THE OMAHA DAILY BEE 31 THURSDAY. MARCH 24. 1887. A KICK ON TDK COMMISSION , Han ; People Dissatisfied With Olevcland'a ' Selection of the Board , THE WESTERN COUNTRY IGNORED A Howl From Southerners Because Urn git Uots the Shortest Term Our Delegate to the Star CongrcflH. Kicking At tbe Commlnnlon. WASIIIXOTOX. , March 23. fSpcclal Tele- pram to the Br.E.J Every one was sur prised lost nleht when It was announced from the white house that the president had perfected the board of Inter-state commerce commissioners with the names ot Augustus Schoonnmker of New York , and AUtnco F. Walker , of Vermont. The appointment of the other three members of the board wai In accordance with general prediction , but Schoonmakor and Walker had never been hinted at or suggested by any one. Democrats are very Indignant over the action of the president In giving the Ionic term to Judge Cooler , of Michigan , and southern men re particularly angry because Mr. Bragg , who Is a representative from that sec tion , is appointed for only two years. Be- ftldes there Is an exteislve erowl from men who reside west of the Mbwl&slppl , because of the fact that the president went no farther west than Illinois for a member of the board. The entire section across the mighty river 1ms been Ignored , and eve * the northwest , with all Its great railroad interests , is not represented except by a Michi gan mnn , who can scarcely be said to bo closely Identified with Wisconsin , Mlnno- Rota , Nebraska or Iowa. Altogether the board cannot be looked upon as an extremely satisfactory ono , nor Is It as well constructed as inlelit have been expected when It Is known that the president gave so much time and attention to the selection of Its members. An tbo appropriation carried by the bill provides for the salary of thn commissioners from Jannry 1. each one will find a quarter ot n year's BHlary due him when he qualities. Mr. Mor risen , however , could not be made a member of the commission until after the adjourn ment of conijrcrti , consequently there Is ques tion as to his right to receive the salary previ ous to tlio 4th of March. The Star to-nlchl says that Judeo Cooley Is to be president of the Inter-stato commerce commission aid that this will accord with the wishes of the president In the matter. Of the Inter-stiito commerce board , Colonel Willlnm H , Morrison is the only member at present In the city. The other members are expected here by Saturday nlfht ana the Im mediate organization of the board Is ex pected. It Is not thought that the commission will be reliy to perform ltd functions In full for some time to c me as the exact construc tion to be applied upon the various provisions ot the law Is at present a matter of grave doubt. It will bo necessary first to perfect the permanent TKanlzatl n f the board. This will require some time , as it is I in pos sible to iHdfO before hnndof the duties which will to required ot tb commissioners. Them Is a proa * deal of ptromag to b dis posed of , and by th Urn * everything Is In thorough wodclBK enter ttw intar-state con- niorc * commiaeloQ win pr r a tarwm ot no mall Important * IB the civil service * f the government. A qiMaiUa has arisen as to the tlfiht of the commlssloaers to draw salaries from the 1st of January last Td appropria tion was made f r m that date , and it is held by some of the officials of the treasury that n the 1st f Aoril there will be due to each member * ne-fourth ot a year's salary. If this proves to be the case it IsprobAblethatMr. Mtrrlson will be nn exception , as he was a momoer of con gress at that time , and under the constitu tion could not be appointed to an oillce created by congress of which h was a mem ber. On th other hand , Comptroller Durham held that "Sunset" Cox was tn titled to salary as minister to Turkey as well as to toay as member * f congreas f rom the date of ( ha resignation f Mr. Pulltztr , In suite of tbe fact that Mr. Cox voted to Increase the compensation of tne minister of Turkey. Under tlio same clause of tbe constitution he could not legally be appointed to a position the compensation of whioh was Increased by the congress of which he was a member. T here are said to be nearly a hundred applications - , plications tor clerkships under the comuils- Blon already Hied. OUR ASTRONOMICAL DELEGATE. The secretary of th navy has designated Lieutenant A. U. Wloterhalter , of the naval Observatory , formerly of Detroit , as the United States representative to the Interna tional astronomical congrass which meets'ln Paris April 10. The oujeet of this con Kress Is to perfect some plans for star charting the heavens 10 bo followed by all of the great observatories of the world. The delibera tions of the congress will be of great value from an astronomical standpoint There prill be present representatives from all the irinclpal countries of the world. Lieutenant rYlnterhalter will bo ono of the youngest men in the congress. He has , however. proved himself to bo an able astronomer and i careful student of tbo stars , lie will sail parch 31 on the steamer Leslng for Cher bourg. After the adjournment of the con gress he has been ordered to make a tour of nspectlon of the observatories in London , lews and Greenwich. England , and Uain- UK , Germany. MKBKA&KA AND IOWA PENSIONS. Nebraska pensions were wanted to-day as follows ; Elizabeth , widow ot Itusself S. Seaman , Crete ; Daniel B. Kay. Tecumseh ( Increase ) ; 1'rancls M. Straight , Omaha ; Jacob F.RoyerDanbury ; John Loiblo ( re- fcsue ) , Wyraore. Iowa pensions : David Holden , Batavia ; iiattlww B. Sparks , Batavia ( Increase ) ; Lu- tjier Dyckson , DesMoines ; James Herman , ttouth English ; Jacob Shannon , Charles City ; James L. Nlday , Ilumeston ; James N. Flan- Kan , Pleasantvlllo ; lllchard T. Shelby , Warengo ; Christian A. lialdwln , Elgin ; Tal- bprt havers. College Springs ; Benjamin Robins. Lovl a Christy lleckart , Ottumwa ; Henry I ) . Fuller ( re-Issue ) , Spirit Lake. AIIHYNKWS. Sergeant Louis V. Debolnoy , company D , Corporal Charles Bougere , company E , and Corporal Earl C. Calnanan , company U , Six teenth Infantry , have been recommended for promotion to ( second lieutenants , and have been ordered to San Antonla April 4 for ex- aml atlon before the following board officers : Lieutenant Colonel Edward P. Vallum , sur geon ; Major Isaac Arnold , ordinance corps ; Captain Edear G. SUiover , Third Cavalry : Captain Edward E. Wood , Eighth Cavalry ; nd First Lieutenant Henry C. Danes. Third Artillery. Army furloughs : Test Quartermaster Her- leant George Eppert , Fort Slsseton , . Dakota , twenty days from April 10 : Private John il gainuel. company E , Eleventh Infantry , fort Tullev , Dakota , two mont hs. Private Owen Biennau , company D , Ninth Infantry , was placed on the special retired list yesterday for over thirty years' service. runuc nuiLuiNa inns OPKNEU. Bids were opened to-dty by the supervis ing architect of the treasury for the Iron beams for the first and second floors of the extension of the public building at Des Molnes , la. The bidders were as follows : The Earle Iron works. Des Molnes , J5.207 : Clark. Uuflln & Co. , Chicago , 51,435 ; Houph. KetchamA Co. . Indianapolis. 84,000 ; the Marshall Foundry and Construction coin- * any , Plttstjurg , 89.997 : U. 3. McDonald & Co. . Des Mome , 7,454 ; Motherwell Iron And Steel company , Logan , O. , $0,408 ; Ben- ion Foundry company , Chicago , 83,880 ; Dearborn Foundry company , Chicago. * 4.457 ; Bhead &Co. Iron works , Galnsville. 84,735. and Turkey. CONSTANTINOPLE , March 23. Nelldoff , Ilussian ambassador here , on Monday bad n audlencn with the sultan , and then de clared to his majesty that the mission ol ItljarBey. the special Turkish agent In Bui gurla , bad bmm useless and expressed dls satisfaction with the action ot the Ottoman ministry respecting Bulgarian troubles. Nell doff has sent anoto to the porte Dressing Turkey for payment of the arrears In the wai Indemnity due Kussla , and reproaching the ftorte for spending money due Kussla on tut Turkish army and navy. Will Not Pardon Weaton. HAXRISBUBO , Pa. , March 83. The board o : pardons to-day refused a rehearing In thi case ot Milton Weston. the Chicago capitalist fcow undergoing Imprisonment In tbo lllver tide penitentiary for complicity In the Mar taysville gas well riot More Righto For Women. uKKTOir , N. J. , March 23. in the hotuu bill giving women the right to vote tel l trustees IB school districts was ptssec fiat M- ' CHOKE'S SENSATION. The Vatican Does Not View It In Favorable Light. [ f'npvrfgftt 1337 tiv JamM Onnlnn JltnntttA HOME , March ai. IXcw York Herald Cable. Special to tlio 1JKE.I The part played by Archbishop Croke In the Father Keller affair has made nn unpleasant Impression at the Vatican , where , although all credit Is given to him for his patriotic Intentions , ho Is re garded as a kind of cnfantc terrible who may at ono moment compromise the church. The archbishop's sensation Is very embarrassing for the propaganda , which cannot , with all Its very real Irish sympa thies , countenance It Icrnlly. Hut as Archbishop Jacobin ! , secrctaiy of the propoganda. remarked to mo just now : "Until all the facts of the case nio before us , It will be prcmnturo to say such. Irishmen , however , have hot heads as well as good hearts. I fe < ir If they eo on as now much longer there will bo a civil war. The English government. Influenced , perhaps , by the landlords , seems bent on crushing the Irish , who are Inclined not to lot themselves bo crushed. " TUB HOLY SEP. KMnAnRASSHD. Archbishop Croko's Imprudence Is making It difficult for Iho holy see to continue Its present policy ot "masterly Inactivity" with regard to Ireland. There Is not the slightest wish at the Vatican to move a finger on behalf ot England. The Vatican has neither forgotten nor forgiven England's trlcklness in the matter of tbe Er- rlngton mission , but It cannot encourage any open defiance of the law. And , It on in quiry It should bo found that Archbishop Croke has overstepped the limits permitted by the Catholic church , he will doubtless bo called sharply though perhaps secretly to order. CARDINAL OinnONS' POPULARITY. Cardinal Ulbbons , whoso tact and perspi cuity have made him a great favorite In Home , Is quite overwhelmed by Invitations to dinners and receptions In his honor. lie has been out almost every evening since the consistory was held , and there has boena' constant flow of visitors at the American college , where the cardinal Is staying. SYMPATHY FOK UlELiAND. England' ) ) Tory Presi Ridicules the New York Meeting. [ rojit/rfw/it / 1SS7 by Jamc * Gordon nenntU. " ] LONDON , March 13. ! [ Now ork Herald Cable Special to the BIE.J : The Dally News of this morning devotes a column loan ac count sent by cable of the Irish meeting at Cooper union Monday. It gives extracts from the speeches of Mr. Charles A. Dana and ex-Governor Leon Abbctt and the fol lowing from the Herald's editorial on the subject : ' The ears which odron the heads of the British government must have burned last night , or there is no truth in the old saw. The 3,000 people who jammed Cooper Institute applauded to the echo every denunciation of the policy of wholesale evic tion by which Great Britain brings wretch edness on Ireland and dishonor to herself. " The Doily News adds that tlio other New York papers make no comment on the meet- Inc. Inc.The The Evening News ( tory ) makes severe comments on the ovnnt and terms the meetIng - Ing a dodge to catch Irish votes. The St. James Gazette , also tory , says : " 'American sympathy with Ireland'is the heading which the Dally News puts over its account of Uie meeting held In Now York yesterday. The sympathy in question was manifested by about 3,000 persons , who as sembled under the presidency of a newspaper editor to protest against the coer cive measures In contemplation toward Ireland. It would be very astonishing If , In a city with an Irish population ot half f a million , 3,000 people could not be got to gether to back np the Parnelllte conspiracy. It would be still more surprising If there had been any difficulty In obtaining the assist ance of an American politician or two , anx ious to catch Irish votes , and a couple of newspaper men , eager to catch the circulation of their Journals. The Her ald , which has probably the largest Irish clientage of any newspaper tn the world , warns us that this enthusiastic meeting indi cates the real feelings of Americans on this matter , but the llerald knows well that the real feelings of real Americans , If they could venture to express them , would be strongly in favor of throwing three-fourths of the persons who composed yesterday's meeting Into New York harbor. Gladstone's Reply to Dana , LONDON , March 23. Gladstone cabled the following message to Charles A. Dana , New York , In acknowledgement of the cable dis patch sent him by Dana to inform him of the endorsement of his Irish policy by the mass meeting of citizens at Cooper union Mon day : I am very sensible of the value ot the sym pathy which from the first we have received from , as 1 believe , a larze majority of the American people In our efforts to secure lust measures of good government for Ireland a sympathy which I feel sure will continue to attend us until this just policy shall attain its coming consummation. Another Prinot Ordered Arrested. DUBLIN , March 23. Judge Boyd has granted warrants for the arrest ot Father Uyan , of the Uerbortstown branch of the National league , for contempt of court in refusing to testify concerning his action as trustee for trusts under the plan of campaign. Warrants have also been issued for the arrest of a number of other persons in Herberts- town on the same charge. Disposing of Plotters. ST. PETERSBURG , March 23. It is reported that six persons were captured Sunday in connection with the recent plot to assassinate the czar and were hanged Monday. De Oarleff. the man who murdered Lieutenant Colonel Sudeltakln , Itusslan chief of police three years ago , and who was suspected of having planned the plot against the czar's life , is said to have been one of the six. Another Attempt on the Czar. PARIS , March 33. The Temps publishes a telegram from Loemberg , the capital of Ga laola In Austria , which says that on March 15 an attempt was made to upset the train which was convoying the czar and czarina to St. Petersburg on their return from a visit to the Grand Duke Vlademlr. More Dynamite. , March .a. The police of St. Petersburg have discovered stores ot dynam ite and apparatus for the manufacture of bombs In several villas at Pargslevos , a sum- mnr resort lu the suburbs of the Uusslan capital. Murder and Suicide. PARIS , March 23. A concierge named Wvsmayer to-day strangled his ilster-ln-law , with whom he had been living , and then committed suicide. Deed of an Imbeclla Daughter. DKTUOIT , March 23. The bodies of Charles Gavin and wife , an aged couple , were fouud in their house on Napolean street this even- In ? . The woman's body was sitting In a chair and the man's under the bed with a pillow over the face. They had been dead two or three days. An Imbecile daughter , aged thirty-nine , who lived with them , was taken to police headquarters. It Is thought she suffocated them with a pillow. Stearaililp Newo. NEW YORK , March 23. [ Special Telegram to the BKE.-Arrived ) The State of Ne braska from Glasgow , and the Queen from Liverpool. _ Nebraska and Iowa Weatber. For Nebraska : Bain , followed by fall weather , becoming colder , winds shifting to northwesterly. For Iowa : Kaln followed by fair weather , becoming coldar , winds ahlfung to nortu- wettul/ , with cold warfc SIOUX CITY'S ' FAMOUS CASE , The Haddock Murder Oases Open With Judge Lewis Presiding ! THE FIRST DAY'S PROCEEDINGS. ninny Jurors Called But None Yet Chosen Aronsilorf Grcntljr Tronb- led Informer Lcavltt'fl Can- tlon Other Iowa News. The Great Trial Sioux UITV , la. , March 23. JSpeclal to the UKE.I The great mnrder trial Is now fairly on. After weeks and months of anxious waiting tlio alleged murderer of llov. 3eonto C. Haddock has been arraigned In lie district court and will be tried atonro for ill llfo. Promptly at 9 o'clock this morning Judeo C. II. Lewis convened court. No ob- cctlon was raised , contrary to expectation on the part of the defense , to Judge Lewis ematnlng on the bench during the trial of ho case. Lung before the hour appointed 'or commencement alt the available srmco In the court room wes occupied by a crowd of citizens and strangers. All classes were rep resented showing the deep and wide spread ntercst In the proceedings. John Arensdorf , .he defendant , was accompanied In the court room by Ills wife and four of his small children. Ho was neatly and stylishly dressed , and had very much the appearance > f non-concern which charactered his bear * n < when his preliminary hearing was had In the Justice's court. However , a close ob server nnd one long acquainted with him , could readily discern a troubled expression about his mouth. To all Intents and jurposes Aicnsdorf is not concerned , jut ho is undoubtedly greatly troubled nwardly. During the day both Arensdorf and his wlfo have been on the alert , watch- UK every step taken very closely. A general surprise was occasioned Immediately upon the case being called this morning when United Status Attorney T. P. Murphy ad vised the court that he desired t withdraw from the case as associate counsel for the state. Ho stated Unit ho did not reach his conclusion because ol'nny misunderstanding or unpleasantness but solely because the prosecution was not able to pay him for his services. Mr. Murphy has been connected with the case for a number of uionttis and much had been expected of him. His with drawal at so late an hour is therefore ; all the more to bo regretted and Inexplicable. Dis trict Attorney Marsh resrets very much Mr. Murphy's action and suggested to the court the advisability of guaranteeing him a fee of $400 at least. If ho would remain In the caso. The defense Is evidently clatod over this turn In aft a Irs. At an early hour thin morning the work of empaneling a jury commenced. The 100 lurors wore all on hand and twelve were soon selected and ontorea the box. The ex amination then began as to their qnnllttcn- tlons , the questions being rigid. Few re mained la the box at the adjournment this evening. ICverythlns indicates that the 1m- panoiln of the jury will consume several days. If not IOBCOT. Af tor passing for cause ihe state has .ten peremptory challenges and the decease twenty , md tfcon they must ac cept such jurors as the court passes. Both prosecution and defence have now used half or more of their peremptory challenges. It was a noticeable thine to-day that the de fense used their peremptory challenges without a stint whenever a straightforward , honest , upright and conscientious farmer was called into thn box. Only ono or two ladles were noticed In the crowded court room daring the day. Mrs. Arensdorf and children did not appear dur ing the afternoon. Leavttt , the informer , is In the city , but does not leave his hotel , thinking probably that the outside air -would not be beneficial. He need fear no danger , towever. as there Isa widely dKTerentteellng icro now from that which prevailed six mouths ago. _ Railroad Right of Way. Sioux CITS , la. , March23. [ Special Tele- pram to the UEE.I This morning deeds for right of way through certraln tracts In this county were filed for record. The Instru ment grants rleht of way to the Sioux Valley railroad company. The line starts at Sar gent's Bluffs , striking this county In Arling ton township , running to Moville and other points. The Missouri Receding. ST. PAUL , March 23.-The Northern Pacific resumed through business to-day. Telegraphic Information was received at headquarters to-day that the steamer Helena had been secured and Uiat transfers of all pas sengers , baggage , express and ) malls would be made between Bismarck and Itock Haven. From Mandan to Kock Haven is the miles , which will be overcome by teams : A large number of passengers who have been de tained In St. Paul left this afternoon and the road has Issued Instructions to all agents that the HBO is open for travel again. The ice gonce In the liver above Bismarck re mains solid but is expected to break soon. BOWDLE , Dak. , March 23. The water has backed In Swan creek and carried off the bridge between Lobeati and Scranton and flooded the bottom lands eight feet deep. It is believed that several Indians have been General Totnpklns Is In the Ice a total wreck. The Missouri is steadily rising. MANDAH. Dak. , March 23. The water fell two feet to-day. The heart of the river is not yet broken , but most of the water has passed under the ice , so no damage Is antici pated. Aside from the railroad track the damage by the flood in Mandau' ' is not over 91.000. BISMARCK , Dak. , March 83. All attempts to break the Slbley island gorge by dynamite are unavailing. A man was seen riding down the river on a cake of Ice frantically calling for help , but it was Impossible to as sist him. Twelve families near Livonia had a most thrilling experience. After being on roofs twenty-four hours a thin cnist formed over the river and on this they walked to the shore two miles , some breaking through sev eral times bat being rescued. Fort Lincoln army officers here are still of the opinion that the people opposite on the lowlands south of the city perished In tne flood. This belief Is becoming prevalent and as reports rome In from remote river districts this story of suffering and loss of life is inteusi- Sparks Again Overruled. WASHINGTON , March 23. In the case of the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapo lis & Omaha railway company , the secretary of the interior has declined to concur in the recommendation of the commissioner of the general land office that the company bo en joined from cutting and disposing of timber from its unapproved selected lands in the state of Wisconsin within Its Indemnity limits , which selections have not been ap proved because of the non-completion of the rood within the time limited by the granting act , though tully completed since that time. The secretary nolds that the road having been completed , and congress having failed to declare a forfeiture of the grant , the com pany Is entitled to Its full bcneti.t The sec retary directs the commissioner to forthwith adjust the said grant and transmit for np proval proper lists of the lands selected and subject to selection by the company within the indemnity limits of the grant. High License for Now York. AUIANY , N. Y. , March 23. In the as sembly to-day the bill known as the "Crosby high license bill" came up for final action. After numerous amendments had been acted upon a vote was taken and the bill was passed 70 to 50 a uarty vote except that four republicans voted in the negative. As passed It applies only to New York and Brooklyn. Given Up For Lost. PHILADELPHIA , March 23. The Italian bark Lutdano sierra , which sailed from Car denas on January 24 for Philadelphia , has been given up for lost , together with Captain Inineralo and his crew of twelve men. She had on board a cargo of sugar valued at 83-2- 000 ana the vessel herself was worth about 80,000. Tne Clear/ Jury Disagree * , NKW Yoitic. March 23.-The Cleary lury haa been discharged , having failed to agree. The jury was dlscliarged and Clearr re newed his bail of (40,000 pending further action by the district attorney la his < DEATH. Twelve Minors Cremated In a Michi gan Hoarding House. Bp.ssKMnii , Mich. . March 23-Early this morning twelve .miners . were burned to death In n boardlng.lwuso at this place and several others were seriously. Injured. The occupants of the building were nil asleep and the fire was Urst'dlscovered by Mr. and Mrs. Miller , who kept the boarding house , and when they were awakened the whole build ing was In flames. They narrowly escaped with their llVca , nnd did not have time to awaken th twenty miners who were sleeping on thotecond floor. When they awoke thn building was one mass of flames. Several ot the men were not over come by smoke and Jumped from the windows dews , escaping , but twelve perished. Their names are James Uyan , John Garvey , John Bull , William Williams , J. Brossa , llonry Seem , Simon Itlszo , Max Prlvldo , John Lyon , John Sutton , ono unknown man nnd James Lynch. One of the occupants of the l > lace says that there were four other persons in the same room with him. Ho was awakened by his room-malo climb ing over him toward the window. The room was full of smoke and flames at the time and ho barely succeeded In breaking open the wlidow and making his escapo. Ho jumped to the ground and received but slight Injuries. The house was a tinder box and In a few minutes after Mr. and Mrs. Mlllor escaped was a mass of ruins. It was located In an open space near the famous Colby mine , and a great crowd of miners soon gathered , but too late to be of any assistance. When , the charred remains were removed Identification was Impossible. The Now Trotting Circuit. DETHOIT , March 23. Secretary Shelner , of the new trotting association , in an interview this afternoon said : "The American Trot ting association Is receiving enthusiastic and tangible support from all ovrr the west and from many points In the enst , and Michigan , Minnesota , Indiana , Kansas and Nebraska are practically a unit for the now association , and other states are falling Into line. The Kocky Mountain circuit , comprising associa tions nt Pueblo , Dourer , Ch y une. Salt Lake City and Hellenic , Idaho , have made applications for membership. The "big four circuit" ot Illinois , the Southern Michi gan circuit , the Indiana and Mlehlgan cir cuit , the state fairs of Indiana , Wisconsin and Nebraska , besides numerous other sociu- tlnii will all sail under the colors ot the 'American. ' Success Is assured. " The Contract Labor Law. WASHINGTON , March 23. The act to amend the act to prohibit the Importitlon and Immigration of foreigners and nlleiis under con ti act or agreement to perform labor in the United States , which was approved February J3 , should , according to Its provisions , have gene into otlect to-day. The actiner secretary of the treasury , who is charged with the exe cution of this act , has not jet Imd an oppor tunity to prepare regulations 'essential to its r l > w enforcement. Tliev uro now. how- jver , in course of preparation , and will bo ismicd in a few days. It is said at the de partment that the delay Is caused by the (11(11- ( : ulty experlomoea in reconciling seemingly inconsistent provisions contained In the act The Term hi mi's Good Showing. NEW YORK , Mnjrcb.23. The board of di rectors of the Ulcbmond & West Point Ter minal company , at tfielr meeting to-day , ap- uovei the annia report of the company to ) o presented to th stockholders. The report shows that the company ow s securities amonnflnrto S45ft' < i,604. Tbe total amount of common fitotk 'issued is $40,000,000 and preferred 55,000,000. . The only bonds out- stf i ling are these'.of ' the collateral truflfeloan of 88,500.000 , the intmbl on which aSnvcoo Is the only absolute Axed charge. Tne mi leage now owned 'and controlled is 4,477 miles. _ Accept. LANRIKO , Mich. , March 23. Judeo Cooley lias written to lili SOB in this city informing him that h fcad roeolatly received an auto graph letter front President Cleveland * strongly urgtng.hltn to accept a place upon the Inter-state commission. Judxe Cooler Intimates that in deference to UttmresKMrs eareaot vMsliip he jwlll accept ? ts api Wnfc- AlUwugti th > salary la etncKless than that wijfch he sets as receiver ojftb * . Wabach railroad , the judge tMnksUtfClaborV ot the oflice will prove much Snow Blockade. ST. JoiiNsnuRY , Vt , March 23. Three trains are reported fast in the drifts on the Passemplc railroad , and two trains and a snow plow on the St. Johnsburg ft Lake Chatqplaln roads are blockaded at different points on the road. HABTFOBD , March 23. The Connecticut Western railroad will not get trains through to-dayon account of the snow. There is a drift from Boston Corners to Mount itlea , over a mile long , and from 'fifteen to twenty- live feet deep. Another Bond Cll. WASHINGTON , March 23. The acting sec retary of the treasury this afternoon issued the one hundred and forty-eighth call for the redemption of bonds. The call Is for 810,000,000 of the 3 per. cent loan of 1892 , and notice li glveu that the principal and accrued interest of the bonds designated will be paid at the treasury of the United States in the city of Washington on the 1st day of May. 1887 , and that Interest on said bonds will cease on that day. The B. & O. Deal. BALTIMORE , March 23. President Qarrett to-day told Mayor Hodges that the much- talked-of railroad deal had been consum mated , and that but a few minor details re mained to be arranged. Messrs. Ives and Staynor were In the city and were closeted with Garrett for some time. The vice-presi dent and several other officials of the Cin cinnati , Hamilton < fc Dayton railroad also arrived here to-night in a special car from Cincinnati. They are supnosea to bo here on business connected with the deal. Veterans Can Secure Transportation. QUINCT , 111. , March 23. Orders for trans porting veterans to the Illinois soldiers' and sailors' home at Qulncy can now be obtained on application to the officers of the home and will be honored by all railway companies. The questions occasioned by the Inter-state commerce law have all been adjusted and transportation tickets to the homo are now being sent out as rapidly as possible , Iron Workers Strike. PiTTsnuno , March 23. The open hearth men employed at the Linden steel works struck for an advanba in wages yesterday. This forced the skilled work to close also , and to-day the ontito mill Is shut down. It Is thought , however , ' , ' that a settlement will be affected within pwenty-four hours. Tanners Ue arn to Work. PiTTSuuno , March 23. The strike of the tanners Is about over , at least the men or a majority of them ate In favor of going back to work. One of 'tlio foremen In the Spring Garden tannery started work to-day and others went to worfcin different establish ments. , , The Montana Indians. * WASHINGTON , Af arph 23. in consequence of the recent reports that the Tongue river Indians in Montana are starving , Agent Upshaw sent a dtsphtch to Commissioner Atkins to the effect that no Indians under that agency had starred to death. Iloke's Ball Unreduced. PEOIUA , 111. , March 33. An unsuccessful attempt was made to-day to have J. Finley Hoke's bail reduced from 860,000 to $15,000. Leonard Swett , of Chlcazo. Goorgn.B. Fos ter and Stevens & Lee. of this city , are an nounced as the notorious bank forger's attorneys. The Richmond Rains. BUFFALO , March 23. Work on the ruins of the Richmond hotel was resumed this morning , but no bodies have been tound at last accounts. William Thompson , of Erie and F. D. Johnson , of Toronto , Ont. , re ported missing in previous lists , are aafe , Coal Miners' Strike Ended. PARUOK , Pa. , March 23. The minors of this place and nt Chestnut lildge , who have been on a strike since February 1 , returned to work to-day at the company's terms. A MAHCn MASQUERADE. The Ball of the Young Men's Hebrew AsRoclntlon , The rntisquorado ball of the Young Mon's Hebrew association occurred last night nt Mnsonto hall. It passed off smoothly anil was wltlinl n gorgeous af fair. Miiny unique nnd pretty costumes wcro noted on the lloor. Among them wcro : Mrs. S. Solomon , lady Mrs. G. Hoyn , flirt ; Mrs. L. Mamlolson , coqiiottc ; Miss M.Uothchiln , child ; Mrs. G. Now , lib erty : Miss B. Scliusilm. dunce ; Mra. H. KohfuliI , chestnut ; Mrs. Lovonthal , llowur ifl ; Mrs. Schlesnicn , princess ; Miss T. § cnueburjr. pennant ; Mrs. C. Uramlors , Klsasscr ; Miss Na le , Little Carrie ; Mrs. L. lilllcr , Little Carries Miss T. Saly. bar maid ; Miss Marks , school girl ; Miss Uossar , lady clown ; Mrs. M. Sloman , sailor girl ; Miss Weil- cries and Mrs. Henoch , two orphans ; Miss Soiglo. folly ; Miss Branduls , gypsy ; Miss Rose lllrshstoin , gypsy ; Miss Millie Saly , sumiuur ; Miss Hannah Goldstein , Spanish peasant ; Miss Borthn Strauss , AAl la a HI VI AlUTVOi A1AIOO UliJIU AlAUtUU TT O | Dutch girl ; Miss Hannah Strauss , princ ess , Miss Natho Bernstein , Kate Castle- ton ; Miss Sophia Stono. buttercup : Miss Flora Salv , beggar ; Miss Corn Beudit , the OMAHA BKI : ( this was the most strik ing and orifjinal costume on the floor ) . Hoer Committee Dr. E. E. Slowman , Greek ; Joe Newman , Greek ; J. Kahn , Hungarian nobleman ; II. Frey , Hungar ian nobleman. George Hoyn , harlequin ; B. Cabn , Spanish prince ; A. Haskall , lawtcnnis player. S. Uuben , sailer boy ; A. Ehrllch , clown ; M. Kypinski , domino ; J. Catlin , base ball ; I. S. Seligsuh. English dude ; H. 11. Plumb , domino ; F , II. Woollen- husyst. domino ; B. Harris , Irish laborer ; T. Emerson , Mikado costume ; W. L. Hull , domino ; 11. Brown , jockey ; J. Un- gor , sailor ; H. Newman , Hamlet ; \V. Holler , Spanish cavalier ; F. Broth , jockey : 11. Souncnsohini , Mexican ; M. J. Harris , Irish luborcr ; Henry Hershstoin. Irish dude ; Milton Sloman , colored minister ; Joe Mandlcburg , pugilist ; 11. Braudeis , pugilist ; A. Uindrkopt , washerwoman ; Lee Levy , Italian organ grinder ; S. J. Kiel , colored dude ; A. Lewis , Bonico ; J. Danbaum , African ; Simon Obcrfolder , old maid : Martin Oberfelder , tramp ; Simon Fisher , dude ; C. Bloch , jockey. Steam vs. Hot Air. A special meeting of the school board was held yesterday afternoon for the purpose of deciding upon the system ot heating to be used in the school build ings to be erected this year. The motion oflercd by Mr. Davis at the last meeting that the twelve-room building on Webster and Twenty-Eighth streets and the eight- room building in Omaha View be heated by steam was reconsidered. The board consumed an hour in discussing the matter , an effort being made by some ot the members to have the hot air system adopted for the Omaha View school. The original motion finally prevailed adopting the steam heating system for ooth of the .schools. Building Permits. Superintendent Whitlock issued build ing permits yesterday , ns follows : John Planteou , 3-story frame dwelling , California , not 38th ana 29th Sl.COO J. J. Kallna. 1-story frame cottage , 1514 South t2th 800 Frank Sastrom. 1-story frame cottage , Lake , near 28th < . . . . . 1,125 Frank Suitroni. 3-story block of stores , Lake , near 20th 3W5 Andrew Ullbut , frame barn , 27th , near Blonde 100 J. S. Iloscall , 2-story frame building. 18th andCostellor 2,000 Six permits , aggregating 99,550 Very Inillgna.nt People. Messrs. Nelson and Miller called at the BEE oflico yesterday claiming that a band of Gypsie's and squatters are occupying Marsh's addition near Twenty-fifth and Mason streets to the healthful- condition of the neighborhood. In pjain words these citizens say the squatters are a nuisance in the worst sense of the term. They have applied to the police authori ties and scorn , to get uo satisfaction. Booth Tickets at Anctlon. It is stated that the management of the opera house will endeavor to get ahead of ticket speculators by selling tickets for the Booth engagement nt auction. The renowned tragedian will appear at Boyd's opera house for three evenings , com mencing Monday , April 25. Licensed to Wod. Judge McCulloch granted licenses yes terday to the following parties : Name. Residence. Acre , Otto D. Foster , Omaha , 25. Kvlalle Forth , Omaha , 22. Andrew Wessberg , Omaha , 35. Mrs. Caroline Bengtson , Omaha , 28. Brevities. City Clerk Southard is reported as slightly improved. The revenue collections yesterday amounted to $9,493.33. The county poor house has eighty in mates. tTwenty-iivo of these are lunatics. A number of saloonmen are paying for the first quarters license for the fiscal year beginning April 10. Captain ljamsl clerk of the district court , accompanied by Mrs. Ijams , left last evening for a week's visit in Chi cago. The many friends of Miss Dora O. Han- Ion will bo grieved to learn that she is lying dangerously illo f typhoid pneumo nia nt the homo of her parents on Twen ty-fifth street. The Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy railroad company yesterday executed to the New England Trust company , of Boston , a mortgage upon their Nebraska branches , in the sum of $11,784,400. Abraham Kosenbury commenced an action in the district court yesterday afternoon to secure the foreclosure of a mechanic's loin for $330 on the house of Louis Shields on tax lot 30 on the sw i of the nw I of section 15 , township 10. Ryder. Young & Co. commenced suit in the district court yesterday against Gcorgo Schroeder & Co. for | 5,000 dam- asos for alleged breach of contract by which the phiintilTs were to have the use of the basement in tbo defendants' build ing.Mr. Mr. J. M. Wood ? , the representative of Jaukett & Wiggins , who has been in Omaha for the past few days trying to get stock for a now opera house , is meet ing with but little encouragement , it is understood. The scheme is to build a 1350,000 structure. Judge Stonborg disposed of an unim portant police court business yesterday morning. Fivodrunkswere arraignodtwo paid fines , two were discharged nnd ono was committed to jail. William Tracy for disturbing the peace was sent up for thirtydays. Will Cottrell had assaulted his wife unmercifully and was sent up for twenty days. Henry Sallinger was fined f25 and costs Im carrying a re volver. Death of Centcnnrlan. PEOIUA. Ill , March 23.-Mrs. Ablglal Me- Klnney died In this city to-day. Next July she would have been 100 years old. Recently she knit four pairs of woolen socks for her son and she retained her faculties to the last She had nine children , sixty grandchildren - children , 110 great grandchildren and five great great grandchildren. She was an aunt ot W. 0. Goudy , of Chicago. ' 'Brown' * Bronchial f rocheo" are ex cellent for the relltt of Hoarseness or Hwe Throat. ATHLETICS AND ALUMNI , How the Collegians Take a Trip to Athens in a Musical Boat. BATS AND BALLS AND BOOKS. Theatricals nt the Huh Tlio Orcnt Disaster Downlnn nnd Muldoon's Fencing Spicy Corrrnpond * cncc rrom a Stoical City , BOSTON , Mass. , March 17. [ Correspon dence of the HEI : . ] Not a little Interest centers In classic Boston anil still more classic Cambridge , around the concert which is to bo given to-morrow night In Horticultural hall by tlio Harvard Glee club , Uanjo club and Pierian sodality , under the auspices of the Classical club. This concert is to bo given for the benefit of the American school at Athens , an In stitution which Americans in general are InditTorcut about , but which Dr. Charles Waldstein , the eminent archirologist , has succeeded in rousing some interest in by n Bourse of instruction and entertalninz lectures. Tills school is an Institution of which every American student ought to feel proud , and a word in regard to its history may not bu amiss. Thd school was founded five years ago for the purpose of giving American stu dents a chance to pursue nioro advanced classical studies than they could do to advantage in our universities. Up to the present time the school has occupied a rented house and has received its entire support from the annual contributions of twelve or fourteen leading American colleges. Besides the payment ot house rent , library appropriations and inci dental expenses , these colleges have each in turn sent a professor to Athens who acted as director for ono.year without ex pense to tlio school. Under tins provi sional arrangement tlio school has boon doing good worn , with increased num bers and every prospect of increasing usefulness. STUDENTS AND I'llOFBSSOIlS have been diligent and thoroughand their work haa been cordially recogni/.ed at home and abroad. Tlio coming year will mark a now era in the history of tlio school. It is no longer to live in a rented house , but is henceforth to have a homo of its own. A royal edict from thn government of Greece has given to the school a valu able piece of land on Mount LycabcttiH , containing about an acre and a half. This liberal gift inspired tlio pic-motors of the enterprise with now zeal , and that the land might be immediately made use of , they supplied the necessary funds for the erection and furnishing of n suitable building , which will bo ready for occu pancy by next October. It is evident that the school could never become n successful rival of the French andGcrman schools there , if the director were changed every year , but this dilli- ctilty may now be considered ns over come , since Dr. Wnldstcin has accepted the position as permanent director , pro vided a fund bo established for the ex penses of the school and the salary of the director. It lias boon a source of much congrat ulation to Americans that while the French and Gorman schools of Athens have been for many years maintained by subsidies from their respective govern ments , the American school has had a never failing source of beneficence , rich er and wiser than any public treasury , to which it could turn in confidence. Our men of wealth have been willing and oven eager to take the place of the gov ernment in this particular. Wo' may also pride ourselves in the words of Dr. Lightfoot , Bishop of Dur ham , and a distinguished English scholar. He spoke in 1885 at a public meeting in London , as fellows : TIDE msuoi-'swoiiDS. It now touches our honor as Englishmen "very nearly that this scheme should be car ried out without delay. France and Ger many have lone been in the field. France hasher school and Germany her institute ; and even America has forestalled us In this race. That new country , notwithstanding the vast and absorbing interests of the present , notwithstanding the boundless dopes of the future , has been eager to claim her part In the heritage. While all the civil ized nations of the world , no after another , have established their literary councils In Athens , shall Kneland alone be unrepre sented at the center of Hellenic culture ? ' These words have boon fruitful and now a British school stands on n slope ot Mount Lycabettus and land adjoining our own. AUJMINI BASE DATL. It is eminently proper , in connection with such a subject as the foregoing , to say that the literary people around hero and in college circles generally , are con gratulating themselves that the now Col lege Base Ball league has been formed. A movement has been on foot for a long time for an improvement in college base ball , and at last tlio scheme has come to a head. The colleges forming the now league are : Harvard , Yale , Princeton and Columbia' There will probably bo no doubt in the future as to which college lias the best team , as four games with each will bo amply sufficient to deter mine the superiority. Columbia can no longer sav that Harvard is afraid to admit her into the league , and Yale need no longer fear that the smaller colleges are leagued against her in order to let some other team win the championship. In short , the now league contests will bo battles of peers , and they will never lack interest for want of line playing on both sides. The season will begin April 'M , with the Harvard-Columbia game in New YorK , and end Juno 28with the Harvard- Yale game in New Haven. THAT DISASTER on the Boston & Providence railroad just south of this city is only a repetition of the horrors of White Ilivor junction barring the absence of tire. The scones immediately after the accident are too painful to dwell upon , but sadder still in ray mind , are the sad pictures at the homos of the victims. Crape hangs at many doors in Uosliudalo and Douham and West Uoxbury. The accident is still the all absorbing topic on the streets and places of business in Boston , and one hears everywhere the same remark : "It's awful ! It'a terrible ! " The scenes at the wreck are animated in the extreme. Thousands of roho hunters , men , women and children , visit the place daily. If the people wcro al lowed to do so they would very soon carry awav the debris at the present rate , piece by piece. I met a little gamin on Brooklmo street yesterday. Ho was cnr- rvinc a big chunk of wood so largo that he cSuld hardly lift It. "Uin to do wreck , mister , " ho said. "Got a relic. " "And what are you going to do with it ? " I asked. , , . "IJunno , " ho answered , "guess I'll take it home and nicbbo some old lady'JI gimme half a dollar for it. " Where the fault lies nnd just who is to blame for the accident Is unfair to nrc- lud e before tlio olliclnl investigation. Public opinion has it that the bridge was unsafe. A number of estimates have been made as to the amount of damages the road will have to pay. Such esti mates are more or less problematical , as many cases will have to bo determined by a jury trial. Some have put tlio amount at $500,000 , while others estimate a much higher figure. THE TIIKATKItS AIIK AI.IVK with good entertainments this week. At 'tho liollis street the Conried Opera com pany Is giving the "Gypsy Baron" of Strauss , which is the first production of the ot era In this city. The muslo is tlful , the Hungarian aira giving it n do llghtftil sparkle. The costuming and. stngo setting are perfect , and altogether the entertainment is more on * joyable than any Strauss opera presented. hero since tbn production of "Dcr Flcd- crmiuis" nt tht Boston museum. Largo and enthusiastic nudicnrrs arts greeting the inimitable Hubert Downing , in Dr. Bint's 'SpnrtnciH , the Gladiator , " at the Boston. Mr. Downiiig's "Spaita- cus" is as grand , roalistiu and vigorous as over , and he well deserves the cordial reception ho always meets lu Boston , The picco is beautifully staged , and the arena scone is managed in an excep tional manner. IN ins swonn TOMIUT last night with Mr. Win. Muldoon , tlio celebrate athlete , Mr. Downing received a slight cut on the right hand. The wound was not serious enough to inter fere with the performance. Another "lirst timo" performance Is to bo soon tills week at the I'ark , with the accomplished actress , Miss Gtmovlevo Ward , and her able s pport , Mr. VV. 11. Vernon , in the leading parts. The play is "The Queen's Favorite , " an interest ing and brilliant comedy , sure to line tavor before nn intelligent audience. It in a bon bon for cultivated tastes , a real literary luxury , representing the time of Queen Anne , when the duohoss ol Marlborough - borough and Lord Uoltnjjbroko were battling for favor at court. The play was written by M. Eugcno Scribe and the English adaptation is br Mr , Sydney Griindy. FRANZ SKI-EL. _ JACOBS OR A STANDARD SPECIFIC. * -Vom current corrtsrondtnce teitft dcatcri nrrf awl thert , thowtng Uustatiu trfSt. Jtcvbt OU and ill u ondcrful ejficary. Perfect S tl f ctlotu . . „ . . WhltoniitcrVJ. | . , Oct. 13 , 13M. 'St. Jacobs Oil } i Bl\en porftct tl - luctlou to Uioiuandu for tun jonn. " A. V.nuuK , Dealer. - ' How ItVorki. . . , . , .rot 1ixraMlnn.OctttUS8 . o. "St. JnrobH Oil l < the t t ever tried. > \hcn n man buysubolllf.Mwiijs tnothet man. sooner or Utcr.buys another tlirmujU him.1' JOIIXI.SaLKUV.DcalerT T SoTen Out of Ten Uio It. 401 Mala St. . Holyokp , Mn < ; Nov. 9 , 1RS8 , " > "Wo hava'a good family trade , nnd cnn truthfully say that of o\erjr ten of tlio c f cen ma St. Jurnbt Oil. A enoil , stidy talo. " JOHN UEINKITZASONd. Always Given Hellof. MlsbawnVn , In < 1. , NOT. 15 , is l. ' -Farmera cnmelnaml iwy : 'Give me s bottle of St. Jacobs Oil , that nhrxyi eivca relief n hen oYeryuilns H * f ll < . ' J.QANSKnJB. | Twenty Temn Kzp rl ne . 818 S. Main St. . Fall River , Maai : Nor. 1 , 18M. "NeTcr in ray 20 yean esptrttmco In tlio drug tmslnnKi hnva I wurioM any lint- went that t tTft auoh ftiwrai utiulacUon aa St. Jacobs Oil. " tfulverial Satisfaction. Hae QraT , P . , Oct. 10 , 188 * . * "I hav never had a ueficttM in my itora THE C1IAHLE1 A.VOOXUCIICO.Bfitan ! * . U. trM periont rnvo A. Jdfcbi Off or Mtt Star Onisfi Cure , irfU ty- ttietr STARC006HC FRO1I OPIATES -AJfD POISOM. . SAFE. SURE. Gfe PROMPT. Ht DBVQtim AMI M1LEM. tncauaug i.Toeuxa cxx.auTUNti.lBb CMiEIS BONED WITH KABO. The OTaYCORSKTmac * that j n b. retnnitd by lla pnrcha.f twr TUJU&B WJCKIt'a WEAK If not remnd PEHPECTIiY SATISFACTORY In price tefnniUd b Made In a .Tftytos nd priceBol ; CHICAGO CORSET CO. , 102 FRANKLIN STREET , CHICAGO. 4O BrMMlwaiTt W.w T.rku MALT WHISKEY flr .rl.llr Dlailll.d f.r MedlclB l Vie. THE JEST TONIC1 UNEOUALEDftrCONSUMPTIOk WASTiNa DISEASES tnt ENERAL DEBILITY. PERFECTS PHESTION DR. XDTT. L. WALLING , Bur i on In Cli ! f , Mttlgnal Qattt of N.J.wrllM ! "Mr Ht nUo waa called h Toor Kijttont Milt WhUkt ; bj Kr. I lor , DrufgUI , of Trtnton and I hiT ui'd a ftw botUn with far t tt r tTt t thaa any 1 b T tad. I am rfcommindlnf TOOT articU la rojr pr ctlc , u find U Ttry iaUiUclorj. " twin or IXITATIOXS. Tb < O.nnln k > i Ik. llniKn. _ KI8XIR * IIKNDIL1UN no-italll ll Bottts. a tk < LlM. EISNER & MENDELSON. ( BoU * | tiu f.r Ikt (7 , 8 ) 316. 318 and 320 RAM St. Philadtlnbia. P * . , Goodman Drug Co.Genl.AfientsOman Nebraska. I CURE FITS . ! lE.mfj Wl U Teurl * i < u aa lu r lj ! l p S ffsMy . . * > BUM lor tnUlM and t i l rmlrlni a r r Vrt * B UI oC " r IntelllbU r.m.dr. Ol B < Pr < ul and Tot * OOM. II ewil" tmiiC ' " "I * ' * " > ' Jl- * " " * Br. U. U. ROOT. Ill r a if from . . ( . itokilliy. I WEAK Ilk I inrormllon ft T 7in lo ill o . MAUIDM REHIOY U. 10 Park Plaet. New York , MentlonOmaha n o. nClCyrCC CHUMS , and a new and Utftrlli-wv suoceaitul CIJHB tyour own * homo nj one who WM deaf twenty elf bl year * . Treated by moat or tbo noted ipoul l > fit * without benont ; cured himioir In thro * montbl , and ( Inco then hundred ! or othora , Full n rtloulars lent en appisoatlon.'T. ' K. PAGE , No. il WdtSlatSt. , ew YOrkCity. NHOOD