Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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„ .
Advertisement * undorlhli bend. 10 cants per
line tor the tint Insertion , 7 uenti for each tub-
sequent iBfcrtlon. rind $1.60 n line her month
No advertisement taken for less than1' nW
for tlio first Insertion. Seven wort/ ( II bo
coimtca to the line ; they muM run rcnsocu.
tlvolr nnd must bo pnld In ndronco. All adver
tisements must bo handed in bof ot o 1 :3Q : o'clock
p.m. , und under no circumstances will thoybe
Ukcn or discontinued by telephone.
I'nrtics advertising In tbciu columns nnd hiv
ing the answers mitlrcssfd In cure of THE HICK
will please nek for ncliocV toonnblo thorn togot
their letters , us norto will bo dellrorod except
on wroscntntlon of check. All answers to ad
vnrtlscmonts should bo enclosed In envelopes.
ONRVto loan on r nl oatnto and chnttels
M S. KnUi Co. 1511 rarnatn st. , ground Moor.
TAfONr.y tolonnon Imiiroved city property at
atl 0 pnr cent. Money on hand ; ilo not have
to wait. Have n complete sot of abstract buokq
of Donirliis county. 1. N. Wnt on , abstractor
Harris Itful Kstiite and Loan Co. , 320 8. Kith st.
MOXr.V Plrct morttriigo notes. The Douglas
county bnnk will buy tmpors secured by
first mottgairo on city realty. 124
CPlill CUNT Money to loan.
Gregory & Iladley I ,
Rooms 1 nnd 3 , Hcdick block , 320 8. 15th St.
to Loan on rcnlestato nnd eollntor-
MONKY chnttelsr Nurirnskn Loan Si Kenl
Kstnto Co. , Hrposltlon bulldinir , corner Cnpltol
avenue and 14th xtrcot. l 8
MONUY TO LOAN on improved renl ustnto ;
no commission chnrgod. Lonvltt llnrn-
hara , llooin 1 Crelghton Illock. 117
CHKAP MONKY to loan on choiro residence
or business property. J , Q. Uaston , 1509
Fnrnnm st. P46-23 *
MONKY to lonn nn cltv nnd fnrm prop"rty.
Harris & Sampson , 1516 Douglas st i)47ii2l )
T.OANS Loans Loans.
Ilenl estate lonns ,
Collntcrlnl loans.
Chnttcl lonns.
long time loans.
Short time loans.
Money nlwnys on hand to loan on any ap
proved security.
Investment securities bought and sold.
Oinnhn ilnnnclal Exchange , n. w , cor. 15th
and Hiirnoy.
Corbctt , Mnnnger. HJ
MONKY to lonn. cnsh on ilnlny.
J. W. and K U Squire , 1413 Furnurn st ,
Paxton hotel building. 120
600,000TO t < OAN nt 0 per cent. J. J. Mn-
honey. 1500 Farnam. 121
i PKR CUNT Money. .
I U. 0 , Patterson. 15th at.d narnoy. 123
LOAN Money Loans placed on Improved -
proved real estate In city or county for
Now Knirlnml Lonn & Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bnnk , 10th nnd Chicago sts. 128
MONKY TO LOAN-On city nna farm prop
erty , low rate * . Stewart * Co. , Hoom 3
Iron bank. 127
ONKY TO LOAN-O F. Davis 4 Co..real
M estate and loan agents , 1505 tTnrnum f < t.
. 128
MONKY TO LOAN-On real estate and chat-
tels. D. U Thomas. 129
< J 50U,000 To loan on Oinnhn city property nt 0
P per cent , U. W. Day , over 1312 Douglas st ,
ONEY TO lXAN-bytho nndorslgned , who
has the only properly organized loan
ngonor In Omaha. Loans of 110 to $100 made
on furniture , pianosorgans , horses , wngoni ,
machinery , arc , without remornl. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Lonns so
mndo that any part can bo pnld at any lino.each
payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
mndnon tlnewntehos nnd diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns are dally coming
into existence. Should you need money call
nnd sco me. W. It Croft , Itoom i W'thnoH
Hiilldlng , 15th nnd Hnrnuy. 131
TY/TONEY / LOANGDntC. P. Reed 4 Co.'s Loan
O.TL Office , on furnlturo , plnnos , horncswngon8 ,
personal property of all kinds , und all other ar
ticles of vnluc. without removnl. 319 8. 13th.
over lllnghnm s Commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 132
"I71OH SALE Or exchange for stock merchnn-
JL1 jii o , li.sjo ncres school land In eastern Col
orado. Address M , lock box 24 , Fairmont. Neb.
| ! I20 25 *
"T\7'AN'rED ' Party with from "iOO to $700 to
T take the Omaha agency for tlvo yours for
valuable building specialty manufactured In
the cost.
K To the right party this Is nn unusual oppor
tunity. Address Prescott .Mnfg. Co. .
328 22J 813 Dearborn St. . Chicago
USINKSH CHANCK-I Imvo two A 1 city
saloon * nnd splendid paying hotel for sale.
It McDowell. 1306 Harnoy St. 320 t2J
BOUND TO 8KLL If sold before April 1st
Jackson 6t. Laundry will bo offered for
(2,800 , ! i cash ; not a cent for the trade ; must
I > o gold on account of dissolving partnership.
1)15 ) Jnokson st. Hoist & Kragh. 815 ? 8J
TT1OK SALK Or Trudo Good paying hard-
JL' ware business in ono of the best counties
In Iowa. Stock will Invoice about (3,000 , is
peed , clean and well assorted. Will sell for
cash or take part payment In good farm land In
western Iowa or eastern Nebraska. For par
ticulars address X Q , Bco office , Council Bluffs.
It UALK-Good restaurant 114 N llth St.
255 SJJ
I "Oil SALE-Prlntlng outfit complete nt 2-3
Invoice price. Steam engine , power press ,
all In good condition , terms easy. Pierce &
Itoilgcrg , Hoom' > . Arlington block 35285
TTIOH SALK-Or Trade-Good paying hard-
-L ware business In one of the best counties In
Iowa. Stock will Invoice about 13,000 , Is good ,
clean , nnd well assorted. Will tell for cash or
take part payment In good farm land In west
ern Iowa or eastern Nebraska. For particu
lars Rddrcbt ) X Q , Iloo office , Council Bluffs.
TTOH HALK A well established commission
X business. A goyd chance for a live man
with modern capital. Fixtures and stock at
cost and f5oo bonus for trade. Owner -has
othorbuslness which requires hit personal nt
tentlon. Answer quick If you mean business.
Address with full name and address II 1 , Boo
office. g51 *
ljM > U SALK A first class cigar , tobacco and
confectionery stnro in central part of city ;
will bo sold at a sacrlllco. Address Q 71 Boo.
TpOH BALE Iletnil grocery store , doing A
X ? Na I family trade. Sale * average , $3,000
par month. Cnenp rent and flne location. Address -
dress O C8 Boo. 179 22J
mo THADKnt a bargain for Iowa or Nebraska
. .1land u f 2,500 stock of general merchandise.
Call on or address J. II. Kubl , Ilarlan , lawo.
A BA HDAINfor nnv one having two thousand
Xdollars. . For sale a grocery business es
tablished In 18i l. For further Information nd-
drcMF. W. Hottmann.NebrnsknClty. 173-25J
Gc 11A UQ A IN-Fine stock of fresh
groceries with store fixtures nnd good will ,
price about $1,500. Address Whitney & Co , ,
Umnha. 131-23 *
FOH SALK A clean stock of clothing , boots ,
shoes , gents' furnishing goods and gro
ceries , with a good trndc. For further partlo-
ulnrs nddresi , lock box No. 5 , Falrflold , Neb
& 1522 *
FOIl SALK or Kxchnngo-A now 35 hbl com
bination mill situated on Llttlo Itiuu
river , near Hebron. In Thayer county. Will ex-
ohniigo for wild or I in proved lands or live stock.
For further particulars address First National
Hank. Hebron , Neb. 833
TTUNB Chance Wanted Stock of groceries
- * - or hnrdaro In exchange for 160 ncres of the
llncxt land In' Nebraska , within W miles of
Omaha. Inquire of Bcrthold & Co. , 620 a 10th st
JJ ANK for sale m a new rapidly growing town
JJ of COO Inhabitants. Fine deposits. Moner
loans from 3 to I percent , monthly. A splendid
chance. Addrons D 3D. Hoc office. 15
E OH8ALE-Hnf ! Intore.t Inons of the best
_ .Paying drug stores In southwestern Iowa ,
Cupltal required , $2 00. Address U 40 , Bee of
fice. nig
TTIOUND- The nnesrsiiburliai
J-1 finest now addition to Omaha. Tlpton
Place , Matter Real Estate Agency , 1513 Farnam
M. ga an
W reward : return
to > 19 8. 17tn it. JMSS4 *
LOST The chance to buy a lot In Tlptbn
Place , the new addition , will teen bo Ion
as there are only a few left , Secure them no *
from Matter iteal EitateAgency , 1513 Farnara
It. 228 W
T O3T In Omaha , a pocketbook contnlnlnji
-Jr * notes against U. Chrlswlssor for $90 and
Chu Rishllng for $30 , Alia containing $17 caib
m which will be given for return to J , W. Arm
Mrong. Sprlncfleld. Neo UOO S3
T The chance lo bujr a lot In Tlpton
PlMe , the new addition , willvoon be lost ai
ly a few left. Pecure them now
Real Kstnte Agency , 151 Farnam
"TJERflONAL A young gentleman , a stranger
JL in tha city , would like tn make the ac
quaintance of n young lady. Object , social on-
Joymcnt. O 40 Boo. 7E4 MJ
/ 1LAlRVVANT--Madnra Alaska reveals
V past , present nnd future. Satisfaction
guaranteed. 513 3 18lh St. 309 n 3
7fl KH. TTrflTNTTcFarlvnynat , fro"r Italian ,
IT l will remain In the city n short time only.
ne rouds tlio deepest fecrots , unfolds th iu-
turo , unites separated lovers , causes speedy
rr.nrrlngos , Is veny tollable In nil nflnlrs ot life.
Itootnl , Lyons blk. 10th and Chicago. l"3t-4 "
"PERSONAL prlvnto lioino for Indies during
- - connnomcnt. Strictly confldentlul , ln
fonts ntlopted. Address K 42 , llooollico.
I" JKIISON A It Wo call the nttentlon of "invcs-
torsnml speculators in Omnlm Until Kstnto
toniirsDcclaldrlvo In bnrjnms.of which wonro
solo agents. They nro worthy of tnvestiif iitlon.
J. L. Rico Si Co. , Itoom 0 , over Commercial
NHtlonnl bank. UfO
"PERSONAL Mr . Or. Nnnnio V. Warren
A. clairvoyant , Mrdlcnl and business Medium-
lloom No. 0,121 North 16th Ft .Ornnhn , Nob.
"IPOIt ADOITION-A healthy boy Imby MHO
J1 month old , blnu eye ? : clothing will be given
with child. II 3d , llooolllco. i)10 ) 24 *
IAHTIK3 having chtortn. cesspools or vniilts
ciuauod , address A. QCoi Box 'H elty.
CASH pnld for old gold nnd silver. C. li.
Erlckson & Co. , 212 N 10th fit. 2M 20
fPIlE place where they sell furniture uhenp
JL for cash tins been removed from 141H Doug-
Ins to 117 N.10th _ 8t. 2)3nl3 )
GESS POOLS , sinks and vaults denned , odor
less process. K. Kwlng , box 427 , city.
! rj u i : ,
S POT CASH for soconrMinnd , furnlturocar-
pots and stoves , nt 117 N. loth st.
J OSBI'H IIOSIINSmiN has removed from
I2u ; > rnriinm to < VK ) N. 10th at. , keeps always
full stock of fresh nnd salt water fishes ,
stors , irnmn nnd poultry. Telephone 2 < U.
> rdcrs solicited. 944
MHS. M. OHLKNSCIILAiliH--Orsdunted : :
midwife , cornerL'oth nnd Cumlng Bt , up
lairs , b72n4 ! *
rilO patties having IIOUSOH for rent , Heiilnl
-i Agency , llcnnwn & Co. , 15st. , opposlto post-
ITlco. Wo hnvo tilrneil over to them our rental
st. Wo recommend thorn. MuCagua Ilros.
DON'T bo nn oyster. Don't bo pwnlloued
alive when you want to neil furnltmc ,
arpcts or household goods , call at 117 N. liith.
203 n8 !
COHKKSI'ONDKNCK solicited with reliable
parties who can furnish capital to build
md operate a canning factory In n western
own. Cash bonus to the right party. Ad *
'ress H. O. Cross , Inman , Neb. 841) ) 23-
THOIl KENT Organs , > a per month. Hocpe ,
-C 1513 Douglas. 033
[ 710R KKNT-Squnro Piano , st montnlr.
L1 Hosno , 1613 Douiilas. V3)
I will trndo n piano , nearly now , for lot In
Omaha , I. N. Watson , at Court House or at
' 08 N.17th street. 171
/1ASII advanced on diamonds and watches at
117 N. 10th st. OrffvtCo. 20.1 nIH
DON'T be a clam. Don't pay two prices when
you cnn go to 117 N. ILtli mill buy tnrni-
Mire , stoves , &c , nt rock bottom prices.
203 Bl8
JfllHST-CLASS Storngo nt 110 N 13th ft.
HOUSES CLIPPED At the fmr grounds for
$3.00. Adam Thomson ; good work guar
anteed. ' 770-23 *
MONKY talks when you wnnt to buy furnl
turo orvapor stoves nt 117 N.lOtb. between
Dodge and Capitol avc. 01 u8
JF you want to buy or sell furniture , fro to
/.Ferguson's , 715 N. 18th. 737
"ITIORRBNT Square Piano fJ montnlr. A
X ? Hospo. 1513 Douglas. 135
NEW Hoarding Housoflno tHblos , clean and
palatable victuals. 1410 Chicago st. Ko
First-class storage for nice fur
nlturo or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodgo-st.
FOIl SALK cheap 2 seated park wagon with
polo and double harness , good ns now. Address -
dross H 26 , Deo. 307 22 *
FOH SALK-Ton iiool and billiard tables ut
Hornbcrgcr's , 1321 Douglas st. Ui--.O
IVH BALK A L > on & Henley uprigh t piano
six octavos , good as new. at n very desirable
bargain. 414N. IBthst. 70f
Il SALK A Clyde Canadian stallion. In
quire saloon , cor 17th nnd Vluton. G921 *
FOH SALE 2 million brlek nnd upward * no-
sides daily out put of SO.iXXX Enquire
on premises , cor Dorcas and 2nd sts. Omaha
Ilriok und Terra Cotta Mfg. Co 630
- - shoemaker. J. W.
W Tnlhot , Syracuse , Nob. 314 21 j
"VSTANTRD An oxporloncod yardman. Apply
T T between 3 and 4 this afternoon at the Coz-
zlns. 823 23
WANTED-A dishwasher , 1001 N 18th strcot ,
Miller's restaurant. 2H2 23
" 1STANTKD Good , reliable men to buy lots In
TT TlptonPlnco.only six blocks froia now
Northwestern depot. Apply to Matter Heal
Kstato Agency , 1513 Farnum st. 238 28
WANTED Men with rigs to neil real estate ;
good wages. Co-operative Land & Lot
Co.,205N. 16th St. 32325J
WANTED A smart , active man to take hold
of novelty just out. $3 to $5 a dny.
Northwestern Novelty Co. , 1207 Faruamst.
WANTED First-class paper hangers. None
but such need apply. C. H. Stoner , Fre
mont. Neb. 10S-25-
WANTED I want an agent to sell n ready
selling article ; an oxporloncod salesman
can earn $10 to $20 a day. M. D. Archibald ,
Arcade hotel. 116 23 *
" 1JITANTED Two good Journoymnn tailors nt
T T onco. M. O'ltourk , rlattsmouth , Neb.
334 23J
WANTED Five first-class advertising solic
itors ; only men capable of earning good
salaries need apply. A. D. Ends CompanyItoom
20 , a K. corner 13th and Dodge Bis. U83
TITANTBD Traveling salesman to represent
T V one of Cincinnati's largest carriage fac
tories , In Iowa and Nebraska. A splendid
opening for a first class man. All communica
tions confidential. Address stating experience ,
D. A. W. , rooms 19 and 20 Johnston building ,
Cincinnati , Ohio. 270 23
V\7 ANTED Three coat makers and two
TT pants makers to go to Leadvlllo , Col.
None but first class need applr. 15 per cent ,
hlgborpay than Omaha bill. Address K. Mnth-
erson , Leadvlllo , Col. 207 25 *
ANTED-Barber ; will nay from fifteen to
twenty dollars a week to right man , 213
& mil. set ; j
\\TANTKD-TnIlors ; two first class pnntma-
T T kors Immediately. Will pay good wages.
U Botnholmor , McCook , Neb , 257 24j
TV ANTED Good , reliable men t ebuy lots In
TT Tlpton Place , only six blocks from now
Northwestern depot. Apply to Hotter Real
Estate Agency , 1513 Farnam st. 228 28
WANTKD-Salesmen. To soil specialties tn
merchants ; commission ; easy to sell ;
big profits. U. A. Pot-shine , South Bend , Ind.
H35-2J *
WANTED-I first-clou waiters , wages $25
per month , board and room. Apply at
Norris restaurant , 104 a 16th st. 481
TIT ANTED Kxperloncod dry goods travelling
TT saleraanhaving an established trade in
the country tributary to Kansai City. State
amount of trade , territory covered , and how
long. Address , with reference , W. R , Grimes
Dry Goods Co. , Kansas City , Mo. l58 !
WANTED 50 sober. Intelligent men of good
address to try a lOo meal M NorrU' rut ,
uuranu 104 816th it. 136
WANTED A head laundress Immediately at
the Cozzons hotel. SJ3
"WANTED a I rl for general homework , 3.
TT HorrU , 511 BlOth St. 337
WANTED-QIrl to do housework , .115 N 181U
St 3 IS 24 J
vy ANTED-Pwtry cook at 1518 Dodge ft.
ANTED-A milliner and saleslady. Qenlui
ft Bros. . 1408 Douglas et 306 23
W ANTED-A competent girl for general
housework , 501 S. 20th It 303
WANTED A woman for inaitry cook at the
New York Chop House. 14S ) Dauglaiat.
gM ! J
WANTKD-OIrl to do housework In family
eta. ISPS COM 8 o aj
WANTED At once , piano pl yer , colored
woman preferred. Apply IU8. tb. 3i8
V\ANTKD-Oood rlrifor reneral homework ,
TT small famlljrS4t3Capital nTa. 341
\\TANTKD At the OmnolJ house , second
T T cook anil pan washer. > 313 23 *
WANTKD-GIrl or man lor Kitchen work,216
S.12th. 37i 22J
TI7ANTKD 2waist makerii 1 Apprentice : !
T T errand girl Mrs. A , Rice , lluilimaa
block. . 332
V\7"ANTEO First-claw coo * and second ( nrl.
T T ( mod wages if competent. References ,
1812 Chicago. 5WJ
? }
_ _ _ _
W ANTED An oxporlencoJ stnrchcr nt BIS
JucKsnn St. 318 3 *
WANTRt ) A thoroughly competent cook.
Mrs. Morse , n w corner 20th nnd Davenport -
port ft. 339 23
"I \TANTKO A ( food girl to help In Kitchen nt
T > U , S. hotel , cor. 10th and Douglas st.
Vl'ANTKD A girl for churaber work. Apply
nt the Mlllanl hotel. 3M 29
"Y\7"ANTKD A girl for general housework ,
TT .Mrs.Ulatchlcy.sw cor Klngnnd 1'iitrlek
nvo. 273 22J
W ANTKD A good girl for general hnuso *
workmust know how to cook , fnmllynf
t.lreo $ lpurweck. Nice place for n good girl.
Apply 212 N. 16th . 22
17ANTCI > 50 good girls for domestic work ;
T best of wares nnd good homed ; 131 X 15th
AS 27j
V\7"ANTKD Dining room girl , n\o \ chamber
' * timid , who understands dining room-
orknt Occidental. 2S )
17ANTKD-First-class girl for nousowork ,
> 203 S. 2.ld bet Farnnm nnd Douglas. t'OJ '
\\7 ANTKD-lmtnodlntely. 2 flrst-clius shirt
Ironcrs at Nebraska Steam Laundry , 100
ml 103 South llth st. 8l
" \\7ANTKD-Olrl lor general housework for
family of three , must bo good cook and
aundross , apply 2133 Davenport st. 10) ) 21
l7ANTKD-fiest of wngos to n competent
T cook and l undress , 23)3 Farnnm st.
WANTKD-Lndlestowork for us nt tliolr
own homos ; $7 to in per week can bo
imctly made : no photO'palntlng , noeanvns -
ng. For full particulars plonso nildriHS nt
inco Crescent Art Co. , lu Central it. , Boston ,
Mass. , llnx 5170. 002
ANTF.D-A good nurse girl. Apply at 1009
Farnam st. 5:13 :
'ANTED Good cook and Laundress,203 N.
18th st. r.SJ
\\7ANTKD-Posltlon In wholesale- retail by
an oxporloncod dry goods and carpet sales
man. Speaks Gorman. Address Hu'O.ciiru of
lusonico. 31020 *
AN exDorlcnced book-keeper is willing to
take fhnrgo of a set of boons that will r < v
lulro but two or three days ot each week. 11
' 7 boo , 31024) )
WANTIID Situation. A yonng man 21
yearsofdge , speaks 3ertnan and Kng-
llsh , wishes a position. Adttross C. K. , City
lotel. SO'124 *
\\rANTKD-Placo ns gardener or work In a
* T nursery ; ton years' oxpononco. Addicss
I 27 , Iloo oince. 31725 *
WANTED Sowing : to go out by the day nt
the residence. Call , N , W. cor. 12th nnd
lownrd. 8012J *
WANTKD-Sltuntlon by a young man 20
years old as clerk In store or drive wagon.
Address H 25 , lice office. 3)4 s :
17ANTED By n boy ot 18 to work in store
T ordrlvo team. Address H 14 , Bee olllcc.
263 22J
\\TANTED Situation by n practical druggist
T of city nnd country .oxporlonce 7 yonrs.nd-
dross W. K. Bassett , Klkhtirt , Ind. 177.27 *
\TTANTKO Situation : Kansas or Nobrasun
T T by thorough bookkeeper : also writes short
hand. Cash bond given. Hoforonees exchanged.
N. Schulze , < K3 W. Madison Bt' , Chicago. III.
. 117
WANTED once , a kind Indy to bonrd n
child 15 mouths old. Address , stating
terms , H 29 , Uoe olllco , 32122 *
"IJl/AMTED To rent house , barn and Innd
T > suitable for dairy business , address 1118
Iloo office. : m 25J
" \X7ANTKD Bor 7 room cottage , family of 3 ,
no children , address F. M. C. , P. O. llox
454. 051 2.1
WANfEO House of 0 or 7 rooms centrally
located "by gentleman and wife , llofor
eneei. H 19 , Pee olllco. . . MBSfiJ.
BOAKD Lady who-Is often atone would like
couple of ladles to boanl who are engaged
durlngduy. Terms : Hoard nnd washing ? 3 per
week. Audrcw ) H 17 , Bee olllco. 303 22-
WANTED At onov oy four young gentle
men , n suit of 2 or 3 fuinlshoil rooms ,
with use of bath , any where between Dodge ,
Webster , 16th nnd XUth. H 15. Bee olllco.
287 22J
ANTKD Good team nnd heavy wagon by
the month. Carter White Load. Co.
WANTED exchange a suburban lot for
a good driving Address or call on
0. P. Bontly , Herald building , 15th nnd Harney.
\\7ANTKDtoTrndo-Flnosouthfront lot In
v > Institute Place for good single driving
horse. J. L. Itioo & Co. , ever Commercial
bank. 851
WANTED A smglo gentleman wants n
neatly furnished roam. State terms and
location. Address 0 17 , lice office. _ 055
ANTED To rent furnished or unt nrnlshod
TT cottage or tint of 6 or 7 rooms , centrally
located. Address G 3 , Boo office. 553
W ANTKD By two young gentlemen , front
room with board , must bo within reason
able distance of the U. P. Railroad track , ml-
drossO (3 , Bee office. 131 Z3
W ANTED -Teams , 309 S. llth st
OMAHA Storage Wnronouso Corner 13th
nnd Izard Sts. , forstorago of house
hold goods and general merchandise at low
rates. Advances made ; Issue warehouse re
ceipts. R. H. switch at the house , Office 519
South 13th street nnd 13M , 1310 and 1:112 : Iznrd
street. Telephone 663 , M. H. Uoodrlch , mgr.
Oti5 in 26 *
FOR KENT-llnrn between llth nnd Jackson
Apply Onto City Ron ! Kstnto ugcnoy , 1320
Douglas st. 297
FOR RKNT 100 ncres cultivated Innd nnd 20
acres hay land , cheap. Cbus. Hcindorir
621 Georgia avo. 279 23 *
FOR RENT Ton-room house , and furnlturo
forsalo. Enquire on premises , 1010 Far
nam st. 270 24 *
TilOR RENT-New brick house with nil modern
A. improvements , 12 rooms. Apply 1310
Farnnm it 9fi6
FOR RENT 4 now cottages on California
and 30th street , near Cumlng street cure.
Rent $25 per month. Apply to Kaufman Bros. ,
207J * . 15th st K9 !
T710R BENT S. w , corner 20th nnd Wobstor.on
J redcar line , newly painted rooms with or
without board , house has all modern convea
lencos , such ns bath and city water. 133-23
TIIOH ItKNT-iJrlck yards , T. Murray"
JJ 448
FOH ItKNT SO acres of ground. Improved
North of the city 3 miles. R.C. Patterson
IStbnnd Harnoy. ' 278
FOR RENT-Cottaios , houset and stores , all
desirable and -well located , from $30 per
month np. L. Burnbam , Room 1 Crehrhton
Block. UT
171OR RUNT Stable , Capitol ave and 8th. Kn
-I ? quire room 6 , Arlington block , 743
1710It HKNT-H of a large office well located
-L : inquire of Swan ft Co.,1531 Dodge st.
FOR RENT Nlcelr furnished rooms , board
If desired , 113 So S3J it , bet Douglas and
Dodge. 241
T7OH RENT-Furnlsbod rooms , 719 So 15th st
-I- between Jones and Leavonworth. 250 22 *
T7IOR RENT Front room with alcove gas
-L nicely furnished , for one or two gentle
roon ; $25 a month ; 523 South 14th. 27723 *
H HUNT Ono furnished front room , 111
. *
. . . RENT Furnished sleeping rooms nnd
M.- furnished nnd unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping. Inquire 809 Howard et.
TTlOlt RENT i unfurnished rooms with close
-L closeu , &OM up italrs , suitable for small
family , w cor 17tb and Dorcas. Call on
promises. W
F On HRHT Front parlor and alcove , fur-
3 nlinod ; good board , till bt. Mary'i ave.
FOR UKNT Aucwiy furnished front room ,
with clOMt ad bain. 501 South Nth st.
FOR RENT Nicely firnlsbed ; front parlor ,
C2 ft l&tb , $3 pi-r month. 330 54 *
TOK lUiNT-Elcgnnt furnished room for lady
13 andg Btor quiet L Jy. 11 Sf' 12th.
HKKT Furnished rooms , cheap to te
tuible pnUca. lutiulre UMa CMS. 374 23
FOR HEN'Titrmshed rooms , bath , etc. . $10
to $2.1 | > or month. 612 N. 17th. RM28J
TOR HKNT-NeijIy furnished front loom
I 1 with bciUootl/ suitable for two or four
tcnllem-n or ronnwid wlfo , 215 N. 13th street.
I ; 341 25 *
TTIOR HUNT Nicely furnished front room in
Jnlco cottage , $8 per month , 100 Walnut st ,
8 minutes wnlic southnast U. P. depot. 3t3
T710K RENT&l53jfurnlthcd rooms on Uth
it. : rates ( froisonablo. Inquire at New
Homo QITloo. 1 Nfrjtb. 2S9 27J
FOR RKNTyFuruUmod rooms nnd board ,
619 N 19tlftt. 135 2S *
IT10H 11EXT Vurnlslied rooms , bath nnd
C modern canvenloncoji. ill N . st y i 23'
FOH HKNT-Jrpivlcoly furnished front rooms
for Bontltnitati-ntiil wife or two gentlemen ,
loard If desired. 1KO Jnokson St. a.5 2.j
FOH ltiNT : Two litr o plor.snnt unfurnlsheil
rooms ; references required. 2JO ? Hnrnoy
trcet. t32tj
F IOH IlKNT-Handsomely fnrnlshod room * .
Modern conveniences. U18 North IMh 9U
1 > K ) 24
WANTED To runt 7 or 8 room house , not
ever 15 blocks from v08'01"00Knqttlro '
nt Ilcnnlson Ilros. a
OUIlENT-2dlloor22xlOfoet ! ! , use ot clo-
vntor. ota , No. 140i Douglas st. Apply
J. M. W. , P. O. bov 054. 214 2fl
FOll HKST Nlcnly tnrnlsliod rooms at rea
sonable rates , 1712 Douglas st. 203 2IJ
J7IOK KBNT Two furnished rooms , nt 1915
-L' Fiirimm St. 141
FOR HBN'Tr.lo nntlvfurnlshoJ room ? . All
modcrd conveniences on pared struct nnd
street car lino. No finer location In city. Call
at mv olllco. L. P. Hammond , room 3. Ij22
) oiiKlnsst. 0'V )
FOH HUNT Very dcjlrnblo front room , fur
nished with board,2534 St. Mary's nvcntio ;
nlsoono single room. 620-22 *
FOH HUNT-Furnished rooms , 714 N. 19th.
783-nlO *
FOK UK.NT-K'otrnnt furnlshod room ! ) ; nil
modern convenlonces on paved street and
street enr line. No liner loa'itlon in city. Call
nt my office. L. P. Hammond , room 3. 152. !
Douplus Ft , 01 ! '
FOH HBXT-Stcro room nnd No. 110 N. Uth
Bt. basement. : > SS
FOH HUNT A furnlfhed parlor , warm ; mod
erate convonl * " - * 4 , with llrst-clajs board ,
for twoKontlomon. IHlt Oodtto st. _ gut
UINT Nicely furnished rooms at ren-
sonablo rates , tmo block from court house ,
dOOSo 18th st , north St , Mary's nvo , up stulrs.
OH HKNT-Nlcoly furnlshod front room 3
blocks lotith of tno Oporu Houso,14l5.Tones.
FOH HKNT-Nlcelv furnished rooms , 22.7
Dodfrost.all mmlorn Improvomonts. 817
- bo had of
I. N. I'lnrco & Co. in
lloclford Plnco.1
Paddock Place ,
Kllby 1'laoo ,
Patrick's Addition ,
Clarendon ,
Fulrmouiit ,
Oruhard Hill.
Saunders& llelmbnug-li Addition ,
Walnut Hill ,
Hawthorne ,
Thornbursr ,
Marsh's Addition ,
DwlBht i Lyinnn's Addition ,
Kount/.o& Huth's Addition ,
South Omaha ,
and others.
Wo have some bargains In ncron o property ,
desirable for platting1. I. N. Plorco & Co , l.TOO
Douglas street , ground tloor. OIHco open in
the evening. 2.38-2J.
T XAMINUtljisllst :
10 acres 1 miles West P. O. nt 9 GOO
10 4 " S. W. " SCO
5 3V1 JJ- ' > ' , ' I | f GOI >
' " ' " ' ' '
fa lots 3 " " p. o. from"'i'ndto..T : bo
II Llncojn plnqe " $6 > 0 to. . . 760
n " 21th and Burt " $1,800 to. . 2,000
4 " 29th and Webster " $1,000 to. . 100 1
1 " 2 th nnd Cnlifornla 2,000
2 " Shlnn's 1st. each 1,000
2 " Burdetlo Court , ouch 4.V )
44 feet on Jnclison , near 10th 10,0JO
Cor lot and 6-t-oom house , city water and
gns , ImllofjromiP.0 3.010
0 feet , 10th st , none viaduct G,500
D. C. Patterson , firiaha Nat. Bank bld'g.
FOH HCNT-Catlagra of 4 rooms 2 closets ,
pantry and collar , to family with no chllJ.
ron ; 5013'20th. 233
100 xlSOln block o , Hanscom Place , Orcgory
& Dudley , 320 S 15th St. 5SS
TTIOK SALK Cheap Inr o corner lot. small
-L payments , near cars , Inquire 101 N. 15th.
291 23 *
FOH SALK-Fnrm of 680 acres. In Burt
county , 100 ncres In cultivation and bal
ance hay land and pasture. All fenced , good
frame house , corn cribs , feed yard.etc. A
part of the pasture la seeded with blue grass.
Price $15 per acre. Terras easy. Clark It
French , 1510 Douglassr. 21(124 (
AMES. No. 1507 Fnrnam St.
ThU list may help you to find a desirable
house or a good lot to build on.
306 House , corner lot 00x174 , Hamilton st , S.
front , W,750.
395 3 houses rent for $50 , corner lot on car
line , $7,500.
399 Houso7 rooms , Montana St. , ' , ; lot , $3,3oO.
388 House 4 rooms , lot ( Uxl30 , SUinn's add ,
337 House 4 rooms , well-built , Lowo's odd ,
full lot , $2.000.
331 House 7 rooms , new house , Walnut 1(111 ,
$ .1,500.
382 House 8 rooms Ilanscom place , full lot ,
831 House 11 rooms , modern , barn , &c. , full
lot on Georgia nvo , 1.,000. )
379 House 10 rooms , small lot , rents $59 , 20th
St , 18,000. ,
378 House 12 rooms full lot , east front , 70x140.
modern , good value , 21st st. . $9,000.
377 House 12 rooms , modern , California st , K
lot. $1,500. '
570 House 3 rooms 2 stores , Arbor place , $1,000
375 House 8 rooms , brlcic , full lot , corner ,
334 House n rooms , modern , lot 50x210. east
front , 19th St. , near St. Hnry'a ave. , $ 'lXM ' ( ,
393 House 9 rooms , modern , with 2 full lots ,
Whcnton st. , $10,000.
391 House , now , 10 rooms , all modern , Califor
nia St. , $ , ' . ' 59.
8S9 Modern 14 room house , cast front , Park
ave. . full lot , $17,000.
330 House 7 rooms , flno shrubbery , 2 full lots ,
385 House,9 rooms , modern , full let , Hanscom
Place , fO,0TO.
874 House , 7 rooms , now. good barn , full lot ,
near Hanscom park , $ : i,3i > 0.
372 On Burt Ht. , a modern house of 10.rooms
In perfect order ; full lot , south front ,
good barn , $9,000.
309 1 acre with good 5-room house , barn , lion
house in peed locality. $2,800.
368 On St. Mary's nvonuo ; good house , lot 132
feet square , $20.000.
307 2 houses , rent $40 per month ; lot and half ,
South 18th street. $7OuO.
3f.1 2 bouses , full lot , Chicago btrcet , $7,000.
804 House , 5-rooms , barn ; lot 40x115 ; Arbor
Place , 91.BOO.
355 Houses2 : rent $30 per month , North ISth
street , M.500.
351 House , 7 rooms , H lot , on Hamilton st root
350 S houses , rent $15 per mo , lot corner 55x181 ,
Pierce St. , $5.000.
247 House , 0 roomt , small lot on Cass st , $ 1,200.
Vacant Lot : .
773 5 eholco lots on Curalng * t. together , 17,500.
773 1'lno lot WlloSic's ndd , * JOO.
771 Hlmebuugh 1'luco on Itidgo ave. , tine lot ,
770 Tabor Place , lot , $ WTO.
769 Aero , ( Iel > dl. ( $5.000.
S lots. Hodielli Stehblns' ndd , $3,500.
763 Choice lot , nlk"K , " Lowo's add , cheap at
7 < M 75x128 , onrftJc i west of Park ave , $3,750.
703 Flno lot inljrlimhorn add , very cheap at
763 In Mnyno Place , lot $1,800.
760 ! HxlS7AV tAFnaha. good location , $1,650.
758 Good lot , llnnscom Place , blk2 , $ l , 00.
759 Kast frontSummit , Place , near Dodge st ,
13,300. i/l .nu
757 Very choice , Lowe nvo , $1,830.
75 Best south-front in Porker's add for $2.600.
755 The best Mtutk front lot In Clarendon for
$1.000. T O
752 liurtst near Sacred Heart 110x174 , very
choice. $4. QO.
743 Park ave 100 ft * for f 7,50) . Also 103 ft for
$8.5CO. -
745 Facing Hftosopm park , very choice lot at
$ IHO ( , , -
747 Choice lot California Bt , $1,800.
74. ) K V Smith's add. 3 lots each $3.004
739 Like st corner 20th , 150x11. $9 J ) .
037 120 It 2 lot * State at. $3.000. And double
front lot fftclnv Hamilton st for $ I,8Ju.
745 Good lot Hanscom place , blk 12 , $ I,8X ) .
731 Very choice , Georgia ave near Ponpioton
for-i.KU. )
717 Very desirable lot on Hamilton st near
Itosorvolr. $1.100.
. Amos' Heal Estate Agency ,
76S No. 1507 Farnam st.
GF. ELSAKSKH.318 B 10th street. S new
houses 3 story and fell lot on 10th street
3 blocks from Browneil ball. U front rents to
Drat class tenant for $ M per mo , always did.
Have been offered moro and year In advance.
This will bo surely sold in 10 Java. First couie ,
n rat served. fD.500 , $3.000 cash , bal 1 year , I
have also bargain In 2 best Iota In Donovan's
add , S blocks from street car. .
North 20th , 132x140 , bargain.
9th ana Dodgv , 48x132 on Dodge.
10th bet. Harney and Howard,44x133.
Bedford opp. foundry , corner 100 ft. 324
150) FArnao. it ,
Offer thoid bargattu tu-dart
1 earner Goorvla are , nnd Dnpoat 11,1)1
7 Orchard hill , choice Ion etoh $ * 5X
Kout * nnd 3 lots , SnunJors ft Ulmobaugh's
add. to Walnttt hill f,30) .
20 Finest lots lit Clovenlnlc , bargain * .
Flno lots In Kllby place , cheap.
Fine ! MMot John I lloiilok's Subdivision ,
2cholco lots In Mnynps add. , each $ HX
: cholco lots Fnlrmount pinco.
lauro bent In Belvedere , btririln $ ) ) X
Slots Jotter's addition , eaoh $70J.
tlots Mt. Douglus > onchlYX
2lots South Kx. place , cacti $ > J ) .
3 Brown Park , t > nrnln enoh $ SJ ) .
24 lots eholco In YntoJ * llnmpol's addition.
10 ncres 't mile south of Hnrrls V Patterson's
annex , extra nlco , choip nnd onsy terms.
A Hno list of western Innds for sale , or traJ9
for Omiha property , . _ _ .
400 ncroa highly Improved , Snundors Co. , sale
or trade.
I1& feft front on inth strspt , . . , , .
„ „
Last , not lotst.nnrnor an Kiirnara HiOJJ ana
tnnny others , 1 M Fnrnnm , Wlso and Prtfinelo.
, M I
MIL1TAHY UOAD-lluslncss lots , street oar
line being laid In front ; In the center of
what will bo ono of the finest residence locations
about Omatia. Thirty of these lots for sale at
iirloes that make thnm a splendid Investment.
\Vidlice : , Crelghton block , " 5U 2J . Hnrpnlin.
Two flno east front lots lu Kllby place ,
corner. $ .l,0 .
( lood lot In Bedford place , $3.10.
Lot In Plalnvlow on launders St. , only 81,530 ,
HI It south front In llawn'a add , JI.C.'iO.
2 cliolcn south trent lots In A.S. Patrick's ndd ,
each } \K \ ) .
2 eholco south front lots In A. S.Pntilck's
ndd , corner , both $1.0)0.
e xll2ft , cor 27th and Ilurdotto Bts. , nice lot
forliulldlnir.J-'iOO. '
S3 it. on Saunders St. , near Hf.mllton , $120 per
60 ft. on Varnam near C. P. Ilcnd < | umtor ,
$ .M,0W. (
Lot 55 ft. front in .leromo Park , near Fnrnnm
St. , $1,8.10.
Nice lot In Tabor Pjaco , $1,600.
1:11 : fton Sivunder.s fit. and Burt corner , $1.000.
2 ton-aero tracts of beautiful and sightly lay-
ng ground near the Mute institute , at a bar-
'M acres adjoining Plonsnnt Hill , $500 per acre.
Fine south front lot In Smith's Park , $ ) ,500.
flood loioii California st. ono mile from post-
office , ? 2KU.
Beautiful lot on 17th at. north of Sherman ,
very easy terms , $4,200.
60 foot on 18th Et , north of Sherman , $5,000.
M loot on 17th st. north of Paul St. , $4,200.
13ft ! squnro on track north of U. I * , shops ,
ml tt on track north of U. P. shops on N'iclio-
lnsst.$4,20 > > .
Full lot in Shlnn's 2nd ndd $ IV > 0
Full lot , south front , on Burdctto and 2Hu (
Bts $1,710.
3 bountiful lots. 40x127 , just off red car tine ,
cnsy terms , each * I,7M ,
y lot " ft , near car line , on Patrick ave , easy
terms , $1OUO.
100 ft front on Sherman ave , on nnvod street
$100 per foot.
Kast front lot In Hawthorne only $1 , < 110.
100U24 , Plalnvlow , corner , $3.400.
28xlSS ft on 27th nnd Ilurdotto sts , $000.
75 ft east front corner 28th and Ilurdotto sts
100x150 ft cnst front corner In Ilanscom
place $7,200.
Flno east front on Georgia nve In Hanscom
place , $ .1,000.
Nine lots on Vlaglnia ave , $1,5M.
South front In Dupont place $ nJO.
4 good lots near 3lst nnd Leaven worth each
$1. 00.
Flno lots In Washington Square. $3,000.
ixjts in Sbrlver Place , $400 to $500 , easy terms ,
near West Side depot.
Lota in North Omaha add , only Smiles from
po-itolllco , throo-olghts of nillo from fair
grounds , $350 to $400 per lot.
Houses und lota In all parts of city. Bolng
members of the exchange we have ono of the
largest ll ts of property In the oily.
W. ( ! . Shrlvcr , opposite postotllce. 219
T\KNMAN PLACK-On Ames avenue , nenr
-l-'Stato street and near the new Northwestern
out-olf. Cheap at ( i25 ! to $7UO , ono'flfth cash.
Wallace. Crelghton blodc. 250 23
SA. BLOMAN , Itoal Estate Broker ,
1512 Farnam Stroot.
Farnam street , cor. lath , 03x132 , ; { ciuu. $ 50,000
Fnrnamst. , near 14th,22x13Improved. . 3.1,0 W
Farnnm st , , near 18th,44Tl32 , improved. . 2J.OW
Farnam st , , near 20th,22x132 , very cheap , 7,000
Farnam St. , near2Jth,116xxl32 35,000
Kurnmnst. , cor. 31st at. , latJxl'J- , south
and cast front 17,003
Darnain m. cor.40th , 95x132 , s and o front 0,000
Farnam st. cor. 41st , 48x132 , s nnd o front 3.0DJ
Furnnmst. ear. 4id , 44xiKs : nnd w front 3,000
Harney st. near 13th , 23WW O.VJO
Harney st. near 15tb.3)xii3 : Improved. . . 2 > ) , OJ3
llnrneyst. ncnrSOth , 174x170 , improved. , 35,000
Harney st. Hodlck'a Grove , 41x133 1,600
Doilgluast. nonr 12th,44xl.U , Improved. . 35.000
Douglas st notu I3th,22xl3j , ! i interest , 9,500
DouglaSBt. ncar2dii5xl33 ! 7,500
Douglas St. near 23d , ( WxlU 8,0 < JO
Dodgest. noar23th , 50X152J-J 2 , ( IO
Dodges ! , nenr28th , 40x127 , Improved. . . 3.00J
Jneksonst. cor. 14thcnxiu : , Improvcxl. . 25,00i )
Jackson st. near 15th , 63xl3 ' , improved. ] , ooo
Jonosst.cor. 15th , 6 > ! xnJ " 4.00J
Leavenworth st. cor. 21st , 133x111 , im
proved ; 19,530
Leavonworth at. cor. 25th , 140x112 , im-
nrovoil 23,000
Ifilhst.opp , M. P. and Bolt Line depot. ,
„ „
01x112. . . . . . . . 0.000
14th st. trsckago , Paddook place , 06x112. 2.500
Parkuve.opp. park. 50x150 1.800
Georgia nvo. near Mt Pleasant. 50x160. . S , 00
20thst. iiearDoroas , 100x100improved. . 4.WO
20th st near Douglas. 3ix63 , Improved. . 8,00. )
15thst.cor.Martha,69xL'U.improved. . . 4,503
29th st. cor. Seward , 63x130,3 bouses. . . . 4.50)
Pierce noar2Wira footfront , 2 streets. BJWQ
Hamilton St. near Bolt line , Improved. . . 1,500
41st st. just off Fnrnam , 4Sxl3i , e front. . l.oOO
35th St. , nenr Davenport. 100x130 2,200
Seward , near 35th. 60x157 1,150
10th st , near Castellar. 135 feet front. . . . 4.500
8th st , near Martha , 51x151. corner. . . . 1,000
Burdetto st , near 28th , 50x132 , on car line 1,930
B art st , near Lowe ave , 511-2x139 1,10 }
25th , cor , Poppleton , 63x100. Improved. . 4.000
Davenport , near 24th. 54 l-ixl32lmprovod ; 4,000
Chicago , corner 24th , 68x132 , improved. . 8.U03
28th , near Popploton , 50x127 , improved. . 6.000
Orchard Hill , lots $750 to 1,000
Brown I'm k , lots $500 to 850
Bedford Place , lot * $650 to 000
Highland I'aric , lots ench-cash $34. . 23J
Wnkely ndd. lets 57x150. r ch 400
25 acres near FortOranhn.flnely inprovod 11,000
Webster at , nenr 18th , 31x1.13 , improved. 0,200
Center st , C'lxm Improved 1,200
Virginia uvo , near HiOKorv , 50xl5U , 1,500
Farnam st. near 33th. 57x133 3'too
Nicholas st , corner , 66x13 ; , track In alloy 4,200
Park nvo , facing Pnrk , 50x150 4,00i )
S 16th st , near viaduct. 40x103 5,003
SulphtirSprings ndd. just opp. 18th st.'SO
xI24 S.OTO
Loavenworth st.nonr Bolt Line , 100x127. . . . " ,700
SHINN'S ADD-South front on Illondo street
with north front on Yates st , a nleo double
header for $1,400 , $500 cash.
Gregory & Ilndley.
025 Rooms 1 nnd 3 Hcdlck Ills , 320 S. 15th st
PATHICIv'S ADD-Cornor lot 55x131 with
small double house on rear of same rentlnsr
for $30 per month , leaving corner 55x100 va
cant , nil for $ : ! ,000 , one-third cash. The other
snap in Patrick earners has been sold and you
must call at once to secure this ono.
Gregory it Hadloy ,
025 Rooms 1 nnd 3 Hcdlclc Oil,320 3.15th st.
T71OU SALK OK THADK-Wo own several
J- ' thousand aeros of choice South Dakota
farming land which wo will soil or trndo for
Oinnhn property. Wo wnnt to sell and olfor our
land at bottom prlcos. Wright & Laabury. cor.
under Paxton hotel leif
ClOK 8ALE-fl8xl32 on Izard st , track-
1 ? age $4.500
House and 2 full lots , easy terms 2,200
Lot. enst side of hill , Omaha View 850
Bast front lot , Kllby Place 900
House of 8 rooms on Ibth stnear Paul , $3,590 ;
H cash , balance 1 nnd 2 yearn.
5 lots in Hanscora Plnco.
26 25 * H. W. Huntress , 1503 Farnam st.
MILITARY ROAD-Ouslnoss lots , strcot car
line being laid In front ; in the center of
what will bo one of the finest residence locations
about Omahu. Thirty of tucso lots for sale nt
prices that make thorn a splendid Investmont.
Wallace , Crelghton block. 253 23
1/lOIt BALE A corner lot 6 xl33 on Uth and
- tCumlng st one of the best locations In the
city for a warehouse , with waterworks and
Bowcnigo. Apply at promises. Thos Sinclair ,
2 0 o20J
COHNBH on Lnkoand State st , $1,700.
tiOfceton Harney st , IP-room house , nil
conveniences , good Darn , oto , 2uu per front It-
118 ft lot.Park nvo , now 8-room house , $0,030.
45 ft on Saunders st , opposlto Kount/e Place ,
J50 per ft.
50x130 ft cor Cass nnd 31st sts , $1,509.
60 ft on Caldwell at , runs through to Indiana
street , $2,0011.Smith
Smith * Welsh. Heal Estate.
333 23 219 So. Uth st , oor. rarnara.
SPECIAL bargain on Park avenue , north of
Park , 100 funt east front. $ SlluO , cash
$3,50.1. J. A. Griffith , 631 Park avo. U7J 24j
D KNMAN PLACE On Amos avenue near
state street und near the new Northwestern
eiit-otf. Cheap at $025 to $700 ; one-fifth cash.
Wallace , Croighton block. 259 33
GENUINE UAHGAINS-Two corner lot * m
Burdetleuourt , only 4 block * from Situo-
der'istrcstuari. w. M. Bushman. Koora ID ,
Bushman Block , .Y K cor 18th and Doagla * .
INB1DK PUOPKllTV-Wo hnvo Rome good 'in-
side property at a bargain , Pierce * Hog *
ers , 1.111 Dodge street. 8Ju
d 100 cash will secure 160 acres of first class
4 > fanning land In eastern Nebraska balance
Terr long time and no taxes f or 1M y oara. The
0.1' . Davis company , 1505 farnam st.
U34 a U
FINK 7roomoJ eottatr InilJo of the mlle
limit. 100 feet from streetcar uad pave
ment on 20tbst ; has One slmdo trees , gona wcl
and cistern , small barn , only n.ooi ) , very cheap.
Goddard It Moore , 211 North llth ( t , 271 2
JU. EVAXb * Co. .
He l K tnto Agents ,
niO Dodge st.
Invlto attention to the following partial list of
bargains :
A Haunders itroet CMt front , Plnlnrlow ,
$2.00. ) , > a cash.
A Plalnvlow corner , only $1,100.
A corner In Votes A Hetnpcl'4 $ , Insldo
lots $7ua
A south front In HuMln'8 add to Plalnvlow.
$ UOJ. H eu h.
Acres In Brighton nt low prices on easy
Wo nro agents of Floroneo Lnnd eompnny
uml hnvo good lots for silo In this handsome
suburb nt low prices on onsy terms.
Five flno east frorit lots on Grove street near
Leavonworth for $ ICOJ onch.
rive west front lots on Snrlng st In Rfttknlow
Plaro at $1.0jO onch If tnkon together ,
A business corner oil west Leavonworth for
fast front lots on Lcavcuworth , business
plnee. nt $ Y31 each.
A largo business lot on Leavonwnrth In West
Side , 50\24 , ) . only $1WJ U taken soon.
Wo have four ot the bint corners on Six
teenth street north for $ n,50J. $12i)0n. $1WK )
nnd $30XM ( retpectlvolj' . For boss investments
ite tlieso soon. Tluty will not hut long.
A lot In Omahu View , cast slope , $1,000 , easy
Ten acres north , ten acres ioulh-weat , tliroo
acres in Tuttlo'H sub-division , all cheap nnd
A first-class bu lno < s corner with three story
brick building. Good.
A W toot corner on rarnatn fit , host in the
A M ft corner on Leavonworth onst of 27th
Street $8tiOO.
Lot on Tenth street nenr the Browneil Hall ,
ftt root lot with house on , Contio St. , near 17th ,
on grade , $ . ) , WO , ! i cn h.
6d foot cast front on Fifteenth , near Centre ,
with house , corner on 21 foot alloy , will divide
or sell nil , north 1-2 $3,000 , south 1-2 with house
"Burlington Plnco South Omnha lots for tlW
to $511. } % cash ; only a few lott.
1'owler Plnco Corner on county rend $750 ;
another corner $650.
Hou ° o and 65 foot lot 170 ft deep on California
street Is exceedingly cheap at $4,200.
A ootitb front on t'urnam In Jerome Parka
flue lot.
Corner on West Fnrnnm , $3,000.
$1,503 buys a handsome east front In Creston.
$ l,7Ml bii.vflnn cast front on Virginia avenue.
t lxl40 on Georgia avenue owner nnxlou. ito
Kast front lot on Colfax street , near Howard ,
Cottage. 7 room ? , flno east front lot.Hnnscom
plnco , I5.2UU.
Corner , ( KH1G ? with cottage and barn , Popple-
ton a\cnno , $0,000.
La Vota place , niong Lowe nrontio , $1,100 to
$ ! , ! . U en h.
Business lots
Vacant lots Improved and unimproved.
Suburban lots
Best list of property In Omnhn.
Sand us description of whnt you have for
sale. Wo are membcis of Omaha Heal Kstnto
Kxchnngo. 240 25
M I LIT A11V ROAD-Bii.sincss lots , street car
line being laid In front : In the center ot
what will bo ono of the finest residence locations
about Omaha , Thirty of theao lots for sale at
prices that make them n splendid Investment.
Wallace , Crclghton block. 259 23
WH. GATKS. 324south I5tb , over Stnto
National Bank , entrance on 1 lamer.
A nlco houseaitb and Charles sts. , new house
6-roimiB , nil modern Improvements , barn , shade
trees , 80x133 , $7.0JO.
Now 5-room house , Charles st. , bet 23th and
20th Bts. , $2,700 , only $500 cash.
A Gilt Kdgu plcea of property on 23d St. . bet.
Dodge and Cnpltol nvo. . now 10-room house , all
modern Improvements facing cast , rents for $10
per month. $5,71)0 ) , $2,200 cash.
U-rooin cottage Just notth of above , cheap at
2 cottagrg on Stth nenr St. Mary's arc. , facing
east , one u corner $1,000 , terms easy.
A nlco pleeo of property JuPt off Farnam
near 2tlth street , house cost 1:1,500 : nlone , only
2 lots and small cottngo 29th and Dodge ,
House and lot 17th street between Davenport
nnd Chlcairo , $7OOJ.
A valuable plbcn of property on Izard street
near luth with truckage In rear , $7Vjo.
A cheap pie'-o of property on Jones near 12th
full lot , $31,000.
A 6-room house nnd lot on Poppleton , south
front , barn , city wntor , $4,00j , $ looo cnsh.
A cheap 4-room house nenr Ohio nnd 10th
Streets , li.j'OO.
5-room house Walnut Hill lot 50x199 picket
fence , $1,400.
8 room house , Walnut Hill , near new car line
$2,500 , $500 cash.
3 5 room houses , convenient to street car ,
$2,200 , $200 cash.
4 room house on street car line , bead of St
Mnry's nvo , $5,0.10.
2 good houses nnd full lots , 15th st , just south
of U. P. track , $3,600.
Vacant Property.
S. B. cor. isth nnd Ohio sts. , NBxlT ! ! , $11,000 ,
44x1,13 , cor. Lcnvenworth and 13th sts. : track-
ago in rear , ? 2liuOO.
7fT tcet In Ilartlett's addition , near Loaron-
worth and Pnrk ave. , $4,5UO.
3 south front lots In Biirtlott's add. , $3,503.
611 foot on Leavenworth near 28th , on grade ,
at a bargain.
75 feet just north of Crolghton college. $1,030.
A full lot on lilth st , near pavement , for a
few days only , 43,200. Owner wants some cash.
3 good lota oc Cumlngsstreet near cud ot car
line , $5,000.
3 lota Just off of Cumtngs street , $1.230.
A good residence lol,2tith nnd Capitol ave. ,
58 ft on Georgia ave near Loavenworth ,
2 ncres In Drookllne , $2.253.
10of the beet lots In Hanscom place.
3 full lota cor 29th and Dodge , $6OJJ.
4 of the best lots In Hawthorne facing south
and oust , f 1,11)0 ) to J2.000.
Choice lots In Kllby place , one for $930.
Knstffontloton S. Uth St. , $3.100.
1 of the best loU In Hillside No. 2. $1,800.
Corner 15th nnd Center. $4,800.
Slots Isaac JtSelden's add , just off Leaven
worth , Kl.300.
150x130Park place , facing south , $3,109.
2 good lots Hnnscora pars add.
Choice lots Mny no's add.
10 lots Orchard Hill , 750 to $1.000.
25 lota Saundora & Hlmobaugh'sadd , $500 to
$1.00) .
40 acres nenr table land at $300. Every foot
lays high.
Send in a list of your property If you wnnt It
pushed. 180
10 ACRES 4 mllca west ofP 0. for sale. $000
< per aero. D. C. Patterson'Omaha Na
tional bank. 2si )
JL. KICK & ) solo agents tor lota I )
and 10 , block 0 , A. S. Patrick add. , $1.250
IxitsDnndlO , block 2 , A. S. Patrick's add. ,
$1,25) ) each.
2 lots on 16th st , $ r > 0 each.
4 lots on Uth St. , J-'S ) ) ouch.
IWfeet front In Washington square , fO.OOfl.
DO foot front In Washington siuiiro , $6,21)0. )
85 loot fronton Sherman avenue , $ P , ! > 00.
Ulxl21 foot , corner on King and Blondo$3,25Q.
Full lot with 2,4-room houses , corner on Be-
ward and Kin : ; street , $6,000.
fOfeet front on Boulevard , Crolfihton Hlghts ,
$1 , 00.
7 cholco lots in Institute Place , $450 each for
the bunch.
95 feet front , south 16th st , $9,000.
4(1 ( front foot cor. on Farnnm and 77th , $12,090.
Corner lot. Lake nnd 25th St. , $2iOO.
Lot on Luke st. fronting on two sts. . $2,200.
Call nt our office , room 0 , over Commercial
bank 2t ; >
SPKCIAL Bargains for one week only by
Swan & Co. , 1521 Dodge st.
Corner on 12th and Douglas.
Corner on 15tb , biggest bargain offered.
Corner on 10th nnd Davenport.
12 lots in Highland park.
r > acres In Barker's sub.
2 very cheap Iota In Knndnl's add ,
3 flne farms to trade for Omaha property.
For prices on above cull at our ofttoo , S L5 cor
ner 16th and Dodge. 7HO
MILITARY HOAD-Uusinojs lots , itreet car
line being laid In front : in the contorof
whnt will be ono of the Uncst rcildence locutions
about Omahn. Thirty of the * lots for sale nt
prices that make them vpleuUM Invoatinnnt.
Wallace , Crolghtou block. 25 ! ) 23
SNAPTfi07 < mt < > nu front lot on Bullovue st m
Blk 2 , 1st add to South Omnhn. IIXU.
025 Gregory Jfc Had Icy.
Our new addition.
Acres $ .13.i . to $40) poraori.
N < mr South Omaha ,
And Sydlcate HIIU
Marshall * Lobeck ,
103 151M Farnitm.
BKLLAIR-IUriratiis , BonHeld. Wo offer the
benuvo aor lot la Bonllel.1 nt the very low
prtcoof tlii ) per iu.-ru.hnlf ungh. balan'O one
year , also 5 acres m Itnllulr nt fiube low value Ir
taken before the " > tli iiHtnnt.
Marshall ft I lie-jtt ,
185 SI lMi ! > Faraum street.
KNMAN PLAl'B-On Amos avenue nmir
State atreot ami near thn nt'w Northwcutern
cut-off. Cheap nt $ r.a to $7 * ) . one-nfih caah.
Wallace , Crclghton blogk. 258 2U
LOTS on Chicago ic.Foutliof Crvlghton col.
lege. Mxl4t. Firat cla - Investment , $4.000.
John ( iallaghorat7 South 13lh Bt. 810 27
\J 60 foot on Harney it , Ji-room hnnxe , all
convenlonces. good barn , utc , $3UO per front ft.
ftlft lot , Park ave. now b-room house , ? 0UOO.
45 ft en Sattndcn it , oppodlto K'ountPlace ,
$50 per ft.
tVlxI''OftrorCasiandSUt sis , $1/i ) .
Ot ft on Caldwell at , runs through to Indiunn
Itrcot. $ - ' , UM.Smith
Smith & Wolnh , Ronl Kftato.
333 1 21 ! ) So. Uth bt. cor. Kurniim
" "
"iMTAUV ROAO BnsInoM lei * , strecr i"u
Hue being laid In front ; lu the t-fiiterit
what win be one of the flnust inn
nboiit Omaha. Tulrty of theae loti for * alu nt
nncsstUat make then mpJoniiid imwetment.
Wallace , CralgUlon block.
T F. HAMMOND. Itoal Estate , 117 8.18th ti ,
W llrst door north of DdilglKH.
Walnut Hill. S flno lots , 50x15) each . . . O.VJ
Walnut Hill , 2 4-room nouses , lolsfiOtlVtf 1,70. )
\ValnUt Hill , f-room house , lot NHI.V ) , . . S.WO
Orchard IIIII.A-rooin hoiue , lot Mi 160 , , , 2. JO
Orahntil lllllgllt edge.eorncr. . . , I.OJO
Orchard Hill , lot cor. Aitli nnd ( Jnrl.'cti . . 000
Onk Hill mid , good lots , $ UVi cnsh 1175
Albright' Choice , S lots , $163 onsh 1,000
AlbrUhfs Choice , Unt'lot , $5\ cash . . . . 450
Hurt st bet ' . ' 1st nnd 22d , lO-room house . P.OKI
Hurt st nenr2Jthrooin house , , , , , , , . . 7,800
Cote llrllllanto , 5 lots , 1100 ca h. each , , , : VY )
L'olner * Archer , flno lot , K ) rash MX )
Reservoir ndd , 2 lots on Hamilton st , , . . 2,80)
Blocks 17 to33 , the host part of Bowling Green.
The cheapest property on the miuket
" , mlle from Hoimon ear lino.
ft-uerolots per ncro $ .VM.
2'4 ' ncro lo's per ncro $ - " iX
Aero lots Jilix ) .
Lois 53x137 on Hamilton strcot $173 to $2J5 for
corners. ,
Full commission to agents. Got pints.
Mnr.ohnll Sc l.oboch.
No. 1509 Farnam.
_ Tolop1iono73. _ 104
OSWIJNSON * CO.-I40I Farnam street ,
Room 15. dealers In rent estnto nnd western -
orn land. Houses built Ui suit purchasers on
monthly payment. MI-aM
In Inriro or.sinnll lots Held seeds ,
- timothy , httlu rod nnd mammoth clover ,
normnn nnd common Million swciis. 1 wnrrnnt
this seed nil rnlsoil In I Hit lor eoiinty , Nob. , and
now , pure rtnd olonn soo.l.Vrlto to W. O , Iloi-
ion. Unvld City. Neb . for prloyit. 401 nfl *
"lilOU BAIjK"n osy termn , so mo choloo lots
JLA in Walnut Hill , nil noir \Vnli\ut \ Hill post-
olllcu. 1' . A. Oarln , Solo Aeent , Itoom a.llntlok
lllook. IK ! 81 *
M1L1TA11V HOAD-lln lnefslots , street car
linn beliiR laid In front ; In the center of
whnt will bo oiui of the finest roslilencoloontlonl
nhout Omntin. Thlny of these lots forsalont
miens that make thorn n splendid Investment.
Wnlluco CrclKJiton block. _ SM 23
AV Kount/e I'lnee , 2u loU - 91,700 to $1.300
Hnnacom I'lnce.SSlotA - - | lJ5J to U,503
.1. I. llodlok'ssubdlv. , ; ) lots $ .I,7f.O to 4.600
Smith 1'nrk.l lots - - - - $2,7iV ) to W.100
Jerome 1'iirk , 10 lots II.80J to M.OOO
llrommn I'mee. 13 lots 11,5'Jj ' to JOnO
Orehnrd Hill , fit ) lots - - - * HOto l,100
Koster'n ndd , 0 lots $3,200 to ti.NX )
Hoes' Plnco - . . . 3,7M
Mlllt-il Plnoo . . . . $ i,5W
Also Improved nnd unimproved residence
property In all partsof thoclty.
A. It , Comstocl : , Itoom 10 , Crolghton Dlock.
10 ACI1153 4mlleswoPt of TO. for lc , $000
per ncro. I ) . 0. Patterson , Oraahn Na
tional banic. 281)
KNMAN 1'I.ACE-On Ames avenue , near
Suite fltroot nnd near thonnw Northwentorn
cut-oft Chotp nt f 2oto J7UO , onc-Ofth cash.
Wallace , Crolibton block. 2AU 3
\\fKST OMAHA-Corner BflxtM , cnst front
t > near lienvenworth , $2,100 , or with adjoining
ing- lot siuno size , f 4.50J. Terms easy.
25 Orecory * lladloy.
Troll SAI.K 5 room cottnffo with lot 34-M nnd
JD alley , Mlllanl & CaldwoU'a add. , just oft
Sjmrman nvo. f 1 , 00. J. L. lilce & Co. 852
TC10STEU'B ADD-Dandy corner $3.200.
X ? 92o Gregory A llmlloy.
I710H SAfiK Dcalrable residence property on
I ? Capitol Hill. Inquire 8233 Davenport at.
DKNMAN PI.ACK-On Ames avenue , near
State street and nenr the nuw Northwestern
rut-oil. Cheap at f02" > to$7U ) , ono-fltth onsu.
Wallace , Croiuhton Dlock. 25 ! ) 81
LKAVKNWOKTH ST-Soiitb front in West
Omnlm for $1,3X ) , nlso south fj-out In Me *
Cornmck's ndd forl.r > 00.
_ 023 (1 roKQry & llndlcy.
t 1ST your property with us U you wnnt It
gold , for wo mean business , Pierce &
llosrorfl , Itoom 5 Arlington Illk. Ht2
" '
'oilfTaALijAUIIlill , W South 13th st. Aero
property , lots nil parts of the city. Choice
lots In It mi see in I'luco. House , 0 rooms , lot
CdxSd , location unaiirp
10 ACHRS i miles west of P O , for sitle , t'OO
per aero. D. 0. Patterson , Omaha Na-
tlonnl bink. 280.
DRNMAN PLACE On Amps nvonuo. near
State street and nenr the now Northwestern
cut-oil. Cheap at ( lU'i tn $70 } , ono-llfth cash.
WnllBCp.CrolRlilon block. 2.M ) 23
CliAS , KrntfltMUaTKlMli South 15th st.nas
for Bale
44 ft line business property on Fnrnnm st' . ,
one of the finest N w cornuraon I'tii'iiam St. ,
69xl3i ft.
2 delimit lots In May no place.
Blots In Sixunilnrs it lllmobaughs addition ,
cheap , for a fuiv iluys only.
2 rots In Kllby placo.
fi lots In Jerome park.
2 lots In HlKhlund pliico.
1 line lot In Itnprovumont addition.
J/oIs In Contra ! Park and Oak hill.
& room cottntro and lot In TuornolU ndd. , a
11) room house and lot on Cnltfornlastrcot , all
modurn convenloncua.
81 ncros in BOO 3il , surveyed and platted tn
lot.s. nplenilld bar nln , on favorable terms.
! l ncro lots In snme Rrctlon.
Fine I ) story brick block , 40x03 ; the best bar
gain In the town. .
Lot and 10-room house on Dlvlsoln street.
POlt SALE Cheap now 5-room liouao and
barn. Cor. 2Tith and Calltornla st. 314 26 *
SOUTH Omaha Park and Hammond Place U
Inside South Omaha property , Thee Olsen
or Jas Vore , ownersill4 H15th st,2d floor be
tween Farnuinandllurnoy. ZS4 al
BIO HAUnAIN One hundred feet front on
South Eleventh fit. corner lot , only * i.OW.
Fart on time. V. U Vodlcko , 5JU South 13ti ! St.
( CI4
JOHN OAl.LAUUKli-317South 13tl stroot.
Pontli Oamlin"a snnp".t B50
Hawo'R addition 1.6M
UupontPluco. . , 1JO ( ) (
Fairmont. $800 to 1.850
Hnruicnm Placo.Jl.COOto. . . . 3OV1
IlukorPluco , tuooto 660 „
Satuo one lots in Plalnvlew. Bustln'a addi
tion , Omaha View , and other additions.
Houses and Lots <
Hurt t-troet near 20 lot 66x133 , house 13
rooms , barn , oto 89 00
Lot&7xii2 : , bouse 12 rooms , barns , oto 8,000
Knsv torina on both.
Omaha Vlow lot 50 font south front , house
with Improvements , coit 71,103 , till for. . 1,70 }
Very easy terms.
Home and lot on 2M near California at a
bargain , better call and see about it
House and lot , Sunnyxldo 1,600
Houses to sell on small payment1) , balance
monthly IMl
It will pay you to ezamincour list of business
Some of the flocst aero property at bottom
price. 152-iH
10 ACRR3 4 miles west of P O , far sale , f0 < V >
porncre. U. U Patterson , Omaha Na
tional bank. 250
FOIl SALU-SUJots m Uodforil Place S7W to
1 lot In Kllby , this Is as nice n lot as thcro la la
the addition only. t ,10.
Lot , block 03. South Omnlis only f3,000.
"tine lots in Walnut Hill corner , graded and
trnos set out , tor both C12,5'X ) . cnsy terms ,
li lots , I'ruyn Piirli for suio on veryeasr
2 east fronu , Hani com pUioe , $ lji7i.
Farnam street lot 14,500.
1 lot on Lcnvonworth 8t. . f.1,000.
1 flno lot on f/iwe ave , , SI.HW ,
I lot Lowe 1st addition. H,1W.
ahouBoaon 25th , { 2,404 to $ ' ,500 , t WO cosh ,
Dal. t'la per month.
1 house , cor. Chicago nnd 30th St. , 82.700 ,
$200 cash , bul. f ! A per month.
Pnrk & yowler.isa Douglas. 201-23
8O feet on Klnir st. between nurilctte and
Grant st. Tula is one of the beet bartrnlng
lu North Omuhn , : ! , MW. John Gallagher , i)17 ) 9.
lilth st. XV 37 .
FOR SALK A few special bargains. Three
flne east front lots Kllby Place. $13200 each ,
on easy teims.
Ono flno S room cottnge , small barn and coal
sheds with u good well , In Parker's addition ,
A convenient Stootn house In north partaf
city , on Ptruet car line , with sewer , city water.
and Kas In street , cheap. (2.401 , on easy terras.
Ki'vurnl lots In Albilnht's annex , near tb
new depot ,
Houses and lots In Hatmcam Plac * at bar-
Kalns. U. T. Morton. 1018 Capitol nvo. 300 20J
A THANCK for Investments.
XV Uibton , Aylesworth i Henjatnln ,
L'ii3 Karnam st.
I lot In Imp. Ass'n. 47x111 , with J small
1 lot m Hitwthornt- < UM. cor. 3:1 : il ana
Davenport , with 6 room houio.cisteni ,
well , etc , very easy terms .
Ihntn llllliMpai mU .
Hot la lleUford 1'Ucu. 511x121 .
1 lot in Hltchoojk-'i * Ut aild. 50x12.1 . 7'U '
1 lot In F.owo'H Uta < ldGOxl20.with house .1.750
IK lots In Sblnn'n in add , 75x1 , CHJ-
well t .
I lot In lledlcn'i add. KixlOi , Half How
ard nt . 3SW
Slots In Woat Kld ,63xl29 , barn and fruit
C-room house und lot N.
wulland cUUrn . CAN
ICouutzu 4th add. lot 8 , block 8 six room
house , well , cistern burn , Ao .
IIImnbaiiRb A Patterson sub-lot 18 , blonli
2. cnntntct . . . . „ . ISO
120 ft on St. Mary's ave , with 3 9-raom
houses , e s and water , will subdivide. ViflStf
40 ft on St. Mary's nvo bet , Uth uud 20th l-.OM
Choice lot In Omaha Vlow . W .
! ? : { f t an tilth t. n ar Farnam . 70,009
2 lota , V\fX. \ l4jwo > ndd , 4-rootn house ,
cell r , ni-ll and Ofoot barn , price . . . .
FOK SALK-KIn * corner lot In Ambtor Plac * . '
it.twa j. j. Hic * co. m <
rt > , _ _ , _ , , _ | , _ | _ _ _ .Ml J , .1
[ Vontimieil on b'ighth