Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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MF IK1 * ? $10 M
TorSlxMonths 600
For Thrt o Months S M
The Omaha Sunday Her , mailed to any
address , Ono Voor. . , 803
OMAHA nmrr. . No. 914 ANI > Mft FARWAM BTBIBT.
fi wjfo K UrrtcK. HqoM.fS.TRintTN .JltMMiiNO ,
All communications relating to news nnd odl-
torlal matter nhould be d < lreuod to tUo But'
All burlncM lotion ami remittances ihould be
Mdrcsavd to THI HE * runi.ismnn ComA NT ,
OMAHA. Drafts , checks and poUoffiLo orders
to b made parable to the order of the oontpanjr ,
; Sworn Statement of Circulation.
> Btateof Nebraska , I , .
" *
County of Donelas. J
Geo. B. Tzschuck , secretary of The Bee
Publishing company , does solemnly swear
that the actual circulation of the Dally Bee
lor the week ending Mar. 2.1th 1887. was as
follows :
Saturday. Mar.10 14.725
8undar.Mar.80 13.075
Monday. Mar. 21 14,890
Tuesday. Mar , so. 14.H15
Wednesday , Mar. 2y 14.833
Thursday , Mar. 24 14.K10
Prlday , Mar. 23 .14.506
Average 14.423
Subscribed and swornltobeforo me this 20th
day of March A. D. , 1887.
fSEALI .Notary Public.
Ceo. B. 'L'zschuck , being first duly sworn ,
deposes and says that ho Is secretary of The
Dee Publishing company , that the actual av-
erarc dallv circulation of the Dally Bee for
the month of March , IbSO , 11.637 copies ; for
April , 1880,12,101 copies : for for May , 1880,12 , .
HSOcoples ; for June. 1886 , 12,298 copies ; for
July , 1880 , 18,314 copies ; for Aucust , 1886.
18,404 copies ; for Septemlxsr. 1880 , 13.030
copies ; for October , 1880. 12,089 copies ; for
November , 1880 , 18,348 copies ; for December.
1880,13,237 copies ; for January. 1887. 10,260
copies ; for February , 1887 , 14,108 copies.
. GKO. B. TzscnucK.
Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo this Oth
day of March , A.I ) . 1887.
fSEAL. I N. P. FEIL. Kotarv Public.
AN exchange refers to him as the "pie-
bellied fraud Paul Vandervoorl. "
Tnr waterworks company can now
Wove Us works ten miles up the river.
WE nro now living under the now charter -
tor , without knowing just exactly what
its provisions aro.
IT is a common experience for honora
ble men to bo cursed with prodigal sons.
{ Scorpions , as it were.
Br ull means let the legislature appoint
n committee to investigate the anti-
gambling bill conspiracy.
IT is now getting alone to that time
of year when the ravages of festive light
ning rod agents are reported.
CiAunNCE COOK , of Cincinnati , it is
said , will bo chosen by President Cleveland -
land for United States treasurer.
MAVOU BOYD wants to bo a second
Grover Cleveland. Ho carries a bundle
of ready-made vetoes in his pocket.
no job can bo rushed
through the city council by ordinance , In
n single night , by 'suspending the rules.
THE street commissioners cannot too
Boon order n thorough cleansing of
streets and alleys. Warin weatbor and
filth breed disease.
I ; Mn. CLEVELAND will make a tour of
| t the west during the month of May.
Omaha will bo pleased to extend a wol-
1 come to the nation's chief.
MAP makers will be obliged to visit
Nebraska soon. The legislature has
carved out many now counties , and
xuado a wonderful change in the north-
wcstorn'part of the state.
TO-NIOUT at 13 o'clock the twentieth
cession of the Nebraska legislature passes
Into history. And a sorry history It will
| V make , too. Sound the glad tidings ever
IS Nebraska's broad prairies.
OMAHA , has a now charter , but she has
the same dangerous railway crossing on
Tenth street. There Is the plot for a
K5U fearful tragedy some day. A moro dan-
b gerous man-trap could not be conceived.
THERE Is a sad suggestion in the
thought that the legislature adjourns ono
day after the railroad passes have boon
. called In. To see fifty or sixty of these
\l \ tatesmcn walking homo will be a molan-
' tholy spectacle.
' '
I1- THERE can bo no doubt that Phil
Armour , the kine of packers , has an
eye on Omaha as the proper place to em
bark in business. And it may a : well be
remarked that Omaha has an eye on Mr.
Armour , and would be pleased to have
1dm locate among us.
THE Now York Sim continues to boom
one Dill Coleman , of Sau Francisco , for
president. Although the Sau Francisco
man has a "bar'l , " it is not likely that
bis boom , under the the nourishing rays
of the Sun , will materialize any more
than did that of Dell Holuian.
Ouu state legislature has sent Mr. Par-
by cable , a few hundred words of
By ni put by. This was right and proper.
Hut after the legislature adjourns and the
'school house meetings" already an
nounced are ended , some of the mera-
$ r bers will want sympathy from Mr , Par-
> neil , or some other man.
f" ' g
IT is pleasing to know that Mrs. James
Brown Potter has finally made her debut
ftt the Haymarkot theatre , London. The
nocoimt of tht > lady's first appearance
howa that the Prince of Wales was in
the audience. Also Lady Colin Camp
bell and Oscar Wilde. Mrs. Potter cor-
taluly knows moro about advertising than
he does about acting ,
Tnr.HK have been so many things said
recently unfavorable to the official con *
daot of Mr. Eudicott , secretary of war ,
that the report ot a misunderstanding be
tween him and General Sheridan. From
the general course of the secretary as re
ported one would infer that ho Is holding
bla position simply as a matter of accom
modation to the public. The president
might do well to permit him to cultivate
Us desire for exclusivoncss at his own
expense. It i * very curtain ho never
vrald bo missed.
a False Issno.
The appeal to prejudice , made by the
saline land jobbers against Omnha , in
order to carry their point , is a repetition
of the tactic * which have been for years
pursued by jobbers at the capital. Every
time that any member from Douglas
county opposes one of these.periodical
grabs , a howl is raised that Omaha is jeal
ous of Lincoln , and wants to dnprivo her
of the propur share of state appropria
tions. Now Omaha has no rival in Lin-
coin , and nobody outside of nn insane
asylum would believe that Omaha is jeal
ous of the growth of the capital city. There
never was a time slnco the capital was
located at Lincoln when Omaha looked
upon that city as a dangerous
commercial competitor , While Lincoln
has been growing very rapidly ,
Omaha lias uot been standing still.
The two cities nro no nearer to each
other In population or commercial com
petition than they over have been. Each
has its own proper Hold , and each can
grow without impairing the growth and
prosperity of the other. It is only nat
ural that the county which pays more of alt the taxes of the
state should object to any measure that
needlessly increases taxation or disposes
of the state's property without an equiv
alent. The saline land syndicate simply
takes advantage ot the prevailing dispo
sition to counteract the Influence of
Omaha in raising the old anti-Omaha
threadbare cry.
For the Uast Time.
A dissolute dead boat who gained iufa-
inous notoriety in Colorado as the boon
companion of prostitutes and frequenters
of dives and dens occupies for the time
being ttio editorial chair of an Omaha
For weeks this beastly debauchee lias
been pouring out oceans of lilthy , vulgar
and disgusting billinjrsgato upon the
editor of the DEC. And wo presume ho
will continue to wallow in this mire of
filth until ho has ruined everybody
connected with the paper he edits. Not
content with his tavorito role of bar-rtiom
blackguard , this miscreant has written
the most atrocious libels and published
them us a vindication of the conspirators
and bribe-solicitors in the legislature
whom ho extols as models of integrity.
It is almost needless for us to pronounce
the charges he makes as bare-faced false
hoods , fabricated for the occasionby a
depraved wretch deyoid of nil decency.
Once and for all time we are done with
him. Hereafter no notice will bo taken
ot his foul ravings.
Lot Him Come.
It is to bo honed the report that Presi
dent Cleveland is contemplating a visit
to the great west is well-founded. It is a
trip which ho ought to lake for his own
sake. At present ho must necessarily
have only a very vague and inadequate
idea of ttio vast country of which he is
the executive. In the "pent-up Utica"
m wbicli his migrations have thus far
been conlincd he may have seen the best
as well as the worst , features of American
civilization , but it has been quite impos
sible for him to get any knowledge or ex
perience of that largo spirit , courageous
purpose , nnd progressive enterprise
which are only to bo found in their full-
cstilevclopment in the "boundless west. "
W ith all the advantages the east may
fairly claim to possess in an advanced
culture and the conditions which contri
bute to the comforts of life , it cannot
alone produce a fully developed Ameri
can citizen , The man who passes his
life , there will necessarily bo dwarfed
and shrunken in some directions. There
is inevitably to such a man a sectional
narrowness which does not permit him
to see and think broadly and generously.
Mr. Cleveland is himself an excellent ex
ample in proof of this. He
knows nothing really of this great
empire outside of the state
of Now York and the District of Colum
bia. The president of the republic should
have a wider acquaintance with his
country. In his Nashville speech Sena
tor Sherman observed that if Cleveland
had ever seen the great waterways of the
land ho would not have killed the river
and harbor bill with a pocket veto.
It the president , however , is contem
plating a western visit purely aa a politi
cal adventure , it would not bo fair to en
courage him. As the nation's executive
ho would certainly receive the most cor
dial welcome. The virtue of patriotism
is nowhere stronger than in the west , and
the president would find that this people
can honor their highest servant quite as
heartily , if not altogether so gracefully
as can those of the east. The effect of
this might bo to mislead him into the
Impression that the west desired a con
tinuance of his administration. Popular
enthusiasm has deceived some of our
worthiest men. We have no wish to see
Mr. Cleveland added to the list. It is
due to him to say , therefore , that the
majority of the western people entertain
views favorable to some other citizen
for president after the fourth of March ,
1889. The conviction that this is desira
ble and necessary is so firmly fixed
that wo are entirely sure Mr. Cleveland
annot change it. Ho would waste , in
the effort to do so , valuable time that
might bo profitably employed In localities
where the certainties of the situation are
less unalterably against him. Neverthe
less it is hoped the president may con
clude to visit the west , bringing with him
Mrs. Cleveland and Colonel Lament.
They will bo cordially welcomed , and
they would all bo wiser for having made
the trip. _ _ _ _
An Appeal'That Will Ite Honored.
The appeals Ot Purnoll , through the
president of the Land League of Amer
ica , to the American people , "for that
sympathy and support which they novo'r
withheld from a people struggling for
liberty , " will not go unhonorod. In this
supreme struggle of Irishmen and the
friends of Ireland's cause to ward off the
iniquitous and brutal policy of repres
sion and tyranny proclaimed by the
Salisbury government , the protest of the
American people against this projected
wrong , and their sympathy with the un
happy people who are the objects * of
British oppression and abuse , will bo de
clared in no uncertain terms. The people
ple of this country know the hollowness
and the falsity of the pretexts upon
which the tory government ot Great
Britain bases Us claim of the necessity
of its proposed course. They are nol
without accurate knowledge of the hard
ships and sufferings ot the people of Ire
land , which are being borne with a patience
tionce of fortitude that may well com
mand the admiration of the world , They
cannot bo deceived by tory falsehoods ant
Invention * basely put forward to Justify
a policy which Is a mockery of justice
and a scandal upon the. civilization of
the ngc.
Mr. Gladstone , as well as Mr. Parncll ,
ias clearly Indicated the iniquities and
yrannical character of the measure now
rapcndlng over hapless Ireland. It Is n
proposition to employ brutal might to
compel a people already utterly Impov
erished to submit to attempted exactions ,
they are wholly unable to moot. It is a
plan to protect the plunderers in the per
petration of any Injustice against a people
ple now almost driven to despair by the
ruthless persecution of the title owners
of the soil in Ireland. It is n policy of
repression and coercion as heartless nnd
severe as any over proclaimed by Russia.
The success of this policy would destroy ,
as Mr. Gladstone said , all prospect of
conciliation , and instead of curing or
palliating thn ills of Ireland , would ag
gravate deep seated and worse disor
It is the duty of the American people , in
.hointerest of justice , civilization , and
.ho rights of a deeply-wronged people
manaccd with greater outrages , to extend
moral sympathy to the men who nro
courageously battling against the pro-
Tccted iniquity of the tory govcrhment ,
and material aid to the impoverished
thousands who are bravely nnd patiently
Scaring their heavy burden of hardship
nnd oppression. All look to the people
of this republic for the encouragement
which freemen should give to those seekIng -
Ing their liberty , and they must not bo
disappointed. The appeal of Purnoll
should elicit from every quarter of Amer
ica a ringing response in protest against
a policy which if successful will bo the
crowning political crime of this century.
OF the COO Indians , including men ,
women nnd children , confined in Fort
Marion , Florida , since last fall , twenty-
tiiroo have died and many others nro so
enfeebled by their close confinement
that they cannot survive many months.
Tliis fact is strong argument that an
Indian cannot bo civilized. It is a part
of his nature to run free over the coun
try and live by his labors of "hunting ,
fishing and trapping. " The ( Jmatilla
Indians of the northwest have been
tamed , but thpy continue to live in their
wigwams and enjoy war dances and degas
as their fathers did before them.
A "FELLOW of intinito jest and most ex
cellent fancy" was consigned to the tomb
in Now York yesterday. W. 11. Travers ,
whoso death recently occurred in Ber
muda , was for many years a consplcnous
figure in Wall street , from whoso busy
haunts his spontaneous wit will bo sadly
missed by his host of friends nnd admi
rers. He was a man of marked origin
ality , and the many witty sayings and
llashcs of humor ascribed to him would
make a largo volume. "Where be your
jibes now , and your flashes of merriment ,
that were wont to sot the table on a
roar ? "
THE railroad managers will now close'
their oil rooms , order in their cappers
and retire from Lincoln. Every decent
railroad bill has boon beaten , the fraud-
uletitjcommission hits not been abolished
ished , and the freo-bootors can continue
their raids on the Nebraska producers
and shippers. The expenses of the lobby
and oil room will bo taxed up to the help
less patrons of the roads.
THE boodlers and sell-outs of the legis
lature have n champion who is worthy
of their companionship. Ho writes edi
torials between drinks in the Omaha bar
rooms and strikes heavy blows in their
defense while reeling fictween the lamp
posts. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
THE appointment of Mr. G , W. Tillson
as city engineer is in strict conformity
with practical civil service reform. Mr.
Tillson has filled ttio position of first
assistant city engineer for a number of
years , and is justly entitled to this pro
TJIE register of deed bill has passed
and will doubtless become a law. This
will give Douglas county a new nnd
much needed oiliccr. The county clerk
has ample business to keep his time fully
employed without supervising the regis
tration of deeds.
THE man who had a father that fought
for liberty in five countries , ought to
honor his memory by behaving himself ,
keeping decent company and keeping
out of the gutter.
Lucy Zlrota earns the largest salary of any
dwarf In the world. Iler manager , Mr.
Smith , gets 9500 a week.
Mad Bear Is said to be the wealthiest In
dian In Dakota , belntc the possessor of exten
sive herds of cattle and horses.
There Is a rich roan In the Black Hills , says
the Bismarck Times , who dates the begin
ning of his fortune from the day when he
sold his wife for * 4,000.
John De Witt , ot Belgium. Wis. , buried
810 In money near his barn. Some time
later be searched an entire day without being
able to find it. Then In despair ho banged
himself ,
If Africa's colden fountains do not roll
down their golden sands to any great extent
yet the golden quartz of the Transvanl'gold
fields Is yielding ninety ounces ot gold to the
ton , If consular reports are correct.
Nathaniel Jones , of Chicago , is spending
8120,000 on n magnificent house on the shores
of luke Michigan , no made the uionoy in a
single deal In Pullman stock In conjunction
with Ueorge H. Pullman and others.
Great Is plush. Samuel CunllfTo Lister ,
maker of thai much used article , has jusl
paid 51,050,000 cash for the Jervaulx Abbey
estate In England , Ho it was who a low
years ago similarly paid out 2,800,000 for
Swinton park.
. J. ( "Lucky" ) Baldwin recently told a
San Francisco reporter that he owns 53,000
acres of land , and Is willing to sell 3,000 acres
upon the outlying borders of his ranch for
8000 per acre. Strangely enouzh , the re
porter did not purchase.
Joseph Itaboltt , a fireman at the court
house In St. Louis has fallen heir to 83,000-
000 by the death of his uncle , also named
Joseph llabbltt , at Melbourne , Australia.
This Is a species of Australian llabbltt whose
rapid multiplication would be Immensely
popular In this country.
A'llttle old woman In tattered attire sells
matches on the streets of Philadelphia. She
is named Maria Louisa Ilancock and claims
relationship to the dead general. Although
apparently very poor she Is said to be worth
fiO.OOO. She secures ner entire sustenance
from free lunch counters In saloons where
she sells matches.
Itlchard Perrlstan was an actor in his
younger days , but finally retired from the
stage after winning a prize In the Havana
lottery whteu netted htm H50.000 , lie then
purchased a stock farm In Kentucky , bought
Uiu stallion Fellowcraft and started to raise
horses. Ills hospitality and generosity ex
ceeded his ability { to feustaln them , and ho
Sntvllr wandcrodbkckl to 1'hlladelnhla and
has since been living In poverty , ile Is now
an Innmto of the Forrest homo. *
Mr. B. 0. Lister , the "silk king" ot Eng
land , Is more than seventy years old , but
stout and hearty , and busy every day with
the concerns of his great factories and landrd
estates. Ho Invented \ > ool-comblng by
machinery , velvet and plush making by ma
chinery and the utilization of silk waste. Ho
spent 53,000,000 In developing thoio Indus
tries , and has nmde ( norn than S2oO,000 a
year out of each of vtliom. Ho says ho ne\cr
* cnt In for anythlnglu which ho did not
confidently sco S-V > .OOp a year.
A NcwRpnncr Man All Over.
nih Ttmtt.
Tnrre seems to ban. ' .combination between
the Omaha dallies to do UD the UIK. : With
out any prejudice or Interest In the scrap ,
pro or con , wo are ready to hazzard some
wealth that lloscwatcr can and will keep the
flics oft the young and budding nowspaprr
ddvontiuers.wlio have undertaken the job.
The llEE will continue to be the best news
paper In the state , as long as Its would-be
rivals continuously denounce Its editor , and
as continuously try to ape him. If Kothnker ,
Fred Nyc , and Hitchcock , should all alight
on Kosewatcr's car at once , ho would hardly
take the trouble to brush them oft. iloso-
waterlsa newspaper man all over ; these
other ? edit papers as boys play marbles.
Newspaper Kxposurcs.
A'ciw Vnih H"u M.
A Chicago grand Jury has found thirty-
two bills ot Indictment against corrupt oIH-
clals. It inny bo remarked that this pro
cedure Is the result of a series ot newspaper
exposures of the methods tliroinh which
the city has boon systematically robbed , The
newspapers are nearly always up to this sort
of business. Through their alertness and
devotion to public Interests a great many
rascals are bi ought to book , and out of the
thieves thus arraigned the criminal lawyers
sccuio big fees. And yet some of the cilm-
Inal lawyers pretend that they would contlno
the functions of the newspapers to slmuly
mentioning cases In court by their docket
numbers and recording verdicts as a mere
matter of news.
Social Scandal.
JiiHiM Thomson.
Tfion would a splendid city rise to view ,
With carts and cars and coaches , roaring
all :
Wlde-uoured abroad behold the giddy crow ;
Sco how they dash along from wall to wall ;
At every door , hark how they thundering
call I
UoodLordI what can thiselddy rout exclto ?
Why. on each other with fell tooth to fall ;
A neichbor's fortune , tame or peace to blight ,
Aud make now tiresome parties for the com
ing night
Nebraska Jottings.
Walioo politics are waxing wet and
Ilarian county has voted a bonus to the
Kansas City & Omaha road.
Creamery buildings and a new depot
have been added to Wahoo's greatness.
Duller county claims the largest num
ber of cultivated farms in the state. The
number is 595.
The cheering news cornea from Ne
braska City that | the Missouri river is
going down on the run.
Grand Island capitalists haye put up
the ducats , to the alnount of $50,000 , for
the now Bank of Commerce.
Tccumseh is figu gen the profits and
benefits of selling the public square and
investing the proceeds , } estimated at $4"-
000 , in a court house in another part of
the city.
The polo evil is 'spreading. The Ne
braska telephone company has thousands
of poles piled up in'tlns ' city , which will' '
bo planted in various parts of the state
on or about Arbor day.
Nebraska City has received assurance
that the Missouri Pacific will be in opera
tion to that city by the 10th of Juno. By
that time the surrounding bunks of
ochre will be sufliciently diluted to prop
erly crimson the event.
John Fitzgerald has made a timely gift
of of a hose cart to the Plattsmoutn nro-
mon , conditioned , however , that no com
pany shall be named after him. The cart
is the ono which the Lincoln team won
at Now Orleans , and will prove es
pecially useful now that the waterworks
arc in motion.
Minden is threatened with a deluge of
railroads. Since f 50,000 was voted to the
Kansas City & Omaha extension , the na
tives have laid out vast schemes to cap
ture the 13. & M. , llock Island and Elkhorn -
horn Valley roads , and extend the corpo
ration limits to accommodate the rush.
A few trembling mossbacks who stood
on the path of progress have boon burned
in efligy , and the main line of prosperity
is now free of obstruction.
The mournful cry goes skurrying
heavenward from Crawiord , "Aro wo in
Condatight or in free America ? " It ap
pears that Uncle Sam has stepped on thn
"inalienable rights" of John Sechler , who
squatted on a section of the present reser
vation of Fort Robinson before it was es
tablished , and has been ordered to
vamooso. Ho had improved the home
stead to the extent of $7,000 , and the or
der to vacate is denounced as an outrage
and unnecessary hardship.
Charles Erickson , a Dodge county
farmer , was viciously caressed by his
wife on his return homo last Friday
evening. He evidently forgot to bring
her a dress pattern of the latest style ,
and was struck down with an axe before
bo could utter a word in explanation.
The first cut shaved off a slice of bis
scalp and the second or third paralyzed
his arm. He managed to escape to a
neighbor's house and a doctor was
called to patch him up. Charlie's wife
proposes to boss the shack at any cost of
blood or bones.
The plant of the Nebraska City Can
ning company will consist of five build
ings covering 8,700 square feet. The
company Has completed Its contracts for
the year. The most important are with
Hafor & Henderson , of Shcnandoah , who
put in for the concern fifty acres of corn
and twenty of tomatoes , on two tracts
not far from ttio city that they have
rented. Coyer & I3radloy will furnish
the product cf thirty acres planted in
corn and five in tomatoes. Manager
Black figures that with a good crop they
will receive sufficient corn for 2,10,000
cans nnd enough tomatoes for 150,000 ;
this estimate making no account of peas
and beans.
The now land district , with headquar
ters at Buflalo , embraces Crook , John
son and Fremont counties.
The buildings of tho'AinlversIty of Wy
ming m Larauilo ure'Irapidly approaching -
ing completion. The cost will roach
f 50,000.
The advance guard of the B. & M. rail
road builders uxpcp r to celebrate the
Fourth of July on the west side of the
lino. : ;
boundary .
A round up on a fiuy railo range In the
neighborhood of Douglas resulted In find
ing 248 dead steers , victims of the win
ter's exposure.
The Colorado & Wyoming railroad , a
branch of the Burlington , has boon incor
porated with a capital ot f 5,000,000. The
intention is to build a branch to Chey
enne this season.
Tiio legislature is still drawing its sal
ary without rendering the stuto an oquv-
Real cstato trsnsferes in Denver last
week averaged $100,000 a day. business
is reviving rapidly in all lines.
The large influx of Hottlers is spreading
over the eastern counties , and govern
ment land is disappearing rapidly.
Tbo authorities of Denver are consider
ing plans to turn C'horry oreek from its
present channel and thus prevent dam
age by floods in the future. It is expected
that the cost will roach half a million
dollars. The scheme is favorably ru
colvcd , nnp will bo inaugurated if the
taxpayers yotc bonds lo meet the ex
A Denver authoress , worth $75.000. was
Hiicpcssfully wood by Charles Garlich. an
English adventurer and wife hunter. The
marriage day was named , the church and
minister engaged , and friends invited to
witness the tying of the knot. An anti-
nuptial contract was signed , in which the
prospective groom settled $50,000 on the
bride to bo. An examination of the notes
proved them to bo base counterfeits and
the match was broken instatitor.
"Cliawloy" Is nncoiisolablo OVIT the mis
carriage of his plans nnd the loss of a
moderate fortune.
There's No 'Wind In It , but It la Solid
anil Substantial.
YOUK , Nob. , March 30. [ Correspond
ence of the BKE. ] The premonitory
throes of a grool boom are already being
felt in our flourishing little city. A boom
is like the wind ; for no man knows
whence it comes or whither it goes , and
it is frequently wind itself. But ours Isn't
that kind. It Is solid and substantial ,
and not a more evanescent phantom. It
has something behind it and under it to
support and uphold it. In other words ,
wo are having a good , healthy , vigorous
prosperity nnd growth in York. For n
long time wo have had the best , the
largest nnd most flourishing town
in the state having only ono
railroad. Wo have a region of country
around us that is not surpassed In nat
ural resources and improvements , if it is
equaled in the rich and productive state
of Nebraska. Wo therefore have a good
solid foundation upon which to construct
a boom. With two additional railroads
coming to our city this spring , who can
measure the height and depth and length
and breadth of our approaching boom ?
The Kansas City & Omaha railroad is
rapidly approaching completion. The
dirt is fairly flying all along the line and
in thirty days the grading will bo clone
throughout the county , By the middle
of May or the 1st of Juno
trains will bo running , giving us .1 com
peting line to Oinnlm , as well as opening
up direct communication with St. Joe
and Kansas City. This line is equivalent
to two now railroads for York in Itself ,
and will probably bo BO operated , the
prospect now being that the Union Pa
cific will operate the line from here to
Omaha , anil the St. Joe & Grand Island
from here south. This is a big tiling of
itself. But in addition to this the North
western is also making rapid strides in
our direction. The right of way is being
bought , and in a shorttimo grading will bo
commenced , By the 1st of July this great
corporation will bo sending its train * to
York. Wo will thus have thrco com
peting lines to Omaha during the coming
summer , and , in reality , have four inde
pendent lines of railroad. These great
acquisitions in a single season are having
a great effect on our town. The spirit of
progress which has always characterized
the place has received a now Impetus.
Eight new additions and subdivisions are
being platted , and a great activity in real
estate is manifested. The county clerk
informs your correspondent that
the real cstato transfers within
the city have increased by nearly
one-third in the last month. A public
sale of lots in Hillside addition occurred
last week , to which those having it in
charge ran free carriages , and resulted
in the sale of n large number of lots. Al
though so early in the season a number
of buildings are in process of erection.
Many handsome utorc buildings and res
idences are going to be erected this yoar.
Ono now court house is being rapidly car
ried forward toward completion. It will
bo the best court house in the state out
side of Omaha. The B. & M. are engaged
in building a new depot , which is a
long felt want : the largo travel to nnd
from York making the present depot de
cidedly inadequate for the proper ac-
commodatibn of the public.
Our college is emerging from the diffi
culties which have lately beset its path
and is about to enter upon n career of re
newed prosperity. With the additional
railroad facilities which our town is
going to have and the financial assist
ance pledged to this institution , its future
is remarkably promising for a career of
great usefulness and an extensive pat
Wo have good reason to believe that
York will be a division station
on ono of our now lines
if not in both of them , which would ac
celerate and boom even moro yet. Some
of our enterprising citizens have formed
a strict railway company and will apply
for a franchise right away , and thus wo
revel in enterprises nnd improvements.
The Elevated Railway.
To the Editor of the BEE : I lately read
in your journal an article on the Mack
elevated railway , and I think the subject
of so much interest to the citizens of
Omaha that with your leave I shall say a
few words on the subject. A long resi
dence in Chicago and other American
cities convinces mo that a very serious
and embarrassing problem that all grow
ing cities must soon try to solve is that
of rapid transit. In cities whore ordi
nary railroads cross the streets at grade
the trains must be run so slowly over
crossings that average rapid running is
impracticable. Street railroads are ex
cellent in their way for journeys that do
not exceed half a mile , but when
they , are required to carry a great
portion of a city's population throe
or four miles , morning and evening , the
most patient traveler soon concludes that
the street car is an irritating discomfort
and waste of time. When the street car
is moved by a cable instead of by horses ,
the transportation becomes slightly moro
prompt , but a street cable car that gets
over four miles in half an hour has yet
to bo put on the road. Owing to the
slow movement of all surface carswhich
must necessarily bo held down to a max
imum speed of eight miles an hour , real
Buttering is imposed upon the people
who have daily to make long journeys to
and from their work. The only way to
effect a radical change is to raise or depress -
press the tracks so that trains
can be run at high speed be
tween stopping noinU. Those who have
given the subject of rapid transit in
cities earnest study nnd wide investiga
tion , are convinced that the rapid transit
of the future must be conducted on
elnvatcd railroads. New York and Lon
don are the only two cities in the world
well supplied with the means of rapid
transit , and both cities have prospered
enormously since the means of internal
transportation have been provided. New
York has elevated railroad ? traversing
every important point , and London is
honoy-oorabed with under-ground rail
ways. Both systems are good , but the
latter is so expensive that none but the
richest cities could moot the first cost ,
and It has other objectionable features.
The greatest objection to the elevated
structures in New York is that they ob
struct the light and are built without
regard to esthetic considerations.
The Mack elevated railroad could bo
built so that lU apocarancu would not bo
objectionable , the cost of the structure
would bo comparatively light , and its advantages -
vantages to the city of Omaba would bo
immense. Now Is the time to got an
elevated railroad built. Whnn a city
grows to the sizn of New York , Bostoo.
Philadelphia and Chicago before elevated
railroads are built , the difficulties in tuo
way of obtaining the right of way bocotno
immense , and in sonio cases they prow
Insurmountable. Omaha's opportunity
exists before the dog In the manger people
ple bp"omo strong enough to bar the wiiy
to improvements ! The mechanical fea
tures of the Mack structure are excellent ,
combining , ns they do , lightness with
durability. The erection and operation
of an elevated railroad in Omaha would
place the city in the front of all enter
prising western cities and would cer
tainly prove the boat paying iiivi'stmont
the place had gone into lately. Having
a personal inti-rcst in the progress anil
development of Omaha , I recommend the
elevated railroad enterpriHo as ono that
would contribute Immensely to the pros
perity of the city. Yours truly ,
The Author of the Second Most Popu
lar Mntig James M. llubtmrd.
Chicago Mail , March 25 : If there is
any melody which divides honors with
"Home , Sweet Home , " it is that other
American song , "It was My Last Cigar. "
The author , J. M. lltibbard , has been
for eighteen years in the Chicago post-
office , nnd is ono of the oldest and moot
valuable government officials In the rail
way service. Although ever a million
copies have been printed and sold in this
country by a single publishing firm , nnd
although ft has boon sung in the German
universities for twenty years , and all
over tlto world where sweet music
is pri/.cd , the man who wrote It has
never made a pcunv out of it. Its history
is a strange musical romance.
Although James M. lliibbard is thought
of at Washington and everywhere only us
an expert who by extraordinary service
has mastered all the details of the rail
way-mail service , forty years npo ho was
the professor of music nt Yule college.
Ho Rticcccdcd to the chair which Nathan
iel P. Willis loft vacant. Librarian Poole ,
who is known and loved hero us the ac
complished head of the public library ,
but who is known butter nil ever the
English-speaking world by his famous
catalogues of current literature , was at
lalo at the same time. That was an era
of musical enthusiasm nt the blue uni
versity in the beautiful Elm city. Instead
of an organ in the chapel in those days
there was an orchestry of students led by
the wonderful violin playing of James IU.
llubbard. A Bectliovon society flourished
there , nnd old Centre church , presided
over in those days by the llov. Dr. Bacon ,
ns it was thirtv years later by our own
Rev. Dr. Noble , depended upon that Hee-
thovoa society of xalo college for all its
It was m Old South college , the dormi
tory best known to all Yale men , t it
the miibic and the following words v , o
written :
'It was off the blue Canary Isles
Ono glorious summer day ,
I sat upon the quarter-deck
Aud whllfed my cares away.
And as the fragment smoke arose
Like fncensu In the air ,
I breathed a fiifih to think , In south ,
it was my lastclgar. "
The words had been written by ta
Yalcnsian named Condit , who was an
intimate friend ot llubbard , and who
lived in the Old South college at the
same time. The lines have their story
as well ns the music , for they were sug
gested by the actual experience of Con
dit. The latter ono day handed them to
Hubbard with the request that ho set
them to music for the college boys. The
melody was improvised nnu put on paper
that very day at a single sitting , in a
room on the top floor of that old brick
structure on the south end of the line of
the Ynlo dormitories , nnd that looks
squarely down on Chapel street. It took
immensely among the students , llub
bard had sent his manuscript to Now
YorK for publication , and in the course
of time received the proofs back. A copy
right was then secured by
filing in the office of the pro
bate court In each county. Hub-
barb took a copy of the song , and , roll
ing it up , handed it with the fees to a
friend named Cleveland , who was n
clerk in the office of Probate Judge
Blackman. That is the last the author
thought of the copyright privileges. The
music had meanwhile slowly spread from
one college to another , nnd from the col
leges to the outside musical world. De
mands had been made on the different
publishers for it and Oliver Ditsoii began
to rcpublish it without credit. It was
some year or more before the author
found that his music was being stolen.
Ho then hastened to claim his royalties.
Ho was defied. There was no copyright ,
it was answered ; his privileges were lost.
Investigation proved the claim only too
true , Cleveland , to whom the mnsio had
been given , had fallen dead the day after
the trust had been committed to him. A
search through Judge Blackrnan's office
in Now Haven ton years later discovered
the identical proof-sheet still rolled up
and covered with dust , thrown up and
out of sight upon the top of a bookcase
in the probate clerk's office. In the
course of the investigation Oliver Dilson
& Co. themselves admitted that they hud
sold 1,000.000 copies of the music and had
realized the largest pronts they had over
known on n single sheet of music.
James M. llubbard , from Now Haven ,
went to Kalamazoo , where ho also taught
music. They wore willing to pay moro
for talent even In those days out west
than they were in Now Haven. Before
the war no came to Chicago Saturday
nights to conduct the music of ono of the
big churches. Finally Plymouth secured
his services , and , to avoid the great
trouble and fatigue of the Kalamazoo
trip , they requested him to locate in Chi
cago. Mrs. Hubbard , a well-known liter
ary woman , was the sister of the then
editor of the Post here. He secured a
place for the musician in the postofllco.
That was eighteen years ago. Hubbard
became so valuable a part , of tbe mail
machinery that for all this time ho has
survived the changes down at the gov
ernment building. Ho Is known , ns I
have said already , as a man too valuable
to the government to lot go : yet not many
of even his acquaintances know him as
the author of the second best American
song ever written.
The "Now H.iven Gray March" was
also written by llubbard. So was a very
popular melody , "Dreaming On. " Li
brarian Poole , during the 1880 campaign ,
saw a very stirring piece of poetry on
Garfield in n newspaper. Ho cut it out
nnd sent it to Hubbard in a note suggest
ing that ho set it to music. It proved the
most popular campaign bongof the jcar ,
and was sung all over the country.
Nnpotoon'd t'laoo In Illfltory.
Now Princeton Review for March : \ \ e
take him for what ho IB , a posthumous
brother of Dante and Michael Angola ; in
the clear outlines of his vision , in the in
tensity. the coherency , and the onward
logic of his rcvcrio , in the profundity of
his meditations , in the superhuman
grandeur of his conceptions , ho is , indeed
their follow and their equal. HisKciuoiis
is of the same stature and the same struct
ure : ho Is ono of the three povurcipn
minds of the Italian renaissance. Only.
while the first two operate on paper and
on marble , the latter operates on the liv
ing being , on the sensitive and huflonng
flcbh of humanity. _
Nevada City , Cnl. , boasts of a strong
man ; a big Cornish minor , who the other
day , when a rider's saddle turned and
threw him to the ground with his foot
fast in the stirrup , seUed the frightened
horse by the tail and held him by main
strength until the rider was rescued from
his dangerous situation.
Another of the well-known Ueaullosof
the London social world is about to for
sake the drawinir room though not for
the stage -Mrs. Wheolor. so well known
as the contemporary of the Jersey Lily ,
both In beauty and popularity , bping
about to enter a dressmaker's establish
ment as one of the working partners.
With the approach of spring
nnd the incroascd interest man
ifest od in real cstato matters ,
I am more than ever consult
ed by intending purchasers as
to favorable opportunities for
investment , and to all such
would say :
When putting .any Proper
ty on the market , and advcr- v
tising it as desirable , I have
invariably confined myself tea
a plain unvarnished statement
of facts , never indulging in
vague promises for the future ,
and the result in every case
has been that the expectations
of purchasers wore moro
than realized ; I can refer with
pleasure to Albright's Annex
and Baker Place , as sample il
Lots in the "Annex" have
quadrupled in value and are
still advancing , while a street
car line is already building
past Baker Place , adding hun
dreds of dollars to tto value of
every lot.
Albright's Choice was selected -
lected by me with the greatest
care after a thorough study
and with the full knowledge
of its value , and I can consci
entiously say to those seeking
a safe and profitable invest
ment that
Albright's ' Choice
offers chances not excelled in
this market for a sure thing.
Early investors have already
reaped large profits in CASH ,
and with the many important
improvements contemplated ,
eorao of which are HOW underway
way , every lot in this splen
did addition will prove a bo
nanza to first buyers.
Further information , plats
and prices , will bo cheerfully
furnished. Buggies ready at all
times to show property.
Kospectfully ,
218 S. 15th Street ,
Branch oflioe at South Oiua- '
ha. .
N. B. Property for Hale in all *
parts of the city