Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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    BB " - - . * - * -r * < r ' p"f'y"Mit ' | ; 'i
Swift's Packing House Welcomed as Another
Mark of Progress ,
In tlio Field or Sports The Illcl
, Cnsc-Tho Dives Must Go
-A New Uulldlng-Oilicr
l.ocnl Notes.
Swift's PncklriB House.
Hon. John A. McShnno has returned
from Chicago. During his stay in tliat
city ho did a big stroke of biisincss.wliich .
will bo of great benefit to Omalm. It
was tlio making of tlio contract with
George T. Swift , tlio extensive nackcr ,
for the construction of an immense pack
ing house at South Omaha. Work will
bo begun at once , tlio plans having
already been drawn. The now packing
house Is tocost250,000wlll bo completed
and in operation inside of four months.
Meantime Mr. Swift will send his buyers
to the South Omalm Union stock yards ,
whore they purchase stock and shin the
Biiino to Chicago , until the Omaha house
is completed.
A Highway Robbery In the Center of
the City Drugged nnd Robbed.
One of the boldest highway robberies on
record was perpetrated Tuesday night In
broad gaslight in front of the new It am Re
building on Fifteenth and Harnoy streets.
The victim was Mr. A. lj. Clallin. Ho had
been out walking and was returning to
his room in the Gees hotel on Fifteenth
and Jackson about ten o'clock. Just as
he was passing the place indicated two
men stepped out of a dark recess. Ono
of them pulled a revolver , cocked it and
placed the nm//.lo to Mr. C's head with
the command :
"Hold on hero ! "
Mr. Clallin obediently stopped , when
the fellow resumed :
"Don't maKe any noise and you'll bo
nil right.
"I suppose you want to get all I have , "
said Mr. Clallin.
"That's it , " returned the robber , "and
all you've got to do is to kcop still. "
Tlio victim was very obedient In this
to regard. While one man hold a revolver
to his head the othnr went through his
pockets , taking his purse , which con
tained $20. That was about all the fol
lows secured. Mr. Clallin , very for
tunately , had left his $100 gold watch in
in his room before he went out , or ho
would undoubtedly have lost that too.
After cleaning him out tlio two fellows
went down the alloy between Harncy
nnd Howard , disappearing in the dark
ness. Mr. Clallin went around by way
of Howard to Fourteenth street and then
up Farnam. looking for a policeman.
Of course , lie failed to find ono until it
was too late to follow the highwavmcn.
One of them ho describes as a tall man
about six feet in height , with a sandy
moustache and wearing a slouch hat.
The other was n short , thick-set man ,
1 with n stubby growth of black beard ,
. nnd wearing a still" hat. The matter has
' been reported to the police.
It has been reported to the police that
It. W. Hyde , a wealthy cattleman from
Malvcrn. la. , was drugged and robbed on
Sunday last. Mr , Hyde came to town
last week , and on Sunday started out to
BOO the town. Ho dropped into several
saloons , ono of which was on the corner
of Twelfth and Douglas streets , ana nn-
' other nt the corner of Eleventh and
I : Dot'glas streets. Ho mot several
K strangers and took a number of drinks.
| In loss than half an hour ho had lost con-
It. Bciousness. When ho woke up , it was far
L into the next morning , and he was lying
r very near n stoop clill or bluff by Boyd's
I packing house. If ho had rolled but n
I low feet in his stupor , ho would have
I fallen over the clilT and mot a horrible
I , death on the railroad tracks below. Ho
h found that ho hud been relieved of
I' $13,000 in notes , drafts nnd checks ,
I $50 in cash , nnd a gold watch
I nnd chain valued at $150. Carriage tracks
I , leading up to the soot where ho was
I , lying showed that Mr. Hyde had , without
I' doubt , been carried to the spot in a hack.
I- after being drugged and robbed. It is
I understood that the first man Mr. Hyde
I mot was a well-known character about
I town , while two others wore hackmcn.
I Wholhor tlioy will bo arrested is n ones-
1't- tion. Mr. Hyde has gone back to Mai-
I Tern nnd stopped payment on the draft
I. and checks. _
! ' The Gun Club Meeting The New
I- ' Ulllo Club Notes.
I A well attended meeting of the Omaha
mi. Gun club was held last night nt Penroso
II & Hardin'a gun store. W.S.Dimock , H.
f C. Kellogg anil U. T. Stubbs wore elected
> to membership in the club. The matter
I- of preparing a programme for the tour-
Is nament which will bo hold in this city ,
* , probably the second week in Juno , was
I * loft to Messrs. Punroso & Hardin to pro-
1 * sent n report nt the regular meeting of
1 the club. It was dooldcd to commence
the regular weakly shoots of the club on
Tuesday afternoon next and continue
J them on Tuesday of each week until after
If the tournament. Fenroso & Hardin will
tf oll'or a fine medal to the member of thom
m club making the best average during the
Lj" Eoason.
15 The Omaha Itillo club mot at Collins &
[ If Gordon's gun store yesterday evening
B nnd completed their organization. The
B- , club starts with eighteen charter members
ff\ ' as follows : Judge Lake , president ;
I. ; J. U. Clarkson , vice-president ; O. H.
Gordon , socrctary ; Charles Parrotto ,
Bfc treasurer ; Col. Guv V. Henry , captain ;
§ ; Paul Llei/ , first lieutenant ; C. S. Mont-
ornery , second lieutenant , and Messrs.
S . E. 11. Kennedy , Wm. Kennedy , Wai-
IT tor Kinnoar , M. S. Lindsay , Luther Wil-
r bur , J. M. Thurston , H. A. Worloy. H.
R\ \ W. Patrick , A. C. Wakoloy and It. S.
lit ; Berlin. The club has secured nn excel-
P lent range at Itollovuo. The B. & M. will
U run special trains to the range on the
m'r club's practice days which will bo on
3 Wednesday of each week from May 4
t' to October 1. The club will bo governed
ft by the rulu of the National Itillo associa-
K' tion nnd has adopted the Hinman target.
nj The management of tlio entire nflalrs of
III the club is in the hand of a club commit-
IK tco.
' Bullock urn. ' Ashinger ruco at the expo-
ml eitiou on Saturday.
HJ The wrestling match between Charles
K Moth nnd Col. McLaughlin is billed to
y take ilaco nt the exposition annex next
Rf Monday night.
Hit Collins & Gordon have received already
ft nn installment of the Iteach ball , adopted
mi. by the Western league. The ball is n
? . . good ono , but is not apt to replace the
Kx old reliable ) Spauldlnrr for general use.
mi As yet Clew has failed to accent or ro-
I * fuse to accept the challenge of I rank K ,
UK Glover , of Chicago , for n tight to a finish.
* ' Indications are that ho will take refuge
mjp behind the excuse that ho does not want
M ? to light anyone until after ho nicots
r Dempsoy. Of this there is no immediate
r prospect. Dcmpsoy has degenerated
jv into a blowhard and Clew knows it , and
$ if ho la spoiling for a light ho can bo no-
& commodalcd by Glover.
Hp James MoMichacl and George Kutchmil
P have returnea from a hunting expedition
* jo Fliolps , Mo. , loaded with Uut ks ,
K , s.
The Stilt I'or Criminal llbel
A. It. Moore.
In the case of A. U. Moore , arraigned
before Justice Anderson , but two wit
nesses wore examined on thd part of the
state , and the case was adjourned until
this morning. It is a libel case , being
the following poster : " ? M Howard ! I
will give the above reward for any deed
or other legal conveyance , by myself to
the following named parties or either of
them , M. l os emvasser , John Ainsliclu
or A. Kosowatcr , to the following de
scribed land : A part of the southwest
quarter of section SO , township 15 , range
l.'l cast , and now called 'Alnsfiold's Addi
tion. ' I own said land ( and have for
some time ) and this whole scheme of sale
by Ho-ssonwasscr , Ainslield and A. Ho < c-
water Is u fraud and a swlndk1 , and they
know it. For further information see
county record1 ? , at city engineer's oflico
In basement of court house , or agency at
No. 117 South Sixteenth street , Omaha ,
or A. II. Moore at room 5 , Co///.cns hotel.
A. H. Mooitn. "
Mr. A. Kosowalcr testified as to the ap
pearance of the article posted upon tele
graph poles on Farnam struct especially ,
and in the city generally. Mr. Council
objected to proof of title , which defend
ant's attorney proffered , oll'ering an ab
stract of title. The court sustained the
objection. Editor Hitchcock , of the
World , testified as to the posting of the
llbelous article.
The defendant endeavored to create a
commotion just as the examination com
menced by claiming that Mr. Hosewater
was armed and asking that ho bo
searched. Justice Anderson said that ho
did not think it was necessary and the re
quest was denied.
The Structure "Which Drcxel & Maul
Will Erect ,
Mr. M. O. Maul returned last night
from the cast , whcro ho went to secure
plans for a now three-story building
which the undertaking firm of .Drcxel &
Maul proposes to erect in place of the
present structure at 1417 Farnam street.
This building will bo after the model of
famous Sampson building at Pittsburg ,
Pa. , and will include the usual rooms for
carrying on the business , in addition to
which there will bo a morgue and a
chapel. The latter will bo called into
play very often , as it frequently happens
that some vintim of a disaster has neither
relations or church friends to bury him ,
anil has to bo buried without church or
chapel ceremony. The morgue will bo
for the private use of the firm , in con
nection with the business of the coroner's
The building will bo built of brick with
sandstone front , and will be of extremely
ornate design.
low Sam IJIIR | Disposed of a Sup
posed Rival In Ijovc.
Sam Ling , a Chinaman who runs n
aundry on one of the principal streets of
his city , adopted a novel expedient late
ly to get rid of a rival in love. Sam , like
icveral other Chinamen in this city , is
mprcsscd witli the superiority of a white
vomau over the Mongolian article. Ac-
lordingly he has been wooing a blue-
i.ycd maiden of this city , who it is said
lias received his suit with favor. But
am Ling's courtship has not been one of
uninterrupted smoothness. A young
man , well known about town as "Corky"
Keller , was feared and bated by the
Chinaman as a rival for the
Affections of the blue eyed
maiden. Sam brooded over the matter a
eng time and finally concocted a scheme
o dispose of his rival at "ono fell
woo ] > . " Ho would show Mr. K. that ho
was nowhere in the affections of the girl.
Accordingly ho took the young woman
' .o a photograph gallery on Sixteenth
trcet and ordered the artist to take
heir pictures together. The photograph
was strnck off. it showed the girl stand
ing beside her Chinese adorer , with one
arm celled lovingly about his neck.
Altogether , it was well calculated to illus
trate the tender relations which existed
between the pair. The Chinaman mailed
this to his supposed American riyal with
a slip of paper , which containo d a largo
number of skulls and cross-bones. The
note , which was very hard to decipher ,
read somewhat as follows :
"Youlooknout ! White pal like Chlnco
boy , no llkce Molican man same as Clilnoo
boy 1 You fool erouml her too inurheo von
ett killed. Chinee boy shoot yur lied oil 1"
The recipient of the note and picture
was completely taken by storm , as it
were , and is convinced that ho had better
keep out of Sam Ling's road. The
Chinaman will probably bo allowed to
continue his courtship unmolested.
It Is Stationary , But Has Been Falling
A 1'robable Gorge.
"The river is almost stationary at a
depth of ten feet and three inches , " said
Signal Observer Hagen yesterday to a re
porter. "It is rising just a trille , but for
the past few days has been falling
slightly. "
The explanation for this remarkable
state of affairs namely , the falling of the
river at this point while the upper portion
tion is on a terrific rise is found in the
probability that there is a bipr ice gorge
between Omaha and Bismarck. As soon
as this bursts the river at this point is
bound to rise rapidly.
Suluir the County Attorney.
In the county court yesterday Adloph
Kline commenced suit against John
Perry , J. S. Long and E. W. Simeral for
? 500dHinago for the unlawful conver
sion of property by the defendants.
Kline's statement says that on March 13
Perry came into his place of business and
asked to see some watches. A number
were shown him , among them a fine gold
hunting case watch valued at f450.
When Perry saw this ho motioned to
Long and Simoral , who wore outside ,
and they came in. Perry then claimed
the watch , and Kline asserts tint when
ho objected to his taking possession of It
Air. Simoral told him to shut up or ho
would have him arrested. The three
men then left the store with the watch.
Criminal Cases.
The case against Fred lUce , charged
with assaulting George Hall , the watch
man in Hammond's packing house in
South Omaha , will bo called in the dis
trict court on Monday.
The case against Herman Mittoman ,
charged with the killing of Gconro Dur
ham at Millard , will bo called for trial
before Judge Neville on Tuesday.
A Sneak llilof Caucht.
A colored fellow named Harry Will-
lams was arrested yesterday afternoon
for the larceny of a number of silk hand
kerchiefs from S. P. Morse & Co. " When
searched at tlio jail three gold rings were
found in his possession which were Iden
tified as the property of C. S. Raymond ,
the jeweler. The colored follow was in
Raymond's store yesterday morning and
is supposed to have stolen the rings at
that time ,
What Does It Me n.
Mr. Swift , of Swift & Armour , the
largest beef packers in the world , lias
lecji hero for tlw vast Unco dujtj ,
the greater part of the time lias brcn
spent nt South Omaha or with members
of the South Omaha L-uid Co. We are
not going to tell you what It means , but
you clonl have to bo a Yankee to guess
as easy a ono as that. About the time a
thousand men commoirco work killing
beeves for Swift & Armour in South
Omaha you will bo saying "what a fool I
was" unless you go soon and buy moro
lots in South Omaha of C. E. Maync Heal
Estate nnd Trust Co. , N. W. Cor. 15th
and Harncy.
Boston Capital In Omaha.
Mr. Thomas L. Kimball has received
instructions from Fred L. Ames , of Bos
ton , to erect for the latter gentleman , a
splendid brick business building. The
structure will bo erected on Ninth and
Jones streets. IJJ'JxlOO , and will bo live
stories high above a deep basement , thus
making it ono of the largest buildings in
this city. Brick , stone and iron will bo
the materials used in its construction , so
that it will be nearly lire proof. Con
tracts for the superstructure will be let
this week.
Few crates left from car received last
night. Send in your order quick.
Fur.r.MAK & Co.
-113 South Eleventh street.
Boar In Allnd
That there are lots in South Omaha , pur
chased within three years , for less than
five hundred , that are now worth over
ten thousand dollars. There will be
more packing houses , factories and rail
roads there before 1838. These mean in
creased population , and increase of pop
ulation means increase of value to real
estate. There are plenty of good lots
still fcft in the original plat of South
Omaha. Why go out into additions a
mile away from the center when you can
still buy in the old plat at reasonable
prices ? Do not forget that wo control
all sales for the Omaha Land Co. The
C. E. Mayne Heal Estate & Trust Co. ,
N. W. Cor. 15th amUIarnoy.
Wanted Gentleman typewriter. [ Co.
C. E. Maync Real Estate & Trust
Ono of the best plays ever conceived
for the satisfaction and amusement of an
audience is "Shadows of a Great City , "
which will be presented at Bovd's opera
house on Friday and Saturday by an ex
cellent company under the management
of Chas. B. and Thomas Jefl'erson , sons
of Joseph Jcfi'erson.
Personal Paragraphs.
Colonel King and family , of Milwau
kee , are in Omaha , visiting military
\V. S. Widencr returned yesterday from
a trip to Jonesborq , Mo , , to inspect lumber
for the Union Pacific.
Alma E. Keith returned yesterday from
Now York city , whore she purchased her
took of new spring millinery.
For Sale.
Wo have four full corner lots GGvlM
'cot each on Farnam street east of 10th
itreet at $20,030 , $50,000 , $75,000 and
22 feet on Farnam by 133 on llth. $44,000
A. choice corner 152 ! feet front on
10th st south ot Cass street 05,000
A choice corner on 10th st 00x00 for 25,000
00x88 n w cor 23d and Cuming. . . 15,000 ,
44 feet on Harnoy between 14th
and 10th 35,000
CO feet on Howard between 15th
and 10th 35,000 ,
22 feet on Cuming between 17th
and 18th 4,500.
75 foot on 10th street near Nich
olas 15,000.
185 feet on Leaven worth 40,000.
Two acres on Leaven worth 12,000.
Good dwelling property m all parts of
the city.
Three full lots on U. P. tracks to lease
'or 20 years.
The C. E Mavno Real Estate and
Trust Co , , N. W , corner 15th and
The Dives Must Go.
The council has refused to grant the
stay of proceedings asked in the matter
of removing the houses of prostitution
from Capital avenue between Ninth and
Tenth streets and has ordered the mar
shal to go ahead and have the houses va
cated at once. The respectable residents
of the vicinity are jubilant over the pro
posed riddance 'of very bad rubbish ,
while decent people on neighboring
streets are filled with fear and trembling
lest the occupants of these dives will
settle in their locality.
Mention was made in the BEI ; Tues
day of the trouble between the McCar
thy's and Schwartz's on Sixteenth street.
A long communication has been received
from Mr. Schwart/ which he lays the
blame of the trouble upon Mrs. McCarthy
who assaulted his wife , because the latter
called her a servant. It is claimed that
the McCarthys were up before Judtre
Stenbcrg at a previous time , but were re
leased upon giving bonds to keep the
The notion store of San Goon , the
Chinaman , on South Tenth street , was
invaded by a sneak thief the other day ,
who sought to steal some tobacco while
the Mongolian's back was turned. San
Goon discovered the fellow , picked up a
big bottle of ink , and deluged him with
the black lluid. The thief dropped the
tobacco and ran dripping out of tlio shop.
Ex-Governor Will Cumback of Indiana
will lecture at the First M E. church
Monday evening , March 28. Subject ,
"The Invisible Somebody. "
Mr. I. S. Smith , a prominent railroad
man , from thu east , is in town visiting
with his sister Mrs. Charles B. Wcstren.
Abeolutely Pure ,
Thispowder nevervariei. A marvel ol
purity.strength and wholesomeness. More
economic than the ordinary klndo and
cannot be sold In competition with the mul
titude of low test , short weight alum or
phosphate powders. Sold only in cans.
Royal Baking Powder Co. 1 108 Wall street ,
New York.
OAI E Cloreland Oar itallloni ,
O ALE "Perbf Wo " and "Ueaeral
WVtMBi ClereUnd/1 riling S und 4
yeart old , bred In Canada ana recorded In Canadian
Sluil DooV 1'rlcei remarkable , terms toiult purclm * .
18th St , Car. Capital Atonui ,
ran rrrr TBIATVSXT or Att
Chronic & Surgical Diseases ,
tiR. MoMENAMY. Proprietor.
Snutn jean' UotimaJ and 1'rlvat * 1'mittia
Wo tmo the fftdlltlci , epparatui and remedied
for the incaewfiil treatment of ovtry form of till-
rn requiring cither medical or iurflc l trmtmrul ,
km ) Itnlto all tocomrand InYettlgata forthemelv
nt correspond with tn. I.onjf ciicrltnco | In treit-
lueeuMi l > r lellercnnbln us to treat many CAIM
icFenUflfAlfy without seeing them
WHITE you CIKCULAH on Deformities nnd
Dracef , Club Koct , Curraturen of the Spluo
DUKAKIS OP WOMIN. Piles , Tumor * , Cancer * ,
Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation , Electricity , rural-
jrils , Kpllcpij , KldneIjo , K&r , Skin , Blood and
all mrclcnl operation ! .
llntterles , Inhalers , Ttrnccf , Trusses , an {
nil klndti of Medical and Surgical Appliances , man
ufactured and for sfile.
The only reliable nltdlcal Institute miking
Private , Special $ Nervous Diseases
ttma nhalover cause produced , nccc ftilljtre t d.
Wo can remove Syphilitic poltoa from the ijtti-ni
without mercury.
New mtnrmtlvc treatment for loss of vltul power.
Cull and consult us or fend name nnd poftt-offlee
nJdresi plainly written enclose stamp , and wo
will Bond yoH , In plain wrapper , our
UniNAr.T ORGANS , or send history of jour case for
on opinion ,
Persons unable to ililt us may bo trcatad at their
homes , by correspondence. Medicines and Instrn-
roDts sent by null or eiprese BECUKKLY PACK
ED FROM OBSERVATION. DO marks to Indicate
contents or sender. One personal Intcrrtew pre
fcrrod If convcnltnt. Fifty rooms for the accom
modation of patients. Board and attendance nt
reasonable prices. Address ill Letters to
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
Cor. 13lhSt. BndCulUI4ve..OMAIUtf-B.
Red Star line
Cnrrylnfftlio IlclKltim HoyRl nnd United Stntca
Mall , pulling every Snturthiy
Between Antwerp & New York
To the It Ititte , Gernuni/ } , Italy , Hol
land and France ,
Salon f rom $00 to $75. Excursion trip from
f 110 to > I i. Second Cabin , outward bound , H. > ;
prepaid , 1 4"ij excursion , f 80. Steerniro piiisuiro
at low rut en. I'eter wriirht iV Sons , General
A-'ent ( . [ > > llroiulwny. Now York.
llonry I'undt , 1218 f arnnm st.Paulson ; & Co. ,
I-IUS Farnam st. ; D. O. Freeman. ia 4 Furnnni.
OneAeent ( Mtrrnnnt onliO wnntM In rrrry town for
Your "Tnnslll'B Punch" Sc clsnr nro Rottlnj ?
f friends. iTruvollnB men sny to us nvcry diiy ,
Why , tlioy nro bettor tiian most lOo clours.
Obr iraclo 1ms moro thnn doubled slnco wo
I . i A. It , MILTMin Elllsburjrh , N. Y.
Decker Brothers
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado ,
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy ,
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New
York , Having devoted their attention
Nervous. Chronic and
More especially those arising from impru
dencc , unite all so suffering to correspond-
without delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured safely and speedily with
out detention from business , and without
the use of dangerous drugs. Pa
tients -whose cases have been neglected ,
badly treated or pronounced incurable ,
should not fail to write us concerning their
symptoms. All letters receive immediate
And will be mailed FREE to any address
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , "practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an
' Essay on Marriage , " with important chap
ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or
gans , the whole forming a valuable medical
treatise which should be read by all young
men. Address ,
1743 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado.
1707 Olive St..St. L uis , Mo.
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital $250,000
Surplub 40,000
II. W. Yates , President.
A. E. Touzalln , Vice President.
W. II S. Hughes , Cashier.
W. V. Morse , John S. Collins.
H. W. Yates , Lewis S. Ueed.
A. E. Touxalin.
Cor , 1' th and Farnam Sts.
A General Banking Business Transacted.
A larso number of recorded Porulicron and
Clydosdulo Stallions. Also Homo lliocl c'olis.
Kvcry animal iruuruntneii a brocnlcr. Prices
reasonable and terms easy. Oumock linn been
selected with rcforoncD to both Individual
merit und pedigree. A larpo number of our
Stiilllona are accllmatoa and Colts of their not
can bo shown. York It on tbo II. & M. It. a ,
two hours' rlda writ ot Lincoln. For cata
logue * and further Information , uddrass
FIIY * FAIIIlllAUII. York.'ob.
Oor. 13th anil Dodge Hti. . Omaha , Neb.
AK nUrUr ( lo t tn dlcl Our U
jn i > r le > 10 In K on. tlljf. llo. An-
IbonivJ to trtftl all Chronic , * 0r oui and
"dixcUl Ul 4u > , " tfcmltnl UokneM
( MlktLoKM ) , 8 inil LeMIItT ( Ion ot
? t l i > owtr ) . Merroui l ) bfllij , o.
Carti nu r nt ( ) or rnoatj r luod d.
CbtriMlow. Thomtndi ol c i icui d.
_ _ _ _ _ Kiptrl ncillinpiirtnt. All mtdlclatl
rttilj lor DM. Nomtrcurjor lijurloni meJIclim Died.
Mo tlmi lait from butln > . PatKnU at a dlittnrt Irtited
br lUMr and tiprMi Mpdlclatt Mnt T rwli r ( from
tu or brukaii. BlmW T or H and nd fprt noi.
CooulutloD fro * tnd coildtntlal , p riontllj- \ij \ Idtir.
Our Spring and Summer Suits are daily arriving and within a few days we will be able
to exhibit the most complete line ever shown in Omaha. We quote no particular style or
price , simply ask an inspection of the various lines we carry , and believe we can interest
you in make , quality and prices.
* In Spring Overcoats we carry an elegant line of all shades. One bargain in particular
we offer , is a fine imported Melton , silk lined all through , at $1-1.75. This overcoat cannot
be duplicated for less than $20.00 in any establishment in Omaha.
. We call particular attention to ourBoys'and Children's Suitsof which we have just re
ceived about one thousand. Among them we have 150 Norfolk suits , in sizes from -1 to
13 years , strictly all wool cheviot , with double seat and double stitched , usually called
"rough and tumble" suits. We sell them at $2.95 and they are the best wearing suit ever
introduced. We invite inspection of these suits whether you Avish to purchase or not.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at
Nebraska Clothing Company ,
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
1 he only Machine that will sew backwards -5
and forwards equally well , and the Lujh'csl
Jlunnlng Sewing Machine in existence.
The Union Sewing Machine
We desire energetic and reinontlbledcalera
in Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Dakota and
Western Iowa.
If you arc lookinyfor a cheap Machine , don't
answer this advertisement , but if yon want to
handle the best Scwlny Machine that money can
buy , address for particulars.
209 N , I6tii St , , Omaha , Neb ,
Mention Omaha Jlce.
Elegant Spring Clothing
We Possess the Ability of Giving You Tasty Styles.
We Possess the Ability of Giving You Goods at Eastern Prices.
I-Livc noAV in stock $75,000 worth of CLOTHING- ; are .asking for business thai will
save buyers money , and arguments are useless , let the goods talk. -
Our wonderful spring stock will make friends outshine rivals , win victories and sell itself - rrl
self 011 its merits every time.
ANDREWS BROS , , Yankee Boys from Maine
At 1113 Farnam Street.
Successors to Jno. G. Jacobs ,
At the oldstand 1407 Farnam st. Order *
bytolcpraph solicited and promptly at
tended to. Tohphone No. 225.
I"b""itrdhr | *
rnlV ntr/iurtilfnihretmiinuii."H l < il. nihi | t4c. lu'lnp
The Sandon Electric Co. 169 LaSallo t. . ChicagOj
IQweatKa eiv : r Offered From Mo. KUer
.WSIGLER'S Grand Pullman Car Excursions ,
Penonallr conducted. leaTO CblcHjro , Ht. Load ,
KanTTi C Omaha and other We.wrn CUiea
monthlr. lor California orer the 0. B. 4 Q. and tha
T tVflEUII * BnilTC o' I" * "otld. tor
T SCENIC ROUTE partlculari addrex
The C. E. Mayne Real Estate and Trust Co ,
Property of every description for sale m all parts ot tut oltf. Lund * for sale lu
every county in Nebraska.
O/Titles of Douglas county kept. Alans of the city state or county , or any ot h or
Information desired furnished frco ol cluirga upon application.
\ < > ISICi OK ItK\VAKI \ > S !
One Million Distributed Every Year
iir..vuuJ iu. INT KKST MONKV l > IVII ii : ) AMOM1 A VKW I.UOKV
Only f 100 required to secure one Koyal Kalian 100 francj gold bond. These bonds
participate in four drawing every year nnd retain their original value
until the \earl94l. Prizes of 2,000,003 1,000.000 , 500,003 , JKO.OOO , &c. francs will he
drawn , besides the certainty of receiving back 100 francs in gold , ) on may wn 4 Units
Thl Is as Rfo , nnd t'i ' host. Investment aver offered , ni tlm Inroituil mqnoy mint lie milJ back
wben , < ma in"tu'.t. . . . BmU foJclroul tr < fti It will pay you to d ) . orson. - . y.-tir . order J wltli tnonoy
or rcgieturcd letter , or | > o lal note' , mid In ruturu wo will forwutdtlio documents ,
ISiitM.ISAMKI.N'C : * CO. , ! tO5 llroiidwii- , \e\v York C'llj" .
K. B.-TlicaobQ dJ * rt u tlgttortloka , wJo tu mlia.'ull/i ( ri lttointmU.3. b