Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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    LanuMttgin !
F TftiW f "w wS Mjwr I - yTp y. w
Delivered br carrier in nny part of the cltr nt
twenty cents per wcok.
H. W. TILTON , . . . Manager.
BcpiKFPsOrncr , No. .
N. Y.Plumbing Co.
New spring goods at Roller's , tailor.
George W. Thompson A : Co. . real estate.
S < ; o W. C. Stacy A : Co. , No. 9 Main , for
bargains in real estate.
J. W. it E. L. Siiiires' | abstracts arc
giving good satisfaction.
D'J'wo drunks fiirnishcil all the business
for the police court yesterday.
Martin Hughes is opening now brick
yards in thy northern part of the city.
Phillip Johnson's residence on Suits-
man street Is undergoing spring im
Miss Mollie Corcoran , dressmaker , No.
7M Mynstur street , bctwoon Seventh and
Eighth streets.
'Ihc public and liual test of the lire and
police alarm is stilt a thing of the future ,
with no fixed date.
Matt Scanlan has sold his Main street
market to S. Walker , \Vatcrloo , la. ,
nnd F. L. Evans , of Kansas City.
The Montgomery brothers , both em
ployes of the Chicago it Northwestern , are
building cosy homos on avenue B.
There will bo a meeting of the Council
Bluffs Heal Estate Dealers' association at
M. I1. Kohrer's oflico this evening at 8
A child of William Acres , living near
the river , died Tuesday night of conges
tion of the Jungs. The funeral was held
yesterday afternoon ,
Last evening Mr. Albert Smith and
Mary A. Pierce wore happily wedded by
the ofliciation of Justice bchur/ , the cer
emony taking place on upper Broadway.
Mr. A. L. Ingram and Miss Villie Miller ,
of Silver City , wore married yesterday
afternoon at "the residence of Clement
Wesley , Esq. , 1)03 ) Sixth street , by the
Kcv. G. W. Crofts.
Hoper and Peterson , the two young
men field hero for having been enticing
from home two giildy girls , wore dis
charged yesterday , the parents of the
girls not caring to prosecute , and gain
any further notoriety for their daughters.
One of the pantry boys at the Ogdcn
house yesterday met with quite a serious
accident while trying to learn to ride a
bicycle on Pierce street. The vehicle
was ono of the new feather-weights , and
us he got fairly .started on it the back
bone became dislocated , letting him to
the ground without warning.
Judge Thorncll is expected to hold a
brief session of court hero Saturday. It
is understood that no action will be taken
in regard to the saloon injunction cases ,
as there are already pending before the
supreme court some of the questions
raised in the cases hero. The action hero
will bo governed somewhat by the deci
sion on those questions.
The Cottage hospital has tlirco patients ,
who seem to bo receiving the very best
sort of care. The hospital should bo
generously remembered in these days of
general prosperity and bright prospects.
It is ono of the most laudable enterprises
yet started hero , and the ladies who had
the courage to organize the charitable
work should bo strongly sustained.
Oscar Kiplingor , of Moore & Kiplinger ,
has returned from C uincy , where ho has
boon selecting furnishings and fittings
for their retail cigar store. They pur
pose transforming the interior of the
place , making it ono of the most hand-
eomo stores in that fine in the country.
They have sot their aim at having a finer
cigar store than any west of Chicago ,
and will doubtless make it a beauty ,
The Council Bluffs Carpet company
has added to its establishment a manu
factory of awnings and tents. There has
boon a crcat need for some home factory
in this line , as the city has had to depend
almost altogether on agents from a dis
tance. With a homo concern , of such
well known reliability , the city can now
got its awnings and tents made right
hero , and as they want. The enterprise
will doubtless bo a success from the
tart , and should bo heartily cncour
McCloud and Brooks , the two young
men arrested for stopping and robbing a
stranger , were yesterday released , the
victim not returning from Nebraska to
prosecute. Ho promised to bo hero as
soon as lie got through some pressing
business m Nebraska , but it scorns that
ho has either changed his mind about the
two young men being guilty , or from
sonic other cause has concluded to lot
the matter drop. It is said that the
, friends of ono 01 the young men gave
' ' him money to leave town , and if this is
BO it may account for his failure to re
turn to prosecute.
Star sale stables for mules and heavy
draft horses.
Sncrradon is still making cabinet pho
tos at | 3 per do/ . , best finish. Crayon or
India ink lifo size pictures only $10. By
F. M. Woodward , artist.
Electric door bolls , burglar alarms and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at the Now York Plumbing Co.
Another lot of spring jackets with
hoods just received at Harkness Broth
Special communication of Excelsior
lodge No. 351) ) , A F. and A. M. , this
( Thursday ) evening for work in the third
degree. Visiting brethren cordially in *
; vited. By order of the W. M.
1 A now lot of jerseys just placed on sale
at Hurkncss Brothers.
> J. W. & E. L. Squire make beautiful
, , " abstracts of title , and deserve the success
L they are enjoying.
Star sale stables of Council Bluffs
The largest stock of horses and mules
west of Chicago , which will be sold at
wholesale or retail and satisfaction guar
anteed. _
Buy the best gasoline stove. It is the
Quick Meal. At 41 Main street. Cole &
Call and see the stock of horses and
mules at Star Stables before purchasing
Wanted a good dressmaker and two
apprentice eirls at Mrs. D. P. Haydon's
dressmaking parlors , No. 720 First av
enue ,
Now styles carpets and mattings at
Uarkncss Brothers.
Money to loan on real estato. Counci
Bluffs Heal Estate Loan and Trust Co.
Boom 0 , Everett block.
L. B. Crafts & Co. , are loaning monoj
n all classes of chattel securities at ono
half their former rates. See them before
curing your loans.
Dr. Hancliett , oflico No. 13 Pearl street
residence , 130 Fourth street ; tolcphom
Ho. 10.
Daniel Packer , of Atkinson , Nob. , is ii
the oily on a visit to his nieces , Mrs. K , J
Abbott and Mrs. John Hammer. Uncle
Packer is eighty-six years old but halt
and hearty , and his visit was a surprisi
to his nieces , not having scon him fo
thirty years.
No Money For Fees and Hence No Trials By
Jury This Term ,
I/nkc Mannwn to no Mndc Until a Win
ter nnd Hummer Ilcsort A Little
Girl J ntlcrd Front Home The
Doings ol' the City Council.
No Money For Juries ,
The United States courts meet here
next Monday , Judge 1-ovo and Judge
Shlras presiding. There will bo no jury
cases , as there is no money with which to
pay the jurymen. Tnis may.seem strange
to many , and the idea badly presented
that Uncle Sam has not enough money
to pay jury fees , is 11 decidedly sensa
tional one. The fact is , however , that
there is nothing so very sensational about
it after all. Uncle Samuel is not so near
bankruptcy as the statement , without ex
planation , would imply. Under the ap
propriation bill a certain amount is set
aside for the jurii's. This is divided up
into allowances for certain periods of six
months each. For instance a certain portion
tion of the appropriation was for jury
fees during the six months ending June
150. That amount has already been ex
hausted. The amount appropriated for
the .succeeding six months cannot be
touched yet. This has frequently hap-
licned in the past , and such deficiencies
have been bridged over in various ways.
Generally the marshal borrows the
money necessary to run the courts , and
gets it back by a deficiency bill passed by
congress. A'deficiency bill was in the
last session , but it failed to get through ,
being crowded out. Marshal Knot used
to advance the money , borrowing it on
his own responsibility. Colonel Chatmian
used to do likewise in such cases. Colonel
Hoot at one time Had thus advanced
about 11,000 , and he had quite a delay
and sull'orcd much vexation of soul before
the necessary refund could bo secured ,
so slow and minute are the movements of
government. Marshal Campbell docs
not propose to be pinched in any such
manner. He has already advanced some ,
but ho will not follow further in the foot
steps of his predecessors.
Such is the situation financially , which
causes an abandonment of jury trials
during the coming terms of court. The
terms will not amount to a great deal ,
therefore , and may litigants having cases
pending will be obliged to wait until the
next term if they want to have the cases
heard by juries.
For acre property , residences and busi
ness property call on vV. C. Stacy & Co. ,
No. 0 Main street.
For Both Summer and Winter.
A number of real estate dealers and
property owners went on an inspection
trip to Lake Manawa yesterday after
noon. The exact purpose of the excur
sion is a mystery , revealed only to the
initiated. Numerous are the conjectures ,
but in view of the proposed great im
provements in this summer resort , the
visit evidently has something to do with
that feature of the boom ,
Considerable more stock was yesterday
subscribed to the Lake Manawa street
railway company , and it is certain that
this enterprise will be pushed to a speedy
completion. The amount of travel to
the resort last season was so great ,
amounting in fact to a daily rush , that it
is evident with increased accommoda
tions and attractions there will bo a
greater crowd this season. The lake it-
.self is in bettor condition than at this
time last season , and everything in
dicates that it will bo much more popular
than ever before. The stock of this rail
way will therefore prove profitable to in
vestors , and at the same time help the
growth of the city. These enterprises , if
thus quickly and liberally started , will
make this season the most prosperous
Council BluIVs ever enjoyed.
It is proposed not merely to make this
a summer resort , but a winter one as well.
There is no reason why cold weather
amusements should not draw big crowds
there , with the easy transit and comfort
able accommodationsboingplanued. An
ice carnival , a toboggan slide , skating
and other frosty fun is promised for next
wjntor. Such a place as is to bo prepared
will draw people here from all parts of
the west , as there is no such site for many
miles in any direction. Last season there
was very little tlicre to draw people , in
comparison with what is now being
planned , and very few accommodations
m proportion , but all remember what
crowds went tliero , and what jolly times
wore had , even under such rude and in
itiatory arrangements. With the im
provements to be made this spring , the
crowds will form almost a crush.
I hereby give notice to all concerned
not to trust my wife on my account after
this date , as 1 will pay no bills of her
contracting. FUANK BOLWULL ,
Council Bluffs , March 21st 1837.
Contractors and builders will find it to
their interest to got prices on lime , ce
ment , plaster , hair , etc. , from Council
Bluffs Fuel company , 039 Broadway.
Telephone 130.
nuildine Improvements.
Besides the several largo building ? , so
often cnumcratod , there are so many
smaller ones planned for , and some al
ready commenced , that it is dillicult to
keep track of them. It is estimated that
this season will sea at least 800 dwelling
houses built hero , and many predict more
than that number. There are many who
have already started in improving.prop-
erty already occupied by thorn , enlarging ,
rclitting , and making various changes
for the better. Plumbers , painters , car
penters , papercrs , all are being kept
busy. Architect Maxon says ho has
drawn more plans , and that there is
more building in sight for this season
than ever before in the history of the
city. Among them is a series
of Hats on Seventh street , near
the Bloomer school building. There
will also bo a Queen Anne cottage built
by Judge James. Martin Hughes , Owen
YYickham and others will put up private
residences. J. W. Peregoy , W. A.
Maurcr . . and others are planning on put
ting up line residences There is a great
demand for tenement houses , and capital
will bo invested largely in this direction
this season. There are many working *
men who are planning on putting up
homes of lesser value. With lots so
cfceap hero , a homo is within reach of a
man of moderate income. The building
association is entering upon the liveliest
year of its history , and with its assistance
alone there will bo a new house built
every fifteen days throughout the season.
The lumber yards have been stocking up
more heavily than ever , another sure in
dication that they are expecting a big
demand for boards.
Wns She Kidnapped ?
Yesterday afternoon a little daughter
ot Samuel Eporson , night watchman at
the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul , ills-
appeared in a mvMcrlous manner from
her homo , No , 017 Third avenue. - She
was playing around the yard , and a few
minutes later was not to be sqou any *
whore. The neighbors saw a man In .tho
yard , talking with the.-child , who is only
three years old , and saw her oinc down
the street with him , ho having her by the
hand. This gave rise , naturally , to tlio
report that the child had been kidnapped.
The distracted parents entered upon a
search of the citv. About two hours
later , us Chief Mullen was on lower
Broadway , a lady came to him with the
child , saying that the little one was evi
dently lost , and had como from the di
rection of Washington avcnuo. The
child was taken to the station , and the
news of the Uniting telephoned to the
anxious homo , so that the little one was
speedily rcs-torcd to her parents. The
little one said that she went off with a
man , bntsho is so young that no very in
telligent details could bo learned from
The City Km hers.
The city council did not meet until 9:30 :
o'clock last night , but like their prov ions
mooting , did a lurgo amount of business.
Petition of W. A. Matiror for a reduc
tion of city taxes ; referred.
Bond of A. A. A very was approved , as
was that of C. J. Bcckinan , street com
missioner and poll tax collector , respec
Petition of C. A. Wagner for a correc
tion of assessment ; referred.
Committee on streets and alloys re
ported favorable on the petition of1 John
T. Stewart to place a sidewalk ; also re
ported an ordinance granting the same ,
which , under the suspension of the rules ,
was passed unanimously The report
upon the grade of Commercial and Anglo
streets being favorable , was concurred in
by the council and referred to
city engineer to report a grrnle
On petition of C. Boseu and
others for grading , curbing and paving
Mynstcr street , tlio committee reported
favorable ; concurred in. The committee
reported favorably on matter of grade on
Third avenue and Ninth street ; also re-
portoh on petition of property owners on
Glen avcnuo for sowar favorable.
A resolution ordering a sewer on
Washington avcnuo between north First
and Second streets was adopted.
A resolution ordering 1100 drawn , for
tlio purpose of buying "feed for the fire
department horses , was adopted.
A resolution orderingcurbingand pav
ing with cedar blocks the following
.streets. : Scott , Si\th and Seventh streets
between Mynstcr street to Broadway ,
Mynstor street from Sixth to Eighth
streets , Glen avenue from Broadway to
-ervoir. . Washington avenue from First
to Second street and High school avenue
from Park avenue to Glen avenue ;
A resolution ordering Fourth sttert
and Fifth avenue sewered as called for by
the city plans ; adopted.
A resolution ordering the city attorney
to report an ordinance on tlio grade of
\\cst Broadway from Twcnty-
sixtth street west to the river
was adopted , and tlio ordinance
was then reported by the city attorney
which upon suspension of the rules was
road the second timo. Alderman Dan-
forth said ho would like to hoar from the
city engineer on the grado. After an
explanation by Engineer Tostcvin , tlio
mayor suggested the ordinance lay over
under the rules , which was ordered.
Adjournment was then taken until
Personal Paragraphs.
J. P. Beach , of Hamburg , was in the
Bluffs yesterday.
C. D. Ham , business manager of the
Dubnquo Herald , is in the city.
A. Ransom , of Ncola , a prominent
stock dealer and farmer , was in the city
Charles Huff's familiar face again
beams from behind the counters of Kip
linger & Mooro's cigar store.
Daniel Parker , of Nebraska , is visiting
Council Bluffs for the first time in a quar
ter of a century. Ho is related to Mr.
and Mrs. John Hammer.-
A. T. Flickingcr has so far recovered
from his illness as to be able to sit up a
little , but it will bo a wcok before he is
able to be out. .
Joseph Wells , of the Y. M. C. A. , has
been appointed night watchman at the
institute for the deaf and dumb and will
enter upon his duties with the first of the
Judge Aylesworth is to spend a few
days at Colfax- , and while there he will
put in some time on revising and certify
ing the city ordinances , having packed up
a bundle of dusty old records to take with
Musical Students in Italy Who Suffer
Privation and Misery.
New York Commercial Advertiser : A
correspondent writes from Milan that
the condition of young women there and
in Italy at large who wish to sing in pub
lic is deplorable. He says the city is. full
of American girls with operatic aspl
rations that are doomed to bitter disap
pointmcnt. Some of them are positively
suffering for want of the necessaries o"f
jitu. No one , he adds , can make a career
in Italy without money. Most of our
countrywomen pay for the priv
ilege of appearing on the stage ; pay for
notices in the newspapers ; pay for every
thing like courtesy or criticism. Not
a few of them go there , and after spend
ing several thousand of doll'irs find that
they have gained nothing. A New York
girl wrota homo not long since : "The
amount of misery , blasted hope and
brokcnhcartedness in this city ( Milan )
can hardly bo described. It is dreadful
to think of unprotected girls coming
here , whore the men nave as a rule , no
principle and arc absolutely destitute of
morality. " The agents who undertake
to manage their atlairsnre almost always
rascals of the vilest sort , such as would
not be tolerated for an instant in the
United States. Italy is , as respects an
opportunity to sing , -a delusion and i
snare. The Italians who have any connection
noction with the 'opera-houses are mor
ally robbers , and even worse. Their in
famy can scarcely be convolved m thu
country , where , happily , they have 110
\ $ UOOOOOOO Dry Goods Man.
New York World : "Smith" Higgins ,
as he is familiarly termed , is worth
anywhere from $30,000,000 to $50,000,000
Ho owns among other little trifle !
the Grand hotel , the Grand Centra
hotel , the control of the Contra-
National bank , a carpet factory
running from Eleventh avenue to th
North river , on Forty-third street , whicl
employs 1,800 hands ; the most pcrfec
spinning-null in the country , on thi
south side of the same street ; a hand
some Fifth avenue residence , a country
seat in New Jersey , valuable busincs :
property on Broadway , Canal , Whiti
street and elsewhere , whole blocks o
tenements and residences up-town am
any amount of bank , insurance , railway
and other stocks.
It has boeu demonstrated that platinum
wire may bo drawn so tine as to be in
visible to the naked eye , although its
presence upon a perfectly white card can
bo detected by the touch , and can be seen
by the aid of a small magnifying glass
when the card is hold in such a position
that the wire casts a shadow.
Nevada City boasts of a strong man , a
big Cornish minor , who the other day ,
when a rider's saddle turned and threw
him to the ground with his foot fast in
the stirrup , soi/.ed the frightened horse
by the tail and held him by main strength
until Uio ihlor was rescued from his dan *
geroua situation.
Attorneys at Law ,
Practice in the State and Federal Courts
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block.
314 , 316 , 318 and 320 Broadway ,
The most elegant assortment and the lowest prices.
For the balance of the week we shall axcel all other efforts. Don't ' f il to call
and ftccurc tome of our great bargains. Today our hosiery sale commences ,
and never in the history of the dry goods trade has there been such bargains laid
bcfoic the public as we show today. Just think of it.
Bargain No 1 , Three pairs ladies' full regular made Ingrain Hoscin black.tan ? ,
navys. blown , cardinals , and flesh colors , for 60c , or ! 40c per pair. These same
poo'ds rctai ! over all other counters for from ' 10c to 75c per pair , and arc worth it.
Remember , our price is 3 pairs for OOc. Only 3 pair will be sold to any one cui-
* Bargain " No 2 , One thousand dozen imported full regular made Ingrain Chil *
drens'"and Mi ses French Ribbed Hose. The celebrated C G brand in all sires ,
from ! li < to 8. ' , at the uniform price of23c each. This price holds good only on
Tuesday and Wednesday. Every purchaser is limited toO pairstbc rule will not be
bioken We do this in o'rder that nil onr customers may have an equal chance of
obtaining these bargains , and also to prevent our competitors in trade from buy
ing up our bargains. We invite all ladles who have been in the habit of paying
from T3c to f 1 a pair for their children's hose , to call and Inspect these goods as
we are confident that this great bargain is equal to if not better than those at 780
and $1 , Our price on these goods is only 25cpcr pair
Bargain No 4 , Lot No 1. We have 50 dozen French Percales , Cheviots and
Indigo Blue Shirt Waists , in all sizes to fit boys , from 4 to 12 years of age. Our
special price is25c each for this lot ,
Lot No 2 Alldf the best styles and patterns of the Celebrated Star Shirt
Waists , of which we have the exclusive sale at fl. These arc sold in other cities
at from if 1.25 to $2 each ,
Bargain No 4 150 pieces Domestic Satccrs at 5c per yaid.
100 pieces Domestic Sateens at lOe per yaid.
00 pieces best American Sateens , at 15o per yard.
50 pieces French Sateen a t 25c perard.
75 pieces best French Sateens at 30c 35c and 37) ) . > c per yard.
These are the best goods imported and we have them in all shadss , including
party shades and combination suitings.
Bargain No 5 Muslin Underwear at 25c and 50ccacb.
-F/rc / counters loaded with Slclrts. Nl/ht ( Gowns , Chemise , Drawers ,
ChUdt'ens' Dresses , Infants' Robes at 2ac and 5Oc each. These goods
are worth from TGctofl.BOeach , and can only be appreciated by
critical Inspection.
Special bargains too numerous to mention
will be laid out in each and every one of
our departments every day during the
Nos. 314,316,318 , , and 320 Broadway ,
t3TAIl mail orders carefully filled and Maniples cheer
fully forwarded. ,
Special a < lvertlBoments-sueh as Lost , Found
Uolxian , For Biilo , To Kent , V > ants. Boarding ,
etc. , will bolnsortod in thU column Ht the low
ratoof TEN CKNTSPEK LINE fortheHrst Inser-
lonnncl ViroContil'or Line for each subsequent
Insertion. Lcaxo advertisements nt our olHco
No. 13 Vearl street , near UroaUwajr , Council
\T7ANTED A flrst-class skirt trimmer nt
\ once. Good wapres to competent person.
Mrs. It. Simmons. No.
-15 teamsters nnl 30 teams , for
ralhoad work.6 miles from Council muffs.
J. P. Gouhlcn.
SALK- Music and sowing machine busi
FOH . together with small stock of holiday
goods and wall paper. Good town mid country ,
eooil location , cheap rent , profitable business.
Invrico * 1'JOO to $1,5)0. ) Would tuko part In
Council llluffa real estate. Address A. L. Man
ning , Uunlap , Iowa.
Attorney at Law.
COl Broadway , Up Stairs ,
Council Bluffs.
EngineerSunfejorMap , , Publisher
No. 11 North Main St.
City nnd county maps of cities and counties
In western lown , Nebraska and Kansas.
II. D. AMY A : CO. ,
Hardware , Stoves ,
) ANP {
No. 620 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
D. II. McDANEM ) & CO. ,
( Established 1&H.1
No. R20 Main Street. t : : Council
The only Hotel in Council Bluffs Having a fire
And All Modern finproveinents.
215 , 217 and 3IQ5 Main St.
Designs , estimates and reports on bridges ,
viaducts , foundations and general engineering.
BIuo prints of any slzo ol l nuantlty.
Oflico No 13 N. Slain St. , First National Bank
Block. <
Council Bluffs.Iowa.
Justice ot the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council Bluir-j.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
R. RICE , SI. D.
Cancers and other Tumors
Removed without the knlte or Drawing 01
Over 80 vears Practical experience.
' No 11 Pearl St. , Council flluffs.
'HTConsultation free.
Curtains , Upholstry ,
Window Shades ,
Poles Door Mats
, , Rugs ,
Sash Draperies , Etc , ,
Orders Carefully Filled ,
- )0 ) ( -
Our Mr. Stockert Superintends
All Work.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards
Uroudway , Council UlufTs , Opp Dummy Depot
s * e
pS. .
( = *
_ _ _ _ K
Horses amTmulcs kept constantly on
hand , for sale at retail or in. car loads.
Orders promptly filled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on commission.
SIILUTBK & BOI.EY , Proprietors.
Telephone No. 114.
Formerly of Kcil Sale Stables , corner
1st. nvo. nnd 4th street.
1'rlces Very Low ,
W. S. HOMEU & CO. ,
JN'O. 33 MA IX ST. ,
Horses g Mules
For all purposes , bought and sold , at retai
and in lots. Large nuantitiei. to selec
from. Several pair * of fine drivers , sin
gle or doMble.
MASON WISE , Council Bluffs
Leading Real Estate Brokers
Have Property of Every De
scription ,
506 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Choice Property at a Bargain ,
Fifty Acres Choice Land Adapted for
Gardening and Fruit Growing.
About twenty acres of the tract is set to
apple orchard which is in bearing , and
to all varieties of choice small fruit and
vineyard , divided as follows :
Proper contains upwards of live acres.
The vines uro thrifty and in bearing' .
Between three and four acres are well
set to choice varieties of blackberries ,
raspberries and strawberries.
Contains more than l.COO trees in bear
ing. In addition to the above enumer
ation are n large numbers of choice
plumscherry and other fruits , also shade
and ornamental trees surrounding the
iAiirr : coiri.noitEors iiousfi ,
Ordinary burns and other out-buildings.
The soil is of excellent quality for gard
ening purposes , being a deep black loam
and is a warmsouth slope , and is altogeth
er the most attractive and desirable of
anything within business distance of
Omaha or Council Blurt's. With the now
bridge completed across the Missourithe
property is not over thirty minutes drive
from the Omaha postollice. Any party de
siring a choice bargain should apply at
once as , if not sold within the next two
weeks , it will be withdrawn from the
_ _ market.
For Prices and Terms Apply to
Real Estate Brokers ,
No. 13 North Main Street.
Lower Floor First National Bank Block >
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Real Estate
Vacant Lots , Lands , City Residences and Farms , acre propcrtu in
western part of citi/ . All sel.llng cheap to make room for sprlno aloclt.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
Room r , over Officer 05 Fusey' bank , Council Muff * .
H' . L. UIGGN ,
Justice of the Peace.
No 504 nruiiunuy , Council Bluffs.
Collections a specialty. Refers to the Bee.
Announces that Illsstocl ; of
In Choice Shapes ol Hats & Bonnets ,
Together w'th a
LaracLlne of Novelties In Fancu Ma
terials Is now Rcadij for Your
Care fill Invprctlon.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Justice of the Peace.
Oflicc over American Express
I will sell at my rciidonce on Kof Crock , t'J '
mllcBcaatol Council DlnHo , my
Well Improved , all unilur cultivations 1W ncrrs
In tamoifrahu ; liana Una now rt'sldonco , con-
mining H room * anil all moJurn Imprnvomoulg ,
hniiHu costlnc J7.0KI. Also now barn.IWx&'J ' ; t o
llallnlay wind mills , a sc-nlo tuitmo uml bcnli-8 ,
cattle yards and water tanks ! a KO" < 1 r" " ' ! "
beiirlriK oiclmrd of upl'lcs ' ami small tmlt ; 2i )
head i f jjooil farm hone * , cattlo. IIO B and nil
larin liniilomunlH r < nilrca to run a lim-cla.i
farm. Toriim will uu made known oil applica
tion , or on day of Ralo. All partleit ttilnklnif of
Invtellnif arc cordially InvltiM to cull and umko
personal examination of the furm and Im-
l > ruv iucuU. K. WAUU.