Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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The Clique's Low Point Reached and the
Price Again Goes Up.
Corn Drngs Alone In the Old Hut
Nothing Doing In Provisions
Lower I'rlccs Tor CAttle
Market Quotations.
Cnif-Ar.o , Mnrch M. ISpcclnl Telegram to
the DKK. ] Wheat was down very early this
morning to SOJ o for May. That was whcru
the clique houses stopped It the other day ,
nnd this Is the llgtuo It Is said Cincinnati
people have sot tip as the limit of conces
sions they nro willing to make to the bears.
Hotar | the conduct of the market hns borne
out the gossip. When 80 , c has been reached
traders havu apparently butted themselves
up against the wall and sales of short wheat
simply went Into soinu enormous maw that
did not Beein to be affected by the * quantity.
May wheat touched tOXc to-day Just ns It
hns done heretofore. From M c May
got back to HJ c. The limit was dllllcult to
break through to-dny , as It was yesterday , eras
as It was Tuesday or on any of thn other
week days , when bO > fc has been the low
point for the May option. Yesterday It
looked as If llutchlnson was thu only otic
who defended the point. Tuesday It was
plainly the Cincinnati crowd , but whether It
Is Cincinnati , or California , or llutchinson , or
( somebody rise , the market 1ms been heretotoie
BOcll protected at this figure that the crowd
Is now certain that there Is method in It.
Jfoncotho liguro was broken through the
stability of the wheat clique would boon bo
put to the teht. To-dny , after hanging at
BO dibO.Vc until noon , George C. Walker &
Co. , ciedltcd with boluc one ot the clique )
houses , bought about bushels of
wheat That put the May option to bOJ c ,
hot qilltc , however , to the regular figure , elc.
There are reports here now which are reiter
ating the tale of dnuiiige to winter wheat
fioin the ( try Mnich. C. J. Ker.slmw had a
message from Kansas City which said that
In Missouri and Kansas wheat was unques
tionably suffcilng severely Irom the unex
ampled dryness of the montli. Corn
still drags along near U9c for May. The
receipts were a good deal less to-day than
expected , but the fulling elf was Immediately
followed by an explanation that them was a
bieak down on the Bmllnnton road which
had thrown Its corn out of the calculation for
to-day. The estimates for to-morrow , how
ever , show that there will bo big receipts
Saturday , and of course heavy receipts are
looked for Monday and Tuesday. In proVisions -
Visions there was not anything to gossip
Late reports from New York said twenty
four boat loads of wheat had been worked
there for export. This did not revive tin
market , however , and at the 2:30 : o'clock
rlosn the May option was bO filbO c. May
corn closed steady at 8'c , May ribs a
SsT.02,1. ; . May lard at 87.35.
CHICAGO , March 25. [ Special Telegram to
the IJr.B.l CATTLE. Kipe , tat cattle wen
lu fair dqnmnd , while all other kinds soh
very slowly at lower prices. The receipts to
day were comparatively largo. Nearly everybody
erybody started out with the idea that pi ice
would bo lower , aud of course they wen
lower. Monday , cattle sold 20c lower thai
Filday Tuesday at a lOc advance ; Wednes
day , early , at a 10@ir c advance , which wa
lost before the close ; Thursday , a lOcdellne
and to-dny prices were airain lOc lower on al
unripe and coarse nnd thin cattle , while semi
of the roughest cattle sold even lower thai
that and some tidy fat 1100 to 1200-lb steers
sold no lower. On the uoncrnl aveingc
prices \vero all of 25c lower thai
early Wednesday morning , but no
much lower than Monday. Thursday'
KhlpnientH of cattle weio4Ufl > , being com pur
atlvcly very heavy. While shlppeis held
back early In the week , they have to tnk (
about as mnnv cattle as last wcnk. Ycster
day some 1375 Ib distillery cattle sold
84.85. and to-dav 147 bend , averaging 1
Ibs , Hold nt 34.70. ( Some 1520 to 1783 Ib bull
fed on glucose slop sold at 83.05 Shipping
steers , lav ) to 1500 Ibs , 4..KX < ? 5.40 ; 12001
1850 IbS , 81.50(814.55 ( ; 050 to 1200 Ibi.SH.flC
@ 4.4U : ntockcrs nnd feeders , 83.00tf4.40 (
rows , bullB and mixed , fJ.oo@i.oo : bulk
83.80 3.iO : : slop-fed steers , SM.CO ( < f4.BO ; Texa
steers , 83.00o ( .CO.
lions llnslness was active , with a sllgh
upturn of scarcely 5c , but yet most of th
hogs cost a tew cents morn limn yesterday
A few fanejr heavy sold at S5.dO@r > .ti5 : pnck
Ine sorts , 85.70@5.85 ; common. S5.25Q5.50
Light sorts were neglected. The d man
wna light and values unsettled. Buyer ?
claimed the sort cost too much money as com
pared with other markets. Yorkers of 100 to
170 Ibs sold at 55.45(23.50 ( ; averages ot 160 Ibs ,
5.fiO. and of 190 at 55.70 , Light-light , 83.25
05.45 ; pigs,8o.OOaMO ( ; skips , 84.00.
Chloaeo.'Mnrch 25. The Drovers' Jour
nal icp iiIs ns follows :
CaUlt > i-liecclutfi , 8,000 ; market slow and
lower ; shipping Hteers , SS.UOfeTi.-iO ; stockers
nnd feeders , S3.00@4.40 ; cows , bulls and
mixed , i'J.UXjM. < X > : bulk , 5ib00i.30 : ; trass
Texas st"ors ,
lloiR Keceipts. 13,000 ; slow but steady :
rough and mixed , S5.15i ( < 5.70 ; packing and
shipping , 85.COQ5.05 ; llglit , S4.UO@5.CO ; skips ,
$3.50v4. IK ) .
Sheep Keceipts , 0,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ;
maiket weaker ; natives , 83.00(34.80 ( ; west
ern , 83.754.CO ; Texttns , S2.25Qt.10 ; lambs ,
? 4.50@5.25.
Nutlonfl Stock Yards , East Ht.
lioiili , ill. , March K. Cattle Keceipts ,
< C00shlpnionts , 100 ; steady ; choice heavy
native iteers , S4.bOi5.25 ( ; talr to good
shipping steers , 84.W > @ 4.70 ; butchers' steers ,
fair to cliolcn , 83.70C < i4.40 ! ; feeders fair to
good , S3.00Q3.00 ; stocUert , fair to good , 2.20
. . . a , o ,
85.50 ( < ? : Yorkers , mritluiu to prime , 85.30
Q5.45 ; pigs , commou to good , S4.70Xg5.70.
Kansim City , March 25. Cattle-Receipts ,
2,000 ; shipments. 000 ; shipping steers weak
and a shade lower ; butchers' and cows
feeding steers linn ; common to
choice shipping , S3.lXiS ( .75 : stockers ,
( aa85 ; lecdingbteers , Sj3.40g4.00 ; cows , 82.25
How Hpcclpts , 8,000 ; shipments , none ;
steady ; common to rhulce , S5.OOiU5.C5 ;
skips and pigs , U.C5@4. JO.
NEW YOIIK , March 25. [ Special Terrain
to the BKK.J STOCKB. The btoqk market
showed some Improvement to-dny both In
values nnd In volume of business. The talk
continued bullish last night and the opening
-was strong at about yesterday's late.n figures.
There was no particular feature to note.
Northwpstern-howed | continued
vanclng moderately during the forenoon , nnd
St. Paul also showing some Improvement.
Lackawanna was quite active , sco-sawlng
within a range of half a point. Richmond
Terminal sold up a little , but lost the im
provement subsequently. Pacific Mall was
quiet and eased off a trillo after the opening.
.London houses In Now York say that In
view of very cheap rates for money on the
other side foreigner * will bo sure to buy stock
beru presently. Tlicro was Homo bull talk
current to-day on I > .islBa Mall , but not much
movement. Pullman was attracting some at
tention , and at ono time sold Itf points
higher than last night's clo e. One of Van-
dcrbllt's brokers was a buypr and It was said
there had boon good buying for three days.
( iould said yesterday that the only possibility
ot any Hurry In the money market would
arise from the Baltimore & Ohio deal , If con-
mummied , as It would take more money out
of the street than the banks could spare at .
this time. It was odlclally announced that
the Interest on Kea'llng ' improvement ( Vs , duo
In April , would not bo paid. The withdrawal
on yesterday by the Urand Trunk of both Its
freight and pvteuger departments from the
Central association rather than accept the
Hew schedule of ewt-bouud rtilea was one oi
the topic * of Internal to d y. It It believed
that Mmway will be found to control Uic
Canadian fouls so they will not profit by the
Inter-state law at the expense of their Ameri
can competitor * . Yesterday's estimate on
the earnings of the St. J.ouls & San Fran
cisco road for the third week In March \\ns
verified to-day , the figures showing an in
crease ot 525,500. The earnings of the Mis
souri 1'aclfic for January , February and
March , this montli being pattly estimated ,
show an Increase of 53,000,000 over tha same
quarter last > car , The sales to noon were
107,640 shares. Kakc Shore sold ofT about M
per cent during the day , said to be partially
due to the action of the Grand Trunk In Its
withdrawal. The approximate statement for
the quarter ending the 31st lust , with March
partly estimated , shows a net Increase In
earnings of SllS.StO and n surplus Incrcnsoof
8132,000. Lacknwanna declared Its quarterly
dividend of 1J { per cent and a submitted
statement to the directors shows this was
more than usunl. In an Interview Gould
said ho was a pronounced bull on the market
on all good stocks In general , and on Western
Union nnd Missouri 1'nclllc < n particular.
The Intter , he said , would mnkc 8:00,000 this
year over and above fixed charges , dividend : ) ,
etc. St Paul aud Northwestein cased oil a
little from the highest tiiMirc * , but the market
In the afternoon showed but little change.
The total sales wero2.YiU2 shares.
GovmiN.MRNTS Government bonds were
dull but steady.
U. S. r.'s lee lC. &N. W 118J <
I' ' , b. 4's coil poll. lU'sJjl ' doprolerred.,147J.j
U. S. 4WNcoup..lO' > U-N. Y. C 111&
PncillciV4ot'D'i..l2i ' iHO. ! K. At N WM
CanadaSoiitli'n. . 5S ? ) . T 31-V
Central Pacific. . ! W Pacific Mnll .
Chicago * Alton. 144 P. , IX it K . 35
do prefeircd..lOO Pullman Pal.Car.l5tf
C. , B.n . 138K Heading . 8li
I ) . , L. A W . l53f ! ! Kock Island. . , .12if !
1) AiH.G . 2S' < JSt L. itS. F. . . . 3.H/
Erie . Si'iM dopieferrcd. . . . ( V ? %
dnprcfeired. . . . 7lkC.M.&St. P. . .
Illinois ( > iitinl..l20 do piefencd..lli > K
I. , H. .fe W Bl St. 1' . it 0 50V
K. ft T 31 do preferred..111
LnkcShoio ! IJ , , 1'aciiic. . . . ! WJ <
L. AN 04K Union Pncllic. . . . . . ,
Michigan Cenfl. . OOtf W. . St h&P. . . . 17
Mo. I'aclllc 107 do preferred. . 2i'j !
No. 1'ncllic 27Jf W. U. Telegraph 10V
do preferred. . . . 5
Mo.vr.v ox OAT.I , Easy nt 3@5J4 per
cent ; last loan nt 3 per cunt ; closed at 2 } < J3 ( (
per cent.
TuiMK MKiicANTii.n I'Ai-nn 56 per
SrKitr.ixo ExrHANOi : . Dull at SH.b.lVf for
sixty day bills , S4.87 , ' . tor demand.
Chicago , March 25. Following quota
tions ate the 2:30 : closing figures :
Flour Nominally unchanged ; winter
wheat Hour , 84.2/X94.30 : southern. 84.10
@ 4.20 ; Wisconsin. S4.204.30 ( : Michigan soft
sprlue wheat , $3.70 ( < ? 4.80 : Minnesota bakers.
83.70(44.30 ; patents 84.5004.80 : low crades ,
$ ] .95(32.Q5 ( ; rye flour , quiet at 83.2533.40 ; in
sacks and barrels , 83(43.70.
Wheat Dull and easier ; opened a shade
easier and closed } { c lower than yesterday ;
cash. 75MGc ; May , 800-ific ; June , 79 13-lCc.
Corn Quiet and averaged Ji'c lower ; cash ,
3 Vc ; May , 89Vc ; June , 40He.
O.Us Dull , without much change early ,
but closed * c lower ; cash , 23c ; May and
June , 28Kc.
Barlev-'QuIot nt & 0 > c.
Timothy Seed Prime. S1.77Q1.78.
Flax Seed-51.0y ) $ < 31.09X.
Pork Little dolnir and prices imchanced
except tor cash , which was higher ; cash ,
J20.00 : May and June , S21.00.
Lard Dull and quiet , but stendv , with no
particular change ; cash , ? 7.27 ; May , 87.33 ;
June. 57.42' < c.
Hulk Meati Shoulders , Sfi.00(36.25 ( ; short
clear,8S.20@8.25 ; shoitiibs , 87.8' %
Uutter A ! iado easier ; creamery , 24@
iKc ; dairy , YlUdiffXp.
Cheese Steady ; full cream cheddars ,
12 ( ai3c ; Huts , iajj'@l2 > ; c ; Young Americas ,
13ft'lijc ' ! : skims , 6iifc.
Eggs Finn at 10 } ( ( ille. )
Tallow Unchanged : No. 1 country , solid ,
3c ; No. 2,3Jfc ; cake , 4c.
Hides UncliaiiKed ; Green. 6c ; heavy
green salted , 7c ; salted bull , 6c ; green
salted calf , PC : dry salted hlde.s , lOc ; dry
Hint , I2 ( < $13c ; deacons , 40c each.
Koceipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 1 ! ,000 21.000
Wheat , bn 44.000 20,000
Corn , bu 188,000 140,000
Oat * , bu 10C.UOO 1:17,000 :
Kje.btl 1.000 1,000
Barley , bu 33,000 20,000
New York. March 25. Wheat--Ke
ceipts , 110,000 ; exports , 115,000 ; spot shade
loweroptions : | opened heavy and declined
, ' * @ ? h'c , later became stronger and reacted
V < , ' . ' < , closing linn ; ungraded , b5@0tc : ;
> o.3 , red , bUJ c ; extra red , 2c : No. lied.
92c ; No. 2 red , WX@aic in elevator , 91 ®
Ol'fcfree on board ; llK@03Vc ) delivered ;
May closed at ' .Hj/c.
Coin Kecelpw , 75.000 ; exports. 27,000 ;
spot steady ; optious opened a shade lower ,
closing with more strengthtiiigradcd ; | , 4S'H'o ( )
@ 50oNo. ; 2 , 4b@48'i'c ' In elevator , 49'4' @
4'c delivered ; April.43I.fe. .
Oats Keceipts , 62,000 ; expoits , 170 ;
steady nnd quiet : mixed western , : > 5@37c ;
white western. 3Sfig42c.
Petroleum Stondy.
Pork Dull nnd prices nominally un
Cheese Fair demand nnd ( inner.
Kggs Heavy aud lower ; western fresh ,
Milwaukee. March 25. Wttcat Easy ;
cash. 7 < % c ; May , 7S > i .
Corn Dull ; No. 3 , 3 c.
Oats-Dull ; No. 2 white , 31c ,
Kye-Steady ; No. 1 , 55Mc.
Barley Higher ; No. 2. 52c.
Provisions Quiet ; pork , repacked , 816.50.
Cincinnati. March 23. Wheat Heavy
nnd drooping ; No. 2 red. 81S2c.
Corn Firmer ; No. 2mixed , 3
Oats Firm ; No. 3 mixed , 30c.
Kye Good demand ; No. 2 , Cle.
Pork Nominal at S17.50.
Lard Fair demand at 87.20.
Whisky-Steady at 81.13.
Minneapolis. March 25. Wheat Rather
quiet and weak for futures ; track In good de
mand ; No. lhardcash,70 > c ; Miiy,77.'icune ; ) ,
7h4x'c } ; No. 1 northem , uabh , 74Jfe ; May ,
75'fc ; June , 78 , ' c ; No. 3 noithern , cash ,
72 c ; May. 73Jfc ; June , 74tfc.
Flour-Quiet ; patents , 84.254.40 ; bakers ,
$3. 0@8.5 ( :
Ueceipta Wheat. 125,000 bu.
Shipments Wheat , 08,000 bu. ; flour ,
25,000 bbls.
Liverpool , March 25. Wheat Dull ,
demand poor and mipply good ; red western
spring and red western winter 7s ld$7s ( 2d.
Corn Dull and demand poor ; new mixed
western , 4s 2 d per cental.
St. Louis. March 35. Wheat Dull nnd
weakcash ; , 78f@7S } fc ; Mayand June. 78c.
Corn Barely sttudy and slow ; cash ,
Oats-Dull ; cash ; 272Sc ; May , 28'fc.
Pork Nominal.
J-ard Slow at S7.15.
Whisky 81.13.
Butter Firm ; creamery 25@30o ; dairy 15 ®
Afternoon board Wheat Dull and steady.
Corn very quiet. Oats Dull no sales.
Now Orleans , March 25. Corn Scarce
and firm , none In first hands ; dealers holding
mixed at 49c ; yellow , 50@51c ; white ,
52C 53c.
Oats-Dull nid lower ; SC"37c.
Cornmeal Easier at 8il5.
liog Products Dull and drooping ; pork ,
517.00 ; lord , 87.00.
Bulk Meats-Shoulders , SO. 10 ; lone clear
and clear rib , 88.00.
tfansaa City. March25. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 red , cash , CSo bid. April , C9c bid ;
May , 71J c
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 31 J/c asked ;
Mar ! /
if.j , 3iJ/c.
O ts No quotations.
March 25.
The receipts of cattle were more than
double yesterday's receipts. The market
was dull and dragging the greater part of the
day. The market on the best grades of cat
tle opened about stcadv and a shade lower on
the common grades. The close was fully 5 ®
lOc lower than yesterday's market. There
were a few very good cattle lu but the bulk
of the receipts were common. Tupre were
.several loads left over unsold.
line * .
The receipts of hoe * fell short of yestpr-
day's receipts by 400 head. The market was
fulrly active nt n decline of about 5c from
yesterday's market. There weie none left
There were a few In to-day , but none \\eto
reported cold.
HcrclpU. _
Cattle . ! . 1,300
Hogs . 2,800
. M
Sheep . '
n ii'
Prevailing 1'rlcos.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on this market : . . . . . .
Choice steers , 1800 to 1500 lbg..SMO@4. ,5
Choice steers , lioo to 1350 Iba. . . 4.a- > @i.45
Fat little steer 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . . K < .35
Good to choice corn-fed cows . i.0x ( < 3.40
Fairto medium cows '
Good to choice bulls
Light nnd mcdiumhogs . 6..JO ( * > .J5
Good to choice heavy hogs . S.3.x. . > .4. >
Good to choice mixed hogs . o.axg.i.-.j
Choice sheep , 90 to 120 Ibs . 3.fcOi(4.20 (
Ilcprescntntivo Sales.
Rnngo ofl'rlccs-
Sliowinc the highest and lowest orlons
paid for loads of hozs on this market durlui ;
the past seven days and tor the same time
last month nnd a year ago.
Mvo Stock Purchases.
Shotting the number of head of live stock
bought by the leading bin era.
/Vnelo-Ainerlcan / Packing Co 1200
U. II. Hammond it Co 411
Squires & Co 1220
Sliowinc ; the number ot cattle , hogs and
ihecp shipped from the vards dui ins thu day.
No. cars. lit. Dost.
5 H. I Boston
Allsalosof stock in this market are made
perewt. live weight unless otherwise stated.
bead hogs sell at Xc per Ib. for all weights.
"Skins , " or hos welching less than 100 Ibs.
no value. Pro nunt sows are docked 40U3. \ .
nnd stags 80 Ibs. by the public iuspoutor.
Ijivo Stock Notes ,
Hoes all sold.
Hoes 5c lower.
Cattle ftdglOo lower.
Swift & Co. bought seven loads of cattle.
II. H. Miller , Wayne , was in and sold two
loads of cattle.
Hogs averaged OS to the car , the same as
the day before.
C. E. Welsh , Papllllon , was in and mar
keted a car ot hogs.
W. J. Harmon. Cedar IJliiffs , was in and
sold two cars ot hogs.
Wm. Wallace , Coin , la. , was In and mar
keted a load of cattle.
Marion Hart , Kdpar , Neb. , was in and sold
both rattle and hogs.
Mr. Spelts , of Spelts & Klosscrman , David
City , was In with eattlc.
T. D. Buck , Murray , Neb. , was in with
two loads of corn led steers.
Mr. Bishop , of the firm of Bishop & Baker ,
was lieie and sold a car of bogs.
Mr. Nelson , of Viigln A Nelson , Utlca ,
was in with four leads ol cattle and a load ot
Charles Harlan. Cedar Bluffs , came in
with one load of cattle which sold on the
W. II. Newell and I ) . E. Selves wore in
with two cars of cuttle from Cedar Cii'ck bc-
iiElug to C. H. Parmele & Co.
. II. Kinrinc delivered to the Union Pa-
oilie a load ot hoes at 11 o'clock a. lu. and
they anlved at the stock yards at 5 p. in.
Henry Fieldgrove , Shelton , was in with
two loads of cattle , his lirnt shipment to the
yaids. He went away well pleased with the
Friday , March 25.
Gcnoral Produce.
T7ic/oltau > lii/ ( prices are for round lots of
producers sold on the innrlict to-ittiii. 'Jhe
quotations on fruits represent tlie prices at
which miMdc orders are tilled.
BuiTKit Butter has been scarce all the
week. Even the peeler grades are not com
ing In such abundance as a xveek or two ago.
There Is an active demand for choice butter
nnd all such sells quickly on arrival. The
market is accordingly stronger than last
week. Shippers must bear In mind that the
quotations for choice butter are tor butter
that Is strictly choice and sweet. A little
more care In making and handling the but
ter would Increase Its value from 2c to 5e per
Ib and It would sell more roadllv and at bet
ter prices. An occasional package ot fancy
butter soils at better prices than those quoted
be-low. Choice country , 17@lbc ; fair to good ,
13 ( < $15c ; common , 5@10e.
Kuos The egg market has been very
steady during the past week. The market Is
In about the same- condition as a week ago.
The receipts have averaged very heavy and
while the local retail demand Is good and the
shippers h&vu been takinc all the surplus
stock , so that notwithstanding the heavy re
ceipts there hns been no nccumiilntion of
stocks. The ruling price Is lOc nnd the mar
ket can be called active at that price. Ke-
norts from other markets Indicate a decline
but as yet the effect tins not been felt here.
Dnr > * ir : > Poui/inv The receipts have
been light and the market linn. Chickens
na\e been in eood demand and good stock
has sold readily at lOc. In n few Instances
extra choice-stock has brought lie. Small fat
turkeys have- been soiling at lOOllc , and
coarse heavy turkeys at 9iOc. The demand
Is mostly In u .small way as llvo poultry Is
coming in season and It Is only due to the
extremely light receipts that the above prices
have been obtained.
LIVK Poui/riiv The receipts of live poul
try have been very light thus far as the sea-
Mm Is not fairly opened. There Is * very fair
demand and everything received thus far lias
sold readily on arrival. Good heavy fowls or
chickens have sold at 83.00 ( 3.25 per'doien ,
whllu a few choice have gone at 63,50. There
is not much demand for turkeys but the o ie-
ceivt'd have sold at CrtZSc per lo. There have
been a few large ducks In which brought
$3.00 per dozen.
CiiEEhK Full cream cheddars , single , J3 }
KHc ; full cream lints , twins , 14c ; Young
Americas , 14) < c ; fancy Swiss , lOQl'c ; Swiss
Impoited , 25c : Limburger. 14c : brick , I5@l6c.
UBKAXS-InferloistocU,75GlS1.00good ; clean
country , 81.00(11.25 ; medium , baud picked ,
$1.40@1. ) ; hond picked , navy. S1.50Q1.CO.
I'ltovisioNH Hani. 12f(3l3c ( : breakfast
bacon , rib. UJ/c ; break fast bacon , plain , 10c ;
dry salt sides , SKig c ; dried bcof , regular ,
lie ; dried beer , 1mm pieces , 14c ; lard , 50-ib
c. n9,75rc ( : 20-lbcatiB , Fairbanks , 7jc ; 10-lb
cans , Fairbanks. 7kc ; Mb cans , Fairbanks ,
be : 3-lb crxns. Fairbanks , 8 } c.
I'OTJLTOKS The receipts of potatoes dur *
Ing the past few days have been very heavy.
In addition to the car lots received by the
commission dealers , the local farmers have running In a good many and selling
direct to retailer * . Thin lias tended to break
the market , ni the stock brought In by the
farmers has been sold bv them atery low
prices , In some Instances a * low as 35c. At
the present time It Is dttllcult to give n quo
tation on account of tlm duinontlizcd condi
tion of the maiket. Commission dealers nro
generally holding for about 40 { $ . " > 0c. Home
ciown , 40iJ50c ( ; Colorado rose , per bu , Sl.05 |
© 1,10 : Colorado snowrthke , per bu , 31.05&S
1.10 ; Salt Lake , Mc@ 1.00 ; sweet , per Ib ,
CAunxon The market Is liriupr than last
ueek on account of the Ms-liter receipts.
There Is nothing In but California stock.
California cabbage , choice , per In , 3'fc. '
CACi.iKi.o\Mn : The market Is well sup
plied with choice stock , , which is selling at
51.75 per doz. '
Ai'i't.Ks There are n coed many In and
the market Is lower. Thcn Is a good deal
more poor stock In than there has been.
Fancy eastern .stock , S4.50iJ5oo ( ; choice Mis.
souri stuck. S4.00@-l.50 ; common Missouri
stock , SU. 50 4.00.
Oi.n VKOKTAIII.IS-TIIO : supply on the mar-
krt is not large hut the demand is light and
stocks mnvlngslowly. Unions , choice stock ,
per bblfi.50W4.00. ! : Beets , carrot- , turnips ,
etc. , per bbl.SI.75M2.00 ; horseradish roots.
per Ib. , 7c.
UiiCKN VEOHTAIII.KS The receipts thus
far have been light and there has been very
little In aside from spinach , \\lilcli lias not
been veiy rapid sale. Home grown celery Is
verv poor and scarce. Spinach , per bbl. ,
S1.75 ( 2oOj top onions , per doen bunches ,
" 0'7t5c : ! ; celery , homo grown , per do/en ,
35@4" > c ; Calllornla celery , per do/en. We ®
81. DO ; radishes , per do/un bunches , : i. > c ; let
tuce , lOc ; pie plant , per Ib. lOc.
OYSTKIIS Mediums. 20o ; standard , 2fc ;
selects , 28c ; extra selects , 33 ; N. Y. counts ,
C c.
c.IrAMi : The receipts have not been very
heavy and the demand has been very fair.
There aien good many brants on thn mar-
kptand they aieerv slow sale. Mallaid
ducks , per dozen , 2.00@2.25 ; teal , per do/en ,
S1.50iM1.75 ; mixed , per doyen , S2.00 ; goose ,
per dozen , $ : iOOQ 3M ) ; br.uits , per do/en ,
LP.MOXS The market is firm. Storks are
moving fairly well for the season. Messina ,
choice , per bov , S4.75 ( < J5.00 ; do. fancy , per
bov , V > .00@5.50.
OitA.vous Stocks are moving slowly and
the supply Is about eqinl to thn demand.
Caliloinla , Riverside , per box , SS.'Sii'J.Ol ;
California , Los Angeles , pur box , ? : ' , .oo ;
Navels , Si > .00 ; Mcdlteiranean sweets , Si.75 !
SriiAwiiniiuiKS-Tlierohavoboen a few In
this week. Choice - > took sold readily nt 40 .
BNA.VAS Largebtinches , per bunch , S2.50
@ : i.50.
NUTS Afew black walnuts arc coming In
from tlic country and aio slow sale at 75c per
bushel. The following nro the Wholcsalo
prices at which otdeis fioin the outside are
tilled : Almonds , 20c ; pecans , largo pollshod ,
14c ; lilbons , llcBrnzis ; ! , ltcwaliiut.sNnplos ; ,
20c : walnuts , Chill , I4c ; peanuts , 11. P. Vir-
jjlnla , Sc.
FLoun AND Mi LSTurps Winter wheat
flour , best quality patent , 2,75 ; second qual
ity , S'J.OO ( < ? 2,50 : best ( iiiality sjiring wheat
Hour , patent. S2.40rtSJ.tK ) ; bran , 70e perewt ;
chopped teed , 75c per cwt ; white corn meal ,
UOc ; yellow corn , meal , 80VtiKc ( ) i > er cwt ;
screening , 50r 75c per cwt ; hominy , S1.50 ;
Blunts , 70o perewt : graham , SI. 75 ; hay. In
bales S7.00 per ton.
( iitAix L'drn , 27c ; wheat , No. 2 , C7c ; oats ,
25c ; rye. 45c. _
Gi'occr'i lilnt.
PicKT.r.s Mpduini. tn bbls , 58.00 : do. In
half bbls , S4.50 ; Kiii.UI. in ubls , S'.i.OO ; do , In
half bbls. S-.00 ; gherkins. In bbls , 810.00 ; do ,
In half bbls , 85.50. '
SITO.VH ( irauulatod , 6) ) (20 ( 0 ; conf. A , B
@ ( ! o ; white extra C,5'4 ( ( < j u ; extra C , 5 , ' < ( < s
5 ! e ; yellow C , 4'i@4c ! ' ; , cut loaf , '
powdered , ntfaiKc. (
COFPKKS Ordinary grades ,
15',4l ' c ; prime , 10 } < c ; choice ,
lancy green and yellow. - - 10@l7c ; . old tov-
20c "
Dilworth _ . . . . _ .
CANNED ( Joons-Oystcw.htandard.iMjr case ,
Sa.15Crtll.25 ; strawberries , 21b. per case. SiiO : ;
raspberries. 2 Ib , per case , S2.i5 ; cCallfornla
wars , per case , 84.50 ; 'apricots , per casj ,
54.00 ; ueaches. PIT case , 35.00 ; white cher
ries , pur case , Sf > . 00 ; p urns , ppr case , SS.05 ;
blueberries par case , ? l. 5 ; egc plums. 2 Ib ,
per case , * 2.50 : plneapnlHS , x ID , per case
S3.aoc < 83.75 ; l Ib mt.Jkerpl. per do81.10 ;
I ID salmon , pcrdoz , S1.30(9l.5"i ; 2 lo , goosw
early Juno peas , psrcasa. S..75 : 8 Ib toma
toes. B.5' tt3.0a ( ! Ib corn 82.403..0.
MATCHES Per caddie. 2 , " < c ; square cases ,
B1.70 : mule square. 81.2O.
SYRUP No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , 81.20@1.25 ;
New Orleans per gallon 3Xjj40c ; maple syrup ,
tialf bbls , "old lime , " per gallon , 70c ; 1 gal
lon cans , ner doz , 810.00 ; hall gallon cans ,
per doz , S5.50 ; quart cans , S3.0u.
CANDY Mixed. Kllc : stick.
CnACKfcus tiarneau's soda , butter and
picnic. 5 > jc ; creams , skc ! ginger snaps , 0)40 ;
city soda. 7W.
STAUCII Mirror ghiss. l Ib. Co ; mirror
gloss , 3 Ib , 55fe : mirror gloss , oib , 6 'c ;
Graves corn , 1 lb,6 ! < c ; Kingsford's corn , 1 ID ,
7c : Kingsford's gloss , 1 Ib. 7o : Kingsford's
eloss , 0 ID. 7Xc ; Klngfoid'.s pure lib. 5i < p ;
Kingsford's pure , 3 Ib , 5 > je ; Kinpsfords
bulk , 4c. Kirk's savon Imperial. S2.70 :
Klrk-s satinet. 83.00 ; Kirk H standard , 83.05 ;
Kirk's white Utissian , 84.00 ; Klrlc's whitecap -
cap , go.50 ; doinp , 83.85 ; washboard , 83.10 ;
white cloud. 83.75.
General Marlcoti.
\AUMsnES-Uairels , per gallon ; rurnl-
lure , extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1. SLOT ) ;
coach extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. l , 81.20 : ! )
mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum ,
extra a'io : shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil tinish ,
ilEAvr HAnnwAitE iron , rate 33.80 ;
plowstoelspeclarcast,4Kccruilblosteel. ; : ' > > c ;
cast tools , do , 11N ! ! * . ; wagon spokes , poi set ,
52.00(33.50 ( ; hubs , per set. S1.25 : telloes.
wiweddry , 51.50 ; tongues , each , sue : nxol- . .
each. 75c : square nuts , per Ib. 01M71c : coil
chain , perlb. a dil'e ; malleable. ' ( ( Jli'c ' ; lion
wedcns. 6e ; crowiiars , 6e ; harrow teeth , 'c ,
spring steel. 7@'Jc : Burden's hors.0 shoes ,
94.75.Burden's mule f&oes. $ " > . 75. Barlwd
wire. In car lots. JM.OJ per 100 Ibs. Nails ,
rates , 10 to 50. 8 MO : steel nails. J2..M.
ShotS1.35 ; buckshot , 8UX ) : Hazud powder ,
kpgs , 55.00 ; do. half kegs , 82. " ; do. quarter
kegs , 81.50 : blasting , kegs , ; fuse , per 10
feet. 65c. Lead bar. SI >
DRY PAINTS- White lead , "c ; French /luc ,
12c ; Parli whltliifr. 2 We ; whiting , gilders ,
"Ho\ \ whiting , com'l , Ike ; lampblack , ( ier-
manstowu , 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , tic ;
Prussian blue,55c ; ultramarine. We ; vandyk-
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt. 4o ; umoer. raw , 4c ;
sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna. rnvr , 4c ; Pans
green , jtenulnfl. 25 Paris erepn , com
mon , 22o ; chrome groon. N. Y. . 20c ;
Termllhon American. l c : innian
raw and burnt umber , l s > cans , i2c ; raw and
burnt sienna , I2c : Vandyke blown , 13c ; re
fined lampblack I2c : coach black and I Tory
black , 16c ; drop black. ICc ; 1'rut.sian Diue ,
40c : ultramarine black. ISc ; chrome ernen.L. ,
M. Al ) . . I6c ; blind and shutter green , L. . M.
to D. , 16c ; Paru Kroen , ISc ; Indian red , 15c ;
Venetian red , Oc ; Tuscan , 22c ; American
vermllilon , L. & D. , 20e ; yellow ochre. 2c ; U
M. & O. U. . 18c : good , ochre. ir < - : nateni
dryer , So ; graining color , light oak , dark oak.
walnut chestnut and ash. 12c
IJr.unsAND ifiiEMicAi'B. Ao'd carbolic ,
" ' 'c ; acid , tartarlc , 52c ; balsam copaiba , per
B , rJc ( : bak sassafras , 'per ' Ib , lOc ; calomel ,
per ft , 78c , chlnchonldla.'per ' or , 40c ; chloro
form , per ft , 46c ; Dover's powders , per ft ,
$1.25 ; epsom salts. , per ft. 8X0 ; glycerine ,
pure , per'Ib , SOc ; lead , acetate , per ft. 21c ;
oil , castor , No. 1 , per gal. , 81.50 ; oil castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil 61lve , per gal. , 81.40 ;
oil orlirannum , & 0c ; ophitu , 83iO ( ; quinine ,
P. * W. and H. &S , , per oz. 75c ; potassium
Iodide , per ft , 8 ' .50 ; sal loin , peroz. 40c ; sul
phate morphine , per oz ; 8L15 ; sulphur , per
ft , 4c ; strychnine , oeroz , 8LUK. ' '
FAINTS IN OIL White lead. Omaha.P P. ,
O' ' c ; whitft lead , St. Louis , pure. O c ; Mar
seilles , green , l Ib cans , 2c ; French zinc ,
crcen seal , 12c ; French zinc , rpd seal. He ;
French zinc , in varnlnh asst. 20c ; Kench
line. 75c ; vermllilon , English. In oil , 75c ;
red , lOc : rose plnK , 14c ; Venetian red , Cook-
son's , 2J/C ; Venetian trcd , American. iKc ;
red lead , 7kc ; chrome yellow , genuine , aCc ;
chrome yellow , K , lie ; ochre , rochello. 8c ;
ochre , French , 25fc : ochre , American ,
IKc ; Winter's mineral. S n : Lenifh blown
2Xc ; Spanish brown , 2Kc ; Prince's mineral ,
bpmiT8 Cologne spirits. 188 proof , 81.17 ;
do 101 proof , 81.18 ; spirits , spcond quality ,
101 proof , 81.17 : do 18& proof. 1.10 Alrnliol !
Ib8 proor. 82'iO | ier wine eallon. Kedlstllled
whiskies , 81.OOM1.50. Oln , blended , si.sua
2,00 ; Kentucky bourbons , J'iX ( > < 3 < 1.00 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes. 82.00M .50 ;
Golden Slicaf bourbon and rye whiskies.
81.fi033.oa Brandies , licported , 85.00Q8.50 ;
doniestlc , 81.80Q3.oo. ( irTis , Imported , 84.50
0.00 ; douicstic , 81.25ffl3.00. Champagnes ,
HIDES ( Jreen butrhers , 5Vtf@ c ; green
cured. ? c : dry flint. llf < 12c ; drv salt. Ofi lOe ;
Krecn calf skins , 8Ko ; damaged indes ,
two-thirds price. Tallow-3e. Urcase
runs AND SKI.NH The following price
are for prime , well handled skins ; Beaver ,
prime , clean per pound. 81.50Q3.00 ; fall,81.25
32.00 ; meaty uua Inferior , Jl. < AX3l,25. U ur ,
brown and grlxzly. 85.00 < 38.00 ! cubs nnd
ycarllnes , 8-.U ( 4.00. Badger , wjtav. Cat ,
wild , eo ioc : domestic , black , iodise. ; do
mestic , sundry colors , f > & "x. Fox , red , Sl.lO
(81.25 ( ; crew , SiOOoSM.oo ; grey , 40yJ' > Oc ; silver ,
810.00(840.00. ( Kiiher. S4.00 ( . .00. Ottor,84.00
.00. Martin. S1.00M175 , Mineral. win
ter. large , lOc ; fall , 6c ; Icltts , Mink , > Inrco
dark , 35@40c ; small and pale , 15Mc. Knc-
roon , largo prime , 40C450c ; small and Inferior ,
20Wc. Skunk , common , 15fJ5c. ( ! Wolf ,
largo urcy. 81.606(2.50 ; coyote or prairie 75 ®
POc. Door and antelope , whiter , per pound
15c ; fall and summer , per pound 200 ,
Dry Ljamoer.
No. 1 , 4ft 0Inch , 12 and U ( U rough..S13.M )
No. 2 , 4 & Olncli. 12 aiul U ft. , rout-U. . . 15.00
No. 1 Com. s 1 s 518.00
No. a " " 15.50
No.3 ' " 15.00
N 4 " " ' . 10.00
A , 12,14 , anil 10 ft S21.50
H , " " " 20.00
0 , " " " 15.00
1) , 11.50
lit com. , ? { iii While Pine Colllnt ; S ' 00
2il " " " " " . . . 2\00
2il com. , ; V In Norway Pine Celllnj. . . . U.OO
ri.ooniNO ,
A Olncli , wliltojilno , : ! . ' . . : , o 0 $20.-o ,
KOIuch. ( Si-1 l-'uu'i ; ) W.oo
I.IMI : , r.ic.
Qnlncy while llinc. ( bet ) 05c
Akron cement , 2.75 ; iiiilr * 4oc
A 12 Inch s. Is. 45.50 C J3-.50
No. 1 , com. 12 In s. 1 s. , 12. A : ! 4 520 : 10 It.1(1.00 (
No. 2. " 17.50 ; " 10.50
1st and 2d. clear , Itf inch , s. 3s * 5o.r,0
3d , clear , 1 Inch. s. 2 s s4'i ! . , , l < . 2 In 45.W
B clear , 1 inch , s. 2 A 21'.fiO ' ; lX , iylt2 In 37.00
No. 1 , plain , 8 nnd 10 in S1S.10
hoirriimix Yiu.i.ow riXE.
Com. 4 and C in. Hooting S17..V )
Clear , linlsli , 1 and l'.f ' In. s. 2s 2'.00 )
" eoiriigntod culling , tin 24.f > 0
" Yellow pine casing nud ba c " 7.00
Pickets , D nnd II Hat S2.fib ( ) ; D & U sq.S20.50
XX clear 53.00
* A * standard -.75
* A * 11. B. nnd B 2.50
i'ovr .
White Cedar. C in. , s. 12Jtfc : 0 in.
" " 5)4 ) In. } < js , 11'a'c ' ; 8 in. qrs..lPc
He Attempted to Win n .lnck-1'ot
With a I'nir of Uottccs.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 13. The
president lately lost f 10 at poker. A few
days before the oloio of the last session
of congress Mr. Cleveland felt the need
of a little relaxation. Colonel Lament
suggested a quiet liitlo game of ] > oker.
This .seemed to lill the , bill , and the selec
tion of a party was left to Mr. Lainont.
Tht ) hour was set for 10 o'clock at night ,
and a senator nnd two representatives
sat down to the table. Lainont was
banker and suggcsed that the limit be $5.
Thu president sat on the right of the
bank'er nnd the senator on the left.
Everybody took $10 worth of chins to be
gin with. The game proceeded with
varying fortunes ami exciting jack-pots
until nearly morning. The banker
then seemed to ue n , little ahead ,
and his winnings came about equally
from the president and the sena
tor. The congressmen were old hands ,
but they found that all their skill was
necessary to keep even with the game.
A series of live jack-pots was suggested
to close the night's play. Thu lirst time
around no ono could open the pot , and
on the next deal it took queens or better.
The senator opened for the limit and
everybody staid in. The representatives
each took two card ; , the president one
nud the senator three. Lamonttstood
pat. The betting began vigorously , and
the president looked as if he was blnlling
an oftiec-seekcr. Finally ono of the rep
resentatives called. Lainont showed
down a king full. The president had thu
auo of hurrts , nine and .seven of diamonds
mends , and the deuces of clubs and
spades. ( Tlic senator had u queen full ,
aiid the representatives had a tray full
and two pair , aces tip , respectively. La
ment raked in the pot and the players
cashed in their chips. The president was
out $10. The congressmen told the fetory
to some of their colleagues and that is
liow it got out.
A clcrk in Louisville invested ? 50 in
pork at a bucket-shop the other day , and
succeeded in running it up to $5,000.
Then he determined to make it $10,000
and quit and get married. His f5OCO
crept up almost to the desired amount ,
and then the market took a turn against
him and in a lew hours ho didn't havu
even the original ? 50. Ho will not marry
this spring.
A New Orleans parrot was very much
annoyed by a couple of doves that , as
soon as she stopped out of her cage ,
rushed in and a to up all the food there.
Ono day , after apparent profound
thought , the parrot stepped out of thu
cage , and then turned and with great
care f > lmt the door after her. The squawk
of triumph she then gave showed mat
.she knew that she had done well.
At thehlRhost market prlco. . P 'ml for prlcn
riirront to tlirOld Hi < lmllo ) Futriers nnd Fur
.Mcichuuts. Kstnbllslica I860.
A. K. nURKHAltnT i CO. ,
113 West Fourth nmfll3 nnd 114 linker Street ,
It linn grown from 401) ) ( o 40.000 population In 19
your * Hiid Is nowRrowtnu faster ! hnn uver.
InvntnienU In brick blocki pay ID liiMper cent.
LoiiLuve uvcraiied over 110 pur cent per anuum
' '
IlaTOfor rale brick blocki , bnflneti lou , all klndi a
real cjlnto. 1,2,5,10 and 2) aero tructi , farmi an
cbeap litnds ,
HKFKUKNrKSi-Tlio Klnt and Lincoln fullona
bankx. UOT.Thayer. Juduo Cobb. Ren. S. M. Culloul
Illlnoli , and ( Jen. lien Ilarrlion. Indiana.
Decker Brothers
Omaha Jobbers' ' Directory.
Agricultural Implements.
\Tholt al Dealer In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Clirlanci and Itnyglr * . Jonn Mrrtt , b lwo n Vth
and 10th , Omaha , Nth.
Agricultural Implements' ,
\V gen .Carrlagf , llngglci , me. . Wholtislf , Om.ha.
Jobbers of Hardware ami Nulls ,
Tinware , Shut Iron. Kto. Aicnti for How * Scatea ,
ami Miami PomUrCo. , Omaha , Nch.
WholenalpDealrri In
Agricnlinrul Implements ,
( Vaftoniand lluuslen. WUWM. Mi nndno ? , Jonrsat
Artists' Material.
Artlsla' Muterinla , Pianos and Organs ,
111) ) Donglm StrcntOmaha.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
BulliUsrs'llardwnre&Scalc KopairShop
Uacbmilcs'TooltKnO IhilTMo Srtlo * . 1406 DouilaiiL.
A Onmlm , Neb.
Boots and Shoes.
Manufacturers niul WbolrsalrUealcn In
Boots and Shoes ,
Comrlnto rtork nf Ituhbsr ( InoiU nlwsjn on hand
.Vltl B. 13111 ! . , DiUKha , Neb. A. T. Austin , A | ! ni.
frT r. MoltsE c co.
Jobbora of Hoots and Shoes.
Kll Farnam et .Ouinlm , Neb. HUnutsctoij , Buinmot
itrect. llotlon.
Z. T. L1NDSEY < t CO.
Wholesale Rubber Hajti an I SlKte ?
Uublior niul Oik-il Clothing unit I'clt Hoots
untl Billies. tJuillbL'ii"l roiiit'r Ulli lul
Agt. for Anheuser-Iush ? Brewing Ass'n
Bpcclnl Ilrands. Fanct , Rudwclnor and Krlanccr.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1WI North Hib. Plrcot. Omaha. Neb.
Butchers' Teols.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
taniaeo Catlnn of all klndi alwaja ID atock. UK
. , Omaha
Coffee , Spices. Etc.
Omaha Colteo nnd Spice Mills.
Ten , Coffees. Splcei , nuking Powder. FliTorlnicKx-
tracts , Lauudrr niue. Ink Ktc. Uli-lo lianter
&ireeuOni " . - . Neb.
Homo Cofloe and Spire Mills M'f'fir Co.
CniTceRqanteiaaad Rplce Urlnd ri , Manufacturers
of HaklnK I'ondcr , FlaiorlnK Kitractn , Hlulnt ' , . Kir.
Try one CRIP of our 1-n iiarknEe llomelllcnd Itoatted
O > < ! toa. MrvHimnril i l. om'iba. M-t.
John EpoiiPtci1 , Prop.
Manufaeturrr of OalTanticd Iron and Corn I re. V33
Dodf o and 10-1 and 100 N , 10th it. , Umnba , Nob.
Manufacturers of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Wlndown , FlnaiiMotallcShTll.htctc. ) | 310B.
1211 < t. , Omaha.
C. Specht , 1'rop.
Oalvanlied Iron Cornice" , etc. Sjicct'i Improved Pat
ent Mctallchkrllglit. WB ) and 610 B.KIh i t.Omaha.
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths. Rugs ,
Linoleums. Mattings. Etc. 1M1 Doujlai atrcet.
S. A. OJtCJLlRl ) ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mining , Curtain Roods , Ktc. 1O3 Kamam btreet ,
Omaha. Neb. .
Crockery and Notions.
Altai for the Uinuficturcrn nnd Importer * of
Crockery , U lass ware ,
Lampi , Cblmner > > rtc. ORIce , 817 South 13th ( t
Omaha , Neb.
Commission and Storage.
"J ) AT ilURLEY ,
Commission and Jobbing.
Butter. Kconnd I'roduce. Contlgnmcnti ollclted.
Ileailqunrtori for Utonewaru , llrrrr Uozva aud
tirnpu lUsketi. HII IJo < liieitre tOmaha.
Commission Merchants.
Frulti , Produro nnd I'rOTliloni. Onnihn , Neb.
Storaijo nnd Commission Merchant.
peclnltlPK nuttor , KgR . Chc'fke , Poiiltrr. Gume ,
titerf ) , Ktc. , Ktc , lll."iiuh Mth ilrcct.
Produce Commission llcrchunta ,
Poultry , llutter , < i me. Kiulu , etc. 330 B. 14thit.
Omitiii , Nrli ,
Coal antf Lime.
Citu. t.i.AUAUii. I'rrn. C. F. OoonuAK , V. Piei.
J. A. tuiNDKHt.AXD , Sec. and Treat.
Jobbers of Hard nnd Soft Coal.
909 South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , N b.
, / . JOHNSON if CO. ,
Mannfacturera of Illinois White Lime.
And Shippers of Cuul and Coke. Cement , Planar ,
Ume.JUIr.Hr * Drlck , Drain. Til * unit Jewel I'lpe ,
omrn. I'Kiton Bowl , rarnam tt. , Omalia , Nub ,
Telephone fell.
Confectioner/ .
yannfacturin ? Confectioners ,
Jobbtra of Frulta.Nuta and Clgiira. 1211 Karnam SU
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Ouni and Ammunition , ! I5 lota B. lltbat. , 1020 to
1024 Furnaiii it.OmahaNeb.
Manufacturers of Fine Cicrarn ,
And Wboleiale Dtnltri In Leaf Tobacrot , Noi.10 *
andllON. Vltb trevt.Omaba.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITH .6 CO , ,
DryOoodH , FiirnlsbiiiffOoods & Notions
110 ? and 1104 DounUi , cor. llth St. , Omaba , Neb.
Dlitlliert of I.lqnort. Alcohol and gnlrlti. Importtn
and Jobberiof WlneiacdUquon.
CO. and ILER < C CO. ,
Importer ! and Jobber ! of Fine Wlnei and I.lqaon.
Holemanuf atureriof KrnnedT'i Kait India Bit-
tori and Domnllc Liquor * . 111 ! Ilarn * ; St.
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. H.BAl'tit.Prfi. J.W.Binronn.Soc.ATrem
M.J. CARSON. V.l'tej. and Bupt.
Offlc * 21J B. nth it , Omaha , Neb. Mnchln rr n
Bnpplln forUanulaeturlutf Cement Drain Tile.
Peg. E TAnitsnrn 187. ' . . Vloo-l'n
Jobber * and Storcrs ot ( irain.
hlpruentjof d ml 'tMnlhltori I sU'if '
rtmntntced , Omtiaa Neb.
Wholesale Dealers lu Furniture.
I'arnam it. . Oiuaba , Ntb.
Omaha Jobbers' ' Directonr. '
Wholcsalo Groceries and Provisions/ /
No3. TOC.,707 . , 7f nd7llS. 10tli. t.Otu h , .N > b.
Wholesale Groccrn ,
ltn anil I.ftrcnwortli iti.Oinahi < .
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Wftton Stock , llardnarfl Lumber , etc. 1301
_ iul 1311 llnrnry H. . Omalm. _
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Waton ami CarrlKio Wood Stoch , Ilc T lUrdwar *
Etc. IJlTandHH ) Ltatcanurlb. t. , Omaha , Nb ,
Sloven , Haiiffo ? , Furnacei' , Tlleii ,
Mantlet , Uratei , llraiitioodi. 1J31 and 138 Famam
Iron Works.
( ) N VIE
Iron Works ,
Wrontht and C t Iron Diilldliu Work , Iron PUIrt.
Halllnir , Ucnmi and ( llrdom , Sionni Kn liicn , llraaa
Work , UfctitTBl fToumlry , Machine nnd HlirkliidUt
Vott. nmctnuJWorti.U. r. Ili.aiullUliMlcctT
MamirHdurein of
Wire niul Iron Kaillnprs , Desk Rails ,
\Vlmlow tiimtdj , PUmor stumlp , Wlro Hlmn. Bin
. Itith. Onlcm by mall promptly attended ! * ?
OM llTA r > UMHER CO. ,
Deale' ' . All Kinds of
Buildiiiff Material at Wholesale.
18lh Street and Union Hacltto Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Limp , Sash ,
Uoorp , Kto. Yardi Corner 7th and Douglui ; Curnot
9th anil Domini. _
Wholcsalo Lumber ,
814 S. Uth Btreet. Omaha , Neb. f.Colpctier , Manager ,
13th and California Btrecta. Omalu , Nob.
PR ED w. an AY ,
Lnmber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor.Ctb and DougUi it > . . Omaba.Ne * .
To Dealers Only.
Offle * . 14Mrarnamttr etOmali .
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpal ! and Parquet Floorlnc. th and Doufla *
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Ivpnrtcd and American Portland Cement. State
Ascot forMllnaukco Hydraulic c'emeut and Hell
< Julncy WhltoUine. _
Live Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John F. Boyd , Quporlntecdent.
Livt Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
_ Geo. Hurke , Manager
Union Stock Yards , a. Omaha. Telephone Ml. GREEK
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipment * of an ; and all klndi of Block aolleltetf.
Union Stock Vmrda. Uicaba. Neb.
Millinery and Motions.
Importer ! and Jobbcra of
Millinery and Notions ,
1J1J and 121S Harner Bt.eel , Omaha , Neb.
Wholeialo Doaleri In
Notions and Furnisliliifi : Goody ,
40,1 and 40.1 H. Trnth St. , Omahn.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
leani Panti , Bhlrti , Ktc. 1103 unit 1104 llouilui Street.
Omnlm , Nut ) .
Paper Boxes
J. L. WILKin ,
Manufacturer of Paper Boxes ,
B.tltnUt. , Omaha , Nubraika. Orel cm by mull I )
Halted and will r o tre prerapl attention. ! )
Job Printers , Blank Book Makers.
And Book Illndcri. 100 and 108 Houth Fouttecnth
tract. Omaha , Neb.
Auxiliary Publinhcrs.
Dealer * In Trpa.Prc and Printers' Buppllei. (09
South Twelfth Street.
Manufacturer * and Dealers In
Engines , Hollers & ( icneral Maohinory
Bhect Iron work , fltoxin Pump * . Haw Mill * , Arm *
Mmftlnz , ! > O < IKO Wood * pllt I'ulluyi , llul'.lnit , etc ,
Abowngonn , ncraperi.iinil bnlotlej. 12U-UlJLek-
tciiMortli ot. Omulm
Wholesale Hardware.
Weitern nxenti for JeT r on Plofl N ll , Anttla
Powder Co , KHlrbankt Htandard Hcolei. Comer
lOtb and Ilarnpjr. ( Imalin.
CHURCHILL pmrp co. ,
Wholesale Pumps , I'lpe , Fittings ,
Bt m and Wntrr Suprllcs. ] lleailo.\mrter ! fur Halt
FoaitCo'iUoo'li. IIMKarna il , , ( > mHhn. Nob.
rumps , Pipes and Kn ines.
BUam. VTatrr. Railway nnd Mllllne Hnpnllci. BtA
VS ) . Wiacd V2i Karnam M. , Omaha , Nub.
Dulladar Wind Mll'ni nleam and W Wr Rupnlle * .
PlumblniUordi. Ileltlnr , lime. 1118 und KO Fat *
nam it. , Ouinhn. H. K. I'elton ,
Telephone No. 210.
Safes , Etc.
P. ItOYER , C CO. ,
for Hall'H Safe & Lock Co.a'
Fire and Ilutir'ar ' rnx > ( flnfei , Tim * Ix > rk , VanlU
and Jail Work. 103J Karnnm itreet Omaba , Neb.
Omaha Safe Works.
Manufacturerof Fire and HarKlarProofSitfri , Vault
JJoor , J ll Work.Hlmtier ! aud Wire Woik , Cor.
Inh anil Jackiou tit ! . , O ambit , N b ,
Sash , Dears , Etc.
Wbole ale liannfaoturHri of
Sash , Doors , BliiuU and Monldinffa ,
lira DOB and ltaraita..Outi > ti.Kl ! .
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , BIM ,
Menid'ntti ' filatr Werk and Interior Hard Tfoatrinl , l
K. B. cor , lib and
Outia , *