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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1887)
I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; WEDNESDAY MAKCH 30 , 1887. IITTLE DOING IN W Bpccnlative Trading in Chicago Dull at Slightly Lower Prices. FIQURINGON FOREIGN MARKETS. tlotli nulls find Bcnra If ATC Concliiilvo Testimony to Guide Their Trades Corn Very Sluculsli 1'rovlnlom Very Dull. CHICAGO rnODUCE MARKET. CincAno , Mrtrcli ) W. | Special Telegram to the UBE. ] Wheat was steady to-day at a slightly lower ranie than that ruling yester day. The market was very dull and price fluctuations were within the narrow limits of K < 3a'o during the long session. The opening trades were } ( < 3Xc oil as compared with yesterday's closing. Nothing trans pired to arouse a spirit of speculation through * out the whole day and the volume ot trans actions was very small. Cables were quiet neither strong nor weak and domestic news was unexciting. A good deal Is being writ ten on the subject of crop damage , but as yet this sort of gossip has not been of a character to create a sense of general alarm. The pos- ntble requirements of the old world between now and the 1st of September is the all ab sorbing theme of discussion and speculation among grain merchants aud speculators. Dulls and bears alike are fortllied by statistics without limit and by arguments and deductions absolutely convincing. It Is singular that with this weather and the statistical lore In reach of everybody. that there Is not more harmony of opinion , but every addition to the cencral store of knowledge seems only to Intensify the dark- neHS and Increase the prevailing confusion. Incontrovertible proof Is advanced that Eu rope will bo obliged to take anywhere from 30,000,000 to 50.000,000 bushels of American wheat before the new crop becomes available or starve to death. Testimony equally as strong Is prolTercd that Europe will bo en tirely independent of America Inside of sixty days and that the markets of the old world will tlicn bo literallv deluged and over whelmed with Indian , Uu&sian and other foreign wheats. Mean while a moderate de gree of activity Is observable In the export trade , anil our wheat and Hour continues to float out upon the ocean. New York and other domestic markets are quiet and had no news to volunteer to-day. The only item of Irrsh Intelligence that came to hand this forenoon was a cable that the ofllclal estimates showed a prospec tive 25 per cent dcliclcncy in "important provinces" in India the provinces not named. The market hardened somewhat on this news , but there were no heavy dealings on the strength of it. The corn market dragged quite heavily and the general tone was one of weakness. The largo stocks , HD- pral receipts and lack of speculative demand , together with the downward trend of the cash market caused a dull feeling and dealers appear to bo getting tired of their load. Oats were decidedly weak in all branches of trade to-day , cash and near delivery showing a break of about Jic. wlillo May and June de clined , ' < @KC. Dullness was about Uio only noticeable feature In the provision market. The day all told was not only one of the slowest , hut one of the most unevent ful experienced In the pit for boino tune past. CHICAGO IjIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , March 29. [ Special Telegram to the BEE.I CATTLE. The supply of beef cattle to-day was moderate. Higher prices were asked and many dealers thoueht prices would be stronger. The market , however , was slow , as buyers disliked the Idea of payIng - Ing more money. There were some sales that were lower , wlillo some others were at fully strong prices. The smooth , fat "blocky" cattle of good quality sold fairly well at steady prices , while nearly all other kinds sold slowly and at rmther easier prices. Dealers were anticipating much heavier runs for the remainder of the week on account of the now railroad law and partly on account of the taxes which are collected In Nebraska the 1st of April. "There are just lots ot TJCO- pie , " said an old stockman , "who had rather lose $10 a head at market than to pay S10 per head taxes at home. " 1'rlces for storkers and feeders were unchanged. Some of the com mon light steers were comparatively ne glected while buyers considered prices for the best heavy stock too high. iloas Prices to-day ranged at S5.S035.40 for rough , heavy and common mixed and tfi.SIXuA.&l for fair to very choice packing bogs , with Philadelphia aud butcher pig tops. The general market opened 5c higher and there was a good deal of strength , though It was largely speculative. Later In the day , when U was found that the receipts would be about 12,000 , the market weakened and pi Ices lost the early advance. Some smooth IDT-lb mlxrd hogs sold to a packer at 81.75. The general shipping demand was nominal. Packers paid stronger prices for good to heavy hogs , but , considering the fact that the was bettor and that the market Suallty nally closed dull and weak , the prices of the dav for packing and shipping were not quotably better than yesterday FINANCIAL. NKW YOUK , March 29. [ Special Telnaram to the BKE.J STOCKH. The stock market opened utrong Unlay In response to higher markets In London. First prices were about the same as yesterday's close , though Louis ville & Nashville , Missouri Pacific and Union Pacific each started a little higher. Commis sion bouses bought Grangers and there was some covering of shorts , but prices cased ofl somewhat soon after the opening under a good deal of realizing and selling by big traders. Money advanced to 7 per cent , which doubtless had its effect also. The market continued quite strong , however , tak ing stocks well , and there was no serious slump. Union Pacific showed the most strength and advanced a little , due to con siderable buying by Boston , some purchases for London account , and the New i'ork shorts covering. Bull talk was ajaln pro- valient last night , one of the most conspicu ous arguments advanced being the good showing of the railroads. It is said that Cammack has taken on a long line of shorts , having been persuaded to do so by Gould. The gossip goes that after the 1st of April , when the money market gets into shape , the Gould party proposes to start an advance In Texas Pacific , Mr. Gould tells his friends he owns 80,000 shares of this stock , the uiosl heeverticM. The talk Is CO to 75 for It this year , and that when lha fgil ! ! tlmo arrives Kansas & Texas Is to be put up , gu\ little Is said about the latter at presto t. The Mills people sold Western Union this morning and Gould brokers bought , ilenry Clews had t dispatch from Boston saying that the Atchl son road had bought the Chicago < fc Eastern Illinois. The former stock was up to 100 on the Boston exchange , the highest price thus far. During the afternon there was quite a general Improvement In the market and the small decline of the morning was recovered , the close being at about the opening prices. GoVKitNMKNTB-Go\ bonds were firm and strong. YESTEllDAY'S QUOTATIONS. U. S. C's . 100 0. JtN. W . 120 U. S. 4V coupon. 12UH' do preferred. . . .140 U. . X'8COUp..l ( VN. Y.0 . 112 * Pacltlc V80t'l . .12C. ; o. It , & N . 100 Canada South'n. . tt ? f O. T. . S25 < Central Pacific. . 40 Pacific Mnll . 655j Chicago * Alton. HI P. , D. * E . Slfc do preferred. . . .100 Pullman Pal.Car.152n C. , B. Jr O . isy > $ Heading . 89k ! > . , U & W . i : ( ltock Island. . . 12 $ J > * K.G . SOVSt L.&S. F. . . . 34 Kno . SlHj do preferred. . . . C9 do preferred. . . . 72 > < 0. , M. & St P. . . llinois Central. . 1J | do preferred. I. , H. & W C6 > St P.'AO.51 Kl AT 31) I do preferred..113 lAke Shore 5 > Texas raclilc. . . . 29)j U AN CO ) , Union Pacific. . . . GOJi Michigan Cenfl. . 92i , W..St LAP. . . . Ill Mo. 1'acllic 108 i do preferred. . 32 * S- ! . . . . MV W. U. Telegraph 77 * do preferred. . . . 5 ; J MOKRT ox CALL Easy at S@7 pei cent ; closed a@4 per cent. PUIME MKUCANTII.E PAPKK 5@ pei cent. Hrtiunxo EXCHANGE. Dull , steady ant unchanged at ? 4. 4 { for sixty day bills , KM ? ' for demand. 1'UODUCt : MAKK12T. Chlcaeo , March 29. Following quota tions arethc2:30clo3lng tlgures : Flour Steady and unchaniccd ; winter wheat ( lour , 84.2.V84.SO ; goutnern. 4.10 (34.20Wisconsin.84.20(44.30 ( ; : Michigan soft sprlni : wheat , S3.7 < : Minnesota bakers. ! 3.70 4.3o ; patents , 54.5034.W : low grades , Sl.U.iQ'J.SS ; r > e nour. quid at 13.20(33.40 ( ; in Barks nnd barrels , 83(33.70. ( V , heat-Extremely dull , opened a shade lower and closed about the same as yestcr- dny ; cash. 70 < < c ; May. 81 { c : June. frO&e. ( , orn Dull but steady , averaged M@Kc bo * ' ' ' ' ' ' June , 40'ifc.'c ! ' w'tn ' about -V@Kc decline ; cash , 23 < c : May , 2-jy-lCc ; June , vW 15-lOc. lyc-5l | ; < c. Barley--iOJ e. Timothy SePd-I'rlme , 81.73. FlaxSeed-31.08. * . Pork Quiet and nominally tinrhanecd ; cash. 320.00 ; May and June , 321.00. Lard Moderately active , opened stronger nnd closed quiet , cash , 87.35 ; May , 87.42' ' $ ; Buik'XIeaH-SliouldcM , SG.OO@0.25 ; short clear , SS.30rt9.40 ; short libs , SS.WK. Butter-Active but easier ; cash , 2IQ30J < c ; dairy , 17t'J7c. "lVVSxe ! l < irm ; u" cream and chcddar ? , MKc ; llat . 13@i : Kc ; Voting Americas , @ 4'c ; skims , Sffi'Je. gnlte' s7.1xLr.ra-"n.ll unehanced ; heavy green sa ted , 7tfc ; salted bull , Oc ; green s.ilted caf , Oc : dry salted , lOc ; flint. 12 13e ; dry calf , 13@14e ; deacons. 40c each. . . ' "low Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 4c ; > o. 2 , 3 c ; cake , , . . . Receipts. Shipments. flour , bhls . as , 000 . Wheat bu . 100,000 41.000 Corn , bu . aa.CKX ) 121,000 Oat , bu . 171,000 207,000 Jtye.bu . 1,000 1,000 Barley , bu . 50,000 49,000 Now York. March 29.- Wheat Re ceipts , 80,000 ; exports. ) 184,000 : spot about Kc a"d options K@Jfc lower , closing steady , with a slight recovery : ungraded red , 81 ® 9X ? ; No. 3 red , b9c ; No. 1 red. WJc ; No. 2rcd ; , 9li4'@yi 0 in elevator , ttJ f@9Jc deliv ered free nn board ; April closed atUlc. Cotn-KecRlpts , 70.0CO ; exports , 34,000 ; spot quiet and eencrally steadv ; options } ( (3i 'lc lower , closing steady ; ungraded , SJMtfi Ario ; No. H.4SKC in elevator , 49Jic deliv ered ; April closed at 4S'fc. lUts-Keceipts , 131.000 ; exports. 32 ; J @ c lower ; mixed western , 35337c ; white western , 3S@4''c. Petroleum-Steady ; United closed at C3 > c. Pork Steady and moderately active. Lard ! XgG points lower but quiet ; western steam , spot , S7.CO. Butter-Quiet ; western , 12@20c ; Elgin creamery , : . . Cheese Firm and fair demand. tggs Urm ; western , fresh , ' du" ! . Corn Firmer ; No. 2 , mixed , Oats-Steady ; No. 2 mixed , Uye-Strong ; No. 2 , C2c. Pork Kasy at S17.2. ) . Lard-Quiet at 87.37K- WhlsKy Active and lirm at 81.13. Milwaukee , March 29. VYneat Firm ; cash , 71c ; May , 7U c. Corn Steady ; No. 3 , 37c. Oats-Dull ; No. 2 white , 31c. Uyo-Flrmer ; No. 1 , 5Gc. Barley Higher ; No. 2. 52Xc. Provisions-Quiet ; pork , repacked. Slfi.50. Minneapolis , March 29. Wheat Inac tive ; export buyers out of market owing to uncertainty as to freight rates to seaboard when the lnt r-state law goes Into effect ; ures. Flour Dull and inactive ; patents , 84.25 < a 4.40 ; bakers , S3.yo < 33.5f . Jtecelpts Wheat. 127,000 bu. ; Hour. 100 bbls. Shipments Wheat , 24,000 bu. ; flour , 23,000 bbls. St. Louis , March 29. Wheat Lower ; No. 2 red , cash , 79@79 < cMay ; ana June , 79 < c. rCorn About steady ; cash , 35 c ; May , Oats-Dull ; cash , 272Sc ; May , 2Stfc. Rye Dullat55 > fc. . Barley Quiet at 52c. Pork-817.00. Lard-Quiet at 87.25. Whisky 81.13. Butter Steady and firm ; creamery 25 ® 30c ; dairy , 15 @ 27c. AFTERNOON BOAUD Wheat Higher and firm ; May , 79@t > 0c. Corn Nominal and unchanged. Oats Dull : May , 2'c. Kansas City. March 29. Wheat Dull ; No. 2 red , cash. 70c asked ; April , G9J c bid ; iday , 72 > c bid , 73c asked. Corn Dull : No. 2 , cash , 82c ; April , 3l c asked ; May , 32Vc bid , SScasked. Oats Nominal ; 27cbld for cash. Now Orleans , March 29. Corn Easier but not quotably lower ; mixed , 49c ; yel low , 50@51o ; white,52353c. Oits-Steady : at SOH@37c. Cornmeal Dull at Si 15. UOK Products Quiet but steady ; pork , 517.00 ; lard , 87.00. Bulk Meats Shoulders , SO.00 ; long clear and clear rib , SS.OO. Liverpool. March 29. Wheat Steady and demand fair ; holders offer moderately. Corn Dull and demand poor : new mixed , western , 4s Id per cental. LIVE STOCK. Cblcano. March 29. Th * Drovers' Jour nal leportu as follows : Cattle-Receipt * , 7.000 ; steady but slow ; fancy. 85.20(35.40 ( ; shipping steers , 84.00(3 5.10 ; stockers and feeder * . 82.90@4.30 : rows , bulls and mixed , 92.10O3.85 ; bulk , 52.90 ® 3.25 ; Texas cattle , 83.00. Hogs Receipts. 13,000 ; about steady ; rough and mixed , 55.20 ( 5.80 ; packing and 8hlp ng5.75SO.OO ( ; light , 85.10(85.05 ( ; skips , Sheers-Receipts , 5,000 ; active and strong , closing weak ; natives , 83.004.95 ; western , $3.75@4.75 ; Tuxans , 82.50@i.7S ; lambs , 84.50 @ 5.75. Drovers' Journal Special. Cablegram from London quotes cattle market strong ; ; best American steers , 13c per lb , dressed weight Kftnsaii City. March 29. Cattle Receipts , 3,200 ; shipments,2,000 ; strong but moderately active : common to choice shipping , 83.75(4 ( 4.75stockers. : | 2.003.a5 ; feeding steers , S3.40Q4.00 ; cows , 82.2.V 3.GO. UOKS Receipts , 5,000 ; shipments , 1,200 ; choice strong and 5chigher ; common steady ; common to choice , S5.OCKg5.75 ; skips and Pigs , 83.50@4.90. Natlon l Stock Yard * , East 8t , Lnuli , 111. , March 29. Cattle Receipts , 1,000 ; steady ; choice heavy native steers , i- - ! M'.EOod ship s steers , 33.95(34.70 ( ; butchers' steers , fair to cholcw , 83COu:4.35 : ; feeders , fair to good , 83.20Q4.00 ; stockers. fair to good. 52.40@3.20. Hogs Kwelpts , 3,200 ; active and 5c higher ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , 85.80(3 ( 5.95 ; packing , falrto good , 85.COig5.75 : park- era , medium to prime , 85.35(35.55 ( ; pics , com mon to good , § 1.75(35.15. ( OMAHA Tuesday , Marc.1 } 3 ? , Cat tin. The receipts of cattle were more liberal to day , there being three times as many a s there were yesterday. The market opened strong at about Yesterday's prices and was fairly active. There were some choice cat tle In which sold higher than anything for several days. In some Instances tno market might be called higher on the better grades. HoK . The market opened active and strong at yesterday's prices nnd two choice loads brought more tlmn anything sold yesterday. The market weakened rapidly as the day ad vanced and closed 5lOc lower than the open- ing. Everything sold except four loads which came In late. _ Sheep. There were a few In and one load was reported sold at 13.75. _ Receipts. Cattle. . 1,500 3,400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Prices. Showing the prevailing prices paid for live stock on this market : Choice steers. 1800 to 1500 Ibs. , . . 84.40(34. ( 75 Choice steers , 1100 to 1350 Ibs. . . 4.2.X3M5 Fat little steer 900 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.90i ( .S5 Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 3.00,33.40 Falrto medium cows . 2.00&-J.75 Good to holc bulls . a.Wdtail Light and medium hoc * . 5.45(35.50 ( Uood to choice heavy hogs . 5.504(5.60 Uood to choice mixed hoes . 5.40(35.50 ( Choice sheep , 90 to 120 Ibs. . . . . . . 3,60i.20 Sales. , No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2. . . . Oi' 83.50 18..11S5 8 ,35 1. . . . 810 3.75 . ' ,2. . . . 1173 4.3.5 7. . . . 9T8 4.00 17. . . . 1133 4.33 20..1113 4.00 < . . . .1145 4.3.5 3. . 9CO 4.00 3-i..1197 4.40 4. . . . 9'X ) 4.00 31. . . . 1193 4.40 C3..10J7 4.10 21..1120 4.40 W..1000 4.12'f ' 31..1138 4.40 4..1310 4.15 19..1317 4.40 II..10U 4.15 : i9..114l 4.45 3..11SJ 4.20 31..1103 4.45 14..10VJ 4.20 79..1320 4.45 7..1113 4.'i5 40..1KO 4.45 20.ll'i9 4.2.5 20. . . .1147 4.45 5..10 < W 4/r W..11S5 4.50 19..ia > S 4/J5 IS. . . .1309 4.50 10..1195 4.KO 30..1287 4.CO 5 . . .1170 4..iO 1'2..1415 4.05 M..12YJ 4.30 33..V.V.I 4.0.5 2..1100 4.W 'J..1U.5 4C5 M..1201 4.M 9..U85 4.b5 24..10C9 4.35 BULLS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 17..135-J - 8'J.CO 2..15J5 53.00 2..131,5 2.75 1..18IO 3.00 3..1(515 ( 2.75 1..1U.VO 3.00 1..1400 2.75 l..l < > 30 8.00 \ . . ilViO 2.75 1. . . 'J120 3.10 3. . . .149. } 2.75 1..1000 3.12) ) < 1..1.110 2. 5 2..1315 3.15 1 . . .1400 3.00 3. . . .1340 3.25 2. . . .1435 3.00 1..14TO 3.25 1..1SJO 3.00 10..13.U 3.35 COWS AND 1IEIFEHS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 12. . . . 027 S2.73 2. . . . 903 S3.30 1..1100 3.00 3..1003 3.X5 6..1071 3.15 20..1149 3.35 13..1093 3.15 31..1137 3.40 14..1017 3.20 4..1147 3.50 1. . . . 910 3/15 14..1127 8.50 4..1230 2-2.5 13. . . . 978 3.60 4..1U7 S.2.5 3..12J3 4.00 STAGS , No. Av. Pr. Xo. Av. Pr. 1..10,50 83.73 1..10JO 54.00 noos. No. Av. Shk. IT No. Av. Shk. Pr. 5.5..209 20085.40 70..240 ICO 85.50 03..211 200 5.45 71..234 240 5.50 74..219 100 5.45 70..24'J 40 5.50 74..215 200 5.45 73. . .245 40 5.50 77..224 40 5.45 06. . . 258 80 5.5'JK 67..25J 100 5.45 70..237 200 5.55 C9..215 5.45 CO..255 80 fi.55 09..230 640 5.45 r > 3..322 240 5.55 Cr.2f 3 4SO 5.47K 59.,2.)2 120 5.55 65..218 5.47K C'J..2V4 100 5.55 CO..23.5 fcO 5.475 C7.:205 240 5.53 08..250 120 6.47J fri..275 200 C.55 72..240 80 5.50 03 . . .25S 60 fi.55 CO..249 120 5.50 C,0..2J4 120 5.55 C4..220 40 5.'iO 70. . . 230 60 5.55 70. . . .24'J 120 5.50 84. . . .243 120 5.5.5 C8..2IU 200 5.50 01..805 120 5.00 C8..2. 20 5.50 74..255 200 5.X ( ) 51..221 100 5.50 72..215 40 C.OO 04..27S .720 5.50 OS..S5S 40 5.00 01..274 120 550 55..370 240 5.02 } 05..2.18 bO 5.50 CO..335 5.C5 Flan co of 1'rlces. Showing the hlchost and lowest prices paid for loads of hozs on this market during thepastsHven days and for the satuo time last month and a vcar azo. Fob. 1837. Jlnroh 1837. Murcli IfcO. 23d 5,15 W..40 3.75 © 3.00 2 < th 5.15 < iW.10 5.25 ttSo-Mi 3.70 04.00 > ttt 5.U5 Ti J.U7i 5.25 < S1.45 3.60 t.IKH : ] 2litb 6.30.V ) 365 K3.W ) 27th Sunday 28th 5.30 O'l.CO Sutldax 21'th ' 640 3.70 ffi.1.75 Iilvo Stock Purchases. Showing the number of head of live stock bought by the le.idliK ) buyers. CATTLE. Swift & Co 3.W O. H. Hammond & Co 243 Andy Haas 133 Lobman & Itothchlld 15H J , H. Johnson 115 Defour&Co 144 Others 70 Total " 99 IIOOS. Ancln-Amerlcan Packing Co 1S08 J. P. Squires & Co 700 O. H. ilammond&Co 371 Harris & Fisher 0.5 Total 3004 snr.EP. Local butchers 104 Shipments. Showing the number of cattle , hoes and beep shipped from the yards during the clay. CATTLE. No. cars. Jit. Dcst. 31 Bill Chicago 29 . .N. W Chicaeo Allstlcsof stockm this market are made percwt live weight unless otherwise stated. Dead hogs sell at Xc per Ib. for all weights. "Skins , " or hogs welshlne less than too IDs. no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 IDS. and stags 80 Ibs. by the public Inspector. Lire 8tockNote8. Cattle strong. QUogs closed weak. Hops touched S5.G5. A good many shippers In. Active markets all around. Four loads of hogs left over. Corn-fed range cattle were slow. One bunch of cattle reached S4. 5. Switt & Co. , bought eighteen loads of cat tle. tle.P. . C. Dren'ton , Elliot , la. , was looking over the yards. J. W. Boilcs , Ceresco , Neb. , was in and sold a load ot cattle. F. U. Klene , Albion , was In and marketed a load of hogs. U. Ford , Marquette , was here with two loads of cattle. C. McCauley. Kearney , was in and sold three loads of cattle. J. H. Elnsel , Holdrege , Neb. , was among the visitors at the yards. James Cummlngs , Talmage , Neb. , was in wllii two loads of cattle. Kan Frazier , Wayne , Neb. , was hern and marketed lire loads ot cattle. The Squires' drove of hoes , eight loads , av eraged 2t > 0 Ibs and cost 85.48. J. M. brown , UromQpId , Neb. , was here looking over the cattle market Tnomas Hanlan , Ounbar , bad two loads of cattle on the market which sold. iiogs opened strong and active and weak ened fast and closed 5@lOc lower. James Marsh , Ulue Sprlnes , Neb. , was in and marketed two loads of cattle. D. King , Bradshaw , was at the yards and marketed a load of hogs and a load ot cattle. W. Z. Pollard , Urumtield , Neb. , was here and marketed seventy-two head of corn fed steers. Davn Anderson , the well known shipper from Columbus , marketed two loads of corn- fed steers. John Wilkinson , Avoca , Neb. , came In with two loads of cattle and a load of hogs which sold on the market. Mr. Jteese , ot the linn of Reese & Kccse. llardy , was in and marketed four loads of cattle and one load of sheep. The Milwaukee railroad company hauled out thirtv-one cars ot cattle ana twenty-one cars of dressed meat ycSteumVi A. E. Whltakoiv . wuii jlown Chicago buyer , has arrived here and will buy bogs tor North & Co. , the Uoston packers. J. Rae , of the firm of Ukey & Co. , has ar rived at the yards and will remain here per manently In the Interest ot his lirra. Mr. Thompson , of Thompson Bros. , TJna- dllla , was here with his maiden shipment to this market , one load ot cattle , which sold at satisfactory prices. J. W. Bush , Schuyler. marketed a load of cattle of his own feeding late Monday , bis first shipment here. There were thirteen heifers in the load which brought S3.CO. W. O. Delashmutt , Pacific Junction , was In with a load of uogs. his first shipment , which sold on the market. Ha has been a heavy shipper to Chicago , but says bo will coino here after this. Mr. Gardanler. of the firm of Uardanler , Arris & Co. , Scrlbner , Neb. , was In aud mai- keted two loads of bogs. One load brought S5.C5 without dock. They are old shippers to the yards but this is the first time any of them bare been in with their stock. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS Tuesday , March 29. General Produce. Thefollowlnp price * are for round lots of prouceaa ! sold cm Oic market fcnwi'jie / quotations on fruits represent the prices at which outside orders are nilcd. BUTTEII An occasional package of fancy choice country , 17@1& ; falrto good , 13@l5e ; common , 5@10c. Eoos 1'he ruling price U lOc and the mar ket can be called active at that price. POULIIIY Chickens have bceu In eood demand , and eood .stock hns sold at Uc. Inft few Instances extra choice stock has brUirsht r.V. Small fat turkeys have been still up at iftijiic , and coarse heavy turkeys at P < glOo. The demand Is mostly In a small why as live poultry Is comlni ! In season and It Is only due to the extremely light receipts that the above prices have been obtained. LIVE Pori.TiiT There is a rcry fair demand and evciythlng lecclvcd thus far has sold readily on arrival. Good heavy fowls or chickens have sold at cs.oogs.i1 ; per dozen , whllo a few choice have 140110 at S3.50. There Is not much dtnimnd for uirkevs but those re ceived have sold at Cysc per lo. CHEESE Full cream Cheddars , slnifle , 13J4 (3 He ; full crcaui Hats , twins , 14c ; Young country , S1.00c < tl.25 ; medium , hand picked , 51.40Q1.50 ; hand picked , navv , Sl.WXgl.GO. PROVISIONS Ham , 12(3l3c ? ( ; breakfast bacon , rib , 9Jfcbreakfast : bacon , plain , 10'fc ; dry salt sides , SHQ Jfc : dried beef , regular , lie ; dridd beef , ham pieces , 14c ; lard , 50-lb cans , 7Vo : 20-lbcans , Fairbanks , 7fc ; 10-lb cans , Fairbanks , 7Kc : 5-lb cans , Faltbanks , Sc : 3-lb cans , Fairbanks , 8'n'c. POTATOKS Commission dealers are generally holding for about 40@50o. Home grown , 40 < ( J50c ; Colorado rose , per bu , S1.05 ( gl.lO ; Colorado snowllake , per bu , Sl.uxg 1.10 ; Salt Lake , Wc@81.00 ; sweet , per Ib , 'OAHHAOE The market Is firmer than last week on account of the lUhtcr receipts. There Is nothing In but California stock. California cabbage , choice , per lb , 8fc. CAULIFLOWER The market Is well sup plied with choice stock , which is selling at 81.75 per doz. Ai'i'LEs There are a eood many In and the market Is lower. There is a good deal more poor stock In than there has been , Fancv eastern stock , S4.50@5,00 ; choice Mis souri stock , S4.00@4.50 ; common Missouri stock , 83.50(34.00. ( OrD VEOKTAiir.r.s-Tlie supply on the mar ket is not large but the demand Is light and stocks movlngslowly. Onions , choice stock , per bbl,33.50(14.00. Beets , carrots , turnips etc. , per bbl.S1.75 < < } 2.00 ; horseradish roots , per lb. , 7c. GKKEN VEOETAin.r.s The receipts thus far have been light and there has been very little In aside from spinach , which has not been very rapid sale. Homo grown celery Is very poor and scarce. Spinach , per bbl. , S1.75@J.OO : top onions , per dozen bunches , 3035c : celery , home grown , per do/en , 3 : > ( rt45c ; California celery , per do/en , 90c@ SI.00 ; radishes , per dozen bunches , 35c ; let tuce , JOc ; plo plant , per lb. lOc. OVSTKIIS Mediums , 20c ; standard , 20c ; selects , 2Sc ; extra selects , 33 ; N. Y. counts , oSC. oSC.SAME The receipts have not been very heavy and the demand has been very fair. There ate a eood many brants on the mar ket and they are very slow sale. Mallaid ducks , per dozen , S2.00Q2.25 ; teal , per dozen , S1.501.7. > : mixed , per dozen , SfS.oo ; geese , per dozen , 53.00(33.50 ( ; brants , per dozen , 53.00. LEMONS The market Is lirm. Stocks are moving fairly well for tno season. Mc.sslua , choice , per box , 84.75(25.00 ( ; do. fancy , per box , S5.00@5.50. OKANOES Stocks are moving slowly and the supnlv Is about equal to tun demand. California , Riverside , per box , S3.75..T4.00 ; California , Los Angele.s. per box , S3.00 ; Navels , 50.00 ; Mediterranean sweets , 53.75 @ 4.00. STiiAWiiF.itniES There have been a few In this week. Choice stock gold readily at 40o. BANANAS Large bunches , per bunch , S2.50 © 3. . % . NUTS Afew black walnuts are coining in from the country and are slow sale at 75c per bushel. The following are the wholesale prices at which orders from the outside are Tilled : Almonds , v0c ! : pecans , large polished , Uc ; lilberts , 14cBrazlls ; , 14cwalnutsNaples ; , i.0c ' : walnuts , Chili , 14c ; peanuts , H. I' . Vir ginia , 8c. t FLOCU AND MILLSTOFFS Winter wheat flour , best quality patentS2.7. ) ; second qual ity , S2.00S2,50 ( ; best quality spring wheat flour , patent. S2.40@2.r > 5 : bran , 70c percwt ; chopped feed , 75c per cwt ; white corn meal. 9Uc ; yellow rorn. ' meal , SOfSOOc per cwt ; screening , 50 < < J75ciper cwt ; liomlny , 'S1.50 ; shorts. 70c percwt : graham , SI.75 ; hay. In bales 7.00 per ton. , ( JitAi.v Corn. 2rc ; wneat , No. 2 , 57GOc ( ; oats , 2Sc ; rye. 45c. , Grocer' * Mot. PICKI.ES Medium , In bbls. 58.00 ; do , In half bbls , S4.50 ; small , in bbls , 89.00 : do , In halt bbls. 85.00 ; gherkins , In bbls , Slo.00do ; , in halt bblsS5..W. , , , , SUQAII Uranulated , OKOtfc ; conf. AI Sv ( goc ; white extra C , 5 > i < g5Xc ; extra C , We ; yellow C , 4 fi4c : cut loaf , ( " " " COFFEK'S Ordinary grades , 15@15 } c fair ISKGSl'c ; prime. lOtfc ; choice , 10f@17'ic ; fancy green and yellow. lOSJUc : old * ov- crnment Java , 20 < 320c ; Interior .lava , 10 > < ( < 4 20c ; Mocha , 22@24e : Arbucklo's roasted 20'fc ; McLaughlm's XXXX roasted , 20Jic ; Dilworth's.2 c : Red Cross , 20' c. , 83.15 ( 3.25 ; strawberries , 21b. per case. 82.30 ; raspberries. 2 lb , per case , 82.25 ; California pears , per case , S4.50 ; apricots , per casa , 14.00 ; peaches , per case , 85.00 ; white cher ries , per case , $0.00 ; plums , per case , 83.50 ; blueberries per case , 81,85 ; egg plums. 2 lb , per case. 82.50 : pineapples , a ID , per case 83.20(25.75 ; l lb mackernl. per doz , (1.40 ; 1 lb salmon , per doz , S1.5CK 1.5o ; 2 ID , goose berries , per case , 81.75 ; 2 lb string Deans , per case , 81.05 ; alb lima beans , per case , 81.00 ; 2 Ib marrowfat peas , percase. 8 .50 ( 2.00 ; 3 lb early June peas , per caso. 33.75 : 3 lb toma toes : ! W.5Ui3AW:3 ) lb.corn 82.40rtJ2.50. MATCHES Per caddie , 2,5c ; square cases , 81.70 : mule square. 81.2U. STBUP No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , 1.20@1.25 ; New Orleans per gallon 33@40c ; maple syrup , half fcbls , "old tlmo , " per gallon , 70c ; 1 gal lon cans , per doz , 810.00 ; hali gallon cans , per doz , 85.50 ; quart cans. 83.0u. CANDY Mixed. SKGDllc : stick , 8J < (29Wc. ( CRACKERS Uarneau's soda , butterand , picnic. 6 > < c : creams , 8 } < c 5 ginger snaps , 8) o ; city soda. 7K. STABCH Mirror glosa. l lb. 6c ; mirror gloss. 3 lb , 65ic : mirror gloss , 6lb , " " " Graves B,11D,6 > c ; Klngsford's corn , 1 ID , 7c : Kingsford's < gloss , 1 lb. 7c : Klnzsford's KIOSSGib.Kc : Klnicsford's pure lib. 5Kc ; Klngsford'B pure 3"lbi & ) { Klngsfordi \ SOAPS Kirk's savon imperial. 82.70 ; Klrk-s satinet. 83.00 ; Kirk a standard , 83.05 ; Kirk's white Russian , 84.00 ; Kirk's whitecap - cap , $0.50 ; dome , 83.85 ; washboard , 83.10 ; white cloud. 83.75. General Haricot * . * V ABNiRiiEs Uairels , per gallon ; furni ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture , No. 1. 81.00 ; coach extra , 81.40 ; roach , No. l , 81.30 ; Da- mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; , asphaltum , extra ssc : shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil finish , UEAVT llARnwABE Iron , rate 32.80 ; plowsteelspeclaicast,4Kccruclblestecl : ; , Xc ; cast tools , do. )2 < ( $ it < c ; wagon spokes , pei set , 83.oo@a50 ; bubs , per set. 81.25 : telloes. awed dry , 81.50 ; tongues , each. SOc : axel- , , each. 75c : square nuts , per lb. Gl@71c ; roll chain , per Ib. GK l-c ; malleableb@tCc ; iron wedges , 6c ; crowbars , 6c ; harrow teeth , 4j < c , spring steel. 739c ; llurden's horse shoes , 84.75 ; Burden's mule shoes. 8V75. Barbed wire , in car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs. Nails , rates , 10 to 60. 3UO ; steel nails. 82.90. Shot , 81.35 ; buckshot , 81.GO ; Hazirdpowder , kegs , 85.00 ; do. half kegs , 32.75 ; do. quarter kegs. 81.50 : blasting , kegs , 82.10 ; fuse , per 10 fe t,65c. Lead bar. 3 . DRY PAWis-Whlte'lead , 7 < j ; French zinc , 12c : Paris whltinrf. Sk'ci nl.ltln * . cj ! ; = rj , nui wnuiRffj couvl , IMC ; lampDlaclr , Ger- manstown. i2c' JiMpuiack , ordinary. 8c ; Prussian biue,55c4iltramarlne , IVc ; vandyk- brown , 8c ; umber , burnt. 4o ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c : sienna , raw , 4c ; Paru green. Kenulne. 25e , 1'arls green , com mon , 22 < s ; chrome green. N. Y. . 20c ; rermlllton American , ibc ; inaiac raw and burnt umber , 1 0 > cans , i2c ; raw and burnt sienna , 12c : Vandyke brown , 13c : relined - lined lampblack l3o : coach black and ivorj black. 16c ; drop black. Itlc ; Prussian blue , 40c : ultramarine black. , 18c ; chromo ercen.lj. , It. AIX. I6c ; blind and shutter green. L. . M. * D. , 16c ; Parurreen , 18c ; Indian red , 15c ] Venetian red , Oc ; Tuscan , ISc ; American vermllllon. L. & D. , 80e : yellow ochre. 2e ; L. M. * O. D. . 18ot good ochre. 16c : patent dryer. 8c Draining color , light oak , dark oak , walnut chestnut and ash. 1'Jc. DRUGS AND . Ao d carbolic , ff > e : acid tartarlc , 52c ; balsam copaiba , pel n > , 4oc ; bark sassafras , per n , lOc ; calomel , pure , per lb. Soc ; lead , acetate , per ft. 2loi oil , castor , No. l. per gal. , 81.50 ; oil castor , No. 2 , per gal. , 81-40 ; oil olive , per gal.40 ; oil orlirannuin. SOc ; opium , 84.00 ; quinine , P. A W. and R. A S , , per loz. 70c ; potassium Iodide , per tft , 83.50 ; sallcln. peroz. 40c ; sul phate morphine , per oz. 81.15 ; sulphur , pei tb,4c ; strychnine. Drnz.81. J. I'AINTS IN OIL White lead. OmahaP P. C'fc ; white lead , Su Louis , pure , G)4c ; Mar ecllles , greiD. l lb cans , Jc ; f rencn zinc trrcen neat , 12c : French zinc , rod seal. Uc : French fine. In virnUh ait. 20c : Kenct inc.75c : Termllllon , English , In oil , 75c red. lOc : rose pinkHe ; Venetian red , Cook son's , 2J/c ; Venetian red. American. iWc red lead , 7 We ; chrorae yellow , genuine , 20c hrome yellow , K , 12c ; ochre , rochelle. Sc echre , Freacb , SJic ; ochw , American . Winter's mineral , S o ; Lchlnh blown , 2 > < cj Spanish brown , 2Kc ; I'rlnce's mineral , iB nniTS Coloene spirits. 1S3 proof , 81.17 } do 101 proof , 31.18 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , S1.17 : do ISs proof. 81.10 Alcohol , 188 proof , 3J.M per wine callon. Redistilled whiskies , 81.00-31.50. Gin , blended. Sl.soa ? .oo : Kentuckybourbons , 82.oo < afi.oo : KPII- tucky and Pennsylvania rye.s , 8i.OOMfl.50 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon anil rye whlskle.s , S1..V > 33.00. Brandies , Imported , S5.OOi3S.50 : domestic , 81.80yJ3.00. Gins , Imported , 34.30 .HO.OO ; domestic , 81.25.r,3.oO. ( Champajincs , Imported. r.r can8 .00333.00 ; American , per case. 810.00y41fl.ou. HIDES Green butchers , 5JGe ; green cured. 7c : dry Mint. llW-'c ; drv salt , e lOc ; rreen calf skins , Kc ; damaged nuics , two-thirds price. Tallow Jl c. Grease Prime white , We' yellow , 2'/c ' ; brown , l f Sheen Pelts. 25O75C. funs ANO SKINS 'ino following , price are for prime , well handled skins : Heaver , prime , clean per pound , Sl.MKft3.oo ; fall.Sl.2 , ' ) (52.00 ( : meatvntm Inferior. S1.00Q1.25. Uear. blown and grizzly , 85.00 8.00 ; rubs nd ycarllnirs , 32.00 4.00. Bad er , WJGOc. ( ? Cat , wild , 20iOc : domestic , black , l < Xe$15c : do- mp.stlc , sundry colors , 5t > c. FOT , red , 81.00 ( ai.2.5 ; rross , S2.ooc 4.oo ; grey , 40@50c ; silver. 810.00(340.00. ( Fisher. 84.00 ( 0.00. Otto r,84.00 QG.OO. Martin. 81.00(3175 ( , Muscrat i win ter. large , lOc ; fall , 5c ; Kills , Mink , clarco dark , 35@40c ; .small and pale , 15@20c. Jlac- coon. largu prime , 4X350c ( ; small and Inferior , 20 < 330c. Skunk , common , 15@25c. Wolf , largo grey , 31.50(32.50 ( ; coyote or prairie 75(3 ( 90c. lecr and antelope , winter , per pound 15c ; fall and summer , per pound SOc. Dry * * Bmtaar. DIMENSIONS ANO TIMdCUS. FBNCtXO. No.l , 4& 8 Inch , 13 and U ft. roueh. . No. 8 , 4 & Olncli. 12 and H ft. rouitu. . . 15.09 , > : rc. Quincy white lime , ( best ) . 05c Akron cement , 2.7. ) ; lialr . 25c BOARDS. No. ICom. s Is . 518.00 No. 2 " " . 15.50 No.3 ' " . lo.OO N 4 " " . 10.00 S1DINO. A , 12 , 14 and 10 ft . S21.50 H , ' . . liO.OO C , " " . " . lfl.00 U , " " " . 11.50 CKII.1NO AXn rAKTITlON. 1st com. .Jf In White Pine Celling . S34.00 2d " " " " " . . . 2 .00 2d com. , % In Norway Pine Celling. . . . 14.00 pr.oomr& . A Cinch , white pine , 3.1.50 C $2C.r > 0 > : cini . " " ' ' . Cinch. ( Sel FenV' ) . is.oo STOCK 110AHDS. A 12 Inch s. 1 s. 4VW 0 . 835.50 No. 1 , com. 12 in s. 1 s. , 12. & 14 S20 : in ft.l9.oo No. S. . " 17.50 ; " 10.50 . 1st and 2 < i , clear , l wr inch , s. 2 s . $50.50 8d , clear , 1 Inch. s. 3 s 4U I'1 . 2 In 45.50 1J clear , 1 Inch , s. B d 29.50 ; i > { , 1 > , 2 in 37.00 SHIP LAP. No.l , plain , Sand 10 in . 518.W SOUTHKUN' YBM.O1T PINE. Com. 4 and C In. lloorlne . S17.50 Clear , linish , 1 and l,1 In. s. 2s . 29.00 " porruiated cilllnf ( , 4 In . 24.50 " Yellow pine casing and base . 27.00 PICKETS. Pickets. D and 11 Hat 520.50 ; D & H sq.S20.50 SHINOLUS , LATH. XX clear . . . . 53.00 A * standard . 2.75 * A11. B. andB : . 2.50 POSTS. White Cedar. 0 In. , Ms. 12Kc ; 9 In. in. ( irs.0c WANTED , RAW FURS ! At tlioblylicst mnrkot price. . Pond for price current to the Old Itclmblo Furriers uml Fur Merchants. Established 1 3. A. n. nUUKHAHDT & CO. , 113 West Fourth and 113 and 114 linker Street , CINCINNATI , OHIO. THE RAILWAUIME TABLES , OMAHA. U. P. BRlDQETKAiys.'TJiri'Ser.lOmaljZ ' ' , Except Sunday. I 7:12 : ami to:85 : am tConnects with S. C. & 8:15 am P. at Council Bluffs. I 9:25 : ami 8:00 : am llConnectswithC. B. A 9:42 : am L Q. , C. & N. W. , C. M. A * 10:87am * 10:00am St P. . C. R. I.'A p. at 11:47 : am 11.10 am Council Blurts. i ; 30 pm l:00pm : { Connects with W. St. 2:37 : pm 2:00pm : L. A P. at Council Bluffs. n :37 : pm J2:20pm : ( Connects with all evenIng - 4:37 : pm :00pm : Ing trains for Chicago at 550pm ; 4:00pm : Council Bluffs. T rajns g42pm ; leave umaiia a vnion 7ivpm ; PAdSe depot , lOtlT and 7:43pm : :10pm : Pierce streets. 8:50 : pro 7:00pm : 10:47pm : 8l5pm : ll:55pm : J ? : < * Pn > I ll:10pm : COUNCIL nLUPPH. H fuu I'rriuMurc IVcay , ytnoal r < ebUltj.Ixj.tMuiluodnc h Hni { tried lo tail cT t7 known r < un lr. hf ilUctivprad a idnplv lf < a r , which be will > nJ fa lo hu fellow iulTe c Arfdn * * , G. J. M ANON. l > wrt oiCT fAu 7 . Ji v Te Omaha Jobbers' Directory. Agricultural Implements , CHURCH IL L PARKER , Whol - lelo l rln Aarrtcnlhtral Implements , Wnsrons , C JTl c and lUifBlci. Joncn tr t , ketncea Mb ina I Oth , Omaba , Neb , LININGER tC SIETCALF CO. , Agricultural Implements , Vfazoni.CarrlMPi , rtueulp * . Htc. , Wholcialr , Onnha. LEE , FKIED tf CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , 8h l Iron , KIC. Ajcnti for Howe Seal * * , and Miami rowdtno.Omahattcb. PARLINORE\DORF A MARTIN WholeialeUealeriln Agricultural Implements , ITaf oni and Buinlct. Ml , 109 , U05 and SO ? , Joneii it Artists' Material. A. HOSPE , Jit. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , Builders' Hardware and Scales. HIMEBAUGH . TAYLOR , Buildors'Ilnrdwaro * Scale It epalr Shop Mechanics' Tool § and nuffnlo Hrale * . H06 Uouslai IU , _ Omaha , Neb. Boots end Shots. "AMERICAN HAND SEWED S110E COMPANY , Manufacturer ! and WholeiaUDealtn la Boots and Shoes , ComplMe stock of Kubber Goodi alwart on hand KB 8. 13th at. , Omaha. N b. A. T. Auitln. Agent. w. r. MORSE jc co. Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes. 1411 Faroam it. , Omaha , Neb. Manufactory , Bummai _ tlreet. lloiton. _ _ Z. T. UNDUE Y d ) CO. Wholesale Rubber Boot ! and Shoes lUibbor niul oileU Clultiiiitr nj Kelt Hoots and Shoos. Southeast COURT 14tl > uiul Beir. lKEATING , Agt. for Auheuscr-Busu Brewing1 Ass'n Special nrandt. Fault , lludwelier and Rrlancer. Lnger Beer Brewers , 1521 North Hth Ftreet , Omaha , Neb. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS HELLER , Butchers' Tools and Supplies , Ituiago Cailngi of all klndi nlwayaln atoc * . 1115 Jonep si.Omaha Coffee , Spices , Etc. Omaha Cofrco and Spice Mills. Teai , Coffee , Spire" . naklnn Powder. Fl'iTorln tract * , Laundry Blue , Ink , Kte. 11U-10 Uaraer Biri'et , OniiiUn , Nab. GATES , COLK Ui MILES , Homo Coffee and Spire Mills M'f'ir Co. Coffee Roasters und fpltu Qrlnd r5 , Manafacturprn of BaktnK I'owder. flavoring Kitracn , Mining. Etc. Trr one case of our ! parkitKellomeBlvnd Hoattod Ooffee. ItW Hownrd * t.mabn. N b. Cornice. John Epencter , Prop. Manufacturer of G l nUed Iron and Cornice. 931 lodf e and 103 aud 105 N , lOtb at. , OmaUu.Neb. KUEMPING cC 11OLTE , Manufacturer ! ! of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Window. , Final * . MetallcSkjllgbt , etc. 3108. 12th it. , Omaba. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Specht , Prop. Galrantied Iron Cornlco , ctr. Rnrct'slmprflTed Pair ent Mi-tallc Skylight. 'Mi and 610 fi , 1 jth t.niaha. ) Carpets. OMAHA CARPET CO. , Jobber * of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , I.lnoleumi , Mailing ! , Htc. 1H1 Doutlai itrett. S. A. OliCILAR D , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Uattlcf i , Curtain Goodi , Etc. 1113 Farnara blreet , Omaha. Neb. _ _ Crockery and Notions. Jlf * nt for the Manufacturers and Importer * of Crockery , Glassware , Lunpi , Chlmoer * , etc. Office , 81T South 13th it Omaba , Neb. Commission and Storage. D. "A. JIURLEY , Commission and Jobblnp ; . Bolter. Kggiand Produce. Conilgnmenti aollclted. Htadquartera for Stoneware , Berrr HOXPI and Urap * Baiketa. liU Dodge ilreel , Omaba. PEYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. Frultf , Produce and Prorliloni , Omaha , Neb. W. E. RIIfDELL , ' Storasre and Commission Merchant. Specialties ButUr. Kfgt. Cbeu * . Poultrj. Uam , Ojinn , Etc. . Ktc. Ill South luh itreet. WIEDEJOAN 6 CO7 Produce Commission Merchants , Poultrr , Butter , Game , Krulti , etc. 230 B. Utbgt Omaha , Neb , Coal antf Lime. Qmo. * . LUIAOH. ITU. C. r. QoonHAN , V. Piva. J. A. 8DNDIRLAHO , Seo. and Trcai. OMAHA COAL , COKE d ) LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. JOT Sooth Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Nob. J. ,7. JOHMtiOy its CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And Shlppon of Coal and Coke , Cement , Planter , Ume , Ilalr. Fir * Brick , I > raln , Til * and Sewer Pipe. Office. Pitxton Hotel , rarnam at. , Omaha , Nvb. Telephone 811. Confectionery. F. P . FAF MaiiufactuHiifr Confectioners , Jobber ! of Frulti.Null and Clgaia. Ull Karnam BU Omaba. Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MEYER & CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , Uuna aud Ammunition , : ii tozn B. lllh it. , 1010 to 11K4 Karnniu it.OmahaNeb. WEST & FRITSCIIER , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholesale Dealer ! ID I. if Tobaccoi , Noa. 106 anJHON.4th itreetO-naha. Off Goods. M. E. SMITH D CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions 1103 and 1104 Douglai , cor. lltu St. , Omaha , Neb. Distillen. Dlitlllera of I.lqunri , Alcohol and Splrlti. Importara md Jobber ! of Wlneiaml Llquon. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTlLLE'f CO. and ILER < C CO. , Importer * and Jobbertof Fine Wlnei and I.lquor * . Bole m nnr Ctaren of Kennedr'n Kait India Bit- tera anil Douititlc i.lquori. til ) llarnegr St. Drain Tile , Etc. A. B.BArKtt.Prfi. J.W.DinronnSec.4Tf i U. J , CAnnoK. v.Prei. and Hupt. THE UXION HYDRAULIC DRAIN TILE CO. , OCDce 213 fl. 14th it. . Omaha. Neb. MacblnerranO liuppllea for Manufacturing Cement Drain Ilia. ELEVATORS. IIW. , D. 8. I'm r. TUiM ini'r 1B7i. Vloo.l'rci OMAHA ELKVATORnntl GRAIN COMPANY , Jobbern and Stororn ot Grain. hi ) * llUil.iOf I l.ll till ! III ! -11 I 11(111 cunrnnteetl. Oinliaa Nob. Furniture. JsY iQN Wholesale Dealers in Furiilture , Furnam t. , OuiaLa , Neb. Omaha Jobbers' ' Directory. Grocerits , PAXTON , GALLAG1IER , C CO , , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Noa.TO.TOT.TMand'H 8. 1Mb St , Omaha. Xab. < McCORD , BRA DY C CO. , Wholesale Grocers , _ _ I'ln nndjatenworth iti.Omahii. Hardware. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Bprlum , Wagon flock. Hardware Lumbar , etc. IM _ _ _ and 1111 Ilirnrr tl. , Omih . _ EDNEY c GIBBON , Wholesale Iron and Steel , W * nn and Carrlaie Wood Btotk , Hearr Hard war * Etc. 1217 and lift I.aaTcnwortU ft. , Umaha , Neb. MILTON ROGERS ( C SONS , Stoves , Ranjjcg , Furnaces , Tiles , WantUi , UraUi , BraiiOoodi. 131 and 133 8tro t. Iron Works. VIERLIXU Iron Works , Wrontbt nd Cait Iron BulMInc Work , Iron Plain , RallTnc , B imi nd ( llrdtr * . St u Knittn * * , UnM \TorkUknr l foundry , tuckl * * and niackimlta Vork. OBc njWorkD. r. Rr. ml 17lhitrecl. r. n. urMANtis. a SULUVAN. OMAHA WIRE f IROX WORKS , MAmifnctnreri of Wlro nnd Iron Itailinga , Desk Rails , Window ( ! urdii , Klowtr Rlnmln. Wlr * Sljcnu. Kt 133.N. ICth. OrJcrt \ > j mall prouiptlf attended I * . Lumber. OMAHA TUMRER , CO. , DcMer' All Klndi of Buildlnir Materlnl at Wholesale. lith Street nd Union Paclflo Truck , Omnb . LOUIS BRADFORD , Denier in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , DOOM , Ktc. Yfirili CornorTth nnd Uouglntj Corner tin and loml i. CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , 814 S. Uthftri-ctOmshn.Nob. F.Colpctior , Manager. C. N. D1ETX , Lnmbor. 13th rmA Cmllforrla Stretlt , Omaha , Neb. FRED W. GRAY , Lnmbrr , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc , Cor.Clb and uougtai it * , Ouinba. NoX UOAGLAXD , Lumber. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. OIBce , 1403 Ftrnm itr t , Omaha. CHAS. R. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Cnrpoti and Parqnet Flooring. 8th and nongltf JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported and American Portland Cement. Rtntt Agent for Milwaukee llrdraullc Cemcut and Beet ( Julncy WbltoLlme. Lire Stock. UXIOtf STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John r. Boj-d , Suporlntocdent , Live Stock Commission. M. BURKE-.e SOlfS , Live Stock Commission. Oeo. Burke , Maniger Pnlop Stock r rt , B.Om h . Telephone 5K. SAVAGE 05 GREEX , Ilvo Stock Commission Merchants , Shipment * of any and all klndi of Stock tollolted. Union Stock Tardj. Omana , Neb. Millinery and Nations. L OBERFELDER C CO. , Importer ! and Jobberi of Millinery and Notions , HI3andl2l5Harney St. eet , Omaha , N b. Notions. J. T. KOBINSOX JfOTIOJf CO * Wholeialo Dealer ! la Notions and Furnislilnp ; Goods , 401 and 405 8. Tenth St. , Omaha. Overalls. CANFIELD' COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeani PanU , Sblrti , Etc. 1102 and 1104 Doujlaa Street , Omaha , Neb. Paper Boxes J. L. WILKIE , Manufacturer of Paper Boxes , 8.14th St. . Ormatia. NtbrMkm. Orden br mallij ll lt ( and wlllreo lT ir pl atuatloo. Printing. HEES PRINTING COMPANY Job Printers , Blank Book Makert. And Book Binders. 106 and 108 South rourtoontk itreet. Omaha , Neb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Auxiliary Publishers. DMlenlnTrpe. Prenea and Printers' Supplies , tot South Twelfth Htreet. PuiTipt. BROWNELL C CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers In Engines , Boilers & General Machinery Bhect Iron work , Btoam IMinii" . Haw Mlll , Acme Bhaftln * , Dodge Wood split 1'iilleys. Heltlmr. ate. Also wagons , Bcrtpcn.sna DMetiei. Tenworth et. Oinaha RECTOR cC WILItELKY CO. , Wholesale Hardware. Weitern ngetiH for Jeffenon Rteel Kudu , Anttt * Powder Co , Falrbanki Btandard fccalea. Corner IQtn and Uarner. Omaha. CHURCHILL PUSfP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fitting * , BUam and Water Jiuppllei. llnartquartcr for MaltA arnaiu it.Uniaba.Net > . A , L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines. l. Water. Htllw T and Ullllntc Supplier , OTO , V22and 921 Karnam it. , Ouiih.i , Neb. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMP COMPANY. Uillidir Wind Mlliij nteam and Water Ruppllei , plumbing Uoodi. Ileltlng. note , 'm ana \w tut- Bam U. , Omnha. 8. K. Kcltnn , TelepbnneNo.210. Safes , Etc. J' . BOYER 0 CO. , Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s' Fire and Iluni'ar ' Proof Safei. Tlmo Ixicki , fnulU andJnllVor . IUJJ KariLim utroet Omaha , Neb. J G.ANDREEN , Onialia Safe Works. | Uanufacturenof Fire and Diirnlir Proof Safn , VfiuU ) i tloorn. Jail WorkHhuter and Wire Work , Cor. _ i ' .S HtliaridJackionBti..OmiihuN b , S ' * Saih , Doors , Etc. Wholotal * llnnufncturari of Sash , Doors , Illindu and JIonldiiif8 ( , ll-nncb oMce.liHi and Iiard tl3..O-r.i : ; . > ' . BOHN MANUFACTURING CO.t Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Would'iiBi.Klalr Work and Intrrlor Hnnl Woo.1 Pnlak Just oiieueil. N , K. cur. till nnd L nwortbbta. Omaba , Neb.