Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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    r"V '
the utate , tlio Leader of this city. It is gen-
ernlly understood Hint his cotiflrmntlon will
bo opposed wlion his tminn Is sent to the sen *
fttp , mid It Is ruiiiorpd tliatsomo ot the demo
crats of fills vicinity will lia\o a hand In the
opposition ,
STATI : t'Mvr.nstTY jiATTnni.
The roKcnts of the state university meet at
Iowa City. March 50 , toelrct n successor to
President 1'lckard , who has resigned on ac
count of 111 health. There am half a do/on
prominent educator ) discussed for the place ,
but the jreneral Impression seems to be that
President , Ionian , of the Indiana state uni
versity , will bochohcn , In case ho will accept.
He l.s voiinc , KtrotiK mentally and physically ,
ambltfous , and an enthusiastic educator. Ho
lias made a very Jino Impression
upon the board of regents. lie
Is qulle a specialist and Ichthyp oclst , and
unless opportunity and tlmo could be clven
liltn to carry on this favorite work , there Is
doubt of his leaving his present position ,
Sanderson' * Stool Want Nenr Syra
cuse , N. Y. , Dcwtroyod.
SYHACUSF. , N. Y. , March 27. The Sander
son Hteel works In Gcddes , a suburb of this
city , were destroyed by fire at 1 o'clock this
mornlnjr. The wind was blowing a gale at
tbo time and the lire department were en
gaged at a lire In another part of the city. In
an hour the buildings , which covered two
acres of ground , were In ruins. The loss Is
upward of 8220,000. The property belonged
to Sanderson , of Sheftteld. England , who
sUrtcd tbc works In this city twelve years
MO. _
Clc Fire In Memphis.
MEMPHIS , March 27 , 1:30 : a. ro.-A fire at
the southwest corner of Main and \Vashlne-
ton streets gives promise of proving my
destructive. The entire half of the square Is
Cotton Seed Ull Mills Burned.
RAUcion , N. C. , March 27.- The Kalclgh
cotton seed oil mills and fertilizing factory
burned this nmrnlne. Loss , SGO.OOO ; Insur
ance , 830,000. The tire was probably acci
noodlem In
CAino , Egypt , March 27. An hiqulry Into
the survey department has revealed the com
plicity of Egyptian officials In the fraudu
lent sale of state lands , nnd the existence of
n rlne In the finance ministry whnroDy the
Egyptian government has been defrauded
out of 90,000. An American , Mason Bey , is
at the head of the department lie declares
that he Is In no way responsible for the frau
dulent practices and demanded an Indulry in
order to clear himself.
The American Tract Society.
WASHINGTON , March 27. The Washlnz-
ton annual meeting of the American Tract
society was held In the Congregational
church this morning. The total receipts
were 5.T.TJi.V3 : ; expenditures. 8.T3.855. Kov.
Dr. Conrad , editor of the Lutheran Observer ,
conducted the devotional exercises.
Northern Pacific Traffic Resumed.
HISMAKCK , Dak. , March 37. Northern Pa-
clllc trains crossed the river bridge and tres
tle hero to-day for the tlrst time In eight days.
The water has been falling for three days
nnd Is shallow on the low lands. Another
tlood Is expected when the gorge at Wash-
burno breaks , but the Northern Pacific pre
cautions will prevent further suspension of
transcontinental travel.
Randy Itack In London.
LOKDON , March 27. Lord Randolph
Churchill has returned In improved health.
Evidence of Prosperity From Differ
ent Parts of the State.
CLARKSON , Nob. , March 20. [ Corre
spondence of the UEII.J Our town , in
common with many others throughout
the state , is eagerly awaiting the advent
of its second railway ; but , unlike many
others , wo have good foundation on
lilnh tO bftSO ONI * nlntma Wn alrnnrljr
have communication with the rest of the
world by means of the Scribnor branch of
the Fremont. Elkhorn & Missouri Valley
railroad , and the proposed branch of the
Union Pacific from North Bend to
ton has been graded through the town.
Work on this grade , which was sus
pended on account of cold wcathor , will
uo resumed in a few days and our citi
zens confidently expect to hear the
whistle of the Union Pacific locomotive
in the course of a few months. This will
undoubtedly be the means of making
Clarkson the principal town in this sec
tion of the country.
The town site was laid out
last summer , but lots wore not
placed on sale until November , and there
fore the ago of the town is iigurcd from
that date. Jt now has over 400 inhabi
tants and is rapidly growing. Surrounded
as it is by one of the finest farming coun
tries in the world , and having the advan
tage of competition freight rates , the im
partial observer cannot fail to think that
it will make a city of consequence. At
present there are in course of construc
tion five now business buildings , with as
many more contracted for. The Clark-
son state bunk , having a capital of f 00- .
000 , will commence business in a few
days , with J. H. Vail as cashier. W. E.
Verity , late of the St. Paul ( Minn. ) Her
ald , has already purchased the material
for the publication of a first-class news
paper , ami about the 1st of Ap il
will print the first issue of the
Clarkson Enterprise. There are many
now residences in course of construction ,
but the demand is greatly in excess of
the supply. Smith & Fuller , lumber and
grain dealers , will soon commence the
erection of a $ " ,000 elevator. This is in
addition to the one already in operation
and owned by the Nyo-Wilson Warehouse -
house company , of Fremont. There are
good openings hero in almost any line of
business , and especially eo the following :
Drugs , general merchandise , furniture ,
agriculture implements , harness and sad
dlery , barber , blacksmith , wagonmaker ,
lawyer and many others which we can
not now mention.
Brown County's Dooming Town.
LONG PINE , Nob. , March 20. ( .Corre
spondence of the BEE. ] Long Pine is five
years old , located In the center of Brown
county , Nebraska , on the Long Pine
River , has 800 population. It is 231 miles
west of Missouri Valley , la. , and 105
I miles east of Chadron , Neb. , on the main
line , nnd is the freight and passenger di
Vision of the Fremont , Elkhorn & Mis
oun Valley railroad. Owiuct to iU
manufacturing interests it is noted as the
"Minneapolis of Nebraska , " It has throe
good ilouring mills now running withir
one-half mile of Main street , and abundance
anco of water for several other factories
The clirnato is high and dry , and un
usually healthy. The surrounding coun
try boa exceptionally good advantages
the water bolng soft and pure , and thi
soil being a rich snudy loam , adapted t <
raising the finest quality of all crops , am
luBorue localities gives special advant
ages ( or stock raising. Timber is abund
ant for fuel , and also furnishes consider
able pine dimension lumber for buildinj
purposed. The "Seven Springs" noa
town are attracting attention for thci
beauty and purity of water. Long Pin
river presents the most picturesque seen
ery of Nebraska being lined with pine
red cedar and various other forest trees
A * There are splendid openings for i
creamery and cheese factory. A can
nlng and starch factory is wanted here
M the county is particularly adapted fo
raising all kinds of vegetables and fruiU
Railroad men have incorporated a com
pany to build a hospital. A traveler *
building and loan company has jus
been incorporated.
Building improvements for 1886 are a
follows : 33 now dwellings and 17 add
Ulons , cost $10,837 ; 0 now business bulk
' * and 13 additions , cost $6.380 ;
tliBsohM cumulated and another starlet
XMt to date 15,100 } brick school ( .bom
GOxGI. cost 17,000 : new roller mill nnd
additions to 2 other mills , cost $10,435 ;
railroad Improvements , being water
works , transfer shed , bageago room , lee
house , division stock yards covering six
acres , olllcc , 8 barns , division side tracks
and platforms , cost $57,050 ; miscellane
ous , $3,035 ; total improvements. ? 117 , ' ! ' . ! 7.
Lively Lyotn.
Lvoxs , Neb. , March 20. [ Correspond
ence of the Bun. ] Lyons is n bright ,
beautiful nnd progressive town , and gives
abundant promise of becoming the second
town in Hurt county. The town Is sur
rounded by as good agriculture country
AS can bo found In the Gtatc ; in situated
In the far-famed Logan valley , which is
acknowledged by all who have seen it to
bo the garden spot of Nebraska. This
town is n strictly "dry town. " has been
n prohibition town from mciplcncy , and
has conclusively proven that
prohibition docs prohibit , and also that
schools can bo maintained without the
revenue derived trom the whisky traffic ,
ns Lyons has just recently completed a
capacious brick school house costing near
$5,000 , nnd boasts of as good schools as
any in the state.
Every line of business Is well repre
sented , having one ot the best hotels , the
Logan house , run by a man who is ex
ceedingly popular with the public by
reason of hisunfailingcourtcsy and care
ful attention to the wants of the travel
ing public. The town has not been of
that mushroom growth , consequently
there will bo no retrograde. All the sur
rounding country is well improved.
The business nnd property holders
am second to none in enterprise , public
spirit and liberality , and are thoroughly
aroused to a full determination m making
the town lead in the progressive move
ment which is characteristic of all the
towns in this part of the state this spring.
Some of the most extensive farmers
and stockmen in Burt county are located
near Lyons , and are of the progressive
class , which are always on the alert for
the welfare of their own town. Just re
cently a literary society has been organ
ized which is proving a success , both to
the young and old. Other towns are fol
lowing the example.
The Mirror , which is edited by two of
the largo family of Smiths , is a wide-
awake newspaper nnd reflects credit
on the publishers and town.
Adman Wants a Doctor.
ADMAH , Nob. , March 27. [ Correspon
dence of the BEE. ] Wo take the liberty
through your valuable paper to adver
tise for a doctor. Adumh is a postofllce
in the northwestern part of vVashlngton
county , Nebraska. There is a general
store and a blacksmith shop and a splen
did farming country around it for ten
miles in circumference , without a doctor
in sight. The farmers nro mostly well to
do nnd have the best Roll to fall back on.
There can bo no question but a doctor
would do well hero. Address G. Pegau ,
Admah , Neb. , for particulars.
Wallace P. Rccdtn the Atlanta Constitution.
"Another man killed ! " exclaimed Cap
tain Uuval. "Tho devil take these Mexi
can brigands. Why , their mode of warfare -
faro Is worse than anything I over saw in
Algiers ! "
Captain Duval had won a medal as a
gallcnt officer in the foreign legion , and
had been transferred at his own request
to Bazaino's command in Mexico. But
in his now field of service ho had won
few laurels. Maximilian's ill-starred
reign was ncaring its end , and Captain
Duval found himself fighting against
overwhclralnc odds.
What called the chivalrlc- rcncuman
moro than anything else , was the fact
that his military education was worth lit
tle to him in this semi-barbarous land ,
where the people resorted to a bush
whacking warfare. On his scouting ex
pedition into Sonora ho had lost half of
his men , without once seeing the enemy.
On the march , and around the camp iiro
at night , the soldiers were picked oil' ono
by one by unseen sharpshooters who
seemed to defy discovery and pursuit.
And now another man had been killed *
what was to bo done ?
"Send Corporal John to mo , " said the
captain , coming to the door of his tent.
In a few moments Corporal John ap
peared. Ho whs a stalwart youup fellow
with an honest American face , ills s ol
diery bearing was that of a veteran. Al
though a mere youth , ho bad been trained
in war's roughest school. At the down
fall of the confederacy he had made his
way across the Rio Grande , still wearing
his faded gray jacket , and had joined
Maximillian's army.
Corporal John wore his French uni
form gracefully , but , the lingo of his com
rades was too much for him , and this
made him a little uneasy in the prcsonco
of his captain.
" American friend " said
"My , Duval ,
"vou * nave fought bushwhackers ? "
' 'Yes. captain. "
"And sharpshooters ? "
"Yes. captain. "
"And "
brigands ?
"Yes , captain. "
"And all sorts of devils , I doubt not.
Well , then , Corporal John , what did
you do with thorn when you caught
them ? "
"Click ! "
This significant sound , made by a pe
culiar working of the corporal's mouth ,
arrested the t ranchman's attention.
"GoodI" ho ejaculated. "You shot
thorn on the spot1'
"Wo led thorn into the bushes , "said
the corporal , "and lost them. And they
were never found again. Click ! "
"Very well , " remarked Duval with a
satisfied look. "On the principle of setting
ting a thief to catch a thief , I propose to
turn these assassins over to you , On the
march to-morrow take a few picked men
and watch every suspicious placo. If
you find any human beings m ambush
with arms in his hands , sbnol him. If
the case calls for investigation it will be
looked into later. Our first duty is self-
preservation. "
"It shall be done , " replied Corporal
John , as ho retired.
alt was nearly sundown the next day ,
when Corporal John and two of his men
plunged into a dense and tangled thicket
a little oft * their line of march. The cor
poral was sure that ho had scon some
thing run to cover , and ho found that ho
was not mistaken.
But this prisoner , with his arm around
the neck of his little mustang , was no
ordinary bushwhacker. When the two
soldiers seized him Corporal John saw
bof ere him a boy of about eighteen , a
handsome ! spirited looking youngster , in
citizen's dress and armed with a light
0 riflo. Trembling nnd Hushing by turns ,
1 the prisoner flashed his black eyes defi
antly , and cried out :
"Unhand me , sonars ! I will not submit
to this outrage. "
Ho spoke in Spanish , and the corporal
understood this language much bettor
than ho did French.
"Who are you , and what arc you doing
hero ? " he asked stonily.
The little Mexican drew himself up
"It is no crime to html , " ho replied.
"I am not a soldier. See , I wear no uni
form. Why ami treated in this way ?
Restore my rifle and my rnustung.aml . let
ino proceed on my way , "
It was a wonderfully sweet voice and it
had an imperious ring in it. Corporal
John wavered a moment , but one 01 the
men spoke up :
"A cursed brigand , and caught with
arms in his hands in ambush. Ucmembei
the captain's order. "
"I will take him down to the river and
finish him myielf , " said Uie corporal ,
grimly , "l can't take you twofroa
the road at present. Kepp your eyes
open. " .
There was a protest from the othors.but
the corporal silenced them.
"I won't have any useless noise , " ho
explained. "I'll take him to the river ,
cut his throat nnd throw him. in , That
will be the safest plan. "
Tying the hands of the prisoner , ho led
him through the thick undergrowth down
to the muddy stream a hundred yards
from the road.
"Scnor. "
Corporal John looked down relent
lessly Into the youthful face.
"well , " ho answered grullly.
"Scnor , this is a bravo deed for a sol
dier , to tnurdor an unarmed prisoner. "
"You and your friends have been mur
dering our men , " replied the corporal ,
"and wo must get oven and sot an c wim
ple. "
"Scnor , let mo speak. Loss than a
month ago n band of young soldiers
burned our hacienda. They stabbed my
father , n harmless old man , with their
bayonets until he was dead. My mother
lied into the swamps , where she died of
fright and exposure. Well , I will tell the
truth. Since then my brother and I
have been with the guerillas , and wo
have done some good work , Do yea
blame mo ? "
Corporal John thought of a similar ex-
pcrionco in his own case , when ho was
fighting for the confederacy.
n'No , I don't. " he blurted out , "but I
don't know whether you are tolling the
truth or a lio. I must obey orders. "
"But , annor , would you kill a woman , a
girl ? "
"Good God ! " cried the corporal. Then ,
when ho glanced at the upturned face
and saw the liquid eyes with their Jong
lashes , the pouting , crimson lips , and
the faintly flushed , dark face , ho won
dered that ho had not suspected the truth
"Sonorita , " stammered the rough sol
dier , "I am sorry you are in this trouble.
You may rest assured , however , that I
am not going to kill you. "
"I knew it ! " and the girl smiled tri
umphantly ,
But. you ought to be sent to headquar
ters. "
"And would my life bo safe there ? "
"No , I don't believe it would , " was the
corporal's thoughtful reply.
"Then set mo free. "
"Hay ! "
"Set mo frcol"
'Hang me if I don't ! " said the cor-
lornl. "Why , of course I will. "
Ho cut the prisoner's bonds , and gave
n inquiring look.
"It is all right , " responded the seno-
ita. "Tho stream is not deep at this
I am going to ford it , nnd on the
( her side of yonder hill my brother and
jis companions a wait mo. When you re-
urn to your comrades , toll thorn that you
lid your duty. God bless you scaor.nnd
Before ho could speak the scnorita was
.alf way across the river. As she disap
eared in the forest on the other side she
waved her hand.and the corporal heartily
"Ugh ! Don't ask me , " was Corporal
ohn's reply lo the questions of his com-
'ados. ' "I did my duty. That is enough. "
There wore other things demanding
heir attention , and the falo of the Mex-
can lad was not very scarchmgly in-
inred into.
# * < *
"I am a great fool to fight a duel , "
aid John Conway , as ho finished his tol-
ct , and viewed his face in the glass , "but
when a follow is in Paris he must do as
'arisians ' do. "
Conway gave an extra twist to his
moustache , and continued talking to him-
; elf.
"It is strange. I fought through our
war , nnd was mixed up in the Maximilian
business. I have done my share of shoot-
nii nuu ucmn BIIUL at , uui i iicvur * yet
itood up in cold blood to exchange shots
, vitli a man. I don't like it. "
So many years had elapsed since Con-
way's military expcrieuco that the pros
pect of a fight no longer stirred his blood.
Ho was not an old man , but the fiery
ardor of youth was a thing of the past.
After years of adventurous speculation
in the mining regions of the west fortune
had favored him , and for the first time in
his lifo ho was realizing ono of the
dreams of his youth a visit to Paris.
Unfortunately , ho had boon drawn into
political controversy in a cafe with a
member of the Mexican legation , Senor
Gomez , a gentleman whoso great wealth
and beautiful wife wcro at that time the
alk of Paris. In the heat of the discus-
ion Conway bad given mortal offense to
ho Mexican. The result was a challenge
and the American had accepted , select
ing pistols , and fixing the hour for five
o'clock that afternoon , the place chosen
being a suburban forest notorious for its
affairs of honor.
While the American was wondering
whether ho had sufiiciont appetite for
breakfast , thcro was a tap at his door.
Opening it ho saw to hid surprise Senor
Gomez , who advanced into his room
with a grave countenance in which vari
ous emotions were struggling for expres
John Conway involuntarilyfeJl back in
amazement at beholding this unexpected
"Sonor Conwoy , " said Gomez , "this
visit under the circumstances , is un
heard of. it is irregnlar , but you Ameri
cans are always prepared for the unex
pected. I am hero , senor , to apologize
lor my conduct , and to withdraw my
challenge. I deeply regret my offensive
language , and hasten to retract it. It is
my purpose to inform the gentlemen who
know something of the affair between us ,
that wo have no quarrel , and that 1 re
gard you as ono of the bravest and no
blest of men. "
Conway looked into the Mexican's
eyes , and saw sincerity thero.
"Sonor Gomez , " ho said , "I am at a
loss to understand all this. "
"Listen ! " exclaimed the other im
patiently. "Last night at the opera ray
wife saw a face that recalled the greatest
peril of her life. She studied it through
her glass and was convinced that she
was right. Wbon she met mo at out
hotel after my return from the cafe ,
where wo had our unfortunate difference ,
she told mo all and begged mo to search
out her preserver. So , Corporal John , J
thank you in the name of my wifo.1'
Then seeing that the American was
moro mystified than over , Gomez con
tinned :
"Havo you forgotten your capture of t
young Mexican in Sonora when you wore
with Bazaino ? Instead of obeying orden
and executing the prisoner , her sex anc
her wrongs oxcitcd your sympathy , anc
you released her. "
"It all comes back to me , " said Con
way , excitedly. "Yos , it is impossible
for mo to forgot it. And the sonoriu
made good her escape and is now youi
wife ? You are to bo congratulated
senor , upon securing such a heroine. "
B'l'he two wore now unconsciously clasp
ing hands.
"You see that wo cannot fight , " laughoc
Gomez , with a tear m his eye.
"Ridiculous , " said Conway.
"Very well , ' " remarked the other , " .
take it for granted that I may toll th <
sonora that you will spend the ovcninj
with us. You cannot refuse.1'
Corporal John did not refuse , but whet
the brilliant Mexican beauty overwhelms
him that evening with her thanks bo grev
very thoughtful , When his visit wa
over and he was on his way homeward
the American several times broke ou
with : a 0
"Confound it all , when she was nv
prisoner , why the devil didn't 1 kuei
her ? "
And yet Corporal John was not alto
Cether unhappy. _
Pozzom's ' Complexion Powder pro
daces a soft and beautiful skin. It com
bines every clement of beauty and purity
bold by druggists.
Decline pfMan.
Jlcntul or orinuioc weakness , nervous
debility and kiiultctf dullcnto diseases ,
however Inducod/spdcdlly / nnd perma
nently cured. Tor inrgo illustrated book
A Leg llrokon By n Fall.
A laborer named. Hun Icy mot with n
serious accident oti Jones Htrcet between
Thirteenth and ou/topnth yesterday
evening. Ho was- coming out of his
boarding house , when ho slipped nnd
fell ou the icy steps , breaking his leg
nbove the nnklo. nDr. Miller attended
Cimmberlnln's Cough Remedy cures
the most obstinate coughs. Try III
Moth and MnliatiRhlln.
Col , J. 11. Mclaughlin's manager ar
rived In this oity last night to tnnko ar
rangements for the match between Moth
nnd McLaughlln , which will take place
nt the exposition building tonight. Col.
McLatighlin remained over Sunday with
friends nl Sioux City , and will arrive here
this morning.
C. V , Baxter , an experienced and suc
cessful drngcist ut DoWltt , Iowa , says
ono family there created nn immense
sale for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ,
by using it and recommending It to their
on Its
, - - . „ . colds
and croup.
A Saloon Burglarized.
Burglars effected an entrance into
Hoffman's saloon , at the corner of Six
teenth and Cass streets , on Saturday
night by breaking a window at the rear
of the building. The burglars appro
priated two bottles of wine , two bottles
of whisky , several boxes of cigars and
f 1.40. Parties living up stairs wcro not
disturbed by the burglars.
Instruments exchanged , rented and
sold on easy payments , below
Factory- ! Prices ,
Instrument * slightly used at
The Original and Only Genuine.
Rib nl ilwiji B ll til . Btwtra of worth IMI ImltttloM.
lndlip i4bl lo LADIES. Alk ] * < u Drutrtit ' < "
"Okl keter' En U k * nd Ukt BO oth r , or fctleio ie.
mpi ) to ui for ptttieuUrl fn Ittttr by return HAll *
W AME PAPER. ChlefcMUr Ckmlral Co. ,
U everywhere. Aik for '
Peuyroral Pill * * T k *
Architect * and Contractors.
The Black Hills Stone Quarries nro now rondy
to contract and ship pure , oven colored Drown
nnd White Sand Btouo. Correspondence and
orders solicited.
Secretary Buffalo Gap Brown Stone Co. ,
Ilufliilo < Jnp , Dak.
Notice of Registration ,
TO the Legal Voters of the Second District of
tbo Second Wan ) , In the city of Omnhn.
You are hereby notified that the undersigned
will ait as registrar for tbo Second (2nd ( ) district
of the Second (2nd ( ) wunl , at tbo Grocery etoro ,
corner of Twentieth street and I'optiloton nvo-
nuo , commencing Thursday. March 24th.
1887 , at 11 o'clock , for the purpose of
registering nil nuntlHod voters within said
Second district of tbo Second ward , and for the
purpose of adding to and correcting tbo regis
tration already made , and for BUCU purpose tbo
undersigned will sit und keep his book of regis
tration open each day thereafter ( except Sun
days ) at the place aforesaid from 11 o'clock a.
m. until 7 o'clock ) > . m. until Monday , April 4th.
1887 , at the hour of 13 o'clock in. , when said
registration will bo closed. All qualified voters
are notitled to attend and Bee that their names
aropropwly regUterod
tn21 Registrar 2nd District , 2nd Ward.
Notice of Registration ,
the Legal Voters of Third District , First
Ward , lu the city of Omaha :
Yon are hereby notitled that the undersigned
will sit us registrar for Ux > Third district. First
ward , at lll'J South Sixth street , commencing
Thursday , the 24th day of March , at 11 o'clock
n. m. , for the purpose of registering all quali
fied votttrs within saU Third district. First
ward , and for the purpose of adding to , and
correcting the registration already made , and
for such purpose the undersigned will sit and
keep his book of rog-stratlon open oanh day
thereafter ( except Sura Jus ) at the place afore
said from 11 o'clock a. IE. until 7 o'clock p.m. .
until Monday. April 4th , 1SS7 , at the hour ot IS
o'clock m. when said retfstrallon will bo closed
All qualified voters are notified to attend und
see that their namss "o rnver\rTCKix\oied. \ \
ALr Itnt ) VllSiSa. ,
mlid iloglstrar 3rd District , First Ward.
Notice ot Registration ,
n 10 the Legal Voters of the Soccmd Ward , ill
Ji the city of Omaha : . , ,
Yo u are hereby iiotWtbat the undersigned
will sit as regiitrar foftnVFirst D.strlotpf the
Second Ward , ut the muipwest corner of Sixteenth -
toonth and Wlllmranstreets , , commencing
Thursday , March Slttt ; * ' H. 1887. at 11 o clock
a. ra. , for the purpo r registering all quail-
Hod voters within said rfbtrict of said ward , and
for tbo purpose of utUUiif to , and oorrootlng
the registration nlreAflf'.niade , und for suoh
purpose the underslgnfil'-wlil fit and keep his
book of registration of.ori eaoh day thereafter
( oxoopt Suudays ) nt the * place aforesaid from 11
o'clock a. m. until T o'W $ Pm. . . until Monday ,
April tbo 4Ui. 1M7. at tbfhpur ot 12 o'clock in. ,
when said roiflstrnttonSrllf be closed. All quail-
Hod voters ate notine\td' attend and sco that
their names nr °
j. . .
m7d Itogunrafy J District , 2ud Ward.
Notice of registration.
ITW > the Lsgul Votorartfi Second District , First
1. Ward , inthocltroliOfiahtt :
You nro hereby notlfleiiithot the undersigned
will fit u regUtrar for Second district , 1 lr t
ward , at 17J3 South Eleventh ttroot , oommeno-
In j Thursday , March 24th. 1IW7. at H o'clock a.
m. , for tbo purpose of registering all qualified
voters within Mid district , and for the purpose
of adding to. and correcting the registration al
ready made , and for suoh purpose the under *
signed will keep hl book of registration open
enoh day thereafter ( eicept Sundayi ) at the
Dlaco aforesaid from 11 o clock a. m. until 7
ffSfookpT in ? , until MonJ y , April ttb.l8s7nt
the hour of 13 o'clock m. , when i W regUtrat on
will be closed. All qualified voters are notified
to attend and see that their names are properly
mltd ItcKiatrur 2nd District , 1st Ward.
Veterinary Surgeon
Office , 417 S. 14th STREET ,
Telephone 70.
March April May
Are th montbj In which lo purify Iho Moot ! , for
nt noothpr toinonl * thobodf no ttucrptlbld loberU'
flt from mcMltclno. 1 ho peculiar purl f ring nnil rcTlv-
Ing qualities of llood'i Saniai.irUln | nro Ju t lint nra
needed tooxpet dl eui > 0 ! n < l forllfjr Iho syMomn iln t
IU tlobllltttlna trortiofmlld we.itlier. Krrrr ? ( " > r
tnrrtiiipi tliv popularity ot Hood's sarsaimrlll.i , for It
Isjuitwlmtpooploneodatlhlsicason. It Ulho IJeul
rprlnx medicine. If you tint * never trlrd It do BO
and you * lll bo convinced of Hi peculiar merit.
llood'8 Mnrsnpni'tlln.
"For nnny month * I ( offered Brently. Mywholo
eyitcm seemed to bo entirely run down , my nmblllou
WHS Rene , had point In my back , nnd a feeling of Ins-
eltudo which I could not throw off. I was treated un
successfully for kidney troubles , Ono day at my
brother's I snwnbottloof Hood's SnrgapnrllU nnd
determined to try It. llefore the tlrst bottle was tak
en lean candidly uy I WHS rellovcd. Iliavon < * d tbo
medicine off and on ovemlnco , nnd recommend It for
kidney or liver complaints. Mm. W. 11 , briuxu ,
937 Atlantic Avenue , llrooklyn. N , V.
N. n. If you hare made np your mind toeottlood'g
sarsaptirlluido uot Uko anj other.
Hood'sSa < tainrllMli prepared from Samparllln
Dnndollon , Mnndrako , IKick , Juniper Merries , and
other well known vegetable remedies In inch n pouo
liar manner as to derlvo the full medicinal value of
cnrti. It will cure when In the power of modlclno ,
scrofula , salt rheum , noro" , boll , pimple' , nil humors
dysiep | la , biliousness , rick headache , Indigestion , ,
general debility , catarrh , rheumatism , kidney and
llvprco-nplnlnts. It overcomes that extreme tired
feeling caused by rhange of cllmnte , season or life.
IMirlllc * die Uloud
"Seven years ago , whllo my llttlo boy was plnylnn
In thoynnt.hewas bltUn byn spider. The poUon
entered his blood , and sores soon broke out about his
bodyi they Itcho I terribly nnd caused him Intense
suffering , several times wo succeeded In healing
thosorcsup , but In spits of nil no could do they
would soon break out asaln. Finally we tried Hood's
narsapnrllla , and lit took ono bottle and on third of
another , when thi sores disappeared , Ho has noti
sore spot on him now , nnd I consider him perfectly
cured. " WM. 11,8. WAurt , Itonnlngton , Tcun.
"We Ml like Hood's Swarmrllla , It Is so strengthen
LuzikiUAI.rouu.Auburn , B.I.
Hood's Sarsaparilia
Sold hy all druggists , tli six for IS. Propirod t > y C. I Sold byntlilrtiffRlsts , 111 six forK. Vropnrod by C.
11001) A CO. . Apotlioc rlcs , Lowell , Mass. HOOD Si CO.Apothocnrlos ! , ton oil , Mass
1OO Dote * Ono Dollar 1OO Doves Ono Dollnr
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largest stock. Price * the lowest. Repairing a specialty. Work warranted.
Corner Douglai and 15th streets , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaker for the Union
Pacific Railroad Company.
The 0. E. Mayne Real Estate and Trust Co ,
Property of every description for sale m all parts of t'na oity. Lancli for silo lu
very county in Nebraska.
Of Titles of Dougltia county kept Maps of the olty atato or county , or any oth o
Information desired furnished free of charge upon application.
Lawrence Ostrom & Co.
Is Death to Consnmption ,
Malaria , Sleeplessness ,
Chills and Fevers Or Insomnia , and
Typhoid Foyer , Dissimulation ,
Of Food ,
Dyspepsia. Ten Years Old ,
Surgical Fevers No Fusel Oil ,
Absolutely Pure.
Blood Poisoning
hits will certify that I have erimlnel tbo BBhTiH OT BOORDON W niEKV , ifcclvtfl fromL
RiNC O3Tnff t&Co. , and found thn sama to ba perfect ! ' frss from Fuiel Oil and all other delota
oussubstascei and strictly puro. I cheerfully rocoramond thaiatna forTamllyaml Mollclnsl purpim
J. P. OARNDM.M.D. , Analytical Choral t , LouHrtlto , Ky.
For sale by Druggist ! . \Tlno Merchants and Grocers ororjwhere. Prloo 11.11 per battle.
Ifnotfound at the above , half doien bottles , express pililla plain boxuj , will bo ioat to any aiUraii
In the United States or Canada , on receipt ot sir dollars.
LAWRENCE OSTROM & Co. Louisville , Ky
Wholesale and Distributing Agents ,
RILEY d > DILLON , Wholesale Llnuor Dealers , \ Omaha.
Families supplied by GLADSTONE BROS. d > COt Omaha.
JAS. A. CAUPLNTEU , Vlco-Pro. C. b. CAUI'BNTB It , Treaa.
Carpenter Paper Company ,
Wholesale Pper Dealers
Carry a nice new stock of Printing ; , Wrapping anil Writlne Paper. Especial
attention given to car load onlors , which will bo shipped direct from inills.
All orders will receive personal attention. We guarantee peed goods at
low prices.
1114 ana 1110 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Display at their warerooms , 13O5 and ISO ? Fafnarw
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
V r * * * ni * Ag
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects In materials and workmanship.
1 303 & 1307 FARNAM STREET.
One Million Distributed Every Tear
Only | 2.00 required to secure one Royal Italian 100 francs gold bond. These bond *
participate in four drawing * every year and retain their original value
until the year 1944. Prizei of 2,000,000 1,000.000 , 630,009 , 2&0.000 , &c. francs will be
drawn , beside * the certainty of receiving back 100 francs In gold , you may win 4 times
cvtrv VG&F *
Thfi 1 * us afe. and fit best , Investment ever offered , as the Invested money rau t l > o piW bck
wlien bond imatuVa , Saiul rorrlrouUr < at U will p X you to do. or Hind ycur onlors UU monuy
or remstertJ letter , or postal nuto , aod In return we will forward the documents.
BERLIN BANKING GO. , 3O5 liroodway , Nctv York Cl < y.
N. B. These bond * are not lottery tickets , and their sale is legally permitted In the U ,
S. by law of 1671
Koom 23 , Pavton Hlock , Oinalta.
N. W. Corner 18th nml Douglas Streets.
813 South 14th Street.
Attorney at Xjaw ,
floom 8 , rrciiior Illock.OppojIto Poslofllr * .
Attorney at ITjaw ,
8. r. Cur. DmiRlns nntl 15th ! . ' . , room 4 , Oranlia.
Bpuclul attention to trlnl cmos ami collection !
Room 322 N. 161h it , , O'nah * . Office houn
9 to 11 a-m. , 2 to 4 p.m.
2Pla.yslclcm. and Sxirfjcon. ,
214 S. 12th st. , cor , Knrnnin , Iron Bunk
Building , Office hourt , 2 to 4 and 7 to S
p. m. 1U to 12 on Sunday. TelephoneG04
E'lxyBlela.n. . and. Svurrjeorv ,
Office , N-W Cor. 14tli und Douglas.
Office Telephone 405 ; Re Telephone , 41
Siorfjcon. and 2li.yslelan ,
Office , N-W Cor 14th and Douglas it.
Office Telephone , 465 ; Res Telephone , BC8
3li.ysiclan and Svirgroon ,
Residence , No. 1407 Jones street. Office , With
null lilock. Tulophoiio , lusiJunco 126 , ollla/
5I .
IFlxyslcian and fcSu.rQ'con ,
Office and residence 724 N. 16th St
Office , 813 S. llth it. Telephone , C89.
I VAN CAMP , M. D. ,
1513 Dodge St. , 1st door west ol P. O. Take
elevator to rooms 12-1 ! ) third floor. Tele
phone 32. Residence , 623 N. 20th street
Telephone No. 30. _
Surgeon and Physician
Office , Croutisc Block , Room C , 16th nnd
Capitol Avenue , Omaha , Neb.
Residence 2010 Webster street. Telephone
No 354.
Qoneral A ont ,
ProYtdent Savings Ufa Assume Co
of New Tort
Mlllnnl Holol Hlook , Omnhn.
The strictly "Natural Jr.imliun I'lun. " Aetna
avonure yearly cost durhiff 1S33 , 1331 nnd 1835 ,
at ago oT Tor $10,000 , was t"S.HH.
Printers , Book Binders
And Blank book Manufacturers. Nos. 109 and
lOfS.Mth street , Omalm.Nob. J.F. Falrllo , Bupor-
Inteiulcnt Ulmlorjr. Tolupliouo No. I&i ,
218 North lOtli Street ,
FItED STEXZEL , Proprietor.
Former proprietor or Northwestern house
Tne opunln ? of my now bouso oimblos mo to
offer the public nice room1 ; , clean beds , and excellent
cellent littohen. at low prices.
Physician and Surgeon
1S07 LaKc-st. , Omaha , Ncli ,
L alto Street Drugstore.
Ncl'co ' of Registration ,
rno the Local Voter * or the Second Dlitrlot of
.1 the Fourth Ward , in Iho city of Oiimhii.
You nro horubjr notlfled that tbo undoralitnod
will sit ns registrar ( or the Socoiul (2nd ( ) rtrurlot
of the Fourth (4th ( ) ward , ut the City Marshal's
Ofllco , north-welt corner of blxtomilh nnd Kur
il Bin Rireot ? , commencing1 Thumrtny , Mnroli
24th , 1H)7 ) , at 11 o'cloon . m. , for the purpoaa of
reifUtorlnir all qUHllflnd voters within said
Second district of the Fourth ward , and for the
purpose of adding to and correcting tbc regis
tration already niaJo , nnd for such purpose the
undersigned will sit and keep his book of regis
tration open oacn ilixr thereafter ( except Bun-
duyn ) at tbo place nforoinld from 11 o'clock n.
m. until 7 o'clock p. in. until Mondar , April 4th ,
1887 , at the hour of 13 o'clock m. . "liensaid
registration will bo closed. All qualified voters
aronotlllod to attend and see that their imuios
are properly registered ,
mlT Registrar 2nd District , 4th Ward.
Notice of Registration ,
r ) the L'fjiU Voters of Second District , Sixth
Ward , In the city of Omaha :
You are horobr notitled tliat tbo undersigned
will nil as rogntrar for llui Second district of
the Blxth Ward , at the north-west corner of
Twenty-fourth and Cumlng streets , conimoiio-
Inu Thursday , March SMth , 1837 , at 11 o'clock .
m. forthepuipnso of registering all qualified
voters wllblQ said Second district of Sixth ward
nnd for the purpose of adding to , and correctIng -
Ing the registration alrondy in ado , ftiiU for such
purpose the undersigned will sit and keep his
book of registration open e nh day thoroaf tcr
( oicopt Sundays ) at the olaco afor < nld from H
o'clock u. m. until 7 o'clock p. m. , until Monday ,
April 1th , 1M7. at the hour of 13 o'clock to. ,
when xaid registration will be close I. All qual
ified voters nro notllleJ to attend and coo that
their immus ro properly roirlMerod.
ml'd Itojlstrnr 2nd District , Ctli Ward.
Notice of Registration ,
a'Othe Legal Voters ot the Third WardIn
the city of Omiihu :
Yon tire horrby notified thnt the undersigned
will sit us rrglstiur for snld ward , lit No. H1H
llodtru Htrcet. romnioncliisr 'Ihuidduy , March
21th. 1BS7 , nl II o'clock a. in. , for the purpnKO of
registering till qunllllcd voter * within said ward ,
onil for the purpose of adding to , nnd correcting
the icglitriitlon already uiiulo , nnd for suoh
puriioao the undorglKliod will sit nnd keep his
book of registration open imcli tiny thereafter
( except Sundays ) at the place ufoioald from 11
o'clock a.m. until 7 o'clock p , m.until Monday ,
AmII the 4th , 1847 , at tlmliourof lii o'clock m , ,
when feufd registration will bo clowd. All quail.
llc < l voteis are notitled to attend and bee that
their names are ptoporlv registered.
M. M.
mlo"1 ttrI'l'lid Ynrd.
Notice of Registration ,
TIO the I.DKQ ! Voters of thn First District ,
Fourth Wnrcl , In ttioclty of Omaha.
You uro horouy notlllGd time tliu umlorRlfrned
will sit us registrar tor tlie First district , Fourth
ward , at Forsyth'B Drug store. Ulxtecnth and
Capitol uMMHio , cnmmenclnr Thurtdny , March
SMi , I8S7 , ut,11 o'clock n. m. lor thu purpose of
rcglctorlna ; all iiuullllodoiorswlthln laid Kirst
district , Fourth ward , nnd tor the purpose of
udduu to. nnd rorroctlnjr the roxlstratlon !
ready made , mid for such purpose the under-
euncd will sit iiud keep liln book of irfftitnilloa
opun each day tlierrmftcr ( except Sundays ) at
Iho place aforesaid from 11 o'clock a. m , until 1
o'clock p. in. , until Monday , April 4th , at Iho
noiiroi J-J o clock ra..wlicn said rexltitrutlou
will be clohnd. AHua1llled | voters uio notlHod
to Httond und EDO thitt their names uro propoiljr
rctflHteroa. I ) . K. KKVrt.S.
inia negletrarlst Dlalrlrt. 4th Ward.