THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; THURSDAY MARCH 24 , 1887. WHEAT STARTS IIP AGAIN , The Oalifoinift Crop Keported Bad and Prices Qo Higher. OTHER BULL NEWS RECEIVED. The Provision 1'lt Mvely , With Lnril mill Short Jlltm IiCiulliiK Corn AilvnricpH n Ijlttlc Gen eral Quotations. CHICAGO i ; MAHKI T. CnirAno , Mnrcli IS ) . iHpc'dal Tcleuram to tlio UKK. ] Tlic lirst navancn In wheat was worked In tills maikct by Ciillforniacrop news. That was nt tlm tlnio the coast bad bad no ruin nt all lor about sixty days , and when It had Lic nii to bu thought that every thing was tniliiK dried up out there. On that scare \\hcat for May was 5c above present prices. Hut there came a little wetting down and California crops \\cio altogether forcot- ten , nnd tlm wheat markets weto run on alto gether another Issue. Now the California crop N being talked up again. May wheat was advanced at the opening to-dtiy on a 10- vlval ol bail weather talk. The cable was a little bullish. May opened at bl c. The clearances at New Yoric to-day wern over 100,000 bushels , and the export huslness done there yesterday ( forty-two boat loads , accord- liiC to most icnorts ) , was quite large cnuuuh to cncouiago the trade hero to believe that cash wheat business between hero and Kuropc on n large basis had been resinned. The clique brokets were sticking close to the wheat pit , nnd at the moment wnen 8l4 81-Vc was touched they wcro bidders. There was an Idea prevalent on the lloor to-day that yes terday's low liiiirc bOKc will bo the low point for some time. The provision pit Is being enlivened by operations In lard and ribs. Hogs at the jards wcro fewer and higher , anil May short ribs as a ronbciiuenco verofctarteu elf at S8.15. Lard was strong. 7n corn the price was moved up to 40c for May on a little covering by some of the shorts. The big shortsIteam antlJ ones did not make any , open effort to buy In their corn. If they had. tnrro would haubeen quite n ruahlng up of firices ; but still the crowd knows that there Is a big short Interest out , and the receipts are somewhat smaller than the extravagant bears predicted. Hut while the receipts may bo : t little smaller than the shorts had hoped. ( hero aru still over 0,000,000 bushels ot corn In store here , with a great lot of eountr > corn certain to nnlve In the next sixty days. May corn a year ape was US c , with the receipts not much bigger and with the stock In stoio not nuicli more than half the present one. The grain markets on the afternoon board were dull but steady. Lard and short ribs were weak and Uc lower on lard nnd "Ko on short libs. Wheat for May sold . . . * , , Bl vi * HUJ , t-JV flVi 1UI U Ull bO ) < c for July. Corn for Mav sold atU'J @ : iU5fc , June at 40 } < J-IO. ? < e. July at 415/e , closing with 41KC. Oats for May sold at 28 % 'Me , June atSOc.Moss pork tor Mav and June " old at 821. Lord for Mav sold "at 7.i74 : < a 7.42K , Junn at i57.4 Q7.47 > , closing at thi ; inside. Short ribs lor May sold at 87.b7J $ @ 7.07K. Jnno at SIMXQiS.WM , closing at tin inside. CHICAGO L1VI2 8'IOCK. CHICAGO , March a ) . [ Special Telegram tc the Ur.K.J CATTI.K. To-day's receipts were very light of cattl * and hogs. For the week thus far thcro Is an Increase of only nKW cat tie , and 2,000 decrease In hogs. Tlie hoa maiket rallied to-day and prices for good lions were fully as hluh as ono week ago , Cattle continued light. The receipts cave valcsmcn moro confidence and they began bj asKlng considerably Higher prices. The do- irmnd was good but buyers wcro very reluc tant to pay prices , and some of the moro I in portant eastern shippers stood olT , saying they would take tliolr chances of buying lower later In the week. There were some few very early sales of $5.30@5,40 cattle at hlgliei prices , and the S4.2. ' > @ 4.85 cattle sold reudilj at Just as high prices as. last Wednesday which was the hl h day of the season. Afto : 10 o'clock there was loss snap In the trade mi while light and medium cattle wen about all sold before that at lOc advance then were seine late arrivals and then wcro some 1450 to ICOO ib cattle tlo which could not be sold so well In fact there were some big cattle for whicl buyers would bid no higher than on Monday At 8 o'clock there wcio numerous droves o rattle , mainly of good quality and heav weights , which could not bo sold within 10 ( < 15cof the opening price * . Buyers were tig vring on excessive receipts to-morrow am the market "closed weak. Shipping steers law to 1500 Ibs , 5.00 ( < Z5.40 ; i'-JOty to ltt ! Ibs , S4.MX < 15.00 ; 950 to 1'JOO Ibs , 84.00@4.4t htookers mid feeders , S2.DO@4.40 ; cows , bull and mixed , S2.ffi@I.OO ; bulk , S'iOO(43.l5 Jloos Trade was active and prices a bl 5c higher at the opening , but rather easier a the close. A few fancy heavy sold at S5.90i ( 0.00 ; the bulk of the best packing sorts a 'SS ' fKttf.S'i , and common at So.45 < S5.Uj. Llgli vorts sold at S5.lSS5.80. FI.NANC1AU NEW YOIIK , March 23. [ Special Tolograi to tlio BKK.J STOCKS. The stock mark ) was quiet again tcnlay , openlngratherstron but dull , at about steady prices. Londo bought some St. 1'aul and Heading , and con mission houses were disposed to be bulllsl but did littlo. Northwestern was stroni lioth common and preferred stock , and wr bid up by room traders , as was Omaha ala < The story gained ground yesterday on theai vance In Lixckawanna ttiat S. V. Whlto wi abu > er because of the anticipated favorab showing which the March quniterls oxpecte to make. Ills friends maintain , howeve that while ho Is a lirm believer In Lackawami property , ho Is not buying any further line and Intimate that tlio report was circulated I help the shorts in covering. Washlngtc dispatches said J udgo Cooley would bo electc president ot the Inter-state coinmlssloi Kallroad men generally expressed satlsfa tlon with the commissioners appointed , wll the possible exception ot Morrison , who * thought to bo antagonistic to railroad Intt csts. The earnings of the Kast Tennessi tor the second week of March Increasi 18,595 , nnd for the third week Mllwauke Lake Shore & Western earnings were 55,7J an increase of 324,223. Cotton seed oil cc tiilcatcs wcro quiet at about steady price lilchmond Terminal was finite active and so up a little early , but by noon had worm back to about the opening figures. The sal to Ui o'clock wore CO.GOO shares. During tl afternoon the market was , If possible , dull than over. The day throughout was devo of Interest and business was very 1 IK lit , Uj Krcsatlng 105,313 shares. ( lovKiiNMEXTS Government bonds we dull but steady to lirm. YESTEliDAY'S QUOTATIONS. V. 8.C's 100XIC. &N. W 117 U. s. 4'scoupon. 127H do preferred.,147 U. S. 4X'scoup..lOiW.N. ; Y. 0 Ill racltietPsot'W..1SOHO. It. Jfc N W Canada South'n. . 57&O. T. St Central 1'uclHo. . 87H 1'aclllcMall 54 Chlc8KO&Alton.l44 I' . , I ) . &K 84 do preferred..HJO Pullman Pal.Car.l5fl p. , H. * 0. 188W HcajlInK 80 ! > . , L. & W lS45f'Kock ' Island. . . .123 D.1U5 2'St. L. &S. F. ! . ! SJ Krlo. . 33 % do preferred. . . . 07 do preferred. . . . TJ 0. , M. & Bt P. . . . Illinois Central..129 do preferred..12) ) r\ , K. & W ' - ' JJfSt P. & 0 4V ! { J. ' , , . . 314 | do preferied..UC Lake Shore W Texas Pnciiic. . . . 2s AN. 04 Unionraciiio. . . . 51 Michigan Ccufl. . R ? f W. . St. LA I' . . . . 11 Wo , Pacllic 100 do preferred. . K No. I'acillc W. U. Telegraph 7J do preferred. . . . MONEY ON CALL Easy at 2 co t cent , last loan 8K per cent ; closed ottered 8 per cent. 1'iiiMR MKKCANTILK PAPEH oXJiC t cent. STKIIMNO KXCHANOK. Fairly active a firm at S4.S1K tor blxtj- day bills , S4.tCX I Demand. Clilcnu'o. March 23. Following quota- tlons are tins 3:30 : closing ligures : Flour Nomlnallv unchanged ; winter wheat Hour , : southern. 84.10 fS4.0 ; Wisconsin. S4.0fyi.30 : Michigan soil snrlni ; wheat , SU.70it4. " > o : Minnesota bakers. S3.7004.SO ! patent ! ' , ; low grades , 81.t v < a. 5sr > o flour , qniet at 83.83(33.40 ( ; In Barks and barrels , 83 ( < ji.70. : Wheat Moderately active ; opened h@\c higher for May nnd closed same as yester- dacash ; , 75c ; May , Sl.Vc ; June , fcO Q tolc. . Corn Firmer : opened at yesterday's figures anil closed kjfiVc above yesterday ; cash , 3iXc ; May , : ? j tt-lfic ; June , 40 < < jc. * O.its Qiiotably Urm and averaged silently better ; cash. 2IC : May , 23 13-lGc ; June , 2Uc. Itye-Qulntatr.lXc. Barley- Steady at 501 , c. Timothy Scod Prime , 81.73. Flax Secd-Sl.O * . Wlilskv Pork Dull early hut artlve later , rinsing 2.Va > c higher ; cash , $20.00 ; May and June , liaril Mnilcrately active and about steady ; cash , S7.iO ; Mav , S7.i7K : ! June , S7.4"Kc. Hulk Meats Shoulders , Sb.dOCdC.'U ; short clear. 8S.aortZS.2.j ; short ribs , 87.76. Butter Fairly active ; creamery , 24 > f@30c ; dairy , 17@27c. Cheese Firm ; full orram cheddar , 12' ' @ 12 ilat ' . ' Americas 13'i ' jp ; , liifji''J e ; Voting , Kirns Lower'at llUffilSo. Tallow UncliaiiKed : No. 1 country , solid , 8Kc ; No. 2.34'c ; cake , 4e. Hides Unchanged ; Green , Cc ; heavy green salted , 7c ; salted bull , Cc ; gieen salted ralf. c ; dry salted hides , lOc ; Ury Hint , 1''Qiac ; deacons , 40u each. Heceli ) ! * . Shipment ? . Flour , bbls 89,000 1(1.000 ( Wheat , bn G'J.OOO I'.OOO ' ' Corn , bu ab'J,0)0 ( ) 111,000 ( Jats , bu 220,000 5'J.OOO H > i' , bu 3.00U none Ilailey , bu BS.OOO 10,000 St. l.ouK March 2.T. Wln-at-Diill but Rteatlj ; No. 8 led , cash , 7'J ) c ; May and June , 7lJ ) < c. Corn Firm ; cash , ! i.4""kc ( ! ; Mav , 3J c. Oats Firm ; cash , 25 ( < J23Xc ; Alay , ' 8)i@ . Kjo Unchanged. I'ork Quiet ; new , S10.CO. 1-ard Nominally tit 87.20. Whisky-Steady at S1.13. Mutter Steady ; creamery , 24@30c ; dairy , IS'd'i'jc. ' Afternoon board Wheat Kaslcr and } @ Kc lower. Corn Kasler and Vc lower. Oats Steady and unchanged. Kaunas City. March 23. Wheat Stcadv ; No. a red , cash , CiiJ c bid ; Apill , C'JKc bid ; May , 71 < c bid , 72 e asked. Corn Quiet ; No. 2. cash , 31B'c bid , 3 asked ; April , 3i ; < c bid , 33'tfc ' asked ; May , 32J/c bid. S3c asked. Oats No quotations. Now Orleans , Maich 23. Corn Firm ; white held at Me. On Is Kaslcr. Cornmeal Dull and lower at S2.15@2.20. llojr Products Dull and lower ; poik , 817.00 ; lard , rehned tierce , 87.00. J5ulk Meats Shoulders , 80.00 ; lone clear and clear rib , 88.00. Liverpool , Maich 23. Wheat-Steady ; demand fair ; holders offer moderately. Corn Steady ; unchanged. New York. March 23.- Wheat lie- coipts , 300 ; exports , 118,000 ; spot M ( Xc higher ; options opened , @J c higher , but towards the close weakened , declined & ( < $ ? -c , closing heavy ; ungraded red , b7a ( lic } ; No. 3 red , b Ji/n ; No. 1 red. 93 > e ; No. 2 , red , Hike In elevator , 01 ? 01Kc , f. o. b. ; April closing at Ulc. Corn Uecelpis , 79.000 ; exports , 07,000 ; spot M@ > ' c higher ; options opened Jtf@ c hlL'her.and closed weak with advance paiilally lost ; ungraded. 48 @Mc ) ; No 2 , 48'ssc in elevator , 49 fc delivered : old No. 2 , 50c In elevator , OlJi'c delivered ; May closed at . Oats Hccclpts , 4,000 ; exports , 510 ; n shade lower ; mixed western , 35@37c ; white west ern , 38s42c. ( Patroloum Steady ; United closed at C3c Pork Firm and quiet ; mess , quoted at 817.25(317.75 ( for old ; S10.00 for now. Laid Opened lirm , butclosud 2@'J points lower and dull ; western steam , spot , 57.5"j@ 7.fi7K. Uutter Quiet and weak ; western , 12 ® 30c. 30c.Cheese Cheese Firm and in fair demand. In Urm and fair demand ; western , Milwaukee , March 23. Wheat Quiet : cash. 7G c ; May , TU&c. Corn-Steady : No. a , 30J/e. Oats-Dull ; No. 2 white , 31c. Rye-Firm ; No. 1. 55Kc. Barley-Steady ; No. a , Sl c. Provisions Quiet ; pork , repacked , cash , 810.50. Cincinnati. March 23. Wheat Wenter ; No. 2 red. b2c , Corn In fair demand ; No. 2 mixed , 39(0 ( . o.its Active and firmer ; No. 3 mixed , Ityo Stronger ; No. 2 , Clc. Pork Dull and nominal at 817.50. 1 , aid In good demand at 87.25. Whisky Active and lirm at C1.13. . , , 70c ; June , 77c ; No. 2 northern , cash , 72J Mav , 74c. Flour Quiet ; patents , 84.25@4.40 ; bakois . . . Receipts Wheat , 85,000 bu. ; flour , 12 , bbls.- hhlpmflnts Wheat , 09,500 bu. ; flour 30,000 bbls. lilVG STOCK. Chicago , March 23. Tha Drovers' Jour nal louortK a.s follows : Cattle Receipt * , 5,000 ; opened lOc hlghc but closed weak ; shipping steers , 84.000 5.40 ; stockers and tpeders , 82.DO@4.40 ; cow1 ! ' bulls and mixed , 8 2.25@4.00 ; bulk , 8-.90 ( < Hogs Receipts. 13,000 ; fie higher but clos Ing easy ; rough and mixed , 5.25 < ! lft.bO packing and shipping , 85.75&G.OO ; light 85.005.75 : skips , 53.705 4.W. Sheeo Uecelpts , 0,000 ; brisk and a shad stronger : natives , S3.00@4.05 ; western , 84.0 @ 4.70 ; Texans , 82.50@4.10 ; lambs , 84.50 ( < 5.50. 5.50.Natloncl Natloncl Stock Yard * , East HI Ijoula , III. , March 23. Cattle Keceipt ; 1,200 ; shipments , none ; market active an stronger : choice heavy native steers , S4.t (95.8H ( ; fair to good shipping steers , S4.1 © 1.7.5 ; butchersrsteers , 83.70@4.40 ; feedeif fair to good , 84.10 ® l.l 3 ; stockers , fair t good. 82.2.X33.80. Hogs Kticeipts , 5,100 ; shipments , none market was slow ; choice heavy and butcher : selections , 85.70@5.l)5 ) ; packing , fair to goot 85.50 5.05 ; Yorkers , medium to prime , 85.S W5.M ; pigs , common to good , S4.70@5.15. KanianCitjr.March 23. Cattle Kecolpti 2 , : > 00 ; shipments , 1,500 : market strong ; cow r > @ 10c blu'lier ; feeding steers firm ; commo to choice , 83.00C < N.85 ; stockers , 8-.CO@3.2 ! ! feeding steers. S8.35Q4.00 ; cows , 82.25(33.0 ( llocs Receipts , 5,500 ; shipments , 2,10 ( choice heavy 510c higher ; common an mixed , steady : pigs , slow and 5aiOc lowci common to choice , 85.OOCg5.70 ; skips an pigs , 83.50Q4.00. OMAHA LIVE 8TOCK. Wednesday , March 23. : Cattle. The receipts of cattle weio liberal to-da ; 1 though not as heavy as yesterday by 2i head. The market opened active and at a advenco of about lOc over yesterday's marke When the later dispatches were receive from Chicago , Klvlng an unfavorable repo of the market there , the market eased o here and closed weak. One choice bunt reached 54.80. Hog * . The receipts to-day were iho heaviest tin far this week. The market was stiongi than yesterday although the range ol pric < was no higher , The medium grades so. near to tholicavy hogs. There was a go < demand and the pens wcro cleared early. Sheep. The receipts were very liberal but the was only ono small bunch reported sold. Ilerelpts. Cattle. .1,1' ' iiojjs. . yi1 * # * * * * * % , Sheep C Provalllnic Prices. Showlug the prevailing prices paid for Ih slock on this market : Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 lb3..84.50(3J.t ( > 0 Choice steers , 1100 to 1350 Ibs. . . 4.3.XcH55 Fat little sleer U50 to 1100 Ibs. , . . 4.00MI.45 ( iood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 3.00iU3.5'J Falrto medium cows S.OOC42.75 Uood to choice bulls . 2.50(33.23 ( Light and medium hem 6.SOC45.45 Uood to choic * Ueavr nogs 5,45(36.55 ( ( Jood to choice mixed hogs. . . . . 5.30S'i. 10 Choice sheep , W to 120 Ibs 3.bOil.20 ( HeprcscntntiTO Sales. Ilnngc of Prices. Showing the higlwst and lowest prices paid for loads of hoes on this market during the past seven days and tor the same time last month nnd a vcar ago. Fob. 1M7. March 18M. Mill-oil 1887. 17th 4.00 ffM.40 5.40 © . 'i.75 11.73 O-.80 ! 18th MK ) dVi.'M 52 > Wt.'M 3.71 fO'LOJ I'.lth 5 ( HI ® - > .3a 5. * ) © 5.5R : i.7U av\.r \ A Mill Sil nduy Sumlny 31st 6.0) ) 6i." ! C.20 ® V < ri Sunduy 22(1 r > .io rfr.40 6.30 ( Mr,1 , n.w 23d ,1.15 5.2 , ' ) ® r..ri Shipments. Showing the number of cattle , hogs and sheep shipped Irom the yards duilng the day. CATTLK. No. cars. Rt. Dest. 12 . N.W. . Chicago 30 . Mil . Chicago AllsMosof stock in thU market arc niado percwt. live wolitht unless otherwise stated. Dead hogs sell at } c per Ib. for all weights. "Skins " loss than 100 lt . , or hogs weighing > s. no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 llw. and stags SO Ibs. by the public inspector. Notes. Hogsstiongcr. Few sheep sold. No hogs left over. Liberal receipts of hogs. Cattle opened strongci , closed weak. O. F. Tuttle , Frith , Neb. , was in and sold cattle. Oliver C.reeno , Admah , was in and sold a load of cattle. John Sandburg , .Oakland , was In ami sold a load of cattle. W. E. Smith , Chapmans , was in and sold live loads of cattle. Swltt & Co. bought eleven loads of cattle on to-day's market. Leo Egghoefor , was In ana sold two loads of stock trnm IMuoHlll. G. II. Hammond & Co. bought 280 corn fee steers on to-day's market Smdres & Co.'s drove of 002 hogs averaget 260 Ibs and cost 85.37. Ab Waggoner is here from Omaha for i few days. Drovers' Journal. P. R. Peterson , Westerille , was here ant marketed two loads of cattlo. A. B. .Wilson. Logan , la. , was In urn marketed two loads of cattle. Mr. Ticknor , Ueatrlce , was In with fou loads of cattle for Ticknor & Howard. Mr. Meyer , buyer for Isaac Walxel , o Chicago , was buying cattle to-day. AxiKiist Anderson. Oakland , came In will a load of cattle which sold on the umrkPt. Emll Ingeuerson , oC Chicago , arrived her to-day and will buy cattlu for S\\ift & Co. Mr. Wilson , of Wilson , Rlcho & Co. Uhsbcs , was in and sold two loads of cattle The Anglo-American Packing compin1 bought 2.1&4 hogs , on to-day's market , tha aveiaged 280 Ibs and cost S5.i7J : . Mr. CumliiL's , Tnlnmce , was In with tw < loads of cattle , ono load topped the market Pete Burlette , a well known cltl/.cn of th same place , was in with him. A. Shroeder , Admah , Neb. , was In to-da and sold three loads of cattle. Ho will rave stock sale at his place on. Monday. Amoni his stock Is a buflalo cow that weighs eve 2,000 Ibs. OMAUA WHOLESALE MARKET ; Wednesday , March 23. General Produce. Tlicfollowtnfi price * arc for round lots o. prociiicc(8 ( sold on the nun Act tnuiti'lit quotations on fruits represent the prices a which ( tutshle orders are lilted. HUTTKII An occasional paekaco of fane butter sells at better pi Ices than those quote * below : Cholcftcountry , 10 < 317c ; fair to goo ( 1214c ( ; cninon , 5@lOc. Ed ( is The receipts are liberal and th market steady at lOc. DiiBBsno POULTRY The warm weather 1 lessening the demand somewhat for dressci poultry and at the same time Is Inci easing th demand for live poultiy. Dressed chicken are selling mostly at lOc with an occasion ; sale of extra stock ata llttlu more. Turkey and ducks have been selling at about th same price as chickens. A few small , fa turkeys have sold at lie. LIVE POULTHY Choice chickens sold a 83.50 to-day. GAMK Ducks are becoming quite plent and are selling fairly well. There are also good many geese coming In. There art * treed many brants on the market and the are very slow sale. Mallardducks , per dozei 82.00(32.75 ; teal , per do en , 81.502.0C mixed , per dozen. 82.00 ; geese , per dozer 83.00 ; brants , per dozen , 8'J.OO@2.50. POTATOES The receipts of potatoes hav been heavier during the past few days. Th market Is fairly active and the stocks movln freely. There are a few Colorado and Sa Lake potatoes on the market. 'There- are als a few sweet potatoes In. Home growi 60@65c ; Colorado , Rose , per bu. , Sl.OSQl.K Snowttake , per bu. , Sl.OiQl.lO ; Salt Laki 81.00 ; sweet , per Ib. , S c , CAUUAOE There is a very fair demand fc cabbage and It continues to arrive In liber ; quantities , The supply of Colorado stock o tne tnarkol has been exhausted. Callfornh per Ib , So. CHEESK Full cream cheddars , single , 14c full cream flats , twins , 14c ; Young Amer cas , 14 > f@14Kc ; fancy SNYISS , lG@17c ; Swli mported , 25o ; Llmburger , We : brick , 15@16 < Ari'LES The receipts are increasing an the market Is weaker. Choice stock Is arrr Ing from MUsourl and selling Wf II , Fane Is urlnelne S5.00 and good to choice 84.MX 4.75. Poor and Inferior stock Is belling a the wav from 83.50 up , according to quallf OLD VF.QKTAiii.Ks-The supplyon the ma ket is not large but the demand Is light an stocks movlngslowly. Onions , choice stool per bbl.84.00 < S4.50. Beets , carrots , turnip etc. , pcrbbl. 81.75 ( < t2.00 ; California , 82.001 SJ.23 ; horseradish roots , per Ib. , 7c. GIIKEX VuoETAiuEb There has bee very little of what might bo called good stoc on the market for the past faw da ; s. Tl spinach Is not very eood and Is slow sail California asparagus has put In an appoa ance but lies been held most too high to st readily. Homo grown celery Is very poi ? .nd scarce. Spinach , per bbl , , 82.oo@j.fii top onions , per dozen bunches , 30 : i5. . celery , horn * grown , per dozen , 35(345 ( California celery , per. dozen , 00c@81.0 cauliflower , per dozen , - ; radishes , p dozen bunches , 25Q30c. . The supply -oiJ trio market Is liberal but not large. Stocks are moving a little slow as the weather Is wnun enough to create nnvcreat demand. M sslna , fancy , per box , S5.OOoi5.fX > . OIIAXOES The orange traJ lsbrlKhton- Ing up and the market is lirm. The uncer tainty as to the result of the now law which will go Into fifed on thu tlrst of the month , has caused dealers tn antltlpatn their wants to seine extent. California , Riverside , per box , si.75' : < 4.00Californla ; , l.os Angeles per box , 8'-.7.y33.0o : Xavols 80.00 ; Mediter ranean sweets , S3.75W4.00. i Si IIA wiiKiininsFlorida straw borrlns have put In an appearance hut In limited quanti ties thus tar. The stock was NL-ry fair and was < nld at 40fil50c per box. OYMTKIW Mediums. 20c ; , Ktandard , 2C < ; ; selects , 2bo ; extra selects , 3 : } ; N. Y. counts , 8c. 8c.UIAXS : Infei lor stoclt.75rtS1.00 ; K oed clean ountrv , ? t.OJitl.2.j ; mi-dtuin , h.iml plckiul , Sl.40ufl.50 ; hand nicked , naw , S1.50 l.i . I'novHioN's Ham. rJ Wliic : breakfast bacon , rlt ) . 9J/c : break fast baeun , plain , 104o ? ; drysalt sides , SKQsjfc ; dried beof. regular , lie ; dried beef , hum pieces , 14c ; lard , 60-lb cans , bo : 20-lb cant. Fairbanks , b' ' 'c ; 10-lb cans , Fairbanks , sue ; 5-lb cans , Fairbanks Ve ; 3-lbcans. Fairbanks , bi c. . HANANAS Largebunchcs , per bunch , S2. 50 ( ft 3.50. NUTS Afcw black walnuts are coming In from the country and aio slow sale at 75c per bushel. Thu following are the wholesale prices at which 01 ders from the outsldo are tilled : Almonds , 20c : pecans , largo polished , 14c ; lilbert" . 14cUia7lls ; , UcwalnntsNaples ; SOo : walnuts , Chill , Uc ; peanuts , H. P. Vir ginia , 8c. FI.OUR AND Miu.sTUi'Fs Winter wheat Hour , best quality patent , fc2.75 ; second ntul- Itv , S'J.0002,50 ; best iiuallty spring wlieat Hour , patent. S2.40@2.UO ; bran , 70c percwt ; chopped feed , 75c per cwt ; white corn meal , We ; yellow corn , meal , bOia'.Kte per cwt ; scrcenlnir , 60 750 per cwt ; hominy , 81.50 ; shorts , 70c percwt ; graham , 81.75 ; hay. In bales 87.00 per ton. ( iiiAix Corn , 27c ; wheat , No. 2 , 57c ; oats , 25c ; rye. 45c. _ Grocor'q Jiiit. Picici.ns Medium. In bbls. SS.OO ; do , In half bbls , 84.50 ; sm.ill. In bbls , 89.00 ; do , In halt bbls. S' .oo ; gherkins , In bbls , 810.00 ; do , In halt bbls , S5..10. buuAii-liranulated , G(36'c , ( ' ; conf. A , 5 @i5c ; white extra C , 5UTrf5 < i' ; extra C , 5'rt'C ' ' 6 , c : yellow C , 4t , ! { @ ; < c : cut loal , powdered , 05 < n(0j < c. COFKEKS Ordinary grades , 14J4'@i5Vcfalr 15'41 ' c ; prime , 10 } c ; choice , I0@io > 4c ; fancy green and yellow. 10@17c : old eov- ernmcnt Java , 200200 ; interior .iava , lf > ( A 20c ; Mocha , 22(3240. ( ; Arhucklo's roasted llijic ; McLaughlln's XXXX roasted , 19c ; Dilwoith's. Ifljtfc : Red Cross , lu c. CANNED Uoon.s-Oy.stcrs.standard , per case , S3.15Ci3.25 ; strawberries , 21b. per case. S .aO ; raspberries. 2 ib , per case , 82.2.1 ; oCallfornla pears , per case , 84.50 ; apricots , per , 84.00 ; peaches , Pt" case , 85.UO ; white cher ries , per case , 80.00 ; p.ums , per case , 8'3.0 > ; blueberries percase , ; e g plums. 2 Ib , per case. 82.50 ; pineapple * , a id , per case $3.20@5.75 ; l Ib nihMcerel. per doz , 81.40 ; 1 ID salmon , per do/ , 81.50(41.5" ; a ID , goose berries percase , 81.75 ; 2 Ib string Doans. per case , l. i5 ; " Ib lima beans , per case , 81.00 ; 2 Ib marrow fat peas , per case , 82.50S2002 ( ; Ib early June peas , per caso. 8 .75 : 3 Ib toma toes. 2.5)2.fiO:2 ) Ib.corn 82.40(22. ( % . MAICIIF.S Percaddle. sio ; square cases , 81.70 : mule square. 81.2U. SYRUP No. 70 , 4-gallon krgs , S1.30@1.25 ; New Orleans per gallon 3b@40c ; maple syrup , half bbls. "old time. " per gallon , 70c ; 1 gal lon cans , ner doz , 810.00 ; hall gallon cans , per doz. 85.50 ; quart cans , S3.w. ! CANDY Mixed. bK < KHc : Ick , 8K@9 c , CRACKEHS ( Jarneau's soda , butter and picnic. 5 > $ c : crc-ams,8i o ; ginger snaps , 8 > $ c ; citv soda. 7 . , . , bTAiicn Mirror gluss. l Ib , Cc ; mlrroi gloss , 3 Ib. 5Jfe : mirror , Olb , O c ; Graves corn , 1 lb,6J < c ; Klngsfonl's corn , I ID , 7c ; Kincsford's gloss , 1 Ib , 7a : Klngsford's closs , 0 Ib. 7fo ; Klnnsford's , pure , lib. 'iKc Kinesford's pure , 3 Ib , 5Js'c ; Klngsfordf bulk , 4c. ' * SoA.i-3 Kirk's savon Imperial , S2.70 : Klrk-s satinet. 33.00 ; Kirk H Standard , S3.05 : Kirk's white Russian. 84.00 ; ' Kirk's white cap , 80.50 ; dome , S3.85 ; wasliboaid , 83.10 ; white cloud. 83.75. General MarKeti. "VARNISHES UauoK'periJalion ; i-urnl ture , extra , 51.10 ; furniture. No. 1. 81.00 ; coach extra , 81.4' ) ; coach , No , l , 81.20 ; Da mar , extra , 11.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum extra 85c : shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil llnlsh iiEAVY llARnwARn Iron , rate 83. so sawed dry , 81.50 ; tongues , cacn. 80c : axels each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib. Cla71o ( ; col chain , per Ib. oxrai" * ; malleable. ( tfc ; 1101 wedges , 6e ; crowhars , 60 ; harrow teeth , 4 , ' < c spring stcol , 7@Uc ; Uurden's horseshoes 84.75 ; Burden's mute shoes. S5.75. Barhoc wl In car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs. Nails rates , 10 to 50 , UO : steel nails. 82.1U Shot,81.35 ; buckshot , 81.00 ; Ha/nil powder tegs , 85.00 ; do. half kegs , 82. ' ? ; do. quarto kegs , 81.50 : blasting , kegs , 82.UK fuse , peril feet.CTxs. Lead bar. sn DRY PAiNT -Whlie lead , .c ; French/luc 12c ; Paris whltliifr. 2Wc ; whiting , cilders 2Jfc ; whiting , com1 ! , IMC ; lampbiaelr , Ger inanstown , 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , be Prussian bluo,55cultramarine ; , Ifc ; vandys- brown , 8e ; umber , burnt. 4c ; umDer. raw , 4e sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Pan green , genulno. toe. Paris green , com mon , 22c ; chrome green. N. y. . 20c vermlllion American. l c : inoiai raw and burnt umber , l tt cans , i'Jc ; raw am burnt sienna. 12c : Vandyke brown , 13c ; n lined lampblack I2o : coach black and Ivor black , lOc ; drop black. ICc ; Prussian blue 40c : ultramarine black. 13c ; chroma creon.L. M. & D. . lOc ; blind and shutter green , L. . M & D. , lOc : Pans green , ISc ; Indian red , 15o Venetian red , 9c ; Tuscan , S2c ; Ameiica ; vermlllion , L. * D. , SOc : yellow ochre. 2e ; L M. & O. D. . 18o : good ochro. lOc : oaten dn or , So ; graining color , light oatc , dark oak walnut , chestnut and sh. 12c. DHUOSAND tjiiEMioAi.B. Ac fl carbolic O-'c ; acid tartaric , 52c ; balsam copaiba , pe n > , fiOc : bark sassafras , per ft , lOejcalome per ft , 78c , phlnchonldla , per oz , 40c ; chlon form , per ft48c , ; Dover's powders , per tt * 1.25epsom ; falls. , per ft , 8 } c ; glyceilm pure , per Ib , 3yc ; lead , acotato. per tt. 2lc oil , castor , No. 1. per gat. , 81.50 ; oil castoi No. 2pergaL , 81-40 ; oil olive , per gal. , 81.40 oil oriiranninn , 60c ; opium , f'i.iiO ; qulnlm P. A W. and R. &S , , per oz. 7. > c ; potasslui Iodide , per ft , 3'.50 ; sallcln. per oz. 40c ; stil tihatomorplilno. per oz. $ < .I5 ; sulphur , PC tt.4o ; strychnine , neroz. Sl. > . I'AINTS IN OIL White lead. OraaharP P 0' ' < ro ; white lead St. Lonls , pure , OKo ; Mai seilles , green. 1 Ib cans , 2c : Kioncnzim eroen seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal. Uc French zinc. In varnish asst. 20c ; fcnc zlnc,75c : vermllllon. Kngllsh. In oil , 75c red , lOc : rose pink , I4c ; Venetian red , Cool son's , 2fo ; Venetian red , American. iKc red lead , 7Kc ; phrome yellow , genuine , 2i'e ' chrome yellow , K , l'-c ; ochre , rochello. 3c ochre , French , 2fc } ; ochre , AmoriPar IXc ; Winter's mineral. 2tfn ; Lenigh biowi 2 } < e ; Spanish brown , 2Mc ; Prince's rclnera SPIRITS Cologne spirits , 188 proof , 81.1" do 101 proof , 81.18 ; spirits , second quality 101 proof , 81.17 : do IBiTproof. 81.10 Alcnho 1H8 prooi , 82.20 per wine callon. Redlstlllc whiskies , 81.00M1.50. Gin , blended. si.60 ( 81.VX3H.oo. Urandles. Imported , 85.00@8.5 ( domestic , 81.30@3.00. ( Hns. Imported , 84. ! ( < JC.OO ; domestic , 81.25(33.00 ( , , Champagne ! Imported , per caso. 528.00033.00 ; Amcncai percase. 510.OCXdlo.Oo. HIDES Green butchers , ' 5K(20c ( ; croe cured. 7c ; dry Hint , llWl-'o ; drv salt , OfftlCX creen calf skins , 8 c-.damaged ; nule two-thirds price. Tallovr-riik'c , Grease- Prime whlto , 3Ke ; yellow. 2kc ; brown , 15 Sheep Pelts. 25O75c. J'Uits AND aiuNs 'itio .followln K prl < are for prime , well handled skins : Heave prime , clean per pound , 81.50 3.00 ; fall , 81.1 ( 2.00 ; meaty and Inferior. 5l.OOQl.25. Bea brown and grizzly. 85.00(39.00 ( ; rubs HH j-earllngs , J.oXeC4.00. JJadgcr ; 50 ( < ( ixc. Ca wild , 2CK3nOc : domestic , black , 10j ( 15c : d mestle , sundry colors. 5@ c.c , /ox. red. 81.i @ 1.25 ; cross , 82.00@4.00 ; grqy,1K ( 50c ; sllvc 810,00(840.00. ( Fisher. S4.00iO.O ( ) . Otto rS4.i 00.00. Marttps 8jW i75. jtuscra'r.w ] t sr. Iftrgo , lOc ; fall , Sc ; itti Mink , . Ian dark , 3. > @ 40c ; small and palo , 1520c. Ra coon , largo prime , 40(350c ( ; small andlnfrrlri 20Q30C. Skunk , common , iS&-JSe. Wol largo gi y , 81.50(32.60 ( ; coyote or prairie 75 OOc. Deer and antelope , winter , per potin 15c ; full and summer , per pound 20c. OrrUOAliDB. UOAliDB. No. 1 Com. sis S18.I No. 2 " " 15. No.3 " " 11. N 4 " " la DIUKNSIONR AND TIUdEHK. un lift 16ft 1811 20 ft i tt 2xt 18.00 17.00 18.00 1B.3J 1800 17.00 19.00 19.00 2.60 1 10.00 18.00 I7.00.1U.OO lU.OO/'l.Mhil , IllO. 16.0Q 18.00 17.9) ) 18.00 lO.OO'a.60 ' ? ' , I8.U ) I6.0U 17.001H.OO 19.00Sd.60 SI Ui-8l8 18.00 18.00 iB.toim'.oo ailoolaj'sola FF.XCINO. No. 1 , 40 Inch , 13 anil 14 ft. . ronh..SlV > 0 No. 9 , 4 itGlncli. and H ft , , rouKU. . . 1X00 SltllNO. A. IS , 14 ami ID ft . , . . . . $31.50 H , l ! " " . SO.OO C. " " . 1\00 1) , . " " " . 11.50 cm , ixo AXI PAitriTio.v. 1st com. , Ji In Whlto Pine Cellini ; . SUM " ( I " ' " " " . . . USOO Sdcom. , * $ In Norway 1'lnu Celllnz. . . . 14.00 A Cinch , white pine , : w.M ) C S2T..M . ) KCIncti. " " ( SelFen'g ) WOO 1.1 MK , inc. Qulncy white lime , ( best ) fl'c Akron cement , 2.73 ; hiilr 25c TDC1 < IIO.MUI * . A12 Inch s. Is. 45.50C 835.50 No. l , com. 12 In . l s. , 12.14 S'-X ) : 10 ft.m.oo No. 3 ' " 17.50 ; " 10.50 . 1st and 2 < l , clear , Hi Inch , s. 3 s . S50.W 8d , clear , 1 Inch. s. 3 s M 1 1'j. I1 * . 'J In 4.V > 0 11 clear , 1 inch , s. 2 A - " . > .50 ,2 In ! 1UO inn1 i.\r. No. 1 , plain , S mid 10 in . S1S.V ) sol'Tlir.UN \ Kl.l.OW I'l.M : . Com. I and tt In. tlnmlni ; . S17.W Clear , llnish , land 1'4 in. s. 'J-s . 'JU.OO " corrugated culling , I In . 24.50 " Yellow pine ca liiK and baste . 27.00 . Pickets , 1) and II Hat SW.50 ; D k 11 sq.S20.50 . , XX clear . 53.00 * A * standard . 2.15 All. 11. and 1) . 2.50 Whlto Cedar , n In. ! M-Tl' c ; Oln. " 5Jf I" . Ks , lUucsSln. iirs..lOc Atorncy and Client. In the ease of William O. ISartlio- lomuw tigiunst the city of Omaha , on trial yu-stcrdny morning in tlic district court , before Jntl o Xtivillc , tlio pluintill' , was his own attorney. City Attorney Cou ncil represented the defendant. The suit was for ihinmgo in runnlnc 11 street through the plaintitV's lots. Jiuliro Bar- tholomcw undertook to testify in his own behalf in a narrative style , but defen dant's attorney objected anil insisted on plaintiiVactinp his dual role of attorney and witness. He asked him elf questions and gave the answers , which were taken down by the stenographer. Great preparations are beinp made for the ball of Myrtle division of the unt- forme d rank of the Knights of Pythias , which occurs on the -lltli of this month. In the. afternoon a grand pn/.e uniformed drill will be held , in which the divisions of Omaha , Hlulr. Plattsmouth. Lincoln Hastinirs will participate. The music will bc ° furnished by the Musical union with thirty musicians. LINCOLN , NEB. CINTKK : IN fllK Oni.D OF ITS AOE. U lius Rronn from 400 to 4lixxj ( iiopu ntlou In 19 yours un 1 Is now crowing fnntcr th in over. lnentraentR In brick liiockn pay 10 to ZJ per cent. IxitHliuvu uvcraxed ever 110 per cunt per unnum : SS SOLICITED. cm A. J. CBOPSEY & CO. unoKKits , LINCOLN , xnn. liavo for le brick lilockt. luifInos lotx , nil klniln cr r ul viitutu. la , 6 , lOiintl 2J aero tructa , farms and cheap lands , MO.NKV LOANED. INVESTMENTS MADK. nEPKUKNCKSi The Kjr t and Lincoln Nnlloniil l' iik , ( JOT. Timer , Jinlue C'obli , Sen. H. M. Cullora , lll'uoln , and lien. Ucn llHrrlion , Indiana. . E CHICAGO Tlieonly road to tnku fur DCS Molnos Mar- ehniltown , CeJur Uiinklg , Cllr.ton , Dlxon , Chlou- go , Milwnukoo niul all points oust. To the people - plo of Nrhrnshn , Colorarto , WyomlnB , Utah , Idtiho , Ncvailn , Oiepon , Wustilnxton anil Cull , fornla , It oirors superior advantajc ? not posil- Mo by nny other Hue. AmoriK a few of the numerous points of sn- jiorlorlty enjoyed by tlio patrotis or this road between Oniutm anil Chlcntro , nro Us two trtilni nilny of DAYCOACHUS , which are the finest thut mimnn nrt nnd litsonulty can create. Iti I'ALAUE StiKRl'INQ CAH8 , which nro moileh of comfort uml oleeance. Its I'.Mtt.Olt IUA\V. ING I'.OUM UAKS , unsuipnssoj hy anv. uncl Ita widely celebrated PALATIAI , OINlKO CAItS the equal nf which cannot bo found clsowhcro At Council DlulTs the trains of the Union Pacific Itv. connect In Union Depot wltli those of thu Chicago & Northwestern Hy. In Culcuco the tiftlns of this linn make close connection with those of all eastern linen. For Detroit , Columbus , Imllannpolls , Cincin nati , NluirnrnFnllH , IlufT.ilo. 1'lttsbiirv.Toronto , Montriml , tlnMon , Now Yonc , Philadelphia , Onltlmnro , Wnshlnplon nnd all points tn the east , iifk for n ticket vln the "NOUTinVESTKRN " If you wl < ; h the host accommodation. All ticket HKcnts sell ticket ! via this line. II. HUaillTT , E.P.WILSON , licnl Manager , ficnl. I'aes'r Agent Chicago , 111. w. M. nAiicocK , L n. noi.LEs , Western Airont , City I'lua'r Agent , Oinuba , Nebraska. CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE The Best Jionte from Omaha ant. Council Bluffs to THE E.A.ST Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Conn cil Ulufli , Chicago , ANp Milwaukee , St. Pan } , CcdarRajiUs Rock Island , Frceport , Ro-jkford , Clinton , Dubuquc , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Janesvillc , Beloit , Winona , La Crosse , And all other Important points Bast , Northcai and ( Southeast. For through tickets cull on the Ticket Agen lit HOI Furnam elreotln ( I'uxton hotel ) , era Union rnclflo Depot. I'uilmnn Sk'Cijrs ' | nnd the II no e t Dining Car In the world are run on the nmlii lines of th ClIICAOO , MlI.WAUKIX & ST. 1'AUI , HAM.WAI nndovory uttentlon U jmlil to pn "iigers b couitoousomnloyosof tlio cqmpam. -Mii.i.KU. . Gcnerul Mummer. J , F. TUCKKR , AbSlttunt a < mcrM Manngcr. A. V. it. CAiu'K.sTKit , Ucnoial 1'asscugor nn Ticket Agent. fiEO U , IlKiFFOitn , Assistant General I'm scngor and Ticket AgC'iit J. T. Ci.AHic.ciicrnl ] BuperlnlcndPiit. ATAIUUI. l r unHocurcr FrcetunpK NO packlce and book for 4 ctntl In itamnt L 11. MEDICAL CO. . att Uunptoo , UUQ Omaha Jobbers' ' Directory. Agricultural Implements. " " ' CHURCHILL PARKEllT" \\liolrralo I > eat r In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , fxrtafOi ninl lluinli'n. Jones utrret , Lotitceu Otb fiiul lUl LIN ING EK L MlifCALF COlT Agricultural Implements , Wfl8on .rarrl'\e ( , HiiKitlo , Hie. , Wholesale , Orn h . tp co. , Jobbers of Hnrdwuro and Nnils , TiDwnrc , hret lion. Ktfl. Asontu for llowu bcnlet , and .Mlnnil Powdcrl' . .OmaliaNi'h. Wholesale Dealer * In AcrrliMilhmil implements , ( VaKornaml Hnirelrj. ffll.WV.Oi omUo ; , Joncn lit Artists' Mater/ttl > Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , KM toiiitln ) Street , Builders' Hardware and Scales. HLVEIIAUG7IT TAYLOR , Bnildurs'Hnrdwiirc&Scale Itcpili'Sliop Mechanics' Tools nml llutTnlo Scale * . liOo Douulus t. , v Omalm , Neb. Boots and Shoes. j'rAND SHOE COMPANY. Manufacturer ! mid Wholesale Dealers In Hoots and Shoes , Comtilcto flock of llubbcr Cao < ls always on hand WJ a. 13thet. , Onmlm. > b. A. T. Aimin , Audit. W. V. MOUSE tC CO. Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes. 1111 Knrnam tt , Ouniliix. Nrb. Manufactory , Summer ptrpct , lloMon. Z. ' . LIXDSEY e ( JO. Wholesale Rubber itn aul Slides Utibbor nnil OIloU ClntliliiK ' " 1 1'vlt Hunts niul Shoo" . oiitlici\ I'uint'r lltli unU Douitlua. fleer. Agt. for Anlieusor-Htish IJrewlntf Ass'n Siioclnl llriinrts. Knuit , llmlwelner nnd Krlancer. ' WfO llZ jg fLElt , Lager Beer Hrowcra , IMl North I'lh Htrcct , Oranhn , Nob. Butchers' Tools. Louis 'HELLER Hutclicrs' Tools and Supplies , Cnslogi of nil kinds nlwajs In stock. UK JOIIU BI.OIUHU Coffee , Spices , Etc. Omaha CoiTco and Spice Mills. Tci.CoITces. Pnlro. llnklnz Pondor. Fltvorln Hl- tracts , iJiunary lllue. Ink , Ktc. 1(14-16 Ilurcer btrcotOnmha , Neb , GATES , COLE iO MILES , Homo Codec and Spieo Mills MTjr Co. CnTpoRon lcrB and ppttt Orlndorn , Manafacturcra nf Daklnx Pur.dcr , I Itiorlni ! ixtrnct . lllnliin. Ktn. one ia p of our l-r > pn < k ec llomolllend Heart d Teu. litbllowunl t , omnbu. .svl. Cornice. EAGLE COltNICE WORKS , John Epenctcr , Prop. Hnrnfucturer of Galvanlieil Iron ant Cornice. 823 Iloclgo and 103 and 1,15 N , lOtli ( t. . Omaha , Neb. 11UEMPISG C I1OLTE , Manufacturer * of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finals. MctnllcSkjllKhtetc. 310S. 12t > i < t , Oinnha. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Specht , Prop. Galvanized Iron Cornice" , etc. 8 | > cct' Improved I'at entMctnllcSkjIlght. MW and 6)0 ) H.lZtli M.Omahn. Carpets. CO. , Jobbers or Carpets , Cnrtaiiif , Oil Cloths , Hues , Linoleums , Mattings , Ktc. lilt Douflag itri'ct. 8. A. Wholesale Cariiets , Oil Cloths , Uattlngi , Curtain Goods , Etc. 1U3 Karnain btrcet , Omaha. Neb. Crockery and Notions , W. L. WRIGHT , Agent for the Manufacturers and Importer ! of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , etc. Office , 317 South 13th it Omaha , Neb. Commission and Storage. " 1STA. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing. Butter , KEC'and Produce. Consignments solicited. Ileadqunrters for btnncware , Ilcrry lion H and ( Jr | io lluBkeii. Kit Dodge street , Omaha. 1'EYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. Fruits , Produce and I'rovlilons. Omaha , Neb. "W. E. RlIlELL , Storage and Commission Merchant. Specialties BtUteUERI. . Cheese , Poultry , Game , Off ten , Kta , Etc. 112 South ilth street. WIEDEMAN C CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , llutter , Gnmo , Fnilts , etc. 330 8. Hthst llniahn , iNeb , Coal antf Lime. Qiu. F. I.AIUUII , l'rc . C. F.DOODUAX , V. Pioi. J. A. .SUNIJEKLAND , Hoc. and Treas. OMAHA COAL , COKE LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. Ma South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb. , r. /o/zxso.v t ; co. , Maniifiicturers of Illinois White Lime. And Shippers of Coal and Coke , Cement , Plaster , Utne , llmr. Hre Ilrlck , Drnln , Tile and Kewerl'lpe. onicu , I'.nton Ilute. . Knrnam st , , Omaba , Nub , Telephone fcll. Confectioner/ . -jT" irnmifactnrinfr Confectioners , Jobberi of Knilti.Nuts nndClcaii. 1211 Farnam St , Omnlm. . Cigan and Tobacco. Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco. dues and Ammunition , 215 torn S. llth St. , 1010 U Itr.'t Farnam st , Omaha , Neb. WEST < C FRITSCUER , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholesale Dealers In Leaf Tobaccos , NOB. 10 and 110 N. Mth strict. O-naha. Dry Goods. JIT. E. SMITH C CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods ANotlont 1103 and 1104 Douglas , cor. lltli Bt. , Omaha , Neb. Distillers. Dtstlllcra of Liquors , Alcohol and Spirits. Importer ! and Jobbersof VHnesanuLiquors. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLS'1 CO. and ILER H ) CO. , Importers and Jobbert of Fine Wines and Ltqnon Hole ru nuf eturer of Kennedy's Ksit India lilt- t rs unJ Doutstlo Liquors. 1112 llarney St. Drain Tile , Etc. . . . > Ty.'vvM W V" A. n.BAt'EiiJVs. J.\V.riEnroniBec.4Tr si It. J. CAIISON , V.I'rei. and Supt. THE UNION HYDRAVLK. DRAIN TILE CO. , Office 313 R. llth st. Omaha. Neb. Machinery am bupplles for iliinufaoluring Cement Drain Tile. ELEVATORS. JI.W HonKiis D. 8. JUiuiim J'OS. KiTAIII.ISIlFIl IbT'j , VlOO-I'rCl OMAUA ELEVATOR anil GRA1I COMPANY , Jobbers and Storers ol Grain. hip menu of ( leulcresollt'lto anil gittlsfuctloi Onihaa Nob. Furniture. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. Furnam sU. Omaha , Neb. Omaha Jobbers' ' Directory. Groceries , LTnGJr Whoh'salo Groceries and Provisions , Nog. 7K,707,709 and 711 H. 10th St. , Omnhn. \ b. p. co.f Wholesale Grocery 1ln and Lrnvenwortli K . , Omnhii. Hardware. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , BprlnitaTauon , Stock , llardwarn Lumber , etc. 1201 anil Ull llarney ft. , Omaha. EDNEY ! > GlllllON , Wholesale Iron and Steel , Waeon nnd Cnrrlano Wood Slocli. Heavy HariwarA Ktc. UlamlUjiH. mcimonliit. | . Omabii. Nob. 'MILTON ROGERS P SONS , ' Stoves , Knnges , Kurnaces , Tilpg , Maiitlci , Orates , liratsCoooX Inland 1323 Karuaal direct. Iron Works. Iron Works , Wrought and Cast Iron lliillolnB Work , Iron SUnlnv Knlmitf. IH'iinm nnd ( Hnlcri. . Steam Knvlnrii , llrnn work.Umeral Jfoumlry , Mnrhlne anil ll'aikumltti \/ork. omco an J Works. U. 1 * . Ity.ainl Kill nieol. K. H. McMANUS. C. SULLIVAN. OMAHA trJJlE r IROX WORKS , Mnnufiicturora < f Wire nnd Iron Uallimrs , Desk Kails , Window ( hmnl . Flower Sinml . Wire Wgn , Klo l.'l.N. Ibtli , Orders by mull promptly iittcndcillo. Lumber. OMAHA TiUMUER CO. , Ueilor . All-inIn of Building Material at Wholesale. 18th Street and Union 1'nclffo Trick. Omnlia. LOUIS 11RADFORJ ) , Dealer in Lumber. Latb , Lime , Sash , DoorsICto. YanU Cornt > rth and Uoutilai ; Corner Uth and Domini. CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , BUS , llth street. Oinahn.Neb. T. Colpetier , Mannsor. ' ' V.'N. DIETX , Lumber. 13th and California Streets , Omaha , Neb. FRED W. GRAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor.Oth and Douglas its. , Omaha. Nei. HOAGLAND , Lumber. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER C0.t To Dealers Only. Office , 1403 Furnam streetOmaha. CHAS. R. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpets nnd Parquet Flooring. 9th nnd Doujla * * JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported and American Portland Cement , flat * Agent lor Milwaukee Hydraulic Cement and licit ( Julncy White Lime. Live Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John K. Bovd , Superintendent. Liv Stock Commission. M. BURKE ,0 SONS , Live Stock Commission. _ Geo. Burke , Manager Union Stock Yards,8. Omaha. Tela.pnone.M2. SAVAGE C GREEN Live Stock Commission Merchants , Shipment ! of any and all klndi of Stock solicited. Union Stock Yard * . Omaha , Neb. Millinery and Notions. I. OBERFELDER C CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , 1313 and 1.M5 Harney Bt , eet , Omaha , Neb. Notions. j. T. JIOBINSON"NOTION'CO. . , Wholesale Dealers In Notions and Furnishing Goods , 403 and 40a 8. Tenth St , Omnha. Overalls. _ "MA NUI _ _ COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , leans Pants , Shirts , Etc. UK und 1104 DOUGHS Street. UinahK , Nob. , j Paper Boxes ' J. L. WILKIE , Manufaeturor of Paper Boxes , B.Hth SI. . Omih'i , Nibrui'iii. Orders by raili | > llclted and will rocqlve prompt attention. Printing. REES PRINTING COMPANY Job Printers , Blank Book Makers. And liook Dinners. 101 and 108 South FouitocaUl street. Umabn , Nob. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Auxiliary Publishers. Dealers In Trpo.Preitet and Printers' Hupplloi. WJ South Twelfth Street. Pumps. BROWNELL C CO. , Maiiufncturors nnd Dealer * In , Hollers & ( icncral Mnchtiiory Blioet Iron work , Stoum I'uinp * . Hnw Mllln , Acm * Klmftlna , Dodne Wood split I'ullujri , lloltlnv. eta , Also wogont , ncrapcriand bulotlcj. I.'l > ] il5Le * . Tcnworth at. Omaha HECTOR C WILHELMY CG. , Wholesale Hardware. Wcntern ngentt for Jelferton Pleol Null * . Au tln Powder Co , Knlrbunk * KUndaril Hcalct. Corner lOtb and llsrnor. Omaha. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Bteam and Water Supplloi. Headquarter * fur IJaft ' llll > 'arnum it. . Omnhn. Neb. A. L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , Bteam , Water , Hallway and Mllllnx riupulic-j. EtO , 0 , ffZiand VH Farnam it. , Omaha , Neb. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMF COMPANY. nalladar Wind Mllni fleam and Wkter Buppllei , Plumbing tioodi , Deltlng. Mono , ma and WO f ar- nam tt. , Omaha. B. K. Kelton , Munuger. Telephone No. 310. Safes , Etc. P. J10YER A CO. , Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s' Hre and llnnt'ar Proof Bafei , Tlma Ix > cki , VaulU and Jail Work. ItU ) Karnam ttroet Omaha , Nab. G. ANDREEN , Omaha Safe Works. tfanufacturenof Flroand namlarProofBnfei , Vault Uovn. Jnll Work.Hhuttera and Wire Work , Cor. lubnnd Jackion Sta. , Omthii , Neb , Sash , Doors , Etc. M. A , DISBROW c ? CO. , Wholciale Manufacturer ! of Snsli , Doors , liliiuls and Houldinga , Branch office , Ulli and liard Hi. , BOIIN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mould < jifi | fitalr Work and Interior Hard Wood Klnleh J u t opCD d , N. K. cor. 8th and l-Ctttenwortli Bu. Omaba , Null.