Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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Important Bait on Trial in the Lan
caster DUtrict Court.
Xlio Lincoln Council Ilcarrangefl the
\\nrdN to Conform to the Mow
City Charter-Capital City
Happenings ,
In district court yesterday afternoon
one of the most important cases tried in
the Lancaster court for some time wits
on the call , Jndpo Chapman presiding.
The ease was the one against Stewart &
Chute , or the latter one of the two , the
charge being embezzlement and cover
ing the grounds involved in the Stewart-
Chute Lumber company , that rose and
fell in a business way the past two years.
This case is brought by the Chicago mem
bers of the firm who were instrumental
in the search for and arrest of Stewart
& Chute last summer and bringing them
to the county Jail on charges of fraud ,
forgery and cmboz/Iemcnt , for which
they wore in jail for some time , after
ward being released on bail , under which
they are now detained for trial. The
history of this case and the long research
on the part of the Chicago members of
the firm und their agents into the man
ner of the business transactions at the
Lincoln end of the line are too well
known to need repetition nt this tlmo.
A simple reference to the fact that the
Chicago members claim the unearthing
of great frauds is flufllclont to show
v/hcuco came the case. At the Novem
ber term of the district court
u hearing on the forgery charge
was hoard against Stewart &
Chute , which was not maintained. Im
mediately following this result Stewart &
Chute , each through their attorneys , com
menced 150,000 suits against the Chicago
company , which added to the complica
tions and made the Chicago members de
fendants as well as prosecutors. Yester
day in the district court a third case
ngainst the Chicago parties , Messrs.
JiiiMlIer , Uiodlcr & Ferguson , and the
South Branch Lumber company , was
commenced by James A. Chute , the long
petition reciting many of the facts here
tofore claimed and setting up that the
Chicago parties attempted to wreck the
Lincoln firm ; that the stock of the plain-
titr wns taken and also a number of valu
able lots owned by him wcro also taken
in the crash of the break-up. Now Chute
euos to recover these lots and to recover
the value of the stock formerly hold by
tiim and to recover his share In the value
of the good will of the company wrecked
by the fail. W. W. Anderson , of Lou
isiana , Mo. , is the attorney for Chute in
this action. The case up for trial yester
day was prosecuted by ex-State's Attor
ney Luther U Mills , of Chicago , and the
renown of the attorneys in the case and
the amount of interest involved in addi
tion to the legal points ipukca the case of
far more than ordinary interest. A con
tinuation wrs asked.
Among the now cases In district court
filed yesterday was that of Mrs. Arta
Morgan against Oliver P. Oinges. Mrs.
Morgan complains that up to February
e ho was the owner of lot 2 , in block 81 ,
in the city of Lincoln ; that she resided
in Denver , whore she had Jived for years ,
and that within the last two months
IJingcs by his attorney sought her out ami
represented that her title to the lot was
hot good ; that Dinges held a tax title
upon it ; that the lot was worth but u few
hundred dollars and rather than law
about it would give $100 for her claim.
She states in her petition that see relied
upon this representation and sold it , but
ainco has learned that the lot is worth
about 90,000 , and consequently asks to
have the deed sot aside.
SDI-REMK cobtrr.
Court met pursuant to adjournment.
Hendrickson vs Benson ; twentv days
additional time given to file motion for
rehearing. Wolf vs Murphy ; dismissed.
The following causes were continued :
Trehm vs State. Burton vs State.
The following causes were nrpucd
and submitted : Roberts vs Flan-
aenn ; Clark vs Morgan : Gervcr vs Gor-
ver ; motion to quash bill of exceptions
and to dismiss , also for temporary ali
Court adjourned to Wednesday , March
13,1887 , at 8:30 : o'clock a. m.
At the mooting of the city council Mon
day evening the city , under and to con
form to the now charter that passed the
bouso that day , was divided into six
wards. The boundaries * of these wards
re as follows :
First Ward All that part of the city
lying north of N street and west of Elev-
nth street , excepting irom B street
north. The eastern boundary of said
Ward shall bo Twelfth street.
Second Ward That part of the city
lying south of N street extending to F
Street and lying west of Eleventh street.
Third Ward That part of the city
lying north of O street from the eastern
boundary of the First ward cast to
twenty-second street.
Fourth Ward That part of the city
lying between O and V streets north and
fioutn , and between Eleventh and Twenty-
second streets east and west ,
Fifth Ward All that part of the city
g south of F street and west of
wenty-second street.
Sixth Ward All that part of the city
King east of Twenty-second street and of
tire Third , Fourth and Fifth wards.
These now wards and boundaries will
rive the politicians time to study up on
the individual complexion of each and
the candidates within the borders time to
lay wires before election.
In the course of the coming two
months a now law firm will ouou out in
business in Lincoln , the members of which
are to bo ox-Congressman A. J. Weaver ,
of Falls City , Judge Thomas , formerly of
Brownvillo , and an old residontcr in
pputhoosbora Nebraska , and Mr. P. E.
Boarilsly , for rears court reporter in the
V first Judicial district and at present oc
cupying that position under Judge
Uroady. Mr. Boardsly has , however ,
handed in his resignation , to take effect
ui once , and ho is now actively engaged
in the work of arrangements for the adVent -
Vent of the now firm. The State Journal
will say to-morrow morning tbr > t it knew
of this item nil the time , but suppressed
it for the good of the city.
Nothing has occurred for some time in
Lincoln to create as much interest as has
the announcement of the pnrchaso of
Valuable grounds adjoining the city by
Armour , of Chicago. A number of real
estate men are not pleased that the news
was published before the wires were laid
by them for some large personal specu
lations , but news ceases to be news when
withheld from the public. The situation
in regard to Mr. Swift's western invest
ments in beef canning is simply that the
point where such an institution will bo
established rests between Kansas City ,
Omaha and Lincoln.
Isaac Bollng , a store keeper at the little -
tlo town of Princeton , in the
southern part of the connty ,
und a man named Lutz were
) n county court yesterday having a legal
tight over a persanal quarrel that came
fiear being n pUtol fbzht asd caused an
rroat with intent to kill to be made. A
larjp ) nam ber of witnesses aad oiUseas of
that place ware in. the < Atf lUUaiag to
the trial , the judge , after hearing the evi
dence , taking the matter under advise-
Alva Ucnoro was arrested yesterday
and was awaiting trial at the noon hour ,
the charge agaiust him being preferred
by his wife and another companion ,
charging him with abusive and threaten
ing language and disturbing the peace.
The man arrested promisca the officers
to make it lively for the prosecution and
the case promises some rich social devel
Among the recent heavy deals In Lin
coln it is averred that ucrc and Iltilh-
away have purchased nine carloads of
barb wire which they will use in build
ing a fence to corral the city tor their
mutual uses and abuses. Being afraid
to trust their own party and being not
quito certain whether they own the town ,
this step has become u necessity.
Yesterday afternoon was the time set
for hearing the charges against Officer
Malone by the council committee on po
lice. Both sides of the controversy
seemed willing to have the hearing take
place and mutual developments wcro
Two knights from Myrtle Division K.
of P. . Omaha , were in Lincoln Monday
evening on a business visit , the ob
ject ot which was to secure the
attendance of the Apollo pri/o division
of Lincoln at the grand K. of P. ball at
the Exposition building , Omnha , on Tues
day evening next. The visit of the sir
kuiehts was successful and the boys of
Apollo will go to Omaha and show some
oftho handsomest drill work ever given
in the west. They tire a handsome Tot of
men.Tho Electric Motor Rapid Transit com
pany are moving in a business way and
have asked the city council and the city
council have granted their request for a
vote of the people upon granting them a
right of way franchise through the
streets they wish to occupy. The move
ments of the Motor company have a de
cided business appearance.
Among the Omaha citizens in Lincoln
yesterday were noted the following : C.
II. Patten , F. M. Mis , Geo. S. Smith , S.
F. Orchard , J. B. Maxiiold. T. B. Lemon ,
G. A. Myorson , W. E. Ainiin and J. W.
K. S. Norval and F. G. Simmons , of
Seward , and C. O. Bates and O. II.
Phillips , of Beatrice , wcro business
visitors to the capital city yesterday.
The Kineofthfi Lobby.
Washington Correspondent Philadel
phia Times : The lobby has not been
very successful hero this winter ; the chief
manager for the great trnns-oontiucntal
railroads died suddenly and his place has
not been filled. Indeed , we have never
had anyone here who has legitimately
succeeded the recognized king of the
lobby , Sam Ward. He employed no vul
gar methods in securing the passage erin
in defeating a bill before congress. A
Bohemian gentleman , ho had studied the
art of dining until ho had thoroughly
mastered its intricacies and resources ,
nor would ho after an exquisite dinner
and delicate wines insult a political solou
by the tender of a check and a request
for his vote ; but ho would simply sit
down with him to u quiet 1'ttle ' game of
poker and lose the money of Ins guest
gracefully. What a pity that his life
could not have been written , although its
narratives would have dcthorned many a
politicial idol and shown gaping ad
mirers that public men are human.
Budjtho "painful points" thoroughly ,
when afllicted with neuralgia witli Salva
tion Oil , the great pain annihilutor.
Price 25 cents a bottle.
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup euros croupy
cough that sounds so like nails driven
into the child's coflin.
After a wedded life of forty-one years
Mrs. Mary Schroeder , of Bloomiugton ,
III. , has applied for a separation from
her husband , Herman .Schroedor. Her
father was adjutant on Bluchcr's staff at
Tb Cause of Consumption.
Scrofula , manifesting in blotches , pim
ples , eruptions , salt-rheum , and other
blemishes of the skin , is but too apt by
and by to infect the tissues of the lungs
also , and result in ulceration. thus end
ing in consumption. Dr.Picrco's "Golden
Medical Discovery" will meet and van
quish the enemy in ita stronghold of the
blood and cast it out of the system. All
A couple of unfriendly dogs had a mill
in a mill at Cuthborl , Ga. , and in the
course of the fight knocked down a gun
leaning against the wall , and when it fell
it wont off and killed one of the dogs in
stantly. The survivor was intensely sur
prised at liis victory.
Complexion Powder is an absolute
necessity ot the refined toilet in this cli
mate. Poz/oni's combines ovury element
of beauty and purity.
Boulvllle , Ga. , some months ago be
came so overrun with rats that oqts were
fetched from a distance to slock the
town. Now the rats have nil gone , but
there are so many cats that they are a decided
cided nuisance.
Archibald Forbes , the prince of Euro
pean war correspondents , says that there
will bo no war on the coutinont this
spring. Enelaud , ho says , would i.ot
resist a Russian occupation of either Bul
garia or Constantinople.
In advance of the sickly season render
yourself impregnable , a malarial ntiuos-
phore or sudden change of temperature
is fraught with danger , use Dr. J. II.
McLean's Strengthening Cordial and
Blood Purilier.
Miss Margaret Blame , daughter of the
Maine statesman , has recently been pre
sented with a thoroughbred English
mastiff , with a long and imposing pedi
gree , llo is but a year old , weighs 140
pounds , and his nauio is Don Jose.
rreD4Nd _ _ . _ , _
UealtMalnMO. Dr. Prica'inakuif Powder contains
or PUoephataA. Dr.Pricols
YinUUtLnatoB , etH flimffleltiilniinlr
Cor. 13th and Dodg * St. . . Omaha , N b.
TAlUrilwUradoaUUIIcdlclM. . Ortr II
yr i > racU : l UKMUMC1ij. Ma , An.
, IkOTkMtDlnMaUCBroale.lfcrTfnuana
pctftl Pt > > . " S4tnlual WtakDMa
[ ( bllxwMO. Suntl DeUilii ( low at
I povtr ) , Ntrtout 1HU.IIJ , Ae.
rtrit4 or mm 7
. .
l rt 4 UUiinmn. all o 4lelDM
n 4TI r IM. Mo ( unary ar tajartaw
Itn ifai km tnm tmlnn railwUMa
kj iurea * . MITM * HadMmM eeat encyvkw * Ira * tnm
or kni - Mate ,
M M taeeaa4 MUf e / lMtr.
M A.H.
By making your selections at The Misfit Parlors for your spring clothing. The recent arrivals of purchases from the lead
ing merchant tailors is truly sublime in style of pattern and cut , and the styles of fabric being the most recent mnuufno
tured by Foreign and Domestic mills , made up in an endless variety of
f 9 80 Which vvns made by a merchant tailor J1H 00 | 13 10 Which was made by a merchant tailor | 3" 50
10 40 do Uo 20 00 IS 00 do ita JJOOO
11 00 do do - S3 00 1740 da do 8500
13 70 do do 25 00 1005 ao do . . . . . . . . . 40 00
1080 do do -20 00 33 80 do do . . . . . i 4509
14 ! )0 ) do do ' 00 3540 da do „ DO 00
15 20 do do 30 00 ' . ' 330 do do . . . . „ . , . , . . . . 0509
1080 do do 3J 00 3110 do do „ 0001
Should you feel in need these chilly morning and evenings , of a light over-garment , you can find any and every style of cut
and pattern that can be found in America to select from , at the following prices which when seen you will at once realize
are less than HALF PKICE for a
Light Weight Overcoat
$ 0 CO Which wis made by a merchant trilor > ? io 00 . ft 1 35 Winch , was made by . a merchant tailor $30 Oi . )
10 JO dodo do 2000 lf > 80 dodo do 35 00
11 40 dote do 2.5 BOde 10 70 dodo do 40 ° 0
( to do 2500 20 20 dodo do 45 OX
13 SO tlo do * * " 7 00 25 70 dodo do 67 ° 0
14 50 dodo do 3-30) ) 30 40 dodo do
15 00 do do 37 00 30 20 do do 75 00
To conclude we mention , LAST HUT NOT I.KAST , the elegant and uncomparablo assortment of the article which every man
would buy at the Price of a pair
Merchant Tailor-Made Pants
$ ! 1 00 Which was made by a merchant tailor $ 00 4 70 Which was made by a merchant tailor , $ 0 00
430 do do 8 CO 5 40 dodo do 10 50
5 UO do do J" WjJ (1 ( 50 dodo do 18 00
560 do do I.1 7 00 dodo do 14 75
10 do do 120 ; ) 8 70 dodo do 15 00
7 BO do do I1 * M 0 30 do do . . . . 1700
The above is but a mere mention. Suffice to say we cater for your trade and will show you our inducements for your
comparisons , we are The
N. B ; We solicit your order. If out of our city and promise to give you our prompt and careful attention.
GIPITIL PRIZE , $150,000.
"Wo do hmwbr certify that wo upervl o the
arrangements for oil the Monthly and Seml-An-
nunl Drawings of The Louisiana State Ixrttery
Company , nod In person manage and control
the drawing * themselves , and that the sarao are
conducted wltn honesty , fairness and In good
faith toward all purlieu , nnd wo authorl/e the
Company to us tbit certldooto with fao-slra-
ilcs of ourelgnatures attached , in its advertise
ments. "
We the undersigned Banks and flankers will
pay all Prizes drawn In The Louiilanit State
Lotteries which may be presented at our coun
ter * .
President Louisiana National Bunk.
President state Nntlonal Bank.
President New Orlaani National Bank.
Pas. tulonNatlona Bauk.
Incorporated in 1 ! S for 25 years by thologlg-
ture for Educational and Cbaritablo purpogcs ,
with u capital of HXX1,000 ( to which H reserve
fund of over I5.V ) ( XX ) has slnoo boon added.
By an overwhelming popular vote Its frnn-
chlso was mad * a part of the present Stuto
Oonstltutlon adopted Deccnibot.iM , A. 1) ) . 1B7U.
The only lottery over voted on and endorsed
by the people of any state.
It nov r icalosor postpones.
Ita erand single number drama take plttou
monthly , and the si.m-nnnual dratvlnirs roiru-
larly every six months ( June nnd December ) .
4th Grand Ilrnwlng , Cluss D , In the Academy ot
Music , New Oriunns. Tuesday , April l"tu ,
UST.SiM Monthly llrawmir.
tice. TickNoets are 310 only. Halvaj , $5
Fifth * S2. Tenth * SI-
I.tST 01 1-III71.S.
1 CAPITAL PIH/K or $150,000 fl.r > ) ,000
1 ( iiiANDPti7E or 50.MW. . ,
1 ( JIIASD PutzEor 20.000. . 20.000
- I.AIIOE Pui/Ks or 10000. , 20.000
4 IJAHUK 1'nizi.s or 6,000. , S,000 )
supmzvsor l.OX ) , SO.O'XJ
50 BOO 25,000
200 SOO. 40.000
800 60,000
1.000 - - 59,000
100 Approximation Prices of $100. $ .10,000
inn > " 200. 20,000
100 100. 10,000
E.1TO Prl7os amounting to. $5315,000
Application for rates to clubs should bo mnde
onlr to the office of the company in Mow Or
For furtherInformattonvrrlto elearir.rtvm ?
full address POSTAI < NOTES Bxproai Money
Orders , or New York Bxchamro in ordinary lot-
tor. currency br ipro is at our zpens * ad
M A T > AUPnm ,
N w Orleans , La >
Or M. A.DAtJPIim.
Washington , 0.0.
AiMreKt Iicfllntcreil letter * to
Now Orleans In
11 P . TU" V. AT "ft Oil 11 Qeneruli Tha * th > Homurcuanl pr nc and of
Krlr , wbo nro In ctoante of tbe drawlngi , l > aKinr-
mntcu of Hbtoluto fnlrnoii and Integrity , tlmt the
chanori are nil eqiml , anil Hint no one can tioailu.r
rilTlnonliat numbera will draw a I'rlie. All panlei
t hero fore advertlilng toguitrantee Prltei In tlili I/ot-
terr. or holding out onr other Impnulblo tnduoa-
neati. areiwinJltr.anilonlr aim to decelv" ni } do-
( raudtbeonwarr
Decker Brothers
State and Washington Sts , ,
Of interest to those furnishing
We have secured under con
tract the exclusive control and
sale for the ENTIRE WEST of the
Designed ty Wm. Morris ,
and mala by
Morris & Company ,
London -
, - England ,
Consisting of
Hammersmith Rugs ,
Paper Hangings ,
Figured Woven Stuff's ,
Furniture , Velvets & Cloths ,
Arras Tapestry ,
Embroideries ,
Painted Glass Windows ,
also ,
The De Morgan Tiles ,
Now on exhibition
in the
4th Floor , State & Washington
HOTE-Sea Article "A Day In Surrey
with Vim , Hirris , " Century Magazine
July , 1836.
Poison the System with Nnnscating rno's Electric Belt Cures
Diseases Without Medicines.
Will Positively Cure Without Medicine
Pulnnln tne b ck.hlpihetd or llmtw ; Kurroni IM-
bllltr.Lumbauo.ueneral Debility , UbBunmtlim , Par-
alr > h , NcuraliMit.rte.iitloa , DUaaieaot Kldnoyi , Hnl-
rml Olseaeen , 1'urpM Llr r , < } ont , ABtlima , llmrt 1)1-
leanei , Drrpepiln , Qonitlpatlon , Krrilpelut , Indiges
tion , ImnotencjrCatarrlf , Wlei , Kpllepiy , Ague , lU-
b e , lljUroco a , hthsustlon.
Koto the Followhisr who were Cured
A.J. IIoiKlnnd R P. Parker , J , M. llnlctt , all on
bourd of trade : B. W , Furntratn , American ExnrfM
Co i A. UrKoryTOraml ilon merchant , Htock Yarn * ,
C.ToKim'nd. Calmer llamoi lluilil Doule , the great
hnrrrmaniCnl.Connelly.of the Inter-Ocean , S YT.
Harris JUIBrleit ; H.M. lsvl . Secretary Amerlcita
llornemant J. I. . Hlicaffer. 31 Mudlaun it : J G. Smith ,
jewoler.llIMaiil onit..tllnrClilcagoi < ) . \ < r. llellni.
M.D.Xorraontown.lowa ; Lemuel Milk , KanKakeo.
111. . Juilk-ol. N.MurrT.Noporvlllo , ! ! ! . , und hundred )
of other * .repretentlnit nearly Torr town In the
Union. Al o eloarlc belli for ladUn. CnllnriPnd
tamp for Illustrated catalogue. Open dully , alto
renlngi and SunilaTi. Rloctrlo Bispeniorlet free
and all Male Bell * . Beware of liotnn co-npanlei wltn
pinyalla > e .Mlllna wortkleit cix > 5a , with only a to
19 element i. All ny "belu rnntaln Zi elements or
balterle * , benc * hare four ttmei the power and
uantity of electricity. Ilonait goo4 > and noaeit
denllnicutb * motto.
InTtutor , Proprietor and Manufacturer.
CAD CAI E CItrriaDd Bar itallloni ,
I Mil d LI1."Dwfcf May" ' mad lieaera
ci T laod.'tlrin * and 4
recrt old. br 4 iu Canada and r oord d In Canadian
tad Boik. Prloaa remarkableemt to saltpurehat.
n. Addr e.J. < ; . H/u.fc.aiitwn. Nth. mllwU
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital $260,000
Surpluh :4O,000 :
H. W. YatM , President.
A. E. Touzalin , v'inc President.
W. H S. Hughes , Cashier.
W. V. Morse , John S. Collins ,
U. W. Yaies , Lewis S. Reed.
A. E. Totualin.
Cor. 12th and Farnam Sts.
A General Banking Business Transacted.
CAPITAL , . . . $400OOO
SURPLUS 400,000
Accounts of Banks , Bankers and Corpo
rations solicited.
Our facilities for COLLECTIONS are
excellent and vie re-discount for banks
when balances warrant it
. Boston is a Reserve City , and balances
with us ftombanksnot ( located inothfr Re
serve Cities ; count as reserve.
We draw our own Exchange on Lont'oi
and the Continent , and make Cable trans
fers and place money by telegraph through
out the United States and Canada.
Government Bonds bought and sold , and
Exchanges in Washington made for Banks
without extra charge.
We have a market for prime first-class
Investment Securities , and invite propostlt
Irom States , Counties and" Cities when is
suing bonds.
We do a general Banking business , and
invite correspondence.
ASA P. POTTER , President.
J08. W. WORK , Cashier.
Ask your rotnfl r for tnu James Means , S3 Shoe
Cautlonl borne dealers recommend In Inferior
iroods In order to make a larger profit Tbls Is
the ORIGINAL$3 Shoo. Howard of Imitations
whlcb acknowledge their own Inferiority by at *
tempting to build upon the reputation of tbs
None genuine unless bearing this Stamp ,
Fo 6ontlemen ,
I Made la Button , Control and
Lac * . BtST CAir HKIN Cnor-
Hnd API'BABASCi : A postal card
icnt to u > will bring you Information
mation now to gat tali Shoo In
tri Bute orTarrltorr.
JT. nenns 4k Co. ,
41 Lincoln Street ,
Boston ,
Our celebrated. factory produces a larger
junntlty of ehoo& ot this grade than any oilier
factory IB the world. Thousands who wear
thorn will tell you the reason If you nsk Uioiu.
,1AMK8 MbANb' ! ) hllOK ( or Iloys Isi.nap-
proachtd In Durability.
Full llaei of tbe aboTC Bhooi for rale br
612 N. 16th St. , OmaUa.
Tbe OrlK'nal and Only
9tfc u4 tlwij. C.lUbl. B r. at wcrtkleM l
i > di.i > bi. to LADIES. Atk > < > n
* U > lhtM' < KoBll.ll * ud Ui. . elbir , or f
dump. ) U u. for | . * rlkuUr in liUtr bj relam uall.
NAME PAP.f R. 'M Mt r CW.1..I Co
HE I k MoJIwii tSinare , I'kUada I'a.
M by nrnccliU T ry wkera. Atk for < 'Cklfbe -
* e V IsaUit" fum n j l I11U. itin'MlS *
l Bate Ever OITercd Vnm Mo. Xlvcr
WSIGLER'S Grand Pullman Car Excursions ,
Peraonullr ceadaetcd , leare Chicago , Bt. Loula ,
Kinut city , Omaha and other Western Cltlo *
Bonthly , for California orer the O. B. * Q. and tbe
U. O. MOLKR. Manaier. ( M Clark Btreet , CatCAoa
boacht , told or ucbaned on most UUr
tern * . OoodmaablnatfortaleatbalfAntcMt.
Qloil y * > ViMi * JiikMn , I W UMM M.
. . .
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mb.
1742 Lawrence St , Denver , Colorado ,
Of the Missouri Stale Museum of Anatomy ,
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New
York , Having devoted their attention
Nervous , Clinic aod
More especially those arising Irom impru
dence , invite ail to suffering to correspond-
without delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured safely and speedily with
out detention from business , and without
the use of dangerous drugs. Pa
tients whose cases have been neglected ,
badly treated or pronounced incurable ,
should not fail to write us concerning their
symptoms. All letters receive Immediate
And will be mailed FREE to any address
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , "practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an
' Essay on Marriage , " with important chap
ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or-
gam , the whole forming a valuable medical
treatise which should be read by all young
men. Address ,
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado.
1707 Olive St..St. L uisMo.
1887 Spring Valley Stock Farm. 1887.
George V/ilkeg BIO. Record 3:23. :
Measure , ! by 2:30 : , the 2:25 : and the 'JUJ : stand
ard ; wasttio trreategt tbat ever lived. Having"
now 65 sons and Uauirliturs In the 2.33 list down
The only son of Geortro Wllkes In the State of
Nubrttska ,
3641 Black Wilkec 8641 Standard.
BlreilfoyGeotye WIIUos 519 ; 1st dam Funnr
Doll , sired by Confederate Ctilof , own brother
to Woodford Chief. aX3)i : ) ; 2nd dnm liysdrk'a
Hnmblntonlnn. Will stand for mnros at the
above farm at 133 the eoneon , cash tlmo ot sor-
vloo , wIlhprlvllcRo of return should mares not
pro\e In foal. Limited to 20mnros bcslJo.i my
own. Season oommoncM Fob. 1st and ends
August 1st , 1837. For further particular * Bond
for circular. ,
H. , . D < 801OMOK.
Certificate of Publication ,
LINCOLN , Feb. lit , J8S7. )
TT is hereby cortlHed that the Mimlmttnu Llfo
X Jnsurunue Company , of Now York , In the
state ot Now Voik , has compiled witli the In
surance mw of this ttato , and U authorized to
trniHiicttlio business of mo Insurance In this
etuto for the current year.
Wltncasmy hand and the seal of the Auditor of
1'uhllo Accounts the day and year above
Written. 11. A. I1A11COCK , Auditor P. A.
Warranted to neither breakdown or
roll up In wear.
rntt InlJILis . 'iStife