
collar , well and 63-foot barn , price , .8'MO (
TT1OR 8ALE-8cholco lota In Hillside No. 1 ,
XJ K,500oucbor H.JOO for both. J. L. Rico i
Co. 69T
/ 1HUHCH bulldlnif.'S-ixlS , for lulo very cheap.
\J luitable for store building pr for mission
church. In fine repair , month or llx weeks to
eve It. John Oala ) ; li r , 8S7 South 13th it
1 . , ' , ' 509 t
r H 8ALt-4 : flno lots In A. S. Patrick's a.U . ,
$1 ,300 caolt. J . L , Hlco Sc Co. , solo agents.
rpoR SALi-S : W cor luth ami Fnrnam , W feet
XJ front on I'limam with Improvements ,
$50.0i , Islcnsli. J. L. Rico ACo. . . agents. 4M
-1 0 AL'Hha 4 miles west oi P O. for silo , f 4.V )
X per acre. D. 0 , Patterson , Omaha Na-
llonnl bank. 2O
1/1OH SALK 100 feet front , corner on Farnam
X1 Bt . $12tr ) : special sunp In this ; halt cush.
_ _ _
ijlAHNAM ST. aero-lite. U ) acres , $ ! , * per
XJ aero. _ Hush & Solby , 1609 Fnrnam. _ 50 ; _
FlIKLKPHONK 413 forJ. L. Hlco Jk Co , , real os-
X tate brokers. 475
JOHN GALI.AlHUH-317 ( outhlJtb street
Sotun Omaha , "a lnap" . . . . $ 850
Hawo'fl addition 1.1V )
Du pant Place 1,003
Fairmont. $800 to 1.85J
Hanscnm Placcl,000to. . . . 3,000
Bakur Place , $ 'k)0 ' ) to 6.V >
? oino line lots In Plalnvlcw. Rustln's addi
tion , OmnhaVlow , and other additions.
Houses and Lots-
Hurt street near 20 lot 66x133 , house 13
rooms , barn , oto $9,500
Lot 57x133 , house 12 rooms , barns , oto 8,100
Kasy terms on both.
) naha View lot 60 foot south front , house
with Improvements , cost $1,100 , all for. . 1,703
Vorvoosy terms ,
louse and lot on < d near California at a
bargain , better call and see about It
lousoandlot , Sunnysldo. , li5W
louses to soil on small payments , balance
monthly 1.530
It will pay you to examine our list ot builncsi
Borne of the finest aero property at bottom
rlco. 15J-31
FAa UN"AM ST. acroauo , 10 acroi , IIBOO per
aero. Hush * Solby. 180 ! ) Farnaro. 605
FOH SAIK-Oornorlot.2ithanil I.nko streets ,
13S fsuton st. fronting on two streets ,
2.HOO ; M cash. J. L Illce & CO. 196
TpOH SALE-South front lot In Washington
J ? Bquaro add , 81.00) , worth 13,500 ; must RO ,
. L. Hlcn 4 Co , sole at tuts , 498
rpELKl'HONE 418 lor J. L. Hlco & Co..real el
X tate brokers. 47)
Illocksl7to32thobe4tpartof Howling Qroen.
The cheapest property on the market.
H mlle from ( icnson car Una.
C-auro lota per acre (500.
Si ! aero lo'g per acre $500.
Aero lots fOOJ.
1,01860x127 on Hamilton street 1175 to $3T > for
. ,
Full commission to agents. Got plats.
Marshall it Lohook ,
No. 153 ? I'arimm.
Telephone 73. _ 104
TjlOHSALE Corner on 3lt and Cumlngst. ,
X ? 48x150 , pavodln Iront , $4,000. J. L. Klco&
Co. , sole agents. 4d9
. & CO.-1404 Karnam street.
Hoom 15 , dealers In real ostuto and west
ern land. Houses built to suit purchasers on
monthly payment. 831-aU
FOH SALK > foct fronton FDrnain St. , bet.
22d nnd 23d , with JB.IWO worth of I in pro vo-
menU thrown lu , f 15,000 , H cash. J. L. Hlce It
Co. 497
F AHN'AM ST. aoreago , 10 acres , $1,800 per
acre. Rush & Solby , 1009 1'arncuu. 60S
FOR HALE Corner on 31st and Ciimmg at ,
48x159 , paved in front , $1,000. J. L. Rico
Co. , lolo agonti. 49t )
T71OR SALE On easy terms , some cholco lots
X ? in Walnut Hill , all near Walnut Hill post
office. P. A. Gavin , Sole Agent , Room n.HedlcU
Block. 181 ! il
TF you are ehnrp you will Invcttlgate these ;
X Vex 131 cornnr Davenport and U-'d ave
In Morsman Park , 1-3 cash $ 6,503
45x131 near corner In Morainan Park , 1-3
cash 2.750
Lots 19 and 20 In block 2 , Drake's 8,000
Lot 2 in block 49 , i { cash 5,000
South-west corner Caldwell and Pier. . . . .1.5(0 (
IWxUiOonSt. Mary's avp 20,000
Middle 1-3 lot 1 , block 349 , witn nlno room
bouse , modern improvements , ii cash 7,000
57 S-4xl2p > Yi corner with cottage in rear
on Farnam , $ J,000 cash , balance easy H. . 11,000
Lot 6 In 18 , Isftiio and Solden's add
Lot 7 In block 310 , with two houses that
rent for $ ffl month , Vt cash 10,090
Lot 1 and2 In block" IUncomPlace for 5/iOO
Lot 18 block 16 , Hanscom Place 2,5V )
Lot 17 , block 1 . Hanscom Place 2 , < > r > 0
Lot 14 , block U , Hanscom Place 2,550
Lot7 , nlockZ. Hunscom Place 2r > 50
Lot 13 , block 3 , J. I. Hedlok's add ! t,750
Lot 14 , block : ) . J. I Hedlck'8 add 3,750
UoorgoM. Cooper , Hoom 3 , Arlington Hlk.
10 ACHES 4 miles west of P O , for sale , (000
. per aero. D. C. Patterson , Omaha Na
tional banK. 280
SALE H flno residence lots In Glso's
odd. , opposite Kountzo's Place. $1.000
each ; just on the market. J. L. Hico&Co.sote
agents , 498
T71OH SALE Desirable residence property enL
-L Capitol Hill. Iuqulro22. 2 Davenport st.
FOH SALE 7 lots In Institute Placo$500 each
for the bunch , or will exchange for bouse
and lot. J. L. it Co. sole
aiiii uji tit xji Rico n.jjif DUIO agents 4C7
1ST your property with ua If you want it
gold , for we moan business , Pierce &
Rogers , Room 5 Arlington Hlk. B'a
mwo of the best lota In Dowllntr Green have
J- been put Into my hands to soil. They are
very cheap. The owner needs dome r.iouoy
badly. John Gallagher , 317 South 13th st.
820 2
1511 Farnam st.
140 foot on Plorcoby U3ou 10th st. with 8
128 foot 6iimro fronting on three streets.
Full fet north of Curnlnc on 27th st , with
room house.S-I.HOO.
Cornur Douglas and 12th st , and 25 foot front
on 12th M , $35,000.
150 foot trent on 17th and 18th st , oacb , with 5
houses , $20,000.
6 ncrn tract In Tuttlo's lubdlvlsion with 6-room
house , $6noa
3 choice lots In Walnut Hill , $1,030 oacb.
Lot on Dodgebet 27th and 23tb , 5-roomhouse ,
40 foot front on 10th Bt , south ot viaduct ,
15,00 a.
45X127 on South 13th st , $3,500.
Lot on Farnam , nenr 40th st , $1,000.
Cholco residence lot m Summit Place. $3,500.
136x13. ; , corner 31st and Farnam , $17.00J.
Cornor25thand Capitol avenuo. $6,003 ,
60 foot on Douglas , with 210-room house ] , all
modern Improvements , $12,500.
2 lots on Hamilton street , $2,300.
68x300 , fronting on Cumlng and Burt streets , 5
houses , $15.000.
5H root front on Farnara. with two stores
nnd a residence ; brings 12 per cent on invest
31x133 , C ss st. between 14th and 15th , with V
room bouse , $4,200.
Full lot , 2Utst south of Loavenworth.-room
house , barn and all modern Improve menti ,
$4JWa '
Corner , Burt and 18th st , with 0-room house ,
$5.21)3. )
lu all additions cheap.
TJ. Kutz & Co. , 1511 Farnara.
ILB-South front lot in Washington
nnro add.tJ.OOO , worth. 13,500 ; must go.
liloe & Co , solo agonts. 490
'OU SALE Orexchangd for Omalm prop
, crtj-J 10 acres of choice land 12 miles from
Omaha , now house , barn , frronnfry , well , etc. ,
3 mile * frotn railroad depot , address 1100 , Uoo
office. _ _ _ 1 _ . " B30 3J
SIIAW& CO.T 510 S , 16th st. offer for sale for
J2.100 a cor on 20th st , 44 toot front on 20th.
$1,700 , a full lot in Hanscom Place.
$4.000 a house and half n lot on St. Mary's
$1,200. a few lots on west Coavonworlh.
t'.XM n 22-foot lot on west Lnuvtmworth.
81.000 , a lot In Orchard Hill.
$3.000 largo lot and house In Ludwlg Place.
$350 , a lot In Washington Hill.
$450 , a lot In Albright's Annex.
$ 1,000 , 100x125 feet on corner In Kllby Plnco.
$1,200 , nhouee and lot on south 18th street
No excitement lu our ofllco. Conie up and
see us. GVI p
I1AHHET * CO , 314 S 15th st , have a
great bargain in Hawo's Audition on Bristol
tel street. 678 30
mELEI'HONE 418 for J. L. Hlco &Co. , roul es
X. tate brokers. 415
OH SALIi-4 Qno lots In A. 8. Patrick's add. ,
$1,300 each. J. L. Rice & Co. , ttolo agents.
1 0 ACHES 4 mlli-s west of P O , for snlo. $800
X per nuro. D. C , Patterson , Omaha Na-
tlonalbank. g0-
FOH SALE-100 foot front , corner on Farnsm
gtl)00 ( ) ; gpoclal snap in tula ; halt cash.
J. L. Hlco it Co. i ! 6
DO you want anything bettor than this ? 83ft
east front on lkl near C&i ) , t..SJO. John
Galaghcr,317ll3th. 4TI 30
OH SALE-N. B. cor 2Dth and Frtroam gts ,
60x132. $31,000. ono-third cash. J. L. Hlce &
Co. . agents. 4'j8
SOUTH Omaha Park and Hammond Placets
Inside South Omnha property. Theo Olcjn
or Jas Vore , owners. 314 S 15th st , 2d Door be
tween Farnam andHarnoy. 2j4 a 1
> 1G BAHOAIN-Ono hundred feet front on
South Eleventh st , corner lot , only $5.003.
Part on time. V. L. Vodlcka , 5-'J South 13th it
| ' 834
T7IOR SALE-aood Nebraska farm. H. M. ,
X ? Canflold houso. Omaha. * I72J
"in IIAHKBTT Je CO.314 S. 15lh .t.suooesiorl
X. to Ennwold Ac ilarrntt can Hell you a full lot
with now house , in PJalnvlew for $1,503.
' C78 30
fjlAKNAM ST. acreage , 10 aorei , $1,800 per
X ? acre. Rush & Stlby , iGOtf l' roiuu , W4 .
FOR SALK -N. R , cor Iflth nnd Tarnatn st < ,
65il32. $3I000 | , ono-thlrtl cash. J. L. Hlco ft
Co. , agonts. 490
OHN OALLAGHHH , 317 South 13th st. Aero
property , lots all parts of the oltv. Cholco
lotslh Hnnscora I'lnoo. House. V rooms , lot
, location unsurpassed , $5.2JO.
FAHNAM ST. acronno. ID acres , $1,900
aero. Hush A Selby , 1(09 Farnam. G
SALE 8 fine rcsldonco lots In Hio's
adJ , opposite KounUo's Plnco , $1I"X )
each ; just on the market J. L. Hlco A : Co. ,
solo agents. _ 4M
lOacrost miles we'll' . O , at . $ 600
10-4 " S. W. " . 5 l
5 " 3H " " " . W > J
5 " ! 1'4 " " " . 5W
fO lots 3 " " P.O. from $150 to. . . KA
8 Lincoln place " $ tl'iO to. . . 7 > 0
6 " 29tli and Hurt " f 1,800 to. . 2OdO
4 " 29th and Webster " $1,000 to. . 1MX )
1 " 2Sih and California . S,0
t " Hblnn's 1st. ekcti . 1.0CM
2 " Hunletto Court , each . 4VI
44 feet on Jackson , near 10th. . . . 10,000
Cor lot and A room house , city water and
gas , 1 mlle from P.O . 3.0X )
CO feet , ICth st , near viaduct . 5,500
D. C. Patterson Omaha Nat Bank bld'g.
rilBLKPHONK 413 for J. L. Hlco X Co. , real os-
X. tate brokers. 475
1710H SALE-Corner on 31st nnd Cumlngst ,
X3 48x150 , pared in front , $1,000. J. L. Hlco Jr
Co. , solo agents. 498
FORSALE 3 beauttfnl lots fronting on Sher
man avenue , phved st , city water , sewer
nd gas ; choice reildonce property , $8,500. J.
L. Hlce * Co. 497
H AWE'S ADD1TION-50 ft lot with house ,
$1,250. Frank Uarrott & Co , successors to
KniwolJ & Barret 078 30
S A. SLOMAN , Heal Estate Uroker ,
1513 Farnam Street.
Farnam itreot , cor. 18th , 63x133 , H cash.t BO.TOO
Farnamat , near 14th , 2JxlU , improved. , as.000
Farnam it , near 18th,44H3 ! , Improved. . S2.000
Farnam it , nenr20th ixlS2 , very cbnap. 7,000
Farnam St. , near 2Jtb,116xxl > 3 . 85,000
Farnam st , cor.Slit St. 136x132 , south
and east front . 17,000
Earnam st. cor. 40th , B5xt32 , 8 and e front 0,000
Karnam it cor. 41st , 48x133. s and o front 3.600
Harney st near 20th , 174x170. Improved. . 85.000
Harney it. Hedlck'sGrore , 41x133 . 1.6UO
Douglas st near Uth , 44xl , < 2 , Improved. . 85.000
Douglaistnoar 1,1th. 22xUJ , M Interest. ti,500
Douglas st. near M , MxKB . 8.0(10
Dodge st. near 23th. 50xl52i { . 2.8UO
Dodge st. near 28th , 40x127 , Improved. . . 8,000
Jackson Bt. near 15th , 6txlJ3 ) , Improved. 10,000
.lonesst.oor.15th , ( Mxt'n . 24.00J
Loavenworth Bt cor. 21st , 132x111 , Im
proved . 18,500
Leavenworth st. cor. 25th , 140x142 , lin-
orovod . . . 25,000
16th st.opp , M. P. and Bolt Line depot.
61x112 . . . . .
14th st trackage. Paddook place , 08x113.
Park ave. opp. park. 60x150 . ; . . . . 1-JOO
Georgia ave. near Mt. Pleasant. 50x160. . S.WJ
20th st , near Dorcas , lOOxliK ) , Improved. . 4VW
BOthst near Douglas. ajxtH , Imoroved. . . < WJ
15th8t.oor.Martha,68xlJiimproved. . 4WW
Wth at. oor. Seward , 03x120 , 3 houses. . . . 4.60) )
I'lorco near 20th , ft ) foot front , 2 streets. W >
Hamilton st near Holt line , Improved. . . 1.500
35th St. , near Davenport. 100x138 . 2HX :
Seward , near : > 5tb , 60x157 . 1.15J
10th st near Castollar. n.i foct front. . . . 4.MX )
8th at , near Martha , 51x151. corner. . . . 1,103 *
Uurdcttest , near 20th , 50x132 , on car line 1,003
B art Bt , near Lowe ave. 511-2x139 . 1.100
25th , cor. Poppleton. 63x1110 , Improved. . 4.00)
Davenport , near 24th. 54 l-3xl3J.lmproved 4,000
Chicago , corner 24th , 66x133 , Improved. . 8uOJ
2l > th , near Poppleton , 50x127 , improved. . 0.000
Orchard Hill/lots $750 to . 1,000
HrownPaik , lots$500to . 850
Bedford Plnco. lots $650 to . W
Highland Pare , lots each-cash $63. . 23. )
Wakolyadd , Icts67xl50. f ch . 4m
25 acres near Fort Omaha.flnely Inproved 11,000
Center St. enxlJ3. Improved . l.SOO
Farnam Bt. near 33th. 57x133 . 3'WO
Nicholas st , corner , 88x13. , truck in alloy 4,200
Park ave , facing Park , 50il50 . 4.000
R 16th st. nonr viaduct. 40x103 . 5,00. )
SulphurBprlngsadd. Just opp. 16th st , 50 „ .
X124 . ,000
Loavenworth st.noar Belt Line , 100x127. . . .r > 700
PLAINVir.W-Fml lot with now houso. $1,500
BOO i'rnnk Barrett & Co,314)1 ) S.15tn st.suc-
ccssors to Knowiild & Barrett 678 UO
FARM FOH SALE-Throo miles south of Nol
son , NucKoIls county. Neb. , y section , 280
aorcs In cultivation , 35 ncres fenced for pas-
ttiro , two houses and 2 barns and other out
buildings , 2 wells , 60 fruit trees. 1 will jell tills
for $8,5iJ , ono-half down , balance on ten yours
time with 8 per cent Interest For further in
formation call on or address J. U. Davis , three
miles south of Nelson , Nob. 374alJ
FARNAM ST. acreage , 10 acres , $1,800 per
acre. Hush &Sclby , 1009 Tarnam. 605
rnELEPHONE41S for J. L. Rico & Co. , ronl os-
X tate brokers. 475
FAHNAM ST. noreago , 10 acres , $1,900 per
aero. Hush & Solby , 1603 Farnam. 503
FAHNAM ST. acreage , 10 acres , $1,800 per
aero. Rush Sc Selby , 1603 Farnam. 5J5
FOR SALE In largo orsmall lots field seeds ,
timothy , little red and mammoth clover ,
Gorman and common millott soeas. I warrant
this seed all raised In Hutlor county , Neb. , and
new. pure and clean good. Wrlto to W. G. Bos
ton , David City , Nob. , for prices. 491 aS *
FOR SALE-fl lotsiu Crelghton Heights , $353
each for the bunch. J. L. Hlco & Co. . sole
agents. 497
TTUMl SALE-N. E. cor 20th and Farnom st ,
X ? 66x133 , $31,000 , one-third cash. J. L. Hioo &
Co. . agenta. 498
10 ACHES 4 miles west of P O , for sale , $80
per aero. D. C. Patterson , Omaha Na
tlonalbank. 280.
FOR SALE A leans at $300 per annum for 3
yean from April 2 , ' 87 , on Btoro room and
5-room lltt on St Mary's avo. between 17th acd
18tl.sts. Shaw & Co. , 510 S. Itithst. 539
F I ARNAM ST. acreage , 10 acres , $1COO per
acre. Hunh & Selby , 1809 1'arnam. 503
F I OR UALE-4 flno lota In A. S. Patriot' * add. ,
$1,300 each. J. L. Itlco & Co. , solo agenta.
rpELEPHONE 418 for J. L. Klco & Co. , real os-
X tate brokers. 475
X. tamers for Inside property. If you want
to make a quick sale , list jour property with
ui. Wright & Lasbury. under Paxton Hotel ,
TELEPHONE413 for J. L. Rico & Co. , real es
tate brokers. 47ii
Our now addition.
Acres $175 to $400 per aor .
Near South Omaha ,
And Sydlcata H1IL
Marshall * Lobeok.
1G3 1509 Farnam.
T/IOR SALE A corner lot Onxl.'H on IStli and
XJ Cumlng st nno ot the bast locations In the
city for a warehouse , with waterworks and
sewerage. Apply at promises. The * Sinclair.
290 H20J
TIELEPHONE418for J. L. Rlco & Co. , ronl os
tate broker . 475
ENCINK UAKaAlNS-Two corner iota m
Burdetlocourt , only 4 blocks from Saun-
der's street oars. w. M , Bushman. Room 10 ,
lluibman Ulock , N Ecor 15th anJ Douglai.
INSIDE PROPKHTV Wo Imvo some good In
side property at a bargain , Pierce 4 Rou
en , 1511 Dodge Btreet. 830
OR SALE-S W cor 19th and Fnrnam. 93 feet
front on Furnara with Improvements ,
$50,000,1-3 cash. J. L. Rlco ft Co. , agonts. 4M
< J 100 cash will sncuro 160 acres of first class
cp farming land in eastern Nebraska balance
vorv lonp time and no taxe.s for SO yours. The
O.F.Davis company , 150J farnnm st.
, Ml a 15
FOH SALICholoo lot In Orchard Hill ,
$1.00 < ) , $500 cash. J. L. Rlco & Co. 097
1710H SALE-3 lota Just oif LoRvonisorth St. ,
-L in Mayno's Place , 11,700 to ysjtm one of
thnso Is a corner and u bargain. Park V Fowler
1523 Douglas. 713 2
ACIir.8-Noar Deaf and Dumb Institute , all
pluttO'l , ready to put on nmtkct , cheap.
Apply Oratton&Nttsli , 14' . ' ! Donglaa. 6J1 29
TnOK SALE-S W cor 13th and FarnamW feet
U front on Farnam with Improvements.
$ V,000.1-3 cash. J. L. Hlce A Co. , agents. 490
OW IS TIIIS-Hoiise 8 rooms , lot 33 ft east
front on 231 between California ami Casi
$3,509. , John Gallagher , U17 S. 13th.
J710H SALE 80 foot front on Saundom Btwlth
XJ Improvements worth $ at I7.50U.
Positive bargain. J. L. Itlco & Co. 490
ODTHOmah'iPark and Hammond Place Is
Inside South Omaha property , Thee Olson
or Jus Vore , owners , HUH 15th Bt.,2d tloor between -
twoen Farnam am1 llarmv. 251 a 1
FOH BALK-8 flno residence lots In Glso's
add , opposite Kountio' * I'ltice , $1.JOO (
each ; just on the market J. L. Rlco i t'o..aolo
agents , 496
U1TRH Investigate this. 61 ft on 15th Bt
near .Iono nt thosuryrlilncly low price of
$ ieOafoot John Gallagher , 317 south 13th st
621 3
IflOHSAf.K-SO feet front on Snundnrs si. with
' improvements worth $1.IXX ) at $7,500.
Positive bargain. J. L. Hlca A Co. 406
FOH SALE Corner lot,25th and Lake streets ,
135 foot on 2.1th it , fronting on two streets ,
$ . ' .300 ; 1-3 cash. J. I. . Illce Ic Co. VA
FOR SALE Corner lor , 25tband Lake streets ,
135 feet on 25th st , fronting ou tvru oiroctj
$3,300 ; 1-3caih. J. L. Hlce Jc Co. M
[ "ANSrOM PLACE Ono of the finest -oornnrt
X-L on VltgInlanve , 10\xl50. Lots lovolnil tip
and lying about 3 ft above grade , only $5.VX ) .
4TJ Grogory&Jladler.
ITlAUtJlbUNT PLACIS LoTsaTanT ? ) . ono of
X1 the bust corner * lu North End. $1,71M for
both , 1150 c.ish. nnd balance 1 , S and 3 years
Gregory A Hading 4."J
SOUTH O.MA14A Somcot the host corners
In the business portion of the town , an 1 lots
In all addition * thereto.
Gregory A Hadloy ,
Rooms 1 and 3 , lUvllcU's Htk , S ! ) 3.15th Bt
! St7 A PAtlMKLP. ,
150J 1 itraatt , st.
Otter thes j bargains tel l -i
1 corner Oitonrln av < . nnd Dupont $ l,30X
7 Orchard hlll.choica lots oacb $ S5J.
House and 2lot.s.8aunder4 & HlmobnUgh'l
add. to Walnut hill J2.3-JX
20 Finest lotK In Clovordalo , bargain * .
Fine lots In Kllby place , cheap.
Fine ! 1-2 lot John 1 Hedtck's Sub division ,
Zcholco lots In Maynes add. , each $3Ji
Scholce lots ralrmount plaoo.
1 acre bout In Uolvotloro , b r rs.ln UX
Slots Jotter's addition , each $ TJJ-
6loU Mt. Dougliu. each $ VVX
Slots South Ex , place , eaoh $5 } ) .
a Brown Park , bargains each $91V
24 lot ! choice In Vates A Hompol'g a-ldltlon.
10 acres V mile south of Harris A Patterson's
annnx , extra nlco , chnnp and easy terms.
A fine list of wo torn lands for sale , or trad *
for Omaha property. ,
4 < X ) acres highly Improved , Saundeit Co. , i l
115 fet froat on 16th strsot , _ ,
Last , not losst , nnrnor on Kurnarn $13,0)1 ana
any others , 1509 Farnara , Wlso and PA" ? * ' * '
Notice to Contractors.
SEALED proposals will be received at tit *
office ot thusoorut'try of the Hoard of Bdu-
catlon of the School District of Omaha. In th *
county of Douglas , In the state of Nebraska ,
until 4 o'clock p. m. Monday , April llth , 188T ,
for the erection ot a two story 10-room brlok
school buildlngto bo erected on tro high school
ground , and also for the nructlon of a two-story
eight-room brick school building to bo orcotndl
In Omaha View , In accordance with plans and
specifications to bo seen nt the office of F. M.
Kills , architect.
The Board reserves the right to reject any or
all bids.
By order of the Hoard of EilucMlon.
ml7d20t CHARLES CONOYK H , Secretary.
Dissolution Notice.
The firm of 1'atilscn & Mlllor was dissolved this
day by mutual consent , Mr. E. Paulson having
bought out Mr. H. Miller's Inturost Mr. Pauliea
will conduct the business , collect all bills dua
he Into flrm.and pay all debts contracted by
i'aulsen * Mlllor. E.PAt'USEN ,
Notice ,
M ATTBR of application of J. A. Fuller & Co.
for permit to i ll liquor us druggists.
Notice Is hoioby given that J. A. Fullnr AOo.
did upon the 2Jrd day of March A. D. llW. file
tholrappllcatlon to the mayor und city council of
Oninhn , for permit to null mult , Hphllnui and
vinous liquors , as druggists , for medicinal , and chemical purposes only , Ht No.
140J Douglas street , Third ward. Omaha , Nob. ,
T > to tu ° loth dtty
ll there bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest tiled within two weeks from March 23rd ,
A. D. 1837tho said permit will bo grantod.
J. A. FULLER & CO. , Applicants.
J. D. SOUTH Clerk. in23-.TO
jyjATTER of application of John Hoffman for
Notice Is hereby given that John Hoffman
did upon the 2Jrd day ot March A. D.
183 , , fllo their application to the nuiyor and city
council of Omaha , for license to neil malt , spirit
uous and vlnoun llquorx. nt No. 41H North Six-
tocnth street , nfth ward , Omaha , Nob. , from
" 10 llth dny of April , 1887 , to the 10th day of
If thoio bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest fllcd within two weeks from March 23rd ,
A. D. 1887 , the siild license will be grunted.
JOHN HOFFMAN , Applicant
J.n.BotJTltAHl ) , City Clerk. miKM
\fATTKRofnppllcatlon of Charles F. Good-
1T1 man , for permit to soil liquor ng a druggist
Notice is lieieliy given that Clmrlos P. Good
man did upon the 10th day of March A. D.
1W. fllo his application to the mayor and city
council of Omaha , tor permit to sell malt , spir
ituous and vinous lli.uors , as a druggist , for
modlclnnl , mechanical , and chemical purposes
only , at No. lllu Karnam Btreet , Third ward ,
Omaha. Neb..from the llth day of April , 1887 ,
to the 10th day of April , lt > 83.
If there bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest tiled within two WCOKS from March 19th ,
A. D. 1887 , the suld ptirmit will bo grflntod.
CHAHLE3 F. GOODMAN , Applicant.
J. H. 8 ) UTiiAnn , City Clerk. m2J-30
MATTER of application of Richardson Drug
Co. for permit to sell liquor as druggists ,
police is hereby given that Hlolianlson Drug
Co. did ui on the 22nd day of March. A. D. 18OT ,
file its application to the mayor and city council
of Omaha , for permit to sell imilt.'plrituoim and
vlnuous liquors , as druggists , for mndlclnal ,
mechanical and chcmlciu purposes only , at No.
1109-11)11 ) Jones struct , First ward , Omaha. Nob. ,
from the llth day of April , 1887 , to the loth day
of April , U'8.
If there be no objection , remonstrance , or
protoit filed within two weeks from March 22nd ,
A. D. 18 7. the saul permit will bo grantod.
RICHARDSON DHDG CO. . Appllciiiit.
J. B. BouTiiAttD , City Clurk. m23-30
MATTRK of application of W. 3. Wliltehouse
for permit to soil liquor as a druggist.
Notlro Is hereby glronthat W. J. Whltohouge
did upon the 22nd dny of March A. D. 1H87 , ttle
mi application to the mayor and city council of
Omaha , for permit to cell malt , tipirituoiis and
vlnoui liquors , as a druggist , fur inodlclnal ,
and chemical purpo os only , at No. 702 North
Sixteenth street , Fifth ward , OmahnNob.from
'J'l'co10 ! * ' o AP1'1' 1 7 , to the 10th day of
Alilll , Iroo.
If there bo no oblcctlon , remonstrance or
protest filed within two weeks from March 22nd ,
A. D. 18b7. the said permit will bo granted.
W.j.WlHTEHOOBKj Applicant.
J. n. SOUTIIAIID , city Clerk. m2nw ;
TVf ATmi of application of Jnraos Forgyth for
i'A permit to Bell liquor as a druggist
Notice is hereby given Jamas Forsyth
did upon tho22ndday of March.A.D. 1837. me bis
Application to thn mayor and city council of
Omaha , for permit to sell malt , spirituous and
vinous liquors , as a druggist , for medicinal ,
mechanical and chemical purposes only , at No.
OS North Sixteenth street , Fourth ward , Oma
ha Neb. , from the llth day of April , 1837 , to the
10th day of April. 188.3.
If there bo no objection , remonstrance or nro.
tout fllcd within two weeks from March 22nd ,
A. D. 1887 , the said permit will bo granted.
_ _ JAMES FOHSYTH , Applicant - .
J. n. SotTTBAui ) , City Clerk. m23-30 \l
, . _ Not'ce. '
Af ATTER of application of Alfred F. Wolff
I'l lor lluor ( | license.
Notlcois hereby given that Alfred F.Wolff did
upon the 22nd day of March A. II. 1887. lllo his
application to the mayor and city council of
Omaha , for license to enll malt , spirituous and
vinous llqiiars. at No. 2U)1 ) Cumlng stioet.Blxth
ward , Omaha. Nob. , from the llth day Of April ,
18J7 , to the 10th day of April , 1681.
it there bo no objection , romonstrnnco or
protest fllod within two wcobsfrom March22nd ,
A. D. 1837 , tbo Bald license will ho gruntod.
, _ _ ALFRED F. WOLFF , Applicant.
J. B. SOUTIIAIIO , City Clerk. m23-30
Notice >
\fATTcn of application of B. F.Madscnfor
Jil liquor lloenso.
Notioo is hereby given that B. F. Mndson
did upon the 22nd ( lay of March A. D. 1887 , tile
nig application to the mavor and city council of
Omaha , for license to soil malt , spirituous and
vinous liquors , at No. 1121 Sixth street ,
First wardOmaha , Neb , , from the llth day of
April , 1H67. to the 10th dny of April , W8.
If thnro bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest flloil within two wcoks from March 22nd ,
183 , , the eald llconsii will bo granted.
II. F. MADSKN , Applicant.
J. B. SouTrunn , City Clork. in23-3U
MATTER of application of E. Dallow for
liquor llcunsii.
Notice Is beroby glvan thnt E. Dallnw did
upon the S3nl day of Miirch A. D. It-fc7 , file III !
applloation to the mayor nnd city council of
Omaha , for license to soil malt , spirituous nnd
vinous liquors , nl .Vo. 1010 Chleuuo street , Fifth
A-aiilOmuba , Neb. , from the llth day of April ,
lhS7.totho 10th dny of April , inn * .
If there bo no objection , ronion'tranoo or
protest fllcd within two weeks from Huron 23rd.
A. D. 1637 , the snld llceiuo will b granted.
K. DALLOW , Apnllcnnt
.T. D. Socriunn , City Clerk. ms > 30
Notice ,
MATTER of application of n. Honnlnssen
for liquor llurnsu.
Notice U lioroby given that II. Hennlngson
lid upon thn 22nd day of Mnrch A D. lt 7. fllo
his application to the mayor and city council of
Dmnha. for liccruo to fill mult , plrltuotifi and
vinous llqiioni , at No. 13111 South Tenth itreot ,
Mr t ward , Omaha. Nob. , from thn llth day of
Ar > rll , 187 , to tl.o 10th rtny of April , 188.
If there bo no objection , romonstranva or
protest fllrd within two WOOKS from March 22nd ,
A. D. 1M7 , tbo ead ! llrnn < p will bn granted.
J.B. BOtmiAnn.Clty Clerk. uiKi-BO
Notice ! '
MATTER of application of B. Anderson for
liquor llconm.
Notion is ! iun > hv that H , Andnrinn did upon
tlm 22nd dny of March. A. D. 18S7 , nln ( ill ( ippll-
catlnn to the mavor and city couni'll of Omnhn ,
for Kronen lo > ell malt , spirituous and vinous
l | < junr , nt B W corner Ivt entli and I v > n-
worth streets , Beoond Ward , Omaha. Neb , , from
the llth .lay of April , ] ( w7to the 10th dayof
Arrll , ! > .
If In * ho no oMre"on , remomtrancn or
prntB't mn/1 within two we'Vi from March23nd ,
A. P. 187 , th nM lie n " ! r > rrnntod.
H K S'H V AN DKR30N. Applicant.
J' n. SOUTH tun , City Clerk. m y )