Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1887, Page 7, Image 7
- * . * - - - p THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , MARCH 2 * . 1887. SPECIAL NOTICES ; Advertisements" under tbli head , 10 cents per line for thn first Insertion , 7 cents for each sub- icqucnt Insertion , nnd $1.60 n line per month No advertisement taken for lets than * J Jonts for tlm first Insertion. Seven wordl fll bo counted to tlio line ; they must run eensccu * lively and must be paid In Advance. All adver tisements must bo handed In bolero 1 :30 : O'clock p.m. , und under no circumstances will tbcybo token or dlarontlnucd by telephone. I'nrtlcg advertising In thosu columns nnd hav- inp the answers nJdressed In cars of Trie BEI will pledge nek for n chock to fnnblo them to get their letters. M none trill bo delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to ad vertisements should bo enclosed In envelopes. MONEY TO LOAN. ONEY to loan on renl citato and chnttols ] \r \ S. Katz & Co. Kill FarniunSt. , ground Moor. bo 4 MONEY to loan on Improved city property nt 6 per cent. Money on hand ; donothavo tn wait 11nvo a complete sot of abstract books of Dnuglni county , t. N. Wntson.nbutractor Harris Heal Estate and Loan Co. , KM B. 15th st. 853. MONEY First mortgage notes. The IOUKM ! county bank will buy papers secured by first mortgage on city realty. 184 Gl'KU CENT-Monoy to loan. Oregorr * Hadler , Hooms 1 and 3 , itedtcK clock , 320 8. 15th St MONEY TO LOAN on improved real altato ; no commission charged. Leavltt llurn- hr.m , Itoom 1 Crolghton lllock. 117 M ONEY to loan on city nnd farm property. Harris & Sampson , 151(1 ( Douglas st. 347ast "IVOANS-Loana Loan * . Itcal estate lonns , Collaterlal loans. Chattel loans. Ixing time loans. Hhort time loans. Money always on hand to o n on any ap proved security. Investment securities bought and sold. Omaha financial Kxchungo , n. w , cor. 15tb and Barney. . . Corbott , Manager. i' MONEY to loan , cash on delay. J. W. nnd E. L. Squire , 1413 Karnam St. , rnxton hotel building. 120 $500,000 TO LOAN at 8 per cent , J. J. Mn. honey , 1609 Fnrnnm. 121 CENT Money. 6PKII . C. Pnttorson , 15th and Hnrncy. 123 LOAN Money Loans placed on 1m- proved real estate In city or county for flew England Loan ft Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank. 18th nnd Chicago Ha. 120 MONEY TO LOAN-On city nna farm prop erty , lowlatos. Stewart &Co.Hoora3 Iron bank. 127 M ONEY TO LOAN-O. F. DnvU & Co. , real estate nnd loan agents , 1505 I'arimm Rt 128 ONEY TO LOAN-On real estate and chat M tels. D. I * Thomas. 129 ( IjSOO.UOO To loan on Omahn city property nt 0 P per cent , G. W. Day , over 1312 DougU * at JVIONliY TO LOAN-by tbo undersigned , who -I'l has the only properly orgnnlrod loan ugoncr In Omnhn. Loans of $10 to $100 made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , machinery , ic. without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so made that any part can bo paid nt any Ime.ench payment reducing the cost pro rntn. Advances in dn on fine watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they are dealing with , as many new concerns nre dally coming into existence. Should you need money call nnd aoe mo. W. H. Croft , lloom 4 W'tlmell ' Jlulldlng , 15th and Hnrnoy. 131 MONEY LOANED ntC. F. Hood & Co.'s Loan Ofnco , on furniture , pianos , horsos.wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of value , without removal. 819 8.13th. over Blngham'g Commission store. All husl- no s strictly confidential. 133 BUSINESS CHANCES. " 1710U BALE Drug store in a good nnd stondlly J- growing Nebraska town of 1.000 Intmblt- nnti ; best store in the county , now doing a- llrrft-clnss business ; Invoice $3,000 ; good reason for selling ; rnro chance. Inquire ut roam 3 , Wlthncll block. 40231 TrOIl SALE Oil KENT A photograph gnllery J with apparatus nil ready for business In Oakland , Nob. A good town ; only gallery in the place. Call ou or address F. L. McClelland , Wnhoo. Nob. 45"i 27 \VANTED-To find good , llvo business men T T with stocks of goods to move to n grow ing town whore money cnn bo made , I will as- Fist the right kind of people iu building , oto. W 111 pay good big bonus to nnv ono that will Blurt n canning factory , or , in fact , any kind of n factory thntomploys hands. Wo want n drug 1 rtoro , furniture store , grocery store , n doctor , H practical painter right awny. For particulars address Bank of Valley , Valley , Nob.or C.B. tl ay ne , Omaha. Neb. 454 a2U Tj OB SALE 17,000 of general merchandise J.1 nnd store furniture , clean , well assorted ; will take half in good unlncumboradfnrm land , lialanoo In payment * well scoured ; good reasons for soiling. Address Call Box 57 , Alma. Neb. J173a5j "C10U BALE In a thriving western railroad JL' town , a bank doing a irood business. Slok- iio s compels soiling. Address box IB , Broken Bow , Nub. 07220 TR1OU BALE Or exchange for stock morchnn- J. illso , 12,800 acres school land in eastern Col orado. Address M , look box 24 , Fairmont , Nob. 82025' FOIl SALE Small grocery business , store and buildings ; f 1.000 tnkos it togotbor with 6 years lease on ground , 1500. J. V. Ham mond. 117 B 16th st 43428 T710U SALE-Mont market , good location , JL' food cash business , address II33 , Boo office. 408 2U "I71011 SALE Btcok of general merchandise in J-1 good town , will luvolco S4,000one-thlrd cash , linlnnco uiicuuiborcd ! ; laud , addrcs * Lock Box 10. Hardy , Nob. 40 ? 2fl * T > OUNOTOBELL-If sold before April 1st J- Jackson st. Laundry will be offered for IV.ROO. H ctsh ; not n cent for the trndo ; must lo sold on account of dissolving partnership. I'lT. ' JackPon St. . Hoist & Krxgh. 816 2BJ . ; 8ALE-I'rlntlng outnt complete at 2-il Invoice price , titeain engine , power press , .nil In good condition. ' terms easy. Pierce It llodgcrs , Uoom 6 , Arlington block. 3fi225 FOIl BALE-Or Trndo Good paying hard ware bnslncss In one of the best counties In Iowa. Stock will invoice about (3,000 , is good , clean , nnd well assorted. Will sell for cnshor take pnrt payment In good f urin land In west ern town or eastern Nebraska. For particu lars address X. Q , Boo office , Council Bluff * . vTU.ll SALE A first class cigar , tobacco nnd JL' confectionery store in central part of city ; will bo sold nt n sacrifice. Address G 71 Boo. , 184 A BAKC1A1N for any onohaving two thousand J-- dollar . For pale - - * n grocery business os- tnhllshcd In 16m. For fiiithor Information nd- dregs F. W. Itottmann , Nebraska City. 173-25J rORSALEorKxnhantro-AuowSS hbl com bination mill situated on Llttln lime v river , near Hebron , In Thaynr county. Will ox- ' \ohntigo for wild or Improved land * or live stock. Forfurthrr particular address First National Hank. Hebron. Nob. 839 TOU 8ALE-IIaf ! Interest In ono of the best J-5 pivylng drug stores in southwestern Iowa , Capltnl required , $2,500. Address 1 > 40 , Bon of fice. DIB FOUND. "TjlOUND The finest suburban hornet In the X' finest now addition to Omaha. Tiptou J'lnce , Motlcr Real Kitato Agency , ISlUJ'arnain LOST. T OST-Canvass bookrasp1between' XJ and Missouri PurJQo dcpoty. Upturn to Lininger ft Melcalf Co. 488 3fl J' O8T-Lndl s' gold watch and chain , will pay i liberal reword for rctuin , call room S5. Pux- J. ton block. 435 2t LOST Knit shawl , trimmed with bine * rib bon. Pleuse return to Heeolllce. 409-MJ IOST Gray canary bird ; $5rowanl : return t toaiB8.itntt. a > 53t STRAYr.D-y > om Rrownell Hall on South 10th et , a white and red spotted row , wltli right horn broken oft. A suitable reward will l o glvf n for her return. 470 2 * T OST-On Saunder * or Cumlnga cluster dla XJ mend ring , plome retuni to Mr * . ilowuU . , ami recolvo reward. 471 * 8' Y .OST The chance to buy a "lot 3 Tiptoe J-J 1'laoc , the now nddillon , will soon bo losl rs tbrro nra only a few left. Secure them non Jrora Mottcr ' | leirt Estate Agency , 1513 Fnrnan . S3 M YosT ihrt chance lo buy o lot In Tlptoi * - I'laoo , the now addition , will teen be lost w tnoro nro onlr n lew left. Hecuro them non fromJMgttcr llealEstuto Agency , 1613 Farnaa "VEK30NALT 1 > EUSONAU prlvnte homo tor indie * duriaj X contlnainont. Strictly confldential. In1 fnntn adopted. Adjru K U , llee office. office.101mS 101-mS < OLAinVOrANT--Mndnm Alaska reveals pn t , present nnd future. Satisfaction gunruntccd. fil2 B 18th at. 809 n 3 PEIlSONAI < . Dr. Nnnme V. warren clnlrvoynnt , Medical and busineu Medium Boom Na 3,121 North IGth U .Omaha , Neb. T Clock Men nnd Cnttlo Dealers The under 10,000 ncrcn of land In Lincoln county. Noli , and 1 < niithorl/ed to negotiate with parties who do * slro to utilize the property for slock feeding nnd cattle raisin ? . Is doalrous of orgnnlzlng a comiinny with parties who will take It on o < iult- nblotoims. For further particulars npply to mffat Occidental hotel corner of lUth nnd llonr- nrd els. JohnColdrcn , 420 26J WE Appeal to you again for houses. If you have any to rent plaoo thorn In our hands nt once ns wo are tinablo to supply the demand. Bonawn i Co. 15th St , opposite P. O. 4C5 2fl mo THIS 1'UBLlC-IIave rentted the Paclflo JL house in llrgt class style nnl nm ready to see my frlcdds once more , house open all nlghu 1'ullx Blavcn. ITJO 25 * PAUTIKa having cisterns , rosspools or vnulti cleaned , nddrou A. Q. Co. , iiox 7M , city. c AH11 nal'l ' for old gold nnd silver , 0. L. Krlckgon A Co. , 212 N 10th st. g fi SO rilHB place where they soil furniture cheap X for cash hiw been removed from HIS Itoug- las to 117 N. 10th St. 2ji : nl _ /CESSPOOLS , sinks nnd vaults cleaned , odor- \J loss process. K. Kwlntc , box 4S7. city. KG n 15 * SPOT CASH for second-hand , furniturecar- pots and stoves , nt 117 N. luth su 203 a8 JOSKPH HOSENSrEIN has removed from 12J5 Farnam to tffl N. I6tb st , keeps always n full stock of fresh nnd saltwater fishes , oysters , game nnd poultry. Telephone 2 > 14 , Orders solicited. 084 Mlta M. OHLiNSCHLAKUEItGrcduntcd : midwife , corner 2oth nnd Cumlng st , up stairs. 87L'al4 f"pO pnrtlos having house * for rent , llontal X Agrncy. llonnwa A Co. , 15st. , opposite post- office , We have turned over to them our rental list. We recommend them. McCau9 Dros. 610 "T\ON'T bo an oyster. Don't be swallowed X/ alive when you want tn soil furniture , carpets or bousohold goods , call at 117 N. 10th. ' 203 a8 TTloit KKNT Uricans , $2 per month. Houpe , JP 1613 Domrlns. 0.19 F Ion ItUNT Hqunro piano , $ t montnlv. HOSDO. 1513 Douglas. WO I will tradn n piano , nearly new , for lot In Omalm. L N. Wutson , nt Court House or nt 608 N.17th street. 171 / 1ASH advanced on diamonds and watches at \J 117 N. 16th it. Orff&Co. 203 nlH DON'T bo a clam. Don't pay two prices when you can go to 117 N. 10th and buy furni ture , stoves , &c. at rock bottom prices. , 203 UlS L1IUST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th i > t C 720 MONEY talks when you want to buy furni ture or vapor stoves at 117 N.16th , between Dudge nnd Capitol nvo. 20lnl8 JK you wnnt to buy or sell furniture , go to J. Forguson'B , 715 N. 10th. TJ7 FOlt KB NT Square I'iuno ( j montBlr. Hospo.1613 Douglns. 135 NEW Hoarding House , line tables , clean and palatable victuals. 1416 Chicago at. 3U5 TOHAGE Flrst-clasa storage for nice fur- ulturo or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodi0-st. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 'fjlOIl 8ALE-Chonpn Vernon'i Osknloosa on- X' glno peanut roaster In good condition. Good reasons for Belling. Address A 45 , Dee olJlco. 488 28 FOH SALE Car load fresh milch cows , extra fine milkers ; one thoroughbred Jersey cow and thoroughbred nolfer calf ; 2 half blood lorsoys. Apply butcher shop cor 6th nnd Pierce or Itoddls & Thrall packing house , , 41126j FOIl SALE One now 2 uoatcd txtonslon top carriage at cost , W. It. Druminond & Co. 1315Harney. 41325 FOH SALE One 2nd hand backboard ; run only ono month , apply W. U. Drummond &Co.,13151arney. ! 43825 FOIl SALE Cheap , 2 seated pnrk wagon with pole nnd double narncss. good as now , ad drees U 20 , Uoo , 430 25 * STABLE for 2 or 3 horses with hayloft and room for buggy or wagon. Cheap , Leav- worth and 21st st. Address 11 30 Uoo olllco. 379 25J T71OR SALE Ono 2d hand top delivery wagon -U our own make , good as now. W. K.l > rum- mend ft Co. , 1315 Harnoy. 436 Z5 FOR SALE A pair of flno driving ponies , double harness and phaeton ; nlso a fine black family horse. Phaeton aad harness now ; also a fine bedroom suit of furniture , with 'M yards of Ingrain carpet , cheap for cash. Ad dress Chnrlos W , King , 520 south 13th st. 370 20 * F IOR SALE Ton pool and billiard tables at llornberger's , 1321 Douglas st. 982-20 FOR SALE Ono 2d hand stake platform wagon $75. W. U. Drummond Ic Co. . 1315 Ilarpey it. 436 25 | 7 OU SALE 2 million brick and upwards oo < X1 fides dally out put ot 30,000. I'.nqulro on premises , cor Dorcas and 2nd sts. Omaha Briok nnd Terra Cotta Mfg. Co 638 WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED-Solo Agont-I dcslro to establish an agency in this olty for one of the finest and fastest soiling books published this season , The sale of this book has been unprecedented , the entire first addition of 3,000 copies having been sold In Cincinnati in less than six weeks. Parties desiring the ngcnoy for Omaha and vicinity Trill address at once , 0. C. Ratgorman , Paxton houso. 494 26 * \VANTED A cigar salesman to represent a T > first-class faotory through Iowa. None but those who can command n good trade and furnish satisfactory references need apply. Salary no object to light man. Address corres pondence to Vcrplanck Bros. , St. PaulMinn. W A careful , painstaking person , wages $18. P. O. Box 503. 477 S7J WANTED Agents to Introduce our now boos , American Poets just out Secure your territory nt once. Big money In this , P. IVColllor , Room 6 , lledlok block. 478 81 WANTED 50 sober. Intelligent men of good address to try a lOo meal at Norrla' ret. taurant , 104 H 18th at. 136 W ANTED Good , reliable men to buy lots in Tlpton Place , only six blocks from now Northwestern depot. Apply to Motter Real Estate Agency , 1513 Farnam st. 226 28 WANTED Men with rigs to sell real estate : good wages. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , 205 N. Ifith St. 323 25j WANTED A smart , active mnn to take hold of novelty Just out. 13 to $5 a day. Northwestern Novelty Co. , 1207 Farnam t. | 120 WANTED-Flrst-dass paper hangers. None but such need apply. C. H. Btonor , 1're- mont , Neb. lOS-SS * WANTED-A practical galvanlzor to do eon- era ! galvanizing. Addresn with reference. K. A. King , eupc. the St. Joseph Pump Co. , St. Joseph , Mo. 457 20 V\7 ANTED Imm edlat cly , COO men to work on T sewers nt Lincoln. Apply nt once to Horace - ace H Laney , Bupt. , Room iu , Billingsley Illoclc , Lincoln , Neb. 4ti4 25 WANTED A t once , good pnnts makers. Bchmltzbergor , 410 a 15th. 474 27 WANTED Flvo first-class advertl mg solic itors ; only men capable of earning good salaries need npply. A. B. Knds Company .Room 20 , S. K. corner 1'ltn nnd Dodge sts. OS3 /ANTED Three coat makers and two f pants maker * to go to LendviUo , Col. None but nrtt clais need apply. 15 per cent , higher pay than Omaha bill. Address K. Math- erson , Leadvilie , Col. 267 25' \TITANTED 8 energetlo young mm nt onco. TT A. J. Wood , HCW Dodvo street , City. 401-29 W JANTED-Slcntocufwood. T. Murray.4Gfl WANTKD-Qoodcoat maker , J. Cohen.303 B. llth st. 857 K * t\7ANTED Stenographer who write * fair ofT - T T flco hand and can make himself useful in ofllce work. Address , stating reference and salary eipcctcd , H 85. tbli office. 410 M WANTED-A first clats barbjr Immediately $14 guaranteed , C , IL Foitll , Kearnejr. ' Nebraska , 401 : I ANTED Experienced dry goods travelling aloman having an established trade In the country tributary to Kansas City. State amount of trade , territory covered , and how long. Address , with reference , W. B. Orlracs Dry Qoodi Co. , Kanaa * City , Mo. K3 TVANTED-Oood , reliable men to buj lot * ID v T Tlpton Place , only lie block * from new Northwestern depot. Apply to blotter Ueal Estate Agency , 1U3 Farnam st O SB WANTKD-fialMraea. To * ] | * p claltl ( ) * to merchant * ; oommicslon ; aur to sell ; bi * profit * . U.A. Penhlnr , Sftuth Bend , Ind. ik r'fcr' ' V'tfa - AGENTS wanted for the llfo of Itcnry Ward lloechorby Thos. W. Knnx. An nntlion- tic nnd complete history of his life nnd work from the cradle to the grave. Outsells nil others 10 to 1. The licit nnd cheapest and splendidly illustrated. Brlls llito wll < l flro. Kr , tra terms. Outfit tree. Now Is the time. Ad dress nt once , S. F. Junkm & Co. , Kntuas City. Mo. _ ! M u SJ WANTED A few persons to Instruct In book keeping. Munition. J. B. Hmlth , 101pjChlcagot. Sttt 27J _ _ _ _ Gentlemen nnd lady nffonts for a WANTED good line of specialties. Call 421 S. luth st. y& 23 * WANTED A good tailor ; good wages nnd steady work. Adtircsi or inquire of W. J. MoKenilo. Kutcr. Nob. 876-2. . ' . ] W ANTED-Glrls to pnok crnckcrS. Apply Gnrncnu Cracker Co. 487 28 * WANTED Girl for general housework , 1017 Cass st , 45i ) ANTED-Drosemnkors at 318 N Ifith st. 407 28 * W ANTRt ) ( llrl for ( rcncrfll housework. Ap ply for address nt 117 8. 16th st 46527 WANTED-A girl for general housework In faintly of threo. Uood wages lor n good girl. 451 V\7 ANTKU-GIrl at 1209 Saunders. 431 28 TX7ANTED German girl , call 1714 Jaokson. W ANTED Woman for plain sewlni- . Call at 1908 Farnam. 472 25' WANTED An experienced nurse ; call nt Mr * . Frank E. Moore's , 713 South 16th. 481 WANTED A girl for general housework. Must bo n good cook , references required. Mrs. H. 8. UollUia,20l8 Howard sU 483 WANTED A good girl for goncrnl lion so- work In a tnrallyof three , wages $1 per wcok. Inquire of C. L. lirlckson , 212 N. IGth at , Masonic block. 4SO 27 WANTED-GIrl for general housework , Rrnnll family , Howard st , Sd IIOIIKO cast Campbell , Mrs. Wrigbt , 485 27j WANTED-Good saleslady In notion depart ment , must apeak Gorman , apply at August Dormant ! , COT , un , oil S , 13th st. 478 WANTED A girl to do dining room work. Vienna Hestaurnnt , HUT Howard. 414 25J ITANTED Competent girl for general ' housework. 6M Walnut St. 331 25j " \\fANTKD-Twogood strong , healthy girls V > to work mlaundry nt Aicndo Hotel , 1215 Douglas St. 421 20 * " \\7ANTED-A good girl for general house- T work. 203 Soutl > 23d st , between Farnnm > nd Douglas. -428-25J W ANTED Two shirt polishers. King's laundry , cor. IGth nnd Howard. 446 2oj WANTED Girl for housework , family of throe , 2115 California st , 447 2t ) W ANTED Girl to do gononil housework , must bo good cook. 1818 Webster. 418 \lf ANTED A good girl for general hnuso- YV work. Mrs. H. J. Windsor,2210 Howard , ! > bovo 2'd. 439 25J WANTED First class colored chnmbermnld. Inquire 107 N 12th St. 333 2oJ WANTED-Good first class cook , good wages guarnntcecd to the right party. Apply at once at 111 South Ninth. 381 25 * \\7ANTED-Oood reliable Swiss or German ' t girl ns first cook. Apply nt Elkhorn Val or house , N. 1 ! . oor. llth and Dodge. 397 25 * " \\7"ANTED Two good waiters , girls or boyg , TV ntDanbaum's Uustnurnnt. 38335 WANTED Girl for general housework , 62d S. 19th , near St. Mary'a avo. 305 WANTED At once , piano player , colored woman preferred. Apply 1128. 8th. 348 1TANTED Oood girl for general housework , t small family , 2443 Capital avo. U41 WANTED-2waist makers ; 1 apprentice ; ! errand glrL Mrs. A. Rico , llushman block. 833 VI ? ANTED A girl for chamber work. Apply V > nttho Millard ho to I. 290 29 WANTED GO Kood gill ? for domestic work ; best of wages and good homed ; 121 NIGtu 2S8 27J WANTED Ladles to work for us nt their own homos ; $7 to 10 per week can bo quietly made ; no photo-painting , no canvass ing. For full particulars please address at once Crescent Art Co. , 19 Central St. , Boston , Mass. , llox 5170. 003 TVANTED Good cook and Laundress. 203 N. mo st. f > 89 SITUATION WANTED. WANTKD-Sltuatlon ( n boot nnd shoo or dry goods store , by experienced young mnn ; can nlso spook Bohemian. Address H 39 , Uco olnco. 45326 * WANTED A position br an experienced stenographer. Operates the Remington type-writer ; writes n good hand and comes well recommended. Address H. S. Wedgwood , Gees hotel , city. 45U 37 * \\rANTED-Sltuatlon as clerk or salesman In TT grocery or dry goods store. Speaks Gor man , Bohemian and Polish , ft years' experi ence. Address'-1. O. J. , Atlantic hotel. Omaha , Neb. 453 25 * 1 ANTED Position in olllco by a competent man , good ref's. II 33 , Boo office. 4.'fl 27J WANTED-Poaltionbyn clgnr salesman of long experience. GooiltriidooverU. P. R. 11. west Address H 38 Bco. 449 27J WANTED-Sltuatlon of any kind. Inquire 1110 S. 13th st. 3S820 * \\7ANTED-PosltIon In wholesale or retail by T T nn experienced dry goods nnd carpet sales man. Speaks German. Address H20care ot this office. 31930 * W "ANTED Place as gardener or wort In n nursery ; ton years' experience. Addicss H 27. Bee office. 31725 * /-ANTED Situation by a practical druggist T of city and country .experience 7 drcss W. F. Bnssett , Klkhnrt , Ind. 177 27 WANTED Situation ; Kansas or Nebraska by thorough bookkeeper ; nno writes short hand. Cash bondglvon. Ileferonccs exchanged : N. Bchulze.eiUW. Mndisonat. , Chicago , 111. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WAMED To rent house , born and land suitable for dairy business , address H 18 Bee office. 331 25j WANTED 6 or 7 room cottage , family of 3 , no children , address F. il. C. , P. 0. Box 454. 351 23 WANTED House of Cor 7 rooms centrally located by gentleman and wife. Hefor- oncci. H19 , BeooUloe. U4636J WANTED To exchange n suburban lot for a good driving horse. Address or call on C. P. Bontly , Herald building , 15th and flnrney. 871 WANTED Nice room with all modern con veniences , tnd board. In private family , a pleasant , quiet homo dasirod , references ox changed. Address H 83 , Bee ofilco. 403 37 * " \\7ANTED-Ihavepurchasers for tonfour 1 flvo and six room cottages , to be romovot from their present sites. Owners of such prop erty wishing to sell will call at once. Wallace Crelgbton block. 47331 ANTED A second-hand light delivery wagon. Address R. K. , P. O. bor 288 , Omaha. 444 25 ] W ANTBD-Tenms , 30J S. llth St. STOBAGE. OMAHA Storage Wnrohouse-Cornor 13th nnd Izard bts. , forstorago of house hold goods and general merchandise nt low rates. Advances made ; Issue warehouse ro ceipts. R It. switch at the house , Ofllco 619 fc-outli 13th street and 1.138 , 1310 and 1313 Izard streut Telephone 6C2 , M. H. Goodrich , mgr W5 ra 28 FOE BENT HOUSES and LOTS. FOR BENT Stable for 8 or three horses with buggy room and hay-loft , cheap. Corner Leavenwoitb and 21st sts. 1180 , Beo. 491 20 * FOlt UENT-Vt ot 8 room house with close closets , io , , up italrs , suitable forsmal family , * w cor 17tb aad Dorcas. Calloa premlsos. JJM TJXin HENT Flat 8 rooms , and furniture fo ! ' sale cheap. Inquire of Dayton & Vorls room 1.1304 Dougltj st. 460 M 'JjlOH HENT Small barn on 14th near Jaok J-1 ion sta. Apply at Uato City Iteal Estate Ca , 13 'Q Douglas St. 44228 ] JX > KHKNT-New brlok bouse with all modern Jimprovemenu , U room * . Apply 1319 rarnam t , 968 fjTOU HRNT 4 new oottaijoi on Call fornli JL. and30th street , near Cumlng street can Kent $15 per month. Apply to Kaufman Dros. _ 6J9 - Bxlckardi ; x , Murray. FOIV ItCNT 80 acres ofnffCund , Improved. North of the city 3 miles , 1C C. Patterson , 16th nnd llnrnoy. 273 f Oll KENT CottasroA , house * nnd stores , nil r desirable nnd well lo * iftd , from tA ) POT month up , L , Burnhnm , 1 jm 1 Crelchton Block. 'O 117 T71OII ItHNT-Stnblp , Cnplt Ave aud 8th. En JL ? qulro room 8. Arlington ilook. 742 _ _ _ "filOU liBNT of nlargo orflco well locatud , JD Inquire of Swan 4 Co. , 1521 Dodge st. 753 FOlt HUNT For the Bum fcor pormantly , furnished rooms wlth frgt-class modern conveniences. Only tennnHvillIng to pay fur uch acoomtnodatlons doslrcv No. 31(1 ( N. IBtli troot. 4f3 S3' FOR HUNT Sulto three unfurnished rooms with closota and city water. Applv 2113 ClllcngO St. 404 20 * [ 71011 RENT Nowljr furnished front room V with bedrnom , suitable for two or four gentleman or man nnd wlfo , 216 N , 13th street. mi a * CTOU UKNT Furnished front room , 1015 Cnss. jj OSflgTJ Oil HENT-Nlcoly furnished room , BID North 19th Street. 308 S5J irOH KENT Nlcclr furnished rooms , board P If desired , 113 Bo Ekl st , bet Dougln * nnd ) . KENT Furnished sleeping rooms nnd fVJU furnished and unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. InquhoEO ) Howard st , 178 F 1OU HENT Front parlor nnd alcove , fur nished ; good board , 1531 St , Mary's avo. O Ml F I OH RENT Two fine rooms , f urnlshod or unfurnished. 628 Pleasant st. 3tft 2SJ IJ'On HENT Large furnished front room , JJ tuitablo for two ; bath. 2205 Farnam. 034 25j FOR RENT Ono neatly furnished or un- furnished cnst front room suitable for two gentlemen , 810 810th at. 478 27J WANTED Furnished room within reason able distance of postofHco , for single gon- tleman. Stnto terms and location , Address H 40 , lice office. 463 FOlt UKNT 3 unfurnished rooini , suitable for light housekeeping. Call at 420 N 181'i ' st Iloforcnco required. 3X5 26 NICELY furnished rooms with or without board on Lcnvonwnrth and 21st st. Fine location : bandy for business m on. Address II 30 Bee olllco. 37H gjj F I OU UENT-Tonlco furnished rooms nt 1017 Chicago. 3"ifi25 * FOH KENT Anowly furnished front room , with closet and bntli. 601 South 20th st. 13D TTlOlt HENT-Nlcoly furnished rooms , Senvor JJ & Whltcomb , room 25 , Paxton block. 416 28 FOIl BENT Handsomely , newly furnished room for lady ; 211 North 12th st. 410 25J F I OH BENT furnished rooms , bath , etc. , 810 to $25 per month. OU ! N. 17th. 83S2SJ FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room in nice cottage , $8 per month , (0(1 ( ( Walnut st , 8 minutes walk southeast U. P. depot. 312 FOR RENT-NIcely furnished rooms on 19th gt. ; rates reasonable. Inquire nt Now Homo ollioo. 123 N 15th. 289 27J F OR RENT Furnished rooms nnd board , 610 N 18th St. 135 28 * FFOR FOR RENT Furnished rooms , balh nnd modern conveniences , 401 J $ 1'ith st 825 27 * WANTED To rent 7 or 8oom , house , not over 15 blocks from pbsiorrlcc. Enquire at llcnnlson llros. ot 3 F OR RENT-3d floor IStlUOMeot , use of ele vator , etc. , No. 1405 Douglna st. Apply J. M. W. , P. O. box 654. , f 244 2fl F > fl BENT Two furnished rooms , at 1015 Farnara st. SI 141 "IJIOU RENT- Elegantly f urnMhed rooms. All X1 modord convenience" ! on nnvod street and ttroot car lino. No finer location in city. Call nt mv olllco. L. P. Hammond , room 3. 1522 Douglas st. 030 FOH RENT- Furnished rods,714 N. lth ! ) t 72-J-a * FOR RENT Elegant furnWicd rooms ; all modern conveniences on paved street nnd street car lino. No finer looatlon In city. Cnll at my olllco. L. P. Hammond , room 3 , 152J Douglas st. . f ) 619 FOIl HENT-Storo room and No. 110 N. 14th gt. basement. 3S3 FOK RENT Nicely furnlshoil room * at rea sonable rates , ono clock from court house , 508 So 18th st , north St. Mary's ave , up stairs. 579 FOR RENT-OIllcos III Hcllman building cor. Farnam and 13th sts. , In suites or singly. For prices , diagrams nnd Information npply to S.A. Slonmn , 1512 Farnam at , , Room 2. > . " * FOR RENT-Nlcoly furnlshnd front room 3 blocks louth of the Opera HousoU15 Jones. 3I8n4 FOB BALE HOUSES LOTS. JF. HAMMOND. Ileal Estate , 117 S. 16th 6k , i first door north of Douglas. Pruyn Park , flno lot , 1-3 cash 503 Priiyn Park , 4dcslraablo lot * , each 45U Cunningham's sub , 131ots50xl.'Kcnch. ) . . . 4,800 Snunders st , , 80 feet south of Cumlng , . . 5,000 River Vlowndd.flno residence lot , . . . . 18,000 Mavno's 2d ndd , lot on s front. $400 cash , 1,100 Iledford Place , beautiful lot , $400 cash. . . 050 21st near Loavonworth lot 50x132,5-room bouse , fi.OOO roster's ndd , 3 gilt-edge cor lots , H cash fi.OOO Foster's add , 2 gllt-odgo cor lots , Yt cash 4,500 Wc t Omaha , lot 22x129 , $300 cash 100 20th near Clark. 2 tine lots 130x140 10,000 21st near Clark , 5-room bouse ' / lot n.OOO 22nd near Clark , 0-room house K lot 2,5CO 50 acresJn Bloman's addition. 480 25 IK SALE Cheap now 5-room bouso and barn. Cor , 25th nnd Californlast. 214 2fl * FOlt SALE-Lot GO by lfi3H , sorner Grace and 13th et , Price $3,200. Bcnawa tc Co , 15th st , opposlta P. O. 40 20 1OU SALE 85x123 cor. lot chcup , near cars , 401 N. 15th St. 46121 * mELEPHONE 419 for J. L. Hlco & Co. , real cs- -L tate brokers. 475 T71LACK4HOMAN. X ? Real Kitato Brokers , Room II , Kren/er blk. , opp P. O. For sale-Two south front choloo lots on Bristol st for f 1.80(1. ( A corner In Kirkwood east front 60x140 ft for $1.500. Kivo room house and full lot 00x137 ft in Lowes add for 11COO. Two full lots onch BOxISTK ft with 4 room house In Lowo's add for $ lfcOO. This is a big bargain. A corner In Lowo's ndd for (1,030 and Insldo vncnnt lots for two to J 1.500. Two east front flvo room houses onKthst. , only ono block from Red par line nnd paved st , lor 12,600 apiece , on monthly payments. ' Two 50 foot lots on IHtb st Insldo the mlle lim its for W.COO oach. Will double in value in 6 months. lots , block "P. " This Is n Farnam street corner for $20.000. 133 foot , south front on Farnam street , for (300 per foot. 77 feet , south front on Farnnm , at , for J175 per foot. 44 foot on corner Farnnm and 9th streets for $25,000. A corner sir blocks from postofOco , pnvod on both street frontages , for $15,500. A lot on North 16th street , liuLako's addition , for (0,000. Tlu lot hns a dou o frontage. Wo nro agents for North OMghn addition. This beautiful addition' liqMist of the fair grounds , between tbo U. vBnd Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha ways , nnd Is the finest cheap warehouse and rnckairo property in the city. Prices for inside lits 1350 , and tar corners $400. .1 483 27 OPECIAL BAHGAINS- Buslnosi Pronprity. Twelfth nnd Jones , 83x133 , f'f.OOO nnd paving tAX * 5 * Twelfth and JackionGUxl3& all paving paid , $23,500. Jr. Sixteenth nnd Davonpojrh 133x133 , very cheap. ' .V Jones street , between FoWtoonth nnd Fif teenth. 66x132 , improvements bring $75 per month , cheap nt $18,000. , , . Sixteenth street , some cholflo pieces north of viaduct und 13i feet corner otfSouth Sixteenth street. All of the nbove are bargains and It will pny any one wishing to invest to look Into tbem. Residence Lots. Nine choice lots in Kllby Place , esco $1,503 , they are high and dry and below the mnikot price. 100 foot corner in Hanscom place chcup at Klrkwood , lot runs through from Twentieth to Twenty-Ursi , $1,600. We have a choice corner on Douglas street , now occupied with two houses and room for four moro ; easy walk from postofllco and a splendid corner to improve with tenements. Drake's addition ,50x148 , with two houses , nil tor$3COO. Here is a bargain for some one. Acre Property. Twelve acres adjoining Institute place , $1,500 per aero. Tuttlo's RUb.,5-acre tract. * Twenty-five acres adjoining Bedford place ; an elegant tract for subdivision , right on State street ; Insures a handsome profit at the prico. Forty acres adjoining Omaha Heights ; beau tiful high rolling ground , at a bargain. 6 acres in Newport. Olarkson & Ueattr , 219 South 14th street OMAHA-Some of the bo.t corners SOUTH business portion of the town , nnd lots In nil additions thereto. Gregory * llndloy , , . . Booms 1 nud 3. llddlok S Blk , > HO S. lot it St. 43a /IUNNINOHAM'8 ADD-Lnrgolots.nnd every \J ono ( ins trnekatro. Tlioy nro cheap now , nnd will command fancy prices soon. 1 " ' ' ' "n'nd'J.'nwllefc'S Ulk , 330 S. 15th st. nUMINO'ST M foot front on Cumltig st , \J uonrSiiundor .st.only * 7.f > 00. H cnsli. This Is tin oiler Unit will bonr Investigation. Gregory & Hiulloy , Booms 1 and 3 , llodlck's blk , 12J South 16th st. TVTELSON'S ADO-Lot fi2'ixl25 ' , with 2 houses. Jono ll-room , the other 7-roora , total rent $ < H3 per year , nil for $8,000. $2,430 cnsh. bal 1 , 2.3 4 and 6 years. Notice the easy terms nnd that rent pays ever 10 per cent on Investment. Urojrory * Hndley , Itootnsland3Kodickblk. 8SO South 15th at. HANSCOM PLACE One of the finest corners on Virginia nvo , 105tl50. Lots leveled up and lying about 3 ft above grade , only $5,500. 429 Gregory A Hadloy. ST 120 ft front on Stnto st. In Omahn S Vlow , and a corner , $1.000 M ca .h. 42U Gregory & llndloy. TTOSTEU'S ADD'N-Cornor on 23d st 90x130. X ! for 11,4(10. ( Easy terras. Orogory * llndloy. 43J rpBLEPHONE 418 for J , L. llloo Ic Co. , roat 63- J. tate brokers. 475 FOU 8ALE-60xl33 on Izard st , track age $4.500 House and 2 full lots , easy terms 2,200 Lot , east side of hill , Omaha View 850 East front lot. Kllby Place 000 House of rooms on 16th stnoar Paul , $3,600 ; K cash , balance 1 nnd 2 years. B lots In Hanscora Plnoo. S89 25 * H. W. Huntress. 1509 Farnam st WISE * PAllMBLR , 1502 Farnam st. Offerthostbargains to-day : 1 corner Gooivla nvo. and Dupont f 1,700. 7 Orchnrd hill , choice lots each $ 5fi. House nnd 3 lots , Saunders * Hlmob&ugh's add. to Walnut hill (2,300. . 10 Finest lots In Clovonlalo , bargains. Flno lots In Kllby place , cheap. Fine ! LSlot John I llodlck's Sub-dlvljlon. Scholco lots In Maynes add. , each $51) . Zcholce lots Falrmount place. laorebufltln Uelvodoro , bargain 21ots Jotter's addition , each $70J. Slots Mt. Douglas , onoh $550. Clots South Ex , plnco. each $ V . SBrown Park , bargains each $5)1. 24 lots choice In Yntes * Hompol's nddltion. 10 acres y mile south of Harris & Patterson's annex , extra nloo , cheap nnd easy terras. A flno list of western lands for sale , or trade for Omaha property. _ , 400acres highly Improved , Saunders Co. . sale or trade. 115 feet front on Iflth strict. Lnst , not lomt. o-irnor on Karnam f 4"i,031 nnd mnnv others , 1509 Farnara , Wise and i'acinelo. 377 ELEPHONE 418 for J. L. Ulco & Co. , ronl os t-Uo brokers. 475 . . SALE OU'TRADE-TO e own several thousnnd acres of choice South Dakota farming Innd which wo will Pell or trndo for Omiihn property. Wo want to sell and offer our land at bottom prices.Yrigut * Lasbury. cor. undorPnxton _ hotel 108 Ql'ECIAL IIAUOAlN-Lot 0. blk (18 ( South fj Omahn. only ? 2,000. This Is only for March. Anril 1st , tlio lot cannot bo delivered less than $2,100. Now Is the time. Purk 4 : Fowlor. 1522 Douglas. 443 27 HOW 18 THIS HouseS rooms , lot 33 ft east front on 23d between California and Cass $3,500. John Uullnghcr , 317 a 13th. * 438 30 lELKPIIONE 41S for J. L. Hlco & Co. , real estate - tate brokers. 175 OKSALE-Severnl lots In Orchnrd Hill nt prices that will nay to Invest. S lots Patrick's addition till April 1st , $3,700 , one Is n corner. These are cheap. 2 houses and lota one block from street cars , $ aWj and $2.000 : $3 > cash , bnl $25 per month. I'm k ii Fowler , 1523 Douglas. 443 27 you want anything better tnnn this ? 81ft DO cnst front on 2Jd near Cass , { 2,500. John nnlnghcr,317 a 13th , 17 30 -I 0 ACHKS 4 miles west ofP O , for sale. $000 X pur noro. D. C , Patterson , Omahn Na- tlonal bank. 880 PIUNU VALLEY , S Our now addition. Acre4$375 to $401 per aori. Near South Omaha , And Sydleato HIIL Marshall & Lobook , 103 1509 Furnnm. "I/IOII SALE A cornnr lot OSxlitt on Ifith nnd X1 Cumins st ono of the best locations in the city for n warehouse , with waterworks nnd sewerage. Apply at promises. Thos Sinclair. J.ij. Hlco & Co. . ronl 03- tatobrokors. 475 UAHGAINS-Two corner lots in GENUINE court , only 4 blocks from Soun der's street unrs. W. M. Iluihrnnn , llooin 10 , Huihman Ulook , N E cor 10th anJ Douglas. INSIDE PUOPKHTY Wo have some good In- side property at a bargain , Pierce & Rog ers , 1511 Dodge street. 830 < f 100 cash will secure 163 acres of first clnss 5) farming land In eastern Nebraska balance very long tlmo and no taxes for 20 years. The O. F.Daviscompany , 1505 Tarnara st. U2i a 15 SOUTH Omaha Park and Hammond Place Is Inside South Omaha property. Thee Olson or JIM Vore , owners , 314 S 15th st , 2d floor between - twoon Farnam undHarnoy. 354 a 1 SOUTHOmahtParK and Hammond Place Is Inside South Omaha property , Thee Olson or.Jus Voro , ownersiU : K 15th at. , 2d floor be tween Fnrnnm nnd Hnrnoy. " 51 a 1 BIO BARGAIN One hundred feet front on South Eleventh st , corner tot , only $5,000. Part on time.V. . L. Vodicka , 523 South 13th 'st. 10 ACHES 4 miles west of P O , for sale , $950 porucro. D. C. Patterson , Omahn Na tional bank , 280 8O fcot on King Et. between Rurdctto nnd Grant st. Tills Is ono of the best bargains In North Omaha. $2,500. John Gallagher , 317 8 , 13th st. 309 37 FOR SALE A few special bargains. Three fine east front lots Kllby Place , 91,200 each , on easy terms. Ono tine 5 room cottngo , email barn and conl sheds with a good well , in Parker's addition , e,8uo. ! A convenient 5 room house in north part of city , on street car line , with sewer , city water , and gas In street , cheap.,10J , on easy terms. 8 vorallotsiu , Albright's annex , near the now dopot. Houses ami lots in Hansoom Place at bar gains. C. T. Morton. 1018 Capitol avo. 306 2AJ SIOUX CITY Acres suitable for plattlng.cloFe to motor and street oar lines , 220 acres $65 per acre on west city. 263 acres close to mov ing side $ ' .iO per acre , a bargain this woe a , ad dress E.C.l'almor. Sioux CityIn. Omaha refer ence , PattorBonJUros , Peterson Uros. 46826 mELEPHOtfK4l8 for J. L. Rico & Co. , real es- X tnto brokers. ' . 475 10 ACltliS i tulles wcstot PU , for Bale , $ nu 1. per acre. D. ' C. Patterson , Omaha Na tional bank. ' 80. SKATZ & CO , . . 1511 Farnam st. 140 foot on Plorasby Won IVth st , with 0 bouso3.ri5.000. 12H feet square fronting on tbrro streets , $ I2POO. ' Full lot north of Cumlnrr on 27th st , with 8- room houROStioO. ) Corner Douvlns and 12th st , and 25 foot front on 12th st , ! S,000. 159 foot front on 17th nnd IBth st , each , with 5 houses , $20,000. . ft acre tract in Tuttlo's Subdivision with 6-room hou'o , $ n , < )00. ) 3 choice lots In Wnlnut Hill. ' 1,000 each. Ixit on 27(0 ( and 2tb , G-roomhouso , $3.000. 40 foot front on IGth et , south of viaduct , 15wo. ( 451127 on South 13th st , $3,500 , Ixit on Furnaiu , near 40tb st , (1,000. Choice residence lot in Summit Place. $ .1,530. 13'lxl'j ' ; , corner3lel and Knrnum , $ I7OOJ. Corner 25th and Capital avenue , $0.000. 5Q feet on Douglas , with 2 ID-room housoj , nil modern Improvements , $12/AO. 2 lots on Hamilton street , $2,800. COiuOO , fronting ou Cumlng and Hurt streets , 5 bouecs. $ l.'i.OOO. ES feet front on Farnara.wltb two stores nnd n residence ; brings 12 par cent on Invest monts. 31x132 , Cxss St. . between llth and 15th , with ? room lioiiBo.Sl.'JiK ) . Full lot , 21st st south of Loavonworth , 7-room house , barn nnd all modern Improvement * , Corner , Burt and 18lh st , with 6-room house , $5.2115. Lots In nil additions cheap. 331 H. KnU et , Co. . 1511 Farnam. mEI.EPHONB 413 for J. L. Bice * Co. , real es- JL tnto brokers. 475 FOU SALE-Farm ot EtM acres In Burt county , 100 aoroa In cultivation and bal ance hay land and pasture. All fenced , good frame house , corn cribs , feed yurdi. . oto , A part of the pasture Is seeded with blue grass. Price $1' per aero. Terms easy. Clark if French , 1810 Douglas . 216 24 LOTS on Chicago tt , south of Crolghton col. icge. GUxUS. First class Investment , $4.000. John Oallagher,3l7 South 13th st. 810 37 ELEPHONR 418 for J. L. Wc & Co. , roafeT Ute broker * . 47ft U. HVAXS A Co. . Real Estate Agents followlnf Partial list of CIWt fr ° 'lf ' > rl.ftlnTlcw' Plalnvlow'rorner. only f l.JOd. i Aco.rSl'rm Yatcs * Honipcl'J IPJO , InjIJo . . lots J.OO. .A south front In nustlti'n add to Plalnviowt $1,100 , < ca > h. Acres Iu Brighton nt low prices on easy terms. Wo nro agrnts of Florence Lnnd company nnd hnvo good lots for sale In this hntidsomo suburb nt low prices on easy termi. Hvo fine east front lots on Grove street near Leavonworth for $1,500 each. rive west front lots on Soring st In Baikalow Place at $1,0-X ) each If taken together. A business corner oa west Loavcuworth for East front lots on Loavonworth , business place , at $ "C' > each. A largo business lot on Leavonworth to West Side , NtX43 ) , only $1,000 If taken aoon. Wohavofour of the best corner * on Six teenth Street north for $0.500 , $12,000. $18,000 nnd $ WWX ) rcapoetlvoly. For boss Investments see those soon. They will not last long. A lot In Omaha View , east slope , $1,000 , easy lorms. Ten aoros north , ten acrot couth-west , three acres in Tuttlo's sub-division , all cheap mid good. A first-class business corner with three story jrlck building. Good. A 50 toot corner on Farnam st , beat In the market. A 53 ft corner on Loavenworth east of 27th Street $8.000. Lot onTenth street near the DrowneU Hall , M foot lot with bouse ou , Centre St. , nour 17th , on grade , $3,000 , Vi cash. ( a foot east front on Fifteenth , near Con I re , with house , corner on 21 foot alley , will dlvldo ir sell all , north 1-2 92,009 , south 1-2 with house ilurilngton Place-South Omaha lotsfor 1100 to $500 , > cosh ; only few loft. Fowler Plaoo-Cornor on county road $750 ; onothor corner $650. House and 65 foot lot 170 ft dcop on California Itroet U exceedingly cheap at $4,200 , A south front on Farnara in Jerome Parka flue lot Corner on West Farnam , $3,000. $ ! , WO buys a hnndv > mo east front In Creston. $1,750 buys an east front on Virginia avenue. 0xl40 on Georgia avenue owner nnxlou eto sell.East East front lot on Coital street , near Howard. 3.000. Cottage. 7 rooms , flno east front lot.Hnnscom place , $5,200. Corner , 60x168 with coitago and barn , Poppla- ton nvonuo , $6,000. La Vota place , along Lowe avonuc , $1,200 to $ l,6UO. U cash , lluslnost lots Vacant lots Improved and unimproved. Suburban lots Best lln of property In Omaha. Send us description of what you hnvo for salo. We nro members of Omaha Real ICstato Exchange. 240 25 TELEPHONE 418 for J. L. Hlco & Co. , real OS- tate brokers. 475 " TmN dACT7MllfiFR 3ll7 South lilth stroot. Lots Poutti Omahn , "n snap" . . . . $ 850 Hawo's addition l.fiV ) Dupont Place 1,000 Fiilrmont.$800 to 1.850 Hati8CcimPlacolOOOto , . . . 3,000 Baker Place , $600 to 650 Eomo flno lots In Plalnvlew , Rustln's addi tion , Omaha View , and other additions. Houses and Lots Burt street near 20 lot 66x132 , house 12 room * , barn , etc $9,500 Lot57xl' < 2 , hniise 12 rooms , barns , oto 8,60J Easy terms on both. Omaha View lot M feet south front , house with Improvements , cost $1,100 , all for. . 1,700 Very easy terms. House and lot on 2ld near California at a bargain , better call and see about It House aud lot , Sunnysldc 1,530 Houses to soil on small payments , balance monthly 1,560 It will pny you to examine our list of business property. Some of the finest aero property nt bottom price. FOIt SALE by a Wells , 1606 Chicago St. : In Hanscom Place lot 12 , block 9 , $3,603 ; lota 13 and 14 , block 1 , house ot 7-rooms , hot and cold water , bath , bnrn , out-bulldlngs. oto. , $ ,500 ; lota 11 nud 12 , block 2 , s.w. corner of Pop- pleton ajd Virginia lives. , fronting east , $ " , " 00. Lots 6,7 and 8 , blork U , each , $3.500. Lots 18,19 , 20 , bloek 6. onch , $3,000. Lot 17 , bloon ID , $2,500. Lot 10 , block 16 , $2,700. Lots23 and 21 , block 4 , 102x132 feet , $1,250 , Lots 8 and 9. block 2,100x150 loot , { 5,250. 1/ot 6. block 15.50x150 feet , $1 , mQ. Lot 21 block 16,50x150 feet , $1.1 00. Luts 10 nnd 14 block 20 , each $1,750. Lotn 3 nnd U block IU , tor both. $3.500. Lot 0 block 5 , houte of U rooms , with all mod ern improvements , $6,500. Lot 1 , block 3.3-room house , $2,500. Itodlek's subdlvlson-cornor U. S. Grant street and Virginia nvo, of 0 rooms , furnace , gas , water , baths , closer , electric bolls , mnntles. cto , $8,000. Lot 13 block 8. $2.200. Lots 17,18 , 19 , 20 , 21 and 22 , block 9 , each "Lot 12 block 3. $1,000. Lots 13 and 14 block 3 , each $3,750. Lot 18 block Z , $ JOUO. Lot 11 block 3. Kood'fl 3d division , $1,200. Lots Sand 11 block t Rood's 3d division , onch $1.200. 40 feet ot lot 4 block 7 In Klrkwood. $1,12 : . 2 houses and lots on Burt street east or Twen ty-second street , cncU of 9 rooms , $7,800 and Lot 4 Courtland place , cheapest nnd best lot In the city. Lots land S block 6 , Donlso's add , botb $4,200. Lot 6 block 3 Donlso's add , $2,500. Lot 12 block 6 , Donise's npd , $1,250. Horbach 1st ndd. Lots 51 , 53 , 53.5 . IU , Ot. 65 and 60. all 60x140 ft except one , $2,500 tn $8,000. Also lots nil over the city 1'nrk Lane , Barker Place , Walnut Hill , Amb- lorPlnco , Albright's Choice , Clifton Place , Bed- lord Placo. Contrnl Park , Armour Place , Falr- vlow , Kendall's add , Hartman's add , Highland Park , Hawthorne , &o , Wo also have stocks of goods , and farms In Howard county , K miles from Grand Island , Iu Boone county. In Snrpy and other counties. In ncro prporty wo have the cBoicostln the market. 1 lot ot 6 noros In Tutllo's subdtv for $7,000. 35 acres northwest of and 4 miles from the city , f 100 per aero. Lots in Ford's sub. at $700 to $1,000 per acre. Lots in Barker's sub nt $1UO per acre. Wo will always bo pleased to show you what wo have and sell you a lot If we can. can.a Wells. 1606 Ch icago st roar Douglas Co. Bank. rpELEPHONE 418 for J7L. Rice & Co. , real os X tate brokers. 475 TDOWLING QUEEN. Blocks 17 to SI , the best part of Bowl Ing G reon. The cheapest property on the market. Vi mile Irom Benson car lino. 5-acro lots per ncro $530. 8H ncro lo's per acre $ JOO. Acre lots $600. Lots 50x127 on Hamilton street $175 to $2T > for corners. Full commission to agents. Get plata. Marshall Ac Lobeck , No. 1509 Farnara. Telephone 73. 104 i fSWKNSON & CO.-140I Farnam street , vRoom 15 , denlors In real estate and west ern land. Houses built to suit purchawn on monthly payment. 881-ali FOR SALE In largo orsmall lots field seeds , timothy , little rod and mummoth clover , Gorman nnd common mlllott soena , I warrant this seed all raised in Uutlor county , Nob. , and now , pure and clean seed. Write to W. G. Bos ton , David City. Nob. , for prices. 491 08 * Foil SALE On easy terms , some cbolco lots in Walnut Hill , all near Walnut Hill post- office. P. A. Gavin , Solo Agent , Room O.Rodlck Block. 182 31 * I 0 ACHES 4 mllpswo t of PO , for talc , $ 00 1. per aero. D. a Patterson , Otnaha Na tional band. 280 TfjIOR SALE Desirable residence property on X ? Capitol Hill. Inquire 2223 Davenport st. 608 LIST your property with us If you want it sold , for wo mean business , Pierce ie Rogers , Room 5 Arlington Illk. B.J2 OHN GALLAGHER , 317 South 13th st. Aero propoi ty , lots all parts of the olty. Choice lots in llnnscom Placo. Housn , 9 rooms , lot 66x(6 , location unsurpassed , $5.200. 237u3 FOH SALE A corner lot south nnd east front on special contract in ICountzo place , must bo bulk on thU year. Corner and Inside lots iu Orchard hllL Corner and Inildeloti in Clifton hill. Corner and Inside lots In Walnut hill. Corner nnd Inside lot ) In Saunder * & Hlmo- bnughs nd. Corner nnd Inside lots In Carthago. Largo housnaud Una lot on 16th street with room to build moro , for sale very cheap. Cull on or address James Stockdalo , 814 South 10th BU 3M38 _ INi : this list : 10 acres 4 mlles wostp. O. at . $ COO 10 4 " S.W. " . ( HO 6 " OK " " " . , . 600 5 " ay " " " . 550 W lots 3 " " P. 0. from * lVlto. . . MM 6 Lincoln place $ BV ) to. . . 7. ' > 0 8 " 2'Jth and Hurt " 51. WO to. . 3,000 4 " S9th and Wubster " $ I.'X to. , l.stu 1 " 28th and California . . . S , < xn a " Shlnn's 1st. e ch . 1,001 a " fiurdetto court , each , . trn 44 foot on Jackson , near 10th . 10.0X ) Cor lot und 6-rootu bouxo , city water and gag , 1 mllofrom P.O . .T.Or-0 to feet % llith at , near viaduct D. C. Patterson Oranha Nut. Bunk bid' T71AIHMOI/.NT PLACK-LoUW and 2 ! . one of XA the beat corners In North End. $1.71X1 for botn , $050 CHI ) h. and balance 1 , 3 ana 3 years. Grecorr&liadltr. 433 SA. BLOMAN , Heal Estate Broker , 151 ! Farnam Street. Tarnam street , cor. ISth , MxlU , S cash , ! 5J.OM rarnam st , , near Uth.SixIXMmprovod. , ir.OK ) Fiirnam St. , Boar 18th,44xi : < 2 , Improved , . Farnnm st. , near 20th,2jxl32vnrych'inp , Vex Karnamst.noar2JtbllSxxl.C Fnrnaaist. oor.aiit st. 130x132 , south and east front. 17.0' ' ) Earnnm st. coM'Hh , B1ilU : , s nnd o front fariiaiii st. oor. 41st. 4Sxt3- and o front ,1. > M llnrnoyst. near20th. 174x170. Improved. . IO.OJO llarnnyst. Ko.llok's Grove , 4UI.U IAM Douglas st. near 12th , 4lxl3J , Improved. . RVOOO Douglas st. nonr lath. 2-JxllU , H Interest. U/iOJ DouglHsst. near 23d , Mils. : Dodge st. noaraJtli , 50xla2 > < 1,0(10 Dodvo st. nonr23th , 40x127 , improved. . , U.OOO .Incksonst. near 15th , OflxlSJ , Improved. 000 .loneist.cor. 15th , S'lxnj.- . . . . . 24,000 Leavonworth st cor. 81st littxlll , im proved. . 18,500 Lonvonnorthst. cor. JWth , 140x142 , 1m- nrovod 2S/XX ) llth stopp , M. P. and llult Line depot , . 41x118 9,009 Uth st. traokntro , Paddoox place , 00x113. Park nve. opp. park , 5ilxl50 l.W Georgia avo. near Mt Pleasant. 51x159 , , SOthst. near Dorcas , lOQxlooItnprovod. . 4i509 20thst near Douglas , a.'iS1 , Improved , . H.ODO 15thst.cor.Marth ,63tMiranrov d. . . 4,509 Nth st. cor. 8nwanl.OJxl3,8 ) houses. . . . 4.600 Pierce noar20thV ( ) feet front , 2 street * . 6JUO Hamilton St. near Bolt line , liaprovod. . . 1.500 H5th st. , near Davenport. 100xU8 ia Reward , near 3Mb , OOxl&T 1,150 10th it , near Castollar , 135 feet front. . . . i.H Hthst , ooar Martha , 61x161. corner ioat llurdette st , near 2th , 50xUli , on cat line 1,900 Burt st , near Lowe ave , 511-2x13) 1100 25th , cor , Popploton. KUluO. Improved. . 4AO Davenport , nearX4th. 64 l-3xl32Improvod 4,00 Chicago , corner 24th , 6xl.Tj , Improved. . BMW swth , near Popploton , 50x127 , improved. . ROOt Orchard Hill , lots $750 to 1.090 Brown Patk , lot * $60i ) to 869 Bedford Place , Iota $850 to 900 Highland Pare , lots each-cash $68 , . ED Wakoly add , lets 67x150. rach 400 26 acres near FortOmaha.flncly Inproved 11,000 Center st. 86x131. Improved - i.taa Fnrnamst.nt > nr33th,57xl32 9,300 Nicholas st corner , 88x13. , track In alloy 44MO [ 'ark ave , facing Park , 60xlf > 0 4,000 8 IBth it , near viaduct , 40X1QJ 6,009 Sulphur Springs add. Just opp. 16th st , 5J ? , OM ' ' ' I avenwortii'itl near'BeitLlneVlClOx 127. ! FOR SALE-By Sholos ft Crumb , 1400 Farnam St. , opposite Paxton hotel. 50x134 foot Hnrnoy st near 23th. . 9,600 06x 130 f out Saunders St. , fronts two streets 7,000 6 lots , Fosters add $2.200 to 3.400 Hlots , Jcrcmo park 2.7M ) to 3,000 40 lots , Hnnscom place 1.700 to 4ono 5 lots Iiowo's add 1,050 to 1,150 8 lotsA. S. Patrick's ndd 1.350 to 1,500 10 lots , Kilby Plnce POO to l.MO 111 feat on Lruvenworth stroot. . 0,000 4 lots , McCormiok's 2d add 1.000 Blots , House8tsbblns ! 1,900 to X.OOO 5 lots , Dwight A Lymnn's ndd. . 80J to 900 Slots , mica Place l.SOOto 1,500 3 lots , HIIIMdo No 2 3,100 to 2,600 j lots , Orchard hill 700 to 1,100 Vacant lots in all parts of the oltri housol nn I lots In all parts of the olty nt prices to suit alt Wo have too mnny to enumortito oaoh ono. Wo can suit you as to location , building aud prices. Sholes A Crumb , 1400 Fnrnnm street , Opposite Pnxton. _ 48928 FOlt SALE Throe miles south of Nel son , Niicuollscounty. Nob. , Bisection,280 acres In cultivation , 3-i acres fenced for pas * turn , two houses and 3 barns and other out buildings , 2 wells , 50 fruit trees. I will jell this for $8r > 0 , ono-half down , balance on ten years tlmo with 8 per cent Interest. Tor further in formation cull on or address J. 11. Davis , three miles south of Nelson , Nob. ; )74nlj ) CHANCE for Investments. A Gibson , Aylosworth it Benjamin , 15i2'anu\mst. 1 lot tn Imp , Ass'n , 47x111 , with 2 small houses $ 3,000 1 lot In Hawthorne , 48x109 , cor. 33d and Davenport , with U room nouso.olstorn , well , etc , very easy terms 3,599 Hot In Hillside 2d ndd 1.80. . ) 1 lot In llodford Place , 50x128 735 1 lot In Hitchcock's 1st add , 50x125 701 1 lot In Lowe's Istadd,60 < cl20wlth bouse 1,750 IVi lots In Shlnn's 1st add , 75x12 Vi , Cald. well st 3,700 1 lot In Hodlck's add , 53x133 , Half How ard st 3,300 2 lots in West Side , 5Uxl29 , barn and fruit trees 8,100 5-room house and lot N. 17th et. , good well and cistern 6,609 Kountzo 4th add , lot 8 , block ri six room house , well , cistern barn , Ac 4,000 Hlmobaugh ft Pnttorson sub-lot 16 , block 2. contract 650 120 ft on St. Mary's ave , with 2 9-room houses , gas and water , will subdivide. 3iOM 40 ft on St. Mary's nvo but , 19th nnd 20th l..OOO Choice tot In Omaha Vlow 900 12 f t on 10th st. near Farnam 70,000 2 lots , 60x27. Ix > wo's ndd , 4-room house , cellar , well and 60-foot barn , price 3 > 009 159 Notice to Bridge Contractors and Builders , \rOTlCI- ; U hereby given that sealed bids will -l- > be revolved at the county olerk'a olllce. of Nnnno county , nt Fullcrton , Nebraska , until noon of the 23d day of April , 1887 , for the erection of n wagon bridge acros.i the Loup river , south of the vlllnge of Genoa In suld county , Bald bridge Is to bo about 1,275 feet in length , twelve feet in width , length of spans seventy feet , with two turn outs , to have heavy oak piling for piers , and substantial ice breaks at ouch pier. The bridge Is to bo similar In construction to the l-oup brldgo at Fullerton , Nebraska. All bidders ate required to accompany their bids with plans nnd specifications of the work. All bids will bo publloally opened and examined by the county board of supervisors , on the 83d day of April , 1S87 , at two o'clock in the after noon of said day , nt the court bouse in Fullerton - ton , and the contract for the erection ol said bridge awarded to the lowest responsible bid * dcr having the most suitable plans. The county board , however , reserves the right to reject any and all bids nnd no money will be pnld for rofooted plan * . All bids must bo sealed , and addressed to Frank Gay , chairman of the board of county Huporvlsors , in care of A. il. Schu- maker , county clerk , Fullnrton , Nebraska , and the samoshall have endorsed thorcon : "Bids for the erection of the Loup brldgo at Genoa. " By order of the county board of supervisors , of Nnnco county , Nebraska. Given under my Imiul ana the seal of said county , this 16th dor Of March , 1837. A. M. SCHUMAKEIl , County Clerk. Nebraska National Bank OMA.UA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital $360,000 Burpluk 40,000 4 II. W. Yatcs , President Li A. E. Touzalin , Vine President. W. II. S. Hushes , Cashier. "I Diittcrons : W. V. Morse , John S. Collins , ' "II Il.W.Yates , LewisS. Ucod. A. . Ton/alia. I BANKING OFFICE : THE IKON SANK , Cor. mh and Farnam Sts. A Gtnoral Banking Business Transacted. CAPITAL , . . . $100,000 SUBPLUS , . . . . 4OOOOO Accounts of Banks , Bankers and Corpo rations toliciled. Our facilities for COLLECTIONS are excellent and we re-discount Tor banks when balances warrant it Boston Is a Reserve City , and balances with us frombanksnot located in other Re serve Cities ) count as reserve. We draw our own Exchange on London and the Continent , and make Cable trans fers and place money by telegraph throughout - out the United States and Canada. Government Bonds bought and fcohl , and Exchanges in Washington made for Bank * without extra charge. We have a market for prime first-class Investment Securities , and invite proposals Irom States , Counties and Cities when is suing bonds. We do a general Banking business , and invite correspondence. ASA P. POTTER , Preildent. JOS. W. WORK , Cashier. DREXEL & MAUL , Successors to Juo. ( J , Jacob * , Atilm nhlstanu 1-107 I' Onion byttlu ) < rrauh solIoiUid and promptly at- tenilctrto. Telephone No. 235. LYON&HEALY STITI A , Mamioc STB. . CM will imM. liw , Uilr r * - - ' C Ul < w uf K4 > < , Utltonu Hi K.J tin nU. 40 * rnrt * f Vf4 tH l4 M Praat Cuff * , iMclMdfltf R ( M rUtiTifci > il > | itu. Ciui iMki OUl/Uf B4BdA * . _ , . _ M ! 'i 1 U. ' Hr-Unl ' , tut - - - * ui to-