Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : KfllDAY , MAKOH 25. 1887. 7 "kl
Advertisements under this , 10 cent * per
line lor the first ln" rtion , 7 wnts for each nub-
icqucnt Insertion , nnd J1.50 a line per month
No advertisement taken for lets than ! jcnta
lor the Orst Insertion. Seven woru * ill bo
counted to the lines they must run tonsocu-
lively nnd must bo paid In advance. All adver
tisements must bo handed In before 1:30 : o'clo 'k
p.m. , und under no clrcum'tancct will thej be
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties rnhcrtlMiig In thcsu < olumns nnd hiv-
hifttho answers lu'dre.saod In cnro of Tin Ilti
Will please n k for n check toennblothcm to get
their letters , as none will bo delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to ad
vertisements should be enclo > crt In envelopes.
' to loan on real estate and chattels
HON'KY i Co. 1511 Faruam St. , ground lloor.
ONr.Y to loan on Improved city property at
G per cent. Money on hand ; do not have
to wnlt Hnvo n complete set of abstract books
nf Douglas county. I. N. WiiUon , abstractor
Harris lloal Ustatu and Loan Co. , 320 S. 1Mb st.
/TOXhY First mortgniro notes. The Douglas
J9L county bunk will buy papers secured by
flrst mortgage on city rcnity. 124
CPKll CUNT Monny to loan ,
flrepory 4 lladler.
Itooras 1 and 3 , llcdick block , 320 8. 15th St.
to loan on ronlPstato and collater
al i and chattels , J ot > raskR l.onn , V Iloul
iptnto : Co. , Kxposltlon bulldlntf. cornur Capllol
venue nd 14th street. WB
MONKV TO LOAN on improrod real estate ;
no commission charged. Leavltt llnni-
tiatn , Koom 1 L'rolghton Hlock , 117
ONKY to loan on city and larni property.
Harris i Sampson , 15IU Douglm st. 1147it-l
T OANS-Loani Loans.
Itcid estate loans ,
Collateral loans.
Chattel loans.
Ixiiig time loans.
Short time loans.
Money always on hand tn l ° nn nn anv IP-
proved security.
Investment securities bought and sold.
Omnhn Mnanclal Kxchungo , n. w. cor. 1Mb
tnd Harney. . . .
.Corbctt , Mnnngor. 119
' to loan , cash on delay.
J. W. nnd IL. . Squire , I41J Farnam st , ,
Fnxton hotel building. 120
fl r > 00MX > TO UOAN at 0 per cent , J. J. MaP -
P honey , 1MW rarniim. 121
PKIl CKNT Money.
6 11. C. Patterson. 15th atd Ilarnoy. 123
LOAN Money Loan * * placed on Improved
proved real estate In city or county for
Now England Loan & Trust Co. , by Douglits
County bank. ISth and Chicago sM.
MONKV TO IOAN-On city and farm prop-
orty , lowiates. Stewart it Co. , Itoom 3
jlron bank. 127
IONEV TO 1.OAN O K. Davit Ac Co .real
M1 estate and loan agents , 1&05 farnam Bt.
ONEY TO LOAN On real estate and chat
M tels. I ) . I > Thomas. 12
city property at 0
per cent. O. W. Day , over 1J12 DougUi at.
MON15V TO LOAN bythn nndnrslgnod , who
hits the only properly orgitnl'ed loan
Djrencr In Omnha. Loans of tin to $100 made
on furniture , pianos , oreans , horses , wagons ,
znachlnory , &c , without removal. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Loans so
inndo that any part can bn paid at any Ime.onch
payment reducing the eost pro rata , Advances
inade on fine watches and diamonds , Persons
ehould carefully consider who they nro dealing
with , us many new concerns are dally coming
Into existence , bhnuld you need money call
nnd see mo. W. H. Croft , llootn i W'thnell '
llulldlng , 15th and Harney. 131
MONEY LOANED nt C. V. Hood & Co.'a Loan
Oflloo , on furnlturo , pianos , hoi RiiH.wagons ,
personal propor' > ol all kinds , nnd all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. Uin S. 13th.
over lllngham's ( 'oiuml eion Btore. All Imel-
Jioss ( trictly conQdontlal. 132
FOH SALE Oil HUNT A photograph gallery
with apparatus all rcaily lor business In
Oakland , Nob. A good town ; only gallery In
the place. Call on or address ! ' . L. McClelland ,
> Vahoo. Nob. 45'i 27
Tl'ANTKD To find good , live business men
t with stocks of goods to move to n grow
ing town where money can bo made. I w III as-
plsttho right kind of people in building , ntr.
Will pay good big bonus to anv one that will
Btnrt a canning factory , or. In fact , any kind of
o factory thatomployB hand1) . Wo want a drug
Hatoro. furniture store , grocery store , a doctor ,
'n practical painter right away. For particulars
f nildross Hank of Valley , Valley , Nob. , or C. E.
K5f > layne , Oiniiha. Neb. _ 404ai.i :
| j > OIl BALE $7,000 of general merchandise
JJ nnd store furnlturo , clean , well assorted ;
will take Iiulfln good unlnnumbored fnrm land ,
balance In pay munts well xecureil ; good reasons
lor Boiling. Address Call llox 57 , Alma , Nob.
* | T\01l \ BALK In n thriving western ral I ro ad
J town , a bunk doing a irood business. Slok-
lie s cumpoU soiling. Addioss box 18 , llrokon
Ilow , Neb. 37223
TjlOll SALE Orexohiingo for stock morchnn-
JL ( life , 12.HJO acres school land In eastern Col
orado. Address M , lock box 24 , Fairmont , Neb.
| KM 2.V
_ _
FOH SALE Small grocery business , store
and buildings ; fl.OTO takes U tognthnr
with b years lease on ground , $500. J. F. llnin-
laond. 117 B llllli st. 43428
"I710H SALK -Meat market , good location ,
J- good rush business , address 11 33 , Heo ortice
| 408 28'
_ _
T71OH SALR Strok of general merchandise In
4v good town , will imolce * 4,000.ono-thlnl cash ,
lialance unlucuniborcd land , iiddrces Lock box
. 10. Hardy , Nob. _ _ 401 2C
OUNDTOSELL-If sold before April 1st
JLJ Jackson 6t. Laundry will bo offered for
(2,630 , H cash ; not a cent for the trade ; must
to sold on account of dissolving partnership ,
815 Jackson St. . Hoist A Kriigh. 1)15 ) 2 J
" 171011 SALK Or Trade Good paying linrd-
\J } ware builncss In ono or tlm best counties
. in Iowa. Block will invoice uboiit 13.000 , Is
irond , cloun and well assorted. Will sell for
cash or take part payment In good farm land In
western Iowa or eastern Nebraska. For par
ticulars address X Q , Iloo olllco , Council 111 nils.
fSALK-Prlntlng outfit complete at 2-3
invoice price , Stcamcnglnn , power press ,
nil tn good condition , terms easy. Pierce &
pledgers , lloom 6. Arlington b'ock 362 2. >
T710II BAL15-Or Trade-Good paying ; hard-
warebnalnegsln one of the best counties In
Iowa. Block will Invoice about JJ.OCO. ID good ,
clean , nnd well assorted. Will toll for c\slior
tnko part payment In irnod fnrm land Inrpst -
rrn Iowa or eastern Nebraska. Tor particu
lar * address X Q , lieu otlice , Council HliiUt.
Ij Ult SALi ; A llrat cliiss cigar , tobacco nnd
J. confectionery stern In central part of city ;
sjrlllboBold nt asaurlOco. Address G 71 Iloo.
\T Tit A 1)1' nt a bargain for Iowa or Nobrnskn
\ - lund n T2,500 Block of general merchandise.
Call on or address J. H. Kuhl. llarlau , lown.
130-21 *
AllAllOAINforanvonohnvlnprtwothousam !
dnllRn. For < ale n grocery business os-
tatillshcd In IM'I. I-'or turlher Information nil
dress F. W. Kottraann , NcbniBlia City , 173 2.1J
FOH SALE ot Kxohango-A now 35 bbl coni'
blnation mill BltiiHted on I.litln lluu
river , near Hebron. In Thnyor county. Will ox.
change for wild or Improved lands or five Block
Vorturtlicr partlculare afldre s First Nmlona
llank , Hebron , Neb. 13
" 17MNK ChnncP Wnntcd Stock of grocorlof
.1. or hnrdare In exohiuitfo lor H1)acres of lh <
flnect land In N bniRkn , within to mllog ol
Umabii. Inquire of UorthuU .VCo. , fc'OS luth 91
BAN1C for sain ma now rapidly growlmrtowr
of GOO Inhabitants. Fine deposits. Manny
. .loans from U to 4 p rc nt. monthly. A splendIO
Addrn a DUa , Ilceolllce. _ U15
TpOUSALH Halt Interest l Tone of tlio besi
* ; paying drug stores In Eouthwesturn lown i
Capital rttiulrod , J WO. Addrcis 1 > 40 , Dee ot
rPAKKNUl'-dray pony , saddla Md : bridle
.L Sunday , ownoruaa h vo am by calling
Wth mid Miami. 417 4J
IjlOHNP 1 he tlnejt sub-.rban homes In'tbi
JL1 llntst now addition to Omaha. Tlptoi
1'l.tce , Mottcr I'.tal Kttato Aacncy , 1&13 Farunu
t. _ 2SS SB
T < ) ST-l4\dloV gold watch and chain , will pa <
4 J lllinrnl reward for return , call room IS , I'm
ton block. 4U5''a
" 1 OST Knit shawl , trimmed with black rll
iJ boo. Ple.ise return to lleo office. 403-2'lJ
T OST 0 ray canary bird ; Ciraward ; retnn
JJ to blue. 17tb \ . y t
T.OST-The chance to buy a lot In Tlptoi
* - * Place , the addition bo
now , will * eon loj
MtberpHrooaly a few l rt. Seourothem noi
irrtni Mottui Heal K tute . \ cncy , 15VI Farnao
a. ssaa
LOST The chance lo buy a lot In Tlpton
Place , the now addition , will soon bo lost as
there nro only n Jew loft. Bccuro them now
from Motter Heal I'-stnto Agency , 131.1 Fnrnam
8U 22S20
MHS D ( ll\.NT , "Cisrlvoynat , from llostonT
will remain In the city n slum llinoonly.
She reads the deepest secrets , unfolds tlio In-
turo , unites tcimnitcd lovers , causes speedy
innrrhtKC * , Is veny lellnhlo In nil nllalrs of life.
Ilooni 1 , Lyons hlk. lilth nnd Tlilciuo. l > 21-24
1 > iitSON'AL : A yountf irontleman , n strnniror
In the city , would like to mnko the ac
quaintance of n young lady. Object , soclnl on-
Joymont. _ a 40 lice. 7-.ll 24J
OLAH IVO VASTMailnm Alaska reveals
past , present and future , ntlsfnctlon
RUnrnntccu. 612 S Kith Rt. 309 n 'J
I > r.liaONAI. Ladles wnntlni ? Rood servant
KlrlHcnn Itu supplied nt short notice liy
cnllinK ut ll'J N. icth st , , Crounso blk. i : O.
liclle-lslo. 119324
TDKIlSON'Alj prlvnta homo tor ladles durlmr
Jconflnoniont. . Strictly confidential , In-
tants adopted. Address E 42 , llco olllco.101mM
101-mM *
IJF.HSnN'AL-Mrs. Dr. Nnnme V. Warren
clnirroynnt. Medlcnl and buslnetis Medium
Koom No. 3,121 , North ICth et .Omaha , Neb.
rpo Stock Men und Cattle Dealers The under
.1. sltfiiod Is a ont for a company ownlnir
10,000 acres of land In Lincoln county. Neb , and
Is authorised to noirotlatn with parties who do-
slro toiltllire the property for stock feeding
and cattle raising. Isdcqlrouiof ortfanl/lnu a
company with parties who will take It on oiUlt- |
able termi. for further particulars apply tome
mo at Occidental liolal corner of 10th and How
ard sis. JohnColdren , 4-0 2JJ
rpo TI1R PUIIMC-Havo refitted the Pacific
Jhotiso in Una clasi ptylo anl am ready to
* un my frleddsouco more , house open all night.
Full ! Shiven. y.'i ' ! 2" > *
171011 AD01TION-A healthy buy baby one
.1- month old , blue nyeV clntlilng will bo glvtm
wlthchlU. It 28 , ilou olllco. 31624 *
"OAltTIKS having cisterns , ce pools or vaults
J- Cleaned , ndJiusS A. OCo. . , llux 754 , city.
CASH paid for old ( 'old and silver. C. I. .
Hrlcksnn Ac Co.,2M N Itilh flt. 2ttl ! 23
rpIIB place whore they ell furniture cheap
Jlor cash lias boon removed from MHi Doug
las to 117 N. Itlth st. JJIIalH
riKS3 POOLS , sink * and vaults clnnnod , odor-
\J lesspruuoss. E. Kwlnjf , box 427. city.
TOI i.- .
S POT CASH tor soi'OiiiMiatnl , fnrnltilrn.fiir-
pots and htovu * , nt 117 N. HUli st.
2D.1 a8 !
JOKI'II ItOSHNSTKIN Inn rnmovod from
l- ) . " > Karnam to Kr. > N. inili pt. , koups always
a full stock of fresh and salt water Ilslics.
OTBtcri. Kamo and poultry. Telephone 2 > i | .
Ordois solicited. 9S4
IV1 Ha M. ( ) Hlr.NSCHIAKOKIl--Orpdimtml
i'i. raldwlfo , corner " .Hti and Cuinlnir st , up
stairs. 87-'al4
rpo purtles having liousjn for rc iit , Itenlnl
JL Agrnuy. llonuwii .V Co , IMt , opposite post-
odlco , We have turned ovur to them our rental
list. We r ecu mm end thorn. 4MuC.tgu Bros.
DON'T bo an oy < tcr. Don't bn swallowed
alive when you nant to sull furnltiito ,
carpets or household auodj , cull at 117 N. tilth.
EriOK ' IlKNT < ) rc U8 , $2 per month. HOfpo ,
151.1 Douirlai. .U
B1OR ItENT Square Piano , (4 momn Ir. A
llospa. 1513 DouirltiR. ! 'JJ '
Twill trade a piano , ncarlv new , for lot la
Omaha , I. N. Court llousnor at
COS N. 17th street. 171
advanced on diamonds and wnli'lics at
CASH N. 16th st Orff A : Co. 20.1 alH
DON'T bo a clam. Don't pav two prices when
you can KO to 117 N. n > th and buy furnl-
tuio , Btovcs , Jcc , at rock bottom prices.
LASS Storage at 110 N nth ft
. * . - 72/J
MONKY talks when you want lo buy furni
ture or viipor stoves ut 117 N.16th. between
Dodge nnd Capitol avo. 20lnl8
JF you want to buy or sell furnlturo , KO to
J. Forguson'p , 71ft N. NUti. 737
TlOllltHNT Squnro Klimo 3.1 montslr. A
Hngpu.1513 Douglas. 135
KW Hoarding Honeo , flno tnblrs , clean nnd
pnlatnblo vlctunlt. 1416 Chicago st. .fi5
Q MSS storage for mco mr-
IO nljnro or boxed yooils , at 1313 Dodge-Dt.
" 171011 SALK Car load fresh milch cows , oitr/t
.l ? llnu inllken : ono thorougbliri'il JerHiiy
row and thoroughbred heifer enlf ; 2 half blood
.Ifiisnys. Apply butcher Hhop cor ClU und
Piurco or Hoddls & Tbrall pHCklni ; house ,
[ 4l42fiJ
_ _
FOH SAL1" Onn now 2 eonted txtnnslon lop
carriage nt cost. W. H. Driimmond A Co.
1315 Harney. 43fi 25
FOH SALE Ono 2nd bund hucLbnard : run
only ono month , apply W. H. Druramond
& Co. , 1315 Harney. 436 25
SALK-Choap , 2 seated park wagon with
-I. polo and double narnegs , gooil as umv. ud-
dross H 2(1 ( , Heo. 4.1U 25-
POIl SALE A first-class fresh milch cow ,
cheap for cash. ] I37lloeoihce.
440 24 ]
TTIOlt SALE Vnry rhaap.3 rare Tlttft India
J ? glass paintings , 2 Swco's batteries In per
fect order , 0 ounces nitrate or silver , some
tinner tools , and 1 fine diamond glabS cutter , nt
2720 Fartuun SU 42U-24J
STAHLEforSor 3 horses with hayloft and
room for buggy or wagon. Cheap. Leav-
worth anil 21st st. Address II 30 Heo olllco.
37H 23J
FOR SALK One 2d hand top delivery wagon
our own make , good as new. W. ll.Drum-
mona & Co. , 1-115 Hartley , 436 z >
F OH SALIC A pair of fine driving ponies ,
double harnrss and phaeton : also n flue
blnck family horao. Phaeton and harness new ;
ulso a tine bedroom suit of furniture , with 30
yards of Ingrain carpet , cheap .for cash. Address -
dress Charles W. King , KM south 13th si. 370 29 *
FOIt SALR-Ton pool nnd billiard tables nt
Hornbcrgor's , 1321 Douglas st. ib'-'O
FOIl SALK A Clyde Canadian stallion. In-
qulro saloon , cor 17Ui andVlnton. C8224 *
TT1OH SALE One 2d hand stake platform
- twagon (75. W. It. Drummond & Co. , 1311
Harney st. 4.11 ! 25
f OK SALK 2 million brick nnd upwards oe-
tides dally out put of 30,1100. Enqiilio
on premises , cor Dorcas and 2nd sts. Omaha
Ilrlok and Terra Cottn Slfg. Co 6.J8
"Y\7ANTED Two coat nnd two pantaloon
> V makers Immediately ; ttrst-cluss pay and
first-class men wanted. John Sanrestrio. 112
South 13tb St. , Lincoln , Neb. 3.'U ' 24 *
\\7ANTED-Sltuatlon us cloik or salesman In
. ! grocery or dry goods sloio. Speaks Gor
man , llohcmlan and Polish. 5 yearn' experi
ence. Address F , U. J. . Atlantic hotel. Omaha ,
Nob. 45J 25'
\\7ANTED-rirst-clKss shoemaker. J. W.
T > Talbot. Syraoiipu , Nob. 314 24J
" \\7ANTKD SO sober. Intelligent men of good
' T address to try u lOu mcul at Norris' res.
taurant , 101 h 16th ut. 133
WANTlCD ( Jood , reliuMo men to buy lots la
Tlpton Place , only six blocks from now
Northwestern depot. Apply to Motter Heal 1
Kbtate Agency , 1513 Farnam st. 2 ! 3 26
* \ \fANTKD Men with rigs to sell real eatsta :
i T good wages. Co-operativu Land & Lot
Co. , 205 N. Ifith St. 32.125J
\\7"ANTKU A small , itctivo man to take hold
TT of novelty Just out. 13 to $ i n U y.
NorlhwvHlL-rn Novelty Co. , 1-OT Faruatu st.
" 7"ANTED-Virst-claoJ paper hamrurs. None
' but such ue d apply , C. H. Blotter , 1'ro-
mont , Neb.
. \7"ANTnD-FlvB tlrst-olnss advertising sollc-
, IT itort ; only men capable of Hurtling good
fRiilnrlen iiecu npplr. AUntli CompanyItooin
ZU. ail corner Kith nnJ foJga BU. US.1
\\7ANTKD-Threo coat makers nnd two
TV jxmts mnkora to KO to Ii-.iclvlllo , Col ,
None luit drat eUts need tippljr. IS per cent ,
hlKhorpay than Omiiha hllL Address 1C. Math-
ersoii. Leadvlllo , Col. 807 5 *
W ANTED 3 rnrrirrtlo > o\m men nt once ,
A. J. Wood , 1403 UodKU street , City.
ANTKD-Slentocut wood. T. Murray.
\\7ANTin : Swnographcr who writes fair of
' ' floe baud and can make himself useful In
omen work. Address , stating reference and
salary exi-cctod , II U" > , this olllce. 410 'M
\\7ANTED-A bey or young man to tract
TT from architectural drawings , iliutberx
perleuced Mid quick. Apply to Q. W. Field , as ;
V'urnam it. room , ! M lioor. 4ii ti
\VANTFJ-Slen to Mil ponies , ipoltedant
TT solid colors , lit Co beauties. Sample ponj
fr on routonnhlo condltloni. for furthui
partloulais Inclose sUmpod. pulf addrenvd No.
tx envelope , llyron VanKaub , lie rn .K n
\TTAN1TD A flrst cla < s barber Immediately
TT fli ( fuaranteod. 0. II. 1'ostll , Ke rnoy
Nebraska. 401 ao'
WANTED Immediately , n yoiinir man , IS to
1H years ol < l , who write * Rood hand and
( rood nt tlfrures prefer some one that Inx5 hint
Rome oxpurlonco nt olllco wors. Address II1 ,
Iloo olllce. _ _ iWJ 2IJ
\\7ANTED-AiollHhlo Rrocory clerk , n low
( lurman prcfcric-d. Address II. li , 1 * . U.
boi 233 Omaha 4l5gtJ
_ _
" \\7ANTKD Experienced dry poods travclllmr
' enlomun having nn c t bl'lioil ] trade tn
the country tributary to Kansas City , fctnto
amount of trade , territory eover4il , mid hotv
lorn ? . Address , with reference. W. II. Urlmoa
Dry 0 oed B Co. , Kansas City , Mo. 3is
OKNTS wanted forTho life of Henry
lleecherby Thos. W. Knox. An authen
tic nnd complete history of hi * life nnd work
from the crinlle to the irrnvu. Outgo Is nil
others 10 to 1. The best nnd cheapest and
splendidly Illustrated. Belli HKO wild llro. Kx.
tra terms. Until ! tree. Now is the time. Ad-
< lrcs3 at once , S. F. Junkm A ; Co. , Kansas City.
Mo. _ i > ii ii 6J
W ANTI'.D-Good coat maker , J. Cohen , : WI S.
Ilth st. 3i : &
WANTED A few persons to Instruct In
hook-kropin ? . Situation. J. II. Pmltb ,
1013 Chicago st. 'Mi 27J
WANTHD A irood boy to ilrlvo a delivery
wagon at Samuel Motz's flsh market , 415
8. Ilth stroot. 4724
) Gentlemen and la-ly agents for a
good line of specialties. Call 421 8. lOlh st.
avi 25 >
V\7"ANTED A ftood tailor : ( rood wages nnd
TT steady work. Adprcsj or Inquire of W ,
J. McKonzlu , Kxotcr , K > ) b. 815-25J
\V ANTKD Good , reliable men t o buy lots In
T Tlpton I'lace , only six blocks from new
Northwestern depot. Apply to Mottor Heal
Estnto Agency , 1GU 1'arnam st. 2J8 2t )
\VTANTEl ) 'SaTesmotT To sell specialties to
TT merchants ; commUslon ; easy to sell ;
bit : prollts. 11. A. Vuishlncr , fc'outU llond , I ml.
" \\TANTKD-Tallors ; two first class pantma-
Hers Immedlatoly. Will pay Rood waves.
f > . llninhclmur , McCook , Neb , 2574J
VsTANTl-'l ) A * j'h ( "for generitl hoiisuw'oi k In
> inmlly ofthieu. Uood wages lor atrooa
ill. 451
ITANTUD-Olilat 120'.l Saunders. 431 20
w ANTIJD ( Jnrman girl , call 1714 Jackson.
43' , ' g
" \\rANTUU-4 ladles and 4 Rpntlomon to solicit -
* licit In Council lllulfn. salary J.V ) to J75 per
monili , owing to term of contract. No one nt ed
ansnorwho hat not good clothes and * IO , ad
dress II 34 , Omaha eo. 402 21
good dlshwnshcrnnil a laundry
Apply Immediately , Cozzens house.
IfANTni ) A * girl lo do dining room work.
> Vienna Itestauraul , Itil" Howard.
411 25J
'ANTKD-Compctent girl for general
housework. CM Wnlnut st. IH1 25J
" \\rANTr.I ) Two good etrorg , tiealthv girls
' to work In laundry at Aicade Hotel , 1215
Douglas st. 421 2li *
" \\rANTUD A woman tor general housework
> > nt No. 415 N 20tli st. 422 24'
WANTED A good gill for general house
work. 202Soutl , "Jd st , betut'uu 1'arnam
and Douglas. 4-S-25J
W ANTED Two shirt polishers. King's
laundiy , cor. 1Mb and Howard. 44 ( > 25J
W ANTKD Olrl for housework , fninlly of
three , 2115 California st , 447 2H
W ANTKD Olrl to do ecnentl housework ,
must bo good cook. IblS Wobstci. 448
WANTED--A seed girl for general house-
' work. Mrs. H. J. Windsor,2-'IO Howard ,
Ilbovo2.'d. 43'J2oj '
\\ANTin : Immediately , experienced dlninir
' room girls at Opelfa hotel , Lincoln. Nub.
SIS per month. 400 24
w ANTIJD First clnss colored chambermaid.
Inquire 107 N 12tb st. 38 ? 25J
WANTED-Good flrit phi s eook , good
wages guaranleeed to the right party.
Apply at once at 111 South Ninth. 3S1 2f >
\\7ANTED Good reliable Swiss or Ccrnian
' girl as first cook. Apply nt Elkhorn Val
ley house , N. E. cor Ilth and Dodge. 3)7 ! ) 25 *
WANTED Two good wallers , girls or hoys ,
at Danlininn'B Hcstaurant. 3bl25
w ANTED Olrl for general housework ,
6 l S. I'lth ' , near St. Mary's live. 301
W ANTED Olrl to do housework , nn N 181 h
At once , piano jilaycr , colored
woman prnli-rrud. Apply H2 S. Ilth. 318
VV ANTED Good girl for general honeowoik ,
Tt small family , 2143 Cupital ave. 341
WANTED 2 waist makers ; 1 apprentice ; !
errand girl. Mrs. A , Hlcc , lluihmun
block. SB
\ \ ANTED-A good girl to help In kitchen at
TT U.S. hotel , cor 10th and Douglas st.
VI * ANTKD A girl for chamber work. Apply
V > Bttho Mlllard hotol. 296 2'J
\\rANTEli-M ) gooilvlrU for domestic work ;
' t best of wages and good homed ; 121 N 15th
2o8 27J
" \\7"ANTKD Dining room girl , also chamber
' raalrt , who understanas dining room-
work lit Occidental. 2SJ
irANTr.D-Flrst-clnss girl for housework ,
> 2U2 a 2Jd bet 1'arnam and Douglas. U03
WANTED-Ladies to work for us at their
own homos ; $7 to 10 per week can bo
quietly made ; no photo-palntlng , no canvass
ing. For lull purtlculaiH please address at
once Crescent Art Co. , la Central St. , Boston ,
Mass. , llox 5170. V02
r ANTKD Good cook nnd Laundress.20J N.
IKth st. f.SJ
WANT1JD Sltuntlon by a flrst-chi's gar
dener who understands the business.
Address or call nt3- S. 10th st. 41524J
WANTED-Sltuatlon by young man sten
ographer and typo writer. Address H
36 , Hen olllco , 411 24J
ANTKU PoMtlnn tn olllco by a competent
man , good ref's. 11 U * , Iloo olllcc.
tM 27J
WAN'TED-Posltionbya cigar salesman of
longexpurieni'o. Good trade over II. P.
H. H. Wf st Address II 38 llco. 449 27J
WANTEO-Situatioa by n competent young
man of 20 as assistant book-keeper , bill
or entry clerk ; 2 years' experience : first-class
reference ; wages moderate. Addrons H 31 , Hoe
olllce. 405-2 IJ
" \\TANTKD Situation byyonngman as clerk ,
14 } oars In Lumber business , roforrncea
ANol. Address 1121 this olllcc. ! E)8 ) 24 *
\WANTED-Hy a young man , situation as
' ' boot and hhoo salesman or In clothing
house : best of references. Enquire of Omaha
Employment lluroau , 119 N. lUh st. 3 : : ! L
W ANTKD-Sltuatlon of any kind. Inquire
11103. 13th t. 353 2rt'
\\7ANTKD-Posltlon In wholosjilo or retail by
V i an experienced dry goods and carpet sales
man Speaks Herman. Address H'-'O.uaro of
tlusollico. 31920 *
A N oxoerloncrd book-keeper 11 willing to
xV tatiaihargoofKBct of booKi that will rn-
quire but two orthreo days ot each week , il
17 llao. 310S4I
"XXrANTED-Sltuatlon , A yonng man 21
TV yearn of ge , speaks German and Eng
lish , wishes a position. Address C. K. , City
Hotel. 30.-I 24'
\\TANTED Phico as gardener or work In a
TT nursorv ; ton years' experience. Address
II 57 , Heo olBco. 31725'
VyANTED Situation by a practical druggist
T T of city and country .expeilonco 7
KS W. F. llassctt , Elkhurt , Ind. 177 27 *
TTTANTfD Situation ; Kansas or Nebraska
T T by thorough bookkeeper ; also writes short
hand. Cash bondglven lleforoncesotcbangod.
N. SchulzeCU2 W. Madison st , Chicago , 111.
WAM'ED To rent house , barn and land
suitable for dairy business , address H 1H
Her oClce. U31 25J
WANTEO-6 or7 room cottage , family of 3 ,
no children , address F.M. C. , P. O. llox
4M. 351 25
WANTED House of 0 or T rooms centrally
located by gentleman and wife , liefer-
cnecs. H IS. Uecumce. 34fl2 < lJ
\\T-ANTIib To exchange n suburban lot for
TT a good driving hone. Address ot call on
C. T. llcutly , Herald bullJini,15th and Harney.
\\rANTKD-A smglo gentleman wants a
T neatly turnlshed room. State terms and
location. Address U 17 , Uoa office. 655
\\7 ANTCD-Nlc * room with all modern cenT -
T > Teulances , and board. In prlvnto family , a
pleasant , quiet borne danred , reference * ex-
chanced. Address U 33 , Ueo offlc * . 4U1 ZT *
WANTRD To rent furnished or unfurnUhod
cottage or Hat of ( I or 7 rooms , centrally
located. Address Q 3 , Iloo office , 5-V )
WANTED-A Fcronil-bnll/light / delivery
wagon. Address H. lUfl' . 0- box 2bV ,
Omaha. [ ; / 444 2oJ
W AN1TDTeams , 30J S. Hlft St.
' i i ' * ' m * ' '
o MAFIA Storage "WarotiMso-Corner 13th
ami Izard sts. , forMM-u o f honso-
liold iroods nnd general mlraunndlio nt low
rates. Advances made ; Ifspr warehouse ro-
eclpts. II. K. switch at tlio Mouse , Oltlco 519
South 13th Mioct and 13)H. ) 13jhnd 1313 Uanl
Etrcet Telephone , GIU. M. 3. Uoodrlch , ingr.
J. sonsts. Apply at Clute City Heal Estutii
Co. , 1320 Douglas St. 44226
FOIl IH'.NT 100 acres cultivated , 20acres hay.
Chns. llolndorlT , 821 Georgia nvo. 271) ) 24 *
FOK HENT-Iliini between 14th and .lackson.
Apply Gate City Heal Kstato agency , 1J20
Douglas st. 2 7
FOll HUNT Ton-room house , and furniture
for sale. Knquiru on promises , IDIU Far-
nam at. 270 24
TJ10H HUNT Now brick house with all modern
-L improvements , 12 rooms. Apply 1310
"arnum it. P06
FOIl KENT i now cottanos on California
andMth street , near Gumlnir street care ,
lent f25 per month. Apply to llros. ,
X)7 ) S. 15th st. Gi't
JjKW itENT-IIrick yards , T. Murray.
FOIl KENT-PO acres of grountt. Improved.
North of the city 3 miles. It. C. Patterson ,
jth and 1 tnrnoy. 273
7 > OH ItKrtr-Cottairos , houses nnd stores , nlf
desirable nnd well located , from J.W per
month up. L. llurnham , Koom 1 Crelghtou
Hock. 117
TT1OII IlKNT-Stable , Capitol nvo and Oth. in :
JL1 qulroroom 0 , Arlington block. 742
" "OH ifiiNT ! 4 of a largo office well
Inquire of Swan 4Co. , l&21Dodgo st.
" | 7HIl RENT--Nowly furnished front room
J-J with bedroom , sultublo for two or four
cntlemin or man and wife , 21D N. illh ; sticot.
1111 25
7K > 11 KENT Furnished front room , inir > Cass.
J ; tai 27j
7OH 1IENT Nleolr furnished rooms , board
If desired , Iiaso2d8t ( , bet Dougla ? and
Dodge. 241
[ 7011 HUNT Furnished Rlceplng rooms and
t furnished and unfurnished rooms for
tght housekeeping- . Inquire HUV Howard st.
17(1 (
FOR HUNT i unfurnished rooms with close
closets , A.C. , up stairs , siilt.iblu for small
family , a w cor 17th and Dorcas. Call on
promises. " 68
Foil HENT-To a man nnd wlfo without
children , 4 chambers : very convenient
Tor hoiiRokeopIng , 3 blocks Irom postolllco. u9
North 17th st. 371
[ T'OH HUNT Furnished room for llgnt house-
L keeping. 1013 Chicago st. 37(124 ( *
HUNT Front narlor and alcove , fur
nished ; good board. 2531 St. Mary's nvo.
1OH HKNT Nicely furnished room. 513
F North mil street. M : ' > t,8 2.-.J
FOlt HUNT Two fine roe n's , furnished or
unfurnished. 52U l'leasa\t [ st. ! M 25J
ll HENT Largo furnlshml front room ,
suitable for two ; bath. 2205 Farnam.
r DJI 2.j j
TT OH HKNT 3 unfurnished ' "rooms , suitable
J : for light housekeeping. Call at 420 N Ibt'i '
St. Hoforcnco icqulred. as'i 20
\TICELY furnished roomPwIth orwilhont
-L > board on Lcavenworlh'iind 21st st. Finn
location : handy for business men. Address H
lire olllco „ 378 25J
FOH HENTTo nice lurnlstfa'd rooms at 1617
Chicago. 5 ? 8.525
WANTF.D A good dlnlhtf fooin girl at the
Vienna restaurant. 1017Howard st. 3'024 ' %
TjlOR HKNT A newly furnished front room ,
J ? with closet and bath. 5UI South 2Uth st.
FOIl HENT Nicely furnished rooms , Heaver
& Whitcomb , room 25,1'uzton block. 4'jfl 20
F I OH HUNT Handsomely , newly furnished
room for lady ; 211 North 12th st4in
4in 25j
F' IOH ' HENT-Nlcely furnished front parlor ,
i2S. 15th , S3 per month. : U084 *
F IOIt KENT tilrnisbed rooms. Lmth , etc. , 110
to $ 'i" > per month , 012 N. 17th. 333 28J
FOIl HENT Nicely furnished front room in
nice cottage , ? 8 per month , 100 Walnut 8t ,
8 minutes walk southeast U. P. depot. 312
JO It HENT-Nlcely furnished rooms on 19th
St. ; rates reasonable. Inquire nt New
Homo ollioo , 122 N 15th. 2MI 27J
FOH ItENT Furnished rooms and board ,
619 N 19th St. 135 28 *
"T71OII HUNT Furnished rooms , bath and
-I ? modern conveniences , 401 N Ilth Rt 825 24 *
[ 71011 HENT Two large pleasant unfurnished
u rooms ; references required. 2107 Harney
Street. 313 2 Ij
FOH HENTHund'omely furnished rooms.
Modern conveniences. 318 North 15th su
OS3 24 *
WANTED To rent7 or Broom houso. not
over 15 blocks from postollice. Enqulro
at Hcnnison llros. )
FOIl HENT-2d lloor 22x1,10 foot , use of elo.
vator. eta , No. 1405 Douglas Bt. Apply
.1. M. W. , P. O. box 6 . ! J44 2
HENT Nioelv furnished rooms nt roa-
FOIt rates , 1712 Douglas el. 205 24jroa
F [ HUNT Two furnished rooms , at 1015
1 Farnam st. 141
FOlt HKNT- Elegantly furnished rooms. All
moderd conveniences on paved strxet and
street car lino. No finer location in city. Call
atmvofllco. L. P. Hammond , , room 3. lt > 22
Douglas st. C.JO
TT10H HENT-rurniehod rooms , 711 N. nth.
JJ 723-alO
FOll HENT K'ognnt ' furnished rooms ; al
modern convcnlimccs on paved street am
Street car line No liner location in city. C'al
at my olllco. L. P. Hammond , room 3 , 152. ,
Douglas t-t. 019
FOH HENT- ! * ere room and No HON. 14th
st. basement. 388
FOIl HENT Nicely furnished rooms nt r < <
fouublo rates , ono block from court honso ,
606 So 18th st , north St. Mary's live , up stairs.
FOIl HENT-Ofncos In Hollman building cor
Farnam and 13th sts. . In suites or singly
For pi Ices , diagrams and Information apply to
S. A. Sloman , 1512 Farnam St. , lloom 2.
F I OK HENT Nicely furnished front room :
blockssouth of the Opera Houso.Uir , Jones.
318 u 4
Foil REN'T-Nlcolv furnished rooms , ' 2-157
Dodge St. , nil modern ImnrftvomonU. 817
SOUTH OMAHA-Pomeof Wo best corner
in tlio business portion uf'ruc ' town , und lots
In all additions thereto. '
Oregory A lladloy , ' " "
Hooms 1 nnd 3 , Hadlck'u Itlk , 320 S. 15th st
GllNNlNOHAM'S ADDLargolots.and over/
ono has trackage. They urn cheap uow
and will command fancy prlcy 'soou.
Gregory k Hudloy ,
Hooms 1 and 3 , Hodick's Dlk , 3 S. 15tb st
42'J '
ST r > 4 feet front Jon Cumin ? Bt ,
\J noarSaundors Bt , only jyJX ) , ? cash.
This Is an offer that will bcfElnvesthrntlon.
Orogory Sc lladloy ,
Hooms land 3 , Iledlck'ablk.MISouth Ifith st.
IB 429
"VTULSON'S ADD-I t C2KxM , with 2 bouses
i-i one 11-room. the other T-room , total run
f 018 per year , all for ftJ.UUO. f 2,4W rash , bal 1
2. : t , 1 and 5 years. Notice the easy terms am
that rent pays over 10 per cent on Investment
Oregory & lladloy ,
Hooms 1 and 3 , Hodickblk , 320 South 15th st.
HANSCOM PLACE One of the finest corner
on Virginia avn , 105x150. Lots leveled u
and Ivtnjabout 3 ft ubovo grade , only (5,500.
4-.i Gregory & Hadloy.
S ST 13) ) ft front on fitato ft , In Oman
View , und a corner , $ I. ( > OU S cash.
423 Gregory & Hadloy.
T7UK SALK Two oleKant lots In Albright'
-L1 choice very cheap ; call It u , Arlington blk
TTIOll BALK-oaxlX ! on Izard st , track-
-C age J4.500
Houiennd fnll lots , nasy terms vMQ
iMt , east side of hill , Omaha View ittQ
Kast front lot , Kllby 1'lnco 000
House of S rooms on IStb st , uoar 1'aul , 13,600
) i cashbalnacd 1 und2 years ,
6 lots Iu Hanftcora Place.
SC9 25Ii. . W Huntress , VM Farnam it
/I r. KLSASSKU , 318 8 lOth § trcot. Snow
VJT houses a utorj and full lot on 8 10th street
blocks from Urowneil hall. K front rents to
IrstclAss tenant f or f 8 per mo , nlwnjsdid.
lave benn offered more and year In advanco.
This will bo surely sold In 10 Jnvs. rirst como ,
Irsticrtcd. Wm , M.OJO cash , bal 1 yoar. 1
mvo nl o lMirpi\ln In S best lots In Donovan a
dd , S liUtcks from street car.
North SUth , IKxllO. tmrKftln
Pth nnil | iodie , < auia3 on DodRft.
10th hot. llnrtiey and Howard , 44x132.
llodford opp. foundry , corner 100 ft. al
' IsnSl'AiTMKM : ,
1MJ rnriinmat ,
Oder thosjbaixtilns to-day :
1 corner UeorirlA avo. nnd Dupont ft , ' 93.
7 Orchard hill , choice lots each $ ! . .
House nnd a lots , Bannders Si UlmobJUtfhs
add. to Wnlnut hill $ JWO. !
20 Finest Ion In Clovonlalo , barittlnj.
Flue lots In Kllby place , cheap.
Flnoll-SIot John I llodlck1 * sub division ,
Kcholco Ints In Mnynes udd , , each JJJ3.
"cliolce lots Kixlrmount place.
lAorobeitln llolvodoro , bariraln IX
Zlots Jotter's udd It Ion , each J70J.
Blots Mt , Douglas , onoh $ &T > 0.
Blots Bonth Kx. place , oncn J5fj. )
8 Brown I'ark. bargains each JilJJ.
! 4 lots oholco in Yntos ft Itompol'l n-iaillon.
10 ncros f mile south of Harris St Patterson a
annnr , extra nice , chonn and easy terms.
A Hno list of western lands for ale , or traao
or Omaha property. . _ _ . , .
400ncroa hiRhly Improved , Saunders Co. , ale
or trado.
115 foft front on l < Uh street , . . . - . , . .
Last , not lo'tst , oornor on Fnrnam f4iOJi ana
many others , 1509 Fnrnam , Wise and Pnrmele.
A. SLOMAN , Ileal F.stnto llrokor ,
J. 1513 Karnnm Street.
urnam street , cor. ISili , elxlJcash.f ! M.ttW
iiriminst. , near llth.-J.xl.U.tiupravod. . a" > .0i)0 )
< 'arnaiU8t.ncarl8th.44xl33 , Improved. . K.iMO
Knrnam St. , noar'-Oth Jxl32 , very chuup , 7WO (
'arnam gt. , near 2Jth , UHixU'J . 35.UOO
arnam at , cor. 31st at. WUxlSi , aoutu
and cast front . ll > 0 * !
'armun st. cor.inth , Bjxt'J : , s nnd o front A/HX )
'arnam st. cor. 41st. 48x13 ! . and e front fM
larneyst. near 20th , 174x170 , Improved , . 35.0iK )
Urneyst. Uedlck's Urovo , 41x1 W . l.BOO
) oiiKlii"8t , near I''th , 44x1 ; ) ' . ' , Improved. . 35.000
louiflns st. n i\r 1,1th. 'ilxlil. , H Interest. W.500
) oiiKl s t. near ! Md , UAzl3J . B.OOO
nodKest. noaranth , MxlKii . 2.MO
) od o st. neiiriSth , 40x127 , Improved. . . 3,000 at. near litli , 6txl ) 2 , Improved , lfi.000
Ionos8t.oor.15th , 60xl' . l'4OOJ
LeHvonnorth st. cor. 21st , U-'xlll , Improved -
proved . . . 18,530
Ltavenworth Bt. cor. 2oth , 140x143 , Im- ,
crovod . 25,000
fith nt.opp , M. P. and Uolt Line depot ,
' .
4th st. truckage. 1'addook pUce , 1)0x112 ) , . > OJ
'irk nve. opp. park , 60x150 . l- * J
leorsla avo. near Mt Pleasant. 50x150 . 3.J03
20thgt near Dorcas , lOJKllU , Improved. . 4.500
J < ) th8t neur DniiKlas , OixOd , linnrovej , . H.U3J
l."ith8t.oor.Mnrtha,61xU.iraproVjd , . . 4,50)
- iltli st. cor Howard , ffilxiai , II noil'ns . , . 4.501
MorcunoarSUtli.nj footfront , 'i strenta. ofVH
lamllton at. near Unit line , Improved. . . l/iOO
loth st. , near Davenport. 100x1 JO . " , -a | | !
Soward. nenraith. 0xl57 . l.'W '
Oth st , near Custollar , W5 feet front. . . 4.500
tithst , near Mnrtbn. 61x161. corner. . . . l.fOO
lurdcttost. nenrSSth.ftiUia- car line 1.000
Hurt MI , nenr Ixiwo nvo. 51 l-'JxlJa . 1.100
SMh.cor , Popploton , KlxlilO , Improved. . 4.ROO
Mvcnport , upiir 24th. 51 l-3xl3..lmprovod 4.000
> hlcnco , corner : J4th , 6rtxliJ ; , Improved , . B.UO'J '
"tlth. neur Poppleton,6Uxl27 , Improved. . 6.000
Orchard IIIII , loin * 7M to . 1,000
llrown 1'Hik , lots5to ) . BM
Ilodfonl Plueo. lots $650 to . K )
Highland 1'nrit , lots o-ich-cnsh $83. . 2-H
Wnkely udd , lets 57.X1W. rneh . . . 4ff )
25 ncros nenr I'ortOmnha.nnely Inprovod Il.OiiO
> nter st. 0(1x1,12 ( , Improved . . 1.21X1
Fnrnam Ht. near 33th. 67x132 . 3'WO
Nicholas Bt. corner. MxlJ ! , truck In alloy 4-00
Park nvo. lacing I'nrk , fiOxlRll . 4,000
Slfith st , Hour viaduct , 40x102 . MOJ
SulnhurBprings ndd. just opp. ICth st,53
X124 . fJ
Leavonworth st.nonr Bolt Line , 100x127. . gjp'00
TnOil 9ALR Oil TIlADM-Wo own several
JL. thniisnml ncros of ohnico South Dakota
Tanning hind which wo will sol ) or trade for
Jnmlia propeity. We want to sell nnd oner our
land at bottom prices. Wright Jt Lasbury. cor.
unloir Paxton hotel * W
" PECIAlj HAHOAIN-I.ot B , bin OS South
Omaha , only $2.000. Tnls Is only for llnroh.
April 1st , the lot cannot bodollvorod Icsa than
$2,400 , Now la the tinio. Park St 1'owlor. US !
Douglas. 443 27
HOW 18 THIS House 8 rooms , lot 31 ft < mst
fronton 2.M between Ciilllonilu nnd CUBS
$ J,500. .lolin ( lullaKher , 317 S. Uth.
4 < I3 oO
EXAMINE this list :
inacrep4 miles west P. 0. at t 600
10 ' 4 " S. W. " BW
ft " 3 > , i ' " " , . inn
5 " 3'i ' " " " r.5fl
to lots a " " P. O. from SIM ) to. . ! V,0
fi Lincoln place tt'iO to . . "nil
U " 2'itb nnd Hurt " SiWO to . S.dliO
4 " 2'.Uh and Webster " fl.uou to. . J.ttxi
1 2Sth and Calif01 nla 2,010
2 " Phinn'B 1st. osch 1,000
2 " Uurdette Court , each 4SO
44 feet on Jackson , near lUtb 10.0.X )
Cor lot andn-room bouse , city water and
gas , 1 mile from P O aOOO
CO feet , 16th 8t , near viaduct 5.500
It. C. Patterson Omaha Nat. llank bld'g.
2si no
FOH HIJNT-CottnKO Of 4 rooms , 2 closots.
pantry and collar , to family with no child.
ronMUS'2Uth. ; 289
FOH SALE-Farm of fiKl anres In Hurt
county , 100 acres In cultivation and bal
ance hay land and pasture. All fenced , good
frame house , corn cribs , feed yards. , etc. A
paitoftho pasture Is seeded with blue grass.
Price 515 per aero. Terms easy. Clark &
French , 151(1 ( Douglas st. 216 24
LOTS on Chicago st. , south of Crolghton col
lege , cnx145 First cla s Investment , (4,000.
John IJallughor,3l7 South 13th st. H10 27
ACUANtiK for Investments
UlLson , Ayleswortb & Benjamin ,
1512 Fai nam Bt.
1 lot In Trap. Ass'n , 47x111 , with 2 small
houses ( 3,003
1 lot in Hawthorne , 49xlU3. cor 3lrt ana
Davenport , with 6 room housecistern ,
well , etc. very easy terms 3,590
Hot In Hillside 2d Add l.blM
1 ! ot in Bedford Place , 50x128 735
1 lot In Hitchcock's lit add , WX12.I 701
1 let In Lowe's 1st add,00x120.with liouso 1,750
Hi lotsinShlnn's 1st add , 75xI2 f. Caldwell -
well Bt 3.700
1 lot In ltcillcn'8 add. 52x122 , llalfllow-
ard Ht 3,300
2lots In West 8ld , .Wxl2'J , barn and fruit
tiiii-9 3,100
5-r < iom IIOIIBO nnd lot N. ] 7tbsUgood
well and cistern O.BOO
Konnt/n 4th add , lot 8 , block ( i six room
house , .well , cistern hiirn , &o 4,000
lllmobaiigh & Patterson BUb-lot 10 , block
2. contract 550
120 ft on St. Mary's ave , with 2 O-iooin
houses , gas and water , will subdivide Sli.OOQ
40 ft on St. Mury'H vo bet , l th and 20lb 1 * , 00
Choleo lot in Omaha Viuw , KJ
152 ft on Ulth st. near Farnam 70.0JO
2 lots , 6'x27 ' ) , Lowe's add , 4-room house ,
cellar , well and 00-foot barnprice . . . . . . ? * " '
FOH SALE-Several lots in Orchard Hill at
prices that will nay to Invest.
2 lots Patrick's acHition till April 1st , (3,700 ,
one. la a cornur TIIOBO nro cheap.
2 houses and lots one block from street cars ,
$ 5,500 and $2.000 : JJ'tt ' cash , balfia per month.
Park i Fowler. 1522 Douglas. 443 27
DO you want anything bolinr than thisatft
east front on 2 ia uoar Cas3 , S..SOO John
Galngliei,317al3th , 4')7 ) 30
TjlOSTKH'8 ADD'N-Cornor on 22il stMxlM.
i ! tor $ I,4'W. Easy terms.
Gregory > V Hartley. * 2&
. ! of P O , for l . tCM
per ncro. l > . C , PallHrbon , OiuHtia Nu
tinual bank. 2Mi
Our now addition
Acrnsl7i'ito ( lOpuraar *
Nour South Omaha ,
Ana Nydlcata Hill.
Marshall & Lobock ,
1C3 1503 Farnarn.
" 1/OH SALK-A corner lot il'lxlT ' ! on Kith and
Cnnilng st ono of the best locations in tlm
city tor u warehouse , nith waterworks nm
Kuwurnge. Apply at premises. Thus Sinclair
290 020J
SPECIAL bargain on Park avenue , north of
Park , 1IKI rent oust front. 8.000 , citsh
t-l.MK ) . .1. A. < ! i llhlh. lill Park ave. 3.n 24 |
GENLMNE HAIKlAINS-Two corner lou m
llurdetlocourt , only 4 blooka from Suun-
dor's sti eat firs. w. M , Itushtnun , Room 19 ,
Mushmanlllook , N Ecor 18th anJ Douiflm.
INBIDi : IMIOPKHTV Wo huvn Homo good In-
sldn property lit n bargain , Fierce > V ling
ers. 1511 DodgoBtrcct. 83. . )
cash will secure 1M acres of Unit class
$ farming land In eastern Nnbraska
Tory long tlmn ami no taxns for 2(1 ( years. Tbo
O. F. DavU company , 15U5 farnam st ,
/-'I a 15
OUTIlOmnrm Park and llummund Plucnl
Inside South Omaha property. Theo Ol < en
or Jas Vore , owners. 314 8 15th St. , 2d Door be
tween Farnam andliarnay. 2".l a 1
AHM FOH SALE-Throo miles south of Ne
son , NuouolU county. Nub. . Vj icctlnn.iSO
acres In cultivation , a > acres fenced for pus
turo , two houses and 2 barni and other nut
liulldlngs , 2 wells , fiO fruit trcns. I will acll thl
for 18.WW , one-half down , balance on t n yonr
time with 8 per cent Interest. Tor further In
formation call on or address J. II. Davis , three
miles south of Nelson , NOD. ! 174alJ
COUTH oinah'i Park and Hammond Place
U inside South Omaha property , Theo Olson
or.lus Vore. ownersm : H 15th gt. , 2d floor be
tween I'arnam and Harney. 254 a 1
Bld"llAHOAfN-Ono hundred foot front on
South Eleventh st , oornor lot , only 15.000
Fart on time. V. L. Vodlcka , t.'O South 13th st
T B. .KVANS ACo. . ,
" Heal Estate Agents.
li.vlte attention loth * following partial list of
A jSnmidera strccl cast fiont , 1'lalnvlow ,
' '
A Pln'lnvlow'cornor. nnlv $1,101.
A corner In Yntes ft Hompi-l's $ WO , Insldo
A.south front In Itnstln'a ndd lo Flnlnvlow ,
$1,100 , H cnsh.
Acres In llrlrfhton nt low prices on cosy
We nro agents of riorcnco Land company
nnd hove good lots for fulo In tills handsome
euliurb allow prkcsonoasy terms.
* Ivo tine cast front lots on Orovo street near
Lenvenworlh for $ I'HJ ) ouch.
I'ivo won front loifl on Sm In * st In Diuknlow
Plneo at $ I.OuO each If taken togothnr.
A biiilnoJS corner on west l.oiivennorth for
Kust front lots on Lon\uunorth , business
place , at $ . ' > 2."i eituh.
A liirge business lot on Leavenworth In West
Side , 60x240 , only $ | , M II taken soon.
Wo have four of the best corners on Six
teenth street north for $0,50,1. 12oon , jlP.oiW
and $20,000 respectively. For boss Invostiiicnta
see these soon. They will not lust long.
A lot In Omaha View , east Blopo , $1,003 , easy
Ten acres north , ten acres south-wrst , three
acres in Uuttlo's aub-dUIslon , nil ohenp and
A first-class bu lnc s corner wltU throe story
brick building. Good.
AM tootuorusr on Farnnm Bt , best In the
A 5.1 tt corner on Loavenworth east of 27th
street $ > s .two.
Loton Tenth street near the Hrownoll Hall ,
66 foot lot with buUFOon , Centre St. , uoar 17tn ,
on crado , f I.OOJ , Ii cnih.
81) ) foot east fronton Fifteenth , nenr Centre ,
with hoitso , corner on 21 foot alley , will dlvldo
or sell nil , north 1-2 $ . ' ,000 , south 1-2 with house
CM < ' ' 'HI ' )
llnrllngton Place -South Omaha lotsfor MOO
to $300 , ! cash ; only a few lull.
Kowlcr Place-Corner on county rend $730 :
another corner $ B50.
House and 05 foot lot 170 ft dnpp nn California
street Is exceedingly cheap at $ 1,200 ,
A south fronton hirnam In Jerome Parka
duo lot.
Corner on Writ Fnrnnm , $3,000.
$ I,60J buys n hnndsnmn east front In Creston ,
f l,7r > u buys an oust fronton Virginia avenue.
KOAiioonUeorjjln nxetiuo owner miilou Eto
East front lot on Colfax street , near Howard ,
$ tooo. ,
Cottnge , 7 rooms , duo cast front Iotllan3com
plnco , 15,2(10 ( ,
Cornwr , 60x168 with coitnge and barn , PoppUv
ton uvenno , Jfi.OOO.
La Vota place , aionff Lowe avenue , $ ' 1,200 to
$1,6)0. U cash ,
Vacant lots Improved and unimproved.
Suburban lots
Host list of property In Omnhn.
Fond us description ot what you have for
pnlc. We are mombois of Omaha Heal Kntuto
Kxchnnge. 240 2. '
JOHN aALLAOIinil-317 South 13lh street.
Pontn Omaha , "n anap" . . . . $ 830
llnwo's addition 1.8V )
Dupont Place 1,000
FMirmont. 800to 1.8.W
Hnnseom Plaeo.fI.COOto. . . 3,000
linker Place , lilOU to 650
Borne line lots In Plnlnvlcw , lluMiu'i addi
tion , Omaha View , and other addltlona.
Houses nnd Lots-
Hurt street near 20 lot CGxl32 , lioueo 12
roam * , barn , etc $9,500
Lot 57x132 , House 12 rooms , barns , oto ti,500
Kasy terms on both.
Omnlm View lot 61 foot south front , house
with Improvements , cost $1,100 , all for. . 1,709
Vorv onsy terms.
House nnd lot on aid near California at a
bargain.better call and see about It
Ilousonndlot , Hunnysido 1,590
HoiitTcs lo sell on small payments , balance
monthly Ifftl
H will pay you to examine our list of business
Bora oof the finest aero property at bottom
price. 16.J-31
POIt SALK Dy G Wells , 1006 Chicago St. :
In I Inn scorn Plaeo lot 12 , block 9 , $3F01 ;
lots 13 and 14 , block 1 , house ot 7-rooms , hot
and cold water , bath , barn , out-buildings , etc. ,
Sfi.500 ; Ints 11 mid 12 , block 2 , H. w. corner of Pop-
pletonaad Virginia nvoi. , fronting east , $7-'UO.
Lots 0,7 nnd H , blo.'k Ii , each. f3.uOO.
Lots 18 , Id , 20 , block n , unuli , $3,000.
Lot 17 , bloctt 10 , $2MO.
Lot 10. block IB , * 2.700.
Lots'il and 21. block 4 , 102x132 feet , SS.250 ,
Lots8 and ! l. block 3 , KXlxljOleot , $5.200.
Lot II. block 16,50x151) ) feel , * l .WO.
Lot 22 block 15 , 60x150 feet , $ I.'IOO.
Loll 10 nnd 14 block 20 , each $ I,7M ) .
Lots.1 and l ) block 11 > , for both. $1,503.
l.tit 0 block 5 , house of H rooms , wllh all mod
ern Improvements , $ (1,600. (
Lot 17 Mock 3,3-room house , $2,500.
Hedlck's subdlvlson corner U. S. Grant
stroll nnd Virginia avo,60xHOhou8e of 9 rooms ,
furnace , gas , water , baths , closut , electric bells ,
mantles , etc. $ SIXX ) .
Lot 13 block H , I-YJOO.
Lots 17 , \ , 19 , ' "O , 21 and 22 , bloek 9 , each
Tot'l2blopk 2.51.000.
Lots 13 and 14 blocK 3 , each $3,750.
Lot 1H block 2 , M.WO.
Lot II Mock 3. Itonil'srut dlvlxlon , $ l,2iVX
I.otsii and 11 block 4 llcod'aiid division , oaoh
40 feel ol lot 4 block 7 In Klrkwood. $ l.l5.
3 bousiij and lolson Iluit tro t eatt or Twen
ty-second utreot , each of 9 rooms , $7SCO und
Lot. 4 Courtland place , cheapest nnd best lot
In the city.
Lois 1 and 2 block 5 , Deaho's add , both
I.dt d block 2 Dnnlso'sadd , S2,5no.
Lot 12 block A , Donlso's npd , $1,250.
Horbach Ul ndd.
lKt fi1.r,2. Kl.&l , 61,61. m and 03 , all 0x140
ft \c pt onu. $2,500 to JS.iHJ ) .
Alan lots all over the city
I'nrk Lune , Ilarkor I'lacc , Walnut Hill , Amh-
lor Place. Albrlitht'R Cholcn. Clifton Place , lied ,
ford Place. Cuntrnl Park , Armour Place , Fair-
vlflw.KundnH'iadd , llnrtumn's add , Hlablund
Park , llnwthorne , Sia ,
We nldo have stock ! ) of goods , nnd farms In
Howard county , 8 miles from Grand Island , In
Donno county. In Sarpy and other counties.
In ncru pipoity wo have the choicest In th3
1 lot of 5 acres In Tuttln's Rubdlr for 87,000.
2"nrros northw it of and 4 mlloB fioin the
city. $100 per acin.
Loin In Fiirrt'a sub. at f 700 to $1.000 per acre.
Lot * in llorkui't-siib nt tlT > l)0 ) perncra.
Wn will always bn pliiatud to show you what
wo have and soil you a lot If we can.
11 Wells.
1608 Cb Icngost mar DouclnsCo. Hunk.
425 21
lllockB I7tnt. , thnbnst pnrtnf Ilowlln ? Qrocu.
Tim chpupmi proptirty on the marliot.
H mile from Itnnson nur lino.
5-acrn lota per aern ? nml.
2'i ' ncra lo's per acre S5DO.
Acre lots $ iM ) .
Lots50xU7 on Hamilton street (17A M (225 'or
Fullcommlsilnn to agents Out plats.
Marshall & l.ohnnk.
No. l.W fa rim "i.
TiilBphon 73. 101
O8WKNSON ft CO.-I404 Farnam Street ,
Hoom ID , dnnlom In real si.iio nndwnst-
orn land. HOUEBS built to suit purchasers nn
monthly payment. 881 a4 !
Foil SALE In large , orsmnll lota Hold seeds ,
timothy , littin rnd and nininmnlh clover ,
( lorman uurt common rnlllntt swnns , I warrant
this seed all rulsnd In Hutlur county , Nab , and
new , pure and clean seed , Wrltu to W. 0. Bos
ton , Duvld City. N ti .forprlren. 481 aa
FOirSALR On nustnrms. . snmr. . choice lots
In Walnut Hill , ull n r Walnut Hill post-
olHcn. p. A. Uavln , Solo Agent , Koom fi.Kmllck
Uloi'k. 1B2 31'
10 At'.ltKS 4 lulltiftwest of I'O. for falo , SfiOl
per anre. D. C , PnltorBon , Omaha Na
tlonai bank. 2aO
" . - li'jiiiriililn ruslitniicH property on
F"c C3A1.K-
apltol Hill. IIHIulro . " - : . ' Davenport t.
1' EAVKNWOKfll hT Soulli front In West
I i ( linnha for JI.S'Kl , also Houth Iront In Me-
Curinack'i 2il ndd torl/iiK ) .
KH _ J . _
" " "
L""lST your properly with"us ir yoli want II
sold , tor wn mirnn biislntus , 1'lorne A.
Ho nrs , Hoom i Arlington Illk. 8.U
JOHN ( iALLMMIEH.'UTSoulh l.llh st. Acrn
prnporly. lots ull purli of the Rlty. Choice
lotRln HniiHCom Placn Hnusn , 'J voorne. lot
M * . ° l ) , locution ilnaurpiissed , f."i,2 K ) , -"yTn-
FOIl SA LE A corner lot south and < iast fron1
on api-olul rontraot In Knuntio plncu ,
niiut bo liulli on this ytnr.
Corner und lull. In lots In Orchard hill.
Cnrn r.ind Insldu lots In niflon hill ,
Corner anil Inside lots tn Wnlnut hill.
Corner and Instdn lots In buunders .V ( II mo
biughs ad.
Cornnr and Insldn Ints In Carthage
l.nriro hnus'iund line lot on lith ntr iot wltl
room to build niori. for nlo vi-ry rluiHp.
fall on or mUlross Jamoi Slockdalu , H 4 Souii
13th ft. 31' , 'it
10 ACIU'.S 4 mllnj wnn of P O , for sale , $ ttY
per acre. D. C. Patterson , Omaha Nu
tlonai bank , 2SO
8O fnnt on King st. bi-twnnn Iliirrtcttn an-
U rant st. Tnis Is onn of tlm best baigalns
In North Omaha , $ -,500. John ( liillughnr , : )17 ) S
Kllli at. m 27
_ _
FOH 8 ALE- few special birealnj. Thrt-o
fln * east front lots Kllby Place. ) l,200 cuuh
on ont > y terms.
Ono line 5 room rottnge , small barn nnd con
shuds with a good well. In Parker's addition
A convenient 5 room homo In north part n
city , on stiuot car line , with power , city water
and gas In street , clump. $ . ' , { 0 > , on ansy terms
Snrerpllotsln Albdght's aitnox , near tnu
now depot.
Houses and lots In Hanseom Place ai bur
gnlns. C.-T. Morton. HUH Capitol aro. 30& 2UJ
POIt SALK Cheap now fi-noin boa-'u in > !
barn. Cor. Mth and California st. 514 1
0 AClir.3 4 miles wrstofVO , for snip ?
per aero. 1) . C. Patterson , Oumhrt
lonallmnk. _ til ,
/ * CO ,
, ? , , . , Vl | Farnnm st.
ItOfcPtqn Plercoby iWon Uih st , Tfl.h
I" * foot biiunro fronting on three $ lrcet ,
full lot north ot Cutulnc on 57th st , with 'I- '
room hou oMHX ) ,
Corner Doiu-las nnd 12th st , nnd 23 feel front
on 12th st , M'l.tKKi ,
1V ) foot trout on 17th nnd 13th st , each , with fi
lousep , $20,1X1) ) .
5 nero tract In Tuttlo's subdivision with 0 room
iou e , $ rt. ( M.
3 choice lots In Wnlnut Hill. $1.000 each.
Uit on Dodge , bet 27tti mid 2jth , j-iooiu.houso ,
/ foot front on 10th st , south of viaduct ,
45x127 on South 13th st , M.KOO ,
Lot on Farnnm , near 40th t , $3,000.
Choice residence lot in Summit Plueo. $ .1,500.
13 ! > xKT ! , corner 31st and Farnam , $17XJ. (
Cot nor 25th and Capitol aciuie , f 0,000.
f > 0 feet on Douglas , with 2 10-room houses , all
nodcrn Improvements , $ l2r > ( W.
2 lots on Hamilton street , f.'WO.
OU.xroo , fronting on Cumlng and Hurt streets , S
mutes , $15.000.
M feet front on 1 arnntn , with two stores
nil n resldonco ; brings 12 per cent on Invest-
31xl'U , Cats st. , totwocn Ilth and 15th , with 7-
oem house , $4,200.
Full lot , 21st st south of Loavenworth , 7-room
lonso , barn and all modern luiprovetueutt ,
Corner , Hurt nnd 13th st , with 8-room house ,
, ,
Lots In nil additions cheap.
31)1 ) S. 1C lit z fc Co. , 1511 Farnnm.
JF. HAMMOND , lion ) Estate , 117 S. 16th st ,
11 m door north of Douglas.
Howard st. near 10th , 33\C > 1. partly lm. $ a.OOO
West Cumlng's add , lot 5,1x103 ; 100 cash. . NJ )
Ludwlck phioo , 1 lot 50.x 16\ 51)0 )
Subof .1,1. Itedlok , lot 5U121 4,500
Subof J. I. lledick'n ndd. line lot : i,30l )
Siibot.1. 1 Kedtok.B o cor , lot WxllO. . . . , 4,000
Hawthorn,2 lots&OxUfl't \ cnsh , each. . . . 1,400
Hawthorne , elegant lot , 1-3 cash 1,000
Anlsilfld tu'.d , 7 tine lots , 1-8 cash. $4.V > to. ( I.-O
Mulroku 11111,2 lots corner ; $5.5cnsh 1,200
Carthngp , 2 lots , corner ; $3'iU cash 1,100
CentralPnrk , 1 lot ; 5J cash 500
Uwight & Lyumn's add , lot 52x132 WO
4.11 Si
"H1A1UMOUNT PLACK-Lots2Dnnd2'i , ono of
J the best corners In North Knd. $1.7110 for
botn , $ ) > 50cnsh , nnd balance 1,2 nud3yunni.
G roirory & Hadloy. 429
BKLLAlll-flfirgalns , Ilonneld. Wo offer the
best live acia lot In Hontlold nt the very low
irlcoof$42i ) per aero , half cash , balance one
ear , nlio C acres in llellalr nt fill- below value It
akon before the 25th instnnr. , i
March nil ft Lobcok , J
183 2.1 15UU Farnnm street. f
in n Hcstntirnnt.
George C. Patterson , n , colorctl HI tin ,
vlio runs tlio barber shop untlor the
Metropolitan hotel , feels vor.y much
iffgrievetl. Yesterday morning , ho suj's ,
10 entered Hums' restaurant on Twelfth
trout and asked for a cup of cofl'oo nnd.
i plate of cukes , lie was in formed that
olored men were not wailed on in that
'StablUlimcnt ' anil ho Itad to retire. Mr.
( urns must have the present ideas of the
aw formed on a "foil do wall" basis.
Ilcnl Estate Transfers.
Peal estate transfers filed March 23 ,
Win O Slirlvcr and wlfo to Hobcrt Cobb , s
o f of s w If of sec 0 , 15. 1H , w d-sa'5,000.
Samuel Jncobs and wife to Caroline 1 ! .
Jraltf , n M ot o K of lot 11 , In 1'icstou & Wll-
Imns add , w rt 54.000.
JnoT Crolt to Fannie II Croft et nl , s 10
ncrt'.s of n SOacies of e y of s w 'f of. see 3 ,
15. IS ; nlso 5.40 in a , 15 , 1:1 : , H. c-Sl.
I6W W Hill to Hans Hauscn.n w if of s vr
of s w } { of sec 0. iriy , w (1-S1.OU.S3. (
Ut > n H HupKS mill wile to ( Inns Ilnnsnn , n
o ! f of s w tf of s w X of sec 0 , 15 , 13 , w d
Hans Hanson to Clarence W Moulton n W
of s w % of s w X ot 6cc 0 , 15 , ia , w ii
v'J.500. '
City of Omaha to Eliza F Daniels 10x60 ft ,
: > pliininK : nt s w cor of lot S in bile 41) ) , n c
SHS.5U ,
City of Omaha to Sylvnmis G Chase , UxI8J
ft , beu' nt n w cor of lot 4 , blk S15 , q c-2l > 7.
City of Oinnha to Howard Kunnedv , 10x40
ft , beg nt R wcor of lot 5 , blk 81 , q c-S'.tO. '
I'elurS Leisorlnc anil wile to Li/.zlc 11
Kennedy , lot 3 , In blk t ! , Lebeurlng's add , w
Voncnl Fatnforllkand wlfo to H A Fisher ,
lot 8 und o yt ot lot U , blk 5 , KuuuUu 'M mill ,
w (1-87,500.
.Mary J King nnd husband to Fred W. Slo-
vor et al , lot I'-1 , in blk C , Parker's add , w d
W A lj Gibbon nnd wife to ilrmry L Will-
son , lots 17,1C , l' ) , and 'JO , in lliulcm Lane
ml. wd-SW
.Sophia Pearson to A B Hunt , w } ot Iot8
In liiuve's add. w d-S255.
lienrv A Kostrrset al to Frances iThouiaa
lot 1. blk 2 , Kostcr's add , w d 5. U.
Alfred H Dutrene and wife to Dexter L
Thomas .ndlvidcd X ot lots 1 and 2 , in blk
20VcKt end add , w d-S4,7iO. ! -f ,
Henry O Jones to Dana G Jones , w M acres ft
of s w of B o } ( and n w ot s e W and w 19
acres of n e * 1 ot s e j/ of sec 1" , 15 , 10 , ox-
ccptln ? all lots heretofore conveyed , wd
Guo W Ames and wife to Comfort P Sack ,
lot 11 , blk 5. Ames Place , w d SXX ! ) .
Alary I , Gnril&on nnd husband tn John Gal *
ilu-r : , lot 8 , in blk V , MuyuM , Klchards A
iltlen's add , w d SbOO.
Gee E Barker ct al to John 0 Morrow , lota
1 , 2. : t.I , 5 , 0 , in blk 5 , Tlioruberg Place , w d
Marv K Jordon et al to .Mcrciietlt M Green
PI nl , lot 8 , In blk 11 , Hanscoin Place , w d
Hawaii to Hichard 0 Patterson ,
lots 1 to 12 Inclusive , in blk 8 , Armour Place ,
Q c SI.
Jas K Gibbon and wlfo to Sara , J. Russell ,
lot * Hand 12 of descent Paik add , wd
Oily ot Omaha lo Gee Armstrong , 23x101
ft. be nt s o ror ol lot 2. Armsttung'B sub
divot lols 1.Bnnd3 , in blk 8 , Aimstrong's
atld , qc 8217.15.
City ot Omaha to Gee Armstrong , 25x100
fl. t > eir at s e cor of lots' ! , in ArmitronK's sub
div of Ints 1i \ nnd : : , blk i > , Armstron b add ,
q c 3315.
Ni-lflon J Kilhnlm ot al to IIJ Brewer ,
middle K of lots II ! . 14 , If. and n > of lots , 13 ,
H nnd 15. all in blk D , Moito tic iirunncr's ;
add. w d-S'iOO. i |
WinVorco and wlfo lo Alice O Howard ,
sw'.f of 10-15-12 , p.\rtiititiK | 1 acio and rlslit of j
wav ( if O A NV Jl 1C. w 0-S5t:00. : 1
Comfort P Hack to Gee W Ames , lot 24 ,
blk 4 , Amei place , w ( I-55SOO.
Sherman Jl Kimbnrlln to Victor ( J J.nntry ,
lots I , 4 and G. in blk 21. lots , 4 , 5 , ( i , nnd S
In blk ' . ' < ' . lots 1 , 3 , 4 anil 7. in blk 1IJO , l and 3.
In 1 7. 4 , 5 , 0 ami 7 , In Ki'J. 2 , H , (1 ( , 0 , 14,10 , IU
and 2i In 1B7 , 3 , 4 and r. . . In 10S , 5 , G , U , IS , 15 ,
16. 18 , 10 20 and 2-J , In 16'J ' , Florence , q e-Sl.
Di \ Thomas and wife to Omaha and 1'lor-
, . . . .u hand Sc. Ttust Co , lot 7 , blk 22 , lot 5 , In
33. l in y8 In 41. 8 in w , u In no , 4 In w. 0 In
113 , 7 lii 118. 2 in IM , and out lots 20s , 210 and
IG't , all In Florence , q c 51.
Kdwm H Walker and wile to Omaha ami
Florence Land & Tinst Co , lois 1 , 4 and 5 , in
C'J , Florence , q c SI.
Julia A Knot and linMmid to 1) h Tlmmna ,
lot 10 blk l'J4 ' , lots 5 nnd 7 , hilt -.w , itnd out lo ;
227 , In Florence , 11 c-8'.iO.
( ! coV llnll and wllotollftnard Mij'liinlH ; ,
f 0 f t of lot so , and e i ! ) ft ot n : ; 7. ia 11 of lot
W , in Tcrrnce arid , w d Siu.ixio.
Julius Nncl and wll'n to iMnruairltn Lallan ,
undlvWof nWof lot 3 , blk 0 , Kount/.nVid
add , w d S'l/.T'O.
biiinl K JoluiHon nt al to John McUrnary ,
lots r. ami n in blk 17. ' . w il s.'H.riOt ) .
Frank Graham to N'lclor P MiisHelinaii nt
al , lots I and'J , blk 3. McCormlek'n''d add ,
wilSI.0,1. . a
Tliun Oli' cn M alto John Slnft. lots II *
nnil I' . ' , in Iliiminond pliiro add to S Omalia , ; '
w -Sl.-tix ) . si
John K Aiiili'imin nnd wlf i to John Htoft ,
lot 10. | ik | i , Konnt/n'H 4th ndd , w d-12noo.
Kdw.ird Meadi'inbt-r anil wlfo lo Myc-r lltill-
man , 5.40 acn-o In nutf he1 &ce SH'VJ } , w d
Martin Quid ; and wife to A It Morn , lots
H nnil 15. hllf 4711 , Grnndvlnw , w dS aiO.
On C Mi'tiMlf atld wifn in Kii-ilk Wlnnlnir.
w w ft of Jot 0. blU JI , Sliinn'b 1st add , w dst -
st : , X ) .
Jas A Hinwn and wife to Chas FOnodnmti
( trusted ) nk' of swK of sw'f ot uccC-15-13 ,
' .
John K HamllUm to Ctus F Goodman ,
lot 8 In blk 6 , I'rtddork place , w -fc.J.oiW. .
C W Moultnn to Jnmi-H A lliown , ukSO
acres In sec Ms13. . w d S13.0Qfi.
Artliur S Potter et al lo M Nlltird. lotl ,
blk r. , I'otter & Cobb's 2d add to S Omaha ,
A rtlmr.S Potter otal to to Jas 11 Molklo.
lots l and Ifl In blk n. Potter Cobb' * 2d
ndd In H Oinnha , w d-SI.200.
A KToiualln and wlf to Gee II Angcli ,
lot 5 , blk 2 , IlilMdu add No 1. w d-5W. !
Allen 15 Klibv et al to Tims Millar , lots 13
and U. blk 2 , Ivllby place add. w d SI. COO.
IV .Morse rt at lo I u D Meadembar , loU
10 , 20 , 21 , SB , 2 and 24 , blk 0 , Morse A. Urun-
nor's add , w d & 7ftO.
Abraham h Hoot to John P Thomas , lot 5 ,
IP bit 3 , liuwthurno add , w d - 100.