Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE OftlAHA DAILY BEiB : MONDAY , , MARCH 23. 1887.
The BSvtr Reaches An Unusual Height and
Creates Serious Alarm !
Prof. Frnnko'a IJeiicflt Concert A
lilttlo Sumlny Uurnlarj Moth
nnd .1lcInut lillH Qnrncnu's
IMircliase Oilier Local.
The Illvor Rampant.
The "Hljj Muddy" continues to rho
steadily nnd owners of property along
the river front nro viewing with serious
nlnrm the pnupccti of n repetition of the
troubles occasioned by the Hood of ' 81.
Tjio reports of n fall nt up the river points
have not been venllcd by the action of
the river at this point. At 0 o'clock S.U-
iird.iy niylit the river stood plchtcon
feet above high water mark and
was still raising. At 8 o'clock
yesterday morning the Hood had
reached the twenty-foot mink and
showed no indications ot n pause in its
upward tendency. Above the water
works building noi th of the shops the
river broke over its banks and Hooded
the low grounds east Twelfth street
nnd south to the new Union Pacilio
bridge. A largo number of squatter's
houses nloni : the bank wore completely
surrounded , the water in many instances
reaching the houses and ( loading them.
Just noith of the bridge a row of si do7cn
of houses were completely cut off by n
stream of the Hood that run between
them and tno railroad tracks. In some
of these houses strange scenes were pre
sented. In all of them the furniture
was packed icady for removal at a mo
ment's notice , while strong wooden rafts
were tied at the door to be used in case
of n dangerous increase of the Hood. In
one house the family , about n dozeu in
number , were seated sit the dinner table
in n room thn only one in the house in
which the water was at least a foot deep ,
nnd unchained articles of furnituic float
ing around them. The house in question
was anchored to the railroad tracks by
the means of strong rape cables nnd the
family sut at their noonday meal as ap
parently unconcerned as though they
wore occupying a mansion upon thn
highest point of the city. A consumptive
looking earn and chicken house that be
longed to the family named occupied a
higher position nnd was free from the
flood , its occupants , n cow and several
dozen chickens , faring more comfortably
than their owners. The engine house
ntid buildings of the Harbor Atfplialt com
pany , north of the bridge , wore Hooded ,
At 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon the
river stood nt twenty-two feet above low
water mark , live feet and four inches
below the nigh water mark of ' 81.
Along the river front cast of the Union
Pacific shops n levee lias been thrown up
four or live feet above the
old level of the bank forming n protection
over which the Hood has not yet broken
altogether the river stands bank full.
The Union 1'acilio had a force of men
busily at work anchoring the tracks that
lie along the river front , those under the
artificial bank being already under
water. At the smelting works a force
of men were ulso engaged in dumping
car loads of broken slog into the river at
a point where the current seemed to bo
at with especial force against the bank.
The burn used by the Union PuoHio oust
of the shops was just surrounded and the
occupants of a number of small cottngos
just north of the barn forced to seek
higher ground. On onn of the windows
in the car shop department of the shops
is the high water msirk of 1831 , when n
Missouri river steamer anchored at the
foot of Chicago street in the center of
the Union Pacitic yards and took on n
cargo of coal. Two feet above this mark
which is msulo with white paint , some
wng has drawn a heavy red line which
ho predicts will bo the high water mark
of 1887. Thousands of people visited the
river 3 cstorday. The shore was lined nil
day by sight-seers watching the great
volume of muddy water in its onward
rush , covered with gicat masses
of ice , drift wood , remnants
of buildings and debris of
every description.Vhla \ watching the
river n young lad named Willie Kelsley
slipped from the banks near the smelting
works smd narrowly escaped being
Later At 8 o'clock yesterday evening
the river commenced falling nnd had
dropped nearly a foot nt 11 o'clock. The
indications are that the worst is over
nnd that no further damage need bo ex
pcctcd from the llood.
Professor Frnnkn'd benefit Concert
at the Boycl To-Mclit.
During Prof. Nahan Franko's year's
residence in this city ho has favored the
music loving people of Omaha with many
excellent entertainments. Splendid as
many of them have been they will hardly
compare with the program which ho has
arranged for presentation at the benefit
to bo tendered him at Boyd's opera house
this evening. The best musical talent of
the city with several artists from abroad
will take part in the entertainment. The
programme is as follows :
Overture , "Barber of Seville" Kosslnl
Mllit'iry ' Burnt.
Concerto for Violin Meiulelsshon
( v. Andante b. Allegoru )
Nntinn FnuiKo.
riauoSolo , "UnlhuIoaFlat" Chopin
Mine. Miicntcfering.
Song , "The 1' , " rinsull
Mendelssohn Otmtettc.
Recitation , "Money Mu-k"
Miss lieita Damon.
Aria , " 0 , MIo Korunnao" Donlzctt
Miss Frnnccaca Kucdcr.
a. Cradln bong Kjcrulf
b. Sureimde MoszUim1
Mozart String Quintette.
Piano Solo , "Faust WnlU" . . .Gounod-Liszt
Mine. Mucntofcrlng.
Hunters' Chorus from Frolschutz..Weber
Omaha Llcderkrnru.
Violin Solo , "Witches' Dances".F.i < ; aulu
( By sneclnl request )
Mr. Nnlian Franko.
March from tlio "Niebolunjrun".Wagner
Military Unnd.
The participants in the entertainment
will include the following artists :
Mmo. Muontoferlng , pianist ; Miss licrta
Damon , elocutionist ; Miss Francnsca
Kocder. me//o soprano ; Mrs. T. W. Cot
ton , Miss Minnie Uath. Mr. W. . Wil
kins , Mr. It. France , Mendelssohn quin
totte ; Mr. Martin Calm , accompanist ,
the Mo urt String quintette , the Omaha
"Llodorkraru" society , nnd the For
Omaha Military band.
> The price of admission has been fixed
at 50 cents.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Andrew Bwenby Knocked From a
Tretllo and Seriously Hurt.
Andrew and Henry Swnnby , two
brothers , employed as carpenters in the
Union Pacitic shops were the victims of
an accident last night that might liuvo
resulted fatally to both , instead of very
seriously to one as it did. The brothers
had been out for a long walk in the \ \ ost-
era part of the city and were returning
home about 0 o'clock last nigtit. They
were walking on the 1) , & M. tracks and
nd were crossing the trestle work qn
Fierce strett when they were overtaken
by an incoming engine. Henry Swenhy
jftltl Uowa ftfcd grasped tbo tics thus suv-
ing himself from being knocked from the
trestle. Andrew was less fortunate ,
however , and before ho could reach
n place of safety , was struck by the en
gine and knocked from the trestle , fall
ing a distance of twenty feet. His brother
hurried as soon as ho rccotaral himself
and found him seriously hurt. Ills right
arm and right leg were brokrn and ho
was unconscious from the ellects of a se
vere cut across his forehead. Tlio patrol
wagon was summoned and the injured
man removed to his home at 1021 North
Eighteenth street and a physician sum
moned to nttoml him. His injuries are
af a very painful nature , his only source
of congratulation is that it might have
been > ory much worse.
Ho Evidently Mentis niislncn * ) .
Work on the Hon on street railway
u as commenced ycstcrdnv. The engi
neer in charge sajs ho will have it ready
for the cnrs iii 130 dayt. It is understood
that the Haldwin noisless motor n ill bo
tsed on this lino. Thosu m otors nro said
0 be as rapid and as easily controlled as
1 cable car. They aio expensive , but
rom the manner in which Mr. Uenson is
lushing this and other improvements lie
s evidently not figuring \ery closely on
expense , but looking to the permanent
'mprovcment of his property. " Parties
; hnt have made purchases in Henson
with u piospoct of horse car line to it by
next fall , will be agicoably surprised to
see n noisless motor pulling cars to it by
May 1.
Joseph Gnrneau ST. , Makes n Pur
Joseph Garncau Sr , of St. Louis , pro
prietor of the Garncau cracker factory in
.his city is in Omaha on business for n
ew days. On Saturday ho purchased
.he property occupied by the Swedish
church at the southeast comer of 1 wclftli
nnd Jackson streets paying therefor $31-
300. The property has a frontage of GO
foot on Jackson street and 132 feet on
Twelfth and is n valuable business site.
When questioned as to the use ho ex
pected to make of his purchase Mr. Gar-
neau stated that ho had not yet decided
nnd smilingly added that ho might rent
it for church purposes. It is stated how
ever , that Mr. Garncau has for some time
been seeking grounds for an addition to
his cracker factory , which has not sulli-
cient capacity to meet the demands of
his great trade. It is supposed that tlio
purchase was made for this purpose.
Swift at South Oinnhn.
Within the past week it has become a
fi\cd fact that Swift & Co. will erect a
large packing house at South Omaha.
One of the largest lumber companies in
the west is seeking a yard location there.
It is becoming more evident every day
that Omaha is to bo one of the leading
cities of the United States and South
Omaha its leading manufacturing cnn-
tor. If South Omaha makes a town ,
which no reasonable person can now
loubt , there is no better place to hold
real estate for future profit than between
Omaha and South Omaha. There are
still about 100 lots in the old plat of
South Omaha , located as above described ,
on beautiful ground , in the vicinity ot
the park , for sale at old prices by the C.
E. Mayno K. E. As T. Co. , N. W. cor. ICtli
A : Hartley.
The South Omaha Land company have
appointed C. E. Maync solo sigont for the
sale of their lots. Ho will show the prop
erty and furnish nil desired information
upon application.
[ Signed ] W. A. PAXTON , President.
International Delegates.
At a meeting of the Omaha Typo
graphical union yesterday W. 11. Gun-
solus and J. R. Lewis wcro elected as
delegates to the meeting of the Intcrna-
ional Typographical union which will
bo hold in Hufl'alo on Juno 2. Messrs.
iiinsolus and Lewis will represent the
Omaha union in a creditable manner ,
being representative members of the
union. They will make nn etl'ort to se
cure the next meeting of the international
'or Omaha.
For Sate.
Wo have four full corner lots 60x133
fcot each on Fur n am street cast of 10th
street at $20,000 , $50,000 , $75,000 and
22 feet on Farnam by 133 on llth. $41,000
A choice corner 133 feet front on
10th st south of Cass street. . . . 05,000
A choice corner on 16th st COxCO for 25,000
G6\88 n w cor 23d and Cuming. . . 15,000
GO feet on Howard between 15th
and 10th 85,000
22 feet on Cuming between 17th
nnd 18th 4,500.
75 fcot on IGth street near Nich
olas 15,000.
185 feet on Lcayenworth 40,000.
Two ncrcs on Leavonworth 12,000.
Good dwelling property in all parts of
the city.
Three full lots on U. P. trucks to lease
for 20 years.
The C. E. Mayno Real Estate and
Trust Co , , N. W , corner 15th nnd
The Victim of Lead Poisoning.
The remains of August Hanson , who
died in the county jail on Saturday from
the effects of lead poisoning , were prc
pared for burial at Drcxel & Maul's un
dcrtaking establishment yesterday. A
brother of the deceased called upon the
undertakers yesterday nnd ordered them
to give the deceased n fitting burial. Tno
funeral will probably take place this
Invest In Lincoln. She Coo inn.
480 acre tract suitable for sub-division ,
for $50 an acre.
10 tract adjoining nn addition which is
selling at $ GOO per lot , at a bargain.
20 acres suitable for platting , at $11,000.
Highland Park addition will bo placed
on the market next week , averaging
Erico of $150 per lot , $20 cash payment ,
alanco $10 petmonth. . It is the fmest
addition to tno city. Write us for par
ticulars. SIIEKWIN , SHKHWIN A : Co.
Lincoln , Nob.
The Cochran Case.
The celebrated Cochran divorce case
was before Judge Wakoloy again on Sat
urday , Mrs. Cochran appearing as appli
cant for an order compelling Warren
Coohran to pay her the temporary ali
mony allowed by the court several
months ago. Upon a hearing of the case
Judge Wakcloy mndo the desired order.
A New Ticket Office.
It will bo n matter of general interest
to thn public to know that about tlio mid-
dlu of this week , the Missouri Pacilio
will open its own ticket odico in this city ,
at 218 South Thirteenth street. It will bo
in charge of Mr. Thomas F. Godfrey ,
well known as the former popular north
western traveling agent of the Missouri
Pacific road. His assistant will be Mr.
K. L. Frnry , a thorough raihoad man ,
nnd well known to the Omaha public as
u clever and courteous gentleman.
The Missouri 1'aoilio U the best equip
ped of any of the western roads and
caters to Its patrons in n manner tliat
might bo worthv the emulation of other
roads. t ot trains nnd close connections
constitute its watchwords. Not canton !
witli putting on u fast train between
Omaha and Kansas City they have con
tributed to the comfort of their patrons
by running chair cars to the great pleas-
tire of all travelers. At Atchisou a butlel
is attached and the tourist can cat his
supper en route from that place to the
city nt the Kaw's mouth. Omaha people
know of the benefits to bo derived from
tlio Missouri Pacilio. Theyrccosrnlze n
M QUO of tbo oiQjjt liber jd coryorftUou * ting
the country , nnd nro therefore inclined
to patronise it. In this connection it may
not be generally known that the Missouri
Pacific rallroau has the contract for car
rying the malls between Kansas City and
31. Louis nnd the run is made in seven
iiours. However , that which concerns
us most is the now ollico nt 218 South
I'hirteenth streot. and flic additional fa
cilities nllordod for patroni/ing the road
will no doubt be embraced. Omaha isle
lo be congratulated on the new depar
List of letters remaining uncalled for
in tlio postolhco for the week cmliiifr
March 25 , 1887.
Notp I'.irtJos calling for UIPSO letters
will please say "Advertised , " plying tlio
( Into at tlio head of the list , and inquire
for same lit the "Ladies' Delivery Win
dow. "
To avoid mistakes h.ivo your mall ml-
dressed to street and number.
Derklns G W-2
Evans L II Elder W A
Kbing | .M It Kilds J
ExansJll Krnstbcrger J
Krlckson J Kvans A O
Kvorly K Eanies F U
FlemlncsJ Feeaireo U
Franis V Finch W
Fullci J Foncott M II
Kreeberc A Fryer K
Fun Iran T Frnzie 11
Fishei B F Fredrichs G
Faussner A F
Gray S A Glcason K 1C
Gibson \V M Gnrrett.l
Gates G M Gumbert J
Ciller , I Greenwalt \
Gregit M ( illcger
Giant E A GilroyJ
Cluol ; 1 Ctiyn S J >
Gcanl G ( iolfA K
Hamlln S Hough G U
Ulllorl' llalnus WJ2
llarrell D L Hearst II
Holland L J 2 llolnu F
lierrlson F llicksJJF
Aagerman J Heritage .f
HornungO R llornoJ K
Ileuss J llartman
Hau'lo&Co llrnry F
Hnmlln S Iledcmamn F
Hunter G lllcks B
Hussey L 11ansen O
HynesWIi HoITinan G A
Halo J Hayes
Hudson W Haley A
Ih'gelback Li llaynos W
Heeloy M llaskinson J
Hlllis S N llelllerG
lloifman J 8 llocter W
Hay N W Heaton J M
llanoiseu Hamilton U II
Henderson F M
ilacli A llarington GA
Hansen F 0
IrobOli O W
Johnson F A James 1
JshamJW Johnson C
Jensen U J Johnston II
Jones KM Johnson H
JurKSon H Jones 11J
Johnson U Jowell L II
Josljn J K James F
Johnson S. James J 0
JoluiMm U L JenncrT
Jensen S Johnson T S
JohnsouT Johnson A
Jackson G I
Kelley P J Kellev C C
Kenfleld O Kochlor K
KIserE Kace Thos
Kessler K Klncaid J
King 11 F Kulm 11
Kotsch F W Keeloy G
WKnosp G
Lozan O W LcoT
Lewis K M Lauffor G W
Lines A Loreti ! J
1/audo O Langdon Dr J W
Levin L Latham J W
LlnvilloJ M Lewis W B
Liunb L LyonsEJ
Lindniilst A Llpshltz 1
Larrabee M S Leuman'S J
Lamb G 2
Mattack J Myers J
Mooller C F Montgomery F W
Mortensen 0 Manley A
JIadnenn T Monlza U
Mooie John Melander A
Mahoney 1) Milton 0
Murrey IP B Meslilm O
Meredith K A Mattlson W B
Mason E Moran E P
Mulrehlll & Clark Maxwell W F
Miller Wm Morgan P
Mason D Muttart L fl
Morrison L D MnrblH M F-2
MrCord HO Morris G M
Madsen It B MlntcrK
Moonmnu J W Mulrehill C D
Miller 0 Melchiors P
McCall A McAckron C1I
McDonald J 0 McGlnnlgan A II
McClelland F Mctaydon E L
iicNutt J B jic.Vauieo J
McGuire G icFarland W
tinsel A Newton It
Nelson C A Naroy B A
Nash H Nllson M P
Nelson G Norrls C F
Nortlmip W W Nicholson W
O'Brien J Olesen G A
Olman J Oleson A A
Owen F A Ormsbar C A
1'rlntzF 1'arker HV
1'oiterbon & Scanulst Pickard Goo
Ftxton J 1'arksMB
Porter C F Pieper C
Porter JM PreecoJ
Prime J Petley J
Pilaub W J'Hiilson N F
Prime J 3 Peterson G
Putnam W n Perry Bros
Pomeroy H C 1'otfrson J M
Parks.I F Patterson C 0
Peckenpauph W W PiosscrEH
Peterson G
Bobbins L F Koynolds II R
KattonOH Hclnlmrdt O
Itonnln J Heagcr J II *
Kenenl A Kodgrrs M
Robertson A Kussell M
Kummock J C Harlck O S
KosoJas Itjan J F
Itelnhardt CO UlssmnnE J
Ueynolds 11 W Hohback W
Jiust W Keacan A N
Hucker J Hush U Ji
Hlesson J Han S
Heed U N Huircoru W II
Hees W lloso W
Bunden O Snell G
.Schmltz L Sllherstoln M L
Simpson HJ Sherlock J
tiowald J Bmlthson T
BrultliTW Smith T
ailcott K A bulley O O
tichwamD .
Smith w Spencer L II
Hclitmlr C Smith G W
Saiitiersted N Schtoy Jas
Sargent J Shannon W D
Straub A E Stall ! SJ
Shcpard Uuv DOB Sorensen M
Shlrmer J Smith F E
Shields J Sandnulst J
Speaks S L Schnell F
SIruonds A L Shields J A
bwecker D Shppard 1) G
Stlzler E Strong ( J W
Stei nor Wm Sparks S L
Scrogln F M hnow F
StnathEr W
Tom ask J ' 1 hrckeld T
Tmelt J A TcltF
Thusslo O K ' 1 rlmble F
Threlkold T U Thornton C A
Tomllnson K Tarbes F
Trast A
vanlicstrr J Vnn o N
Van Arsdcl i : L Vaniipy Win
Vernon W I' Voll T
Wlnteis C Wt'lnholl H
Wlllson W Welch T
\Vllcox 11 K WT17 P
Woltramuth J Williams J
WhltnoyJ W Wood S A
Wolff S P Weldou L , J
Wa > laudFF Weugbug.l B
WIlcox E M WINonCi :
WhlttcIO Wnlkpr P
Welta A \Voods Chas
Wilson J Webster JV
Wall J Wolilers F
WhjtoC L Wilcox M
Winter A Wcstllck A
Wilson A 11 Whiteridc HE
Walker t : Wyninn E J
Wnrren F F Whltesldo C
Wheeler W WilesBH
Anderson m Anderson J
Alexander mrs S Anderson mrs E
Agnes mrs L Adims mrs G
Ahlqtilat miss 11
Blaiiphard miss J Bacon miss in
Durkliaidt miss L Jlurnham miss 1
lluentlo mtss S Buckman miss A
Belbeuuermrs J L Brown miss m
Brow n mrs G Brown mrs T O
Blown mis m Brown mrs L
Btown mlssF Bentlcy mrs m
Banks A Bothers mrs C
Boiscth miss C } j Bean mrs S
Bostwick mrs E A 0 Booth mrs N
Bohlliug mrsE Bui ton mrs 8
Bart mrs A L
Clay miss U Clay miss L
Callalian mtss E CaldwolImrsT
Cauhlm mrs E Cardwt-11 miss k
Oliesley miss N Ceilings mrs L
Conley mis m Clark mtss m
Crow miss T Cotton mrs Ruth
Coin ell mrs in
DoIJar miss C Dalpy mrs W
Dax Is mrs G R Drake A
DuiiMiiore mrs A Dunn miss R
Dahlbcn : m Dodd C
Donaghuo mrs S Dunn miss F
DotTev mrs m A
Edwards mrs A Everly mis E G 2
Evans mis 1 * Everly mrs E
Klchorn miss J M
Fcnn miss J Fleming mrs m
Fillcon miss K Frjcrs mrs R
Fitzgerald miss M FluuJv mrs A m
Gump mrs A Giewnio mrs J
Grass miss J Candy miss N
GarrersonmissT Garey miss L
Gulultii : miss m A GooilnlJ mrs S
Goodrich mrs A .M Gram missK
GoL'gins tuKs K
Heller miss E Hcldman miss
llcpucr mrs C Ilitbbard
Uvmphrcy mrs E Hughes miss 1
Hall miss F Haecu mrs M A
Harris mrs M Jlansun miss A P
Jlarrill mrs J m Hubert miss
llaitwell L Harris miss F
Hitchcock miss A J llostrap D
Holmgien mrs E Jlou-o mrs m
Uaunt'yE Iluglies G
Hall mtss in J
Johnson mrs A Johnson mrs E
Johnson mrs C Hi Johnson mrs F
Johns mrs E Jevens miss E
Johnson mrs C II
Kelley miss G King miss 0 C
Liwipuce mrs B Ljsppgfut mis m
Lulley mrs L Lestei m
Lnrsen S Laiscn 11
Lawrence miss in Llndquisc miss A
LonsUurrv L R
Marsh miss K Mariss miss A
Moore miss'll Miller mrs m A
Mitchell mrs C Mooihouse mrs E P
Morris miss ] m More miss M
Mercer inUe L , MiixlleUl HITS C
MankmrsS Maher mrs A
Morton m Marx miss K
McDoughlin M Miilvelmn miss K
McQuiud mrs m McMennen a mrs
Murray miss K
North mrs D NoBal S
Ncdello ini.'s m Nlcholsen miss E
Olsen mis A
Peerman mrs in Porter miss E
Price miss L2 Parker miss N A
Paiker nirsS L Powers miss A
Pfeiller mrs in Petty miss L
Penderson in Perce miss P
RHiistraum miss K Keben miss II
Robinson miss U Roberts miss Ii
KufmlssB Kanft' miss m
RlckPismlss L Henio miss W
Rears mrs K ti Reynolds mrs C J
Sturgeon miss G Slater miss m
Smith mrs m Sheldon mrs W A
Shlnd L hollars miss A
Shcnkan mrs M Scliamblen mrsK
Shrldt mis M SmjtlioMd P
Smlthson miss m StP\ens mlssC
Starr mrs K Still mis K
Spurrle mrs Samiielsou E
Samson miss Schnako mis E
Samler miss E
Turner N E Tracy miss B
Trent mrs Terhumo miss E
Tliortman mrs II C Thpcman miss m
TartosmrsF Tupp missel
VanDermintcr mis N Vaudoryentcr miss N
Vichlucr mrs J VanCle\emlss J
Watson mi s S Webber mrs m L
White miss L Warner miss E
Walsh in Winch m
Wlmlem mrs W d Wilkins miss II
Whartt mrs m Wlnojard mrs A
Wlikins miss IN Wolcott mra m
Wolf miss E
Yapp mrs H
rninn AND rcuitTn OI.ASS MATTHK.
Creighton misV H Colson C H
Evans E D HolnsJ HA
Phllllpps A T Mellck J D
Sheldon F 15 Gntes Chas
King J W J Smith P H
builth mrs L McDonald miss N
State Senator Boncstcol and "General"
Joe Holman were nt the Paxton yester
day for dinner. Like Uamon nnd Py
thias , the senator and his military com
panion are inseparable.
Fort Hridger , Wyoming , is n quiet , se
questered military station especially in
tended to hold the not thorn Colorado
Indians in check. Captain Thomas H.
Bradley and wife and Cuntain Simpson
and family are registered from , there re
spectively ul the Paxton and the Mil-
Absolutely Pure. ,
ThUpowdernevervarici. A marvel ol
purity.strcnBth and wholcHomeness. More
economic than Ihc ordinary kinda and
cannot be sold in competition wi < h the mul
titude of low test , short weight alum or
phosphate powders. Sold only in cans.
Royal OaVine Powder Co.1106 Wall street ,
New York.
The large sales which followed our recent announcement
through the press , of our immense line of Spring Overcoats at
our popularly low prices , has so depleted our stock , ( some styles
having been entirely closed out , and of others the sizes were
entirely broken ) that we were compelled to duplicate our entire
line * which with an increased assortment is now again complete.
Those who were in the habit of ordering their Spring Over
coats made bv merchant tailors , were deeply interested in our
$14.75 and $15.75 overcoats , of which we sold large quanti
ties. These garments are made up from , vervgood English and
the verv best American fabrics , and the make-up of which will
compare wiih such overcoats as merchant tailors ask from $35
to $40 for.
We have also an immense line c-f lower grade Snring Over
coats , one stvle of which we sell for $5.75 , is a marvel of cheap
ness and sold bv other dealers for
All goods are marked in plain figures and at strictlv one
price at the
Nebraska Clothing Company
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
\ 3th St , Cor. Caplto ) Av nuo
Chronic & Surgical Diseases
I3R. NlcNlENAMY.Propi'otoi- .
fiistitn ytare' HD'Oitaland 1'rivaUi I'laclico
We have the facllltlci , spparatu and rttaeillcr
for the eucccaef ul treatment of c\ cry form of Mr
iua rcn ul ring cither medical or eiirjicnl ,
nll tocomoiindlHTcstlgnluforthcmsclvcH
r correspond with in Long experience In treat
Ing cincs l > jr letter ensoles UB to treat many caset
scientifically without noelng them
WIUTi : yon CIUCULAU on Deformltlei nml
Draco , Club Feet. Ctmaturci of the Bplriu
DISEASES orVoMKN , I'ilco , Tumor * , Canccrc
Catarrh , Bronchltlr. Inhalation , Klfctrlclty , Para !
yrit , Epllopsj , Kidney , Ke , Ear , tikln , blood unt )
all tarjica ! operations ,
Ilntterlei , Inhaler * , Ilracri , Trusses , an ]
nil kinds of Medical ami Surgical Appliances , man
ufactnrcd and for cnle
Tha only reliable nladleal Inslituto making
Private , Special & Nervous Diseases
/rom < \ hatorcr came produced , Buccousfnl ly treated
Wo ciu rcmo\e Sjrpullltlo poison from the system
without mercury.
Naw reilnrntivc treatment for loss of vital po * r
Call and consult us or tend came and post-ofiln
address plainly written enclose stamp , and ttc
will send you , la phln wrapper , our
or , Hvrnius , OoxDnniKn * , GIEET , VAKICOCILK
URINART ORUAKI , or tcud history of your care fo :
an opinion.
Persons unable toItlt ns may be treated at Ilieli
liom i , br corrcf pondcnco Medicines and Instru
ments sent by mall or ernreet SECURKLY I'ACK
BD rUOM onanilVATlOX , no marks to Indlcile
contents or ( cndcr. Ona personal intcrrlew pro
fcrred If convenient. Fifty rooms for the lycum
modatlon of patlcutr Board nnd ntteiulaucB nt
reasonable prices. Address > 11 Loiters to
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
Car. 1 3th SI. anfl CanlUI Ave . OMAHA. WB.
A largo nurubor of recorded Pcvclicron nnd
ClydosdHlo Stallions. Also Homo Ilrod t'olts.
Kvery ammnl BUHrsnteod a liroodor. Frlco
ronsonableana terms oa y. Our stock 1ms boon
eoloctod with rofurcnoa to both individual
merit und pcdlpreo. A Inrgo number or our
Stallions re acclimated nnd Colts of their fret
cnn bo shown. York la on the II ; & M. H. K. ,
two hours' rldo west ot Lincoln. For ciitrt-
loauos and further Informntlon. a < Mress. _
FKY & FAllltliAOll , Vorle , lJ.
| HbtlM I Ilinkl tii/Luut. Lo l Manhood ,
iJ I'odred affMtltm TrUI | > ck t ISc. I > U8 _ Frn a O fc
5m. A. o. OI.IN cc. . - ' " " " ' * ' ! " " ' " "
III ai.oo
Moline Milljiirn & Stoddard Co ,
Buggies , Road Carfs ,
Fanning Mills , Corn , Shelters ,
Also Special Inducement * on
Prices nnd Terms Furnished on Application.
Corner Ninth and Pacific Streets , Omaha , Neb
R can bo done In tlio even of tlie
Chiirtcr Oak Itanfio or fatovn w itli tlio Wire
< ! nu/o Oven Door , uiorupcifuttly thuuovcr
> Jio live coals.
Lay the steak , chops , liam or fish on n
wiiouroilcr or meat lack , jilacing It In an
ordinary baku pan to catch the diipplngs.
Allow it to remain in tlio oven wltli tlio
doorcloscd 15 or 20 minutes. No turninc
H lequircd. At the end of this tlmo it will
bo found nicely cooked ready to serve.
There is no taint of coal-Rixs or fimoljo ,
nnd the meats ni o more tender nnd better in
flavor than these broiled o\cr the coals.
The comcnlcnco or biolllng In the oven
will bo appreciated by every house-keeper ,
and adds another to the many reasons why
the Charter Oak Itnngo or Steve with the
WIre Oauzo Oven Door should bo preferred
SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS AMD Punt Lisrs. to all others now in the mailed.
Dealers in V
Paints , Oils , Glass and Varnishes
Painters' and Astists' Supplies. Plymo utli Cot
tage Colors ,
Heady for use In new and desirable shades * Oiiallty Guaranteed
1118 Farnam Street , - - Omaha , Nebraska (
The YANKEE style is to know what to do and how to do it. Wo fctrnrk the lca < | and
it will pay. * ,
Success Crown our Efforts !
People that have eyes can see that after looking over tlio display of Clothing at thp
Two Orphans , the prices are lower than all others , as largo stock to Fck-ct from , an good
taste need and carei'nl judgment in selecting V
Spring Clothing
The next will be the prices , wo are hound to undersell all. Two Orphans never call people
ple into their store to be disappointed. Wo desire the confidence of onr townsmen.
Wo will never betvay it.
At 1113 Farnam Street.