Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1887, Image 5

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The Lincoln Gold Water Army Embarks
Upon the Spring Campaign ,
A Divorce Suit Filed In Which a
llazor KlKitrc-Proccetlinss In
the District Court Capi
tal City
Tim nnn's LINCOLNnnnrvu.1
The iirohibitlonists of the capital city
have donned their war ptdnt and cm-
barked upon the spring campaign with n
viper that promises a lively campaign on
their part tmil undoubtedly the casting of
an increased no-license vote , providing
they do not pool with the democrat ? on
democratic nominees , or pool with the
State Journal on u mugwump ticket.
The prohibs have engaged the Metropoli
tan rink from tins time on to the day of
election and they are holding nightly
meetings that arc very enthusiastic , and
a lively warfare for cold water is thus
early inaugurated. At the Wednesday
evening meeting at thn rink the attend
nncc present was estimated at 1,500 , and
when the nledgo went around fcomcthing
like a hundred affixed their signatures to
the document and a new pledge that is
being circulatedcalled the voters' pledge ,
received some sixty tignaturcs at the
meeting. The latter pledge is one taken
by which the takers bind themselves to
vote and support no one but no-license
men. These meetings arc at present sup
plied with orators from among local tal
ent , but it is announced that the last six
nights prior to election Joe Cntchfield.the
temperance orator from Missouri , \\ill bo
present and occupy the rostrum. As the
prohibitionists are the first in the field in
the line of public meetings and campaign
speaking so likewise are they first in the
liuld with their call for city primaries
and the city convention. The call invites
all electors who are opposed to licensing
the liquor trallic and in favor of a clean
administration of city affairs to partici'
pate , und the convention is called at the
rink on Saturday , the 2Cth , at 3 o'clock
p. m. , the primaries to be held the day
oefore in the different city wards. Sixty
three delegates will comprise thoconvcu
tion and the primaries and convention
will be open and above board , with no
bucrct schemes.
Another case for divorce was filed in
the district court yesterday , the com
plainant being Libbio Do Koc , who asks
a divorce from her husband , Alya Do Nee ,
on the grounds of non-support and threat
ening to taUo her life with a razor. Ac
cording to the plaintiff's petition the
woman's life has been anything but a
pleasant one. Married in 18S5 in Yank-
ton , the has since that time support her
fcelf at Blue Springs , Beatrice and Lin
coin , and , according to the petition , hci
husband as well , until the present winter
tor , when , from his possessing a name
less iliMiaso. she refused to longer hav
anything to do with him. The past
week the razor argument was inau
gurated , followed by this petition in
Nearly all the day yesterday was con
sumed in the district court in hearing an
appealed case of assault and battery in
which a man named Cailin was on trial
charged with hitting a drunken neighbor
over the head with a milk bucket. The
row that has led up to this case of such
magnitude and importance occurred o'no
morning last summer , when the birds
were singing and all the world was
happy but the contestants and the milk
bucket. A jury of twolvu men. the court
and court ollicials and a small army of
witnesses wore thus an expense to the
county , while the attorneys were holding
down the defendant.
Sheriff 11 click yesterday was the recipi
ent of an invitation to attend the execu
tion of Jack Marion at Beatrice to-day
and ho departed for that place on the
evening train. A number of newspaper
men , drawn by business and curiosity ,
also departed at the same time for the
scene of execution.
Frank McGuire , who was under indict
ment for an assault on Charles Mover ,
succeeded in having the indictment
quashed through an error in dates. Ho
was , however , rcarrestcd yesterday
morning on the same charge and ar
raigned before County Judge Parker ,
who sot the preliminary hearing for the
The warring parties from the little
town of Princeton , in the soul hern part
of the county , who wore tncd a few days
ago , have received sentence , the party
making the assault with the revolver be
ing lined $50 and costs , the latter of
which amounted to ? 7'J. The man paid
up and departed hencoward. When in [
court the sou of the man accused was i
searched and a bulldog revolver was
taken from him , which yet remains in the
hands of the sheriff.
Active work has been resumed again on
newer work In the city by the contractors ,
and it is understood that it is to be pushed
as rapidly as possible to completion.
Most of the more difficult work on low
ground has already been finished.
A haokuian ran into the embankment
where the excavation is being made for
the Lodwith block , Wednesday evening ,
and ho was spilled from his scat , the team
and vehicle going on unattended to tbe
depot. Wncn both were recovered some
trouble arose over who should handle the
team , and the two parties paid a fine in
police court yesterday over their row.
The rooms occupied by the county for
the county oilices and court room have
become altogether too small to accommo
date tbo rapidly increasing business in all
dcuartmonts , and it is understood that
the proprietor of the now Bohannon block
on Tenth street have prepared a proposi
tion which they will , if they have not al
ready made to the commissioners , present -
sent for consideration , and which if ac
cepted would double the room the couutj
now has at its dit-posal. The offer is un
derstood to include the entire second and
third floors of the new block.
The largo number of abstract firms hav
ing men constantly employed at the
county clerk's oflico to keep up theh
system of abstracts has caused the com'
raissioners to take steps to thin them out ,
and , further , they have arranged foi
charges for desk room for abstract inun ,
The action is stirring up the abstract nice
in the city to some extent.
The city was sober and peaceful yostcr
day , only two drunks being up in police
court , who were lined and committed.
Among the arrivals at Lincoln hotel *
yesterday were noted the following
John Jensen , Geneva : J.T. Wray , Cul
bcrtson : F. P. Jones , Tobias ; C. A. Why
man , Elk Creek ; Charles Uudford , Fair
bury ; A. C. Abbott , Ponder ; Willian
Frank- . Grand Island ; C. 11. Hamlin
York ; P.M. Edwards , Western : J. 11
Rood , Columbus ; C. O. Hates , Beatrice
W. J. Crandall , E. E. Hill , Firth ; J. W
Jennings , Platlsmouth ; F. I. Foss , J. C
Birnoy , Crete ; H. J. Fish , Hastings ; L.W
(551christ , Wahoo : A. Alice , Omaha
Thomas Wolf , David City ; James Reed
Nebraska City ; H. G. Clarke , T. W
lllackburnVilliam Coburn , Charle
Mrtx , John A. Dodds , L. Ley. Omaha
J. W. Dupiu. S. 11. Cotroll , U. II. Shick
Tlirouulioiit tlitt United State * ,
Colgate's Toilet Soaps are acknowledge
the purest and best Cashmere Jiauquvl
the most popular.
The Fnmon * Gems of ltn sl .
In the early part of thn present ccnlury
the attention of geologists was directed
to rasitern Russia as a probable diamond
region on account of its resemblance , in
some of iU natural features , to Brazil. A
few years later these gems were actually
discovered by Humboldt and Uose.on the
west side of the L'raliati chain , in the
gold-bearing alluvium on the banks of the
river Adolfskoi , several feet above a
stratum containing fossil remains of the
mammoth , which has led some eminent
scientists to conclude that the diamond
of this region was formed since thn ex
termination of this gigantic mammal.
Since their first discovery these precious
stones have been found scattered along
the western declivity of the Urals , but
not in largo numbers as in the mines of
South America and south Africa.
There is no country of modern times ,
unless it is Persia or Brazil , that has a
more extensive collection of diamonds.
and so many of remarkable bizo and
beauty , than Russia , many of
thorn obtained by coueuest. treaty ,
purchase or inheritance.- The dis
play of wealth in this gem at tbe London
exhibition of 1851 was unsurpassed.
Among the exhibits from that country
were a magnificent diadem comprising
1 , 814 brilliants. ! , 712 rose diamonds , eleven
very line opals and sixty { .oven rubies ;
besides a bouquet of diamonds made in
imitation of the eglantine and the lily of
the valley , and n wreath of diamonds
repre entiin : the bryony bearing pear-
shaped emeralds. It is reported that a
splendid necklace of twenty-two large
brilliants , with pendants composed of
fifteen diamonds of large size forms one
of the treasures of the winter palace.
tn llrltUii Columbia.
American Machinist : A reader in Yale ,
British Columbia , wri tcs us :
Out hero in British Columbia , on the
mainland , wages run from $2.05 to | 3.00
per day ; blacksmiths and boiler m.ikers
the same. On Vancouver island a man
may got fifty cents moro a day. Board
SU.UO per week. All other necessary
things are higher in price than in the
cast. Nearly all who come from the east
get disgusted at first , and many would
not stay in the country if they had means
to gel away. Private shops are but few
and a steady job a rare thing. There are
alwa3-s plenty of men about , and they
get them at any timo. We have one rail
road at present the Canadian Pacific.
Testimony ofn Painter.
Allcock's Porous Plasters are undoubt
cdly the best external remedy manufac
tured. 1 make this assertion to the pub
lic from my own personal experience of
tticir wonderful virtues. Suffering from
severe pains in my sides and chest , con
tracted through a seycre cold , I applied
a couple of Allcock's Porous Plasters
upon going to bed at night. The result
was that in eight hours after applyin ,
them I could get up and walk about wit
very little pain or ache , when the night
previous I could neither get up nor down
without help nor stoop to remove my
shoos. 1 have since used them in mv
family for various ailments , and have
never" known them to fail to give almost
immediate relief. T. H. BACKUS.
One of several gamecocks that were
being shipped to Portland , Ore. , escaped
from the coop and the baggage car , and
all the efforts of the train hands to catch
it were unavailing until a bright brakeman -
man released another cock. In a mo
ment the two had engaged in battle , and
were easily picked up.
The London World says that Lady
Rosobery's diamonds caused quite a sen
sation at the Calcutta state ball last
month , at which were present many dis
tinguished visitors. It is presumed that
little or no attention was paid to the lady
herself. That is the mistake that people
make sometimes in over decorating.
A Flat Contradiction.
Some one has told you that your catarrh
is incurable. It is not so , ir. Sage's Ca
tarrh Uemedy will euro it. It is pleas
ant to use and it always does its work
thoroughly.Ve have yet to hear of n
caEC in which it did not accomplish a cure
when faithfully used. Catarrh is a dis
ease which it is dangerous to neglect. A
certain remedy is at your command.
Avail yourself of it before the complaint
assumes a more serious form. All drug
Berry Tailor , who died , recently in
Newport , Ky. , had a profound admira
tion lor actors and actresses , and spent
much money in entertaiaing them. He is
said to have disposed of over $100,000 in
this way. and Defore his death it was
necessary to have a guardian to keep him
from squandering his entire tortune.
An ImpcratiTC necessity.
What pure air is to an unhealthy
locality , what spring cleaning is to the
neat housekeeper , BO is Hood's Sarsaparilla -
parilla to everybody at this season. The
body needs to be thoroughly renovated ,
the blood puriGod and vitalized , the
cerms of disease destroyed. Scrofula ,
Salt Hhoum and all other blood disorders
are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla , the
most popular and successful spring
The presence of large numbers of
wolves m Montana is alarming cattlemen
not a little. The deep snow has made
these animals particularly ravenous , and
as soon as it aisappcars they will come in
largo numbers , and in a condition to
attack most anything that will furnish
them food. The weak cattle will prove
an easy prey.
THE quality of the blood depends much
upon good or bad digestion and assimila
tion ; to make the blood rich in life and
strength giving constituents , use Dr. J.
11 , McLean's Strengthening Cordial and
Blood Purifier , it will nourish the prop
erties of the blood from which the elo-
uients -vitality are drawn.
A few days ago Mrs. Mary Pitts , of
Darcy. Ark. , was bitten by a mad dog.
A loadstone was procured and applied to
her wounds. It remained upon each some
time , and was repeatedly applied. Hope
is expressed that a cure lias been effected.
Mrs. Pitts is the fourth person bitten
there recently , all of whom have been
treated with a madstonc.
F. J. McShano's house at C28 Park
'avenue was entered by burglars last
night. A good w atch was stolen.
with strict recud toPnrttr , Pteengtsi , s (
inoa * . Or. race's Baking Powder eontata
no AmmocisJJmv M n m ot "h r-tiHn Dr-lTics1 !
Taking to Substitutes How Roscoe
ConklinR Broke XJi n Habit.
New York Sun : Manufacturers of to-
basco Bay that the habit of chewing is
rapidlv becoming as obsolute as that of
snuff-taking , except among worklngmcn.
" 1'ou will lind some of the older men of
wealth and refinement who chew nowa
days , " said a large dealer , " .but they ao-
quln-d the habit years ago , when it was
not thoucht vulgar or disreputable to
chew. Some of the older judges chew ,
and there were members of the supreme
court of the United States who were not
easy on the bench unless they had a quid.
A very few clergymen use tobacco in
this way , and not a few of the older
lawyers and other professional men of
years. But in the younger generation of
cultivated men of good manners there
are very few , comparatively , now to be
found who chew. The young men of
to-day rarely acquire the habit , and I
predict that within the next few years
users of the weed in this form will bo
only those who belong to the less ctiltj-
vated society. It is now regarded very
bad form to chow , though thirty years
Ego It was not. No : chewing is going
the way of snuff-taking.
Many of our most prominent public
men have fought hard to overcome this
habit. In Chicago and ot. Louis chewing
is now regarded as vulgar by persons
who make any pretensions to social
standing , and many of the devices cm-
ployed by men to overcome the habit arc
amusing. At the late trial of Maxwell
in St. Louis the three prosecuting officers
were noticed constantly chewing during
the trial , and one of them said : "Yes ,
we arc chewing spruce gum. and we are
doing it to break the habit of chewing to
baccoand if you will notice on the s'trcet
you will see three men out of five ( I mean
those of course who are not workingmen )
vigorously working their jaws. They are
chewing gum , for there seems to oe a
tacit agreement among gemtlemcn here
to quit chewing tobacco. "
Many men now carry a strip of slippery
elm in their pocket , and when they feel
the old craving como over thorn , then
they bite off a bit and chew it. A down
town druggist said that he sold a great
deal of licorice root to men who were
trying to break the tobacco habit. Ros
coe Conkliug used to chow , although he
never used tobacco prepared for chewing.
Ho had a habit of taking a coed cigar ,
cutting it in two in the middle , then
placing the cut end of one of the halves
between his teeth , he would chew it. He
did not lake what Ben Butler is so fond
of , a dry smoke , as it is called , but he
chewed ths cigar. He determined to
break this habit.and to help him the more
easily to conquer it , ho filled his pockets
with lozenpes or other choice candies
every morning. Colliding has a very
sweet tooth , and is very fond of good
candy. The last three or fouryears he
was in the senate he was rarely without
a lozenge or other cardy in his mouth.
Senator Eaton anl Senator Jones , of
Florida , were both pets of Conkling , and
both being very fond of candy almost
daily performed this little comedy : Eaton
would stroll over to Conkling's dqvk and
and chat a few moments , never failing to
eyince the profound admiration for
Conkling that ho had. By and by he
would sa3" : "Conkling , what do you do
when your throat is dry and husky ? "
Thereupon Conkling would produce a
box , in which there wore sugar plumbs ,
and Eaton , taking two or three , would
stroll leisurely awaj * with one in his
mouth. By and by Jones would walk
across the aisle and make his obeisance
to Conkliug. Then he would cough and
hem and clear his throat. Out would
come tlie box , and Jones made himself
happy with two or three candies after
sufficient hesitation about taking them.
Once when Jones , of Nevada , was mak
ing a speech and his voice grow husky.
Conkling arose , pulling his box of con
fections from his pocket , and presented
it to the miner , with as much formality
and dignity as though conferring the or
der of the garter. He afterward told
Jones that ' f he would eat moro candy
and use loss tobacco he would have no
trouble with his voice.
But if the habit of chewing is decreas
ing , that of smoking is gaining. The
coming generation , by all signs , will all
A. Rnjre for Silrer Handles.
New York Mail and Express : The
rage for silver handles for canes , um
brellas and parasols , has reached euch a
stage that designers arc almost at their
wits' end for new _ and novel patterns to
satisfy the public. In conversation with
a representative of one of the leading
dealers , a reporter learned that twenty
men are kept busy the year round by the
firm in designing and making silver and
gold handles. In silver alone , since the
rage began , over six hundred different
designs have been brought out by this
one firm. Just now there is a big de
mand for these handles in silver. One of
of the most popular is in imitation of
btickhorn , and is worth $10. Another of
the latest patterns is a crook , containing
on one side , in raised letters , the name
of the owner in fac-similo of his hand
writing. Fully a thousand of these have
already been told , though it is a very re
cent design. A handle of this kind is
worth $3.50 , and fifty cents additional is
charged per letter. A novelty in this line
is a piece of carved wood usually an
Indian's bead which is silver plated.
Another odd design is a miniature imita
tion of a stump , with a match box ib the
top and a corkscrew in the handle.
Other popular patterns are a horse's
hoof , branch of a tree with a beetle upon
it , an eagle's head , a keg , a duck's head ,
piece of wood with an alligator upon it ,
ball with a fish in raised work , and a
claw grasping a ball. For the handles of
parasols and ladies' umbrellas the new
est styles are largo rings and crooks in
imitation of twisted cord. It takes ten
days to perfect a design and produce it
in silver after it has been decided upon.
They first carve the design in wood. Then
it is placed in plaster ot Paris and an im
pression is taken. That is sent to the
foundry and a cast is mado. When il
comes from the foundry it is of course in
a very rough state , and it requires dayi
to bring out its line points by tiling. This
requires very bkillfu' . workmen. Thot
the die is ready to bo used. The die if
then placed under n largo drop hammer
like a trip hammer , and the pounding
continues until half of the handle is pro'
duced. The other half is made in th <
same wav and the two arc soldered to
gelhcr. That also has to bo done will
much skill. Then it is taken to the chasei
and after that to the finisher and polisher
When will the average citizen stoj
spending his hard earnings on cigars am
tobacco ? Give it up ? Well , when hi
finds ho can do without tobacco anc
cigars , but not without Dr. Bull's Cougl
Salvation Oil , the greatest pain cure OT
earth , is compounded of purest drugs. I
is guaranteed to contain nothing of i
poisonous character. Only 5 cents i
Raymond Ferguson , of UUca , Ind. , i
the father of a week-old baby that weigh
just one pound. Its arms are threi
inches long ; its legs four inches ; it is wcl
formed and apparently healthy , am
bids fair to live and grow , its fathe
and mother each weigh over 150 pounds
In making the assertion that Pozzoni'
medicated complexion powder is entir
ly free from injurious or deadly poison
wo do it upon the authority of a thorong ]
chemical analysis. It is one of thooldes
face powders m American market , am
is used in the families of some of ou
most prominent medical men who hav
personally acknowledged to the proprie
or that they uot only considered it harm
es , but eJteomod it highly beneficial ii
rery respect. Sold by all druggists.
Fifty "PULLMAN PLACE" Lots will be sold at Public Auc
tion Saturday Morning , March 26th ,
Will leave the B , & M , Tenth Street Depot promptly at half past ten o'clock on above date
The above lots will be sold at auction to the highest bidder , and to parties \vho will build homes we will make tl 5
most favorable terms , and grant all the time necessary in which to make payments.
Is bound to be the leading South Omaha addition , A dummy depot on Block 4 is a certainty
wholesale lumber yards , varnish factories and warehouses are soon to be established ,
Remember the date , SATURDAY MORNING , MARCH 26tli , at 10:30 : A. M. Watch for
the band.
ITarnam St. .
- . - . - . - - -
, LJ 1 , jg
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Moline , Milburn & Stoddard Co. ,
Buggiesf Soad Carts ,
Fanning Mills , Corn Shelters ,
Also Special Inducements on
Pricei and Terms Furnished on Application.
Corner Ninth and Pacific Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Lawrence Ostrom & Co.
Is Death to Consumption ,
Malaria , Sleeplessness ,
Chills and Foverg Or Insomnia , anil
Typhoid Foyer , Dissimulation ,
Inllzestiou , 01 Food ,
Dyspepsia , Ten Years Old ,
m rsrlcal Fevers So Fnsel Oil ,
Absolutely Puro.
Blood loisoaia ;
This will certify thit I hare oramlnsJ the BELLE OF BODUDO K WII1FKT. JtfrlTffl fromL
tNC OsTRtTM & Oo , amd found thsmmeto be j > erreotr ! free Jraaj Fmel Oil anil all otbsr ( J let
onstubitaacet and strictly pure. I cheerfully recommend tbe arae for rnlly nl Modlclo * parpsioi
J. P. DAUNDM.M.D , AmlytlMl OhemUt. Loulirlllo , Ky.
ronalf by DrnzElitl. VTluo Merchanti and Qrocen ererywhere. Price I1.U P9r bottle.
If notfonnfl at the above , hair doien bottles , oxpron puia , In plain bozei , will b * sank to anyallrast
In the United StaWs or Canada , on receipt of Biz dollars.
LAWRENCE OSTROM & Co. Louisville , Ky
Wholesale and Distributing Agents ,
JlILEr < Q DILLON , Wholesale Liquor Dealers , f Omaha.
Families tnipnlied bit GLADS1ONE BROS. < CCO. , Omaha.
Watchei , Diamond * , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largest stock. Price * the lowest Repairing * specialty. Work warranted.
Corner Douglas and 15th streets , Omaha. Licenced Watchmaker for the Union
Pacific Railroad Company.
The G. E. Mayne Real Estate and Trust Co.
Property o ! every de cription for i&lo m all parts of th oitj. L&ndi for ial U
rrerj county in Nebraska.
Of Titles of Douglas county kept. Maps ot tbe city state or county , or Mf oth
desired furnished free of charge upon application ,
1887 Spring Valley Stocfc Farm. 1887 ,
George "WilkcB 519. Record 2:22. :
Measured by 2:20 : , the 2:2.1 : nnd tbo SU3 : stand
nrdwnBtuo ; RieuUBt tbixt mor lived. HIIVIIIR
now 55 sons and dauchtere lu the 2:3J : list down
The'only son or Goorjro Wlikes In the State ot
3541 Black Wilkes 3541 Standard.
Slrod by Georse Wilkes fil9 : 1st dam Fanny
Boll. Blri-d by Confodomte Chief , own brother
to VVoodford Chief. X-.225-4 : 2nd dam Rysdyk's
ilambletonlan. Will stand lor nmrcs ut the
above farm at J35 the season , cash time of M r-
vice , with prlvllppo of return Fhould nmrcs not
prore In foal. Limited to SO mures bosldos raj-
own. Season comment-OS Fob. 1st and ends
August l < a,16S7. For further particulars Bend
' "olr"J" '
Nebraska National Bani
Paid up Capital $250,000
Surplus 40,000
a. W. Yates , President.
A. K. Touzalin , fine President
\V. 11 , S. Hushes , Cashier.
Dinrcroiis :
W. V. Morse , John S. Collins.
H. W. Yates , Lewis S. Reed ,
A. E. Touzalin.
Cor lUtb and Farnam Sts.
A Geacral Banking Business Transacted.
The only roftfl to take for DCS Molncs M ur-
chnlltown , Cedar Ilnuldp , Cllctin , Dlxun , Chlcn-
ro.Mllwnukoo und all j.olntH cam. To tbo jx-o-
j > l of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah ,
Idaho , Nevada , Oropon. Washlnirton und Cull- oil firs superior iun untunes not poeal-
bio by any other line.
Amonjr n few of the numerous points of BU-
porlority enjoyed by the [ nitrons of this road
between Omaua mid fhlciiFO.itro Its two tralni
dny of DAV COAOHKS. which are the nnest
Unit liumnn art and mirenulty can crunte. lu
I'ALALIIBI.KKPJNO'CAllS. which are models
of comfort and eleiuico Us I'AKLOIl UKAW-
1KG KOOM CAUS , unnurpassoj by any , und lu
widely celebrated PALATIAL IJININO CAUS
tbe equal nf which cannot bo found elsewhere
At Council niutld the trnlns of tMoUnlonl'aolflo
Itv. connect In Union Depot with these or the
Chicago 4 Northwestern Ity. In Chlcntro thr
trains of this line make close connection with
thone of all eaMern lines.
I'or Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis. Cincin
nati , NiagaraFalU , Buffalo. 1'ltUburK.Toronto ,
Montreal , Uoston , New Yore , Philadelphia ,
Baltimore. WuMitiiffton and all points in the
east , ask tor a ticket vln thn
If you wlsb the best accommodation. All ticket
atreute bell tickets via this line ,
Gcnl Maniffor. Gcnl. i'UM'r Agent
Chicago. I1L
Wcctcrn Afrent. City Pass'r Agunt ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Decker Brothers
& M MOflE CATARnil. TheGw tO nn n
kerned j U t ( mutlre cure , rrce tuniil *
NU iwckait And lx > ok for 4 ccntt ID stAmiift.
V U. M U lCi CO. JUit lUiapUm , C u.
Tor the n lid and cu re off
ecKUMpTioi , iRucKrrn ,
FUrid flump for Ui
! , * an lnt 're llnc book OT
k 1 , W Tjucen. four falor 4 n t
I A ; B. Our Orvacn it toff-
* tv tent amirwhfre in IM
* United Rtatft , Canada o *
Europe III Ej-prttt. fatf ,
plain. flompW tltricttunl trifA rnch frwiftn'tif Addrtiaj
DR. PElRO. Ckle > S.Ojwr Ho" " . UUUUO , ILL.
. . .
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado ,
Of the Missouri Stale Museum of Anatomy ,
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New
York , Having devoted their attention
Nervous , Chronic and
More especially those arising from impru
dence , unite all BO suffering to correspond-
without delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured safely nnd speedily with
out detention from business , and \ulhout
the use of dangerous drugs. Pa
tients whose cases have been neglected ,
badly treated or pronounced incurable ,
should not fail to write us concerning their
symptoms. All letters receive immediate
And will he mailed FREE to any addren
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , "practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an '
' Essay on Marriage , " with important chap- *
tcrs on Diseases of the Reproductive Or
gans , the whole foiming a valuable medical
treatise which should be read by all young
men. Address ,
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorad * .
1707 Olive St..St. Lewis , Mo. >
. *
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