Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1887, Image 1

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Omaha's Charter Changes By the House
Concurred in By the Senate.
It is Hcoonimcnileil For Pnsunso By n
1/nrjjo Mnjorlty In the howcr
Ilranch Adjoiirriiucnt to
Conic Tliurmlay.
Bnnato Proceeding" '
LINCOLN , Neb. , March 24.-Spcclal | Tele
gram to the Uir..J : Sunatu HieJO was re
committed to the general lilu ; 229 , prohibit
ing the killing of chickens between January
1 and August 15 , was passed ; 2'S. relating to
stopping trains at railroad crossings , was
sent back to thu general hie ; 2sa , concerning
' frauds , was passed ; also 27J , abolishing Im
prisonment In civil action ; also SK4 , amend
ing the code in forclblu entry and detainer
ArrniiNooN sr.ssiox.
The afteinoon session of the senate opened
With tirst reading of house rolls. Some lit-
teen 01 twenty weie read the Hist time ,
among them being the bill relating to guard-
Inns and wards , the bill creating a bnttalllon
of university students , the bill for the relie !
of the village of Albion , to amend statutes
on bonds , and others. House bills on second
reading were thu one relating to public
schools In metropolitan cities , making appro
priations for new buildings at thu blind
asylum at Nebraska City , and the bill estab
lishing the military codu for the stato.
Thu president ot the senate signed in open
session senate Hlu 1U relating to thn practice
of dentistry ; sunatu lilu : )2 ) , prohibiting poolIng -
Ing among u'rain dealurs ; senate lilo 2iO ( , the
chatter for Plattsmouth and other cities of
the second class of over 5,000 Inhabitants.
On third reading and final passage , a num
ber of bllls'that were favorably considered
and reported the day befoio In committee of
the whole were read and passed.
Mr. Calkins called upon the. judiciary com
mlttce , through resolution , demanding a ru-
on housu roll -I ! ! which had been in their
ands for some time. The resolution was
The joint committee on the Omaha charter
reported agreeing to the housu amendments.
Thu report was signed by Snoll , Robblnsand
Conger of the senate and Russell. Nicliol ,
liallard and Sweet of the house. Tlio rupert
was adopted ,
Thu senate. In committee of the whole , Mr.
Schmlnko of Otooin the chair , considered
favorably thu bill regulating prinmiy elec
tions nnd It was recommended to pass.
Mr , Linlnger's bill requiring all railroad
companies In the state to run excursions one
day In every seven on all lines of road , and
providing that the charges on these trains
should not exceed : i cents a mile , nnd that
the trains should uo inadu up of first-class
coaches and thu running of the trains bo
duly advertised , provoked a good deal of dis
cussion and called iorth a number of burles
que amendments. Mr. Llnlnger stated that
It was a peculiar and paying custom on all
Knropean railroads , and the bill was recom
mended to pass.
At this stage in the proceedings the senate
started out to have some fun at thu ex
pense of Mr. Schmlnku and motions of
all kinds and characters were made. Mr.
Schmlnko and the gavel prevailed and Mr.
Kent's bill to allow the organl7iitlon of mu
tual Insurance companies to farmers was con
sidered. Mr. Colby opposed and Mr. Mclklc-
john favored the bill , the debate becoming
animated , in the coursuof which Mr. Mulklu-
john held up a policy of the licatrlco fraud
ulent company and raked that Institution.
The bill was amended so that such campanles
organized should not employ agents or de
clare dividend * .
The committee rose and the senate ad-
journca. '
Dolnes in the House.
LINCOLN , Neb. , March 24. [ Special Tele
gram to thn HUE. I Mr. Sullivan of Phitte
asked that the anti-gambling bill be made a
special order for to-morrow at 10 o'clock.
Mr. Young of Douglas moved to amend
that the bill be Indelinltcly postponed. In
support of his motion ho remarked that ho
supposed any one who should oppose this
bill wottld bo suspected ot having blood'ln
bis eye or boodle In his pocket. But ho
didn't have either. The present law was
good enough , although under it no convic
tions were being made. The proposed law
simply changed the penalty , and ho wanted
to have it IndellnUely postponed.
Mr. Sullivan thought that a largo number
of tlio members of the house did not know
the features ot the bill and It would bo an
absurdity to Indellnlteiy postpone it without
a hearing.
Mr. Uowman of Platte said that this was
the bill whlrh had caused the judiciary com
mittee to be lampooned throughout the state.
Yet It was a bill about which the members , ho
felt , knew but little. It was duo to the mem
bers and It was duo to the judiciary commit
tee that the bill should be discussed so that ,
if It should bo postponed Indetlnltely , the
people might understand why that action was
Mr. Miller ot Butler said the punishment
of the bill was dlsproportlonedto the offense ,
nnd be was opposed to taking up time in dis
cussing laws which could not bo enforced ,
and especially when there were other sub
jects of more Importance to the people await
& ing consideration.
MS * aft. Smyth was opposed to considering the
bill as a special order.and favored Mr. Young's
motion tor Indefinite postponement. It had
been urged that this bill was the one which
had caused the judiciary committee to be
lampooned , but tlio house had already
passed upon the charges , and Had
declared that the committee was Innocent.
Making thu bill a special order would add
nothing to that declaration. Why should
they time In considering a bill which
might bo termed Iniquitous when there was
so many other things demanding their at
tention ? The bill In question only changed
the ofTcnso of gambling from a misdemeanor
to felony , with corresi > ondlng punishment.
The present law was not enforced and the
proposed ono would not nor could not be en-
orceil. If It were possible to prevent gam
bling , lie would favor the bill , but it was not
I ho therefore opposed It.
Mr. liallard said that If what the last
speaker had said wore true , them would bane
no need for laws against horse stcalliu.
There was a question of principle Involved
and to postpone would say to thu pcoplo
that the principle ot right and wrong was
not appreciated.
Mr. i oung called for the ayes and nays.
The amendment was lost , but 17
votes being In the alternative ns follows :
Andres , ( Survey , McCann , Harrison , .Mat-
thlcson. Bentley , Ricf , Wllsoy , Wolenwuber ,
Smyth , Slmanek , Kwlng , Horst , McKouna.
Overtoil. Tiacey and Young.
Mr. Whltmore of Douglas voted against
Thu bill was made a special order for to
morrow at 10 o'clock.
A message trom the governor was received
suggesting that the house taku KOIUO action to
uncourave IrglRlatlon protecting the cattle of
the state from disease , and recommending
the bill just passed the senate as doing away
with the constitutional objection which now
obtains to the pi ft en t veterlnaiy commis
Srnato file 11)7 ) VTHS oidcred to a third read.
Ing ; also house roll 251 , providing for ceme
teries In cities of the second class ; also SN\
providing that not less than five peisom
may Incomornto to build and maintain union
depots , 'lids bill was introduced by Mr ,
llelmrod of Douglas , and refers to the pro
peed depot In Omaha.
Mr. Underbill wanted the live stock bill
nude a special order.
Mr. Ague wanted house roll 1CS , nay I IK
Judge Hoar , of Massachusetts , lor.service lr
securing the saline lands.
Confusion ensued , everybody wr.nllni : t (
advance Ids own bills to special outer. A
number of amendments were offered and thi
matter was tabled ,
Mr. Whltmoro , of Douglas , moved for tin
apDolntmcnt of five members to K-lrct tin
most Important bills on thu general file ain
report the same to the house to expedite bust
DPSS. The commute was Increased to ten.
Mr. Linlnger's tile 51. authorl/.lnc rcllgloiv
octettes to clmngejlhelr iiauics , was ordcrct :
( or third reading.
Mr. HMdenV bill , 48G , was Indelinltclj
postponed. It provided tortUe publlcatior
of every claim paid out of stale moneys for
the house at this session ,
A number of bills were reported favorably
from committees.
Senate lllo W , providing for a homo for de
pendent children , was Indefinitely post
Senate file Ol , denning the boundaries of
lllchardson , Neinaha , lilackblid and Dakota
counties , was reported favorably. Mr. Slater
presented a minority icport and character
ized thu matter as a job , and Mr. llaydun
said it was a bit of pernicious legislation.
The housu went into committee ot the
whole , Mr. Aewcomcr In the chair , and sen
ate lilo 223 was called.
Mr. Randall held that the constitution
needed changes In many respects. The sal
aries ot some ot thu olllccryouglittobu raised
nnd the people should be given the right to
\otudlrcct for commissioners , \\hlch cannot
now bu done , because ot Its unconstltiitlon-
Mr. Harlan said the Greatness of Nebraska
was just beginning to dawn. The present
constitution was framed when the wonder
ful growth of thu statu could not ha\u been
foreseen. As a consequence that Instru
ment required a number of changes. There
should bo an Increase In thn number of
Judge. ? of thu supreme couit. To secure this
Increase Micro would have to be submitted a
constitutional amendment. Thu supiciiie
court had passed that they could not have a
commission unless by having the members
of the samu appoint secretaries who attended
to all thu work. It occurred to him that It
would bu the proper'thing to do to appoint a
i ail way commission with power to inako
rates. Hut they could nut have such a body ,
however , unless thu constitution should bu
amended. The only way out of this dilli-
culty was for the pcoplo to send delegates tea
a constitutional convention.
A vote was taken on Mr. Agco's motion to
Indulinltuly postpone , icsiiltlng In 44 in the
alllrmativu and : t' ) In thu negative.
Mr. Suell's senate Hlu 101 was considered.
It luovldes for the lining to the amount of
& , OJ and imprisonment for six months ot
any person who shall writu or publish u ma
licious libel.
Mr. Bowman's amendment , giving courts
jurisdiction In any county where the libel
may be circulated , was adopted.
At Mr. Russell's instance an emergency
clause was added.
Mr. Andres was opposed to the amend
ments. Hu said that he favored the bill ,
however , because tlio press had degenerated
nnd that it had begun to cater to scandal , and
thus abandoned Its legitimate intent of ex
pounding public opinion. As members of
the legislature they had had experience of
abuse , and ho felt that the loading down with
amendments would kill the bill.
Mr. Young wanted stricken out the proviso
relating to the Imprisonment In the peniten
tiary of the publisher of a libel In a paper of
general circulation.
Mr. Rtef said that ho did not want to have
tlicsn newspaper < men In the penitentiary ,
which would be thu case If thu bill
should pass. If any members of the
housu had been warmed up by the
business end of the lii : : It was their own
fault. These newspaper men sometimes
made mistakc.s , but tlioy ought not to bo per
secuted tney were , in tact , a necessary evil.
ILaughtcr. ] They weie doing good , and try-
( ni : their best to keep the legislators straight.
Mr. Young said that some of the members
of thu house had used just as hard words
against one another on the floor as had been
used against them by any newspaper man.
Thu latter sometimes mauo mistakes , but that
was no reason why they should bo sent to the
penitentiary In droves. He wanted the pio-
vlso referred to stricken out.
The bill was recommended to pass , and the
committee rose and reported.
When tlio committee reported on the con
stitutional convention half a dozen motions
and amendments were made looking toward
the killing of the movement but without suc
cess , as the bill was finally ordered for third
Mr. Young moved that the report of the
committee on the libel bill namely , that the
samu be adopted be not concurred In.
It was amended to adopt and this was car
ried with the following vote :
Yeas Abrahamson , Agco , Alken , Alex
ander , Andrews , Babcock , Bailey , Baird ,
liallard , liowmati , BrownCaIdwcllCaineion ,
CannonColo. Cope , Crane , Dempster , Dickin
son , Dillcr , Kirgleston , Klsley , Kills. Fenton ,
Fox , Frantz , Fuchs , Fuller , Gafl'ord , Gamble ,
Garvey , Green , Knox , Lies veld. Lord , Mar
shall , McCann , McConaughy , McGrew , McKenna -
Kenna , Mlnnlx , Newcomer , Newton , Nicliol ,
Norrls , Pcmborton. Peters , Randall , Raymond
mend , Russell , Satchel ) . Schwab , Shamp ,
Slater , Smyth , Sweet , Thornton , Tingle ,
Trncsdell , Wardlaw , Wcthurald , White ,
Whltmore , Wilson , Wllsey , Wrkht ,
Nays Andres , Barrett , Bentley , Blck ,
Craig , Kwlng , Gllmore , Harrison , Hayden ,
llelmrod , cHorst , Jearv , Keiper , Kenney ,
Latta , Matthtson , Miller , Overtoil. Roll ,
Simms , Slmaueck , Sullivan , Tracey , Turner.
Tyson , Underbill , Vcach. Watson , \Vil-
helnis-t'ii , Wolenwebcr , Young and Mr.
Speaker 32.
Mr. Russell , from the joint confcienco
committee of the house and senate , re-
reported , recommending that the amend
ments to the Omaha charter be concurred In.
On motion of Mr. Raymond thu report was
Mr. Caldwell , from the committee on ad
journment , reported that they recommended
the closing of both houses sine die , Thurs
day , March 31 , at 12 o'clock at night. The
report was adopted.
The house went Into committee of the
whole , Mr. Peters in the chair.
House roll 131 , regarding the sale of li
quors , had Its enacting clause stricken out.
The Saline bill , house roll 183 , was brought
up again. A special committee reported yes
terday that this land was worth 8500 an acre.
The packers want to secure about 500 acres at
a nominal value , after the appraisal of the
board of public lauds and buildings.
Mr. Hayden wanted to amend to limit the
number ot acres to be sold to 100.
Mr. Caldwell offered an amendment to the
amendment Increasing It to 320 acres.
Mr. Miller spoke against the bill.
Mr. Caldwell made a long speech In favor
of the sale and scouting the committee's esti
mate of valuation at 8500 per acre.
Mr. Ageo wanted the bill to bo preferred tea
a special committee of live for amendments.
Mr. Uowman wanted the question to bo
settled In the house.
Mr. Rlef said he had examined the land and
found It full of mineral properties. Five
hundred dollars was a reasonable value loren
on acre of It , when It was known that two
miles beyond there was an addition In which
lots were selling at from STOO to 51.700 anlece.
Messrs. Tracy. Slater and Newcomer spoke
In favor of the bill.
Mr. Overton said the bill was like soup
made out of rocks uo good. He moved to
strike out the enacting clause.
Mr. liallard explained how the committee
had decided that the land was worth $500 an
Several other speeches were make and Mr.
Alice's motion to recommit it was can led.
Mr. Harlan stated he had received a tele
gram from Mr. Roscwatcr [ published in an
other column ] announcing his return tc
Omaha and Declaring his willingness to prove
his charges of bribery against certain mem
bers of the judiciary committee. Mr. Harlan
further announced that he had answered Mr ,
Rosuwnter In substance that the committee
on Investigation had reported and that as il
had been discharged there was now no inves
tigation pending.
The committee rose and reported and the
report was adopted.
The lunate amendments to bouse roll IK
were concurred In.
The senate announced that It liatl concu rrec
In thu housu amendments to the Omaha char
A quorum was slow In assembling this eve
nine. Thu house went Into committee of tlu
whole on the general tile , Mr. Slater in ttu
Mr. Watson's roll 112 , providing for tin
publishing ot the session laws In one or twt
papers In each countv. was killed.
Mr. Kwinjc's roll 8W , constfnlng the torn
"thirty days , " referring to the printing o
legal notices , to mean four consecutive pub
llcations in a wcukly nopnivr , was alsi
No. 400 , amending the constitution maklni
the cost of legal reports thu same In botl
r.nsllbh and German papers' . Instils cnactlni
clause. The same fate attended 4UI , settlni
the rates of legal ad\ertllnir. All these- bill ;
weie introduced at the Instance of the Ne
lira ska Kdltorlal association.
Mr. Newcomert bill , 34S , produced a breezi
and merriment. It provides for glvini
not Irss than thirty-nine lashes or tbre <
months' Imprisonment to wife beaters. Hi
caused a general laugh by prefacing that bi
knew that any person who wanted to beat his
wife would oppose the bill.
Messrs. Tlnele and Italian ! characterized It
as bat baric and the- former made a rousing
speech on this theory.
I'hu bill , however , was recommended for
passage amid hearty laughter by a vote of o'J
to 34
The judillary committee reported that they
weru unable to reduce the number of dlstilct
judges to sixteen as they had been requested
and recommended the passage of the bill as
amended three days ago with twenty judges.
It gives , among other. " , two Judges to each of
the First , Second , Fourth and Seventh dls-
ti lets , and four to the Third district. It was
reported upon favorably. It has been pub
lished In thu BIK. :
llousu roll ! B3. allowing a stenographer to
e.tch of thu supreme couit judges , was rec
ommended for passage.
Housu roll 2ii ; ) . prescribing the fees of
county olllecrs , was killed :
Mr. Sullivan's bill , 3in , rendering It Impos
sible for plaintiffs to collect costs when the
damaeus are less than S. " > , was favorably ru-
The committee rose and reported.
The following committee to select bills of
general Interest now on Hie and report the
samu to the housu was appointed bv thu chair :
Randall , Noirls. Bowman , Cole , Miller , Rus
sell. Newcomer , Latta , McCann and Watson.
Adjourned. _
The Charter Conference.
LINCOLN , Neb. . March 21. [ Special Tele
gram to the Br.i : . | The Joint committee of
conference of thu Omaha charter met airaln
this morning. The amendments weie con
sidered but no conclusion was reached.
Another meeting was held this afternoon
at 1:30 : o'clock , when the following was
agreed upon by all the members except
" .Messrs. Llnlnger and Duras of the senate
and Smyth of thu house :
We , the members of the 'joint conference
committee of both houses , appointed to con
sider senate Hie 84 , have had the same under
consideration and ber leave to report the
same back to our respective houses
with the recommendation that It do pass as
amended by the house , and that the amend
ments be concurred in.
( Signed ) W. H. bNiiL : ,
H. II. CO.NCKI : ,
H. C. Rt'sii.i : , .
. J. R. KAI.I.ABP ,
iN SWIIT. : :
Tlio Snllno
LINCOLN. Neb. , March 24. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEK.J The special committee
appointed by Speaker Harlan to amend the
Saline lands sale bill , consisting of Messrs.
Agee , Peters , Sullivan , Morris and Shamp.
viewed the grounds this afternoon between 0
and 7:30 : o'clock , under the dhcctlon of
Messrs. Imhotl and Fitzgerald. They were
then given a supper at the Windsor , after
which they decided upon amending the bill ,
suggesting the sale of 210 acre' , which shall
bu divided Into parcels of forty acres , the
minimum prlco of which per aero ranges
from 8100 to 500. : ; The minimum price set
lor the 240 acres is 840,000. In order to sug
gest these changes the bill had to be changed
most radically , The committee's report is
ready and will be made to-morrow morning.
Will Aid the > orth\vcstern.
HASTINGS , Neb. , March 24. iSpeeial Tele
gram to the BKK.J At 10 o'clock this morn
ing the railroad committee of the board of
trade , together with nearly a hundred promi
nent business men , met at the board of trade
rooms to receive a pi oposlt ion from the Chicago
cage & Northwestern railroad. Upon being
Introduced , Judge Post , the company's at
torney , stated that the North western had de
cided to build through the state from north-
cast to southwest and were ready tocouslder
a proposition from the city of Hastings. Ho
stated further that his company asked only
for a sutllclent amount of bonds to pay for
rlcht of way , depot grounds , etc. The board
of trade lirsl offered S50.000 , which amount
was not acceptable. On behalf of the com
pany Judge Post then made the following
definite pioposition : That if Hastings would
vote aid to tlio extent of 800,000 the
Northwestern would agree to have the road
completed Into Hastings bv January 1 of the
coming year. The proposition was accepted
by a unanimous -vote. Judge Post then
stated that if reasonable assurances would bu
given that the bonds would be voted the com
pany would not waltfor the election , " but that
dirt would be living on the line within a few
days. Committees have been appointed to
canvass each ward of the city for signatures.
The citizen' ; are foellng jubilant over thu
proposition and the bonds will be voted with
little or no opposition.
Destructive Fire at Duiibar.
Ni'.niiASKA CiTY.Neb. , March.24. | Special
Telegram to the BIK. ] The largo frame store
of Jones & Francis , at Dunbar , took tire at
10 o'clock this morning. A high wind pre
vailed , and soon the entire block was allamc.
The buildings were occupied by D. K. Ruse ,
hardware , loss 83,500 ; A. Weiler , butcher ,
81,000 ; Jones & Francis , 1,500 : on the
Jenkins' building , S3.000. The total loss
will foot up S10,00 ( > . Some goods wure saved.
The lire wont out Itself atter burning all of
the above buildings. Had the wind been In
the south the eutlre town would have been
DuNnAii , Neb. , March 24. [ Special Telegram -
gram to the BKB.J A disastrous lire , orig
inating from a defective Hue In the store of
Jones & Francis to-day , totally consumed
four of the principal business buildings of
the town , with nearly all the contents. A
high wind was blowing at the time , and
water was scarce. The losses are as follows :
1) . Kruse , hardware , $4,300 , insured for
82,400 : Jones & Francis , general merchan
dise , SO.OOO , insured for S3.800 ; A. Wheeler.
meat market , 82,500 , insured for 81,300 , and
a largo Implement building valued at 31,500 ,
Insurance unknown.
Killed by an Emory Wheel.
KENRSAW , Ncb. , March 24. [ Special to
the BEK. ] About 4:30 : p. m. yesterday , as
John Huckfeldt , a blacksmith , was polishing
a plow lay , Ids emery wheel burstcd , striking
the lay and driving the point Into his head
just above and a little behind his left car
fully three Inches. The weight of the lay
prying downward opened his skull , letting
out u portion of his brains. Hu lay uncon
scious until about 0SO : last evening and died.
It Is generally supposed that the bursting of
the wheel was caused by being run at too
great a speed , lbOO revolutions per minute.
Mr. Hucufeldt was a line mechanic and bu-
Ing widely and favorably known , his sudden
death has caused a feeling of gloom over thu
entire country. He leaves a wile and three
small children. _
Durt County People Indignant.
OAKLAND , Neb. , March 24. [ Special to
the BEE. ] The citizens of Burt county are
very Indignant over the bill In the legislature
reducing the county to make Thurston county.
Petitions have been numerously circulated
all over this county , and unanimously slimed ,
asking the governor to Interpose his veto In
rase tlio bill passes both houses. It has been
looked up by some ot our ablest men , and
pronounced unconstitutional , tirst having
to submit this question to the voters of said
The ) Nominated Fitzgerald.
LINCOLN , Neb. , March 21. [ Special
Telegram to the BKK. | To-night the com
mittee on nomination for city ofliccrs ap
pointed at thu citizens' meeting ono week
020 unanimously nominated John Fitzger
ald for mayor. No other nominations were
made , but another meeting will be held to
morrow afternoon at 1 o'clock. It Is under
stood that Mr. Fitzgerald will accept the
Kuzcno lllitKln * ' Ambition.
NEW YOHK. March 24. ( Special Telegiam
to the BBE.J The Times' Washington cor
respondent says that Eugene UUglns , ap
pointment clerk of the treasury department ,
Is credited with a desire to shake oil the cairs
of bis present office to assume the more ru-
muncniilve duties of warden of ! h * county
Jail at Baltimore ,
The Ohio Senator Talk * to the People of
An Eloquent Appeal to the South Tor
Justice and Fair 1'lny to
the African Ititce
Hcnnlor Shoriiinii's Speech.
NASIIVII.M : , March 21. Senator Sherman
and Ids patty were driven about thu city In
carriages , calling at the c.ipltol and at the
home of Mrs. James K Polk , at Vonderbllt
and Flsk unhcrsltlca and at several manu
facturing Institutions. At night In the state
capltol he spoke to an Immense audience.
A very larito audience listened to
the speech to-night delivered by Sen
ator Sherman on Invitation of tlio
republican members of the legislature
of Tennessee. Sherman said ho accepted the
Invitation believing "that a fair presentation
made to the people of Tennessee , without
distinction of patty , of the alms and princi
ples of our paity , both in tlio past nnd tor tlio
future , might induce them to join with us in
a public policy that will contribute to the in
terests of the people of Tennessee and of the
whole country more and greater benefits and
advantages than can possibly be conferred
upon them by the democratic party. I have felt
that the differences that grew out of the war
now hold a large body ot honest and patrlotlo
citizens of the south from co-operating with
the republican party who , In my judgment ,
are now In sympathy wltli us ; that perhaps
I might bo able to dissipate these prejudices
by a frank statement of the views which have
actuated the republican party In the past ,
and thus bring us into co-opeiatlon In meas
ures tending to advance thn common inter
ests and prosperity of our country. At all
events 1 feel confident that the people ol
Tennessee , who , i i om the very earliest set
tlement , have been distinguished for their
courage nnd independence , will : lvo a
stianijer among them a fair hearing tor hon
est opinions. " Alter dwelling upon tlio les
ions of his political life , bherman said.
'State rights , ns distinguished trom national
authority , has been the disluiblinr element lu
American politics. To the people at laigo
botli the state and nation are convenient lor
heoxeiclsoof distinct and srpaiato powers
for the common good' To thu individual clt-
ien they are tlio guardians of distinct and
separate rlihts and privileges , for which wo
ewe allegiance and duty. They arc not hos
tile snhcies , but like planets , moving In thu
grand harmony ot thu universe In filendly co
operation. But it is the people , the whole
peoplu and nothing but thu people that is the
governing and paramount power of our sys
tem. This , at least , is the theory I have been
laiight , and it any of you , reared in a differ
ent school , have Inherited jealousy and sus
picion of the federal authority and of es
pecial reveiencu for that of the statu of Ten
nessee , you may tind in this the germ of llo
controversy fought out In the war. It 1 un-
deistand the principles ot the republican
paity , 1 would say they aru embraced in the
trinity of the union , the constitution and the
country the preservation ot the union , the
maintenance of the full powers of the con
stitution , and the growth , piospcrity and
grandeur of our country in all its parts as it
Is now or is to be. These ideas we Inherit
from the wisest statesmen in American his
tory , and now since tney have been reaf-
lirnied by the war-there Isnothinz to divide
American citUcna oy sectional lines but
prejudice and passion : "
Tnu speaker then devoted himself to other
controveisies that finally led to
the war of the rebellion , and to
features of thn strife relating to Tennessee.
"When the war was over , " Sherman said ,
"tlio people of tlio north heartllv approved
the generous terms granted by General
Grant to General Lee and the confederate
troops , and wished that the people of the
south should bo restored to their rights and
privileges , subject only to such conditions as
honor and good faith seemed to demand aris
ing out ot the proclamation of President
Lincoln for the emancipation of thu slaves.
Both sides felt that the abolition of slavery
was a necessary result of the war , and it
seemed to us If the slaves wore to bo free
they must bu armed with the privileges of
freemen , and these were secured to them by
constitutional amendment. The attempt to
enforce these rights by the national authori
ties has thus far' ' partially failed , and now it
is conceded that under the limitations of the
constitution the rights of a citizen of a state
can only bo enforced through state
or national tribunals , and where
public opinion Is Intolerant nud
jurors will not do their duty , n citi/en , cither
white or black , may bo without remedy for
the grossest wrong , except the right to mi
grate to whore his rights will bo repncted.
Our Institutions are based upon tlio idea that
such a denial of rlchts Is impossible , and 1
trust that the time Is not far distant when
the people of every state will feel It to bo
both just and expedient that every citizen of
the state shall bo protected in thu tree and
equal enjoyment of every right and privilege
conferred by the constitution of the United
States. Xhe republican party Is pledged to
this polity , and though it will use no uncon
stitutional means to secure rights , It would
be falsa to Its principles if It does not use all
Its moral and legal power to that end. No
wrong can be done to'the humblest citizen
and no right withheld without reacting upon
the community at large. 1 was glad to
hear , In passing through several of
the southern states , conservative clti/ens
say that public sentiment now revolts at thu
unlawful methods to defeat the tree exercise
of equal rights of citizens that have been
adopted In several states , and are still prac
ticed In what are known as the black coun
ties of the south. A * long as such methods
are resorted to there will bo the keen sense ot
wrong and injustice to the injured pai tics ,
and those who practice such ollensos will In
the end suffer lor It. Sectional feeling will
continue to exist as long as large maeses of
people , whether poorer rich , white or black ,
ate denied their rights to share in self-govern
ment. But there is another ground upon
which 1 prefer to base my appeal to the south
for Justice and fair play to the African race.
It was recently eloquently stated In
debate by Senator Vest , of Missouri , that
when our wives and children were In their
hands during the war they acted as to make
every man In the south their friend who had
ono particle of manhood about him. If this
bu so , as all history attests , then wo may ap
peal to the manly spirit of our own nice .to
protect these frecdinmi fiom thu lawless In
justice and cruelty of all those of our racu
who may hereafter seek to deprive them of
plain , constitutional rights , either by open
lorco or by taking advantage ot their Ignor
ance. If tno klnulyipirlt stated by Senator
Vest Is manifested , the color line will disap
pear from American politics and wo can then
look only to the safety , development and
power of one great and united country. "
Sherman complimented the south on the
vast Improvement in the state of Its com
merce and manufacturing interests , and de
voted some time to the discussion of its labor
The speaker then turned to the discussion
of questions ot national politics which alike
altect all parts of the country and which
alone , ho said , ought to be thu subject of po
litical discussion namely , taxation , cur
rency , public credit , foreign and domestic
commeice , education , Internal Improve
ments. A'tiove all , the mode of national tax
ation was the most Important. Whichever
party Is In power would ilnd It necessary to
secure by some form of taxation about 800-
000,000 of revenue. If Tennessee should tax
the production of whisky , tobacco or beer ,
the speaker said. It would only drive the man
ufacture Into neighboring states which im
posed no such tax. Another reason why
these articles are taxed by congiess is that
the tax Is easily and cheaply collected and
more ficely paid than any other. The
speaker explained the views of the difl'ercnt
parties on the subject , Illustrating wlh ) vol
uminous statistics. After Illustrating the
operation of ti o law governing duties on Im
ports , civing-iiiiuierous statistics , the senator
spoke at Rome length In favor of a protective
policy. "Wo have had now , " he said "an ex
perience of twenty-live years under this sys
tem , and we can judge of Its effects oy the
actijal results , in IbCO the total manufac
tures of the United States were estimated at
SlbO.000.000 , Including nery variety of
mechanical employments. As 1
him ) already stated , these have
increased to o\er S.I.OOO.OOJ.OOO
In value and nearly Hvo lold In quantity ,
and thi'V Include almost every article essi'n-
tlal for human life. In thu pioductlon of all
these articles there Is now free tradu and
close competition In thu United States , and
tliu price has been greatly reduced on all of
them. Tlioy embrace almost cvnry article
used on thu farm , In thu workshop and in
nine-tenths of thu families of tliu United
States. Our Industry Is now so diversified
that there Is hardly an object of deslro out
side of the luxuries ot the i lull that are not
produird in the United States , and our homo
industries aru rapidly displacing foreign
articles of similar chai actor and quality. Wo
give to thu tanner a liumu nmikut lor home
product ! ) , so that now of all the products of
the fai in over IX ) pur cunt aiu consumed In
this country , though the asuregatu expoita-
lion amounts to nearly 5.moooouo In this
way. Also wo secure the laboring man for
better wascs than aiu paid In any other coun
try of Kuropo toenabh' him to he self-reliant ,
sulf-resnectlue , to.edueato his children and
enjoy thu substantial comtorts of life. "
The speaker heaped .somo good natured
ridicule on thu tarill Ideas of thu democratic
paity , touched on the financial problem , and
said : "Ono of the great objects of tliu lorma-
tlon of thu government was to seeure such
Improvements lor commerce. The gteat
cities ot the countiy think that all livers and
harbors arc unimportant except their own ,
and yet the commerce of the Ohio and Mis
sissippi rhors Is much creator in quantity
and value than thu commerce ol the United
States with foieign nations.
A K.oflj. Subscription For Chicago's
Imbor 1'nrty Knocked Out.
CHICAGO , March 24. Two weeks ago the
district assembly ot the Knights of Labor
o ! which Robuit Nelson , the candidate of the
labor paity lor mayor , Is a member , voted S50
to the united labor party out of the general
fund. In answer to a protest of another as
sembly , the following letter has been re
ceived :
Pini.Anr.MuuA , March 20. Secretary
Local Assembly 400 , Chicago : The appeal of
Local Assembly 100 was laid buloru thn gen
eral executive board and my decision , to the
cll'cct that the action taken by District As
sembly 21 in voting * > 0 to the united labor
party or any other paity was clrarly In viola
tion ot thu law and established precedent ,
was iiaiilmously approved by a majority ot
thu board. No money can bo voted from an
assemblv. district or local , for pur-
> ose.s. The members ot the board present
Vhen my oplnlonl was acted on wcru all of
my mind. They were Bailey , Bairy , Aylus-
.vorth . , Hayes and Cailetou , and General
Woithy Fo'iumaii ( irlllHhs was present also.
i.ocal assembly 400 will pay no assessments
or political purposes. With kind rugauls , I
eiuain , fraternally yours ,
T. V. ,
General Master Workman.
The district assembly of which Nelsnn Is
uastcr workman has a membership of U.'i.COJ ,
ncludlng , presumably , men of all the par-
: les. At Diessnt the entire machinery of dls-
lict organization is in the hands of a radical
'action , the friends of Nelson. The Iniine-
.liatu elfect of the ruling Is to prevent Nel
son's supporters from levying assessments
ipon his political antagonists or using the
.irganlzation as a political collection agency.
It is the general application , however , that
thu ruling Is most interesting , for the pre
cedent established defines tlio policy of the
Knights of Labor wherever their organiza
tion exists.
_ _
Should Get Hastings Treatment.
J HUSKY CITY , N.J. , March 24. Five roughs
waylaid and assaulted Louise Winkle ,
twelve years old , last Tuesday night , on the
outskirts of Gratton , In Hudson county.
They dragged her Into a small cedar grove
and accomplished their purposo. The approach
preach of a young woman employed as a tele
graph operator in the station frightened them
away , but not before she had recognized four
of them. The operator carried the uncon
scious girl home , where shu died shortly
alter. Philip Winkle , father of tlio girl , who
Is employed as a machinist in the railroad
shops at New Durham , spread the icport ,
and immediately searching parties were or
ganized. They scoured tliu woods but found
no traces of the culprits. Threats are made
of lynching if the culprits are captured.
nittor Attacks on Ralfour.
DiiniJN , March 24. United Ireland , Par-
noil's organ publishes a bitter attack on Bat
tour , chief secretary for Ireland. It calls
him "The Bloody Balfour.with a tiger's heart
wrapped In woman's hide , " and says : "He
has entered lightly into the struggle with
the Catholtcchurch. In such struggles the
proudest despots have been humbled to thn
dust. Bismarck , swaying the destinies of
Europe , In his whole career but once
learned the bitterness of , and that
was when he laid his hands on the church ,
which resents the sacrilegious handling ot
the sacred privileges ot the priesthood. "
The Pacific liiVPBttgntlon.
Nr.w VOIIK. Marcli 24. [ Special Telegram
to the Bnn.J - The World's Washington
special says : The president will soon take
up the appointment ot three persons to In
vestigate tlio Pacific railroads. Ho Is in
clined to think favorably of J. Sterling Mor
ton , of Nebraska , although his appointment
will bo opposed by Charles Francis Adams
and others Interested in the management of
the roads. Ex-Senator Van Wyck has been
spoken of , but to ofllclals of the roads ho
would bo paitlcularly objectionable.
Affairs In France.
PAIIIS , March 24. The cabinet , while It
does not laver the pilnclpal of surtax on
foreign cattle , has resolved , In view of the
prevailing low prices , to leave the decision
of the question to tlio chamber of deputies.
Germany has refused to participate either
In thu industrial or art sections of the Pails
International exhibition ot Ib80.
llcrold , an olllcial In the French warofllco ,
has been dismissed on suspicion that ho has
been supplying the secrets of the department
to foreigners. _
A Canadian Laud Syndicate.
Nnw YOIIK , March 34. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEK.J A powerful and wealthy
syndicate has beun formed by Krnstus WI-
nans lor purchasing from the Canadian cov
eminent u large quantity of land In the var
ious provinces of Canada which are known
to contain Iron ore. It is said tlio syndicate
Includes Senator Payne and Messrs. Bnrko
and Richie , ot Chicago ; A. B. Boardlan , of
New York , and James McClaien and other
Influential Canadians at Ottawa. The capi
tal of the company Is 810,000,0X1. ,
"Went Throuuh a
Lv.vciinuuo , Va. , March 23. A train on
the Norfolk &Westein railroad went through
the Otter river bridge , twenty miles above
this city to-night. It Is stated that eleht
persons were killed. The particulars cannot
be obtained. A wiccklng train with physi
cians has gone to the scene of thu disaster.
Mlnnrfl Entombed.
SYDNEY , N. S. W. , March 24. Euhty.fivo
men were entombed by the explosion In Bull's
colliery yesterday. Tlio accident occurred In
a tunnel a mile and a half from the pit. Seven
bodies have been recovered. The tunnel Is
blocked by debris caused by the explosion.
Boyd Ono ol * the Victim * ) .
DUVFAI.O. March 24. There Is no longer
any doubt that Robert S. Boyd , of Boston ,
special agent of the American Bell telephone
company , lost his life In the Richmond hotel
The Kirn Kecord.
I'EOIIIA , 111. , March 24. A Kureka special
to the Transcript says : The steaui Homing
mill , belonging to Jell A , Davis and J. J.
MMiler. was hunted this morning. Loss ,
25,000 to $ oO,000 ; Insurance small.
A Ilailroad Ordered Sold.
SYIIACOSK , N. Y. , March 24. The sale of
the New YorkRutland A Montreal railroad
was ordered , to pay' $1350,000 worth of re
ceivers' mtlc ! te .
The Trotitilc of the Hunter llrotliers hi
Piut.ADni.iMiiA , March at. The llahlllllcs
of James and John Hunter so far amount to
SIM.OOO. . All of the linn's paper bears the
name of John Long , president of the Union
TruM company. Long says that ho docs tint
know how much of the paper his name has
been forged to , but the foiged
paper IMS been estimated as high ns
thrce-fourllH of the entlio amount
ot ascuttallied liabilities. In addition to thu
amount above mentioned them Is supposed
to bo u laixu amount of paper which gives
only the linn's name. Tliurutnor that James
Hunter took a steamer for linull yesterday
gained giouud tills moriilmr , but nothing Ims
boon he.ud tiom him yincc Tiirsdax' , when
hei left the eltr ostensibly tor New York.
Pa-sldent Itamuiell , otthu Mechanics' Na
tional bank , navs his b.uik IMS notes of
Jaiiu'.s nnd John Hunter bearing James
Long's namu to thu azgrcgato of SfiHi.lXXi , but
Loig : Is not yet able to di-cido which born the
trim and which thn forced slenatuies. "All
hi ! could tell us was he had memoranda In a
bill book of nil the Hunter paper ho was on.
Long is seemed by a inortgngu of 811X1,000. 1
don't \\holherJameslluntei can or not.
but I'mpicttv sure hu'll commit suicide. 1
don't think ho has the moial courage to como
back and face thu music.
Thu theory Is that when certain notes ma
imed James Hunter Hist ipsoiteil to Urn des
perate scliomo of forglni : .lames Long's sig-
natuic. This was kept up It Is supposed lor
years , onn torgcd note being IIMH ! to lift an
other at the successive dates of maturity. A
mere guess at the vlsiblu assets and liabilities
is made as follows : Assets , Wynnewood
lirm. fWO.OOO ; Com > Moi > a mills , SIOO.OOO ; '
Mori-Mown mills , S.Vi.OOO ; John Hunter's
residence , $35.000 ; James Hunter's resilience ,
8SOOO ; total. SIN'S.OOO. liabilities , notes upon
which suit has boon begun , Sl.V'.OOO ; panur
taken up out ot Merchants' bank , SU'XX ' ' ( ) :
paper taken no out the Keystone National
ban ! ; . 15,000 ; two mortgagesuu Wyunowood
lirm , $1-40,000 ; mortgage on Conustoga mills ,
55100,000 ; mortgage on Nonistown mills ,
8'Ji.tXK ) ; morteagn held by John Maguce ,
& ( iO,000 , total , SWC.IOO.
Hivcrs Ajnlii on the Hlso nntl Aloro
DcHtr lint Ion Approlicndod.
Hts-MAucif , Dak. , March 21. The water
fell two teet yesterday but is rlslnir again
to-day. The water In Washburn Is ten feet
above thu high water mark of 18M , while hero
it is not quite up to that record. This shows
theio Is a gorge between hero and Washburn ,
and when that ten feet of water comes It will
make the Hood surpass any previous records.
Tl.cie is prospect for the Unit river to break
about the time thu upper gonjo breaks , and
It ItdocsMandan will bo allont. The steamer
Tompklns , which was crushed in the ice
near llowlo to-day , was the property of the
Evans Transposition company , and Its ruin ,
just as navigation Is opening , Is a heavy loss.
The Noithern Pacltic shops at Mandan are
still Hooded.
Fnuous FAIJ.S Minn. , March 20. Thw
lied river rose rapidly last night , and this
iimniintr was the hlehrst over known.
ltii : > FAI.T.S , Minn. , March W. An Im
mense Ice goriro a inllo wide and six miles
long is coming this way sixteen miles west
ward on the Itcdwood liver.
The Illinois Htnto Printing.
SPRINOFIULD , 111. , March 2-1. The special
senate committee appointed to Investigate
ho state printing contract continued Its in
vestigation to day , the testimony of witness
's as to the formation of n partnership and
offering of bids not differing essentially
from the evidence already adduced. Post-
naster Clendennln , who Is also a stockholder
n the State Ilcglbtcr company , was exam
ined and stated positively that when In
ormed by Thomas Itees , tieasnrer of the
Register company , of thu proposed pool by
Sprin.'licld printers for securing the state
inintlng contract at living prices , lie opposed
the plan , and that In himself was not in any
ivay interested in the combine. U. W.
Roukor was called and went over the entho
ground ot the formation of the partnership
and bidding for the contract , the testimony
being practically thu same as that given by
itnesses yesterday. He claimed he had
lone thu state printing tor six years. The
lirst year he had the contract alone , and the
pi Ices obtained wurc nearly as good as those
of the present contract. Those of two years
ago were 50 per cent lower , and upon that ar
rangement he had lost money. He said the
rates on the present contract weio 25 per
ent lower than thu maximum premium a !
owed by law.
A. Timber Culture Decision.
WASHINOTOX , March 24. Acting Secre
tary Muldrow to-day ordered areversal of the
leclslon of the commissioner of General land
office in the contest brought by Christopher
C. Cowell ae.ilnst the timber culture entry of
John T , Stearns , of Des Molnes , la. The ev
submitted by the contestant was to
the effect that the number of tices iciiuircd
by law had never been planted , and there
was a failure to cultivate uronerly
which were planted. Local officers found
for tlio contestant and lecommended the
cancellation of the claim. Commissioner
McFarland reversed the liiiding of the local
officers. Mnldrow sustains the local officers
on thujMOuntt of the failure of thecontcsteo
to comply with the law as .set forth In the ev
idence submitted , and orders cancellation.
Steamships Overdue.
Niw YOIIK , March 24. The steamship
Scotia , which left Marseilles February 2 ,
Naples the 23rd and passed Ulbraltor the 2711
for New York , Is now about ten days over
due. At Naples she took on
board the passengers , K4 ! in number , of
the steamship liurgnndla , which collided
wltb the Iron clad Italia and was beached to
prevent sinking , making the total number of
passengers about 1,000. Apprehensions tor
tier safety have been excited. The steam
ship Dorian , of the Anchor line , from Med
iterranean parts , also passed Gibraltar Fet > <
ruary 27 , bui as she Is u less powerful vessel
bhu if not so long overdue.
The Virginia OeM.
IticitMoxn , Va. , Maich 2-4. Governor Leo
this afternoon received a telcgi am from Chair
man Bouvorie , of the council of foreign bond
holders of London , which ho at once com
municated to the legislature. UouvCrlo says :
"Tho council will appoint commissioners to
como to Virginia to confer with representa
tives of the state for a settlement of the debt
on receiving assurance that the basis ot any
agreement which may be arrived at shall bo
avoidable revenue , ns mutually agreed upon
after competent investigation , if the legisla-
tuie will empower the governor to consent to
this basis of compromise. "
The Commissioners Mnblo.
SAN FIIANCISCO , March 21. In the suits
brought by thu xtatu against William Ulaud-
ing and William A , Knight , ex-harbor com-
mlssloneis , to recover monies misappropriated
by John L. Gray , ex-secretary of the harbor
commission , nnd other employes , Judge
limit decided to-day that thu delundants aru
liable for thu amounts mlsappropi lated , Thu
defalcation amounts to over $100OOJ.
Nohrnnku anil loxvu Wcathor.
ForNebiaska : Fair weather , followed by
rain , becoming warmer , winds generally
For Eastern Dakota : Fair weather , fol
lowed by rnln , bccojiilng warmer , variable
For Iowa : Fair weather , becoming wai inur ,
winds shHting to southerly.
fool Trou 1)1 CH.
CiucAdo , March 24. At the mectlnc to
day of the Tialliie association the
Grand'Irunk road demanded a differential
on freight via Montreal. This was refused
and thu road gave notion ot withdrawal. Thu
general opinion is that thu pool will soon go
to pieces.
SteruiiHhip Arrlrals.
Qi'KiixsTow.v , Match 2-4. [ Special Tele
gram to the HEU.J Arrlvcd TIm Arl/ona ,
Uoin New York.ccreUry ! Manning \ a
passenger ,
Tfco Author of tbo Law Satisfied With the
Composition of the Board.
Niinicrous Candidates Turning Uf >
For the Secretaryship Intcrpre-
tattnn nftlio 1mto Ho
First ConHldcrcd.
Honutor Culloin .Satisfied.
WASinx iro.v , March 21. [ Sneclal Tolo-
u'liun to tliu Uii : : . | Senator Culluin , being
asked for nil opinion on tlio inter-state com-
inlsslun to-iluy , snlil : "They are good men ,
or sit least those whom I know ato. Thera
nrc some of them scum tu bo unknown
quantities so Inr ns iiubllu service and ex
perience KO , but ttmt does not argue tlmt they
may not make nblo and ofltclrut commis
sioner. It may bo that tlio commissioners
who are known to the public may
develop a special aptltiulo for the work.
Judge Cooley wo all know , Iln Is specially
quallhcd for the work. 1 saw soon after the
passage of the net that the president wanted
Judge Cooley and 1 endorsed him. Morrison
Is a good fellow , and ho ami 1 have always
been win in personal fi lends , but 1 tried to
pcrsuadu the president not to appoint him. 1
wanted him to take a republican from Illi
nois , but Morrison Is an honest man , a thor
oughly honest man , and will do what ho be
lieves to bo right , llo Is not
versed In the laws relating to rail
roads , but there Is no reason why ho
should not learn them. All 1 know of Mr.
Walker is that Senator Kdmnnds warmly en
dorses him , and that Is sufltelent to satisfy
mo of his illness. Mr. Schoonmakcr scorns
to have won honors In public lite. Those
whoknowhlm speak highly of him. Mr.
Brairg Ims lud experience ) on the Alabama
commission.cs , 1 think the commission Is
very well made up. 1 urged the president
from the lirst against .overloading the com
mission with old men. I told him that ho
wanted commissioners who could start on a
moment's notice from Washington , travel to
San Francisco , adjust matters there , hurry
back to Chicago , St. Louis or Now i'ork , at
tend to commission business In these cities ,
and then come back to Washington and take
a nap and gut rested. 1 told thti president
that ho needed men of hodlly ns well as men
tal \igor , men not too old to do haid woik ,
and ho agieud with mo. "
The president to-day signed the commis
sions ot the inter-Mate commerce commis
sioners , but they will bo held atthowhlto
housu and delivered to the now appointees
upon arrival. Information you * received to
day that Judge Cooley cannot reach Wash
ington until the close of next week. It has
been decided to make no elicit to net the
commissioners together before that time , as
the other members also have private affairs
to wind up. When the commission assem
bles tlio lirst action will he to oix'anl/.e and
then Immediately begin olllclal consideration
of the Interpretation which shall be given
the most Important provisions of the Jaw.
Candidates for the position ot.secretary are
numerous and each commissioner seems
likely to have a favorite for thu position.
Certificates ot election have been received
at the clink's ofllce'of the houscjof representa
tives of all the momburs-clect ot thu Fiftieth
congress except eight , and the uuofllclal lists
have been completed some time. Those of
"Whose election no olllcial Information has as
Vet been received aie Joseph G. Cannon of
Illinois , Adoiilram J. Holmes of Iowa , K. X.
Merrill and E. 11. Funston of Kansas , Will- " *
lam Woodburn of Nevada , LJcnton McMullun
of Tennessee , John W. Stewart of Vermont ,
and II. Bowen of Virginia , Witli the excep
tion of Mr. Bowen all are old members who
have been re-elected.
Nebraska pensions wove Issued to-day as
follows : Minors of Henry P. Kyler , Super
ior ; Joseph 8. Cookus , Crutn : 1'hllander H.
Parker ( ic-lssuo ) . Hay : Harrison E. Pond
( Increase ) , Red Cloud.
Iowa : William , father of Francis ( Jatche-
cold , Kalona ; Mary , mother of Win. H. Par
ker , Pnlmyra ; Win. Hockcrsmlth , Blooin-
lield ; Wm. H. Andrew , Vllllsca : Thompson
K lilair , MarenL'o ; Samuel Hold , Nevada ;
John J. Cain , MHo , ( increase ) ; John lire-
gunzcr. Kuokuk ; Justin It. Harlan. Sulma ;
Alex. A. Scllman , Koss ; Win , Wash , Hyde ;
Mathew Mackoy , Uethlehem ; Tlios. Allmn ,
Des MOIIIPS ; Colby M. Brvant , Grinnell ;
Horace H. Smith , Hapdon ; Win. C. Uodgln ,
Calliope ; Samuel K. Cuitis. Avoca ; Morltz
Lange ( re-Issue ) , Blufllon ; increase. Patrick ;
11. MpConville , Bedford ; Wm. H. Mason ,
Tlio lollowlng Iowa postmasters were ap
pointed to-day : Ceorge Theobald , Astor ,
Crawford county , vice C. M. llannon. ro-
blgned ; Lyndon T. Bliss , 'Avon , Polk
county , vice Li'vl Bender , resigned ; Byron
I ) . Person , Blencoe , Monono county , vice A.
N. Noble , resigned.
Opinions on tlie Commission.
NEW YOIIK , March 34. ( Special Telegram
to the Ur.K. ] The announcement of the
members of the Inter-state commission was
received In New York with general an- ,
proval. lUIIroad officers , as a rule , were
specially pleased with the composition ot the
board , whim Is likely to bo , In their opinion ,
a safe and conservative body. In Wall
street there was a slight division of senti
ment. A not uncommon criticism was that
all members of the board were lawyers by
profession , and that although most of them
had had some acquaintance with railroad
matters , their knowledge of subjects
likely to be brought at once before them ,
was theoretical rather than prao
tlcal. President Depew , of the New York
Central , said : "Tho appointees are first-rate
men who are likely to treat all questions with
fairness to railroads and merchants. " C.
P. Huntlngton expressed satisfaction
with thu appointment ! ! . President Sloan ,
of the Dulawaie , Lackawanna ik Western ,
said that he was pleased with the appoint
ments. Presluunt Cable , of tlio Chicago ,
KocK Island < te Pachic. was fully satisfied
that the board would look carefully after the
interests of the people , and at the same time
bo just In Us tieatmont of the railroads. H.
11. Porter said : " 1 legard the appointments
as safe and wise. " Russell Sago Raid "It It
neither a good nor a bad board , but I think Is
Is an honest one , and pcihaps after all , that
is the bust ( jualiticatlon It could have. "
"Western Prolj-lit Jtatcn Reduced.
PITTSIIUHH , March 24. Thu freight rates
on the roads from Plttfiburg west arc now In
shapu to be published , and will bo posted at
all freight otlices along the various roadf.
The freight rates to Chicago and return on all
the important classes show a reduction over
the present tarilV. The lirst class will be 42K
cents per hundred pounds , a reduction of 7 > ?
cents ; second clans , ! J7 > < cents , a reduction or
UK cents ; third class S'K cents , a reduction
of 2J < f cents ; fouith class , 'JO cents , a reduc
tion ot f > } cents ; fifth class , 17X cents , and
sixth clans , 10 cents , or iio reduction , Ship
pers lor the say that the railroads mak
ing this icdnctlon was unexpected by thorn
and that It will bo of material assistance.
'Ihrco Hundred Trump * Cremated.
SA.V FUANCIICO , March 21. The strainer
Balglc arrived to-day from China and Japan
and brought the news of a dreadful tragedy
at AMa-Shlb-Chun , China , twenty miles
northeast of Hnnzebosv. Over 300 tramps
appeared at the vllli n nnd greatly Irritated ,
the Inhabitants. Tin ; v lingers Inveigled the
whole body Into n temple and during inft
night set mo to It. Only foity occupants of |
the building escaped. The H'irmliuler burned
to death.
Cholera HUH
QITEUKC. March 24.Too consul general
Canada of the Argentine.Republic tm beam
notified by his government ol the dl Dpeai-
ancuof oholrra trom the principal irarta qt
that country. . "