Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1887, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. MARCH 2r ( 1887. v.H PROCLAIMING TREE PLANTING Governor Thayer Designates Friday , April * 22 , as Arbor Day , A GENERAL OBSERVANCE URGED ffho Lincoln Republican Primaries Called For Saturday , April 2 No- tntloH 1'ubllo Commissioned Capital City News. Iritost THEIUIK'S USCOLX IIUIIKAU. ! In thcso closing days of the legislature there is a world of comfort in reading the bcnilicont and benoficlal Arbor day proc lamation as issued by Governor Thayer , Which , in the riot of unreason and unrea sonable law-making , points the way to certain nnd practical good , in which very man , woman and child in the state Can take an active part. The perusal of the governor's message will call to mind tlio well grounded truism that recites the common benefits that accrue to the com monwealth from the act of any man who nusos ono tree to grow where none have grown before. The following is Governor Inaycr's proclamation : To the People of the Stnto of Nebraska : By our statute. Arbor day tills year falls on Ftlday , the 2 ! < \ of April. This Is also a holi day. 1 invite the attention of the people of Nebraska to Iho observance of this day nnd urge them to spend It In the roost appropriate manner by dovotinir themselves to tree plant ing on that day. The rapidity with which our forests In this country are denuded of trees U a subject of the most serious Import to all the people , and the most effective way of counteracting the elTeuts is by tieo plant ing. When one contemplates the aspect of Nebraska to-dny , here ana there dotted w Ith groves , and contrasts It with what U was when our prairies were treeless , no argu ment will bo needed to convince anyone of tbo vast and bcnllicent results of this most wise and far-seeing practice. The enhanced value of lands resulting from this custom. In the establishment of which Nebraska has taken the lead. Is more than a mifllclont coin- - - jiormtlon for the labor. The Increased value of the lands cannot bo oveiestlnmteil , and It should bo borne In mind , that in planting trees the people are accomplishing most valuable results , not only for the present , butter tor future generations. While forests are being destroyed , forests should bo mode to grow , i trust every citizen In the state will appreciate the Importance of devoting nt lonst one day in the year to the planting of trees. Lot soldiers plant trees at the graves of deceased comrades , and lot cemeteries bo ornamented with trees. Let all the lawns and grounds surrounding dwellings bo beau tified with trees. Let tno 2Jd of April bo thus devoted to this cause , and the blessings resulting from It will bo experienced far Into the future. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand , and nfllxcd the Urtat Heal of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln , this 25th day of JL. S.I March. In the year of Our Lord. Ono 'Ihousand .Eight Hundred and KIghty-sovon. the Twenty-first year of ttie State and of the Inde pendence of the United States , the One Hundred and Eleventh. JOHN M. TUAYBR , JJy the Governor : ( .5. L. LAWS , Secretary of State. AirricLKS or INCORPORATION. The State Bankot Hartington has Glcd articles of incorporation with the secretary of state , the place of business being Hart- Ingtou , Cedar county. The amount ol capital stock is $25,000 , divided into irharcs of $100 each , to bo paid up when tlio bank begins business. The bank commences business with the tiling ol the articles and itfl indebtedness is limited to two-thirds of the capital stock. Tliu Incorporators of the bank are W. P Mauley , Lev ! Kimball , A. M. Merrill , M B. Merrill and W. D. Gould. The Hastings Improvement company of Hastings , Neb , , "also files articles of in corporation at the state. The principa business of the company is to construe end operate a street railway in the city of Hastings to bo operated by cable or electricity if the company may so elect Tno capital stock of the company is 60,000. divided into shares of $100 each tbo entire sum to bo paid up within two cars. The corporation is to continue fifty years nnlcss sooner dissolved , am ( ho indebtedness is limited to 130,000 Tlio incorporators are J. U. llcartwcll O. B. Ueartwell , C. P. Webster , J. J # Womplo , James Laird , E. G. Webster H. Bostwick and AugusMcDonald. The Nebraska City board of trade ha filed articles of incorporation , with business eot forth to promote the com merclal , manufacturing and genera welfare of Nebraska City. The capita stock of the board is $100,000 , in shares at $100 each , to bo paid as may bo called for by the board of directors. The cor porate existence is to run from the 23d aay of March , 1887 , to an even data Ofty years in the future. The business of the board is vested in nlno directors elected Irom the stockholders , usd at no time shall the indebtedness contracted exceed one-half the capital stock. The incor porators of the board are K. S. Hawley , W. K. Hill , James Reed , W. A. Cotton , I. W. Robinson , D. P. llolfe , J. Mctealf , Robert Lorton. M. M. Steinhouso , II. H. Bartling and U. W. Sfaewoll. BONDS REGISTERED. In the oflice of the auditor of state yes terday the following bonds wore regis tered : Lincoln precinct , Jefferson county , 15,000 : Jefferson precinct , Jeffer- . . on county , $5,000 ; Fairbury precinct , -ieflbrson county , $40,000 ; Spring Creek precinct , Thayer county , $10,000 ; Hebron precinct , Tliaycr county , $30,000. These bonds are coupon bondsTunning twenty years , optional for redemption at ton , bearing 0 per cent interest.-paya- lo semi-annually. They are issued in Bid of the construction of the Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska railway , now in course of construction through the Southern part of the state. NOTARIES COMMIbSIONKn. Governor Thayer yesterday issued the following commissions to notaries pub lic : C. E. Hall , Dccatur. Hurt county William H. Jamison , Newport , Brown county E. J. Overing , liennington , Box rliuttu county ; Burton F. Oilman , Car- Mvlo , Box Butte county ; Darwin W. white , Wollsvillo ; Cheyenne county Thomas Merolor. Imperial , Chase county ; George J. Paul , Omaha ; G. S. Ambler , Omaha. A number of other applications remain to bo acted upon and the stream of applicants pours in continuously. The number of people who desire to become Notaries are in the thousands. llErUlU.ICAN I'KIMAIUES. The republican city committee , com prising Messrs. K. C. Manloy. W. C. Lane. S. J. Alexander , F. M. Hull , Charles H. Foxworthy , U. O. Bell and B. llingor , huvo issued their call for the pri maries and convention for the coming citj'election. The primaries for the con vention will bo held on Saturday April 3 , from 2:30 : to 7 p. m. , ut the following places : First Ward Engine house No. 3. Second Ward Engine house No. 1. Third Ward Green slumberofllco , Four teenth street. Fourth Ward Howard's ehop. Fifth Ward Goisslor'a store , Thirteenth and E streets. Sixth Ward- Btatlon house , Twenty-seventh and R streets , The city convention will bo hold Monday , April 4 , at Temple hall in the afternoon and will be composed of mnetj delegates. ABOUT THE CITT. The secret citizens' committee , which Was composed of a majority of demo erats and direct strikers for the State Journal , nominated John Fitzgerald toy mayor , and it was understood yesterday thut he would accept the nomination and > snake the race. This nomination was nol unexpected under the pronounced coal ii3. itlon of the Journal with the democrats The committee was in secret session yes tonlay , attempting to complete the ticket , Sheriff Mollck and Deputy Ncwburg i , Who attended to the execution of JacK Marion nt Beatrice , returned homo voster- day afternoon nnd reported that all wont oft in excellent shape , with Marlon the calmest man in the crowd. Everything about the city was vcrr quiet and or derly. The reckless Manner of hack proprie tors hiring drunken nnd reckless hack drivers ought to ho stopped. The other evening hack 49 , of liohannon Bros. , handled by It seems a drunken driver , was waiting at the opera house for pat rons , and Representative Watson met his archil-lit through patronizing it. It it had been women or children the drunken man would liavo lias u runaway just the same and n much worse accident might have occurred. * A niSAItBVOYAOE. Otiiabn' * Citizen * Wltnerj a Strange Cm ft nnd Grew Pnsn By. Amid the tumbling , sweeping chunks of Ice , pieces of wreckage nnd other debris , being swept to the gulf via the Missouri , past Omaha , a remarkable spectacle was noted about 0 o'clock last evening. Several of the men employed at the caissons of the bridge were at tracted by an unusually dark object com ing toward them from the north. They watched it closely as the turbulent water bore it swiftly to them and soon it sailed by them , nnd after conjecturing they dis covered as it passed that It was a boar seated on a cake of ice. It seemed very uneasy and dipped its nose into the muddy whirling stream , and then threw It up with a grunt. It turned around and round , evidently looking for something more permanent upon which to spring , but in vain. Ono of the men on the bridge threw' down a huge plank which splashed in the swollen tide about four feet behind the rapidly moving bruin and his fragile craft. It is believed to bo the same animal which passed Bismarck several days ago , and men who are acquainted with the spring pranks of the river , say it is quite note- worty , that the animal should have rid den so far and survived the vigorous toss ing it must have received. Telephonic communication has been had with points further down to ascertain what was the ultimate result of the strange rule , without anything definite being learned. SARATOGA THEATRICALS. An Interesting ; Performance at Ly ceum llnll. The Lyceum Theater company of Sara toga will close its season by a grand per foruiancc to-night at Lyceum hall , Sara toga. The first part of the 'programme Is as follows : Overture Second Infantry Orchestra Soug , "Always Talco Mother's Advice" . . Miss Clara lluxhold Prize Contest Recitation "Tho Polish , , - _ , , 1 Miss Maude McKay U ° T JMIss Annie Cial Solo , "WhoTreads the Path of Duty ? " . . ( Mozart ) Mr. J. A. Bellman Recitation , "Wlllura's Watermelon" . . . . . Mr. L. 11. Haer Recitation , selected Miss Jean Ruby Song , "Mrs. Jones' Musical Party" f. Mr. L. 11. Uacr Music , Selection , Orchestra Part second consists of a society drama in two acts , entitled , "Above the Clouds. ' ' The cast of characters is as follows : Phillip Rlngold , "Crazy Phil. " a Moun tain Hermit Mr. J. 11. iarls AlticdThrope , aClty Nabob. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Louis Lltllcfleld Amos Oaylord , a Country Gentleman. . . . Mi.Y. . U. Rustln Howard Uayfard. his Son Mr. Dave U. Christie Titus Turtle , a Gormand Mr. .1. K. 1'iiu-o Curtis Chlpmau , "Chips , " In the Koiuh Mr. G.V. . Crals Nat Taylor , Thorpe's Portojte Mr. W. F. McKenzie Grace Injralls , a youne Artist. . . . . . . Miss Flora Ward Ilesto" Thorno , Oaylord's Housekeeper. . . . . . . . . .Mrs. llnttle Wheeler Susy Gay lord , Uaylord's Mother . . . . . . . . . . . .I. . . . Miss Annlo lluxhold Lucictla Ucrrlsh , "So romantic" Miss Sophia lluxhold A large number of people from Omaha , it is understood , will attend the perform ance. ARMY MATTERS. Beautifying a Post Other Military Notes. General Hatch , commander of Fort Du Chosne , writes that he is bound to make that post the beauty spot of the De partment of the Platto. Ho is planting 1,000 trees around the fort and will seed fifteen acres in the vicinity , so an to make np immense lawn. A target range is also being prepared. General Dandy is rushing the plans and specifications for the new buildings nt Fort Robinson. Work will bo com menced probably in May. Lieutenant Kenuan and General Crook are expected to return from Fort Russell to-morrow. Mrs. General Crook nnd Miss Kate Field made a call at urmy headquarters yesterday morning. They then drove lethe the fort nnd witnessed u parade and skirmish drilll by the soldiers. Runaway Team. A violent runaway occurred about 3 p. m yesterday. A team attached to a car riage ran swiftly along Hurnoy street , and when opposite Eby's implement es tablishment , west of Thirteenth fatroct , they jumped on the sidewalk , which was thickly covered with plow * and other im plements. They became entangled and were caught The pole of the vehicle was broken and the fetlock * of the horses cut severely. They walked off , however , easily and are not seriously injured. No one was hurt. The name of the owner could not bo obtained m tno crowd. If you are afflicted with rheumatism , neuralgia , gout or other bodily pain , or if you have a sprained wrist or ankle you ought nt once to procure a bottle of Sal vation Oil , the greatest cure on earth for pain. It only costs 25 cents a bottle. "Lot the poor Indian ! " dying with cold. Won't Home "good Samaritan" scud him a bottlii of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup ? A California editor thinks that repub lics are ungrateful , and , apparently , he has reason. Ho says : " \Vo wrote up a whole paper of 'able articled" about ban Bunlty county left nothing to write about printed CO.OOO copies , lost | 275 ou the venture , knockcil'ilown it < llny , lying tloR before wo could collect what wo did get , broke our list nu the scoundrelly cur's teeth , Rot blood poisoning , hud tlirco doctors waiting on us ami didn't got out of bed for three months. " ThoCatiso of Consumption. Scrofula , manifesting in blotches , pim ples , eruptions , salt-rheum , and -other blemishes of the skin , is but too nut by and by to infect the tissues of the lungs also , and result in ulcenition. thus end ing in consumption. Dr. Picrco 8 "Golden Medical Discovery" will meet and van quish the enemy in its stronghold of the blood and cut It out of thn system. All druggists. Peter Shelloubargor , of Hartville , O. , - killed a fat cow and found in her stomach a butcher buifo seven inches long , with a keen edge and. a sharp point. It bad lacerated the coating of the stomach H little , but the cow scorned none the worse for it. Thn knlfo had been missing since - last September , when it was probably . fed to the cow with potato peelings. Humors run riot in the blood nt this season. Hood's Saraaparllla , expels every impurity and vitalizes and enriches the blood. STEALING WHISKT B.YHURLS Chnrlcs Seymour Detected In tlio Act Police Court. A mnn named Chnrlcs Seymour was arrested by Officer MolJride yesterday charged with stealing cloven whisky bar * rels from P. Connelly & Co. The evi dence showed that ho was guilty and that ho hnd sold the barrels to Her & Co , and the Woodman linseed oil works. He was sent up to the county jail for thirty days. . Judge StcnbcJg yesterday morning ; disposed of six ditmks , three of whom wcro fined nnd three released. Among the latter was a rustler from western Iowa. The police had picked him up from the sidewalk , where ho was lying dead drunk. Ho had f 125 nnd a gold watch and chain in his pocket. The only wonder was that some thief did not go through him. "You ought to bo thankful , " rrmarkcd thd judge as ho discharged the old fellow , "that you weren't robbed of ovcryttung you had. " u\Vnl. judge , " replied the culprit , scratching his head meditatively , "I reckon I am. This ver ' 11 teach mo M lesson , you bet. We Iowa men oan't stand Omaha whisky noways.1 Several vagrants were discharged and thruo were sent up to the county jail. Rail Mote * . The floods which have damaged the Northern Pacific road have made busi ness brisk for the Union Pacific. Every day witnesses tlio arrival of a new party of travelers who tried to west via the Northern Pacilic and failed. The latter road has reached an agreement with the Union Pacific by which its ticket can bo exchanged for those of the latter road. Applications for passes still continue- to ( low in. They arc of course promptly refused on the score of iho iutor-stato law.Vice Vice President Callaway , of the Union Pacific , has returned from a trip to Unite , Montana. Gregg , the foot runner , desires it un derstood that ho did notstriko the woman who complaint against him in police court. The assault , ho says , was entirely on ono side. MOST PERFECT MADE ] rrepared with etrict regard to Portly , Strength , an ! IleaUhfulneeB. Dr.Priee'sB&UngPowdorcontalns no AramoDla.Ltme.Alnm or Phosphates. Dr.Prlco's - ' ' ' VfinlllAf.nrapn , Otg , , flgYOf I ' BUCK WOIF ! Or Black Leprosy , 1s a dictate which is considered Iccurabln , but it has yielded to the curative proper- lira of SWIFT'S Hrecirio now known nil OUT the world us S. S. S. Jlrs. Billcjr. of Wet Somcrrille , Mass. , near Boston , wai attacked ecvernl years ago with thlj hideous black eruption , and naa treated by the beet medical talent , who could only say that thd diicato was a species of -W3PROSY- tnd consequently Incurable. It Is Impossible to de scribe her sufferings. Her body from the crown of her bead to the soles of her feet was a mass of decay , masses of flesh rotting on nnd leaving Rrcat cavities. IIcr fingers festered and three or four nails dropped off at one tune. Her limbs contracted by the fearful ulcfration , and for several } cars she did not leave her bed. Her Vteight T/OS reduced from 125 to GO Ibs. 1'crhaps some faint idea of her condition can bo cleaned from the fact that three pounds of Cosmo. Una or ointment were used per neck In dressing her crea. Finally the phjnlcions acknowledged their defeat by this Black wolf , and commended the euf- f erer to her all-wise Creator. > Iler husband bearingondcrfnl reports of the HM of Sinn's bricirio ( S. 8. U. ) , prevailed on her to try it as a last resort. Bhe began its UK under pro. test , but soon found that her system as bclnz re lieved of the poison , ai the sores uinmed a redana healthy color , os though the blood was becoming pure and active. Jlrs. Bailey continued the B. B. 8. until last February ; every sore was healed ; she dis carded chair and crutches , end was for the first time hi twelve years a well woman. Her husband , Mr. U. A. Ilallcy , Is In business at 17 * Illackstono Street , Boston , aud will take pleasure in Riving the detail ! of this wonderful cure. Bend tons for Treatise oa Blood and bkin Diseases , mailed free. 'I'm fawirr Sricurio Co. . Drawer 3. Atlanta. Oik BALL'S CORSETS "BONED WITH KABO. The ONLY COnSET made that ran bo rotnrned bv Ita attr TUKKK WJtKlVII WEAR If not found PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY In everr respect , and Its price refunded by seller. Made In a variety of atylei and prices. Sold br first- clats dealers ovnrywhere , llewar * of worthless Iml- tailona. Nont gannlne without Ball's nam * on box. v CHICAGO CORSET CO. , tO2 FRANKLIN STREET. CHICAGO. A0 > Broadwatr. New York. ba a ptiltlT * nrnxlj fer th abvra dtoMwi ky IU na * tb sa 4a af CUM ( lb wcni kl 4 aad t bab * * sira4 UtfM4aatlei > * flal > rraltll tkal I will Mod TWO SOTTLM rail , K > cU < r with a VAk. , . | Cw * t , O. wiHrssi. DK. t. A. UACUM.W rMrtSt N. t WMt Kcl * Kf * r err d Vrom M * . KUcr CALIFORNIA "TT ° $60 WSIGLER'S Grand Pullman Car Excursions , Ierony conducted , leav * Cblcago , St. Lee Is. Kansas ( aty. Omaha and othar Western Cltlc * BiooUily , for California , * vr th * 0. B. * Q. and th MEAT SCENIC ROUTE % ? . ? . * * . B. O. BIOL.U. alaoMtr. t * Clark titroM. CJUCABO , 1 "t ( III t If not , go nt one- and meet with your surprise as many others have mtt with. I'ow can find more el-gance on display in the shape of CLOTHING FOJt SI AN than was ever be fore displayed at any one time during the cx- islenie of man. .A.11 1-Te-w Goods At prices Ice > than ever was heard , conslttlny of Spring Overcoats SPRING SUITS AND PANTALOONS In one endless variety of cut and pattcrnany shape , size or Btyle , to suit any style of man or any strc pocltct-booJc. An inspection is in vited. Xo trouble to show the stock. Business is tlio Watchword at tlio MisfitParlors 1119 FARNAKI STREET. .2V. U. ' Orders outside our cMy receive our prompt and careful attention. RELIABLE JEWELER. Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest slock. Priced the lowest. Repairing a specialty . Work warranted. Corner Douglas and 16th streets , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaker for the Union Pacific Railroad Company. The G. E , Mayne Real Estate and Trust Co , N. VT. COR. 15th AND HABNJCY , OMAHA. * Property of every description for Bale in all parts of the oity. Lands for ialt In every connty in Nebraska. A COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACTS OX Titles of Douglas county kept. Maps of the city state or county , or any oth a information desired furnished free of charge upon application. On Agent ( Htn-jiant only ) wanted In mry town for Everybody Trnnta "Tanaill's Pimoh" Bo cigar now ; tfioy wore always Rood but of InU1 they Imvo improved. 1 heartily approve of your way of doing Duslncss , jou aio Huro toboldund increase your trndo. A. AHBNU , Druggist , Chicago , 111. ADDRESS , R. W. TANSILL & CO. , CHICAGO D.MHttMthr * WEAK _ _ , WK OVlBiKTIK TO ll Nsw IMI-XOVIU I thilp ! nflC11irpOM. CtJlIOF . UKNXBiTlTEWXAKNEg8flT- : . - - tlnuommild , teething cumuli of . ltctric-jJLlr Itf dlrKtly through all wctk ptrti.tmor- ltiglh.m'VV'-Iohealth ndVliorou Bertnjtch. tltctric -jX/O-f.lllntuntlT or 5OCC Inmh. Urtateit ImprovemctitioTer All othtr belli. Wont r ici per * mindtljrurfdliilhrMinoDtbJ. B l < d pimnhl l4c. tump The Biadtn Eleetrie Co. 109 USalle it. Chloiflc > KZ2YSTONX2 MALT WHISKEY SpeelmHr Distilled for Mcdlelatml Pse. THE BE T TON 1C 1 UNEOUALEDfarCONSUMPTIOK WASTING DISEASES an * CENERAL DEBILITY. PERFECTS DIGESTION DB. XDW. L. WALLINO , Sur g on In Chief , National Quart ofK.J.wrllM : "Mr attention WM eallrd tc your Ktjiton * Malt WhUk r bj l r. Lalor , Drugflit , of Trenton ami I hav "ui d ftw 1 > 0U | with far boUar cffact than any } hai bad. Tain ncomrneadlnt yocr artlcls la my prncUc * , tut Ond U very aatUUotory. " BrfflM.CJ MITATIOXI. Q7Tbl Oeaala * kal U lltailon USJIli < IIfDILlUM Tu-iimlli of BMtU. " > L k.i. EISNER A MENDELSON. ( Sol tor tbi B. S ) 316.818and820RaMSL.PhiladtlDMa.Px . Goodman Drug Co.Gonl.AgentsOmaba Nebraska. < Askyonr retailer for tno Jnmea Means , $3 Shoe Cautlonl Some doixlcrs recommend In Inferior tooJs In order to make a Inrtror profit This l § iho01tiaiNALS3Slioe. Beware of imitations which acknowledge their own Inferiority bjr nt- tempting to Duild upon the rtputatlon of the original. None gtnuln * unUii bearing this Stamp , JAMES MEANS' For QonUemtB , 4tfl S&HOI & ! I ' Mad * In Button , Conmu and IJLC . IIUT CAL SKIN. Unez. c ll ain Di'Biiiiurr , COMIOHT nd AFPKARANC * . A poiul curd tent ton * will bring yon Information mation bow togi thu Shoe In ! But * or Tiirrltorr. J. Means Jk Co. , U Lincoln 8tr t , Doiton , Mas * . Our celebrated factorr produces a larger quantity of ihoea ot tUU jrrado than any other factory IB the world , Thou and who wear them will tell you the reason If you ask them. JAMU MKAMHa 8UOK lor Oor Uunap- proachcd In Durability. ftlUlMt of U > abore 8boi for tali br GEO. 8. UILLE I , 612N.16tk St. , Omaha. C.YOUNC&SONS , ST.J.OUI8 , MO. 33,000 SUPERB ROSE On hand. 12S Rtandnrd Sorts to cheese from. lOCorHl.OO by azpress , tafo arrival Runrantend. Immense stock of Plunt * , Nhrnl andBeedi. All the norcltlci. Ourlllui. tratod VAtnloKue In Invaluublo to nil who nave , or wuhtohiweaimrdon. Mailed free to applicant * BO pocfcncea of our luperlnr Flower 8emii. or S uuckHico of our tcited VegelubU MewUreT 1.OO. potlpalil to any uddrpja. NERVITA * t t\\j \ \ ran * - < * FREE TRIAL a " nrfu luryUMn , L M . u < l klndn * al&tltom. TiW p ck t He. portf fr < > < . DR. A. 8. OLI CO. , tfo. l W . | . . lCU tt , III l.eO per' TMkx- ! < for . . FOR SALE. A Inrgo number of recorded Forcberon nnd Clydesdale Stallions. Also Home Bred Colts. Kvcry amnwl guaranteed a breeder. Prices reasonable and terms ousy. Our slock Ima been selected with reference to both Individual merit and pedigree. A Inrgo number of our Blulllons re acclimated and Colts of tbelr got cnn ho shown. York is on the B , & M. n. a , nwo hours' rldo west of Lincoln. For cata- IORUOB And further Information , Address. . KUX A FAHIIHACH , Tork.H b. CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF TUB The Best Route from Omaha and Council Bluffs to THE E3.A.ST Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun cil DlufTs Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapidi , Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Jnnesville , Beloit , Winona , La Crosse , And all other Important points Bast , Northeast nnd Southeast. For through tickets call on the Ticket Asront atltOl Furnarn street , ( la Faitou Hotel ) , or Rt Union 1'aclHo Depot. Pullman Bleepers and the flnit Dlnlnr Can In the world are ruu on the molallnua of U ) ClIlOAOO , MlLWAUKEU & BT. PAUL lUir.VTAT , and every attention Is paid to pauenKori bjr courteous employes of the company , IL MILLKB , General Manager. J , K. TOCKBD , Assistant Qoneral Manager , A. V. H. CAHfeMTcn , Qenorol I'MiWDKOr and Ticket Asent QEO it. iUArronn. Assistant General Pas- sonjfor and Ticket A ent. J. T. OLAUK.GeaeraJ Uuperlntendent. SOUTH OMAHA Beautiful Residence Lots i Also Business Lot < l On the largo map of Oinnha and observe that the hro nud oue-lmU rnila bell from the Omaha poaloffice runs south of section. 03 aiid through the north end of South Omaha. TAKE A STRING And pencil , then get one of J.M. Wolfe & Go's maps of Omaha and South Omaha combined , PUT YOUR FINGER On the string at 13th nnd Faruam , Omaha's busiues center , nnd your pencil on ho string at where Bellevue street enters South Omaha from the north. THEN DRA W ' i * A circle and note wherO SOUTH OMAHA Is , and also that many "Additions , " "Places" and "Hills" are far OUTSIDE , r f This magic circle. THEN STOP And think a minute what will make outside property increase in value ? THE GROWTH OF OMAHA Is all that will enhance the value of real estate other than ] at ] South Omaha. At the latter have three point wo important factors to build up and make valuable the property : First The growth of Omaha , which has and always will follow the transportation lines. Second All the great railroads center there , thus making it the best manufacturing point of any in ornear the city , Third THE IMMENSE STOCK YARDS INTERESTS Dressed Beef Business and Pork Packing Industry Will make a town of themselves. SEVERAL NEW PACKING HOUSES Going up this year. ' A Gigantic Beef Canning Establishment 4i To be put into operation at once. Away your day of grace when you do not get an interest in South Omaha before a higher appraisement is made. The beat locations are being tnkea Make your selections now : Lots that sold for $300 iul8S4 cannot now be bought for $3,000. E 'VI.A.IDTJOTS Over the railway track will make safe and splendid thoroughfares between this city and South Omaha. . % A STREET CAR LINE Will run to the Stock Yards this year. The minute it does lots will double - ble in value , as this will afford quick and cheap transportation either by Dummy , Cable or Horse Cars. For further information , maps , price lists , and descriptive circular * , address , C. E. MAYNE , Agent for the South Omaha Land Company N.W. Cor. 15th andHarn ey.