Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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    Vw r H
tVf 1
* jH
Advertisements under tbli tend , 10 cents per
Jlnofor the first Insertion , 7 cents for cachiub-
icqucnt Infortlon , and $1.50 a line per month
No advertisement tnkcn fur less tliun3 ' jcnM
for Iho nrst Insertion. Boron word * ill bo
counted to Uie llnoi they must run wnsecu-
lively nnd must bo pnld In advance. All adver
tisements must bo bonded In before 1 :30 : o'clock
p.m. , and under no circumstances will thtybt
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties ad * ertlslnir In them columni rn.l bar *
nil- the answers addressed In car * of Tin RBI
wlllplcnfto nsk for n chock toennblo them to Ret
their letters. ns none will bo dollTorcd except
on vrosontntlon of check. All answers to advertisements -
vertisomonts should bo enclosed In onvelopos.
$ & 00OCO TO LOAN at 6 per cent , J. J. Ma-
honey , 15OT Fnrnnm. 121
M1IONKVTO LOAN On real estate and chat
tels. D. I.Thomns. 123
M1W CP.NT Money.
It. 0. PattorBon , 15th and Harney. 123
TlfONEYto loan on city and farm property.
J.VL Harris it Sampson. 1518 Douglas st. Wait
* ! I1ONKY , TO LOAN-O V. Dnvls 4 Co , rcftl
J.VL estate and loan agents , 1B05
ONKY to loan on real estate and chattels
M 8. Katz & Co. 1611 Farnam Bt , ground Upor.
4 6000 To loan on Omnba city property at 8
J > per cent O. W. Kay , over 1312 DougUf st
AyrONKY TO LOAN-Cn ) city nna farm prop-
iTl erty , low rates. Btowart & Co. , Itoom 8
Iron bank. 127
MONEY to loan , cash on delay.
J. W. nnd K. L. Buulre , 1413 Faruum it ,
Paxton hotel building. 120
MONEY First mortgage notes. The Douglas
county bnnk will buy paper * secured by
first mortgage on city realty 124
ONllY TO LOAN on improved real oitate ;
L no commission charged. Leavltt Ilurn-
> nm. lloom 1 Crolghton Hloete. " 7
6PE11 CENT-Monoy to loan.
Gregory 4 Hadley.
Ilooms 1 nnd 3 , llcdick Block , 320 8.
rpo LOAN Money Lonns pluced on 1m-
A proved rcnl estate In city or county for
Blow England Loan & Trust Co. , by Douglas
i .t'ounty bnnk. 16th and Chicago sts. 128
ONEY to loan on improved city property nt
0 per cent. Money on hand ; donothavo
to wait Have n complete set of abstract books
of Douglas county. I. N. Wntson , nlntrnctor
Harris Rout Estate und Loan Co. , SMB. 15th .
! rT ONEY LOANKDatO. F. Heed * Co.'s Loan
- . Offlco , on furniture , pianos , horset.wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. 819 8.13th.
over Illntrhnm s Commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 132
TOANS Lonns Loan * .
licnl relate loans ,
Collntcrlal loans.
Chattel loans.
Long tlmo loans.
Short tlmo loans.
Money always on hana to onn on any ap
proved security.
InvoMmont securities bought and sold.
Omaha Unancial Exchange , n. w. cor. 15tb
and Harney. , ,
Corbctt. Manager. H „
TO LOAN-bytbenndersliined.whO
has the only properly organized loan
ngency In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 made
on lurnlture , pianos , organ * , horses , wagons ,
muchlnery , Ac , without removnl. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Loans so
tnnde that any part can be paid at any Ime.each
payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
made on fine watches and diamonds. Persons
ahould carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call
and see mo. W. R. Croft , Room t W'thnell
Building , 16th and Hnrney. 181
FOR SALE-A clean stock of drugs , good lo
cation , invoice $1,600 to $ IFOO , part cash-
part time. Apply Immediately. L. P. Hum
niond. Room a 15'3 Douglas Bt. B00.11J
MEAT Market for sale nt a bargain , doing
good cosh builncis , 701 Faciuo st cor of
Seventh. 010 2flJ
A RARE CHANCE -For n splendid Invest
ment In n good paying hotel property.
For particulars address W. A. Whltnpv , ( Irand
Island , Neb. 030 3 *
„ _ ALK Mil * Dairy. 28 cows , 3 horses ,
wairon , cans , &o ; cows all No 1 milkers ;
selling 75 gallons milk per dny. Call on K. B.
Jester , at cattle yards , Furay's Barn Cumlnir st.
690 n3
TjlOll THADF/ Two good , Improved farms ,
JO Viand 120 acres , one nnd two miles from
town. Six lot * In Marshalltown and six lot * in
Monmouth , all In lowu ; price for nil , $9,000 , In-
cumbrancos. fl.COO. Will trade equity of
$7,400 for a stock of any kind of merchandise or
wild land In Nebraska , or tbo 0-1 acre farm for
well located property In Omaha. Price of farm
3,000 , no incumbrance. Address , Ilex 170 ,
Bcranlon City. Iowa. 658 23
"jffOKl&KLK OR TllADB-Drug store In good
J ? town In Western Nebraska ! stock nnd fix
ture * ail now last fall ; about $2,000. Will trade
for unincumliorod land or business propnrty in
good town , Addrcfs Box 681 , Kearney , Neb.
610 31 ]
"iJlOR BALE Drug store in a good ttnd steadily
JD growing Nebraska town of 1,000 Inhabit-
on ts bolt store In the county , now doing a
first-class buslnoui ; Invoice $3,000 ; good reason
for s lllng ; rare chance. Inquire at rooms ,
Wlthnell block. 40231
ANTKD-Pnrtncr In llourlng mill ; fine
location , water power , bonus offered by
town for enlarging. Address 1) , M. Hubbell ,
Lincoln , Nob. 647 2 J
"filOR 8 ALE Business , jewelry , dry goods
J.1 and notions , F05 North 10th , Will glvo reas
on * for tolling. Call nnd see. 62Ja3
\VANTF.D To find good , live business men
T with stocks of goods to move to n grow
ing town whore money can bo made. I will as-
flat the right kind of- people in building , oto.
Will pny good big bonus to nnv ono that will
start n cunning factory , or , in fact , any kind of
n factory thnt employs hnmls. We want n drug
More , furniture store , grocery store , a doctor
n practical painter right awny. For particular !
nridrcsalmnk of Valley , Valley. Nob. , or O.K.
Mayne , Omaha. Nab. 4Ma28
TfivoirSALE $7lOOO of general merchandise
X1 nnd store furnltuio , clean , well nssortod
will take half In good unlncumbered farm Innd
> balnnoo In pny inenti well secured : good reasons
for selling. Address Call Box 67 , Alma , Nob.
* tUR BALK In n thriving western railroad
4 ? town , a bank doing n irood business. Sick'
HOPS onrapoU selling. Address box IS. Hrokor
J low , Nub. 072 SO
-U 8ALU-Meat ninr < < ot.eood location
good cash business , address H 33 , lloo oiHce
. 408 2U *
BOUND TO SELL-If i-old before April Isl
Jackson tt. Laundry will bo offered foi
$2,800 , H cash ; not n rent for the trade ; must
bo sold on account of dissolving partnership
V15 Jackson st , lloltt & Krngh. 81628J
"ijVOR SALE Or Triido Good pnylnjr hard
JL' wore business In ono of thoboet counties li
lowo. Stock will invoice about $3,000 , Is ( rood
clean , nnd well assorted. Will soil for cashoi
take part payment In gnod farm land In west
ern Iowa or onstern Nebraska. Tor parttcu
lara address X g , lloo ollico , Council 11 hi Us.
OR SALE or Hichaniro A now 35 bbl com
J. ' blnution will situated on Llttlo Illui
river , near Hebron , in Thuynr county. Will ox
chatiffe for wild or Improved lauds or II vo stock
For further partlculnrs address First Natlona
llnnk. Hebron , Nob. KJ9
1& < 01lHALK Half Interest In one of thu bos
J-J paying drug stares In eoiithwostorn Iowa
Capital requlrod , (2,500. Address U 40 , lice ot
flee. 018
OMAHA Storage Warehouse-Corner 13tl
nnd Izard tit . , forotorago of house
bold goods and gunorul , merchandise at lov
rate * . Advances made ; Issue warehouse re
colpts. It. R. switch at the house , ontco 61
Pouth 13th street nnd l : H , 1310 and lilts lian
etroct , Tclophono 6U2. M. a. Goodrich , mgi
"ClOUND-On the 28th Inst. , a package cor
A tfttnlnir two deeds nnd oLhGf DftDon
Omaha Towel Co. , U17 Howar.1 U. 708 a3J
LOST-Iletwuor. MoShnne'sbarn and Planter'
House , u i > ocketbook containing about $9 M (
Hot contents gl eu for return to the Heo otnc
603 30 *
? .r ; V P K doif. Return to 1'onroso .
Harding and get reward , 613
PERSONAL prlvnto homo lor ladles ilurln
connneiiiont Strictly confidential , > Ii
tauts adopted. Addrcsi E 42 , lleo office.
- 101-mH
' , - ' " " i-im. Dr. Nannie V. Warre
A clairvoynnt. Mc < tlcnl and business Medluc
Koom Wo. li , til North liitb X. .Omaha. Neb.
. - --ir second-hanilTiurnlturoTcAi
pott aud tovo * , t 117 N , litn st.
TO imiLDKRS-Scolol bldswlll t > o recrlvpil
until April 15.1887 , by the Fullerton Hotel
Association fortho erection of , B brick hotel
46x80 with two Mork'8 and a basement , Pinna
and ppccincntlona cnn bo examined nt the Citi
zen's uank , Fullerton , fieb. 548 gJl
rt O parties havlnif Tiouso for rent , Itentnl
X Agency , tlonawa & Co. , IDst. , opposite pott *
olDco , Wo have turned over to them our rental
list. Wo recommend them. McCiigu * llroi.
FpIIB plnclTwhere they ( ell furniture olionp
J. forciuh hat been removed from 1418 Douglas -
las tqmN.llth ( t. 2 n
GP.SS POOLS , sinks und vaults clennod , odor
less process. K , Uwlngbox 427 , olty ,
U38 n IS *
JuFEl'II ROSKNsri'.IN hn roraovo'd from
12 % Farnam to WJ N. Idth st , keeps always
a full Etock of froth nnd saltwater flqhcs ,
oysters , irnmo and poultry. Telephone 2 > U.
Orders wllcltoil. 684 _
'TTHS "M. OHLETiSCHIAiOiU" : : Graduated
ITL midwife , cornori.'ith mid Cumlnir st , up
rtnlrn. 8T.'al 4 *
T ON'T bo an oyster. Don't be swallowed
U alive when you want to sell furniture ,
carpets or household goods , call nt 11" N. 10th.
203 al8
F I oil KENT Organs , 13 per month. Ho pe ,
1613 Dnuirlas. 039
Foil KENT Square Piano , $ i montnlr. A
Hoipe. 1513 DouglaB. H39
/"lASiriidvanccd on diamonds and wntohoj at
\J 117 N. 16th st. Orff&Co. 20J at
V\ON'1' bo aclam. Dnn't pay two prices when
-U you can go to 117 N , lutb and buy furni
ture , itovcs , 4o , at rock bottom prices.
20.1 aU
T\AV LOAHD-7013. 18tnst
600 29J
imiltaT-CLA 3 Storage ut 110 N 13th rt
MONEY talks when you want to buy furni
ture or vnpor stoves nt 117 N , 16th , between
Dodge and Capitol ave. 20,1 n8 !
FF you want to buy or sell furniture , go to
J. Ferguson's , 716 N. ICth. 737
FOK KB NT Square Hlnno $ j montbly. A
Hospe. 1613 Douglas. 135
PEW Hoarding House , flno tables , clean and
I palatable victual * . 1418 Chicago et. 865
STORAGE First-class storage for ntco fur-
3 nltur * or boxed goods , at 1513 podgo-st.
FOlt SALE-A now bake oven , shop nnd com'
pleto sot ot tools nnd fixtures , In good locn <
tlon , at halt prtco it taken at once. Apply to L.
0. Knowold,017 VlrglnUavo. 819 30
TJUJU BALK-dood cook steve cheap. In
J nuiro nt 1414 Chlcngo. (117 ( 20 *
F 1011 BALE A ponvnnd double Boated buggy ,
Inquire 1113 Williams st. ( J0130J
TT\OH \ SALE Cheap ; good sot of drug fix
JL ? turos and shelf bottles. Knrgam if tnken
ntonco. Hughes & Schmidt , Omnba. 573
FOR BALE Second-hand elevntor for livery
stable. Call at Itoftd-tor's stable , 8.17th ,
bet Harney and St Mary's uve. 674-30 *
TjlOH BALE-rhenp.a Vornon'i Oskaloonn en-
JL ? glne peanut rouiter In pood1 condition.
Good reasons for selling. Address A 45 , Dee
ofllce. 483 28
FOR SALK A pair of flno driving
double harness and phaeton ; nlso n tine
black family horse. Phncton and harness new :
also a fine bedroom suit of furniture , with 30
yards of Inirraln carpet , cheap for cnsli. Ad
dress Charles W. King , & 20 Bouth 13th St. 370 29 *
FOU SALE 2 million brlclc nnd upwards oo-
sides dolly out put of 80,000. linqulro
on promises , cor DorcaB and Zndsts. Omaha
llrlck und Terra Cottn Mfg. Co 036
5fOrANTED } A man to aTtendToTliorans nb/tit
T T and morning , apply Monday ut 120 North
15th. 665 23
Ton galvanized Iron corolco
rankers on now court bouso April 1st.
Apply to J. M. Carter , superintendent. Council
lIlulTs. C20 3 *
ANTED Coat and pant makers. Apply at
1118N.lCjbt 538 U *
"ANT ED-50 colored people for the planta-
tlon Boone "Out of Dondngo. " Apply nt
box onico People's theater , Monday morning
dt 10orcock. _ | f > 87 28 *
W"ANTKD-A smart , active boy for olBco
work ; must bo good ponman. Reference
required. Apply McCord , Urady 4 Co. 659
\VAN TED A cigar salesman to represent a
TT flrst-clnss factory through Iowa. None
but these who can command n good trade nnd
furnish satisfactory references need apply.
Salary no object to right man. Addrets con os-
poudonce toVerplanclc llros. , St , Paul , Minn.
49J 1
WANTED Agontl to Introduce our now
books , American Pools just out Secure
your territory nt once , lllg money In thin , P.
V. Collier , Room 6. Ucdlck block. 478 31
WANTED 60 sober. Intelligent mon of good
address to try a lOo meal al NorrU' ret
taurant 104 B 16th it. 13S
W ANTED A Binnrt , nctivo man to take bold
of novelty just out. f.l to $5 a day.
Northwestern Novelty Co. , 1207 Farnam ft.
"W7ANTED-FIVO flrst-olags ulvenlsmg sollo-
V T itors ; only mon capnblo of earning good
salaries neoa apply. A. O. Eadt CompanyRoom
EO , & .M. corner Uth and Dodge gin. 983
ANTED-Men to cut wood. T. Murray.
WANTED Experienced dry ( roods travelling
laleman having an cstabllalied trade in
the country tributary to Kansas City. State
amount of trade , territory covered , nnd how
long. Address , with reference , W , D. Grimes
Dry G ooda Co. , Kansas City , Mo. 858
'ANTED 10 good cornlco makers and 3
Blato roofers. None but first class men
need apply. Inquire nt Western cornice
works. 608 and BIO 8 12th st. Omaha. 607 1
"ITTANTED Tbroo mon who have had ox-
TT perlenco doing gravel roofing. Call
from Gto 7i ! p. m. , nt 1617 Howard street.
499 28J
'ANTFD A dishwasher , apply at Now
York Restaurant. 711 N 18th street.
626 28 *
. WANTF.D Man nnd wife to take charge of
alarm. Chas Child , Ib08 Loavcnworth st.
, A OBNTS wanted tor the Ufa of Henry Ward
.ci lloooher by Thos. W. Knox. An authen
. tic And complete history of his life nnd work
from the cradle to the grnvo. Outsells nil
others 10 to 1. Tha licit , nnd cheapest and
splendidly Illustrated. Bells line wild Hro. F.r.
; , trn terms. Outtlttrce. Now is the time , Ad
dress at once , B. F. Junkm & Co. , Kansas City.
Mo. 809 B6J
W - traveling in Nebraska
to carry line of bustles on commission.
' Must furnish good rcforonco. Address L. L.
Raymond & Co. , DCS Molno * , IB. CO I 23 *
V\7 ANTED Agent * , llran now novelties ,
T T salon simply immense , over 100,000 sold of
, ono article. J. li. Page Co , , 120 Quincy St. ,
Chlcngo. 600 U0
W ANTE D-2 good tailors nt 217 S 15th st.
699 29 *
, WANTKD A good A No. 1 pastry nnd * hort
order conic. Live and Lot Live Coffee
lloueo. 615 2S
WANTED A young man to drive delivery
wagon. Apply 156D North 20th street.
010 28
- Two first-class
WANTED-Tntlnrs pants
makers wanted lromudlatly , will pay
good wages. L. llernhelmor , McCook , Neb.
\VTANTUO Two good girls for the kitchen.
TT Apply Mlllard Hotel. 6W5 28
W ANTKD Girl to do conoral housework ,
tniut bo good coolc. 1818 Webster. 418
ITANTED-GIrl to wotk In kitchen at Doran
T House , 422 S. 18th St. , near tit. Mary's nv .
WANTHD-A good cook at 613 60. ICth St |
good wagos. 6U7-2U *
! W 'ANTED A girl for general housework In
fnmily of throe ; wage * $4.00 for n good
girl ; 17llN.l'Jtnet. 664
\\7 ANTED-Glrl 15 to 10 years old for genera ]
TT homework , 1023Catnriuo st ; small fam
lly. 67I28J
TANTED-A girl for general housework in
I small fnmlly.lVOa Farnam st , 6M ! 3'J '
WANTED-Glrl for general housework , 1011
Cnss st 453
WANTED A good girl for general house
work at 704 a IBth street. 02528 *
" \A7ANTEO-Glrl for bouiework , IKtt Fnrnata
ci8 no *
W - girl for moll family at 1511
Cats. ma ss *
rTANTED-Good girls at Commercial hotel
oornor 8th nnd Leavenworth ; gooc
Iffu wages , inquire between IJ and 3 p. in.
u- 605 30 ]
\VANTKD-A Blrl nt OmahaStennTJ.aundry ,
TT 21t and Izardsts. J. B. Uennett.
ta 609 29J
WANTRD-Glrltoruncotlar manclo , apph
Frontier Steam Laundry , 1512 Howard st
611 29J
W/ANTKD-3 middle-aged ladle * to assist ir
TT the care of children , may go east for UK
summer. Apply Mead it Jamlusou , SIS a
\VANTEb-A girl for clmmbcr work. Apply
TYnt the Mlllard hotel 2M zS
WANTKD An experloncod nurse ; call at
Mrs. Frank . Moore's , 713 South 18th.
ANTKD Girl for gnnornl housework ,
C20 a 19th , noor St. Mnry'a avo. C65
WANTED At oneo , plixno player , colored
_ womnn protCTrod.Apply _ H2j. 9th. S4 _
\VANTKD-Ladlcs to work for us nt their
TT own homos ; $7 to 10 per week can ba
quietly tnndo ; no photo-pnlntln ? . no rnnvnii-
In if. For full particular. ! plonvo address at
once Crescent Art Co. , 19 Central it. , Boston ,
Mass. , Uoz 6170. 902
W ANTKD-Olrls for kitchen work at the
Mlllard hotel 833 29
AV TANTKO-Qood cook nnd Laundress , 203 N.
18th ft. ' 689
" \XTA > * TllT ! = SltuniUon chambermaid or
TV Bocond Rlrl In fnmily , cnn do ftenoral
homework ozcopt cooking. Addr"83 H 64 lice
office. eja lj
WANTED Situation ng bookkeeper or clerk.
Over twenty years OTporlcnco ! beet refer
ences ; bond ) . Address II67 , Boo oraco. 631"
WANTKD Sltuntlon by youn ? man of wood
nddres , wlth oxperlenoo.ns salcdinnn and
shipping clerk. U 53. lloe offlco. 6J7 29 *
WANTED Situation ns brlokor tile burner ,
JO years experience , up and down draft ,
good references. Addreet U 63 lice offlco ,
695 S *
WANTKD Sltuntlon ns drtie clerk by a
younif man with four year s experience :
can ( tUo bsn of reference. Address H 5X ) , this
oince. | 581-W
WANTKD Situation ; Kangas or Nebraska
by thorough bookkeeperinlso writes nhort
hand. Cash bond Riven. References exchanged.
N. Bchulze.OffiJ W. Madison St. , Chicago , 111.
WANTED To Huy , homo C to 8 rooms , full
lot ; Btnto price , tormi and locution. Ad-
dreesll 65. Bco office. COT 31J
" \STANTUD-GontlomBn nnd wife want room
TV kiid board In private family. Central loca
tlon. llcfcrcnccs. H 1 , lleo office. 038
WANTKD A comfortablv lurnlshod room
not far from opera house , for slnirlo KOO-
tlomnn. Address H SIllcooOlcn. G91 28 *
WANTED-At once , second hand shafting
and pulleys : nlso wood turnlnir lathe ,
Address H 43 , lleo ofllco. 611 S3
TTtTANTED In a quiet family by KOmloman
TT nnd Rlitor ( single ) nicely furnished rooms
Bultnblo for llftht houiekooplnictornis must bo
moderate. Address II 52 Bco olllco 6U4 oO *
WANTED-Homo for a smart , active Amor-
Icnn girl , 12 years old , Address , Fred Q.
WllllnmB , City. 672-28 *
WANTED Nlcoly furnished house or cot
tage for thoaummer , centrally located
Apply to U. Wells , 1006 Chicago Bt. 63528
WANTED A house or lint of 12 or 14 rooms ,
centrally located for boarding. Address
II44 , lleo onico. 612 23 *
" "
ANTED Furnished room within reason
nblo distance of postofllco , for single Ken
tlemiin. Stuto terms and location. Address H
40 , Dee onico. 4U3
"MfANTHD I have purcbnsora for ton four ,
TV five und sir room cottages , to be removed
from tliolr present sites. UwnoiBOf such prop
erty wishing to sell will call at once. Wallace ,
Crclgbton.block. 473 31
W ANTED -Teams , 309 a llth 6U
"I710R RENT Flat of 6 furnished roorai , fur
J-nlturo for gale. Itont of 3 rooms pays en
tlru rent. Address P O Ilex flea olty. 60J 30 *
T71O11 RENT Large store , suitable for drug
J-1 ttore or dry goods store. Apply 20th and
Grant streets. North Omaha. 66S-1 *
T71OR RENT Go"od barn suitable for four
JP boraoi. Apply at 017 813th st. 688
FOR RKNT-flutchcr shop with Bxturon com
plete. Apply 20th and Grant streets ,
NorthjJinabo/ 870-1 *
TjTOlTRfiNT Stable for 2 or three horsoa with
JL1 buggy room and hay-loft , cheap. Corner
Loavcnworthand21ststs. HBO , nee. 40128 *
FOR UKNT-M of 8 room house with close
closets , 4-o , , up stairs , suitable for small
family , w cor 17tb and Dorcas. Gallon
premises. " 50
"ITOHRENT-New brick bouso with nil modern
Ju1 improvomonti , 12 roomi. Apply 1316
Farnnm 8t. 066
T71OU RENT 4 new cottages on Call fornla
X ? and 30th street near Cumlnir street carl ,
Rent $25 per month. Apply to Kaufman Bros. ,
2078. 15th St. 6'J9
FOU RENT-Urlck yards , T. Murray.
17O11 UENT 60 ucres of ground. Improved.
X : North of the city a miles. R. 0. Patterson ,
15th nnd Harney. 272
FOR RBNT-80 acres In oultlvytlon. Call
Boon , Marshall A Lobeck , 1609 Farmnm Bt
618 28
FOR RENT The leading hotel In a nourish-
Ing railroad town In central Nebraska , 2S
rooms , newly furnished throughout nnd doing
n good business. Rent $60 per month , lion-
awn Co. , 15th Bt , opposite postofllce. Omaha ,
Neb. 648 30
TOOR UKNT-Stablc , Capitol ave and 9th. En
J qulroroom 8 , Arlington block. 743
* jmoit KENT K of a large office well located ,
-L ? Inquire of Swan Jt Co. , 1621 Dodge Bt.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms , single or In
suites , 4 blocks of Opera house. G. W.
Baker , 1509 Farnam. 671-29
FOR RENT Central to business , nicely fur
nished east front parlor and stooping
room in private family for contlomun and wife
or three gontlomon. References exchanged.
018 North 17th street. 685 29 *
FOR RENT For the summer or pormnntlv ,
furnished rooms with first-class modern
conveniences. Only tenants willing to pay for
such accommodations desired. Mo. 818 N. 16tn
street 4S2 28"
FOR HKNT-Nicoly furnished rooms , board
It deairod , 113 So 234 Bt , bet Douglas and
Dodge. 241
F I OR RKNT Furnished sleeping rooms and
furnished and unfurniahod rooms for
light houBOkeeplntr , Inquire 09 Howard st.
F OR RENT Front parlor nnd alcove , fur
nished ; good board. 2531 St. Mary's ave.
Ml ,
FOR RKNT A nlcoly front furnished room ,
with bed room. 618 North 15ln street.
600 30j
FOR RKNT-Handsomely furnished rooms ,
modern conveniences. 318 N. 16th st '
608 U
T710K RENT Furnished rooms , 1810 Dodpo.
" | THR RIINT-Furnlshod front loom. 1015 Cuss
JL ; aw " 3J
FOR RENT A nice furnished room at $1 per
month. Apply at 017 Virginia ave.C1H 20
IflOR RENT Nlcoly furnished front bay'win-
J1 ( low room , now houso. bnth gns , etc , teen *
or two youug men , apply 20oa Douglas stroot.
622 30
T710R RENT-Nlcoly furnished room for ladles ,
-I ? 2dtloorieil St. Mary's uve. 603 28J
FOR HKNT Furnished room for two gentle
men at 607 South 13th et. Apply at room 3.
FOR KENT A nowiy furnlshod front room ,
with closet and bath. 601 South 20th st.
_ _ _
TTIOR HENT-Furnlshod room * , 71Z N. 19th st
628 Ij
R HBNT Two furnished rooms , at 1016
rarnainst. 141
"tJlOR RKNT- Elegantly furnished roora.AH
JL' moderd conveniences on puvod strnot and
trent car lino. No finer location In olty. Call
at my olHce. L. P. Hammond , room 3. 1622
Douglas st. 630
FOR RE.NT-Furnihed rooms,714 N. Wh.
729-nlO *
TTOR HBNT-Blegant furnished rooms : all
J- modern conveniences on paved street and
street car line. No finer locution in city. Call
at my office. L. P. Hammond , room 3. 1624
Douglas st , fll
OR HKST-Store room and No. 110 N. 14th
st. basement. 888
T710R HKNT-Nicoly furnished rooms at rea-
JEOnablo rates , ono block from court house ,
608 So 18th Et , north St , Mary's ave , up stairs.
IjlOlOtBNT furnished rooms , bath , etc. , $111
J to > 25 per month. 812 N. 17th. 333 28J
10R RENT Furnlsnod rooms and board I ,
_ ei9 y thjt. 13525 *
_ KENT Nicely furnished front room > ,
tultabla for two. 1R17 Jackson st. 614 29 <
WANTED To rent T or 8 room nous * , not
over 15 blocks from postofflce. Enoulr *
at Bennlson Droa. aa
TTOll RENT-Offlces In Hellman building cor. .
-L' Farnam and 13tb st * . , In suites or singly.
For prices , diagram * and Information apply to
S.A , Woman , 1612 Farnam * U , Boom : .
. RKNT-Nlcely furnlihod front room S
blocks touifc < u Jpora ( Uouse.uis Jonei ,
s TATEST 120 ft front otfMito st , In Omaha
View , nnd a corner , $3if ) { cash.
429 ( IjrFory Ac Hndloy.
JF. HAMMOND , llcial Eirnfo , 117 3. Iflth st i
first door north of Douglas.
Sunny Side , oloitnnt lot , 60xJ29 , cnsli 10091 2,20 }
Lowu ndd , 2 lots , 00x127 , * fjO cnsli , onoh 1,160
Wakoloy iuld.,8 olagnnt lot1 * onoh. , . . . , . , , 3. * )
Shlnn's add , lot 127x75 , It rirVl 3.7UO
Phltm's Sd add 2 Iots,120tl27,7-room house O.noa
Shlnn's ndd , parts of 2 lots IH-nom house 3,100
Ambler Place.cnrnor lot 100x120 1.409
Utlcn place,6lot * , from $1.200 to lWi
Yates add,21olsi-or , 100x107. both 3WO
Yatesft Reed's add. , 2 lots , 1051107 1. < K
Vluton near20th , d-rooin 2-story housn. . B,250
tli 28
OUTH OMAHA-Soracof the best corners
In the b'isinoss portion of the town , and lots
lit all additions thereto.
Grocery * Uadley ,
KootUB 1 und 5 , Rftdlck's nik , 320 a. IMh ( tt.
IlINNINOHAM'S AUD-IRrrolotand ( ever/
J ono has trackairo. They nro cheap now ,
and will command fancy prices soon.
Gregory & Hadloy.
[ looms 1 and 3 , Itudlok'a Dlk , 323 S. 1Mb st.
/ MJMINn 8T 64 foot front on Cumlng st ,
\J tionr Saunders st , only S7.600 , H cash.
This In an offer that will boar Investigation.
Gregory ! e Hndloy ,
lioomg 1 and 3 , Hodlck's blk , U20 tiouth ISth st
_ _ _ _ _ _
ANSCOM PIACE-Ono of the nnost corners
on Virginia nvo , 106x150. Lots leveled up
and lying about 3 ft above grade , only $5,600.
429 Gregory & Hadloy.
TCTMRMOUNT PLACK-Lots 28 and 29 , ono of
X ? the best corners In North lind. 11.700 for
both , $660 cash , and balance 1,2 and 8 yearn.
Oroirory ft Hodl y. 429
NELSON'S ADD-Lot 02VJxl2o , with 2 bouses ,
one 11-room , th other 7-room , total rout
$843 per year , all for t < looo. f2,4V ) cash , bal 1 ,
2.3 4 and D yoari. Notlco the easy terms and
that rent pays over 10 per cent on Investment.
Gregory A Hadley ,
Rooms 1 and3Itodickblk , 020 South IMbst ,
T > AHOAIN8 In Hide property.
-U 3 very choice comers on Farnam cast of
20th street nt figures which will net purchasers
a big profit in a very short time.
Choice corner 132 ft front on Dodge St $18,000.
Choice corner on Kith and Jackson.
Corner on 16th and Jones very desirable and
44 ft on H.irnoyst between 14th and 15th , a
cholco ploco of builnesf property in which
there Is big money.
oa feet on 15th at near Lonvonworth. $10,509.
Corner St. Mary's ave and Jaokson st , well
Improved , price $27,000.
Entire block In Credit Fonelor add. partly Im
proved , trackage on two side ? , line location for
Inrgo manufacturing plant , $21,000. Take It be
fore the price raises.
Wo also have a choloo list of bargains In resi
dence property In all parts of the olty and In
South Omaha. Call nnd look over our list before -
fore purchasing. Wright & Lusbury , Under
I'uxton Hotel. 621 80
TJ. HOOK. Kcnl Estate ,
15"9 ! Farnnm Street
J 7 Flno large lot In Saunders & Illmebaugh's
add , J57.V
344-Lot on Hamilton et , In Walnut Hill , 60x193 ,
with now 5-room houea. This is a snap ut
328-Kast front lot 50x143 on 10th et , nonr
Hickory , $4,000.
331 East front on 24th St. , near Poppleton.
trees , now house , Loon at this. It Is a
bargain , $2,800.
332 South front lot AOxIftA , bngoraont cottngo ,
olstcrn.ctty water , and barn , tl.OO'J ' , cash ,
price , $4OOU.
331 Flno east front , Virginia nvo. , nonr Pacific ,
333-i ) Hno'onst fronts InHartaom place. $1,876 ,
each ; 2 eouth front lots In J. I. Itedlck'B
Bub. , near Virginia nvou nnd Howard Bts.
343 Flno south front In HleAory place , $1 , < J76.
Hose Hill lota from $250 tip. S lot * and
6 room now house in Saunders & Himo-
bniiKb'ftadd. to Walnut Hill , near Military
rondr > OUcash , $2,500. lluillnirton Center
lota , S5.iO to $700 , nre good Investments.
340-Splondldlot on 25th St. , ntiar I Bt. , South
Omaha. Dig bargain. Onlv $ m
314-Corncr lot in Grand Vl4w , $ ! H)0. )
315 Flno south corner 25th itdfl Popploton nvo. ,
00x163. with nice bouaettto surroundings ,
234 2 east fronts In Ambler Place , on pro-
looted car line , $700 each.
83-60 W ) feet south front on Hnrney near Ilth ,
44 foot on Harney Bt. , ) n heart of busl-
nofg. & $
130 U8 foot , corner , on S.BBtli,8-room house ,
barn , etc. , $6,000. W
813 12 lota In Cunnlngbam't sub , dlv. at a bur-
286Lot in Eokorman'B nddil | < 60.
43-72 2 largo lots in Foatcr > ; add. corner , Z
blocks from cnblo. $6,0uo.
14S-04 feet south front In Hawe's add , $1,2.10.
258 Fine CO-foot BO nth front lot on Bowortl St.
near car line , $1,600. . . . . , ,
811-2 lots In Besorvoir add. , both for $2.200.
5S 88 a lots on Lenvenworth St. . $1,800 each.
143-Flno lot in Ehull'g add. , $ . ' ,100.
811-d east front lots in 'ihornburg Place , a
bargain , $4,600.
If you have nny good property you wish to
soil cheap , list It wltb me. T. J. Hook , Itoal
Estate , 1609 Fnrnnm St 67 2U
THOU BALK Neat 6 room cottage , 2003 Grose
f Bt Easy terms ; cheap , or will excbanro
for more valuable property. J. M , Davis , 320
N. rath Bt. 53-2
"ITOU SALK 100 feet front , corner on Farnnm
Bt , $12.000 ; special snap In this ; half cash.
J. L. itico it Co. 4ua
FOlt SALE-Lot S , block 79. South Omnlm , '
$2,700 ; $1,600 ca h , J. L. lllco &Co. 407
T710U BALK-BO feet front on Saunders st , with
-I ? Improvements worth tl.600 at S7.500.
Positive bargain. J. L. lllco It Co. 49G
rpELKPHONE 418 for J. L. lllco & Co. , real c -
JL tate brokers. 476
OU 8ALK-8onth front lot In Washington
Souarn add , $3,000 , worth $ .1,500 ; must go.
3. L. Illce & Co. solo agents. 41X1
F AHNAM ST. acreage , 10 ucrca , $1,600 per
acre. ItuBh & Bolby , 1609 Farnam. 605
"C10H SALR-8 fine rosldoiico lots tn GIso'H
J ? add. , opooslto Kountzo's Place , $1,000
eaob ; just ou tbo market. J. L. Rico & Co..sola
agents. 498
OTTER Investigate this. 69 ft on 16th nt
noarJone * at the surprisingly low price pf
$100 a foot John Gallagher , U17 South l th st ,
IjlOltHAl.K-W ) feet front on Saunders Bt. with
-C improvements worth fl.ryw at $7,500.
Positive bargain. J. L. Rice & Oo. 4H6
FARNAM ST. acreage , 10 acres , $ I,8JO nor
acre. Rush & Sfalby. 1609 Farnam. COS
rpniS IS CHEAP New 7-room house nnd
JLbnrn , large lot , beautiful view of olty. His
, aS-8tory square house , nlco porch , double par-
lorn , pantry , collar , etc. , good well. Price
S3J > 00 ; 1500 cash , balance $ . ! § per month. Clark
& French , 1510 Douglas st. 644 38
14'uoo.nua-S WcorlOtb and Fnrnam.OO feet
J-1 front on Farnam with improvements ,
$50,000.1-3 onsh , J. L. Rice ft Co. , ogents. 498
HOW IB THIS House 8 rooms , lot 33 ft oust
front on 234 between California and CUBS
(3,600. John Gallagher , 3178.13th.
433 30
'T710II SALE 80 foct front on Saundora Bt. with
J Improvements worth $1.500 at 17.500.
( . "Positive bargain. J , L. Rico & Co. 490
DO you want anything bettor than this ? 81ft
east front on 3Jd near Cats , 12,530. John
G alaghor , 317 a 13th , 437 30
neil SALE 4 flno lots In A. B. Patrick's add. ,
' $1'JUO each. J. L. Rice & Co , , solo iigiiuts.
,10 ACHF.S 4 miles west off O , for sale. $ BOO
J. per ncro. D. C , Putftrson , Omaha Na-
tlonal bank. * 2SO
FOR BALE-100 feet front , corner on Farnvm
t , $12,000 ; special snapllA this ; halt cash.
J. L. Rice & Co. 106
= =
Our new addition.
Acrestn.-S to $4l > r } > er aoM.
Near South Omaha ,
And Sydlcate HIA
Mannall tc Lobook ,
IBS 150J Farnara.
T/10R 8ALE-A oornor lot 8Jxl33 on 1Mb. and
JL' Cumlng st one of the best locations In the
city for a warehouse , with waterworks and
sewerage. Apply at promUos. Thoi Sinclair.
t 230 O20J
IKLEPHONE 418 for J. Lffcco & Co. , ronl es
tntobrokera. 475
LENUINE UAltaAI.\TS--B corner lots m
llurdatlo eourtj only 4 ( oki from Saun-
I NBIDB PROPKRTY We have some good Inside -
side property at a bargain , Pierce & Roger -
er * . 1511 Dodge street. M
TCIOlt 8ALE-8 W cor 19th and Knrnnm , 93 feet
-L ? front on Farnam with Improvements.
$50,000 , 1-3 cash. J.L. Rleo ft Co. , Bgonts. 498
tt * 100 cash will seouro 180 acres of first class
3) farming land In eastern Nebraska balance
very long tlmo and no tax-is for 20 year * . The
O.F.Davis company , 1505 farnam st ,
. a 15
OUTH Omaha Park and Hammond Place Is
Inside South Omaha property. Theo Olson
orJoaVore , owners. 314 S Jsth st , 2d floor between -
tweon Farnam undllarney. _ 254 a 1
B IO BARQAIN-Ono hundred feet trent oa
South Eleventh st , corner lot , only $5,003.
Part on time. V. L. Vodlcka , 6'0 South 13th SL
SOUTH Oinah'i ParK and Hammond Place Is
InsJd * Bouth Omaha property , Theo Olsen
orJasVor * , owner * . 314 H 15th M. . M floor be
tween Faroata and Uaraay , 864 a 1
n BALK I flno lot * In A. 8. Patrick's adj. ,
$1,300 each. J. L , Klco * Co. , Idle nffonts.
_ t _ _ 4rfl
K-d W oor 18th niil 'nrium , t f cot
- front on Fnrnnm with Improvements ,
fV.OJi ) ) , 1-3 cash. J. L. lllco ft Co. . mrojita. 4M _
" 0 AOIliS : 4 miles west ot ! O. for unto , $ .V )
per aero. D. C. Paltorson , Omnlm Na
tional bank. _ PO .
"ijlUtl SALV.-lOO foot front , corner on Karnam
JL1 st. IliOJO : epoclnljiiupiu this ; half cssh.
J.L. HlcoJtCo. _ 4 ! < i. _ .
'AM ' ST. aerolite , in noros , $1,300 nor
Rush & Selby , lOOU Fnrnnm. 605
rilEIiEPHONK418for J. L. Rico A Co. , ronl os-
JL tnte brokers. 475
OHN GALLAUlllill-317 South 13th striOt ,
Foutti Omahn , "a map . . . . $ 8oO
llano's addition l.ow
Dupont Place 1,000
Fairmont. $800 to l.MO
Han9comPlncol,600tO. . . . 3,00' )
Hakor Place , $000 to 049.
Eomo flno lots In Plnlnvlew , Hiutiu's addi
tion , OmnhaViow.nnd other additions.
Houses and Lots . . . . . . . .
Hurt street nonr 20 lot 6rtxt32. hou6
ro.oms , barn , etc . . . . . $9,500
Lot67xt32 , bnuso 12 rooms , barns , eto 8,609
F.asy terms on both.
Omaha View lot 50 foot south front , house
with Improvements , cost $1.103 , nil for. . 1,700
Voryensy terms.
House and lot on 2.W near California at a
bargain , better call nnd see about It
House and lot , Sunnyslde. LoOO
Houses to soil on small payments , balance
monthly ' .550
U will pay you to examine our list ot budues *
Some of the finest nore property at hpttom
F IARNAM ST. ncrea o , 10 ncres , $1,800 per
aoro.RiisJi ft Selby. 1909 Farnaro. 60S
SALE -Cornor lot. 25th and Lalto street * ,
135 feet on 26th Bt. fronting on two street ! ,
$2.300 j Honsh. J. L Illce Je CO. _ 41)0 )
TTioit SALK-8omh front lot In Washington
-U Square add , $1,000 , worth $3,500 ; must no.
. L. Illce & Co , Bole agents. 498
rpELKPHONE 418 for J. L. Hlco 4 Co..real cf
X Into brokers. 475
] Hock3l7to3thobostpartof DowllnGraon ,
The cheapest property on the market
H mile from llenson car lino.
5-acre lots per acre $ iOO.
2H aero lo'.a per aero $509.
Lots 50x1.17 on Hamilton street $175 to $225 for
: ornors. . . .
Full commliilon to agents. 0 t plat * .
Marshall it Lobsck.
No. 15W Faruam.
Telephone 73. 10i
FOKBALE Corner on 3lit and Cumlng Bt. ,
48x150 , paved in front , $1,000. J.L. Itlco Jt
Co. , sole agents. 4iS
O8WHNSON * CO.-I404 Farnara Street ,
Koora 15 , dealers in real estate and west-
irn land. Houses built to suit purchasers on
monthly payment BSl-aU
FOK SAIiK 57foot fronton Fwrnnm St. , bet
22d nnd 23d , wltb $ U,000 worth of improve
ments thrown In , $15,003 , H oasa. J. L. Klco 4
Co. ' 497
FAUNAM ST. anrengo , 10 acres , $1,600 per
acre. Hush & Selby , 1G09 Farnam , 60S
FOU SALE-Corncr on 31st and Cuminr t ,
48x150 , paved in front , $4,000. J. L. Hlce ft
Co. , solo agontE. 498
FOU SALE On easy tor ins. some choice lots
in Walnut Hill , nil near Walnut Hill post-
ofBcc. P. A. Gavin , Sole Agent , Room O.ltedlck
Block. 182 81 *
10 AGUES 4 miles west of 1' O. for sale , $800
per acre. U. C. Patterson , Omaha Na-
lonni banK. 280
T ? OH SALE 8 fine residence lots In GIso'S
JP ndiL , opposite Kountzo's Place. $1,000
OROh ; justou the market. J.L. Hlco i Co.solo
Bgonts. 496
FOK SALK Desirable residence property on
Capitol H11L Inquire 2222 Davenport st
FOR SALE-7 lots In Institute PJacoy eaou
for the bunch , or will exchange for house
and lot J. L. Rice 4 Co. , Bole agents 497
LIST your property with us If you want It
sold , for wo moan buslnosi , PI erne 4
Rogers , Room 6 Arlington Illk. 833
riWO of the host lots in Bowllnir Green have
JL been put into my hands to soli. They are
very cheap. The owner needs some money
bndly. John Gallagher , 317 South 13th Ht.
1511 Farnam st.
HOfoeton Plercoby 03 on 1'JtU st. wltb B
12ri foot square fronting on tdroo atreetl ,
$12SIK ) .
Full lot north of Cumins on 27th st , with 0-
room houso.J.KOO.
Corner Douglas and 12th st , and 25 foot front
on 12th st , $35,000.
150 foot trent on 17th nnd 18th st , each , with D
bouses , $20,000.
6 nero trnct In Tuttle's subdivision with 0-room
house , $6,000.
3 choice lots in Wnlnut Hill , f 1,000 each.
Lot on 27tb nud 2Jtb,6-roombouse ,
40 foot front on 10th Bt , south of viaduct ,
45X127 on South 13th St. 13,500 ,
1/ot on Farnam , near 40tu st , $3,000.
Cholco residence lot in Summit Plnoo. $3,600.
136x132 , corner 81st and Fnrnam , $17,000.
Corner 25th nnd Capitol avonuu , $0,000.
60 foot on Douglas , with s la-room houses , all
modern improvements , $12,500.
2 lots on Hamilton street , $3,800.
66x300 , fronting on Cumlng and llurt streets , G
houpcB , $15.000.
68 teot front on Farnam , with two stores
n'ndn residence ; brings 12 per cent on Invent-
31x133 , Cuss t. between 14th and 15tb , with 7-
room bouse , $4,200.
Full lot , 21st Bt soiitli of Loavenworlh , T-room
house , barn and all modern improvomonti ,
$4 500
Corner , Burt and 18th Bt , with 6-roora house ,
Lots' In all additions cheap.
891 8. Kntz 4c Co. , 1511 Farnam.
ANSCOM PLACE Boautful ea t front on
H Pbll Sheridan , on grade , forest troeg. at H
reasonable price and ou good terms. Wallace ,
Crolghton block. 619 28
POR SALE Graham Orelghton Block.
Lot next to cor llurt and Brown , $2,000.
100x143 ft near Lcnvonworth Bt email house ,
$7 , (00. (
Lots on Military road 40x120 ft $750 pack.
Fine lot nuur Farnam st , Highland Place , east
front , $1,500.
30 ft small house on 20th st , cable line , $2,500.
Lot > n Lowe's add $950.
Lot 6 lluolfi sub div. Charles Bt , $1,600.
Five beautiful acres , Bontlold , $ -.500.
Flvo p.cron on Ames nvo , $1,000 per acre.
126 ft on SuundorB Bt $75 per ft , corner.
Good lot In Creston * I.2.V > .
Lot * on Military road $750.
13 lots In CJoverdalo will bo sold at a bargain
on easy ternjs. Graham ,
603 29 Crelghton Block
FOR BALE South front lot in Washington
Biuaro odd , $3.000 , worth $3,500 ; must go.
J. L. Rice 4 Co , sole ngonti. 4W
A CHANCE for Investments.
JGibson , Aylesworth 4 Benjamin ,
1512 Fatnnra et.
1 lot In Imp. Ass'n , 47x111 , wltb V small
house ? f 3,030
1 lot in Hnwtaorno , 48x10' ' . ) , cor. 3.1 d nna
Davenport , with 6 room houte.cistorn ,
well , etc. very eaiy terms 9,600
llotln llillsjIdplM add l.tKK )
1 lot in Itodford Plaoo , 50x124 735
1 lot in Hitchcock's Ut add. 50x125 700
1 let in Lowe's Istaddcoxl20wlth housn 1,760
Hi Inta in Bhinn'B 1st add , 75x12Yi , Caldwell -
well st 8,703
1 lot In llodlok's add , Mxl2- . ' , Hair How
ard st 3,300
2 low I n West Side , 53x129 , barn and fruit
trees 8,100
6-roora houno nnd lot N. 17th st , good
well and clttorn Of 00
Kountzo 4th add , lot 8 , block ij six room
house , well , clatornbnrn , in 4,000
Hlmebaugh 4 Patterson nub-lot 10 , block
! ! . contract 650
120 ft on St. Mary's ave , with i fl-roora
houses , pns and wnter , will BUbdivlle. 3 ,000
40 ft on 8t. Mary's nvo hot , 13th und 20th V..000
Cholco lot in Omnha Vlow X )
l2fton 16tn st. near Fnrnnm 70,000
" lots. 60x27. Lowe's ndd , 4-room house ,
cellar , well and 00-foot barn , price , . ? > n"
150) Farnam st.
Offer thosd bargal ns tel l y : i
1 corner Geonrln KTO. nnd Dupont $ l,3)X
7 Orchard hlll.ohoico lota oitub $ t > 5) .
House and Slots.Saundors 4 Hlinobaugh'B
add. to Walnut hill $3.ioo. :
20 Flnost lots In Clorordale , bargilni.
Fine lots In Kllby place , chimp.
Finel l-2lot John I Itedtclt's Suh-dlvUlon ,
Xcholoe lots in Maynes add. , each tVi
Zcholce lots Falrmount place ,
lacre boat In Uelvedere , bitrgaln
21otl Jotter's addition , each $7lJ-
61ots Mt. Douglas , each $ ttO.
2 lots South Ux. place , each $500.
3 Brown Park. Dargnlni each $ M1-
24 lots cholco In Yates 4 Hompel'a addition.
10 Roroa ? 4 mile south of Harris 4 Pntteron'i
anner , extra nice , cheap nnd easy terras.
A fine list of western lands for sale , or troda
for Omaha property. _ ,
400 noros highly improved , Saunders Co. , i l
or trade.
115 feet front on 18th strsot. ,
Last , not loKt. oirner on Ftrnara $41,001 anl
many others , 1509 Faruam , Wise and Parmelo.
. o,7
FOR SALE Corner lot,35tli and LHICO itrooU ,
135 feet on 25tb st , fronting on two streets ,
$ . ' .300 ; lOuash. J. t. nice 4 Co. 4M
FOR SALE Corner lot , 25tn and Lake stroels ,
L15 feet on'th at , fronting on two etrieti ,
$2 00 ; 1-Ucajh. J. L. Rice 4 Oo. 4M
FOU 8ALK-N. H. cor tOth and Farnnto Sts ,
6ltKH : , $31,000 , one-third casb. J , L. Hlco A
Co. , Bgonts. 490
Wolf ATK-PSxU'Scor. lot cheap , near cars ,
401 N. 15th. St. 46121 *
JOHN a ALTiAGHHR , 317 South 13th Bt Aero
property , lots nil parti of the olty. Choloo
lots In nnnsoom I'laco. Iloii " . 9 rooms , lot
C6xM , location uniurpas89d$5 JO. s\nn3 \
FOU 8ALB A corner lot oouth and east front
on special contract in Kuuntzo place ,
must bo hulk ou thl < your.
Corner and Ingldolota In Orchard hill.
Corner and Inside loti in Clifton hill.
Corner and Insldu lots in Walnut hill.
Corner nnd Itisldo lots In Snundom A Hlmo-
Corner and Itisldo lots In Cnrthaire.
Laroe hou n und Dno lot on 18th street with
room to build more , for sain very chonp.
Call on or address Jamoj Btooftdnto , 814 South
19th tt. 815 28
FARNAM ST. acrcngo , 10 acroi , $1,803 per
acre. Rush .V i-elby , 1CUJ Farnani. & )5 )
FOU 8ALK-8 line rosldnuco lots In Gisn'i
add. , opposite Kuuntio's PUce , $1.HV ( )
each ; just on thu maruot J. I * lllco 4 Co. ,
solo agents. 498
10 acres 4 miles west P , O. at $ 600
' 0 4 " B. W. " 600
' "
. " 3H " " " 650
0 < lot * 8 " " P.O. from $150 to. . . 850
0 Lincoln place " $050 to. . . 7M >
6 " SUth and Hurt " 11,000 to. . 2,1X0
I " 2Sth and Webster " ll.fiOO to. . l.wno
1 M 28lh nnd California S.ttO
2 " Shlnn's Ist.esch 1,000
2 " Ourdetto Court , irnch 4.V )
4 f cot on Jackson , nenr 10th 10.0JO
\ > r lot and 6 room bout * , cltr watar and
gas , 1 mile from P. O 3.0X3
0 foot.18th st.neur viaduct 6,500
D. C. Patlenon Omaha Nat. Bankbld'g.
281 H >
m&LUPHONE 418 for J. L. lllco 4 Co. , real os-
tnte broker * . 415
TjlOU 8ALE-Corner on 31st and Cumlng tt. .
-C 40x160 , paved In front , $4,000. J. L. Rice 4
"o. , Bole agents , 499
FOUSALE-2 beautlfnl lots fronting on Sher
man avenue , pnved st , city water , sewer
nd gas ; choice rotldeuoo property , $8,600. J ,
Rice 4 Co. 497
SA. BLOMAN , Real Estate Broker ,
1612 Farnam Street. .
arnarattrootcor. 19th , Mi 13. , M caah.f 60,000
KarnamBt , near 14th,2JX132Improved. , 85,000
| farnamBtncarl8tb,44xl33 , Improved. . 23,000
'amain gt. , near 20th,2Jxl32 , very chnap , 7,000
arnauist. , uear20tb , lltixxUU 85,090
Farnam at , cor.31st Bt. lU6il3- , south
an J east front 17,000
urnnm at. cor.40th , 95x133 , s and o front 6,000
tarnam it oor. 41st , 48x13- and front 3,600
flnrneyst near20th , 174x170. Improved. . 35,000
llarneyst. Hudlck's Grove , 4U1JJ 1AKI
Douglas tt noarl2th , 44x133 , Improved. . 85.000
> ouglasst.uoi\r liith. 22x1113 , H Interest. 0,600
Douglas st. near 23d , 66x132. 8.0UO
Dodge Bt. near 29th , &OX152K Z,6iX )
* ) edie st. near23th , 40x137 , improvfd. . . 3,000
'nekton it. netr 16th , ( WX132 , improved. 16,009
. onesst.oor. 15th , 6Dzl'U 24,003
Loavenwortb Bt cor. 21st , 13-xlll ! , Im
proved 18,500
Leavonworth at. cor. 25th , 140x142 , Im
proved 23,000
6lh at.opp , M. P. and Belt Line depot.
' ' ' ' ' '
4th Btlrackage''Paddoo'k'piaci'eilxm. 2503 |
. 'ark ave. opp. park. 60x150 1.309
Georgia ave. near Mt. Pleasant. 60x160. . 'A W
tOthit. near Dorcas , lOOxHK ) , Improved. . 4,500
20th it near Douglas. 33x69 , Improved , . 8,000
5th St. cor. Martha , 68x131 , improved. . . 4.50J
9th Bt. cor. Soward,63x120,3 houses. . . . 4.503
Pierce nuarZOth,60 footfcont , a streoti. 5 'W '
Hamilton et near Bolt Una , Improved. . . 1,609
35th st..nearDavenport. 100x138 2,200
Seward , near 36tb , 00x167 1,150
Oth at near Caatollar , 135 feet front. . . . 4.500
ithst , near Martha , 61x181. corner 1,000
-lurdetteit , near 2Btb , 50x132 , on car line 1,900
BurtBt , near Lowe aye. 511-2x139 1,10)
25th , cor , Poppleton. 63xluO , Improved. . 4.600
Davenport , near 24th. 64 l-Ux32lmproved 4,000
Chicago , corner 24th , 66xlH2 , Improved. . B.UOO
28tb , near Popploton,60x127 , Improved. . 6.000
Orchard Hill , lots $750 to 1,000
Brown Paik , lots $600 to 50
Bedford Pluoe. lots $850 to DOO
Highland Pare , loti eaeh-cath $63. . 230
Wakoly add , lets57x150 , rach 400
25 acres near Fort Omaha.flncly Inproved 11,000
Center (1.66x132 , Improved 1,200
Farnam at , near 33th , 67x133 8,300
Nicholas it corner , 66x13. , track in alley 4,200
Park ave , facing Park , 60x150 4,000
8 16th Bt , near viaduct , 40x103 6,000
Sulphur Springs add. just opp. 16tb at , 50
31124 , * ,000
"icavcnwortb it , near Belt Line , 100x127. . .r OO
FARM FOR SALE-Throe miles south of Nel
eon , Nuoxolls county. Neb. , H section , 280
acre * In cultivation , 36 acrei fenced for pas
ture , two liousea and 3 barm and other out
buildings , 2 wells , 50 fruit trees. I will aoll this
for $8,600 , one-half down , balance on ten years
time with 8 per cent Interest. For further In
formation call on or address J. 11. Davis , three
miles south of Nelson , Nen. 374alj
F AKN.AM ST. acreage , 10 acres , f 1,800 per
aero. Buah iSolby , 1C09 Barnam. 605
mKLEI'HONK418 for J. L , lUco it Co. , mil et-
JL tate broken. 475
F AHNAM BT. acreage. 10 ncres , f 1,800 per
aero. Hush & Selbr , 1 0 Farnam. 60S
FARNAM ST. acreage , 10 acres , $1,800 per
acre. Hugh & Selby , 1GOV Farnam. 605
TjlOH SALE Tn largo orsmall lots Hold seeds ,
X' timothy , little rod nnd mammoth clover ,
Herman and common mlllott soeas. I warrant
thli ecod nil rained in Ilutlor county , Nob. , and
new , pure nnd clean seed. Write to W. 0. Bos
ton , IJavId Citr. Nob. , for prices. 191 a8
FOU SALE-6 lotaiu Crelghton Heights , * 350
each tor the bunch. J. I , , lllco i Co. , solo
agent * . 497
FOH SALK-N. B. cor 20th and Farnam st ,
60x133,181,000 , one-third cosh. J. L. Itice &
Co. , agents. 4U(1 (
SIOUX CITY Aorea gultablo for plattingclose
to motor and street car lines , 0 acres $35
per aero on Treat city. 25'J acres close ta morn
intr tide SIfl per acre , a bargain thli worm , ad
dress H.C.l'almer. Sioux City , la. Omalmrof or
enoe , Patterson Prog , Peterson llroa. 468 281
10 ACHES i miles west of PC ) , for inle , fro
. per acre. D. C. Pattorioo , Omaha Na
tlonal bunk. 280.
FOR SALK A lease lit S300 per annum for 8
years from April 2 , ' 61 , on fttoro room and
6-room Hat on 8k Mary'8 ave. between 17th nnd
18tl , its. Shaw & Co. , CIO B. ItStb at. C38'
FARNAM 8T. < acreage , 10 acres , $1,800 Per
acre. Uunh & Htlby , 1803 Farnam. 6U5
FOIl HALK-4 one lots In A. B. Patrick' ! add. ,
91,300 each. J. L. Itlco & Co. , tola agent * .
' 49(1 (
418 for J. Ii. Hlce & Co. , real ei-
- into broker * . 475
rpOPllOfEUTVOWNKHS-Wo : hnvo soraecu-
1toraeri for inside If
- - property. you want
to raakoagulckBiilo , llet your property with
u * . Wright it Lusbury , under Puxton Hotel.
TEUUMIONE 418 for J. I * Rice & Co. , real es-
tuto brokers. 475
FOR 8ALR OR TRAUE-We own several
thousand aoros of choice South Dakota
farming land which we will aoll or'trntlo for
Omnha property. Wo want to soil and otf or our
land at bottom prices. Wngbt & Laabury. cor.
under Pazton hotel 108
FOSTKR'8 ADIVN-Cornor on KJd Bt 00x180 ,
for 14,400 , Easy terms.
Gregory & Hadloy. 429
mnt4F.I'nONE418for J , 0. ItloeJc Co. , real os-
X tate brokers. 475
rpBI.F.l'HONK 413 for J. L. llico iCo. , real cs-
JL tate brokers. 175
TTlOlt 8ALK N. K. cor 33tb und Farnam sts ,
.1 : OOxlK , 31,000. ooo-thlrd cash. J. L. lllco 4
Co. . agents. 450
The JlcKt Route from Omaha and
Council Bluffs io
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun
cil Bluffs
Chictgo , ANU Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids ,
Rock Island , Freeport , Jlockford ,
Clinton , Diibuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madikon , Jancjvlllc ,
Deloit , Wlnona , La Crotse ,
An ! all other important points F.nt , Northooit
and Bouh ( ait.
For through tickets oallontlio Ticket A rent
at 1401 1'arnain Ue tin ( i'MXtou Uotul ) , oral
Dnlon 1'aclOa Depot.
Piitltnan Sleepers tnd the flnsft Plnlns Car * '
la tbo world are run on the mainlines of th
and every attention It raid to pi\ji nKor by
courtaoui employes of the uoinpar.y.
JL MIM.IH , Qonbral M nu or.
J , F.TiiCKin , AiilstnntUenenil
A. V. IL CARrcKTCH , Qcaoral
G o. II. HMAtroao , AsiUtaut < icn :
eurr and Ticket Aiont.
J. T. GLAUS , Uoaoral rluporloteiideaU
Reiktmlrtfr Work.
For sonio tlrao past there hns boon llttlo
or nothing doing in the Wny of Improvements -
monts and changes In the Union Faotilu
yards hero. The atopping of work , mid
otlior circumstances , have led to the report -
port that the Union 1'aclllo was not to go
alien ( I this season with the improvement *
which were some tltno ago planned.
Yesterday morning , however , to the sur
prise of the doubters , n construction
force was sot at work , with ortttfrs to lay
the tracks ns speedily ns possible. Amonp
these tracks is the now dummy track ,
which runs north of the ica houses , the
former track to bo used for coaches ,
there being pipes laid and other convou *
lonccs for washing the cars , and caring
for them on this side of the river instead
of the other. There are a largo number
of other tracks to bo laid , for switching
and yard purposes , the bridges for which
across Spoon Lake have already been
put in. The construction force started
in yesterday with a rush , mid evidently
business 1 * meant. It appears from the
laying of those tracks that the now round
house , nnd the other improvements hero ,
are to go right along this season , This
will bo eKiunews to these who are m-
torched in the boom , nnd will strengthen
their belief that Council liluffs 7s to
realize more than the usual proportion
of the things hoped for , but not yet Boon ,
The Cottage Hopltl ,
It is something that should bo dear to
the hearts of every ono in this town. This
institution is a mere infant as yet , being
less than three months old. Dut Us man *
agora have begun in the right way. They
aim to have a scries of cottages instead of
ono large building. Thus , malignant
diseases of different kinds can ba kept in
separate houses. Each cottage can ba
more quint than if all the patients were
under one roof. The plan most approved
of now by leading doctors and scientists
is this cottage hospital method , a series
of small and cheap buildings that may ba
burned after having boon used for sonio
The ladies having this charity under
their care are often discouraged and
weary nnd feel as if It were more than
they could carry on. So let all help to
make tliolr financial burdens less by gen
erously patronizing their parlor concert
Thursday ovcmnc of this week. If you
cannot go buy their tickets and give them
to some of your music-loving friends.
Avocn's Now Court House.
Avoca is quite enthusiastic over tha
scheme for building a court house , to
cost f 5,000. Avoca has a term of court
of its own , to accommodate those in that
part of the county , and this now building
is to bo for its accommo dation. The cit
izens recently met in mass meeting , and
enthusiastically expressed themselves in
/au or ot being taxed for this purpose.
A meeting ol the city council was to ba
held last evening , to confer with a citi
zens' committee in regard to the matter.
Work has begun on the new hotel , and
other enterprises are moving along well.
There have boon no open saloons in
Avoca for ten days or so , the business
suddenly stopping with the opening
of court. It is fctill possible for thosa
who know the ways to got all the Intox-
'cants desired.
Strength In Union.
The following olilccra wcro elected oa
Saturday evening last by the Council
Mud's real estate association :
J. F. Kimball , president ; M. F.Uohror ,
irst vice president ; . II. Odell , second
vice president ; B. VV. Jacobs , secretary ;
W.V. . Dearborn , treasurer. Executive >
comroittoc , H. L. Shepherd. W. C. Mor- fan
an and C. H. Smith.
AD important meeting will bo hold to-
light nt the olllco of Benson & Mayne.
livery member is requested to bo on hand.
Real testate Doala.
The following deals in real estate were
filed for record yesterday :
W W Hawthorn to Thos MetcaU , H lot It ,
blk U7 , Kiddle's tr ct-S10.
Same to same 201'cet lot 14 , blk 13 , Bayllss'
Maine to same , lot 9. blk 29 , Beers' sub ,
-810. i
Sumo to same , lots 5 , 6 and 7 , blk 2 , Iloajf * 31 '
2mladd- .
U V McUrccor ct al to J A iiake , no ne 831
77. 89 , Kuox Tp-5000.
J A Hake and wlfo to II O SeifTert , no ne. , A
82. 77 , : > , Knox Tp-8700. -j |
C K Perkins , trustee , to J L Collcn , se no ,
19 , 75. : , Center Tp-S5GO.
J L Callnn ntid wlfo to K T Pratt , t X M
19 , 75 , W , Center Tp-81,800.
J 11 McLean and wlfo to John Briiho , so )
sw and BW so Si , 70 , 41. York Tp-Sl.SOO.
S Emily Kascom tn Mary M Ewlng. lot IS.blk
4 , Ulendnlp add m
il J Cook and wife to F J Duerr , lots 57and
58 , original plat SJ2f < 00.
C II Ferom und wife to D W Bushnnll , lot
1 , blk 07 , U U add-8i ) .
1111 Lund und wife to Martin Lee , lot 13 ,
blk 3. Stutsman'c 2d add-saso.
T J Mackoy ana wlfn to l > S Hough , lot U ,
blk M , BSer.s'sttb-$375.
Goo Van Orinan and wife to Jas D Draper ,
lot 11 and 12 , blk 9. Puree's add ECOO.
N It Cowdery to B L buyer , lot 7 , blk 63 ,
Kiddle's tract-Sim
K A Benson to Bascom & Kin. loti 1 to 1
Inclusive , blk 4 , Benson's 1st add $2,100.
K A Benson to J I' Lvtlo. lots 1 , 2 , 3 and 4.
blk 5 , Benson's lstadd-8K79.
K A Benson to A H J B Van Scoy , lota L
2 and 3. hlk 4. Omaha add760. .
K A Benson to Edwin Ilarkucss , lot 7 , bile
7 , Uenson's V2d adrt-8650.
Ed ward T Peterson to Klmhall & Plinmp ,
e 19 ft ot lot 184 and w 3 ft of lot 185. original
plat Council Blutfb known as 418 Broadway
-814.SOO. f
II Jl Metcalf B G Loomls , s 6 ft lot 0 and all
lot 7 , blk 1 , Baylies' lid add-83.600.
J 1J and J N Casady tn John Sehlckpntanz ,
lot * 15 and 10 , blk 14. Burns' add-5300.
Forrest Smith to Ilenry Ambrose , lot 1 , blk
S3 , Beer's sub 3300.
Forrest Smith to K G Landson , lot 3 , blk
24 , Beer's sub 8800.
Forrest Smith to Fred Dln o , lot 11 , blk 17 ,
and out lot 4 , Mills' artcl-S3ono.
Goo W Thompson to Lena Uchlndcll , lots 1
and 2 , blk 0-8850. \
Alfred Pralel to .1 II Brown , lots 3 nnd 4.
blk 13 , Bryant & Olnrks-8400. |
A Nloo Little Present Air n Frloiul.
Liverpool Post : Sotno time ago a
friend of mi no interested in zoolocry re
ceived ono day n box from New Mexico
without any mark upon it as to what it
contained. Ho instructed his house *
kcoper to open it on { hiding it in his
hall und weut upstairs. Presently ho woa
aroused by a considerable outcry , and
found that the box contained n creature
about a yard long , not unlike n crocodile.
It was really a li/.ard , and my friend im
mediately packed it oft'to the Zoological
Gardens , with a letter to the curator , pre
senting it to the collection.
Next day , to his astonishmentho received
a letter from lUo curator , saying : "Pray ,
next time you send fls an animal for the
collection warn us of its character , lor
this lizard you Kent us is a poisonous one.
The inoiimnt it was taken out of its box
it bit a rabbit , and the animal almost im
mediately died. As wo took it out of tha
box without nny hesitation , this might
just as well have happened to the per *
son who unpacked the monster. "
The existence of this poisonous lizard
wan unknown to the recipient , nnd wan , I
believe , not known nt the Zoological gar
den. My friend wrote out to his corre
spondent in Now Mexico , and found that
ho , too , wan unaware of the polsonoufi na
ture of the animal , and had only sent it
on account of ItH rarity ; "but , " said the
Now Mdxicau , with charming frankness ,
in writing , "now you mention it , I do re
member that one of those llzurdH bit ft
man , and certainly that man died , "
Senator Aldrlch , of Rhode Island , sank
Senator Joe Ilawley , of C'onuuctleut , a
turkey weighing twenty-five pound * the
other day.
_ . . .
w i * * > v * * $ * * a