Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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AdTtrtlncmcnU under tbs ) heid , lOcentipor
line for the first Insertion , 7 c nt § for oaclnub-
sequent latortlon , and $1.50 n line per month
No Advertisement taken for lee * than'wntl
for the first insertion. Beven word" ill be
counted ( o the line ; they mt' t run eniecu-
tlvely nnd must bo paid In advance. All advtr-
tlscmenU must be handed In before 1 : DO o'clock
j > , m. , and under no circumstances will thcybe
Uken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties adtortltlng In tbesu lolumni rnd bur *
ingthoaniwersaJdrcised In care of THE Res
will please isk for n check toenablo them to set
their letter * , as none will bo dellrorod except
on vresentatlon of check. All answer ! to ad *
vnrtttements should be enclosed In envelopes.
ONEY to loan on real estate and chattels
M B. ! KatzJc Co. 1511 Farnam St. , ground floor.
MONEY to loan on Improved city property at
6 per cent. Money on hand ; do not have
to wait Have a complete set of abstract books
of Dnuglai county. I. N. Watson , abstractor
Harris Real Estate and LoanCo.,330S.llth ) st.
MONBY First mortgage notes. The Douglas
county bank will buy paper ! secured by
flrst mortgage on city realty. 124
C PER CENT-Money to loan.
Gregory & Hadley.
Room * 1 and 3 , Rcdick Dlock , 330 8. 15th Rt
L\ONBY to Ixwn on reolostato and collator-
J.'L als and chattels. Nebraska Loan * Real
Kfitato Co. , Kxposlttan building , corner Capitol
avenue and 14th street. 993
fit ONEY TO LOAN on unproved real curtate ;
-l"i no commission charged. Leavltt Burn-
hnm , Room 1 Crotgliton lllock. 117
MONEY to loan on city and farm property.
Harris & Sampson. 1510 Douglas st 347iut !
"JVOANS-Loans Loans.
Real estate loans ,
Collateral leans.
Chattel loans.
Long tirno loans.
Short tlmn loans.
Money always on hand to loan on any ap
proved security.
Investment securities bought and sold.
Omaha Unanclil Exchange , u. w. cor. 15th
and Harney.
Corbett. Mannger. 119
MONEY to loan , cosh on delay.
J. W. nnd M L. Squire , 1413 Farium Rt ,
I'axton hotel building. 120
$ M/0,000 / TO LOAN at 0 per cent J. J. Ma-
lioncy. I6UO Farnam. 121
6 PER CENT Money.
11. 0. Patterton , 15th and Harney. 122
TO LOAN Money Loans placed on Im
proved real oftlnte In olty or county for
Mow England Loan Ic Trust Co. , by Douglas
1'ouiity baak. mh and Chicago Pts. _ 129
TVf ONI'.Y TO LOAN-OB city and farm prop-
J'l. erty.low latos , Stewart & Co. , Room 3
Iron bank. _ 127
TVf ONEY TO LOAN-0 F. Davis i Co. .real
M.U. estate and loon agents , 1605 Farnam at
ONEY TO LOAIT-On real estate and chat
tels. D. U Thomas. 129
It600,00 To loan oa Omaha city property at 6
* P per cent G. W. Day , ever 1313 DougUi it
MONBY TO 1AN by too undersigned , wbo
has tbo only properly organized loan
agency In Otmha. Loans ef $10 to $100 rtme
on furniture , pianoorgan * , horses , wagon * ,
machinery , Ac , without removal. No delays.
All busiaaoB ttrMtr eontdeatlaL Loans * e
houM carefully OM ld r who they are dealing
Ulth , ai many new cvnoerns ar daily coming
Into existence. Pdonld you need money call
ndieema. W. a. Croft , Itoom WUhnoll
Building. IStk and Uarnoy. _ 131
MONET LOANB nt Oi-P. Rood & Co.'s Loan
Offloe , oa f nralturo , ( Hanes , horsca , wagons ,
personal prportrf all kinds , and all otbor ar
ticle * of value , without removal. 019 8.13th.
over IMnghara s Commission store. All busi
ness strictly conMonMal. 133
J7 > OR BALE 17,000 of general merchandise
f and itor * furniture , clean , well assorted ;
jrltl take bait In good unlnoumbered farm land ,
ttalonoe in payments well secured ; goodreasons
lor selling. Addrws Call Box 57 , Alma . Nob.
T71OR BALE In a thriving western railroad
X : town , a bauk dolor a need business. Slok-
pe s compels selUng. Address box la ; Broken
low. Nub. 87329
" 171OR SALB Orexeharjg * for stock merchan-
. disc , 18.800 acres school land In eastern Col
orado. Address M , look box 24 , Fairmont. Nob.
8J025 *
BOUND TO SKLL-If sold before April 1st
Jaeksen tt. Laundry will b offered for
V-.BOO. K oasli ; not a cent far the trade ; must
Ibe sold on account 'of dissolving partnership.
§ 15 Jackson st. Hoist A Kragb. 816 88J
TTKR B ALB Or Trade Good paying bard-
f ware business In one of the best counties
In Iowa. Stock will Invoice about $3,000 , Is
oed , clean and well nesortod. Will sell for
cash or take part payment In good farm land In
western Iowa er eastern Nebraska. For par-
4loularB address X. Q , Bee ofSco , Council lllulTg.
TilOa BALK-Good restaurant lit N llth st
J _ _ 255 aaj
I10H SALE-l'rlntlng outfit complete at 2-3
invoice price. Btvam engine , power press ,
all In good condition , tormi easy. Fierce A
Kodgers , Room 5 , Arlington block. 852 25
TjlOR BALB-Or Trade-Good paying hart-
. * . ' ware buslores In one of the best counties In
Iowa. Btock will Invoice about S3,000 , is good ,
clean , and well assorted. Will sell far cash or
take part payment In good farm land In west
ern Iowa or eastern Nebraska. For particu
lar * address X Q , lice office , Council Blum.
_ _ 24
I XR BALE A first class cigar , tobacco and
confectionery store In central part of oily ;
will bo sold at a sacrifice. Address G 71'Beo.
rpo TRADEat a bargain for Iowa or Nebraska
JL land a 12,500 stock of general merchandise.
Call on or address J. U. Kuhl , Harlan , Iowa.
130-24 *
A BARGAIN for any one having two thousand
dollar * . For sale a grocery business es
tablished In 1863. For further Information ad-
.tirussK. W. Uottmann. Nebraska City , 173-25J
GOOD BARGAlN-Flr.e stock or fresh
groceries with itoro fixtures and good will.
price about 11,500. Address Whitney & Co , ,
Omaha. _ 131-23 *
FOB BALE or Exchange-Anew 85 bbl com
bination mill situated on Little Illut
river , near Hebron. In Thaynr county. Will ex
change for wild or Improved lands or live stock ,
for further particular * address First National
Hank , Hebron , Neb. _ 8J9
fjlINK Chance Wanted Stock of groceries
Jor hardare In exchange for 160 acres of the
finest land In Nebraska , within 90 miles ol
Ciuaha. Inquire ot llerthold < i Co. , 620 S. 10th Bt
( nan * from 3 to 4 per cent , monthly. A splondlil
chance. Address D 89. lloeolllce. _ 915
TC OH SALE-IUlf Interest In one of the bosl
J- paying drug stores In southwestern Iowa
Capital required , 13,500. Address U 40 , Bee of
gee. _ HIS
rPAKEN Ul'-Ilay mare , 6 years old , whlti
Jspot forehead branded U U. little whlti
on hind feet. shod. August Behnako , ot
Kasmusion'i place , Tinllos N W of Omaha.
m 18 2330 as 13
FT on my promises , 1513 Webster , a * mal
black pony. 3 wulte feet , white face. Wll
V iVXl80,1 ? ' ' ' cst bidder at constable p lo
April 9th. Peter F. Fedde. m U 23 so * ,
friODND The finest suburban home * In thi
finest new addition to Omaha. Tlptoi
- , Motter Real Estate Agency , 1613 Faruan
J : .T7i2la'U.c'lnrJr ' blrdi W reward ; returi
t to 119 B. 17tb st (96 i *
Sj0T The.chanc * to buT lot la Tiptoi
t Place , the new addition , will soon be lot
ai there are only a few left Secure them noi
from Motter 1U 1 Estate Agency , 1613 Farnaq
tl- tit tt
tj7OST-ln Omaha , a pocketbook contalnlni
JJ notes against B. Chrliwiuer for $90 an
Cha * Riihllug for $30. Ale containing MT * *
which will be given for return to j'w.Arni
Urong , Springfield , Neb. ISO J9
LOWT-Theohaace to buy a lot la Tlptoi
Plase , the new addition , will teen be l * t a
there are only a few left Secure them noi
Trom Hotter Real Estate Agency , UU Far n at
* pKU ONAI Wecall the attentlonoTInvil
toriandcpeonlatonln Omaha Keal Kitat
onrnxolaldrlTeinbargains twblob wear
U * ' * worthy of lnv stlg tlor
" | jERONAL A younir gentleman , n stranger
JL in the city , would like to raako the ac
quaintance of n young lady. Object , social enJoyment -
Joymont G 40 lloa 794 24J
/ 1LAlRVOVANT--Mailani Alaska roveaU
\J past , tiroflont and future. Satisfaction
guaranteed. 613 S 18th st. 309 a 3
MK9. DI'RANT , Clarlvojnat. from Boston ,
will remain In the city a short time only ,
bhcrendftthe deepest docreti , unfolds the fu
ture , unites separated lover ? , causes spocdy
marriages , is vray irllabloln nil adalrs of life ,
Hooin I. Lyons blk. 16th and Chicago. Oil-24 *
T > ERSONAL I.oilles wanting good servant
JL girls con be supplied at short notice by
railing at 119 K. 16th st , , Crouuso blk , E. O.
llclle-lslo. . 39324
TEItPONAL private homo for Indies during
-L confinement Strictly confidential , In *
fonts adopted. Address U 42 , Bcoofilco.101mSfl
101-mSfl *
PERSHNAI/ . Dr. Nanni * V. Warren
clairvoyant. Medical and business Medlup
Boom No 8,121 North 16th st .Omaha , Nb.
rpo THE I'UHMO-Hove renttod th Pacific
JL house in first class style and am ready to
see my f rlcdds once more , uouio open all night.
Fcllz Blaven. SM Zf
FOR ADOPTION-A healthy boy baby oqe
month old , blue ayes : clothing will be Riven
with child. II 23 , Heo olflce. 31621 *
. .VANTKCompctent Rirl for Roneral
> T housework. &lt Walnut st. 3S1 26J
PARTIES having cisterns , cesspools or vaults
cleaned , address A. o > Co. , Uoz 751 , city.
3U27 *
CASH paid for old gold and silver. C. L.
ErlokBOB & Co. , 212 N 16th st. 280 M
MlK place whore they sell furniture cheap
for rash ban boon removed from 1416 Doug-
astollTN. 10th st. 20.1 a8
flESS POOLS , sinks and vaults cleaned , Oder-
lossprocoaa. E , Ewing , box 427. city.
WO n 15 *
SPOT GASH for second-hand , furniturecar-
pots and stoves , nt 117 N. ICth st.
203 a8
JOSEPH UOSENSrEIN has removed from
12U5 Fnrnam to Kfi N. IGtli at , keeps always
i full stock of fresh nnd salt water fishes ,
lysters , Knmo nnd poultry. Telephone 'JM.
-rdors solicited. j)84
MILS. M. OllLKNSCllIAiGiK--roUmtcd : :
midwife , cornur"jth and Cumlntr st , up
talrs. 87ial4' :
po parties havlnir houses for rent , Hontnl
- Agrnoy , Iloimwn iCe , , list. , opposite post-
nice , Wo have turned over to them our rental
1st. Wo recommend them. McCngus Bros.
DON'T bo nn oyttur. Don't bo swallowed
ullvo when you want to neil furniture ,
arputs or household Roods , call at 117 N. lath.
203 a8 !
OOHBCSPONDENCE solicited with rclmhlo
partieswbocan furnish capital to build
iml operate a canning factory In a western
.own. Cash bonus to the right party. Ad-
'ress H. G. Cross , Ininan , Neb. 84'J 23 *
TpOB KENT Organs , (3 per month. Monpe ,
J ? H13 D u la , SH9
FOR REfr t quaro Piano , | t month IT.
Hospa. U13Dougl a. 39
I will trade a piano , nearly new. for lot In
Omaha , I. N. Watson , at Court House or at
K > 8 M. 17th street. 171
MASH advanced on diamonds and watches at
L117 N. llth St. Orff&Co. SOU BlH
DON'T be aclam. Don't par two prices when
you can no to 117 N. 16th and buy furnl-
'uro , stoves , 4c , at rook bottom prices.
203 a8
THIRST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th rt
HORSKS CUPPED-At the fair Rrounds for
VUM. Adam Thomson ; good work truer-
aatoed. 770-23'
MONHV talks when you want to buy furni
ture orrnper stoves at 117 N.16tb , between
Dodge and Capitol avo. 203 a8 !
"F you want to buy or soil f urulturo , RO to
- J. Ferguson's , 715 N. 10th. 737
FOR RBNT 9quara Piano fJ montBly.
Bosve.U13fi uirla . 135
rvi'EW IIoardtDR House , fine tables , clean and
IN palatable victual * . 1418 Chicago st. 3C6
STOIlAOE First-class atorago for nlco fur
niture or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodgo-tt
OTABLEfor3or 3 horses with
O room for buggy or wagon. Cheap , Loov-
worth and 21st st. Address H 30 Boo office.
879 25J
FOR HALE A gentle pony 5 years old , broke
to ride or drive ; price $40. Address H 24 ,
Bee office. 390 2JJ
T7KR BALK A pair of Oao driving ponies ,
JL ! double harness and phaeton ; also a One
black family horse. Phaeton aad harness new ;
also a tint * bedroom suit of furniture , with 30
yard * of Ingrain carpet , cheap for caab. Ad
dress Charles W. King , 520 south 13th st. 370 29 *
TT10R SALE Ton pool and billiard tables at
JC Hornbergor's , 1321 Douglas st. 983-20
E1OR SALE A Lyon * Healoy uprlgh t piano
six octaves , good as new. at a very desirable
bargain. 414N. 19th st 70T
F OR SALB A Clyde Canadian stallion. In
quire saloon , oor Kth and Vlnton. 69324 *
ITiOR BALK-3 million brick and upward * eeC -
-C sides dally out put of 80,000. Enquire
on premises , cor Dorcas and 2nd its. Omaha
Brick and Terra Cotta Mfg. Co 630
coat and two pantaloon
makers Immediately ; first-class pay and
flrst-clasa men wanted. John Banvostrle , 113
South 13th Bt , Lincoln , Neb. 3W ! 24 *
'ANTED-Flrst-clas * ihoamaker. J. W.
W Talbot Syracuse , Nob. 314 24j
WANTED GO sober. Intelligent men of good
address to try a tOo meal at Norrls' res.
taurant04816thst 131
WANTBD Good , reliable men to buy lots In
Tlpton Place , only * lx blocks from now
Northwestern depot Apply to Motter Real
Estate Agency , 1613 Famam st 228 Z
WANTBD Hen with rigs to sell real estate :
good wages. Co-operativo Land & Lot
Co. . 205 N. 16th t. 323 25J
WANTBD A smart , active man to take bold
of novelty just out. $3 to $5 a day.
Northwestern Novelty Co. , 1207 Farnam st
"ITirANTED First-class paper hangers. None
TV but such need apply. C.U. Btonor , Fre
mont , Neb. 198-26 *
WANTED I want an agent to sell a ready
selling article ; an experienced salesman
can earn $10 to $20 a day. M. D. Archibald ,
Arcade hotel , 116 23 *
ANTED Two good journeyman tailor * at
; once. U. O'Uourk , i'lattsmoutb. Neb.
ANTED Five first-class advertising solic
itors ; only men capable nf earning good
les neeaapply. A. B.EodsCompanyRoom
B. corner 13th and Dodge stu. UH3
WANTED Traveling salesman to represent
one of Cincinnati' * largest carriage fac
tories , In Iowa and Nebraska. A splendid
opening for a first class man. All communica
tions confidential. Address stating experience ,
D. A. W. , rooms 19 and 20 Johnston building ,
Cincinnati , Ohio. 270 23
\\7AMTED-Throo coat makers and two
TT panti maker * to go to Leadvllle , Col.
None but first class need apply. 15 per cent ,
higher pay than Omaha bllL Address K. Matu-
erson , Leadvllle , Col. J67 2 *
A GENTS wanted for the life of Henry Ward
-i Boecherby Thos. W. Knox. An authen <
tie and complete history of hi * life and work
from the cradle to the grave , Outsells all
otbor * 10 to 1. The best and cheapest and
plendldly Illustrated. Boll * line wild tiro. Ex ,
tra terms. Outfit tree. Now Is the time. Ad
dress at ouce , 8. F. Junkm & Ca , Kansas City ,
Mo. 10 a 5J
"TfTANTBD immediately , a young man , 16 to
TV IS years old , who writes good band and
good at figures , prefer some one that has bad
eome experience at office work. Address H 21 ,
Bee office. 363 24J
WANTED A few persons to Instruct In
book-keeplug. Situation. J. H. Smith ,
1613 Chicago It 804 S7J
ANTED-Good coat maker , J. Cohen.3ttl a
lllh st. 857 tt *
"tlfJANTKD Gentlemen and lady agents for l
V > good line of specialties CaU 4318.10th it ,
a5 35 >
WANTBD A good tailor ; good wagei and
iteadywork. Adpren or inquire of W ,
J. MaKenile , Bxater , Neb. 876-25J
\TTANTED-Boy for drug store at 2715 Cum
TT. ming it 883 S3 *
\VANTKD-Kxperloncod dry good * travelllna
TT aleraan having an established trade IB
the country tributary to Kama * City. State
amount of trade , territory covered , and how
leng. Addre * * , with reference , W. B. Grlmsi
Pry Good * Oe. , Kansas Ctty , Me. Kt
VlTANTKD-aood , reliable men to buy lot * It
TT Tlpton Placeoaly six blocks from new
Northwestern depot Apply to Motter Uea
Kstau AsTeocy , UU yaraam st. tas s
NTklD-Saksiraen. to sell ipecialtlei tc
merahaatsi oomoilealoa ; eaiy M sell !
sLA. r * * blfc isMUPend.lnd.
WANTED At the Canflold house , second
cook and pan washer. 3(3 ! 3 *
WANTED-Taltorstwo ; first class pantma-
kcrs Immediately. Will pay good wage * .
L. Botnhelmor , McCook , Neb , 257 24J
ANTED-A dishwasher , 1004 N 18th street ,
Miller's restaurant. VJ3ZI
\\"AJ TED Immediately , experienced dining
> room girls at Ojiolts hotel , Lincoln , Nob.
$18 per month. 400 tl
ANTED-Good girl , 1707 Cass. 330
" \TITANTED First class colored chambermaid.
TT Inquire 107 N 12th St. 3 3 S5J
WANTED-Oood first cla , i cook , wood
wages guarnntceed to the right party.
Apply at once at 111 South Ninth. 3S4 5 *
\VANTED Good reliable Swiss or German
> girl as first cook. Apply at Klkhorn Val
ley house , N. E. cor. llth and Dodge. 'Ml S& *
WANTED Two Rood waiters , glrli or boys ,
at Danbaum's Ucstaurant 353 25
WANTFD 14 good Rlrls for housework , one
nurse girl. Call Omaha Umployment
Bureau , 119 N. 16th it. 891 S3
WANTED Girl for general housework ,
6X S. 1Mb , near St. Mary's ave. i5
W ANTED A good alrl for general house
work at 704 8. 18th at a > i Z3'
W IANTBD A head laundress Immediately at
the Cozzens hotel. 353 23
W ANTED Girl to do housework , 315 N 16th
St. 345 24 J
WANTED A competent girl for general
housework , 501 B. 20th st U03
WANTED At once , piano player , colored
woman preferred , Apply 1128.9th. 'MS
W'ANTED Good girl for general h ousowork ,
small family,2443 Capital UTO. 344
WANTED 2waist makers ; 1 apprentice ; !
errand glrL Mrs. A. Rice , llushmau
Mock. 333
WANTED First-class cook and second Rirl.
deed wages if competent References ,
' 812 Chicago. 2JJ
WANTED An e.xporlencol starchor at 915
Jaccson st. : I18 23 *
WANTED A thoroughly competent cook.
Mrs. Morse , n w corner 20th and Daven
port st 323 23
WANTED A Rood girl to help In Kltchon
U , S. botcl , cor. 10th and Douglas st.
st.3.T 24
\\'ANTED-A Rirl for chiirabor work. Apply
M at the Mlllard hotel. 296 sa
WANTEU-50 good pills for domestic work ;
best of wages and good homos ; 121 N 15th
288 27J
WANTED Dining room girl , al o chamber
mnld , who understands dining room-
work at Occidental. 2t > i
WANTED-First-class girl for housework ,
KG 3.2Jd bet Farnam and Douglas. 909
WANTED-Itost of WBROS to a competent
cook and Isundrosa , 2303 Farnam st.
WANTBD-Ladles to work for us at their
own homos ; (7 to 10 per weak can bo
quietly made ; no photo-palntlog , no canvass
ing. For full particulars please address at
onceCrtttont Art Co. , 1U Central St. , Boston ,
Mass. , llox 5170. 002
T\7ANTBD Good cook and Laundress. 20J N.
18th st.
WANTHD Situation by young man as clerk ,
14 yean In Lnnber business , raferonces
A No. 1. Addrets H 26 this office. 398 24 *
WANTED na young man , situation as
boot and sh e Bniewnan or In clothing
house : beet of references. Enquire of Omaha
Em ploymeot Bureau , 119 N. ICth st. 333 24
WANTED Situation as clerk In any respect
able wholesale or retail business. Good
references , Addrofca Hiram Llndb , I'Md Far-
namst 35923 *
WANTED-Situation of any kind. Inquire
1110 8.13th at 35326 *
V7ANTED Employment by young Dane ,
' T active , konest and able at anything. Host
of references. Address 619 N 19th st 363 23J
\T7ANTED-Po8ltlon In wholesato or retail by
T T on experienced dry goods and carpet sales
man. Speaka German. Address Uio.caro of
this office. . . 819 80 *
AN experienced book-keeper Is willing to
take charge of a set of books that will re
quire but two or three days ot each week. U
17 lleo , 340 Z4 |
WANTED-Sltuatlon. A yonng man 21
years of age , speaks 3erman and Eng
lish , wishes a position. Address C. K. , City
Hotel. 303 S4 *
WANTED Place as gardener or work In a
nursery ; ten years' experience. Address
H 27 , Dee office. 81725 *
WANTED Sewing : to go out by the day at
the residence. Call , N. W. cor. 12th and
Howard. 30123 *
; ANTED-81tuation In office at copying.
Good references. Addros * II22 , Bee.
86 "Sij
W ANTED Situation In grocery store. In
quire 1314 Capitol ave. 86123 *
WANTED Situation by a practical druggist
of olty and country .experience 7 years.od-
dress W. F. Boasett , Blkh an , Ind. 177 27 *
\S7ANTED-Sltuatlon ; Kansas or Nebrasna
TT by thorough bookkeeperalso ; writes short
hand. Cash bond given. References exchanged.
N. 8chulze,66J W. Madison St. , Chicago. III.
W AM TED To rent house , barn and land
suitable for dairy business , addresi H18
Bee office. 831 25J
WANTED-6 or 7 room cottage , family of 3.
no children , address F.M.C. , P. O. Box
454. 35125
WANTBD House of 6orT rooms centrally
located oy gentleman and wife. Refer
ences. H 19 , Roe office. 346 28J
WANTED To exchange a suburban lot for
a good driving horse. Address or call on
a P. Bcntly , Herald building , 15th and Barney.
WANTBD to Trade-Fine south front lot In
Institute Place for good single driving
horse. J. L. illce & Co. , ovsr Commercial
bank. 861
WANTED A single gentleman wants a
neatly turnlshed room. State terms and
location. Address 017 , Bee office. 655
WANTED To rent furnished or unfurnished
cottage or flat of 0 or 7 rooms , centrally
located. Address Q 3 , Bee office. 653
ANTED By two young gentlemen , front
room with board , must be within reason
able distance of the U. F. Railroad track , address -
dross Q 3 , Bee oflloe. 121 3
ANTED -Teams , 309 8. llth 8U
OMAHA Storage Warehouse-Corner 13th
and Izard fits. , forstorago of house-
bold goods and general merchandise at low
rates. Advances made ; Issue warehouse ro-
ceIpts. R. R. switch at the house , Olllco 619
South 13th street and 1308,1310 and 1312 Izard
street. Telephoun 683 , M , 8. Goodrich , mgr.
9u6rn l
FOR RENT-Rarn between 14th and Jackson.
Apply Gate City Real Estate agency. LJ20
Douglas it 297
"tnOH RENT Cottage of 4 rooms , 2 closets
X ! pantry and collar. 501 B. 20th , 1 block north
of St. Mary' * avo. 377
FOR HENT-Hoiise , 6 rooms , ball and stable
Spruce it. , 311. Inquire at 60S N Mth * t.
38725 ]
TjVJR RENT Ton-room house , and furniture
JL' for tale. Enquire on promises , 1610 Far-
aamst 278 li *
TJlORHENT-New brick house with all modern
JL' improvements , U rooms. Apply 1310
Farnam it 666
V5R RENT i new cottage * on California
and 30th street , near Cumlng itrcet cars.
Rent $35 per month. Apply to Kaufman Uro * . ,
8073.15th SU 6J
ImoHHENT-S. w. corner 30th and Webster.on
JL' red car line , newly painted rooms wither
without board , house has all modern oorven
Uuce * , * uoh u bath and city water. 132-23
fOSL BEMT Brick yard * , T. Murray.
FOR ItENT-ao aorta of ground , improved
North of the olty 3 miles. H.C. Patterson
15th and Harney. 27
FOH HXirr-Cottave * . house * and Mores , all
dealrable and well located , from $30 per
moalhna , L. Hurnhara , Boom 1 Creljrhtoa
TJTOR RBNT 100 acres cultivated land and SO
JL ? acre * bar land , cheap. Chas. Belndorff
821 Georgia ave. 179 39 *
EK > R KBNT-SUble. Capitol ave aad Wh. En
Jv quire rooi S. AiUagton block. 74 $
BXJUIT-Mof alarceoace well located
toqulreof Maa * Co.UI1 Dodge * t
FOR RENT Newly furnished front tooni
with bedroom , sulwblp for two or four
gentlomin Or man nnd * * fo215 N. 13th street.
K } 841 25 *
iR RENT Furnished front room , 1615 Cass.
FOR HKNT-Nlcoly fujmllhed room * , board
if desired , 113 So 2JB , bet Douglas and
Dodge. 3 241
TTIOR RENT-Front rioti with alcove gnu ,
Jf nlecly furnished , for' no or two gentlemen -
men ; $25 a month ; 533 Sottfi 14th. 277 23'
ilOR RENT One furnished front room , 1113
Douglas it. 278 23 *
"ITOll HENT Funilshed-jilecpliKf rooms and
X1 furnished and unfurnished rooms for
ight housekeeping. Inquire 8W Howard st.
FOH KENT 4 unfurnished rooms with close
closets , 4o , , up Hairs , suitable for small
family , s w cor ITtb and Dorcas. Call on
iromlseg. "M
FOR RENT To a man and wit * without
children , 4 chambers : very convenient
'or housekeeping , 3 blocks from postoOlco. Illtf
North 17tb st. 871
FOR RENT Furnished room for llgnt house
keeping. 1013 Chicago St. 37BS4 *
RENT Front parlor and alcove , fur-
F nlsbod ; good board. 2531 St. Mary's avo.
TTKR ) RENT Nicely furnished room , 513
-C North 19th street. 368 25J
I OR RENT Two fine rooms , furnished or
unfurnished. 526 1'leasant st i7 25j
rOR RENT Large furnished front room ,
suitable for two ; bath. 2205 Farnam.
FOR RENT 3 unfurnished rooms , sultaMo
for light housekeeping. Call at 420 N IStb
st Reference too.ulrcd. 85 20
' furnished rooms with or without
board on I.onvsnworlli and 21st st Fine
ocatlon : handy for business uiou. Address II
JO llee olllco. 378 25j
tnOR RENT-To nlco furnished rooms at 1017
-E Chicago. 336 25r
WANTED A peed dlnlhg room girl at the
Vienna restaurant. 1017 Howard st. 33024'
F I OR KENT A newly furnished front room ,
wltb closet and bath. b < ) l South 20th st.
F I OR RENT Nicely furnished front parlor ,
2 a 15th , $3 per month. M024
RENT Elegant furnished room for lady
and gent or quiet lady. 211 N' mh.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms , cheap to re
sponsible parties. Inquire 1508 Cass. 37423
OifliENT yurnishcifroohis. bath , etc. , $ U )
to $25 per mouth. 012 N. 17th. 3t82J !
" 1710R RENT Nicely furnished front room in
JL nlco cottage , * 8 per month , (00 Walnut st ,
8 minutes walK eouthoast U. P. depot. 312
FOH HENT-Nlcely furnished rooms on 19th
et. : rates reasonable. Inquire at New
Home oilloo , 122 N 15th. 289 27j
F OR RENT Furnished rooms and board ,
619 N 19th St 135 28 *
"C1OR RENT Furnished rooms , bath nnd
JL' modern conveniences , 401 N 15th st iC5 23'
FOR RENT To nlcoly furnished front rooms
for gentleman and wife or two gentlemen.
Board If desired. 1520 Jackson St. 32523 ]
FOR RENT Two largo plrcjant unfurnished
rooms ; references required. 2107 Harney
street , 84J
T3TOR RENT- Handsome ) } furnished rooms.
- * Modern conveniences. U18 North 15th st
989 34 *
WANTED To rent 7 or flroom hoiiAe , not
over 15 blocks from postoffico. Enquire
at Bonnlson Bros. ji &a
T70RRENT-2d floor 23tliO foot , use of pie-
X1 yator , etc. , No. 1405 Douglas st. Apply
J. M. W. , P. O. box 654. 244 26
BIO It ll.UNT Nicely furnished rooms at roa-
Boniiblo rates , 1718 Douglas at. 205 2IJ
F I OR RBNT Two furnished rooms , at 1915
Farnam st 141
TilOR RENT- Elegantly furnished rooms. All
- - moJerd conveniences on pave J street and
street car lino. No liner location in city. Cull
atmvofflco. L. F. Hammond , room 3. 1522
Douglas et. 630
F I OR RENT-Furnished rooms , 714 N. lAth.
720-alO *
FOR RBNT Elegant furnished rooms ; all
modern conveniences on paved street and
street car line. No flnor location In city. Call
at my office. L. P. Hammond , rooms , 15ii
Douglas st. 619
FOR RENT-Storo room and No. 110 N. 14th
st basement 388
TjlOR RENT Nlcoly furnished rooms at rev
-V sonable rates , one Dlock from court heuso ,
E06 So 18th st , north St , Mary's ave , up stairs.
T71OR RENT Nicely furnished front room 3
J-1 blocks south of the Opera House.UlS Jones.
FOR RBNT-Nlcelr furnished rooms , 2227
Dodge st , all modern Improvements. 817
BARGAINS-May bo had of
J. N. Fierce 4 Co. In
Plain view.
Bedford Place , !
Paddock Place ,
Kllby Place.
Patrick's Addition ,
Clarendon ,
Orchard Hill.
Saunders & Hcltnbaugh Addition ,
Walnut Hill ,
Hawthorne ,
Tbornburg ,
Marsh's Addition ,
Dwlght A Lyman's Addition ,
Kountzo St Ruth's Addition ,
South Omaha ,
and others.
Wo have some bargains In acreage property ,
desirable for platting. I. N. Pierce & Co , 1506
Douglas street , ground floor. Ofllce opu n In
the evening- . 238-23.
JF. HAMMOND. Real Estate , 117 8. ICtb st ,
. first door north nf Douglas.
Hawes' add , fine lot 41x132,1-3 cash 900
Hawes' add , lot6U133,14 ! cash 1,240
A. a Patrick's add. 2 lot * . 60x120 , each. . 1.350
A S. Patrick's add , 2 Iots,100xl20.1-3 cash 3,000
Patrick' * add , lot 50x120,1-3 cash 3,300
1'ark avo. , ologiint residence , 10 rooms. . 12,000
1'leasant Hill , 0-room bouse , cor lot 2,201
Hlllnke add , 3 lota , 30x148 ; 1-4 cosh each 855
Grammercy Park , 2 nice lots $100 cash 7 : 0
Grammorcy Park. 33 lota , from $800 to 750
Ambler Placelot * from$700to 000
Sheridan Place lot. cash $350 W > 0
Sheridan Place , elegant lot , $630cash. . . . l,20n
Sheridan Place , 8 lots f $475 cash 1,200
889 23
140 foot on Plercoby 98 on 19th st , with 0
I28foet square fronting on tnree streets ,
* | *
Full lot north of Cumlng on 27th st , with ft-
room housePJ.BOO.
Corner Douglas and 12th st , and 25 feet front
on 12th n , $35,000.
150 foot trent on 17th and 18th st , each , with 5
bouses , $20,000.
5 acre tract In Tuttle's subdivision with 6 room
house. $0,000. u
3 choice lots In Walnut Bill. 11,000 each.
I < ot on Dodgebet 27th and 2dtb,5-roomhouso ,
$3,000. , * \
40 foot front on 10th st , south of viaduct ,
45x127 on South 13th st , $ V > 00 ,
Lot on Farnam , near 40thst , $3,000.
Cholco residence lot in Slinimlt Place. $3,5CO.
130x133 , corner 31st and Farnam , ( I7.COJ.
Corner 25th and Capitol avenue , $6.COO.
50 foot on Douglas , with f 10-room houses , all
modern Improvements , $11 WO.
2 lots on Hamilton street ) $2,800.
66x300 , fronting on Cumtng and Burt streets , 5
houses , $15,000. i h
68 toot front on Farnam.wlth two stores
and a residence ; brings U'per cent on Invest
ments. > ' ! ,
31x132 , CUB * it , between Kth and 15th , with 7-
room house , $4 00.
Full lot , 21st st south of teavenworth , 7-room
bouse , barn and all modern Improvements ,
Corner , Burt and 18th st , with 6-room house ,
I-ots In alt addition * cheap.
891 B. Katz ft Ca , 1511 Farnam.
FOR BALB A corner lot south and east front
on special contract In Kountzo place ,
mutt be bulk on this year.
Corner and Inside lot * In Orchard hill.
Corner and inside lots in Clifton hill.
Corner and Inside lots in Walnut hill.
Corner and Inside lots in Saunder * It Hlme-
Corner and Inside lots In Carthage.
Large bouse and fine lot on 18th street with
room to build more , for sale very cheap.
Call on or address Jarne * Stookdale , * 14 South
19th st 39638
GF. EL8AH8ER.318 B 10th street. S new
house * 2 story and full tot on B 10th street
a blocks from Browneil hall. K front rent * to
first class tenant for $68 per mo , alwayidid.
Have been offered in ore and year In advance.
Tbl * will be surely sold In 10 day * . First come
flmserved. $9.500. $3.000 cash , ball year. 1
have also bargain In t best lota In Donovan's
add , : block * from street ear.
North 10th , USxIiO. bargain.
Mh ana Dodge , ttxixion Dodge.
10th bet Harney aad Howard,44ilW.
Bedford opp. foundry , corner HO ft 9M
150J Farnam St.
Offer the bargains to-dayt
1 corner ( leorrla ave. and Dupont $ t M.
7 Orchard hill , choice lots each IH.V ) .
House nnd 2 lots. Saunders A Ulmebaugh's
add. to Walnut hill $ Xm
10 Finest lots In Clovurdale , bargains.
Fine lots In Kllbj placo. cheap ,
Flnel 1-2lot John I llcdlck's sub division.
Xcholoe lots In Maynos add. , each t U
zcholce lots Falrmount place.
1 aero best In Uolvedoro , b .raln IX )
Zlot * Jotter's addition , each $7dJ.
Slots Mt. Douglas , each $ VVJ.
Slots South Ex. place , each $500.
3 Brown 1'ark , Bargains each $8M.
24 lots choice In Yates * Horapol'S addition.
10 acres V mile south of Harris * Patterson i
annex , extra nlco , cheap and easy terras.
A fine list of western land * for sale , or trade
400acres htghly lra'proTedi Saunder * Co. , * * 1 *
or trade.
115 fee t front on 10th strset. . . , . ; .
Last , not least , norner on Parnatn $45,00) and
sany others , 1509 Famam , Wise and Parraelo.
MILITARY ROAO-Ruslness lots , street car
line being laid In front ; In the center of
what will bo onn of the lineJt residence locations
about Omaha. Thirty of thctso lots for salu at
prices that make them n splendid Investment
Wallace , Croighton block. 59 23
"TVENMAN PLACE-On Ames a\enue , near
A State street and near the new Northwestern
cut-off. Cheap at $825 to $700 , ono'Qtth cash.
Wallace. Creigbton block 269 2J
SA. 8LOMAN , Real Estate Drokor ,
1512 Farnam Street. .
Farnam street , cor. ISth.UJxIXi , M cash , $ M.OOO
Faruamst , near 14th,23xi : < 3Improved. . 35,000
Farnam st , near Uth.44il.O , Improved.,000
Farnam st , noar20th xl33 , very chnap , 7,000
Farnam it. , near20th , 110xxU3 35,040
Fnrna-nst , cor.31st st. 136x133 , south
amieMtfront li.OOO
Earnara st. cor.40th , 9)iH. , * and o front 6.001
1'arnam st cor. 41st , 48xU2,8 and e front 3.AOJ
Farnam st , cgr.4-d , 44x132,8 and w front 3,000
Harney st. near 13th , 22x69 9.MO
Harncyst. n ar 15thaixl.t ! Improved. . . 20,033
Harney st near 20th , 174x170 , Improved. . 35,000
Harneyst. Redlck's Grove. 4lxlilJ 1,600
Itouglas st 12th , 44xUri. Improved. . 35,000
Douglas st.near 13th , 23x13. , M Interest. V.599
Douglas st. near 2Jdfnx ! . < 2 7,500
DougUsst. near 23d,6 xl32 8.000
Dodge st. near27th , 50xin3i ! 2.COO
Dodttost. near2St , 40x127 , Improved. . . 3,00(1 (
JiifkBonat cor. 14th , 66x132 , Improved , . 6,000
.1 nekton st. near 15th , 05113. ! , Improved. 1H.OX )
Jones st.oor. 15th , eHxHJ ? 4OOJ
Leavonworth st cor. 21st , 132x111 , Im
proved 18,550
Lnavemvorth st. cor. 25th , 140x142 , lin-
tirovod 25,000
Hth stopp , M. P. and Belt Line depoi.
" ' ' ' ' ' '
14th8t."trBOkago''i'ttddooi < 'piac'oV68xlia' . 2,500
Parknvo. opp. park , 50x150 ; 1.WO
( ieorsla avo. near.Mt Ploasaut. 60x160. . 2,800
20th st. near Dorcas , lOOxlik ) , Improved. . 4bUl )
2Jthst noitrDouglaD.SJxM , Improved. . * * ,003
r > thRt.cor.MarthiS xLIimprovod. . . 4 , ' 0) )
2thet. ! ) cor. Snwanl. 6.1x130,3 botlios . . . 4.6 < ) J
Pierce noarSSth,60 ) feet front , 2 streets. 6,300
Hamilton st aenr Belt line , Improvol. . . 1,500
4lKt st. Just off Farnara , 4fxl3s : , o front. , l.aim
auh St. , near Davenport. lOOxlJf ) 2,2U !
Saward. nearJBth , SO.T157 1,1V )
10th st , near Caetellar , 135 feet front. . . . 4.5ml
Hthst , uoar Martha , 61x151 , corner. . . . 1'HtO '
Ilurdetto at , nnar Mth , 50x132 , on car line 1,900
Biirtst , near Lowe ave , 51 l-2xlJ9 1,10 }
25th , cor , Poppleton , KixlllO , improved , . 4,600
Davenport , neur 34th. 61 l-l.tlftl.lruprovod 4,000
Chlcnga , corner r/4tb , OTiXlX ! , Improved. . HuO ]
2Cth , near I'oppletna,50x137 , Improved. . 6.000
Orchard Hill , lota $7W to 1,900
Brown Pat k , lots > 00 to 850
Bedford PI nee , lots $ & .V ) to 900
Hlehland Pare , lots oach-cnsh $03. . 230
Wakely add. lf 57.xLV ) . each 400
2R acres near Fart Oraaha.nnrly Inproved 11,000
\Tebstor it. near 16th , 31x133 , improved. 6A'00
Center Bt , 69x1 B. Improved 1,200
Virginia ave , near Hieiorv , 60x150 1 .MX )
Farnam st , near 3 > th. 57x133 3uflO
Nicholas st , corner , S xl3 ! , track In alloy 4,200
Park ave , facHwr Park , 60x150 4,000
S 16lh st , near viaduct , 40x103 6,000
SulphurSprinits add. just opp. 16th st , 50
Leavonworth it , near Bolt Line , 100x127. . .
SHINN'S ADD-South frcnt on Blondostroet
with nortb front on Vales st , a ntco double
header for $1,400 , $500 cash.
Grofrory St Hadloy.
035 Rooms 1 and 3 RodloklllK.S.'OS. 15th Bt.
ATRICK'S ADD-Corner lot 65x134 with
small double house on roar of sumo rentlna
for $ JO por.month , leaving corner 65x100 va
cant , all for $ .1,000 , ono-tblrd cask. The other
snap In Patrick corners has been sold and you
must call at once to sec uro this one.
Gregory 4 Hadley ,
925 Rooms 1 and 3 Redlck Oik , 830 8. 15th st
FOR SALB OR TRADE-We own several
thousand acres of choice South Dakota
farming land which wo will sell or trade for
Omaha property. Wo want to sell and offer our
land at bottom prices. Wnght t Lasbury. cor.
under Paxton hotel IQfl
T71OH BALE6xl33 on Izard it , track-
J ? age $4.500
House and 3 full lots , easy terms 3,200
Lot , east side of hill , Omaha View 850
East front lot , Kllby Place- . 900
House of 8 room * on 18th st.near Paul , $3,500 ;
M cab , balance 1 and 2 years.
6 lot * In Hanscom I'laco.
289 25 * H. W. Huntress , 1509 Farnam it
MILITARY ROAD Business lots , street car
line being laid In front ; In the center of
what will bo one of tbo finest residence locations
about Omaha. Thirty of those lots for sale at
prices that maka them a splendid investment.
Wallace , Crelghton block. 253 28
E XAMINE this list :
10 acres 4 miles wont P. O. at $ 600
10 4 " S. W. " 600
5 " 3W 000
r " : > H ' " " „ 650
SO lots 3 " " P.O. from $150 to. . . 350
0 Lincoln place ' $6V ) to. . . 750
6 " 2 th and Burt " $1,800 to. . 2,000
4 " 29th and Webster " $1,600 to. . l.hOO
1 " 2Sth and California 2.000
2 " Shlnn's 1st , each 1,000
2 " Burdette Court , uach 450
44 feet on Jackson , near 10th 10,000
Cor lot and 6-room house , city water and
gas , 1 mile from P. O 8.000
& 0 feet ,16th st , near viaduct 6,500
D. C. Patterson Omaha Nat Bankbld'g.
TJIOR RENT-Cottogo of 4 rooms , 2 closets ,
JL' pantry and cellar , to family with no child ,
ren ; 501 S' 20th. 299
FOR 8 ALE-Farm of 680 acres in Burt
county , 100 acre * in cultivation and bal
ance hay land and pasture. All fenced , good
frame house , corn cribs , feed yards.etc. A
part of the pasture is leedod with blue grass.
Price $16 per acre. Terms easy. Clark tt
French , 1610 DouglMst. 216 34
F OR SALE Fine corner lot in Ambler Place ,
11,000. J. U Rice * Co. 853
LOTS on Chicago st , south of Crelghton col.
logo. 66x145. First class Investment , $4.000.
John Gallagher , 317 South 1.1th tt 310 27
riORNERon Lake and State st , $1,700.
V > 60 foot on Hartley it , 9-room house , all
coincnloncos , good barn , etc , $200 per front ft
d > ft lot , Park uve , now 8-room bouse , $6,000.
45 ft en Sounders it , opposite Kouutze Place ,
$50 per ft.
60x120 ft cor Cars and 31st sts. $1,100.
GO fton Caldwell st , runs through to Indiana
street , $3,000.
Smith * Welsh. Real Estate.
.133 23 219 So. Kth st , cor. Farnam.
MILITARY ROAD-Ruslnoss lots , street car
Hoe being laid in front ; In the center ot
what will be locutions
about Omaha , Thirty of these lots for sale at
prices that make thorn a spluuald investment.
Wallace , Crelgbton block. 259 23
CHANCE for Investments.
Gibson , Aylesworth & Benjamin ,
1512 Farnam st.
I lot In Imp. Ass'n. 47x111 , with 2 small
hounes $ 3,009
1 lot in Hawthorne , 48x10) , cor. 33d ana
Davenport , with 0 room nouso.clstcrn ,
well , etc , very easy terms 8,500
1 lot In HlllsldeSd add l.KOU
Hot In Bedford Place , 60x138 73S
Hot In Hitchcock's 1st add. 60x135 700
1 lot In Lowo's 1st add,00x130with house 1.750
iy lots In Shlnn's 1st add , 75xl3'H , Caldwell -
well st 3,700
1 lot in Rodlofc's add , Uxl23 , Half How.
ard st 3,303
2 lots In West Slde,6)xl29 , barn and fruit
trees 2,100
6-room house and lot N. 17th st , good
well nnd cistern 0,000
Kountzo 4th add , lot 8 , block 0 six room
house , well , cistern barn , * o 4,000
Hlinobaugh 4 Patterson sub-lot 16 , block
2. contract 650
120 ft on Bt. Mary's ave , with 2 0-room
houses , gas and water , will subdivide. 35,009
40 ft on St Mary' * ave hot , llth and 20th lt.000
Choice lot In Omaha View 900
IK ! ft on 10th st. near Farnam 70,000
y lot" , OJx27.1/owo'a add , 4-room house ,
cellar , well and 60-foot barnpnco 3 > GOO
10 ACRES 4 mile * west of P O , for solo , $6V >
Jl per aero. D. U. Patterson , Omaha Na-
tlonal bank. 280
80 foot on King St. between Burdotto and
Grant st Tbl * Is one of the best bargains
in Nortb Omaha , $3,600. John Gallagher , 317 8 ,
Mth st. 30927
FOR SALB A few special bargains. Three
fine east front lots Kllby Place. $1,200 each ,
on easy terms.
One Uno & room cotugo , small barn and coal
sheds with a good well , In Parker's addition ,
A convenient S room house In north part of
city , on street car line , with tewer , city water ,
and ga * In street , cheap. $3,40 % on easy term * .
Boveral lots in Albtlgbt's annex , near the
new depot.
Houses and lots In Haruoom Place at bar-
gains. C. T. Morton. 1618 Capitol ave. 808 86J
T7KH SALB Cheap new 6-roora bouse and
JC bam. Cor. ttthaud California * ! . SI4 IN *
T U. EVANS i Co. ,
" Real Estate Agent * .
Itivlto i attention to the following partial Hit of
ASaunders itroct east front , Plalnvlew ,
2uo > i. * 4 cash.
A Plalnvlew cornor. only $ l,40i ) .
A corner In Yales & Hampers $900 , Insldo
lots , oo.
A south front In Rustln's add to Plalnvlow
$1.10J , H cab. <
Acre * in llrlghtou at low prices on easy
Wo are agents of Florence Land company
and have good lots for silo In this handsome
suburb at low prices on oo y terms.
Hvo Dno east front lots on Qrovo street uoar
Lcavenworth for $1.600 oacli.
Five west front lot * on Spring st In Biukalow
Place at $1,000 each If taken together.
A business corner on west Leavenworth for
East front lots on Leaven worth , business
place , at $535 eaoh ,
A largo business lot on Leavonworlh in West
Side , 50x240. only II , ft > 0 if taken soon.
Wo have four ef the best corners on Six
teenth street north for $ ,500 , $12,000. $1,000
and $ JO,000 respectively. For boss InxoitmonU
lee these loan , They will not last long.
A lot In Omaha View , east slope , $1,000 , * aiy
Ton acres north , ten acre § iouth-wc < t , three
acres in Tuttle's sub-division , all cheap aud
A flrst-clasibuitncss corner with three itory
brick building. Good.
A 50 foot corner on Farnam st , best In the
A 6.1 ft corner on Loavsaworth east of 27th
Street $8.000.
I.ot on Tontb street near the rirownell Hall ,
GO foot lot with house on , Centre Bt , near Kth ,
on grade , $3,000 , S uaah.
so foot oaat front on Fifteenth , near Centre ,
with house , corner on K ) foot alley , will divide
nr sell all , north 1-2 $2,000 , south 1-J with house
"lliirilngton Place -South Omaha lotsfor MOO
to $509 , H cash ; only a tew loft
Jowler Place-Corner on county road $750 ;
another corner $650.
House and 85 foot lot 170 ft dnep on California
street Is exceedingly cheap at $400.
A south front on Farnam In Jerome Parka
flue lot
Corner on Weit Farnnm , $1,000.
$1,503 buys a handwmn cast front In Croston.
$1,750 buys an cost fronton Virginia avenuo.
WxMO on Georgia avcnuo-owner unxluu sto
loll.East front lot on Co I fax street , near Howard ,
$3O.K ) .
Cottnpo.7 rooms , fine cnst front lot.IIunscom
place , 15,200.
Corner , 00x188 with outage and bnrn , Popple-
ton uxcnuo , * 6,000.
La Vota place , along Lowe avenue , $1,200 to
$1,6(10. ( U cash.
Business lots
Vncutit lots Improved and unimproved.
Suburban lotl
Ilcst list of property In Omaha.
fend us description of what you have for
RKlo. We are members of Omaha Runl Estate
Exchange. _ 240 25
MILITARY ROAD-Buslnols lots , street car
line being laid In front : In the center of
what will tie one of the finest residence locations
nbout Omaha , Thirty ot these lots for sMo at
prices that make thorn a splendid Investment ,
Wallace , Crelk'htou block. 259 23
10 ACRES 4 mile ! ) west of P O. for salo. $600
per aero , D. C. Pattoreon , Omaha Na
tional bank. "SO
JL. RICB It CO. , nrosolo agents for lots 0
and 10 , block 6 , A. S. Patrick's add. , $1.250
Lots 9 and 10 , block 2 , A , B. Patrick's add. .
$ l,25'Jcach. '
2lots on 18th st , fliQnacb.
4 lot * on 14th Bt. , FWJ each.
03 feet front In Washington square , 11.000.
DO feet front In Washington square , $ il,300.
8" feet fronton Sherman avenue , fV > lW.
eilTtiM foot , corner on King and Ulondo$3C50.
Full lot with t , 4-reom houses , corner on Sc-
word and King Rtroat , 10,000.
Wfoet front on Boulevard , Crelghton Rights ,
7 ohbloo lota In Institute Place , $150 oacu for
the bunch.
05 feet front , south 16th st , $9,000.
40 front foot cor. on P/iraum and 27th , $12,000.
Corner lot Lake and 25th st , $3,300.
Lot on Lake st. fronting on two sts. , $2,300.
Call at our office , room 0 , over Commercial
bank 205
MILITARY ROAD-Business lots , itreet car
line being laid In front ; in the center of
what will bo eno of the finest residence locations
about Omaha. Thirty of these lots for sale at
price * that make them a splendid In vestment.
Wallace , Crolghton block. 25923
" "
"NAP-CO foot east front lot on Bellevue at m
S Blk 2,1st add to South Omaha , $ I,60U.
925 Gregory It Hadloy.
Our new addition.
Acres $375 to tOJ per aore.
Near South Omaha ,
And Sydlcate HIIL
Marshall * Lobeek ,
16 $ 1509 Farnara.
DENMAN PLACE-On Amos avenue near
State street and near the new Northwestern
cut-off. Cheap at f8J5 to $700 , one-fifth cash.
Wallace , Crelgbton block. 259 23
TiTOR SALB A corner lot 64x133 on 1Mb and
-L Cumlng st one of the host locations In the
city for a warehouse , with waterworks and
sewerage. Apply at premise * . Thos Sinclair ,
S90a20J .
pORNBR on Lake and State st , 11,700.
\J 60 feet on Harney st , 0-room house , all
conveniences , good Darn , etc , S200 per front It
em , lot. Park ave. new 8-room bouse , IH.OOO.
45 ft on Blunders st , opposite Kountie 1'lace ,
250 per ft
50x120 ft cor Cass and 31st its , II/M ) .
60 ft on Caldwollst , run * through to Indiana
street , 12,600.Smith
Smith 4Welsh. . Real Estate.
833 23 219 So. 14tb it , eor. farnam.
SPECIAL bargain on Park avenue , north of
Park , 10(1 ( foot oaat front. 18,000 , cash
$3,500. J. A. Griffith , 634 1'ark ave. 339 24J
DENMAN PLACE On Amos avenue near
state street end near the now Northwestern
cut-off. Cheap at $625 to $700 ; one-fifth cash.
Wallaee , Crolghton block. 259 23
UAROAINH-Two corner lots in
GBNttlNB court , only 4 block * from S.tun-
ler * * street oar * . W. U. Bushman , Room 10 ,
Bushman Dlook , N B cor 18th aad Douglas.
INBIDE PROPEBTT We have some good in-
side property at a bargain , Fierce ft Rog
er * . 1511 Dodge street. 830
cash will secure 160 acres of first class
$ fanning land In eastern Nebraska balance
Tory long tlrao and no taxes for 20 years. The
O. F. Davis company , 1505 Farnam st
924 a 15
HANSCOM Place , lot 16 In block 9 , $2,400 ,
half cash , balance 1,2 and 3 years.
476 Gregory ft Hadley. 330 B. 15tb St
moUTH Otnaba Park and Hammond Place I *
CJ Inside South Omaha property. Theo Olsen
orJasVore , owner * . 314 S 15tbst , 2d floor be
tween Farnara and Harney. 254 a 1
ARM FOR SALE Three miles south of Nel
son , NuoKolls county. Nob. , H section , 280
acres In cultivation , 35 acres fenced for pas
ture , two houses and 2 barns and other out
buildings , 2 wells , 50 fruit tree * . I will Mil this
for $8r > ou , ono-bolf down , balance on ten years
time with 8 per cent interest. For further In
formation call on or address J. H. Davis , three
miles south of Nelson , Neo. 874alJ
COUTH Omahi Park and Hammond Place Is
k ? Inside South Omaha property , Theo Olson
orJai Vore , owners , 3)4 ) 815th st.,2d floor between -
tween Farnam and Harney. 264 a 1
IG BARGAIN One hundred feet front on
South Eleventh st , corner lot , only (5,000.
Part on time. V. L. Vodlcka , 630 South 13th at
JOHN G ALL A(1HER-317 South 13th street
South Omaha , "a snap" . . . . $ 850
Howe's addition . 1CV )
Dupont 1'Iaco . 1,000
Fairmont , $800 to . 1.850
Hanscoin I'laco , $ I,600to. . . . 3,000
Baker Place , $8JO to . 650
Fomo fine lots In Plalnvlew. Rustln's addl.
tion , Omaha View , and other additions.
Houses and Lots-
Burt street near 20 lot 08x132 , house 12
rooms , bam. etc . $9,500
Lot57xl32 , house 13 room * , burns , oto . 8,500
Easy terms on both.
Omaha View lot 50 feet south front , house
with Improvements , cost $1IOJ , all for. . 1,700
Vorv easy terms.
House and lot on 23d mmr California at a
bargain , better call and see about it .
House and lot , Sunnyslde . 1,600
Houses to soil on small payments , balance
monthly . 1.550
It will pay you to examine our list of business
Someot the finest acre property at bottom
pricej | _
DENMAN PLACE On Amoa avonno. near
State atrontand near the new Northwestern
out-off. Cheap at $ H to $70J , one-fifth cash.
Wallace. Crelgbton block. 259 24
HAS , E. nURMESTER,4U South 15th st.has
for sale
44 ft fine business property on Farnam St. ,
on * of the finest N W corner * on Paruam St. ,
DVX133 ft
- t elegant lots In May ne place.
6 lot * In Saunder * & Hlmebaughi addition.
cheap , for n f w day * only.
6 lot * in Jerome park.
a lot * In Highland place.
1 fine lot In Improvement addition.
LoU In Central Park anil Oak hill.
B room cottage anJ lot In Thornoll * add. , a
10 room house and lot on Callfornlastreet. all
modern convenience * .
S3 acres in see 36 , surveyed and platted In
lots , aplendld bargain , on favorable terms ,
3 acre lots In same section.
Fine 3 story brick block , 40i88 ; the bust bar
gain In the town.
Lot and 10-room house on Dlvliolii street.
Blocks 17 to3J , the best part of Bowling Clrcon.
The cheapest property on the market ,
M mil * frtim Benson car lino.
6-acro lots per acre $500.
S > 4 acre 104 per acre $ WX
Acre lots $ ( VW.
Lot 6'xU7 ' on Hamilton street $175 to$2T. for
corner * . .
Full commlMlou to agents Got plaU ,
Marshall St LobocV ,
No. I'M Faruain. f
_ Tolopliono 73. 104 ]
O8WKNSON A CO.-1404 Farnatn street. ]
Room 15 , di-alprs In real rstata end west
ern land. Houses built to suit purchasers on
monthly payment. 19114
FOR SALE In large orsmall lots field leeds ,
timothy , little rod and mammoth o lover.
Gorman and common mlllett seeds. I warrant
this iced all raised In llutler county , Nob. , ant
new , pure and clean seed. Write to W. G. Boston -
ton , David City. Nob. , for price * . 491 * 6
"IjlOR SALE On easy term i , some choice lota
JU m Walnut Hilt , all near Walnut Hill poet *
oftloo. p. A. Gavin , Sole Agent , Room 6.Kedtok
Block. 182 31 *
IL1TARY ROAD-Rudnosstot * . . street ear
line being laid In front ; In the center at
what will bo one of the finest residence location *
about O run ha. Thirty of those lot * for sale a *
prices that make them n sulenJId Investment.
Wallace. Crelghton block. 2.W23
Kountze Place , 25 lots - f 1.700 to $3.31 $
llanscom Place , M lot * . . $1.350 to $ JM
J. L Kodlck's sub dlv. , 3 lot * $3.753 to $4.608
Smith Park,4 lots . - - . $3,709 to W.14
Jerome Park , 10 lots $1.MO to * S,08S.
Brennan Place , 13 lots - $1,600 to f 3.0M
Orchard Hill , 60 lot * - - - $ WO to $1,10 $
Foster's add , 6 lot * $2,200 to $ l.Mt
llees' Place - . . . $ .1,156
Mlllard Plane . . . . n.W
Also Improved and unimproved rosldenck
property In all parts of the city.
A , U. Comstock , Room 10 , Crolghton lllock.W5
W5 _
10 ACRES 4mllrswoit of PO , for pain , $ no $
JL per aero. D. C. Patterson , Omaha N * >
tlon l bant. 280
DENMAN PLACE On Ames avenue , near
State street and near the now Northwestern
cut-off Chomp at $135 to 1700 , one-fifth cash.
Wallace. Crolghton block. 359 83
KST OMAHA Corner 68x151 , east front
near Leavenworth , $2.608 , or with adjoin
ing lot same size , $ I,50J. Terms easy.
925 Gregory * llaJloy.
FOR \LK-5 room cottage with lot 34-R4 and
alloy , Mlllard & Caldwcll'H add. , Just off
Sherman ave , $1.00. J. L. Rice A Co. 853
FOSTER'S ADD-Datidv corner t3.200.
925 Gregory & Hadloy.
FOR SALK Desirable residence property on
Cupltol IlilL Inquire I.- Davenport st
TXENMAN PLACE On Amea avenue , near
JL/StRte ctreotand near the now Northwestern
cut-on. Cheap at $ ti2.r > to $700 , one-fifth cash.
Wallace , Crulirhton block. 259 2J
EAVRNWORVH bT-8outh front in West
Omaha lor $1,8H ) , also south front In Mo-
Corinuok' * 2d add lorl,6iiO.
_ V35 Gregory * Hadley.
LIST your property with us If yon want It
sold , for wo moan business , Pierce St
Rogers , Room 5 Arlington Illk. 8,13
"JOHN GALLAGHKR , 317 South 1.1th at. Acre.
w property , loU all part * of the olty. Choice
lots In Hunscora Plaoo , lloute , 9 room * , lot
Mihrt , location unsurpassed , $5 UO. 2nii3
10 ACRES 4 miles west of P O , for sole , $ r09
per acre. D. C. Patterson , Omaha Na
tional bunk. H > .
1 AA * " > ° In block R , nanscom Place ,
JLUU i Hadloy.330 8 IBth Bt MS
FOH SAf.E Cheap largo corner lot. amull
payments , ncur cursInquire 401 N. 15th.
3)1 ) 23 *
- , Bonfiold. Wo offer the
bcfttltvo acre lot In Oonneld at the very low
price of W'ifl per aero , half cash , balance on *
year , also o acres in nellalr at far below value it
taken before the Kith instant.
Marshall * Lobook ,
IBS 2ft 1GU9 Farnam street.
Real Kstnte TrahaTora.
Peal estate transfers filed March 23
Victor E Wolf to Francis B Glllmore et al ,
lots : > . 4 and 5 , blk.l. Omaha VIUVY odd , wd
Hcnitli Omaha Land Co to Wra A Saunders ,
lot 1 bile 05 , wd-3525.
Thomas J Edliolm to Albert Edholm , lota
block 5. Shlnn's odd , wd-Sl.
Mrs Adelaide Brandenburg and husband to
Maria Anna Wllklns , lot 8. Pruyn's sub dir
of lot 25 , Mlllard & Caldwell's add , \rd-
J'J-rXX ) .
\V J Connell to Frederick II Lay , 80 by 29
rods beginning at a point 39 rods n ot sw cor
of so iCal see 3,15 , 13 , also n K ot nw K of.
BO If , sec 3,15 , 13 , qc5,000. .
Arthur 8 Potter et al to John WGeorite ,
lots 13 and 14 block 0 , Potter & Cobbs ad add ,
wd S1.300.
A S Potter et al to Wynkopn Klersted Jr.
lotu 1 and 'J block 7 , Potter & Cobb's 2d add ,
wd S950.
L V Morse lit al to Nelson J Edholm , lots
8 9,10 , 11,13,13,14,15 , 16 and 17 blk 5 , Mon *
& Brunner'a add , vrd-Sl,50a
Chns P Harrison to Chas W Canfield .lot *
blk 6 , llanscorn place add. wd 83,000.
Temple Atkinson and husband to Jullui
Patiley , lot 5 blk 14 , Central pnrkvdS700.
Alex Pink and wife to Caroline Peters , loU
0 nnd 10 blk 5. Wllcox's add , trd 51,400.
Marlntis Anderson and wife to Danish
Land k Bulldtnt ; association , lot 11 blk 7 ,
Parker's add , wd-56rjOa
Leighton Wynn to Joan J Savllle , 25 feet
and C in by 20 feet , ooiumenclng 25 feet and
0 In n of se cor of lot 13 blk 7 , SUinn's Ill-
add , w (1-31. WO.
Isaac E Cunedon and wife to Luther
Drake. , lots 7 and 8 blk 1 , sub cllv ot John I
Kedick's add , wd-88,000.
Win A Redlck and wife to Francis M
Parker , \v 25 feet of lot 10 blk 4Parker's add.
Morris Morrison to the public , pat ! of MOP *
rlson's mid to South Omaha , being part of
n K sec 10,14,13 , dedication.
Bablna Heyn and husband to Albert F
Ohman , lots 7,8 and 13 blk 4 , Wakeley'a add.
Mary Uooney to the public.plat of Rooney1 *
add , being lot 4 blk 1 , Cunningham's sub dlr
of a part of sec 7,15,13 , dedication.
Hans Larsen and wile to Andrew N
Anderson , lot 7 blk II , Lowe's add , wd
Lew W1II1I to Saml Ehrllch et al.lots 1 and
2 blk 2 , Park Forest , wd 8500.
.Herman F Qollen and wf to Silas D Pike.
It iiO Burr Oak add. w d-88,000.
L P Pruyn and wf to Hu o H Lucbben , lot
95 Fairmont place , w d 91,400.
Walnut Hill building association to ber-
more M Sadler , lot 10 blk 15 Walnut hill add.
w d-83,000.
Walnut H 111 Building association to Marjr
A Cooi > er , Us 1 and 2 bfk 24Valnut hill add ,
w d-86,000.
Walnut Hill Building association to Robt
JSaxe.lt9blk 15 , Walnut hill add , wd
Walnut nil ! Building association to Eliza
beth M Taylor , It 14 blk 15 Walnut hill add.
w d-83,000.
Walnut Hill Bulldinc association to Mar/
Simpson , It7blk 15 Walnut lull add , wd
Thos F Mulligan and wf to John S Stilling
lot 3blk 1. Parkers add , wd 8 K ) .
John A Milroy to Henry L Chamberlain et
al lots 1 and > .2 blk 0 , Bedford place , w d
Byron Hoed et al to Patrick 11 Kcliatt , 77.
64 acres In 30,15,11 , w (1-SWX ) .
W J Connell and wf to H M Tunnoy , 29x80
rds com at a point 10 ids n ot sw cor of sell'
3 , IS , 13 , q C-S5.000.
Brlduet O'Connor and hus to Marv Mlehal
It ' blk 9 Knuntze & Huth's add , w d-86.0M
Krcd'k H Lay to W J Connell et al lOxttt
rds beg at swcor soi of 3,15 13 aUo s'V of
U w ! sti3 15 13 , q c5,000. .
Kate M VVIIcox and hus to M M Green et al
It 3 Bangs sub dlv of Burr Oak w d ILflOO.
Wm L McCaguoto M M Green ot al , lot IS
blk 'JO Hnnscom place , w d 81,400.
Mary A Elliott et al to Henrietta McCor.
lot 12 blk 13 , Shull'a 2nd add. w d-f 1.700.
South Omaha Land Co to Dewltt O Ander
son Its r > and 0 blk 73 S O , w d * 5M.
SS Wilkinson and wf to Jas O Smith e 29
ft of w 100 tt of It 2 blk 70 , w d 83.000.
Fred H Lay to H M Tenny 29xtM rds beg at
a point 10 ida a of w cor se } { 3 15,13 q c
Isaac S Hawaii to Richard C Patterson , nil
lots In blks l and 2 Armour place , 48 lota la
each , w d 57,500.
Dennis 11 Andrews to Jas O Smith , w 71
ft of It 8 blk 70 , w d-88,500.
The commencement oxcrcinns ot the
Omaha Medical college will bit held at
iioyd's opera house this evening.
An agent for a safe company sereral
mouths ago mudo sales in Bad Ax , Mich.
A few weeks ago an agent for another
company name along , and , according to
the local newspaper , by the aid of ajacfc-
kntfo and n gimlet proved to the safe-
buyers that tnoir safes had a lining of
wood , n tilling of clay , and a covcrnj of
thin hhect-iron.