THE DAILY BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. rows or BunscntrnoS ! Dud ? ( Mnrnln ? Edition ) Including Sunday DRI , Ono Vonr. . . . . . . . . . . . . $10 09 Tor Blx Month * . * 00 KorThreoMonthn . S M Tlie Omahn Sunday UKK , mailed to nnr address , Ono Yoor. . , . 2W OMABA Omnt. No. mi AND 01 FAimM Brniin1. Mtv route orncr. lloou is. Tniiicxr IIBIMIINO. WAKUIMUTOV orricc. No. M FOURTCEMTU Sinn r. All communication * relating to noffS nnd edi torial matter olioukl be mMroisod to the EDI- Ton or THE lint. All business letter * nnd remittance * iihould bo Mdrenod to TIIR USB PUBLISHINO Com-ANr , OMAHA. Drafts , chock * and pofttoffloo orders to be made pnjrable to the order of the company , THE BEE POeilSHIKTiMW , PROPRIETORS , E. KOSEWATER , Enrron. THE DAILY BEE. Sworn Statement of Circulation , BUtoof Nebraska , I. . County of DoiiKlas.f8'8' Oco. 1J. Tzschuck , secretary of The Hce Publishing company , does solemnly swear that the actual circulation of the Dally lice tor the week ending Mar. 25th 16(57 ( , was as > 8aturdaV.Mar.19 14.TO 8unday.Mtir.80 13.075 Monday. Mar. 21 " ,800 Tuesday. Mar. 22 14.815 Wednesday. Mar.KJ 14.8T Thursday. Mar. 24 14.5.X ) Friday , Mar. 25 .14.605 Avcrace 14.423 tiEO. B.'IZSCHDCK. Subscribed nnd nwornUobefore uie.thls20th day of March A. D. , lbS7. N. P. FKIL. ISEALI flotarv Public. Oeo. B. 't'zschuck , being first duly sworn , deposes nnd says that ho is secretary of The 13ce Publishing company , that the actual av- eratro daily circulation of Uie Dally Bee for tbcmonthof March , I860.11.C37 copies : for April , 1880,12,101 copies : forfor May , 1888,12 , . 430 copies ; for June , 18SO , 12,29s copies ; for July , 1BS6 , 12,314 copies ; for Aueust , 1888 , 18,404 copies ; for September. 1880 , 13.030 copies ; for October , 1SS > 8. 12,981) ) copies ; for November , lbW5 , 13,348 copies ; for December. 1686.13,237 copies ; for January , Ib87. 10,200 I copies ; for February , 1887 , 14,193 copies. ! OKO. B. TzBcirccK. Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo this 9th day of March , A. 1) . 18S7. fBEAL. I N. P. VEIL. Notnrv Public. IT will bo a matter of great interest to sco if Mr. Slaytcr returns in tiruo to vote ngalnst the anti-gambling bill. IONOIUNQ the present snow sfora wo lake tRo liberty to remark that all indi cations point to an early spring. THE Missouri river continues bank full. The difference in the Missouri river am the Lincoln railroad lobby when full , is that the river hurries away. I THE New Jersey legislature passed a law regulating the tonfals of telephones Watson's bill in the Nebraska legis lation has certainly boon lost. Wrrn Barnurn and Colonel Buffalo Bill in Europe this summer , the populace of the old world will gain now knowl edge of this "bloorain * country. " Bv tbo first of July our citizens wil have an opportunity to ride in cable cars Omaha not only keeps apace with its boom , but m enterprise continues to load. Wrrn Sherman's visit to the south am Blnino's contemplated visit to Ireland , i is barely possible that a great prcsidcn tial boom will bo worked up for some body. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IT is thought that all the discussion about heating cars with stoves will cause tbo railroad companies to do away with such a heating apparatus during the , next lire months , , THE four days to intervene before the I legislature adjourns will seem long and i tedious , but the consolation is in tbo fact I that tbo statesmen will not bo called | upon for an extra session. HAD the libel law introduced by Snoll become a law , the BEE could not have re- lerred to Mr. Agco as a jackass without giving that noble animal a chance foi redress by suing the Hamilton dado for damages , _ _ . _ TIIR bill creating a state oil inspcctoi lias passed both houses. The governors' ' signature is nil that is required to make it a law. It i * said that thcro are over one hundred applicants for the position ot inspector. THE SUNDAY BEE yesterday was ar , excellent publication. Not filled witt page advertisements , but Just enough "business in it to aivo variety , itcontiuuoc io confirm the opinion that it is at the liead ot western newspapers. THE boodling members of the judici ary committee are respectfully invited to read the columns ot this paper. A mo tion to lay the evidence on the table is not in order. The people , to whom It b ubmlttcd , reserve tbo right to act upon It , IT would appear from an article else Where this morning that the editor of thi : paper had returned. It would also ap pear that it would have been money it the pockets of some members of the Judiciary committee bad King Phrxraol never tried to cross the Red Sea. A UKruTAULE citizen in the western part of the state has sued a country news paper for libel , for publishing the stato- nient that the gentleman was a ruombei of the twentieth legislature. If ho sue cceds In getting a jury of twolvp mot who have not expressed an opinion 01 the subject it is possible that the wrongot junn will recover heavy damages. THE Denver ( Colo. ) Rocky Mduutaii Jfews of March 25 has the following bear Ing upon the insurance company ro eontly exposed in these columns : "State Auditor Kiugsley yesterday submitted t < the legislature a supplemental repor based upon his investigations into thi Beatrice , Nob. , company. Ho assert that the charges ngalnst the compan ; re false as to form , because in lu poll' clos the company does not agree to pa : to the beneficiary any definite amount bat agrees to pay only the yield of the aa MMBienU. The charges are , however rell based , because the agent of the com pany represents to the people that the } mil receive stated amounts. As a mat tft of fat the association does not agre I * give ( be itated amount , as repre V Mated y the agent , so thai the policy * * holders , taoogk they got what U foi isally stipulated la Uie contract , do &o fat what thtT are lead to expect. " 'VJ.vW To tbo flonso of representatives. In preferring charges of conspiracy nnd bribery against members of your ju diciary committee without naming each member implicated I was conscious of ho reflection cast by my charge upon nembcrs of the committee whoso con duct had been unimpeachable. I felt the stigma cast upon them temporarily ns keenly as any member innocent of the chnrgc. On the dny on which my com plaint was made pttblio I gave personal assurance to three mcmbcri of the com mittee namely , Messrs. Andrews , Me- Conaupby nnd Smyth that I should nt nn early day set them right beforolho pub lic. My motive for withholding from the liouso the names of members whom I be lieved to bo implicated was bccauso the proofs with regard to some were conclu sive to my mind , whllo others were merely subject to suspicions which upon thorough investigation might prove un founded. Any honest and honorable member of the Judiciary committee could safely have trusted his reputation with bis colleagues in the investigating com mittee whlph was chosen by the speaker from among the most Impartial nnd re putable men m the houso. This commit tee would scarcely have made a report to blacken any man's reputation whoso conduct had bncn above reproach. Their report could not have been an arbitrary verdict , intentionally biased , since it had to be based upon sworn testimony taken down verbatim by n sworn shorthand re porter , ami made part of the committee's findings. The charges of conspiracy , in volving ns they did members and out siders , could only have been properly in vestigated by separating the witnesses implicated lu the plot to defeat the anti- gambling bill. Had this course been pursued I feel confident that the house would long since have been in full pos session of the facts. A reactionary policy was , however , adopted through the efforts of the very parties most concerned in preventing an impartial and thorough inquiry. When the original committee met I promptly placed into its hands nil the facts known to mo as well as the names of witnesses by whom I expected to substantiate the charges. Tho.ordorof the house to the reorganized committee to receive no tes timony unless taken in the presence of all members of the judiciary commiUee. ruled out my sworn memoran dum. To leave it with the committee under the conditions imnosod was simply to place the con spirators in possession of the testimony I expected to produce and give thorn ample time to drill or spirit away wit nesses upon whom I had to rely. As a matter of precaution I recalled my memo randum. Its surrender by the- chairman of the investigating committee was emi nently proper , since it could not bo used ns testimony until my consent was given to have it read before the members chnrged with misconduct. The discharge by the liouuo of the in vestigating committee and the implied exoneration of all parties impli cated impels mo now to make public the full particulars as tiled with the original investigating com mittee. Whether the house of represen tatives sees lit to stultify itself by ignor ing the charges is to mo a matter of su preme indiaoronco , excepting so far as it affects the reputation of the state , which every honorable citizen desires to uphold. If members of the house will take the trouble to carefully read the narrative which is presented in this paper they will realize the enormity of the con spiracy which I have considered it my duty to expose. The fact that a largo sum of money had boon raised by interested parties at Omaha and Lincoln to defeat the anti- gambling bill , is an open secret. It was not only charged by myself , but admitted by Omaha editors through the columns of their papers the day after my charges were made public. The fact that mem bers of the judiciary committee had ] solicited bribes from Keepers of Omaha gambling houses was made known to me by the parties who had boon approached preached and who had raised funds to meet the demand. Congressman McShano , ono of the pro prietors of the Herald , has corroborated thpir admissions and in formed mo since the charges wcro brought that these parties had com plained to him about the attempt of mem bers to bleed them and ho had advised against the payment of such bribes , Having done my duty m the light in which I see it , I can afford to rest the case with the public , if the house doet not see lit to take further action. E. ROSEWATER. The Bnllno Land Grab. The persistency with which the Lin coin Saline land syndicate are log-rolling their grab through the legislature it worthy of a bettor cause. At first the ] asked the legislature to grant them the right to purchase a section of Saline lands on which the syndicate hold a lease for forty-eight years longer. As thoj were the only parties that could afford tc bid for the land encumbered with such i lease it became a mottor of vital impor tanoe to the state to limit the price al which the land should bo sold. With tliii end in view the house directed th ( speaker to appoint a committee to in spcct and appraise the land. The com mlttco was duly appointed by thespoakei from among the most disinterested nnc unapproachable members. They viowec the land nnd brought in a report , placing its value at no less than $500 per acre The syndicate wcro equal to the cmer gcncy. They had the committee dis charged and a new ono appoiutod , willing - ing to do its biddings. The now committee mittoe , after partaking of the now fa mous supper at the Windsor , made a re port which will meet the approval of tiu syndicate. Instead of 1500 per-acrc thi lands are appraised at from $100 to $301 which means , perhaps , $150 , or lesi than one-third of the valuation put upot them by the first co mmltteo. As usua with such jobs , the conditions imposci are such as to mislead the unsuspecting and satisfy the jobbers. Instead of a ful section only 810 acres are U be sold this time , and iusteui of BeMlnp the whole tract to on < party , the land is to bo subdivided intc forty-acre tracts. This departure frorr the original plan doesn't in any waj mend the matter. It still leaves the syndicate dicato in position to bid in every fort ] aero piece , because no other purchase ) would risk bhj money cm land covered bj a forty-eight year lease. The 840 acres whieh the syndicate ante to purchase this year , will very naturalli be carved out of the most valuable porUot . . of the section which they now occupy. Two years hence the same old syndicate will besiege the legislature with another lobby , and with a much better prospect of acquiring the unsold fraction than they I'avo this year and purchasing the 210 acres. Once let the state sell any part of this land , which heretofore has been held in reserve , and the precedent will of course bo followed by disposal of the rest nt nlmost any price the syndicate are willing Io pay. At an average of $150 per aero the state will realize $30,000. At $500 per acre , which the first committee regarded as a fair valuation , the state would realize $130,000. In other words the syndicate can afford to spend $25,000 in pulling this bill through the legislature and still pocket $50,000. No wonder they have provided sumptuous suppers for the com mittee , nnd placed at the disposal of the legislature elegant carriages to wheel them around the suburbs of the capital city. Why they should have held this deal back until the eleventh hour just when the legislature is about to adjourn , can only bo explained ou the ground that the measure is not a clean ono. It car ries the stamp of jobbery plainly on its face. A Reassuring Promise. The country will bo very well satisfied if thei tatcmcnt from Washington that Mr. Fairchild is to succeed Mr. Manning as secretary of the treasury proves to bo well founded. Ho has practically admin- stored the affairs of the department for nearly a year past , and whatever success lias attended that administration is really due to him. Mr. Fairuhild is doubtless not so learned in the abstruse theories of finance ns Mr. Manning. The country will not get from him such elaborate nud > ollslicd essays covering the whole rangn of political economy. But thcro is rea son to believe that ho is quite us practi cal as the late secretary , nnd far more ready to surrender his preconceived opinions when they seem to bo in con- Ilict wUh prevailing conditions. It has been demonstrated within the past year that it was necessary and wise to depart from the Procrustean policy of Mr. Man ning , and it was well for the country that there was a man in the treasury to as sume the duties of its administration who had the judgment to sco this nnd the courage to do it. Otherwise the business situation in this country nt this time might be deplorable. There is still need of a man at the head of that department who is not merely a theorist. The treasury is likely to have nn important part to play before the close of the pres ent year in connection with the financial interests of the country. Thcro was sig nificance in the remark of Senator Sher man nt Cincinnati on Saturday that ho hoped Secretary Fairchild might bo able to relieve the business world. His ap pointment would give confidence that whenever Tcliof shall bo required ho will at least bo willing' logo to the full length of his lawful powers to afford it. * Such reassurance would of itself bo worth a great deal in dispelling distrust and al- layiug apprehension , which are the germs of panic. Tnc power of the corporations is still ctrmia in tlio larriolatura ot P iiiayl > Mk ! i , and their creatures in that body nro ns obstinate and defiant ns over. In the course of a discussion recently on an anti-discrimination bill ono of the de fenders of the railroads declared that the policy of those corporations was "none of the people's business. " It is of course generally understood that this is the sen timent by which the corporations in Pennsylvania and elsewhere are guided , but it is only rarely that one of their rep resentatives or apologists shows the cour age to proclaim it. It is a mistaken view , which the corporations are beginning to discover , nnd which will bo made more apparent to them in time. The wrongs that have boon done and the injuries that have been wrought through the utterly selfish policy of the corporations will not bo allowed to continue unchanged. There is no state in which the destructive effects of this policy are moro marked thun in Pennsylvania , for the reason that rail road domination and abuse , of the pee ple's rights have been carried there to the farthest limit. The corporations yield their grip with obstinate reluctance , but it is loosening and must ultimately give way altogether. CONGRESS failing to make an appro priation to furnish powder for the salutes on Governor's island , it is thought that this old custom will bo dispensed with , It takes about fifteen pounds of powder , or $3 worth , to fire at the sun , which ia an expense of $14,000 per year. Speak ing of the sunset gun , a Now York paper says it gives the shipping in the harbor notice when to out out their signal lanterns and reminds the lighthouses when to light their lamps. It shakes the tramps off tbo Battery benches and wakes them up. People in the lower part of the city wind their watches by it. It is a signal to many people in factories in the seventh and eighth stories of tall buildings that their day's work is nearly over and that it is about tirno to return tc the earth ngain. It makes all the tene ment houses rattle , and furnishes cheap excitement to those who live in Budden- sick lints. " WE cannot comprehend why the county commissioners should meddle with the private concerns of County Clerk Need- ham. He derives his authority as an of ficer from the same source that they do. He ought to have the right to employ whom ho plenties ns deputies and copy ists , providing they are competent and honest , and do their work faithfully. He is responsible for their conduct and cer tainly ought to know best what persons can work with him In harmony. The less the commissioners meddle the bettor it will bo for them and .the public inter est When Mr. Nondbara neglccta hie duty or converts funds to bis own use that do not belong to Him it will be in order for the commissioners to step in and take posse ssion of the ofllco. THERE is moro money for boodlors in sight in the saline land grab than there was in the anti-gambling bill. The gamblers conld not raise much over sis thousand. The syndicate could see thai and raise them twenty or thirty thousand moro. WHEN the conspiracy and bribcrj charges wore read to th house two weeks ago Slater rose in hit eat to call the Almighty to witness that be had not been boodlod to mutilate the Omaha charter , but he did not call on high heaven to establish kU ianoceuce of the criminal conspiracy to defeat the gambling bill. Slater is n bold , bad man , uut reckless and corrupt as ho is , ho lacked the courngo'to invoke n stroke of paralysis by calling the Almighty ns n witness of Ens entire innocence. WHEN Thurston's oil rooms nt Lin- coin arc closed , 'arid 1'nul Vnndcrvoort drops off the pay-roll of the Union Pacific , that company may -ho in condition to sot nsido Rome of ilsearning for much needed Improvements at .Omaha and along its lino. Tun now south is unquestionable en joying a wonderful boom. Yet after all the settlement and development of the now west surprises tlio world , Come west , young man , here nro the golden opportunities. THE best thine the pool holder of the gambling fraternity at Lincoln can do is to open another bank and win back the money that has been advanced to the judiciary boodlers. THE next boom wo look for is the boom of the Missouri river. NKUUASKA JOTTINGS. I'onca is a "gem" crow town. Hastings is talking for n union dopot. The Cedar Rapids Era has been swal lowed by the Republican. A flour mill with n capacity of 100 bar rels n day is to bo built at Wisner. Plattsniouth will celebrate tlio comple tion ot her waterworks next wrok. A son of Farmer Murray , of Blair , lost a leg in a stalk cutter last week. Three miles of street railway will bo planted in Grand Island this year. The Dakota City Eagle is now perched on the feed-board of a new power press. A branch of the Burlington & Missouri is to bo built from Ravenna to Loup - Itjr.Over Over 11,000 men nro now cngngeU in building the Hock Island extensions in Nebraska nnd Kansas. Waterworks nro a certainty in Fulls Jity and electric lights arc next on the list of improvements. The Missouri river is endeavoring to effect a close alliance with Omaha by cutting n short line from Florence to this city.A . A burglar raided the Edwards resi dence in Hastings Thursday night , nud leared a watch aud $200 worth of silver ware. J. Kocnigstcin offers to build a $20,000 , hotel in Norfolk provided the citizens loan him $10,000 for a year without interest. A called "twclvc-and-a- new game , - - - hnlft" is the latest craze in Grand Island. It stimulates enterprise at the rate of twofer for a quarter. Juniata has appointed a committee to secure the extension of the Klkhoru Val ley road from Hastings , nnd will give a bonus for the boon. The evidence of now life nnd activity in Nebraska City is multiplying. Two shots from a revolver woke up a police man ono night lost week. The moment an Omaha man squints at real estate in an interior town nowadays , prices immediately advance. This shows the elevating influence of metropolitan activity. Hon. J. Sterling Morton will colobrnto Arbor Day , April 33 , by planting 1,000 Austrian pine trees and a lot of Saloma npple trees on his homestead in Otoc county. Gordon democrats want snmo nn tn start a democratic organ there. The land notices for Gordon amount to over $100 a month , and are being now printed in a republican paper. Banker Cheney , of Crpisrhton , exer cised himself after banking hours re cently by slapping a liatic mortgage on the mug of Editor Fry , of the Pioneer. He was fined $1 and costs. A skirmishing party in the pay of a long-handle corporation , the Omaha , Lincoln , Ha/tland & El Paso road , arc setting stakes in the neighborhood oi Crete , along the Blue river and Salt crock. The company recently organized to prospect for coal in Glen Rook. Nemaha county , has contracted for the necessary machinery to bore. The company pro claims a determination to strike coal or China. The canning industry nt Beatrice prom ises to bo bigger and bettor than ever. Already 75,000 cans have boon made und by the time the canning season opens it is to have 000,000 cans ready. Prepara tions are making for an extensive busi ness this year. Two young track walkers from Box Butte county , who were bounced from a freight.truin on the Elkhorn Valley road , revenged themselves by throwing ties along the track. They wore caught at the job and jailed in Chadron. Fremont rejoices on the certainty ol early connection with the B. & M. The company has decided to enter the city on the way to Norfolk. The company is also bridging the Platte near Sohuyler on the mam line of the Omaha & North Platte road. There are now sixteen cities in this state that have or are building a system of water supply Omaha , Lincoln. West Point , Grand Island , Fremont , Colum bus , Blair , Albion , Wisner , Ashland , tfo&tnce , Hastings , Kearney. Nebraska City , Plattsmouth and Falls City. Two boys were drowned in Big Alkali lake , about eighteen miles south of Val entino , on last Sunday. The boys. Franc Palmer , aged eighteen , and Alva Carson , aged sixteen , were out hunting ana ven tured on the lake for a short row. A terrific wind prevailing at the time drove them out into the midst of floating ice , their boat became unmanageable und capsUed in fifteen fuel of water. A stranger from Blue Springs started a lively scandal in Ulysses Wednesday night. During tho1 evening ho strolled out with the wife of a man named Crockett. Crockett found it out and walking past the couple turned suddenly around , struck the stranger in the face , knocking him down. The city marshal then arrested him. The stranger claims the woman separated him and his wife. Crockett bad previously applied for a divorce. > i The venerable novelist of north Ne braska is rapidly approaching a delicious climax in "The Conflict , Love Money. " The 420th chapter bears external evi dence that the tires of youth are still burning in the palpitating bosom of Fr. Martin. Here is a modefchunk for am orous youngsters : : "Yos ; my unspeak ably precious Ida is lift an-jol. aud none who know her can dodbt it for ono mo ment. Blessed bo heaven ) on Christmas day she is to be my wife. How can I be sufficiently thankful for such a heavenly gift I" The editor of the Broken Bow States man is whirling in the vortex of a libo suit , but does not appear to enjoy the fit The judge charged the Jury in the case "that the truth ot the allegation must be established , " and the result was a verdict against Editor Martin. "If this be Uw , ' says the Statesman , "there is not a po litical newspaper in the state of Ne braska , that has been published for five years , whose files will not furnish loga ground for fifty criminal libel suits , as strongly based as the ono on which K. E. Martin was convicted. " If the liver and kldnevs are aiuggish and inactive , Hood's Sarsaparilla wil rouse them to prompt and regular action Take it now. A CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY , Tbo Frozen Troth About tne Anti-Gam bling Bill Plot. LEGISLATIVE BLACKMAILERS. How ttio Ilrazcti Roocllors Conspired to AInkoa Stake Out of Ne braska Sporting Men. On Saturday , March 0,161)7 , two prominent keepers of gambling houses nt Omaha held a conference lasting over one hour with Charles J. Green , attorney for tlio 1) . &M. railroad In the card room of an Omaha saloon. They then nndthorodlscussert the ntitl-Kftmbllnir bill which had unexpectedly to them been passed jy the state senate. For two days thereafter Ihore was much excitement and acrltatlon In Omaha gambling circles , and contributions were solicited from keepers of gambling liouscs for a fund to bo used In defeating the bill. bill.One One of the leading keepers of a gambling tiouso In Omaha was the collector of this corruption fund , to which be , htmsolt , con tributed SPOO. On Wednesday , March 9. this party took to Lincoln a roll of bank bills amounting to between $2,000 and 83,000 , which was the total at that time paid In by Omaha gambling houses. It was understood and given out among Itho gamblers that this money was sent to Lincoln to "fix" ntombcis chiefly of the house judiciary committee , which had the bill In charge. More money was to bo sent to Lincoln the week following to Insure the defeat of the bill. The first deflnlto knowledge of thecrlmlnalconspiracy by members of the judiciary committee to defeat the anti-gambling bill reached the ed itor of the BEE on Wednesday , March 0. On the preceding day , whllo going to Lincoln , thn editor bad noticed Goodly Hooker , the keeper of an Omaha gambling house , nnd Kusscli , chairman of the judiciary commit tee , on the train. While nothing unusual took place on the road between these parties , a suspicion was aroused as to certain Invisi ble links between them. About noon on the next day , Wednesday , Booker was seen to bo nervously walking up and down before the Capital hotel , and the editor's suspicion that he was on "business" was more firmly strengthened. A tow words passed between the editor and Booker , and finally the latter came Into the BEE ofllcc In the hotel build ing. Booker appeared agitated and pro voked , lie entered into conversation about the gambling bill and declared that certain members of the judiciary committee of the house were trying ; to bleed the gamblers. Ho stated that Caldwcll , ono of the committee , went to Omaha on Sunday , March 0 , to see the gamblers and conferred with them about the Snell bill. Caldwell professed to be against the bill , and assured them ho did not want any money for himself , but other mem- * bcrs were "talking funny" and he would like to see them taken care of , to beat the bill. Booker esld ho thought this was a way Cald- \vell had of bleeding the sporting men by pretending ho wanted their money for some body else. In thn course of further talk Booker said that ho had come to Lincoln to see parties who were Interested In defeating the bill ; but , meantime , Slater , also of the ju diciary committee , had gone to Omaha , ( on Tuesday , March 8 , ) and there had called on the gamblers for nionoy. Booker said fur ther , that Slater's middle man , Andy Moynl- han , had called upon some of the sporting peooleto makeup 85,000 ; as , according to Moynlhan , Slater thought It would thako that sum all around to make sure of killing this MII Tim Omaha gamblers , said Booker , had directed Slater to return to Lincoln and see him ( Booker ) about the matter ; and Ken nedy , an Omaha gambler , was coming down with Slater to arrange It "Meantime , " said Booker , "I have been notified to look for them. " "Slater and Moynlhan , " said Booker , "arc on the way down here , but we don't propose to give them a cent if wo can help It. We. bavo put matters Into the hands of two or three men at Lin coln. " "Slater and Caldwell , " remarked Booker , "aro working together and they hare got Moynlhan to do the between work , " In the afternoon of tbo same day , Wednes day , March 9 , the editor of the BEE Was In troduced to Kennedy , who talked' very cau tiously. Ho Raid they had put up several hundred dollars with Charley Greene and Lee Estcllo , who were attending to their Inter ests. Green had told them that he could handle the bill without paying many mem bers only such as he could not conveniently work otherwise. Kennedy said that up to that time Russell had refused to make a bar gain , no was afraid that ho might bo found out. But he , Russell , had assured them ho was willing to beat the bill for the sake of his friends. Kennedy's statements were very evasive on many points and he was evidently hedg ing. Both Booker and Kennedy said they would return to Omaha the same attornoon at 3:50 : p. m. , as they had left everything with Charley Greene and their Lincoln friends. When they wore met In the hotel at 5:80 : o'clock the same evening , they said they had been obliged to stay over because Slater had insisted that they must arrauge matters be fore returning to Omaha. At 3a.m. Thursday , March 10 , the follow ing report was given the editor of Tux BEE at his hotel room In Lincoln : At 11:00 p. m. , Wednesday , March 0 , Slater and A. B. Graham of Wisner , were sitting together In the writing room of the Capital hotel Slater left Graham at 11:15 : to se Bowman , another member ot the judiciary committee , who had just come In the hotel. Slater and Bowman had a brief conference and they both went up stairs. At 11:30 : o. m. Booker , Kennedy and Sneedy , the latter a Lincoln gambler , were seen in conference at the southeast corner of the Intersection of Eleventh and t' streets. They wore joined by Herbert Loavltt , ot Omaha , and In a few minutes Loavltt left them , went In the Capi tal hotel and spoke to Graham , asking him where Slater had gone. Graham replied that Slater had gene out In the ofllce to see Bowman , and would return in a few minutes. Loavltt went into the ofllco and sat down about ten minutes , all the time evidently being on the watch for Slater. Charley Greene came Into the of fice , apparently from the parlor , % nd Leavitt immediately joined him. Then Greene ran up stairs quickly and Leavitl went outsldo again. Slater and Russell came down stairs about ten minutes later. Slater went out and Russell remained In the hotel office until 1 o'clock on Thursday morning , March 10 , talking with newspaper reporters and Assistant Clerk Cook , of the house- Wit h the latter he had a long and apparently confidential conference. At 1 o'clock Rus sell and Cook left and proceeded southward. At 1:15 : o'clock Thursday mornln'g , Slater came from the Windsor hotel to the Capital hotel. At the Windsor hotel I believe he was In room 10. On the register of the hotel the following names were found : Andy Moynlhan , Omaha , ( assigned to room 11) ) ; G. K. Brooks , Omaha , ( evidently Booker ) ( assigned to room 10 ; n. B. Kennedy , Omaha , ( assigned to room 10) ) . These names were all registered In ono hand. Slater Im mediately went up stairs , after entering the Capital hotel. lie was found with Charley Greene and Gurley In a room where liquors were sold after the bar was closed. All mani fested some confusion a * a fourth party entered. They were , evidently , engaged In some conversation which the arrival of the stranger interrupted. The new arrival spoke of the members of the legislature being up rather late and remarked that Russell , bad only Jiut ROM horn * . Slater said : "Then Russell has gene homo , has he ? How long ago did ho lenvo ? " Being an swered that Russell had gene about ton min utes before ho ( Slater ) came In , Slater saldi Well , then I'll co up too. " At 7:30 o'clock on Wednesday mornm Kennedy and Booker were met at the depot by the editor of the llEn , just as they were starting for Omaha. They wcro not very communicative , pretending that they had bean unable to meet Slater , but had loft all matters with their Lincoln friend ? . A party was Immediately sent to Shccdy's gambling place with an alleged message from Booker. The messenger reported as follow B : Met Sheedy at Quick's building. Told him had some Important Information from Booker and Kennedy , nnd that they wanted him ( Shoedy ) to keep an eye on Slater , who was liable to go back on them because they had not paid sufficient money. Shccdy ap peared surprised. Ho had received a note from Booker that morning , which be showed me. It read : "Everything fixed up satisfac torily. It will be all right , ( Signed ) Booker. " On Thursday forenoon , March 10 , 1SS7 , n party wont to Slater's desk , during discussion of the Omaha charter bill In committee of the whole , and said : "I was told by the parties with whom you had a talk last night to say to yon that they look to you to see that what was agreed upon should bo carried out" Slater choked up and then said : "What's that ? " The other man reiterated his state ment Slater asked : "What parties ? Who were they ? " The other party replied : " 1 don't know ; I was Introduced to ono ot them as a Mr. Adams. Ho is about my size and has a blonde mustache , " ' 1 hen Slater said : "All right ; all right" The man added : "I sup posed that It was something that ho didn't want mo to know anything about , and so didn't ask any moro questions. " Slater replied " ' ' that's rleht" plied : 1'es. that'srlght ; On Thursday evening , at 0:30 : o'clock , March 10,1887 , a party mot Goodly Booker in front ot Hlcglns' restaurant , on Douglas street , Omaha. Booker asked him what shape the Omaha charter bill was In. In the conversation which ensued Booker was asked what had been done about the gambling bill. Booker replied : "We've done all wo can. It's all loft to fahoedy now. Wo have had thrco men working hard for several days Leaultt Leo Estollo nnd Charley Greon. Estelle came homo yester day. We've paid Green off ho said he had done nil ho could. Leavitt is there yet" "Can't you do something toward giving the boys sugar ? " asked Booker's compan ion. ion.Tes Tes , " replied Booker , "that Is what we are doln < . " When asked whom he had made solid among the members , Booker said : "Caldwell is fixed" then hesitating a mo ment as If ho had said too much , Booker added : "That Is , ho has accepted no money- buthesays that ho will make a strong fight to kill the bill In the judiciary committee. " ' Have you seen Russell and Slater ? " was asked. Booker replied : "Shoedy and the boys think they can work those two fellows. " "How much money hard you raised ? " wr.3 Inquired. "Well , " said Booker , "they wanted 85,000. Wo could not raise quite that amount. Wo have raised a largo amount , but not qulto that sum. Six places In Omaha have con tributed. " On March 13,1837 , Russell nnd Slater left Lincoln at 3:50 : p. m. and came to Omaha. They went to the Pnxton hotel and regis tered. At the Faxton , also , stopped Jerome Pickerel and Representative rotors. At 0:30 : o'clock that evening Russell was found Bit ting in the hotel office. Ho said he was waitIng - Ing for the boys , and then added : "Peters and Slater have cone over to the show ; but I concluded 1 was too tired and so stayed here. " Subsequently Paters was seen and stated that Slater had not been with him at the show. Between 10:30 : and 11 o'clock that evening Russell loft the hotel ofllco with Slater , who came lu from the eastern en trance of the hotel. Both went to the Omaha Republican office , whore they remained a short time. Before midnight they wont , to gether , somewhere. At 2 o'clock on Sunday morning they returned to the hotel together and retired , occupying adjoining rooms. During the two hours Itussell and Slater were not observable the proprietors of the gambling houses were not to bo found , and none of them were In their places , un Sun day Russell Icftf3r8shuyeraiii ! ! nm. , and Slater at the same time paid his bill at the Paxton hotel and It was understood that he conteuplated going homo , llo wag met late In the afternoon on Fnrnam street In Omaha , and that evening ho returned to Lin coln. coln.The The above Is , substantially , the memo randum of facts submitted to the committee on investigation of the charges made by E. Rosewater against menbers of the judiciary committee. The names of several important witnesses are withhold for the present Succeeding the appointment of the com mittee aud the submission of the memo randum , the following corroborative facts have been obtained : On the night alter the charges wore made before the house of representatives , a meeting was held In room SW , ' Capital hotel. It was attended by Representatives Russell , Slater , Bowman , Brad Slaughter , chief clerk of the house of representatives , Assistant Clerk Cook , of the house , and an other person. Senator Majors had been In a few minutes and urged the breaking up of the Investigation as ordered by the house. Previous to this meeting Slater and Caldwell had walked the streets that night arm In arm for several hours. It was decided at the meeting that the Investigating committee as appointed by Speaker Harlan should be changed at all hazards. Secret sessions ot the committee would not do , either. It was decided that either Bow man or Russell should rise to a question of privilege In the morning and should ask for tli addition of ; three other members , who were not to be the speaker's appointees. The following morning this programme was substantially carried out , through active efforts ot the wh.ole lobby of the railroads and other Interests. This was not so difficult as might have been thought , as at that time hfty-two members of the house had signed an agreement to stand by each other on any and every question which might need a combination. On the same morning before the house con vened , Mr. Rosewater wont Into the house and'walkcd toward the desk of the BEE re porter. As ho did so Cnldwcll who was standing In the entrance to the cloak room said to two men : "That Is bound to dlo with his boot * on. He'll dlo with his boots on , sure. Somebody will put a bullet right through the back of that thick neck. If I took a shot at him just as ho stands there ho'd never know what lilt him. uut I've got a family. The may ruin me ; but I've got a family. If I wits bingle as I once was bo wouldn't bavo any more show than a prairie chicken It 1 had a shot gun. " When the house adopted the resolutions adding three of "our friends , " as Clerk Slaughter termed It , to the committee ordering thn Investigation to De conducted openly , Russell , Slntor and Caldwell at tempted to appear unconcerned , but could , In reality , with difficulty restrain omotlon of jubilance and relief. On the night succeed Ing the presentation of the charges , thcro was great excitement In the sporting circles at Lincoln and the gam blers then charged freely that the Omaha gamblers had 'Viven them away. " On March 19 , . after the adoption by the house ot the resolutions olferod by the In vestigating committee , Slater was talked with in the Capital hotel. He said : 1 weot over there and ttaw those fellows on that nlfibt , ( Wednesday , March 9 , ) aud they made their propositions to mo ; but I left thorn entirely ( n the dark as to what I should do. Hut then , hell , Rosewater couldn't prove a d n thtnfr , even If ho should get on to my meeting those follows , because they wouldn't swear to anything they ever told him , If they over told him imy- thlng. " Being askeJ about Caldwcll , he said : "Caldwell made n muss of It , pretty nearly , lie told mo that ho went up to Omaha and saw those follows , and read the riot act to them. " J , W. Reid , until recently a gambler In Lin coln , stated on March at , on a passenger train to lUstlnirs , that 55,003 to 57,000 would bo raised and part had been raised and placed In n bank In Lincoln subject to checks by partlosi , who had agreed at any risk to see that the gambling bill should not bccomo a law , If tlioy were successful , Unless benton , It was to bo stplcn. OCccourso , said Rlcd , the chief clerk would get his bit Rlod also said that Shcody had charge of the money. A repre sentative whoso name wo omit said on tht 24th Inst : "Sullivan wants to bo squared. That's the reason ho was so rabid to make this bill the special order to-morrow. Bow man wants to bo even too. Ho said ns much to ma. Slntor has been fixed. * * Russell Is too cunning to take any chances , but I think ho will bo looked after through Slater bccauso ho knows Slater Is In the hole himself nnd doesn't dare nqueal. Thou there are two or three other fellows who are alter stuff. 1 know them all. I ain't such a d d fool as 1 look to bo. 1 know just the men to touch. " These links in the chain of evidence nnd this fragmentary Information corroborating the inaln points have boon gnlhorcd by vn- rlous parties , some of thorn expressly em ployed to ascertain the Inside operations of the lobby and conduct of the legislature. IOWA Koms. Alone the cntiro southern tier of coun ties of the state seeding Ims begun. Saloon licenses yielded $1-1,410.75 ( hir ing the fiscal year just ended at Dubuquo. Drug stores nt Cedar Kaplds nro re ported as doing a big business in whisky. The Jrailrond commission tins boon asked to condemn n portion of the ground needed for n union depot site at Ot- tumwa. The druggists of Dos Moincs linyo formed an organization to protect them selves ngainst the reckless use recently mnde of the pharmacy law by irresponsi ble constables. The G. A. R. boys of Griswold will cole- brnto the oveut of' Leo's surrender. Pa rade , reunion , festivities nnd n spectacu lar entertainment in the evening will call t for a full holiday of amusement. DCS Moincs bos n woman chicken thief named Lint , who has bcou discovered doing a wholesale business. With the as sistance of her two sons and team at tacked to n lumber wagon she would journey through the country at night depleting < pleting henroosts with export neatness and dispatch. PTho number of convicts at Fort Mndi- son having fallen below that required to fill contracts for labor , the governor has decided that in the future prisoners con victed of felonies in the counties of Woodbury , Monona , Harrison , Ida , Sao nnd Cnlboun bo seut to Fort Madison in stead of Anumosa , as has been the cus tom heretofore. The number of convicts ut Fort Madison is now 837. Dakota. From Deadwood comes the report that arrangements nro to bo rnado under which the Merchants' National bank of that city will shortly resume business. J An assay of ore from the "Poisoned Ox" rnino , near Rapid City , shows the mineral to bo very high grade. The lode islcxtensivo nnd apparently inexhaust ible. ible.Prairio Prairie chickens nro so plentiful around Sioux Falls that they crowd each other into the city limits nnd occasional flocks porch on the residences ou the hill streets. The opera house block at Fargo was sold Inst week for 1-38,000 , aud again re sold on the 23d inst. for f35.0CO. It is rumored the last purchasers were Mar shall Field & Co. , of Chicago , nnd that they intend establishing a uraucu house there. Mrs. John P. Cronnan , wife of a prom inent business man of Yankton , died at Toledo , O. , the first of the week of soar- le * fnvcr. She left Yankton a few dnya before with her baby to avoid tbo disease raging at that place , but the conns were with nor , which caused her do nth. Artists' Incomes. New York letter to Intor-Onean : The earnings of the best artists vary , but not bo much as might bo supposed. . A. Abbey is supposed to make between $15,000 and 20,000 n year. His drawings for "Sho Stoops to Conquer" nro valued at $20,000. Ho is as well liked m En gland as here , and expects to make that country his homo. Ho is building n fine house there. C. S. Koinhart makes about $10,000 a year. Thuro do Thui- strap , who is under contract to furnish a page or double page to Harper's Weekly every week , is earning about $10,000 n year with his pencil. William Chase must do at least as well , and could make moro if ho cared to. Ho has the fiucbt studio in. the country , with a darkey at the door , and a wondrous museum of bric-a-brac in side , including a rare collection of old watches. Ho goes to Holland to study Halst or to Madrid to perfect bis knowl edge of Velasquez , every year. Charles Jay Taylor , of Puck and Harper's , stud ies as hard now that ho la making $8,009 a year as he did when he began hia career. Arthur Burdott Frost , who sjot n fortune with , as well as in , his wife , is now the strongest man in picturing American con temporary lifo. Ho , too , makes about $8,000 , but he has a separate income of $40.000 a year. Harry roan , a pupil of Birket Foster , used to got $10,000 a year from the Applctons forma work ou "Pic- lurosquo America. " In American scenery drawing no onn is his superior. Ho prob ably earns $10,000 now by general work. Black and white is now the most profit able line of artist woikin this country. Water color and oil work nro a trllle stagnant , particularly the productions of American colonsts. Mntorna Loves Ameilca. Vienna Correspondency ) Milwaukee Sentinel : A housu lying in tbo middle of a romantic garden , surrounded by charm ing vinyards , is the nbodo of Mmo. Ma- ternn , who bought it immediately after her return from America. Thoughont the house Richard Wagner reigns su preme. His memorials and ideal charac ters are to bo scon every wlioro. Thrco powerful dogs protect the house nnd gar den : they ure named utter the kiug in. "Tristan nnd Isolde , " "Mnrko , " "Wotan" and Mime. " In the music room there is a stave , the squares of which represent "Wulinfrliul" at Bay- routh , und there is also an enormous bust of the composer of the "Niboluneon Kiug. " Mmo. Mutarnn gained her great reputation through Itlchard Wagner , whom she never forguts ; but fllio madt her fortune in America , which she also never forgets. Ou a table in her elegant drnwlng room there is a largo casket con taining nil the photographs the cele brated "Watkuro" snw and admired on the other sldo of the Atlantic. When the grout nitist is surrounded l > y her cuoiUi she cannot stop talking of wonder * and .splendor of America. POZZONI'S ItEUICATKD COMPI.XIONrOW DKH For infant's toilet to un indispensable ar ticle , healing all excoriations immediate y. Mothers should use it freely on tha title ones. It is perfectly harmless , Lor ale