Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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    v *
Eclicea From tie BlacV Eilla Tell of Crimea
Which Go Unpunished ,
XloiMlot Time * at KnpldlClty Over the
ltctoi-tc ) < l I\\K \ Silver Strike , Bat
tlio Community Gets Radly
, Dak. , March 25. [ Corres
pondence ol tlio HKR. ] During the past
ten days Iho Ulack Hills hnvo not lacked
for sensations. Dead wood , llko the Peer-
binglcs tea kettle , "began It" with the
release by a technical flaw of four in
dicted cX'Ofllcials of this ( Lawrence )
county. This case revived public inter-
cst in the carnival of official squander
ing nnd stealing of past years that has
helped to plunge tho-county into debt
nearly a million dollars. This is ancient
history here ; it has been going on almost
since the coquty was organl/cd , tin
checked , until nearly every branch * f
the public service Is tainted in some way
nnd the consciences of nearly nil repu
table citizens have become calloused to
public dishonesty or their lounges
Discoveries made in 1835 of the finan
cial eccentricities of the county commis
sioners were so extensive and rash us to
lend hope of reform and to cause
A roi'in-Aii urmsiNo.
A great Indignation mooting at Dead
wood , the appointment of a citizens
committee of fifteen to investigate and
prosecute , and the placing in their hands
of a large fund lor that purpose , raised
by popular subscription in all parts of
the county ; the importation of a Chicago
expert to go through the county records
and a thorough overhauling of every
thing followed. Particulars of startling
frauds in county bonds and warrants
wore from time to lime made public , and
finally one of tlio implicated officials
turned stile's evidence.
What has been done ? This is the las' '
of the prodigious nnd costly inycstiga
lion , up to this writing. The committee
have never made a report. The grand
jury of the county has asked thorn for
"pointers' ' in vain ; nnd the last one thai
held inquest Into these frauds
made a formal presentation
to the court complaining o"
their inability to obtain a report , the com
mlllco to that extent protecting the pccu
lators they were appointed nnd paid to
prosecute. Whether thseo were so many
of the committee's friends and associates
who "had some of the pork. " or whether
tlinir reticence was dictalcd by that mis
taken idea of local interest which sup *
presses such truth for fear of "hurting
the town , " I know not ; charity gives
preference to the latter theory. However -
over , the grnnd Jury last year indicted
ftnd they were duly put upon trial. The
indictment was quashed tor n flaw so
blundering as to excite the suspicion that
the district atlornoy must have "made a
mistake on purpose. " The same
ex-officials were again indicted two
weeks ago and again the indict
ment was sot aside for another flaw ,
equally blundering and equally sugges
tive , perpetrated by a now district-attor
ney , elected mainly on tlio demand and
promise of reform in that office. Tax
payers and all who are not in the ring
are discouraged , and ono constantly
hears such remarks as , "Well , I'd like to
know if there is an honest man in Law
rence county ? "
by a technicality followed close on the
liools of those , in the same court. Pat
Casey has just boon cleared nnd turned
loose after two vain attempls to got his
case to trial for murder. The crime was
a premeditated nnd cowardly ono , and
the facU were all admitted ; yet the first
grand jury that sat on It found a bill for
manslaughter in the second degree. The
fact that some of the bondsmen of
the accused were allowed to sit in the
{ uryig adduced as an explanation of
his extraordinary indictment. Bo that
as K may , the judge promptly sot the in
dictment aside and remanded the case to
another jury. On the second arraign
ment , this week , the judge quashed the
econd Indictment , on motion of the pris
oner's counsel , on the ground that a
man cannot twice bo put in jeopardy for
the same offense. And by by this legal
Jugglery Casey goes free without being
tried at all. There is a suspicion out that
the Black Hills is getting more law than
Justice ; or , as an old minor expressed it ,
"We're gcttin' a d d sight too civilized
in this country. "
The natural results of these perver-
filons of justice by its chosen agencies be
gins to be seen. Last week at Loaa City ,
abusy mining town three miles from
hero , the people were near to taking the
law into their own hands would have
done so had not circumstances prevented.
W. L. Saokott , an old man of the best
business and social standing , was ac
cused of attempting rape on the eight-
year-old daughter of a minor. A hearIng -
Ing before Justice Monroe resulted in his
discharge , the evidence being deemed
absurdly Inadequate by the judge to hold
him. At once the cry of judicial corrup
tion was raised by the excited mob , who
threatened tiaokett to the extent that ho
fled in terror. The fury of the mob was lev
eled at Monroe , and at an excited public
meeting a committee was appointed to
wait on him and demand his official res
ignation , which ho flatly refused. He es
caped the hands of men who wore hunt
ing for him that night by remaining in
hiding guarded by friends and guns. The
meeting offered a reward for the rear-
rest of Sackett , and ho was brought back
from a town about sixty miles away
whither lie had fled , ana by anothoi
Judge put under bonds to answer the
grnnd jury. Ho is now baok quietly at
work in the Homcstako mills , of which he
is engineer , and all is quiet. The sobei
second thoughts of the Lead Cityite ;
seems to have brought a boiler view ol
Ete case of Sackett , and their own action
now seen to bo but a rash followiuc
of the lawless examples sot by so-called
leading citizens and eke by the chosen
guardians of the law.
was of a more innocent if not loss un
reasoning nature. Some wood-choppcri
came in town the middle of the week
hoavyVith rooks and a secret , whicl
they professed to have found in a caner
about live miles west of town. The town
find its daily papers at once saw a min
ing boom looming up at its very doors ,
Jt was announced that assays of the rook
disclosed extraordinary richness in sll
vor , and away went the whole town irene
ono of those periodical mining crazes elI
I the Black Hills. All available vehicles ,
: private or public , were ordered out , "ther
< there was mounting in hot haste'
1 and a scrub race for the
1 BOW silver deposits. Two hundroc
teams were at one cached in the ravim
, and ns many hundred claims were staked
by excited citizens of every previoui
condition of taidnoii and sobriety. Foi
a few days the town's streets bore a Sab
bath stillness nay , more than that ant
t when there were no more fields to stake
V the people settled down to busino *
x attain , sheepily. and the livery men "re
I > tired to court their ill-gotten gains. " 1
don't suppose now that a Pinkcrton mat
could find with a bench-warrant a BapU
City man who will admit to having taker
any stock in the now silver find. Th <
* ays thus far authentically reported
Rive the now rock silver in quanties vary
ing from thirteen ceuU to the ton to now
Ine mostly the latter. It was a curious
study in morbid mental anatomy , while it
lasted. And the manner in which rival
mining towns comment on Rapid City's
silver boom 13 a study in morbid human
A Foul Nest.
The "Texas" bagnio on Broadway just
west of tlio Northwestern is on a fair road
to bo broken up by the police with the as
sistance of Justice Sclium who is noting
in Iho place of Judge Aylesworth , ho
being at Col fax Springs.
Klehard Baker , who is known as
' "Tex , " with his alleged wife and several
other colored females have kepi ono of
the worst dives in Iho city. It was one of
the first places over visited by the police
in search of crooks after each and every
robbery and has had the reputation of
being the scene of many a robbery where
whisky lias first got control of the victim.
'Squire Schurby his recent ar.t has
put now life into-the cntiro police force
nnd they now believe that thereis ono
on the bench who will deal out
Judge without fear or favor. As a po-
iceman remarked yesterday , "we run ti
big risk in making an arrest ; perhaps
the man wo go after is 'loaded ; ' after
keeping him in jail all night ho stands a
remarkably finu chance of being released
the next morning. This has been the
case time and time again and the police
feel that the risk they often run ,
don't pay for the sentence tlio parties
receive , because wo not only
have to prove 'beyond a reasonable
doubt' that the parly is guilly , but have
had to prove the very strongest kind of a
case in order to have the juclgo even hold
our man. "
In regard to Iho notorious "Tex" crowd ,
Ihoy were arrested for being inmales of a
house of ill-fame. Justice Schurz Satur
day evening sentenced Mary Baker , the
mistress , to the county jail in default of
1800 bonds for her good behavior for ono
year and treated Anna Wood , an inmate ,
to a like sentence ; while Henry Dust , a
lover , was sent to jail in default of $300 ,
his hearing to take place April 5. Rich
ard Baker , "Tex , " was bailed out , John
Dunn being ono of his bondsmen. His
trial also lakes place on April 5.
"Texas" somewhat surprised Iho court
by Icslifylng againsl Ihc two women , and
from the testimony it appears lhat "Tex"
was not a half partner in the enterprise ;
that ho was trying to break np the dive ,
and is willing to let the law take its
course as regards himself provided the
women are sent to jail.
An Incendiary Oanght ;
On Saturday evening while Frank Rom
mel alias Fred A. Johnston , was enquir
ing at the general delivery window for
his mail ho was arrested byShoriil'Suharo
of Nebraska.
It seems that Rommel i ; sffian about
thirty-two years of ago and la charged
with havlbg set fire to the high school
building at Hastings , Neb. , in November
last. After baying been bound over m
the sum of $5,000 at tlio preliminary hear
ing , hold on November 29th , ho was taken
to jail in default of furnishing bonds.
While in jail ho did the janitor work but
on March 10th ho made good his escape.
Rommel's father-in-law was janitor of
the high school building , and it is thought
that ho set fire to it for the purpose of
throwing tlio old man out of a job , as he
had threatened to have the father-in-law
bounced out.
Sheriff Scharc traced Rommel to this
city where ho had obtained u position on
a farm ] ust outside of the city limits , ho
arrived here Saturday and consulted with
Sheriff Reel who laid the plans for tlio
arrest and the two quietly worked to
gether. As Rommel was making inquir
ies at the general delivery window in the
postoflico he was placed under arrest.
Ho offered no rofistauce but accepted the
sheriff's proposition and the two imme
diately loft for Hastings , Neb.
Manager Dohany has received a loiter
from the "Monte Crislo" manager stating
that the statement published in the
Omaha Republican of March 20 , is false.
The statement read : "On account of the
fact that ho has surrounded himself with
a second-rate company and is traveling
on hia former reputation , Manager
Boyd refused to give Jim O'Neill a date
this season. " Charles N. Richards , the
Jarned O'Neill "Monte Cnsto" manager ,
writes : "I cannot understand why such
an article should appear unless they felt
slighted because we won11 play in Omaha
while we giro you two nighta. Our com
pany is the Dame as last season and our
business ha * been betler. I'm under the
impression that we've played to audien
ces fully as capable of judging our merits
as those of Omaha , " and ho encloses
comments of the Kansas City press on
"Monto Cristo" which are flno. The
facts of Iho case are , that O'Neill could
not have been given the dates at the
Boyd that ho wished , as Modjcska is
billed for three nigh la beginning next
Thursday nnd O'Neill will bo at
Dohaay's on Thursday and Friday nights
next , one night of which would nave
been given Omaha had it been possible.
COMING snows.
To-night "Nancy & Co , " play at Do-
Thursday and Friday James O'Neill
and company in "Monte Cnsto. "
April 0. Andre's Alpine choir and try
rolese , also In matinee.
April 33. "A Farmer's Daughter. "
April 88. Thatcher , Primrose & West's
minstrel troupe.
Patting Portal Clerk * .
The case of C. 8. Lawson , who received
an appointment as postal clerk , and who
was refused transportation by the Mil
waukee railway from Council Bluffs tc
Marion , where ho was to take his run , OE
stated in the BEE yesterday , will proba
bly be settled to-day. Lawson has re
colved instructions from J. G. McMas
ters , chief clerk , to make another at
tempt to-day , and if the company refuse
transportation to lock the mall oar and
s send it through. In the latter case it ii
f claimed that the railway company would
bo liable to a heavy tine ; also that the
contract wilh thu company includes the
transportation of postal clerks to and
from the places whore they begin wort
and on all the roads conlcrlnc ; luiro the
postal clerks begin work at the other em
of Iho divisions. It is stated that the re a
son of the Milwaukee's refusal to trans
port Lawsou was on account of the interstate
torstato commerce law , but as.that law
docs not go into effect unlil April 4 then
must be some misunderstanding. Tin
Union Pacific is the first road in thii
vicinity to issue orders to conductors t (
collect fares hereafter from all posta
clerks , and it is possible that some troubh
may arise if the road holds a contrue
which conflicts with their new rulings.
A girl arrived at tha transfer Saturday
morning on the early Kansas City train
and after remaining there until laU
Salurday night , wan brought up town t <
the city jail. She seems to be in rather at
unsound mind , and the authorities wll
to-day try to obtain , from the superintendent
tendent of the poor , transportation u
where her parents reside.
Sue says her name is Anna Scehaso
that her step-father , John Seehase , witl
her mgther reside on a farm neai
Waverly , la. ; that she was chloroformed
and laid on a railroad track by her rela
tlves , discovered by section hands ; sent
to Kansas City ; taken with typhoid-ma
larla ; sent to the hospital , whore she re
mnlccd several months , nnd that the
authorities of Kansas City sent her to
Council Bluffs , stating that her uncle
would meet her at the depot hero. Bho
says that since her sickness her mind has
been affected somewhat ; that now , "my
mind is not quite as bright as il has been
nt times since my illness.1 The poor
girl has hip disease , and is ono of the
most forlorn looking creatures to be
found on the face of the earth.
A rcmarablo and handsome woman is
said to bo Iho moving spirit in a philan
thropic ! movement In Kussh to supply
the poor of that country with Dr. Mull's
Cough Syrup.
In a chronic nnd stubborn case of
neuralgia , gout and rheumatism tiso
Salvation Oil. It is Uie greatest pain
destroyer of the ngCt Price only 23
A Millionaire Butter-Taster.
New York Letter in Clnclnnnll En
quirer : Ono would think that an earth
quake was required to break up the BO
( isli business habits of the American po J
pie. I was looking out of a club
window yesterday at a great , huge gro
cery store opposite , known nil over the
land. There is probably no grocery
firm in America ns well knowt , cer
tainly none in Now York. Said I to a
well-informed person by mo : "Do you
know those grocers ? " "Yes. " said he ,
" 1 go over there lo settle the bills of this
club. Wo buy everything there , liquors
and all. Thai old chap you sco out llicro
is the head of the house. I can ECO by
the way ho is walking that ho has just
come up from down town , where ho lias
been tasting butter. "
"What does ho taste butter for J"
"Why , ho has made his fortune on that.
Ilo is the best iudco of butter ta New
York. Butter in Now York is managed
by n combination ; they fix the prices ,
and nothing much can alter them. It is
one of the great articles at the founda
tion of the grocery business. That old
fellow can put bultcr in his mouth from
anywhere , and can locale it and toll what
Is wrong about it , nnd whether it Is going
to spoil. You can't run any oleomar
garine In on him. "
"Is that the man I have heard the
ladies speak about , who was so sweet
that butler wouldn't molt m his mouth ? "
"There is not much sweet about him , "
said my friend. "Ho is a slave to his
business. Ho began life somewhere
down town about the time wo were born.
Ho had n partner. The Iwo partners are
together yet. They had some $350 apiece ,
saved or borrowed , with which they set up
a grocery store. Ono man slept under
the counter and the other slept on the
counter. They took tiltnrn j u'efhts un
derneath , for tiioro was a bunk , and but
ono. Our old friend over there acquired
his taste for butler at that time. Now the
two partners do a business of $0,000.000
a year. That old fellow you BOO has a
summer place a few miles out of New
York which has cost him $1.000,000. He
told mo not long ago that ho only went
to it on Saturday nights. Sunday morn
ing ho spends looking at his cows nnd
stock to sco that everything is being fed
right. He furnishes n good deal of his
own butler. Ho gets through about
noon on Sunday and then he says that ho
has not ono minute's peace till ho can
take the train that Sunday evening for
New York nnd taslo moro bulter. Ho is
a slave to his business. "
IMPERFECT digestion and assimilation
produce disordered condilions of Iho B.vs-
lenj which grow and are confirmed by
noploet. Dr. J. H. McLean's Strength
ening Cordial and Blood Purifier by its
tonic properties cures indigestion nnd
gives tone to the stomach.
Real Estate Trnnsrern.
Beal estate transfers filed March 25 ,
Mads Toft and wlfo to MarKorothe E Scha-
for. SOxlGift beg at u line of 20tn st , the 70ft
a of sw cor of ground owned by B E B Ken
nedy , w d Sti.vao.
Robt B Jcasup jr to Wm A Morris , lot G blk
3 , Paddock place , w d 84,000.
Win U Morris to Jos W Paddock , lot 0 blk
3. Paddock place , w d 84.700.
Sophia Lowe to Sam D Mercer. lO.OS cres
In IT. 15,13 , o c-8L , .
F 11 Johnson to the Public , plat of leaser's
sub dlv of It 1 blk 5 , Newport.
Michael Lee and wf to John Gallagher , lot
17 Lee's sub dlv of lots 13 19 23 Brookliue ad ,
wd 8250.
Alfred Forraan and wife to Nat Brown , lot
15 of Smith's park odd w d-84.750.
David Jamleson et al to Lulu Inlow w 10ft
of lot 31 and eX lot 29 Hickory place , wd
J Morris Brown and wlfo toJohn F Schon-
Ine lot 20 Clark's add. w d-54,800.
Wm W Thompson et al to Josephine Mar-
tUchanff , lot 13 blk 3 , McCorraicU's 2d add ,
w d sm
Wm W Thomoson etal to Luther L Thomas
lot 14 blk 3 McCormick'8 2d add , w d-8850.
Isaac N Watson to Uichard 0 Pattert > onlot
7 blk ' Patterson's subdlv , w d-8175.
A P Tulcey et al to Albert M kitchen , lot
12 blk 8 , Clarendon add , w d-Sa,000.
IIO Devnes to Frank D Tanner , lot 18 blk
80. Uanscom place , w d 8900.
Ueo F Slebblns to Frank D Tanner , lot 10
blk 20 , Hanscom place , w d-8850.
Edwin S Uood and wife to Frank E Cut
ler , lot 13 blk 4. Albright's annex to South
Omaha , w d-8117.
Wm Gradv to Lyman D Marsh , lot 7 blk 4 ,
Town of Klkhorn , w d 8100.
May B Powell and husband to Woodbrldge
Bros , lots 1 , 4.12 and 13 , blk 4 , Albright's an
nex to S Omaha , wd 81. .
Chas McC'ormlck to Jos L Woods , lots 4. 5 ,
0,7 and 8 , blk 2. McUormlck's 3d add , w a
Wendell Benson and wife to Marc A Up
ton , lot 17 , Benson's subdlv of lots 6 and 7.
blk 80 , S Omaha , w d5,000. .
Albert E Lewis and wife to John N Peters ,
lots , Lewis subdlv of lots 11,13 and 13 , Oka-
homa , w d $850.
Edwin S Rood and wife to May B Powell ,
lots 1.2 , 3 , 4.12 and 13 , blk 4 , lot 21 , blk 6 , lot
0 blk 7. lot 14 blk 8 , all in Albright's annex to
8 Omaha , w d-81,578.
Frank P Itoll and wlfo to Ralph W ITaynes ,
lots 1 and 2 , blk 7 , Jerome park add , w d
Chauncey O Howard and wife to Omaha
Real Estate & Trust Co. all wj < of nejf 35-10-
12. and n 13X acres of nwtf soV 85-10-13 , w d
Reuben Elton to A H Merrill ot al , lot Q ,
blk 73 , S Omaha , w d-81,300.
Edward J Taggart to Boron F Nelson , n 35
ft of lot 8. blk 1 , ldlewlld.add , w d-83,600.
Gee T Walker and wife to A Klein , lots G
and 7 , Pruvn's subdlv of lots 5 and G , Shlnn's
add. w d-83,000 ,
Alice O'lionalioo et al to Jas T Morlarty et
al , lot 6 ot Union Square , w d 83,500.
Newton E Barkalow to Isaac S Jlascall. lot
19 , Barkalow place , a subdlv of blk 14 , West
Omaha add , w d 8550.
Wm U Alexander et al to Wm U Albilght ,
lol 0 , Rees place , w d 87,000 ,
Win U Alexander and wife to Wm G
Albright , beg 2l 7 ft n of sw cor of se4' of 31-
15-13 , n CO ft o IGJtf ft to nw cor of lot 0. Rees
place , thence a along w Hue of lol 6 , CO ft w
to Ix-jr , q 0 81.
II Pearl England to Harry L Stanton , lot
18 , blk 4 , Hawthorne add , w d-Sl.OOO.
Prink R Myers et al to Mary L Watson , 80
acres In 3-15-18 , q c-3500.
Gee G Holmes Ir to the public , plat of
Holmes' add to S Omaha , being in 3-14-13
"Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives
good satisfaction. " The above was
written by Geo. K. Mills , Druggist ,
Hazel Green , Wis.
Young gent ( in furnishing store )
Want to get a box of paper collars , fif
teen an' a half inch , and a satin ncok-tio.
Dealer ( affably ) Yes. sir ; all rignt , sir ;
and how U everything over in Boston ?
RelUr From laillReatlon.
0 231 SECOND AVK.NKW YOBK. Jan. 088. ,
I deem it my pleasure to testify to the
phenomenal effects of BRAHDUETH'S
PILLS , upon myself in eradicating from
my system the most aggravated form of
indigestion , the attacks of which were
nearly as severe as spasms , After a costly
medical treatment two boxes of
UuANiHtETH's PILLS have put me in a
bolter condition than I have been for
years , FUAMK W. GILUTX.
i i
A Famons French General Publishas a
"Handy Fighting. Guldo , "
Do Liceftops Berlin "Sprco" The Ilou-
rleo Dance Itctjdlar llouso-Top
Sinn Emllo Kola'4 Trouble
Spicy Pnrlslau-Gi > s lp.
PAIHS , March 0. [ [ Correspondence of
Iho BKD. ] That amiable Prussian luna
tic , Amicharsis Calovtz , who disappeared
on the scaffold when guillotine industry
was briskest under the first republic ,
malnlalnod society required no leaders ,
no ministers , no government. So think
the anarchists to-day , the merriest fol
lows alive , if only prevented from ever
having a "free hand. " They approach
the conservative strata of society in not
being consistent proof of how nxtroincs
meet. If they were they would suppress
the individualism of the amnestied com
munist , General Clusorct. lie too comes
out in the "plan of campaign , " ns if
ono of thu grout powers lo whom opinion
nlone concedes the speciality .of organ
izing war. because unable to do other
wise. It is said that Arabs and vultures
have the pifl of smelling coming gun
powder in the air. So apparently docs
the general , since ho publishes a "handy
guide , " how to compel regular troops to
demolish cllies they Intend to protect.
IIo says : In the presence of magazine
rifles , communists would bo nowhere in a
street fight. Their duty , when Iho day
of glory comes to wipe out the middle
classes , then consists to wriggle into
mansions , like clowns , monkeys , or
burglars , and from every cogn of vantage
lire from under cover , down on the troops
in Iho street. The throwing out of the
windowd of furniture , pots , pans , and
kettles , etc. , are obsolete lactics. The
now departure will compel cilhcr the
soldiers to "walk into the parlor , "
where the conditions of killing will bo
moro equal , or will force the arlillory to
shell down the houses , and so level the
capital. Ot course Ihe reil palriols
would bo buried in the ruin , as if caught
in a lirst-class earthquake ,
0 will bo tenants , and possibly soldiers.
What do orderly people desire ; clearly
ou cannot make an omolctto without
> reaking the eggs. Sismograuhs , or
earthquake indicators , are now selling on
, (10 ( boulevards for two sous each. 'Iliey
supply a much "long felt want. " To
anticipate Cluscrots at work , a "Coin-
muno indicator" should bo in every nur
sery like a bottle of squills , or in a gcii-
tloraan'a library , as the book that it
should never bo without.
If Major von Pfislor's appetilo for sau
sage and salt cabbage bo on a par with
what ho displays for French terrilory , ho
must bo tuo heir direct of Sarganlus. In
his audacious demands for "moro , " ho
surpasses Oliver Twist.1 Ho requires the
departments of the Nerd and the Arden
nes , to bo united to Belgium imd Holland ,
and all swept into that drag-net the
Germanic confederation. Doubtless it is
out of consideration for his majesty's
heavy fall in the royal ball room while
dancing , which prevents Iho major in
cluding Denmark in the territorial
sweepstakes. As appetite comes in cat-
ing , the major further demands live other
departments mi tim otibt , tu rurm two
new Gormanio duchies. To prove that
there is no exclusively anti-French feel
ing in this dismemberment , Germany
inlands also to absorb Iho Tuetonic spetil
ing portion of Switzerland ; that is , the
three-fourths of the republic. Napoleon
1 was more greedy since in his day ho
took it all. The series of impartial taxes
will be closed , at the expense of the
Austnansor Irredentists by the annexa
tion of Trieste for a southern Hamburg.
* *
Perhaps it js to ward off these prospec
tive amputations , that M. do Lesseps has
returned to the work of his early oflieial
, a despatch carrier , by visiting
Saars , and enjoying the "spree. " He is
capital in cutting through obstructions ,
and if bo succeeds in. bringing
about a mutual disarmament of Germany
and Franco , he will merit not only a free
tomb in the Pantheon , but later on , can
onization. As for decorating him with
any order , ho has no room in his house
for any more ; oven the garret helps to
store them away. Only think , that while
so many persons are in Iho dumps , and
feeding on crack o1 doom liloralure , the
Auvorgnats have no othtfr wrongs to be
righted , no other obstacle to enjoy the
cup of overflowing happiness , than to
bo allowed to dance , in tuo public halls ,
their time-honored hop , skip and jump
the Bourioe. Thnv have petitioned the
municipal council , section fine arts , to
grant their prayer.
The Auvergnats naturally come from
Aiiverguo as bishops from priests and
deacons. They number in Pans alone ,
upwards of 00,000 ; like the Israelites , they
view Paris as their abiding city. They
are the hewers of wood and drawers of
water ; they discharge tlio public func
tions of coal men , water-carriers Aqua
rius is their patron saint , commission-
naircs , porters and the lowest born of
wine shops and eating houses the
traiteur , of late these latter have gene
in for literature , as they sell newspapers
and all the penny aupul publications ;
they speculate also in fruits in their dull
season. The Auvergnats arc powerfully
built men ; like the Chinese when they
make a fortune , they return homo to
spend it ; only on their native heath uro
they extravagant ; hero the oldest inha bi-
lant never saw an Auvergnat give a sous
to a beggar , or a subscription card to
convert Jews , or ill-conducted Gentiles.
Ho surpasses a Normaud in driving a
hard bargain , but unlike his rival , he ab
hors law suits. The Auvorgnat girls are
famed for their chastity > and domestic
virtues. , <
* * + i. '
The Bourleo dance is objected to as
bordering on the can-can , and the
Alnccs. T his is its abused form and not as
il was danced by Marguerite do Valols ,
who , having very prolty legs , wore the
short pipon lo show the ro , oil' It was she
who introduced the .tlfjnco at court ,
and where it reigned , , under Louis
XIII. It was too much of a gesture
dance for salons , or thoonora. ( It is stilt
the popular dance in Auyargno , the moro
devoted districts , especially on Sundays
and fetes , to the sound < , of a fife , a drum
and a fiddle , a hurdy gurdy , or women
singing ; it unites the BcoTch reel , the Irish
jig with Iho brogues ; tao'English , herr
pipe and the American clog dance. Anc
it U still more than these , nnd yet not
positivelv gay. It is boisterous house
play set to music. The men look well in
their bine cloth costumes , wide brim soft
hats or red night caps , or large mantle
coals striped red and blue. Mo class o :
men , so blow is their gait as a rule , would
derive more benefit from "taking the
floor , " and klekiug up a dust. If they be
debarred the right of self-animation by
leg-whirliuc , they ought to roceiro as
compensation gratuitous ami periodica
eloctrio shocks from the municipal "bat
teries. "
M. Camilla Flammarion has hitherto
devoted his life to stars and nebula ; he is
supposed to live on the summit of some
observatory , or on the top of a tower like
Simeon Styliles. It is on the roof of bis
house that he receives his friends , and at
bu country villa be gives his dinner
parties up in n couuloof elm trcos. When
particularly-wanted ho will bo "not at
home , " but gone ballooning as others defer
for a carriage drive ; ho has no stables but
keeps a few ballons under a shed in the
city gas works , nnd gives by telephone
the order to "inflate" as others do to
yoke. M. Flammarion considers the time
rlpo for an International handling of
earthquakes , just like a collective sitting
on the Suez canal , the Egyptian 'or Iho
Bulgarian question ! ) . Ho thinks it full
time to start a project to examine Iho
cenlral lire of the earth and discover
what is going on there. Stanley
is elsewhere engaged to conduct a
forlorn hope , nnd Arctic voya
gers have their special unknowns to look
after. He proposes that all the European
powers subscribe to dig an immense pit-
not a cock-pit as many miles dcon ns
the borers can pcnolrale , till scorching
point. This fire brigade is to bo com
posed of soldiers from nil states , the Bis
marck Pomeranian Included ; while firing
below this would keep the soldiers from
hring at each oilier ou the surface of the
carlli. Having once tapped the central
furnace , Iho heat could bo utilized for
many purposes pipe laid down to warm
say cold climate ? , and save people going
to the Rivloras to bo earthquakco. M.
Flammarion simply wants to boycott
earthquakes. Ho does not consider the
Yankees , with their half-million dollars ,
a serious boring scheme. Why not con
sult M. do Lossops ? There nro many
"openings" for Ihu company Elna , Ve
suvius , Hccla ; in Now Zoalaml.tho Andes ,
etc. Some might consider Mon to Carlo
ns Iho most suitable site for the mouth of
nny pit in search of the infernal regions.
The Earthquake Journal , just brought
out , should deal with this burning ques
tion. Perhaps Mr. Gladstone might take
up Vulcan > vhon he has finished with
Emilo Zolo had boiler look to his lau
rels. Ho has already been iusllgalod for
ninny lilcrury sins of commission ; ho
nearly caused the Midden death of a pro
fessor ot natural history by describing
shrimps being caught led not in a pot ,
but all alive in the sea. Jules Janiii
maintained the same horcsov , but on a
bigsor scale , respecting lobstersthe "car
dinals of Iho sea. " Zola has inn foul ,
too , of geography by alluding to ship
ments of watches from Geneva into
Franco. Doubtless the vessels
were commanded by a Swiss ad
miral. Ho also alluded to the glorious
singing of the nightingales m
" " ho when
"September ; perhaps means
"llicy were baked in a pic , " ns that is
the mono.- they uro sent to the Paris mar-
sot from Italy. They come into season
with froga'thighs and vineyard-some add ,
churchyard snails. However , it is in
discovering social filth , nnd dishing it
up , that tolu is run close by M. Mace , ex-
doteclivo of Paris police.
M. Mace assorts it is unjust for the
French to believe the English pickpock
ets are the most export , and responsible
for all the purses and watches y/h'ich / dis
appear unexpectedly from the gaze of
their owners. May this be the com
mencement of nnjscablo relations not
the queen's pooches point of view be
tween t'ue two nations ! The English
pickpocket saves himself by prudence ;
only has one pull in a crowd , und then
walks off to some other point of Paris ;
the detectives can hardly keep pace with
him ; ho operates best on n race course.
The German pickpocket's specially is to
hang about banks , knock against his
victim , when the latler , in his confusion ,
is cleaned out. The Spanish pickpocket
has for hunting ground the churches ; his
extreme dovollon is blind ; he will over bo
laden with chaplets , prayer books , elc. ,
and when arreslod , implores to bo al
lowed to ofler up a few appeals to some
saints. Tlio most perfect pickpocket is
Uiu Italian ; ins uujuuiu.y is marvellous ,
but his self confidcnco is his ruin ; had
ho the prudence of his English confrere ,
he would be invincible.
M. Mace gives some wise counsch ; in
railway traveling avoid accepting cigars ,
eatables or drinkables , or books to read ,
from persons yon do not know. Timeo
Danes et dona perentes. Also , the best
way to avoid having your pockets picked
is to have nothing in them. Such is not
always practicable in this vale of tears ;
well , divide tbo risk ; keep coppers in
some , silver in another , gold in n third ;
your purse will bo thus empty ,
and the thief who steals
it , will agrco with Shakespeare
that it is "truth. " Keep notes apart
Pickpockets are , as a rule , solitary.
Some are well-to-do citizens , keep eating
houses , dram shops , or are tobnconists.
The Paris delcclivo force is not up to the
mark ; they are underpaid 1.4CO to 1,700
francs a year , and the candidates selected
nro too virtuous. It would seem Vidocq's
standard is best , perhaps : "Sot a thief to
catch a thief. " This famous predecessor
of M. Mace duly graduated in prison for
robbery , and the ability of the Russian
spies is duo to the same doctrine of
"selection. "
Lcclorc is a broken down printer , nged
thirty-four. He is all head and almost
no body. His wife is twenty-eight , comely
nnd to a degree , idiotic. The husband
had no money to pay his men , the wife
renewed ante-nuptial relations with Kit-
tor , a manufacture ! * of printing ma
chinery , he lent her money against her
adultery. She arranged with her hus
band to squeeze "capital" out of him.
She wired to Hitter , who was married ,
father of a family , and debauche , to come
to her residence. Ho did so. When In
the bedroom , the husband entered ,
wanted the outrage to be compromised
then ana there , by Hitter signing blank
bills. Ho refused. A struggle ensued
between the men. As Rittor was escap
ing down stairs Leclcro iired a revolver ,
hilling Ritter in the stomach. The men
closed again till the police were called.
Killer died two days later. The wife
confessed hcv husband planned the plot
and fha had but to obey.
Less tragical is a nigger. He went on
crutches , bad an enormous wooden lee ,
and a Iri-colorcd scarf round his head
lo work tlio mine of pity and patriotism.
The police took stock of this "black
flag" vagrant. In his wooden log was a
cavity filled with trinkets , purses and
watclics , tlio crutches nt Iho hand-rests
were similarly hollow , and commencing
to bo filled with valuables , like the
wooden member.
Tlio municipal council have arranged
with thu police lo henceforth suppress all
tlio open-air betlni" shops on the race
courses , whether held under Sally lAirnp
umbrellas , or on the top of a mail coach ,
or in a cab. Ono layer of corruption will
thus bo carted away , and the race course
vans and their loads of shady occupants
and lame ducks will be numbered with
the past as effectually as French kings and
emperors ; only members of the Jockey
club , or the "paddock people , " will be al
lowed to gamble. Some privileges still
exist in Franco ; perhaps the distinction
will in time be abolished. It is only now ,
after seventeen years of republic , that
the arms of the second umpire are to be
supcrceded on passports.
A wrinkle , for tue charitable : bequeath
a small annuity to supply a certain num
ber of bouquets weekly to hospital wards ,
and order a permanent subscription to
some illustrated paper. Gentle reader ,
observe in the wafting room of n dentist'
surgery , where painless extraction takes
place , only Picture papers are to be
found , or , as in one fashionable dentist's ,
who has musical borces grinding the
merriest and most soolhing nerve airs.
Janie reiterates his belief that the supe
riority of English over French literature
is duo to the English being a more car
nivorous people. This is corroborated
by Michelot , who attributes the genius of
Shakespeare to kis having been once a
v >
butcher's boy. In the physical sense
Dr. Johnson supports the theory by his
maxims "Ho who denies fat men , should
himself bo fat. "
Fond parents , undecided as ton choice
between n chromo of a out nnd a whole
melon , Young artistic son : "Tako that
picture , pa , because the melon is not
cut. "
rmardd wttb itHct regud to Pnrllr , Btoengfli , an&
lleaJlbfalctea. ttr.I'rico'B DikingPowdereonttlna
no AmmoniaUmo.Alum or PhophMoa. . Dr.Prlco'e . ,
g-- * * Y" " * * * " - " * * - -ii-i -
Red Star Line
Carrying tlio Belgium Itoj-nl Rnj United States
Mall , sailing every Saturday
Between Antwerp & New York
To thcllhliic , Germany , Italy , Hol
land and France ,
Bnlon from $60 to $75. Excursion trip from
f 110 to f 125. Second Ciibtn , outwnrtl bound , tl'i ;
prepaid , f 15 ; excursion , f UO. Btccrntro pnisaira
at low rules. Peter Wrlirht & Sous , Uoncnil
Acronts , C > 5 Broadway , New York.
Henry Pundt , 1318 farnam St. ; Paulson & Co. ,
ICSFarnam St. ; U. O. Freeman. 1.U4 Karnam.
. . .
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado ,
Of Ihe Missouri Stale Museum of Anatomy ,
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , Gicsen , Germany and JJew
York , Having devoted their attention
Nervous , Me aid
More especially those arising from impru
dence , invite all so suffering to correspond-
thout delay. Diseases of infection and
conlagion cured safely and speedily wilh-
oul detention from business , and without
the use of dangerous drug ? , Pa
tients whose cases have been neglected ,
badly treated or pronounced incurable ,
should not fail to write us concerning their
symptoms. All letters receive immediate
And will be mulled FREE to any .iddicss
on receipt of one 2 cenl stamp , "practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion. " to which U aMnon \
' Essay on Marriage , wilh important chap
ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or
gans , the whole forming a valuable medical
treatise which should be read by all young
men. Address.
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado.
1707 Olive St.St. Louis , Mo.
Ono Agent ( M rcnant OHIO wnntxl In txrnr town for
Everybody wants "Tanslll's Punch" 60 clear
now ; tney wore always Rood butot late they
have improved. 1 Iionrtlly approve of your
way of doing business , you are euro to hold aud
Increase your triulo.
A. AHKNDDruggist , ChlcnffO , III.
ion a. w. TANSiu&co.a\m \
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up. Capital $250,000
Burplub' 40,000
H. W. Yates , President
A. E. Touzalin. Vine President
W. H. S. Hughes , Cashier.
DiUECTons :
W. V. Morse , John S. Collins ,
H. W. Yates , Lewii S. Bead ?
A. E. Touzalin.
Cor. 12th and Farnam Sta.
A General Banking Business Transacted.
DrDr. 8n fllk r1i method. No operation : No Palni
No Detention from builneii. Adinted to children
11 well u grown paopla. Hundred * ot aulogroh
tlnionJali on die. All builnoti > ( rlctlconflden
Room 0 , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha , Nob.
Warranted to neither break down or
roll up In woar.
Kit e ndn without K1BO itinprt u ImUe f t nit
Try 111 H win Mt T" tH t If nrr
1887 Spring Valley SUck Farm 1887.
George Wilke 610. Record 2:29. :
Mouurcd by 8:90 : , the 8:25 : and the 8:30 stand
ird ; was the irreatuit that ever lived. Having
now 65 eon * and daughters in tu iiUU lUt down
to : UV.
The only son ot Qeoriro Wllkes In the State ot
8041 Slack Wilke * 3841 Standard.
Hired by Georpe Wllkef 61 ! lut dam Fanor
flail , tired br Confederate Chlof , own brother
to Woodford Chief. Ui ! S < : 2nd dam U/tdjrk' *
Harablotonlan. Will stand for marcs at the
abore farm at $36 the e on , cosh time of er-
vice , with privilege of return should raaroi not
prove In fool. Limited to 20 raaroi bealdei tnr
own. Boason commences Fob. 1st and end *
Aurnit l t,1837. for further particular *
tordrcuur. .
" "
"With the approach of spring
and the increased interest man
ifested in real estate matters ,
I am moro than over consult
ed by intending purchasers aa
to favorable opportunities for
investment , and to all such
would say :
When putting any Proper
ty on the market , and adver
tising it as desirable , I have
invariably confined myself tea
a plain unvarnished statement
of facts , never indulging in
vague promises for the future ,
and the result in qvory case
has been that the expectations
of purchasers were more
than realized. I can refer -with
pleasure to Albright's Annex
and Baker Place , as sample it
Lots in 'the "Annex" have
quadrupled in value and are
still advancing , while a street
car line is already building
past Baker Place , adding hun
dreds of dollars to the value of
every lot.
Albright's Choice was se
lected by me with the greatest
care after a thorough study
and with the full knowledge
of its value , and I can consci
entiously say to those seeking
a safe and profitable invest
ment that
Albright's Choice
offers chances not excelled in
this market for a sure thing.
Early investors have already
reaped large profits in CASH ,
and with the many important
improvements contemplated ,
some of wh'ich are now under
way , every lot in this splen
did addition will prove a bo
nanza to first buyers.
Further information , plats
and prices , will bo cheerfully
furnished. Buggies ready at all
times to show property.
Respectfully ,
218 S. 15th Street
Branch office at South Omj
ha ,
N. B. Property for sale in all
parts of the city
. . .
BpMM ii < u .f * &