Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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    V *
Advertisements under this , 10 cents per
line tor the nrstlnffition , 7 tents for each sub-
icqucnt Insertion , nnd 11.50 n line per month
No mhortlscmont taken for Ices thnn : onU
for the first Insertion. Si von word * ill bo
counted to the llrio ! they must run consecu
tively and must bo paid In adTnnc * . All adver
tisements must bo liundoJ In before 1:30 : o'clock
p.m. , und under no ciicumstnnco will thcybo
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Pnrtics advertising In tbesu tolumng nnd h'vv-
Wfrlho answers inldiKSStd In care of Tin Ilir
Will plcnso ask for n chocV toenablo them togct
tbclr letlcrp. ns none will bo delivered except
on vroscntatlon of check. All answers to ad-
YBTtiscrnentq should bo rnclowd In onvelones.
ONI'.V to loan mi real estnte nnd chattels
M f. KntzA Co. 1511 J-arniiinst.Kionnil Hour.
MONIJV toTonnon Unproved city property nt
C per cent. Jlonuy on hand : do not have
to wait. Have n complete si t of abstract books
of Douclng county. I. N. Watson , abstractor
Hnrrlultcul Kstnlc nd Loan Co. , 320 8,15th EC.
MONI.V I Irst mortiriigo notes. The 1'ounlns
county bunk will buy pnpera secured \ij \
Bret mortKBKO oil cltyj-enUy. _ 121
61'iat CUMT-Monny to lonn.
Grrifory Ic llndlflf.
KootnB 1 nnrt 3 , lledtck ulock , 320 S.
MON1JV 'IO IOAN on imnrovc < l real estnte ;
no commission clinrgod. Lcnvltt Hum-
ham , lloain 1 CicUhton lllock. 117
MONI1V to limn on city nnd Inrin property.
Harris * Sampson. ifllK Douithw st. 47u2l
TOANB tonns Loans. *
Heal retftto lonns ,
Collnterlul loiina.
Chnttel lonns.
Ixjnp time loans.
Blmrt tlmo lonns.
Money always on hand to nn on any np-
proved security.
Investment securities bought nnd sold.
Omnha financial Kjccbunge , n. w , cor. ) Etb
0'l ' llnrnor.
Corbctt.Mnnnge 110
MONIJV to loan , crtsh on dclny.
J. W. nnd K li. Briulre , 1413 Karniun St. ,
I'axton hotel building. 120
< &MOjni TO I/DAN nt o per cent. J. J. Mil-
P lioney , 16W Kurniim. 121
; pr.R CENT Money.
> tt. C. Pntteison , Ifith nt.d Hnrncy. 123
rpo LOAN-Monoy-Lonns placed on im-
JL proved real cstalo in city or county for
Now England Loan * Trust Co. , by Douglas
founty bank. Ifilh and Chlnago Bts. 12U
TVfbNHV TO LOAN-On city und faun prop-
J'L crty.lowitttos. Stewart Co. , Room
Iron bank. 127
fONr.Y TO LOAN-O F. Davis &
L estate and loan agents , 1505 t'arnam st
M ONKY ' 1O 1XJAN On real estate and chat
tels. II. I.Thomas 129
, > To loan on Omaha city property ntfl
per cent O. W. Day , over 1JU Douglii ? st
MONKY TO LOAN-bythonnderslgiiodwtio
has the only properly organized loan
agency In Oniahn. Loans of $10 to $100 mndo
, on furniture , pianosorgans , noises , wagons ,
machinery , Ac , without removal. No delays
All business strictly confidential. Lonns so
tnndo that any part can bopnld at nny Ime.cuch
payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
tnadn nn fine watches and diamonds. Persona
Should carefully consider who they nro dealing
vltb , as many now concerns nro dally coming
into cxlHtonco. Should you need money cull
and PCO mo. W. It , Croft , Room 4 .W'thnoll '
Building , IMh and Hnrnuy. 131
MONEY LOANED at C. F. Ifeod ft Co.'s Lonn
Ofllco , on furniture , pianos , horf > < " , wngons ,
personal property of nil kinds , nnd all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. 310 8.13th.
o\or Blnghnms Commission store. All hnsl-
nocH strlctlv confldentlnl. 132
T7IOH TRADE Two good , Improved farms ,
X1 91 nnd 120 ncros. ono and two miles from
town. Six lotn in Mnrshulltown und six lots In
Monmonth , all In Iowa ; price for all , $ < VXX > , in-
cnmbranccs , $1COO. Will trade efiulty of
$7,400 for a stock of nny kind of merchandise or
wild land In Nebraska , or the 91 aero -farm for
well located property In Om.ilm. Prlco of farm
$3,000 , no Incumbranco. Address , llox 179 ,
HcrajilonCJty.Jowa. 8.VJ 28
"tflOH SALE OR TUADK-Drug Btoi o in good
JP town In Western NnbniBka ; stock nnd fix
tures nil now last fall ; about JI.IHK ) . Will trade
for unlncuraborod Innd or business property in
good town. Address Box 661 , Kearney , Neb.
friblt SALE Drug Btorn in n good anil ntoaiMly
JP growing Nebraska town of 1.01)0 ) Inhabit
ants ; boat store In the county , now doing a
first-class business ; Invoice $3,000 ; good reason
for selling ; rare chance. Inquire at room 3 ,
Wlthnoll block. 40J31
WANTED-Pnrtnor In flouring mill ; fine
location , water power , bonus offered by
town for enlarging. Address B , M. Hubbell ,
Lincoln , Neb. 647 29J
TJ1OH 8AJ < E Business , jewelry , dry goods
JD and notions , 05 North ItithV 111 glvo reas
ons for selling. Call and see. 6J.I a3 *
" \17ANTED-To find good , live business men
T * with stocks of goods to move to a grow
ing town where money can bo made , I will as
sist the right kind of people In building , etc.
Will pay good big bonus to nnv ono that will
start a canning factory , or. in inct , any kind of
a factory thntomploys hands. Wo want a drug
store , furniture atoro , grocery store , n doctor ,
a practical painter right awny. For particulars
aildross Ilnnk of Valley , Valley , Nob.orC. B.
May no , Omnha. Neb. 4Mo23
f7 < OR BALE $7,000 of general merchandise
JL1 and store furniture , clean , well assorted ;
will take half In good unlncumberedfnrm land
balance in payments well ff cured : good reasons
for selling. Addresa Call Box 5T , Alinn. Nob.
FOH SALE Small grocery business , atoro
and buildings ; $1,000 takes it together
with b years leas * on ground , $600. J. F. Ham-
aondllT816thst. 4H4gtl
TjXU BALK titook of general merchandise In
JC good town , will Invoice $4,000ono-thrd ! cash
balance unlnouuibercd land , addrcu Lock llox
10. Hardy , Neb. 407 86 *
FOR SALE In a thriving western railroad
town , a bank doing n good business. Sick.
neM compels selling. Address box 18 , Broken
Bow , Nob. 87229
T7WR BALE -Moat market , good location
J- good cash business , addrcsa H S3 , Boo olBoe
40820 *
BOUND TO BELL-If aold before April 111
Jackaon at. Laundry will be offered foi
$2,800 , H cash ; not otnt tor the trade ; must
be aold on account of diaaolviag purtnerahlp.
I5 Jackson at . Moist * Kragh. 816 28J
TpOR BALE Or Trade Good paying hard.
-I ? ware busln s in one of the best oountlei Ir
low * . Block will Invoice about $3,000 , la good
clean , and well aaaortod. Will soil for cashoi
take part payment in good farm land tn west
ern Iowa or eastern Nebraska. For partlcu
jara address X Q , lieu oflice. Council Illuffa.
FOB BALE 01 Exchange A new 85 bbl com
blnation mill situated on Little Blui
river , near Hebron. In Thnynr county. Will ex
ebaiige for wild or Improved lands or live stock
For further particulars addrcsa First Natlona
Bank. Hebron , Neb. 833
OR SALB-Half Interest in one of the best
paying drug stores tn southwestern Iowa
Capital required. $2.500 , Addresa U 40 , Bee of
Ct * . BIS
" "
OMAHA Storage Warenouae-Corner 13tt
and Uard Uts. , forstorage of house
Bold goods and general merchandise at lov
ratM. Advances mnde ; Issue warehouse re-
celpta. It. R. switch at the bouse , Office 511 !
Bouth 18th street and 1IM8,1310 and 1312 Isan
Street. Tclephoun 60J. M. 8. Goodrich , mgr
. 095 m 26 *
OUND The finest suburban homes In tfii
finest new addition to Omaha. Tlptoi
Place , Motter Real Eatnt Agency , 1513 Faruan
f " " ' ' * ' * * " .
'r'M _ ' ' ' " " _
- - - - - , , , _ " '
T OST-On Sauudors or Curalng.a cluster dla
. ring , please return to Mra , HowotJ
WT Wheaten at , and receive reward. 471
I " 68T-tnech nce to buy a lot in Tlptoi
J Place , the now addition , will soon bo los
as there are only a few left. Beoure them not
f nun Motlcr Real Estate Agency , 1513 Fnniai ]
at. $28 24
I'.OST The chance lo buy a lot In TIpto
J Plaoe , the now addition , will aoon be lost
there are only n few left Secure them noi
from Motter Heal Ustato Agency , 1513 Farnai
IOST CanvaM book-cnse between St. Pan
i and Missouri Pacific depots. Return to
I.lnlnger .t J > lotcnlf Co. 489 24 *
T OBT Ladies' gold watch and chain , will iay
-a-j liberal reward for return , call room 25 , P IX-
ton block. 43524
; < T QST-Kntt ahawl. trimmed wlthblacKrli
* i bon. Please return to Bee offlcc. 409-WJ
S' ' B-AYBD-Krom Browoell Hall on Soul
, .u'h ' ti w > > lt nd rod apottod cow , wit
right horn broken off. A bulublo reward rill
be given for her retimi.
LOST A pug dog. Keturn to Pcnrnac A
' Harding nnd get reward , 613
pJiAIUVOVANTMndnm Alnska reveals
\J pnst , present and future. Satisfaction
guaranteed. 512 S 18lh st ! X'J ) a 3
TIEIISON'AU private homo lor Indies during
-I ronnntmcnt. Strictly tonfidentlnl. In
fants ndoptcd , Address i : 12 , lice ollice.
ollice.101JP26 *
PERSONAL Mrs. Dr. Nannlt V. Warren
clnlrvoynnt , Medical and business Medium
Boom No. 3,121 North let" it ,0mnba. Nob.
rpo llflLDKItP seiilod bids will be received
A until April 15.1M7. by the Fullerton Hotel
A'poclatlon fortho erection of n brick hotel
4GxtO with two storlu4iind n biiactnont. 1'luns
nud spoclflcntlons can bo rtninlncd at tlui ( . ' 111-
ircn's bank , riillorton , Ntb. 6I830J
FI10 "parties linvlng hoifcs for rent , Hontnl
JAgtnoy , Ilcnawa \ . Co. , lr)9t. , opposite post-
onico , Wo linvo turned over 10 them our rental
list. Wo recommend them. McCpgue llroa.
SIMM1 CAHII for pocond-hand , furniturecnr-
potsnnd stoves , at 117 N. lotli st.
203 n8 !
WK Appeal to you nitaln for houses. If you
linvo any to rent plnoe them In our hiinds
nt onto n wo are unable to supply the demand.
Hcnawn A Co. 16th st , opposite I * . O. 4652' ' )
1APII paid for old gold and silver. C. L.
i Ilrlckson A Co.,212 N 16th st SNJ 28
fpllBpluco where they sell furniture cheap
JL for cash tins boon removed from 141H Doug
las to 117 N. Ifith st. 2Jlal
iSBlilktnnd viiults cleaned , odor-
\J lets process. U. lining , box 427. city.
20 u15 _
JUl-BI'H llOSKNSriJIN has removed "from
12'15 rainnm tn MJ N. 16th st. , keeps nhvnys
a full stock of freih ami suit water llshcs ,
oysters , gnmo nnd poultry. Telephone 2iM.
Orders solicited. t > 4
MHS. M. Oltrr.NSCHLAiGKIl--Grcdiiated :
midwife , corner 26th ana Cumin ? st , up
stalro. 872al4
DON'T ho nn oyster. Don't bo swallowed
nlUowlion you wnnt to sell furniture ,
carpets or houbuhold goods , call ut 117 N. 10th.
208 iil8
TJIOH ItIMT : organs , S3 per month , ilorpe ,
JD 1513 Dout'lne V
F IOSt KKNT aqunro Fl.ino , tt montnlv.
lloapo. 1613 Doniflis.
I will trade a plnno , ncnrly now , lor lot In
Omnhn , I. N. Watson , at Court House or ut
BOSN. 17th8trpot. _ 171
C ASH advanced on diamonds and watches ut
117 N. lath st. Orff&Co. 201 nlH
DON'T bo aclnm. Don't pay two prices when
you can go to 117 N. Itith and buy tuinl-
turo , Btovcs , Ac , at rock bottom prices.
203 nl-8
\AY BOARD-701S. 18tn et
t 60fl 20J
1J11RST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th ft.
E J2
MONEY talks when you wnnt to buy furni
ture or vapor stoves at 117 N.lCth , between
Dodiro and Capitol avo. 20-J al8
you want to buy or sell furniture , go to
J. Ferguson's , 715 N. 10th. 737
FOiiHHNT Square I'luno $ J montaJy.
Hospc. 1513Douglas. 135
N EW Boarding House , flno tables , clean nnd
palatable victuals. 1410 Chicago Bt 3C5
STORAGE First-class storage for nice fur
niture or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodgc-
TpOR BALK Cheap ; good sot of drug fix.
JL turcs nnd shelf bottle ? . Bargain if taker
at onco. Hughes i. Schmidt , Omaha. 673
FOH SALE Second-hand elevator for livery
stable. Call nt KoadMor's stable , 8.17tb ,
bet. Harney nnd Bt. Mary's ave. 671-30 *
T71OR SALE-Ton pool nnd billiard tables ni
JL1 llornbcrgor's , 1321 Douglas st. JM2-26
T710R 8ALE Cnr load fresh milch cows , oxtri
- - ' flno milkers ; ono thoroughbred Jersey
cow nnd thoroughbred heifer calf ; 2 half blood
.loreoys. Apply butcher shop cor 6th and
Plercu or Roililts & Tin all packing hovmo ,
- 4I42HJ
FOR SALE-rhcnpn Vcrnon's Oskalooca a
gine pcnnut roaster In good condition
Good reasons for selling. Address A 45 , Bei
olllco. . 488 28
F I OR BALE A pair of uuo driving ponies ,
double harness and phaeton ; also n lru )
black family horse. Phaoton-nad harness now.
also n line bodioom emit of furniture , with 30
yards of Ingrain carpet , cheap for cash. Ad
dress Charles W , King , 520 south 13th st. 370 29 *
FOR SALE 2 million brick nnd upwards De-
sides daily out put of 30,000. Enijulra
on premises , cor Dorcas and 2nd sts. Omah
Brick and Terra Cottn Mfg. Co 636
_ TED A man to attend to 4 horses nigli
and morning , apply Monday at 120 Nort'
15th. 65528
WANTED Good , reliable mon to buy lot1 ! In
Tipton Place , only six blocks from new
Northwestern depot Apply to Motter Real
Estate Agency , 1618 Famnm et. 228 8fl
WANTED Coat and pant makers. Apply at
1118 N. 10th st 6883 *
ANTED 50 colored people for th ? planta-
tlon scene "Out of Dondugo. " Apply at
box olDeu People's theater , Monday morning
nt 10 o'clock. 687 28 *
WANTED-A practical galvanizor to do gen
eral galvanising. Address with reference.
E. A. King , supt. tbo St. Joseph Pump Co. , St.
Joseph. Mo. fe726 *
WANTKD-OooU coat maker , J. Cohcn.303 a
Hth St. 357 25 *
\I7ANTED-Stcnographcr who wrltca fair of-
VV flee hand und can make himself useful In
office work. Address , stating reference and
salary expected , H 35. this ollice. 410 20
' \1I7ATJTED-A first class barber Immediately ,
TV (14 guaranteed. 0. H. Postll , Kearney
Nebraska. 401 26 *
T7ANTED Good , reliable men to buy lots In
TT Tipton Place , only six blocka from now
, Northwestern depot Apply to Blotter Real
Estate Agency , 1813 Farnain at 228 28
WANTED A young man to take careof
. borsea ana a cow. Horuberger. 1331
Douglaa Bt. 010 26
WANTED First olasa colored man for per
, ter. 107NKthst. 63126 *
WANTED 10 bridge mon , apply Sunday be
tween 3 and 4 o'clock. Albrlght.s Labor
agency. 1120 Farnam. 620 26
WANTED-Bole Agent-I desire to establish
n agency In this city for on * of the finest
. and faateit selling books published thla aeaaon.
The aale of tola book baa been unprc dentcd ,
. the entire Drat addition of 3,000 copies having
been aold In Cincinnati In ICM than alx weeks.
Parties desiring tbe agency for Omaha and
vicinity will address at once , C. C. Ratgorman ,
Paxton houae. 494 26 *
L\I ANTF.D-A smart , active boy tor office
TT work ; must bo good penman. Reference
required. Apply McCord , Drudy A Co. 659
- ATtTED A cigar salesman to represent a
flrst-olnss factory through Iowa. None
- but those who can command a good trade und
. furnish satisfactory references need apply.
Salary no object to right man. Addrisa corres
pondence to Vet plnnck Bros. , St. Paul , Minn.
490 1
. W ANTED Agoma to Introduce our new
f- boons , American Poeta juat out Secure
your territory at once , big money in this , P.
F. Collier , Room 6. Itedlck block. 478 31
WANTED 60 cobcr , Intelligent men of good
address to try a lOc meal at Norrls' res.
- taurant , 104 B loth st 138
WANTED A smart , active man to take bold
- of novelty just out. M to $5 it day.
Northwestern Novelty Co. , 1207 Furuam st.
12(1 (
WANTED Five first-class ndvertl'ing solic
itors ; only men capable of earning good
salaries neoo apply. A. B. Cads CompanyRoom
_ 10. B. E. corner 13th and Dodge ata. P83
IJirANTED-Mentocutwood. T. Murray. . .
WANTED Experienced dry gooda travelling
aaleman having an established trade tn
the country tributary to Kansas City. State
amount of trade , territory covered , and how
long. Address , with reference , W. B. Grimaa
Dry Goods Co. , Kansas City , Mo. 858
TIT ANTED 10 good cornlos makera and 3
Jt TT alate roof era. None but first class men
need apply. Inquire at Wottern cornice
works. 508 and 510 S 12th st. Omaha. 607 1
WANTED Three men who have had ex
perience doing gravel rooting. Call
from 6 to 7tt p. m. , at 1617 Howard street.
439 28J
WANTl'D A dishwasher , apply at Now
York Rtstauraut 711 N IBtb btroot.
525 25 *
WANTED Unn a-id wife to take charge of
a farm. Chas Child , IffOS Leavenworth fct
62i !
A GENTS wanted for the life of Henry Ward
jta llcccher by Thos. W. Knox. An nuthcn
tlonnd complete history of his life nnd wort
from the cradle to tbe grave , Outsells al
others 10 to 1. The best and cheapest anil
splendidly llluitrnU'l. Bell * lUewtldflre. Kx
tratonna. Outfit tree. Now ia tbo time. Ad-
dtesa at once , 6. F , Junkm & Co. , Kaniu City
"ANT ED-OIrl To do BTneriiMiousework ,
imist bo good cook. 1818 Webatcr. 448
A girl for gcnnrnl housework.
T T Must bo n good cook , references required.
Mrs. H. S. llollliif.2018 Howard st < f2
\VANTni-Glrl lo woik : n kitchen at Dornn
TI House , 432 S. ISlh St. , near Et. Mary's uvo.
\VANTID-A : good cookntfin so.
T T good wages. B57-2U *
" \\rANTKD-Aglrlforgonoral housework In
TT fninlly of three ; nagcs fl.OO for a good
girl ; 171 IN. H'thSt. ' 604
\\rANTrD-irfl ( 16 to in yenrs old for general
TT housework , 10'J8Cattirliio st ; smnll fam
ily. 677 2UJ
WANTKD-Glrl forgencrnl housework , 1017
Cms at. 45'J
WANTIlD-OIrN to pack ctackcrs. Apply
Onrncnu Crnckcr Co. 487 20 *
"WAN'l r.D-Diessmaltors nt 310 Nlfith Bt.
T > 4BI 28 *
Vi rANTKD-Glrl nt 12CM Snunders.
WANTED Gorman girl , cnll 1714 Jackson.
4JK 2b *
\VANTii : > Two peed strong , hcaltny glrH
to work in laundry at Aicudo Hotel , 1215
Dougla ? et , 421 2i' > *
I'ANTKO A girl for chamber work. Apply
' at the Mlllaid hotel. 200 2U
WANTHD An oxpeilonced niir'so ' : call nt
Mrs. Frnnk C. Mooio's , 713 b'outh 18th.
. .ni.iJ Girl for general homework ,
02il S. lith , near St. Maiy'8a\o. Mi
w ANTIJ11 At once , piano player , colored
woman preferred. Apply 1128. Oth. ! ! 4t *
WANTUD 2walst makers ; 1 apprentice : !
errand girl. Mrs. A. litco , llushmnn
block. 3 U
WANTUD Liulles to work for us at their
own homos ; $7 to li ) per week can bo
quietly made ; no photo.pnlmlug , no canvass-
Ini.for full particulars plcafo addro s at
once Crescent Art Co , 1U Central at. , Boston ,
Mass. , llox 5170. 1)02 )
IT ANTED Good cook nnd Laundress,20J N.
T IStll St. fS ! )
WANTED Sitimtlon ns drug clerk by a
young man with four joar'e experience ;
can glvo boat of roforctico. Addict II 60 , this
"VT/ANTI-.D Situation ; Kansas or Nebraska
T T by thorough bookkeeper ! nl = o wiltos short
hand. Cosh bond given Itofoionccsoxchnngcd.
N. HohuUe,002 W. Madison st , Chicago , HI.
\\7ANTiD-Homo : for njynarj. atlvo Amur-
lenn girl , 12 years old , Adutcss , FroiJ G.
Willlnms , City. 6,2-29 *
WANTKD-Nlcely furnished house or cot-
tnge for the summer , centrally located.
Apply to C. Wells , 1600 Chicago Bt. 635 28
WANTED A house or Hat of 12 or 14 rooms ,
centrally located for boarding. Address
II 44 , Dee olllco , 51228 *
WANTED Furnished room within reason ,
able distance of postolllcc , for single gen.
tloman. State terms und location. Address H
40 , lice olllco. 4C3
WANTED House of 6 or 7 rooms centrally
located t > y gentleman and wife. Refer-
oncea. H 111 , tlooollloo. 340 2tlj
\X7ANTED-Posltlon In wholesale or retail by
TT an oxpoi ionccd dry goods and carpet sales
man. Speaks Gorman. Address H20caro of
this ollice. 319 26 *
WANTiD-81tuntlon : by tlrst class baker ,
state wages. Frank Amrnon'A'J ) Fourth at ,
Bloux City , la. 643 26 *
WANTED By a young man situation in
Hardware or dry goods store , has good
references. Inquire Omaha employment bu
reau , 119 N 16th si. , Crounse blk. 630 26
WANTED-Situation In private family at
coolis by 2 Ghlnnmen. Good cookswashers
and Ironers. Cull G. Leo , 2112 Cumlng st.
495 3C
WANTED-Sltuntlon In boot nnd shoo or dry
goods experienced young man ;
can also spouk Bohemian. Address H 39. Dee
oflice. 45826' '
W ANTED-Sltuatlon of any Kina. inquire
1110 S. 13th st 36826 *
WANTED I hnvo purchnsors for ton four ,
five and six room cottages , to bo romo\fod
from their present sites. Owners of such prop
erty wishing to sell will call ut once. Wallace ,
Crelghtou block. 47331
ANTUD-Tcams , 30'J a lltb st
FOR RENT Large store , suitable for drug
store or dry goods store. Apply 20th and
Grant streets , North Omaha. 508-1 *
FOR llENT-2d floor 22x130 feet , use of cle-
vator , etc. , No. 1403 Douglas st. Apply
J. H. W. , P. O. box 654. 244 2ff
FOR. RENT Small barn on Hth near Jack
son sts. Apply at Gate City Real Estatn
Co. , 1320 Douglas St. 44228
TpUlt RUNT Untclior shop with fixtures com-
-L rlcte. Apply 20tb and Grant streets ,
North Omaha. 670-1 *
FOR RENT Stable for Z or three horses with
buggy room and hny-loft. cheap. Corner
Loavonwoth nnd 21st sts. H 30 , Boo. 491 28 *
FOR RENT H of 8 room house with close
closets , Ac , , up stairs , suitable for small
family , B w cor 17th and Dorcas. Call on
promises. 250
iriOllllKNT-Now brick house with nil modern
X ? improvements , 12 rooms. Apply 1316
Farnam st 066
THOU RENT 4 new cottngot on Call fornla
-L and 39th street near Cumin ? street cart.
Rent $25 per month. Apply to Kaufman Bros. ,
SOTS. 15th St. 539
71OR RENT-Brick yards , T. Murray.
FOR KENT 80 acres or ground. Improved.
North of the city 8 miles. R. 0. Patterson ,
15th and Harnoy. 272
FOR RENT 80 acres In oultivytlon. Call
aoon , Marshall & Lobeck , 1509 Farmam at.
fTOR RENT The leading hotel in n flourish
ing railroad town in central Nebraska , 22
rooms , newly furnished throughout and doing
a good business. Kent $00 per month. Hen-
awn i Co. , 15th at , opposite poatoflice. Omaha ,
Neb. 643 30
FOR RENT Stable. Capitol ave and Oth. En
quire room 8. Arlington block. 742
T710H RENT M of a large office well located ,
JC Inquire of B wan & Co. , 1521 Dodge at.
FOR HUNT Cottages , houses and stores , all
dealrabl * and well located , from $30 per
month up. L. Uurnham , Room 1 Crclgbton
Block. 117
_ _ _ _ _ _
R RENT Furnished rooms , single or In
suites , 4 blocks of Opera nouse. G. W.
Baker , 1509 Farnam. 671-39
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms , Beaver
AWhitcomb , room 25.Paxton block. 43824
FOR RENT Suite three unfurnished rooms
with closeta aud city water. Applr 2116
Chicago st 41)4 ) 26 *
FOR RENT 3 unfurnished rooms , suitable
for light housekeeping. Call at420N18t i
at Reference required. 385 26
TJTOR RENT Flat 6 rooms , and furniture foi
! ' sale cheap. Inquire of Dayton & Voris
room 1,1304 Douglas st. 46026 *
WANTED Furnished room within Ovc
minutes'walk of postoftlco. Limit IK
per month. Address y. C. , box 402 , 498 2tJ )
| JV > R RENT Central to business , nicely fur
I ? nlshed east front parlor and slooplnn
room in private family for gentleman and wife
or three gentlemen. References exchanged ,
018 North 17th street. 685 29 *
FOR RENT For the summer or pcrmantlv ,
furnished rooms with flrst-class modorr
conveniences. Only tenants willing to pay fui
such accommodations desired. No. 816 N. 15tt
Street 453 28
RENT Nicely furnished rooms , boart
tt dedircd , 113 So Sid st , bet Douglas auc
Dodge. 241
T7 OR RUNT Furnished sleeping rooms id
f furnished and unfurnished rooms foi
light housekeeping. Inquire 809 Howard st.
OR RENT Front curler and alcove , fur
nlabod ; good board. 2631 St. Marj's ave
1)61 )
f7Ull RENT Unfurnished roomi for home
.L1 keeping. Apply up stairs , 1616 Dodge st
T71OR RENT A nicely front furnished room
-L' with bed room. 518 North ISlu atrcot
800 30J
FOR RENT-Handsomely furnished roomi
modern comttacncos , 318 N. 15th st
MB 11
fTlOR HUNT-FurnUbed rooms , 181G Dodgtj. .
WJS. > T
FOR REN'T-Two nn ly furnlatirtl front
rooms , suitable lor two gontlcmcn or
married couple , nlso single rtiom , ' 4 bhicx from
ftrnct cnr. llcfercncus given nnd rciiilrcd | , CIO
I'hll Sheridan street 549Vj
iriOlt RKNT-Nlccly furiiljhod room forlidlos ,
JL1 2d Iloor , 16,1 St. > lnr > 'B a\e. 60.128J
FOH RENT Furni'hiHl room for tno gentle-
mon at 507 South 13th tl. Apply at roem 3.
FOR IlENT Ancwiy riiritlshed front room ,
with closet and bath. 601 South 20th st.
RUNT-rurulshcd rooms , 712 N. luth st
; _ _ 6'8 1J
RENT two furnished rooms , nt 1U15
Parnum st 141
JL' inoderd convenience * , on puvod strrot and
street car lino. No liner location In city. Call
at mv ollice. L. P. Hammond , room 3. 16- . !
Doilglnsst. 6.10
F IOII KiNT--Kurnished ; rooms , 714 N. loth.
729-nlO *
Foil HUNT Klegnnt furnished rooms ; nil
moilcrn conveniences on paved street and
street car lino. No finer locution In city. Call
nt my olllco. L. I > . llanunonU , room 3 , 10-J
ns st , CIO
Foil HUNT Store room nnd No. 110 N. 14th
si. basomcnt. _ _ asa
FOU lir.Nr Nicely furnished roonn nt rea
sonable rates , ono olock from court house ,
600 So 18th st , north St , Mary's n\e , up stiilrs.
T71OH KKNTV-Iilrnislicd rooms , bath , clc. , f 10
JD to $2.1 per monlh. fi2 ! N. 17th. KW28J
FOH KKNT Kurulsned rooms nnd bonrd ,
010 N IDth 8 133 28 * _
IOR RUNT Nlooly furnished front room.
JL'siiltnb'.o lot two. 1517 Jackson st. 61123 *
' "ANTKD To reiiffor S room house , not
o\cr 13 blocks from postoillcc. Enquire
at llennlsonIlros. _ 2.3
TJ'OH ' KKNT-Ulllcci In Hiillman building cor.
JL1 Furnam and l.lth Ets.ln suites or singly.
1'or prices , diagrams and Information apply to
S.A. Sloinan , 15)2 ) Farnam st , Room 2.
F 1011 Itr.NT-Nlcoly furnished front room 3
blocks south of tno Opera House,1415 Jones.
: HHn4
TJ. HOOK. Heal Ustato ,
1509 rnrnnm Street ,
! I27 Flno largo lot In Sounders & IHmobuugh's
314-I.ot on Hamilton st. , In Wnlnut Hill , 60\105 ,
with now 5-room houso. This Is a snap at
32S inst : front lot MiltJ on 10th St. , near
Hickory , $4,000.
331 Hast front on 21th St. , near Toppleton.
trees , now house. Loon ut this. It Is a
bargain , $2tOO.
332 bouth front lot BOxin . bnsomont cottaso ,
cistern , elty water , and barn , f 1,000 , cash ,
price , $ lum
33t rino east front , Virginl.i uvc. , near Pnclflo ,
" '
3b8-3"uno'cast fronts lullan < cora place , $ l,87fl ,
each ; 2 south front lots in J. I. lledlck'g
sub. , near Virginia ave. nnd Howard sis.
342-Flne couth front in Hickory place. $1J75.
lloso Hill lots from $ J.iO up. 2 lots fitt l
0 room new house m Saundcrs & Hime-
baimh'Radd. to Walnut Hill , near Military
road , $ V)0 cash , $2,500. liurllngton Center
lot" , $5. > 0 to (700 , are good Investments.
346 Splendid lot on 25th st. , nour I St. , South
Omaha , nig bargain. Onhf'HJ ) .
314 Corner lot In Grand View , $100.
315 Flno south corner 25th and Popploton avo. ,
00\16i < , wltn nice house , line surroundings ,
2S4 2 east fronts In Ambler Place , on pro
jected car lino. $700 each.
39-GU W teot south front ou Harney near 2 > th ,
44 feet on Haruoy st. , In heart of busl-
130-98 feet , corner , on .S. 20th , 8-room house ,
barn , etc. . Jfl.000. I * >
312 12 lots In Cunningham's sub , dlv. at a bar
gain 0 >
2PO-Lot in Eckorman's nud. , $450.
43-72 2 largo lots In Foster's add. corner , 2
blocks from cable. W.OOO.
141-fl4 feet south front in HRWO'S add , $ l,2r)0
258 Flno 10-foot south front lot on Boward it.
near car line , $1,50U
311 2 lots in Hcscrvoir add. , both for f2.200.
53 K8 3 lots on LenvnnwArth st. $1,290 each.
143-Flno lot in Shull's Aid.,100. .
311-0 cast front lots Ihl'Ihornburg Place , a
bargain , $4,500.
If you have any good property you wish to
Foil cheap , list it with mo. T. J. Hook , lloal
Estate , 1600 Fnrnnm St. . % 67ft 29
"C1OU SALK-Noat6room cottage , 200'Urnco ' )
X1 st. I'nsy terms : cheap , or will oxchanyo
for more valuable property. J. M. lavi ,320
N.Jfltn-au _ , _ _ K-
BALKlflO'foiSfTrOnt , corner on Farnara
FOH , $12,000 ; special Snap lu this ; half cash.
J. L. HlcoitCo. 41MJ
8ALE-Lot B , block 79 , South Omaha
FOIl . ; $1,500 cash , J. L. Itlco &Co. 497
TTIOH BALE 80 feet front on Sounders st , with
T improvements worth $1.600 at 7,500.
Positive bargain. J. L. Hlco Jt Co. 490
TELEPHONE US for J. L. Bice & Co. , real es
tate brokers. 476
BALE-South front lot in Washington
FOR add , $3,000 , worth $ ' 1,500 : must go.
J. L. luce & Co , sole agents. 4 fl
FARNAM ST. acreage , 10 ncres , $1,800 po
acre. Hush & Sol by , 1609 Fa main. 605
SALE 8 flue residence lots In Olso's
add. , opposite Kountzo's Place , $1,000
each ; just on the market J. L. Rico & Co..solo
agents. 490
ST 64 feet front on Cumlng st ,
\J nonrSnundors st only $7.500 , M cash.
This Is an offer that will bear Investigation.
Gregory & Hndley ,
Rooms 1 and 3 , Hodlck's blk , ii20 South 15th st
A CHANCE for Investments.
J\ . Gibson , Aylesworth & Ilonjamln ,
1 lot in Imp. Ass'n. 47x111 , with 2 small
houses $ 3OOC
1 lot in Hawthorne , 48x10.1. cor. 33d and
Davenport , with 0 room house.clstorn ,
well , etc , very caiy terms 3,600
1 lot in Hillside 2d add J.80C
1 lot In Hertford Place , 80x123 73 !
1 lot in Hitchcock's 1st add. 60x125 70X
1 lot In Lowo's Istadd,60xl20wlth home 1.750
1H lots in Shlun's let add , 75xl274 ! , Caldwell -
well st 8,700
llotlnRedlck'H add , 52x182 , Half How
ard st : 3,300
2lots In West Side,50x129 , barn and fruit
trees 2,100
5-room house and lot N. 17th at , Rood
well and cistern 6,600
KounUe 4th add , lot 8. block 0 six room
house , well , cistern barn , Ac 4,000
Himebmgh ft Patterson sub-lot 16 , block
2. contract 650
120 ft on St Mary1 ave , with S e-room
houses , gas and water , will subdivide. 35,000
40 ft on 8t Mary's ave bet , Hth and 20th U.OOO
Choice lot In Omana View ,
182 f t on Wtn st near Faranm 70,000
8 lot . 60x37. Lowe's add. 4-room house , j > .
cellar , well and 60-foot karn.pnoo irn'
ODTH OMAHA-Somo of the nest corners
In the business portloo of tbe town , and lota
in all additions thereto.
GreUoorus "and 'Bedlek's Blk , 820 S. 15th Bt
CUNNINGHAMS ADD-Largolots.nnd every
ono has trackage. They are cheap now ,
and will command fancy prices soon.
reftoomB 1 and /Bedlck's / Dlk , 320 8. 15th st.
_ _ _
1609 Farnao. st.
Offer thosd bargains tq day :
1 corner Oeonria ave ! and Dupont $1,731
T Orchard hill , choice lots each $ xso.
House and 2 lots. Blunders tt Hlmobaugh's
add. to Walnut hill $2,30.
20 Finest lota In Clovejniale , bargains.
Fine lots In Kllby plac , cheap.
Finel l-21ot John I Redlck's Sub-division.
Zcholco lou In Mayneiadd. , each $511
{ choice lots Falrmount place.
1 aero best in UelvedQr * , bargain $3)1
Zloti Jottor'g addition , each $701
Slots Mt. Douglas , each tKO.
2 lots South Ex. place , poch $509.
8 Brown Park , bargatni each $800.
24 lots choice In V ate * k Hompol's addition.
10 acres V mile south of Harris & Patterson's
annex , extra nice , cheip and easy terms.
A fine list of weitorn lands for sale , or trade
400acres highly Improved , Saundera Co. , aale
Or trade. ' '
116 fe t front on loth atrset.
Last , not least , nnrnor' ' On Karnam (45,031 and
IT011 SALE Corner lotlZSth and IAKO Btreots ,
J135 feet on 25th st , fronting on two streets ,
$2.300 ; 1-3 cash. J. L. Elce&Co. 4M
TELEPHONR418 for J. L. Rice & Co. , real es-
into brokers. 475
FOR SALE OR Til ADI'We own several
thousand acres of choice Bouth Dakota
farming land which we will sell or trade for
Omaha property. Wo want to sell and offer our
land at bottom prices. Wright & Laabury. cor.
under Paxton hotel lufl
XTELSON'S ADD-Lot 02 xlZ5. with 2 houses.
. X l ono It-room , the other 7-room , total rent
$048 per year , all for $8,000. $2,450 cash , bal 1 ,
2. 3 4 and 5 ) oars. Notice the easy terms and
that rent pays over 10 per cent on Investment.
Gregory * Hadley ,
Rooms 1 and3Ilcdickblk , 320 Bouth 15th it.
, _ 429
J7 OSTUH'S ADD'N-Oirner on 82d st 90x130.
JT for $4.400. Easy terms.
Gregory A Hadley. 429
> TELEPHONE 418 for J , L. Ilioo k Co. , real 03-
tate broken. _ 475 ii
rnELKPHONE 418 for J. L. lllco &Co. , real es-
Jtato broken. W
"tpOHBALE fO feet front on Pounders st. with
-L1 improvements woith $1,500 at $7,500.
1'oaltlvo bargain. J. L. Illoe A On. 4TO
FA11NAM 8T. ncrenge , 10 ncres , $ I,8JO per
acre. Hush * Stlby. 1M9 l-'nrnnm. 605
18 CHEAP-Ncw 7room house nnd
JL barn , large lot , bonntlf ul view of cltv. It Is
n 2-story square house , nice porch , double pnr-
lors , pantry , cellar , etc. , good well. Price
t-VVX ) ; (6U ) cnsh , hnlnnca $25 per monlh. Clark
A French , 1510 Douglas st , _ 644 28
Oil SALE-S W cor 1'Jth ' nnd Farnnm.IK ) feet
front on Fitrittim with tmiirovoraciits ,
$50,000 , 1-3 cash. J. L. lllco ft Co. , agents. 4WI
O\V ISTIUS-llouso 8 rooms lot 33 ft cast
f rout on 2 M between California nud Cast
$ .3,500. John Gnllnghcr , 317 S. Uth.
433 30
EOIl SALE 80 feet front on Snunders st. with
Improvements worth $ IAOO nt I7.COO.
Positive bargain. J. L. lllco & Co. 4UO
DO you wnnt nn > thing bolter than this ? S'lf t
enst front on 21.1 near Cass , ; . ' ,5JO < John
Gnlagher,317 a 13th , 417 30
FOll PALE-4 nno lol In A. S. Patrick's add. ,
$1,300 each. J. L. lllco A Co. , solo agents.
10 ACIU'.S 4 miles west of P O , for s-ile. JtWO
per aero. 1) . C , Patterson , Omaha ra
tional batik. 2tO
E01l"sALr-100 foot fiHit , corner on Tarnmn
st , JU.003 : special snap In this ; hall cash.
J. L. lllco & Co. 4W
Our new addition.
AcresM75to $ lil ) per aar > .
Near South Oimtha ,
And Sydlcato Hill. . . . . . ,
Marshall fc Lobcck ,
103 15J3 Furmm.
IjlOIt SALU-A corner lot OSxl B on 15th nnd
-E Cnmlng stone of the best locations In the
city for a warehouse , with waterworks nnd
BOMOr.iEo. Apply ut premises. Tlios Slncliilr.
2VO n20j
UJLEl'lIONH US for J. L. lllco & . Co. , real es
tntubiokors. 475
E'NUINK llAUGAINS-Two corner lots m
G llurdotlo court , only 4 blouks from S.iun-
dor's street cars. w. M. llmhinan , Room M ,
Uushruan Ulock , N E cor lOtu ana Douglas.
T710H 8ALE-4 nno lots In A. P. Patrick's add ,
JO $1,300 each. J. L. Klco ft Co. , solo agents.
PROPIJIlt'V Wo ha'o omo gooil In-
sldo property at a bargain , Pierce 4 : Hog-
ors , 1511 Dodge sticot , 8)0 )
FOR SALE S W cor 10th and Turnum. 00 feet
fiont on Fnrnnm with Improvement' ' ,
$50,000,1-3 cash. J. L. Rico & Co. , agents. 41M
cash will secure ICO acres of first class
$ farming land In eastern Nebraska bnlanco
very long tlmo and no taxes for 20 years. The
O. F.Davis company , 1605 fnrnum st
31 n 15
Park and Hammond Plneo Is
Insldo South Omaha property Thco Olscn
orJasVoro , owners. 314 8 16th st , 2d Hoer be
tween Farnnm nndHarnoy. 2. ' > 4 a 1
FOR BALK S W cor llth ) and Fnrnnm , IK ) feet
nont on Farnatn with Improvements ,
$50,000,1-j cash. J. L. lllco & Co. , agents. 49tl
SOUTH Omaha Tarn pjasl Hammond Plnco Is
Inside South Omnhn property , Thee Olson
orJnsVore , owners , 314 815th st.,2d Iloor be
tween Farnain and Hnrnoy. 25t a 1
BARGAIN Ono hundred foot front on
Smith Eleventh st , corner lot , only * 5.000.
Part on tlmo. V. L. Vodlckn , 520 South 1'Jth Bt
10 ACHES 4 miles west of P O , for sale , $850
per acre. D. C. Patterson , Omaha Na
tional bank. 2hO
TJHR SALE 103 feet front , corner on Pnrnnm
JP st , $12,000 : spoclul snap lu this ; half cash.
J.L. lllco tc Co. 4V5
AllNAM ST. ncrongo , 10 ncios , Jl.bOO per
acre. Rush & Sclby , 1609 Farnain. 605
riELEPHONE 418 for J. L. lllco & Co. , real es-
tuto brokers. 475
GALTjAGHEH-317 South 13th street.
SoutnOmnha"a snap" . . . $ 850
Hawo's addition 1 , ( ! " , ( )
Uupont Place 1,1100
Fairmont$800 to l.bM
Hanscom Place.,000to. ! . . . 3,000
Maker Place , S 00 to OW
Some flue lots In Plalnvlcw. H'.istln s add !
tion , Omaha View , and other additions.
Houses and Lots
Burt street near 20 lot 60x132 , houeo l'J
" " ' ' ' ' " " ' < a ew
Lor57xli32i"hoU8e"l2'ro'oms' , barns' , etc" . . 8l&i)0
Easv tonns on both.
Onaha A'lew lot 60 feet south front , house
with Improvements , cost f 1,100 , all for. . 1 , < 00
Vorv easy terms.
House and lot on 2Jd near California at a
bargainbetter cnll and neo about It
House and lot , Sunnyslde 1,500
Houses to sell on small payments , bnlanco
monthly 1.550
It will pay you to oxamlnoour list of business
Some of the finest ncro property nt bottom
price. 162-31
FARNAM ST. acreage , in acres , $1,800 per
aero. Hush & Sclby. 1609 Farnain. 605
FOR SALE Corner lot. 25th nnd Lake streets ,
135 feet on 25th st. fronting on two streets
$2,300 ; H cash. J. L RiceCO. . 496
rpELKPHONE 418 for J. L. Rico & Co. , real cs
JL tate brokers. 475
Blocks 17 to37 , the best part of Bowling Green.
The chcnpcst property on the market.
H mile from llonson car lino.
6-acro lots per acre $500.
2i ! aero lots per acre $500.
Aero lots $000.
Lots 50x127 on Hamilton street $175 to $225 for
corners. ,
Full commission to agents. Got plats.
Marshall & Lobock ,
No. 1509 Farnam.
Telephone 73. 104
FOR8ALE Corner on 31st und Cumlngst ,
48x150 , pn % odiu front , $4OOJ. J.L. Itlco &
Co. , sole agents. 4&8
BWENSON & CO. 1404 Farnnm street ,
Room 15 , dealers In real estate and west
ern land. Houses built to suit purchasers on
monthly payment. b81-al4
FOR dALK-57 feet fronton Farnam St. , bet
2Sd and 23d , with $0,000 worth of improve
ments thrown In , $15,000 , ! j cash. J. L. Rloe &
Po. 497
FARNAM ST. acreage , 10 acres , $1,800 per
acre. Rush ft Bolby , 1609 Farnam. 6u5
T71OR SALE Corner on 81st and Gummy at ,
JC 48x150 , paved in front , $4,000. J. U Rice &
Co. , sol agents. 496
TjlOR BALB On easy terras , some choice lota
-E in Walnut Hill , all near Walnut Hill post-
office. P. A. Gavin , Bole Agent , Boom e.Redlck
Block. 183 31 *
10 ACRES 4milewest of PO , for sale , $000
per acre. P. 0. Patterson , Omaha Na
tional bank. 880
FOR SALE 8 fine reaidonoe lots In Glee's
add. , opposite Kountzo's Place. $1,000
each ; just on tbe market. J. L. Rice Ie Co. , Bole
agents. 496
T71OII BALE Dcalrable residence property on
JC Capitol H11L Inquire 2223 Davenport st
T71OH 8ALE-7 lots In Institute Place$500 each
JL1 for the bunch , or will exchange for bouse
and lot J. L. Rioo it Co. , sole agents 497
LIST your property with us if you want It
sold , for wo mean business , Pierce &
Rogers , Room 8 Arlington Ulk. 833
BALE Dy U. Wells , 1COS Chicago st :
In Hanscom Place lot 12 , block 9 , 3SOO ;
lots 13 and 14 , block 1 , house of 7- rooms , hot
and cold water , bath , barn , out-bulldlngs. etc. ,
$6,500 ; lot * 11 and 12 , block a , e. w. corner of Pop-
pleton aad Virginia ares. , fronting east , $7,200 ,
Lots 0,7 and 8 , block 6 , each , $3.500.
Lots 18 , 19 , 20. block 0. each , $3,000.
Lot 17 , blocs IB. $2,500.
Lot 10 , block 18 , $2,700.
Ixita 23 and 24. block 4 , 102x132 foot. $4.250.
Lots 8 and 9. blocks. 100x150 teet , 15,250.
Lot . block 15,50x160 feet , $1.GOQ.
Lot 23 block 15 , 60x160 feet , $1.000.
Lou 10 and 14 block 20 , each 11,750.
Lots 3 and 9 block 19 , for both. $3.500.
Lot 9 Mock 6 , house of 0 rooms , with all mod
ern improvements , $6,600.
Lot 17 block 8 , 3-room house , $2.500.
Rediok'g subdivlson-corner U. 8. Grant
street and Virginia avo,60x140.houRn of 0 rooms ,
furnace , gas , water , baths , closet , electric bells ,
mantles , etc , $ H,000.
Lot 13 block H. $2.200.
, 18 , IV , 20 , 21 and 22 , block 9 , each
Lot12 block 2 , $3,000.
Its 13 and 14 block 3 , each $3,750.
Lot 18 block 2 , $1,000.
Lot 11 block 3. Hood's 3d division , $1,201
LotsO and 11 block 4 Itood'sSd division ,
40 feet ol lot 4 block 7 in Klrkwood. $1,125.
2 houses nnd lots on Uuit street east or Twen
ty-second street , each of 0 rooms , $7,800 and
Lot 4 Courtland place , cheapest and best lot
In the city.
Lots land 3 block 5 , Donlso's add , both
Lot 6 block 3 Dcnlso'sadd. $2.500.
Lot 12 block 6. Donise's upd , $1,250.
Horbach Utadd.
Lots 51 , 63 , 63.51 , tf.OI. t and 03. all 60x140
ft oxcom one. $ . ! , r,00 to $8uOO.
Alii lota all over the city-
Pane Lane , Darker Plaeo , Walnut Hill , Amb
ler Place. Albright's Choice , Clltton Place , Hod-
ford 1'laoe. Contrnl Park. Armour Plare , Fairview -
view , Kendall's add. Hnrtuian's add , Highland
Park , Hawthorne , ito ,
Wo ale hare atocka of good * , and farms ii
Howant county , 8 mile' * from Ornnd Istnml , in
Iloono county , In Sarpy nnd other counties.
In ncro prpcrty wo hn\o the choicest in ( ho
1 lot of 6 nores In Tiittlo' * nubdlv for $ iVK ( ) .
25 non > s northwest of nnd 4 mile ; from the
city , $100 tier iieio.
Lots In Kord's sub. nt $700 to $1,000 per ncro.
I.OM in Ilnrkcr' * sub nt $ l,5'jO per ncro.
Wo will ulunjs bo pleated to show jou what
wo Inn o and eell 3 oil u lot If wo can. Well * .
KiM Ch Icngo ( t. rear Douglas Co. Hank.
45 2fl
_ _
FOH SALE-A few ppoclnl bargains. Three
line oiHt front lots Kllby Place , f 1,200 each ,
on terms.
Ono line 5 loom cottngc , small hnrn nnd eosl
sheds with n good cll , In Parkci's nddltiun ,
. ' ,
A convenient 5 room house In north pnrl of
city , on street enr line , with power , illwater ,
and gns In stieet , client ) . $ - > iO ) , on easy term" .
S vornl lots In Albtlght'B annex , near the
new depot.
Houses nnd loti In Hnti'com Plnco nt bar-
gnlns. C. T. Morton. Iill8 Capitol in o. 300 2 J
"i inrAinfoMTnciinNtntoT rn sTToni stT
f nrt door north of Douglas.
Pruyn Park , line lot , 1-3 e h . MO
I'ruyn Pnik , 4deslrn'iblo lots , ench . 4W
Cunningham's sub , 12 Iots50xri0each. , . . 4 , 00
Saundcrs st , SO tect south of Cumlng , , , r > .i M
lllxor Vlow mill. , tine icsldenco lot . IH.UX )
MnMio's2dudd , Int on s front , ftOOciiMi , 1,100
llcdford Place , beautiful hit , f 400 rash. . . VM
21ft near LeaM-nworlh lot 50.xrj.,5-room
house . 5.000
Poster's add , 2 jrllt-edgo cor lots , ' < cnsh 5.IXX )
I'osler's mid , 2 gllt-edgocor lots , li cash 1,600
West Omaha , lot 2Jxl2il , f.'WO cash . MM
SOtliiicnrClnrk.unnolols MOxllO . 10iOi ( )
21st ncnr Chirk , 5-ioom hoiii > c ' ( lot . . . . il.OXl
22nd nonr Chirk , n-room house ! i lot . 2,5UO
50 ncros In Slomnii's nddltlon. 4tO 2o
F P.VLK Chonp now , 'i-rooin house nnd
11 barn. Cor. i'othnnd Culllornlnst 211 2il'
Foil SALi : Lot ffl by H2'4 ! ' , corner Ginro nnd
llltli el , Prlco00. . HomiHU AT Co , l.lth . st ,
opposlto P. 0. 400 20
FOIl SALi : S1\12S cor. lot cheap , nonrcnrs ,
401 N. 15th st. 181 21 *
JOHN OALLAOllliH , 317 South 13th st. Aero
propel ty , lots all partt of thu city. Choice
Intsm llniiBcom 1'ltco. HOII P , looms , lot
COxiJO , location umiirpnood. ? ii.tiJO. 2t)7a2 )
FOH SALE A corner lot south nnd cast fiont
on special contract In Koimtzc place ,
must bo built on thlt iciiu
Corner nnd Inside lots In Orohaid hill.
Corner anil Insldo lots In Clltton hill.
Corner and Inside loti In Walnut hill.
Corner aud Insldo lots in Baundois & lllme-
Corner and Insldo lots In Cm t lingo , , ,
Largo house and line lot on li tli street with
room to build moro , tor sale very cheap.
Call on or nddrcsd James Stookdalo , H14 South
10th st. S"f > SS
710U SALU-South front lot In Washington
11 Bqunrondd , $ IOOJ , worth $3jOO ; must go.
J.L lllco & Co , solo ngcnts , 4W )
PAHNAM ST. ncrongo , 10 acios , $ IMU ) pt
aero. Itush & Sulby , KO' ) I'm num. 6U5
FOR SALE 8 line residence lots In Oise's
ndil. , opposite Kouut/e's Place , f 1,000
ench ; just on thu inarKot. J L. Itlco V Co. ,
bole agents. 4'J6
TCTXAMlNi : this list :
10acre4 mlloswostP. 0 at $ COO
10 ' 4 " 8. W. " 6lW
5 " 3M ' no
6 " 3 4 " " " 5IVI
EO lots 3 " " P. O. from f 150 to. . . 350
6 Lincoln plnco " $ IVKI tn. . . 7' > 0
2 < lth and Hurt " fl.KOO to. . 2,000
2Uth and Webster " $1,000 to , . l.KXJ
2MhandCallfoinla 2.0.V )
Shlnn'8 1st , etch 1,00(1 (
HtmlcUo Com t , ouch 450
44 feet on Jackson , near 10th 10OjO
Cor lot and ( t room IIOIIFB , city water und
gas , ImllofromP.0 3.WO (
EO feet , 111th st , near viaduct 6.50J
D. 0. Patterson Omaha Nat. Hank bld'g.
281 SO
418 for J.I * lllco A ; Co. , real OS-
tate brokers. 475
FOR RALE-Comer on 31st and Cumlng St. .
48jtlr,0 , paved In front , $4,000. J. L. Itlco A-
Co.solongents. 49li
FAIUMOUNT PLACE-Lots 2i and 29. one of
the best coiners In North End. $1,700 lor
botu , Sii.'iO cix-U. and balauco 1,2 and 3 years.
Groaory & llndloy. 420
FORSALE-2 beautiful lots fronting on Sher
man avenue , pavud t , city water , sewer
nnd gas ; choice rcBldouco property , $8,500. J.
Ii Itlco At Co. 497
SA. BLOMAN. Heal Estuto llrokcr ,
IM2 KA'1 ) 4truttl
Farnam street , cor. istli.Ctixt.U , H cash. $ 0,070
Karnam Bt. , near 14th,2ixlUlmprovoil. , . 3. > ,000
Farnam st , ncnr 18th,44xii2. ; Improved. . 22,000
Furnnm st , nour20th,2Jxl32 , very ch'ap. 7,000
Farnam St. , near2)th,110xxiU ) : 35,000
Ftirnamst , cor.31st st. KUJxIS. , south
andenatfront li,000
Earnam Bt. cor.40th , D'ul'l'.1 , s and o front a.OOO
Farnatn st cor. 41st , 4Nxl3. . s and o front 3,690
Hurneyst near20th , 174x170 , Improved. . 35,000
Harney at. Redlck's Grove , 41x132 1,000
Douglas st near 12th , 44x132 , imiirovod. . 35,000
Douglas st 13th. 22XI3J , H Intorodt. tr ) > 00
Douglas st. near 23d , ttl33 ) 8,000
Dodge St. near 20th , 60xl52 < i 2,000
Dodge St. noar-Sth ! , 40x127 , improved. . . 3,000
Jackson at. near 15th , 6txl3' ) ' , Improved. 16,000
JonesBt.oor. 15th , B'Jxl'U 24,001
Loavenworth st cor. 21st , 132x111 , im
proved ie.500
Loavenworth Bt. cor. 25th , 140x142 , iin-
orovod 25,000
18th st.opp , M. P. and Bolt Line depot.
81x112. ; . . . . . . .
14th st trnckago , Paddook place , 66x112.
Park ave. opp. park. 60x150 l.w
Georgia nve. near Jit. Plaaaant.50xl60. . 8.603
20th at. near Dorcas , 100x100 , improved. . 4,500
20th st near Douglas , 3JxB8 , Improved. . lOJJ *
ISthet. cor. Jlartlm,05xljirnprovOl. . . 4,50 ]
29th st. oor. Soward,6,1x120,3 houses. . . . 4.503
Pierce near20thW footfront , 3 streets. 5,300
Hamilton st near Bolt line , Improved. . . 1.500
85th st. , near Davenport. 100x1 JB 2,200
Seward , near 35tb , 60x167 1,150
10th st , near Castollar. 135 feet tfront. . . . 4.5 < iO
8th st , near Mnrtha , 61x151. corner. . . . 1,000
Burdette st , near 29th , 60x132 , on car line 1,900
B art st , near Lowe uve , 611-2x139 1,100
25th , cor , Poppleton , C3xluO. Improved. . 4. 0) )
Davenpon , near 24th. 51 l-ixli-improveil : : ! 4,000
Chicago , corner24th , 6Uxl32 , Improved. . 8.UOO
26th , near Popploton , 50x127 , improved. . 0.000
Orchard Hill , lots $760 to 1,000
Brown Paik , lota $500 to P50
Bedford Place , lots $650 to TOO
Highland Pare , lots e.ich-cs a $68. . Z3C
Wakely add , lets 57x150. rach 40C
26 acred near Fort Omahn.finely Inproved 11,000
Center st , 66x132. Improved 1,200
Farnam st. near 39th , 67x133 3,100
Nicholas st , corner , 66x132 , track in alloy 4,200
Park ave , lacing Park , 50x150 . 4,000
816th st , near viaduct , 40x103 5,000
Sulphur Spring ! add. just opp. 16th at , 60
Leavenw'orthati near Beit LineVlobxisill " 00
> RM FOR SALE Throe miles south of Nc
son , Nuckolts county. Nub. , H section,280
area In cultivation , U5 acres fenced for pas
ture , two houses and 2 barna and other out
buildings , 2 wells , 50 fruit trees. I will Jell this
for $8.600 , one-half down , balance on ten years
time with 8 per cent interest. For further In
formation call on or address J. U. Davis , three
miles south of Nelson , Neb. 374alj
AHNAM ST. acreage. 10 acres , 11,600 per
acre. Rush ABelby. 1609 Earnnro. 605
mSLEPHONE418 for J. L , Rice & Co. , rcnl es-
JL tate brokers. 475
FARNAM BT. acreage , 10 acres , $1,800 per
acre. Rush & 8olby , 1003 Farnnm. 60S
FARNAM BT. acreage , 10 acres , (1,800 per
acre. Rush JcSelby , 1609 Farnam. 606
"C1OR BALE In largo or small lots field seeds ,
JL' timothy , little red and mammoth clover ,
German nnd common mlllott sucas. I warrant
this aeed all raised In Ilutlor county , Nob. , and
new , pure nnd clean sood. Write to W. G. Beaten -
ton , David City , Nob. , for prices. 491 afi *
FOR 8ALK-6 lotslu Crolghton Heights. S35J
each for the bunch. J. L. lllco & Co. , sole
agents. 47 ! '
F'OR SALE Corner lot , 25th and Lake streets ,
1IJ5 foot on > th st , fronting on two streets ,
12,300 ; 1-3cash. J. L. Hlceic Co. 4M
FOR 8ALE-N. E. cor 20th and Farnam st ,
6Uxl32,131,000 , one-third cash. J. L. Ilioj &
Co. , agents. 4 8
rF. HAMMOND , Real Estate , 117 S , et. ,
> first door north of Douglas.
Highland park tttt to SOS cash each 330..I 293
Harlem Lane 3 lots $70 cash , each . . . 25
Parkers ndd.dcslrublo lot , JOOOObh . 2fiOO
Lake View 2 cheap lots Klcuuli . 1,100
Baker place 1 lot * :30 : cash . WO
linker place 1 corner lot t 5ricnnh . CM
llrookl'ne. ' parts of itlota , f26 cash , . 260
Windsor 'lerraco , cor lot , tlOO canti . ff-U
Biown Park , 2 good lots , ieoa cash . l.roo
Wllcox2nd odd , lot 44x168 , 1-il cnsli . : ! , W
WllcoxSd add , Iot47xl60 , Hcasli . 1.10J
637 IU
_ _
Siorx OITY Acres suitable for plattlng.elose
to motor and struct cnr lines , 220 acre * $05
per acre on west city 263 acre * close to morning -
ing side f 90 per acre , a Durgtuu thla week , ad
dress K.C.l'Hlrner. Sioux City , la. Oroaharof or-
oncojj'attet aon Hrps. Peteison llroa. 486 tt 1
1' 0 ACRES 4 miles west of Vo , for Mule , ffiO
pcracie. D. C. Pnttcreon , Omaha Nit
tlonal bank. 10.
OR SALlf-A lease nt | 300 per annum for S
years from April 2 , ' 87 , on store room and
6-room Hat on bt Mary's avo. between 17lh and
IBtl. sis. Shaw Jc Co. . 610 3. llilh st. 5JB
FARNAM ST. acreage , 10 acres , | l,80n per
aero. Uuah Ic Stlby , KO'J Farnam. 60i
TT'OR HALK-4 line lots In A. A Patrick's udd
Jj f 1 00 each. J. L. lllco & , Co. , solo agonta.
_ _ _
rPKLKl'JIONl. 418 for J. L. Rcu ! vVCo , , ruul cs-
X tate broker * . ;
. . Property"
Twelfth niul Jones , ( WtliM , $ . (4,00.1 ( nnd pnvlnR
Twelfth ninl Jackson , Od.xl3. , all pnvlng pMd ,
( , .iH ) ,
Sixteenth nnd Davenport , lUxl3 ! ? , very
Junes street , belwoon Fourteenth nnd Fif
teenth. i flxlJ : . ' , Improvements bring $76 per
month , cheap nt f liVKM.
Sixteenth street. somooholeo pieces norm of
vlmluci n ml UJ feet corner on South Sixteenth
All of the ntiovo nro Imrtrnlni and It trill pny
any olio wishing to mve t to look Into them ,
lipodonra I its.
Nine eholeolot * In Klltiy Plneo , once $1,600 ,
they nro high nnd dry nnd below tlto maikot
UK ) foot corner In Hnnscom plnco cheap at
$ t.f.OO ,
Klrkwooil , lot run * through irom Twentieth
toTwcntj"tlr i , lr > 00.
\Vo lm\e choice corner on Pouglns street ,
now occupied wltli two house * mid room for
four inoroi i-my walk from po-tolllco and a
splendid corner to Improve with tenements.
Drake's addition , VH14H , with two hoit cR , all
for M.COJ. Ileio Is > \ bargain for some ono.
Tnelvo ncrcs adjoining Institute place , $1,596
per ncro.
Tuttlo's iih.,5-ncro trnct.
Twontj'llvo acres ndlolnlng lledford plnce ;
nn elegant trnct for subdivision , right onStulo
street : Insuiosn handsome prolll at IIio prlco.
I'orty nero * adjoining Oinalia Heights ; beau-
tlful hlsh rolling ground , nt n bargain.
fi ucres In Newport.
Clurkton .V llontty , ' . ' 19 South Hth street
41 M
_ _
k" 15H rnrnntiiPt.
110 feet on riorcoby 1)8 ) on 10th st , with 8
! - < feet aqiinro fronting on three streets ,
rulllot north ofCumlnt ; on ETth st , with 6-
loom hnuse.S.l.soo.
Corner Douglas nud 12th st , and 25 feet front
on 12th n , & < r > ,003.
15) root I rout on 17th nnd 18th st , cnch , with n
houses , f O.O.
l > ncro trnct In Tuttlo's subdivision with C-room
house , IO.IXH ) .
3 choice lots In Walnut 1II1I , Jl.OOO cnch.
I-ot on Dodgo.bol 27111 nud 2Jtli,5-rooinlioU8C ,
$ ' ) , OOU.
40 foot front on ICth M , south of viaduct ,
43H27 on South litth ft , W.-.CO ,
Ixit on Fariiiun , near JOili ut , $ J,000.
Choice resklciiyo lot in Summit 1'lnce. $1r > 00.
isnxia. , rornorslsf ami htrunm.fiT.ipJ.
KOI ner 25th nnd Capitol nvonuo , JO.TO3.
DO feet on Dnuglna , with 2 ID-room hoUsea , nil
modern liuprovoinonts , f 12,500.
2 lota on lltimllton xlroet , $2 , NX ) .
COxax ) , fronting on Cuinlng and Hurt et reels , 5
houj-es , f 1. > , OM.
B8 feet front on Fnnmm.wlth two stores
nnd n residence ! brings 12 per cent ou Invest-
31x1:12 : , C S st. , between 14th mid 15th , with 7-
room house , 1 4,200.
1'u II lot , 21st ft south of I.envonworth , 7'room
house , barn nnd all modern improvement ! ,
Corner , Uurt nnd 18th st , with 0-ioom house ,
$5.2(15. (
Lots In nil additions cheap.
391 _ 8. Killic Co. . Kill Farnnm.
HAN8COM PLACE Benutfnl enst front on
I'hll Mioildan.on grnde , forest Irons , nt a
reasonable prlco and on good terms. Wallace ,
Creljflilon block. 61928
171DII HAliK uraimiu Crolghton Block.
J ? Ixit no.xt to cor Hurt mid llrown , $2,000.
lOOvllJft near Louvonwoitli st small house ,
IT.tHX ) .
Ijots on Military rend 40x120 ft J750 ench.
Flno lot ncnr larnam st , Highland TlHco , east
30 ft Bmall'hoiifo on 20th st , cable line , J2,00.
Lot in Ixwc' add f B5U.
I > t n lluoll'd s-ubiliv. Clmrloa gt , * 1,000.
l' l\o beautiful acres , llonlleld , (2,500.
Klvo ucres on Amea HTO , Jl.uoa per ncro.
Kfi ft on Snundcrs st $7F > per ft , corner.
( lood lot In Crcston SI.2W.
Lots on Military roud $ T5a
Kl lots In Clovordulo ho old nt n bargain
ou cnny terms. Ornhnm ,
s so CrolKliloir niock
FOIl BALK South trent lot In Wnslilngton
Smmrondd.S 1.000 , worth j,500i : ) must HO.
J. L. Itlco & Co , solo ngonts. 4HI (
FOU SALti-N. R. cor 20th nnd Varni in st § ,
nfixi:2 : : , ? .31OUO , one-third cash. J. L. Itlco &
Co. , ngciits. 4fltt
ANPCOlt I'fjACn Ono of the finest corner *
on Vliglnluuvu , in."ixino. Lots lovolodup
nnd lying about 3 ft above grade , only ? 5,500.
42 ! ) G rogory A. II adlor. _ _
TATI3 ST 120 ft front on State st , In Omnhft
View , and n corner , $ .1,000 > S cash.
4S1 > _ Oroiynry Jit
FOU BALK N. K. cor 20th nnd Furnnm sts ,
eflxiyj , 131,000 , oao third cash. J. L. Itlco Ac
Co. . npronts. , 430
m r m m
And Chicago
The only read to take for DCS Molnca Map.
shnlltown , Cedar Rnplds , Cllt , .in , Dlxon , Chica
go , Milwaukee und all points cant. To tbo people
ple of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah ,
Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Washington and Cali
fornia , It offers superior advantages not pout-
bio by nny other line.
Among a few of tbo numerous point * of su
periority enjoyed by the patron * of this road
between Omatia and Chicago , are Ita two train *
a day of DAY COACHES , which are the finest
thHtbumnn art and Ingenuity can create. It *
PALACE BLEEPING CARS , which are model *
of comfort and elegance. Ita P AH LOR DRAW
ING ROOM OARS , tinsurpassoj by any , and Ita
widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CARS
the equal of which cannot bo found elaewbor *
At Council Bluffa the trains of IbeUnlouPaolIo
By. connect in Union Depot with those or the
Chicago It Northwestern lly. In Chicago tk
trains of thla line make close connection with
those of all eastern llnoa.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin
nati , Niagara Falls , Buffalo. Pltfiburg.Toront * ,
Montreal , Boston , New Yorx , Philadelphia ,
Baltimore. Washington and all points m tb
east auk for a ticket via the
If you wish the best accommodation. All ticket
agents sell tlcketi via tbia lino.
Oenl. Manager , Gcnl. Pasa'r Agent
Chicago , III.
Woatoru Agent , City Pata'r Agent ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
ChicapMilwaulee&StPdulR , ( , > )
Tlie nest Route from Omaha and
Council Bluffn to
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun
cil D luffs
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedarllnplda ,
Rock laland , Frceport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Jancavllle ,
Beloit , Winona , La Grosser
And all other Important points East , Northotat
and Southeast.
For through tickets call on the Ticket Agent
at 1401 Farnam treetin ( Paxton hotel ) , or at
Union Paclno Depot.
Pullman Hloepure nnd tbe finest Dining Can
In the world nro run on the main lines of tli *
and every attention Is paid to coasengera by
oourtbout cmployci of the eompauy ,
R. Mir.tKii , General Jlnnaror.
J , F. TUCKKII , Ass'.ttant G on oral Manager.
A. V. It CAIII-LMTBU , Gcnoial Puasengur and
Ticket Agent
( Ito it. HuAt-rniiD , Attlstant Goaoral Pa-
aongrrand Ticket Agunt
J. T. CLARK , General Superintendent.
WE4.K .ME"NI !
r t-iuL-jfa.Vr t , ) .asnn ; i < . , ' ntnc !
-j iy'ihti'Niw
/ lili ipteiae i"jrpgi , Vcmi ol
U. toothl ( c rr U at
* . ' hfiiiiKtn'd ? l"r ? %
jI VhiijyiSj.ii' Vl | oroui ( ihlM-tiH
Cn-r. l - > \JJJ-fii luitiullr
. or wo ferfjlt 3i * In oik.
Urtit. tlt > n > rotrn nt o > tr llolherbrll , % Toilrtl < l | r >
itriinriiMDi. . . . . | < iniplil < l4 . Ui
1 ho Siidka El ctrie Co. 169 LaSalU al. , CblMu