Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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Whitney and Lnmont in New York On an
Administration Mission ,
Dcmnndn nclttR Made Upon the Pres
ident to En force It 1'ubllc
Printer flcnodlot Tnlka
Washington News.
The President Growing Cntttlotin.
WASHINGTON , March 'M. [ Special Telo
( train lo the Br.n.l Secretary Whitney and
Colonel Dan Lament ( Mr. Cleveland's pri
vate secretary ) , to-day returned from New
York , wnlthor they wont , BO report ban It , to
( eel the public pulse on the subject of the ad
ministration. The first man received at the
white house In-day was Mr. Whitney. Ho re
mained In secret consultation with the presi
dent for over an hour , and Is said to have
ubmlttcd a detailed report ot what was as
certained concerning the feeling In reference
to the general policy of the administration ,
The president Is evincing great solicitude In
regard to the appointment of commissioners
to Investigate tbe books of the Pacific rail
roads , and It Is known that ho Is asking his
friends for advice , the first time ho has done
men a thing , lie has also made Inquiry
among his friends In New York about the
appointment of a secretary ot the treasury
and treasurer , and ho Intends to please his
own state as tar as possible in selecting these
officers. It Is stated that the president In
tends to take a short recreation trip In a few
days , as soon as he makes some appointments
demanding attention , and the arrangements
for this had some attention from Secretary
Whitney during his absence In Now York.
Demands are being made ti ] > on tlio presi
dent to execute the authority vested In him
by the act of congress last moutti and retali
ate against Canada on account of her acts
against our tLshliig vessels. It Is believed by
many that the president may comply , as the
navy department has renewed the prosecu
tion of the Imiulry begun some time ago rcla
tlve to the ability of the railways and canals
of tbo country to transport boats and naval
material from sen to Inland waters. It has
been learned that the facilities of the existing
railroads are limited to ability to transport
boats of an extreme length of 110 feet , while
the Krlo canal will permit the passaze from
the Atlantic ocean to tlio lakes of torpedo
boats 100 feet In length. As torpedo craft
necessary for the defense of lake ports are
not required to be as seaworthy and as large
as those Intended for the protection of ttie
tea coast , It is believed that the existing f
cillties are ample.
Not a llttlu agitation continues over the
Wholesale dismissals from the government
printing olllco. Public Printer Benedict
ways ho Is dlsm Isslng , as fast as he finds them ,
the Incompetents harbored by Rounds , and
that he will not hesitate to do as fast as lie
llnds them. Rounds , ft Is Slid , had a lot of
dead wood In tlio nfllco In the shape of per
sonal friends , nnd before he left ho covered
them up for protection as far as possible.
Mr. Benedict was seen to-day , and Bpeakiag
of the discharges last Saturday , said there
were some democrats among them. "I
nave now before me , " ho said , picking
up a letter from his desk , tlio letter ot a
democratic senator , lie writes that ho regrets
that 1 had found It necessary to discharge
Mr. . wiiom he ( the senator ) had ap
pointed , una continues , 'but 1 fear bo has
brought It about bv his own Imprudence , He
is a line man and a useful citizen , If he
would only let whisky alone * In my reply ,
continued Mr. Benedict , 1 said the dis
charged nmn had no enemies hero but him
self. ' " Uunedlct went on to say that
In a largo force , such as ho em
ployed , reasons for discharges on per
sonal grounds arose almost dally.
"But , " he proceeded , "J have a larger force
than I can carry and I shall reduce It. 1
shall make reductions In my own time , and
the rule of the 'survival ot the Attest' shall
prevail , all other tlilnis being equal. " The
public printer did not oven seem inclined to
make any response to tlio allegation that ho
wasendoavorlng to make places fur democrats.
lie said If there was any object In creating
the Impression that ho was Irving to help the
democratic party ho would not attempt to
correct that Impression.
Among the president's callers to-day was
ex-Senator Van \Vyck , of > cbraska , who is
finishing up some private Duslness before re
turning home. "Everything polntsto a com
bination by the railroads , " said Van
Yfyck , "with a view to making
the Inter-state commerce law as obnox
ious as possible to the people. For
instance , I see that the Pennsylvania road
lias already announced an Increased rate of
30 per cent on commutation tickets , and the
Baltimore & Ohio Is preparing to follow suit
Thou , too , the companies throughout the
west are calling in outstanding thousand-mile
tickets , declaring that the law also prohibits
their Issue. Such an Idea never entered the
beads ot tbo framorri ot the bill , and there Is
nothing , either directly or Indirectly , In the
law that Is applicable on the point These
tickets were a great accommodation to mer
cantile travellers , and their recall by the rail
roads will not have a tendency to make many
substantial friends for the now statute. "
It is rumored to-dav thnt the reason
that Representative Randall's district was
exempted from republican gerrymander
of the Pennsylvania congressional dls
trlcts was that the republicans In congress
propose to combine with the anti-tariff reform
democrats and elect him speaker of the house.
Randall's district was wived. It Is stated , bv
dint of work of the Cumerons , a few tariff
protection democrats In Pennsylvania wbo
are manipulating the scheme tolmake Randal
the sneaker aud relegate Mr. Carlisle. The
report Is attracting considerable attention
since it comes from a seemingly reliable
source. Mr. Randall Is In the city but re
fuses to say anything on the subject.
1 The appointment to-daj of Albert W
Crites to be receiver and Milton Mont
gomery register of the United States land
office at Chadron Insures the Immedlati
opening of that office. Juan Boyle , o
Kearney , wbo had been bore some time look
ing after the offices , said to tbe BKF corre
spondent this morning that everything was
ready for business at the Chadron ofllce as
soon as the commissions of the olllcers were
issued. Boyle will leave for Kearney early
next week. The appointment of John M
Adams , register , and Could 13. Blakely , re
ceiver ot the United States land office at Sidney
noy Is also announced to-day , also Charle
W. Irish , of Iowa City , for surveyor genera
Of Nevada.
N. P. 1'eterson was to-day appointed post
master at Mineral Ridge , Hoone county , la.
vice V. R. llinman , resigned.
Pensions were Issued for Nebrasluns to
day as follows Eliza C. , widow of Frederick
V , parkins , Sewaid ; minors \Vashlnatoi
Jiarlow , Ewlne ; Matilda .1. , widow of Myron
K. Palmer , Hastings ; Klizabeth Waldter
former widow of Washington BarlowVy
ninro ; Catherine , widow of Alfred P. Coul
tor. Sutton : Peter S. Augustine , Creswell
Peter J , Ktlse , Nelleh ; Joel Wlckham. Wli
ber ; Andrew J. Klchmoud , Cowled : Jame
Ralston , Falls City ,
Pensions for lowans : Xancy , mother o
Robert M. llnrdln , Moravia ; minors of Jaco
11. iloub , Otluuiwa ; minors of Charles T.
Tremain. Lynn Grove ; minors ot Washlne-
ton Barlow. Plum Hollow : John McNeal ,
Peterson , Story City ; Francis T. Mitchell ,
DeaMolncs ; Thomas It. Dolson , Council
BIuHs ; li vld Ryan , Newton ; lilram L.
MIdluy. Uubuque ; John Stortz , Uecorah ;
John K. llelman , Batavla ; Edwin Wort ,
Marshalltown ; Thomas Foreman , Agency ;
James ii. Coe , Ottuuiwa ; William J , liar-
denburgh , Collins.
Peter K. Rutlner , of Platismouth , has boon
appointed a gaugcr in the Nebraska Internal
revenue district.
11. Johnson , of Holdredge , Neb. , has boon
admitted to practice before the Interior de
The physicians say that Recorder of Deeds
Trotter will recovpr.
One hundred clerk * In the pension office
have volunteered to work without pay an
hour extra each day to clear up the Merlcan
pension cases pending. Congress was asked
to make an appropriation for this work , but
Secret * Glrcn Avr jr.
1'ABti , March 38. Eyrolles , a trusted clerk
f the war Woe , bat been dlsmUsed for Im
part I a * ; official secrets to agents of Germany ,
Ktio HcAOhei Qtiocnstown After n
ItotiRti and Perilous Voyage.
Qt'KKNSTOWN , March 23. The Dauntless
passed Oldhcad , off Klnsalo , at 3:15 : this af
ternoon , A tug left hero with corre
spondents to meet the Dauntless and accom
pany her to Kocho's Point The o Dicers of
the Coronet and other yachtsmen are greatly
pleased with the result of the race and say It
senod to show the admirable qualities of
both yachts. Considering the difference In
tonnage and length of the two yachts and
the extraordinary heavy weather which pre
vailed durine the voyage , the Dauntless Is
thought to have done as well as her competi
tor. The officers and trlonds of both yachts
will bo entertained by the members ot thu
lloyal Cork Yacht club. The Dauntless
crossed the finishing line at 0:45 : o clock. Her
actual time on passage was 10 days. 1 hour ,
4 : ) minutes and 13 seconds. She has been
towed Into the harbor and Is now safely at
All on hoard the Dauntless are well and
the yacht Is In as good slmpo as when
she loft Owl's Head. She experienced
about the same weather as the Coronet. A
comparison of the logs ot the two racers In
dicates that they followed about the same
course. Caldwell Colt , owner of the Daunt
less , says that he encountered more wind
than he bargained for. For sixteen hours his
boat was obliged to lay to. Once she scudded
before the gale under bare poles. AY hen last
seen trom the deck ot the Coronet on the
evening of the start the Dauntless was steer-
me south-southwest , but during the night
her course ' was changed to
northwest by east. On March
111 pho ran Into n beavr cross-sea with
a strong southeast gale. Oil was used with
good effect to break the waves and the yacht
weathered her lirst storm well. The next
day the sea was even more turbulent and
broke over the 'deck In rapid succession ,
wrenching the yacht so much that slio began
to leak Jslightly. The temperature of both
the air and water on the afternoon of the 18th
Indicated that ice was In close proximity and
it became necessary to use great precaution
In running. At midnight the thermometer
registered 44 degrees and the water 85. An
hour later the temperature ot the air was 40
degrees and the water 28. At 6 o'clock on the
night of the 19th. when a heavy gale was
blowing from the southwest , a smooth
stretch of water was run Into. Its
temperature Indicated that there were
lcclxirir.8 near. There was a quantity
of solid Ice to leeward and very near. On
the 20th , 21st and 23d there were strong gales.
It was on the lost ot those days that the
Dauntless hove to. Since last Thursday the
weather was lino. On the 23th a run of 1W8
miles was made , which Is said to be the best
vor made by a yacht on the Atlantic ocean ,
"as t not light was sighted at 1:30 : In the morn-
; ig , but the wind had died out and the run
long the coast was slow , During the storm
> f the 23d the cockpit was , on several occa-
ions. Illlecl with water and altogether it was
iwrilous time for the yacht On the 24th
tie sea was terribly rouidinnd the boat rolled
io badly that the water tank burst , The sea-
non wore consequently put on the smallest
possible allowance of water , but later on they
tvcre plentifully supplied with ale and claret
nd ultimately with champagne instead of
vator. All on board arrived in the best of
During one of the severe calcs on the pas-
air e two men were washed from the wheel
iiui only saved from going overboard by the
ashlngs with which they were bound.
Fox Offers a Cnp.
NEW i'ouK , March 23. Richard K. Fox
ias notified Messrs Bush and Colt , owners
if the Coronet and Dauntless , that ho will ,
upon receipt ot their approval , offer a 85,000
; up for a return race between the two yachts
'rom Fishnet , Ireland , to Sandy Hook , N. J.
Ho Believes There Will bo War Bo *
twoon Franco and Germany.
PAHIS , March 23 A sensation has been
aused by the publication of a reported con-
ersatlon between M. Flourcns , French min
ister ot foreign affairs , and the correspond
ent of the Novoe-Vromya of St. Petersburg.
The story Is officially declared to be incor-
cct , t tiq 111 tie value Is attached to It. Ac
cording to the published report Flourens
aid : ' 'While Russia Is with us , war with
Germany Is Impossible. Ucrtnany would
suffer more than any other power by defeat
Therefore she has no course but to live on
good terms with Russia and us. Russia
lame forward for us In a moment of danger
md wo will not remain with folded arms
hould she be endangered. " Touching
franco's relations with England ho said no
complications were likely to arise.
Another Priest Wanted.
DUBLIN , March 28. Yesterday officers were
sent to arrest Father Ryan , of the Herberts-
town branch of the National league , for declin
ing to give evidence regarding his connection
with the plan of campaign. The priest
eluded the officers , however , and proceeded
to Dublin voluntarily and will confront
Justice Boyd to-morrow. Although he trav
eled la disguise he was recognized by many
persons alon c tbo route and most enthusias
tically creeled. A Catholic constable , whose
assistance had been demanded , threw down
bis arms and refused to aid in arresting the
The Czar'a Thanks.
ST. PETURSUUHO , March 23. The czar
replied to the address sent him by the stu
dents of the university congratulating him
on his escape from the recent plot to assassi
nate him. He says : " 1 thank the university
nnd hope It will prove Its devotion to mo by
ileeds not merely on paper , and endnavor to
efface the grave Impression which the part a
number or students took In the criminal de
sign on niv life has created In every one.
May God bless and guido the university
Anarchists Convicted.
VIENNA , March 23. Thirteen an
archists convicted of complicity In
the plot to set fire to the city
and to blow up the imperial palace at Schon-
brunn with dynamite , have been sentenced
to Imprisonment at hard labor for terms
ranging from ono to twenty years. One other
was acqulted ,
The German Parliament.
ItF.nUN , March S3. Thelrolchstag to-day
passed to Its third reading the budget , with
budget bills and loan bills. The relchstag ad
journed over the easier holidays , after reelecting -
electing the president and vice-president of
that body. The next sitting will be held
April 19 ,
A Dying JDucIioss.
LONDON , March 23. It Is now stated that
the duchess of Cumberland's malady is one
of severe melancholy. The duke has dally
visited the asylum In which the duchess is
couhned , but he is not allowed to see her.
The "Legend" Postponed.
BERLIN , March 28. The next performance
of the "Golden Legend , " nhtcli was to have
been given Tuesday , has been postponed
until Saturday.
Death of a Daiilah Notable.
LONDON , March 23. Dlller Gathard Mon-
md , a well-known Danish ecclesiastic , cabi
net minister aud author , is dead.
Sunrtny Imw For St. Louis.
ST. Louis , March 28. Governor Marina-
duke to-day signed the bill passed at thn
recent session of the legislature which re
peals the law of 1857 that permitted wine and
beer to he sold In St Louis on Sunday. This
brings St. Louts under thn action of what is
known as the Downing law , which embraces
all the provisions of a strict Sunday law ,
and It will stop not only all of thu
saloons and beer gardens , but , If rigidly en
forced , will stop the rnnulne of street rail
roads , tae publication of newspapers , all
manual labor and all kinds of traffic. As a
result there Is consternation among the
saloon keepers and an uncasv feeling on thu
part of all persons affected. The saloon men
will probably resist the law and and there is
likely to bo some kind of public demonstra
tion against It
Nebraska and Iowa Weather.
For Nebraska : Fair weather , followed by
rain , warmer winds , generally southerly.
tor Iowa : Fair weather , followed by rain
in western portion , wanner southerly winds.
Bnau Can lie Carried.
WASHINGTON. March 23. The navy department -
partment Is still prosecuting Inquiries bozun
some time ago relative to the ability of the
railroads and canali to transport boats and
naval material from the sea to Inland waters.
It bos been leara d that the facilities of the
existing railroads are limited to an ability to
transport boats of an extreme length oflio
feet , uhilo the Krlo canal will permit the
nassairo from the Atlantic ocean to the lake
torpedo boats 100 fnct In length. As torpedo
craft Is necessary for the ilcfnuso bf the laku
ports and are not required to bo us seaworthy
and as large as those Intended for the pro
tection of the SPH coast , It Is believed that the
existing facilities ore ample. The fact that
these Inquiries by the department wcro
begun by the department nioro than a year
ago Is regarded bv naval officers as sufficient
nuswer to any Inferoncotliat might bo drawn
to the effect that they Indicate preparations
for a struculo growing out of the llshurlus
dispute. . „ ,
1'rlzo FlKhtcra Arrested.
Pmi.AiuirmA : , March 23. A fight be
tween Jimmy Mitchell , of this city , and
Paddy Smith , of Brooklyn , for the Police Ga
zette diamond belt and light weight cham
pionship of America , took place to-night on
the liftli lloor of a building In the heart of the
city. Sixteen rounds were fought , when
the fight was declared a draw amid a
scene of wild confusion. In the first
olght rounds Mitchell acted > ery cautiously ,
apparently lacking confidence , but after that
regained ills nerve and it was plain to &ee
that Smith was overmatched. In the six
teenth round Mitchell struck Smith a heavy
blow In the stomach , canslne him to fall on
his face from sheer weakness. Then the
seconds rushed In and their wrangllnc
caused a general rush of spectators to thn
ring. A scrne of disorder ensued , In the
midst of which the referee declared the
tight a draw. The noise attracted
the attention of a policeman on the beat , wheat
at once guarded the narrow exit with a re
volt er and blew a whistle for help. Several
of the spectators escaped by a rear window ,
but quite a number were arrested. The po
lice captured Mitchell and Smith and eight
spectators , Including "Nltchle" Golden. The
prisoners were locked up , the principals
charged with prlre-UghUng and the others
with aiding and abetting. A magistrate was
sent for at 1 o'clock to give them an Imme
diate hearing and allow them to furnish bail.
Champion Colored Pugilism.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , March 23. A glove fight
for the colored championship of the world
and S 500 a side took place to-night between
Billy Wilson , of St Paul , and "Black Diamond
mend , " Harry Woodson , of Chicago. The
terms Included a fight of fifteen rounds with
four ounce gloves. In the fifth round Wood-
son pushed Wilson down twice In succes
sion , standing over him and striking him
after he was down. The police here rushed
upon the stace , but the referee had already
given the light to Wilson on a foul.
Nobody WantB the Nomination.
CHICAGO , March 23. | Special Telegram
to the BKB. ] With the exception of one or
two members of the city central committee ,
who keep whistling to keep their courage
from oozing out of their boots , every demo
crat of Influence In Chicago has given up all
hopes of party victory this spring. All the
blame for this discouragement Is cast upon
Carter Harrison , whoso ability to decline and
withdraw has rarely been equalled and never
excelled. Next to Carter , Mr. Cregler comes
In for heavy abuse at the hands of the de
moralized democrats. A conference com
mittee met this afternoon and after an hour's
deliberation sub-committees were delegated to
wait upon Marshall Field , Potter Palmer ,
M. F. Tulloy , Dr. DoAVollf. John A. King ,
Erskino M. Phelps. Charles W. Broga ,
Frank Farm alee , and several ethers , to as
certain if any ono of these gentlemen would
permit his name to go before the convention.
UD to midnight no names had been
formally or oven definitely decided upon by
the democratic comlttue. When the commit-
tco met tonlnht nffalis were in statu quo
and adjournment was again taken to permit
the sub-committees to resume their quest for
somotone to place before the convention
which will meet to-morrow to nominate a
candidate for mayor.
A Reporter Sf rites a Trail.
NEwYoitK , March 23. Among the things
found In the satchel of the girl murdered In
Railway on Friday night last was fl rubber
stamp with the name "Timothy Byrne" on
It The Initials "T. B" were also jicratrhpd
on the back of a hair brush in the satchel. A
reporter found a young man in this city
to-day who answered to that name ; who
chanced color , trembled violently and burst
Into tears when the murder was mentioned
to him , and who said he know the dead
woman and her name was MoIIio Thomas.
He came to the conclusion that the reporter
was a detective and closed the Interview
with : "iTou can arrest mo , but 1 won't give
you a confession , It that's what you're
after. " N
RAHWAT , N. J. , March 23. It has been
learned that a young man and woman bought
eggs In the country near hero Friday after
noon. The young man gave his name as
Byrne , the same as that found on the rubber
tamp. A reward of S500 has been offered by
Governor Greene for the detection of the mur
derer. _ _
Oloomarearino Statistics.
'WASHINGTON , March 23. A' statement
prepared at the olllce of the commissioner of
nterual revenue shows that there are thirty-
seven factories engaged In tbo manufacture
> f artificial butter now in operation In the
Jnl ted States , us follows : Two In Denver ,
11 in Chicago , 1 In Kokomo , Ind. , 1 In Kan
sas City , 1 In Armourdale , Kan. , 1 la Ash-
end , Wls. , 3 In Hurley , Wis. , 1 in Eau
laire , Wls. . 1 In Chlppewo , Wls. There are
i,532 retail dealers In oleomargarine In the
United States who paid spectaftaxes as such
n the months of November nnd December ,
1886 , and January and February. 1887. The
number of wholesale dealers is 20G. The
antity of oleomargarine manufactured and
removed for consumption or sale at _ 3
cents per pound during the past four months
> r 13,645,740 pounds. Tha quantity exported
from the United States is 152,71)7 ) pounds.
Boynton'a Dangerous Ocean Trip.
P.ROVIDENCK , It. I. , March 23. Captain
Paul Boynton , the swimmer , arrived In this
city this afternoon on the steamer William
M. Lawrence. He left New York last
Wednesday upon a schooner bound south.
Karly Saturday morning ho cot overboard
when about opposite Cape May and Cape
Hcnlopln , expecting to make "the Jersey
coast in his suit But the sea rose and the
wind cam * off from the westward and pre
vented him from gaining headway. To add
to this his compass worked badly and bo
says he had begun to get discouraged. Ho
sighted several vessels and burned his signal
lights , but could not attract attention until
he succeeded In attracting the notice of the
Lawrence at 4 o'clock by waving un ensign
with thu union down on his paddle. He was
taken aboard and brought to this city , -
Big Carriage Firm Falls.
NEW Yonic , Jiarch 23. The Brooklyn
Eagle says that Edmlshon & Waddell , o"
East Brooklyn , were until a short time ago
large dealers In carriages aud ngrlcuUura
implements and were known all over the
country through their travelling * ageuts
that all their assets have disappeared , as also
bave their books and pacers and their conli-
dentlal clerk. The liabilities of thn firm are
estimated at nearly 3300,000. It has. been
found , M > it Is said already , that 5153,000 Is
owing outside of $90,003 of discounted paper
In the hands of the American Exchange
bank , and 40,000 of collateral in other
banks. The houses represented at to-day's
meeting of the creditors hold about 7p,000of
the Indebtedness.
The Hunter Failure.
PuiLAnEiJiiiA , March 23. Upon the ap
plication of the assignee of James and John
Hunter and the approval of the attaching
creditors , the court of common ideas to-day
granted permission to the aislirneo to finish
the foods in progress of manufacture at the
mills of the Insolvent firm aud place the same
in a saleable and marketable condition.
Nothing yet has been beard of the whoro-
obouts of Jnmes Hunter , the missing mem
ber of she lirin.
Bold Blow for Vila * .
ST. PAUL. Minn. , March 23. [ special
Telegram to the BEE.J A prominent Minnesota
seta democrat In an Interview to-duy , bays
that he possesses Information that cannot be
disputed that Postmaster General Vllas will
be a candidate for vice president In 18S3. A
northwestern boom will bo started for him
at the proper time.
The MoinphlH Fire.
MEMPHIS , March 88. The 'fire on Main
.street at 1 o'clock this morning was pot so
disastrous as .reported , the losi pny ! being
50,000 , partly insured.
The Secretary of t o Exposition Association
Basts the Qracoo-Roman Champion ,
* 11
Fr.inko's Benefit Pythian Points
Governor Cunibn'ck's Lecture
The Hirer Hitting the P < no-
dosed Jly , Creditors
Moljaitchlln Didn't Show Up.
Fully 1,500 people crowded the sidewalk
around the exposition building nt 8 o'clock
Itxst night prepared to put up their money
to witness the wrestling match between
Charles Moth , the champion Grroco-
Horann wrestler , nnd Colonel J. H. Mo-
Lnughlin , of Minneapolis. The building
was dalle , however , and the doors wore
locked. On the inside Moth nnd Secretary
Minor , of the exposition nsociation , wore
encaged in a wrestling match that was
not on the bills. Colonel McLaughlin
had failed lo mnko his appearance nnd
Secretary Miner refused to open the
doors for the admission of the spoctators.
Moth was wrathy , He had a match ar
ranged between Samuel Matthews and
Elliott Edwards and was going
to follow this with a match
between himself and Adolf Rojco , ,
who hnd agreed to help out
in the emergency of McLaughlin's non-
arrival. Moth saw $1,000 In sight in the
nudicnco and wanted it. Ho proposed
to explain MoLaughlin's failure to ap
pear nnd to refund the money to any of
the spectators who would not be satis-
lied by the substitute programme that ho
would present. Many of the in on who
wcro waiting outside announced that
such a programme would satisfy them
and clamored for admission. Mr. Miner
was obstinate. The exposition associ
ation , ho said , once had an experience
with an enraged audience thnt wont to
co Duncan floss whoa ho failed to pro-
> ont the advertised attraction and
hat ho did not hanker after
i repetition of the scones of thnt
memorable night. Ha refused , therefore ,
to open the doors unless McLaughlin ap
peared. After a great deal of parleying
'ho match was declared off and the crowd
eluctantly dispersed. Colonel Mo-
jaughliu's fniluro to arrive is explained
in the grounds of severe sickness in his
amily. Ho is said to have been over-
.akcu at Sioux City , on his way to Omaha ,
by a telegram compelling him to return
to Minneapolis. It in expected that the
match will take place next week , prob-
ibly on Wednesday evening.
The Ball Club in Practice.
Through the courtesy of the managers
> f the exposition blinking Stub Dandle
was given an onpo'rtunity yesterday of
getting the momboM'bf the Omaha Ball
club together for aliltlo practice. The
men mot in the buildMig in the afternoon
and indulged in alj 'hour's practice at
pitching and catching. The lirst thing
dcrclopod by the practice was the fact
that the Omaha club Ifasju cyclone in Dan
O'Loary , the left handed pitcher. Kroh-
nicyer , ono of the best catchers in the
west , when asked by/Bandlo to catch a
little for O'Leary quietly excused himself
and said that ho had been thcro. Ilarter
and Bandlo then caught in turn.
O'Loary is a big muscular fellow with
wonderful speed nudja complcto mastery
of the curves. Ho promises to bo an ex
ceptionally valuable man for the Omaliu
club. Tho.otUor members of the club
appeared in line shape and strengthened
the faith already established in the local
atrons of the sport that the Omaha team
will be the champions of the Western
Bicycle Matters.
Bullock and Ashingcr will try conclu
sions again next Saturday evening. Ash-
ngcr is not satisfied with the result of
the race on Saturday night last , and has
ssued a challenge which Bullock has ac
cepted for three races , to bo ran next
Saturday night. Thcro will bo a .ono-
mile , fivemilennd ten-mile dash , the
win ncr of two heats to take the stakes.
The riders will start from opposite sides
of the track. Between the boats will be a
number of amateur contests and an exhi
bition of trick riding.
John S. Prince and Ed Bullock have
both entered for the 100-milu road race
for the championship of America , which
will bo held at St. Louis May 23 , during
the meet of the L. A.V. . Hendeo , Frazier -
zior , Whitlakcr , Stillman , McCurdy and
pthor of the speediest wheelmen in Amer
ica will bo in the contest.
As mentioned in the Bet , last night ,
Charles Kirk , a barber of this city , en
gaged yesterday afternoon in a glove
fight with Jimmy Donovan , a "capper"
for a local gambling house , tbe fight com
ing off in a private room in this city. It
was a trifle after 4 o'clock when both
men jumped , stripped for business , into
the rfug. Kirk was slightly heavier than
his opponent , who , however , appeared to
be of moro muscular build than the other
Kirk was socondotl by Clew and Donovan
van by Paddy Norton. Seth Cole and
Zeke Murdoch acted 'as timekeepers.
Charles Moth wns referee.
For the lirst few seconds the mon
glared cautiously at ono another , each
ono seemingly waiting for nn opening.
Finally Kirk made a tremendous rush at
Donovan and planted his right square on
the Irishman's nock. Donovan dropped
to the lloor , bellowing with pain. A
shout of derision .from the spectators
greeted him as ho staggered to his feet.
Tie made a feeble thrust at Kirk , but was
met with a stunninjj blow in the face ,
which again floored him. Ho picked
himself up and staggered across the ring ,
followed by Kirk , Whb" again hit him m
tlio neck , hurling liim against the wall ,
lie crawled to his cornier , but was told by
his seconds that he must light and meekly
walked to the centeJ-'W ' the ring again ,
only to bo met By a fearful upper cut
blow , which flooredlilin ( for the tiiird
time. Time was jfcajjed and both men
went to their corners ) I Kirk was smiling
and nnscratched , tfrlrilo Donovan was
bleeding profufcely&iiUhad aswolleuand
black eye. *
DonovauT3oramentjl to pull off the
gloves but was fihaHVcPordUaded by his
second to try another round. Ho was
knocked down once > roore by a hurricane
blow from Kirk , anil again retreated to
his corner. "I'mrj through , " ho said
feebly , looking at fyrfa with a half dazed
look. i
"Sit down , then.'lif you're through , "
said Kirk.
Donovan sat dow with a "dull thud , "
nnd retreated amid jeers from the spccta
Donovan is said to be a Imlf-wittod fol <
low. Ho is no more a match for Kirk
than the latter is for Sullivan. It is a
howling shame that ho should have been
so burtally imposed upon by the men
who persuaded him to tro into this fight.
The profits of tbo matoh , about $100 , was
gobbled by the sure thing mon who man
aged the affair and who claim to be promoters
meters ofpport.
A Possible Accident.
The report was prevalent at the depot
, last evening that nn employe nt tbe
Union Pacific uhpps hud been caught bo-
the frames of two tenders and bud been
seriously , if not fatally , injured.
pprt ooiild not be verified.
Tito Testimonial Contort Tendered
a'rofcasor Nfthon 1-Vntiko.
The tcstlmonliil concert tendered
Nnhnn Frnnko last evening nt the oporn
house was a most gntlif ying success from
every standpoint. The audience wits one
of the largest that has been known to
turn out hero nnd wns composed nt rep
resentative citizens. Enthusiasm was
unbounded and the most unlimited ap
plause grcotod the artists who contribu
ted to the entertainment. The pro-
gramme was an exceptionally plonsing
one combining as it did variety and ex
cellence. The performers included the
rory cream of Omaha talent assisted by
Miss Borta Damon a talented actress who
came up from Kansas City , and Madame
Muentcforliifr. of Topcka. The
opening overture was a solclcction
rom the "Barber of Seville"
given in a most spirited
aannor by the military band. The finely
irillcd organization was appreciated to
ho extent of a rousing encore. Mr.
'nmko then followed with a Mendelssohn
onccrto , which was given with all the
oul and delicacy that is so characteristic
of his work on the violin. Praise is super
fluous with an artist of such high rank
and it was never moro so than last night.
Mr. Franko never played more oxquls-
toly , and that spontaneous , unanimous
> urst of applause tlnit expresses more
han all else followed his every selection.
iladamo Mucntefcring played Chapin's
'Ballade a Flat" with a great deal of
earnestness and considerable fire , nnd
vas duly applauded. The Mendelssohn
[ uarletto , Mrs. Cotton , soprano ; Miss
lath , contralto ; W. B. Wilkins , tenor ,
and Hovel France , bass , sang Pin-
uti's "Parting Kiss" faultlessly. The
quartette is getting to bo a feature of
every itrst-class musical entertainment
md no concert is now considered quite sat-
sfaetory without the rich and perfect
inrmony of their voices. The remark
able properties of the sovaral voices , their
n'ucision of attack and oneness of feei
ng constitute them an organization thnt
would carry away honors in any metropo-
is. Miss Bcrta Damon followed with n
> ( quant recitation entitled "Money
Musk. " The young lady is ono of the
mglitest nnd most captivating lights of
he stage , and she fairly brought down
ho house last night. On bcjng recalled
slio gave another racy selection and was
uundatcd with magnificent llorul offer-
UCH. Miss Francesca Koedcr made her
lobut last night as ono of our rising
mezzo sopranos , nnd went through the
ordeal with much credit to her
self and her teacher , Mr. Franko.
The ainv "O Mio Fernando"
displayed well her soft yet full
tones and made her the recipient of an
encore and also a floral tribute. The
Vlozart string quintette gave n cradle
song by Kjerulf and n serenade by
Moskowski and justified their inevitable
reputation as an organization. Mmo.
Muentcfering then played the Faust
waltz by Gouuod-Lizst , uiul the apprecia
tion of the juidienco manifested itself in
the bestowal of flowers on the pianist.
The Omaha Licderkranz sang the
Hunter's chorus from Do Frcysputz ac
ceptably and Mr , Franko again held the
audience spell-bound with his superb
liandling of the violin in the Witches'
Dance. The concert ended with the
March from Nibolungon by the
military band , and this was encored nnd
an effective patrol given. Much of the
lionors must bo conceded to Martin Cahn.
whoso faultless accompaniments added
much to a linishcd nnd satisfactory per
formance. Altogether , Mr. Franko has
reason to feel gratified over the success
of the concert aud the tribute thereby
paid lo his genius.
Parade , Drill and Ball at the Expo
sition thin Evening ,
The Knights of Pythias will claim the
attention of hundreds at the Exposition
building this evening when a grand ox-
liibition drill will bo given by Apollo di
vision , No. 11 , of the Uniform rankfrom [
Lincoln , under the auspices of Myrtle di
vision , No. 3 , of Omaha. At 5 o'clock
thi afternoon. Apollo division , A. D.
Marshall division , No. 10 , and Lincoln
division No. 1 , nil of the capital city , ac
companied by Flattsmouth division of
Plattsmouth , and Bluffs division of Coun
cil Bluffs , will bo met at the depot by
Myrtle , Lily , Douglas and Omaha di
visions of the order in this city. The
visitors from the southwest will occupy a
special train. The procession will form
at the depot nnd , headed by the Knights
ot Pythias band of thirty pieces , will pa-
rndo up Tenth to Fnrnarn etreut ,
on Farnam to Fifteenth , on
Fifteenth to Douglas , west on
Douglas to Sixteenth , on Sixteenth to
Izard , countermarching thence to Capitol
tel nvcnuo and down Capitol avenue to
the exposition building. An informal
reception will there be tendered the vis
itors. Fully DOO knights m full uniform
nre expected to bo in line.
In the evening the drill by Apollo di
vision , claimed to bo the best drilled in
the United States , will occur precisely at
8:30 : o'clock , At 9:30 : dancing will be the
order of the hour. The music for the
terpslchorean pleasure will bo furnished
by the Musical Union orchestra , of thirty
pieces. D. Kaufman is grand master of
ceremonies and H. J. Fuller assistant.
The event is expected to be the most
notable one in the historv of the Knights
of Pythias in this city. Preparations are
making to royally entertain the visitors.
For dancing tickets will be $1 and ad
mission for spectators will bo 00 cents.
fftJME I'EOl'LiK. "
Gov. Cumbnck's liocturo at tlie M. K.
Cliuroli J/ast Night.
The First M. K. church was packed last
night by an enthusiastic audience that
greeted ex-Governor Will Cumback , of
Indiana , in his lecture ou "Invisible Souio
People. " The eloquent Iloosior moro
than mot the expectations of the uudi-
once , most of whom jinro long known of
his markcdtaljlity ! ns $ stump nnd pint-
form oratolv. Governor Cumback's chief
success' ia the fine earnestness that marks
hisBvory movement nnd utterance. The
burdo'h of the Jecltiro was n scoring for
the invisible but numerous "some pee
ple" who tind special satisfaction in re
penting Bligl l , Uipughtlcss remarks nnd
adding to tlwm until some one's chnrno
tcr is ruined by the tongue of slander.
This Slanderer "faoine people" is in every
community , and the reputation or char
acter of no one is absolutely safe from his
onslaught. lie is u monster in the dnrk ,
hiddun far from view , and like a viper
striken from under cover. Ho is every'
where. In the church , politics and soei
cty is to bo found the poison of the slnn
derer's ' tongue. It permeates every
home , nnd frequently draws down to
Ignoraing and lasting stums the fair
name of woman. In the church fre
quently the pastor nnd the prominent
members of his flock are druwn into
n vertical dirogution by a mem
ber of their own church , who
is nuvcr happy unless ho knqws
he has made nn effort to smirch tie |
character of some npblo mon. It id im
possible to tall the slanderer from the
rest of us. The .individual la prominent
in both j > oxea ; or perhaps more in the
male than the fnmnle , In Japan , it Is
said , when n Hluudpus a fellowman
man , he drives the knife into bis own
lioarl. If such was ( ho case In this coun
try cremation would bo an absolute
necessity , and sttoh horses as Maud S
and Jay-Kyo-See would bn necessary to
carry the corpses away. Slander Is the
foulest whelp of sin. The creates t
science of the ngo Is to know how to live
with justice to nil in an kind ,
At tlio close of the excellent lecture
Governor Cumbnck held an informal ra-
caption nnd rpunt n pleasant hour in so
cial converse with his audience.
The Illvnr'H ItlHna and Fntls ,
The river rose n foot and six inches
yesterday afternoon on Iho Nebraska
ildo , nnd full nboul a foot , niter dnrk.
The fluctuation is supposed lo be duo to
the changes of the wind. A telegram
trom Pierre , D. T. , was hoard going over
the wires last evening , staling that the
Tall there was two foot. At Yunkton , D.
T. , nenrlv the same depreciation of water
was marked , Pierre boln < ; about half
way between Omaha and Bismarck , it
is safe to calculate upon the fall of the
river being general. Some of the old
water dogs of steamboat days wcro pre
dicting last evening that the Juno rise
would bo higher than the present one ,
owing to the great amount of snow in
the mountains.
Wyoming's Cnttlo.
Colonel A. T. Babbitt , manager of the
Standard Cattle company , ono of the
heaviest of Wyoming's cow corporations ,
was nt the Millnrd yesterday. Ho ( is re
turning from Now York. Ho stated that
the hitherto good weather ot the month
now elapsing had saved cattle men mill
ions of dollars. Had March been a
severe month thousands of steers , which
became weakened by the severity of
early winter and have barely managed to
exist since , would have succumbed. As
it is , they have gained enough flesh , from
the fine weather in this month , to stand
any brief storms which may come , and
the loss will not bo severe.
A Fugitive Captured ,
Frank Rumcls , who was arrested at
Hastings some time ago on the charge of
: iouso burning , was sent to Kearney for
safe keeping. About ton days ago ho
.ook advantage of Sheriff Schars' leni
ency nnd skipped from the town. He
came to Omaha nnd staid a few days nnd
.lion went to work on a farm n few miles
cast of Council Bluffs. Sheriff Schars
located him and captured him by means
of n letter. Ho wns returned to Kear
ney yesterday morning.
AVnnta Onmlin Advertised.
Mr. George P. Bemls writes a let
ter from Cambridge , Mass. , to the
Omaha board of trade enclosing an
advertisement cut from the Boston Her
ald setting forth in glowing terms the
advantages of Lincoln Nob. , as a railroad
center and manufacturing point. Mr.
Rcmis suggests that some similar action
should bo taken to ndve.rtiso Omnha in
the onst. The bonrd will probably con
sider the mnttcr nt its next meeting.
Hitting tbol'ipc.-
Emma Reed , n yellow girl , was ar
rested by Officer Donnivan last night
charged with smoking opium in Quong
Sing's laundry on Levacnworth street.
The complaint was made by a Chinaman
with the semi.American name of George
Lay. Emma claims that the charge is
false and an invention of the fertile brain
of Lay , who is jealous of other China
men who have been attentive to her.
A Saloon Row.
An ugly fight took place in the saloon
of Barney Mngmnis on Fourteenth and
Dodge streets nbout 2 o'clock this morn
ing. John Hunter , Dan Bailey nnd
Peter Mnrtin , three North Omaha brick
masons , wcro in the saloon drinking ,
when they became involved in n row
with seven toughs who were loafing iu
the saloon. Hunter nnd Bailey wcro
badly hammered up. No arrests.
Closed br Creditors.
George Parislen , Tenth street , dealer
in cigars , tobaccos and newspapers , wns
closed yesterday on attachment in favor
of Fred Krause , for $300.50. Another at
tachment for | 200 will be placed on the
goods after Krauso's claim is satisfied.
The stock , apparently , is worth about
Shot Two Gnmblor * .
BOSTON , Starch i8. This afternoon Adolph
A. Albrecht , a druggist , was enlaced In a
game of faro in a gambling house * run by
Kilward Flannlcan and David Laiaham.
Albrecht says he detected Laraham in an at
tempt to cheat him and remonstrated with
Laraliam ; that the latter attacked him with
an Iron bar , that ho ( Albrecht ) shot Lnralmm
In self-defense ; shot Laraliam through the
head , killing hint instantly : that Klannlean
then attacked him and ho tired two shots
more , one of which entered Flannlcan'a
breast and the other at his head. .Flannlcan's
wounds are fatal. Flanua an declares that
Albrecht was the aggressor. Albrecht Is
highly educated and is said to have wealthy
relations In tno west.
Wrecking Schooner Ashore.
r HOOK , N. J. , March 23. As the
wrecking schooner Rapldan was on her way
to the stranded steamer Scotia this morning
during a dense fo she went ashore one inllo
south of Alonmoutti beach life having station.
The vessel U uninjured aud the crew were
A Riot in I'finama.
PANAMA ( via Galveston ) , March 28. A
riot occurred in this city last night owing tea
a military officer resisting arreit. Three men
wuio killed and several wounded.
S'J&COBS Oil ,
Tof kl. Jacob' i Oil and itt j * > maneiti
eura , are ynai Ulou. ;
Neuralgia and ParjI/sls-Nov. , 1800 Cured.
6prliuflcld. ; T nn.
My wife suffered 18 mouths with neural-
pla and jpurulyslii. I had to 1110 0 her la
bcU. mid could Urjiliio relief. By the time
she had mud two thirds of a l > olto ) > of St ,
Jacob' * Oil thu could walk. .
V0.i' . inmrnnv.
From Same G Years Lat r--P rmnnent Cure.
uld , Tciin. . Oct. 17 , law.
Myvlfo was t.iirnhvcd fiud could not
walk a tter > , ] lcfuro I mc < l n bottle of Kt.
Jacob's Oil fbo wiu nbout thu house. Bin
U now ( iitln-ly well ; docs all the liouee
work and rnULlug loo.
loo.jos.r.MuitrnEY. .
From a Sciatic SuRcrcr-Nov. , 1080 Cured.
Ecott Depot , Putnam Co. . W , Va.
When I got fat. Jacoba Oil to uui Itns in
bMl with hclatlcaj uawlum going about
the room with easo. Before f Rot It 1
could not bo moved. I went In the Ktnble
From Same 6 Years Later Permanent Cure.
Soott Depot , FutiiHiu Co. , W. Vn. . Oct. i6 ! , ISSfl.
I was twelve duys on my back with
rheumatism In Uie hip. Kotiilnj ; relieved
me till I got ft bottlu of St. Jucobi Oil.
Tlirt-e time * rubbing ami I wiu ublu to
, Rhoumjtl.iu , Spasm * , Cured.
Tower mil , Apporaatox Co. . Vs. , Nov. , IBSfl.
I had suflbrud years with neuralgia and
rhoutnatlmu day And night with ucutu
pains and npums. I was advised to try 1.
Jacob ] Oll.whlch caiucd all mliu to cc&wj
THE CIM1U.E3 A. VOOELKH CO. . HUtmor , Vi.
tar Alt pertain UHI.NO ft , Jatubi OU or Rtd
5 ar CbupA Cure , will In lending a Iva-eeitl ttanip
and a Mtlory qf Utcir CMC , rccclie AHVILH FILES.
with pain , " is the end cry of ninny a victim
of rheumatism or ncurafglni and frequently
other diseases , such n kidney nnd liver
complaints , arc directly traceable lo rheu
matism or neuralgia. These diseases for
some uncxplaitiable reason , arc rapidly In
creasing , nnd in many Instances are the di
rect cause of much sickness which so
hides iti real origin RS to he mistaken for
other disease * . In curing rheumatism
neuralgia , sick headache , and in many cases
nf kidney and liver troubles , Athlophoros
has wrought wonders. Those who have
used it arc best qualified lo speak of its
Rev. L , B. Scnlcr , Morse , Kansas.says
"About two years ago , my daughter-in-
law wa * taken with severe atlack of
rheumnlism. She could not turn herself in
bed. I sent her one bottle of Alhlonhoros ,
and by the time one half was used she was
free from all pain , and hat had no return
of the trouble since. It has also been of
great benefit to mjr wife In neuralgia.
Henry Martin , Muscatlne , Iowa , says ,
"I did have rheumatism very badly unlll I
used Athlophoros , which has completely
cured m . For sevecal years there would bo
certain times that I could invariably look
for a severe attack of rheumatism , which
would confine me U the house for a week
at a time. I wa * suffering from a vary se
vere attack in my arm * and had been con
fined to the house for a week at the time I
used Athlophoros. The first two doses
seemed to go right to the scat of the pain :
my relief was simply wonderful after I had
taken two doses of rhe medicine. After I
had used one bottls my pain was all goneI
had free use of my arms so that f went
back to work. I have not felt my rheuma
tism since and have not lost an hour's work
Every druffglst should keep Athlopho
ros nnd Atluophoroa Tills , but wlioro
they cannot bo bought of the druggist
the Athlophoros Co. , 123 Wall St. , New
York , will send cither , carriage pnid , on
receipt of regular price , which is f 1 per
bottle for Athlophoros and DOe for the
For llrer nnd kidney dUoi e9 , dyspepsia , In-
alRoatlon , woaknoHR , nervous dobluty , dlsotviel
of woman , constipation , hotnlacho , Impurv
bloodate. , Athlophoros Pllla nro unequalled.
Or Black Leprosy , l a rtltcajo which It conIdered
Incurable , but It has yielded to the curative proper
ties of Bwirx's Hriecirio now known til over tha
world as S. 8. S. Mrs. Uallcjr , of Wrtt Komcrvlllc ,
JInM.ncnrnoston. was attacked eovcrnl ycannpo
Ith tills hideous block eruption , and v at treated bf
the best medlcnl talent , who could onljr 117 tint tbD
dlacoM was a species or
and consequently Incurnblo. It Is Impossible to de
scribe licr MiOcrlngs. Her body from tbo crown of
ber bead to the tolca of her feet wan a mass of decaf ,
masses of flesh rotting off end lca\inggreat cavities.
Her flngrra ( catered and three or four nails dropped
on at one time. Her limbs contracted br the fearful
ulccratlon , and for several jrars ehe did not Icavo
her bed. Iler weight was re duccd from 1S5 to CO 11 * .
1'crhaps come faint idea of her condition can b
cleaned from the fact that three pounds of Cosmo-
line or ointment were used per n ( .ek In drcsf Ine her
lores. Finally the plij flcianfi acknowledged their
defeat by this Black Wolf , and commended the ( of
ferer to her all-wise Creator.
Iler husband hearing wonderful reports of the C84
of bwiTT'B Hncrno ( H. B. 8. ) , prevailed on her to
try it as a last resort. Bhe began Its use nnder pro
test , but noon found that her lystem was belnc re
lieved of the poison , as the sores assumed a rea ami
licalthy color , as though the blood was becoming
pure and active , ilrs. Bailey continued the 8. B. H.
until last February ; every aorcwaa healed ; the dis
carded chair and crutches , and w for the first tlmb
in twelve years a well woman , Her husband. Mr ,
C. A. Bailey , lain business at 17X Blacltstono Street ,
Boston , and will take pleasure In giving thedrtallfr
of this wonderful cure. Bend to ua for Treatise OS
Blood and Skin Diseases , mailed free.
TUB bwui Srrcino Co. , Drawer 8. Atlanta. G& *
Architects nnd Contractor * .
The Black Hills Stone Quarrlos are now ready
to contract nnd ship jiuro.oven colored Brown
anil Wlilto Band mono. Correspondence and
orders solicited.
Secretary Buffalo Oup Biown Stone Co. ,
ItulTulo Cnp , Dak.
ttaouuiOl ur CIUM of tl. w.r l klnl Mil of lon
bav betncu < l. ImlMj.noiimnEliinfMtlilnllfenjMy
"hit I will tn < l TWO IIOTTLKd FBtl , l"C tli r with VAU
WAPL T AT..XontlildlM > M .to iiir nfr j r.OlT M.
itM > y. o. MOtsM. fit. t. A. BLWU , m r art at K.
Men t rT Hn r rram f > t vtcvr.
nrruu ll bllilr , IMU of
, by Pallium t pl rM III 111" l.tnill .
iMIUrlrhoni , nr Replete ilh
_ _ 1 Information of taJuuloHll men.
MAKSTOM REMEDY CO. 19 Park Plact. Now Vofk.
Montlon Omaha DM.
Its CIIUSOK. and a now nnd
_ successful . OUHB atyour own
* * homo by one who was douf twenty eight
yearn. Trusted by most or the noted spuolnl-
Istt without bonollt ; cured liimsoU In three
month * , nnd since then hundreds of others.
Full particular ! eent on application. T. H.
PAUB. No. U WestaisttH. . ew YorkQty.
Successors to Jno. O. Jacobs ,
Al the oldHttina 1407 Furimm tit. Onlcru
bytulcgruph solicited end promptly at
tended lo. Telephone No. 225.
lr DUtllled far
{ tle lcluul U . '
TJ1 ! Bill
CENCRAL Demur * .
DR. XDVT. L. W/f.UNO , Kur
x cn In Cbl f , National Uuui
of N.J. , writes !
"V/ attention wu called U
your Kejilone Halt rVLIicty ) lj
lr. Ijilor , Prugylit , of Trentoa
and I hTa uieJ a few bottl
vflth fir bfttir ttfcct Itia any 3
liar * titil. I am nwmm nlln |
your artleU In my practice , aui
pud U v rytUlMtory. . "
07 Th > flfn t > lk > ( Ifeitvrf
fjr ILlU f )
310.318 and 820 Raw St. Ph. .
Goodrnnn Drug CoQcrtIA ontBIOmiUa
i I v ui tan > .
U ! * : mrI.nitI4ubMxlttc.l > * rlnitrlo4Ui *
every tnown rsjnrdr. h" rtlo irwt a Unpl