Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1887, Page 2, Image 2
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , MAKQH 27. 1887.-TWELVE PAGES. THE PRESIDENTIAL CAHIPAIG1 .Politicians Bay Candidates Will Blossoi Earlier than Ever Boforo. MAHONE TO SUCCEED JONES .Allison Suggested as n Compromls JJetwoeti tlio ninlno and Slier * " man Factions Mrs. llcnclrloks VIsltH CunelldntcH Will Bloom In tlic Sprltif WASHINGTON , .March 20. [ Special Tele gram to the Unn.J 1'olitlclans bay tlio cam palcn for presidential nominations will opei earlier tills time than for many years bccaus neither of the leading parties have the lar es number of men to select from , and bccaus all are anxious that the strongest ot the a1 ? 1 > I ran Is shall bo selected. Senator Mahonc of Virginia , and Sergeant-at-Arms Canaday of North Carolina , tmvo taken charge of Son ittor Sherman's boom In the south , whll Ohio republicans Intend soon to got tojctlic to assume control of the cast nnd west. It 1 elided to-nUht that one of the first move vllt bo to put Mr. Mahotic In a position to b chairman of the national committee In place c Sir. Jones , of Plttsburg , Pa. , and that In till , will coino the lirst contest between the She ; man and Dlalno forces which me In thomal antagonistic. 11 Is well known that Senate , Allison , ot Iowa , Is the second cholc of Mr. Blalno , and there Is th 1' highest authority for saying that Mr. 3hei man prefers Mr. Allison to any other ma than himself. It Is not Improbable , there fore , that n compromise will bo effected be ween the Sherman and lilalne element ; hould the contest wage warm this wlntei and that the lowan will bo the man elcctei to represent the two factions and bring bet together. Ex-Senator Coukllnjt and Itoboi G. Ingcrsoll have both stated to politician within the past two weeks that If Mr. All eon Is nominated they will cheerfully tak the stump and work from the lirst to the la : day ot the campaign for him. This , the re pudllcans are saying to-night , will have , flood deal In bringing about the propose compromise. Ono thing all agree- upon thl 'early , and that Is that the preliminary can palgu will not bo permitted to go along unt ihoro la anything like a breach in tb 'ranks. All are determined to win 'And are ready for any reasonabl 'Arrangement ' to put the party upon the fore /tnost / footing from the start It is rcporte illmt Mr. Dlalno will bo In the west In a ver 1 few days for the purpose of meeting friend ( who have suggestions relating to his politic : .future , and that it will bo suggested that Mi Allison will be elven his strength. MIlS. Jir.NimiCKS1 LIFE WORK. Mrs. llendrlcks , widow ot the late vice prci Idcnt , made a short visit to Washington th ! week , arriving on Tuesday and leavln gain for her home In Indianapolis yestorda afternoon. During her stay Mrs. liomlricki , . % vlio made the journey to see an 111 triune i was the eucst of her cousin , Majc Thomas Morgan. She Is lookln Unusually well and speaks rnthuslas tlcally of her life work , which Is t .irrv out to completion every little wlsli-c plan projected by her late husband. Durin ihoir long life together Mr. llendrlcks mad . B practice of quietly jotting down whateve ivos said as to any plans for the future. Sine the death ot the late vice president thes notes have proved of Incalculable value t bis widow , whose sole object In life now 1 to do all In bor power to ndvanco thorn t fulfillment. She lives entirely alone In lie 'largo house , spending the greater portion o each day , as during her husband's lifetime , lu his study busily engaged In corrcspomlonc .end such literary work as necessarily d ( Volvos on her for the accomplishment of he flans. The most dlfticult task which pn Rented Itself to her after Mr. llcndrlcki death was to cuter the dining room when tihelr-meals had always been taken wit eucli a cheerful cosy air about things an f et through the lirst dinner alone with th plU'ht ot the empty chair opposite and th awful sense ot desolation to which it seeme .to add a two-fold keenness. However , Mri Xlcndrlcks has accustomed herself to it , an ivliether she has any one dining with he the chair Is always In its accustomed placi tmt no one Is ever allowed to ocdupy it VAN WYOK OAM.S ON CLEVELAND. General Van Wyck , was among the calloi Upon President Cleveland to-day. TL general will remain here a while longer , the BO with his family to Nebraska , No ma who has figured In public life will leave moi Steadfast friends than he. Ills work In tli ponnto during the past two years has r ulted In much good to the District of Colur tola , and her residents will always have Warm feeling for him , xnoTTEii AT DEATH'S DOOR. i Trotter , the colored recorder of deeds f < Chls District , who has boon at the point < If'death ' for forty-cleht hours , has anticipate - i _ . . . - . -i. . . . . , n .whose nomination to be recorder was n Jected by the senate. The appointment i JjOgan was made to-day , although ho wi determined upon several days ago. Trotter friends anticipate his death roomentaril ' nd It Is said ho wants his deputy to be h' successor in event of his death. Trotter h ; t neumonia In both lungs nnd Is very low te fc _ A NISlinASKA i , , Seeiotarv Lamar to-day disallowed th Claim ot Thomas French , of Kearney county Nebraska , for 311.830 on account of SIou Indian raids In 1804. The finding states thi the evidence Is not sufficient to establish tli claim and that It was not presented withi tup limitation fixed by law. \j POSTAL NEWS. William Galllford has bean commlsslone fHxtmrtster at Hock Falls , Neb. Tlio time schedule of the star mall rotil from New Hampton to Wllliamstown , la . .f : , has been chanted as follows : Leave Ner Ilmnpton daily except Sunday at 3 p. in rrrlvc at Wllllamstown by 4:30 : p , m. Lea\ Wllllamstown daily except Sunday at 5 p. m. rrivo nt Now Hampton by G p. m. The site of the postofllco at Sioux , She : nan county , Nebraska , has been changed t en i ! and one-fourth miles south. f K.VHie > XH roil NEUIIASKANS AND JOWANf The pensions Issued for NebrasKans to-da micro as follows : Minors ot Jonothan Bert Stuart : Peter Grubb , Noharf John U. M Cruw , Sett. Pensions were Issued forlowans as follows Elizabeth , widow of Alanson Harrtsoi New ton ; Marcus N. Stewart , Iowa Citj James U. Peters , Ablngton ; Win. Bauvnefi ter , Now Hampton : James V. D. Va 'Aronsdale , Charlton ; James L. Andersoi Oilswold ; Win. J. Wheeler , Macedonti Kachol B. Hlans , Iowa City ; Alfred Osbort Ceiitervillo ; Alauson Harrison ( deceased Itewton. MILITANT MATTEIIS. Captain S. S. Leach , engineer corps , hi tx-en ordered from Memphis to St. Louis relieve Captain Thomas Turtle us secretai nd disbursing officer of the Mississippi rlv commission. Captain Turtle has been c dored to Washington for duty In the office i the chief of engineers. Second Lieutenant Olios. L. Potter h ; keen ordered from Fort i.eavcnworth , Kai to Willeta Point , N. Y. , tor duty with tl touttullon of eueinrers. Captarn'Charies'riVilockwcU , of the Fit cavalry , will bo relieved from duty at We JPolnt Juno SO. and lejoln his troops. Captain Leach , of the engineer corps , wl lias been ordered to duty in the office of t Chief of engineers , will relieve Major U. 1 First Lieutenant James Brcnnan , Seven Infantry , has Men relieved as recrultli O lllcor of Camp Medicine , Buttc , Wyomli CI.KVKI.AN1 > AND CAJtrKR. President Cleveland U much dlsplcas fiver Carter Harrison's pretext for i luslnc to accept the nomination f vnyor ot Chlcauo. Ho bays ho krw nothing about Harrison's atlalrs , and do ot want to : that lie Is not opposed to Hi rl > on's election If ho accepted -the uomiti lhn. Mr. Cleveland refuses to be ejuotcd f publication , but he is of the opinion tli 'Jlarrlson Is simply making an excuse f j.cnlnga waifaie on the admlnlstratlc And that It means an alliance with Govern Bill , whose western connection Is to , fco Mayor Harrison , by refusing to be oca ' * ldaw on the erounds sot forth. mrrUi Assays to take his friends with him for 111 * . Hank Statement. rrJ EwYoait , March SO. Tlio weekly bai ' tutement nhpws the reserve decreas fl.Ml'.OOO ' The banks now hold. fOia7u : bt O CCPM o ! leal reexulremeata. THE MOB KAUTHQUAKE. Conoul flathaway Makes HU Ofllcla iteport of the Occurrence. WABIMJJOTO.V , March 20. The secretary estate state has reeolveel from Hathaway , Unltet States consul at Nice , a dispatch dated tin 3d Instant containing an account ot tin earthquake which occurred at that city ot the 23d of February lust , Hathaway state that the phenomena were most distinctly perceptible at three minutes to 0 o'clock It the morning. The vibrations were vertical longitudinal and transversal , and of no less than thirty seconds In duration. Tin massive stone building of the city wen then moved , lifted and shaken , as It ficctnet to their occupants , like ships at sen or tree : struck by a teiiipcstous wind. The Inhabi tants at the time \veie wearily sleeping til to the eviltemonts and festivities of the cnrnl Vid. Th" ) lirst shock was followed by anothct of somewhat less Intensity , undulating fron east to west * and accompanied by a nolst In the air like the blowint : of tin "Mistral. " The round of falling walls am the terrified volrcs of people mlm'lc ( In the alarm. Tlio sky became Illumlim with a rod , glimmering light , apparent ) electric In Its quality and unusual at dawn The entire population , half cluthcel , were Ir the btrects. Many were quiet , firm and cour ageous : others were trembling and unnerved , At thlity-Uvo minutes past 8o'clock n. m. tin third shocK was felt , more Intense than tlu preceding , which consummated the excite ment. The railway station then bocanu crowded with fugitives pressing for ebcapo t < Marseilles nnd Paris Some caught the mon open streets and public squares ; a few ob tallied carriages for sheltpr.and some.less ful , watchfully remained In the basements o their dwolllnga or hotels. The weather wai warm and cloudless , Happily but one lift was lost as the Immediate result of this dis aster. The municipal committee ontriistet with the protection of all damazod house : have reported that of the 53,000 buildings Ir Nice , three have been demolished , elKhtmus bo taken down , fifty are In danger , and " * ( are cracked and otherwise damaged. Tlu actual loss to renl properly alone is estlmatcc at rx > , ODUXX ( ) francs. The national chambei of deputies have voted 1.000,000 francs tor tin relief of the poor. Not only Nice and III neighborhood , but the whole coast fion Genoa to Marseilles , was more or less afllictee by the earthquake. Uut few of the translen population of Nice remain In that city. Grand Islunel'a Grist. GiiAjfn ISLAND , Neb. , March 20. jSpecIa Telegram to the UKU. ] The Giand Islam Electric Light , Uas and Fuel company wll commence operations In a few days for tin construction ot their works , the cost of whlcl will be 500,000. They have purchased lots i and 7 In block SO , on which they will erect i two story block of brick , forty-four by eighti feet , and erect coal sticds for the accommoda tlon of the electric light plant , gas factor ; and fuel. Seven miles of njalns will be laid Besides furnishing gas for illuminating pur poses It Is tbo Intention of the company ti manufacture it tor cooking and heating pur poses. The company Is made up principally of Now York capitalists. The constructioi will be under the supervision of Mr. Clmrlc : Wosmer of this city , who was formerly con nected with the electric light works. Thi location of the canning factory li fixed for block ! iO In Evans' addition on the Union Pacific railroad. Uids for the con Btruction will be closed on the 28th Inst. 1 ho govern or , state treasurer , secretary estate state , state attorney , and commissioner o public bulldlnes are In the city to-day tor tin final location of the soldiers' home. Tin various sites were Inspected. * The residence of Senator Wolbach was en tcredlast night by burglars and several vnl uables stolen , amoni ; them a $300 cloak be longing to his cousin. The residence o John Moore , station agout of the Unloi PaclQc railway , was also entered and all tin solid silver taken. An Appeal Tor Ireland. LINCOLN , Neb. , March 20. The executlvi board of the Irish National League o America to-day Issued an address to tin "American public and tbo Irishmen o America. " The address opened with a refer ence to the appeal by the champion of Dublli to the Irish World to protect liumanlt ; against further oppression of th Irish people by the government and reviews the prcson political situation at length , and closes wltl an appeal to the American press nnd peopli to pass their verdict and say boldlv if thi Irish have not displayed all the torbearanci that human nature Is capable of In their pas slve resistance to such Inhuman laws as thosi to which the British government would havi them submit The address say , If nothing will satisfy the Brills ! government but the destruction o the Irish people , Ireland will be justifies before God and man in selling her life at thi heaviest price she can obtain , and in uslui every weaoon the Ingenuity of man can placi within her reach. Consideration of thi policy of the lirltlsh government by thi American public Is asked in order to help aver such a catastrophe. The address urges th reorganization of disbanded branches of tli league and the establishment of now ones and asks that the Irish people living 01 farms too widely separated from each othe to form branches , send their names and sub scriptlonsto Kev. Dr. O'ltellly , at Detroit who will ackhowledge the same through th press. The address Is signed by John FiU gerald , president of the league. * The Mlflsourl Klvcr Vailing. lliRMABCK , Dak. , March 20. The river i falling rapidly to-day and workmen are abl to repair the Northern Pacific bridge. Ni trains can run over the bridge before Mon day , but transfer is being satisfactorily mad by boats. A citizen of McLoan county bring Intelligence that the gorge seven miles belov Wnshburn Is six miles wldo and the wate covers the prairie for miles. II this Is trtu then the worst has not come and the prescn fall In the river Is nlmpiy a result of th upper gorge. The Slbloy Island gorge I firm. Bnow has been falling for fiftcci hours and this will ereatly increase the vol umn of water. YANKTON , Dak. , March 26. The Mlssoui river Is still rising here and the water I backed Into the James river tour miles eas and reports sav It Is nearly on a level wltl the bridge. The Milwaukee track at Bur bank , about forty miles cast on the Siou City < & Dakota branch , is washed out am trains are abandoned , the passengers beln brought via Marlon and Scotlanel. Th water Is thought to be at Its highest now am no serious damage Is apprehended , as the ic Is all out _ Raising Itaten on Coal. PiTTsnurta , March 20. A dlsagreemen has arisen between tbo Pltteburg rallroai coal operators and the railway people whlcl threatens to shut out Plttsburg coal from tn lakes. .Last year the freight rate for coa from I'lttsburg to the lakes was SO cents pe ton. The railroads at lirst raised tlio tariff t SI for this year. A committee reported thl morning that the ralhoad people bad liuMl ; ottered to reduce the rate to 03 cents. Tb operators weie unanimous in asserting tha tney would not accept such a rate , whlc would still bo an advance of IS cents eve last year's prices. The committee was Anall Instructed to confer acaln at noon and as that the SO-cent rate be continued. It is be lleved , however , that operators will accept compioirdse of IX ) cents. Another Democrat Declines. CHICAGO , March 2 < X Henry Sttickart , car dldate for cltv clerk on the democratic tlcke has followev' he lead of Mayor Harrison an McAvoy anu declines to accept the nomlni tlon tendered him. Ho demands that a ne1 convention be called and it is claimed th ; this will be done and a now ticket placed 1 the field. Attho joint meeting ot the democrat ) county and city committees to-night a rosi lutlon was adopted calling for a conventlo Tuesday to nominate a new ticket. Tli convention Is to be composed of the stun delegates who a week < wo nominated llarr son , McAvoy and Stuckart , Chicago "Boodlers" Arrested. CHICAGO , March 20. Daniel J. Wroi county commissioner , and Adam Ochs am John E. Van Pelt , ex-members of the Coo county board , arrested for defrauding tli county , furnished bail In the sum of Sl.lX each to-day and were released from arrest New Pension Examiners. WASHINGTON , March 20. Alexander I Burnley , of Tennessee ; William L. Broocke of Oregon ; Madison Owen , of Ohio : Charlc 1 > . Bhanlt , ot Indiana , and Henry 11. Wole of Illinois , have been appointed special e : omlners In the pension oulca under the civ service roles. A TRICR WHICH DIDN'T ' WORK Prohibitionists Try to Sneak a SubmiEsio Resolution Through the House. VANDERVOORT AND CARNS FUS ! The Senate's Amendments to tlio Ol Inspection BUI Agreed tn The Malicious tilbcl Measure Killed Other Doings In tlio House. LINCOLN , Neb. , March 20. [ Special Tele pram to the BKK. | The house In opei session took up bills reported by the spec In committee on selections from the genera lilo. House roll ! MU , compelling the attend ance at school twelve weeks In each year o children between the ages of eight and tout teen years unless prevented by Illness or pov erty or by reason of proficiency already al talned , was lend.Jiir. . llayden of Saltn moved that the bill bo Indefinitely post polled. Mr. Tingle opposed a clause which com pels parents and guardians to Insist upoi their chlldien and wards complying with tin rules pf the school. Mr. Dempster thought the bill had semi really excellent features , and ought to pass Mr. Andres held that the state ought ti give children all the education It could This education would diminish thouumbe of reform schools and penitentiaries. Thl' ' law would compel parents to ulve hotter rca sons for sending their children early to worl for the purpose of gettlne a few dollars am bringing them up In Ignorance. Mr. Caldwcll referred to the advantages o compulsory education'In Germany. Mr. Randall said tliat'public education wafer for the public good. If thn state had a rlgh to tax a man who had no children for tin sake of education , the state had a right t see that the greatest good was derived Iron that taxation. Mr. Bftllard supported the bill. Further discussion was cut elf by the cal for the previous question. Mr. Hayden' motion was lost. Un motion of Mr. Randall the bill was en grossed for third reading. Mr. Andres bill , 178 , providing for settle ment by arbitration ot disputes between em pjoyes and employer , was broueht up , Mr Tracey moved to Indefinitely postponebeeatisi onn clause compelled one or other of tin parties to go into the county court for th settlement , which was compulsion and no arbitration. Mr. Tlnclo spoke agam&t the bill and Mr Andres defended it , stating that it hat worked well elsewhere , and-that It was li operation with the company for which Mr Tracey worked , and that corporation opposei The bill wns Indefinitely postponed. House roll 248 , providing tor the paymcn of diseased stock killed by the live stock com mission , was passed. Mr. Helper's bill , 340 , appropriating 88,00 for a geological survey of Nebraskawas read Mr. Keipcr said tlmt the state would get bad dollar for dollar lor this expenditure. The ; had voted for experimental wells and the1 should aid In gaining the information of thi entire state which this survey would give The United States had ottered to make tin topographical map which would bo mori valuable than the amount asked tor. Mr. Andres' motion to strike out the en acting clause was lost , and the bill was en grossed for third reading. A number of senate flics were read a seeom and third time and referred. Senate file 101 the libel bill , was called. Mr. Young o Douglas moved that the bill be recommitted The motion was lost. On motion of Mi Itandall , the bill was put on its passage will the following result : Yeas Aikon-Andrews , Baird , Bennett Bowmen. Cnldwcll , Cannon , Cole , Cope Dickinson , Dlller , Ksgleston.Fenton , Frantz Ftichs , Fuller , GatTord , Gnrvoy , Glllmorc Green , Llosvcld , Marshall , McCann , Me Conaugby , McKcnna , Xewcomer , Newton Klchol , Pcmberton , Peters. Itandall , Kay niotul , Itussell. Shamp , Sweet. Thornton Tingle , Trucsuoll , ward law , Wcthorald White , Whltmoro , Wilhelmson , Wllsoy Yutzy 40. Nays Andres , Ballard , BIck , Cameron Craig , Dompster , Klstey , Harrison , llaydoii Heimrod , Horst , Kclper , Knox , Lord , Mlllei Overton , Illef , bchwnb , Stmanelr , Sullivan Tyson , Underbill , Watson , Wright , Youiij and Mr. Speaker 20 , Absent or not votlne Abrahamson , Acee Alexander , Babeock. Bailey , Barrett , Crane Kills. Ewlnc , Fox , Gamble , Jeary , .Kennoy King. Latta. MattUleson , McOrew , Minni.x Norris , Satchel. Slmms , Slater , Smyth Tracy , Turner , Ve.ich , Wilson and Wolen webpr 28. The bill was killed , there not being a con stitutlonal majority. Mr. Andres explained his vote by saylni that he thought the bill In its preseat shnp < was a piece of personal spite work nnd be neath the dignity of this legislature , lie cess. AFTERNOON SESSION. A number of senate files weio read th first and .second time. The committee on th selection of bills reported a number of tli same for general hie and indetinatc posl poneraent. The report was adopted. Mr. Andras endeavored to have engrossei for third reading house roll 332 , prnvklln for the payment to convicts discharged undo the icood conduct act 5 cents lor each da1 confined , but without succsss. A number of bills were reported favorabl' ' by several committees. Just about this tlm it was noticed that there was a larg number of absentees and about th same time the desire to loaf insteai of working seemed to take possession of i number of those present. They Indulged ii a series of motions to adjourn , on both side of which some of the sportive youths ralsei their voice. It was soon discovered that : secret attempt was being made to revive th libel bill , and the filllbustcring was Indulgei to signalize the discomfiture which the autl libellers were sustaining In the discovery o their same. At length the house was scducci to the committee "of the whole , with Mi Kandall In the chair. It then recommcndei for passage house roll 310 , providing tha county boards shall pay the expenses of roai surveys. The house concurred In the senate amend ments to the oil Inspector bill relating to th branding of barrels and the number of det uty inspectors , which it Increased to live. House roll 73 , providing tor harmonUln Its assessment laws In counties under town ship organization and others was recotn mended to pass. Pcndlne the consideration of roll 409 , re lating to the Incorporation and Kovernmon of Insurance companies , the committee rose reported and the house adjourned. A ritOIIIHITlON THICK. In addition to the scheming carried on b certain members for the purpose of movln tlio reconsideration of the vote on the llln bill during the absence of many of Us sup porters. It is now known that another matte claimed tlm attention of some of tbo men bers. When Mr. Itandall took the chair I was apparent that but little would or could b done In the consideration of the bill becaus of the restlessness of the members. This le to repeated distraction and motions to eel journ and announcements of tne absence c a quorum , In response to one of the latte Mr. Itandall ordered a count of the House. U announced the presence of the require number fifty-one for the transaction o business. This announcement he mode a lowance for the presence of membeis In th ante-room , one'of whom , the man necessar .to make a quorum , reached the floor aftc the announcement referred to. To till method of discovering a quorum some of th members took exception , but had no mean of Inducing tlm chair to recede from hi position. Subsequently he several time maintained there was a quorum. When f leiuth the patience of the members becom Ing exhausted , the committee rose and ca ; rlcd an adjournment Mr. Itandall's solid tude to continue the session was noticed an commented upon and marvelled at. Th following communication , secretly sent t the prohibition members , however , suggest a motive to his conduct : "Some time this afternoon Mr. Randa will move to amend house roll 4SU ( tli statutory prohibition bill ) striking out a after the enacting clause and Inserting a sill mission resolution differing from any Intn duced in either body and defeated slnco tli senate has defeated both its submission res * lutlon and statutory and prohibition bill. 'L so amend Is the only chance to secure tl : submission of the question at this session c the legislature and thereby redeem the n publican pledge. 1 am confident throuc the efforts being made that the needed vol to submit will finally be forthcoming. Plea : vote for such motion and do not apeak ot it matter so the enemy can learn ot the project JSl < nedl AiiAM. BITTKNIIENDKB , W. C. T. U , Superintendent of Legislation. Senate 1'roceeellngs. LINCOLN , Neb. , March 20. [ Special Tel gram to the UKK. ] The senate agreed I have all amendments hereafter to be mac printed tn Lincoln. 'Tt'o ' following file were passed : 103 , Jocatlng a normal schot at Fremont ; r/7 , establishing a st&t board ot health : U71 , providing fc now trials ID 'criminal cases ; 371 amending the civil 6odo : 274 , permitting th supreme court to 'reduce tne sentence I criminal cases when the same Is constdcrc exccs.slvo ; list , providing for the repay men to counties for1 'cases ' of insan people ; 820 , provlillnst the manner 1 which an executor snail bo appointed : 151 Mr. Llnlnger's weekly excursion train 'o railroads at cheap iratas , was killed. Th house bill paving Kearney county the ox reuse of the Xlmmciuian trial , was passcel Itecess. The afternoon sesslnn was given ore laicely to tlm pnssa ( ) 'of , bill , and the follow lug were pnssod : Ilbtiso roll 210 , Incorpc rating the Hospital association of Nebraska house roll ( si , ceding jurisdiction to th United States over Fort Nlobiara icservn tlon ; house roll 318 , to provide for a state In spectorof oils ; hou e roll 203 , In relation t township organlratlon ; senate file lt > 3 , th Insurance law relating to the organization c mutual Insurance companies. This bill me with opposition , but passed with the ueces sary votes. The bill to Incorporate secrc and benevolent societies and to allow then to transact business exempt of Insuranc la\\s. In committee of the whole , Mr. Holmes o Johnson , In the chair , senate lilo 2S4 , to pro vide for the pardon of two convicts each yea from the penitentiary , piovldlng they Imvi served ten veara of good time and are favoi ably recommended by one of the judges o the supreme couit , tlio secretary of state am the wiuelcn , was amended to limit It to on convict anet recommended to pass. Senate bill 104 , to make elclit Instead o ten hours a legal day's work In the state , wa favorably recommended. Senate lilo 80 , amending the law rclatmi to boaids ot orcanlzatlon , was ordered t pass. Senate file 205. compelling railroad comnc nlcs to Issue thousand-mile tickets at 3 } cents per mile , was ordered passed to a thin reading. The committee rose , and after the ac cumulation of rolls had been read th first time , the senate adjourned until 10 a. ir Monday. _ "When Thlcvos l-.ill Out , " Etc. LINCOLN , Neb. , March 20. [ Special Tele gram to the BIE. : | There was a small wa In the lobby of cormorants and rallroai strikers that has debauched the winter through to-day , In which the blatherskite Vnndcrvoort , was rounded up by Corn in a war of hot and fetid word at the capital building. Vandorvoort , sine the passaiio of the mutilated Omaha chartei has swelled to greater proportions than th "old sack" ever did for him , and has claimei the glory of the nefarious schemes that hv : disgraced the charter fight Irom beglnnliij to end. The talk of the lobby Is that he cen surcd Cams to railroad headquarters for In activity , and hcnco the war of words. Fo a railroad that Is out of politics the orgies litho the Union Paclilc oil room In the Capita hotel Friday night must have boon n grca spectacle , and if Charles Francis coul have seen the flow of clmmpafra to lioom 10 It would have helped to solve th question of the financial ombarassment c Ills company. It was a sort of celcbratloi ov r supposed victories and the cxpensiv fluids were poured down the sizzling gullet of the strikers In a way to make more con servatlve B. & M. strikers wonder at th prodigality of the UrMouTaclUe roustabouts When congress adjourned and financial ere barrassmonts arose In Un on Pacific quarter the order came -Liucpln to reduce th lobby. Mercer , Gurley and "Bnffalo Chips Crowford were sacrificed and the suite c rooms In the annex abandoned , but Gran Bummer Vondervoort remained In commane There were possible , railroad measures t manacle and the moro rejckless were left 1 : command , so the remaining oil rooms of th two corporations flourish and the br.v/.e : work of the paid hirelings ; and corruptionist keep on apace , and treason and dcLanchcr promise to keep up the disgraceful scones o the long winter so lone as General Vander voort has a gullet to All and the corporation cash to foot the bills. _ The IlnatlnaB AsjrJuiA ; Appropriation ' LINCOLN , Neb. , MaroJvSO' [ Special Tele gram to the Br.cTjia ] announcement n this morning's BEC of : tho.bluniler In tlio en rollment of the bill for the Hastings asylttn for the incurable insane , was unlversall : discussed by the members of both housa-i The ways and means committee of the sen ate Immediately had a meeting and appointci a sub-commlttco consisting of Senator Heartwell , Kent and Shcrvln , to consult th governor and attorney general. The latte held that the enrollment , If not fatal , wouli certainly entail protracted nnd oxponsiv litigation. Fuithermore , the bill could no be withdrawn , and there was not enond time to pass another. Ho suggested the pi a outlined In the BIE of inserting an Item litho the general appropriation bill , setting fort the amount , $75,000 , the object to erect th asylum In question , and the cause the orri neons enrollment referred to. Thl was submitted to the governoi and received his approval. Th sub-comtulttoo reported to the main cominl tee after adjournment this evening ; the re port was concurred In and the amount wl probably be Inserted in the miscellaneous a ) proprtatlon bill , which will come up posslbl on Monday and reach the house on wednci day. The ways and means committee hav also decided to report 810,000 for a connoctln building at the institute for the deaf an dumb at Omaha. Thin will also have to b concurred In by the house through the coin mittoo , as the latter some weeks ago failed t recommend it. Plattsmouth Waterworks Cnlebratloi PI.ATTSMOUTH , Neb. , March 20. [ Specif to the BKE.I Great preparations are beln made hero for a grand celebration In hone of the completion of the Plattsmouth watei works. The committee of arrangement consists of J. A. Connor , N , B. Murphy an Ed Gruesol. Invitations have been Issue to members of the boards of trade and clt councils of all the leading cities of Nobrask and also to a largo number of promlnor men. It is Intended to make this event in excelled In every particular by any other lik celebration In thn west. U will luke place o Monday , April 0. The completion of the w < . ter-works will soon bo followed by other put lie Improvements , such as pavements an sewerage. It will bo seen that Plattsmout is having a boom , and is fast putting o metiopolltan airs , Minden Votes Bonds. MINDKN , Nob. , March 'JO. [ Special Telo cram to the BEE. ] To-day was decided th question of extending aid to thn Kansas Clt & Omaha railroad , and the bonds wore cai ried In this precinct by a vote of 203 for to against. There wos/co'uslderablo Intcrei manifested throughout the entire day , an since the result is ma'Jo known tlio exclU ment Is at fever heat Ttm determined opp < sltion of the Burlington &i Missouri rallroa against the bpflels 1 made man friends for tho'jfricjw road. Th citizens of Minden ate building hlg anticipations on the rcsult'bt to-day and on city will receive a boom that will place : amoiiK the prominent towns in western N < braska. HoUlregu Is < > lamenting , in sac cloth and ashes over our gpoel fortune an well she may , for she' now has a rival whlc will leave her far behind In the race for su premacy. With our favorable situation an competing lines of road wei compare favort bly with the best Nebraska towns. In a fo\ \ years all ttiosolio desire to see a lively booming town should come to Minelen. The Scotia's Passengers Landed. PATCHOGUE , L. I. , March Sfi. All tli passengers of the stranded steamer rficotl were safely landed on shore by 8 o'clock ) m. , and the revenue cutter U. S. Grant , wit 850 of them on board , started for Now Yor shortly afterwards. The others are boln conveyed In small boats to the barge lla ( certy which lies oil Hanger's inlet. The win and sea have gone down ahu the steamer I high and dry. _ An Etubezzliritr Secretary. MILWAUKEE , March 20. A special to th Evening Wisconsin from Janes vllle , Wla says : L. N. Williamson , secretary of tb Wisconsin Shoe company , was arrested L-v evening , charged with embezzling 88,00 Sensational developments are expected , as Is alleeed that fully 860.000 hare been stole from the company since ltd organisation ew years , ago. WEEKLY BUSINESS REVIEW , No Changes of Importance in Financial Affairs. FOREIGN EXCHANGE IN REQUEST A Itemnrkably Stcndy Feeling Prevails vails In the Produce Markets Knntorn Merchant * Ilcplcn- lilting Their Stocks. TlioVcek In the Commercial M oriel , CIIICAOO , March 20. [ Special Telegram t ( tholtan.l There have been no very Import ant changes to note in financial affairs thl ! week. Locally there is quite a good demand for money and largely of n miscellaneous character. Among speculators there was loss borrowing than during the previous wcoli or two , as trading has been smaller , and there 1ms no doubt been a moderately free settlement of contracts in articles whlcl have been subjected to n "squeeze , " consequently quently considerable money has been re leased. This , however , has had no particu lar effect on the money market , as the monov was deposited as mnrgtus with the banks and therefore wns merely transferred on the books i Still , there Is a largo amount 01 money tied up on contracts for wheat , corn pork , lard and short ribs sides , but that nc doubt will bo gradually released during the coming tivo weeks. Bather more currcncj was forwarded to the Interior during the p.isl thice or four days , as shippers ol grain and produce are anxious te forward all the property thoj can before ? Itho new inter-state commerce law takes effect. The same con clltlon ot affairs exists In the wholesale mer cantile trade , and Interior merchants are en forging their stocks materially before the advance - vance In freights under the now order of af fairs. The lumber Interest is a moderate bor rower at the banks , as Is usually the cas'e about the season of the opening of lake navi gations. Bankers ore well supplied with loanable funds and borrowers who are able te present satisfactory collaterals or endorse ments succeed In obtaining all the favors re quired. Kates of Interest are well main talncd at 0 per cent on call and G@S per ccnl on time loans , and It Is understood that onlj largo sums can ba obtained at Inside figures , Outside paper Is not much in favor and verj little. Is accepted oven at S per cent On the street there Is more doing and rates are firm at 7(33 ( per cent. The New York money mar kct Is reported steady at a good demand foi money at about former rates of interest The Boston money market has gradually grown closer , and considerable stringency prevails , Abroad the leading financial market ! show no material change. Loanable funds appear to be plenty , with no partlctilai increase in the demand for money. The Bank of England rate of discount tins been reduced to 3 per cent New York exchange was In fair supply , and the demand only moderate. Kates were a trifle irregular and sales were made between banks at ( X@fcC ) cents discount per 81,000 and closed quiet at cents. Foreign exchange was in better request during the past week and of ferings were not quite so large. The mar ket was stronger and rates ruled higher. Shippers' sixty days documentary bills on London changed hands at 4S2@483 % and closed steady at 4S3X4S3 % . The New York stock market exhibited very little life during the past week and the volume of business transacted was smaller than for several weeks past. The uncertainties regarding the Baltimore & Ohio combination ha ? had a tendency to clie.ik trading , as operators have been waiting tor a consummation of the the project , with a view of making It the leader tor the upward movement In all leadIng - Ing stocks. Chicago operators have trans acted very little business in stocks during the week , as the fluctuations In prices were not Hiifllcient to attract speculative attention , and no features -weie presented to Induce even oidinary trad ing. In a general way the market has ruled comparatively steady and changes in prices were confined within rt narrow range , with very few exceptions. Outside operators ap pear to be neglecting the stock market and the usual heavy operators In eastern financial centers are not inclined to do much trading at present. The Intcr-stato commerce law will eo Into effect April 5 , and the effect of the now order of things on the leading rail road lines will be watched with considerable interest Sales on the New Yoik stock ex change for the week reached only 1,000,000 shares. The produce markets attracted very little attention during the week. A remark- aoly steady feeling prevailed throughout , and fluctuations In prices were confined within a very limited range. Small operators as n general rule wore not Inclined to trodo. Or ders from outside parties , cither to purchase or soil , were lighter than usual , and leading operator ! ) were disposed to throw their weight on either si J of the market or create Influences tending to change the quiet con dition ot affairs. The unelcrtone to the mar kets generally suggests considerable timidity among operators fearful that the market maybe bo controlled by combinations quietly made , and prices suddenly advanced or declined. Besides tlio capital locked up In margins is flufflcient to reduce the working facilities of many leading firms without seeking financial ivwistance from banks , and they do not feel warranted In paying high rates of interest nnd taking risks under the present circum stances. The shipping trade is Improving , nnd no trouble Is experienced in disposing of nuiet liberal receipts of grain and produce. Merchants In the eastern markets are re plenishing their stocks while the present rates of freights can bo obtained. The re ceipts of grain and provisions were moder ately largo and shipments quito liberal. For eign markets have not developed nuv particular elements of strength and eastern markets have not shown much activity In a speculative way , though the ex port business has been well maintained. The airlvals of livestock wore moderately free. Packing In the west Is giadually gaining and is somewhat In excess of the returns ot last year to date. The stocks of ( rain and pro visions are being gradually reduced. The former are larger and the latter are smaller than last year at this time. Petroleum was Inclined to quietness during the past week. Outside operators are not Inclined to do much and fluctuations In prices were slight. No features were presented to attract trad ing. Sales on the New York petroleum ex change reached 5,48(5,000 ( barrels. The open ing sales were umilo at file , sold and closed rather quiet Nebrnska and Iowa AVoathnr. For Nebraska : Snow , followed by fair weather , becoming warmer , northwesteily winds. * or Iowa : Snow followed by fair weather , stationary temperature in the southern portion tion , becoming warmer In the northcin portion tion , northwesterly winds. A. Snfn Cracker Cribbed. CrATtKtfDOX. Ark. , March 25. Frank Ro land , an expert gafo burglary , who robbed the safe of the Southern Express company , at Brlnkley.Ark. , December , 1880 , was to-efay sentenced to live In the penitentiary. Ke- land was captured a few days after the rob bery at his home In Galesburg , HI. , and by various devices had defeated the ends of jus < tlco until now. _ Killed by the Cars. KHOKUK , la. , March 30. [ Special Tele * gram to tbo BKE.J 11. D. Hopper , of Cam- den. Mo. , tw only- four years of aie , a brakeman on the Chicago , Burl nitton & Quincy , fell off the train at Dounnllson , this county , yesterday afternoon , and was run over and killed. _ Gambling Tools ( turned. NK.W YORK , March 20. Twenty-five thousand dollars worth of gambling utensils were burned at the police headquarters this morning. The articles weio captured In the raids on gambling houses during the past two years. Killed In a Collision. EASTOX , Pa. , March 20. A collision on the New Jsrsey Central railroad between a freight and coal train tills morning neai Kockport , resulted In the Killing of tljn fire man of the coal train and the injuring ol both engineers. _ Del Puente and Vlclnl v lll be llm barytone and tenor singers respectively during ilmte. Patti's five week * season ot Italian opera which begins in New York city April 11. Pormlta. Superintendent Whltlock issued build- In jr perinlU yesterday , KB followi : J. 11. Kvnun , two-story brick store , 207 south Eleventh street . . . .g5,0X ( Alfred Johnson , one-story frame cot- tagc , Twonty-llfth near Bancroft. . . . 75 ( A. Henry , two one-story frame cot tages , 1017 and 10U > , south Nine teenth street 1,80 Henry llartman , two-story frame dwel ling. Blnney near Eighteenth Rtreot 2KX b. E. Wlall. twestory tramo dwelling , 15'i5 rtiarles street 1,001 J. A. Timelier , ono-storr frame cottage , Ohio near Twetnty-olKlith street 8W W. J. Paul , thrpfl one-Rtorv frame dwelling , .Thirtieth near Franklin street B.CXX J. H. Klngwalt three-story framedwel- 2vlS ! Chicago strict fi.CXX Eight permits acgrrgatlng. . . . * SW.SW Governor Cutnbnuk lectures nt First M E. church Monday evening , March ! )8 ) Don't full to hour him. lllcOIIHCtl tO Well. Juelgo McCulloch issiiod marriage licenses yesterday to the followhiK par tics : Namo. Uealdencc. Acr , ( W. Talmnn Omaha 2. ' ( Theresa Sell rotter Omaha 1 ! j A. M. Walton Omaha' 21 I Theresa McArdlu Omaha li I Satuucl lless Fort Omaha 2 < I Mis. Ada Lee Nebraska City. . . . ' j John llutt Omaha V \ Anna Johnson Omaha Governor Cumbaok , who lectures nl First M. K. church Momlny evening March 28 , is onn ot the finest orators Ft tlio nation. _ Conviction of a Mnrderor. KKADINO , Pa. , March 20. The jury In the case of irnuk Kclran , the religious mono maniac on trial for the past three days foi the brutal murder of Ills wife , returned n vcr diet to-day of murder In the second degrco. Tholccturo on "Invisible Some Pco- Jlo" by Governor Cumbaok , was the best , not only of the present course , but of nil that had preceded it. retcrsburc Daily Appeal. Richard Owens , who stole an overcoat was sent up by Judge Stcnborg ycstordaj morning to the county jail for 30 days. CLINGING "TO A WHALE. How a Long Inland Fisherman Saved Ills Lire. , New York Star : The largo righl wnulo which was killed off Araagansetl bcacli L. I. , on Thursday , is elown at the bottom of the sea seven miles from shore , All day yesterday strenuous cflbrto were made to raise the leviathan , but without success. A tup boat has been engageel to tow the whale around IMontauk tc Promise Land as soon as it rises , in ordci to secure the blubber and bone. When the whale was first struck bj Cnptam Johathan Edwards it lashed the sea , and with n blow of its tail broke in two the boat , commanded bj Captain Charles Edwards. All the crew were rescued except Captain Charles Edwards. The boat * could not approach him owing to the furj of the monster. The captain , who is an expivt swimmer , succeeded in diving under the whale's belly. He came up on the other side just beside the whale's nose. In sliccr desperation , nothing else bcincin reach , he seized the whale bj the lip and hung there until the monster sank , when he loosened his hold nnd waa taken into one of the boats. The boats that wont out were commanded by Capt ain Josh Edwards , Captain Jonathan Edwards and Captain Charles Edwards. David C. Barnes , of Captain Jonathan Edwards' boat , throw the harpoon that fastened the boats to the whale. It was killed by a lance thrown by Captain Jon athan Edwarels. Jackson's Inauguration. When Jackson was inaugurated his numerous friends were determined to give him a public reception upon his entrance into the district. They therefore watched his pro gress. Finally it was reported that ho had arrived at Fredericktown , in Maryland. Nothing further was heard from him , and there WHS considerable doubt as to his movements. His friend , John A. Eaton , who was n senator from Tennessee , learned that ho would reach Rockville on the 20th , and , keeping his own counsel , ho went to that village in a private conveyance , and there meeting the general , quietly escorted h.m to this city. Some pieces of orelnanoc were sta tioned on the Heights of Georgetown to welcome the president-elect and to an nounce his arrival to the citizens. The streets were thronged with expect ant citizens , but as the day wore on and ho did not come there was great uncertainty. General John V. Van Ness , tlio chairman of the central committee mounted his horse and rode toward Georgetown to learn , if possible , something definite. When on Pennsyl vania avenue , near Georgetown , ho met the carriage of General Eaton and saw General Jackson sitting by his side. The carriage had passed the men in charge of the guns without their knowing that it contained the president-elect , and so the salute was not tired. General Van Ness rode along by the carriage' , and the entire - tire party proceeded to the National hotel , where thousands of the citizens repaired and offered their congratulations. ( Son- oral Jackson was inaugurated on the 4th of March' , on the eastern portico of the capitol , in the presence of 40,000 people. The president-elect walked from his quar ters at the hotel to the capitol , whore he took the oath of ollieo and road his in- inaugural Ho then mounted a horsennd roilo to the executive mansion , hat in hand , his head towerinc ever the heads of the throng , and the air resound ing with shouts ami plaudits ot the multi tudes that lined the streets. Chloneo Society Notno. Chicago News : Miss Birdie Hi own , who made her debut in leading fashion able circles last week , is the daughter of Watkins 11. Brown , Esq. , the wealthy speculator who wears the famous $10,000 cluster diamond and bosom pin. Although a resident of Chicago for nearly twenty yearn , Mr. Brown was not recognized by our elite until lie consummated a great pork deal last November. The engagc.mont of Miss Camelia Theodore Wiggins and Lord Algernon Kite-Hugh James Cameron is announced. It is understood Unit after the wedding in Juno his lordship will be admitted to a proprietary interest in the Wiggins Linseed - seed Oil companv ( limited ) , Mr. nnd Mrs. Ebon J. Prouty have de cided to name their second son ( born last month ) Boston , in honor of one of the most exclusive cities in the oast. Their eldest son boars the numo of Euclid , in honor of the fashionable thoroughfare ! in Cleveland , where Mrs. Proutyl visited one summer. It pains us deeply to learn that Mrs. Erysipelas Nesmith ( nee MoFaddon ) has lost her pet canary blrel. to which she was tenderly attached. The bingularly interesting , bird fell a prey to the family cat last Thursday. Wo are albo sorely grieved to hear that Dr. J. Henry Bax ter's pot guinea pig , Oliver Wendell Holmes , died of n surfeit of fresh leitttico last Tuesday. How true it is that in the midst of life we are in death , In the highest local social circles It is understoodthat 61r. A. Jackson Greg- gins has ordered from a Now York whole- bale linn a coat of arms which will sin- pas' ' ) in point of elaborateness anything now extant iu Chicago. Upon this coat of arms will appear thn vcnsimllitudo of a c.iko of the famous cpeoanut-oH soap , of which Mr. Gripgins is the solo manu facturer. Society has been somewhat depressed during the last week. In fact , the boil with which Mr. Gerald K. MaoWhiskurs has boon aullerlng appears to have cabt a gloom over our frsmoiiablc circles. - i' AT TUB lUCVOljVEIVB POINT. A Daring Robbery Committed Early Last Kooning. Ono of the most daring robberies that has been committed in the city occurred at 8 o'clock last night at Donncr'a grocery store , nt the corner of Sixteenth and Vinton streets. Mr. Banner was In the store alone about 8 o'clock , when a man entered the store. Mr. lionncr looked up to llnd a revolver in close prox imity to his facei. The man had his fuco concealed by a common white handker chief , which was tied across his head. The robber came to terms promptly and ordered Mr. Homier to open the money drawer and hand over the loosn change. There was no questioning of the m trueler's earnestness and Mr. lionnur complied , handing the robber $50. Tlio man took the money and retired. Mr. IJonnor describes the robber as a short , thick set man , dressed in a chuck suit , Personal Paragraphs. Joseph Garueau , Sr. , of St. Louis , is in the city. Misses Neally and Carolyn Stevens luft yesterday for a trip to Chicago. Chief Clerk Pickcns. of the postolTice , loft hist evening for Chicago on business. Deputy Sheriff Henry Grebe is in the southern part of the state on olllcial busi ness. Frank Parmalco has returned from a two months visit In Southern Califor nia. nia.Mrs. Mrs. C. R. Kclsey of Miles City , M. T. , is in the city visiting her parents , Colonel nnd Mrs. D. li. llouek. Mr. nnd Mrs. Upton of Detroit , nnd their daughter , Mrs. Shepherd of Chi. cage , arc in the city , the guests of Mrs- M. D. llouek. General Agent S. S. Stevens , of the Rook Island , is expected home frem Cali fornia , where ho has spent the winter , about the 1st of April. T. A. EntriKen is expected home to day from Chicago , where ho went to meet his wife on her way homo from Florida , where she has been for several months. Mr. and Mrs. Orsan Rinnel , Miss Alice Rumol and Mr. Harry Margetts , have re turned to their home In Salt Lake City , after a pleasant visit of two weeks m Omaha , Airs. C. F. Stcpiiens , better known in the dramatic world as "Marion Rcqua , " entertained tit her residence em south Seventeenth street yesterday afternoon , her old friends , Annie Ward Tiffany , of the "Shadows of a Great City" company. T. W. McKinney , a prominent theatri cal manager , accomnanicd by Master Charles li. Benny , of Washington , was in the city yesterday nnd will leave this morning for Kansas City. Air. McKinney - noy was hero last season with Mile. Rhea , and was with Joseph Manstiold the early part of the present season , and is respon sible for much of that talented actor's success. lie is en route now to take charge of Rose Coghlau's tour. Mr. Joe Nccdnam , the popular man ager of the Cozzens , has returned from the east with his bride , who was for merly Miss Anna lleyman , an accom plished young lady of Jersey Oty. Dur ing their bridal tour they visited Wash ington , Now York and other eastern cities. Mr. Nocdham is receiving con gratulations from nib host of friends , a number of whom yesterday presented him with a good sized parse as a testimonial menial of their esteem. Urovities. A transcript of the case against A. B. Moore , charged with libel , was tiled in the district court yesterday , from Justice Anderson's court. Sergeant Matza of the police force is lying dangerously ill of inflammation of the bowels and his recovery is considered n matter of grave doubt. The bank clearances for the week end ing yesterday amounted to $3,77y,7r > ! J.401 an increase 03G per cent , over a corresponding pending week of last year. V. IV. Smith and Cornelius Christian ycstordaj' commenced suit in the district court to get possession of nml quiet title to largo number of lots in Florence that are occnpicd by squatters. Fred Rico was arraigneel before Judge Neville yesterday on the charge of an as sault upon George Hall , nt Hammond's packing housn in South Omaha. Ho plead not guilty. Policeman VfhUo was arraigned on tlio charge of killing Jacob Richardson. He plead not guilty. Chief of Police Mullen , of Council Bluffs , was in the city yesterday about 2:30 : p. m. looking for the sister of William Lees , who was killed in Council Bluffo Friday in a railroad Accident His father was seriously injured at the same time. The girl lives nt 2419 Davenport struct and her attendance is required. General Breck received yesterday a tele gram from the division headquarters at Chicago that the department .of justice would offer $1,000 reward for the arrest of the parties who were concerned in the assault on Major Bash. This re ward is offered with the understanding that there was more than one man en gaged in the assault. The expenses of capture must bn taken out of the reward , which will bo paiel on conviction. Notwithstanding all statements to the contrary the Omaha Cable railway com pany will resume active operations next Monday morning. It will put on a force of from 100 to UOO men. There is a largo number of castings on hand , made by the PaMon & Vicrhug Iron works , and with the necessary material ready , it is pro posed to push the road to an early com pletion so that it will bo ready for opoia- lion by the middle of the summer. Where C < nvl oj are Hnubboel. Chicago Herald : " 1 will toll you one placet where the festive cowboy is somewhat - what snubbed , " observed a cattle denim- at tlu stock yards. "I have just gel homo from Montana , and a sorrier lot of cowpunchers than you will see out there now cannot bo found in the whole conn- tryi They have an awful winter of it on the ranges , with the snow belly elcop and the mercury often frozen in the bulb. Lots of tne boys are in the hospital , and these who are on the range have a quiol air that is foreign to them. One chnp that I saw out there had his lingcm all elf , but when I asked him to take some thing ho said : 'I will , pard , if you hold the bottlo. ' I did it , too , and I had to choke him off when his eyes began to roll. A now crop of cowboys will hsivo to grow in Montana before you hear anything about their capturing a town or slam- in that region. " Notice of Registration. the I.c Kl Voters ot 1'lrst DUtrlct , Flftn TO - , In the oltyof Oiuuhai i Yon tire horcby iiotlllotl that the undersigned will lt us rojrlntmr for the First district , Fifth ward , at ISO- , corner Twelfth and C'u.n elroeitx. comrnon''lmr Tluirmlar. March 2ltu , 1817 , and wlllsll Mnrch 26,28,2JW,31 ! , April 1 , " ,4 , Ht 11 o'clock n , m. , for the purpose or rnKl"tcrliiir all ii\ialllloil voters within Biild Flwt diMrlct , Kllth want , nnd lor the purpose of addlnif lo , und corrcctlntrthe rcsletratlon nlready rnndo , ami forBiich purpose the undorslioied will sit aii'J Uoop Ills book of rotflstratUui open e.ioli day tlioroaftcr ( except Buinlnrs ) at the placn nforo- snld irom u o'clock u. m , until 7 o'clock ( \ m. , until Mondnjr , Anrll 4th , ISM. at the hour of a oVIotkm. wliensnld roKlstrailon will bo closed. All nimllllod voters are notlllod to uttond nud BOO tluit tlnlr nams are properly rcBlstoroil. ml8d Uoglitrm-iatHUtrift. Mh Ward. Notice. of application ot J. F. Lull for MATTKK liquorllCGMHo. Notice li hereby Riven that J. F. f.utz did upon tUniilnl dny of Mnrch A. 1) . IbST , file hi * implication to tlio mayor nnd city couuollof Onmliu.for license to gnll mull , spirituous and. vinous liquors , nt No. 6lfi fonth Tblrteontb ilroct , fN'i-dnJ ward , Omnlm , Nub. , from the Ittli day of April , tUu lOtb dny of April , If'tUro ho no objection , romonstrauca or protest tiloii wltMii ttvu > > toks rroiuilnrcUarJ , A , U. 1IU7 , tlio f ulJ llcunsu will bo ( rrunted. J. YI.UTZ , Applicant. J. aSouTHAiio.City Clflrk.