I THE OMAHA DAILY KflE ; TUESDAY , MARCH 29 , 1887. v J | AN ACTIVE WHEAT MARKET , Good Dealings Early , But Late the Old Stag nation Returns. CORN FLUCTUATES SLIGHTLY , Onts Dull Iluf Plrnt-Bliort nilis nncl Ij.ird . .Largely Dcnlt In 1'ork HcmninH Inncllvo Mnr- kct quotations. CHICAGO rnonucE MAKKET. Cnir-Ado , March SiS. ( Special Telegram to the BKK. ] Karly In the day tliere was moro dhow of activity In the wheat market , but as Uic forenoon waned thesaine feeling of stng- natlon tlmt was the ruling characteristic last week uasncnln fell nnd business slackened in a most discouraging manner. The for- pirn market dispatches Indicated a quiet but not necessarily weak sentiment abroad , and New York advices were rather more favora ble than for several days previous. Liverpool - pool and London buyers nro .seemingly at a loss to understand how it has been possible for the American markets to hold bo steady in the face of the bc.ulsh advices they Imvu been loading cables with , and exporters re port vigorous "nibbles , " but as yet no largo amount of actual new business , Neverthe less the exports of wheat and Hour from the Atlantic ports lust week aggregated 2,500,000 bushels and the visible supply shows n decrease of 701,000 in the face of very heavy receipts In the northwest St. Louis and Now York rather led Chicago this morning In thecaily linn- ness , but the response from this market was Bhnrp , and from 8IH < J at the beginning May advanced to b'Je. Juno ascending from S0fc } to 8JVc. There was n good demand lor property on the advance , but toward the top plenty of wheat was for sale and values cased off , The receipt of disquieting crop news fiom the winter wheat sections serves to stimulate the activity of the shorts , nnd tlioy seemed Indisposed to stand on their trades. Corn was only modoratly active to day in the speculative hraiich of the market and prices fluctuated within a narrow ranuc , closing at the same ran o as on Saturday. Oats In the speculative market were dull hut firm. In the provision market there was n little moro Interest displayed than on the closing days of last week , in pork late the Inactiv ity was continued , but In short ribs nnd lard the trading was moro general and larger in general. The two last named articles at tracted , In fact , considerable attention , nnd ntt the offerings were Insulliclont to meet the dcnmnu higher prices prevailed for both. OHICAUO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , March 28. [ Special Telegram to the UKE.I CAITI.K. Notwithstanding the Jact tlmt dressed beet men received 1,300 cat tle from Omalia and Kansas City , the re ceipts to-day were really quite light for Mon day and wore n.OOO to 4,000 less than many dealers had estimated. Salesmen naturally asked higher prices and a few very choice pony-built steers and a few ripe , heavy cattle sold a shade higher. The general market for cattle , however , was slow and some ordl- narv heavy steers and Inferior light stock sold rather lower. There were some promi nent eastern buyers who made up their minds that they would have to pay moro money If they bought , so they held off and that tended to make trade slow. On the whole there was not much change compared with the market ot Friday. Among the of ferings wore numerous lots ot Texas cattlo. more or less corn fed , which sold at S3.75 ® 4.3r , or fullv steady prices. % lloos. The market was an active one to start with. As usual of into , the matket was opened by speculators , who paid stronger prices for good to cliolco mixed hogs. The regular buyers held back and were unwilling to pay any more , but the uenural market for any kind of decent heavy hogs or choice mixed stock was fie higher. The Inferior to fair , light mixed and very rouirh heavy hogs wore no bettor than steady. Only llvo pack ers were In the market , but they bought a liberal proportion of the olTnrlnc.s. A lot of 103 bogs , averaging 3S1 Ib.s , sold at 85.55. In - > the lot were 13 stags and 13 pregnant sows , malctnz ft dockage of I > 20 Ibs. Tiicso bogs wuro very rough and caino from Si. Louis. Some choice heavy hogs sold to a shipper at $0. Good to choice were not any too plenty. _ FINANCIAL. KKW YOIIK , March 28. [ Special Telegram to the BKE.J STOCKS. The upward move ment in stocks was continued to-day and there was better buying than for a month past , and more widely distributed. The mar ket has broadened considerably and there Is a better feeling generally. Money is easing up and It Is thought that there Is not much danger now of tight money , The old bcai party has disappeared , though it has not yet covered Us shorts. There is a strong dispo sition to make ( Jould stocks'duo favorites , a ! ho lias come out as the first Dull leader , anil Western Union , Missouri Pnclflc , nnd Texas I'.tclfic nro recommended as eood purchases by most houses. Active stocks opened strong : , Western Union nt an advance of } j per cent , Union Pncliic X per cent , nnd MIS' eourl 1'ftcllic % per cent. There was bulling of Union Pacltto on the report of a favorable statement to bo made at Wednesday's meet luir , and Western Union advanced on a promised good showing to bo made in their annual report. The annual report of the Union Pacific for Ib8 < 3 showed net earnings of 87,532,707. Tbo net Income over charges showed G.15 per cent earned onjstock. The floating debt Is 80,000,177 and the funded 9148,540,130. Broken said the advance in Northwestern to 120 on Saturday was on good solid buying and that they expect to see 123 or 125 for It this week. St. Paul IE xpccted to follow'ln sympathy and Omaha preferred Is likewise apt to be a bull card. Ornaha earnings for the month of February decreased 320,736. A strdnit syndicate con- * eluded to-day the purchase of 90,000,000 Rock Island 5 per cent first mortgage bonds. They were bought direct from the company and issued for extensions in Nebraska. The market held up well to the close , though al the last Northwestern and Union Pacific eased off a little nnd showed a gain for the day of about } i of n point In Union Pacific , and about K a point in Missouri Pacific , Lake Shore and Wabash , and X In North western. The total sales were 408,205 shares , HovKiixMRNTs Government bonds were firm and strong. " - YESTLllDAY'S QUOTATIONS. U. S. C's 7MO0. 4N. " 1) ) . 8. 4'scoup n.ist > v ! jloi CanadaSouth'n. . ttJ , Central Pacific. . 38 , Chicago & Alton.144 do preferred. . . . ] > Jftov. . . . . ; : . - Erie 84) , , do preferred. . . , 73 Illinois Central. . ! ' . " . ) : J. , B. A W 34' K. & T..A.- ; . . . I1 do preferred..112) ) , LakeShoi- . . . . Texas Pacilic. . . . 29 Ij. &H Union Pacific. . . . 69) Mlchlca * Cent' ) . . W..8t. LAP. . . , 18 Mo. Pacilic . do preferred. . M No. Pacilic 28 W. U. Telegraph 77 } do preferred. . . . fi ! ) , * _ Kx dividend. MONKY ON CALL Easy , at 4K@7 pc cent ; last loan at 6 percent ; closed at per rent offered. PniviK MEKCAUTII.K PAPER. 5(38 ( pe cent. STKHLINO EXCHANGE. Dull and weak n 14.84V for sixty day bills , 84.bO ? { for dc maud. I'ROUUCK MAKKKT. March 28. Following quoti tlnnn are the 3:30 : closing figures ; Flour-Steady and unchanged ; wlnt * wheat Dour , $ : southern. 14.1 W.W ; Wisconsin. 4.20iJ4.30j ( Michigan sol prior wheat , t3.70004.SO : Minnesota baker IS.70A4.su ; patents , J4.50@4.b0 : low trade ; pl.P5Q2.95 ; rye Dour , quiel at 8.25 < 23.40 ; 1 arks and barrels , 53(23,70. Wheat-Fluctuations confined -within - J Vi . , J narrow ranee , closlnc Jfi Kc higher ; cash , 7ii5-iCc ; May. 81 13-lCc ; June , Blc. Corri Moderately active early , later ruled nulct , closing 'iXSKc above Saturday ; cash , l' c ; May , tf.tli-lGc ; June. 403'c. Oats Dull and unchanged all lound ; cash , ! 24c : May , tis ; < c : June , 2t'c. ' ltyc Quiet ut M , c. llarley--Quletat MOKP. ) Timothy Sepd-Pilme , S1.70. Flax Si-cd-81.0 ? . Wnlskv-81.18. Pork Dull but steady , with no material chance ; cash. 820.00 ; May and June , S21.0C. Lard Stronger early , with more doing , closing steady ; cash , $7.40 ; May , S7.47J4 ; June. S7..YIJI. Hulk McaU-Shouldcrs , 80.00QG.25 ; short clear , 8i30rtJ8. 40. Butter Firm ; creamery , 24 } ( g.lc ! ; dairy , Cheese Firm : full cream Cheddars nnd al. , ll'cijl)1 ! ) ; Young Ameileas , IS QlS fc ; klniB , JC'i . ICirgslfHMc. \ \ \ . Hides Finn nnil unchanged ; heavy preen ailed , 7'/c ; salted bull , Gc ; preen salted alf , On : dry salted , lOc : Hint , rJcglSc ; dry alf , ! U < ytl4c ; deacons , 40c each. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 4c ; o. 2 , 34'e ' ; cake , 4h'e. ItccelnK Shipments. "lour , bills 33.000 22.000 Vheat , bu 40,000 87.000 ? orn , 1m SOy.OOU 121,000 ) ats bu IM.OtK ) 150,000 { ye , bu n.OOO 1,000 Jarloy , bu -10,000 31,000 St. lioulN , .March 23. Wheat Strong and l hcr : No. 2 red , cash , 7iyf < i $ : > o fc ; .May and tine , bO'i'c. ' Corn Firm nnd higher ; cash , lay , 3 : > fp. Oats--Slow but lirmer ; cash , : AIay,2SJ.- Barley-Quiet at 5'Jc. Povk-m.OD. Lard Firmer at 87.25. Whisky S1.13. Butter Firm ; creamery 2'QoOc ; dairy , 15 ft27c. ArnniNoox BoAim Wheat llrm and tin- Imimed. Corn steady and unchanged. Oats nominal. Kansas City. March 28. Wheat Dull ; No. 2 rod , cash , GSUe bid , 70c asked ; April , ii'cbld ' ; Mnv , TS o bid. Corn Dull : No. 2. cash , 31tfc } bid , 3 > asked ; Apul,32caskud ; May , SKC bid , ay askod. Oats Nominal ; 27pbld forcnsl ) . New Orlcnns , March 28. Corn Un changed ; mixed at 40c ; yellow , OOC Olc while , 53' K'K ; . Oats- Dull n.ul lower ; S < 5X@37c. COrnmcal Easier at S2.15. llos Products Dull and drooping ; pork , 817.00 ; lard , S7.00. Bulk Meats Shoulders , 0.10 ; lent ; clear and clear rib , 88.00. Llvcr | > eel , March 28. Wheat-Steady but demand poor. Corn Unchanged. New York. March 28. Wheat Re ceipts , 105,000 ; exports , 180,000 ; soot } c and options 9/@lc higher , closing steady ; un graded red , 01@94XG ; No. l red , 03c ; No. 2 red. Oljfc In elevator , 02o. free on board , 03c delivered ; April closed at DlKc. Corn Iterolpts , 82,000 ; exports , 102,000 ; spot J-i'@Kc und options ( ? ? ifc higher , clos ing steady ; ungraded , 48JfW-tO > c ; No. 2 , cln elevator. 49XC delivered : April , 48c. Oats Uecelpts , 102,400 ; exports , none ; a shade stronger and moderately active : mixed western , 35@37c ; white western , 38 ® 42c. 42c.I'otroleum Firm ; United closed at C3Yc. Pork Dull ; old mess , 815.2 3(35.75 ( ! ; new mess , 810.50. Laid Higher but quiet ; western steam , spot , 87.05. Butter Quint ; western , 12@20c ; Elgin creamery , a.'C i33c. Cheese Firm , but rather quiet. Eggs Easier ; western , fresh , 13@lf ! > i'c. Cincinnati. March 28. Wheat Dull and lower ; No. 2 red. SlMC Tc. Corn Good demand and lirm ; No. 2 mixed , SOJ c. Oftts Good demand and steady ; No. 2 mixed , 2954xc. Kye-FlrmNo. ; 2. Glc. Pork Quiet at 817.85. Lard-Firmer at 87.37K. Whlsity Active and lirm at $1.13. Milwaukee , March 23. Wneat Inactive , but firmly hold ; May , 7U.tfc ; June. BOc ; cash ranged 2c below May. Corn-Neglected ; No. 3 , Oats Steady ; No. 2 white , Kyo Unchanged. Hurley Steady ; No. 2 , C2c. Provisions Quiet ; mess pork , 810.50. Minneapolis , March 23. Wheat Steady and active for lots on track ; little doing In futures ; No. 1 hard , cash , 70c ; May , 775fc ; June , 78 > < c ; No. 1 northern , cabh,75)4e ; ; May , 7Go ; June , 77c ; No. 3 northern , cash , 7Jc ; May , 74c ; ; June , 75c ; on track , KglJic above these quotations. Flour Quiet ; large shipments ; patents , S4.2504.40 ; bakers , 83.80@3.50. Receipts Wh at. 100,400 bu. { shipments Wheat , IS-J.OOO bu. ; flour , 41,000 bbls. In Store Wheat , 7,503GS3 bu ; at St. Paul , 800,000. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LIVE STOCK. Chlcnjto , March 28. The Drovers' Jour nal touorts as follows : Cattle Receipts , 7,000 : market steady and strong ; shipping steers. S4.00@5.10 ; stockers and focdern , S3.00 < a4.25 ! : cows , bulls and mixed , 82.10Q4.00 ; Tjulk , 82.00@3.20 ; Texas cattle , 83.00Q4.35. = > Hogs Receipts , 10.000 ; shipments , 4,000 ; market firmer for good ; rough and mixed , 35.20 ( 5.70 ; packing and shipping , SS.CS ® 0,00 ; light. 84.05@5.00 ; skips , S3.50Q4.03. Sheep Receipts , 5,000 ; market strong ; natives , 83.00@4.SO ; western , S3.75@l.75 ; Texans , S3.75@5.75 ; lambs , S4.05.87) < . National Stoolc Yards. Eftt Bt. Louis , III. , March 28. Cattle Receipts , 1,000 ; steady ; choice heavy native steers , 94.75 ( 5.20 ; fair to good shipping steers , 84.00(24.70 ( ; butchers' steers , fair to choice , S3.GOC44.3S ; feeders , fair to good , 33.10Q3.80 ; stockers. fair to good. 5 2.80@3.00. Hoes Receipts , 3,700 ; shipments , 2.000 : a shade stronger ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , S5.7rx35.00 ; packing , fair to good. J85.0535.70 : Yorkers , medium to prime , 85,30 © 5.50 ; pigs , common to good , $4.70(25.15. ( Kansas CItr.March 23. Cattle Receipts , 1.200 ; shipments , none ; lirm for all good stuff ; stockers and feeding steers quiet ; common to choice shipping , 83.75(94.70 ( : stockers , f2.60@3.W > ; feeding steers , 93.403 8.00 , Hoes Receipts , 3,000 ; shipments , 500 ; choice about 5c higher ; medium , 85.00C'45.40 ; skips and pigs , 53.WX34.80. OMAHA LIVE STOCK. The Week. Monday , March 28. The markets have been fairly active during the week past. There were over 5,500 cattle received here during the week , the greater part of which were sold on this market. The week opened with the cattle market lac lower , but the loss was partly made up on Tuesday by an advance of lOc. On Wednes day the market was still higher. There was , decline llnMLThursday , which was fol a , < _ * . -J- . lowed. Dj < M * t closed- with pted below. wer vM p : -Trier ; * wert f w ! eoia. - - - Cattle. . so lions . „ . tt > Sheep . 70 Prevailing Prloea. Showlne the prevailing prices paid for llv < slock on this inarknt : Choice Rteers , 1800 to 1500 Ibs. . . .94. 40 4. 75 Choice steers , 1100 to 1350 Iba . . . 4.25@4.43 Fat little stner 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . S.OoSi.SS Good to choice corn-tod cows. . . . 3.000(3.40 Falrto medium cows . 2.00WJ.75 Good to choice bulls . a&0i.S5 ( ; Light and medium hozs . & .45&5.SO Good to choice Iicavj bogs . 5.60 (5.00 Ooo < l to choice mixed hoes . B.40W5..V ) Choice sheep , BO to 120 ibs . RcprcsentatiTO Hales. BTT.EnS. No , Av. Pr. No. Iv. Pr. 4..10U3 14.00 35.,12i7 14.55 1Q..1270 .a'l 18..1330 4.C3 10. . . . 1213 4.-IU BULLS. No. Av. Pr. No. Ar. Pr. 1..1CM ) $2.70 3..1500 ? 3.15 C..14CO 3.00 8. . . .1000 3. ' > CALVES. No. Av. Pr. 1. . . . 603 S3.M iton * . No. Av. Shk. Pr No. Av. Shk. Pr. b7..104 I''O S5.CO 77. . . .27 in085. ) 73.'J43 ICO 5.45 71. .239 'JOO 6.M 73..2iS 1UO fi.50 70. .249 COJ 5.M W..i > 39 2iO 5.60 68. .2rJ . ' .CO bO..C05 2-10 5.0 67. 78 120 5.X ( ) 71..24(1 ( 2.-0 f .60 M. .231 ! KO 5.00 CO..233 120 5.60 00..2S3 BO 6.CO Rnngo ofl'rlcos. Showlne the hlehoit and lowest or ICRS paid for loads ot hozs on this market during tliupntsovoiid\ys ! nnd tor the same time last mouth nnd n voar njto. Ton. 1887. March 1S87. Jlurch 1SSO. 22.1 6.33 fijr.,55 TuM ZM 5.15 6.25 fi.5S 3.75 JU90 24th 6.15 f..25 ' II.70 441.01) ) K'llli M5 6.25 3.BO ' . ' ( Ith 6.W.tO ! 27th Sunilnr "Mil rM or > .co Sunilujr Iilvo Klook IMirclmscs. Showing the number of head o live stock bought by the leading buyers , noos. Analn-Amerlcnn TacldnKCo r.OO J. 1' . Sqlllll'S & Co lilO U. 11. Hammond & Co 333 Total CC2 Showing the number of c.ttlle , boss and sheep ihlpp.ul Irom the yards during thu day. CATTLE. No. curs. lit. Deft. 11 Mil Chicago 0 N. W Chicago ' ' ' 2 ? N''W' Chicago Allsilcs of stock m this market are made percwt. llvo welcht unless otherwise slated. Dead hogs sell at Xc per lb. for all weights. "Skins , " or hogs weUliins less than 100 Ibs. novnlno. Pregnant sows are docked 40 IDs. und stass 80 Ib * . by tlio public ' Llvo Stock Notes. Light receipts. Cattle steady. Hogs all sold. Hogs reached S3.GO. The yards were lull of Chicago men. J. S. Dunham , Clarks , was in and sold 11 load of hogs. Frank Grice , a Chicago live stock dealer , was looking over the yards. James Frazier. Sioux City , la. , was In and marketed three loads of cattle. Fred Wiles1 , of Wiley & Perry , Kearney , wns in with two loads of sheep. J. D. Harris , with Pyers , Patterson & Co. , Chicago , was a visitor at the yards. Ed Ellett , of the lirm of Roscnbaum Bros. , Chicago , was looking around the yards. George Suanglcr , Wlntlirop , la. , a heavy stock dealer , was among the visitors at the yards. Ab Waegoncr , of the firm of Horlno & Wagtcouer , has returned from an eight day's visit to Chicngo. L. &J. 11. Martin , composing the Chicago cage llvo stock commission lirin of Martin Bros. , were both here. Sam Iloushnm and T. B. Butts , Central City , were in Sunday afternoon with four loads ot cattle and one of sheep. OMAHA WHOLESALE MAtlKETS TlioVcok. . Monday , March 28. ThO past week has witnessed n few im portant changes iu the produce markets. Butter which has been coming plenty 1ms of late been growing scarce nnd accordingly has been bringing bettor prices. Eggs , however , have continued steady lor some time back as quoted below. Dressed poultry has also been about steady but liiclier prices will be noticed In the llvo poultry market. Apples nud potatoes have beencomlns In very freely nnd both nro accordingly lower. Other lines of pioduco continue about steady. General Produce. Tlic following prices arc for round loti of producers sold on the market toctajThe quohttlons on fruits represent the prices at which outside orders arc tilled. Burrnu Butter has been scnrco nil the week. Kvon the poorer grades are not com ing iu such abundance ns a week or two ngo. There Is an active demand for choice butter and all such sells quickly on arrival. The market Is accordingly stronger than last week. Shippers must bear In mind that the quotations tor choice butter are for butter that Is strictly choice and sweet. A lltlle more care In making and handling the but ter would Increase Its value from 2c to 5c per lb and It would sell more readily and at bet ter nrlces. An occasional package of fancy butfer sells at better prices than those quoted below. Choice country , 17@18c ; fair to good , 13(315c ( ; common , 5@10e. Kaas The egg market has been very steady during the past week. The market Is In about the same condition as a week ngo. The iccelpts have averaged very heavy and while thu local retail demand Is good and the shippers huve been takineall the surplus stock , so that notwithstanding the heavy re ceipts there has been no accumulation of stocks. The ruling price Is lOc and the mar ket can bo called active at that price. He- ports from other markets Indicate a decline but as yet the effect has not been felt here. HIIKSSKD POULTRY The receipts have been light and the market lirm. Chickens bave been in eood demand and good stock has sold readily at lOc , In a few Instances extra choice stock hits brought lie. Small fat turkeys have been selling at I0@llc , and coarse heavy turkeys at OOJlOc. The demand is'mostly In a small way as live poultry is coming In season and it is only due to the extremely light receipts that the above prices have been obtained. LIVE POULTRY The receipts of live poul try have been very light thus far as the sea son is not fairly opened. There Is a very fair demand ana everything received thus far has sold readily on arrival. Good heavy fowls or chickens have sold at $3.00@3.sa perdozen , while a few choice have gone at 33.50. There Is not much demand for turkeys but those re ceived have sold at 6 < 38c peril ) . There have been a few large ducks in which brought $3.00 per dozen. CHKKSK Full cream Cheddars , single , 1 . " ? > , ; ( $14o ; full cream flats , twins , 14c ; Young Americas , 14 > fc ; fancy Swiss , 10@17c ; Swiss Imoorted , 25o ; Limburzer. He ; brick , itxaiOc. DBEANS-InferiorstocK.75@81.00good ; clean country , 91.00(81.25 ( ; medium , hand picked , 8L40@1.80 ; hand picked , navy. 81.50@1.60. PROVISION s Ham , 12@l3c ; breakfast bacon , rib. 9/cbreakfast : bacon , plain , 10c ; dry salt sides , 8W < 8HJ c ; dried beef , regular , lie ; dried beef , ham pieces , 14c ; lard , 50-1 b cans. 7kc _ ; 20-lbcans , Fairbanks , 7j c ; 10-lb cans , Fairbanks , 7J e ; 5-1 b cans , Fairbanks , Be ; 3-lb cans. Fairbanks , 8'j'c. POTATOES The receipts of potatoes dur ing the past few days have Deen very heavy. In addition to the car lots received by the commission dealers , the local farmers have .beonjcuuuiDK in a eood many and selling LreMiors. This has tended to break 't-a * the stock brought in by the " Mfcon sold by them at very low "r Hwuiugs as low as 35c. At Ifl Itlt MtiUiiJto give a queSt - St ffTi lb JUd .conaj- corni ' nre ii good many In ant ! Jtla lower. There Is a good dea lore poor stock In than there has been Fancy eastern stock. 84.50@5,00 ; choice Mi * sourl stock , S4.00g4.SO ( ; common Mlssour stock , S3.50@4.00. OLD VEGETABLES-The supply on the mar kot Is not large but the demand Is light anc stocks movlncslowly. Onions , choice stock per bbl,83.50@4.IX ) . Beets , carrots , turnips etc. , per bbl.81.75@2.00 ; horseradish roots per lb. , 7c. GUKKN VEGETABLES The receipts thu : far have been light and there has been verj little In aside from spinach , which has no been very rapid sale. Home crown celery li very poor and scarce. Spinach , per bbl. 81.75(32.00 ( ; top onions , per dozen bunches 8035c { celery , horn * grown , per dozen S5 ( < W3c ; California celery , per dozen. OOcfc 81.00 ; radishes , per dozen bunches , 35c ; let tuce , 40c ; pie plant , per lb. 10c. OYSTERS Mediums. 20c ; standard , 2Cc selects , 2Sc ; extra selects , 33 ; N. Y. counts Stic * GAME The receipts have not been ver ; heavy and the demand has .beeu.very fall There are a eood many brants on the mar ket and tlioj1 are vcrr slow salo. Mallard ducks , per dozen , ? 2.0(3 ( < J.'i'5 ' ; teal , per dozen , Jrl.60Wl.7ft : mixed , per dozen , 5S.W ) ; geese , per dozen , S'J.OO@3.Os brants , per dozen , t'-.OO. Lr.moN" The market Is firm. Slocks are movliiL' fairly well for tlio season. Messina , choice , per box , S4.75ii&.co ( : do. fancy , per box , S.i.OO@5.SO. OIIANOKS Stocks are moving slowly and the supply Is about equal to IMP demand. California , Riverside , per box , $ : ) .7rx.nM.OO ; California , Los Angclcc , per box , ? H.Oo ; Navels , 50.00 ; Mediterranean sweets , 53.75 (34.00. STitAwnr.nniES Therethavo been a few In this week. Choice stock sold readily at 10 ? . BANANAS Large bunches , per bunch , 2.60 ( S3.60. NUTS Afew black walnuts are eomlni ; In from the country and are slow sale at 7f > o per bushel. The following are the wholesale prices at which orders from the outsldo are lillcd : Almonds , ' < ! 0c ; pecans , largo polished , He ; filberts , 14nBrazlls ; , 14cwalnut ; < , Naplps , SOc : walnuts , Chill , 14c ; peanuts , 11. P. Vlr- Klnla , PC. FLOUR AND MILI.STUFFR Winter wheat flour , best quality patent , S2.75 ; second qual ity , $ 'J.OO20 ; best Quality spring wheat Hour , patent. SJ.402.IK ) ; bran , 70c percwt ; chopped feed , 7.5C per cwt ; white corn meal , We ; yellow corn. me.U , SOMOOc per cwt ; screenlnir , 50 75c per cwt ; hominy , Sl.OO ; shorts , 70c percwt : graham , SI.75 ; hay , In bales S7.00 per ton. OIIAI.V Corn , 27c ; wheat , No. 2 , 67c ; oats , 23c ; rye , 45c. Gl-ocur'si filot. PICKI.CS Mrdnim , In bbls. 58.00 ; do , In half bbls , S4.CO ; small , In bbls , SU.OO : do , In half bbls. S.J.OO ; gherkins , In bbU , S10.0J ; ito , in halt bbls , S5.W. powdered , . COFFEKS Oidlnary grades , 14lf@l5t.Cc fair 15' r'c ; prime , lOKc ; choice , loaio c ; fancy grocn and yellow , lognc ; old tov- ernmeut Java , 20@2Co ; Interior Java , CANNED Uoois-Oystersbtandardpcr ) case , Si.l53.2. : > ; strawberries , 2 lb. per case. S'J.iiO ; raspberries. 2 lb , per case , S'.a" ; oCallfornla pears , per case , S4.ftO ; apiicots , per casj , 54.00 ; Dcaclies. nr c.ise , S3.00 ; white cher ries , per easy , 80.00 ; plums , per case , $ 'i.M\ \ blueberries porcase , Sl.85 : egg plums. 2 lb , per ease. S2.60 ; plueapulos , a ID. per case S3.20@3.75 ; I lb iiiRJkcrel. per doz , 8UO ; 1 Ib salmon , per doz , Sl.OOtal.53 ; 210 , gooseberries - berries , per case , 31.75 ; 2 lb strinz Deans , per casi , 31.lift ; 2 lb lima beans , per case , Sl.iW : 2 lb marrowfat peas , percaso , 8isor T)3 ) 00 ; 2 lb early Juno pea1' , par caso. SJ.75 ; 3 lb toma toes. 2.532.nOa ; Ib.corn 32.402.r > 0. MATCHES Per caddie. 23c ; square cases , 81.70 : inulu square. 81.2U. SYIIUP No. 70 , 4-galon ! krgs , $1.201.05 ; New Orleans per gallon 3S@40c ; maple syrup , half bbls. "old time , " per gallon , 70c ; 1 gal lon cans , ner doz , IIO.OU ; hall gallon cans , per doz , 85.50 ; quart cans , S3.w. ( . „ . , CANDY Mixed. SKlle : stick. SKOO c CBACKEIW Oarncau's soda , butter and picnic. 5 > $ c : creams , Kc ; ginger snaps , o > < cj city soda. 7V. . STAncit Mirror gloss. 1 lb , Co ; mirror gloss , 3 lb. 5Vc : mirror gloss , Olb , CJic ; Graves corn , 1 lb,0) ) fc ; Klngsford's corn , 1 ID , 7c ; Kincsford's gloss , 1 lb. 7c ; Klngsford's BIOSS , Olb. 7Ko : Klmsford's iJllTO 111) . 079 Kingsford's pure , 3 lb , 5Kc ; Kingsfords bulk , 4c. SOAM Kirk's savon Imperial. S2.70 : Kirk's satinet. $3.00 ; Kirk H standard , 83.05 ; Kirk's white Uusslan. S4.00 ; Kirk's whitecap - cap , JO.M ; dome , 83.65 ; washboard , ? 3.10 ; white cloud. 53.75. General Market ! . \Ai5JiisiiES Batiels , porgallon ; furni ture , extra , 81.10 ; fiirnlture. No. 1 , 81.00 ; coach extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. 1,81.20 : Ua- mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; osphaltum , extra 85c : shellac , 53.00 ; bard oil Unisli , $150 HEAVY llARnwAnn Iron , rate 2.3D ; plowsteelspeclarcasMKcjcrueiblesteel.'iJic ; cast tools , do. 12@iPo'wagon ; ' spokes , pei set , 82.00@3.r)0 ; hubs , per set , $1.25 : lelloes. sawed dry , 81.60 ; tongues , each. SCc : axels , each. 75c : square nuts , per Ib. Cl@71c ; roll chain , per lb. 0)tf < iZWc ; malleable. SQICc ; iron wedges , 6c ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow teeth , 4's'c , spring steel , 7QPc'Burden's ; horse shoos , 84.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , 8" > . 5. Barbed wire. In car lots , 4.00 per 100 Ibs. Nails , rates , 10 to CO , BI.UO : atoal naiu. S2.ua : Shot , 81.35 ; buckshot , 81.GO ; Haz'ird'powder , kegs , 85.00 ; do. halt kegs , 88.73 ; do. quarter kegs , 81.50 : blasting , kegs , SU.lu ; fuse , per 10 feet , OTic. Lead bar. SIS . , jJnv PAINTS White lead , .0 . ; French zinc , 12c : Parl ; whiting. 2Kc ; whiting , gliders , fcSfc ; whiting , com' ! , Ike ; lampblack , Gcr- manstown. 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Prussian blue,55oultramarine ; , IBc ; vandyk- brown , 8e ; umber , burnt 4o ; utnoer. raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c : sienna , raw , 4c ; Pans green , eenulne. 250 Paris green , com- nion-.Mc ; chromegreen. . N. Y. , 20c ; rermlllion . American. INs : inaian raw and burnt umber , l Q > cans , i2c ; raw and burnt sienna , 12c : Vandyke brown , 13c ; relined - lined lampblack l3c : coach black and Ivory black , IGc ; drop black. IGc ; Prussian blue , 40c : ultramarine black. 18c ; chrome crroen.L. , M. A I ) . . 16c ; blind and shutter green , L. . M. & D.l6c ; Paris ereen , 18c ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , 0c ; Tuscan. 22c ; American vermllllon , L. & D. , 20c : yellow ochre. 2c ; L. M. & O. ! > . . 18c : eood ochre. IGc : nateni dryer , 8c ; eralnlne color , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and ash. V& . DnunsAND i/HEMioAi.s. Ao'fl carbolic , We ; acid tartarlc , 5'2c ; balsam copaiba , per n > , nee ; bark sassafras , per ft , lOc ; calomel , pure , per Ib , 8oc ; lead , acetate , per ft. 21c ; oil , castor , No. 1 , per gal. , 81.50 ; oil castor , No. 2 , per gal. , 81-40 ; oil olive , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil orlirannum. fiOc ; opium , 83.00 ; quinine , P. & W. and K. & S , , per , oz. 7flc ; potassium Iodide , per n > , 8.50 ! ; sallcln. per oz. 40C ; sul phate morohlno , per oz. Jt.15 ; sulphur , per ft < o ; strychnine. r er oz. 81.S * > PA/NTfr IN OiL-WIUte lead. Omaha.1' P. , 0' < fc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure. o > c ; Mar- Bellies , ere n , l lb cans , 'Jot Frencn zinc , ereen seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal. l\c ; French zinc. In varnish asst. 20c ; Fench zinc.75c : vermlllion , English , In oil , 75o ; red , lOc : rose pi UK , I4e ; Venetian red , Cook- son's , 2ko ; Venetian red , Amerlcau. ixc ; red lead , 7Kc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 2 < . 'c ' ; chrome yellow , K , 12c ; ochre , rochello. 3c ; 3c bFiRiTS Cologne iplrlts , 188 proof , 81.17 ; do 101 proof , 81.18 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 81.17 : do lea proof. 81.10 Alcohol. 188 proot , 83.20 per wine eallon. Ked I stilled Oln _ , blended , „ anvn j * * W * 2.00 ; KentuckylwHrbons , 82.00CJ .00 ; tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 82.00nt6.5U ; Golcfen Sheaf bourbon and rye whi' ' 9l.inStw. AitnuutCD , llllUUilcu , Ou.WAAO.iJU , domestic , 81.80O3.00. Gins , Imported , 84.50 @fl.OO ; domestic , 81.2.va3.00. Champagnes , Imported , uercase. 823.00@33.00 ; American. per case. 910.ooaifl.oa HIDES Green butchers , 5 @ 6c ; ereen cured. 7o : dry flint. ll l2c ; drv salt. creen calf skins , Kc ; damaged nicies. two-thirds price. Tallow-Htfc. Grease- Prime white , 3i-c ; yellow , 3Xc ; brown , 15f Sheep Pelts , 253l75c.9 . . JfURS AND &KINH The following price are for prime , well handled skins : Beaver prime , clean per pound , 81.50@3.00 ; fall , 81.2. ' ( 2.00 : meatv ana Inferior. S1.00@l.25. Bear brown and grizzly. S5.008.00 ; nubs ntl yearlings , 82.00 4.00. Badger , U@GOc. ) Cat wild , SOQtOc : domestic , black. lOt lAc : do mestlc , sundry colors , 5@8c. Fox , red , 31. U 1.25 ; cross , 82.00@4.00 : grey. 40 500 ; silver ilO.00@40.00. Fisher. 84.00 0.00. Ottor,34.0i - Martin. 81.000175 , Muscrat wir Uta ; fall. 5c ; kilts. Mink , ilargi _ small and pale , 15@20c. llao larze-prHBO iOt SOc small and Inferior , coon. iarz - pnie , ; 1 30IBfc- ( Skunk , femmon , 15@25c. Wolf f "WWC./ ! . ? . 5u'I ; coyote or prairie 75J ( i. Me. .DMflniramte ( ) , winter , per pound ISo ; fall ana suuiiner. per pound 30c. Dry LmraDer. DIMINEIONS AND TIMdEltS. 13 ft U ft 18 ft 18 ft W ft 23 ( t 2 * fl SZ4. 16.00 18.00 17.00 18.00 10.00 2S.25 22.2 Il8. l .tX ) 18.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 Z3.60 22.6 Jl8. 18.00 1100 17.00 18.00 19.00 ZI.W 21.6 I IllO. 18.00 18.00 17.0) ) 18.00 19.00 22.60 22.5 ZzU. IB.MJ 18.00 17.00 18.00 1U.OO 23.60 18.00 18.00 18.00 10.00 L'O.OOlK 60 K.G ! J IIe.1 , 4 A B inch , 13 and 14 ft. rough..813. No. a , 4 Jfc Oinch , U ana 14 ft. rough. . . 15.0 LII1K , ETC. Qulncy white lime , ( best ) , 05 Akron cement , 2.75 ; nt ir 25 BOARDS. No. 1 Cora , sis , 818.0 No.3 " " 15.S No.3 " " 15.C N 4 " " 1G.C B1DINO. A , 12,14 and 10 ft Sau H , " " " 20.(1 ( ) C , " ' " 15.C U , " ' H. CEILINO AND TAIIT1TION. 1st com. , J ln White Pine Celling SS4. < ' ' 2d com. , H In Norway Pine Celling. . . ! 14. ( A 6tnch , white pluo , a\W 0 J7C.M K OlncU. ( SclFen'u ) 19.00 STOCK HO AKI > S. Aiainch s. Is. l.'i.WC $35.50 No. i , com. 13 in s. 1 s. , 18. 14 S'-X ) : 10 ft.in.00 No. 2. " " " " 17.50 ! " 10.50 liit and 2d , clear , IWr Inch , . 3 s , . . . . . .SSO.M ) H clear , 1 Inch. s.3 s SfW llt , W. * In 4.1. V ) B clear , 1 Inch , s. a s .lUiOjltf , is In 37.00 SJ1I1' LAP. No. 1 , plain , Sand 10 in 516.W SOUTIIKII ! * Yr.l.LOW I'l.NK. Com. 4 and n In. Mooring S17.W3 Clear , llnlsh , 1 nnd Itf In. s. 8s. . . . . . . . . . 2 < J.OO " corrugated culling , 4 In 2-1.M ) " Yellow pine casing nud base. 27.00 ricicr.TS. Pickets , 1) and H llat S20.60 ; 1) & 11 sq.520.60 SlII.NdLKS , LATH. XX clear S3.00 * A * standard 2.75 A 11. B.nndB 2.50 I'OSTS. White Cednr , Glu. , H * , 12 > a'c ; n In. n.rs..llo " " 6 } < In. Jis , Hh'e ; In. qrs.0c LINCOLN , NEB. GHKATKST UAtLHOAU CENTEK IM THE WOULD Of ITS Af.U. U tins gronn from < W In 19.000 tiopu'atlon In 19 jreiirs nncl U now ( [ rowing f.mter Hum ovi > r. liu cstmcntn In brick block * piiy 10 to 20 | icr cent. l.ot hnvo HTurnued over 100 per cent per nnntim comKCsi'o.NniiNrK ! A.vn IIUSINESSSOMCITISO. A. J. CROPSEY & CO. nnAT.r.sTATn nnoicmts. LINCOLN. NUD. HAVC for rule brick block * , Imflnos ? lots , nil llnt ) of renl I'stnto. 1,2 , o , 10 mill 29 acre tracta , ( arm ; ulul cheap Inntli , MONKV l.OANUn. 1NVKSTMKNTS MAIin. nKPIIUENCHSl-Tlio First mid I.lncol Nitlnn [ hank , ( lor. ThHrcr , Jtidiro Cobb , Sen. S. M. Cu , „ ' Illinois , and Uon. lien llurrlson. Indliina. lom THE RA1LWA1TIME TABLES , OMAHA. iLeave | Leave U.P. BRIDOETKA1NS. Transfer.lOmaha. Except Sunday * | 7:12 : am t6a5am : tConnects with S. C. A * 8:15 : nn 7:35 : am P. at Council Bluffs. :25 : nm 8:00 : am llCounectswlthC. B. A 94 am 18:40 : am J. ; C. A N. W. , C. M. A * 10:37am : * 10:00nm : P. , c. R. P. at. 11:47 : am 11.10am Council Blurts. * l:80pm : 1:00 : pm tConnects with W. St 2:37pm : 2:00 : pin L. A P. at Council Bluffs. 3:37 : pm } 2:20pm : ( Connects with all evenIng - * 4:37 : pm 300pm ; Ing trains for Chicago at 5:50pm : 4:00 : pm Council Bluffs. Trains 6:42 : pm 5:00pm : leave Omaha at Union 7:10pm : 5SOpm : Pacific depot , 10th and 7:12 : pm | 6lOpm : Pierce streets. 8:50pm : 7:00pm 10:47pm : 8:15pm : ll:55pm : 10:00pm : ll:10pm : COUNCIL BLUFFS. MORE CATAnKII. TbeGnatGtrmaa Hemcdy li a potltlrc cnre. Fife tampU NO packaee and book for 4 tenti In tiHDiis. E.U. UIiUIOALUO..KaitIJampton , Ctoo. Mini , U. S. DEPOSITORY. * Capital $500OOC Surplus 1OO.OOC Herman Kountze , President. John A , Creighton , Vice-Presldent , F , H , Davis , Cashier , W , H. Megquier , Asst-Cashier. U.TnKINllAHDT. F.II. Mcrza City Engineer B. Omaha. SURVEYORS. Offices , South Omaha , KuomS , IIUDti Building ' 01 Omuda.noomC , OTerCoramero al National Hank B. W. BRIGGS , RcalEstateftLoanBrokei )0 DO 50 160 ! ) Howard-tit. , Ground Floor. Om a ha , Netitmc. 00 DO LOB ( for sale in all parts of the city. 00 Inside property a specialty. Omaha Jobbers' Directory. Agricultural CHURCHILL PA'RXER , Wbol f l l > 1 r In Aarrlcnltnrnl Implement ? , Wnffons , CurUgn and HDKIMM. Jonrt Hint , bott > cu 9th nil nth , Omaha , Neb. LINIXGER C 3IETCALF CO , , Agricultural Implements , Wagon .Carrla < ei. nacalci. Htc. . Whole-all * . Om ha. LEE , FRIED cC CO. , Jobbers of Hardware nmt Nnlls , Tinware , Hhrrtlron , Rio. Anpnti for How * Hcal.i , and HHnil PinTdtrCo..Omalia.N b. PARHNORENDORt\V MARTIN Wholesale I > cnler In Agrlculiural Implements , 101 , (09 ( , Mi and W)7 ) , Jone ? el Artists' Material. Artists' Materials , Pianos nnil Organs , 1M3 l > ougln Rtrcpt , Oinnlia. Builders' Hardware and Scales , Buildors'Hanlware&ScaloUcpalrShop Mechanics' Tools anil llnffnlo Benin. lllUDouglaiiu , > Boots and Slices. AMEIIICANHAND SHOE COMPANY , Uanufacturara and WholesaleUoalcra In Boots and Slices , Comi'lotP MorX of Rubber Goodi n1way on hind M > f. ISlli M. . Umulia. Kt-b. A. T. Auitln , Agent. W. r. MOIiSE tC CO. Jobbers of Boots and Shoes. 1411 Farnaia et , Oiunlm , Neb. Manufactory , Summer itrcet. llotlou. Z. T. LINDSEY dJ CO. Wholesale Kubbor Boots ami Shoes Jttihhor nnil oiled Ulottilnir mm l-'clt Hoots anil Slious , i-ontlmist Coiner Hill and Beer. M. KEATING , Agt. for Anheuscr-Busb. Brewing Ass'n Special llrands. Fault , Budwelter and Krlnncer. STORK tC JLEK , Lajrer Beer Brewers , 1W1 North lth Street , Omaha , Nob. Butchers' Tools. ' ' 'LOUIs'HELLEIt , Bntchcrs' Tools and Supplies , Sausage Caelngi of all klndi "Iwajiln aloe * . 1113 Jong i.Oinatj Coffee , Spices , Etc. JtKE BROsT ' Omaha Cotico and Spice Hills. Tc > ,0offoes , Fplces. linking I'owdcr , FI'ivorinaBx- ' tracti.ljiunSiy Blue , Ink. ICtr. KU-loiIarrer Mreot , Omaha. N.b. GATES , COLE 05 MILES , Homo Coffee and Spice Mills M'f'ff Co. CnffroRoatlorcand Fplcn Grinder * , MnnafnciuriTi ofllakliiK 1'owder. KliTorlnic Uxtractv niiilng. Kto. Try one cn o ! oar Mb packnce Homo lllcnd Itoattad Ooffnn. uro Ilotrard t. . Omnba , .N t. Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Epenctcr , Prop. Unr.nfacturor of Galvanized Iron and Cornice. 921 Uoilge and 103and 1D5 N , 10th at. . Omalia.Ncb. KUJEMPING .C J10LTE , Manufacturers of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finals , JlfiiallcEkjlljiMetc. 3108. 12tli it. , Orqnua. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Specht , Prop. Galvanized Iron Cornices , etc. Spect's Improved Pafc ontMotallcMkrllght. MM andilU H.l.'tU 8t.Omilm. Carpets. O1HAHA CARTET CO. , Jobbers of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Linoleums , Mnttlngi , Etc. 1111 Douglas itroct. H. A. ORCIIARU , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Halting * , Curtain Goods , Eto. 1O3 Farnam fctrcet , Omaha. Neb. Crockery and Notions. W. L. WRIGHT , Agentfor the Manufacturers and Importer ! of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Cblmners , etc. Office , 917 South Utta it Omaha. Neb. f Commission and Storage. J > . A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing : . Dntter , Bet-sand I'roduco. Conslcnmcnts eoliclted. UeaiquKrtrB for Btonetrare , Uerrr nozos und Uraiio Ilaskcts. 1414 Uodvo street , Omaha. Commission Merchants. Fruits , Produce and rrorlilor.s , Omaha , Neb. \y. E. Storage and Commission Merchant. Bpoclaltlct Ilntter , Egd . Obceie , Ponltrr. Uarne , OTttors , Etc. , Etc. 112 South 14th street. WIEDEMAN tC CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultrj , Itutter. Game , Ktulti , etc. 230 6. llthft Omaha , Nub , Coal ancf Lime. GKU. K LAIIAOII , Pres. R. F. CloonWAN , Y. Pics. J. A. BL'NDtBr.AND , Sec. and Treaa. OMAHA COAL , COKE C LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. JW South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Mcb. .7. J. JOHNSON < t ! CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And Shipper ! of Coal and Coke,1 Cement , Plaster , Urae , lialr. Fir * Brick. Drain. Tllo and Sewer Pipe. Office , PaxVm Hutol. ITarnam St. , Omaha , N b. Telephone 811. Confectionery. Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbers of Frults.Nuts and Cljais. Ult Farnam BU Omaha. Cigart and Tobacco. MAX MEYER & CO. , Jobbers of Cisrars , Tobacco , Quns and Ammunition , 215 to 223 S. 1Kb St. , 1020 M 10 : Farnam St. . Omaha. Neb. WEST < & FRITSCHER , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholesale Dealers In Leaf Tobaccos , Ncs. IM and 110 N. 14th street , Omaha. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH 0 CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Not ions , 1101 and HIM Douglas , cor. lltb St. , Omaha , Neb. Distillers. Dlitlfleri of I.lqnors , Alcohol and Spirit ! . In-.portert and Jobberiof WlneiamlUquort. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLS' * CO. and ILER d > CO. , Importers and Jobbenof Floe Wlnei nnd Llqaora Solomanufiotnrernnf Kennedr'n Bait India lilt- ter and Doueatle J.lqunrs. Ill ] Ilnrn y St. Drain Tile , Etc. n.UAfrii.Pr' " . J.W.ll nronn.Bec.ATr i It. J. CUHBON. V.l'rea.andHnpt. THE UNION HYDRAULIC DRAIN TILE CO. , Office 313 (4. ( 14th St. Omaha. Neb. Machinerynnt Supplies for Manufooiurlnif Cement Drain TIIu. ELEVATORS. IIW. Hoacitfl , 1) . S. 11nniai 1'cs. csTAiii.Klli'n 1S71 , Vloo-1'rci OMAHA ELEVATOll nnil GRAI1 COMPANY , Jobbers and Storcrs ot Grain. hlpuent- : il > .it iMo.lMo 111 * ' * usloa Bunnintcod. Omhaa Nut ) . Furniture. DEWEY tO STONE , Wholesale Deakrs iu Furniture. Farnam St. . OinabA , Nth , Omaha Jobbers' Directory. Groceries , PAXTON , GALLAGHER A CO. , Wholesale Groceries ami Provisions , NoJ.Ttf > . ; 07,7fO ni < ; il ff.lCHhStOm b .N b. McCORD , B.UADY tC CO , , Wholesale Grocers , ' llh nnd Lonrenworth iti.Oniatm. Hardware. W. if. BROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Wagon Ktock , Hardware Lumber , ete. Ufft anil Itll llsniry M. . Osnaha. EDNEY ,0 GIBBON Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wagon and Cartlniie Wood Stoei , nearr Hard war * . tic , rnianil UI9 l.STVernrorlh St. , Unialia , Nob. J MILTON ROGERS C SONS , Stoves , Raiifire ? , Furnaccsi , Tiles , MaDtlvs.Utatis , Urais Hoods. 1M1 uud 1331 FarnaM Street. Iron Works. Iron Works , Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work , Iron Rtalra Hailing , Uvams and tllrdcn , Ntenm Itntlnes. llrml Work , ( iLiieral Fonmtry , Machine anil lilac illultk N.'ntk , omcuanJV/urks , U. P. Itr.andlHhatieet. F. IT. MrMANITS. ( % SUI.MVAN. OMAHA WIRE cP IRON WORKS , KlnnnfHctiirors of Wire and Iron Bailinirs , Bosk Kails , Window Uuard * . Klciuer StunJn , Wire Slicnt. Ute 1"J N. ICtli. Orders by lunll promptly ulUnUoJ to. Lumbar. OMATfA TIMBER CO. , Defile' ' . . All Kinds ot Buildlnjr Material at Wholesale , 18th Street and Union I'uclHo Troolt , Omnhn. " " LO VIS BRADFORJT Dealer in Luinbor , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , Ktc. Yards Cornor7th nnd Duuvlas ; Coruef kith and Dmulas. ' CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , 814 8.14th ftriiotOmahaNeb. y.Colpcticr , Manager. CTNTDlETZ. ' Lumber. 13lh and California . " ( reels. Omaha , Neb. FJtED W. GRAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Eto. Cor.Ctn and Douglas sti. , Oionliu. NuJ. HOAGLAND. Lumber. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Odlee , 1403 Farnam street , Omaha. CHAS. It. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpets and Parqnet Flooring. 8th and Derails ! JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported and American Portland Trmrnt. Stntl Agent forllllwaukeo Ilrdrnullc Cement und Best ( juliiojliltuI.lnie. . Live Stock. . . . - * * 'f f * tV < - * V > - ' UNION STOCK YARDS CO , , Of Omaha. Limited. John F. Boyd , Bupcrlntotdent , Live Stock Commission. M. BURKE f ) SONS , Live Stock Commission. _ Goo. Burke , Manager Union Stock Ysrd .B. limn ha. TeUphona lOl. SAVAGE , C GREEN Live Stock Commission Merchants , BblpmcnU of any and all kind * of Stock ollelUcJ. Union stock Vatdn , Umaba , Neb. Millinery and Notions. I. OBERFELDER A CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , 1513anil 121SIarney Ht.eet , Omnba , Neb. Notions. J. T. HOBINSON' NOTION co.t Wholesale Dealers In Notions and Furnishing1 Goods , 403 and 405 B. Tenth Ht. , Omahii. Overalls. CANFIELD'COMPANY COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jenni Panti , Sblrti , Ktc. 11W nnd 1104 Uou ' laa Street Umahji.NoU. Paper Boxes , JL. . WILlflE , Manufacturer of Paper Boxes , B.UtbUt. , OmitUa , Ndbratlu. Ordon br inallii ll lt daail wUlractlT vrampt itttcntlon. Printing. REES PRINTING' COMPANY Job Printers , Blank Book Makers. s\Bd Book Binders. 106 and 1W fioulli Fourte Btk street. Omaha , Neb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Auxiliary PubliHhers. Dealers In Typa , Pronsos and Printers'Supplies. CM South Twelfth Ktrcet. BROWNELL & CO. , Utimfncturen and Dealer * In , Hollers & General Machinery Bhoet Iron work , Steam Pumpr. Saw Mills , Acm Uhaftlnir , Dodga Wnod plt ! 1'ulleyi , BoHliu , eta. Also vuRoni , Bcrapon , uud bale llei. I213-1U5 Ltk. Tenworth Bt. Omaba RECTOR d > WILHELKY CO. , Hardware. Wctt m acentt ( or JcfTonon Flrcl Nalli , Auitlfl Powder Cu , Kalrbtnki fetandard Kc k > . Corner 10th and Ilarner. Omaha. _ * CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , , Wholesale PunipR , i'ipe , Fittinsrs , ' Bteatuand Water Buppllea. Headquarter ) for Hart o'iUO' > la. llll > arnau UOlimhu. N l > . " A. L. STRANG CO. , Fnmpa , Pipes and Kngrinea , Btcam , Water , llallwar nd Milling Supplier. EUk MO , KUandtKifarnani at. , Omaha , Neb. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMF COMPANY. nalladarWInit lllliit oteam and Water fliipplle/ jeiumblnc Uoodi. Ileltlntf. Ilaie. VIS and IrJO t'Af nam at. , Omaha. H. K. Kfllon , Manauvr. , i _ Telephone No. ' . ' 10. it Safes , Etc. . * * * * * * * * * - v p. 'BOYER < c co. , A ( routs for Hail's Safe & Lock Co.s' Klr nnd llnrx'ar Proof S ( u > . Tlma I/irki , Vault and Jail Work. 1011 F.inmra tr jt Onmlia , Nab. G. ANDREEN , j Omaha Kisfo Works. ' Blanuficluremof Klrv and nnrclarrroof Bntn , Vnulf IJoor .Jnll WnrkShutinr od Wlru Work , Cor. , llttianilJafXiuiiHti. , l > mbuN l ) , I Sash , Boors , Etc. M.A. JHSBROWA CO. , n'liolennla MnnufKCturora oi Sash , Doors , KlliulH and iloui'ii)6r ! ) , llrnncb oMro.Ulli and Itxrd t . , BOHN MANUFACTURING CO.t Manufacturers , of Hash , Peers , Blinds , Mould'jK ! .HUilr Work and ! ntu.or ; Until Wfvf.il Flnlit Ju lop n J , N. a r. ; hani L. a iawurthlla. ) O-u.iliu , Ntb ,