Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BfeB : FRIDAY , MARCH 25 , 1887.
Elhcrcd by cnrrier In nny part of tbo city nt
twenty cents per vreolc.
II , W. TILTOM , Manixicr.
BrMKTPS Omci , No. 13.
N. Y.Plumbing Co.
New spring iroods nt Roller's , tailor.
George W. Thompson &Co. . real estate.
The city council meets ngaiu to-morrow
Sco W. C. Stacy & Co. , No. 9 Alain , for
bargains in real estate.
J. L. Formnn is moving into theEpcne-
ter residence , recently purchased by him.
R. L. Williams is to furnish the slalu
for the roof of the new Catholic church.
Miss Mollic Corcoran , dressmaker , No.
714 Mynster street , between Seventh and
Eighth streets.
Council Uliifft lodge I. O. O. F. , No , 40 ,
desires a full attendance of the members
to-morrow night.
Ail members of IMull' division Uniform
Rank , Knights of 1'ythlns , arc requested
to be at Platncr's hall for drill at 7:150 :
"Nancy & Co. , " Daly's latest and mor-
rii-st comedy is to be given by Arthur
Rohan's company at the opera house
ne.\t Monday evening.
A. B. Walker lias at his oflice a show
ing of pebbles picked up on the Manawa
beach. They arc interesting siieeimcns
nnd .show the nature of the beach to be as
line as any in the west.
The cleaning of Main street makes a
marked improvement in that thorough
fare. While DCS Moincs is groaning un
der its burden of mud , Council Hlulls is
getting cleaned up nicely.
I.cnvo to wed was yesterday granted to
J. M. Phillips , of Ncola , and Mary E.
Johnson ; also to Sidney Armstrong , of
Sonoma county , California , and Alice C.
Browne ! ! , of Kirksville , Mo.
"Chicago Hill , " with his complete out
fit for cleaning chimneys , i.s again here.
Many a dollar of loss by lire could be
envcd by natroni/ing him. Orders can
bo left at DoVol's or at the poslollice.
Arrangements are being made to let
the contract for the Broad way wagon
bridge by the 20th of April , and the dirt
will commence living by the 1st of May.
This will be a quick start for s > o large an
The stock of the Manawa railway is
being rapidly taken and there seems no
doubt now b ut that the enterprise will
soon commence , and be pushed to a
speedy completion.
The old lady yesterday acknowledged
the receipt ofa bottle of mineral water
and was so exhilarated by it that she
managed yesterday to get up all of four
columns of telegraphic news. The old
lady is getting frisky.
Robert Iluntington now wears one of
the handsomest gold headed canes in the
city. It is the gitt of his wifo.whoso wish
is joined in by many friends , that the cane
may wear for years , and that ho may live
to wear it out.
There is a move on foot to secure the
appointment of a gas inspector. Council
1lull's ! submits more good naturcdly to a
big price for'cheap gas than any city in
the country. It seems that bomesort ofa
move should bo made to secure better
light at less cost.
City Poll Tax Collector Heckman will
soon begin his rounds. Last year ho
gathered in inoro than any previous col
lector , and this year ho promises to beat
oven that record. Those liable might as
well come down gracefully and at once.
The council having decided on a grade
for lower Broadway , the permanent im
provements of filling , parking , curbing
and paving will proceed as rapidly as
possible. With Broadway paved clear
to the new wagon bridge at the river ,
this will bo a great thoroughfare ,
Judge Thornell is expected to be here
Saturday , but ho will probably take no
stops in the saloon injunction cases. The
decision of questions already submitted
to the supreme court will probably bo
waited for , as a guide to his rulings in
similar questions arising here.
The Stuart dramatic company is
drawing light houses. With a change of
programme every evening and with pop
ular prices , it seems that the company
should have largo audiences. The com
pany is of light weight , but of much
more merit than most of the companies
who play for the low prices.
"Who said Council Bluffs was dull ? "
asked Oscar Kiplingcr. "Talk about
Council Binds not having sidewalks. I've
just got back from Quincy there isn't a
loot of paving in the whole city could'nt
sec anything going on. It was the same
way nt Burlington. 1 toll you I came
back pretty well satisfied witii the way
Council Blnfl's ifl going along. "
The city council is taking the initiatory
steps for a largo amount of street im
provements. Fifth street will get its
eowcr ( Ida season , Mynster street from
Main to-Eighth street will be paved and
parked , together with the cross streets to
Broadway. Glen avenue will bo paved
from Broadway to the roservoir.andWash-
ington avenue from First , to Second
street. Fourth street is also preparing
for paving this season. The city is wide
awake this year sure.
The city marshal has been instructed
to have the property owners clear up the
nlloys without delay. In case of a fail
ure so to do ho is to got the alloys cleaned
and the costs taxed up. There should bo
no delay in this matter. The city should
nlso inaugurate a system of garbage and
ash collections , so that property owners
could arrange places of deposit for such
matter and have them cleaned out at
itatcd intervals by trams employed con-
itautly for that purpose.
Star sale stables for mules and heavy
draft horses.
Shcrnulcn is still making cabinet pho
tos at Sfit per do/ . , best finish. Crayon or
India ink lifo size pictures only flu. By
F. M. Woodward , artist.
Electric door bolls , burglar alarms and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at the Now York Plumbing Co.
J. W. & E. L. Squire make beautiful
abstracts of title , and deserve the success
they are enjoying. _
Star sale stables of Council Bluffs
The largest stock of horses and mules
west of Chicago , which will bn sold at
wholesale or retail and satisfaction guar
Call nnd see the stock of hones nnd
mules at Star Stables before purchasing
elsewhere. _
Wanted n jrood dressmaker and two
apprentice cirlo at Mrs. D. P. llayden's
dressmaking parlors , No. 720 First av
Money to loan on real estate. Council
Bluffs Krai Kstntu Loan and Triibt Co.
Room 0 , Everett block.
L. B. ( 'rafts & Co. , are loaning mono , ?
on all classes of chattel sccuritieb at one-
half their former rates. Sco thuui before
wearing your loaus.
Dr. Hanchutt. oflice No. 12 Pearl street ;
residence , 120 Fourth street ; telephone
No. 10.
For acre property , residences and busi
ness property call on. yV. C. Stacy & Co. ,
No , 9 Main strc U
A Practical Test to Bo Made Between
Council Bluffs and Burlington.
Several Worthy Young Democrats Get
a Job WclKliInc Mnllo Numerous
Jnst n Scorch.
Testing Prolclit Car Couplers.
An important and interesting test of
freight car couplers is to be made on the
Chicago , Burlington & Quincy road next
Monday. One of the intricate problems
of railway service is that of the slack on
freight car couplers.
It is a subject about which there has
been much speculation and many of the
prominent railway men of the country
liave reached the conclusion that the
necessity for the slack or looseness is all
imaginary. Present Adams.of the Union
Pacilic , a few years ago announced it as
his opinion that a Ircight engine can pull
out as heavy a train without a slack us
with it. Now the Chicago , Burling
ton & Quincy company is
to make a practical test upon the matter.
Next Mommy a freight train will start
from Burlington with as many rars as
tire engine can pull , the ca'-s ' being fur
nished with couplers that lit tight like
those on passenger trains and do not
allow the variation in distance between
cars. Commissioner Collin , on account
of his study of tins question , has beeiHn-
vited to accompany mid assist in mauing
a thorough test. The train goes the lirst
day to Crcston and the second to Council
Blull's , and then a train under exactly the
same circtiinstances , except with the
couplers now in use , will bo run over the
oad and comparisons bo made. It will
rove an important test.
The 1'ollco I'icUlims.
"What is your business , Mr. Shop-
erd ? "
"I'm a farmer , your honor , and no va
grant not a bit of it. "
"Where is your farm ? "
"Oh , I've got no farm of my own , 1 just
, vork for other folks.1
"Where do you work , then ? "
"Well , your honor , I'm not to work
anywhere just now. "
'Well , where did you work last ? "
'For a man named Jones , in western
New York. "
"When did you quit Mr. Jones1 em
ploy ? "
"In December , just before Christmas. "
"Christinas last year ? "
"No ; it was in December , 1881. "
"Haven't you been at work anywhere
"No ; I haven't been able to Find any
work. ' '
"I feel sorry for you , and will give you
a chance to work for a while. "
"Thank you , your honor. "
"Y'-s ; you can work on the streets for
ten days and you can have all the bread
nnd water you want three times a day. "
Tint beam of gratitude vanished.
The two young men , Roper and Peter
son , who travel as a pair , causing the po-
"ice much trouble , have just been re-
eased from jail , where they were held
for bavins been enticing some giddy
girls away from their homes. The boys
seem to be still in trouble , however. Hoper -
per was arrested for being drunk , for
disturbing the peace , and for using pro-
funcn language in public places. He in
sisted that he could prove that the police
" : iad made a mistake , and the case was
aid over until to-day.
A short time ago Judge Aylcsworth
sent to ono af the reformatory institu
tions of the state a girl of only sixteen ,
whose parents could not keep her under
control. Now comes a letter from the
girl urging Peterson to make some pro
vision for her , and to share with her the
trouble into which she linds herself
plunged from associating with him. He
denies that he is responsible for her con
dition , but ho has been making such a
reputation for himself that charges stick
Mrs. Jones and Mrs. White arc neigh
bors. Mrs. White has scratching poultry
nnd Mrs , Jones has rose bushes. The
rose bushes have been getting the worst
of it. Mrs , Jones also dislikes the odor
arising from Mrs. White's hog pen.
Judge Aylcsworth had a forenoon of
hens , rose bushes and hogs. Ho finally
dismissed the complaints and counter ir
ritants , but Mrs. White , who is a Ihtlo
deaf , and did not hoar tlio ruling of the
court , kept up her talk until the judge's
dinner hour had passed by an hour. It
was a great single handed game of talk ,
and the judge was so weary that ho con-
eluded to take a rest at Colfax. Ho will
while away a few days there drinking
mineral water nnd codifying the city or
dinances. City Attorney Holmes wil1
join him there Sunday.
I hereby give notice to all concerned
not to trust my wife on my account after
this date , as 1 will pay no bills of her
contracting. FRANK Boi/wur.L ,
Council Bluffs , Maruh'Jlst 1837.
Contractors and builders will Find it to
their interest to got prices on lime , ce
ment , plaster , hair , etc. , from Comic
Bluffs J."uol company , 039 Broadwa
Telephone 100.
Given a Month's Jot ) .
On Wednesday of next week the post
oflice department begins a systematic
weighing of all the mails on each of the
railway lines of the country , as a basis o
new contracts witli the railroad com
panics for the next four years. The
weighing is to continue live weeks , and
every pound of mail received and deliv
ered at each station is accurately weighed
and recorded. This service requires a
large number of extra men , tlfty being
required in Iowa. The following are the
appointments to weigh tlus mails
here : C. A. Hammer for
the Union Pacilic , John Jay
Frainoy , B. L. Clark and George Hunter
for the Chicago , Burlington Quincy ,
William Burns and W. A. Tucker on the
Chicago & Rock Island , Albert Noack
and Matthew MoNcnomy on the Chicago ,
Milwaukee As St. Paul , and Leo B.
Cramer on the Carbon branch of the
Rock Island.
Only a Hcorcli.
About 1 o'clock yesterday the black
smith shop of Squires & Noble. was dis
covered to be on fire. In some way the
blaze had started in the roof , but the
bucket brigade put it out before any seri
ous damage was done.
Buy the best gasoline stove. It is the
Quick Meal at No. 41 Main street. Cole
iV Colo.
WorK U to be resumed on the county
court house at once , Some men went to
work yesterday getting matters in shape ,
and the full force will bo on by the be
ginning of next week.
Mrs. Gilbert is preparing to build a res
idence on Avenue B , pear Eighth street.
Frank Grass is putting up two line ten
ement houses on Washington avenue.
near Sixth street , tbu cost ot which will
be 14,000.
W. G. Morris tins completed his black
smith shop on East Pierce street , corner
ci Cauniuc , aud is breaking ground , and
has the lumber for the erection of a neat
residence near the shop.
The old buildings , famous landmarks ,
are being removed from the Habbllt place
preparatory to making various improve
ments , The appearance of the place is
greatly changed already , and for the
J. G. Tipton , law , real estate and in
surance. Sco him for bargains.
Personal Parnijrnjiln.
S. Saundeis has returned from Mount
E. L. Cook , of Momlamm , is at the
Ogdcn house.
A. W. Jones , of Shenandoah , is a guest
at the Ogdcn.
Alderman Hummer is wrestling with
malarial fever.
J. M. Coo and S. K. Gallaher , of Sloan ,
are at the Ogdcn.
Mrs. R. J. Hancock , living on Fourth
street , is quite ill.
Mrs. Miller , of Missouri Valley , was in
the city yesterday.
Judge Reed , of the supreme court , is
spending a brief vacation at homo.
Frank Handle and Thomas MeVitlc , of
Omaha , were in the city yesterday.
F. II. Hill , of the Kmpkio hardware
company , has returned from a Nebraska
Mrs. S. C. Clark and daughter arc vis
iting Mrs. Clark's sister at Jancsvillc ,
W is.
E. E. Ilnrknpss has returned from a
purchasing trip to Chicago and Now
Mr. nnd Mrs. Tanner and Miss Mollie
Fagau , of Omaha , are visiting Miss Carne
The homo of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Glyter
is brightened by the presence of a little
William Harcourt , of Avenue C , is re
joicing over the papaship of a bright little
"Dick" Ryan returned yesterday morn-
ng from Now Vork and last evening left
'or the west.
Win. Blair and family , of Wankesha ,
iVis. . are ln > ro visiting friend * . Mr. Blair
ivas formerly witli Foster Bros.
James Barrett , of the Chicago & North
western clerical force , is slowly recover-
'ng from congestion of the lungs.
L. B. Cousins is now connected with
Jebbmgton's ' lumber yard. With his
.vide . acquaintance and extended experi
ence , he is a valuable inquisition.
Chief Johnson and Assistant Chief
Jerch of the Des Moines lire department
iverc here yesterday examining the work-
ngs of the new lire and police alarm.
S. B. Wadswonh. of Oregon , 111 ,
brother of S. D. Wadsworth and Mrs.
/ucius Wells , is in the city on a short
isit. He is accompanied by M. Farrell ,
of the same place.
Edwin Harkucss , Frank W. Reed nnd
John Mettner , of Elmwood. HI. , were in
the city yesterday , the guests of E. A.
Benson. These gentlemen are largo In
vestors and they have decided to" pur
chase some of the many bargains offered
Special communication of Bluff City
odgc , A. F. and A. M. , No. 71 , this even-
ng for work in the second degree.
low They Manipulated the Markets
in Three .Southern Cities. va
Mr. Sid Pholan of the Gate City cotton
exchange hasioturned trom Birmingham
where he has just concluded a tussle with
Lho wire-tappers , savs an Atlanta , Ga. ,
lispatch to the St. Louis Globe-Demo
crat :
"It was the sharpest trick in wire-tap
ping ever perpetrated , I suppose , " said
Mr. Plielan to-day.
As his experience with the market ma
nipulators cost him about $10,000 , Mr.
Phelan in.-iy bo considered an authority
on the subject.
Mr. Phelan has an exchange in Mont
gomery and another in Birmingham , be
sides his exchange in Atlanta , and the
market quotations are sent from Atlanta
via Montgomery to Birmingham , 'each
exchange receiving the news at the same
time. Now if the wire over which the
news to an exchange is passing be tapped
the quotations can bo manipulated and
trades can be made in the exchange to
suit the wire-tappers. Being in posses
sion of the line , the wire-tappers can
send the market either up or down.
"About two months ago , " said Mr.
Phelan , "the wir6 leading to the Birming
ham exchange was tupped somewhere in
side the limits of Birmingham with mar
velous success , and the manipulators
very soon struck us for $18,000 , though 1
had to pay only $8,000 of that amount.
When the manipulators got possession of
the wire over which we were receiving
tiic quotations , they were in a position to
run prices cither up or down by simply
mutilating the quotations. For instance ,
when Louisville and Nashville were
really 07j , the fellows in possession of
wire would send it in at 0 , > i , and their
representatives on the lloor of the ex
change would buy at that ligure. Then
they would quote the stock at 07a de
cided rise and close out , sticking the ex
change for the diiferenco. Why , they had
a dead sure thing , as they were hxing
their buying and selling price , and we
were dancing to tho.r music.
"When the manager of the Binning'
ham exchange had his suspicions aroused
ho did what we called asking for a veri
fication. Tin ; request had to go to New
York , and the quotation had to comeback
back signed by the manager of the Gold
nnd Stock Telegraph company. Well ,
the request for a verification was sent ,
and in about twenty minutes the able
manipulator called up the exchange and
very kindly told us the quotation was 'O
K , ' and signed their mutil-iting selves
'Dcaly , ' which was just the way the veri
fication would have been signed had il
really come from New \ork. They hat !
such complete possession ot the quota
tions that wo could not get the correct
figures from our other exchanges except
by mail. As soon as the quotations foi
Atlanta were compared with the quota
tions in Birmingham the fraud was
shown beyond the possibility of a doubt
and in settling I refused to pay $10,000 ot
the ill-gotten profits.
"Dcaly says ho did not send the verification
cation which was palmed oil'on us as
coming from him. The wires were
tapped on the lirst day of this montham
they got us for about fl.OOQ , which was
settled by arbitration to-day on the pay
ment of about $1,000. "
" \Vastho \ thing ordered the same as
before * "
"No , the quotations were notnnitilatct
but they were taken oil' and hold back
until trades could bo made on the figures
in poasesssion of the wire tappers. The
tapping was done with an invisible wire
and when on the morning of the 1st wo
asked Montgomery the time of day the
question was taken oil' by the wire tap
pers , who replied , Instead of giving us
the true time , they made us sot our clock
twelve minutes slow. As the quotations
came in then the wire tappers tool : them
oil' . In that way they saw the quotations
twelve minutes before they were reccivei
in the exchange , and could trade with at
absolute knowledge of which way the
markets was going. Well.Jwe sohf 4,00 (
barrels of pork at ) * 17.r > 0 per barrel , am
it rose to $18 10 in about ten minutes
That was a very lively market , but thu
only thing wrong was the delay in receiv
ing. At 10:17 : somebody signing himsel
Montgomery asked Jirnun < rham wha
time it was and our operator replied
'Why , man , you jmt gave the time a few
minutes ago , ' to which the reply came
'Oh. ' this d d clock has stopped 1' '
"Thtj tapping of the wire was oviden
to us then. ' 1 ho pork buyers held on am
closet ! at 118.50. We charged that the
wires were tapped , and a board of arbi
tratiou to-day decided the matter by ro
314 , 316 , 318 and 320 Broadway ,
I.A. .
The most elegant assortment and the lowest prices.
For the balance of the week \\c shall nxcel all other efforts. Don't fall to call
ami secure tome of our great bargains. Our hosiery talc continues all this
week and never in the history of the dry goods tratle has there been such bar
gains laid before the public as we show. Just think ol it.
Bargain No 1 , Three pairs ladies'full regular made Incrnin llosein blackballs ,
navys , brown , cardinals , and tlesh colors , for 50c , or ! iOc per pair. These same
goods retail over all other counters for from 4c ( ) to 75c per pair , and arc worth it.
Remember , ourprice is i ) paits for 50c. Only 3 pair will be sold to any one cut-
torn er.
Bargain No 2 , One thousand dozen imported full regular made Ingrain Chil
dren & ' and Mi ses French Ribbed llosc. The celebrated C G brand in all sues ,
from -Hj to 8J < j , at the uniform price of 23c each. This pi ice holds good only on
Tuesday and Wednesday. E\ cry purchaser is limited toti pairsthc , rule will not be
broken. We do this in order that all onr customers may have an equal chance of
obtaining these bargains , and also to prevent our competitors in trade from buy
ing up our bargains. We invite all ladies who have been in the habit of paying
from T5c to ! J1 a pair for their children's hose , to call and inspect these goods as
we are confident that this great bargain is equal to if not better than those at 75e
and $ 1. Our price on these goods is only 25cper pair
Bargain No-I , Lot No 1. We have fiO dozen French Percales , Cheviots and
Indigo Blue Shirt Waists , in all M/CS to fit boys , from 4 to 12 years of age. Our
special price is 25c each for this , lot.
Lot No 2 All of the best styles and patterns of the Celebrated Star Shirt
Waisls , of which we have the exclusive sale at fl. These arc sold in other cities
at from $1.25 to $2 each ,
Bargain No 4 150 pieces Domestic Sateers at 5c per yaul.
100 pieces Domestic Sateens at lOe per yard.
60 pieces best American Sateens , at I5o per yard.
50 pieces French Sateen a t 25c perard.
75 pieces best French Sateens at UOc 35c and 37J. < c per yard.
These arc the best goods imported and we have them in all shades , including
party shades and combination suitings.
Bargain No 5 Muslin Underwear at 25c and fiOceach.
Flre counters loaded with Skirts. IffyM ( loion.t , t'h iisc , Drawers ,
t'hildrcns' Dresses , Infants' Itottes at 2fin and > Oc cacti. These goods
arc worth from 7ficto$1.6O each , and can only be appreciated by
critical inspection.
Special bargains too numerous to mention
will be' laid out in each and every one of
our departments every day during the
week. "
Nos. 314,316,318 , , and 320'Broadway ,
E2TAII mall order * , carefully filled aiul HitmplcH cheer
fully forwurded.
quiring ns to pny only the profit on the
pork in the rise from $18.10 to $18.50 ,
which was 40 cents a barrel. It cost us
about $1,000. We lost by the two
tappings 110,000. The vast stretch of
wire over which the news comes to us re
quires a hundred cells in Birmingham for
its supply of electricity. If , when the
wire was tapped , they had done nothinc
to oll'sot their lack of wire , the Hood of
electricity would have sent a streak of
lire into the exchange and the instru
ment would have worked like a sledge
hammer. Wo will guard against wire
tapping in future by puling in a set of
quadruple instruments , which will sup
ply too much electricity for wire tappers
to manipulate. "
Maggie Quinn , a reputable young
woman ol 1'ittsburg , fell on the street in
a ( it , was carrictl to the police station ,
charged with drunkenness , put' in a cell
with other female prisoners , who , when
she became conscious , taunted her with
being drunk , and the result of all this
was that the girl lost her reason.
Special advertisements , such ns t/ost , Fojnd
'Jolfinn , For Sulo , To Kent , ViAntfl , tloarcllnir ,
ctc.-wil ! lie Inserted In this column nt the low
rntoof TEN CENTS PBK LINE Torino flrsi Insor-
Ion and t'ivoCoiitiPorblnoCorcach subsequent
Insertion. I.CHVO advertisements nt our ollk'o
No. t ! I'curl street , Uioailwuy , Council
WANTED liiiumlryKlrl to ilo plain wu-hinp
anil Iromtijf. Also mirsu girl , not younger
tlmn 15 , nt i'aolllc liousu.
FOUND A new pair of kid Rlovoa. Owner
can secure sumo at Ilco olllco.
VITANTED A tlrst-clnss sulrt trimmer lit
' ' onco. Good wattes to competent person.
Mrs. L. Blmmnns , No. 3III Mronduruy.
WANTED-IB teamsters un-l 3D tcnms for
rftlhoti I work.ll miles from Council Bin IT s.
J. P. UoulUon.
FOlt SALE Munie nnd sowmR innohliip litisi-
DOSS , together with smnll stock of holiday
goods and wall pujiur. Good town nnd country ,
irood locntIon. choup rent , profitable business.
Invrlco * litK ! ) to J1.5JO. Would tnko part in
Council JllutTs real estate.Address A. L. Man
ning , Uunlap , Iowa.
Star Sate Stab/es and Mule Yards
llrondwuy , Council IllulTs , Opp. Dummy Depot
* 5
3 at
_ _
Horses and mules kept constantly on
hand , for sale at retail or in car loads.
Orders promptly filled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on commission.
SIII.UTKH & BOLKV , 1'ronnetors.
Telephone No. 114.
Formerly of Keil Sale Stables , corner
1st. avo. and -ith street. '
. / ? . ItJCE , M. D.
Cancers and other Tumors
Removed without the knlle or Drawing 01
Over 30 vears Practical experience.
No 11 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
tSTCoiieultation free.
Curtains , Upholstry ,
Window Shades ,
Poles , Door Mats , Rugs ,
Sash Draperies , Etc , ,
Mai ! Orders Carefully Filled ,
Our Mr.Stockert Superintends
All Work.
Attorney at Law.
501 Broad way , Up Stairs ,
Council Bliiffa.
1'rlccs Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
JVO. Stit MAIN ST. ,
COUXC1L MLUW8 , : : I A.
Horses f Mules
f T hi '
T m 'fSm
For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail
and in lots. Large quantities ! to select
fiom. Several pair of fine drivers , sin
gle or do-tble.
MASON WISE , Council Bluffs
Choice Property at a Bargairi ,
Fifty Acres Choice Land Adapted for
( lardenlnu nnd Fruit Growing.
About twenty ncrcsof the tract is set to
apple orchard which is in bearing , mid
to all varieties of choice small fruit and
vineyard , divided as follow * :
Till : V1\K1AIU > .
1'ropcr contains unwaro's of live ncres.
The vinrs arc thrifty and in bearing.
Hetwcen three and four acres arc well
cot to choice varieties of blackberries ,
raspberries and Mrawberries.
Contains more than 1,000 trees in bear
ing. In addition to the above enumer
ation arc a largo numbers of choice
pluinscherry anil other fruits1 , nlso shade
and ornamental trues surrounding the
Ordinary barns and other out-buildings.
The soil is of excellent quality for gard
ening purposes , being a deep black loam
anil is a warm , south slopo.aml is altogeth
er the most attractive and desirable of
anything within business distance of
Omaha or Council IMtills. With the now
bridge completed across the Missouri , the
property is not over thirty minutes drive
from the Omaha postolllce. Any part v de-
hiring n choice bargain should apply at
once ns , if not soltl within the next two
weeks , it will be withdrawn from the
For Prices and Terms Apply to
A. If. HIVE. . W. 11AYMONL
Real Estate Brokers ,
No. 13 North Main Street.
Lower Floor First National Bank Block ,
council Bluffs , Iowa.
Real Estate
Vacant Lots , Lands , City Residences and Farms , acre property In
western part of city. All selling cheap to make room for spring stock.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
Room G , over Officer < Puscy's bank , Council Jlluffs.
Farminc Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , anil ranging from f > .00 tx )
f 10.00 per aero. School and state lands in Minnesota on 80 years' time 5 per
cent intercut. Land Uuyers fare free. Information , etc. , jrivcn hy
No. 555 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Tnw , agent for 1'Voidriksen & Co. , Chicago.
Fit AN K fi. It ICE ,
, cBtlmntCH nnd reports on brklircs ,
viHduetM , romiilAtloiif nncl f enonil Britflnceriiig.
Blue prints of liny slzn ttlirt iiunntlty.
Ottlco No 13 N. Mtilu St. , Klrat National Bank
Bloc ic.
E. S. BAltXETT ,
Justice o ± the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Refers to any hank or business house in thu
city. Collections a specialty.
The Klnt-st Im
ported Lin * of
Goods We t of
Mrs.C. L. Gillette's
W. L. 1S1GUS ,
Justice of the Peace.
No 501 Hroadway , Council UluiTs.
Collection n specialty. Refers to the Uco.
Announces that Hl stock of
In Choice Shapes of Hats & Dunnets ,
Together with a
LarfieLlnc of A'aveltU'ttln Fancy Ma
terial * Is now Jlcady / ' ) ' Your
C'arcful Inspection.
1514 Do'Jglaj ' St. , Omaha.
Council ItlufTHjowa.
Engineer , Surveyor , Map Publisher
No. II North Main St.
City and county ranps of cities and countlel
In wostum lown , Nt-liiuSlin und KniiFns.
Hardware , Stoves ,
) AND <
No. 620 Main SI , , Council Bluffs.
IKslHbllihtid 16" * . !
No. Kfi Mnln Rlri > ot. I I I Council Bluffl.
The only Hotel in Council Bluffs Haying a Fin
And All Jlitttci-n Iniproremeittii.
215 , JJ17 and vJlt ) Main St.
Justice of the Peace.
Cilice over Amciican K
I will sell HI inj residence on Koi ; Crock , 10
mill'scait of Council lllulfa , my
Well Improved , nil undoi culllvnllon ; IM aorel
In luinoKriUs ; lint it flue now nialilonco , coal
tulnliif M rooms and all model u lmurovoia nUh
bouso MHIIIIK J'i.ocxi. All' ) new tiarn , 3ui6V ; tw <
ilnllidityliid tnllii , ' . fuln house * nd m lo
cnttle jnidi uud wnt r innkv. n fond jroun
tienrlnir oiclmrd of upplcn nod ironJl fruit ;
html i fifood f rin Imrroa , cattle , liojti ort
farm linulomnnta rn'inlrecl to run B firit-olM
fitrm. Term ) will bo made known on uppllca
tlon , or on day of isle All parti * * tbluklar ol
Invctllntr urn cordlnlly Invited to cull nnd tuk
pomotial exumlnuttou ot U * fitrm und lm <
provtmeiii * . K.VAJO ) .