( i * THE OMAHA DAILY EEB : rUESDAY MAKCH 22 , 1887 , THE DAILY BEE. COUNCiTTBLUFFS OFFICE , MU. IS , PEARL STREET. Delivered by cnrrlcr tn 11117 pnrtof the city M tw tntjr ccnU per week. H. W. TILTON , . . . Jlanntcr. TKr.Kl'llONBSl BCPIRTPS Orncr , No. 43. NIOIIT Lumm No. 33. MINOR MKNTION. N. Y.ritimbiiiK Co. The now council moots to-night. Now spring uoods tit Holler's , ttiilor. George \V. Thompson i\tCo. \ . runl ustutc. Adilitloiml Council HI nil's local on ecvimth jinuo. Sec W. C. Stacy & Co. , No. 9 .Main , for bargains In real estate , J. W. < Xt K. L. Squires' abstracts arc ( firing good satisfaction. Wallace Patterson and Frank Airy have received tlieir new bicycles. Alilertnan Lacy is preparing to build three houses at once on Third street. Hy the change in the police depart ment Ofllcers Dyer and Tamisca now yo on day duty. J. T. Hurley , the well known railroader reader , is building a house on liroadway near Fifteenth .street. Squire's park addition is a mire invest ment. Pacific avcnui ) will bo built up with store buildings within a yrrnr. The United States courts meet next Monday with Judge Love and Judge Shlrus presiding. The dockets aic pretty full. Fifty-two lots were sold in HCIISOII'S first addition by ( J. J. Colby to parties in ( Jale'sburg and 1'rincotoii , 111. , since Fridayvlast. Frank Lovinc has added to the attrac tions of his cigar store a larjro assort ment of walking sticks , there being an endless variety for young-and old. Some of the canes are very nobby. Tho.re are reported to the board of health two cases of diphtheria , one case of .scarlet fever , and live eases of measles. Contagious diseases do not get very much of a hold in Council Binds. The institution for the deaf and dumb has used during the winter , 1.163 tons of coal as compared with 1,1)37 ) tons the previous year. Those who have attended the tires the past season have evidently been economical. An attempt is being made to .secure the release from jail of the colored boy Wil son , sentenced for nine months for steal ing tin overcoat. It is said that the boy is ( lying from consumption and that close confinement will shorten his days greatly. The county physician , the district attor ney and the sheriff have joined in a state ment justifying the request tor release. Charles Walker was yesterday arrested for assault on complaint of Ins father. The old man says ho has been boarding the boy , although the fellow is big enough to care tor himself. lie could not put up any longer with the boy's ac tion and when ho tried to assume the mastership of his own homo the young man pounced onto him. Such is the story of the fattier , who seeks protection in the courts. illiuinio McDormolt , of the OgJen house , is making a marvelous record wi'li his wonderful new wheel. It is prob ably the only bicycle of the kind in the west. It is called the "tairy Antique , " probably on account of its wonderful leather weight and its ancient look. The journals are as delicate as those of a watch and when it needs repairs none but a jeweler can attend to it. lie is fast becoming an expert on it and will soon give exhibitions to introduce the new bi cycle in the interests of the manufac turers. There is a healthy change from the rage for progressive euchre clubs here. The later and the bettor is the forming of literary clubs and reading circles. A number of these have already been started hero , and they are becoming quite fashionable. Many of the members are pleased to get a smattering of litera ture , and so long as it is the fashionable thing it will bo popular. Some earnest souls go into those organizations with a determination to make as much improve ment OH possible mentally , and to gain real culture ana knowledge. Even with , , the most tllmpsy of motives actuating i some of the members the now rage fit i. certainly an improvement over most of the society rages. One of those brought up before Judge Aylcsworth yesterday charged with being drunk claimed that Ofliecr Stevens had no business to arrest him as he was per fectly sober , having not even taken one drink. Ho begged to bo released , as ho was innocent of the great transgression. Judge Aylesworth told him that if this was the case the officer had certainly done a great wrong in arresting him a wrong which coukl not be passed over lightly. Ho would have to keep the man in jail as a witness against the ollicor. Ho was therefore taken back to the cell room , there to wait until the officer , who is on duty nights , had had his day sleep and could appear in court. By the time the officer got around yesterday afternoon It bad dawned through the befuddled brain of the victim that the idea of his being held as a witness was but a bit of the judicial humor which bubbles out at times. .When confronted by the ofllccr who arrested bin ) ho was willing to plead guilty , suddenly remembering that ho aid have a drink or two. and might pos sibly have been a little dazed. Let us figure on your roofing and tin work. Cole & Cole , No. 41 Main street. Electric door bells , burglar alarms and every form of domestic electrical appli ances at the New York Plumbing Co. Kidded Hy Kids. A bold robbery is reported as having taken place in broad daylight in Garner township , the victim being a farmer , C. K. Julian. Ho is said to have been con fronted as ho was returning from a meet ing of the Salvation army , and made to turn his pockets wrong side out , thus being relieved of about f 0. There wore three of the highwaymen , and from their appearance , though masked , it seemed that they wore boys. It is reported that gang of boys , who have been imbibing freely of Jesse James literature , have been committing depredations of this ort lately on several timid farmers. The juvenile gang will probably tackle the right man some day , and will then realize their foolishness. Julian is said to have had more money in the. watch pocket of his pantaloons , but this was not shelled oat Substantial abstracts of titles and real Mtate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire. No. 101 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. New styles carpets and mattings at Ilarkness Brothers. March In Iowa. "A little wintry for this time of year. " "Well , so it seems to mo , but on the Rock Island tram coming in this mornIng - Ing I met a man , a traveling man , who as we stopped at Earl ham , remarked : 'Earl- ham ! I tell you I'll never forget Earl- bam. I nearly froze to death here a few ago. It wai on the 23th day of Cian . I drove over from Wintorsot , and the thermometer was 14 ° below ero. I nearly died. Yes , sir , it was the Wth day of March. ' " No , it isn't BO awfully wintry for this time of year in Iowa. A new lot of jerseys just placed on sale mt Harkneu Brothers. A LABORER WORTHY OF HIRE The Knights Ask the Council to Make Contractors Employ Home Talent THE NEW UNION DEPOT. 1'lr.at Session of tlie Now City Pnrlla * in out Humors of n Juvenile Gang Dirt Plying on tlio Iiovcc. Protecting Homo I/ntxir. . The two assemblies of the Knights of Labor have united in a resolution re questing the city council to take action protecting homo laborers. Their peti tion is to have all contractors doing mu nicipal work agree to give the preference to worklngmcn who are permanent resi dents of the city. In times past con tracts havd been let for city work , and the persons having the contracts have brought in their laborers from elsewhere , given them the work and the pay , while workingmen living hero have been obliged to remain idle. This is deomi'd poor policy for the city , as the money paid transients goes out of the city , or at least a largo portion of it , while if placed in the hands of permanent residents the money would remain here , and bo spent here. Such is the basis of this petition. The Knights of Labor want the city council to put a clause in every con tract for municipal work binding the contractor to employ Council Blufi's labor so far as possible. The request is made especially in regard to unskilled labor , and as to skilled labor that .should bo om- plovcd hero when it can bo found. The move is similar to that made by the Knights of Labor in other cities looking for home protection. The request goes so far as to have the council get such a promise from conliactors before consid ering their bids on work , and afterwards incorporating the condition in the con tract when awarded. The move is olio which is backed by the workingmen of the city and the request seems reasonable within the limits placed , of simply giving the preference to Council 15 hi Us labor. Star sale stables of Council Bluffs The largest stock of horses and mules west of Chicago , which will be sold at wholesale or retail and sati facMon guar anteed. * Tim Union Depot. "What do you think of the new union depot ? " was asked yesterday of one of the general agents of ono of the leading lines here. "I think it will be built. I don't know about it's being any $000,000 aflair , but I believe one will bo built. You can put up a pretty good depot now for 40,000 or so. Our folks will run into it , and bo glad to , if it is built. " "Is the expectation of a union depot the reason your company docs not build a better local depotV" "That's just it. The other companies arc in the same condition. There's not a good local depot hero , except the Mil waukee , but what's the use of putting up new depots when the union depot will answer the purposes soon. If it hadn't been for the proposed union depot our folks would have built before this. Yes , wo stand ready to go into it , if it is not located in some far away place. Wo won't run to Broadway , neither will the other roads. Any good central point will catch us all. Yes , I behove the union depot will bo built all right. " Call and see the stock of horses and mules at Star Stables before purchasing elsewhere. The Now Council. The new city council met lat evening for the first time , the mayor and the old members , Keller , Hammer and Danforth , and the new members , Wells , Lacy and Mctcalf , being present. The new council proceeded to business with a vim , the new members taking hold like veterans. A caucus had been held in the afternoon , so that the election of oillcers was merely a formal carrying out of what had been informally agreed to. Alderman Wells was chosen as the president pro tern of the city council. F. A. Burke was elected city clerk by acclamation. John L. Tcmpleton was elected chief of the fire department by acclamation and unanimously. A. E. Avcry was in like manner chosen as street supervisor. The mayor announced the following standing committees : Finance , Claims and Printing Dan- forth , Wells and Hammer. Judiciary Wells , Keller and Mot- calf. Internal Improvements , Streets Alleys and Sidewalks Lacy , Metcalf and Dun- forth. Fire Department , Gas Lights and City Property Keller , Lacy and Hammer. Police , Health and Public Grounds Motcalf , Danfortli and Keller. Waterworks Hammer , Keller and Lacy. Petition of barbers for ordinance closing shops on Sunday. Referred. Petition of John T. Stewart for.permit to park inside of Ins walk instead of out side on Bluff street. Referred. Petition of property owners for park ing and curbing Mynster street. Re ferred. Petition of property owners for storm and house sewer on Glen avenue , and for paying from Broadway to High avenue. The annual report of the chief of the tire department was presented , a sum mary of which has already boon given in the BKK. The number of alarms , includ ing false and still , was only thirty-live , and the total loss , exclusive of the driv ing park tire , was only if 5,000. Ho recommended the purchase of 1,000 feet more of hose , and gave full inven tory of all property on hand. Referred. Dr. Saybert and Dr. Cook made appli cation for the position of city physician. City Engineer Tostovin was not ready to report on the Broadway grade until further consultation. The council decided to visit lower Broadway and the levee as a committee of the whole Wednesday afternoon. The council then adjourned until Wed nesday night. 'Squire Burke , who has for so many years served as clerk for the council , de clares that this new council transacted more business last night in less time than any council in his memory. Money to loan on real estate. Counci Bluffs Real Estate Loan and Trust Co. Room 0 , Everett block. L. B. Crafts & Co. , are loaning money on all classes of chattel securities at one- half their former rates. See them before securing your loans. - Giddy Girl * . Two girls , about seventeen years of age , who gave tlieir names as Addle Piukham and Nora McGuire , were last evening arrested by the police and taken to the county jail. It seems that the McGuire girl belongs in Omaha , and it is claimed that the young men , Roper and Peterson , who are now in jail In this city , induced her , under promise of a good position , to run away and come over to this city , and her friends in Omaha re quested her arrest. It isfurthcr reported that the two girla as welt as the two young men acted in rather an indiscreet manner in an Omaha hotel , ami the McGuire girl's friends intend to prosecute the boys. The Pinkham girl Is held more as a witness in the case , as it Is thought that her parents who reside In this city would not pro couto the boys. I hereby give notice to all concerned not to trust my wife on my account nfler this date , as 1 will pay no bills of her contracting. FKAXK HOI.WKU. , Council Bluffs , MnrchSlst 1837. Ijltcrnry and Social. No efforts are spared in preparing for the literary and social meetings at the Y. M . C. A. All who attend may expect a lit erary feast. A meeting will bo held this evening at 8 o'clock and both ladies and gentlemen are invited to bo present. Ad mission free ; reserved scats the same. IMIOMIIAMMn. 1. Music , tlntc anil violin . .Messrs. Hailnlctt and Tulluy. 2. Answerlni : questions asked last week. 3. belcct i em ! IIIL' . W. A. ( ! oelirin > r. i.vnniMtssio.v. 4. Instrumental music . 5. Debate upon an old but ponulnr subject , led by Messrs. Foxley nnd Jackson. 0. M Isccl mucous . ( UIXC. ) TO OMAHA. The school-going youth of Omaha have good cause for congratulation in the se lection of that city as his temporary homo by the noted vocal and elocution ary teacher , Arthur C. McKnight , of Washington , 1) . C. , famous in years gone by as the "boy orator. " Prof. McKnight , although a great sufferer , physically , since the bullet of Jesse Jtimcs pierced his body , which hopelessly ended his wonderful career upon the rostrum , is a living proof of the theory that genius cannot be conquered by human ills. He is a great teacher and liis work with the young people of Council Bluffs , as shown at the grand public exorcises given by the pupils at tlio close of the tlirce months' lessons , conclusively demon strated his rare talent and skill. In a scries of free drills , which he usually gives in connection with his work , a rare chance is offered for healthful recreation , important though sadly neglected culture and for physical development. Star sale stables for mules and heavy draft horses. _ 1 Work on tlio fjcvoo. About lifty teams are busy on the new levee. The dirt is being piled up fast , and along the low places in the line there is already a fill of about live feet. No trouble is expected with high water at this point , but should the river have a freak it is not probablethat it could over run the leyen even in its present condi tion. The \york is being done to avoid any possibility of trouble from water on the bottoms , and not because it is deemed probable that any such trouble may come. The no\y levee will not cost but little , and with it there is no occasion for the nervous ones to talk about what might bo. _ _ The School Hoard. The board of education with its now members , Hainc , Lawson and DcKuvcn , mot last night and organized by the re election of J. B. Atkins as president. The usual routine business was transacted. The monthly report of Superintendent McNaughton presented some interesting facts , snowing that the enrollment of the public schools was steaOily increasing , but what was more encouraging that the attendance was increasing in still greater proportions. The total enrollment two years ago was 2,1) ) ! ) ; ) , one year ago 2,010 nnd this year up till now 3,838. For Feb ruary , 1885 , the enrollment was 2,140 ; February , 1880 , 2,250 , and this last month 2,481. The salary of Mr. Tyson as janitor was increased * An AverageCompany. . The Stuart dramatic company opened at the opera house last evening. The company presented "Ro-sedalo" in a fairly pleasing manner. Edwin Stuart took the role of Elliot Gray , the hero , and carried his part well. Lilah Stuart , as Rosa Leigh , made a pleasing appearance. They are neither of them wonderful , but show fair ability , and the support for the most part is good. The company as a whole is much above those usually ap pearing at such low prices , and the pub lic is assured a week of fair entertain ments at popular prices. To-night they play "The Bachelor/ ' Saved His Holl. Last night Policeman Unthank noticed Allen Jackson staggering along the street in a drunken condition and a young man who altorward gave his name as Charles Uhl , following him. The of- iicor arrested both for safe Keeping and Jackson was found to have about $10 in his possession which the ollicor thereby no doubt saved for him. Ho will proba bly lose $7.60 of it this morning when brought before the police judge. Another lot of spring jackets with hoods just received at Harkness Broth ers. _ _ Fcrbonal Paragraph ? . Charles Liscman , of Sioux City , left for homo last evening. Lucius Wells returned yesterday in time to qualify as alderman at large. C. J. Blanctiard returned yesterday from Salt Lake , having had n delightful trip of ten days. Charles Price , special officer of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul , has re turned from a Dakota trip. John E. Ahles has returned from his European trip , enthusiastic as ever , wide awake , better in health , and fully up mentally. J. B. Fcrrec and A. G. Hatch , two Council Blulfs printers , have bought the Neola News , and will make it newsier than . ever. _ _ Henry Payne , special agent of the Con tinental Fire Insurance company of Now York , was in the city on Saturday , and yesterday ho sent a draft to J. 1. Lutz , the agent of the company in this city , to close the sale of torty-sixlots in different additions in this city which were pur chased by him on Saturday. YIELDS TO EVERY MOVEMENT OF THE WEARER. OwluglothoUUMmL Ua&TUITTof Ihe cloth ( llch , our [ uitenu cover icliulvelr ) will nt iwrfwtlr llr.t tlranworn. Reqnlt-uno viMktnftlu NMH uniR ri > 17 kleraft ! rh * > lnjwnrn t nda > ilf not foundhimoil PKKFECT PITT1&U , IIKAI.T1IVUI. dCaiufortMlileConxit OTerworn. bold by all ttnt-cliu doulrri CUOTTY BKOI. , Chleu o , Ilk It. ItlCE , M. D. Cancers end other Tumors Removed without the knite or Drawing o Blood. Over SO vears Practical experience. ' No 11 I'earl St. , Council Uluffe. tyConsultation free. i J OVER A THOUSAND And Packages of New Spring Goods Have Been Opened Up During toe Past Week AT EISEMAN'S PEOPLE'S STORE. The marvelous bargains purchased by otir experienced buyers who have been In all the eastern markets for the post two months. The purchasing power of a dollar at the Great People's Store will this week bo found to equal two dollars elsewhere. Cast your eagle glances down these columns and read every word of it and profit thereby. It is our earnest desire to induce the 30,000 inhabi tants of this city to purchase their goods of us , and draw as many more from the surrounding country. This is the only way we can keep up our immense establishment. In order to do the same wo have marked our goods lower than the same fabrics can bo duplicated by any house in the retail trade. No house in the west can boast of as largo and complete assortment of goods as we are showing. The time has passed when pur chasers fail to find anything and everything they wish in our establish ment. Our I'lrtt Cirnutl Offering for To.ilny. To-day wo will start the ball a rolling by offering 175 dozen Kid Gloves in 4 , S and 0 button lengths , also Musquctaircs m all shades , in cluding black , ranging in size from 31 to 7i fet 25c per pair. Only two pairs will be sold to a purchaser , and the sale of these goods will only continue between the the hours of 0 o'clock in the morning and 0 o'clocfc in the evening. After that hour these goods will be sold at tlieir regular prices so do not misunderstand us. Call only during the above hours for these goods at 25c per pair. Our Second Grand Offering for To-tiny. In our domestic department wo offer 160 pieces best Standard Ging hams at 5 cents per yard , former price lOc. 100 pieces Standard Prints at 2c per yard , regular price oe. 0 bales yard-wide Best Sheeting at Oc per yard , regular price 8c. 8 oases now fresh Lawns at 3c per yard , regular value 8c and lOc. 5 eases yard wide Bleached Muslin at 5c per yard , reg ular price 8c. 3 cases Best Shirting Percales at Oc per yard , regular price 8c to lOc. Remember these special prices rule for the day adver tised , that is to-day , Monday , nnd wo ask our patrons to avail them selves of this opportunity and call when we advertise special sales , as wo mean just what wo say end sell just w hat we advertise. Special Bargains will bo laid out during nil of this week in each and every ono of our thirteen departments , and customers cannot fail to find what they want at the lowest prices. The following is a guide to the departments where special offerings will be made : Linen and Housekeeping Departments. Silk and Dress Goods Departments. Embroideries and Laces Departments. Muslin Underwear Department. Hosiery Department. Notion Department. Boot and Shoo Department. Men's , Boys' and Children's Clothing Department. Cloak and Suit Department. Dress Trimmings in jet braids and other most fashionable trimmings. Stock complete. Ladies will find everything they wish in way of fash- iouable trimmings at the very lowest prices. A large qxtra force of competent salesmen and salesladies have been engaged to properly attend to customers. So there will bo no unneces sary delay on ; account of the great rush we expect during this week's great sacrifice sale. Call early and don't delay to attend to this , the greatest sale over in augurated in this city , at Eiseman's People's ' Store , Nos. 314 , 316 , 318 and 320 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS. B5f All mall orders carefully filled nnd samples cheer fully forwarded. SPECIAL NOTICES. Bpecia' advertisements , euch its Lost , Found Yo Loan , For Sftlo , To Rent , Vinnts , Boardinir , etc.will bo Inserted In this column at the loir ratoof TEN CENTS PEH LINE forthenrsclnser- Ion and Klvo Cents TerLlnoforeacb subsequent insertion. Leave advertisements nt our olllcu No. 12 Veorl street , near Uroadwar. Council Dluffg. _ WANTS. (17 ANTED -16 teamsters mvl 30 teams for ' railroad worU.O miles from Council Bluffs. J. 0. Oouldcn. _ "Clou BALKMuelo nnd sowing- machine bus- ! Jness , together with small stock of holiday goods and wall paper. Good town nnd country , ( rood location , cheap rent , profitable business. Invrlco SI ,300 to $1,5)0. Would tnlto part In Council Hhi ITs rent estate. Address A. L. Man ning , Uunlup , Iowa. NEW SPRING STOCK CARPETS .Curtains , Upholstry , Window Shades , Poles Door Mats , , Rugs , Sash Draperies , Etc , , ARRIVING DAILY. Mail Mm Srefully Filled , Our Mr. StockQrt ' Superintends All'Work. , COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET CO. , 405 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , : : IA. FIHLE'Y BURKE , Attorney at Law. 001 Broadway , Up Stairs , Council CROCKERY , LAMPS , GLASSWARE , AND FINE POTTERY. I'rlcen Very Low , W. s. HOMER & Co. , JN'O. ! ia MAW ST. , COUXCIL VLUFF& t t I A , It. D. AMY & . CO. , Hardware , Stoves , ) AND ( HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , No. 620 Main St. , Council Bluffs. D. H. McUANELD * CO. , [ Eitabllshed 1&J3. ] No. (30 ( Main Street , j ! : Council niiit COMMISSION MERCHANTS , AM ) PEALtll.S IN HIDES , TALLOW WOOL , ETC. W. L. Justice of the Peace. No 504 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Collections a specialty. Refers to the Bee Star Sale Stab/es and Mule Yards llroaawuy , Council IllulTs , Opp. Dummy Depo DepoE . C. g 3 I _ _ Horses and mules kept constantly on hand , for sale at retail or in car loads. Orders promptly tilled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission. SH LITTER & BOLUV , Proprietors. Telephone No. 114. Formerly of Kcil Sale Stables , corner 1st. avo. nnd 4th street. Announces that ills stock of FinelmporteeT SpringMillinery In Choice Shapes of Hats & Bonnets , Together with n Lai-fieLlnc of Hovcltlcs In FanrfMa tcrluls lit now Jttadu for Your Careful Inspection. 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha , ORESTON HOUSE. The only Hole/in Council Bluffs Having a Eire Escape , And All jl/odcrn Improvements. 215 , 317 and 210 Main St. MAX MOHN , Prop. S. ItlCE , CIVIL ENGINEER , Te lrnB | , n tlmntes mid reports on bridges , viaducts , Inundations and general aiiglneeriiiir. Illuu prints of nnv fclzo alul quantity. , . , . Ulllro No 13 N. Main M. , First National liank JJIocK. Horses § Mules For all purpose * , bought and sold , at retail and in lots. Large quantities to select fipin. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin- jlc ; or ilo'tble. MASON WISE , Council Blulfs BALDWIN & TROUTMAN Leading Real Estate Brokers Have Property of Every De scription , FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. 506 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa GARDENERS AND FRUIT GROWERS. Choice Property at a Bargain. Fifty Acres Choice Land Adapted for Gardening and Fruit Growing. About twenty acres of the tract is set to apple orchard which is in bearing , and to all varieties of choice small fruit and vineyard , divided as follows : THE YINElAIin. Proper contains upwards of live acres. The vines are thrifty and in bearing. Hetween three and four acres are well set to choice varieties of blackberries , raspberries and strawberries. TI1D APPLE OIICIIAKD. Contains more than 1,600 trees in bear ing. In addition to the above enumer ation are a largo numbers of choice plumscherry and other fruits , also shade and ornamental trees surrounding the buildings. I.AKOi : COMMODIOUS HOUSE , Ordinary barns and other out-buildings. The soil is of excellent quality for pard oning purposes , being a deep black loam and is a warrn.south slopc.and is altogeth er the most attractive and desirable of anything within business distance of Omaha or Council Hliitls. With the now bridge completed across the Missourithe property is not over thirty minutes drive from the Omaha postolllce. Any party de siring a choice bargain should apply at once us , if not sold within the next two weeks , it will be withdrawn from the market. For Prices and Terms Apply to G. J. COLBY , MASONIC TEMPLE , COUNCIL BLUFFS. A. If. IlICE. E. W. HAl'MOND RICE & RAYMOND , Real Estate Brokers , No. 13 North Main Street. Lower Floor First National Bank Block , council Bluffs , Iowa. Real Estate CltResidences and Farms , acre property I * Vacant Lota , Lands , Clt/ ) western part of city. All selling cheap to make roonffor sprintsfocc. . R. P. OFFICER , Real Estate and Insurance Agent , Itoom K , over Officer J5 1'usey'a bank , Council Jtluffa. OFFICER Jb I' AJSTK Council Blufffljowa. E. S. BAUXETT , Justice of the Peace , 41/5 / Broadway , Council Blulls. Refers to any bank or business house in the city , Collections a specialty . JOHN V. STONB. JACOB SIMS STONE & S/MS , Attonevs at Law , i t State anil Federal Courts Uooii.n , . , ( U a bluigari-neno lilock. COUNCIL BLDFVA. JV. fiCHUllX , Justice of the Peace. Ollkc over American Express. PUBLIC SALE ! COMMENCING P1UDAY , MAUCII SJTIF , 18K , I will sell nt my resilience on K < u Crook , ID mlltbcitst ot Council llliilTa , my I'AHM CONSISTING Or1 SM ACKKSI Well iinprorecl , nil umlor cultivations 160 aero * In tinno Rrnbn ; Imsu line now iiwidonoo , con- tnlnlntc H J-OOIDH nnd all modem fmpruviiiuciug , hoimo coatlnir J7im Alsu now baru.aoiW ; two Hnldilny wind mills , a ecnlo lionso mid aculu * , cattle y nU anil water l iil < ! n food youuit beatInkoruliiiril or upplen und ipmll fruit ; lionet i fgood iMrm Imrsos , cattle , hogs und ali farm ImjilmnnuU inquired to run a first-olnn * farm. Toi ins will tin inulu known on nppllud. lion , or mi day of salo. All purtloa thinking of InvuitliiK are Lonlliillv Invited to cull uiid iimkn ejaiiiluntlon ol tbu farm uud lia- K. YYAUU.