Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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jf _ 8 IKE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SATURDAY MARCH 26 , 1887. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I/I /
Charles K , Taylor Will Plead Guiltj to the
Charge of Forgory.
Feeding a Wlfo I'olson A Very Re
pentant Trninfi 1'ollco nncl
Court . Ii0ial Odtls and
Knils Other Local ,
Will Plead Guilty.
It developed yesterday Hint C. K. Tay
lor , the ex-clerk of the county board of
commissioners , who Is charged with
forgery , lias consuntpd to plead guilty in
order to secure a mitigation of punish-
yinco Taylor's arrest his friends have
txicn moving heaven aim earth to secure
a compromise which would got Taylor
out of the scrape.
County Attorney Simcral and the
county board of commissioners steadily
refused , however , to "Jot up" on Taylor ,
'f hey claimed that it would bo putting a
premium on dishonesty to release him. .
Since then Taylor lias made up his
mind to plead guilty to the charge , wiMi
the understanding that the lightest possi
ble sentence of the court bo given him.
Both County Attorney Simeral and
the commissioners have agreed
to invoke the clemency of
Judge Neville in his behalf , provided
that ho will plead guilty. Ho will proba
bly be brought before the judge within
thi ! next twenty-four hours.
County AttorneySimeral said yesterday
nfternooon : "I ani willing to have Taylor
let on"as easily as possible , if ho pleads
guilty. " Onojear in the penitentiary is
the llghtea sentence ho could
receive. Jf the case canio to
trial it would probably cost the
county a good deal , thou < ! h the proof is
Bo overwhelmingly against Taj lor that
he would certainly bo convicted. I have
in that safe there $500 worth of warrants ,
each one of which would send Taylor to
the penitentiary for from one to twenty
years. "
County Commissioner Timmo said yes
terday afternoon that ho would bo will
ing to go before Judge Neville and asl ;
that the sentence of Taylor be niado as
light as possible.
Ice and Rising Muddy Water Moving
the Channel Precautions
Doing Taken.
Yesterday the river was nine foot two
inches , having fallen since the day be
fore. Yesterday , about noon , it was eleven
feet ton inches , having raised two feet
eight inches. It is very turbid and cov
ered with lloating fragments of See. The
indications are that a gorge has been
created in the river between Omaha and
Bismarck which lowered the river's sur
face here ami at all points below the
gorge. This evidently has broken and is
flowing down , and thus raising the
river. Lumbermen , and others having
interests along the banks arc actively en
caged in making arrangement to secure
tuejr property against any loss which
the water may tin eaten.
Near Florence lake the action of the
river has invited the most earnest atten
tion from tli'o county commissioners , who
paid it a visit yesterday. The river is
eating away the land which divides it
from the lane. The commissioners claim
tlmt the height of the bank oilers no se
curity , on account of its sandy composi
tion. They preaiot that the river will
work its way through the cast half sec
tion 85 and run into the river to the south.
The land cast of section 35 will thus bo
cut off , and the river would run into
Florence lake and acioss into Cut Oil'
lake , thence into the present channel.
William Tracy Tells ot a Brief Ex
perience as a Croolc.
"I'm goin' to reform , pardnor , and
quit this ycr lifol"
This pointed announcement was made
yesterday morning by William Tracy , a
vagrant who was arrested Thursday by
the police. Before the prisoners were ar
raigned in police court a reporter had a
few moment's talk with him and learned
from him his some what remarkable story.
Tracy was up to .six months ago a cook
employed at the Silver Moon restaurant
in St Louis. A waiter in that somewhat
noted cafe , named Phil Morris , was im
bued with ideas of a Dick Turpin life in
the wild west , gained from reading yel
low colored novels. Tracy caught the
fever , and tin owing up his position , de
termined to enter upon the career of a
robber and highwayman , with his friend
Their adventures , after leaving St
Louis , would make a volume of very in
teresting rending. Of course an account
of them is impossible hero.
The two young men neither was over
twenty-two years of age struck out for
Chicago. Hero they were detected in a
bungling piece of robbery and wore sent
up to the "Bridewell" for twenty days
each. When that sentence was served
out they started from that city with the
intention of coming to Omaha. They
beat their way on a freight train to Bur
lington , Ja. , where they remained tor sev
eral days , until the police became sus
picious and drove them out. It was
while there , Tracy says , that they accom
plished their first successful piece of work.
They "hold up" a man on the outskirts
of tlio town one night , and compelling
him to throw up his hands at the point ol
the revolver , robbed him of a gold watch
and chain and about sixty-tire dollars in
A day or two later the adventure took
n turn which very much disgusted
Tracy. They struck the Burlington road
and started in the direction of Omaha ,
At Creston tlioy got off to prospect and
BOO if there any chalices for "lino work"
there. That night they slept in a see'
ond-class hotel , and when Tracy awoke
the next morning , it wan with a fcoline
of stupor , as though ho had been chlori-
formed. Ho found that his partner in
iniquity , Morris , was missing , auit with
nlra the gold watch and chain and about
$50 in cash the result of tLo Burllngtor
"job. "
Tracy made his way to Omaha as besl
ho could , and has since tried to get hones' '
work hero , lie has not been successful ,
and the police have looked upon him as
n vagrant. Ho was released yesterday ty
Judge Stonberg And started out again t (
look for work. Ho says ho is heartily
sick of the life he entered upon after IK
loft St. Louis and proposes to reform
Ho announces , however , that it ho eve
moots Morris ho will not hesitate t <
wreak vengeance upon him in the uios
summary fashion.
They Meet In Lincoln In Consider Vn
rlou Important Subject ! ,
The State Teachers' Association wil
hold their twenty-first annual meeting n
Lincoln , March 90 , 80 and 31. The open
ing exercises , reports and the president1
address , and reception will occupy th
llrst day. Governor Thayer , Supont
tendent Geo. B , Lane and the retirin
president , W. W. W. Jones , will ai
President H. M. Junics at too receptloi
"Tho Importance of the Tlirco R's , " "In-
stltuto Work For 1837 , " "Tho Grading of
District Schools , " nnd "Nature Touch.
iiiK , " will ho discussed by Superintendent
Brewer of Douglas , Mrs. Miua ilapwood
of L'liulps nnd otlicrs on the second day.
Tlio third nnd llnal day Miss Fannie
Wood of Uninha , A. M. Human , Indus
trial Instruction director in the citv
schools nnd Superintendent Farniall , of
the Slate Institute for the Hllnd , will dis
cuss "Tho importance of Kyes nnd lltind
Truinlnc. " ' 'The ' Kxccutlvo Work of the
Kducntor , " and 'SKducationnl Co-ordina
tion" will bo considered by Miss 0. O.
Covey , superintendent of Howard
county , and President J E. Miller , of the
Canip'joll Normal University of Kansas ,
( icvernor Thaver , Chancellor Mnnatt ,
President Mortals , President Klnp-
land and others will deliver ad
Clilimtnrii Toll Talcs on Ban
The Chlnrsc brethren of San Goon , the
South Tenth street notion merchant , are
persecuting him unmercifully. They do
it for no other apparent reason than that
he is somewhat sharper and shrewder
than the common runof Mongolians , and
has attained a measure of prosperity
which few of these saU'ron-hued gentle
men cnioy. 1'nrthcrinoro , ever since lie
married n white wife they have been in
ordinately jealous of him. For It is not
every "Chinee boy" that can draw
such a prize in the matrimonial lottery.
The latest story started by those fel
lows is tiiat San Goon is in the habit of
feeding his wife poisonud cake- They
say that San Is so jealous of her that ho
docs not want her to leave his sight , and
that to prevent her from leaving the
house ho gives' her cake which , being
poisoned , makes her sick. They claim
to have proof positive tfmt ho pur
chases Urngs from an Indian doctor for
the express purpose of mixing them with
the cake which ho blandly oilers his
spouse. San Goon denounces this story
as false , while his persecutors declare
with equal vehemence that every word of
it is true. Thorc is war in Chinatown
and some Omaha undertaker may soon
li'ivo a chance to conduct a lirsi-class
Chinese funeral.
For Sale.
Wo have four full corner lots 00x132
feet each on Farnam street cast of llth )
street at $20,030 , $50,000 , $75,000 and
22 feet on Farnam by 1S2 on llth. $14,000
A choice corner 132 feet front on
IGth st couth of Cass street. . . . 05,000
A choice corner on IGth st 00.\CO for 25,000
06x88 n w cor 23d and Curning. . . 15,000
4-1 feet on llarnoy between Mth
and 15th 35,000
CO feet on Howard between 15th
and 10th 35,000
22 feet on Cuming between 17th
and 18th 4,500.
75 feet on 10th street near Nich
olas 15,000.
185 feet on Leaven worth 40,000.
Two acres on Lcavenworth 12,000.
Good dwelling property in all parts of
the city.
Three full lots on U. P. tracks to lease
for 20 j'cnrs.
The C. E Mayno Heal Estate and
Trust Co , , N. W , corner 15th and
Gcttlnji Nearer and Nearer.
The city council of Council * Bluffs has
decided to take active steps at once
towards improving lower Broadway ,
which will include parking , curbing , pav
ing , etc. This is preparatory to direct
communication with the proposed wagon
bridge. The contract for this structure
will bo lot before the 20th of April , and
work will bo commenced before the lirst
of May. This is an enterprise of tlio
greatest moment to both cities and the
sooner the work is commenced tlio better.
Rear In Mind
That there are lots in South Omaha , pur
chased within three years , for less than
five hundred , that are now worth over
ten thousand dollars. There will bo
more packing houses , factories and rail
roads there before 1888. These mean in
creased population , and increase of pop
ulation means increase of value to real
estate. There are plenty of good lots
still feft in the original plat of South
Omaha. Why go out into additions a
mile away from the center when you can
still buy in the old pint at reasonable
prices ? Uo not forgot that we control
all sales for tlio Omaha Land Co. The
C. E. Mayno Heal Estate & Trust Co. ,
N. W. Cor. 15th and Harnoy.
The Water Was Too Cold.
William Butler , the young man who
left the Buckingham Thursday afternoon
and wont down to the river to commit
suicide , was still in tlio land of the living
yesterday. Ho had altogether changed his
ideas about the propriety of suicide.
"Why didn't you jump in the river be
fore the policeman got hold of you ? "
asked one of the Indies of the Bucking-
ingham of Uutlur. The fellow replied
promptly :
"The water was too cold. I thought
I'd wait till
Invest In Lincoln. She Booms.
480 aero tract suitable for sub-division ,
for $50 un acre.
10 tract adjoining an addition which is
selling at | 000 per lot , at a bargain ,
20 acres suitable for platting , at $14,000.
Highland Park nddition will be placed
on the market next week , averaging
price of $150 per lot , f 20 nash payment ,
balance $10 nor month. It is the finosl
nddition to the city. Wrlto us for .par
ticulars. SHEIOVIN , SIIEUWIN & Co.
Lincoln , Neb.
County va Railroad.
County Attorney Simcral has given tc
the county commissioners an opinion , ii
answer to a communication addressed tc
him of date March 21 , in regard to the
county road along the right of way of sec
10 , township 15. range 11 , east neai
Waterloo. In his opinion the railroai
company docs not take the 200 feet 01
each side of the center of the road , anc
the county has a perfect right to locatt
its road on the place where it now is. H <
believes the courts should settle the mat
tcr if the railroad desires to contest UK
question. Mr. Poppletou has been In
formed to this o licet.
" "
"Wanted To employ :
9 Drug order clerks.
2 Drug salesmen to travel.
1 Glass-cutter and packer.
None but experienced , reliable men
need apply. H. T. CLARK DKUG Co. .
Lincoln , Neb.
Robbed In a Saloon.
The police are looking for Bill Smith
n colored gambler , who Is sai (
to have robbed J. T. Armstrong
a cattle man from the west
of $150 In checks and fao in cash. Arm
strong was taken in tow by Smith , am
cither drugged or tilled up with whisk ;
FO fust that in a very short time ho wn
unconscious. The robbery was accorc
plished In a prominent saloon. Armstrou ]
has returned to his homo nnd Smith ha
loft the city , it is supposed. Ho is boliovci
to have gone to Kansas City.
It is reported that the Omaha Natlonn
bank people propose to add two storic
to thulr building , making it one of BI
etoric * . They refuse to talk much abou
the matter , although they say that the
have contemplated such a tlilpg for tw
years. Architect § ay that the buildini
will stand two additional stories.
Itrnjr Leaves From a Reporter's Note
Omaha whrclmon arc figuring on char-
erlng a special car to convey them to
Imncapolls to witness the lx days' bl-
ycle race which is soon to occur in that
Ity. Ills probable that quite a number
f local riders will attend the event , par-
letilarly If one of the Omrxha profcs-
ionals participate therein. Omaha will
Iso bo represented in St. Louis in Mnv.
"If 1 could find the man who put my
) lcturo in tlio Pollco G.i/ctto , roproscnt-
ng mo standing behind the bar with the
irn containing Kuchl's ashes In front of
uc , 1 should most certainly shoot him on
ight , " remarked Ed Wittig , the other
lay. "What J object lo most Is being
ouresentcd as bald headed. See my
mir ? Its all there and just as thick as
vhon I was twenty years younger. "
"The fact is , " he added , "Kuuhl never
nade any request that his ashes should
jc placed on my bar. If ho had , 1 would
mvo most certainly carried it out. "
"Tho boys1' tell a good story on old
Jncle JohnStanton , the venerable sport ,
vho is now passing the winter at the
leer farm. Several years ago Uncle
ohn had a room on North Thirteenth
trect. He was delinquent with his rent ,
nd his landlord was continually threat-
ning to put him out. "Uncle John"
houjrlit the matter over , and finally
truck a scheme for retaining the room ,
vhich worked to pcrlection. He
Ictermincd to "hoo-doo" it.
lo told ghastly stories of
ho nightly visitors ghosts , hobgob-
ins , spooks that were in tlio habit of
nvading the room , and how every night ,
trango , unearthly noises were to be
id aril in the apartment from dusk until
lawn. In fact , ho succeeded in creating
n , general impression that the room was
taunted. It became unrentable , and
Jnclc John Stanton was allowed to re
main iu it until he was ready to give it
# < *
Surveying parlies are now using iron
takes witii tin tabs to mark their metes
and bounds , instead of the old wooden
> egs and corner-stones. The consequence
quence is that the land around this city
hat has been divided Einto lots rcsem-
) les immense diamond fields these fine
normngs when tlio sun gets its eye on
the tin. Tlio effect to tlio uninitiated is
startling at first. Even horses and cows
nrc much disturbed about the presence
of these glittering "strancors" on the
jrairio slopes and pastures , and sace old
: rows have been seen to make a dive for
the tin tabs like gamc-lisli for a "spoon"
on the rippling waters.
Fcnst of tlio Annunciation.
Yesterday was one of the most prominent
least days in the Catholic church , being
that of the Annunciation , more commonly
ailed "Lady Day. " It is commemora
tive of the announcement of the concep
tion of the Saviour to the Virgin Mary. *
.hereby being tlio foundation of one of
the leading dogmas of Catholicism. It
ivas duly celebrated in all the Catholic
jhurches of the city , and although this is
Lenten season and observed strictly by
tiiis church an exception is made in favor
of the least of Annunciation''as a great
Catholic church holiday.
J. W. Ellcr returned yesterday from the
mining districts of Arkansas and says
; here i < great excitement there over the
extensive finds of lead , gold nnd silver.
There are many Ncbraskans in the camps.
Absolutely Pure.
Thispowder nevervaries. A marvel ol
puritystrength and'wholesomeneSs. . More
economic than the ordinary kinds and
cannot be sold in competition with the mul
titude of low test , short weight.alum or
phosphate powders. Sod | only in cans.
Royal Bakine Powder Co.1106 Wall street ,
New York.
State and Washington Sts , ,
Of interest to those furnishing
We have secured under con
tract the exclusive control and
sale for the ENTIRE WEST of the
Designed fcy Vim , Morris ,
and. made by
Morris & Company ,
London , - - England ,
Consisting of
Hammersmith Rugs ,
Paper Hangings ,
Figured Woven Stuff's ,
Furniture , Velvets & Cloths ,
Arras Tapestry ,
Embroideries ,
Painted Glass Windows ,
also ,
The De Morgan Tiles ,
Now on exhibition
in the
4th Floor , State & Washington
NOTE-Sea Artlcla "A Cay in Bnrroy
with. Win. Ucrrls , " Century. Vag&xln
July , 16(33.
13th It , Cor. Ctpltol Atenwt.
ton rn TRIATMKNT or AM.
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
OR , MoMENAMY. Proprietor.
Rlueim jcari' [ To tiUM nml Vrlralu I'racUce
We liavo llio facilities , apparatus And rrmciIlM
for the larocttful trr&lnient of c\cry form of < ll
r o rcnultlni } sillier medical or MirKtcil trrnlmftit ,
and Inuteall tn conic and IntcttlgAta for tlicmicltw
or cJrrcsponrt-nltli ni I.onz oipctleuc * in ( rent
\\\g \ \ \ c ic l > r teller rntblei as to treat man ; cam
tcitmtlflcilfy without urolnr them , *
WHITE roil CIKOULAH on Dcformlllci and
Rrftcc ? , Club Kret , Curvatures of the Bplnn
DiiEttti or Wo * ! , Piles , Tumors , Canctn > ,
Catairh , Bronchitis , Inhalation , Electricity , 1'arnl-
j li , Epilepsy , Kidney , Kjc , Ear , SUu , lllood am )
all surgical opemllnnt.
UtttPrlcn. Inlmlord , Urncm , TrnmoK , am )
nil kinds of Medical and Surgical Appllaucu , nuu >
ufactured nnd for stlc
Th only fallible Medical Institute making
Private , Special f Nervous Diseases
from nliato\crcninc produced , iiccos9fully treated
\Vu cm rcmoto Sjrpullltic poison from the ijttiui
without mercury.
New restorative treatment for lots of vital power.
Cull and consult MS or send mine and pool-office
n'ldrrss ' plainly written cncloao stamp , aud we
will send you , In plain wraptn.r , our
uroi PimiTB , Smcut. * NII Ninvuus DISUASIS ,
SsutXit , WEAKNESS , St'nnxATOuniitx * , IXPOICN-
CT , Hll-nlUS , ( lONOKIllllEA , GMEKT , VAR1COCKI * .
URINARY OHOAXI , or lend history uf your case for
on opinion.
i'criotis unable to vl lt us may IIP treated at tlictr
homes , by correspondence. Medicines and Initru *
incnt" sent by mall or express 81ICUKRLY PAC'K
K ! > FIIOM onsRUVATIO.V. no marks to tudicnU
contents or sender. One pcrnonil interview pro
fcrred If convenient. Fifty rooms for the a/com
modatlon of patients. Board and attendance a'
reasonable pilcci. Address > \ \ Letters to
Omaha Medical and Surgical institute ,
Car. 13th St. and Caoitol Avo. .
. . .
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado ,
Of the Missouri Stale Museum of Anatomy ,
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New
York , Having devoted their attention
Nervous. Chronic and
More especially those arising from impru
dence , invite all so suffering to coircspond-
tliout delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured safely and speedily with
out detention from business , and \\ithout
the use of > dangerous drugs. Pa
tients whose cases have heen neglected ,
badly treated or pronounced incurable ,
should not fail to write us concerning their
symptoms. All letters receive immediate
And will be mailed FREE to any address
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , "practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an
' Essay on Marriage , " with important chap
ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or
gans , the whole forming a valuable medical
treatise which should be read by all young
men. Address ,
DllS. S. & D. DAVIESON ,
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado.
1707 Olive St..St. L uis , Mo.
The large sales which , followed our recent announcement
through the press , of our immense line of Spring Overcoats at
our popularly low prices , has so depleted our stock , ( some styles
having been entirely closed out , and of others the sizes were
entirely broken ) that we were compelled to duplicate our entire
line , which with an increased assortment is now again complete.
Those who were in the habit of ordering their Spring Over
coats made bv merchant tailors , were deeply interested in our
$14,75 and $15.75 overcoats , of which we sold large quanti
ties. These garments are made up from vervgood English and
the vorv best American fabrics , and. the make-up of which will
compare with such overcoats as merchant tailors ask from $35
to $4O for.
We have also an immense line c f lower grade Snring Over
coats , one stvle of which we sell for $5,75 , is a marvel of cheap
ness and sold bv other dealers for $9-
All goods are marked in plain figures and at striotlv one
price at the
Nebraska Clothing Company ,
Cor. Douglas and 14th. sts. , Omaha.
only Machine that will sew backward *
and forward * equally ivcll , and the Lujhlcst
He wing Machine in existence.
The Union Sewing Machine
ire desire cncryctic and rctponvlblcilenlcrs
in Ac&rasfcrt , Colorado , Wyoming , Dakota ami
Western Iowa.
Jf you are looking for a cheap Machine , don't
answer this advertisement , but if you want to
handle the best Sewing Machine that
money can
buy , address for particulars.
209 N , (6tii ( St , , Omaha , Neb ,
Mention Omaha lice.
The only road to take for Dee Molncs M nr-
ehnlltown , Cedar Rapids , Cllr.ton , DlxonvChlca-
go , Milwaukee Hticl all points cnat. To tlio iico-
plo of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah ,
Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Washington and Cnll-
fornla , It offnrs superior advantages not posil-
bio by any other line ,
AmonK a few or tlio numerous point * of * u-
pcrlorltjonjoycd by the patrong of tills road
between Omatin nnd rhlcaRO , uro Its two trains
a day of DAV COACHES , which are the llnost
tliHthuinHn nrt and ( mromilty can croato. It *
I'ALACKSnKBPINaC'AUS , which Ore models
of comfort and eleimnce. Its I'All LOU OUAW-
1NU ROOM CAHS , uiHurpaB < iOJ ( by any , and Ita
widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING C A US
the equal of which cannot bo found elsewhere
At Council Illuds the tialns of the Union 1'aclflo
Ky. connect In Union Depot with those of the
Chicago 4 Noithwcstern Ity. In Chicago the
trains of this line muke close connection with
those or all eastern lines.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin
nati , Niagara Falls , Buffalo. I'ltUbunr.Toronto ,
Montreal , Iloston , Now Voric , Philadelphia ,
Baltimore , WnshinKton and all points In the
east , ask for n ticket via the
K you wish the best accommodation. AU ticket
Bftent * sell tlckctl via this line.
UcnL Manacer. nenl. J'ass'r Agent
Chicago , 111.
Western Affent. City Pois'r Agent ,
* Omaha , Nebraska.
Red Star Line
Carrying1 the Helglum Royal mid United States
Mall , Hailing every Saturday
Bitwcin Ant wtrp & Niw York
To the Jlhlnc , Germany , Italy , Uo\- \
land and France ,
E" .Ijlj .A.ET3D "WXWI'EZ ? .
Salon from $00 to ITS. Excursion trip from
f 110to $125. Beoond Cabin , outward bound. fi5 ;
prepaid , $ Vi ; excursion , fit ) . Bteorngo pn saffe
at low rule * . 1'eter Wright & Sons.Gonural
AK < > nt8 , fB Broa < lway , New Vork.
Henry I'undtl218 iarnnm st.jl'aulson 5t Co. ,
JI38 Fariiam St. ; D. O. Freeman. M farnom.
Moline , Milburn & Stoddard Go , .
Buggies , Road Carts ,
Fanning Mills , Corn Shellers
Also Special Inducement * on
Prices anil Terms FnriiMictl on Application.
Corner Ninth and Pacific Streets , Omaha , Neb
A magnificent display of everything
useful and ornamental in the furniture
maker's art , at reasonable prices.
One Million Distributed Every Year
Only | 2.00 required to secure on Royal Italian 100 francr. gold bond. Thee bond *
participate in four drawings eveiy year ar.d retain their original value
until the year IMt. Prizes of 2,000,000 1,000,000 , 530,0')3 ) , 250,000 , &c. fianc * will be
drawn , besides the certainty of receiving back 100 francs in gold , you may win 4 times
This Is us afc , and th * best , Investment ovtr offered , m tUo . lovejtoa mnnex roust b paid b4ok
when bond mutiirod. 85iidforolroulirH < It will p y you to.Jj , or noiiJ yi-iir vriiuri . wlthmouey
or lOKisterotl letter , or potta ! notnB , mid In roturu we will rorw rdth dnciimaatl.
11EULIN BANKING CO , . UOft UronUwuy , Now Vurk C'llr.
N. ' B. These bond * are not lottery ticket * , and Ihu-Ir ac ! n .evilly puunitted iu the U.
S. by law of 1878. .